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Contenl:J SUB J ECT

Penland Works Toward World Peace

This Glamorous R adio Business

Satisfaction in Life

T he Spiritual in Fraternity R ituals

Public R ela tions

History of Shepherd College

J apa nese Student Art Exhibit

H elp Week

Whither Goest Youth ?

Winifred H . Newman

Collegiate Chapters

Alumnae Chapters





3 6








21 22 34



NUMBER 2 Entered as second class matter, November 25 , 1937} at the post office at

St. Paul , Minn. , under th e Act of August 24, 1912. "Acceptance for ma iling a t the sp ecial rate of postage provided for in Section 34.40, P.L. and R. , 1948 edition, paragraph d, Act of February 28, 1925 ; 39, . S. Code 283, was authonzed October 10, 1949." THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau is published during the months of )/ovemher, Ja nuary, April , a nd J uly by Leland Publishers, Inc. , The Fraternity Press, official sorori ty publishers to the sororit y at 2S42 University Ave ., t. Paul 14 , ~l inn. Subscription price, $3.00 per year . Editorial Office: :\I rs. Parry hippers, 5300a Sutherland, St. Louis 9, Mo.


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Penland Work6 Joward World Peace

Bv Lucv C. MoRGAN

t PENLAND has had a wonderfully full and interesting year, with students from 34 of our sta tes, the District of Columbia, Alaska, and 12 foreign countries .

You will be e pecially intere ted to know that one of our foreign students is M aria

H alva, whom we met in H elsinki in 1949 when ten of us made our craft study tour to Scandinavia and Finland.

M aria came to u in August for a ven­month stay and has taken part in a ll our ac­tivities-pottery, weaving, metal work, folk

dancing; has spo k e n before m any of th e civic organizations of the county, and before the District meeting of the Bu iness and Pro­fes iona l Women' Club. She ha poken before variou church groups. She ha vi it­ed the variou county school at the invita­tion of the Superin­tend e nt of Publi c Schools of Mitche ll County, Mr. J a on D eyton, telling the school children orne­thing of her country especially of the way Christmas i ob erved in Finland.

Exchange students-Upper row, left to right. Theresa La France ol Canada. Lucy Morgan. Guillermo Mendoza of the Philippines. Eileen Fong from Brooklyn. Lower row. Michiko Sato of Japan. Maria Halva of

As I write thi , the dining h a ll h ere at school is decorated for our community Chri t­mas party, and the two picture ' indm and gla door are all beautifull y adorn d with snow flake form cut from white ti ue paper by Maria.

She has al o made, and taught u how to Finland. Bong Wha Kim and Hyun Ja Kim of Korea.


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to m ake very intriguing and novel Christmas tree decorations made of straw.

These va rious foreign tudents have bf0ad­ened our horizons and added much color and ze t to life a t Penland. We hope we may have meant as much to them.

How could little Penla nd better work to­ward world peace and happier rela tions be­tween nations than by taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity of living, work­ing, playing, crea ting together, on this moun­tain top surrounded by natural beauty, and in a community rich in nati ve culture and folk lore? We are gra teful.

Again ten of us are faring forth to parts beyond the seas to hob-nob with other crafts­men. This time we mean to see some of the

wood carvers at work in Switzerland, as well as some of their weaving and other crafts. Then by Linjebuss through Germany to Scandinavia .

In O slo we stayed in home , through our friend and one-time student Ingeborg Hugo, and in Finland we are to be greeted by M aria H alva who will leave Penland in time to mee t our boa t, and who is planning our entertainment in home in her country.

Be ure and get the magazine Friends for J anuary, which h a two pages of Penland including seven pictures. The m agazine can be had for the a king from your General M otor dea ler. Jow Clark who took the picture will give a cour e in photography a t Penla nd in O ctober.


~ WHEN Miss Lucy Morgan asked me m Finland 1949, if I would be interested to come for one school year to her school in North Carolina, I could not believe that it is a wonderful fact now. Transporta tion ex­penses from Finland to Penland are quite an effort for a private citizen to pay, and without encouraging letters from Miss M or­gan I several times would have been with­out any hope. Since some good friends in Finland gave both moral and materi al sup­port, not to give up, Ju ly 29, 1952, I left H elsinki and arrived by plane a t Interna­tiona l airport in New York, July 30.

