19.3: global wind patterns

19.3: Global Wind Patterns http://www.toonpool.com/user/589/files/wind_farm_desert_island_128775.jpg

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19.3: Global Wind Patterns. http://www.toonpool.com/user/589/files/wind_farm_desert_island_128775.jpg. Factors that Affect Winds. Temperature difference between equatorial regions and the poles Rotation of the Earth. www.physicalgeography.net. wattsupwiththat.com. Factors that Affect Winds. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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19.3: Global Wind Patterns


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Factors that Affect Winds• Temperature difference between

equatorial regions and the poles• Rotation of the Earth www.physicalgeography.net


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Factors that Affect Winds• Locations of the Continents• Time of year• Local topography (mountains,

valleys, plains, etc.)


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Winds on a Non-rotating Earth• Warm air near the equator

would rise and move toward the poles aloft

• Cold air near the poles would move toward the equator at the surface

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Winds on a Non-rotating Earth


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Effects of Earth’s Rotation• Coriolis effect prevents air from

flowing straight to equator from poles

• Also, air from the equator cools & sinks long before reaching the poles

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Three-Celled Circulation Model

3-Celled Circulation Animation

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Three-Celled Model Weaknesses

1. Mid-latitude (between 30° & 60° latitude) winds are oversimplified

2. Effects of continents or seasons not accounted for

3. Upper-level winds are more complicated than the model shows

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Three-Celled Model Strengths

1. Latitudes other than between 30° & 60° are fairly accurate

2. Model is an average; good for climate studies (long-term pattern)

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Wind and Pressure Belts• Intertropical Convergence Zone

(ITCZ): low pressure zone created by maximum heating at the equator


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Wind and Pressure Belts• The ITCZ is hot & humid with little

or no wind; rain is frequent (doldrums)


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Wind and Pressure Belts• ITCZ encircles the Earth; migrates

north and south depending on the season


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The ITCZ: Can U find it?
