(1891) catalogue: sweetser, pembrook & company (dry goods)


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1891 - Sweetser, Pembrook $ Co., N.Y.


Page 1: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)
Page 2: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)












SOLD BY Sweetser, Pembrook & Co.

Page 3: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)




Page 4: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)

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Page 5: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



Importers and Jobbers

^ is* : UJ

: OS BRY 6000S


Notions and Furnishing Goods

374» 376, 378 Broadway, New York


Page 6: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)

To the Trade.

We take pleasure in presenting herewith our Fall Catalogue.

Particular attention is called to our NOTK^N department, to which

we have devoted considerable space, and offer you ;it all tunes a

large, varied and complete assortment at the lowest guaranteed 2}>'ices.

Our connections in the manufacturing and importing districts,

both at home and abroad, enable us to place before you all novelties

as fast as they appear and allow the satisfactory re])lenishing of

stock at all seasons of the year.

Ah quotations are subject to market changes A^ithout notice;

prices on articles not quoted cheerfully furnished upon application.

Thanking you for past generous i)atronage, and resi»octfully

soliciting a continuance,


N'ew York, Avf/iicl IS, 18'Jl.

4 // /) .^'^fCr We remain, yours truly,

Page 7: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Albums 147-151Autograph 170-171

Aprons, Ladies' 192-193

Awning Stripes 5

Bags, Grain 6

Balls. Cotton 6

Blankets 28-29

Buttonhooks 48Braid 49-51

Books, Invoice, Ledgers, &c 59-66

Binding. Stay 70-71

Carpet 71

Oilcloth 71

Bustles 79Buttons 88-90Buckles, Pants 90Button Molds 90Buttons, Hand Snap 90

Shoe 91" Pants 91

Books, Pocket 1161-19

Bags, LacUes' 119-122Bells, Ladies' 126

Boxes. Collar and Cuff 164-167Work 156, 169

Jewel 157Glove 157

Soap 173Books. Scrap 171-172Balls. Parlor 173

Brushes, Florence 173Fancy 175-177Hat and Cloth 176Lather 176

Bibs, Childrens' 191Blankets, Infants' 194

Cottons, Brown 2-3Cheviots 4-5Cambrics, Kid 6

Paper 6Cantons, Brown. 6-7Cottonades, Colored ^ 6-7

Curtains, Lace 11-12Cotton, Spool 31

Knitting 34-35Cord, Macrame 35Cotton, Crochet 35

Embroidery 36-37Damiflg 3'(-88

Marking 38Crimpers, Hair 45Curlers, " 46-47Clasps, Window 48Crayon 68Cards, Playing 69-70Casing, Whalebone 70Corsets 72-78Corset Steels 79Cord, Picture 85

" Window 85" Wire 85" Cable 85" Welting 85

Combs 91-97Cutlery 107Candlesticks 107Cases, Card 119

Cases, ToUet 151, 151, 161, 162. 163" Manicure l.'io, 167

Shaving1.56i 169

Odor 158Jewel 169

Combs, Fancy 174-175Collars, Lace, Children's ISSCollars and Cuffs 201-303Chemise gjoCovers, Corset ,, 311

Drills 4Denims 4Ducks, Gray '..

5" Brown 5

Dress Goods. jg' Stays ;; 80'

' Shields ggDusters, Feather 185Drawers. Canton 204

" Ladies' oqo

Envelopes 59Elastic. &c J37Extracts 179Embroidery Goods ..'. 19,5-196

Flannels 7_8Fasteners. Button 43Floss, Linen 71Frames, Fancy 1,59', I6O, 171

Gloves, Cashmere ''l-''3" Kid ::::


Glove Buttoners 48Girdles, Ladies' 198Gowns, Ladies" 211-212

Holland, Window gHosiery 16-21Hooks and Eyes 43Hose, Supporters 79-80Harps, Jews 105Harmonicas 1 05Handkerchiefs, Silk 191-192

Inks 68

Jean Corset 4Jackets, Cardigan 37Jewelry — Watches, Chains, CJiarms,

Clocks, &c .' 129

Keys, Watch 48" Rings... 48

Linens 13-16Labels 70Lace, Bed 71Laces, Shoe 81

Corset 81

Muslin, Cambric 3Mucilage 68Mirrors, Florence 174

Fancy... 175-176Mufflers, Ladies' and Gents" 193-1 94

Needles 38^0Necklaces 146

Page 8: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)

Oilcloth 183Overalls 303-204

Plush, Figure 7Prmts and Wash Goods 10-11Pins, Toilet and Safety 40-42" Hair 42-45

Paper, Box 66Pencils, Lead 66-68Pens 68Penholders 68Purses 113-116Polishers, Nail 176Perfumery 179-181Plush Ornaments 194

Rings, Button 47Ribbons ... 53-55Ribbon, Tray 55

" Showcases 57-58

Sheetings 1-3Shirtings, Bleached S-iSilks 9Shawls 13-13Spectacles 48Show Cases 57-58Slates 69Slate Pencils 69Shades, Window 84Strings, Violin 106Strops. Razor ... 106Satchels 133-125Straps, Shawl 136Suspenders 138Shirts, Mens' 199-200

" Boys' 201" Night 201

Flannel 205' Wool 306-208" Cheviot 207

' Jersey 209Skirts, Muslin 210Stands, Smoking 158

Ink 159

Sets. Toilet 163-165" Brush and Mirror 165-166" Paper Cartons 166

Soaps, Toilet 182Scarfs, Ladies' 185

Gents' 186Sets, Ladies' 189Scarfs, Lace 190Splashers 195Scarfs, Decorative 196Sashes 197-198

Ticks 5Thread, Linen 31

Shoe 31Silk 33Lace 35

Twist, Crochet 35Thimbles 48Tags, String 70

" Hook 70" Tin and Pin . . 70

Toys 87-105Trays, Ink 160

' Card 160Ties, Windsor 185" BlackSilk 186-187" Ladies' and Childrens' 190

Upholstery 11-12Underwear 23-27Umbrellas 108-110

Velvets 9Veiling 197

Wigans 6

Wadding 6Wick, Cotton 6

Wliite Goods 13-16

Woolens 27-28Wire Ribbon 71

Window Brackets, &c 86-88

Yarns 213-214



Page 9: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)

DOMESTICS.Wide !!^lieeting^!».

Boston, Brown,

Page 10: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Wide Sheetin<js—Cont'd.

Pepperell, 7-i, Bleached." «-4-


10-4 "

11-4" Brown, 7-4




Utica, Bleached, 5-4" " 6-4



10-4" " 100 inch." Brown, 48 inch.

" 58 "^-410-4

Louise, Hem Stitched, 45 inch.

Newport, Hem Stitclied, 45 inch.

Wamsutta, 42 inch.5-4

"4b< inch.

50 "





10-4" 11-4

Twilled, 9-4


Brown €ottoii!«.

Atlantic, A, 'W incli.

H, ao"

I), 30 "

P, 36 "

LL, 30 "

V, 30 "

Acorn, 36 inch.

40 "Appleton, A,


" A RemGO,

Augusta, A,Argyle,

Atlanta, A,Amory, L,


Ar(;liery, 36 i

Wasuc.Aurora.Boott, AL,


«' V.

36 inch.

36 "

30 "


36 "

36 inch.

36 "

40 "

36 "

36 "

40 "



36 inch.

40 "40 "

30 "

Brotvn Cottons—Cont'd.

Boott, 2 -I-, 36 inch.Buffalo, 36 inch.

Brighton, A, 36 inch.

Buck Head, 36 "

Busy Bee, 36 '•

Bedford, R.Continental, C, 3C) inch.

D, 40 "

Constitution, 36 '


Cast Ii'on, 36 inch.

40 "Cob Web, 36 "Columbia, 36 "Comet, 36 "

" 40 "Clarence, LL, 36 inch.

Dwight Anchor, 36 "

40 "

" Star,- 36 "

" " 4(»•'

Ettrick, RR.AA, 36 inch.

Enterprise, EE.Exeter, A.Great Falls, E, 36 incli.

J, 36 "N, 36 "

Graniteville, AA, 36 inch.

EE, 36LL, 36

HHH, 36 '

C, 27RR, 27

Glendale, PP, 36 inch.

B, 36 "40 "

Germanic, 36 "

Hill, 3.; '•

40 "

Honest Width, 36 inch.

Household.Indian Head, 30 inch.

" E, 40 "" 1). 48 "

Irving, R." XX, 36 inch.

XXX, 40 inch.

Ironside, A, 36 inch.7-s "

Jones, CC, ;!6 inch." CCC, 40 "

J. P. King, Sea Island. :

Lawrence, LL, 3ti inch.

Fountain City, 36 incli.

Lockwood, A, 40 incli.

B, :'.tl "

C, 30 "

1), 27 '•

I-angtry, LL, 36 inch.

Jjouise 40 hich36


Page 11: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Brown Cottons— Cont'd.

Master Workman, 36 inch.

Malta, B, 36 inch.

Maryland, A, 36 inch.

D, 36 "

Mechanics' Bunting, i-4 inch3-4 "

Morton, LL, 36 inch.

Nashua, R, 36 inch.

E, iO "

Newport, D, 36 inch.

A, 36 "

R, 36 "" Fine, 36 "

Newberry, A, 36 inch.

Oriental, 36 inch.

Ozark, AA, 36 inch.

Pequot, A, 36 inch.

B, 40 "Pepperell, E, 40 inch.

R, 36 "

0, 33 "

N, 30 "

Plymouth, Std, 36 inch.

XX, 36 '•

B, 36 "

B, 33 "H, 30 "A, 36 "

Riverside, XX, 36 inch.

Reliance, C, 36 inch.

X, 36 inch.

XX, 36 inch.

Sarauac, R, 36 inch.

E, 40 "

Sea Foam, 36 inch.

Volunteer, B, 32 inch.

c, -n "

D, 27 '•

L, 36 ''

R, 36 "Wachusett, A, 36 inch.

Wyandotte, B, 36 "Waldora, A, 36 inch.

Batiste Bunting, 36 inch.

Cambric* ITIiii^lin.

Berkley, No. 180 4-4.

" 150 4-4.

Extras.No. 60, 4-4.

Madopolan." Cornet, 35 inches.

Diamond Hill, 34 "King Philip.

Lonsdale.Louise.Wamsutta.Par Value.New Bedford.

Bleached Sliirtiiig-!*.

Argyle, 4-4.

Anchoria, 4-4.

Androscoggin, L, 4-4.

Alexandria, 4-4.

Blackstone, AA, 4-4.

Barker, 4-4.

Big Drive, 4-4.

Black Rock, XX, 3-4.

" XXX, 7-8.

Cabot, 4-4.


Champion, 4-4.

Cast Iron, 4-4.

Canoe, 3-4.

Dwight Anchor, 4-4.


EUerton, WS, 4-4.

FarweU, 4-4." 12.

Fearless, 4-4.


Farmers Choice, 4-4.

Fitchville 4-4.

Forest Mills, 4-4.

" 7-8.

First Call, 4-4." " 7-8.

" 3-4.

Fairmount, Q, 4-4.

Fruit of Loom, 4-4.

Gaurdian, 4 4.

ffiU, 4-4.

" 7-8.

Highland, 4-4.

Hillsdale, 4-4.

Hope, 4-4.

Indian Head, D, 4-4.

E, 5-4.

Lotus, X, 3-4.

" XX, 7-8.

" XXX, 7-8.

Just Out, 3-4.

Lonsdale, 4-4.

" 7-8.

" Nameless, 4-4.


Lakewood, 4-4.

Masonville, 4-4.

Newport, 4-4.

No Dicker.New York Mills, 4-4.

Our Own, 7-8.

Pelham, Q, 4-4.

Peabody, H, 4-4.

Pride of West, 4-4.

L (P) C, 4-4.

Prosperity, 4-4.

Pepperell, N. G., 4-4.

Book Binders' Finish.7-8.

Page 12: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Bleached Shirtinfi—Confd.

Peerless, i-i.


Quiunebaiig, 4-4.

Red Star, 4-4.

Standard, 4-4.

Security, 7-8.

Sun Flower, 4-4.

Sunny South, 4-4.

Sun Beam, No. A, 4-4.

XX, 4-4.

No. B. 7-8.

AA, 4-4.

Suffolk, 4-4.

Trump Card, 4-4.


Utica Nonpareil, 4-4.

U, 4-4.

D. Warp, 4-4.

Volunteer, 4-4.

Valley MiUs, 4-4.



Wamsutta, 4-4." Jean.

N R.

Whitinsville, 4-4." 7-s.

White Star, 4 4.

Alpine Rose.Diamond L, 4-4.


Dwight Anchor.Anchoria.Hill.

Fa rwell.



Stark, A, Brown.Bleached.

Darlington.Pepperell, Brown.

" Bleached" Jean.

Plymouth Standard.

Mass." D.


Corset JeanM.

Atlanta Satteen.Nanink.'ag.Plymoutli.Pei)perell.


Corset Jeaufi— Cont'd.

Newport.Bay State.

Denims.Amoskeag, Med. Blue.

" " Brown.Camlet Blue.

" •' Brown." 9 oz. Blue." " Brown.

Andover Blue." Brown.

Columbian D. & T." Heavy.

Everett Blue." Brown.

Merrimac Blue." Bi-own.

Newport Blue, XXX." Brown, XXX.

Blue, 1). & T.

Brown, D. & T.

Otis, CC." BB.< ( AAA

Oaklaiid, A, Blue." A, Brown.

AA, Blue." AA, Brown.

AAA, Blue." AAA, Brown.

Pearl River, Blue." " Brown.

Plymouth, Blue." Brown.

Warren, CC.BB.AXA.

York, Fancy.


Amoskeag, Plaids.

Stri])es." Nap.


American.Clyde.Columbian.Edinburgh.Glendale, X.


(ireat Republic.

Glenolden.Kenmore.Long's Indigo.

Newport, Bookl'old.


East Lake.Norwood.Pontiac, Plaids.

" Stripes.

Page 13: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Cheviots— Cont'd.

Real Caledonia, Heavy.J. C. K.CJM.


Whittenton, Ex. Stout.xxxx.

" Nap.Workingnien's.Park Fancy.


Anioskeag, No. 20

No. 30

No. -±0^" No. 50


No. 60•' No. 70" No. SO" No. 90

No. 100A. C. A.

" Bookfold.Brandywine, SSS.

XX.Thetford Tick.Conestoga, Bookfold.

" 10 oz.

Hamilton, 30D.60N

Lakewood.Imperial.Lenox, Bookfold.Newport A, 7-8.

A, 4-4.

X, 7-8.

X, 4-4.

XXX, 7-S.

XXX, 4-4.

XXXX, 7-S.

XXXX, 4-i.

Omega, ACA." Blue Fanc)'.

Bookfold.Ocean.Otter Creek, BB.

X.XX.XXX.Fancy Blue.

" Fancy Red.Norfolk.Excelsior, Bookfold.

" Blue and White.Newport, AXA, Fancy.Plymouth, B, Plain.

D, FancyC, Plain.

C, Fanc>."


Ticks— Cont'd.

Plymouth, CC.X.

" XXXX', Fancy.XXX.

. " XXXX, 7 8.

XXXX, 4 4.

Pawtuckett, BF.Pontiac, BF.

X." XX

Norfolk, BB.


Pemberton, E.



Awiiiiig^ Stripes.

Amoskeag, ACA.A.

Hamilton, Blue.


Grey Diieits.

Ettrick, 7 oz.

8 oz.

Stark, 7 oz." 8 oz." 10 oz. '

" 12 oz.

Tallassee, 7 oz.

8 oz.

Montana, 40 inch.Boston, 8 oz.

10 oz.

Brown Ducks.Plymouth, A.


Newport, Blue.

Plaifis and Checks.Alabama.Aurora.Oneida.Swepson.Caledonia, X.


Park, 80." 90." 100." 150." 250. Red.

Page 14: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Plaids and Checks— Cont'd.

Longs, Red.York, I.

6-:{ stripes.

Amoskeag, 33-3

American, <>-3


Anchor Blue." Brown.

Bay State.

Conestoga, 0-3

Hamilton, 6-3" 3-3

Newport, XX, 6-3

XXX, 6-3

Kid Canibric§.

Newport, 64-l-ti4:

Columbia, 56-^60

Louise, 6-1: + 64

Paper Caiiibries.


IVindow Holland.

Minetto Oil.


fiiraiii Ba$;!«.

American.Amoskeag.Jute.Stark, A.




Thistle, Plain."•' Emliossed.



Cotton Batts.

Boston.Clarence.Cottage Case.

Eagle.Louise.Mt. Hope.New Hope.Manhattan.Plymouth.Western Star.

Tyler Patent, A.




Eastern Star. White.Eastern Star, Black, Bangor Black.

Carpet Warp.

Eureka, White." Colored.

Peerless, White." Colored.

Red Ball, Wliite." Colored.

White Star, White." Colored.

Washington, Wliite." Colored.

Cotton tVieks.

Miners, R. K.Best Southern Yarn.Cotton Twine, T.


New York, D & T.'


Checks." Jeans.

Elgin, D & T.

Servian, D & T.

Whittenton, D & T." Medium.

Climax, Fancy, 8 oz.

A, 1(1 oz.



" Nankeen." Check "

Brown Cantons.


" lOoz.ONF.AL, 4-4

Cien.iale, NN.FF.

Page 15: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Brown Cantons— Cont\

Glendale, EE.BB.CC.HH.00.PP.XXX.

Atlanta, X.XX.XXX.800.

Otter Creek Satteen 4-4

York Mills, AXA.Bretonia.Nameless, 100.





Palmer, X." XX.


Colored Cantons.

JHB. P' -


Page 16: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


While on these goods we will quote you the pink mixed Twills made by the

same mill.Cents. Cents.

Western LL 12 1-2 6 ounce 19 1-2

W 15 3-4 8 ounce 20 1-2

In all wool, our line commences at 20_'cents, and the best quality we have is

35 cents. The Hne includes such well-known brands as F. & C, C. & S., CochecoA. and Cocheco C. The above goods are all 3-4 wide.

Plain Scarlet FlannsN.

These goods range in i)nce from 11 1-2 to 40 cents, \n width from 22 to 36

inches and are strictly all wool.

We have full lines of the Talbot and Williams' Mills, as well as other well-

known makes.Our R. S. full 27 inches wide at 20 cents and S. P. C. X, same width, at 2.".

cents, are the best values in the market at these prices.

Plain White Flannels.

In what are called Wool Goods the line ranges from 12 1-2 to 85 cents, the

widths being from 24 to 36 inches.

We call special attentioa to the Snow Flake brand, which is manufacturedexpressly for us, in cream white as well as blue white. Price list as follows :

-4 7-S 44cents.


Page 17: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


SILK DEPARTMENT.Black and colored Alma.

Black and colored Bengalines.

Black and colored China.

Black and colored Crepe de Chene.

Black and colored Diagonals.

Black and colored Failles.

Black and colored Gros Grains.

Black and colored Peau de Sole.

Black and colored Pongees-

Black and colored Regence.

Black and colored Surahs.

Black and colored Taffetas.

Black and colored Whipcords.

The above lines we carry in full and complete assortment, and our stockis worthy the attention of all buyers.



The attention of the trade is called to our

black and colored velvets, Nos. 1500, 2000, 3000,

as being EXCEPTIONALLY^ good values. Also

complete assortment of plushes and velveteens.

Page 18: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



Unjestii* Henriettas.

A full line of this famous braud in all widths and fifty different colorings.

These goods are noted for their soft meUow toucli and superb finish, and are extraheavy in weight.

8taiidarfl and Superfine Serj^esii.

These Goods are always kept up to the same standard of qu.iHty, and beingdyed by the best dyers in France, their finish is supt-rb and retain their color andfinish until vv^orn out.

Cote de Cheval.

One of the new weaves for the coming season, full line, in all colors andseveral different qualities.

Our fancy dress goods constitute a wide range of plaids, stripes, diagonals,

camel's hair, including a full fine of French and German robes of the latest andnewest designs.

Blaek Dress Ciroods.

A strong feature of the dress goods department we claim, and feel safe in say-

ing, it is second to none in the country. In this (lei)aitment can be found at all

times full lines of staple goods—cashmeres, Heniiettas, serges, diagonals, cheviots,

camel's hau- and foule serges, including a full and complete stock of all the latest

and newest fancy weaves. Full line of Ecroyd's silk warp Henriettas,and wool stripes and checks, bordered and hemstitched veilings . We are at all

times pleased to submit samples and prices of the above goods.

Doniestie Dres!< Goods.

This department will be kept supplied with all the leading staple goods andthe better lines of fancy goods, and prices guaranteed to 'be the very lowest. Wewill endeavor to make this department an attraction second to none.

Prices and samples furnished promptly when requested.


Faney Prints.

Pacific, Manchester, Hamilton, Windsor, Gloucester, Steel River, SimpsonBlack and White, Simpson Silver Grey, Gloucester Silver Grey, Hartel Ciiocolate,

Hartel Fancy, C'harter Oak. We make a special feature of assorted cases of fancyand Madder Prints, and are always prepared to give a good standard i)rint at alow price.

Staple Prints.

Merrimack Double Pink. I Hartel Fignred Green.Merrimack I )ouble Purjile.

|American Indigo.

Alien 1 )ouble Pink and Purple. i Martha Washington Indigo.,

Hamilton Staple. Dutchess "B"' :'.(i-inch Indigo.

Hartel Figured Ruby.|

Rol>e Prints and Furnitures.

Portsmouth Rob(is. I Cocheco Heavy Cretonne.

Hamilton Twills.I

Gobelin Heavy Tai)estry, ;W inches wide.

We make a specialty of the above lines of goods and always carry in stock a

full and complete assortment, consisting of newest and choicest designs.

Page 19: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Shirting Prints.

A full line of both Standard and 56 x GO prints alway in stock.

Solid Color Prints.

A full assortment of colors in l)oth lines of solid prints.

Irving, 64 x 6-i.

Norway, 5 (J x 60.

Staiile Cwinglianis.

We keep on hand at all times a full line of Staple Ginghams, both Lancasterand Araoskeag. We would call the trade's attention to our iSarl and Benita asbeing special value. The Benita is nearly standard, and the Earl the best low-priced ginghanj in the market.

Dress Criug^liaius.

Popular brands, latest styles, effects the choicest, always in full assortment.We are originators of and have on sale at all times novelties in Printed and WashFabrics. Retailers should write for samples.

Aniline Black Satines.

We would specially call the trade's attention to our Unes of Fast BlackSatines.

No. 1. Grand Prix, Count 64 x 124. I No. 3. Meyrot, Nos. 100, Count 104x176.No. -2. Irving, Count 96 x 150.

|No. 4. Meyrot, Nos. 200, Count 104 x 180.

All the above brands are in Henrietta finish, and warranted absolutely fast.


Slotting^hani Lace Curtains.

In these goods we have a full assortment, from the very lowest to the finestgrades manufactured.

Swiss liace Cnrtains.

We carry a very large line of these goods in all the finest as well as mediumand low-priced goods.

Irish Point.

We have one of the best assortments of Irish Point Curtains ever shown inthe New York Market, including a large number of Cassaban and Renaissanceeffects. These goods we also have in 27, 30 and 54 inch, by the yard, suitable forvestibule and also for chamber curtains.

Brussels.We have these goods in the finest hand-made stock in the market. Our pat-

terns are exclusively our own and are not seen anywhere else.


These are hand-made French goods. We are showing same as cheaply ascan be produced, and also in the medium and finer grades, and have a very hand-some assortment of patterns.

White Embroidered jMuslin Curtains.We carry a very choice line of these goods, including some very pretty effects

in point work at very low prices. These goods we also keep in the 27 and 50-inchsizes, suitable for chamber and also for sash curtains.

Page 20: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


30-liieli Eg^yptian Lace.

We have a very fine assmtinentof the above goods, suitable tor vestibule andsashes.

We also carry a ver}^ large line of bed spkeads and pii.loav shams, either

single or in sets.

fladras and Coin Spots Mu«ilin.

We carry these goods in endless design and coloring.

A great many of these goods are exclusive products, and can be duplicated byour customers at any time, as we always have a supply on hand.

Chenille Portieres.

In this department we have everything that i ; produced, both in designs andcolorings and plain and figured tops.

Chenille Covers.

In all sizes, colorings and quahties.

Tapestry Covers.

In all sizes, from 4-4 to 8 x 12.

Tapestry, Pettit Points, !<pun Silk and Ramie.Our line in this class is always coniiilete and filled with the choicest things to

be had in the market, including the lowest and the best grades.

9loliair PInshes.

We carry these goods in all colorings and standaid grades ; also a completeline of Silk Plushes.

Upholsterers' Fringes.

We always have a complete assortment of these goods.

Serini and Printed Draperies.

Furniture Binding, Curtain Poles, in wood and brass trinmied. all wood andall brass, of ail grades and prices.

SHAWL DEPARTMENT.Our shawl department contains a most complete line of these goods, of all

grades and qualities in Beavkr, Blanket Shawls, both square and long, BlackCashmere of all grades, ft)Ui'- fringed Cashmeres and Fichus. A complete line of

the Waterloo Goods constantly in stock, including the following :

"Waterloo" Fine Wool Shawls.

Page 21: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


"Waterloo" Fine Wool Shawls— Cont'd.

Solid Black. I Blue and Green Clan Plaids.Mourning Reversible Centers.

|Rob Roy Plaids

Black and White Plaids.|High Colored Piaids.

Sliepherd Checks. Blue and Black Plaids.'• " Hair-Line Checks.

| Novelties in Fancy Coloring.

Prices of all Waterloo Shawls are subject to Protection and Rebate.It is understood and agreed that all parties selling these goods shall main-

tain, in good faith, the prices made by us, or forfeit all claim to said Protectionand Rebate. Sweetser, Pembrook & Co.

i^hetland Shawls.A complete line of these goods.

Misses' i^hawls.In all sizes and grades.

We also carry in this department a full line of Skirts, of the prevailingstyles and all grades.

Rul»ber Goods.We carry a complete line of these goods, of all kinds. Misses', Ladies', Chil-'" and Boys'.


J e r S 7" ^amples sent on application where practicable to do so.

Turkey Red Damasks.Domestic' 50 to 00 in'^h, assorted qualities, fast colors.Scotch, 56 to 72 inch, assorted qualities, fast colors.German, 58 to 70 inch, assorted qualities, fast colors.

c;ardinal Damasks.German, 58 to 64 inch, assorted quahties, fast colors.Fancy Turkey Red Damasks, domestic and imported, in a variety of styles

and colorings.

Loom Dice.

•i6 to 60 inch, a complete line ; also rough Dices and colored bordered Dices.

lioom Damask.A large assortment hi Irish, Scotch and German goods, in both plain and red

borders. Special Numbers at Popular Prices always on hand.

Bleached Damasks.Irish, 56 to 64 inch, assorted qualities.

Scotch, 56 to 72 inch, assorted qualities.

German, 56 to 72 inch, assorted qualities, medium and fine grades ; bothsingle and double damasks in new and novel designs, with napkins to match.

8-4 and 10-4 Barnsleys, with napkins to match.

Napkins.5-8 and 3-4 bleached.5-8 and 3-4 bleached, red bordered.5-8 loom.5-8 and 3-4 cream.

German IVapkius.5-8 and 3-4, jilain and hemstiched.


3-S, 4-s and 5-8, in bleached and red borders ; also in cream red and fancyborders in a large variety of patterns. Turkey Red and Glass Doylies, assortedsizes and qualities.

Page 22: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



Domestic Turkey Red, 5-4, 6-4, 7-4, 5-8, 8-4, s-io. 8-12.

Scotch, 5-4, 6-4," 7-4, 5-8, .S-4, 8-10, 8-12.

Gei-man, 5-4, 6-4, 7-4, 5-8, S-4, 8-10, S-12.

Cardinal, in plain black borders and white borders, in all sizes.

Loom Damask Cloths, red bordered and fringed, all sizes, cheap, medium andfine grades.

Bleached Damask Cloths, 8-4, 810, 8-12, S-14, 8-16, Lo-4, 10-12, 10-14, 10-16.

Single or doul)le Damasks in attractive patterns specially selected.

Oeriiian Cloths.

Our line of these goods comprises an extensive assortment, as follows:Fringed Lunch Cloths, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 7-4, and 8-4.

Fringed Double Cloths, bleached, s-4 to 8-16.

Also in red and fancy borders as well as plain colors and delicate tints.

Tray Cloths, plain or hemstitched.

Bleached Sets.

Cloths and Napkins to match, sizes 8-4 to 16-4 and from 10-4 to 10-16, in

either plain, fringed, knotted fringe with open work, and liemstichcd bordersl)lain or with drawn lace work.


Glass, small or large clieck, red or blue.

Dice, red borders.

Crepe, ]3lain or fancy borders.

Loom Huck, red borders.

Bleached Huck, red, blue, all-white or damask borders.

Loom Damasks, red finished.

Broche or plain borders.

Bleached Damasks, in red, fancy or plain borders.

Each of the above in a complete range of sizes and assorted in quality fromlow to fine.

The line of German Towels is extensive and comprises new and beautiful de-

signs in knotted borders, plain and open work, colors red, blue, salmon, ])ink,

l)uff, electric, coppei', straw gobilin and yellow ; also Broche borders in tints andcolors.

A complete line of all- white knotted and hemstitched borders.

Bath Towels, Turkish, in brown, bleached and fancy, a large variety.

N. B.—Special values in towels always on hand to retail at 10, 12 1-2, 15 and25 cents.


Crashes, all the well-known manufacturer's brands in botli domestic andforeign, Stov(>ns, Crown, Challenge, Thistle, Crescent, Bunker Hill, Aberdeen,l.ii|M'.ii;il. i;.,v;il ,•111(1 liussia.

Hiirk .111(1 D.iniask Towelling in 16, 18 and 20 inch.

Glass Towels and Towelling, 16, 18, 20, 24, 27 and H6 inch; red, blue and fancychecks.

Imported Crash, 16, 18, 20 and 24 inch, Irish, Scotch and German.Butcher's Linen, bleached and half bleaclied, 36 and 40 incli ;

also soft finisli

suitable for drawn work.Slieetiii;;s.

so, 9(1 and loo incli, Scotch and German ; also ])illo\v linens, 15, .".(i and .5-1

inch.4-4 Irish Linen, in light, medium and heavy white.

S))ecial values in short ends.

Blouse, Dress and Blay Linens.

Star Damask and twills, plain and red bordered, 16, 18 and 20 inch.

Cotton and linen diapers.

Page 23: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



Ladies' hemstitched, half inch, inch and one and one-half inch hem.Ladies' hemstitched prints in Mull, Lawn and Linen.Ladies' embroidered in fancy hemstitched, scalloped, white and colors.

Ladies' mourning, solids, fancies and emViroidered.

Gents' hemmed.Gents' hemstitched, inch and two inch hems.Gents' hemstitched prints.

Ladies" and gents' hemmed, hemstitched and printed Turkey red handker-chiefs, 15, 18, 21, -24: and 27 inch.

White Ooods.

Complete lines and full range of prices in - the following lines of Book Fold

White Goods :

Victoria Lawn, 24-yard pieces, five pieces in package.India Linen, 24-yard pieces, five pieces in package.Linon de Swiss, special line of shear goods.

Persian Lawn.Plain Nainsooks.Fi-euch Nainsooks.Swiss Mulls.

India Dimity.India MuUs, white and colors.

Tarlatan, white and colors.

Dotted and figured Swiss in both Scotch and Real Swiss.

All Overs and Lace Tucking.Checked Nainsook.Large and smaU checks and striped Nainsooks.MuU checks.The stock of long fold white goods comprises a large variety of both foreign

and domestic manufacturers, consisting of cords, stripes, checks, plaids, linon

reveres, knotted and spotted effects in fancy weaves, and all the latest novelties.

Also welts, P. Ks and Apron Lawns.


The following popular brands of Crochet Quilts always on hand:Wilton, Leslie, Wauwunette, Globe, Egyptian, Sidney, as well as other lead-

ing makes in Marseilles patterns.

Marseilles Quilts. A complete range, both foreign and domestic.Colored Quilts, in variety of styles, with or without fringes.


We call particular attention to the new " Linen Dress Foundations," for both

waist and skirt linings. This popular lining supphes a want long felt by the

trade. They do not cling, split or shrink. They slip on easily, and in use are

equal to silk. The assortment of colors embraces numerous shades of brown,tan, slate, drab and blues ; also black, white M'ine, maroon, NUe, straw, pink, etc.

In tliis department wiU also be found a large assortment of crinolines, backlining, national, plain and check, i.i white, black, solid and brown.


Our stock of embroideries is complete at aU seasons of the year, being con-stantly supplied by the leading St. Gall manufacturers with the newest designsand novelties, making a most attractive department.

Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss, an extensive assortment in all the widths, in

low, medium or fine work.Sets to match patterns in several widths, with inserting.


Cambric or Swiss in 22, 27, 4.'i, in the hemstitched.Also Swiss and Cambric All Overs in variety.

Page 24: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



In all the staple and fancy laces our stock will be found extensive and desir-

able, comprising full lines of American lace from 1 1-2 to 6 ; Swiss Trinnuiug 1 to

4, Everlasting from 1-2 to 2 1-2.

Valencienires, in English, Piatt, Normandie, Van Dyke and Calais, from 1-2

to 5 or 6 inches.

Point De Gene, Van Dyke styles, 2 to 6 inches.

Duchesse, Van Dyke styles, 2 to 4 inches.

Fancy Cotton Laces, in scalloped and Van Dyke patterns, a large variety

from 1 to 6 inches.

Black and Cream Silk Chantilly.

Matlasse Spanish and Guipure, 1 to inches.

Black Silk Drapery, knots, 27 and 48 inches, both plain and fancy in Chantilly

or Spanish Guipure.

liinen Laecs.

Good machine-made .Torchon, all numbers, froTn 1-2 to 2 1-2 inches. Grossin box.

Seville, machine-made Torchon, two dozen yards in box, 1-2 to 4 inches.

Only hand-made Torchon from 1-2 to 3 inches, in good, medium aud fine


Saxony goods in extra fine work, -1-2 to 2 mches.


All the latets novelties constantly on hand.Tarlatan in white cream and black.

Crepe Lisse in white, cream and black.

Crepe Lisse with tinsel in white, cream and black.

Satin point, coided edge and ribbon ruching in large variety ; also fancydesigns in Crepe Lisse, Bolting Cloth, Van Dyke Directorie, &c.

HOSIERY DEPARTMENT.We are sole agents for the United States for the " Cleopatra'" brand fast dye

stainless hosiery, and guarantee that they will not crock or stain the feet of the

wearer, and that washing will not affect the black.

LsidiC!*' Black C^ottoii IIokc.

No. Keg. I)oi- doz.

1000, Black Bundle Hose, Cleopatra * T5

1001, Ladies' Fast Black, Cleopatra, in bundles 90

1002, Ladies' Fast Black Hose, Cleopatra brand, bundles 1.00

1003, " " " " " " 90

1004, Ladies' Cleopatra Fast Black Hose, in boxes 1.25

100."), " " " " extra width, in boxes 1.25

loot), " " " " 1.25

1(»07, Ladies' Cleopatra Fast Black Derby KidIkmI liosc 1.25

1008, Ladies' Cleopatra Fast Black Seamless hose 1.37^

1009, " " " " " 1.62i1()1(», " " " " " 2.00

1011, " " " " '• 2.25

1012, " " " " " 2.25

Page 25: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)
Page 26: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)









Loiv Price.'-

It has corners wi-U niuinh ! -,

and is made of tlie liest'

si)rinf!: steel jaiianned.

Tt lias the (lultn Pcreha Tissue -

iriiiliTiii^;- il iiii|Hi-vi()Us to moist-

O you want a Medium- Priced Stay ?

Do you want a Stay that combines all the

merits of a High-Priced Stay and has someadvantages not possessed by others antl is a

seller ?

Try the PERFECTION.Solid or Assorted Colors.

SA'IKKN. In >< gross boxes, $1.20 per gross; in So-set boxes,

!t;8.()0 per 100 sets.

SATIN. In yi gi-oss boxes, $2. .50 per gross; In 2r)-set

1?^ boxes. $lfi.00 iier 100 sets.

' Warranted not to cut through or rust.

-It has ends tri])le tipped with strong fall "iSi,;;;;*'' Sind vmir oi.Iits i.i

ric caps cemented to the steel.


It Iiaa an outer covering of the best sateen

»,„.,„.,„„,„„,„,„SWEETSER, PEMBROOK k CO.

F.ir particulars ad<lress

HALL'S BAZAR FORM CO.. 833 Broadway, cor. 13th St. New York.

Page 27: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)






n eight colors ; covered with

It is metal-tipped and waterproof-


sateen and satin.

See Page 80.

l.. Ldi Kl ush. S(

]\[a(le of :i new C()ni|n>.sitiun wiiicli is liotli light

loKue iiji- puce. and VERY STRONG. It is not affected b^' water and

hence will not split or absorb impurities like the wood backs. Prices being verj^ lowmake tliem dt luick s;i

Ask your Dentist why the Prophylactic Tooth Brush is the

most perfect cleaner known.




IMPORTERS AND MANTJKACTURKRS OK FINE FURS,Announce their opening of tin- hiij^vst assoi'tnient, the newest and most attractive designs of

TPTJR SHOULDER CAPES,Sealskin Jackets, Sealskin Coats, Sealskin Ulsters. Gentlemen's Fur Coats, Collars and Gloves.

Muffs and Boas of every description, also Fur Triiiiniing.s in their different varieties, and all at moderate prices.Our display this season surpasses auvthint; heretofore ottered. Illustrated catalogue is ready and will lie mailed

on application. ALL GOODS WARR.\NTED.

And 26 Me below Grand Str

Page 28: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)




Plenty of SPOOL SILK in the market said to be

just as good as BELDING'S.

Very natural for dealers to say so when they have not

the best.

Ask for

BELDING'Sand take no other.

A complete assortment to be had at


Page 29: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)

DR. LEEDS'Saponaceous Creme Dentifrice


This Dentifrice is composed of tlie best ingredients, compounded in a scientific

manner, containing no acids, and warranted to cleatise the teeth, hardrn the gums,

and oive a delicrhtfnl fragrance to tlie breatli.


Wet the brush in water and

squeeze from the tube a suffici-

ent quantity, and give the teeth

a vigorous brushing two or three

times a day.




Price 25+







There is nothing better in the

market and no more delightful

dentifrice can be manufactured.

If your Druggist dot-s not l<eep it, we will send a large Tulie of Dentifrice, post

paid, on receipt of twenty-five cents in stamps.

Decay is prevented by the use of this CREME ])ENTIFRICE and all sjiongy or

atrophied conditions of the gums are cured.

Sample sent on receipt of two cents in stamps to pay postage to any aildress.

(Sample one-sixth regulation size.



No. Vi West 14th Street.

Page 30: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



TmCORA lUTial of Go^tli Anericaa ^ (,



elegance of shape ha^ boru

I 01 the " Triccra " Ccrset, '

1)1- Strongs I rU 1.1 atStays) has inaugurated !

I^dieK.In its construct ic

fully looked alter.

The peculiar fiati

afford so much case in weaving, are th j elasiicity

of its side Fectioiis, cnusing vnsj adaption in every

position which the body can assume, while its in. lastic

waist and perlccUou of bust give on <-legunco of

flgnrc to the wearer, and the "Tricora" Stays, while

p:iable and supporting, are absolutely unbreakable

The " Tricora " Relief is also made with the Xursing

features, and has proved a must durable and comfortable "Nursini;-' Corset—A great

comfort to mothers.!t it a: CLi^y the first time worn as other forsets after a month's uear.


! jn.oo He?

The nicst poi'ular Nursing (

Please send Sampli! Order, Pric




To Fit Perfectly.


Dr. Strong's Tricor.'* Health Supporter.

Its perfection of form nnd elegance of

shape will jjhetocvcry Ir.dy wcrtiin;,' it the cutlineg

of jierfect ilevilopnicut a:.d graceful form without

tho use of breast pads.

These dcsiralile fpatnres remedy the defects of

ordinary figures,making this a most desirable

Corj-et to -wear Jerseys over, and enable

Dressmakers to measure and fit perfectly.

It is boned with (Waterproof) "Tricora'' Stays

that will not be atfectcd by heat or perspiration, and

while pliable and supporting: are absolutely un-



lie Lidy weiring it on:e will is without it.

We warrant every pair to give Hatis°

faction, or return the mone y.

Please send sample or.ler, Price $9.00 Eeg.

"Tricora" Stays,lihirh are toiigh, pliable

Bupiwiting uiid

absolutely unbreakable.The be»t Corset Stay

now in use.

Price $9.00 Reg.


Tie only gennine

Tunpioo Corset made.

Id boned with waterproof unbreal.abloTricivraStays. Hag patent Triple back—which protectsthe spine, preventing back-ache, spinal Irrlta-tiin and allied diseases-Is unequaled fordursbllity and comfortable Bnpi>iirt. AvoidImltatluua. Buy only Dr. Strouya Tampico.

Price S9.00 Keg.TRICORA WAIST.

Price $9.00 Keg.



FamonB for clepance of shape and comfortIn wear. The most popular Corset made.

We -warrant every jm i r of TricoraCorsets to give atlsfacl ion or return

Pleise seat Sample Order. Price $0.fti Keg.

For Sale hif SWEETSER, rEMJiliOOli ct CO.

Page 31: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)

2 1^1







No Crank to Turn. Sinnple. Rapid. Perfect.


It does away with the old slow process of double!Single or double width goods are blocked with


equal ease.

Vou can block goods tighter, which will prevent It can stand in a corner or be kept under the

considerable shrinkage. counter read}' for use.

Vou can do nearly three times the amount of ! It costs little money and will pay for itself in one

work in the same space of time.|

week's use.

You can work in little space and keep the counter , It will measure more correctly than any clerk

clear to serve cu.stomers. iwill do.

It is indispensable in .stock-takinjf.

Fui' prices, tt'sHiiKjiiials. kikJ all iiifannafinn apiilij fa


17 ASTOR PLACE, four doors from Broadway, NEW YORK.


370 Broadnay, Ifew Yorh.

Page 32: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)

llaUDjs and PrintMs'Ji "A ESTABLISHED 1878,

. -. > V^^^'Ofi FII^aT -i^ISriD BEST.

l^'^S^i^oHts Lladnek Canton Draperies'"? V At LiTTLt (o;t. For sale by all leading Dry Goods Jobbers in

the United States and Canada.

Our Specialties : Printed and Plain Draperies, Printed Shirtings, and

Canton Flannels in Slates, Browns, and High Colors

are unetjualed.

Proprietors and Selling Agents,

54 Worth Street, New York ; 99 Bedford Street. Boston ; 622 Chestnut Street,

Philadelphia; 267 and 269 Franklin Street, Chicago;

813 Washington Avenue, St. Louis.

GINGHAMSAlways in Stock.

EARL & BENITA, Staple,



The above Brands we highly recommend.


Page 33: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


I^adies' Imported Cotton Hose. ^jr^"

No. Reg. Per Doz.'

1013, Ladies' Cleopatra- Fast Black, mock seam, full weight 11.25mil:, Ladies Cleopatra Fast Black full finished hose 2.001015, " " " " " 2.251016, " " " " " 2.501017, " " " " " 3.001018, " " " " '' 3.501019, " " " " " 4.001020, Cleopatra Fast Black, fine gauge 2.251021, " " " 2.501022, Cleopatra Fast Black, high spliced heel hose 3.00K 123, Cleopatra Fast Black, high spliced heel 3. 50102i, " " " >' 4.50l'>25, " " " '^ 5.00

Iiadiess' liisle Thread Hose.1026, Cleopatra Fast Black, double heeled $3.501027, " " " 4.0010^8, Cleopatra Fast Black, high spliced heel, double sole 5.001029, " " " " " 6.00

1030, Cleopatra Fast Black, Richelieu Ribbed, high sliced heel 4. 501031, Cleopatra Fast Black, Richelieu Ribbed, high spliced heel, double

sole 6.00

liadies' Fancy Hose.1032, Ladies' Fancy Hose, in bundles % 501033, " " " 601034, " " " 751035, " " " 851036, " " " 1.00

163T, " " black bodies, fancy tops, absolutely fast black



1038, A better grade of the above 1 . 501039, Ladies' 2x2 striped hose 851040, A better grade of the above 1.25

liadies' Imported Fancy Hose.1041, Ladies' Fancy 2x2 $1.501042, Ladies' Broken Stripes 1.751043, Ladies' Broken Stripes, fine gauge 2.501044, Ladies' 2x2, fine gauge 2. 50

Ladies' Oxford JMixed Hose.In bundles at 75 cents and §1.00 per dozen regular ; in boxes at $1.15 and

extra heavy $1.25 per dozen.

Hen's Half Hose.1045, Brown and fancy mixed assorted in bundles, ribbed tops, full seamless. $ 751046, Brown and fancy mixed assorted in bundles, ribbed tops, full seamless. 851047, Brown and fancy mixed assorted in bundles, ribbed tops, full

seamless 1.251048, Brown and fancy mixed assorted in bundles, ribbed tops, full seamless. 701049, Brown and fancy mixed assorted in bimdles, ribbed tops, full

seamless $1.001050, Fancy mixed in boxes, ribbed tops, full seamless 1.001051, Brown mixed in boxes, ribbed tops, full seamless 1.001052, Fine gauge, brown and fancy mixed in boxes 1.251053, Fine gauge, brown and fancy mixed in boxes 1.50

Men's (Seamless Black Hair Hose.1054, Cleopatra Fast Black $1.001055, " " 1.251056, Cleopatra Fast Black 1. 501057, " " 2.00

Page 34: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Men's Imported FasNo.

105S, Cleopatra Fast Black, full fashione105l»,


1061, " " "1062, " " "1II6B, Cleopatra Fast Black, fine gauge



Page 35: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Children's Hose.No. Keg. Per Doz.

112-t, Cleopatra Fast Black, sizes 4 to 5 1-2, plain, in boxes $ 65

1125, " " " 5to7, " " 75

1126, " " " 6 to 8 1-2 " " 85

1127, " " 1 X 1 ribbed, sizes 7 to 8 1-2 1.00

1128, " " Derby ribbed, " 7 to 8 1-2 1.00

nii§§e§' Black Hose.

1129, Cleopatra Fast Black, plain, sizes 5 to 8 1-2 $1.00

1130, " " " 6 to 8 1-2 1.10

1131, " " " 7 to 8 1-2 1.25

Children's Seamless Blaek Hose.