M y friends told me, when they were to ee me off a t the airport, that if you have

one good fri end in America, you don't need to worry. You are sent forward through all the country like a pa rcel post from one friend to another. From the first minutes on, I could rea lize tha t it is a fact. Mis. Lucy's friend , Mr . Brewington, was to mee t me in New York, another fri end , Miss Douglas, in Ashevill , and o the wild but skillful bus dri ver took me up to Spruce Pine. Mis

Lucy herself was waiting there with her car. If you have driven in somebody's car up the mountain road , you know tha t the driver knows her job. Before I had realized, that from now on the every day language is going to be English, and everybody is going to greet me in English, say some nice words to me in the same language, I was taken in the middle of the Penland School group, which was having afternoon tea . I looked around a t the exhibit of the first summer se sion.

M y friend, Dick, who h ad spent a year before in these ection of the USA had written on an envelope to me: "T ake it . ea y." Before long I had to r ead it again and again, and react according to that rule for the climate and the altitude, m aybe the long trip in a couple of day m ade m e col­la pse for two weeks, before I could tart working again. The fi r t night ~ ere thrill­ing funny: I could not Jeep a t a ll for th full orches tra' concert of na tu re. The cri k­ds sounded o nice that I nea r! lauah ed . You can read in book about natur and people in a foreign ountry. but u really

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don't know what the words are telling you until you have spent time there.

The best principle in teaching crafts might be the idea tha t every tudent is guid d to make a plan and de ign of her own . Every teacher i not able to teach this creative way. It is simpler to tell the student what to do than to make them, as different as they are, rea lize tha t experiments have to be made, and why. Thi idea of creative teach­ing is one of the most enjoyable things at the Penland School.

In pottery especia lly thi year the students have enjoyed the in piring influence of pre­Columbian Indian civilization. The pottery teacher, Miss Adelaide Beck, has worked in Panama as an archeologist, and ha brought her personality and co llection of these old ceramics to Penland. It ha · been the first rea l contac t with the original culture of America to me. It has inspired me to study more about pottery. It has reassured me to see tha t a tru art, the main lines in it, is a lways the same through the ages. It is one road of comple te understanding between dif­fe rent races, di fferent na tionalities and peo­ples.

Penland students are a group of people from all the different parts of the U SA,



and from difl' r ' nt co untri es over the world. H re hand in hand, toge th r in work and 1 lay, a good und rstanding is rca t d b -tween di ffe rent living worlds. T he figh ting ha to b done within ourselv s, and a posi­tive tr ngth is ne d d to cr at b tt r un­derstanding between a ll th p oples of the world . T o be independent, but trying to find out the idea l adjustment for it, what­ever the socia l contact may b ; to r spect thi world with its good people, G d's work as it is; to accept it ; th e arc the lessons we in so many ways get to know in Pen land. I should ca ll thi s hool a pow r sta tion for a better futu n: among na tions.

The excursion which M i Lucy and the teachers and other friend. have arranged for me here, arc a very es entia] part of my year. T o meet a ll the different ection of the usual life, work and fest iva ls in a foreign country, is a luxu rious experience. All the time I wish that I could in the near future ~ivc to my American exchange fr iend a. much. As long a it is po ible for me, I want to work for the exchange of tudent . It is one way to work fo r the peace, and even if it is possible for one person to do very lit tle, the work alway has to be done by tho c small individuals.


Bv M ADONNA BAUGH, Alpha E psilon

;\;. ExcHANGE STUDENT are very important in helping one na tion to understand the so­cia l and economic problem of another. The students become acquainted not only with our educational ys tem but also with our governmental procedures. It is very e sen­tia l that we make a good impres ion on these students because someday they will be the ones who will direct the schools and gov­ernment of their own countrie . The re­ports, bad as well a good, which they give to their people will influence entire na tion

one way or the other in their a tti tude tO\ ard us.

The e exchange tudents are ju t a alu­able to their own country a they a re to the U nited Sta te because if we learn the tru th about other na tion , we u uall foruet th unfa ir accu ations we have heard and the prejudices we have buil t u p again t them. We a re pending million of doll ar toda to hold these countries. and yet ' e reall know very little about the people or the country


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Delta Beta of Alpha Gamma Delta

Courtesy of "A lph a Gamma D elta Quarterly"

;\; SINCE I have been working in radio, countless numbers of my friends have dashed up to me, pummeled me on the shoulder, and excla imed, "Ohhhhh, aren ' t you the lucky one! RADIO AND TELEVISIO ! It must be so romantic and GLAMOROUS!"

Well, maybe they' re right. I've been work­ing in radio since I left Washington Sta te College in 1943. Certainly I must have thought it was glamorous then, becau e I quit school the very instant a job was offered to me in the continuity department of a radio station in Sea ttle. After almost ten · years of working in, around, with, for, and yes I even think under radio, it doesn't seem at all glamorous to me.

