1911-1939: decades of discord

Decades of Discord Canada 1911-1939 ©Ruth Writer

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Page 1: 1911-1939: Decades of Discord

Decades of DiscordCanada 1911-1939

©Ruth Writer

Page 2: 1911-1939: Decades of Discord

Canada 1914-1930s

Great War and

Post War Years



Home front

Post War


Roaring 20s

Dirty 30s

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Road to Involvement in WWI

Part of British Empire

King Edward









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New Royalty but Same Old Issues

Queen Victoria died 1901


King Edward VII became king


Strong Ties still

May 24—holiday

Union Jack flag flew everywhere in Canada


God Save the Queen—sang daily in schools

Queen/King Portrait in all classrooms

Debate of the role in Empire

Was Canada really a country

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Canada’s Evolution to 1903

1604-1632 New France under control of Champlain

1632-1663 Company of New France [monopoly]

1663-1763 New France under royal control

1763 Treaty of Paris ending French and Indian War

1774 Quebec Act

1783 Treaty of Paris ending Revolutionary War

1791 Constitutional (Canada) Act

1837 Rebellions of Upper and Lower Canada

1867 DOMINION OF CANADA formed with BNA Act

1867-1905 Addition of MN, BC, PEI, AL, SK

1899-1902 Boer War

1903 Alaska Boundary Dispute

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Divided Dominion in 1911


Did not share pride of Empire

Proud of their own language & culture

Felt betrayed by English & Canada

Boer War compounded issues

Fear of Conscription [draft]

Laurier defeated in 1911

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By the way…


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCJafWQCOIM&list=PL330ABB39FE971E5E&index=1&feature=plpp_video Museum

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjdNpJLkwmo&feature=fvwrel Student

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xKDRmhp6lQ&feature=relmfu Vintage footage

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Bs1dou3SDw&feature=related Irish Rovers

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THE GREAT WAR 1914-1918

Lasted longer in Canada than for U.S.

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Canada and the Great War

World War I—greatest challenge Canada faced to that point

Involved every Canadian—home and at battlefront

Would change Canada forever

Federal Government more involved in Canadian lives

Altered the Canadian economy

Changed relationship with Francophone population

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Most Importantly

At beginning merely colony within British Empire—47 years since BNA

At end more independent on world stage

Would change Canada forever

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Canadians Respond to Call

Robert Borden—Prime Minister [Conservative from NS]http://www.warmuseum.ca/firstworldwar/history/people/canadian-leaders/sir-robert-borden/

Canada struggling economy in 1914

Britain declaration of war—CANADA AT WAR


Canadians took to streets at news of war—CHEERED

Sam Hughes—Minister of Militia


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Enlistment of 100,000—eventually 600,000 served

470,000 served abroad

Over 50% of those born outside Canada—i.e. immigrants

25% born in Britain

Most enlistees were Anglo

National identity and ties with Britain

Anglo-Canadians more Canadian than Canadiens

Less excitement in Quebec—Henri Bourassa and Laurier

Exclusively Canadien

35,000 did serve

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Ethnic Minorities in Great War Francophone

German Canadians—3rd largest ethnic group [Loyalists]—seen as enemy

Native Canadians

Discouraged their enlistment at first

After 1915 policy changed

1 in 3 able bodied First Nation men enlisted by end

One group sent all but 3 able bodied men in community

Black Canadians

Racism still reality

First battle—right to enlist

Then construction only

Japanese Canadians

No civil nor economic rights, yet

196 enlisted—54 killed, 93 wounded, 59 returned safely

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Battle Front

Trench warfare on Western Front

New and improved weapons

Airplanes—Billy Bishop, greatest ace of the war

Tanks along with horses [Warhorse]