1132, Cleopatra Fast Black, ribbed, sizes 6 to 8 1-2 $1.751133, " " Derby ribbed, 6 to S 1-2 2.00

1134, " " " 7tolO 2.25

1135, '' " " 8 to 10 2.25

1136, " " 2 X 2 ribbed, 7 to 10 2.25

1137, " " 7x1 " 7 to 10 2.25

1138, " " 1x1 " 7 to 10 1.75

1139, " " Derby ribbed, 6 to 7 l«-2 1.25

1140, " " 1x1 " 6 to 9 1-2 1.20

1141, Children's Cleopatra Fast Black, Derby ribbed 6 to 9 1-2 75

1142, " " " '^ 7 to 8 1-2 ,... 96

1143, Children's Oxford Hose, Domestic mixed, 6 to S 1-2 lb

1144, " " " " 85

1145, " " •' " 1.00

1146, Children's Domestic Hose, Oxford Mixed, seandess, size 6 to8 1-2 1.25

1147, Children's Domestic Hose, Oxford Mixed, seamless, size 6 to

8 1-2 1.50

1148, Children's Domestic Hose, Oxford Mixed, extra heavy seamless,size 7 to 10 2.25

Children's Fureig^n Hose.

1149, Cleopatra Fast Black, plain, fnil fashioned, sizes 5 to 8 1-2 and 6

to 8 1-2 $1.751150, Cleopatra Fast Black, plain, full fashioned, sizes 5 to 8 1-2 and 6

to 8 1-2 2.00

1151, Cleopatra Fast Black, plain, full fashioned, double heels, sizes 5

to 8 1-2 and 6 to 8 1-2 2,25

1152, Cleopatra Fast Black, full fashioned, extra high spliced heels, sizes

5 to 8 1-2 and 6 to 8 1-2 3.00

1153, Cleopatra Fast Black, ribbed, 5 to 8 1-2 and 6 to 8 1-2 1.75

21.54, " " " " " 2.00

1155, " " " " " 2.25

1156, " " " double soles, sizes 5 to 8 1-2 and 6 to 8 1-2, 2.50

1157, Same as above 3.00

1158, Same style as above 3. 50

Ladies' Domestie Woolen Hose.

1159, Cleopatra Black, full seamless $2.001160, " " " ribbed top 2.501161, " " " ribbed tops 2.251162, Ladies' Oxford, mixed ribbed top 2.251163, Ladies' 1 x 1 Black Ribbed Hose 2.501164, Ladies' Black Wool Hose, 1x1, ribbed 2.001165, " " " " Derby ribbed 3.001166, " " " " plain .3.75

1167, " " " " " 4.001168, " " " " " 4.50

Page 36: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' Domestic Wooleti Hose— Cont'd.No. Reg. Per Doz.

1169, Oxford Mixed, plain U.bO1170, Black Derby, ribbed 4.50

1171 , Ladies" Black Wool Hose, plain 3-00

1172, " " " " 2x1, ribbed 4.50

1173, " " " •' 1x1, ribbed 3.75

1174, " " " •' plain 3.00

L.adic§* Imported ^Voolcn Hose.

1175, Black English Cashmere, plain, double heels and soles ?4.50117ti, " " " " " 7.50

1177, Black English Cashmere, plain, double heels (idO

1178, " " " '• 7.00

1179, " • '• " 7.50

1180, Ladies Black Engliah Cashmere, plain, extra wide 7.50

Men's Domeitie Wool Half Il08C.

1181, Full seamless, drab assortment $4.50

1182, Black, full seamless 4.50

Men's Merino Half Hose.

1183, Fancy Mixtures, fuU segmiless $2.25

1184, " " " 2.50

Men's Extra Heavy >Vool Half Hose.

1185, Full seamless, assorted colors $3.00118fi, Full seamless, black ^. 3.00

1187, Full seamless, scarlet <?y. .^^--. 2.25

IISS, FuU seamless, assorted colors .</. . ...^,'^.iy 2.25

1189, Men's Natural Wool Half Hose, plain seamless. ..*. 4^. .'.^r €ir^ 2.25

1190, Men's Camel's Hair Half Hose, plain seamless '. ^/^^j- .^^- 2.25

1191, Men's Blue Mixed Wool Half Hose, plain seamless r/y,'.^,o. .\. .



1192, Men's Camel's Hair Half Hose, " " <A/.l^.:^ .^



1193, Men's Natural Wool Half Hose, " " 'i^.^9... 2,00

1194, " " " " " '.-t 2.5(1

1195, English Cashmere, full fashioned, natural wool 4.50

1196, '' •• " black 4.50

1197, " " '' brown and gold mixtures 2.25

1198, Camel's Hair, seamless, mixed, in boxes 2.25

1199, EngUsh Merino, full fashioned, black 3. 50

1200, " " " fancy colors 3.50

1201, Men's English Cashmere, black 4.00

1202, " " " drab 4.00

1203, Men's Black English Cashmere Half Hose, spliced heels 4. 75

1204, Men's Merino, mixed seamless 1.50

Men's Shaker Wool Half Hose.

No. Reg. Per Doz. No. Reg. Per Doz

1205, Mixed $1.75 1209, Scarlet $2.25

1206, Mixed 2.00 1210, Extra Heavy 3.00

1207, Mixed 2.25 1211, Extra Heavy 3.25

1208, Scarlet 2.00 1212, Extra Heavy 3.50

Children's Ribbed Wool Hose.

1213, Black, 4 to 5 1-2 $1.5() 12 Ki, Black, 4 to 5 1-2 $2.00

1214, Fancy Colors, 4 to 5 1-2. .. . 1.50 1217, Colored, 4 to 5 1-2 90

1215, Black, 4 to 5 1-2 1.25 1218, Black, 4 to 5 1-2 1.75

1219, White, 4 to 5 1-2 1.50

1220, Children's Wool Hose, black, size f. to 8 1-2 1.50

1221, Children's Bicycle Wool Hose, extra heavy seamless 2.25

1222, Children's Mixed Bicycle Hose, size 7 to 10 1-2 2.50

1223, 1x1 ribbed, sizes 5 to 8 1-2 and 6 to 8 1-2 2.25

1224, Derby ribbed, " " " 2.25

Page 37: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Children's Ribbed Wool Hose— Cont'd.No. Reg. Per Doz.

1225, Plain, sizes 5 to 8 1-2 and 6 to 8 1-2 $2.2.5

1226, " " " " 3.00

1227, " " " " 3.50

Infants' Wool Ho§e.1228, Plain, sizes 4 to 5 1-2 $2.25

1229, 1x1 ribbed 2.25

Boys' ^Vool Hose.

1230, Sizes T to 9 1-2 $4.50

1231, 7x1 ribbed, sizes 7 to 9 1-2 4.50

Children's ^Vool Hose.

1232, Oxford Mixed, 1 ribbed, sizes 5 to 8 1-2 and 6 to 8 1-2 $2.25

1233, Black, 1x1 ribbed 2.25

1234, Blaclf, Derby ribbed 2.25

1235, Black, 1x1 ribbed, double knees 3.00

1236, Derby ribbed, double knees 3.00

1237, Black, 1x1 ribbed, double knees 3.00

1238, Black, plain 2.50

1239, Black, 1x1 ribbed 2.50

1240, Black, Derby ribbed 2.50

Infants' Black English Cashmere Hose.

1241, Plain, sizes 4 to 5 1-2 $2.25

1242, Ribbed tops, 4 to 5 1-2 2.50

1243, Plain tops, 4 to 5 1-2 2.50

1244, Plain tops, 4 to 5 1-2 3.00

1245, 3-4 length 2.25

1246, 3-4 length 2.75

1247, 3.50

1248, 3.75

1249, 4.00

Children's Blacli English Cashmere Hose.

1250, Plain, sizes 5 to 8 1-2 and 6 to S 1-2 $4.501251, " " " " 5.00

12.52, 1 x 1 ribbed 4.501253, 2x2 ribbed . 4.501254, 1 X 1 ribbed 5.501255, 1x1 ribbed 6.75

The prices on children's hose are the average prices for the round. If cus-

tomers desire extra quantities of large sizes they must pay in proportion.

Eadies' Cashmere Oloves—Cleopatra Brand.Every Pair Guaranteed Stainless and Correct in Sizes.

2000, Black Cashmerette, four-button length $1.002001, " •' " " 1.25

2002, " " " " 1.50

2003, Cashmerette Gloves, assorted colors, four-button length 1.00

2004, " " " " " 1.25

2005, " " " '' ' 1.50

Eadies' Black Cashmere Gloves.

2006, Three-button length $1.502007, Four-button length 1.752008, " '' 2.002009, " " 2.502010, Five button length 1.752011, " " 2.002012, " " 2.2E2013, " " 2.502014, " " 2.752015, " " double thread 3.00

Page 38: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' Black Cashmere Gloves.— Cont'd.No. Reg. Per doz.

2016. Five-buf ton length, double thread $3.502017. " " " 4.002018. " " " 4.f)0

2019. " " " fashioned top 6.002020. " " " " 6.00

Ladies' Colored Cashmere Gloves.

2021. Three-button length 1.502022. Four-button length 1.752023. " " 2.002024. " " 2.502025. Five-button length 1 .75

2026. " " 2.002027. " " 2.252028. " " 2.502029. " '• 2.752030. " " double thread 3.002031. " " " 3.502032. " •' " 4.002033. " " " 4.502034. " " " fashioned tops 5.00203r). " " •' " 6.00

Children's Black Cashmere Gloves.

2036. Sizes 1 to 4 and 4 to 7 1.752037. •• " 2.252038. " " 2.502039. " " 3.002040. " " 3.50

All gloves as above of the celebrated Cleopatra fast dye guaranteed abso-lutely stainless.

2041 . Men's Black Cashmere Gloves 3.002042. '• " 3.502043. " " 4.502044. " " 6.002045. Men's Casiimere Gloves, assorted colors 3.002046. " " " 3.502047. " " " 4.502048. " " " 6.002049. Infants' Black Cashmere Mittens 1.252050. " " long wrist 1.502051. " " •' 2.002053. " " " silk embroidered cuffs .


2.502054. " " " " " .


3.002055. Infants' White Cashmere Mittens 1.25

2066. " " long wrist 1.502067. " " " 2.002068. " " " silk embroidered cuffs.


2:602059. " " " " " .. 3.002060. Mi.sses' Black Cashmere Mittens, long cuffs 1.752061. " " " 2.002062. Men's Black Cashmere Double Mitts, plain back 2.502063. " " " 2.002064. Men's Black Cashmere Single Mitts, fancy backs 2.252065. " " plain backs 2.002066. " " " 2.502067. Men's Plain Black Cashmere Mitts, plain cuffs 1.26

2068. " " " " 1.60

2069. «' " " " 1.76

Page 39: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Children'' s Black Cashmere Gloves.— Cont'd.No. Reg, per doz.

2070. Misses' Black Cashmere Mitts, fancy cuffs $2.002071. " " " 2.252072. " " " 2.502073. " •' " 3.002074. Misses' Extra Fine Cashmere Mitts, plain cuffs, extra long 3.752075. Children's Woolen Mitts, black2076. Boys' Double Woolen Mitts, black 2.002077. " " " 2.252078. Men's Black Woolen Double Mitts 3.002079. Misses' Cashmere Mittens, long cuffs, assorted colors 1.752080. " " " " 2.002081. Men's Cashmere Double Mitts, plain backs, assorted colors 2.602082. " " " " " 2.002083. Men's Single Cashmere Mitts, assorted colors 2.252084. Men's Single Cashmere Mitts, plain backs, assorted colors 2.002085. " " " " 2.502086. Men's Plain Cashmere Mitts, plain cuffs, assorted colors 1.262087. " " " " 1.502088. " " " " 1.752089. Misses' Cashmere Mitts, fancy cuffs, a.ssorted colors 2.CO2090. " " " " 2.252091. " " " " 2.502092. " " " " 3.002093. Misses' Extra Fine Cashmere Mitts, plain cuffs, extra long, assorted

colors 3.752094. Children's Woolen Mitts, assorted colors 1.002095. Boys' Double Woolen Mitts, a.ssorted colors 2.002096. " " " 2.252097. Men's Double Woolen Mitts, " 3.002098. Ladies' Black Silk Mitts 6.002099. " •' fancy backs and cuffs 9.002100. " " " " 10.002101. Ladies' Double Silk Mitts, fancy boxes 10.502102. Ladies' Black Cashmere Mitts 2.002103. " " extra long cuffs 2.252104. " " fancy " 2 252105. Ladies' Black Cashmere Single Mitts, fancy backs 2.502106. " " " " 3.002107. Ladies' Double Mitts, fancy backs 3.752108. " " plain " 2.502109. Ladies' Single Mitts, " " 2.502110. Ladies' Double Mitts, fancy " 4.502111. Ladies' Black Cashmere Mitts, plain cuffs 2.252112. Ladies' Black Cashmere Mitts, plain cuffs, extra long 2.252113. " " " " 2.502114. " " " " 3.002115. " " " " 3.752116. " " " " 4.50


3000. Men's white merino shirts and drawers, assorted sizes in bundles. .


2.003001. Men's white merino shirts and drawers, assorted sizes in bundles. . . 2.5() "^ "^3002. Mens' white merino shii-ts and drawers, sizes 34 to 46 shirts and 30 . ^ <$'„

to 44 drawers, put up in half dozen boxes 2.75 (P '^'^3003. Men's white merino shirts and drawers, sizes shirts 34 to 46, drawers ' c\ C>'*%

30 to 44, pearl buttons on shirts, put up in half dozen boxes 4.00 ^i<. '5' <^3004. Men's 18 inch white merino shirts aud drawers, sizes shirts 34 to 48, <>U .j>

^drawers, 30 to 44, featheredge trimming, cat stitched, with pearl but- i^ y^tons on shirt 4.50 '\ '^ *^

Page 40: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


MeJi s Underwear. —Confd.No. Reg. Per do/..

3005. Men's IS inch white merino shirts and drawers, sizes, shirts 34 to 48,drawers 30 to 44, featheredge trimming, cat stitched, pearl buttonson shin, and ribbed skirt $4.50

3006. Same as above put up in J -6 dozen boxes 6.003007. " •' •' " 7.503008. " " " "

9.003009. Men's 18 inch white wool shirts and drawers, sizes sliirts 34 to 48,

drawers 30 to 44, featheredge trimming, cat stitched, with pearl but-sons and ribbed skirt on shirt KL-'iO

3010. Same as above 12.003011. •'

13.003012. "

13.503013. "

15.003014. Men's fancy wool shirts and drawers, sizes, 34 to 44 shirts and 34 to

42 drawers, in bundles 4.503015. Men's fancy merino shirts and drawers, sizes shirts, 34 to 40 and

drawers 30 to 42, with pearl buttons on shirt and cat stitclied neck. . 9.003016. Men's scarlet striped shirts and drawers, sizes 34 to 46 shirts and 30

to 42 drawers, pearl button and cat stitched shirt 9.003017. Men's brown striped shirts and drawers, sizes 34 to 46 shirts and 30

to 42 drawers, pearl buttons and cat stitched shirt 9.003018. Men's scarlet mixed shirts and drawers, sizes 34 to 46 shirts and 30

to 42 drawers, pearl buttons and cat stitched shirt 9.003019. Men's brown mixed shirts and drawers, sizes 34 to 46 shirts and 30

to 42 drawers, pearl buttons and cat stitched shirt 9.003020. Men's brown wool shirts and drawers, featheredge trimming, pearl

buttons on shirt, cat stitclied 12.003021. Same as above in drab 12.003022. Same as above in slate 12.003023. Same as above in tan 12.003024. Men's scarlet shirts and drawers in bundles, sizes 34 to 44 shirts and

30 to 42 drawers 4.503025. Men's scarlet shirts and drawers, sizes 34 to 46 shirt, and 30 to 44

drawers, featheredge trimming, cat stitched neck, pearl buttons onshirt 7 50

3026. Same as above with ribbed skirt shirt 9.003027. Men's scarlet shirts and drawers, featheredge trimming, pearl but-

tons, cat stitched and ribbed skirt shirt, sizes 34 to 40 shirt and 30 to

42 drawers 10.503028. Same as above put up in 1-6 doz. boxes 12.003029. Same as above pnt up in 1-6 doz. boxes 12.753030. Same as above put up in 1-6 doz. boxes 15.00

3031. Men's scarlet wool shirts and drawers, double breast and back,featheredge trimming, cat stitched pearl buttons, and ribbed skirt

shirt 10.50

3032. Same as above put up in 1-0 doz boxes 13.503033. Men's mixed shirts and drawers, sizes shirts 34 to 44 and drawers 30

to 42, In bundles 2.503034. Men's mixed shirts and drawers, 34 to 46 shirts and 30 to 42 drawers 3.753035. Men's mixed sliirts and drawers, 34 to 46 shirts and 30 to 4) drawers,

cat stitched, pearl buttons and ribbed skirt shirt 4.503036. Men's dark mixed shirts and drawers, sizes 34 to 46 shirts and 30

to 44 drawers, collarette neck, pearl buttons 4.50

3037. Men's camel's hair random mixed shirts and drawers, sizes 34 to 46shirts and 30 to 44 drawers 4.50

3038. Men's mixed shirts and drawers, 34 to 48 shirts and 30 to 44 drawers,featheredge trimmed, pearl buttons, ribbed skirt shirt 4.75

3039. Same as above 6.00

3040. Same as above ". 7.50

3041. Same as above 8.50

Page 41: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Men's Underwear.—Confd.No. Reg. Per doz.

3042. Men's camel hair mixed shirts and drawers, 34 to 48 shirt ami ;-() to

44 drawers, featlieredge trimmed, pearl buttons, ribbed skirt shirt.. $9.003043. Mens' plain mixed shirts and drawers, 34 to 48 shirts and 30 to 44

drawers, featlieredge trimmed, pearl buttons and ribbed skirt shirt. 9.003044. Men's natural wool shirts and drawers, 34 to 48 shirts and and 30 to

44 drawers, featheredge trimmed, pearl buttons and ribbed skirt

shirt 10.003045. Same as above in 1-6 doz. boxes 10.50

3046. Same as above in 1-6 doz. boxes 12.00

3047. Same as above in 1-6 doz. boxes 13.00

3048. Same as above in 1-6 doz. boxes 1 3.50

3049. Same as above in 1-6 doz. boxes 15.003050. Mens' camel's hair shirts and drawers, 34 to 48 shirts and 30 to 44

drawers, featheredge trimmed, pearl buttons, and ribbed skirt shirt,

in 1-6 doz. boxes 15.003051. Men's natural wool shirts and drawers, 34 to 48 shirts and 30 to 44

drawers, featheredge trimmed, pearl buttons and ribbed skirt shirt

in 1-6 doz. boxes 15.003052. Men's natural wool, double breasted shirt, and drawers, 34 to 48

shirts and 30 to 44 drawers, featheredge trimming cat stitched, pearlbuttons on shirt, packed in 1-6 doz. boxes 10.50

3053. Men's camel's hair, same as above 16.50

3054. Men's fancy mixed shirts and drawers, collarette neck on shirt andpearl buttons 4.50

3055. Dark mixed shirts and drawers, collarette neck and pearl buttonson shirt 4.50

lijidies' Underwear.3056. Ladies' white merino vest and pants, 28 to 38 vest and 28 to 38 pants,

put up in half dozen boxes. . 2.753057. Ladies' white merino shirt and pants, 28 to 40 vests and 28 to 38

pants, featheredge trimming, cat stitched, pearl buttons on vest. . .


3.753058. Same as above 4.00

3059. Same as above 4.503060. Ladies' white merino vest and pants, 28 to 40 vests and 28 to 38 pants,

featheredge trimming, cat stitched, pearl buttons and ribbed skirtvest 4.50

3061. Ladies' white merino vests and pants, 28 to 40 vest and 28 to 38 pants,

feathered trimming, cat stitched, pearl buttons and ribbed skirt onvest, extra long cuff on pants 4.50

3062. Ladies' merino vest and pants, featheredge trimming, cat stitched,

pearl buttons, ribbed skirt vest, packed 1-6 doz. in box 6.003063. Same as above 7.00

3064. Same as above 7.503065. Ladies' wool vest and pants, featlieredge trimming, cat stitched,

pearl buttons and ribbed skirt on vest, packed 1-6 dozen In a box. . . . 9.003066. Same as above 10.503067. Same as above 12.003068. Same as above 13.503069. Ladies' scarlet wool vest and pants, featheredge trimming, cat

stitched, pearl buttons on vest with ribbed skirt 7.503070. Same as above 9.003071. Same as above packed 1-6 dozen in box 10.503072. Same as above packed 1-6 dozen in box 12.003073. Ladies' white merino ribbed vest, long sleeves, sizes 28 to 40 2.253074. Same as above 2.503075. Same as above 3.503076. Ladies' white merino vests, Egyptian yarn, long sleeves, sizes, 28

to 40 T 4.503077. Ladies' white merino vests, long sleeves, sizes 28 to 40 6.00

Page 42: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' Underwear.—Conf d.No. R*g. Per doz.

y078. SaniH as above $7.60H07!). Ladies' wool ribbed vests, long sleeves, sizes, 28 to 40 . 9.00

;S08(). Same as above 12.00

;W81. Ladies' natural mixed merino vests, long sleeves, sizes, 28 to 40 2.75

3)82. Same as above 4.00

3083. Same as above 7.50

3084. Ladies" wool vests, long sleeves, sizes, 28 to 40 9.00

3085. Same as above ' 12.00

3086. Ladies' scarlet wool vests, long sleeves, sizes, 28 to 40 12.00

3087. Ladies' black wool vests, long sleeves, sizes, 28 to 40 12.00

3088. Ladies' white ribbed merino pants, sizes, 28 to 38 4.00

3089. Same as above 4.50

3090. Ladies' white ribbed merino pants, Egyptian yarn, sizes, 28 to 38.,


4.62^3091. Ladies' white ribbed merino [jants, sizes, 28 to 30 7.50

3092. Ladies" white wool pants, sizes, 28 to 38 9.60

3093. Ladies' white wool pants, sizes, 28 to 38 12.00

3094. Ladies' natural wool vests and pants, 28 to 42 vests and 28 to 38pants, featheredge trimmed, cat stitched, pearl buttons on vest 4.50

3095. Ladies' natural wool vests and pants, 28 to 42 vests and 28 to 38 pants,

featheredge trimming, cat stitched, pearl buttons and ribbed skirt

vest 7.60

3096. Same as above, packed 1/6 dozen in box 9.00

3097. Same as above, packed 1/6 dozen in box 10.50

3098. Same as above, packed 1/6 dozen in box 12.00

3099. Same as above, packed 1/6 dozen in box 13.50

3100. Ladies' white ribbed merino nnion suits, sizes 28 to 40 11.00

3101. Same as above 16.50

3102. Same as above 18.00

3103. Same as above 24.00

3104. Ladies' white ribbed, natural wool union suits, size 28 to 40 16.50

3105. Same as above 18.00

3106. Ladies' black ribbed, wool union suits, size, 28 to 40 26.00

Childi'en's Uuderwear.

3107. Children's white merino vests and pants, 16 to 34 vest and 16 to 32pants, 8(1 cents for size 16, raise 25 cents on a size.

3108. Children's white merino vests and pants, 16 to 34 vest and 16 to 32pants, $1.00 for size 16, raise 25 cents on a size.

3109. Children's white merino vests and pants, 16 to 34 vests and 16 to 32pants, featheredge trimming, cat stitched, ivory bnttons on vest,

$1.25 for size 16, raise 26 cents on a size.

3110. Children's white merino vests and pants and drawers, 16 to 34 vest,

16 to 32 pants and 24 to 34 drawere, featheredge trimming, cat

stitched, pearl bnttons on vest, royal ribbed leg on pants anddrawers, $1.50 for size 16, raise 26 cents a size.

3111. Children's white merino vests, pants and drawers, 16 to 34 vest, 16

to 32 pants and 24 to 34 drawers, featheredge trimming, cat stitched,

pearl buttons on vest, royal ribbed leg on pants and drawers, $1.75for size 16, raise 25 cents on a size.

3112. Same as above, price $2.50 for size 16, raise 50 cents on a size.

3113. Children's white wool vest, pants and drawers, 16 to 34 vest, 16 to

32 pants and 24 to 34 drawers, featheredge trimming, cat stitched,

pearl buttons on vest, royal ribbed leg on pants and drawers, $2..50

for size 1 6, raise 60 cents on a size.

3114. Same as above, price $3.75, raise 60 cents on a size.

3115. Children's wiiite merino vest and pants, 16 to 34 vest and 16 to 32pants, featiieredge Iriniming on neck, cat stitched, ivory buttons onvest, royal ribbed leg on pants, price $1.60 for size 16, raise 25 cents

on a size.

3116. Children's scarlet wool vest and pants, 16 to 24 vest and 16 to 24

Page 43: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Children'' s Underwear.—Coni^ d.


Reg. Per doz.

pants, featheredge trimming on neck, cat stitched, pearl buttons,price $1.75 for size 16, raise 50 cents on a size.

3117. Children's scarlet wool vest, pants and drawers, 16 to 34 vest, 16 to

32 pants, 24 to 34 drawers, featheredge trimming, cat stitched, pearlbuttons on vest, extra long cuff on pants and drawers, price $2.25 onsize 16, raise 50 cents on a size.

3118. Same as above, price $2.50, raise 50 cents on a size.

3119. Same as above, price $3.00 for size 16, raise 50 cents on a size.

3120. Children's natural mixed vest, pants and drawers, 16 to 34 vest, 16to 32 drawers, 24 to 34 pants, featheredge trimming, cat stitched, ivory-

buttons on vest, extra long cuff on pants and drawers, $1.25 for size

16, raise 25 cents on a size.

8121, Children's natural wool vest, pants and drawers, 16 to 34 vest, 16 to

32 pants and 24 to 34 drawers, featheredge trimming, cat stitched,

pearl buttons on vest, extra long cuff on pants and drawers, price

$1.75 on size 16, raise 50 cents on a size.

3122. Same as above, price $2.25 on size 16, raise 50 cents on a size.

3123. Same as above with ribbed skirt on vest, price $2.25 for size 16, raise50 cents on a size.

312-t. Children's camels hair vest, pants and drawers, 16 to 34 vest, 16 to

32 pants and 24 to 34 drawers, featheredge trimming, cat stitched,

pearl buttons on vest, extra Jong cuff on pants and drawers, ribbedskirt on vest, price $2.25 on size 16, raise 30 cents a size.

3125. Same as above in natural mixed, price $2.50 on size 16, raise 50 centsa size.

3126. Same as above at $4.00 on size 16, raise 75 cents a size.

Infants' Underwear.

3127. Infants' white wool ribbed vests, sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4, price $2.00 onsize 1, raise 25 cents a size.

3128. Same as above, price $3.25, raise 25 cents on a size.

3129. Same as above, price $4.00, raise 25 cents on a size.

3130. Same as above, price $5.50, raise 50 cents on a size.

3131. Same as above, price $5.75, raise 25 cents a size.

3132. Infants' white ribbed vests, .sizes 1 to 7, price $2.00 on size 1, raise25 cents a size.

3133. Children's white wool ribbed vests, sizes 1 to 7, price $4.00 on size 1,

raise 50 cents a size.

3134. Children's ribbed Maco vests and pants, sizes 16 to 34 vests and 16to 34 pants, price $2.50 on 16, raise 15 cents a size.

3135. Children's white merino ribbed pants, sizes 1 to 7, price $2.25 on 1,

raise 25 cents a size.

3136. Children's white merino ribbed pants, sizes 2, 3 and 4, price $3.25 on2, raise 25 cents a size.

3137. Children's white wool ribbed pants, sizes 1 to 7, price $4.25 on],raise 50 cents a size.

Cardigan Jackets.

We have a large line of these goods in prices from $4.50 to $50.00 per dozen.A large assortment in all the leading colors in cotton, merino, wool and worsted.

WOOLEN DEPARTMENT.Heavy Dress Plaids, Boucles. &c.

Our stock of 50 inch Woolen Dress Goods comprises all the novelties of theseason in great variety of styles, and among which are Plaids, Boucles, Cheviots,

Page 44: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Serges. Camel's Hair, &c. These goods range in price from 35 cents to $1.50 peryard, and include both foreign and domestic manufactuers.

We liave all of the ^Etna Mills Norembega Twill Plaids, entire productionfor this season. There are thirty different patterns, very desirable goods.


As there is a large and increasing demand for this popular goods, we areprepared to offer the most complete line in the market.

We have the exclusive sale of the celebrated No. 800 50 inch cloth. It is ofsuperior finish, and in no less than fifty different shades and colorings. Thiscloth is sold at $1.00 per yard.

We also show in French and German cloths of our own importation a com-plete line at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 per yard.

Ladies' Dress Flannels.

_We quote the following popular lines of 50 and 54 inch plain dress Flannels,

which will be found in complete assortment in our stock at all times, and at thelowest market prices.

Assabet 54 inch Penzance 50 inchFranklin 54 " Elberon 50 "Gilbert 50 " Marland 50 "

Milwood 50 " Aberdeen 50 "

As prices on these goods vary from time to time, quotations will be givenupon application.


Our large stock of Cloakings will command the favorable attention of buyers.Having obtained control of several popular lines of these goods we offer at lessthan manufacturers' prices.


For the Fall and Winter season we shall offer the various qualities of Eng-lish and German Astrachan. We have given large import orders for thesegoods, anticipating an unusual demand, and can offer them at a very slight ad-vance over prices of last season.


Particular attention is paid to this branch of our Woolen Goods business,and our assortment in low and medium price Cassimeres for men and boys' wearwill be found most complete.

Also a full line of Kentucky Jeans, from low to high grades, including all

the popular makes of these goods.In our Trimming Department can be found Elastic Canvass in the different

qualities and colors, all of our own importation. Also full line of the variousmakes of plain and fancy Silesias, Percalenes and Sateens, Italian Cloths,Serges, Vest Paddings, including everything that goes toward making a com-plete and varied stock of these goods.

Blanket Department.

Prices in this department are, as on flannels, " Regular," and starting with

the white our line begins at 65 cents per pair and the best quality we keepis $20.00 ; sizes from 10/4 to 13/4

We call your attention to the following brands which we control, and whichwe consider very cheap :

10/4 Florida 65'

' Georgia 90" Wessex $1.10" Ashley 1.50" Berwick 2.00" Thistle 2.50

Page 45: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Blanket Department—ConVd.

10/4 Comfort" Pure Fleece, (All Wool ). .


" Fair View" Mammoth" Southdown .


" Imperial" Barbosa, (Jacquard Border." Cambria



3.50: 4.00




The last six styles we have in 11/4 and 12/4, prices rising $1.00 on each size.

Crib Blankets from $1.00 upwards.A large variety of plain and Jacquard Borders in various colors.

In Scarlet Blankets we quote as follows :

10/4 Fairfax, (Cotton Warp.) $2.00" Inverness, (All Wool.) - 2.50" Anchor, " 2.75" Ivanhoe, " 3.25" Damascus. " $3.50 11/4 $4.50.

"Oakland, " 4.00 11/4 5.00.

In colored blankets our line varies from 65 cents to $4.00 per pair, we quote:

10/4. 65

11/2 12/4 $2.00.

Florida, Silver GrayGeorgia '


Mohawk Valley Bro. Grey 10/4Beaver Silver Gray 10/4 $1.25 ; 11/4 $1.62Windsor, Silver Gray 10/4Blue Silver, five poundBlue Silver, six poundBlue Kersey, six poundBlue Kersey, seven pound

Also a full line of the celebrated Falls of Schuylkill Mills.

Comfortables—These are sold net sixty days, and our fine, comprising aboutforty different styles, varying in price from $6,00 to $36.00 per dozen, are made in

plain colors, in fancy prints, sateens and wash surahs, with line and figuredstitching.






DESK CABINET. -CONTA Assortment " G."

Page 46: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



ARNAUD.4b $13 00

8b Mousquelaiie 15 00





r^ A'--^d'hohmeur \

LAFAYETTE.51i. .$17

Til 20 00

5h Suede 16 00

71i " 18 00

Sin ' Mourq 30 00

BIARRITZ.6b Length $9 00

6b • Suede 9 00

CHAiaOISE.I Mousquetaire $9 00

CASTOR.6b Mousquetaire |11 00

5 hook 13 00

Gauntlets 15 00

Ladies' Driving Gauntlets.No. 322, Dogskin $9 00

No. 323, ' 13 00

S P.3< C?


4b $9 00

8b Mousquetaire 12 00

S.P 3<C^


$12 0015 00

..$7 50 8b Mousfiuetairc

and Men's Kid, Dogsi<in, Castor-Linedand Fur-Topped Gloves.

Our Line embraces every possible want in Leather Cloves.

Page 47: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



New York Mills, 200 Yds. ISic. per doz. net.

Holyoke, 200 Yds. 22 " net.

French, 500 Yds. (So called.) 25 " Reg.J.O.King's, 500 Yds. (full 500 yds.) 45 " Reg.Alexander King's, 500 Yds. " " " 45 " Reg.Chadwick's, 200 Yds. 6 cord, 40 " Reg.Chadwick's, 200 Yds. 6 cord (In cabinet) 43 " Reg.Willimantic, 200 Yds. 6 cord, 45 " lOf^l

off 30 days. (

Brooks, 200 Yds. 6 cord, 45c. per doz. Reg.Clarks O. N. T., 200 Yds. 6 cord, 45 " Reg.Clarks Mile End, 200 Yds. 6 cord, 45 " Reg.J. & P. Coats, 200 Yds. 6 cord, 45 " Reg.

Linen Thread.

Barbours, 100 Yds. 28ic. per doz. Reg.Barbours, 200 Yds. 77i " Reg.Barbours Carpet Thread in Skeins, 76 per pound Reg.Marshall, 200 Yds. 75c. per doz. Reg.Marshall's Carpet Thread in Skeins, 76 per pound Reg.

Shoe Thread.

Barbours No. 12 $1.35 per pound Reg.9 85 " Reg.

" 10 1.00 " Reg." " 3 1.10 " Reg.

Beware of Spurious Imitations.

Alexr. King^ & Co.'s Machine Thread


This well known thread is tlie best in the market for manufacturing purposes, and the most eco-

nomical for all kinds of hand and machine sewing. For single-tliread high speed machines it has no

superior. The reputation of the thread has of course brought inferior imitations into the market, and

the trade are therefore warned to be careful in purchasing 500 or 300 yards that they get the genuine

article, and that the above label is on every spool, tor particulars, address


Page 48: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Silk Thread.

Xonotiick Silk Go's Oorticelli Silk, price same as from the manufacturers,subject to change.

100 yards sewinp; silk, all colors,

00, 0, A, B, C, D, E.

50 yards sewing silk, all colors, 00,

0, A, B. C, D. E.

( ( I IK . Ill knitting silk, \ oz. in a ball, all colors.

rioienct knitting silk, \ oz. in a ball, all colors.

Corticelli 3 yaid embroidery silk, all colors, quarter of hundred spools in box.Corticelli 3-yard embroidery silk in cabinets containing 600 spools assorted colors.

Wash embroidery silk, 16 skeins to bunch, all colors. Wash outline silk,

25 skeins to bunch, all colors. Rope skein, size G., 16 skeins to bunch, 45 cents.Reg. per bunch. Handsome cabinet free with assortment of these goods.

Page 49: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Skein embroidery silk, 25

skeins to the bunch, all colors.

Shaded embroidery silk, all

colors, one ounce in skein.

Quarter oz. spools sewing

silk, all colors and numbers.

We advise you to buy


Se-wing, Embroidery and Knitting



Richardson's Perfect Silk.

100 yd silk per doz. $ 76SOydsilk " " 37i

l»y^'™« i^^rired ,'S16 yd twist per dozen 37^

3ydsp.lE™b,-s»ilk !Pr„*°' ?5

12 ouace Knitting silk{^ P-"" ''•g

Wash Rope Silk, in skeins per ounce 78Wash Etching Silk, " ... " 78Wash Embr'y Twist, " " 7810-ounce Machine Twist per lb 6.25

i-ounce " " 6.25

Page 50: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



No. 1. 200 spools of Enihry, Id of a color 1.20

No. 2. 500 " " 25" '•' a.Oii

No. 3. 500 " " 10 " " 3.00No. 4. 1000 " " 25" " 6.00No. 5. 1000 " " 10" " 6.00

No. 10. 5 doz 100 yd silk 3" " 3.75No. 11. 5doz 50 vd silk 3" " l.SSNo. 12. 120spools''l0 ydtwist 6 " " 1.7S

No. 20. 12 doz. 1( 10 yd silk 3" " 9.00No. 21. 12 " 50 " 3" " 4 50No. 22. 12 boxes 10 " g" " 4.60

At manufacturers' lowest prices (subject to change).Colors in silk and twist match perfectly.Only desirable Shades put up in cartons, no special assortments.

Terms.—5^-30, or O^fVlO Days.

Pioneer Ball Knitting Cotton.





Page 51: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



L ^00 BALLS.

Case Knitting Cotton, 50 pound, ion bulls, assorted numbers 8, 10, 12, 14,

^12 50 per case, net 30 days.

Macraine Cord iu Balls.

Nos. 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, per pound 22^ net 30 days.No. 12, all colors, per pound 27| net 30 days.

Put up in 2 lb. boxes ; 4 balls to the pound.

Gla.sgo Lace Thread, for Fancy Work.

Put up in white, ecru and w-bro\vn. All Nos. at market prices.

KENSINGTON CROCHET TWIST.Put lip i6 balls, (two pounds in box) 8 balls to the pound.

Price per box for all colors, 85c. net 30 days.

Clark's "Mile-End" Crochet Cottou on Balls,


Of 25 Gramms Each, 10 Balls in a Box Of 10 Gramms Each, 10 Balls in a Box

Nos. 30 and 40 ,^0.65 Nos. 30 and 40No. 50 . . .80 ^^ ^^" 60 96 No. 50

" 70 1.16 '• 60" 80 1.35 ,, ~r,'< 90 1 554 1 2QQ j'g- In Turkey Red each ball contains 8

Gramms only.

Terms.—5^^-30 or 6f,-10 days.





In Turkey Red each ball contains 20Gramms only.

Page 52: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Embroidery Cotton.

P. E. T. embroidery cotton, 1 dozen balls in box, Turkey Red, fast color,

guaranteed, $1.50, regular, per gross balls. Will not crock or wash out.



WILL NOT CROCK OR WASH OUT,H. B. embroidery cotton, 1 dozen balls in box, guaranteed fast colors, as

follows : Turkey Red, Black. White, Dark, Light and Navy Blue, Dark andLight Yellow, Medium and Seal Brown, Dark and Light Green, Pink and Darkand Light Olive, .^-J.OO regular ])er gross balls.

H. B. Embroidery Cotton, Red, Black, White, Navy, in numbers 6 to 40.

Other Colors in numbers 12 to 18.

H. B. embroidery cotton, put upn handsome olive wood box, 10 balls

and tape measure in box, assorted colors,

S2.00 per dozen boxes.

(cabinet No. 3, contains 5 gross of IL B. embroidery cotton, assort-ed colors and sizes $2.00

Page 53: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


TMNKUN F^ I t N >Pt cartr

No. REG.Each.

Cabinet No. 1, 7 drawers, contains G76 spools H. B. embroidery cot-ton, assorted colors and sizes.

96 balls H. B. crochet cotton, assorted colors and white216 cards of Dorcas darning cotton, assorted colors150 cards of Dorcas darning worsted, assf)rted colors126 balls of Dorcas knitting cotton §30.00

H. B. put up 1-2 gross to box, as-

sorted, Nos. 8 to 18, Red, §2.00 per

1 gross. Reg.


Daruini;- Cotton iiiul Worsted.

Dorcas darning cotton, 1-4 gross in a box, in black, ecru, white, navy,wine and cardinal, 67^ cents per gross. Reg.

Page 54: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


EUU. Tiger darning cotton, guaranteed absolutely fast black, 1-4 gross in box,$1.40 gross. Reg.

E1112. Dorcas darning worsted, in white, black, navy, seal and wine, 1-4

gross to box, $1.75 per gross. Reg.

Marking: Cotton.

C. B X Red, blue, black, etc., in skeins $1.75 per gross. Reg.Red Marking Cotton in skeins GO per gross. Reg.H. B. Marking Cotton, in balls, all colors 2.00 per gross. Reg.C. B. l^^Mendiag Cotton, in balls, all colors 38 i)er box. Net 30 days.Past Dye Darning Cotton on cards, Fast Black, quarter gross in box, $1.40 per

gross. Reg.M. &. K. Fast Black Ball Mending Cotton (12 Balls) 30 per box. Reg.



GOX.6 'jehex)




Miiwanfs Helix, All sizes, sharps and between, perthousRobert's Parabola, " " " "John English, " " " "

Watson's " " " "Clark's, " " " "Harper's (Helix) " "

" Oval Eye " " "Gold Eye


d $1.351.35




1.50Pro bone



Darners, 10 papers assorted in box (250 needles), per box 35Milward's Darners, per box 50MiiwMid'.s Knit ling Pins, 12-22 per gross 75Iniportud Knil ling Pins, 12-22 " 35English Knitting Pins in sets, live needles to set, per hundred sets 3.00

Milward's Milliners' Needles, per thousand $1.35

Page 55: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


11 Caliiiict IS a >iiiall twu-tlrawer sewing macliiue ueeclle

ci-^e, ua inches high, 10 inches deep, 18 inches wide. Ash body and

cherry front Holds 3,000 machine needles in either style.

SingerN.FSinger MediumSinger MfgSinger OscHoweNew HoweHowe DDomestic O. SDomestics. SDomestic N.SW. & W. CurW. & W. StrG. & B. StrG. &B. CurWeedF.FWeedG. FAmericanNew AmericanWilsonWilson OscWhiteRemingtonNew RemingtonFlorenceVictorNew HomeHome ShuttleDavisO.SNew DavisHartfordHouseholdWillcox&Gibbs. ..

St. JohnEoyal St. JohnQueenEldredgeLeaderNew Yorl£

DauntlessAmerican NationalSoringfleldNobleWhitney

Queeileen City.

UnionOld Home . .


Common Sense.EsteyEtna ImprovedLeavittFinkle & Lyon .


EllipticDiamondCompanion...New StewartEmpire.

RogersWebsterGardnerLockmanWilson ALittle Wanzer.OsbomOsbom ARaymond... .

Leather Point Flat or Diamond Needles, for any machine, SO cts. per 100 higher,

Page 56: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


The Lightning Needle.

Progressive ideas and originality is what the trade is in search of. We are

introducing the Lightning Needlk and we cheerfully recommend this Needleas the best in actual use to-day. It is tapered from the center to the eye, andowing to this fact, forces itself through the fabric without any effort on the partof the person sewing.

The eyes of 8, 9 and 10 of the Lightning

Needle are as large as the 5, 6 and 7 of other

brands ; this makes finer and better sewing.

Try it and you will have no other.

Trade Mark, Hand Lightning Needle.

Tapered from center to the eye.

Price, $1 .25 per M. reg.

A full assortment of Chenille, sail, carpet and harness needles and bodkins.


Class E.—Adamantine, full count and weight. Nos. 2. 3, 4, /5,

Price, 16^c. 15. 13^ 12

per dozen papers regular.

Class D.—Brass, full count and weight. Nos. 0, 2, 3. 4, BPrice, 34c. 31c. 27c. 25c.

per dozen papers, regular.

Class F.—F. N. P. U., brass in boxes. No. MC SC F3i BB SWPrice, 36ic. 33ic. 3Uc. 27^0 24^0per dozen papers, regular.

ClassC.—N. P. U., brass in boxes. Nos. MC SC F3i BB SWPrice 44c. 39c. 35c. 33c. 29c.

per dozen papers regular.

Class A. N. P. U. Brass in box, gilt edge paper.Nos. MC, SC, F3 1-2, BB, S. W.

49 l-2c. 44 l-2c. 39, 37c. 33 l-2c. per doz papers regular.

Kirby, Beard & Co.'s English Pins.

Nos. MC, SC, F3 1-2, BB, SW.$1.48 1.38 1.32 98c. 83c. per doz. papers regular.

Mourning Pins.

Jet heads, paper boxes, ten boxes lo thousand, 50s per M 22c." " 60s " 25c.

80s " 28c." Brass box, sliding cover, " 80s per box 35c.

Victoria, solid head, per doz. boxes 75c.

Turney's. solid liead, per doz. boxes 75c.

Kirby's Brilliant, per doz $1.00(Ounce boxes, paper of needles to each box.)

Kirby's Imperial, ounce boxes, per doz. boxes 76c.

Book Pins.

No. 2 assorted black and white, per doz 76c.

Kirby's Princess Book Pins, assorted black and white, per doz $1.06

Shawl Pins.

Nos. 1, 2, 3, white or black, oneper gross, 46c. 40c. 36c., gross in box.Shawl pins with chains at 42c., 50c., 62 l-2c., and 76c. per doz.

Page 57: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


In half pound boxes.

Nos. 1

37 1-2 0.

242 1-2

Bank Pins.

421-2 47 1-2 per lb

Nos.Per dozen,

Pyramid Pins.

MC. SC.85c. 78c.

Toilet Pins.

Eureka, in rolls, velvet top.

Nos. MC. SC.Price, 85c. 78c.

Lills or Ribbon Pins, per pack.


F3 1-2.


F3 1-2











Belt Pins.

Jet Head.

27 l-2c.

37 l-2c.

37 l-2c.


42 l-2c.


47 1 -2c.

52 l-2c.

57 l-2c.

Mat or Bull Head.4()c. per gross.








Bonnet Pins.

A very large assortment, ranging in price from 40c. up to $7.50 per gross, plainand fancy heads.

Toilet Pins in Cubes.

Rectangle shape, assorted colors, 2 doz. in box, per box 35c.Assorted colors, medium sized cubes, per box of 20 cubes $1.50Black, medium size cubes, per box of 20 cubes 1.50Large size cubes, solid black, assorted sizes, per box of ten cubes 1.50

Safety Pins. €~~^Crown, silvered, with shield,

Page 58: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Safety Pins.—ConVd.

No. 2. No. 2t^. No. 3.

Sensible 2.1c. 27i'c. 3()c. Net 30 days.

Baby Blanket Pins, per gross 3.10 Reg.Jockey Clnb Horse Blanket Pins, per gross 4.00 •'

Maud S. Blanket Pins, per gross 4.80 "

Hooks and Eyes.

2 3 4 8 10 20Adamantine 05 .80 81.10 •'

Silvered 90 §1.10 1.50 .s2.05 s3.1i5 $4.25 gt. gr.

Japanned 75 .90 1.15 1.88 2.25 3.00 "Japanned, Bent 1.15 1.45 2.10 2.50

Silvered, " 1.65 2.05 3.30 3.90

Nichol's patent Spring Hooks and Eyes

No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6.

Japanned 83.40 $3.65 $4.00 84.50 $5.25 "Silvered 3.40 3.05 4.00 4.50 5.25 "

Per great gross, regular

Eagle Talon, Japanned 2.50 3.00 3.50" Silvered 2.50 3.00 3.50

Safety Cloak or Pants Hook and Eye

No. 3. No. 4. No. 5.