Take a look at your dictionary. " Glamour: 1, magic ; 2, a spell or charm." Let's start from the beginning. " M agic." All right! There you have me. I have never under­stood the magic of beams, cycles, primary areas, oscillators, and the like. You simply flip on a switch, and zippo, you have invited an unseen guest into your home. M agic? Yes, I guess so.

Now the dictionary again. "2. spell." Frankly, I have never been able to spell worth a hoot. Spelling is the bane of my existence. (Editor, please note and correct any misspelled word . Thank you. ) And I'm ever gra teful for M ark T wain's remark, which I have paraphrased because I don't remember it exactly. " I don' t give a darn for anyone who can pell a word in only one way." So much for pells and spelling.

L t's look at number three, the third definition for the word glamour. "Charm." Which lead me gracefully to the subject of the man for whom I work. One of the mo t charming men I've ever known i the Pay­mast r of Ceremonic of Double or Nothing, Walt r O'Kee.fe. I am fortunate in being

Phil Harris (left ) looks worried about his a nswers to Wal ter O 'Keefe , while Dixie (at desk ) chuckles

the as istant producer of thi show from H ollywood .

Six yea r ago this February, I arrived in H ollywood with a radio background and no job. I had decided to get out of radio and into some new field of endeavor. By June of the arne year I was begging for a job in radio, any job ju t to get back in. I was hired as a " cript girl" on the new ver ion of radio' olde t quiz game, D ouble or Not hing. The Campbell Soup people were going to try omething different in daytime radio. H aving a lot of faith in the average American hou ewife they believed that he would rather li ten to omething informative, humorous, enlightening, and certainly enter­taining rather than the " oap opera ."

Ah-enter my hero, Walter O'Keefe. From the very fir t day Walter met hi production taff, everyone wa on ' .fir t name" terms. It tarted tha t way and that fe ling of omradr hip ha continued to r w right to thi da .

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The cast of Double or Nothing arrive s in Salzburg, Aus­tria to entertain U-S- p ersonnel overseas. Dixie is the sixth from the left. Walter O'Keefe the fou rth from right. An nouncer Lou Crosby is at far right. (U. S.

Army photo )

If you know the show, Double or Nothing, you know that Walter O'Keefe is one of the fastest, mo t versa tile of all the ad-lib artists in show business. We do five radio hows a week for fifty-two weeks a year, a nd on every program Walter has come up with some new way of saying "something," some new ad-lib gag, some "off-bea t" remark.

You see, we pick our quiz contestants right out of the a udience just before we do the how. The potential contes tant is interviewed

or screened right on the tagc. Walter i presented a sheet of paper with brief notes on the contestant's history, and we're off to the race . Working on a n audience pa rtici­pation show is ac tua ll y extremely stimula ting in thi respect. You never know, you just never know wh at those wonderful contest­ant are going to pop out with next. Let' see if I can remember orne of the more humorous incident -.

Oh ye . I remember a young M arine not long ago. Walter was talking to him and asked him how he h appened to join the Ma­rine Corps. The young man replied tha t he had gone to a movie, had seen that thrilling picture about Marin life, "The Halls of Montezuma," and just couldn't re ist the call of the Marine after that. Walter asked


what wou ld have happened had h made a mistake and gone to ~ c a movi d picting th li fe of the Army WAC . Th M arin , in all seriousness, replied, "W II, Mr. 'K efc, I don't think I could hav passed the physi­cal."

This typ of thing may ha pp n a t any moment, a nd you just never know about contestants. Along with th contes tants w find in our audience cv -ry day, we ar for­tunate in having a n occas ional eel brity vi sit our show. As a ma tt r of fac t, there have been some of the screen' · mo t illustriou sta r trading quip with Quizma ter O 'K e f . M ay I remark about the de p hum ility and extreme inccrity of tho e ta l nt d peopl who have reached ~u cccssful heights m th entertainment world .

There's a very fri endly a tmo pher in th ha lls and back-stage a t BC. V ry often there will be a many a five or ix how broadca ting or r hea r. ing a t the am time in and around the studio , a nd the perform­ers many times drop in on each other. I ca n remember working on stage and looking up to ce Bob H ope tanding in the wing . Or another time, the grea t and b lo ed comedienne, the la te F anny Brice, dropped in to say hello. Gordon M acCrae, M artin and Lewis, Jack Benny's famous announcer Don Wilson , have all paid u a vi it.