Barbed wire

Machine guns

Big guns

Gas and germ warfare—chlorine, mustard, anthrax, phosgene

Ross rifles

Major battles with Canadian involvement

Ypres—1915—gas first used

Somme—1916—1,000,000 killed

Vimy Ridge—1917


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In Flanders Field--




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Life in the Trenches

War at a standstill by winter 1914

Dug in for winter—ragged line of ditches

Sanitation—garbage, no sewage, rain, snow

Food—biscuits, bully beef, jam, pork, beans, butter

Water—undrinkable due to bodies & blood

Clothing—no change for weeks

Rats, lice

Canadians at home—no clue

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http://ww1.canada.com/battlefront [first three]; http://www.ctvnews.ca/health/how-first-world-war-medical-advances-still-benefit-patients-today-1.2017970

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http://www.passchendaelethemovie.com/html/trailer_lg.html --for the film information

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11/11/18 at 11 a.m.

War over

7,000,000 battle deaths

60,000 Canadian deaths=10% of those who served

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BTW—Winnie, the Pooh

The most famous Canadian mascot was a black bear cub named Winnipeg which traveled overseas from White River, Ontario. The unit decided to place Winnie in the London Zoo, rather than subject him to the rigors of the front. He delighted thousands of visitors and later became the inspiration for A.A. Milne's 1925 Winnie-the-Pooh . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_River,_Ontario#/media/File:Canada_Ontario_location_map_2.svg


http://www.critterfiles.com/ happy-birthday-winnie-the-pooh-story-naming-huggable-bear-first-published-christmas-eve-1925/ipeg_(bear);


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Home Front

Home Front


Farm Goods






Conscription Crisis


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Financing War

Costliest conflict in world history to that point

Cost Canada $1 million per day

Expenditures exceeded revenues

Three ways to pay for war--$2.377 billion

Government bonds sold to investors—war loans

Victory bonds sold to general public—5.5% return—3 million bought victory bonds

Taxation—first direct tax in Canadian history—3% if earned $1500 or more [most made less than $800]

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Farm Production

Europe no longer able to produce wheat, etc.

Armed forces needed food

Farmers essential to war effort

Farm families gained wealth


Government controlled economy

Crop distribution

Control of transportation

SOS "Soldiers of the Soil." http://cla.blog.ryerson.ca/children-at-the-homefront-in-edith-lelean-groves-saluting-the-canadian-flag-and-the-soldiers-of-the-soil-and-the-farmerettes/


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Industrial Output

Government determined production

War materials from 600 factories

$2,000,000 ammo and war goods each day

Industrialization expanded

www.Vintagewings.ca ; www.theglobeandmail.com

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Fear and Propaganda

Major concerns and reaction to the concerns

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Role of Transatlantic telegraph cable and radio

Cable connected--Britain and Newfoundland—1866

First wireless radio communication—1901


How did this impact the war?

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Transatlantic Cable--1858

Map of the 1858 Atlantic Cable route from Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, August 21, 1858,


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Cable brought into Heart’s Content, Newfoundland


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Photos taken on site by R. Writer 2010—this slide and those that follow

unless otherwise noted

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Connection with Britain NOT Germany

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On to New York City

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The next BIG THING—Radio 1901

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G. Marconi

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Photo by R. Writer 2010

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Photo by R. Writer 2010

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Ethnic Tensions Rise

Anti-German, Ukrainian & Austria-Hungarian sentiment

Labeled as “enemy aliens”

Faced arrest without charges, detained indefinitely

Berlin, Ontario, became Kitchener

German language official banned in schools

German language papers now English only

Fired German workers; German Clubs shut down

POW camps in Prairies

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White feathers passed out to able bodied men not in uniform

Persecution and harassment


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Conscription [Draft] 1917

Enlistment shrinking; death and injuries increasing

Borden to England to visit injured Canadians

Laurier opposed—would alienate Quebec [unity concern]