Japanned 35 .30 .25 gross.

Silvered 35 .30 .25 '•

Hook and Eye Tape, ten-yard pieces, colors black, white and drab, perpiece, 50 cents.

Reversible, or right and left, ten-yard pieces, colors black, white and drab,

per piece, 62i cents.

Nickel Crochet Hooks, from $1.50 to $6.00 per gross; also in cabinets of

^ gross @ $1.50 box ; also in cabinets of 1 gross @ $2.75 box.

Bone Crochet Hooks, from $2.00 to $12.00 gross; also in 1 -gross cabinets,

$1.50 gross.

Hair Pins.

Bundles, crimped and straight, 12c. per bundle of ten papers, 8 papers in

package.Extra heavy japanned, 16 papers to pound, full weight, 20c. per pound.Kirby, Beard & Co.'s Flexor, 12 packages to pound, 49c. per pound.K., B. & Co., Genuine, straight and crimped, 12 packages to pound, 38c. per

pound.Steel Point Hair Pins, all sizes. If to 3f, straight and crimped, one-half

thousand in box, 75c. per thousand.Gilt Hair Pins, sizes 2i, 2| and 3, at $3.00 per gross regular, half gross in box.

Cabinet Hair Pins.

50s, in round plaid boxes, $2. .50 per gross.

Razzle, in wood boxes, straight, $3.00 ])er gross boxes.

Gem, .straight and crimped, in pyramid shaped boxes 3.50

Tycoon, large turned wood box, assorted 4.50

Beats All, fancy wood boxes 5.00

Frances, large wood ))ox, oval shape, a.ssorted pins 0.00

Enamelled Vase, filled witii Hair Pins 6.00

Page 59: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



kxowjn: to the trade.

It is the made of the best material and in

the most complete manner.

It is simple in construction and perfect in

action.^ ^

Its characteristic feature is a shield open on |^?^^cL^Tn^?^^^both sides, with a guide to direct the pin point ^j^J^^^-- _-^%̂to its proper place ; also allowing the point to Xo. :!, ,' im ii.>.

pass from either side both into and out of the

shield with perfect facility. This can be said |^]^ C LI NTOK_^)only of pins made under the Clinton patents, '^ 'i j - - -


In all other safety-pins possessing any equivalent for a guide, the ]iin point must leave

the shield at the same side at which it enters.

OAKVILLE COMPANY, Waterbury, Conn.


wpn WT If Tf^ M O P»™jiw-^-- J)M iL JLI Mm P impk®¥md



3'(Patented July 17, 1877.)

Will Not Corrode. Cannot Become Detached. No Sharp Corners.

Perfectly Protected Points.

TH^ BtST safety-pin IN MARKET.


101 Franklin Street. New York.

Page 60: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Cabinet Hair Pins.—ConVd.


Dazzle, crimped, in wood boxes !?3.()0 per grossImperial, fancy paper compartment boxes, assorted sizes $4.50 per gross

THE CHICAGO Alf7 RIFLE.SliootN DartK SIiii^s and Sliol.

Strong and accurate. E(|uul U^ Xhv liiKhcst-prircd Inr si'ixice. I'ricc. each, |l.(l(); per doz, |8.00.

Have sold over Fifty Thousand.

THE KING AIR RIFLE.The niOMt Durable, StronecNl and IlandNomrHt Air Klllc Itladp.

Price, each, ^l.r>(); iierduz., !i;l().50.

The JobbluK Trade xiipplled wltli AVrlslit A DII«oii'm TennlH; A. J. It<'a<li<» KaHcball Ooodx;BUyi'loM, I'lKliInu: Tackle, Unnn, and all Sporllnc «;<>od«,

SCHOVERLING, DALY & GALES, NEW YORK,302 Broadway, 84- Duane Street.

For Sale by Sweetser, Pembrook & Co.

Page 61: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Cabinet Hair Pins.—Cont'd.

vv CBL End.

Egyptian.West End, wood compartment boxes, assorted $5.00 per gross

Egyptian, wood compartment, boxes, assorted pins $6.00 per gross

Brass Compartment Box, 100 pins assorted 9.00 " "A large line of Hair Pins, put up in boxes, at $10.50, $15,00, $18.00 and

$24.00 per gross.

K. B. & Co.— Plain and Crimped Lace, put np 50s in ronndbox . 75 doz. boxes Reg.

K. B. & Co.—Plain and Crimped Lace, put up 100 in roundbox 125 "

K. B. & Co.—Superior (Heavy) put up 50 in round box ... 75 " " "

" " 100 " " " ....125 "

Rubber Hair Pins.

Rubber, crimped 75c. per gross

Rubber, straight 75c. per gross

Rubber (heavier goods), crimped $1.25 per gross

Rubber " " straight 1.25 "' "Rubber (best goods), crimped 1.37 peri grossRnbber " " straight 1.37 "J "

Hair Crimpers.Madam Louie's Common Sense, short, colors, black, brown

and blonde $2.50 per gt. grossMadam Louie's Common Sense, long, colors, black, brown and

blonde 3.75 Reg.

Small Medium LargeKid Crimpers 40c. 50c., 75c., per grossIvins', Opera, Small. Large. Japanned.

$1.25. $1.50. $1.00 per gross.

Put up one dozen in box.

Page 62: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Hair Curlers.

I ..'—K O'eTTBT- __'"

' f -l-Tj—-^ ^^. ...-^^

Derbj' is |)rovide<l with a lieatiug core, with.: , wiiicli i.s instantly

extended, as shown above, by pressure uiion the buttoin at the end of handle,and is held firmly in position I'or heating by an automatic stop. By simply re-

versing the Curler, the automatic stop is instantly withdrawn and the heatingcore returned and held securely within the tube. This Curler is strong anddurable, sim^ile in construction, easily operated, and with ordinary care will last

a life-time. It does not burn or soil the hair or hands, is handsomely Nickel-Plated and has Polished Wood Handle Per Gross. 824.00 Reg.

Bon-Ton, Polished Steel, Nickel-Plated, with Perforated Air Ciiamber, to preventBurning Handle Per Gross, $18.00 Reg.

m^^^^^^iGem, Polished Steel, Nickel-Plated, with Perforated Air Chambei", to prevent

Burnins Handle Per Gross, 818.00 Reg.

Little Gem. Polished Steel, Nickel-Plated, with Perforated Air Chamber, to pre-

vent Burning Handle Per Gross, $15.00 Reg.

Princess, Polished Steel, Nickel-Plated, Polished Woo<l Handles, per gross,

$15.00, reg.

Little Princess, Polished Steel, Nirkel-Plated, Polished \Vood Handles, pergross, $13.50, reg.

Duke, Polished Steel, Nickel-Plated, Polished Wood Uandl(>s, per gross, $12.00,

reg. ^miwmt>Midget, Polished Steel, Nickel-Plated, with Perforated Air Chamber, to prevent

burning Handle, per gross, $12.00, reg.

Page 63: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Victor, Nickel-riated Steel, Polished Wood Handle, per gross, s9.00, reg.

Globe Pinching Ii"ons.

Polished Steel, Nickel-Plated, Polished Wood Handles.

The Globe Pinchers, being made of Steel, will not break, a feature whichgives them an important point of advantage over all cast iron Pinchers.Per Gross, reg. $24.00.

Peerless Lainp Chimney Stove.

Fig. 1.

Fig 1 is fnll-sized cut, and Fig. 2 is half size showing the stove with coverremoved. This cover is made double, thus thoroughly protecting handle ofCurling Iron from heat, and when water is to be boiled the cover is removed.Made of Polished Brass, Nickel-Plated, and put up in Single Boxes,per gross, reg. $21.00.

Elite Curling Heater.

Ingeniously constructed so that when notin use it can be compactly folded and carriedin the pocket. Does not interfere with the light,

and keeps Curling Iron clean. Fig. 1 showsHeater in operation, and Fig. 2 shows it folded.Made of Brass, Nickel-Plated, and handsomelypolished. Per gross, reg., $21.00.

Button Ring-.s.

At 45c., 60c., $1.00 and $1.25 per thousand.

Page 64: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Button Fasteners.

Heaton's, in gross boxes $1.25 per gt. gross. ( Net 30Excelsior 1.36 " " \ days." Bees" Patent Fastener, per box of 60. : 37| cents.


Steel rimmed bows.

No. 6038 45 cents. No. 4420 $1.25 No 5951 (Blue Grass) $1.75" 5419 75 " " 6039 1.50 " 6001 2.25" 6948 $1.00 " 6029 2.00 " 6043 3.50" 5996 1.25 " 5426 1.75

Silvered bows and rims, 187^ $1.85 per doz.

179^ 2.25 "Rubber rimmed Eyeglasses, 2

1J 88 "

21 1.25 "31 2.25 "

Spectacle Cases at 35c., 75c., $1.00 and $1.50 per dozen.Eye Goggles, assorted colors, in tin boxes, at $6.75 per gross.

Watch Keys.

At $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $3.75, $4.00, $4.50, $6.00, and upwards, per gross.

Key Rings.

From $1.00 to $4.50 per gross.

Window Clasps.

No. 2, Silvered or Brass, on card $1.75 per gross.

"5, " " " 2.00 "

Bntton Hooks.Ring, 25 cents per gi'oss,

Nickel-plated, pocket, 45 cents per doz.

Enamel Handle, 5 1/2. 7.

$3.00 $3.50

Rosewood Handle, 5 6 7$3.25 $4.00 $4.25

Glove Bnttoners.

Ring wire, 75 cents per gross. No. 7, Ivory Handle, $3.00 per gross.

No. 10, Ivory Handle, loop shape, $4.25 per gross.

Celluloid, No. 1, $6.00 per gross.Celluloid, No. 2, $9.00 per gross.


Silvered, closed ends, one-half gross in box, assorted sizes, $1.30, $1.35,

$1.40, $1.45, $1.50, $1.55 and $1.60 per gross.

Silvered, open ends, one-half gross in box, assorted sizes, $1.35, $1.40, $1.45,

$1.50, $1.5.^) and $1.60 per gross.German Silver, solid or assorted sizes, one doz. in box, $4.75 per gross.

Ste(!l Tliiinl)les, open and closed end.s, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per gross.

Extra quality Steel Thimbles, put up one dozen in glass box, assorted sizes,

closed and open ends, $3.25, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.80 per gross.

Extra size thimbles for tailors, $4.00 per gross.

Large line put up in fancy glass boxes, various designs, at all prices.

Celluloid Thimbles, assorted colors and sizes, put up in paper boxes, $4.60per gross.


Page 65: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)






Sweetser, Pembrook & Co.

Monogram No. 53, Skirt Braid in Rolls . . SHc. per doz.

Windsor, No. 61, Skirt Braid 4()c. per doz.

Goff's, No. 61, Skirt Braid in Rolls 52^0. per doz.

Gofl's, No. 29, Trimming Braid, (6 pieces) 80c. per gross yds.Goff's, Dressmaker's Braid $2.00 " " "Milan's Worsted Coat Binding,

Nos. 61 6;-) 69 73 77 81 85$4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, C.5i) 7.00

89 93 101

$7.50, 8.00. 8.50, per gross of 132 yards.Cashmere, Nos. 12 14 16 18 20

$3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00

per gross of 120 yards.

Real Cashmere, 12 14 16 18 20 22$6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00. 11.00

per gross of 122 yards.

O. & A. Etiquette Jaune,Nos. 14 16 18 20 22 24

$8.40, 9.60, 10.80, 12.00, 13.20, 14.40per gross of 132 yards.

O. & A. Cashmere, special for tailors,

Nos. 14 16 18 20 22 24$9.4.^. 10.80, 12.1.5, 13.60, 14.8.5, 16.20

per gross of 132 yards.0. & A. Imperial Cashmere,Nos. 14 16 18 20 22 24

$14.00, 16.00, 18.00, 20.00, 22.00, 24.00per gross of 132 yards.O. & A. Silk Braid,Nos. 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

$1.20, 4.80, 5.40, 6.00, 6.60, 7.20, 7.80, 8.40per gross of 132 yards.Colored Silk Binding in all shades, at $5.00 per gross of 120 yards.Silk Braid,Nos. 14 16 18 20 22 24

$3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00per gross of 132 yards.

Page 66: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Braid —Cont'd.

O. & A. Silk Braid, double quality.Nos. 12 14 16 18 20 04

$6.00, 7.00, aOO, 9.00, 10.00. 11.00,

24$12.00 per gross of 13 3 yards.

O. «V A. Silk Braid, double extra qualit}' (gray label).

Nos. 14 16 18 20 22 24$11.20, 12.80, 14.40, 16,00, 17.60, 19.20.

Hercules Braid, black and white.

Nos. 2

Page 67: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



No. 800BlackColorsNo. 780BlackColorsNo. 248

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

$1.00 1.16 1.90 2.25 2.85 3.50 4..50 5.25 6.25 7.501.35 2.10 3.35

4 6 8 106.50.

60 70 80 100 120 150 200.

kOO 5.75 6.76 8.50 10.00 11.25 15.00.

$2.25 3.35 4.75

2.85 4.25 6.50.

10 20 30 40 60Black 1.75 2.50 3.25 3.76 4.50

Colors 3.25 3.75 4.50 5.00 6.00 7.25 3.00 10.50

Soutache 1 U 2 3

Gold $2.50 3.75 4.50 6.00

Silver 3.50 5.00 6.00 7.50Mifin 6.00 7.50 8.50 11.50

250 Gold, 88c. : Silver, 120c ; Mifin, 250c.

475 Black, 33c. Colors,


Genuine French Blacking.THE BEST IN THE MARKET.

Be-^7^7-a,3re of Ixn.i'ba'bioixs I


No. 2 |3.00 per gi-os.s reg. I No. 4 IT. 50 per gross reg." 3 $5.00 ' ' ' ••


" 5 .'SIO.OO ' •

Elegant Cahincf containing One Gross, assorted, $7.00.

Page 68: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



All our Ribbons are our own exclusive brands

and manufactured expressly for us. Our shades are

dyed to match all the prevailing colorings. BEING

LARGE OPERATORS in these goods, and the mills

we represent being foremost in this and the European

markets it places us in the front rank and enables us

to supply the trade with all staples and high novelties

as fast as produced at manufacturers' lowest prices.

Samples and prices gladly furnished on applica-


In ordering Ribl)on \vc give you a list herewith of colors of which we carry a ful

line in all staple grades :


Page 69: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


The sales of this popular brand of Satin Edge Gros Grain

Ribbon have been enormous owing to the extremely

low price for a heavy all silk wide Satin Edge Ribbon

and makes it intrinsically the best ribbon ever put

on the market.

S. P. & Co.

Satin Edge

Gros Grain

All Silk.

No. 378,

Satin Edge

Gros Grain.

This is our Middle Grade, which is sold by many houses as

their finest, and as we take the manufacturers' earlif r

production of the quality it has enabled us to make

such low prices that it has supplanted everything

with which it has come in competition, and is daily

meeting with increased sales.

This Ril)bon is all the name implies, and our manufacturer

has reached the climax in producing the highest grade

ribbon ever offered to be retailed at a price within

the reach of all. This is an exceedingly heavy ribbon

with a raised satin edge, suitable for the very finest

The Best

All Silk

Satin Edge

Gros Grain.

trade, and 33 '3 per cent, cheaper than leading advertised brands.

This quality of Black All Silk Satin Edge Gros Grain is

one of our special numbers which we import, and

20 per cent, lower than any other of our staple

grades, and enables our trade to meet all possible


No. 1901,All Silk

Hlack OnlySatin EdgeGros Grain.


(Jros GrainAll Sizes.

Satin and Gros Grain Heavy All Silk Full Widths. This

is of course a staple and a necessary adjunct to

all Ribbon Departments, and sells steadily all the

year round.

Our Block Pattern is all silk, both sides ahke. This patte'-n

is a staple fancy and when once adopted its beii g

used for so many various purposes makes it very

desirable and a profitable ribbon.



Page 70: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Our Raven Gros Grain in black and colors is closely woven

and Extra Heavy Texture Plain Gros Grain Ribbon, while, this grade,

has all along been staple. This season there has been an unusually

large demand for this style, and aggressive merchants have put in a

full assortment which is meeting with rapid sales with the finer trade.






The demand for Fancy Neck Ribbon in Crochet Looj) and Fancy

Edges with combination colorings has been greater than ever before,

and the large quantities that are being sold makes this character of

ribbon so staple that they have become a necessary adjunct to all

well regulated Ribbon Stores.


This stock comprises everything in the way of novelties both in

l)lack and white stripe and combinations at popular prices ; and for a

very small investment you can purchase a stock that will uot only

tone u]) your Ribbon Department but will also jniy you a liandsome



This is a Department which varies materially to style, as

location makes a vast difference as to what is worn, and considering

that we carry a stock from the cheapest to the very liighest gi'ade,

adapted to every class of trade, our immense stock will always insure

you a choice selection.

Page 71: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



In these goods we carry two grades, the GERMANIA and the

G. F. List prices are the same in both quahties, viz.


G. F.

1 .






3 .



4 .


5 .

$0 37/

Page 72: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Patent Ribbon Trav.

Fig. ]. Fig. 2.

Tile Cuts shown above represent our Patent Ribbon Tray, which unques-tionably furnishes the niostconvenient method of keeping and displaying Ribbonsyet introduced. Each Tray holds aboiit lift / bolts of Ribbons, and shows the

goods on an incline. (See Figure 1.) By touching a spring the legs fall beneath,and the Tray lies Hat (See Fig. 2) so that it can readily be removed from a

showcase. It is made of hard wood, finely finished, and very neat in appear-ance. One of the greatest conveniences of our Tray is that it is very light, the

dealer being able to show the customer fifty bolts as easy as one. and can beplaced in show cases, on counters, shelves, or wherever desired. When one piece

of Ribbon is removed the others stay in jilace, thus avoiding the possibility of

Ribbons getting out of order. The low price of the Tray recommends it, its cost

being only 81.25, net.

lealon, G-oodridge & Dresser,



Small IZy^sires and Notions273 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK.


Safety Pins

Hair Pins

Hair Curlers

Dre.ss Stays

Button HooksBone and Steel Crochet HooksCrocliet Sets and Cabinets

Loom WebsGarter WebsCords and Braids

Elastic Corset Laces

La<lies' and Gents' Gartei-s

Sleeve Elastics

Cuff Holders

Hercules Waist Bands

Noisclc.s.s Scliool Slates

Silver-Plated Thimbles

Hooks and Eyes

Picture Cord

Picture Wire

Sinipli.'ity Pants Biitlnns

Stocking Darnel's

Hose Supporters, Cla.'<i)s. &c.

N. B.—Goods Sold to Jobbing Trade Exclusively.

Page 73: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ki»>!»oii Show Cases.


This is oui- best finished case, all sides alike with raised panels on all the rails, and double thick

3s full length from top to bottom on three sides.

It has a capacity of 30 cartons, equal to 450 bolts of No. 9 Ribbon.

It occupies 27 x 32 inches of space and is 50 inches high.

PRICE, $40.00.



It holds 120 Umbrellas or Parasols, occupies only 27x32

inches on the counter and stands 50 inches high.

It lias (li ^uhk• tliick glass full length from top to bottom

and is furnished alike on all sides with panels on aU the

rails. A fine case.

Page 74: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



It holds 10 cartons of Ribbon which is

equal to about loO bolts No. 9.

It measures 11 x26 inches at the base andstands .50 inches high.

It is a nice case for a small line, or useful

where the stock has outgrown the cases onhand.

It can be set on a bracket, or himg on the

wall, or set on a coimter.

It has double thick glass on front and sides

and raised panels on the rails. Wood back.

PRICE, - 817.00.



It has a capacity of 30 cai-tons, equal to 4.50 bolts

No. 9 Ribbon. It measm-es 17 x 50 inches at the base

and stands 50 inches liigh. It has <louble thick gla.ss

on front and ends, and wood back.

PRICE, $40.00.




" After a month's use of one of tliese cases you wiU regret every ilay you liavo

been witliout."

.Ml cases at prices given, F. O. R. Cars at Erie, Pa., net :]0 days.

Tiiese eases can he lia.l in Walnut, White Ash, Natui'al Cherry,

White or Antique Oak.

For a complete Catalogue of all the Cases made in

sections, address our RIBBON DEPARTMENT.

Page 75: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



No. 5 MuniNo. 6 ManioX White.


50c per607095

6X White §1.10tXX White 1.005XX White 1.15

6XX White 1.304XXX White 1.255XXX White 1.50

6XXX White.... ••• 1.75lO-inch XX Wliite 'i.OO

5-inch XX Colored 1.25

6-inch XX Colored 1 .45

Perthshire Linen 3.50Manih), one thousand in box ; all others, one (piarter thousand

iper—Note, Pearl Lake, 3, 4, 5, 6 pound,3 lie, 42c, 52ic, 63c per

" West Lynne, 4, 5, 6 pound. . .54c, 67-|c, 81cLegal Fold, West Lynne, 5 and 6 pound 67|c, 81cReg. " Ionic, 4^ 5, 6 pound , . .74, 92^^" $1.14Legal " " 6, 6 pound 92ic, 1.14Reg. " Quinnituck, 5 and 6 pound sl.l^i, 1.35Reg " Perthshire, 5 and 6 pound SI. 37*, 1.65Letter Size, West Lynne, 8, 10, 12 pound

§1.08, $1,3.5, 1.62" Ionic, 10 and 12 pound $1.85, 2.25

Cap, West Lynne, 10 and 12 pound. 1.35, 1.62Ionic, 10 and 12 pound 1.85, 2.25

Legal, West Lynne, 12 pound 1.62" Ionic, 12 pound 2.25


Ruled, Paged and Tmlexed.

^'u. Size. Price per Book Reg.450. 250 pages, 10|xl5 1 33451. 360 pages, 10|xl5 1.63452. 250 pages, ll^xlP 1 5,^5

453. seepages, llixlG 2.00457. 450 pages, U^xlG 2 30454. 250 pages, 13tVx18 1 83455. .360 pages, 13^x18 2.28456. ,500 pages, 13ixl8PIease specify binding in ordering. 2.83

Page 76: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Miniature Blanks.


D. E Ledgers, S. E. Ledijers, Journals, Dav Books, Casli Bo.iks and Records

liBllllEach Reg.

48:i Leather Back and Corners, Paper siile^, 180 pages, 4Ax7 25

484 •• " " '• " 5|x7| 30

48ti American Russia Gilt Stamp, 288 pages, Sfx?! 93

487 " • " " 6^x9 1.13

Per dozen Reg.1703 Slate Duck, Flexible, 180 pages, 4|x7 2.3817.f)4 '• ..4. '. '. 5x7^ 2.88

17r)5 " " Russia covers, 240 pages, 5x7J 6.00

Uo^i " " " " " 6x9 7.50

17.'i6''Persian Seal, i'^lexible, 180 pages, 4{x7 o.OO

17.')8 •' " " " •'>x7i 6.25

1760 " " " " 5Jx8-J 7.75

Pocket Ledgers.

Indexed in front.

Per gross Reg.

291 Sheep turned in 00 leaves, 3fx6i 17.75

2t<3 Press Board, Cut Flush, " 3|x6 8.25

293* " " '• -^8 leaves, " 5.00

294"'lmt. Leather turned in. 60 leaves, 3|x6i 11.00

295 Am. Russia, '• " 3|x6^ 36.00

29.51 " •' " '' 25.00

Halt Bound Paper Side.

No. 726. No. 7i).". Nn. lo-Jt). .Nd. yiU).

Made in 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 and 500 pages.

Ruled Day Books and Records.Eeg.

1026 Size 6|^x7J, price per 100 pages, : 14c.

89.1 Size 7|x9|, " "' 2.'5<-.

726 Size 72xl2A, 25c.

830 Size 5|xl2^, " " 19Ac

Page 77: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Half Bound Blank Books.Canvas.

No. 892.


Broad, 7|xl2i.Long, 6ixl5.

Price per 100 pages Reg.No. 846 Ruled Day Books and S. E. Ledgers, aOO, 250, 300, 400,

500 and 000 pages, 19^c.No. 892, Ruled Day Books, Ledgers, S. E. Ledgers, Records,

Long Day Books and Long S. E. Ledgers, 100, 150, 200, 250,

300, 400, 500 and 600 pages 21c.

No. 8944^, Ruled Day Books, Ledgers, S. E. Ledgers, Records,Long Day Books and Long S. E. Ledgers, 200, 250, 300, 400,

500 and 600 pages 24c.

Full Bound Canvas Russia Corners and Bands.

No. 895i. No. bOoi. No. 895*.(LONG.) (broad.) (long.)'

Size, 7x1 5f. Size, 8^x1 2f. Size, 6fxi5f.Ruled Day Books, Journals, Cash Books, Ledgers, Records, Long Dav Books,

Long S. E. Ledgers, made in 300, 400, 500, GOO and 700 pages.


No. 890.


Broad, 9ixl4i.

Long, 7fxl7|.

Nu. 89e.\.


Broad, 9ixl5|.Long, 7|xl7|.

Page 78: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Flap Meiuoramluiu^i

No. 1(1 Slate Duck ruled § & ct.s. 48 Leaves,

KU- -" " " " 48llj " " " " 4812 American Russia Leather do 60 "13

13|80 \


White Sheep

844- "80 R. Red801 R "

81 R "82 R "

84iR '•

' 60• 90' 50•100


' 50'100


' .5(>









Counter Order Books.

Paper,1574 Press Bound Mani1572 "1575 " " " "

1576 "

883 StifiP Cover883?, "1583 Canvas Cover, Pencil Loop,

White Paper,

Leaves, 6^x11 i.

7^x1 li











Indexed Memorandums and Price Books.

12731 Sheep Leather Cut Flush, 50 Leaves,1280| " " " " 501285^ " " " " 50 "1286^ " " " " 1001620 Imt. Seal " turned in edge 60

per gross.

3-'x6 18.75

4ix6| 22.25

4Jx7i 28.00" 41.00

2Jx4J 25.00

Page 79: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Indexed Mem. and Price BooAs.—Cont'd.

•loto A Ti •Per Doz. Ree.

1856 Am. Russia " " 60 " 2|x5^ 2 13

\lf,'; " '' '' 60 " 31x51 .......;..


]f^i ; ; ;^o - 3ix6i 3.00

1856 " " " 60 •' 4x6| 3 5058 Russia Calf " " 100 " 3|x6i 6.88^^ " " " " 144 " " 8.00S6 " " " " 192 " " 9.0064 " " " " 50 " 2|x64 4 756-^ " " " " 100 " " 8.00

Notes, Drafts, Receipts and Rt^iit Receijits.

628 Rent Receipts, 50 in Book, SlxlOJ inn629 " 100" " •• : 175630 Notes 50 " " 'i




631 " 100" " " ...'..'.'.'...'.'.."..'.'..".....188

632 Receipts 50" " ^^ " .'„633 " 100" " " 17^634 Drafts 50" " " I'no635 " 100" " " .'.v. 175

Pass Book.s.

'Provisions.Bik hirriiiin'"[isii, Prtin,

No. 121122122




No. 127 122 3

Ppj* Grross1-2 Press Board Printed Cover General Store 16 leaves 3 5 8x6" " " Grocers, "

a " " " '1

" " Butchers,


1-2 Plain

" Printed "

White Sheep Leather flexibh1-2






Lined Press Board


Page 80: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



CUT FLUSH.SizH. Per Gross Keg.

1541 Press Board, ruled. -s & cts.. 3(i leave.s, 3 5-S.x(i S ^.^^^

l.'^42 " " •• •' 48 " •' H.rX)

1.'543 " " •• " SO " " r).2.'i

154;-) " " •• •• 80 " 4x0 5 8 G.88

1568 Alligator Leatherette, ruled. " 48 " 3 5-8xt3 4.25

1508* " " • '' SO " •' 0.00

266tt'Marble Paper Sides, '' " 96 " 3 3-8x8 1-4 20.00

269i " " '• " 48 " 3 3-4x9 1-2 11.75

154 White Sheep Leather " " 50 " 3 3-4x6 12.50

155 " " " " " 100 " " 17.00

160 " " " " " 50 " 4 1-8x6 3-4 15.75

161 •' " '• " " 100 " " 22.50

166 " " " " " 50 " 4 3-4x7 1-2 20.75

167 •• " •' " " 10(t " " :^o.oo

168 *' " '• " " 150 " 3 3-8x8 18 31.50

173i " '• '• " - 50 " 3 3-4x6 15.75

180* " ' " " " 50 " 4 1-8x6 3-4 19.25

185* '^ " " '' " .50 " 4 3-4x7 1-2 25.00

186* " " " " '• 100 " " 36.50


1535 Press Board, ruled, § & cts., 36 " 3 1-2x6 2.38

1536 " " " " 36 " " a.S8

1537 " " " " 48 " " 3.50

1538 " •' " " 80 " " .')-25

1539 " " •' " 48 " 4 1-8x6 3-4 4."

1540 6.88

1569 Alliiiator Leatherette, ruled, " 48 " 3 5-8x6 4.25

15691^ '• " " " 80 " " 0.00

Exercise Books.r.'r Gross Re<r.

377* Press Board, Fancy Design, 12 leaves, 6 7-8x8 1-4 !? 8.75

379" " " - • " ^- 24 " " 6.75

386 " " Plain 40 '• " G.75

387 " •' Fancy Design, 18 '' " 6.00

388 - " " ' " 32 " " S.25

388* " •' " " 48 " " 10. /5

392 Marble Paper Stiff Cover 48 " " 16.00

396 Fancy Stamped Leather 60 " 7x8 3-8 50.00

1777 Press Board, Printed Cover 36 " 5 1-8x7 7-8 5.50

1776 " " " " oblong 36 " " 5.50

Workman's Tiiiu' Hooks.

303* Press Board Cover, Weekly 24 leaves, 4 1-8x6 3-4 6.00

30.5* " •• •' Monthly 24 " " 6.00

303' Sheep Leallier, Weekly 24 " " 14.75

3()o " " Monthly 24 " " 14.75

309i Slate Dnck Flap. Weekfy 56 " 4 1-4x6 3-4 27.00

3lli " " " Monthly 50 " " 27.00

Indexes for Ledgers, &e.

Per Dozen Reg.

559 Marble Paper Sides, 2 Letters to Leaf, tiexible, 7 3-4x12 3-8 $1.13

560 " " " 1 " " " " 1.75

560* '* " " 1 " " stiff cover,8 3-8x13 7-8 3..50

570 " " " 1 " " " 11x17 1-4 7.00

Page 81: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Indexes for Ledgers, Etc.— Cont'd.Per Doz. Reg.

574 Full Duck, turned in i " " 8 3-4x13 7-8 6.50



Voweled,10 1-8x15 3-8.

11 1-4x17 1-2." " Voweled,

Meiuorautlviiu Books.TURNED IN.





(1695.) (1871.)

1695 Slate Duck, Ruled Quadrille, 36 leav

1696 " " " 60 "" $&cts. 48 "

96 '•

1871187518731880 Russia Cover1881

24 Red Glazed Sbeep26 "

30 "

31 "


" " " Quadrille, 6060

Imitation Turkey !? & cts. 6060

1380 Imitation Seal,


(1880.) (1884.)

2 1-4x5 1-2....

3 7-8x6 1-8....

4 1-4x73 7-8x6 1-8.

3 1-8x51-8.3 7-8 X 61-8.3 1-8x51-8.3 7-8x61-8.3 1-8x51-8.3 7-8x61-8

3 3-4x6 1-4.

Per Gross'

% 6.75



17.50Per Dozen Reg.





3.25Per Gross Reg.


1872 Slate Duck, Ruled H & cts. 481876 " " " " 961874 " " " " 481877 " " Elastic Band, 601884 Russia Covers. Ruled §&cts. 481885 " " " " 961384 Imitation Seal, " " 601386 " " " " 96

239A Russia red sheep, Quadrille, 60239B " " ' " 96

239iA " " $&cts. 60

3 7-8x6 1-8.

4 1-4x73 7-8x6 1-8.

Per Gross Reg.8.63



27.50Per Dozen Reg.



895|^, per 100 pages,895|-, per 100 pages.

Prices *


896 per 100 pages. ...424:


8964- " " ....-mEach Reg.

No. 893, Style 896, Size 10^x16, Ruled Day Books, Journals, Cash Books,Ledgers, S. E. Ledgers, Records, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 and 800 pages,Price per 1 00 pages 58

No. 8984-, Style 896|-, Size 10ixl6, Ruled Day Books. Journals, CashBooks, S. E. Ledgers, Journals, 3 columns. Records, Ledgers, wholeaccounts, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 and 800 pages. Price per 100 pages, .70

Page 82: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Full Bound Sheep, Russia Ends and Bands, Ruled for Day Books, Journals,

Cash Books, Ledgers, S. E. Ledgers, Records with margin line.

No. 961, size I

Price per100 pages.

1-2 X 14 1-4—300, 400, .fjOO, 600, 700 and 800 pages 55No. 964, size lu 5-8 x 16—300, 400, 500. 600, 700 and 800 pagesNo. 968, size 12x16 1-4—400, 500, 600, 800 and 1,000 pagesNo. 1000, size 12 3-4 x 18 1-4—400, 500, 600, 800 and 1,000 pagesNo. 923, smooth sheep, Russia corners, full bound, broad size, S 1-2 x 13 ;

long size, 7 1-8 x 15 1-8, ruled, Day Books, Journals, Cash Books,Ledgers, Records and Long Day Bonks



Ionic, narrow bill, 12 pound.Ionic, broad bill, 12 pound.

82.22 per ream.2.22 "

Box Paper.In these goods our stock represents a line ranging from 4 cents to Sl-50 per

box, the latter including fancy shapes and styles in plush trimmed of artistic de-signs for the holiday trade.

Lead Pencils.Plain Cedar 30c. gro. reg.7 inch Cedar 35c. " "Rubber Tips 1.10 " "


H-U-. iivo. retr.

82.00 doz. reg.

Page 83: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)




$2.75 gro. leg.


sy.OO gro. reii

ia.Tf) gro. reg.

fmf^m^^^^mmrm.nr,<rvn. r^-g.

<4.()U gro. reg.



$4.00 gro. rec

Page 84: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



s4.Un gro. ivg.

gg—^i ii mil m i l iin iin i

><4 -Jo irro reg

S4.50 gro. reg.


sr).5o gro. reg.

sc.iiO. gro. reg.


Full lines of Easterbrook's, Gilliott's and Spencerian at lowest prices.

Pen Holders,

from 25c. to S4.50 per gross.

Crayon.School, white 12c. gross, net.

col'd >^1.('0

Tailors' ; . • 1 .00


Indelible Inks, Pay&on's $2.00 doz. net.

Stand Inks 2.75 " "





$1.25 per Doz. Net.

Page 85: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)




First quality D, round cornered, 5x7 $ .25 doz.

6x9 35 "6^x10 37i~"

" " 7x11 40 "

8x12 50 "9x13 60 "

Noiseless Covered, Single 5x7 72 "" 6x9 90 "'• 7x11 1.08 •'

'' 8x12 1.26 "Double 5x7 1.44 "

" 6x9 1.80 "" 7x11 2.16 "

" " " 8x10 2.52 "

Slate Peucils.

Common Pointed Flag, Gilt and Soap Stone.

Playing: Cards.

Every pack put up in a good serviceable box. All face cards are printed in

4 or 5 colors, and all are round cornered and indexed.

Plain Edges. Per gross.

Owl $ 4.50

No. 9. Steamboat.—The best Steamboat Card made. A variety of Calico,

Star and Plaid Backs 6.00

No. 11. Arrow.—Special quality. A choice assortment of fine Calico andStar Backs, and two-color Plaids. Excellent value 7.50

No. 1001. Aladdin.—Desirable set pattern backs, and two-color artistic

Plaids. Fancy Backs, printed in Red, Blue, Green and Brown 9.00

No. 22. Rambler.—Superior quality. Unequalled for perfect Slip andFinish. Handsome designs on backs, printed in Red, Blue, etc. Agreat favorite 12.00

No. 33. Apollo.—Highly enamelled. Unequalled for high slip finish, elas-

ticity and durability. Unique backs: Headlight, Baseball, Scroll,

Billiard, etc. Every pack sealed in an inside wrapper 18.00No. 44. Crescent.—Popular Mogul quality. Specially prepared Linen

Stock. Highly artistic backs : Pussy Cat, Pug Dog, Pretty Poll,

Lace, etc. in tinted and white enamel. Every pack sealed in an in-

side wrapper. Wrapper and tuck box, of same tint as back 24.00No. 75. National Club.—The best card made. Pure linen stock and double

enamelled. Unrivalled in all essential features constituting a perfectplaying card. Made expressly for club use. Angel and other superbbacks. Each pack sealed in an inside wrapper, put up in an elegantsubstantial cloth box 72.00

No. 75. National Club (Second Quality).—Limited quantities can be sup-plied our regular customers 24.00

Gold Edges—Only the Finest Gold Leaf Used.No. 10. Steamboat.—See description of No. 9 Steamboat. Tuck box

printed in bronze S12.00No. 12. Arrow.—Quality same as No. 11 Arrow. Tuck box printed in

gold bronze ." 13.50No. 1002. Aladdin.—Quality same as No. 1001 Aladdin. Tuck box printed

in rich gold bronze 15.00No. 23. Rambler.—Quality same as No. 22 Rambler. Tuck box printed

in gold leaf bronze 18.00No. 34. Apollo.—Quality same as No. .33 Apollo. Tuck box printed in

rich gold leaf bronze 24.00No. 45. Crescent.—Quality same as No. 44 Crescent. Tuck box printed

in gold leaf bronze 30.00

Page 86: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Playing Cards.—Cont'd.

Per gross.No. 49. El Dorado.—Variety of illuminated backs, tints and rich gold leaf

bronze. Exquisitely put up in Gold Coin Tuck Box, printed in colorand rich gold bronze. The daintiest card in the market 36.00

No. 76. National Club.—Quality same as No. 75 National Club. Cloth boxstamped in gold 78.00

String Tags.









170 15465 100

143 14270 SO per 1,000

90 1.00 1.15 1.50 1.65 2.00 per 1,000. Less 40,^;

Hook Tags.

Nos. .381







370 354 343 34275 1.50 1.00 1.25 Less 40^.

1.40 1.50 1.65 2.15 2.5(t 3.00 per 1,000. Less 40;

Thompson Tin Tags.

. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

36 40 45 50 60 75 90 per 1,000. Regular.

Kimball's Pin Tags.

All sizes at lowest prices.

Glim Labels.

All sizes, 75c. per box of 12 small boxes.

Whalebone Casing

in white, black, drab and all the popular combinations at 76c., $1.00, $1.25,

$1.50, §1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 perdozen pieces of 9 yards each regular.

Dressnaakers' Belting, good quality in white, black, light and dark slate,

white with blue and scarlet edges, at $2.00 per dozen pieces. Reg.Fancy Satin in white, black and drab, 75c. per piece. Reg.Fancy stripes in six different combinations at 7.5c. per piece. Reg.Very rich striped pattern, beautiful effect, six different colors, $1.00 per

piece. Reg.

Stay Binding.

Nos. 2.

Page 87: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Page 88: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



Something new—cliildrens fine seamless woven waists, all sizes.

Child's waists, corded, one in l)ox, white and drab

Per doz. res

52. oO4.i()


H4i^.Daisy. Minerva. Kacket.

Daisy, Misses' corset, with shoulder strap, corded, embroidered entire length

of corset, sizes 18 to 26, white onlyMinerva, Misses', with shoulder strap, slightly moulded bust, well corded,

embroidered on side steel and front, sizes 18 to 26, white,

Racket, ladies', sateen, four hooks, embroidered entire length, trimmedwith crochet edging, white and drab, sizes 18 to 30

Pearl, corded front, lace trimmed, embroidered front and bust, colors whiteand drab, sizes 1 8 to 30 ,






Erminie. Pearl. Aicher.

Ermiuie, plain French strip, lace trimmed, white, drab and ecru, sizes 18 to 30,Berlin, French sateen, striped, forty cords, high bust, white lace trimmed,

5 hook steel reinforced full length, colors, white, drab and ecru, sizes18 to 30

Archer, double row of cords entire length of corset, fuUv embroidered,perfect bust, white lace trimmed, '62 bones, full length, 5 hook steelreinforced, colors white and drab, sizes 18 to 30 4.50



Page 89: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Corsets.— ConVd.

Roval. Violet.

Royal, Fine French strip, moulded bust, embroidered; white lace trimmed,5 hook reinforced steel, colors white and drab, sizes 18 to 30 4S)i.)

Violet, Extra quality sateen, long waist, 5 hook reinforced steel, 44 cords,moulded bust, wide lace trimming, colors white, drab and old gold,sizes 18 to 30 4.75

Jetuiie, F'uU length waist, 5 hook reinforced steel, embroidered front andside steel and bust, wide lace trimming, colors white and drab, sizes

18 to 26 4..'^0

Chelsea, Long waist, embroidered front and side steel, high bust, fancystitched, 60 cords, 5 liook steel, extension back, colors white and drab,sizes 18 to 30 6.00

Tea Rose. Our Best. Argyle.

Tea Rose, 5 hook reinforced steel, front steel, bust, and side steels fully em-broidered, wide lace trimming, corded, colors white and drab, sizes 18to 30 .00

Dr. Hoyt's Improved elastic side, embroidered front and bust, corded, highbust, lace trimming, 5 hook reinforced steel, colors white and drab,sizes 18 to 30 6.00

Our best, French coutille, embroidered front and bust, all bones, long waist,5 hook reinforced steel, crochet edge trimming, colors white, drab andecru, sizes 18 to 30 6 00

Argyle, French coutille, strip, fancy stitched front and bust, corded, highbust, 5-hook reinforced steel, lace trimmed, colors white and ecru,sizes 18 to 26 7.50

Page 90: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Corsets.—Confd.Per doz. reg.

Dr. Evans' Eureka. Sunbeam.

Dr. Evans' Health, improved elastic side, all bones, .^-hook reinforcedsteel, lace trimmed, long waist, colors white and drab, sizes 18 to 30. . 7.o()

Eureka Nursing, long waist, 5-hook steel, embroidered bust, 62 cords, lacetrimmed, colors white and drab, sizes 18 to 26 9.00

Sunbeam, French coutille, with sateen strips, corded, fancy stitched bustand hips, high bust, wide lace trimming with ribbon, H-liook rein-

forcpd steel, sizes 18 to 30. colors white, drab and ecru 9 0(>

Alctory. Curved Hip. Puritan.

Victory, extra quality sateen, extra long waist, perfect moulded bust, em-broidered, elastic under arms and over hips, lace trimmed, corded,colors white and drab, sizes 18 to 26

S. P. & Co.'s Curved Hip. extra long waist. Shook reinforced steel, wellembroidered, cutaway hips, corded, lace trimming, elastic hip, colorswhite and drab, sizes 18 to 30

Puritan, extra quality sateen, long waist, 5-hook reinforced steel, 70 honeslace trimming, French strip, colors white and drab, sizes 18 to 3n



Woven Corsets: our line represents all the popular goods We carry in

stock :

Jewel, white and drab, sizes 18 to 30 at $ 7.50Gem, white and drab, " " 9.00290 Bone, " " " 12.00Upper Ten Bone, white, " " 13.60500 Bone, " •' '• 15.00800 Bone, " " " 21.00

Page 91: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Corsets — Cont'd. Per floz. leg.

P. C. No. 404. P. C. No. 89. Queen Health.

P. C. No. 404, black, bast boned, riclily trimmed with gold, silk flossingand gold embroidery, sizes 18 to 30 9.00

P. C. No. 89, black, heavily boned throughout including bust, two sidesteels each side, richly flossed top and bottom with gold silk, hand-some rich gold embroidery trimming, 5-hook steel, sizes 18 to 30 15.00

Queen Health, Tampico corset, six pieces, high bust moulded form, fitting

the wearer perfectly without the use of pads, 5-hook steel, extralined, colors white and drab, sizes 18 to 30 9.00

C. B. No. 298. No. 256. Health.

C. B. Ala Spirite, No. 298, extra quality fine jean, heavily boned, 5-hooksteel, handsomely embroidered, trimmed with wide lace and ribbon,perfect in shape and guaranteed to fit, colors white and ecru, sizes 18to 30 9.00

No. 256, coutille, heavily boned throughout including bust, silk em-broidered bottom, side steels on side, strip corset, 5-hook steel,trimmed with crochet edge, colors white and drab, sizes 18 to 30 12.00Dr. Warner's Coraline Health Corsets. The largest sale of any single style

of corset ever made. Awarded highest premiums at all leading fairs and expo-sitions in Europe and America.

The elastic coraline busts are a peculiar feature of the corset which everylady admires, as they always insure an elegant and graceful figure.

Dr. Warner's Health Corset, white or drab, medium length $12.00 per doz.Dr. Warner's Health Corset, white or drab, extra long 12.00 ''

Dr. Warner's Health Corset, black, extra long 15.00 "Dr. Warner's Summer Health Corset (ventilating) "! 12.00 '•

Dr. Warner's Satin Health Corset, all colors 24.00

Page 92: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Corsets.—Con:d.Pel- doz. reg.


Four-iu-Haud. Flexible Hip.

Coraline Corsets. The introduction of coraline as a stiffener

fi)r corsets, by oar firm in 1880, has produced a new era in the corset industry.

We use it in all our best goods, as experience has demonstrated its superiority

to horn, whalebone, reed, or any other material known for this purpose.

The Coraline Corset is a double-thickness corset of excellent jiattern. madeof superior corset jean, and heavily boned with coraline. It is the best value

for a dollar corset ever placed upon the market.Dr. Warner's Coraline Corset, white or drab, medium length 6 9.50 per doz.

Dr. Warner's Coraline Corset, white or drab, extra long 9.50 "Dr. Warner s Black Coraline Corset 9.50 "

Dr. Warner's Summer Coraline Corset (Cold Wave' 9.50 "

Dr. Warner's Four-in-Hand and Flexible Hip' Corsets.—The Four in-Handhas gained steadily in popularity during the past five years, and is a great favor-

ite with many ladies. It is long in front and short on the hips, and for that

reason fits a greater variety of figures than any other corset made.The Flexible Hip Corset is stiffened with horn upon the sides running

around the corset. It is a favorite with ladies whose corsets "break down" over

the hips.

Warner's Coraline Four-in-Hand, white orDr. drab.Flexible Hip,

69.50 per doz.


Nursing Corset. Abdominal. McGraw Abdominal. Misses.

Nursing Corsets.—Dr. Warner's Nursing Corset has long stood at the headin this country both as to quality and sales. Its construction is such that it

gives protection to the breasts, while it can be easily adjusted to afford free ac-

cess to the child in nursing. IS^o mother who lias once tried it will ever use anyother.

Dr. Warner's Health Nursing Corset, white or drab $18.50 per doz.