Double or Nothing pla ys to Berlin audience at the Titania Palast (U. S. Army Photo)

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We have often invited other stars to be gue t contestants, and our files boast of such names as the glamorous Ann Sheridan, Liz­beth . Scott, author and sta tesman Rupert Hughes, handsome Dana Andrews, Burt Lan­caster. Two of my favorite singers, the lovely Lena Horne and vivacious Doris Day, have favored our show with a ong. Phil H arris matched wits with Quizma ter O'Keefe, and Academy Award winner Bobby Driscoll made an a ppearance with u . In all cases these people have dona ted every cent, ma tching it dollar for dollar with money from their own pockets, to their favorite charity. Many of our every-day contestants have done the very arne thing. Quiz show contestant can be wonderful people.

M aybe I should reconsider. M aybe radio IS glamorous. Take for insta nce last sum­mer. Double or Nothing was invited to do a series of broadcast for the entertainment of the G.I's in the occupied countries of Europe. We were a ll wild with joy. " A free trip to Europe ! See the things we've .always read about! Do our small bit in entertaining our men and women overseas ! Wonderful!"

Let me explain at this juncture tha t we do our shows on " tape." In other words, we tape or tra nscribe program several days in advance of the actual broadcast da te. There­fore we can protect ourselves from the horror of having a contestant unwittingly say some­thing which might cause embarrassment to him elf or to us. In order for the show physically to get from H ollywood to the middle of Europe ready for broadcast, we had to complete approxima tely thirty extra program . These were heard on the air while we were traveling to Germany. When you do five shows a day, plus thirty extra shows in a ma tter of less than a month, it doesn't leave too much time for the little niceties of life like eating and leeping. Actually we were all exhausted before our trip had be­gun.

V\' hen we started to do our shows for the G.I.: s ~nd their wive and fri ends, w found that we had to travel from two to three hun­dred mile a day by automobile, set up thou-and. of pounds of broadcasting equipment

work in gymnasiums or open air thea ter ;

do one show, pack up and travel aga in ready for the next day. We drove over 2,300 mile throughout western Germany; flew to north­ern Germany in ca rgo aircraft (becau e of our heavy broadcas ting equipment ); flew back to Au tria and then on to Pari where we were to do four extra hows not in our original schedule.

M y point i imply thi . All my life I've longed to ee Paris. Pa ris, city of a million dreams. Glamour capital of the world . H ome of exquisite food ·, ra re perfumes romance, erudite teacher a nd historian , intrigue, and beau ty.-We arrive. It is ra ining. It rain for four days and four night . I have con­tracted " trcp" thrpat. What I know of Pari is what one ca n know from a flee ting glance through a typica l Pa risian t<Lx i window on the way to and from the thea ter where we

, presented our broadea ts!

I watched Walter O'Keefe ea t the delica­cies I longed for a nd contented my elf with weak tea and clear broth. I smiled weakly in apprecia tion as my more hearty fellow worker told me of the encha ntment of th city a t night, of the awesomeness of Notre D ame, the a lories of the Louvre, the cintilla ­tion of M axime's . I admired the Pari crea­tions purchased by some, the perfumes pur­cha ed by other from my bed in a hotel room which, a far a I was concerned, could have been in Pari , T exas.

R adio GLAMORO S? I didn't think so a t tha t time, nor did I think o a we were flying back to the United Sta tes through one of . the year's worst hurricane over the At­lantic ocean. It vvas a wonderful experience, however.

I have ju t read this a rticle over to myself. And as I read, hundreds of exciting memorie · fixed themselves in my mind . M emorie , in most ca es, of the wonderful people it has been my aood fortune to know throuah m associa tion with an industry like radio.

Let' look at the dictionary aaain. h .. . down below .. . it ay "an enti ina charm." W II, I cannot di agr . The enter­tainment field IS glamorou b cau of th people, loaded with charm. ' h it illu ion of pur m agic.

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~ -············································· - ································· ·· ·· ·········~



The program includes an opportunity for both trammg and experience in guidance and personnel work. While taking courses toward her M.A. degree, the candidate also serves as an assistant to the Resident Counselor in a dormitory. Women between the ages of 20 and 30 with a bachelor's degree are eligible. Personal qualities and demonstrated ability to work with people are given major consideration.


A minimum of 12 months will be needed to acquire the 30 semester credit hours re­quired for the degree. The following alternative plans are available:

Plan A. Four semesters, carrying an average of seven or eight credit hours each semester.

Plan B. Two semesters, carrying 12· or 13 credit hours each semester, plus five or six semester credit hours earned during a summer term at some other univer6ity approved by the student's adviser.

Degrees are conferred only in June.


The service schedule of the assistant includes 21 hours a week of scheduled time in the dormitory plus meetings and occasional committee work.