Anti-conscription riots in Montreal; later in Quebec City

Strikes threatened by unions

Military Service Act—June 1917

All men


Required to enlist

Could appeal—only 24,000 served of 400,000 drafted

Election Called for December 17, 1917

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Women and the War

Women given right to vote prior to 1917 election

Due to men on front, women worked in munitions

Paid less

Unions protested but Imperial Munitions Board won out

Nurses—2400 in Canadian and British field or convalescent hospitals

Royal Flying Corps & Royal Air Force—1000 women

British Red Cross

Civil Service workers

Knit [or Fight]—socks especially


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Halifax Disaster

December 6, 1917

Crisp, bright day in inner harbor of Halifax

Mont Blanc—French munitions ship going out to sea

35 ton of benzoyl

200 ton of TNT

2300 ton of dry picric acid

10 ton gun cotton

Imo—Norwegian tramp steamer entering harbor

Collided about 8:30 a.m.—sparks

Less than hour to live for many

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Laura M. Macdonald. CURSE OF THE NARROWS.

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Blast Site


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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3DU95ZLxw8explosionhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yViaCDJbgJk City of Ruins

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Halifax Burns

Mont Blanc burning

Crowds gather on shore to watch fire

Boat with 7 reached ship at 9:05 to put out fire

Warned incoming trains of danger

9:06 explosion which was largest until atomic bomb

Felt 200 miles away on Cape Breton Island

1000 pound anchor sent two miles inland

Prime Minister Borden from Halifax riding

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Aftermath of disaster

Wave swept harbor, destroying ships and wharves

Flattened two square miles of city then fire raged

1,963 dead or soon to die—likely 3,000

9000 injured—many blinded by flying glass

1,600 buildings totally destroyed [600 homes]

12,000 homes damaged with in 16 mile radius

25,000 without food, shelter

Then the MAJOR blizzard hit that night

Damage of $35-50 million

Many helped out--Boston

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Post War Concerns


Expansion of farming in west--wheat—then competition

Paper and pulp production soared

Hydro power=better mining

Auto industry

Consumerism—Eaton’s store—spending rose

Labor Demands of laborers meant unrest in some sectors

Spanish flu pandemic

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Great Influenza Pandemic

September 1918-February 1919

Headache, chills, cough, fever, aches—dead in 24 hours

Hit 20-40 year olds in prime of life—not youth or elderly

50,000 died in Canada; 500-700,000 US; 50,000,000 world wide

http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/005/005-1142.18-e.html ; www.collectionscanada.gc.ca;

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Roaring 20s

Political Upheaval

Women VotersEconomic


Temperance to Prohibition

Cultural Changes

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Political Upheaval

Canada became stronger nation economically, diplomatically

Two parties maintained power

Conservative—Borden to Meighen defeated in 1921

Liberal—Laurier to Mackenzie King

New Liberal Government—Wm. Lyon Mackenzie King

King in power from 1921-1930 [1926] & 1935-1948

Other parties formed

Progressives—in West and Ontario—labor

New National Policy—toward Socialism

Brought back to Liberal Party by King

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Wm. Lyon Mackenzie King

New leader of Liberals in 1919

Prime Minister in 1921 with support of Francophone

Grandson of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie—Rebellion of 1837

Basically in power for next 3 decades

Three goals

Lower tariff

Old age pension

New autonomous role in British Empire


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Personal journals

Revealed much about King’s personal demons

Influenced by less than normal “advisors”

Mother’s influence after her death—spiritualism


Loved animals—especially dog


Never married—did seek advice of “ladies” on streets


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Women’s Suffrage

Could vote in BNA if owned property, land—early in 1800s

By mid 1800s only property owning males

International movement for women’s rights

Favorable impact of war on women’s suffrage

Progress on the Prairies—WHY???