Coraline " 12.00 *'

Page 93: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Corsets.—ConVd.Per doz. I'eg.

Dr. Warner's Corsets, 444 Black Coraline $13.50Abdominal 15.00McGraw Abdominal 15.00Misses .... 6. 00Ladies' Perfection Waist 9.50Misses 6.00

\\' -1 // ,


Warren. Foy.No. 1 %2.m. No. 2


$3.20Terms, 5 per cent. 30 days, or 6 per cent. 10 days.

Wilson Waist !^4.50 net.Madam Foy's, improved corset and skirt supporter, white and drab jean,

sizes 18 to 36 ' $11.50Madam Warren's Dress Form, made in most correct and substantial man-

nei-, extra loug and long waisted; too well known to the trade to needfurther description. Colors white and drab, sizes 18 to 30 12.00

Duplex B., made of good sateen, double boned, steel in seam, comfortableand elegant, perfectly healthful, most durable corset known to thetrade, colors white and drab, sizes 18 to 30 9.50

Ball's Corsets No. 7 Misses. Sizes 18 to 26 $6.75" 8 Young Ladies. " 18 " 28 8.00

^fesgig. " 4 Abdominal. " 18 " 30 12.00

WW\, ^^ " " " «1 "36 15.00

\ '\ \ I ' M " ^ Nursing. " 18 " .30 12.00\ I

' M "11 Circle Hip. " 18 " 30 9.00^ " 11 " " " 31 " 36 12.00-{ "13 Style B. " 18 " 30 9.00

%v " 13 " " " 31 " 36 12.00, --f\ "16 " A. " 18 " 30 12.00

(i II 'M\ "16 " " " 31 " 36 15.00

y I'l, z-.:^^

" 42 Nursing. " 18 " 30 9.50

^yU*^*^ All the above made in white and drab.BaU. No. 16 in black, red and ecru, and No. 13 in ecru.

No. Kabo.100 Jean, 18 to 30 $ 9.00101 Sateen, IS to 30 12.00103 Jean Extra Long, 18 to 30 9.00105 Sateen " 18 to 30 12.00200 Jean High Bust, 18 to 30 9 00201 Sateen " 18 to 30 12.50

All the above corsets made in white, drab and ecru.

Page 94: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



Money refunded after four week's trial if not satisfactory.

Featherbone Dress Stays.Strong. Elastic. Durable.

Most ecniuwtiail rrer itsed : will not n<st. warj. or

split: not affected by perspiration.

SOLD BY THE YARD.Standard Grade. Black, white and colors. $12.00

])i'r i;ti>ss yards: fl.OO per box, 12 yards.

No. 2 (Jradp. Black, wliite, slate, browii. |6.00]« T Ki"^« yards; 50c. per box, 13 yards.

Silk Covered. Black, white and colors. |16.50 jier

gross yards; |1.37)4 per box, 13 yards.

Satiue Corered. Black, wliite and colors. |9.00per gross yards ; 75c. per box, 13 yards.





for Comfort, Durability, Perfection

of Fit and Material.

Do/, reg.

Misses' $5 00

Young Ladies' 8.50

Ladies' 9.25

Ladies' 11.00

White and Diab. Size 19 to 30.

Sateens.Yonng Ladies' $12.50Ladies' 15.00

White, Urab and Black. Size 19 to 30.

Terms : 5 per cent. 30 days, or 6 per cent. 10 days.

Try Thkm. They are preferred to the Stiff Corsets, as they are more health-

ful and comfortable. Supports Hose and Underwear from the Shoulders, andgives freedom and ease. Buttons front, and Hose Supporters at Hip.

Order sample dozens, and if not entirely satisfactory return at our expense.

Page 95: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Corsets.—Conf d.

Per doz. reg

Tarapico, White and drab, sizes 18 to 3(i !t;-9.00

Dr. Strong's Tricora, white and drab, sizes 18 to 30 9.00

Hercules, Adjustable, Spix'al Spring, live hook steel, colors; while, ilral)

and ecru 15.00



In these goods we are selling only the small ones.

$1.00Crescent, S-2 1.25

Crescent, S-3 1.65

Opera, No. 2 2.00Opera, No. 3 2.00Yalois A 2.00Centennial.Ruby E...


Corset Steels.




Giant Sateen,


Spoon Busk,





One inch wide back4 hook,5 hook,4 hook,5 hook,4 hook,5 hook,

white and drab.

white and drab.


Per gross$5.506.00





Hose Supporters.Silk Webs, in white, black,

blue, baby blue, pinkorange and old gold.

White cotton web.

Gross reg.

No. 0, Ladies' Yielding Belt, and attaching pad. ..$40.00 grossNo. 1, Ladies' Gored Belt '. ..27.00 " $108.00 '•

No. 10, Ladies' Conforming Belt 42.00 " 150.00 "No. 4, Children's, patent safety loop at top 11.00 " 27.00 "No. 5, Misses' Patent Safety Button loop at top. . 16.00 " 36.00 ••

No. 20, Ladies' Patent Safety Button Loop at top. 20.00 " 48.00 '

No. 21, Ladies double top with pin button loops. 30.00 " 69.00 '

No. 30, Babies' two catch patent safety loop 15.00 " 35.00 '•

No. 40, Babies' one catch, patent safety loop at top. 10.50 " 27.00 '•

No. 7, Ladies' Shoulder Brace 33.00No. 8, Misses' " " 30.00No. 9, Children's " " 27.00No. .50, Boys' Garment and hose supporter combined 54.00 "

No. 60, Girls' Garment and hose supporter combined 54.00 "

No. 70, Ladies' Garment and Hose Supporter com -

bined 64.00 "Discount 16 2/3^ Regular.

Lindslay's Patent Clasp Hose Supporters. Per gross reg.

P. Ladies' Belts $ 36.00

A. Ladies' with loop or pin top 24.00B. Young Ladies' with loop or pin top 21.00C. Misses' with loop or pin top 18.00

C. Babies' with loop or pin top, single strap 13.50

Page 96: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Lindslay's Hose—ConVd.Per gross reg.

D. Babies' with loop or pin. single strap 12.00No. 7. Ladies' shoulder brace, 45.00No. 8, Misses' shoulder brace, .' 36.00No. 9, Children's shoulder brace, 33.00

Imperial. Discount 25 ;?.

No. 1, Ladies' Gored Belt, § 27.00No. 4, Children's patent safety button loop at top, 11.00No. 5, Misses' " " " " " 16.00No. 20. Ladies" " " " '• " 20.00No. 30, Babies' " " " " " (Two catches) 15.00No. 40. Babies' " " " " " (One catch) 10.50No. 7, Ladies' shoulder brace, 33.00No. 8, Misses' shoulder brace, 30.00No. 9, Children's shoulder brace, 27.00

Dress Stays.

Broadway, pinked edges, all sizes, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 inch in white, drab,

lack, brown, blue, cardinal and old gold 8 .37i

French, cloth covered with eyelet, black, white and drab, Lennox. ])iiik-

ed edges, all sizes, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 inch, and all colors .85

Srar, sateen covered, capped end. pinkrd pdnos. all sizes and color.s... 1.12-i

Perfection, pinked edge, watei i-umf -!( , 1. all <nl(irs ami ?^izfs 1.20

Ever Eeady, metal tipped, waterproof steels, all sizes 1.75

Per box reg.

Sateen, put up in boxes of 25 sets each 2.76

Satin, all colors and sizes.

Satin, in sets, all colors and sizes.

Per gross, reg.

Twin, In all colors, fancy stripes, eyeleted end, assorted sizes 2.25

Coraline, in all sizes and colors, -'.25

Featherbone, No. 2, Per Gross Yards 6.00

Sateen, " 9.00

Standard, " 12.00

Silk, " 16.00

In all colors.

T^gths Full Standard French Horn, sizes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and12, Black, at lowest market jjrices.

Blonde, " " "

Full Weight Standard Whalebone, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8,

Inches, 18. At lowest market prizes guaranteed.24. " '•

27. " "30. " "

Rubber Bone, 1-4, 5-16,

36 inch. At lowest market prices.

Coraline, 36 inches long, all colors, ft5. 00 gross reg.

Page 97: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Shoe Laces.

Full Stock of Fletcher's Shoe and Corset Laces, lowest prices.

Round Glazed, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4,

18c. 20c. 25c. 30c. per gross.Porpoise Laces, $8.50 per gross.

Leatiier Laces, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4,

35c. 50c. 50. per hundred.

Corset Laces.

Red Bank, 2 2 i 3 Yards.40c. 50c. 57ic. per gross reg.

Single, 76c. 80c. "Liou, 90c.

Round Linen $2.50 $3.00 " "Flat Linen, 2.00 2.60Elastic X, White and Black, 3.00Elastic XX, " " " 3.50




We keep a large and complete

assortment always in stock.

Page 98: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)




l&f^^ PAIRS

Page 99: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)





TiKde supplied bi/





'WATERLOO" SHAWLS.All "Waterloo" Shawlsare guaranteed to bestrictly all wool.



Patterson & Greenough.TRADE SUPPLIED BY

S^ST^TEETSEK,, IFEJynBKOOIK: &; CO.See page 13 and 13 for details.

Page 100: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



Terms, Net 30 days.

In this department we make all kinds of shades to order, and we give a

list of a few of the more staple styles of which we always have a large stock,

made up on hand, 6 feet x 3 feet, and quote you prices which include the shadescomplete ready for hanging.

Holland, with fringe in colors.

Lt. Ecru. White, Nile, Lt. Sage, Spanish Olive, Tan, Stone, Slate, Lt.

Olive, Olive, Red, Blue, Brown and Green, at $3.2o per doz.Holland, with 12 inch gold dadoed border in colors as above, at |3.25 per


Superfine Holland with wide iridescent flocked design in colors, Nile,Spanisii Olive, and Buff, at 83.50.

Opaque shades in three of the most popular shades of Olive Green.Lot No. 1.—Wide scroll dadoed opaque, $4.2.': per doz.

Lot No. 2.—Extra wide flocked, small flower design, $4.50 per doz.

Lot No 3.—Double Print Diagonal Gold Band, flocked and gold variegated,opaque, $5.50 per doz.

Lot No. 4.—Opaque, Grape Leaf, Crescent pattern, entirely new and tasty.

$5.76 per doz.

Lot No. 5.—3 print Pansy Button with interwoven design, opaque, $6.25per doz.

Lot No. 6.—Our "Emblem;" one of the handsomest designs ever put onthe market in popular priced goods. This is a reproduction of a hanging flowerbasket, consisting of roses, pansies, ivy, ferns, making an effective combinationon opaques. Price, $7.50 per doz.

Plain opaques with fringe, at $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $7.50, $8.00.


Tliis is tlie STANDARD Clotl^ for Window Sl^ades.

MIISETTO WINDOl^ SHADES, dado, plain and fringed.

Mounted complete, ready to hang.

Artistic, beautiful and durable.

MINETTO SPRING ROLLERS, of our own make, are

Acknowledged by the Trade to be

The best Shade Rollers made.

Minetto Goods arc sold by the Trade and have an unrivalled reputation.


Always in stock, IVIINETTO, N. Y.


Page 101: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Worsted Picture Cord.

Put up one ball in box. Colors : scarlet, crimson, blue and green.No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5

Price per ball. Reg 20c. 25c. 30c. 4nc. 50c.

Solid Braided Cotton Line.

No. 4, unbleached and drab Gross, Reg. §2.00All other colors '' •' 2.50

Per box of 12 pieces of 16 yards.Colors, maroon, olive, Spanish olive, blue, scarlet, unbleached, brown, cardi-

nal and drab.

Ball AVindow Cord.

All colors, 75 cents per dozen balls. Reg.

Wire Picture Cord.

Sizes, Reg. 0.

Page 102: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Patent " Efficient" Bracket.

Cut. No. I shows (lie bracket, used in (he oidiiuiry wav

Cut No. 2 shows liow, by merely puttino- the spear end of the roller in the

round-hole bracket, it becomes practically no-pawl roller as the spear lies on its

side and the pawls cannot engage.

Cut No. 8 shows it used as an inside bracket by putting the base of the

bracket to the ceiling, with the round-hole bracket and spear end of the roller onthe left.

The same cut shows it used as a ceiling bracket by screwing the base of the

bracket to the ceiling, instead of fastening the bracket to the side of the window-frame as in the inside bracket.

This cut shows the patent "Efficient "' bracket full size.

Spriiij'' Stop Rollers.



1 inch :? feet 6 inches long $14.50]i '• ....:5 " G " " 22.00

4 ' .. 4 " ',' 22..'50

li •' ....4 " 6 " " 27.00

]i " .....') " " 32.00

VVhen li-inch rollers are ordered, and no length specified, 4 feet will be sent.

Page 103: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Wood Rollers.—ConVd.


For use on long shades in fine retail trade.

PEK GROSS.li inch 3 feet 6 inches long $20.00

li " ...A " " 20.50When l^-inch rollers are ordered, and no length specified, 4 feet will be sent.

THE "PE0PLi:'8."

For Short Shades.PER GROSS.

\l inch 3 feet 6 inches long $10.00Special prices furnished in lots of 10, 25 oi- 100 gross of rollers at one time.Nevius & Havilmd's patent "Efficient" bracket supplied without extra

charge with the '• Efficient" and Vermont Rollers.Fifty cents extra will be charged when 1-inch rollers are packed with brass

cap ends instead of iron ends ; and 15 cents when 1^-inch rollers are so packed.Brass cap end, 75 cents per gross for || and 1-inch, and $1.00 for l|-inch,

when ordered separately.

"Efti«i«Mit " Till KolhMs.

l_^ By regular packing, not only economy is reached, but damage in ship-ment is i>revented by the uniformity of sizes in the same box. With a little careyou can make your order so as to obtain the deduction.

f-inch diameter, for sleeping cars, parlor cars and general passenger cars,

also for store doors. Made up to 4 feet long.

EACH2 feet 2 inches long and under $ .402 feet 4 inches and over 48

linch diameter, made to 4 feet in length, and suitable for shades 9 feet long.Varying by 2 inch lengths from 12 to 48 inches.2 feet 2 inches and under $ .35Over 2 feet 2 inches 40

l^-inch diamfter, made up to 5 feet long, and suitable for shades 12 feet long.In assorted lengths, like the 1-inch rollers.

2 feet 2 inches long and under $ ,402 feet 4 inches to 4 feet 48Over 4 feet 60

40 per cent, discount.An allowance of 25 cents per case ($1.00 a gross) is allowed when these rollers

are packed in quarter-gross cases, 36 of one size and j)rice in a case.

l|-inch diameter, made from 2 feet to 6 feet long, and suitable for shades 12feet long. In assorted lengths, varying every 2 inches.

EACH4 feet long and under $ .604 feet 2 inches to 5 feet 80Over 5 feet 1.00

Ij-inch diameter, made from 2 feet to 9 feet, and suitable for shades up to 12feet. In assorted lengths, varying every 2 inches.

EACH4 feet long and under $1.004 " 2 inches to 5 feet 1.125 " 2 " 6 " 1.206 " 2 '• 7" 1.307 " 2 " 8 " 1.40Over 8 feet 1,50

40 per cent, discount.

Page 104: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


" Efficient " Tin Rollers.— Cont'd.

An allowance of $2.00 a gross will be made when the 1^ and If-inch rollers

are packed in qnarter-gross cases, '6Q rolleis of one diameter in a case.

2:i-inch diameter, made from 6 feet to any required lengtli, not over 12 feet.

For heavy shades6 feet and over, per foot ?^ .40

3i-inch diameter, made from 7 feet to any reqnired length. For extra longand heavy shades7 feet and over, per foot ^ .70

40 per cent, discount.

Special rollers made for maps and awnings. We will make tin rollers of all

sizes and lengths for any special work. Extra discount in large lots.



The demand for Dress Buttons has been constantly on the

increase, so that now the article has really come back " to stay," and

has again become as it were a staple article as well as a necessity.

We carry an enormous stock of PEARL, METAL, JET, CROCHET,


word, everything wanted and desirable can be found in our stock

adapted to

Ladies' Misses' CMldren's Boys' and Men's Wear,

and at the lowest guaranteed prices. This Department ire make one

of our specialties.


Page 105: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


BUTTON DEPARTMENT.Agate, plain white..

Price per gross. Re^








Gapnelle, white $0.37*Printed, fancy assorted colors. 1.05"Solid colors, assorted 75Broad band, assorted 1.75Two rim. assorted I.75

Tj , ,^''^p per Sreat gross.

Perle Agate 73c. 74c. 76c.PJ-'^in Sic. 82c. 85c.^'"i^ele- S5c. 88c. 90c.^"'"'I'f'let 85c. 88c. 90c.

Per great gross.



20. 30.

90c. -SI. on30




Two hole, mineral 10


























greenlT'prnk.^''''^''"' ^'^^* brown;dlrk brown,Tight blue, Sk £^Zb,

Perle Ball Agate .5 7 9

Co,„., »aHe,, silve,-, cream, lem"„, white, Mack, mafgafn^tXh, SSPearl Dress.

^"os le 18 2( 22 24 26

super pattern (Cup),

18, 20^ '22'.

No. 20, iialf fine, super pattern, on silver cardNo. 25, f fine, super pattern, on silver cardNo. 30, fine, super pattern, on silver card.No. 35, super fine, super pattern, on silver cardNo. 40, extra super fine,

silver cardsNo. 45, smoked, cup nattern, sizes

24. 26, 28, 30. .'

No. 50, natural black, cup pattern. ........!!.'



No. 55, super quality, natural black, cup pattern

Ball Pearl.In i Ball, i Ball and Tall Ball.14, 16, 18 line, at lowest price.

Pearl ShirtAt 7.5c, 85, 90, $1.00, 1.10, 1.25, 1..50 and 2.00 per gross.

Rubber Buttons.Vest, Coat and Overcoat Size. 12 different patterns,

per gross. Reg.

subject to fluctuations.

55 7060 8065 8575 90



Imitation Rubber Buttons.Vest, Coat and Overcoat Size. 10 different Patterns.

60 per gross. Reg.40

Page 106: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Covered Vest, Coat and Overcoat Buttons.

French Lasting. Prices per gross.

Nos. 20, 22, 24, 26,

Price, 44c, 48c, 50c, 54c,

French Lasting, extra silk black.

75c, 84c, 95c,

Nos. 22,

144. Diagonal 30c,

53. Diagonal 60c,

38. Diagonal 85c,

19. Diagonal 85c,

Cachemere 95c,

No. 145. Basket P:ittern 45c,




70c, $1.00,
















1 25,





















Vest,Diagonal Pattern, with rubber rim $1.50,

Basket " " " " 2.50,

Fine Silk Basket Pattern, suitable for ladies' or chil- 24dren's wear $1.35Colors: Light drab, drab, slate, blue, brown and black.

Worsted, colored diagonal tailor's buttons, 22 line, black and all colors

Silk, colored diagonal tailor's buttons, 22 line, black and all


Pants Buckles.Price per gross. Ruf^.

Japanned 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 45c, 55c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25Silvered, same price as above.Brass 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25

Four Row, pat. spring 75 cents

Six Row, patent Spring 85 cents

Wood Button Molds.20, 28, 30, 32,

45. ro, 55, 60,

At lowest prices.

Metal Dress Weightsd styles.













,35 cents

52A cents

per gross

l^er grossper dozenper dozen

36 line

70 line

Tti til .pnl.-

Hand Snap Buttons.



J. p. Noyes&Co.,Silvered. .


Scoville ThumbJapannedSilvered

Press Buttons, Brass. .50






13ati'hi'll(jr Screw Buttons, put up one dozen in box, price .60 cents per doz. boxes.Magic, put up one dozen in box, price $1.80 per dozen boxes.'land Button, pant and drawer supporter, three dozen in box, price $1.75.

Page 107: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Shoe Buttons.

Best Preach Goods, Sizes 3f, 4, 4^, 75c great gross.

Pants Buttons.Per great gross.

Fly size Pants size.

22 line. 27 line.

Japanned Metal $ .55 great gross S -65 greatBrass Standard quality 90

' " 1.00 '

Silvered, Standard quality 90 '• l.oo

Japanned " " 90 '• 1.00

Heavy Bar, for tailors. Japanned. ... 1.75 " 2.00Brass 1.75 •' 2.00

Black Horn, (pialityB 60 •• .65" A 1.85 •• .90

Bone, Black, q uality A 1 .35 " ] .65

Bone, Wliite, quality A 1.35 '• 1 .65

Bone, White, Stud Back 1.50 " 1.75


Common Width, S. tine" " S. S. fine, extra quality

Medium Width and Thickness, Superiorquality S. S


Per dozen.

11, 12,

Lowest prices.

3Horn Combs.

Raw Horn Dressing, Heavy one inch teeth, per doz..

Length.. 5 in, 6^, 6, U, 7, 7iPrice.... 45. 50, 60, 70, SO, 900"! doz. reg.

Raw Horn Dressing, Heavv, 1^ inch teeth.

Length.. 5," 5A, 6, 6^, 7, 7^, S, &J

Price. . ...50, 6'o, 70, 80, 90, 1.05, 1.20, 1.35 doz. reg.

^^ 1 iiiiiiiiiii/

Raw Horn Dressing, extra weight back, li inch teeth.Length 6^, 7, 7i, 8, 8iPrice 90, 1.00, 1.25, 1.35, 1.45 doz. reg.

Horn Barber Combs, coarse and fine, 7 inch !? .75 doz rer" " 7i " 85 " "

it .,... ....

Clear Horn Dressing, 1 inch teeth.

Length. 5, 5^, 6, 6^, 7, 7t^, 8Price....13.25, §3.75, $4.25, $4.75, $5.25, $5". 75, $6.25 gross reg.

Page 108: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Horn Combs.—ConVd.

Clear Horn, Swedge Back, Heavy Dressing,Length.. 5, 5i, 6, 6^, 7, 7*, 8.

Price 50c, 6Uc, 70c, 80c, 90c, 81. oo 81. 10 per doz. le^

Clear Horn, Crooked Back,Length 7, 7i, 8.

Price 75c, 85c, 95c per doz. reg.


Decorated Tube, Black Horn Dressing,Length 4, 5, 6^, 6, 6^, 7, 7iPrice. . ..*2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $3.75, $4.00, $4.50 gross reg.

S C. Noyes & Co.'s extra quality hand-carved teeth, heavy nickel back dressingcombs.

Nos. Gross Reg.

355.3-4 inch teeth, 5 1-2 inches long $ 8.50360.3-4 " " 6 " 9.75

365.4-4 •' " 6 1-2 '* 10.75370.3-4 " " 7 " 12.00'

375.3 4 " " 7 1-2 " 13.50380.3-4 " " 8 " 15.00455.1 " " 5 1-2 " 9.50460.1 " " 6 " 11.00465.1 " " 6 1-2 " 12.00470.1 " " 7 " 13.00475.1 " " 7 1-2 " 15.00480.1 " " 8 " 16.503370 3-8" " 7 " C. & F. Barber... 12.50

3375 38" " 7 1-2 •• " 13.50

0370 3-8" " 7 " All Coarse Barber 12.50

0375 3-8" " 7 1-2 " " " 13.50

3470 1-2" " 7 " C. &F. Barber... 12.50

3475 1-2" " 7 1-2 " " 13.500470 1-2" " 7 " All coarse 12..50

0475 1-2" " 7 1-2 " " 13,50

1570 3 4" " 7 " Metal guard tooth 12.50

7760 3-4" " 6 " " " 10.50

7770 3-4" " 7 " " " 12.50

600 " " 3 " Redding 5.50

6.50 " " 3 1-2" " 5.50675 " " 4 " " 5.50

Price per gross regular.

X. L. R. Sup(!rior quality nickel back, clear horn dressing.

6, 6 1-2, 7, 7 1-2, 8.

?.00 8.75 9.60 10.26 11.00 per gross.

Clear horn dressing, heavy nickel back, nickel guard teeth.

6, 7.

$9.00 $10.00 per gross.

Page 109: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Nickel-Back Dressing Comis.-

AU Metal Dressing Combs, 4.

1 inch wide $6.751 1-4 inches wide

Clear Horn Wide Back, Plantation,

Raw Horn, 1 inch teeth, Plantation,


$4.003 1-2, 4,

$4..'iO 6.00Raw Horn, 1 1-4 inch teeth, Plantation, s7.25

100 Clear Horn Pocket, in sliding cases, at $3 per gross.

C. B. Crooked Back Pocket, Clear Horn in sliding cases640, Clear Horn, Nickel Back, $4 per gross.

645, Clear Horn, Nickel Back, $4.50 per gross.Siamese Pocket, $6.50 per gross.

Horn Fine Combs, 10, 11,

Fine $3.25 3.75Superfine 3.50 4.00


Page 110: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Rtibher C»mbs.—ConV (J.

S7.50 per s8.5U per '^y-OO per No. 84.

!^U.-J5 per gro.

No. 85.

^y.-J5 per groS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB

3i, sl.C'O per gr

4,' $4.90 "

44, $5.25 '•

No. 124.

S9.50 per gro.

No. 3861.

Qh, ST.OO per gro.

N(,. ;ili:i.

7. ^9.00 per gro.

7i, S10.50 per gro,

8,' i^lL.'iO per gro

No. 394. 7 inch.

7, .si 0.50 per gro.

S, S12

milNu. Iji'i. li iuch.

!? 10.01 1 per gio.

No. 1.50, .s 12.00 per gro.•' 151, ^14..^- 1.52. .si ('...")()

" 2.50, $11.25

No. ir,(i. .' iiu-ii.

5, s.-).75 per gi

.5+, 0.15

5. $7.25 per gro.

8. $9 per gro.

No. 3!t4.

7. $10.50 per grt).

8, $12

No. O.V:.

12.50 per gro.

8. sl-J.OO per gro.

Page 111: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ruhher Combs.—GonVd.

<, x\->.V'l>'

No. 3:,4. VU-uch.

S14 pel-glo.

No. 388. 8 inch.

8, $35 per gro.

9, $41

No. Mill. 8J inch.

5^42. r)0 per gro.

Ao. an.8, .sl8 per- gro.

Xo. 8:.o. 6! inch.

S-.>(l pel' ovo.

No. 976-9.

8, $39 }ier gro.

9, $45

No. 377. 9 ;

S, s4:! per gro.

9, $50

Page 112: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Jflibber Combs.—Cont'd.


Page 113: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Rubber Combs.—Cont'd


No. 140.

10, $8.70 per gi

11, $9.5012, $10.25 "

13, $11.00 '^

14, $11.50 "

15, $12.25 '•

16, $13.00 '•

$11.00 per gr


Nankeen Dolls.PRICES, NET.

fGlnzed Heads, Painted Hair, Eyes, Shoes and Stockings.No. 2015/1 2015/2 2015/3 201.5/4 2015/5 2015/6Length inches. 7 7i 8 9 10^ 11

Per dozen H5 40 55 65 75 852015/7 2015/8 2016/9 2016/10 2015/11 2015/12 2015/13 2015/14 2015/16

Length in. 12 13 14 14i 15^ 16 17 18* 19iPer doz. 1.10 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.85 2.00 2.25 3.50 4.00

Washable Dolls.

Glass eyes, assorted styles hair dressing, embroidered shirt andlace collar, painted shoes and stockings.

3035/.-^5 3035/38 3035/41 3035/45 4438/50 4438/56 4438/62 4438/6')

14 16 16i m 20 81 24 26

0.85 1.10 1.35 1.65 2.00 3.00 3.75 4.50With tinted gauze chemise (pink and bine), broad ruffled lace trimming and

lace collar to match.— Entirely new and big seller.

No 10/46 10/51 10/59 10/61 10/66 10/72 10/78Length in. 18 21 22 25 26* 28 29Per doz... 1.85 3.00 3.50 4.50 6.00 7.00 8.00Kidbody Dolls.

Half Kidbody, bisque head and flowing hair, lace trimmed chemise, real

shoes and stockings.

No 79/28 79/33 16 80/36 80/42 160/43 81/50Length in. 11 12* 14 15 17 17* 20Per doz... 1.85 2.25 2.75 3.75 5.00 6".50 9.00

Page 114: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Wax Dolls.Glass eyes, assorted styles hair, embroidered chemise, painted shoes and

stockings.No 555 557 502 503 r-04 801/47 1593/46Length in. 10 11 12i 14 16* 17* 18Perdoz... 40 50 65 85 l.lO 1.50 1.75

No 1593/50 1593/58 1593/66 1593/71Length in. 19* 22 26 27Perdoz... 2.00 2.25 3.50 4.00

Jointed Dolls.Bisque turning heads, flowing hair ; from 4201/35 with fancy trimmed

chemise and double joints.

No 606/21 506/25 4201/35 4667/42 308D/2/45 5502Length in. 8* 10 14 17 17 17|

better finish, fine qualityPerdoz... 75 1.25 2.00 4.00 G.OO 8.60Wood Joiuted Dolls.

(New patent.) Is all wood, can be given any position, length lU inches, perdozen $2.00.

Dressed Dolls.Washable dolls, dressed in tinted gauze, trimmed with flowered calico and

lace, real shoes and stockings, bonnets to match.No 563/34 5f3/41 563/46 563/54 563/58 563/61Length in. Hi 17 19 22 23 25Perdoz... 2.00 3.6(t 4.00 6.50 7.50 9.00

Dressed Dolls, Various. Per Doz.No. 12695/26 Jointed dolls, assorted styles. dres.sed in satin

with capes and bonnets to match, length 10*inches, remarkable value $2.00

No. 12802/30 Jointed, dressed in long woolen Kate Green,away frocks, bonnets to match, length 11*inches, very cute 4.00

No. 4312H/2i Kidbody doll, in elaborate costume of silk,

satin, lace, &c., length 19 inches 9.00

No. 3065H/36 Jointed, in handsome tennis costume, elegantlyfinished, length 14^ inches 9.00

Dressed Rubber dolls, with fancv worsted costumes.No 8265 8260 8267 8268 8269 6101

Length in. 6 7 8* 9i 11 13

Perdoz... 1.10 1.65 2.00 3.50 C>M 8.50

China Cups and Saucers.With assorted, hand-painted decorations ; the last No. "Moustache."

No 321/45 a56 980 870Per Dozen .75 $1.10 $2.00 $2.00

China Mugs.


880 Floral decorations and gilt rim : height 2^ inches 40

885 Assorted fancy decorations, with gilt motto ; height 2* inches.


75893 Fully tinted, with hand-painted floral designs and gih motto


height 3i inches 2 00China Tea Sets.—Each nicely packed in a display box.


955 Contains 2 cups, 2 saucers, teapot, 'cream pitcher, decorated;

size of box, 3x4Four cups, 4 saucers, teapot, cream pitcher, .sugar bowl, deco-

rated ; size of box, 4 1-2x6 1-2

Page 115: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


China Tea Sets.— Cont'd.

Per doz.970 Six ciii)s, (3 saucers, teapot, cream jiitclier, sugar bowl, nicely

decorated ; size of box, 6 1-2x10 1 65980 Six cups, 6 saucers, teapot, cream pitcher, sugar bowl, 6 plates,

assorted decorations ; size of box, 9x11 ; very goodquarter arlicJe 2 00

Bisque Figures, painted and decorated in handsome colors.

NoT6109 Boys and girls, assorted costumes, height 4i inches 406065 " " comic designs, Grandjia and Grandma, with spec-

tacles;great favorite ; height 5^ inches 75

'2(10 Boys and girls in 3 different characters, handsomely decoiated;

best ever offered at ; height 8 inches 2 009948 Baseball players in various positions, superior tinish ; height

9A inches ':. . 4 00

Glass Vases, witii assorted, hand-painted and burnt in floral and leaf

decorations; handsomely finished.

No 565/t) ' 490/6 578/8 385/8 1-2 465/1


Height, in 6 1.2 6 8 1-4 9 11

Per Dozen 60 .75 $1.10 §1.75 $2.00

Tin Toys. Per Doz.No. 'iW Horses, dogs and sheep, assorted size 2|x4 in. .37" 76 Same with young, assorted size 4x6^ .75" 180 Horses, dogs and elephants, assorted size

6ix9 .*1.35

" 51 Same with young, assorted size 6^x9^ l.t!5

Tin Ranges.Double decked, with cooking utensils and baking oven.

No 8(.0/0 800/1 800/2 800/3 800/4Size in. . 3x7 4x8^ 5x9^ 5^x12 6Axl4Per doz.. 1.75 2.50 4.00 6.00 9.00

Tin Kitchens.Painted in bright colors, with range and cooking utensils. From No. 101

upward with pumps.No 10 16 4*Size in ...


3^x4^ .5x7 7Axl2Per doz... .37 .75 2.00

Tin Kitchen Sets. 5Size of box, inches 3i^ x 4^Number of pieces 12.

Per dozen 35

Musical Tin Tops, painted in bright, striking colors.


No.. 5495/2 5496/6 5496/7Diameter, in... 4 4| 5Per Dozen.. .40 .75 $1. 10

Fancy Rattles.

No. Per doz.6570. Painted and gilt, in light colors, with wood handle and whistle, 4

bells. Length 7 3-4 in , $ .356562. Nickel and painted, Lopshape, assorted, col'd wood handle and

whistle, length 7 1-2 in. A " Rattling" dime seller indeed 756459. Bright gilt, cymbal shape, with 8 bells and beads, assorted styles,

wood handles and whistles. Length, 9 1-2 in 1.756461. Double Rattle with 3 bells and beads, assorted stylss, very attrac-

tive colors, wood handles with whistles. Length, 11 in'.

1.75Tin Trumpets. Gilt and painted in bright colors, assorted styles, in porcelain



Page 116: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



Page 117: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Wooden Box Toys.—ConVd.

No. 61.—Locomotive and 2 cars, containing 20 picture blocks, Igth. 28 in

Wooden Steamboats No. 82^, Igth. 14 in.

" T2\. " 20 •'

Embossed Alphabet Blocks ; in paper boxes.



Contents of box.


Size of boxPer dozPicture Blocks.

No.Size of box, inch..

Number of blocks.Per doz.

No. 87.

6 Hat blocks.

4x3 1-2


In boxes.20

3 1-2 x 6 1-2



18 flat blocks. 12 cube blocks. 10 cube blocks5x5 4 1-2x5 1-2 5x5.75 $1.25 §2.00

With Fancy Lithographed Pictures.72 76 88 230

4x8 1-2 7 1-2x8 8x11 8x22.6 6 9 18

.75 $1.25 $1.85 $4.00

Telescope Blocks.No. 509 1-2. Six blocks

;Illustrated, Total height. 32 in.

508. Seven " " " 40 "

Is. Ten " " " 62 "

Per doz.

Tool Chests.No. 10

Length of Chest, inchs. Q^Per doz 75

Ten Pins.5 in. stained6 " polished and striped7 "

8 "





Building Blocks, hardwood, plain and colored, assorted, with columns, sqr&c.


Page 118: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



Picture Blocks.—Cont'd.

Surprise Boxes. All covered with fancy colored paper. Figureswith spring and voice.

No. Per doz.

.38. With bearded Indians 8 .35

44. " " " Exceptionally large, standipg 8 in.

high, when open 75

200. 3 styles, assorted, with dressed figure. Tin Clowns,Dog with hat and spectacles, etc 2.00

Monkeys on Stick.

NoLength, inches.

Per dozSupple Jacks.

NoLength, in

Per doz









Papier Mache Donkeys.NoLength, inchesPer doz

—On platfonn, with wheels, nodding head.74 76 78 121315 7 9 8 with voice

.35 .75 $1.75 $1.75

Clapping Figures, fancy dressed, with voices; assorted styles, movable.


No.... 211 212 300 dft.

Length, in Si 14 16^Per Dozen 35 .75 $'2.00

Bellow Toys, made of papier mach*' ; birds and animalsorted in box.

No ...


9064 9066 6

Per Dozen .35 .75 $1.75

Bellow Heads, papier mache, double faced, laughing and crying.

No 347 5002/2 5002/5Per Dozen .35 .75 $1.75

Plush Animals. Per doz.No. 1, Monkey on Rubber String, length, (i in 40c"2, " " " " 10 in 75c"3, '• " " " 15 in 2 00" 25, Dog on Wheels, length, 7 in 2.00

Hair Horses, on platform, with iron wheels, saddle and bridle.—No 205/0 205/1 205/3 205/5

Height, in 6| Si 11 14Per Dozen $2.00 $4.00 $6.50 $9.00

Boys' Whips. Fancy Colored, 1 dozen .\ssorted on Card, witli Lash and Whistie, real "Crack" lines.

No. 6579 0581 6582Length without lash, inches 22 26 33Per doz 35 .75 $1.25

Boys' (inns.No. Per doz.584/1. To shootstick. length 21 inches $ .7628/Ow. " Paper caps, length 26 in 1.5023 B. " " " With bayonet, length 32 in 1.75'^Eureka." REPEATING GUN, just pateiited. shoots 30 or 40 peas or pel-

lets in succession. An immense seller. Length, 42 in 2.00Air Rifles Chicago. King. Impr. Plymoutli. Impr. Stanley.Length inches 33 33 24 32Per doz $8.oo $10.50 $15.00 $18.00

Page 119: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Accordeons.No. Per doz.

120/6. 6 Key, 2 Bass keys $6.00120/8. 8 " 2 " 8.00

107/8. 8 " 2 " 1 Stop 10.501107. T. B/ 10. 10 "2 " 1 " with Trumpets 13.50


100/8 High legs, open front and single cover, eight; notes,10x7 1-2x8 1-2 inches 4 00

104/15 same, with 15 notes. 16 1-2x10 1-2x9 8 00114/8 Upright, 8 notes, 10x9 1-2x8 4 75114/12 " 12 " 14x111-2x8 8 50114/15 " 15 " 16 1-2x111-2x8 1-2 10 50

Toy Banjos.No". Per doz.8." Wood Rim, diameter 8 in $2.007." " with 4 brass brackets, diameter 7 in 4.00283. Red, metal rim, with 4 brass brackets, 6 1-2 in 6.25294. Nickel Rim, with 4 " " 7 1-4 in 8.00Toy Violins (with Bows). Nicely polislied and of perfect shape

;packed one

piece in a case.

No 1846. ES 1825L/3 1825M/7Length inches 16 1-2 18 21Per doz $2.00 $4.00 $^.00Tambourines. Maple Rim ; Varnished ; Tacliheads ; all but first skin-covered.

No Toy. 7 inch. 10 inch.Per doz 75 $2.00 $3.50Xylophones (on cord). Per doz.

Plain, 15 bar $4.00" 22 " 9.00

Professional, No. 16J, maplewood, 8 bar 4.00" 16J^, " 15 " 6.75

Metallophones.No. Per. Doz.

814/14 with 14 bronzed keys, each in box $ 753013/10 " 10 nickel keys, and music 2 003013/15 "15 " " 3 75

Card Games.No. Per doz.301 . 6 kinds, assorted, size of box 4 x 5 in $ .75

306. 6 " ". " 4 1-2x6 in 1.75

51. Object Lotto " 5x81-2" ] .75140. 6 kinds, assorted " 5x9 " 3.50

233. Game of Merry Christmas, board game size of box 7 x 13 4.00536. Improved Fish Pond " 8x18 4.00Toy Books. Colored Illustrations.

No. Per doz.52. JoyfulTales. 6 kinds assorted. Size 6 x 9 1-2 $.4078. Circus Fun 4 " "7x10 7599. Christmas Eve Series, 3 kinds assorted, " 8x11 80128. Funny Hour Series, 6 " " '• 9x11 ] .00

Tov Shape Book.>*. Cut to Shaiie. A novelty.


166 1-2. Baby A. B. C. Size 10 x 12 . $2.00170 i-2 Around the World with Sta. Claus. Size 10 x 12 2.00

" Only a Doll ;" '• Baby Land ;

" '' Sta Claus Letter."Size. 4 1-2x11. 7 1-2x8. 6 3-4x10. 3.50"Red Riding Hood;" "Cinderella;" "Robinson Crusoe;" size,

9 1-2 X 12 3.50" Birds' A. B. C." ; "Circus" ;

" Cuckoo Clocks "; size, 10 x 12 4,00

Page 120: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Transparent Slates—Each with 6 sheets of instructive pictures for cliildren to

draw through.B. F. H. K. M.

Size, inches 4,',x5| G^x? TJxS 8|^x9| 9|xl2Per doz 'S5 .75 ^i.OO Sl.fK) $2.00

Piiint Boxes, with fancy pictures, containing water color paints, cups and brushes.No 40o5 4568 4556 5003Size of box 4^x6^ 5x9 6x11 6x12^Number of Colors 18 16 16 12 each ina dish.

Per doz 35 .62 .85 s2.0()

Rubber Balls—Inflated, painted.

Diameter, inches 2 2^ 2' 2| 3 3^ 3^Perdoz 75 $1.00 $1.10 $1.35 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00

Masks. Assortment of Full size Paper Masks, containing 12 kinds of carica-

tures, nationalities, etc. Good quality per gross $4.50

Same assortment, wax finish•* 9.00

Shell Boxes. Strong cardboard boxes, covered with fancy paper and decoratedwitli small seashells. Beautiful ornaments and useful.

No. Per doz.

236/4. Assorted styles, length 4 in $ .49

315.L. " " Diamond shape, length 7 in 7510. 3 Patterns assorted, bureau, chiffonier and sidel)oard, sizn 5 x 7... . 1.85

519. Glove boxes, with shell frames ; length, 10 in 2.00

Sea Shells. Assorted, 50 pieces in box (retail from 15 to 75 cents). Per box. 6.5o

Wall Pockets. An entirely new line, made up in fine arto-types, framed like


No. Per doz.

106. Size 16 x 20 1-2 Silver double frame $9.00110. " " Old gold 9.00

116. " " Shelled frame 9.00

Pliotograph Albnnis. All with gold beveled leaves ; all except first withpatent extension clasps.

No. Per doz.

889. Embossed Plush, with Nickel shield, 6 leaves, with tinted paper.

for cabinets and cards, size 7x9 $4.00

401. Plush, with embossed inscription, 8 leaves, for cabinets and cards,

size 8x10 6.00

877. Fancy Plush, watered design, with nickel inscription plate. 12

leaves, with tinted paper, for cabinets and cards, size 8 x 10 1-2 7.50

871. Fancy Plush, with embossed leaf design, gilt embossed inscrip-

tion and butterfly, 10 leaves, tinted paper, for cards and cabinets,

size 8 3 4x1(^12 9.00

917. Embossed Plush. The new •• Longfellow " shape, with raised in-

scription, 9 leaves, tinted paper, for cabinets and cards, size 6 3 4 x16 1-2 9.00

880. Embossed Plush. Watered design, with flne nickel inscription plate,

16 leaves, tinted paper, for cabinets and cards, size 8 1-2 x 10 9.00

Autograph Albums. Imitation calf, with gilt decorated frames, gilt edged.No 937. 939. 640. 23

Number of leaves 22 22 22 42Size 3 3-4x6 1-2 5 1-2x8 1-2 (! x9 7x8 3-4

Per doz .40 .75 $1 00 $1.75

Autograph Albums. Plush, with embossed inscriptions; No. 352, with metalornaments.

No 319 320 321 352Number of leaves 15 17 17 "23

Size 3 3-4x5 1-2 4 1-4x6 3-4 4 3-4 x 7 1-2 4x6 1-2

Perdoz 85 $1.25 .$1.75 $2.00

Scrap Albums. Fancy Leatherette Covers, profusely gilded and decorated in as-

sorted and tasty designs.No 215/8 217/10 218/18 219/14

Number of leaves. . 8 10 18 14 Good grade.

Size 9 X 11 10 1-2 X 13 11 3-4 x 14 1-2 12 3-4 x 16

Perdoz 75 $1.10 $1.50 $2.00

Page 121: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Jews Harps.

These goods continue in good demand, and the numbers we carry inare good sellers.

German Iron Harps.


Page 122: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)




Violin Strings.

Tlie Ole Bull string is so well known and introducedthrough the country, that any further comment is unneces-sary.

"It is without peer, in bundle of 30 strings:

s3.( 83.00 $3.50 I ^E A D 1^^^-

Assorted box Ole Bull E A D (^ / ^., ,,,, r, ^. „jr, g 4


Above are wrapped each string in oil [laper and foil ;

ue warrant same to stand any climate.

Challenge Violin string is packed the same :is Ole Bull.S2.25 S2-J2 S2.50


Quality guaraneed E A D \

Assorted box E A D <j ' <... on r^ ..r w^,,15 8 4 :^ ^

^^-25 Box Reg.

745/2i Length E A D G / ^, ..^ir,,^ t>^„Inpaperbox30st'gs 15 8 4 3 (

^^-^^to x neg.

Banjo assorted box 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ,

^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^In paper boxes 15 4 3 \

" "

Set 1 set violin strings in a box with 1 extra E string, 81.60.

Banjo 1 set in a box, $1.60 doz. Reg.500 Silvered violin strings

100 " " Banjo


$4.25 Doz., Box Reg.

3 \


E A D G90 90 90 $3.00 gro. strings, reg., wire wound.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th$1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $4.00 Gro. Reg.

Silver violin strings, assorted box,E A D G /

15 8 4 3 )

900 Silver banjo 1st 2nd 3rd15 8 4

A full line of bridges, tall-pieces, pegs, always in stock in various grades, as

per prices below.Bridges. No. 3 5 71 7 5208

$1.25 $2.00 $6.00 $3.50 3.00 Gro. Reg.Tail pieces. No. 4 13 10 46 15

$4.50 $9.00 $13.50 $15.00 $15 Gro. Reg.Pegs. No. 2 3 7 S 15 9

$1.50 $2.00 $5.00 $4.50 $5.00 $6.00 Gro. Reg.Rosin 3" 12 9 24

$1.60 $2.00 $2.25 $4.00 Gro. Reg.

Kn/.or St

No. 4. Faultless Combination, 4 sid

No. 1. "Howard" Combinadoii, 4 sid*-, extra quality, patent handle. 4.00

3..50No. KJ. Howard German Belt, extra quality, patent haiidh

Page 123: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


CUTLERY DEPARTMENT.We carry a complete line of all R. J. Roberts' celebrated " razor

steel scissors. Discount 'SHlfb net.Pocket Scissors.

and cast

Pocket Scissors. Ladies' Scissors. Ladies' Scissors.

Beveled Bows.No. Rx. 1820. 4 incli per doz. $15.00" " 182S. 4^ " " 16.20" " 1818. 5 '•

" 18.00" " 1819. 6i " " 24.00

Ladies' Scissors.No. Rx. Per Doz.

507. 4i inch $7.80

508. 5 " 9.00

509. 5* " 10.00

510. 6" " 12.00

511. 6^ " 13.20

Ladies' Scissors.No. Rx. Per Doz.

361. 4 inch $7.80362. 4^ " 9.00

363. 5 " 10.20

364. ^i " 11.40

365. 6 " 12.00

366. 6i " 13.20

367. 7 " 14.40

Ladies' Scissors.

Ladies' Scissors. Button Hole Scissors.

Spear Points.

No. Rx. Per Doz.2096. 4J inch $13.202610. 5 " 14.402611. 5^ " 15.60

Button Hole Scissors.With Adjustable Screw.No. Rx. Gr. B. H. 5 in per dz. $14.40

Automatic Candlesticlts.

Net.Polished Brass. Nickel Plate.

Doz. lots $4 50 $5 001 to 5 gross $47 00 $56 00

Page 124: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


We have made our

UMBRELLA DEPARTMENTa Very Important Factor

in our business, devoting a vciy larfie

sinice to accommodate the stock androperly display the goods, and in

rlie assortment you can find every de-

lier things in Umbrellas, including:

(>, V2 and IC Rib, UxU cloth.

10, 12 and 1(> Rib. s4xs4 •

10 and \i Rib. 100x100

Fast Black Zanillas

and Sateens, Cotton

and Silk t'orollas. Union and All Silks,

and guaranteed Leventines, and all the

above gotten up in the very best styles

and mounted on the popiilar sticks and trimming.-.

We call especial attention to our Criiaranteed Leveutiiu

the word "guaranteed" being vroven in the material, the Le\(

tine being a heavy, glossy silk and the best wearing

sightly silk umbrella ever placed on the market.

Natural Mounts.Imported

Or can be mounted

each, Reir.2.75 :$.2

3.2.> 3.7.-> •

suit purchaser.

If you handle umbrellas you do yourself a great injustice in not examining our stock

before buying.


No. -JC) in. 38 in. .Win.

431 8 Ribs. Fast C(dor. Sateen. Choice Natural Handles.Cm also be furnished with various grades of gold or sil-

ver mounts or silver trimmed naturals at proportionateprices 'r2^ Go 67i

441 8 Ribs. Fine quality. Sateen. Also fast color. ChoiceNatural Handles, or handles as on previous number. .. . 57^ G.t 72^

45i) 8 Ribs. Cotton Carolla. Fast color. Gold caps or sil-

ver hooks. Finer grades of gold or silver, natural andsilver trimmed naturals at proportionate prices 70 11\ S.5

460 8 Ribs. Extra Carolla. Fast Color. Handles as No.4.50 7.') 8iA 87Jt

470 8 Ribs. Cotton Helvetia. Fast Color. Very sightiv

and durable. Handles as No. 4.W '. G7^ 7.^ 82^480 8 Ribs. Extra English Helvetia. Fast Color. Suitable

for nice trade. Handles as No. 4o0 T-T 82* 87*720 8 Ribs. Extra Silk Gloria. Fine quality. Gold and

silver luounts.Better handles of all styles at proportion-ate prices 85 1.00

Paragon frames on any of the above. Extra.752 8 Ribs. Paragon. Fine Silk Carolla. Fine silver or

silver trimmed naturals. Mounted also on all grades of

better handli's to suit (Mistomers 1.2;") \M)177 S Hibs. I'aragon. Kxtra Fast. Black Gingham lliin

t>rK) bulb handles 70 Fo !)0

440 s Ribs. Bordered Sateen. Fast Color. F'ine (luality.

atHSO (57-i

7;") 82^

Page 125: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



Umbrellas.—Cant' d


Large assortment of wagon umbrellas in all the variousgrades and styles.

In addition to the handles quoted on the following num-bers, see also our special list of handles, giving full des-criptions and prices, any of which can be mounted onany grade to suit.

8 Ribs. Paragon. "Tiger" Union Silk. Fast Color.

Sightly and durable. Silver trimmed naturals. Seespecial list for other handles 1.75 2.00




8 Ribs. Paragon. " Emblem " Union Silk. Fast Color.

Finer grade than No. 850, with silk case to match. Ex-tra natural handles. See special list for other handles. 3.00 3.50

8 Ribs. Paragon. " Raven " Union Silk. Fast color.

Finest quality. With silk case to match. Extra natur-

al handles. See special list for other handles 3.50 4.00

8 Ribs. Paragon. Union Spitaltields Taffeta. Neat and

trim in appearance and very serviceable. Made with'

nickel tube shank, lock frame and tight rolling. Assmall as a case. Silk case of same material. Finenatural handles. See special list for other handles 3.00 3.50

920 8 Ribs. Paragon. Finest quality Union SpitallieldsTaffeta. Very choice. Silk case to match. Extra ; tulipnatural handles. See special list for other handles 3. 25 3. 76

980 8 Ribs. Paragon. London Taffeta. Extra quality andvery fine goods. Case of same material. Somethingfor " toney " trade. Fine naturals 4.50 5.00See special list for other handles.We offer you an exceptionally strong and varied line of handles in all the

latest novelties, as well as the more staple styles:Handsome assortment of naturals in various grades and in styles both

for ladies and gentlemen ^ \2h 20. 25, 37^, 50, 75, $L00.

Page 126: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Hand.some naturals trimmed witli silver, the higher priced ones herequoted being in exquisite designs and latest ideas. Prices range, 12^, 20, 25,

37^, 50, 75, Si. 00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.60.

Choice designs in Gold Handles m 1<^ l-*^, "^0, 37^, 50, 75, $1.00.

We offer lines of silver handles in handsome assortments (a 10, 15, 2l>, 2C\

37A, 50, 75.

Silver inlaid with pearl, shell, agate and cainelian (oj 35, 60, $1.00, $1.25.

Gold set with rubies, sapphires, moonstones and pearl @ $1.25, $1.50,

$2.00, $2.50.

Gold, with silver and enamel repousse work (w $1.50, $1.75, $2.00.

Horn in fancy hooks, loops and rings can be furnished (w 30, 35, $37i, .'iO, CO.

Silver trimmed and mounted hoin «( 60, 75.

Beautiful ebony handles «(j 25, 35. 50.

Giii$>-liain Umbrellas.

Noo. 3-

Page 127: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Parker. Wilder & Co..


Talbot Mills, G. F. Sibley,

Cocheco W. M. Co., Belvidere W. M. Co.

Stirling Mills, Belvidere Mills,

Bradford Mills, Wolfboro Mills,

Concord MTg Co., Monadnock Mills,

Conic Mills, Clarendon Mills,

Chas. A. Stevens & Co., Phoenix Mills,

Yantic Woolen Co., Union Mills,

Claremont Mills.


Sackings, Suitings, Tricots, Serges, Etc., Etc.



Wide Sheetings and Corset Jeans.

Page 128: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



(Wound oil WHITE Spools.)















Page 129: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)




1427 1003 344.^

No. Per doz. reg.

1345. Made of black kid leather, 2 balls, wire frame s :i{)

1427. Made of black kid leather, with 2 balls, nickel riveted frame 381428. Same as 1427. Size larger 451300. U. L. Our Special Leader made of best genuine grain leather, with

bottom, 2 ball nickel riveted frame 65

1663 Our Leader, made of black kid leather, 3 ball nickel riveted framewith center partition forming 2 pockets 75

5 J. Extra good large size genuine grain leather purse, with strong-

leather bottom, 2 ball nickel riveted frame , , 753618. Made of genuine ooze calf leather, with imported 2 ball neat

drawn nickel frame. Come in assorted colors ah3262. Our Dandy Dime Leader, made of best black kid leather, 3 ball

nickel beaded top, nickel frame, center partition, very neat ah3269. Made of best imported kid leather, full chamois lined, with 3 ball

beaded nickel riveted frame, center partition for 2 separatepockets 1.25

3433. Made of imported kid leather, with 2 ball oxidized nickel rivetedframe, with handsome fancy metal front 1 25

3435. Same as 3433. Made in genuine black seal grain leather 1.25

3445. Same as 3433, with handsome square frame, square shape, madein imported kid leather 1.50

3553. ) Ass. Made of very finest imported kid leather, with new imported3557.

i'chased drawn frame. Come assorted gilt and silver in a box,

very exquisite 1.50

3183 3138 3484

3183. Our Farmers' Delight, extra large size, made of best black kid,4 ball, top nickel riveted frame, with 2 leather partitions, forming3 separate pockets, made strong and is durable 2.00

3591. Made of finest imported kid leather, round shape, with entirelynew fancy front, 2 ball gilt riveted frame, entirely new 1.75

3561.IAss. Made of best imported kid, full leather lined, with extra

3563. ( pocket on inside, 2 ball imported chased frame. Come in

silver and gilt. Very exquisite. Sells at sight 2.00

Page 130: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Kid Purses.- -Cont'd.No. Per doz. reg.

1424. Made of best black kid, TuU chamois lined. H ball nickel riveted

frame, center partition, a quick seller $ .85

3266. Same as 3262, size larger 1.10

100. Extra large size, made of best black kid, with chamois centerpartition. 3 ball nickel riveted frame, very strong l.Od

3138. Made of selected Al. black kid, new patent 3 ball nickel riveted

frame, with chamois center partition, a beauty 8o3333. Our sqitare shape cover sacque purse, made in seal leather, strong

leather gussets and lined, with square 2 ball nickel frame, best

value offered 1.00

3182. Same as 3333, in new fancy embossed imported leather, with veryhandsome designs 1.00

3567. New square shape, made of best imported kid, with handsometan colored leather lining, new imported nick. Octo frame, a

beauty 1 .50

3551. Made "of imported kid leather, full leather lined, with handsomechased imported frame, come assorted, gilt and silver, small size

and very neat 1.50

3404. Made of best kid leather, neat round shape, with handsome gilt

frame and oxidized silvered front pieces, very stylish 1.85

3555. IAssorted. Made of very finest imported kid leather, full leather

35.59. \ lined, square shape, frame is chased and drawn, come in silver

and gilt. Just out 1.75

3561. Made of very finest imported kid leather, with new Octo drawn im-ported nickel frame, very stylish 1.25

3549. Our Lilliputian, made of very finest imported kid leather, withvery handsome chased drawn frame, come in silver and gilt, smallsize, very neat 1.25

1829. Made of very finest kid leather, large, square shape, with chamoiscentre partition, very fine 3 ball nickel riveted, square frame,

quick seller 1.50


J364. Made of finest black kid, square shape, with Al. leather partition,

3 ball beaded frame, forming 2 pockets, very good and new style. 1.50

3365. Same as 3364, larger, splendid for farmer and country trade, good.

strog nand durable 1-50

3494. Made of extra Al imported kid leather, full leather lined, 2 ball

imported heavy nickel frame, good, large size leather partition,

forming 2 pockets. The boss 25c purse made 2.25

3689. Same as 3,494, with exquisite chased frame, a beauty that sells at

sight 2.50

3353. Our Special, made of genuine imported calfskin, full Phila.

tanned leather lining, 2 ball nickel riveted and drawn frame, form-

ing two pockets, welted ; come in colors, black, tan, red andchocolate ... 2.00

3623. ) Ass. Made of finest imported kid leather, full lined, with

3624. [extra coin pocket, entirely new, shape, oval top, imported

frame; come in silver, and gold chased. Something new andnobby 2.5o

Page 131: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Kid Pnrses.—ConVd.

No. Per doz. reg.

1958. The Standard, gemiiue calf skin cover sack purse, made with coinpocket in centre, imported nickel drawn frame and 2 ball topcover ; welted and in colors, tan, red, black and chocolate $2.50

1962. Same as 1958, size larger. A beauty for the price ... 3.00

3490. Calf, square shape cover sacque. Come in genuine imported calf

leather, full leather lined ; 3 ball nickel, imported drawn frameforming two pockets ; very neat and stylish colors, tan, red,

black and chocolate 3.00

2588. ) Ass. Our Novelty Purse, just out this season, and is entirely new,3587.

Imade of best kid leather, with with novelty gate frame, thatopens like a gate when ring is drawn. The tops of these framescome in silver and gilt 3.00

yggpI Ass. Same as 3587. Made in ooze Leather. A dandy seller. . . . 3.00

Buck Purses.

1439. Made of best imported buckskin, 2 ball nickel riveted frame 451440. Same as 1439,larger size 651179 1-2. Make of best imported buckskin, centre chamois partition

forming 2 separate pockets, 3 ball nickel riveted fiame, best 10center, now offered 85

1899. Same as 1179 1-2, made of brown castor buckskin 881166. Large size, made of best imported buckskin, full chamois lined,

3 ball nickel riveted frame, forming 2 pockets, quick and dandvseller....


1403. Our Leader, made of best imported buckskin, with 2 ball anddouble spring nickel riveted frame, 2 chamois center partitions,forming 3 separate pockets, a beauty at 1.85

3184. Our Surprise, extra large size, made of Al imported buckskinleather, 4 ball top frame, 2 chamois center partitions formingthree separate pockets, strong, durable and neat 2.00

3185. Same as 3184 made in brown castor buckskin, very good 2.003495. Our Special,made of very finest and best imported buckskin full

leather, lined handsome, 3 ball, neat nickel frame, forming 2pockets, a dandy and best 25 center ever offered 2.50

3496. Same as 3475 in brown castor buckskin, entirely new and verystylish 2.25

Novelty Mail Pouch Purses.

3477. Mail Pouch Purse, made of best black kid leather, with hand-some oxidized solid fancy top riveted frame 1.50

3471. Made of best imported kid leather, oval top, oxidized solid metalriveted frame, spring fastener 2.00

3616. Novelty heart-shape solid oxidized fancy silvered top frame,spring fastener, made of finest imported kid. Just out, and en-tirely new 3.00

3617. Same as 3616. Made in imported ooze leather. Come in assortedcolors 3.00

3472. Same as 3471. Made of finest imported ooze leather. Come in

handsome colors, assorted 2.003385. Made of genuine imported AI kid leather, with very fine solid

metal top, with assorted tops ; one of leaders and best sellers 2.503386. Same as 3385. Made in imported ooze leather. Come in assorted

colors 2.503502. Made of imported kid leather, with handsome designed silver

oxidized metal top ; has a chain with ring, so same can be put onfinger and purse cannot be lost. Entirely new and stylish 3.00

3503. Same as 3502. Made in imported ooze leather, assorted colors.A beauty 3.0U

Page 132: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Nocelty Mail Pouch Purses.^ConV d.No. Per doz. reg.

3709. New square shape, made of very best imported kid leather, withexquisite gilt frame with oxidized silver top. Very neat $3.00

3710. Same as 3709. Made in imported ooze leather. Assorted colors. 3.003-174. Novelty chain and ring purse, made of best imported kid leather,

full leather lined, with chain and ring attachment, novelty topwith celluloid tablet. Assorted patterns in a bo.K. Sells at sight. 4.50

S.)^"). Entirely new ; made of very finest imported kid, with noveltyoval double top box frame, which is made of imported aluminummetal. Assorted designs. A novelty that sells 5.25

3546. Same as 3.545. Made in imported ooze leather. Come in elegantassorted colors 5.25

3525. Novelty square shape tablet purse, made of very finest importedkid, full leather lined, with exquisite celluloid tablet frame. Comein gilt frames, with handsome oxidized silver ornament. Abeauty 5.25

3537. New long square shape, made of very finest imported kid, withnew patent double opening top frame ; has exquisite oxidizedornaments on same. Entirely new, and just out 6.00

3538. Same as 3537. Made of imported ooze leather. Come in assortedcolors. Very neat 6.00

Ladies' Pooket Bookis.

530 P.









., -.,„ -


536 P 804 760.

Embossed leatherettes, oxidized, ornamental front. Vienna lockfastener, all black $ .85

This is our 10c. leader.

Square shape, 1 in. Russian leather, full lined, with liandsomeoxidized corners, Vienna lock fastener 1.50

Our one-price seal, grain leather pocket book ; inside metal bound ;

coin pocket. Vienna lock fastener. Color, all black 2.00

Our special im. Russian leather, made with metal bound coinpocket, Vienna lock fastener and handsome top, siver oxidizedornament. Color, all red 2.00Made of imp. morocco leather, black, square shape, handsomelylined, with covered coin pocket frame, so that money cannot dropout. Colors, red, black and chocolate 2.50Our quarter dollar leader, made of imp. morocco leather, nicelylined, with nickel-covered frame, coin pocket, block made, withVienna lock fastener, and beautiful oxidized ornament on top.

Colors, red, blnck and chocolate 2.5()

Made of imp. Russian leather, block shape, with handsome nickel-

plated metal coin pocket. Vienna lock fastener, and handsomeembossed ornament on top. Colors, red, black and chocolate... 2.25Same as No, 881, made of imp. seal leather. A beauty, andsells on sight 2. 75Made of genuine grain leather, full leather lined, leather gussets,Vienna lock fastener, outside coin pocket, protected by two ball

nickel frame. Very durable. Colors, all black 5.25

Made of genuine grain leather, with fancy genuine calf top ; all

leather lined, and extra coin pocket on outside, protected byrequisite nickel fame, Vienna lock fastener. Colors, all black. . . 0.00

Page 133: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' Pocket Books.—ConVd.

Per doz. reg.

74y 902 771

743. Theenvy of our competitors, lua'le of imp. morocco leather, nicely

lined, block made, nickel-covered frame pocket, with Vienna lockfastener, wit;li silicate frame, and lead pencil on each $3.00

902. Same as No. 900, with genuine calf tops, handsomely gilted. Abeauty that sells on sight. Colors, red, black, chocolate 6.00

908. Entirely new shape pocket book, made of imported calfskin, all

leather lined, with handsome nickel plated metal frame on out-

side. Colors, red, black, chocolate 6.00

904. The same as No. 903, made of genuine grain leather. Very ex-quisite. Color, all black 6.00

899. Made of imp. seal grain leather. Vienna lock fastener, outsidemetal bound coin pocket. A beauty. Colors, all black 8.75

771. Made of seal grained leather, genuine calf top, full leather-lined,

leather pockets, metal-bound coin pocket. Handsome Viennalock fastener 4. 75

810. Same as No. 771, with very exquisite oxidized ornament on top.

The best 40c. book ever offered. Colors, black, red, chocolate. . . . 4.75

723 872

723. Made of genuine calfskin, all leather-lined, leather gussets, metal-covered inside frame to protect coin pocket ; handsome Viennalock fastener, with two exquisite ornaments on front. Colors,chocolate and black 5.50

892. Made of very best imp. seal grain leather, all leather-lined, leathergussets, with handsomely bound coin pocket. Vienna fastener,

three handsome ornaments on top. Card-case liack. Colors, black,red, chocolate 6.00

883 Made of imp. morocco leather, nicely lined with metal-coverednickel coin pocket, block shape. Vienna lock-fastener, and hand-some small ornament on front. Colors, red, black, chocolate 3.00

884. Same as No. 883, imp. seal pebbled leather. Very durable andstrong. Colors, all black 3.00

885. Made of imp. morocco leather, nicely lined. Vienna lock outside,with additional coin pocket on outside, protected by two ball

nickel-plated chased frame, and embossed ornament front. Colors,red, black, chocolate 3.00

888. The same as No. 885. with handsome seal top on out side, veryquick seller. Colors, red, black, chocolate 3.00

894. New square block shape, made of best imp. morocco leather, coin(locket, made with covered nickel frame. Vienna lock, hand-somely embossed front. Colors, red, black, chocolate, ,

. 2.75

Page 134: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' Pocket Books.—Oontd.No. Per doz. reg.

667. "Our Special,"' made of choice selected imp. alligator leather,

newest square-shape, all leather-lined, sewed gussets, additional

coin block-sliape pocket, handsome metal covered nickel frame,newest novelty. Vienna lock fastener. Colors, black and tan. . . $9.00

3Ieiis H((l .Morocco and Call Wallets.

693. Made of red morocco leather, nicely lined, with bill folder, mediumsize 2.00

694. Same as 693 ; size larger. This is a standard selling wallet 2.50

644. Made of diced im. red morocco leather, full leather lined, with bill

folder 3.00

/)31. Made of best genuine Russia leather, full leathpr lined, good size. l)ill

folder, neatly made 4.25

645. Extra good diced red morocco leather, all leather lined, withleather lined bill folder, extra good value 4.75

908. Extra large size genuine imported calskin, full leather with leather

lined bill folder, colors black, red and lan 4.75

681. Medium size, made of best calfskin, full leather lined, with bill

folder gilded on outside for bills, colors black, red and chocolate. . 5.75

895. Large size, made of imported calfskin, full leather lined, withleather-lined bill folder, colors black, red and chocolate 6.00

700. Extra good all sewed bellows bottom wallet, made of Turkey mo-rocco, all leather pockets and sewed


Sheep and Calf Wallets.

714. Our special Red Sheep Wallet, full lined, with l)ii] folder strap

fastening 85

503. Made of russet sheep, nicely lined, with strap bill folder, good seller. 1.00

734. Large size sheep wallet, lined, with strap fastened bill book,American Eagle embossed on outside ; a dandy for the price 2.00

855. Our Leader, genuine calfskin leather, each wallet is stamped calf-

skin warranted, full lined, with strap fastener, bill folder 2 25

457. Made of best calfskin, full leather lined, jackets and gussets, Al,

bill folder, each wallet is stamped 3.00

458. Same as 457. Extra large size for farmers and country trade. Theseare all guaranteed Al calfskin 4.2."^

459. Our delight, made of very best calfskin, full leather pockets, with

leather gussets, extra R. R. ticket and stamp pocket, neatly trimmed,with strap bill holder separate ; a beauty 4.75

216. Made of best tan leather, alligatored, full leather lined, with separate

strap bill folder. This wallet is having tine sale at present ; very

strong and durable 7.50

Bill Books.

135. Hip Bill Book, made of fur seal leather, muslin lined, assorted

colors 85

970. Our Little Beauty Hip Book, made of A 1 morocco red leather

with stumps and llrket pocket gilded 2,00

100. Assorted red and black morocco leather, very neat and good sized.. 2.00

965. Our special leader, made e.xtra good, red morocco leatlier, with

extra gilded stamp and R. R. ticket pocket 2.75

154. Standard Strap Bill Book, made of fur diced Russian leather, with

extra R. R. ti<'kptand stamp pocket, strap fastening 3.00

163. "Our Fai-mers' Dpjiglit." made of best im. red morocco leather,

extra stamp and R. R. ticket pocket with additional memorandumbook and lead pencil, strap sewed fastener, a dandy .seller 3.25

163 A. Same as 163 in im. alligator leather 3.25

111. Extra large size, made of very best im. diced Russian leatlier, with

heavy duck rundel, extra good lining, a dandy at tlie price 4.50

Page 135: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Bill BooTcs.—ConVd.^o- Per doz. reg.50. Our Old Fashioned Bill Book, pocket on each side, with folding

tiaps in center for bills, full leather lined, made of best red morocco. $7.50176. Our Latest Bill Book and card case combined has pockets on one

side and card case with strap fastener on the other, made of pebbledmorocco, a beauty and quick seller, colors black and red 9.0U

Card Cases.

1 C. Our Vest Pocket size made of red morocco leather, leather lined. . . 1.00\h, C. Same as 1 C, larger size 1.752 C. Letter size made of red morocco leather, well lined 2.50

21 0. Our calf leather vest pocket size, all leather lined, come in choco-late, red and black colors 4.50

21^ C. Same as 21 C, size larger 4.75;5054. Our Standard, made of fine seal leather, double gusset pockets, very

neat and durable 2.50177. "Our Beauty" Card Case, made of best fur seal leather, full

leather-lined, gusset pockets and rounded corners, quick sellers, forboth ladies and gents 3. 00

178. Same as 177 with -1 metallic corners, very handsome 4.00179. Very exquisite and stylish card case niade of finest imported calf

skin, calf leaiiier lined, extra strong, gusset pockets, colors, choco-late, red and black g.OO

180. Same as 179, card case with 4 metallic corners, very fine 6.0057. Our calf leather letter case, very fine, all leather lined, colors, choco-

late, red and black 10.5058. Same as 57 in extra tine grain leather, same colors 10.50

Ladies' Flat Bags.

506 2088

506. Our Standard, made im. alligator pressed material, bellows bottom,two ball frame with leather handle, colors, tan and black 1.75

2088. Our Ever Ready Hand Satchel, made of im. alligator skin, bellowsand block shape, nicely lined, leather handle, outside handkerchiefpocket, colors, tan and black 2 25

2090. " Our Social." This is special value as a popular priced leader,made of embossed leatherette, square block and bellows shape,lined and bound, with extra outside handkerchief pocket and ad-ditional coin pocket, with Vienna clasp and nickel oxidized corn-ers, two ball nickel drawn frame, solid leather handle, color, all

black 4.002089. Our Princess, made of im. alligator pressed stock, full lined, with

ornamented handkerchief pocket in front, two ball nickel drawnframe, leather handle, color, all black, size, 7 inches B.OO

Page 136: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



962 2/6.

Ladies'' Flat Bags.—ConVd.

Our Beauty, made of shaded and embossed

Per doz. reg.

alligator, full

lined, two ball nickel drawn frame, leather handle, with Al leath-

er ornamented outside handkerchief pocket SS.'i.")

2028/6. Our Dandy ladies' shopping bag. made of imported embossed stock,

full lined, block shape, two bull nickel drawn frame, leather han-

dle, outside handkerchief pocket, colors, tan, red and black 3.2.')

202 9/t:. Same as 202 8/0. with additional outside pocket, with Vienna lock

fastener ;


908/6 M. H. "'Our Latest Style," half round square bellows, block shape,with outside hankerchief pocket; also additional coin pocket,fastener, made of Al im. alligator leater, with novelty importedmetal handle. Colors, black and tan

93r)/7. " Our High-toned Satchel," made of best im. alligator leather,

oblong round shape, block bellows, shape full lined, withoutside handkerchief pocket, double coin pocket, Vienna lockfasteners, two ball nickel riveted frame, solid leather handle.Colors, black and tan




Lailics' S(|uare Sliape Box Bagr.

900 M.(t. " Our Dollar Leader," made of very best im. seal grained leather,

full lined, square block, bellows shape, two ball nickel drawnframe, with handkerchief pocket and additional coin pocket, withoxidized medallion snap-lock. Colors, all black 9.75

Page 137: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' Flat Bags.—Confd.-No. Per doz. reg.

575/7. "Our Dandy," made of the very best genuine grain leather, full

leather lined and leather welted, patent spring top, nickel platedframe, with additional handkerchief pocket, genuine calf-skinbound. A beauty. Colors, tan and black $10.50

77 3/n. Our .solid im. alligator leather, square shape, gusset and boundseam bag, full lined, two ball nickel frame, leather handle, witii

additional leather trimmed outside pocket, colors, tan and black.. 4.50

Ladies' Club Hand Bags.

879/iJ. Our round oblong club-shape hand satchel, made of im. alligator

leatiier, strong leather gusset ends, linen lined, strong leather han-dle ; colors, tan and black y 75

879/7. Same as 879/6, one inch larger 4 25879/8. Same as 879/fi, two inches larger 5 Ou905/H. Same as 879, with heavy imported leather lining, making the b;ig

stronger and more durable 6 00905/7. Same as 905/6, one inch larger 7 00905/8. Same as 90")-6, two inches larger 8 Oo

Ladies' Square Shape Box Bags.

960-6t- Our square shape box bag, made of imported ring leather, squaregusset ends, welted seams, two-ball nickel drawn frame, very neat,

size, 6-inch ; colors, tan and black 8 75

1010 325 8.V. :]:!S -220

Ladies' Chatelaine Bags.

1016-7t. Square shape box bag, made of im. alligator leather, full linen

lined, with extra coin purse pocket, Vienna lock fastener on out-

side, square end, leatiier gussets, welted seams, 7 inches long;

colors, tan and black 4 6029059-6. Box shape, made of imported ring polka dot leather, full lined,

square end gussets, welted seams, with additional handkerchiefand coin purse pocket on outside, Vienna lock fastener, size 6

inches ; colors, tan and black 4 252062-7. Same as 2059-6, size larger, made of imported square diced leath-

er ; colors, tan and black . 4 501096-8. Same as 2062-7, made of imported alligator leather, size larger,

making same 8 inch long, a clandy collar bag 8 00

Ladies' Cliatelaiiie Bags.

3'i?6. Our child and misses' favorite chatelaine bag, made of black vel-

vet, with handsome two-ball nickel riveted frame, filigree front,

strong metal chatelaine, sateen lined 1 75369. Our dandy misses' chatelaine bag, made of best black kid, with

gusset bottom, two-ball nickel riveted frame, oxidized front orna-

ment and extra heavy chatelaine, with belt catcli 1 12

Page 138: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


No. Ladies' Chatelaine Bar/s.—Cont'd . Per doz. reg.

'S25f. Our standard ladies" chatelaine bag, made of ooze leather, soft

and flexible, full lined, comes in handsome colors, two-ball nickel

riveted frame, with filigree front, neat chain and belt hoojt !>4 00327. Made of im. seal grained leather, full lined, two-ball nickel riv-

eted frame, filagree front ornament, strong chatelaine and belt

hook 4 25:J42. Our beauty ooze bag, made of imported ooze leather, full satin

lined, two ball imported handsome drawn frame, beautiful filigree

ornaments, come in dark shades 5.00

\U',i. Extra Al ooze bag with gusset bottom, full lined, two ball modelfiligree, ornamented, imported drawn frame, nicely lined, withchatelaine and strong belt hook 6.00

H,5o. Made of genuine grain, leather dried lining, gusset bottoms, im-ported patent spring riveted frame, handsome chatelaine and belt

hook, a beauty, sells at sight (5.00

8:^8. Made of imported ooze leather full satin lined, imported patentspring riveted frame, come in exquisite beautiful colors, darkshades

288. Made of genuine grain leather, full leather lined gusset bottom,with two ball imported drawn frame, exquisite filigree front, chat-

elaine and belt hook fastener 9 00226. Our standard grained leather gusset bottom welted chatelaine bag,

made very strong, two ball nickel riveted frame, handsome filigree

ornament on front, exquisite chatelaine and belt hook, colors tan

and black 10.00

314. Made of extra Al imported ooze leather, two ball imported oxi-

dized silver frame, full leather lined, handsome chatelaine and belt

hook, exquisite dark shades 12.00

Ladies' Satchels.

f). Ladies' hand bag made in pebble, rubber cloth, round end shape,double riveted frame, with nickel lock and key, durable and neat.

No. 9 10 11 12 IH 14 inches.Price. :^..^o 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4 75 ddz. reg.

7. This bag is iiuule ul same material as above with s(]u:ui' cmis.Sizes as follows:No. 9 10 11 12 l:{ II incli.'s..

Pri(^e, :{.75 4.00 4.25 4.5)) 4.75 5 oo doz. reg.S. Same as No. 7, with pocket on outside, full nicki-l, iiinimed. .. .

Sizes, 9 10 11 12 13 M inches..• 4.25 5.00 5.25 5. ,50 5.75 ti.oo doz. reg.

Page 139: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Gents' Satchels.

1. Paciliu Railroad bag,

made of fine pebbled rubber

ilotli, square end corners.

Japanned frame witli fiat

key loclv, fancy lined

Page 140: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Gents' Satchels.—ConVd.

Sizes. U lU 11 12

Price, sT.oO 8.25 9.00 9.75

101. Same as 100, made of best, tine

Sizes, 9 10 11 12

Price, ^8.75 9 50 10.25 11.00

100. English Clnb bag,

made of strong alligator

leather : double tlange, rivet-

ed frame, ; long, English

handle ; sewed and madestrong ; extra nickel Yale

lock ; lined with fine, striped

linen. C\)lors, tanandchest-


13 14 15 16 inches.

10.50 11.25 12.00 12.75 doz. reg.

seal leather.

13 14 15 16 inches.

11.75 12.50 18.25 14.50 doz. reg.

102. English Club bag.

made of genuine grain

leather ; double flange,

frame riveted, with newstyle Yale nickel, long lock


duck lined; English liandle,

sewed and handsomely

finished. Colors, black,

brown, ;md oian<;e

Size.s, lU 11 12 1:3 14 15 16 inches.

Price, $13.00 16.00 19.00 22.00 25.00 28.00 31.00 34.00 doz. reg.

103. Same as above lti3, full leather, lined, very strong.

Sizes, 9 10 11 12 13 14' 15 16 inches.

Price, $21.00 25.00 29.00 33.00 27.00 41.00 45.00 49.00 doz. reg.

\n J'4. Same as bag No.

1.'.:^, made of seal leather;

.0(1, stioiig aiul very dur-

|H yo 22 24 inches.

$-il.()o 2:i.r>o 20.00 28.50 :!l.()<» :!:'..:.o doz. reg.

Page 141: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Gents' Satchels.— ConV d.

147. This is our standard

A. T., genuine grain leather,

Gladstone bag, made supe-

rior to all others ; double

flange frame, with extra

long nickel Yale lock ; solid

leather straps all around,

lined with extra tine linen,

pocket on inside door for

letters, etc. Colors, black,

brown, orange, and red.

Quality guaranteed. Comesin following

Sizes, U 16 IS 20 2-> 24 inches.

Price, $3.00 3. .50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 each reg.

190. In alligator rubber cloth Gladstone bag. double flange frame,

with Yale nickel lock, English sewed handle, linen lined, on out-

side. Colors, tan, chestnut and black.

Sizes. 14 16 18 20 22 24 inches.

13.20 14,75 16.20 18.00 19.50 21.00 doz. reg.

153. Standard alligator

leather Gladstone bag. This

is special selected leather,

double flange frame, with

extra good nickel Yale lock,

full nickel trimmed, Eng-

lish hand sewed handle,

lined with A 1 linen, pocket

on inside door, straps all

around. Colors, tan andchestnut. Best selling bag


Comes in sizes, 14 16 18 20 22 24 inches.

20.00 22.50 25.00 27.50 30.00 32.50 doz. reg.

This is our furnished Gladstone bag made in alligator leatherdouble flange frame, with large nickel Yale lock, full nickel

imed strap all around. Contents of furniture in bag. is a

tooth brush and whisk broom. Colors, tan andtri

brush, comb,chestnut.Sizes as follows


18 20 22 inches.

4.50 5.25 6.00 each reg.

156. Same as 155, made in genuine A 1 grain leather, with leathercovered frame. Colors, brown, orange and red.Comes in sizes as follows


18 20 22 inches.

5.00 6.75 7.50 each reg.

Page 142: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' Belts.

We cany a full line in cotton, worsted and silk niadeinall colors.

Plain and fancy leather. Bodice belts in velvet and leather, vary-ing from Src to ^24 a doz. reg.

27 10 1613

-11. Plain leather sewed handle, with two split straps 5027. Leather shawl strap, with leather-covered bar and leather handle,

two 36-inch straps a leader 582."). Leather shawl strap, same as 29, with 2 hemlock oak. straps, very

strong 1.75

70. Solid nickel-plated metal handle, with two 36 inch split straps,durable 1 .()(


16. Our special all-leather shawl strap, made of iron leather, coveredcross-bar and handle, with name-plate on cross bar, two 36 inchhemlock, oak grain straps : a beauty for tlie i^rice 2.00

1613. Same as our No. 16, as above, with" an additional strap, makingit a much stronger shawl strap 2.50

8012. The Tourist's Favorite, made of metal, very highly nickel-plated,with two 36 inch hemlock, oak grain straps, novelty bugle handle,verj^ strong, durable, and good sellers

" 3.00

3013 K(

3013. Same as 3012, with an additional strap and nickel i)late, verydesirable style ; good and strong '. 3.40

Eclipse Automatic Shawl and Book Strap. This is the best

automatic strap made ; has a very strong handle with a bar ; webstraps with patent buckle fastening; claimed by all to be thebest selling strap ever offered. Come in japanned, with nickeltrimming, and also in solid nickel plate 1.25

We carry a line of shoulder or traveling-bag straps, made of finest

hemlock-oak leather ; from 1 .25

Page 143: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


ELASTICS.In, j\fohcLii^ and. Grilt We Carry tlce


VIENNA ELASTIC,111 White and Black, full 144 yds. to gross.

GARTER WEBS.In Loom Webs we carry 8 grades : the ordinary grade, the super

grade, and imported extra super. Fancy elastic we liave 3 grades in importedplain silk webs, in f and |, and cotton goods we have an immense line at $4.00,

4.50, 5.50, 6.00, 6.75, 7.00, 7.50, 9.00 and 9.50 per gross.

Full stock of the Patent Ventilated Garter Webs.Gents' Armlets, Armbands, Hose Supporters in great vai'iety. Also

Ladies' Ventilated and other Garters.




Will not Crock or Wash Out.


Known in the Market for years as being one of the best

Weight on Balls equal to other standard makes.


S. A. CASTLE & CO., Selling Agents, 50 Leonard St., New York.


For Sale by all leading Notion dealers tlimugh the c<nmtry


TUCKER & COOK M'F'G CO., Conway and Springfleld, Mass,

1 M t L K U VY

Page 144: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)






Gents' Black

Men's Cross Backs.


Imitation Guyots ••

from ^0.50 to

Page 145: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


JEWELRY DEPARTMENT.Ladies' and Crents' Solid Gold Ainori<*an AVat«'lies.—AValthain, Elgin,

Seth Thomas, Standard or Trt'nton 3Iov<Mu<Mits.PrlcfK rcri/ according l<i jeirels in ninrenii'nt


10. Hunting Engine-turned Watch. 14k. $.39.75, $41.15. $43.05, $47..50 each. reg.

n. Same as above, but handsomely engraved, at $3.00 additional cost.

(4. Hunting Fancy engraved Watch, lok. $21.25, $22.65. $2.").70, $29.60 ; 14k.$27.75, $29.15, $32.20, $.S6.10.

Vd. Hunting Engine-turned Watch, as above. 10k. s2().00, $31.35, $24.45,$28.30; 14k. $24.90, $26.30, $29.35, $33.25.

Ladie^^ Watches.—Gold, Gold Filled, Silver and Nickel Cases.Qtioffitioiif' are for rases and morements complefe.

Ladies' gold stem wind chatelainewatches.—Assorted, fancy engraved.


75. 10k. Good Nickel mov't76. 10k. Best " •• ....

77. 14k. Good " " ....

78. 14k. Best " •• ....

79. Coin Silv., Good Nic'l mov't80. " '• Best

Each, Reg.

. . $12.75

.. 16.10

. . 13.90

. . 20.004.75


Ladies' gold hunting stem windwatches.—Assor(ed, fancy engraved.No. Each, Reg.81. 10k. Good Nickel mov't. "' '


82. 10k. Best •' •'.

83. 14k. Good " " ....

84. 14k. Best " ". . .


8i\ Coin Silv., Good Nic'l mov't86. " " Best '>



Page 146: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' WatcJies.—ConVd.

chatelaineLadies' gold stem windwatches.—Plain polished.

No. Each, Reg.

87. 10k. Good Niokel mov't. . . . $11.6588. 10k. Best, " " ... 15.5089. 14k. Good " " .... 12.6790. 14k. Best " " .... 19.5091. Coin Silv.. Good Nic'l mov't 4 7592. " " Best " " 7.0093. Nickel, Good Nickel mov't. 3.15

94. " Best " '• 7.00

Ladies' gold filled hunting stem windwatches.—Assorted, fancj' engraved.

Warranted to wear15 years. 20 years.

No. Each, Reg.

95. 7 jewels Gilt mov't. $15.00 $15.5096. 11 " '' " 16.50 17.0097. 11 " Nic'l " 17.00 17.5098. 13 •' " " 19.50 20.0099. 15 " •' " 23.50 24.00

100. 17 " "„,,/' 30.50 31.00

Ladies' gold (illed Imnting stem windwatches. — Verinicelli border, fancyengraved.

Warranted to wear15 years. 30 years.

No. Each, Reg.101. 7 jewels Gilt mov't. 815.00 $1.5.50

102. 11 " " " J6.50 17.00103. 11 " Nic'l " 17.00 17.50104. 13 " " " 19.50 20.00

" " 23.50 24.00105. 15106. 17

Ladies' gold filled hunting stemwind watches.—Vermicelli borders,engraved.

\Varranted to wear15 years. 30 years.

Each, Reg.

jewels Gilt mov't. $14.50 $15.00No.







.50 31.00 112. 17

16.00 16.5016.50 17.0019.00 19.5023.00 23.5030.00 30.50

Page 147: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Prir.. i 1 f"P^"«i' Gold-Filled American Watches.

Prices vary according to jewels in movements.

No. No. 113.

113. Hunting Fancy Engraved Watches


No. 114.

rase ^Ifi 95 "-$10 «n ^ioVn^-""";™Monarch," "Crescent" or "Crown"case, ^Ib 25, ij,19^60. ipgi.OO each, reg. Guaranteed to wear 20 years

""^'T,/«TJ;-?J?Fr'^Watches-" Montauk," "Lion" o/" Globe"case, $14.50, $16.25, $18.00 each, reg. Guaranteed to wear 15 years

Silver, Silverore and Gold-Filled American WatchesFru-es quoted "''^ Joreuses and^ movements complete. Standard, Trenton and other reliahlemovements. Prices vary according to jewels in movements.

" BSI!H™S!fe?^'£M€fS£^»

Page 148: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Silver, Sllcerore and Gold-Filled American Watches.—Confd.No.

117. Open Face, Plain or Engine-turned Watches—3 oz. silver, 810.25, ^12.00,

$13.35 each, reg.; engraved cases, 50c. extra.

118. Open Face, Plain or Engine-turned Watches—Silverore, $4.75, 86.35,87.75

each, reg.11' ». As above, but with Hunting Fancy Engraved Cases—Silver, 810.60, 812.25;

plain or engine-turned, 75c. less.

120. Silverore, plain, 85.40, 87.00 each, reg.

122. Hunting Fancy Engraved Gold Filled 89.50, 811.10 each, reg.; Open Face81.00 less. Cases will wear 10 years.

Gents' Superior Rolled Gold Plate Vest Chains.

.|/; „r>'f»ll InqilK lujl,hjfi,i[><li,:l. win, har (nvl rhfinn fhop.


121. First quality, with gold tips, guaranteed to wear 10 years. .83.00 each, reg.

9. Second ipiality, guaranteed to wear 5 years 1.50 "

122. Fir.st quality, with gold tips, guaranteed to wear ](i yeais. .s3.-.'.") each, reg.

10. Second qua fity, guaranteed to wear 5 years 1.75 "

123. First quality, with gold tips, guaranteed to wear 10 years. .83.50 each,11. Second quality, guaranteed to wear 5 years Om' '•

124. Fir.st quality, witii gold tips, guaranteed to wear 10 years. .8:!. 75 each,

12. Second quality, guaranteed to wear 5 years ' 2.50 "

865 83.50 each, reg.

213. Soldered Hope 82.25 each, reg.

501. Chased 83.50 each, reg.

859. Plain IJux Link 82.75 each, reg.

Page 149: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Genfs' Superior Rolled Gold Plate Vest Chains.— Cont' d.

709. hn„i i\((l M 2") p h li leg

Similai i,oo(K to ui> of tlu ibo\e it '>.i no si 7"), '^^ 3(t M (mi -! )() %b (K), '^7 50,

$9.00 aud upwaids pei doz.

Ladies' Hiah Quality Rolled Plate Vietoiia Chains.Lafctif IMsir/ii.t. Superior Fiiii^-J/. //Iiis/rafion.'! mr E.nir/ Shr.

No. G44. No. 804.

644. Romyn Enameled Heart Charms, (xariiet and Imitalioii Diamond Inlaid,

$1.88 each, reg.

538. Roman Ornamented Pearl Centre Charm, $1.50 each, reg.

718. Roman Basket filled with Pink Pearls, Imitation Diamond Centre, $1.75each, reg.

804. Gold Fiont, Engraved Tips, Roman Pearl Inlaid Charm, $2.15 each, reg.

Page 150: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' or Gents' Best Quality Vest Cliaius.Xriccs/ Sfijks. Elegant Finish. Full Length with Charm Drop.

760. Double Geneva. Roman, Pearl Inlaid Slide s2.SS eufii, i\

750. Roman and Polished Heart, Garnet, Pearl and Sapphire Inlaid, $2.;i3each,


Ordinary Plate Ladies' Victoria Chains at $3.75, $4.50, $6.00, $0.00, $10.50 and$12.00 per doz.

Superior Solid Gold Rings—The Celebrated "Reg:ent'' Stone SealInitial Hings.

Made by S. F. Myers £• Co., Neiv York.

The "Regent" solid gold rings now stand at the head of all similar goods.For weight, beauty of design, elegance of finish and artistic lettering they areunequaled. These rings are interchangeable, any letter being renewed or

changed when desired without affecting the ring.

%No. :!().">*. i\(>. liss. No. i;565. N... :!fi!).

No. Each, Reg.

3(55^. Raised Initial, with ti large Rose Diamonds $9.25

306. Same without diamonds 5.75

388. Raised Initial, with 6 large Rose Diamonds, heavy siiank 10.75

387. Same without diamonds 7.25

1365. Raised Initial, with 6 large Rose Diamonds, heavy shank 10.38

1364. Same, without diamonds 6.75

369. Raised Emblem, with 6 large Rose Diamonds 9.26

370. Same, without diamonds 5.75

No. S83. No. 44. No. 10. No. 34-i.

383. Raised Initial, Flush Side, with 6 large Rose Diamonds, heavyshank 13.50

384. Same, without diamonds 9-00

44. Grey Tiger Eye Cameo, heavy shank 7.00

36. Size smaller 6.38

10. Tiger Eye Cameo 4.50

21. Size smaller 4.00

342. Tiger Eye or Sard. Cameo 2.75

153. Same, heavy 4.50

Page 151: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Solid Gold Fine Imitation Diamond and Gem Set Rings.

Regular diamond cut stones in solid o-old diamond style mountings. Best

imitation of tlie genuine stone known. We illustrate but a few of our many-

styles, and can supply genuine diamonds, rubies, pearls, and other gems. Se-

lection packages sent when desired.

No. 513.


No. 562. No. isy. No. 4.53. No. 131.

No. Each, Reg.

562. 16 Real Pearls, Turquoise or Ruby Centre § 4.50

283. 4 Real Whole Pearls, 6 Turquoises 5.00

453. 2 Real Pearls, 1 Riibv, 1 Emerald 3.00

131. Real Moonstone 3.75

No. 94. No. 96. No. 92. No. 88.

94. 2 Moonstones, Sapphire Centre 2.38

96. Platinum and Gold 1 .25

16. Same, larger and heavier 2.25

92. Moonstone Inlaid, Garnet Eyes 1.75

88. 3 Rubies 2.50

The Celebrated "Century " Solid Gold and Gold-Filled Rings, Etc.

Manufacturrd hij S. F. Mejier iC Co.. Xeiv Yorh, and guaranteed the best made.

Each Reg.

Each, Reg. IEach, Reg. 1 No. lOach, Reg.

ISk. Gold §7.25 ISk. Gold $5.00 I 27. 10k. Gold, plain, $2.50

14k. Gold 6.00 14k. Gold 4.00[

28. 14k. Gold, " 4.50

10k. Gold 4..50 10k. Gold 3.00I

1. Silver 25

"Century"' Filled... 1.25j"Century" Filled. . 1.00


39. Gold-Filled 1.00

If you wish a duplicate of any of these fine goods in rolled plate we can fur-

nish them at proportionate prices.