Nellie McClung of Manitoba—1916


All provinces but Quebec by 1922—QC in 1940

National suffrage by 1918

Agnes Macphail first MP in 1921 from ON


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Workers in field and factory

Farmers and workers joined forces


Knights of Labor

American Federation of Labor

Industrial Workers of the World--Wobblies


8 hour day

Health and safety

Child labor


http://www.royalalbertamuseum.ca/exhibits/online/GWG/en/images/t-1920.html ;


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Strikes across Canada




Working conditions

Winnipeg General Strike—1919

Shut down city for weeks

Fear sent in RNWMP


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http://cupe.ca/winnipeg-general-strike-remembered; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnipeg_general_strike; http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/winnipeg-general-strike/

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Temperance movement—partial or total abstinence


Laws to govern making and transporting alcohol

Factors: urbanization, religion, abuse of booze

Gaining momentum during 1800s

World War I—grains used for war effort

All but QC banned sale during the war—WHY NOT QUEBEC?

Federal prohibition in 1918—making, sale, importing

By 1920s abandoned prohibition

Illegal trade with U.S.—Windsor, Winnipeg, St. Pierre & Miquelon

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Dirty 30s www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/king/023011-1020.02-e.html;

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Depression_in_Canada ; https://evelynhartthetorontoglobeandmail.wordpress.com/

Direction of Nation Depression


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Direction of the nation

Triangle of Foreign Policy—Britain, Canada, & U.S.A.

Halibut Treaty—1923

Important step in self determination

Reevaluation of British Colonies and Empire—Balfour

More autonomy

Equality of status

Statute of Westminster—1931—became Commonwealth

Independent foreign policy

Not required to do as Britain did


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Boom of 20s

Companies owned by


Stock market crash

Reliance on U.S. trade

Natural cycle

Real estate and land


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Impact of Depression

Prices declined

Foreign orders down dramatically—66%

World tariffs higher

National income down by 50%

Free fall of economy across entire nation









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Response of Government

King in power when depression hit in 1929

Thought to be temporary dip

Had passed Old Age Pension Plan in 1927—only safety net

Turned to provinces and local governments

Richard Bennett—took power with Conservatives 1930

Unemployment Relief Act of 1932

Bank of Canada established in 1935

Canada’s New Deal

Too little too late—Bennett blankets, barnyards, bowls

“King or Chaos”—1935

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Dirt—Dust Bowl of Canada

Continuation of Dust Bowl in American West

Drought did not stop at border

Natural disaster

Man-made dilemmas on top of disaster

Palliser Triangle’s revenge

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Self-definition—Canadian identity emerged

Culture embraced geography—focus on regions

Group of 7 and Tom Thompson—geographic focus

Magazines—Maclean’s, Saturday Night, Chatelaine


Radio diversion during the era

American programing [1920] did not stop at border

Canadian Broadcasting Corp—1932

To assist birth of cultural identity—Hockey Night in Canada

Film industry—NFB but drain to Hollywood

Mary Pickford


Mack Sennett


Creation of a Canadian identity

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Tom Thompson


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Group of Seven http://www.mcmichael.com/collection/seven/

Franklin Carmichael

AJ Casson

Lawren Harris

AY Jackson

Frank Johnston

Arthur Lismer

JEH MacDonald

Frederick Varley

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Red Maple—1914—A.Y. Jackson


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Emily Carr—British Columbia http://www.arthistoryarchive.com/arthistory/canadian/Emily-Carr.html; http://www.aci-iac.ca/emily-carr/key-works/big-raven; http://www.wikiart.org/en/emily-carr/totem-walk-at-sitka-1907

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Anonymous. “Canada’s Home Front—the Great War,” http://www.warmuseum.ca


Goldenberg, Susan. “Killer Flu,” The Beaver. October-November 2006, pg. 27-32.

Hill, Charles. The Group of Seven: Art for a Nation. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Inc., 1995.

Hallett, Mary E. and Davis, Marilyn I. “Votes for Women,” The Beaver. October-November, 1993. Pages 17-22.


See, Scott. History of Canada. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001. [111-129].

Sprague, D.N. Post Confederation Canada: The Structure of Canadian History Since Confederation. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., 1990. Pages 131-147.