Page 152: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)

j\vp:etser, pembrook & co., new york.

Solid Gold and Fine Rolled Gold Plate Sleeve and Collar Bntion^and Stnds.

Prur,<> iif Oolil BhIIdiis per pair. Rolled Plate /xr dozen pairs and ceh.

24. Sardonyx Intaglio, Gold pt-r jjair,

374. " " Rolled Plate per do/.,H95. Any Inilial Desired, Gold ])er pair,

Rolled Plate per doz.,Roman and Polished, Engraved, Gold per pair,

" Rolled Plate jier doz..

Raised Chased Flowers, Gold per pair," " RolledPlate. . . .per doz..

Engraved, Gold per pair,' • •' Rolled Plate per doz.,



8 509.004.007. .50

A 2b13.003.75

N(i. 4."). :<u.:\-,\ >\). 9ilU. Nc 7'j;i. No. .")9a.


45.. Polished. Engraved $5.50371. Colored Leaves, Polished Sides 9.00

990. Gold Front, Ermraved 10.00

729. Chased, Colored Blocks 12.75

592. Roman, Ini. Diamond Center 6.75




No. 14. Nc. 7(1. N,.. 7!t. No. 71.


14. Roman $11.0070. Polished, Chased Knot 6.75

79. Chased, 1 Roman, 1 Polished Top 10.0071. Polished. Chased 6.75

No. (>:J4. No. ..'i:!. No. 91. No. 1398. No. 36.

Reg.934. Lever, Pearl Backs $ .88130. " " " Ex. Qua! 1.26213. Round or Flat, Solderless 1.0028. " " " Ex. Qnal 1.63

Page 153: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Solid Oold and Fine Rolled Gold Plate Sleeve and Collar Buttons andStuds.—Uonfd.

No. Reg.

91. Roman, Ini. Diam s2.2o86. Gold Front 8.75

1398. Solderless 1.0029.

'•E.\. Qual 1.63

86. Poli.sheil, Lever Back, Ex. Qiial 1 .yf)

137. '• " " Finest 2.50

No. 98.


... !f;7.50

. . . 4.2566. Ball 4.502. " 2d Qnaliry 2.50

463. Linen Stone 3.5098. Oval 5.0018. " 2d Quality 2.50

We have a very complete stock of Pearl Cuff Buttons at .75, 1.25, 1.50, 2.()i),

3.00, 4.50, 0.00 and' 9. 00 per doz. pairs.

Our cheaper Plated Cuff Buttons are made in all the newest novelties, putup 1 dozen pairs in a box, assorted, at $1.75, 2.25, 3.00, 4.00 and 6.00 per dozenpaiis.

In Collar Buttons we show all the popular priced goods in lever, i)earl backsand solderless, at $2.00, 2.75, 4.00, 4 80, G.OO, 7.00 and 9.00 per gross.

Finest Quality Rolled Gold Plate Pins and Ear Drops.

369. Roman, Colored Leaves, Im. Diamond Set in Flower.-488. Enameled Blossom, Im. Diamond Centers

Per Doz. Reg.


Colored Enameled, Im. Diamond Center.Gold Front, Colored Pearls Inlaid


Page 154: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Firnxi (,)iiali(;/ B'.lhd <inld Plate Pins and Ear Drops.— Conrd.

526. Gold Trimmed, Turquoise Iiiluid

809. Gold Trimniin.ffs, Turquoise :ind Pearl Inlaid.

Per Doz. Reg.

. .. .$11.00... 12.75

s^^^^mNo. 18b. X.'. e-lii.

188. Gold Trimmed, Turquoise Inlaid $12.00240. Colored Round Leaves, Gold Front Shi. -Id 12.75

No. 492. No. ;ir>7. No. 91:.. NoNo. Per Doz. Pairs, Reg.

492. Polished, Chased $12.75367. Roman Twist 12.75915. Roman, Pearl Center 15.003f54. Poli.shed Heart, Colored Gold Blossom 11.00

No. 180. No. 37. No. 16l\ No. 40.

180. Roman, Ornamented $11.0037. Imitation Diamond Center 10.60

160. Roman, Turquoise Inlaid 10.25

46. Roman, Imitation Diamond Center 9.00

We illustrate but a few of these goods in best qualities. We have othergrades, hansomely finislied and in elegant designs, and similar to these, at $2.00,

2.75, 4.00, 4..^() and 6.00 per dozen and dozen pairs.

CASE, DUDLEY &i BATTELLE,53 & 55 Worth Street.


SABIN L. SAYLES CO., 6 4 Cass, and 0. C. ASHUELOT MFG. CO., Beavers, Kerseys and Cloak-

GENEVA WORSTED MILL, 6 i Worsteds and ings.

Cloakings, GLOUCESTER MFG. CO., Ginghams.

TACONIC MILL, 6 4 Cass, and Cloakings. WASHINGTON MFG. CO., Ginghams.

FORT ANN WOOLEN CO., 6/4 Cass., 34 and 6 4 ipg^icH MILL, Cotton and Wool Hosiery.

n T ^mT-^aIt /'cflM c 'A w 1* .= TT „, '

5ILMANT0N MILL, Cotton and Wool Hosiery.C. J. AMIDON & SON, 6 '4 Melton and Vernon Blue


Plannel. SULLOWAY MILL, Cotton and Wool Hosiery.

J. P. OROZER'S SONS, Economy Cheoks. HERBERT BAILEY, Shirts and Drawers.

Page 155: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


CLOCKS.Prices Net.

Fortuna.—Height, ](i inches. Dial, 5 inches. 8 day, plain dial, white or gilt,

price, $5.75 ; 8 day, vis. esopt. dial, price, !^6.25. Cathedral gong.

Mona.^Height, 11^ inches. Dial, 5 inches. 8 day, plain dial, white or gilt,

price, $7.25; 8. day vis. escpt. dial, white or gilt, price, $8.25. Cathedralgong.

Page 156: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Circe.— Height, 10 inches. Dial, .^ inches. 8 day visible escpt. white or gold,

price, $8.00. Cathedral gong.


Heiglit, \i\ iiiciies. Dial. T) inches. 8 day French Porci'liiin l>ial. \'

escpt. Cathedral gong. Price. ^lli^.fK).

Page 157: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Senator. Lobbyist. Governor.

President. Ambassador. Secretary.

The Statesman Assortment.—Six assorted clocks in a case, each clock height,

22f inches. 8 day strike. Black walnut or oak. Above clocks have inter-

changeable tops by which not only are the six clocks subject to thirty-sii

combinations by change of the top, but all danger of breakage in shipmentis avoided. Price, per case, iJ^lS.OO.

Page 158: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


<?fin(T ^Al.,rm\ K.ill Si7P Prif>psl40 Messeiigei'.—Nickel witli Gi 1 1 Mil t.

HciKlit. "iSting (Ala m) l<ull bize, Pr te M.40 .^^^j^^» ^^^^ ^^ .^^^^^^^ ^ Day Time, Alarm,Sting (Strike)

•' ^2.10^,,^,q i Day Strike, $-2.()0.

Page 159: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Thistle. —Dial, 4 inches. Height over all, Racquet.—1 day time, $2.00.

25| inches. 15 day time, $9.00.

Page 160: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Eight-Day PendulumTinie.Miniature O. G. Cut is

exactly half size. 8 DayPendulum Time, $1.25.

The O. G. weif/ht one day.Clock height, 30 inches


9 in. dial. Price, withweights, $2.50.

Clover.— Dial, 2 inches. 1 DayPendulum Time. Price, 75c.

Reer Buck.—Cut is onetli

size. 1 Day Time, Ivorized

Dial. Price, $3.25.

Dial, 4 inches.—The Driver, with ahirni, 85c.

The Driver, without alarm, 70c.

Page 161: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Sting Watcl).—Full Size, 1 Day T. P.,

Silver, $1.25. Nickel, $1.20.

Badger.—Repeating alaini. Height, 7i inches.

1 Day Repeating alarm, $2.75.

No Chance to Sleep Over.—The mechanism in

this clock is so adjusted that the alarm will

repeat its signal at intervals of three minutesuntil it has alarmed ten times.

. Any one whohas become accustomed to the ordinary alarm,and repeatedly slept tlirough its warning,will appreciate the persistency of this clockin getting him up.

Alert.—Height, (Ji; inches, 1

Day Timepiece, $1.30 ; 1

Sting T. P. (Full Size.) Day Timepiece, alarm,

1 Day Timepiece, 95c. $1.50.

Page 162: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



In addition to our jewelry department, we carry a large and attractive line

of necklaces. Our line comprises all grades from the very cheapest to the mostexpensive ; we are daily adding new and attractive ones to our list.

Those usually retailed at i5c. are :

105 Graduated ; we have them in five colors $5 oO Gross Reg..301 4 colors assorted to a gross 4 00310 " " " " " 4 50241 Gold


242 Silver 4 75243 Blue


4037 2 rows on cards, assorted to pc 6 504(140 Imitation coral on cards 4 oo

For a lOc. article.

lOri Colors, gold, silver. Rose &—L—Blue $0 65 Doz.40 41 Wax graduated, 6 colors 62i

White, cream, pink, salmon, blue, Nile green 751005 Assorted on cards ) „ ^^1008 " " - )

'^ ^^

167 Fine gold beads. . .. 1 00

For a 25c. article:—168 2 rows fine gold 2 00240 Silver 1 50303 Black and gold 1 50239 Gold 1 50

50c. article:

119 1 row coral 1 75120 2 row coral 3 0012 3 row coral 4 00

4034 1 row pearl 1 764035 2 row ])earl 3 00


Iiii|H(r1crs and Maiiiifactiinis of



108 G-lEl^^l<riD STIREZET.

l)()()i{S WKST OF HHOAinVAY.

Page 163: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



i. No. 7.

No. Per Doz.,

1. Victoria shape, Plush with Metal Plate, 8|x7, 6^ leaves, contain-ing 10 cabinets, 6 cards, plain leaves, wire clasp, gilt edge $

2. Quarto, Plush with Nickel Word "Album," 8^x10, 6^ leaves, con-taining 10 cabinets, 12 cards, plain tinted leaves, extension clasp,

gilt edges3. Small Quarto, Plush, 2 Metal Corners and Word "Album," 8x10,

9^ leaves, containing 16 cabinets, 12 cards, tinted leaves, extensionclasp, gilt edges 8.00

4. Quarto, Plush, Embossed blank fancy design and word "Album,"8ixl0J, 12 leaves, containing 20 cabinets, 16 cards, tinted leaves, ex-tension chisp, gilt edges ... ....

7. Quarto, Plush, Floweib embossed blank, word "Album" celluloid,

SjxlOf, 12 leaves, cont iinin<i: 20 cabinets and 16 cards, tancy leaves,

extension clasp, gilt mI^ps





1 ^ .^O

No. 8.

Quarto, Moire Plusl

^1 11 \ u

, Metal Woid 'AlbuUi, dixlOf, \2 leaves, cun-taining 20 cabinets, 16 cards, plain leaves, extension clasp, gilt

15.00edgesQuarto, Plush, corners embossed blank, metal word "Album," 9x11,16 leaves, containing 28 cabinets, 16 cards, fancy leaves, extensionclasp, gilt edges

Quarto, Plush, Panel, Celluloid Flowers, 9x11, 16 leaves, containing28 cabinets, 16 cards, fancy leaves, extension clasp, gilt edges '. 22,50


Page 164: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


No. Per Doz. Reg.5. Quarto, Mauve Plush, Nickel Word "Album," SJxlOf, 12 leaves,

containing 20 cabinets, IG cards, plain tinted leaves, extensionclasp, silt edges lO.oO

6. Qiuirto, Brocaded Plush, Nickel Monogram "Our Friends,"' SixlOf.12 leaves, containing 20 cabinets, 16 cards, plain tinted leaves, ex-tension clasp, gilt edges 12.00

;». Quarto, Moire Plush, Celluloid Word "Album," SJxIOf, 12 leaves,containing 20 cabinets. 16 cards, fancy leaves, extension clasp, giltedges lo.OO

II). Quarto, xMoire Plush, Metal Word "Album" and 2 Metal Corners,SixlOf, 15 leaves, containing 26 cabinets, 16 cards, tinted leaves,extension clasp, gilt edges 18.00

12. Quarto, Plush, Plain Padded, S^xlOf, 12 leaves, containing 20 cabi-nets, 10 cards, plain tinted leaves, extension clasp, gilt edges 14.00

18. Quarto, Plush, Plain Padded, S^xlOf, leaves, containing 28 cabinets,16 cards, extension clasp, gilt edges 18.00

15. Longfellow shape. Plush, F'lowers and word " Album," embossedblank 7xl6|, 9 leaves, containing 36 cabinets, fancy leaves, exten-sion clasp, gilt edges., '.

12.0016. Longfellow shape. Plush, corners embossed blank, nickel word

"Album," 7xl6|^, 9 leaves, containing 36 cabinets, fancy, extensionclasp, gilt edges 1 3. 50

17. LongfeUow shape. Moire Plush, Celluloid word "Album," deco-rated, 7xl6i. 12 leaves, containing 48 cabinets, fancy leaves, exten-sion clasp, gilt edges "


No. \X. No. 19.

Longfellow shape, Plnsh, Corner and band embossed blank, metalword "Album," silver fin sli, 7Ax]6i, 16 leaves, containing 04 cab-inets, fancy leaves, extension clasps' gilt edges 24 (K)

Eiffel sliape, Moire Plush, metal monogram "Album," 15 leaves,containing 90 cabinets, gilt edges 27.50

Quarto, Plush, word "Album" heavily embossed in fancy design,8ixl(4. Id It^aves. confaining 28 cabinets, Ki cards, fancy, gilt

edges 24.00

Page 165: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



No. 31 No. i3. No. 2G.

Per Doz. Reg-

Quarto, Pliisb, Fancy Dt^sign embossed blank. Celluloid Word••Album " with birds and flowers, 8^x10*, Ki leaves, containing 28

cabinets, 16 cards, fancv leaves, extension clasp, gilt edges 33.00

Quarto, Plush, full Celluloid front cover, embossed with flowers andword " Album," 8^x10^, 1(3 leaves, containing 28 cabinets, 16 cards,

fancy leaves, extension clasp, gilt edges 39.00

Quarto, Plush, Word "Album," and corner oxidized metal, 8^x10*,

15 leaves, containing 26 cabinets, 16 cards, fancy leaves, extension

clasp, gilt edges 25,50

No. 32.

No. 27 No 2S

27. Longfellow shape. Pliisli, Word "Album" and 2 metal corners,

7x16^,15 leaves, containing 60 cabinets, fancy leaves, extension

clasp, gilt edges 33.00

28. Longfellow shape. Plush, blank embossed top and bottom, large

word "Album" and flowers, celluloid, 7x16^, 16 leaves, containing

64 cabinets, fancv leaves, extension clasp, gilt edges - • • 40.00

32. Shield shape, Plush, celluloid Golden Rod and word "Album,"SixlOA, 16" leaves, containing 28 cabinets, 16 cards, fancy leaves,

extension clasp, gilt edges 36.00

Page 166: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)







Per Doz. Reg.

Quarto, Plush, Corner JBand, word "Album'' and butlercuj) in cel-

luloid, ISixlUi, 10 leaves, containing 28 cabinets, 10 cards, fanc}'

leaves, extension clasi?, gilt edges T 30.00Quarto. ^Vood, with monogram and metal corner, SJxlOi, 10 leaves,

containing 28 cabinets, 10 cards, fancy leaves, extension clasp, gilt

edges 89.00Quarto, Plush, metal monogram and chased corner, 8|^xlOi, 10leaves, containing 28 cabinets, 10 cards, fancy leaves, extensionclasp, gilt edges 3(5.00

Longfellow shape. Wood Cover, chased metal corner and metal mo-nogram ''Album," 7xiei, 16 leaves, containing 64 cabinets, fancyleaves, extension clasp, gilt edges 40.50

Longfellow shape, Plush, chased metal corner and metal monogram"Album," 7xl6i, 16 leaves, containing 04 cabinets, fancy leaves,

extension clasp, gilt edges 40..50

Longfellow shape. Plush, full celluloid front cover, decorated withflowers and word " Album," 7x1 6i, 16 leaves, containing 28 cabi-

nets, fancy leaves, extension clasp, chased edges 52.00

No. S3.

33. New Diamond shape. Plush, panel centre, top and bottom embossedin relief, 2 bands of celluloid daisies, S^xlOf, 16 leaves, containing32 cabinets, fancy lenves, extension clasp, gilt edges 45.00

34. Oblong, Plush, celluloid word " Album,"' 10ixl2i, 16 leaves; con-taining 03 cabinets, fancy leaves, extension clasp, gilt edges.. 36.00

35. Oblong, Plush, celluloid corner and decorated monogram "Album,"10ixJ2i, 10 leaves, containing 64 cabinets, fancy leaves, extensionclasp, gilt edges 47.50

36. Quarto, Leather, morocco, seal grain, 8^x101, Ki leaves, containing28 cabinets, 16 cards, tinted leaves, extension clasp, gilt edges. . . . 27.00

37. Quarto, morocco, fancy design embossed blank, 8^x11, 10 leaves.

containing 28 cabinets, 10 cards, fancy leaves, extension clasp, gilt

edges 32,0040. Easel shape, Plush, drop front, embossed corner, celluloid word

"Album,"' drawer in base, 10^x7ixlli, 10 leaves, fancy, extensionclasp, gilt edges each 3.50

41. Easel shape, Plush, front cover embossed blank, celluloid word"Album" decorated with flowers, drawer in base, passepartoutopening in front cover, full plush back, 12x6^x13*, 16 leaves, fancy,extension clasp, gilt edge each 0.5n

Page 167: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


No. Per Doz.

38. Quarto, French iiiorocco, embossed blank Howers, 8^x11, IG leaves,

containing 28 cabinets, 16 cards, fancy leaves, extension clasp, gilt

edges §45.U0

39. Victor Easel shape, Plush, celluloid spray of flowers on front cover,

with passe partout opening, drawer in base, llx8xlH, 16 leaves,

fancy, extension clasp, gilt edge '. eacli 4.75

Toilet Cases.

,Silk Plush, Assorted Colors, Safin Lined.

4-i. Regular shape. Furnished, three pieces, white Florence. 8i x 3f . . . 9.00

4:i. Regular shape. Furnished, three pieces, white Florence, plain niii-

ror. 4 x 9| 10.HO

44. Regular shape. Furnished, three pieces, white Florence, beveledmirror. 4 x 9f 12.00

4.1. Regular shape. Furnished, three pieces, white Florence, squarebeveled mirror. 4| x loj 15.75

46. Regular shape. Furnished, three pieces, metal. 4x9$ 21.00



N... ,,.

Regular shape. Tup embossed, with celluloid ornament ; furnished,

three pieces, decorated Florence, plain mirror. 4^x lOi 18.75

Regular shape. Top embossed in relief with celluloid ornament


furnished, three pieces, white Florence, plain backs, beveled mirror.

5x11 21.00

Regular shape. Combination Toilet and Manicure. Plain top;

furnished, three pieces toilet, five pieces manicure, white Florence.

6i X 9J 21.00

Silk plush, fancy shape. Top ornamented with celluloid bands andspraj- ; furnished, three pieces, white Florence. 6x13 27 00

Page 168: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Tolld Cases.—ConVd.No. I'tr Doz. Reg.50. Ref^iilar shape. Combination Toilet and Manicure. Plain lup :

furnished, three pieces toilet, eight pieces manicure, wliite Florence7x11 83.00

51. Fancy shape. Top ornamented with bronze bands ; furnished, tliree

pieces toilet, white Florence. 6 x 11 824.005o. Regular shape. Silk plush, plain top ; famished, three pieces, wliite

Florence, fancy curved handles. 5 x lOj 27.0054. Regular shape. Top embossed in relief, scroll pattern; celluloid

ornament on top : furnished, three pieces, fancy white Florence,curved handles. 6 x ll-.V 83.00




No. .")0. No. HI.


Heart shape. Top embossed in relief with celluloid .spray ; three

pes. toilet, seven pes. manicure, oxidized metal. 8i x 15 $0.00

Plush with celluloid spray of flowers and bands; furnished, three

pieces, fancy Florence, leaf shape, decorated backs. 7^ x 12^ 3.75

Fancy shape. Plain top with celluloid bands around box; furnished,

three pieces, Florence, decorated backs. x 124 3.00

Fancy shape. Plain padded top ; furnished, three pieces, Florence,

decorated backs, seven pieces manicure. 7^ x 14i 4.50

Regular shape. Silk plush, top with celluloid ornament and band ;

furnished, three pieces toilet. 9 x 10^ 3.75

Regular shape. Panel top with celluloid ornament ; furnished, four

pieces toilet, eight pieces

manicure, and glovestretcher in wliite Flor-

ence. 9fxl2} 4.00

01. Easel Toilet ; fancy shape,drop front, embossed in

X^-'vy IV'il^ high relief with celluloid

J-^ "^li spray; large round bevel^^^

mirror in back ; fur-

nished, two pieces toilet,

six pieces manicure, whiteFlorence ; two glass odor

Ri^^^J^E^SSSS^Jl:"*;*? bottles. x 10 x 12J 4..5(i

ISF^'iLi.i**^^''^^ ?^1 ^''^- Upright Piano shape'. Silk

F*Bi;Ci!j^^^*^'Si>vNJ« plush, automatic dropfront, with celluloid or-

nament; raised top ; fur-

-^^^^^^ II islied, th]'ee pieces toilet,

i.M'iii*\\\l|yL .i.^^ai .^ nine pieces manicure,%.^f^^^^it0«f^ win te Florence. 7^ x 12|

xl3 0.00

Page 169: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)







Each, Reg.

Silver plated, lined through with satin and fitted with a silver platedmirror, brush and comb. 11x6x3 $3.25

Silver plated, 3 pieces. Cover, morning glory design, lined with best

quality of satin and fitted with mirror, brush and comb of a chasepattern, silver plated. Ilx5^x3f 3.f)5

Three piece combinatiou. The most attractive design ever offered


base is imitation of bark, metal plated in Roman gold; body is of

a floral design silver plated ; cover is gathered in four parts of

bark design Roman gold to match the base and bound with fourtulip flowers with a centre piece of morning glory metal, silver

plated ; fitted with silver plated chase mirror, brush and comb.12^x6^x3* : 4.50

Three pieces, hand engraved. Base of white metal, hand engraved;

body a chase floral design with triple plated cover of white metal,hand engraved ; lined with best quality of satin and fitted with a

silver plated chased toilet set. Il|x0x3i 7.00Hand decorated, silver plated toilet tray, fitted with a hand chased

pattern silver plated mirror, brush and comb. 12x7* 4.50

154. Combination. The body is of a floral design trimmed and tippedwith plush; cover hand decorated ; inside of case is lined withbest quality of satin and decorated with relief work of plush,

metal and satin. Fittings comprise a complete outfit of toilet,

manicure and cologne set, and making a very useful andattractive gift. The whole case and fittings are silver plated.

19ixl2x4^ 14.50

Page 170: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)




Toilet Cases.—(Jonl'd.

^o. l.'jo. Each. Refj.

The Shell Combination Case is one of the handsomest ever put in themarket. The body and cover rim is of a relief pattern, silverplated ; cover is of .silk plush, ornamented with metal flowers, andthe inside part of combination satin, hand painted, and fitted with

^a i'ose relief silver plated tc^ilet set. 14x12x4 $1 1.50

Combination. Manicure, jewel, pincushion and work box set. Verycompact, excellent workmanship, best materials and lined withgood quality of satin and plush. Case is made of morning glorymetal, silver plated, and the implements are all silver plated'.12xin^x4 .'


No. 401.

Combination collar and cud' box. Made of morning glcry metal andornamented with four silver corners, and lined with best qualityof satin. 7x7x5 ". 2.25

One of the handsomest cuff boxes ever made. Body made of liowermetal silver plated, cover of white metal hand engraved, tripleplated. 7x5J 2.75

(Collar.) See description of No. 406 (cnflf). 4|x5^ 2.26

Page 171: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


'IViilti Cases.'— Cold' d.


Lac h Reg

Manicure case, lined throughout with best satin, case of morningglory metal silver plated and fittings heavily silver plated.

7|xoix2f $2.00Manicure set, put up in a very neat paper box on fancy cards and

each piece tied with ribbon. The seven pieces are very heavilyplated. lO^xGf 2.75

>.o 1.0

The sextupel combination and manicure case. Base of bark design,

body of lioral design with a hand decorated centre in Roman gold,

and the left and right sides morning glory metal silver plated;

lined with very best satin and fitted witli silver plated chased de-

sign implements. 16|x8ix3:V 9.^0


Maniruie set The fise pieces are silver plated and fastened to a

fancy card and put up in neat boxes. Each piece is tied with rib-

bon 1.50

A three piece manicure set, put up in a neat paper box and tied witha ribbon on a fancy card. Pieces are all silver plated 1.00

The above glove stretcher and button hook is fastened with ribbon to

a fancy card and put up in a neat box 60

Page 172: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Tnibl (Ja.'ics.—t'onrd.No. Eiich Reg.

lOU. Conibiiiutioii. Base, bark metal, Roman gold ;- body, imitation ol

grained oak wood silver plated ; cover rim, bark metal, and coverpincushion top ; case is decorated with filigree relief work, andfitted with silver plated implements. lo^xSix^ $12.00

K;:!. Combination toilet set. Silver plated Roman gold, with cover andbase to match, with body decorated with tulip and morning gloryflowers and liped with the best qualify of satin. The toilet set is

of the rising snn design and with otlier fittings to match.llixlOxSi ! S.7n


2.'5-?. Work box. Base bark metal Roman gold. Body of a cha.se flower

design silver plated. Cover rim of bark de.sign and cover in com-bination of Roman gold and silver. Lined with satin of combina-tion colors and fitted with silver plated work box implements.0x6ix4 $3.50

275. Two pie( es shaving set I'l lined out and out with satin. Box of morn-ing gloi\ desmn sihei plated. Very compact and useful. ()ix5ix3i 1.75

No. 'i:vA.

Shaving case. Is made complete of morning glory metal silver plat-

ed. Corners on base Roman gold and also on cover. Lined with

best satin and fitted with silver mug, brush and razor. 8x(5x3i 3 25Shaving case. Is lined with satin and fitted with mug, razor, brushand nnrror. Tiie case is of morning glory metal, heavily silver

plated and decorated with Roman gold ornaments. UxCjxBI 3.75

Gentleman's Comijanion. Shaving brush, knife, cosmetic brush andtweezer on a fancv card tied with ribbon and put in a neat paperbox '

1 .25

Three piece shaving set. Case of morning glory metal, silver plated

and decorated with Roman gold oinanients and corners. 8x5^x3} 2.00

308H. See description of No. 308G. 6^x6^x4 3.25





Page 173: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)






To ilet Cases.—Conf d.

Each, Reg.Triple plated combination case. Base, bark metal heavily silver

plated, body of a chased tioral design with cover, made o\\ whitemetal, hand engraved, and lined with best quality of satin.

Toilet set and manicure fittings of silver plated chased pattern.

]2irx8x3ir_ $8.75

A tine silver plated manicure case of morning glory design, linedthroughout with best satin and fittings to match, silver plated.8x6^x2* 2.-25

A seven piece, silver plated toilet set. Base, morning glory design;

body, tioral design ; cover, morning glory silver plated and linedwith a combination of plush and satin. Fittings of a chsse de-sign. 10x7x3i 4. 00

Work box, is made complete of morning glory metal, silver platedand lined with best quality of satin. The six implements aresilver plated. 8^x6^x4 ::^.25

Work box. Base and cover rim of bark metal, body flower design,silver plated, cover hand engraved white metal triple plated. Linedwith satin and fitted with five silver plated working tools. 0;^xPTix4 4.7.5

No. 3.59.

308G. Glove box, one of the handsomest glove boxes ever made. Base andcover rim of bark metal, bode flower design and cover, white metalhand engraved, triple plated with four silver corners and lined withbest satin combination. 13x5x3 4.25

359. Three piece odor case. Morning glory design with Roman gold orna-ment and corners. Lined with best satin. 7^x5^x3^. .

." 2.00

Jewel box. Of morning glory metal, .silver plated with Roman goldtips and corners. Lined with best quality of satin and has traywhich can be taken out at any time. 8x6x4 ". 2.25

Page 174: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)




Toilet Cases.—Cont'd.Each, Reg.

Odor case, made of morning glory metal silver plated, liand decora-tions. Lined with best qnaiity satin fitted with two handsomebottles tied with ribbon. 6^x51x8^ s2.00

Triple phited perfnme case. Base and body and cover rim of barkmetal silver plated. Cover hand engraved white metal. Linedwith satin and ornamented with four silver corners. 6ix5fx3i.... 3.50


1 1 i.ti titiJLii iitLiiii ii £i^



Ao'i. Jewel and Cologne ea»e, iiiade ol lamaliun wood (oak grained) withRoman gold base and ornaments. Lined with combination satin

and very beautifully decorated with hand painting. 9x6^x3J. . . . 0.75

483. Gentleman's Companion, made of morning glory metal Roman goldwith match, ash receiver and cigar cup of silver plated tlowermetal. S|x6x:5 1.40

486. Smoking stand, of morning glory metal with ash receiver, match andcigar cups to match. 7i;x5J DO


489. The two pieces smoking stand made of flower design and tipped with

silver corners. The match and cigar cups are of metal to matchbase. 6ix4| 85

49(5. Smoking stand with base of white metal very neatly engraved byhand and tipped with silver corners. Cigar and match cups andash receiver of oride metal, liighly polished and gilded. 8^x0— 4.50

1009. Cabinet size photo fraines, hand decorated. Very handsome and at-

tractive. Heavily .silver plat(>d. 7.1x9| 1.50

1012. Body of frame is silver plated and ornamented with Roman goldrelief work. The edge of frame is fluted and makes a very hand-some article. 8x10 1.25

Page 175: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


TolJet Cases.—GonVcl.

No. 567. No. 588.

No. Each, Reg.

507. Ink stand, made of lioial metal with plush binding and ball feet,

siipplied with two fine ink bottles and a pen rack of silver platedmetal. 6x6 $1.50

588. A very handsome ink tray, with two ornamented bottles. The baseis morning glory metal, silver plated, sides of twisted wire andhand chased flowers, a very neat and attractive table ornament.All heavily silver plated. 10ix6 2.25

1018. The engraved part of this frame is made of white metal. The flowersare all chased and hand decorated, and all heavily silver plated.

This frame is the leader of our line. 10x7| 1.85

1014. Triple plated hand engraved photo frame, made of white metal. Veryattractive and liandsome. 8^x10 1.50

X,,. mrj. No 10o5,

1019. Triple plated, made of white meial and very handsomely engraved.

The left side of frame is open filigree work, hand decorated, andthe right side is finished in smoke pearl design, decorated wiih

hand engraved flowers. 1 0x8 2.75

1020. It is made of white metal hand engraved, triple plated, and repre-

sents in pierced work the natural course of the flowers. The glass

is held in place by Roman gold relief work. 9x9 2.75

1021. Triple Frame, is made of white metal, hand engraved, representing

the French artistic designs, 8^x8^ 2.25

1054. Mirror Frame, made of white metal, very handsomely cut and de-

corated ; the mirror is held in place by a Roman gold centre piece,

all heavily silver plated, 12^x8^ 3.25

1053. Ornamental Mirror, a very handsomely decorated article. Theglass is heavily beveled; frame of hand-chased flowers, boundwith silver wire, and heavily silver plated, 16^x14 4.25

1055. Quadruple-plated Mirror Frame. The flowers are all hand engravedand very heavily silver plated ; the glass is held in place by Ro-man gold centre piece, 11x9 3.25

Page 176: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Toilet Cases -^Confd.No. Each. Ro>;.

1061. Morning Glory Mirror Frame for centre table ; heavily plated andset with a heavy beveled French glass, 11x9 2.00

1069. Crescent Mirror, made of silver-plated twisted wire and hand-chasedHowers. 1 1 inches high 2.75

590. White Metal Hand-Engraved Card Cases; solid white metal, heavilysilver plated and hand engraved ; fitted with gilt-edged cards.



.590-1 Is made in every way like No. .590, and has an imprint, handengraved, the words " .Just One Game" ; fitted with gilt-edged

cards, 3Jx2t 1-60

."190-2. The abo\e cut whu li i> •^liown on theextiemt nt^ht lepresents the

back of the case. The front side is made of open work, hand-engraved filigree decorations, and also decorated with hand engrnv-ed brisrht cuts, 3Jx2J 1.



No. 587. ^o. .>80.

Ink tray. Base of white metal, hand engraved ; sides of silver wireand hand chased Howers with very fine large bottle. The tray is

very heavily silver plated. 81x8^Card receiver. Made of white metal, hand engraved, with ends of a

chased flower design and sides of scroll work and silver plated.

11^x51Card receiver of white metal, very handsomely engraved, with sides

of a (phased flower design heavily plated, and can also be used witha handsome bottle as an ink tray. 7Ax7A


589. Card tray, made of white metal, hand engraved, with scallop edge.

Half of base is of quilted design and the other half of a floral de-

sign. All hand engraved and silver plated. 8x5}

Page 177: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


TollH Gase.s.— aonr<l.


10(1/ ri4.


:3 pieces, 9^x4^, Plush case, fancy top. White, $31.00 ; Amber, $21. Oo,

per doz.

'i pieces, 9^x4^, Plush case, fancy to;). Carnelian, $21.50 per doz.

3 pieces, llxiij. Plush case, extension base. White, $30.00 ; Amber,$33.00 ; Carnelian, $33.00 per doz.

101/65. 3 pieces, 11x5^, Plush case, extension base. Cream, $32.00 per doz.101/82. 3 pieces, llx5J, Plush case, extension base. Ivory, $10.00 per doz.101/21. 3 pieces, 11x5^, Plush case, extension base. White, $36.00; Amber,

$88.00 ; Carnelian, 38.00, per doz.

101/4. 3 pieces, llx5J, Plush case, extension base. White, $36.00 ; Amber,$39.00, per doz.

102/89. 3 pieces, 12:^x6^, Plush case, extension base, large tittings. Lt. An-tique, $51.00 per doz.

114/54. 8 pieces, 10fx6, Plush case, fancy top. White, $32.00 ; Amber, $3^.00;

Carnelian, $33.00, per doz.


No. 115/1.

8 pieces, 11x6^, Plush case, fancy top.^.^„„„, ^ ai , .«..^j ^^^j. White, $3.25; Amber, $3.50:Carnelian, $3.75, each.

207/54. 10 pieces, 12x7^, Plush case, embossed top. White, $4.25; Amber,$4.50; Carnelian, $4.50, each.

115/55. 8 pieces, 11x6i, Plush case, fancy top. Cream, $3.51 each.

Page 178: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Toilet Cases.—VonVcI.

No. 123/21.

123/21. 13 pieces, 12x9i, Plush case, fancy shape. White, §7.()(>; Amber, ^1S)0\Carnelian, $7.50, eacli.

126/1. 8 pieces, 15^x5^, Plush case, fancy shape. White, S4.75 ; Amber, S5.25 ;

Carnelian, $5.25, each.

120/55. 8 pieces, 15^x5^, Plnsh case, fancv shape. Cream, $5.0U each.131/1. 15 pieces, 17^x12, Plush case, fancy shape. White, $9.25 ; Amber,

$10.00, each.227/64. 3 pieces, 13xl0i, Plush case, extension base. Ivory. $8.75 ; Amber,

$8.75 ; Shell, $8.75, each.

672. 6 pieces, 7x5, Plnsh case, containing assorted napkin rings. Antique,$3.00 each.

81. 4 pieces, 9x2^x1^, Celluloid, telescope case. Ivory, $3.75 each.

Page 179: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


No.Toilet Cases.—Cont'd.

116/1. 10 pieces, llxSi, Plush case, extension base. White, $4.00; Amber,$4.25; Carnelian, $7.25, each.

118/1. 14 pieces, 15x9, Plush case, extension base. White, $5.5(T; Amber,$6.00, each.

125/54. 12 pieces, 14x12. Plush case, leaf pattern. White, $7.00 ; Amber, $7.75 ;

Carnelian, $7.75, each.

588. 3 pieces, 7^x21, Plush case, folding pocket set. White, $8.50 doz.45Z. 5 pieces, 8x7, Plush case, extension base, infant set. White, $3.25 ;

Amber, $8.50; Carnelian, $4.50, each.202. 4 pieces, 8x6, Plush case, fancy top, shaving set. White, $3.00 ; Amber,

$3.25, each.

208S. 5 pieces, 9^x7. Plush case, fancy shape, shaving set. White, $5.75;

Amber, $6.25; Carnelian, $6.25, each.

Toilet Sets.

__^ f

^ 1. .A 1

No. 100/100. No. 600, 600.

No. Per Doz., Reg.

100/100. Combination Set, Ivory, in box, consisting of No. 100 Brush,No. 100 Mirror, No. 100 Comb $33.00

900/900. Combination Set, Ivory 40.00600/600. " " " 30.001000/1000. " • " 30.00

1/26. Combination Set, Amber, in paper box, consisting of No. 7Hair Brush, No. 26 Mirror, No. 56 Comb 15.50

6/27. Combination Set. White, in paper box, consisting of No. 6 HairBrush, No. 27 Mirror, No. 56 Comb 18.00

8/13. Combination Set, White, in paper box, consisting of No. 13Zylo. Hair Brush, No. 8 Zylo. Mirror, No. 56 Comb 18.00

20/21. Combination Set, White, in paper box, consisting of No. 21Zylo. Hair Brush, No. 20,Mirror, No. 56 Comb 18.00

1/2. Combination Set, White, in paper box, consisting of No. 2 HairBrush, No. 1 Mirror No. 56 Comb ."


Page 180: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Toilet Sets.—Confd.No. Per Doz.. Reg.

0/0. Combination Sef, White, in paper box, consisting of No. HairBrush, No. Mirror, No. 56 Comb 12.00

03/48. •Combination Sf-t, Amber, consisting of No. 6;-! Hair Brush, No.43 Mirror, No. 56 Comb 15.75

65/35. Combination Set, Cream, consisting of No. 55 Brush, No. 35Mirror, No. 56 Comb 24.50

58/38. Combination Set, Cream, consisting of No. ,58 Brusli, No. 38Mirror, No. 56 Comb 28.50

800/800. Combination Set, Ivorv, consisting of No. 800 Brush, No. 800IVfirror, No. SOo Comb 42.00

4 pieces, 5^x3^, Ooze-leather case, manicure set. White, $8.00; Am-ber, $9.25, each.

523. 4 pieces, 6^x31. Plush ease, manicure set. White, $8.50 ; Amber,$9.00 ; Carnelian, $9.00, each.

524. 6 pieces, 7|x4^, Plush case, manicure set. White, $17.50 ; Amber,$22.00, each.

No. 518. No. 'yi\. No. 303 82.

518. 6 pieces, 7ix4, Plush case, manicure set. White, $15.50 ; Amber,$18.00, each.

521. 7 pieces, 7*x6.',. Plush case, manicure set. White, $20.00; Amber,$22.00 ; Carnelian, $22.00, each.

130/1. 16 pieces, 16x9|, Plush case, toilet set, placque top, fancy shape. White,$9.25 each.

187/4. 16 pieces. 18x12, Plush case, toilet set, placque top, fancy .shape.

White, $13.00 each.

189/21. 16 pieces, 22x12, Plush case, toilet set, 2 placques, fancy shape. White.$13.00 each.

256/64. 5 pieces, 14x12, Plush case, toilet set, fancy shape. Ivory shell, si 0.75


157/2. 19 pieces, 22x16. Plush case, toilet set, placque top, fancy shajie. Am-ber, $16.00 each.

145/79. 13 pieces, 16^x121, Plush case, toilet set, picture top, fancy shape. I^t.

Antique, $22.00 each.

301/62. 4 pieces, Sx2xU, Leather telescope case. White, $1.05 ; Amber, $1.85;

Carnelian, $1.8.^, each.

302/82. 4 pieces, 9x2^x1i Leather telescope case. White, $2.00 ; Amber, $2.25;

Carnelian, $2.25. e.acli.

Page 181: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)








To/let Sets.—Confd.

. 3 pieces, 13x6, Cellviloid basket. Lt. Antique, $5.50 each.

10 pieces, ll+x7, Oali case, toilet set. Cream, $5.50 each.

22 pieces, 21xl3|, Plush case, toilet set, placqiie top, fancy shape.

White, $30.00 each.

3 pieces, 12x6, Celluloid basket. White, $5.25 each.

. 3 pieces, 13x6, Celluloid basket. Lt. Antique, $5.75 each.

3 pieces, 12x6, Celluloid basket. Fleur de lis, $6.75 eacli.

318/1. 6 pieces, 9x3^x2^, Leather telescope case. VA^hite, $2.75 ; Amber, $3.25 ;

Carnelian, $3.v5, each.

321/1. 7 pieces, 9x3i^x2i, Leather telescope case, with razor. White, $3.50 ;

Amber, $3.75, each.

324/1. 9 pieces, 9x3^x2^, Leather telescope case, whisk broom. White, $3.25 ;

Amber, $3.75 ; Carnelian, $3.75, each.322/1. 8 pieces, 9x3^x2^, Leather telescope case, razor and broom. White,

$3.75 ; Amber, $4.25 ; Carnelian, $4.25, each.




Brush and Mirror Sets.Per Doz., Reg.

Fancy paper box, 9;^x4|. White oval mirror, 9 in. Iniio' ; whitehair brush, to match, 7| in long ; white 7 in. comb $7.00

Same as No. 39, except that ihe mirror is plate glass, instead oi"

plain glass 8.00

Xo. 41. No. 30

Fancy paper box, 9|x5^. White Florence mirror, plate glass;

white hair brush, to match ; white 7 in. comb 10.50

Same as No. 41, only the fittings are decorated in colors 15.00

Fancy paper box, 9fx6. White Florence mirror, plate glass


white hair brush, to match : white 7 in. comb 12.50

Page 182: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Brush and Mirror Set-s\—Cont'cf.

No. (.'.

No. Per Doz., Reg.

42. Fancy paper box, 10|x6f. White Florence iriirior, plate glass;

white hair brush, to match ; white 7 in. comb 81fi.75

52. Fancy paper box, 9fx6|. White Florence mirror, plate glass;

white liair brush to match ; white 7 in. comb 18.50

lliliiiiiillllilillliiiiiiiijjiuiDJjmuuo Ll/ \ I ||l||ji|ilpii!i|iip|i j|lii|

\o id ^ ( 1

53. Fancy paper box, 9|x6i. White Florence mirror, plate class;white hair brush, to match ; white 7 in. comb 18.00

61. Fancy paper box, l()^x7|. White Florence mirror, round plateglass ; white hair brush, to match ; white 8 in. comb 24.00

Toih't Sets ill I'MiU' rapi'i- Carious.No. Each, Reg.

64. 3 pieces. Ivory t . .


$6.2564. 3 " Shell 6.25

66. 3 " Ivory 6.00

68. 3 " Antique 3.50

89/3. Light Antique 3.26

Page 183: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)





Manicure Cases.

Silk Plush, Assorted Colors, Satin Lined.

No. 67. No. 69.

Per Doz.

Oval shape. Padded extension top ; furnished, four pieces, whiteFlorence. 3^x5 86.00

As above ; furnished, five pieces, white. 3^ x 7^ 9.00

Oval shape. Padded extension top ; furnished, four pieces, oxidizedmetal. 3|x8 13.50

Fancy shape. Top embossed blank ; furnished, seven pieces. r)^x7. 12.75

Fancy shape. Panelled top ; furnished, live pieces, oxidized metal.

5ix7i 15.00

Fancy shape. Panelled top ; furnished, six pieces, oxidized metal.

6x8 18.00

Fancy shape. Top embossed in relief; furnished, six pieces, oxi-

dized metal. 6x9i 27.00Fancy shape. Inside bevelled mirror ; furnished, eight pieces, white.

7 X 7| 18.75Fancy shape. Front embossed blank, oak leaves; celluloid bands,colored. Inside mirror ; furnished, odor bottle, and six pieces

manicure, white. 7^x7x9 19.25

Collar and Cnft' Boxes.

Silk Plnsli, Assorted Colors, Satin Lined.

No. 7-2. No. 73. No. 74. No. 75.

No. Sold in Sets only. Per Doz. Sets.

72. Plain top. " Collars." 4ix4i $9.00

73. Plain top. "Cuffs," 4^x5^ 9.00

74. Top embossed. "Collars." 5x4 12.00

75. Top embossed. "Cuflfs." 5x6 12.00

Page 184: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Combination Collar and Cuff Boxes.No. Per. Doz.7(J. Octagon shape : plain top. 6A x 5^ $12.0077. Octagon shape : rop embossed in relief. 6i x (U . . 18.00

78. Round ; top embossed in relief with metal head. Oi x7i IC.oO7!). Fancy shape ; top embossed in relief. 6^ x Of 18.00So. Fancy shape ; top embossed in relief with celluloid ornament. 8x7. 2G..50

Shaviny Cases.Sill- Plush. Assorted Cuhrs, Safin Lined. All Muijs arc Drmnded.

N". >*l. No. Si. No. .'^t'l.

81. Regular shape; padded extension top; fnrnislied, niut;- and brush.

41 X ."ii":

.'US. 0082. Regular shape

;padded extension top; furnished, mug, brush and

razor. .5 x f)! 12.00

8:i. Regular shape; plain padded extension top; furnished, brush andrazor. .5^ x f5 1 4..')0

84. Fancy shape; top embossed in relief; furnished, mug, razor andtelescope brush. .')ix7A 18.00

8."). Fancy shape; top eml)ossed in relief with celluloid ornament; fur-

nished, brush, mug and razor. 0^x0 22. .^)0

8(5. Regular shape ; padded extension top ; furnished, brush, mug, razor

and comb. 7* x 8^ 2;"").r)0

87. Heart shape ; top embossed in relief; furnished, comb, brush, razor,

mug and manicure scissors. 9 x 9J 27.50

Page 185: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Jewel Cases.

Silk Plus/i. Jssor/ed Colors, Satin Lined.

E^^' 1

No. .s,s. No. 93.

No. Per Doz.

iSS. Oval shape ; padded extension top, three compartments. 4ix5|... $6.75

89. As above ; three compartments. 4^ x 6^ 7.75

90. Fancy shape; padded top, embossed blank ; inside celluloid orna-

ment and 5 compartments. 7^x8^ 12.()(


91. Fancy shape;padded top, embossed in relief ; three compartments.

8x8i 15.00

92. Heart shape ; top embossed in relief ; inside celluloid ornament andfive compartments. 9x9tK. 18.00

Work Boxes.

Si/k Plush, Satin Lined, Assorted Colors.

No. 93. No. 97. No. 99.

No. Per Doz.

93. Regular shape;padded extension top; 3^x4^. Furnished, four

pieces s4.00

94. Regular shape; padded extension top; 4^x6. Furnished, five

pieces. 6.00

95. Regular shape; padded extension top; 5-^x7^. Furnished, five

pieces S.5096. Regular shape; padded extension top; 6^x8. Furnished, five

pieces 10. .50

97. Clover leaf shape;padded extension top ; furnished, five pieces.

6 X 6i 10.75

99. Clover leaf shape; padded extension top; round bevel mirror inside

cover, hinged bridged ; furnished, seven pieces, fancy handles.

7ix8 18.00

Page 186: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Wnrk Boxes.—Cont'd.No. Per. Doz.

98. Clover leaf shape ; padded extension top ; full size mirror inside


•top embossed, diagonal band with celluloid spray, inside hingedbridge ; furnished, five pieces. G^x 8


815.50liiii. rii^art shape ; top embossed in high relief ; furnished, eight pieces.

'>\\n i!).5(»

lol. Regular shape;padded extension top;

diamond shaped mirror, and hingedbridge inside cover ; furnished, five

pieces. 6J x 8 13.5(»

ji^^^Sff 1U2. Fancy shape ; pannelled extension top;embossed in relief with celluloid

flowers ; hinged bridge and bevelledmirror inside ; furnished, seven^ -jfWj^ {lieces, 6x8 22.50

^ifc^^--^ma lo:3. Fancy shape; band of celluloid dai---^; "'V^H,p!l3Sa si*^*^' ^"<^ hinged bridge inside


'hki-*-^^^^^ nished, eight pieces. '7 x loi 27. ."lO

fe «» "c^^^s&JWS i|,4 Fancy shape; padded panelled top;hinged bridge ; furnished, eightpieces. 8^x10 '.

. . :5o GoNo. 104.

Autograph Albums.







No. 109.

Per Doz. , ReR.

Album" and!?9.50


Satchel Shape, Silk Plush, oxidized metal wordflowers, gilt butterfly, 5x5i

Satchel shape. Silk Plush, metal ornament, silver finish, 5x5^Satchel Shape, Silk Plush, word "Album" and daisies in cellu-

loid, 5x5^Satchel Shape, Silk Plush, flowers in celluloid, 5x5-1

Heart Shape, Silk Plush, oxidized silver scroll, gilt butterfly, iixiVh




No. 11 :i. No.

113. Shield Shape, Silk Plush, daisy band and word "Album" celluloid.

5,1 x6 9.50

117. Regular Shape, Savoy Plush, metal monogram "Album" decoratedwith flowers, 3|x6f 3.75

Page 187: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)










Autograph Albums.— VonV d.Per Doz., Reg.

Heart Shape, Silk Plush, butterfly and flowers, celluloid, 4i^x6i $10.00Heart Shape, Silk Plush, celluloid monogram aud flowers, ^AxGi. . 10.50Heart Shape, Silk Plush, embossed blank, high relief, 4ixtii i).()0

Shield Shape, Silk Plush, daisy band and word "Album," cellu-

loid, 5^x6 9.50Shield Shape, Silk Plush, flowers celluloid, 5^x0 9.50Shield Shape, Silk Plush, oxidized metal ornament, racquet andword "Album,'" 5^x6 10.00

Regular Shape, Savoy Plush, metal monogram "Album" decoratedwith flowers, 3|x6i 4.00

Regular Shape, Savoy Plush, metal monogram "Album" decoratedwith flowers, 4^x7 5.00

Regular Shape, Savoy Plush, metal monogram "Album" decoratedwith flowers, 5x7f 6.00

Regular Shape, Savoy Plush, metal monogram "Album" decoratedwith flowers, 6fx7f



Srrap Books.

122. Leatherette, embossed gilt and black, windmill spray and bordergilt, word "Album" black and gilt, white leaves SfxlH 1.75

128. Leatherette, embossed gilt and black, windmill spray and bordergilt, word "Album" black and gilt, white leaves, 9^x12 2.00

124. Leatherette, embossed gilt and black, windmill spray and bordergilt, word "Album" black and gilt, white leaves, 10ixl2| 2.25

125. Leatherette, embossed gilt and bhick, windmill spray and bordergilt, word "Album" black and gilt, white leaves, llixl4 8.00

126. Leatherette, embossed gilt and black, windmill spray and bordergilt, word "Album" black and gilt, white leaves, 12ixl5 8.25

127. Leatherette, embossed gilt and black, windmill spray and bordergilt, word "Album" black and gilt, white leaves, 14ixl7 4.50

128. Leatherette, embossed flowers in gilt and colors, chromo panel, 18leaves, 8|xlli 8.00

180. Leatherette, embossed flowers in gilt and colors, chromo panel, 18leaves, 10^xl2f 8.75

131. Leatherette, embossed flowers in gilt and colors, chromo panel, 18leaves, ll|xl4 , 4.5()

132. Leatherette, embossed flowers in gilt and colors, chromo panel, 18leaves, 12^x15 5.00

138. Leatherette, embossed flowers in gilt and colors, chromo panel, 18leaves, 14Jxl7 0.00

Page 188: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Scrap Boolis.— Cont'd.

No1-21). Leatherette, embossed tlowei

leaves, 9^x12Full cloth, assorted colors,

monogram " Scrap Albnm,'Full cloth, assorted colors,

monogram ''Scrap Album,'Full cloth, assorted colors,

monogram "Scrap Album,'Full cloih. assorted colors.

monogram "Scrap Album,'

No. 134.

Per Doz

ilt and colors, chromo panel, 18

embossed gilt and flowers, dogs and18 leaves, white paper, 10^x121embossed gilt and flowers, dogs and18 leaves, white paper, lHxl4embossed gilt and flowers, dogs and18 leaves, white paper, 12ixl.")

embossed gilt and flowers, dogs and18 leaves, white paper, 14^x17


.") 2.")



New Automatic Seamless Cotton

HALF-HOSE.Hamlsomest, Best Fitting, and Most Pleasnnt to Wear.

I'acsimilc of siKnatiire stanii)0(l on cadi pair and on label.

Best values ever offered to retail at 12>^c. and 15c. per i)air.

Your customers will return for them.

We also have 1*. &' M.'s Celebrated Ribbed Cotton Hose for (/lildrrii,

and their unequaled Jersey Ribbed Vests for Ladies.

A full line o^' the " Perfect Foot " Cashmere Ho.siery can he

found ill tills Department.

Page 189: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Soap Boxes.

No. I. No. ;i

No. PerDoz., Reg.

White. Ivory & Colors.

1. 3^x21x11 $4.75 $6.003. 3^x2|xlf a-Sn 4.25

Parlor Ball,

]h.','-- •;,• n Box.

1. 2i ill. diameter $2.002. 3 " " 42.003. 4 " " 5.30

Black Florence Brushes.

01. Stiff black bristles. 7^ in. long. 9 lowb02. " grey " 8^ " " ll "

03. Stiff black bristles. 9^ in. long. 15 rows480. " white "410. " white " 9 in. long. 11 lows





Page 190: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Black Flort'iioe 3Iirrors.

No. No. 7, rk.in,

7. Oval. 9ix3A. I'hiin -lass



Doz., Reg.



No. 9, Plain.

Oval. 10ix4i. Plain glass.

Square. 9ix:«.



No. 1, riajii

4. Square. 101x4];. Plain gias:

7. Oval. 9^x3*. Plate '

No. 8, Plate.

8. Oval. 9fx4. Plate glas

9. " 10^x4:1.


No. 2, Plate.

2. Square. 9^x3^. Plate glass

3. " Turit handle. 10x4. Plate glass.

Fiue Combs.

No. 10 S. C 1"

" 11 s. c" 12 S. C


No. 13 8. C per doz., reg. $ .95" 14 S. C " " 1.00" 16 S. C " " 1.06

Page 191: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Barber Combs.

iiSiiiiiiiwiNo. 61. No. 62.

No. PerDoz., Reg.

61. 7 in. Flat Back, Cut, White §11562. 7*" " Sawed, " "l.50

Dressing- Combs.

r ' lii^ iii^jiiiiiiiiiNo. 17371. No. 17.58.

1765. 7 inches. Qnill, Cut. Amber $1 251727^. 7i inches. Quill Back, Sawed, White 2.251758. 7i inches. Flat Backed, Sawed, White 3.001803. S inches. Heavy Qnill, Sawed, Amber 3.75




!IIIII1I1III1|[:.,::I3S lliMilEiiH SI^HNo. 6. No. 56. No. 64.

8 in. Quill Back, Sawed, White $3.257 " " Cut, " 1.258" Rope Back, Sawed, " 2.50

No. (58. No. 82.

68. 1^ in. Cushion Back, Sawed, Ivory $3.6082. 8' " Coarse and Fine, Rope Back, Sawed, Ivory 5.50

Brushes and Mirror.s.

No. 1. No. 1.—Mirror. \,, 4

Six2i, White §5 00Brush, 12 Rows, White 6 25Mirror, e^xlOf inches. Amber 16 50Brush, 14 Rows, White 1200Brush, 11 Rows, W hite 10 75Brush, 11 Rows, White 10 75

No. 21. No. 20.

21. Brush, 11 Rows, White 10.2521. Brush, 11 Rows, Amber 12.OO20. Mirror, 4|x9f inches. White [',',[


Page 192: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


lliit iiiHl Clotli r>rii-li

te7^ffiiii!tnmiw^^ ^MNo. 1. -Cloth.


1. Hat, White.1. Cloth. " .

2. Hat, ".

2. Cloth. " .

Per Doz., Reg.




Nail l*(»lishe


1. lx3A inches..

•S. Ux4 inches..

2. HxJi inche.s.

White. Amber.$1.75 $2.503.50 4.25


LatluM- l>riislios.

No. 4.

No. 4. 44 inches long. Bristles, assorted in boxes. While pei doz., s3.25


No. 'js.

21. 10sx4v in-. Bevel. Matches Brush No. 2, White ^}t^228. 10i;x4ij " " " >.

• -

26. 10 x4 '' "28. 94x3f "

34. 9 x3f "

No. :!.-.. No. :!S.

35 10^x4 in.. Bevel. Matches Brush No. r^r^, Cream. $10.75

38' 9^x31 " " " " "58, " 10.!

47. 10Jx4f in.. Bevel. Matches Brush No. 57, Cream $1G.25

Page 193: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


FRMMES.JMade up in the ]VIost Artistic designs.

Our line of Fancy Metal Mirror Frames, Easels, Playing-Card

Cases of Silver Plate and White Metal, both ornamented and carved,

are the product of the well-known New York Metal Specialty Co.

of New York City, whose productions are sold to the jobbing and

export trade. These specialties, especially photograph frames, are

made of plain, fancy, and ornamented twisted wire or open filigree

work, at a range of prices within the reach of all.

The silvered articles are covered with a preparation which pre-

vents any discoloration so commoji even with sterling silver, and

gives satisfaction to the most exacting buyer. The prevaihng fashion

for photographs makes these goods most desirable for holiday gifts,

and the line has received most earnest attention at our hands. The

prices range as follows


We quote-


Page 194: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


[lair Brushes.

»mni| iiwiiiippjNo. .55. Xo. .-,:. \o. 58.

No. Per Doz., Reg.

2. 9fx2^in. 13 Rows. Matches Mirror No. 'Jl. White S9.00

2. " " 13 " " " " New Amber 10.75

55. 8fx2| " 12 " '• " No. 35, Cream 7.00

57. 9fx2i " 13 " " Mirrors Nos. 37 and 47. Cream 9 50

58. 8fx2* " 11 " " Mirror No. 38. Cream 10.75

^-^tML, .1!^^ SoapsFon^NON-POROUS


^y^^ ^^^ ^

'-^^^^^^ ^=^^ LaundryThat's the |^^vM§f^^p^

Do you -want to know -Jfr *^-J "***^1111)

more about it? -J lUM.

Address: ALBEMARLE SOAPSTONE CO., 4 and 6 Peck Slip, New York.

P. C. CORSETS.lUu^hatnf ( iif^ of ''(iiin of flu I'djnijrn >fi/fi^

No. 89.Fine Flexible Dressed Sateen- No. 303.

stitched bone (be.st in use) and Fine .Sateen tIuoup;hout.fle.^ible steels, silk ornamented, , double >>ide -steels best bound,lon^ or medium waists; colors sdk Hossed lonp; waist blacksand blacks reliable. •.teilmg d\ed and \^r^ lleMble.

$15.00 per doz. $12.00 per doz.

No. 404.Soft Jean with fine Satten

bone strips, silk flossed, doubleside steels ; blacks are fast

colors; good length waist.

$9.00 per doz.

We recommend the P. C. Corsets because they are nearest to theshapes and material of the fine expensive French corsets of any-

American manufacture, and they can be sold at prices as low asmany ordinary domestic cor.sets, in fact we guarantee that the P. C.

C.lorsets will fit the average form better than the foreign shapes.


Page 195: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



Extracts from 85c. to $6.25Cologne $3.72 to $4.50Hair Oil $3.72 to $4.50Florida Water $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $3.00, $4.50Bay Rum $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $4.50, $4.75, $9.0(»

Full Stock of Tappaii's, Weiick's, Colgate's, E. W. Hojt & Co.'s, F. Ho.vt &Co.'s, Beau & Vail Bros.' popular productions at lowest




Given away ! (B.) Chair and Stej) Ladder .Assortment. A useful andornamental light oak-finished combined chair and step ladder, threefeet high, free. Can easily be sold from $2 to $3. Indispensable for

store or home use. Price net, $7.00Assortment asfollows :

2 dozen O. C. O. Perfume, sprinkle top (retails for 25c. a bottle) $7.801 dozen 0. C. 0. Perfume, trial size,

"10c. " 1.20

1 dozen Ideal Tooth Powder, ' 25c. " 3.00(An engraving 20x24 in. given with each two bottles.)

A profit of over 45 per cent, and the ladder free,

tise these two well known and popular articles.

$10.20This offer is made to adver-

AVenck's Perfumes.

IT PAYS "o"o"oT^PERFUMERYYou can nearly double your investment iu a few weeks by ordering;

one of Wenek's Attractiye Counter Display Stands (revolvingpyramid pattern) free of charge, with $15 worth of assorted iierfumeiyto retail at from 5 cents to .50 cents per bottle.

4^ Bottles Perfimiery to seU at 5 cents |2 40T'J " • • 10 cents 7 3034 •• ' 1.5 cents 3 60yii • •' 35 cents 9 0013 " •' " ,50 cents 6 00

193 Bottles Perfumery retail value |2S 30

"The Wenck" Perfume M'f'g Co., 77 Franklin Street, New York.

A full Une of Wexc'k's Perfumery for sale at our prices by


Page 196: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Wexck's Pekfumery.—Cont'd.

Triple Extracts.—Glass stopped.No. Per Gross, Reg.

1 E. Trial, Mounted, 1 dozen on card . . , ^12.002 E. ^ oz., i doz. and 1 doz. in box 24.004 E. 1 oz.,

I-" 1 " " 48 00

.^iiE. 11- oz., i " ^ " " 66.00loE. 2|oz., ^ "

^i: " " 120.00

12 E. 4i oz.. ] "I

" " 144.00

In J pint and 1 pint glass stopjied bottles, all odors,$3.00 per pint.

Gilt Edge Cologne.

Trial 1 dozen in box,

liG....^ oz 1

2 G. ...1 oz 1

4 G .. .2] oz h1 G....4^oz \

Fedora Cologne

Trial 1 dozen in box,

liF.C.f oz 1 " "2 F. C.i oz 1 " "

4 F. C..21^oz \ " "7 F. 0..4-10Z ^ •' •'

roilet Waters.

2 T. W..2 oz.lS assorted odors in

4T. W..4 0Z 6

UT. W..9 0Z. 6

per gross,

per gross,




ox, ]ier gross..$24. 00



UP.3 P.5 P.10 P.16 P.SOP.

Page 197: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


The Best 2 5e. Perfume in Existence.

peep-o'- n)ay

e^ J^ouquette »

l-Ouiice Ci'oivn Nickel Stopper Bottle.

Handsomely Put Up in Step Display Boxes.


SKIN, SCALP and COMPLEXION.Prepared by a Dermatologist with Twenty Years'



At DrugSists mid Fancy Goods Dealers, or sent liy mail, p"$4.00 PER DOZEN. PACKED 4 CAKES TO THE BOX.

3 Dozen or more 10 per cent, discount.





Cousultatiou free ;it Offie

Beauty, mailed for 10 eeuts.

letter. EstablLshed 1870. ViS jimko Bool Dermatology aud

Page 198: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Toilet Soap.s.Keg.

Snnny South, assorted colors. S cakes in box per gross boxes, $ 9.50

Hotel, assorted colors. 12 cakes in box per gross.Cocoa Bar, 12 cakes in box "Prize Medal Glycerine. 12 cakes in box "Pony Bars. Glycerine. 12 cakes in box "Dew Drop, assorted. 4 odors, i gross cakes in showcase boxA Sample Assortment, 13 doz. assorted styles for the lot.

Laurel (large showy cake), 12 cakes in box, assorted per gross.Genuine Castile, white, 12 cakes in box "Turkish Bath, light brown color, 12 cakes in box "Bonbon, white tissue wrapped, 3 cakes in box "Jubilee (lai'ge cake), assorted, 12 cakes in box "Unseen ted Glycerine. 36 cakes in box ''








Scented Glycerine, 3 cakes in boxMarshmallow Glycerine, tissue wrapped, 3 cakes in boxCold Cream and Honey, tissue wrapped, 3 cakes in box.Clarinated Transparent, each cake wrapped (perfumed), 3 cakes

in box33;; Glycerine Transparent, finely perfumed, 3 cakes in boxFlorida Water, actual Florida perfume, each cake wrapped, 3

cakes in boxSpermaceti Tablets, each cake wrapped, 3 cakes in boxLavender (true lavender odor), each cake wrapped, 3 cakes in boxOrange Flower, each cake wrapped, 3 cakes in boxMeiaroma (lai'ge cake), each one wrapped, 3 cakes in box





Dr. Wcodbiiry.

Cape May Boquet, original and novel perfume, each cake wrap-

^ped, 6 cakes in box (12 sample cakes sent with every doz.

* soap " 22.00Collar Box Soap, 3 cakes in each box (box suitable for collars,

showy and strong) per 100 boxes, 20.50Extract Soap, New Mown Hay, Heliotrope, Mignonette, Rose

Geranium, genuine odors, fine goods, 3 cakes in box " 24.00J^ar Glycerine, transparent,, full weight, each bar wrapped, 12

bars in ))ox per doz., 2.25Dr. Woodbury's Facial Soap (net 30 days) " 4.00Ciiticura Soap (" '• " ) " 1.75Williams' Yankee, Williams' Bar, Williams' Large Barber Cake, Williams'

Travelers' Case, at lowest prices.

Full and ooinplete stock of Colgate's Soaps, Perfumes, Extracts, Violet andToilet Waters, Etc.

Pear's Soaps in all tlie popular styles at lowest prices.

Page 199: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


OIL CLOTH DEPARTMENT.Table, Stair and Shelf Oil Cloths.

Terms, Net 30 days or 1 2jer cent. 10 dajis.

Per Piece.

.'5/4 Woods, Mosaics and Fancy Marbles6/4 Woods, Mosaics and Fancy Marbles |

Market5/4 Plain White. Blue Vein, Black Vein \ Price.

6/4 Marbles and Cashmere Muslin and Gold Vein Marble '

15 in. Stair Oil Cloth $0.0718-in. Stair Oil Cloth 0.1011-in. Shelf Oil Cloth, 12 vards 0.55

15in. Shelf Oil Cloth, 12 yards 0.75

Muslin.No. Each Piece Contains 12 yards. Price per Yard.

5/4 6/41 Black Muslin, pebbled 15 192 Black Muslin, a;lazed 15 193 Dull black Muslin, pebbled 15 19

4 Medium green Muslin, pebbled 19 255 Dark green Muslin, pebbled 19 256 Medium brown Muslin, pebbled 19 257 Dark brown Muslin, xaebbled 19 25

Drill.5/4 50 in. 6/4

8 Black Drill, pebbled 19 21 259 Black Drill, glazed 19 21 2510 Dull black Drill, pebbled 19 21 2511 Medium green Drill, pebbled 28 30 3412 Dark green Drill, pebbled 28 30 3413 Medium brown Drill, pebbled 28 30 3414 Dark brown Drill, pebbled 28 30 34


15 Black Duck, pebbled 25 27 3016 Medium green Duck 34 36 40

17 Medium brown Duck, pebbled 33 36 40

Floor Oil Cloths

in 4/4, 5/4, 6/4 and 8/4 in all the grades, and a large variety of Patterns at

lowest market rates.

Soaps fop the toilet only.To

Page 200: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



2151 21(18 2188No. I'cr (loz. reg.

2151 Siuah Silk Hat, all shades !?18.00

2108 Embroidered Surah Silk Cap 18.(i0

2188 New Style Surah Silk Cap 1G..50

2400 Surah Silk Cap 7.5075 Embroidered Collar 2.00

2303 2231 24(111

2100 Surali Silk $5.502114 Embroidered Surali Silk 9.00

2129 Fine Embroidered Cap with pon pon 12.002128 Fine Embroidered Cap with pon pon 15.002162 Elegant Surah Hat 1.5.00

2115 Assorted shades, sui)erior quality 18.502170 Large size, corded Surah Hat 12.002170 4 Fhie Silk Surah Hat, assorted shades 10.502303 Flush Top with Cashmere Rim 12.002188 Surah Silk Cap 1.5.00

2231 Surah Silk Cap, assorted shades 13.50Black Italian Cravats and Neck Handkerchiefs, size 24 to 40 inches square,

$10.50 to $24.00 i)er dozen.Silk Bandanna Handkerchiefs in diamond and figured patterns, in red, yel-

low and brown, size 24 to 30 inches, $6.00 to $24.00 per dozen.Embroidered Fichus and Shawls, Chinese and Japanese pattei'ns, fringed and

tasseJled, in whitn chintz, olive and scarlet, embroidered in gold and colors, from,<;-0.00 to $0.00 i)er dozen.

Page 201: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Feather Dusters.

10-in. 11-in. 12-in. 13-in. 14-in. 16-in. 16-in.Patent Turkey, best quality. ... $2.25 $3.25 $3.75 $4.25 $4.75 $5.25 $5.75

9. 10. 12. 14.Ostrich $3.90 $5.40 $9.90 $15.60

Children's Hats and Caps.

A full line of lace, embroidery and mull caps, si.\- sizes, $1.50 to $18.00 perdozen.


Fayle Squares for ladies' neckwear, shell, crochet and other patterns, plaincolors, with tassel, $2.25 to $6.00 per dozen.

Ladies' Crepe Scarfs.

With Japanese embroidered and scalloped ends.A $4.50 per dozen100 6.00

S. E. W 6.00

103 $13.50 per dozen.6.00

Ladies', Gents' and Boys' Windsor Ties.Per Doz., Reg.

No. 300, Embroidered Surah, leading shades, ladies' $5.50236-25, White satin, embossed figures, ladies' 3.00Onega, Imported tints, crepe 2.00Gadamer, assorted tints, brocade 2.2530 X 1, assorted shades, grenadene 2.75724, White brocade and grenadene, ladies' 4.50260, Polka dots and figures, sateen 87|-

B., Assorted plaids, boy's Windsors 1.75Ehring, figured ends and borders 1.75Tweed, assorted colors, plaids 2.00Roach, assorted colors, checks 2.0029 K 7 Plaid, double satin stripe 2.0029 K 5, single satin stripe, assorted plaids 2.5029 K 38, satin stripe, silk check 2.5029 M 24, Plaids in bright colors 2.2529 M 27, Assorted plaids, fancy colors 2.2529 K 13, Fancy colored surah, satin borders 2.75110, Cream, red and navy, in assorted dots and figures 50111 Sateen, cream, red, navy, maroon and light blue, assorted designs and

figures 75No. 320, Extra width and length in blue and white, black and white as-

sorted checks ; Gents' fine Windsors 4.00Facite, fifteen designs of satin plaids 4.50820, Large block pattern six different combinations, 5 x 36 3.00520, Assorted plaids, 4 x 33 2.25776, Polka dots, 5 x 36. 81 combinations 2.25818, Homestitched ends, assorted shades, surah silks, 5 x 36 3.50761, Satin plaids, fine quality, six patterns, 5 x 36 4.00483 4-33, Satin plaids, fine quality, 5 x 36, six patterns 2.7530 N X, Plaid Surah 3.0030 R, Elaborate stripes and checks 4.00246, Black Silk Gros Grain 2.00Berlin, Black Silk 2.50Montreal, Brocaded figures. Grenadine 4.00Quebec, Extra wide and long 3.00Devina, Striped and figured Grenadines, extra width and length 5.00

Page 202: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Leader, b


O. N. T.


Geiit.s' llljuk Silk Ties.Per Doz. . Reg.

8 inch wide §1.25

8 inch wide 1.50•8 " 1.75

-8 " 187i8 " 2.00

Black Gros Grain Silk, 5-8 inch wide 2.006-8 "


7-8 '• 2.508-8 "

. 2.759-8 "


Gents' Scarfs.

10-, Assorted patterns, light and ihirk colored Tecks i<1.25

12-, " " " " 1.50

43-19, Gros Grain Teck 2.00

74-1, Satin lined, including neck band, full shape 2.60

77-14, Puff Knot 3.00

43-101 Satin lined, including neck band. Black Satin Teck 2.00

138-101, " " " " 2.50

77-23, " " " " 3.00

Page 203: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Gents ' Scarfs.— CorW rl.

No. Per Doz. , Reg.173-4, Black Gros Grain, Satin lined, extra quality $4.0064-38. " " " " 4.6049-45, Full shape, extra size, Satin lined 5.5054-68, Black Gros Grain, extra size 6.00127-23, Black Silk Puff, ring sca'-f, embroidered flower centre 4.7553 H 56, Black, fancy embroidered, Teck 6.0045-54, Black Silk, hand embroidered, extra quality, Puft" 6.0053-24, White Gros Grain Silk, hand embroidered, Puff 6.0073 H 48, Black Brocade, full size, Satin lined Teck 4.0077 H 127, Black Brocade, Satin lined Teck 3.0041 H 215. Black Brocade, extra large size. Satin lined Teck 4.505 H 345, Ottoman Silk Teck 5.6025 H 206, Black Silk Moire, Puff Scarf ; . . . 4.50129 H 56, White Ribbed Gros Grain, Puff 5.5029 H 145, White Moire, hand embroidered, Puff 5.5083-, Assorted colors, stripes, plaids and figures, plain Teck Scarfs 2.00307, Assorted colors, stripes, plaids and figures. Puff knot, satin lined 2.5072, Assorted colors, stripes, plaids and figures, large size. Puff knot, satin

lined band and back 4.00No. 58, Latest Shades, large size, puff knot, satin lined, band and back. . . . 4.00196, Spots, stripes and figures, extra large Puff knot 4.5063-, Polka Dots, all the newest shades, plain top 4.50

102, Pour in Hand Top Knot, elegant designs and figures 4.5092, Four in Hand Puff Knot, Paris style ; . . . . 6.0074, Four in Hand Puff Knot, extra size, elaborate design 7.5086 " " " " superior quality.. 8.00

95, Assorted shades and patterns, satin lined back and band scarfs, withgold ring 2.50

95 X, Assorted shades and patterns, satin lined back and band scarfs, withgold ring, extra quality 3.00

109, Same as above, superior quality 4..50

118-14, Novelty Scarf, puff and ring 5.00Boys' Teck Scarfs in stripes and plaids from $2.50 to $4.50 per dozen.

Boys' assorted colors, plaids and stripes, silk bows, 50 cents to $1.00 per dozen.Gents' black silk, black satin and assorted colored bows from 75 cents to $3.00 per

dozen.Gents' band bows in dude pint and wide end shapes in black silk, black satin and

white satin and fall shades, from $1.50 to $4.50 per dozen.

Gents' Foiir-in-Hand.

Black Gros Grain Silk, 107-1, $3.00 per dozen; 107-34, $4.00 per dozen ; 107-38,

$4.50 per dozen ; 107-40, $6.00 per dozen.Black Satin, 107-22, $3.00 per dozen ; 107-56,84.50 per dozen.White Satin, 107-44, $3.00 per dozen ; 107-56, $4.50 per dozen.White Silk, 107-42, $4.00 per dozen ; 107-43, $4.50 per dozen ; 107-46, $6.00 per

dozen.Men's Fancy Four-in-Hand Scarfs, assorted fall shades. No. 9, $2.25 per dozen;

No. 7, $3.00 per dozen ; No. 6, $4.00 per dozen ; No. 5, $4.50 per dozen ; No.3, $6.00.

Gents' Fancy Silk Puff Scarfs.

Elegant designs and figures, No. 7P 4.00No. 3P 6.00

Black Silk and Black Satin Puffs, $4.0() to $6.00 per dozen.White Gros Grain Silk Puffs, $4.50 to $6 per dozen

Page 204: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Children's Lace Collars.No. Per Doz.. Reg.

235. Lace Collar $ .50

183. Imitation Torchon 75200. Two Row : 1.00

190. Oriental Lace Collars. Van Dyke points 1.50

113. Three Row, Oriental 1.75

No. 685. No. 698.

685. Embroidered Collars, as per cut 2.00

731. Torchon, circular shape l.-OO

71 1 . Real Irish Crochet, as per cut 3.50

698. Guipure, Van Dyke points, as per cut 5.00

No. 684. No. 270.

684. Guipure, Van Dyke jwints, as per cut 6.00

270. Two Row, fine Oriental, as per cut 7.50

No. 081. No. 774.

77. Embroidery, Van Dyke points 2.25

681. Fine Guipure 9-00

774. Fine Irish Point 12.00

Page 205: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' Sets.No. Per Doz. , Reg.

794. Open Work $2.50

No. 799. No. 793.

788. Point De Gene, as per cut 5.00799. Point DeGene, as per cut . . 7.50793. Hand Made, as per cut ^. 9.00


No. 7960. No. 793.

7960. Guipure, lace set 10.50

798. Real Irish Crochet 7.50

7948. Hand Made Guipure 18.00

Page 206: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' aii«l Children's 3Iiill Ties.

2su. yJU. per iloz. set.

859. Embroidery. Van Dvke points ... 82.00842. Fine Embroidery ..."'. 2.50

972. Van Dyke points 8.00854. Van Dvke points 3.25

868. Van Dvke points 3.50818. Embroidered Moll Ties 1.00

819. Embroidered Mull Ties 1.25

621. Embroidered Mull Ties 1.50

Black Mull Ties, with white embroidered ends


102973. $2.50 per dozen ; No. 10288, $3.00 per dozen ; 10270, 83.00 per dozen;

10272, $3.00 per dozen.

Spanish Lace Scarf's and Fichus.

No. 926. No. 903.

925. Black Spanish Scarf ^^ 5.00

926. Black Spanish Guipure 6.00920. Black Spanish Guipure 9.00903. Black Spunisii Guipure 10.50

907. Black Spanisii Guipure IS.-^O

934. Blach Spuriisli Guipure 18.001016. Black Si)anish Guipure Fichus 7.001027. Black Spanish Guipure Fichus 12.001013. Black Spanish Guipure Fichus 18.00

Page 207: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Children's Bibs.No PerDoz.,Reg.

1101. Honey Comb 60

1164. Honey Comh 75

1122 Quilted, trimmed with Ince 1-00

.\o. ]14i. No. 1110.

1142. Quilted, trimmed with lace 1.25

1110. Quilted, trimmed with lace 1.50

1102. Quilted, trimmed with embroidery 2.S'0

No. 27e No. 278.

276. Hand Quilted Bibs 4.00

278. Hand Quilted Bibs 5.00

Ladies' and Gentlemen's Silk Handkerchiefs.

2912S. Ladies' White Hem-stitched, Japanese. $2.502-14. " •• " ' " 3.50

2-15G. " " " " " 4.00

2-18. " " " '* " 4.50

2-20. Gents' " " " " .5.00

2-22g. " " " " " 6.00

^, ._,. ..=_ ^ 2-24. " " " " " 7.,50

i^^ ^ ' -"^'1 lialf-inch hem.

6-lSG. Gents' Silk, li inch hem 5.00

ji'S^^S G-20G. " " li " " 6.00

6-22. " " li " '• 7.506-24. •' " li " " 9.00

86()-18G. Ladies' Black Silk, i inch hem.. 5.00

860-20G. Gents' f inch hem .

." 6.00

^ 860-22G. " I " " 7.50

ir^ 860-24G. " f " " 9.00

1492G. Ladies' Black Silk, white embroiderededge, elaborate design 9.00

Page 208: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)








Ladies' and Gentlemen'' s Silk HandkercJiiefs.—ConVd.Per Doz., Reg.

Ladies' white embroidered edge 3.50

Ladies' white hemstitch 3..50


Light colors 4.50

Ladies' white hemstitched, colored embroiered corners 4.00

Ladies' white, colored scalloped edge and embroidered corners 3.00

Ladies' White Silk, scalloped and embroidered edges 6.00'• 4.00

White Silk, black embroidered corners and edges 7.50

Ladies' Aprons.

No. 1652.

1660. Embroidered Scallops, all round, scallops in colors, nurse'

1652. Satin Striped, very line nurse's apronapron. 3.00


^Nj. l.^ST. No. 1534.

1587. Two Tucks, with braid, all colors 5.00

1611. Embroidered insertion nurse's apron 4.00

1661. Double nurse's apron, three tucks, 60 inches wide 5.00

1534. Lawn Apron, embroidery and insertion 6.00

Page 209: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' Aprons.—ConCd.No. Per Doz. Reg.

15.50. House Apron $1.751573. Embroidered Scalloped Bottom, in colors 2.251569. Lawn, two tucks, wide hem. nurse's apron 2.501596. Lawn Apron, satin stripes, double, with embroidery, for nurses. .. 7.00

1688. Deep Hem, 60 inches wide, Nurse's Apron 8.007— . 16 inch, assorted colors, ladies' brocade 2.25

1290. 16 " assorted tints, " " 3.00

1901. Gents', assorted colors, rose pattern 3.00

2220. " " " ladder patern 3.50

1492. " " " tulip " 4.505. Assorted Tints, tinted borders 3.50

52. " " " " feather pattern 4.50

1694. Twilled centre, pressed border, assorted colors 5.00

1799. Elaborate Design, good brocade 5.001473. Rose and Triangle, assorted colors 5.,50

55. Scroll Pattern 5.75

1500. Spirria 6.00

1447. Petunia Pattern, fancy striped border 7.5(>

4271G. Lace Effect, colored Brocade 4.00

4272G. All the newest shades, brocade and twilled effect 4.50

4264. Brocade and twilled effect 7.502615. Large Rose Pattern 8.00

1622. Elaborate Brocade and twilled effect 9.00

1708 Brocade and Swivel, pattern Lily of the Valley 9.001451. Brocade and twilled. Blue Bell pattern 9.001025. White ground, Peony pattern, colored borders 12.001015. White ground, colored tigures and borders, very handsome 12.00

Ladies' and Gents' Mnfflers.

Nebraska, Gents' assorted dark colors,

checked figure 2.00Siberia, Gents' assorted dark colors' Color-ed stripes 2.50

Albert, black and white 2.501915. Dark colors, white and colored stripes 4.50Gregory, Dark colors, fancy stripes and

plaids 4.5(1

Columbia, Drab shades, assorted colored bor-

ders 6.50Linda, Drab and Baize colors, embroidered

flowers 4.004001. Black and white silk striped 3.50472. White merino, colored rings 2.25465. " " Diamond pattern.... 2.50355. " " Colored rings 6.00

1803. " " Colored stripes 9.001781. " " Colored stripes 5.00117. White merino. Colored flower i^at tern 5.00

Ladies' and Gents' Colored Silk MufBers.

6052. Assorted colors and designs 12.001600. " " " 9.00Franklin 15.004386. White, cream, black and assorted colors 9.004367. " " " '• " 12.004368 C. Magnolia 12.00

Page 210: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' and Gents' Colored Silk Mufflers.—ConVd.No. Per doz. reg.

868. Black Ground, all silk, fancy figures 5^24.00

888. " " " 24.(10

918. " " Flower pattern 24.00

878. " " Flower pattern 24.00

548. " " Black figures 18.00

628. " " " " 12.00

758. " " " " 13.50

58. White Ground, all silk, fancy figures 8.00

843. Black Ground Cashmere, white silk stripes 8.00

1933. " " " 7.00

1953. " " silk ylaids 7.00

1833. " ' ' white silk figures 8.50

1863. " " white and fancy stripes 8.00

2263. " ' ' fancy plaid 7.50

2233. " " fancy border 9.00

16333. White " white silk stripe 7.50

1683. " " colored silk stripes and plaids 10.50

1553. " " colored silk stripes 12.00

1703. " " brocade, fancy stripes 10.00

1603. " " fancy plaids 12.00

2013. Black " colored dots and figures 9.00

All the al)ove patterns are large size.

Flush Balls and Ornaments.Per gross.

336. Ball Ornament, assorted colors, cardinal, olive, gold, old rose, niie,

&c., &c '


337 A. Assorted colors, ball ornauK^iit 1.25

1056. Ball and tassel ornament 4.00

662. Tassel ornament 3.50

627. Long tassel ornament 3. .50

685. Barrel cord and plush ball oiiiiunent 7.50

1059. " " '^ " 5.25^

381. Crescent plush ornament 4.25

10.54. Gold cord ball and tassel ornament 4.75

5.52. Plush ball and tassel ornament 9.00

10.57. Small plush ball ornament 4.75

Infants' EnilnoidoitMl Blankets.White Merino, scalloped I'dges, embroidered corners, 01],

62Ac.;912, 75c.; 9,14, !i^l.oO; 915, .sl.25 ; 916, '^l.^O; 917,

SI. 75 ; 928, $2.00 ; 921, $2.25 each.

Page 211: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


SplasluMs, BuftVt ami Table Covers.

: i n i




]0 X .'ill. Muuniiy cloth buU'el acari' ,s ;j.(H)

16 X 70. Mummy cloth bullet scarf, handsome designs 4.5U18 X ni. Best mummy cloth scarfs 9.0018 X 72. Best mummy cloth scarfs 12.0016 X .50. Best linen mummy cloth, open work S.M16x70. " " " " 7.50

Art Embroidery Goods.No. Pelt Mantel Lambrequins, 2 1-2 yards long.

7. Applique flowers and leaves 9.00178. Applique flowers, handsomely embroidered 12.00701. Scalloped edge, velvet band, neatly embroidered 13.50179. Scalloped edge, handsomely embroidered, applique flowers 15.00680. Scalloped edge, embroidered in gold with applique roses 18.00702. Scalloped edge, embroidered roses and leaves 21.001100. Scalloped edge, plush applique flowers 21.00381. Scalloped edge, plush applique flowers 24.00

Plush Mantel Lambrequins, 2 1-2 yards long.

7. Tapestry border, embroidered in silk 18.007 1-2 Extra wide plush .' 3<».00

14. Handsomely embroidered flowers with ornaments 36.0012. Handsomely embroidered flowers and ornaments 37.00109. Handsomely embroidered with gold 3900.

114. Flowers and tinsel 39.00115. Handsomely embroidered tinsel roses 42.00110. Elegant patterns, metal roses 42.00414. Embroidered in colored tinsel . . 45.00412. Elaborate patterns, embroidered in colored tinsel 45.00410. Colored effects in tinsel 48.0080. Hand embroidered spray of flowers 48.00540. Spray of Bell flowers worked in arasene chenille 52.0036. Cluster of roses 60.00141. Japanese tinsel cord, chenille roses, extra quality plush 61.00100. 18 inches wide, extra quality plush, ribbon bow, spary of graj)es.


108.00103. 18 inches wide, extra quality plush, ribbon bow, cluster of roses. .. 108.0042. Chenille rose pattern 60.0042X. Ribbon bow, tinsel flowers 60.00

Page 212: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Art Embroidery Goods.—Cont'd.No. Per doz. reg.

Felt Table Scarfs, 1 1-2 yards long.

700. Silk embroidered 89.00

204, Silk embroidered tiowers 10.00

170. Embroidered in tinsel 10.50

206. Embroidered flowers, velvet applique 12.00

212. Velvet applique of roses and leaves 13.50

273. Spray of daisies 15.00

22o. Applique of flowers 16.00

500. Flowers embroidered in tinsel 16.00

500X. Flowers and leaves embroidered in tinsel, hand work 18.002(t9. Embroidered plush panel in silk and tinsel 22.50

208. Hand embroidered plush panel 24.00

Plush Table Scarfs, 11-2 yards long.

288. Silk ornament and roses 3o.oo

261. Embroidered in tinsel 36.00

110. Hand embroidered in tinsel 36.00

24. Plush applique of pansies 39.00

264. Roses ill variegated tints 42.00

264X. Hand embroidered chenille roses and tassel trimming 42.00

A full assortment of plush and tapestry satin covers ranging in price from84.50 to 810.00 per dozen.

Plush 4-4 Table Covers with Tapestry border, ranging in price from 816.00 to 836.006-4 Plush and Tapestry Table Covers, ranging in price from 836.00 to 860.00Felt 4-4 Table Covers.

21. Neatly embroidered in silk all around 8 9.00

23. Neatly embroidered in silk all around 12.00

30. Embroidered tinsel in corner 15.00

184. Silk and plush applique in corner 18.00

40. Handsomely embroidered applique in gold and tinsel 20.00

C-4 Table Covers.

22. Neatly embroidered in silk 24.00

106. Embroidered in silk, plush applique in corners 30.00

184. Plush applique ornaments in corners 836.00

123. Embroidered in tinsel applique ornaments in corner 42.00

Felt Bureau Covers.

247. Neatly embroidered in silk around edge 9.00

.587. Extra quality 10..50

174. Embroidered around edges in corners 12.00

250. Applique of roses 13.50

4.50. Embroidered in silk large applique of roses in corners and in center 16.00

Eider down baby carriage robes, ranging in price from $10.50 to 836.00 jier

dozen.Hand embroidered carriage robes in felt ranging in price from 89.00 to

810..50 per dozen.

Baby carriage robes in plush ranging in price from 818.00 to 854.00 perdozen.

Silk Decorative Scarfs.

323. Assorti'd lints, embroidered ends in gold and colors 8 6.00

3906. AssoiIimI tints, embroidered flower pattern ends 8.00

39.56. Assorted lints, bird jiattern 12.00

3959. " " star pattern 13.00

3936. Embroidered in silver and plush, tasselled end 10.50

3933. Scroll work, tasselled and embroidered in gold 13.00

345. Water Lily pattern 18.00

Page 213: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Veiling.Celebrated "Target Brand," single and double wool bareges in black, dark

medium and light brown, navy, myrtle, drab and slate, from 12 1-2 to 27 centsper yard. Per yard.99. Fourteen shades tissue veiling 6 1-2

145. Twelve shades tissue veiling 9 1-2Antoinette, five stripe silk veiling, latest shades 10 1-2Sylva, six stripe 14Nadjy, three stripe 14Mignonette, ten stripe 13 1-2Oolah, plain satin edge silk veiling 18Paola, strijjed satin edge 18Clover, fancy striped satin edge, fancy border 18Parisana, fall shades, from 15 to 25 cents.





and newest designs, from $10.50


Ladies' and Misses' silk sasl

to §36 per dozen.1800. Children's cloaks in fancy stripes and plaids. Sizes, 22, 24, 26 §1.251801. Children's cloaks in stripes and plaids, with velvet trimmings on

collar and cufifs. Sizes, 22, 24, 26 1.50

1830. Children's cloaks with deep cape ; fine quality all wool flannel, in

fancy stripes. Sizes, 22, 24, 26 3.00

1722 1740 1742

1722. Cashmere cloak ; richly embroidered cape. Sizes, 22, 24, 26 1.50

1740. Cashmere cloak ; embroidered skirt and cape. Sizes, 22, 24, 26. .. . 2.00

1742. Fine quality cashmere cloak; embroidered cape and skirt ; creamand tan. Sizes, 22, 24, 26 2.50

Page 214: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


1770 1(502 1608

1770. Pine quality cashmere cloak ; richly embroidered ; fancy trimmings


cream and tan. Sizes, 22, 24, 20 4.00

1602. Infants" long cashmere cloak ; embroidered cape; cream and tan.. 1.62^1608. Infants' long cloak; richly embroidered on cape and skirt; cream

and tan '. 2.()(i

1616 1«32 1638

1616. Infants' long cloak ; very deep embroidery ; cream and tan 2.75

1622. Infants' long cloak ; embroidered yoke ; silk girdle ; colors, creamand tan 3.00

1638. Infants' long cloak ; handsomely embroidered on cape and skirt. . . 3.50

1660. Infants' long cloak ; line quality cashmere ; neat pattern of embroi-

dery ; cream and tan 4.00

Ladies' Girdles.

Silver, gilt and silk in all the latest shades, from §1.75 to $10.60 per dozen.

Page 215: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Men's Unlaiintlried Shirts.Placquet sleeves on all our shirts. Per dozen.

4()R. Full size, 36 inch, reinforced double stiched cmabric bosom !? 31)008. Full size, 36 inch, reinforced back and front, with continnous fac-

ing on sleeve and back 4.00127. Full size, 36 inch, ironside cotton, lined bosom 4.5i)

70. Ironside cotton, reinforceed back and front, 1900 linen bosom 4.7573. New York Mills cotton, reinforced front, 1900 linen with all im-

provements 6.0064. New York Mills cotton, felled seams all through, reinforced back

and front, two pointed yoke, double stitched, 2100 linen 7.50XXX. New York Mills cotton, reinforced back and front, fell seamed

throughout, 1900 linen 7.0O160. New York Mills, 2100 linen, reinforced front and back, double

stitched all through, felled seams, hand made button hole, a perfectgarment, guaranteed fit 9.00

4-20. A pleated front shirt, linen bosom 3.75182. New York Mills, reinforced pleated bosom, 210O linen 8..50

I). Made of White Anchor cotton, reinfoi'ced, linen bosom 5.00

Laiiiidriod Shirts.All 16 Inch Bosoms.

500. Full size, yoke back 4.50140L. Full size, 36 inch, yoke back, shaped armholes, cut shoulder, ISOO

linen bosom , 6. 00138. Hills cotton, reinforced front, yoke back 7.50X. Dwight's Anchor cotton, reinforced back and front, with yoke back,

2/12 dozen in box 9.002100. New York Mills, reinforced front, yoke gathered back, 2100 linen

bosom 9. 0040()L. New York Mills, reinforced front and back, double pointed yokes,

double stitched 10.50160. New York Mills, reinforced front and back, two pointed yoke, 2100

linen, hand finished button holes and eyelets 12.00

Laundried Sliirts, Extra Linen Bosom.

1120. Reinforced, 18 inch bosom 5.001130. Reinforced, yoke back, 1800 linen 7.501159. New York Mills, 18 inch bosom, gathered back yoke y.OO1167. New York Mills, two pointed yokes, 2100 linen bosom, hand finished 12.00

Pleated Bosom Shirts.

190. Hill's cotton, pleated front, open back or front 8.00176. 36 inch, fine pleated front, good cotton 9.00192. Pleated front, 2000 linen, combination open front or back 9.00182. New York Mills, 2100 linen, open front, fine pleated 12.60

Sateen Striped Front Sliii'ts.

48. Assorted patterns in dozens, open back, full size, fine cotton 7.5056. Sateen striped, open front and back, combination yoke, felled

seams all through 9.0051. L. P. K., open front, packed 2/22 in box, assorted patterns in each 9.0053. Corded front, packed 2/12 in box, open back and front 9.0049. P. K. front, pack(;d 2/12 in box, assorted patterns 7.5065. New York Mills, P. K. bosom, open back and front combimition,

packed 2/12 in box 12.00

Page 216: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Boys' Shirts, Uiilaiindriecl.Per doz.

2. Made of good cotton, reinforced back and front, full dress bosom, ^4.00

4. Reinforced front, linen bosom, heavy cotton 4.50

8. Extra heavy cotton, reinforced front and back, 1900 linen 4.7;")

12. New York Mills, reinforced front and back, felled seams throiigii-

out, 2000 linen G.dO

Laiiiidried Percale Shirts.

194. Open back in three styles, three ply bosom, good quality percale,

stripes and spots, two collars, separate cuffs O.OO

169. Four styles, three ply bosom, figures and stripes, open back, twocollars, separate cuffs 7.50

163. Same as above, in spots and small figures 7.50

1715. Six styles, full custom made, full dress bosom, dots and stripes,

separate collars and cuffs, nice patterns 9.00

1818. Four styles, best quality, shield bosom, open front, assorted stripes

and spots, separate collars and cuffs 12.00

1816. Extra quality, four styles, custom made, open back, in stripes andfigures 12.00

200. f)peti front, collars and cuffs attached, six different styles, full

dress bosom 7.50

198. Open front, collars and cuffs attached, six different styles, full

dress bosom, in stripes and figures 7.50

199. Same as above, in stripes with yoked back 7.70

Sizes on above from 14 to 17.

C'liambray Sliirts.

1041. Blue Chambray, open front or open back, vvith collars and cuffs



1040. Open back, with collars and cuffs detached 7.50

1039. Open back, with two collars, extra cuffs detached 9.00

1030. Open fronts, with collars and cuffs attached, dark blue Chambray,good value 9.00

1046. Open front, six pleats to a side with collars and cuffs attached 9.00

1047. Two styles of indigo blue percale, open back or front, with separate

or attached collars and cuffs 9.00

231. Ojten back or front, collars and cuffs attached 9.00

1044. Blown linen, collars and cuffs detached, full dress 12.00

1050. Oiien front, pleated bosom, brown linen 13.50

Sizes in above from 14 to 17.

Fancy Front, White Body Shirts.

Tlie latest novelty, open front or back combined, full dress fronts, jiacked

2/12 dozen in box.338. Satin striped, assorted fancy, full dress bosom 7.50

398. Fancy brown assorted stripes, made of cheviot cloth, elegant styles. 9.00

397. Fancy bosom, Madras cloth, assorted in different colors 9.00

390. Fancy bosom, good Oxford cloth, full dress bosom 12.00

104. Plain white corded Madras bosom, assorted tigures and stripes 12.00

Sizes in above from 14 to 17.

Parliament Doniet Shirts.

95. Full length, shaped shoulders, one pocket, four different shades. .



1211. 34-inch shirt, shaped armlioles and pocket, box pleat front 3.50

2747. 35-inch shirt, shaped armlioles, one pocket, box pleated front, six

colors, very handsome 4.25

501. 36-inch, two pockets, yoke, banded collar, 36 inches long, twelve dif-

ferent shades 4.50

602. Same as above in plaids 4.60

503. Same as above in bright stripes, exceptional value 4.50

Page 217: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Boys' Lauuclried Shirts.Per doz.

40B. Full size boys' and youths', reinforced $4.504L. Made of extra heavy cotton 6.00

Laumlried Combination Fronts.

129. Open front and back, linen bosom, good cotton 7.fi0

135. New York Mills cotton, open front only, yoked back, felled seamsthroughout, 1900 linen 9.00

132. Combination open front and back 9.00187. New York Mills, 2000 linen, yoked back, double stitched, hand-

made button hole and eyelets 12.00188. Same as above, open front and back 12.00

Niglit Shirts.

122. 50-inch, full yoke, double stitched, trimming on collar, front andpocket, shaped armholes 6.00

49. Same cotton, perfectly plain 5.50

197. 50-inch, trimming on collar, two rows of trimming on front andpocket 6.50

272. .^0-inch, trimming on pocket, double row trimming on front, goodheavy cotton 7. 00

1359. 50-inch, same cotton as above, gathered back, two pointed yokes,perfectly plain 7.50

831. Double stitched, yoked back, embroidery on collar front and pocket,extra heavy cotton 8.00

Wamsutta, gathered back, two pointed yokes, double stitched, heavy pearlbutton, shaped throughout .' 9.00

223. Two pointed yokes, double stitched, gathered back, handsomely em-broidered on front collar and pocket 9.00

913. Plain Wamsutta twill, double back 9.00

901. Berkely cambric, handsomely finished, yoked, gathered back, doublestitched throughout, heavy pearl button 10.50

494. Wamsutta, double-pointed yoke, white embroidery on pocket frontand collar .' 12.00

511. Same cotton, handsomely embroidered throughout, felled seams... 13.50

Linen Turned Down Collars.

No. 3. No. 7. No. S.

3. 1900 linen, four ply collar, cutaway front 1 .00

7. 2000 linen, four ply, cutaway space 1.20

8. 2000 linen, four ply, space 1 .20

No. 10. No. 12. No. 2S.

10. Heavy roll, 2100 linen 1.25

12. 2000 linen, close together 1.25

28. Turned down, 2100 linen, reversible collar 1.50

Page 218: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Linen Turned Down Collars.—ConC d.

Per doz.

4. 1900 linen, four ply, close together in front $1.00

173. Heavy four ply, sizes 14 to 19 75

2. 1900 linen, four ph', open space collar 1.00

30. Same as above, space in front 1 .SO

32. Same as above, cutaway 1.50

Linen Stan<linj

All foiii


No. 20.

230. Standing, turned points 75

157. Straight, full shape .76

20. 2000 linen, V^ shaped front 1.00

21. 2000 linen, turned point 1-00

349. Straight standing collar 1-00

90. Standing, space in front, 2000 linen, extra heavy 1.00

9. 2100 linen, turned point, latest shape, double stitched, hand made but-

ton holes 1 --'0

1 1. Same qunlity with top edge 1.2i)

No. 6. No. -li. No. A.

6, 2100 linen, top edge, made for puff scarf 1.25

22. 2100 linen, top edge, hand made button holes 1.25

A. Boys' four ply turned down collar with space 1.00

249. Boys' stiaight open collar, linen 1 .00

22B. I3oys' standing with top edge, four ply 1 .00


Page 219: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Cuffs.- Cont'd.

No. 200. No. 300.

Per doz.200. Same as above, round at both ends $3.50300. 2100 linen, double stitched, hand made button holes 3.00400. Same as above, round corners 8.00122. Pour ply, heavy reversible . . . . .


] .20

125. Four ply extra heavy, round and square corners 1.5064. Four ply, 1900 linen, Roman shape 2.00183. 2100 linen, round and square corners, double stitched throughout.. 2.25100. 2100 linen, double stitched, hand made button holes 2.,50

500. 2000 linen, double stitched, hand made button holes, long 2.00

Blue Deniiu Overalls.

308. Two pocket, machine sewed button, good value 4.001236. Three pockets, patent buttons, dark blue 4.501433. Three pockets, patent buttons, patent lly, finished tops 7..50

348. Three pockets, patent buttons, patent ll}', extra heavy linished U)\) .


7.501933. Three pockets, patent buttons, patent fly, extra heavy finished to}).. 8.001930. Four pockets, patent button, patent fly, pantaloon shape, extra

heavy finished top ... 9.00

U. Three pockets, patent buttons, extra lieavy patent fly, double front. . . 9.00

J. Three pockets, patent buttons, red and blue, double front 9.00

CO. Four pocket, patent buttons, red and blue, double front. Challengemake, pantaloon shape J2.(iO

3Io(le Diick Overalls.

526. Machine sewed buttons, one pocket 4.00

651. Two pockets, patent buttons 4..50

4823-3. Two pockets, patent buttons, patent fly, flnished tops 6.504023. Two pockets, patent button, patent fly, finished tops, extra heavy.. 7.504020. Four jjockets, patent buttons, patent fly, flnished tops, pantaloon

shape 9.00

R. Three pockets, patent buttons, patent fly, finished tops, pantaloonshape, double front 9.00

CE. Three pockets, patent buttons, patent fly, finished top, challengemake, pantaloon shape 9.00

83. 9 ounce, four pockets, reinforced seat and knee, patent fly, patentbuttons, pantaloon shape 9.00

Swinging pockets of good drill (Job).

294. Pockets lapelled, 10 ounce duck, reinforced seat and knee, patent fly,

double stitched 10.50

Gray Denim Overalls.

2238. Two pockets, sewed buttons, heavy 4.502436. Three pockets, patent buttons 6.002930. Four pockets, patent buttons, patent fly, pantaloon shape 9.00S. Three pockets, patent buttons, fly doube front 9.00C E. Three pockets, patent buttons, patent fly, pantaloon shape, challenge

make !'.



Page 220: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Fancy Overalls.Per cloz.

102. Striped (Job), two pockets, sewed buttons s4.50

7556. Striped, three pockets, patent buttons 6.00

7722. Arlington striped, three pockets, patent buttons, [)atent liy 7.50

AVliite Overalls.

600. Two pockets, sewed buttons, heavy drill 4.00

600. Three pockets, patent buttons, heavy drill 4.50

700. Three pockets, patent buttons, heavy duck 7.50

Apron Overalls.

500 A. Two pockets, wiiite overalls 4.00

600 A. Three pockets, white overalls, finely tinislied 4.50

700 A. Three pockets, white duck 6 . 00

1232 A. Two pockets, blue denim 4.50

1334 A. Three pockets, blue denim 6.00

1434 A. Tliree pockets, blue denim, heavy 7.00

1934 A. Three pockets, blue denim, extra heavy 7.50

Hoys' Overalls.

501 B. Two pockets, patent buttons, mode 4.00

300 B. Tliree pockets, patent buttons, blue denim 4.50

104 B. Two pockets, sewed buttons, fancy checks and stripes 4.50

Blue Check Coats, &c.

3. Fair quality fabric in assorted checks, blouse style 3.00

23. Same quality, in jumper shape, shaped arniholes 3.00

73 C. Otis check, blouse 4.00

373 C. Ottis check in jumper shape 4 00

832. Shaped coat, armholes in shoulder, pocketed throughout, 4.50

1050. Otis check, combination coat and vest, pockets in coat and vest .... 7.50

A full line of coats, blouses, jumpers, &c., of all suitable fabrics, at i)rices

corresponding to overalls. Engineer s coats, &c.

Bleached Canton Flannel Drawers.

27. Heavy bleached twill, full size, double stitched crotch, bar buttons,

taped anklet 3.50

36. Heavy bleached twill, double stitched crotch, bar buttons, Frenchwaist, assorted sizes 4.50

2336. Extra heavy bleached twill, felled seams throughout, reinforced

crotcli, three ipatent buttons, suspender loops, solid or assorted size.s,

elastic anklet 4.50

All the above in Southern and Western sizes.

Better grades than the above can be furnished, if required. Also solid sizes,

in browns, at $4.50, and bleached at $6.00, $7.00 and $7.50.

Canton Flannel Drawers.

375. Good value cotton, felled in crotch and well stayed 'i.50

470. Very good value, extra heavy 2.75

505. Extra heavy twill and nap, double stitched, bar buttons 3.00

.560. Full faced front, good weight twill 3.50

636. Extra heavy twill, long French waist, well stitched throughout,

felled crotch, bar buttons 4.00

720. Made same as above but heavier weight, patent buttons, felled seamin crotch and throughout 4..10

916. Extra heavy twill, double stitched crotch, French waist, bar but-

tons, taped bottoms 4. .50

1640. Same as above with elastic anklet 4.50

C. E. Challenge make, extra heavy twill, perfect garment 6.00

Southern and Western sizes in all the above goods.

Page 221: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Brown Drill Drawers.

15. Full shape well stitched, felled in crotch, bar buttons .... ^^^^''m20. Heavy drill, excellent value, good weight, heavy stitched through-

out,fe]]ed in crotch, bar buttons "^o 40

210. A little heavier garment than above 2 ^32. Extra heavy, felled seam throughout, felled in crotch," faced front'


strings or buttons ' ^"^^ ^^ "" h

45. Extra heavy drill, felled seams througiiout,'bar" buttons,' faced'iront, reinforced in seat.






52. Double seat, extra heavy drill, faced front' "shaped 'garm'entthrough-


falu7^^''''^^<^'^' f^il«<i seams, d'ouble" seat,' faced" front, "excellent


''''^'''' ^^'^'''''^' ^^^ed front, 'felledseams" through"out,"doub"le

3A. Unbleached Pepperill jean"pate'nt' co've'red 'buttons," reinforce'd 's'eat,double stitched throughout ^ t^Q

Southern and Western sizes in all' the above goods'.

Domet Flannel Shirts.

]!S" ^Z7 ^'^f '^'r'""

''^'?' P-'^'""* ^^' '^'•^y^J^ f™»t' f-Pen on side .... 6 001497. bame as above, fancy stripes. .


^ ,,,

J^!^-I'l^'^fed stripped domet, shaped all through





1 ?QQ S^^'"^ ^fP^^-,three different shades, shaped armh'oles', pocket e'oo

1 133. tancy striped imitation cassimere, three different shades, iifinrl hm' '

tons, pocket.cassimere, three different shades, pearl but-


^ocket"""'^^'^"^ different "shades



stripes', shaped' armh'oles,' witli


1111. Same style in bright 'color's.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. H'JlV!f; Tr^ P^®^^^ "^^ ^^'^'^' shaped armholes, pearl buttons r'oo

'lono°"^'^^'"'^''^' '^"''''^'^'^ ^""^'^^ °^ same, with pocket,' 35' inches


A ifq ^fi" ?"'''•^'

l''^^'^' ^^l}^poc'ket,'pearl bn't'tons,' th'ree'di'fferent colors 4'.50

A169. Moleskin, imitation silk stripe in three shades, shaped armholesdouble stitched, with pocket ' , r,,

1230. Moleskin, dark shades, made same as above'. '. 4^01276. Same as above, medium colors. 4"/,)1271. Dark colored domet, three shades, inside yo'k'e,' with' pocket; 'h^avy'. 4'oO718. Heavy Valour, one pocket, pearl buttons



.11- ^^^^^ ^^''^^y ^^"^y striped valour, one pocket. . . 7 nr,


buttons*"^*"^ valour,-four different shades, one '

p'oc'ket, 'covered

911. Extra heavy yalour", 'cas's'imer'e patterni Vh'ree diffe'r^n't' shades', 'pearl

^' "^

buttons, with pocket '^ ^ ^n

^a^' i^"^""''^ ''^'rV' f'?"'''^'iff^'-ent shades, 'one 'pocket,' 35'i'nc'hes 'I'o'ng:

' '


45016S7 B,.iTf'',m- 'l"'in' '^"i'^^^ri'' F'-''^'"'^

'^"^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ith same. Q.'oo

s^;^|e<5:;XL'!..°""'^^'°'.^^^^^^ ^"^^^^'^ ^^^"-'^'3„,

1 III' ulT^ 7'^^''Y{,''T F°''^'''^P*'''^^'^ ^"

f^°"«' '^^^Ved 'ar'm'h'ol'es:


" .'.'



Iso??§ ^.^^AlT^'^,

Moleskin, shaped armholes, with pocket. . . . 4 50752. Striped Moleskin, nickel buttons, shaped armholes "'


400uS' He.^vv ?!'; f n"' P"''"'"^

buttons with pocket, double stitched', 'pl'aids; 4."5014Sb. Heavy twill Cas.simere effect Domet, new style stripes, patent fly

bicycle front, open on side, silk cords^

^'s „n1 480. Heavy twill Cassimere effect Domet, beautiful ' plaids


of ' three dif-


terent shades, buttons covered with same, with pocket 6.00

Page 222: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Meltou aud Wool Overshirts.Per doz.

A117. Oxford melton, shaped armholes, nickel buttons s 6.00

1557. Striped suiting in gray and brown tints, shaped armholes, cut shoul-ders, pearl buttons 13.50

812. Tricot melton. Mikado front, with pocket, shaped armhole 9.00

A118. Heavy melton embroidered in silk, pearl buttons, shaped through-out 7.50

A121. All wool striped flannel in three shades, pearl buttons, cut shoul-ders and shaped armholes l(i.50

1548. Pleated, stripes, extra heavy, 14 ounce, 35 inches long, pearl but-tons 13.50

150-1. Heavy striped cassimere, tliree different shades, cut shouldei's, withpocket and pearl buttons 9.00

864. Striped wool tricot, assorted colors, one pocket, jK^arl buttons 13.50

1316. Brown and red mixed melton, Mikado front, with pocket, embroid-ered in .silk, cut shoulder, a novelty 10.50

B242. Adrian cassimere in three shades of stripes, pearl buttons, shapedshoulders, w-ith pocket 12.00

D409. Gray suiting, yoked back, double stitched all through, pearl but-

tons, live diiierent shades 18.00

c3()0. All -ivool cassimere, pearl buttons, banded collar, yoked, two pockets 18.00

1401. Pleated cassomoiet, banded collar, pearl butters 12.00

B239, Silk striped cassimere, extra heavy, pearl buttons 12.(K)

0312. Plaid cassimere, three different colors, yoked, two pockets, pearl

buttons 16.00

A159. Heavy cassimere in three shades, pearl buttons, with pocket 10.50B2ii7. Heavy striped flannel, three light shades, shaped shoulders, pearl

buttons, with pocket 9.(»0

B214. Scotch cassimere, three shades, shaped shoulders, pearl buttons,with pocket 12.00

B204. Fine cassimere in plaids, pearl buttons, with pocket 9.00

B2(i8. Same as above in stripes : 9.00

Boys' Doiiiet Shirts.

KB3. Medium weight domet, shaped shoulders, nickel buttons 3.00

KBr21. Heavy domet in stripes, shaped shoulders and armholes, nickel

buttons, with pocket 4.00

KB126. Same as above in plaids 4.0(»

KB135. Handsome stripe, shaped shoulders, one pocket, covered buttons 4..5()

BB144. Heavy cheviot, well trimmed, shaped shoulders, with j-)ocket 4.5(»

FB5. Sateen in five different shades, covered buttons, with pocket 4..^)0

BY143. Heavy cheviot, imitation silk stripe, shaped armholes, with pocket O.OO

FBlll. Silk striped French flannel, shaped armholes, pearl buttons, witli

pocket 8.00

1370. Plain sacking, one pocket, five dark shades, sha])ed throughout. . .



834. Wool tweed, pleated front, shaped shoulders, full length 9.00

833. Wool tweed, gray tints, one pocket, covered buttons 7.50

2368. Heavy satinet plaid, with pearl buttons. . . 10.50

2624. Heavy melton, cut shoulders, pearl buttons, with pocket 9.00

2647. Extra heavy satinet, lined yoke, cut shoulders, pearl buttons 9.00

2470. Cocheco, all wool, yoked back, double stitched, one pocket, pearl

buttons 13.50

A-102. All-wool tricot, three shades of tan, with pocket and pearl

buttons 13. .50

1523. Silk striped all-wool cassimere, double stitched, yoked shaped arm-holes and shoulders, with pocket, pearl buttons 21.00

1516. Same in bright shades 21.00

1551. Silk striped cassimere, yoked, double stitched throughout a shapedgarment 21.00

Page 223: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Boys' Domet Shirts.—Cont'd.

Per doz.877. Silk striped cassimere, all improvements, one pocket 18.00

1384. Harper's heavy fine cassimere, in stripes and plaids, one pocket, all

improvements 21.001388. Harper's heavy cassimere, in stripes, one pocket 18.001399. Plaid striped cassimere, very fine grade, cnt shoulders shaped

throughout, one pocket, pearl buttons 18.001583. In pleats, shaped shoulders, yoked, with pocket 18.001502. Fine cloth, striped cassimere, yoked, with pocket and pearl but-

tons, a beautiful garment 18.00C703. All-wool, pleated front, yoked, faced sleeves, shaped all through,

pearl buttons 16.501395. High colored pleated cassimere, yoked, faced sleeves, shaped all

through, pearl buttons, with pocket 18.00917. Double weight, all-wool, dark indigo blue, shaped armholes, pearl

buttons 15.002617. Dark extra heavy Hannel, shaped throughout, pearl buttons, good

value 16.502614. Belvidere fine blue flannel, shaped armholes 16.502622. Talbot blue flannel, yoked, double stitched throughout, shaped

shoulders and armholes, 36 inches long 21.00All goods come packed assorted sizes and colors ; under $9 per dozen, one

dozen in box ; over '^9 jjer dozen, one-half dozen in box.

Cotton Cheviot Shirts.

403. Full size assorted in three different shades of stripes, nickel buttons.! 3.25404. Same as above in checks 3.25411. Heavy cheviot in four different colors, nickel buttons 4.00804. Full 36-inch shirt, good cheviot, in four different shades of check,

nickel buttons, with pocket 4.50801. Same as above in stripes 4.50

1463. Heavy double and twist striped cheviot, shaped shoulders, nickelbuttons, with pocket 4.00

1752. Indigo blue with black dots 4.50451. Indigo blue figures and dots in black, extra heavy 4.5()

483. Indigo blue with white figures, shaped armholes, pearl buttons, withpocket 6.00

50x. Canestoga solid blue, extra heavy, nickel buttons, blue and whitestripe , 4.50

90. Canestoga, solid blue, extra heavy, shaped armholes 4.,50700. " red and brown stripe d.go720. " blue, red and fancy stripe, new pattern. 4.50203. " fancy plaid, one pocket 4.50217. " fancy striped nickel buttons, one pocket 4.00

922. Valour, three shades, shaped armholes, with pocket 4.00927. Bicycle front, imitation silk stripe 4.50919. Oxford melton in three shades, nickel buttons 6.00918. Heavy cassinnet in three shades, lacing front with pocket 7.5047. "Razzle Dazzle" front, variegated silk strings, heavy melton, shaped

throughout, with pocket .'

9.0046. Dark colored melton, pleated front, covered buttons, with pocket 9.0042. Red mixed melton, Mikado front, silk embroidered, silk loops, one

pocket 9.0043. Oxford melton, embroidered center, mixed colors, covered buttons,

with pocket 7.5041. Same as No. 42 in brown mixed melton. Mikado loops 9.0045. Colored Melton, shaped shoulders, three shades, covered buttons, one

pocket 7.50

Page 224: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Single Breasted Flannel Shirts.Per doz.

26BG. Full length, shaped shoulders, covered buttons, one pocket, goodvalue ^8.00

2638. Heavy twill, dark blue, shaped armholes, full length, covered but-tons, one pocket 9.00

1012. All wool heavy twill, shaped ai'mholes, full length, pearl buttons. . . 12.001006. Heavy indigo blue flannel all wool, cut shoulders, shaped armholes,

pearl buttons l.'i.OO

2642. Fine twill, double stitched throughout, yoked, pearl buttons, extraheavy flannel 21.00

2605. Fine grade twill, all wool indigo blue, made in Al style, pearl buttons,with pocket .- . 15.00

Double Breasted Blue Flannel Shirts.

2637. Dark Blue flannel, shaped throughout, covered buttons 8.50

5413. Good dark blue flannel, double stitched, pearl buttons 10.00

1369. Fine pleated bosom, faced sleeves, pearl buttons with pocket 15.00

856. Cloth finished cassimere, striped, pearl buttons, with jwcket 13.50

1364. Cloth finished cassimere in stripes, shaped throughout, pearl buttons,with pocket 12.00

1539. Fancy striped cassimere, all wool, shaped armholes and shoulders,pearl buttons, with pocket 12.00

1538. Fancy striped cassimere, all wool, cut shoulders, shaped, pearlbuttons 18.00

C704. Felled seams, all wool, twelve pleats, tricot, joked, pearl buttons,three diflFerent shades 15.00

1533. Extra quality in brown, gray and tan ladies cloth, very fine shades,pockets, pearl buttons 18.00

827. Orlando Repelant, wines, brown and blues, cut shoulders, pearl but-tons with pocket 13.50

Same as above in pleats 14.00

1524. Orlando Repelant, brown, wines and blue, embroidered on front

pocket and collar, pearl buttons 15.00

1503. Black tricot, double stitched, front and back, shaped throughout,one pocket, pearl buttons 15.00

J575. Finest grade ladies cloth, excellent value, all black, shaped shoulders,

pearl buttons 18.00

1530. Fine grade of wool tricott, four new shades, tans, &c., one pocket.. 13.50

3553. Twelve pleats, fine Tricot in three shades, banded collar, pearl

))attons 16.50

3238. Heavy Repelant in tliree shades, shaped throughout, pearl buttons,

with pocket 13.50

175. All wool Tricott, three colors, shaped armholes and shoulders, pearl

buttons, with pockets 13.50

3523. Fine ladies cloth, in four shades of tan and seal, banded collar, doublestitched, yoked, pearl buttons 18.00

3.508. Silk striped cassimere in plaids, banded collar, pearl buttons withpocket 18.00

3506. Heavy striped melton, yoked, banded collar, pearl buttons withpocket 18.00

1377. Kersey melton in three different shades, extra heavy. Mikado front. 13.00

1375. Extra heavy kersey melton, three different shades, one pocket, cut

shoulders 12.00

1390. Heavy dark colored soft finished silk stripes Repelant, one pocket,

pearl buttons, shaped armholes and shoulders 13.50

824. Extra heavy dark striped kersev melton, shaped throughout, pearl

buttons \ 10.50

933. Tricot weave dark melton, fotir colors, with pocket, pearl buttons. . 7.50

1697. English cloth melton, stitched in high colors, shaped throughout,oue pocket, pearl buttons 9.00

Page 225: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Texas, Florida and Georgia

s. s CONCHO, -

LEONA (New),



•^ I=L-EET 1^

S. S. ALAMO, - - 2,942 tons." SAN MARCOS, - 2,840 "

" COLORADO, - 2,764 "

" RIO GRANDE, - 2,566 "

3,500 tons



2,950 "


STATE of TEXAS, 1,696

1,652 tons.



Every Tuesday, Thins.,

mill Nat. at :t |i.iii.


Kveiy Friday, :{ p.m.


Every Saturday, :!


Every Friday, 3 p.m.

i-oie M.:« vorcK


;very I iiesday, Tliiirs.,

.111(1 Saturday.


Evi'ty 'I'liursday.


Kvpiy Saturday.


Every Frid.ny.

Nothing has been overlooked ill the construction of tliese vessels: qnd Iheir fine model full powerand excellent sea-soliig; qualities have won for them the enviable reputation they possess

Passenger accommodations, both Cabin and Steerage, are unsurpassed. Staterooms being above themain deck, are light, roomy and thoroughly ventilated, thus assuring to the Traveler the greatest decreeof comfort attainable. ^ u<=^icc

*^**riV»*"*-I*"*^*^^ ™-f1* '** ^1} **** ports at wliicli these Steamers toucli>vith all Railroad!!, and Steamboats.

Through Coupon TiclietS are on sale, and Through Rates of Passage and Frei<^ht arenamed to interior towns and cities, including those of California, Mexico New Me.xico and .Arizona?

No other Passenger Steamers run between New York and the ports named above.


For Raies of Freight, Passage, printed matter and general information, address

SETH SPRAGUE, Gen. Eastern Agent, 306 Washington St.. Boston.H. McMURTRIE, Agent, Cor. 3d &, Chestnut St., Phila.

1 J, M. CUTLER, Agent, Jacksonville FlaH.McMURTRIE.Agt., 203 East German St., Baltimore.

Iq r huBBY A°-ent Fprnanrlina p'h

J. N. SAWYER k CO., Agents, Galveston, Tex. ^^",hubby A ent. Eernandma, Fla.

W. J, YOUNG, Gen. So. Pass. Agent, San Antonio Tex. '"°^' I^ULLER, Agent, Brunswick, Ga

B. E. HARRIS, Agent, Dallas, Tex.


R. W. SOUTHWICK, Agent, Key West. Fla

CHARLES M. HICKLIN, Agent, Denver, Col. I H. H. RAYMOND, Com'l Agetit. Atlanta, Ga.

0. M. HITCHCOCK, SoHciling igent, 3«-_' Broadway, Ni« York.0. F. MARTENS, do do do do do doC. C. CLARK, City Passenger do Pier 20, East River, New York.

C. H. MALLORY & CO., Gen. Agts., Pier 20, E. R., & 362 Broadwaj, New York.

Page 226: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)
Page 227: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Wm. Simpson & Sows.PRINTS





^ SA T I N E S 1^


Page 228: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)
Page 229: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Douhle Brcaated Blue Flannel Shirts.—Confd.Per doz.

798. All-wool striped flaunel, blue and white stripes, one pocket, pearlbuttons $12.00

1526. Heavy kersey melton, embroidered in front and on collar, very effec-

tive style, one pocket, shaped throughout 13..50

1579. Orlando Repelant, blue, wine and brown shades. Mikado front,

shaped throughout, one pocket 15.001550. All-black ladies' cloth, double stitched, cut slioulder, pearl buttons. 18.501332. Melton, embroidered in silk on set-in bosom, four solid colors, tricot

weave, pearl buttons 9.001203. Fine Oxford melton, edge embroidered in silk, also front and

pocket, gold buttons, very attractive shades 9.001342. Oxford melton, embroiderecf in silk, cut shoulders, covered buttons 7.501352. Brown mixed melton, Mikado front, silk loops, cut shoulders, one

pocket 9.00930. Oxford melton, eight pleats in front, covered buttons 7.50

1351. Brown and blue mixed melton, twelve pleats in bosom, shapedshoulders 9. 00

1350. Fine red and brown mixed melton, shaped shoulders, coveredbuttons 7..50

Linen Sliirt Fronts.

500. 1500 count, two ply 1 00600. 1600 count, three ply 1.25700. 1700 count, three ply 1.50800. 1800 count, three ply 1.75900. 1900 count, three ply 2.00

1000. 2000 count, three ply 2.251100. 2100 count, three ply 2.50

Duck lining on all of the above.

Jersey Overshirts.

1634. Heavy, one pocket, shaped shoulders and armholes, three different

shades of gray 4. 50770-W. Bycycle front with pocket, shaped shoulders, extra heavy goods. 6.00

C H R. Heavy nonshrinkable, in fancy brown and colored laces 7.50The above are packed one-half dozen in a box.

Ct R. Heavy nonshriidiable, in light grays, assorted lacings 7.50

126. Extra heavy two thread goods, three shades assorted lacings, doublebreasted 9.00

D-1 & 700-110. Assorted in dark blue or red, fancy laces, two thread, non-shrinkable, double and single breasted, packed 2/12 in box 9.00

The above are good value at $12.00, a " Job."T S-B. Extra heavy in dark blues, browns and reds, nonshrinkable,

exceptionable value 12.0017-B. Solid black fast color, assorted laces 9.002983. Very elegant night gown, pleated back and front, trimmed with

extra line Nainsook edging and insertion 24.00

Ladies' Drawers.

114. Four tucks, full size cut 3.00131. Cambric ruffling, five tucks 4.50522. Good muslin drawer, four tucks, trimmed with cambric edging. ..



526. Made of good quality muslin, four tucks, neatly trimmed with edging 6.00266. Made of very good quality muslin, trimmed with good edging, six

tucks 6.00609. Very neat muslin drawer, hemstitched between five tucks, trimmed

with fine edging 7.50

Page 230: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


riieniise.Per doz.

400. Plain niiisliu, good value ^3.00

2535. Muslin, trimmed with lace and insertion 4.50

2537. Good mnslin, square yoke, trimmed with lace edging 6.00

320. Heavy muslin, tine tucks, corded band, trimmed with neat edging. . 6.00

2539. Good muslin, square front, corded band, yoke of neat insertion.. . 7.50

2538. Good muslin, trimmed with tine embroidery edging and insertion,

neatly finished 7.50

2542. Fine muslin, trimmed in front with very fine Hamburg edging, well

finished 8.00

332. Very good muslin, trimmed with deep embroidery, neatly finished. 9.00

2488 V-shaped front, trimmed with fine embroidery edging, very well

finished 12.00

2.^80. Elaborate muslin chemise, very pretty design, trimmed with very

fine edging and insertion 10.50

2583. Very well made, pleated front, tucks between insertion, trimmedwith good edging 12.00

2582. Elegant chemise, made of extra quality muslin, yoke made of fiiie

edging and neatly trimmed 13.50

Muslin Underwear, Skirts.

4. Ladies' muslin skirt, five rows of tucks 4.50

83. Muslin skirt, cluster of tucks, cambric ruffling 6.00

164. Four tucks^ trimmed with cambric edging 7.50

166. Good muslin with cambric ruffling between tucks, trimmed with cam-bric edging 9.00

165. Made of good quality muslin, cluster of tucks, trimmed with cambricedging 9.00

168. Good muslin, cluster of tucks, deep embroidery edging 10.50

167. Made of good quality miislin, large cluster of tucks, trimmed withfine liouncing 10.50

139. Hemstitched muslin skirt, with cluster of tucks 12.00

161. Very neat muslin skirt wdth cambric ruffling, trimmed with fine in-

sertion 12.00

169. Heavy muslin skirt, with four tucks, deep cambric ruffling 12.00

172. Very good muslin, with three clusters of tucks, trimmed with deepHamburg flouncing 15.00

140. Very handsome muslin, large cluster of tucks, trimmed wath hem-stitched edging 15.00

164. An elaborate skirt with two large clusters of tucks, deep embroideredflouncing 18.00

175. Elegant muslin skirt, wide insertion between tucks, trimmed with fine

Hamburg edging 18.00

141. Very fine muslin, two very large clusters of tucks, trimmed with hand-

some hemstitched cambric flouncing 21.00

Ladies' Night Gowns.All cut long, 54 inch.

6756. Ladies' muslin night gown, tucked front, trimmed with neat edging 6.00

5895. Tucked front, trimmed with lace 7.50

2896. With cluster of tucks, trimmed with neat embroidery 8.50

2706. Good mu.slin. square yoked front with three clusters of tucks,

trimmed with gold embroidery edge 9.00

2968. Neat hemstitched good muslin, trimmed with fine embroidery turned

over sleeves 10.50

2970. Heavy muslin, trimmed in front with three rows cambric insertion

between cluster of tucks, felled seams 10..50

2961. Hemstitched muslin, five rows cambric insertion 12.00

2725. Very good muslin, trimmed with five rows cambric insertion 12.00

Page 231: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Ladies' Night Gowns.—ConVd.Per doz.

2726. Very heavy muslin, V shaped front, fine insertion between tucks,trimmed with neat edging !i!12.00

2972. Elegant muslin night gown with very wide and fine insertion, turnedover sleeves, neatly trimmed 13.50

2963. Very heavy muslin, two double rows hemstitched insertion, finishedwith very neat embroidery 13.50

2975. Pompadour night shirt, made of good muslin, trimmed with fineembroidery 15.00

2731. V shaped front, heavy muslin, i:)leated back and front, made of deepflouncing 18.00

2913. Elegant muslin night gown, round yoke, pleated back and front,

very fine tucks and trimmed with hemstitched embroidery 18.002981. Elaborate mnslin night gown, pleated back and front, very fine em-

broidered pocket for handkerchief " 21.00617. Very fine muslin drawer, large cluster of tucks, trimmed v?ith edging

and embroidered flouncing 8.00618. Elegant muslin drawer, large cluster of fine tucks, trimmed with hem-

stitched edging 8.00623. Elaborate muslin drawer, trimmed with cambric edging and insertion,

well finished 13.50646. Very handsome drawer made of fine muslin, cluster of tucks, trimmed

with deep flouncing 13.50025. Made from fine muslin, with heavy cluster of fine tucks, trimmed with

very fine flouncing 15.00533. Good muslin, heavy large tuck, wide Hamburg trimming 9.00

Corset Covers.

33. High neck, good muslin, Hamburg trimming, shaped throughout 2.2540. High neck, good cambric, two rows of tucks, Hamburg trimming 3.751561. High neck, heavy muslin, shaped throughout, Hamburg trimming.


2.501613. High neck, cambric, trimmed with deep embroidery, well finished. . . 3.001588. High neck, square foot, trimmed with good embroidery 4.501616. High neck,V shaped cambrc front and back, trimmed with fine edging 6.001614. Low cut, square front, trimmed with fine embroidery 4.501563. Low cut, V shaped, trimmed with wide embroidery eding 6.(10

1675. Low cut shaped, trimmed with two rows of insertion between fine

tucks 7.501591. Low cut, square front, deep flouncing and fine embroidery 7.501618. Low cut, V shaped front and back, trimmed witk very good embroi-

dery, finely finished 8.001616. Low cut, very fine tucked cambric, trimmed with tine Van Dyke em-

broidery 9.001676. Low cat,V shaped front and back, made of cambric, fine hem.stitched

edging 9.00

1578. Elegant cambric cover, low cut, V shaped.front, tiimmed with Nain-sook embroidery 9.50

All the above run in size from 32 to 43.

Page 232: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)



In manufacturing woollen and worsted yarns and in order to

obtain a volume of business it is essential to adopt your grades

and the number of skeins to the pound, so they can be retailed

at popular prices and give the consumer good value and assure the

merchant a handsome profit.

The enormous quantities of all kinds of knitting material that

we have sold, as well as the univei'sal satisfaction they have given, are

evidence that we have struck the ketj-note of the pojmlar demand.

Stai" Domestic Saxony for a low-priced article has no equal for evenness anddurability. Put up 12 skeins to lb. in I lb. (12 oz.) boxes.Black and White. Common Colors. High Colors.

66. 71. 76.

Saratoga Saxony is a combination of Astrakan and tine domestic wool putup 20 skeins and 16 oz. to the pound, the price recommending it to the trade,

making it a popular 10c. Saxony and intrinsically the best ever put on themarket. This grade is our own manufacture, and the outcome of our longexperience as to the wants of the yarn trade. The sales are enormous, andwhere once introduced there is nothing that enters into competition with it.

Black and White. Common Colors. High Colors.

$1.30. .^l.H5. !?1.40.

Persian is a strictly imported high grade Saxony, each skein wrapped in tissue

paper, and where warmth and a soft silk finish is required, we can recom-mend this grade to the trade as the most superb article in the market. Putup 12 skeins to lb. (12 oz.), 1 lb. boxes.Black and White. Common Colors. High Colors.

1.12i. 1.17i. 1.22J.

We carry a complete assortment of these Saxonies in the following colors


Scarlet 1, Scarlet 2, Scarlet 3, Wine Blue 1, Blue 2, Blue 3, Navy 1, Navy 2,

Cream White, Pearl White, Blue White, Black, Russian Green, Old Gold,Wood Brown, Gold Brown, Seal Brown, Pink, Pink 2, Rose, Olive, Fawn,Yellow, Peacock Bronze, Orange, Cream, Ecru, Salmon. Cardinal, Carmine,Tan, Purple, Green, Natural, mixed.

Alliance Worsted is put up and made like Electric, except it is made out of

choice Astrakan stock, and is known as the best knitting worsted produced.Black and White. Common Colors. . High Colors.

$1.50. $]M. >;1.60.

Electric Spanish Worsted, not the cheapest, but the best Spanish in the

market; made of carefully selected domestic combingwool sorted for quality anil length, of staple particularly

adapted to all the qualities necessary in a good Spanishworsted. The Gotham Spanish is a geiuune cable twist

yarn, a feature of great importance in all lingering or

hand-knit yarns. It has a l)eautifiil lustre and moreyards to the pound tlian any Spanish made. The quality

of colors used in dyeing the Electric S])anish is the very

Electric Brand


best, and tliis iniijortaut fact and the general excellence of the yarn have madethe sales of Electric Spanish greater than any other grade of Spanish made.

Page 233: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


We carry "Electric" in the following colors: Scarlet, Cardinal, Garnet,Wine, Maroon, Fawn, Rose, Pink, Olive Green, Olive Brown, Cream, BabyBlue, Med. Blue, Royal Navy, Slate, Drab, Black and White.

Black and White. Common Colors. High Colors.$.95. $1.00. $1.05.


Coral Yarn.

Spiral-Simii AVorstetl, made of the longest and finest wool .procurable,

___^^_^________ combining all the properties of wool with the lustre andbeauty of silk. This yarn is well adapted to knittingand crochet work. In the latter particularly the beautyand peculiarity of A. J. Cameron & Co.'s Coral Yarnwill be appreciated. For line hosiery and mittens it is

unsurpassed. Will outwear any fine yarn made, and is

at all times brilliant and grassy, the lustre increasing asthe article is worn. Cheap silk costing more than twice

as much will not looli as well after being worn a short time, while A. J. Came-ron & Co.'s Coral Yarn with wear improves in lustre and at all times is moreelastic, more comfortable and warmer than silk. The want of elasticity in silk

mittens makes them hard to put on or take off. This difficulty is obviated in

mittens made of A. J. Cameion & Co.'s Coral Yarn. The great success of this

yarn has called forth several cheap imitations, put upon the market as coralyarns. Asli for A. J. Cameron's Coral Yarn and accept no other. Each skeinof the genuine coral yarn bears a ticket with the name A. J. Cameron & Co.'sCoral Yarn.Black and White. Common Colors. High Colors.

$1.50. 61.55. $1.60.

Colors are White, Baby Blue, Light Blue, Rose, Terra Cotta.'Seal, Garnet, Wine,Peacock, Navy, and Black.





This Knitting Worsted, now so well known, is acknowledged to be the bestGerman knitting worsted made. The quality of the worsted and the line ofcolors admit of no competition, and the consumer seeking for the best and mosteconomical worsted that money will buy, must select the XX worsted. Thereare cheaper worsteds made, many of them; we make several grades ourselves to

meet competition as to price, but the consumer who buys worsted intelligently

will consider that the worsted that knits him the greatest number of articles is

the cheapest worsted to buy. One pound of German knitting worsted contains1,820 yards, while the cheaper grades run as low as 980 yards per pound, and,owing to the coarse wool used, the thread is no heavier in appearance. The XXworsted, therefore, will knit more stockings, mittens or other articles thancheaper grades, and the goods will be warmer and handsomer. The name of theXX German knitting appears on a paper label in red ink, found in each skein.None genuine unless so marked. Quality and color of each skein warranted.

Black and White. Common Colors. High Colors.

$1.00. $L05. $1.10.

Page 234: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Our Oxford German Knitting Worsted is made of long domestic stocks,and is the strongest German worsted made, and for trade seeking a cheapdurable article this cannot be excelled. Put up 5 lb. bundles, 4 skeins to

lb. (16 oz.)

Black and White. Common Colors. High Colors.

.57i. .6-2*. .67^.

Our Imperial German Knitting Worsted is our Medium Grade, and is

sold by many houses as their best, and the merchants who caters for thetrade of the masses who knit German yarn will do well by trying a line ofthis grade, as this has been demonstrated by some of our customers who areto-day handling very large quantities.

Black and White. Common Colors. High Colors.

.77. .8->. .87.

Our Seville Geriuantown, on account of its being put up 16 skeins to the lb.

and sold in the closest sections at 10c. per skein, payiug the retailer a hand-some profit, has concentrated the trade on tliis charicter of yarn to onegrade, thereby supplying the demand for the cheapest and the best importedgoods. Put up in 1 lb. (16 oz.) boxes, and each skein wrapped in tissue.

Black and White. Common Colors. High Colors. Shaded.§1.15. $1.20. 'si. 25. SI. 30.

The colors are: Scarlet, Cardinal, Carmine, Wine, Gray, Steel, Acier, OldGold, Baby Blue, Medium Blue, Royal Navy, Turquoise, Peacock, Olive,

Sage, Cream White, Blue White, Black. Salmon, Yellow, Mandarin, Rose,Pink, Sable, Havanne Brown, Nile, Green, Myrtle, Purple, Perdux, Olive,

Brown Shaded, Steel Shaded, Gold Brown Shaded, Green Shaded, OliveGreen Shaded, Yellow Shaded, Scarlet Shaded, Blue Shaded.

We have a complete line of all-wool 8-ply Stocking Yarn in Blue Mixed,Sheep Gray and Brown Mixed at 42^, 45, 50, 52^, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75c. Whiteat 50, 55, 60, 70 and 75c. Tuscan all-wool 3-ply, in the following colors, at

47^c. per lb. : Black, Gold Brown, Seal Brown, Scarlet, Cardinal, Wine,Purple, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, Blue Mixed, Brown Mixed, Sheep Gray.All our Stocking Yarns are put up in 5 lb. bundles and 12 skeins to the lb.

Standard full weight Zephyr, put up 32 laps to the pound.

Black and White, four fold . . .

Page 235: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)


Shakespeare on

Shade rollers.

SOLILOQUY ON THE "EFFICIENT. Shakesptarc must h.ave known that there wa!

nothing that could hold a candle to the '

' Efficient


shade roller, for he says :

wonderfully wonderful,

Like it.-Act Iff, Scene .'.

" And I as rich in having sueall their sands were pearl, thepure gold,"

The T"iVO Gentlemen of Verona,—Act II, Scene 4,

" How far that little candle throws his beams, so showsa good deed in a naughty world."

Merchant 0/ I'enice.—Act F, Scene i.

That's what it's for, William—that's what it's

for. To enlighten people all over the world as to

its merits, and its superiority over all other shade


Nevius & HaTilaiul's Efficient Rollers are sold by the three largest dealers in

tipholstery in New York City. The largest distributors of shade rollers in Chicago.The leading upholstery house in St. Louis. By prominent firms in Boston, Washington,Detroit, Cincinnati and San Francisco. Vhe leading upholstery dealers in Kansas City,Denver, Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and by live and progressive dealers in all ofthe intermediate cities in the United States and largely throughout the North. Thereare no other shade rollers made as good as the " Efficient." Sold only to the trade by


Agents for America for


Factories : New York City ; Vergeiiiies, Vermont. 406 Broadway, New York City.

will forward In

Page 236: (1891) Catalogue: Sweetser, Pembrook & Company  (Dry Goods)