Each assistant occupies a single room in the dormitory and receives board, room, and tuition totaling $1,200 a year. Appointments are made for the academic year, from the opening of dormitories in September through commencement in June.

For further information and application write

to Miss Audrey M. Parker, Dean of Women.


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aside from the physical descriptions which we find in a geography book.

customs and cultures. In almost all of -the newspapers we read and over the radio we hear again and again the pleas for world understanding. I think that exchange stu­dents are effective in developing interna­tional cooperation and of furthering world peace.

I believe that exchange students will bring the countries of the world closer together with more understanding of one another's

m emoriam

;\;. FRIENDS and sorority sisters were saddened

this spring by the dea th on May 5 of Marian

Thomas Holdsworth, one of our original

members in Buffalo. M arian had long been

a loya l member and hard worker for Alpha

Sigma Tau having only recently completed a

two-year term of office as President of the

Buffalo Alumnae Chapter. She will be re­

membered for her cheerfulness, kindness, and

willingness to work.

;\.. "MuMs" are almost a must for the H ome-

coming football game. The sororities on the

Colorado State College of Education at

Greeley, Colorado, vie with each other to

see who can ell the mo t mum . A lovely

traveling trophy is awarded to th winning

sorority. La t year Nu chapter of Alpha

Sigma Tau received thi trophy.

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. tn


;\; SToP and take a look a t the people around you. H ow many take time to smile and dis­play some degree of pleasantness? H ow many sigh and utter a compla int? Did you ever stop to wonder just how many people you know who are sa tisfi ed with their lives?

Perhaps a pause is needed here to say tha t no one is ever satisfied with anything en­tirely because human beings are trying almost instinctively to do better, to have more, and to make p rogress. H owever, there is such a thing a waking up to the fact of life and adju ting one's frame of mind to these facts.

The person with a well-adjusted person­ality is a person to be envied if there is ever justification in envy. Every now and then we hear someone comment, " M ary certa inly has had some ill luck, but she never seems to let it get her down." Somehow I like to think tha t those people are a combination of the realist and the romanticist. Every life has its difficul t moments-if · there were not any, how could a person 's moral, physical, or mental fiber be te ted in order to prove its value? After realizing the fact tha t there i no U topia, the well-adjusted person thinks with a realistic viewpoint and meets his obstacles with the will to conquer, but the

Willadean Smith

A. A. Queen Candidate

lor Homecoming

;\; .


romanticist in him gives him something else, too- a desire for a fullnes and a ri hness in life .

No person who ever sat around and waited for trouble was ever di sappoin ted . It is probably here that the college training and aims with which we have a ll be om a -quainted will benefi t us. O ne of th prin­ciples which every college strives to tea h i the encouragem nt to think for one's self, make decisions, and assume cha llenging task . Any woman who leaves college without thes qualities can hardly be said to be educated, for wha t can become of her knowledge from tex tbooks if she ·cannot practica ll y apply her own li fe to ituations at hand ? A !if bal­anced with activities · which appeal to one's intere ts and cha llenge one's in tellect are part of the romanticist. One other factor which a ids in giving li fe an extra full nes the a tisfac tion derived from a job well done

whether it be a task th ru t upon one or a task volunta rily as umed .

An adjustment to the factor involved in life can be one of our greate t achievement for with adjustment come the ati faction which make life so preciou .

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. tn Jralernily

A release by the N.P.C. Citizenship Com­

mittee which will appear in the publications

of all Panhellenic m ember groups.

;\; ONcE, the men and women of this new Nation were willing to pledge " their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor" for liberty and freedom. This task they have handed down to us and succeeding genera­tions. America is different from any other Nation on earth!

H ave we no longer a liberty to preserve, a faith to defend, or a vision to inspire? We believe tha t thoughtful people have not for­gotten that ours is a R epublic under God.

Attention has been focused the past few months on the release of the new revised standard version of the Holy Bible and on display a t the Library of Congress in Wash­ington, D. C., has been the Gutenberg Bible, the first book printed in the Western. World five centuries ago. In three thousand commu­nities meetings were held in October, 1952, to honor the Bible, some say the most widely read book in the world with translations in 2000 languages and dialects.

Where Did The Words Come From?

A student of Liberty~·might find an in­teresting rela tionship among Fraternity doc­uments and others. Most Fraternity rituals and ceremonies are based on the philosophies of the Ancients, the Bible and the Declara­tion of Independence. The ritualistic work of each group differs and represents a closely guarded secret of the membership. The fact tha t the ceremonies remain secret through­out the lives of thousands of adult members indicates to some extent the respect in which they are held.

Fraternities can take pride in the fact that a Bible is part of all Fra ternity paraphernalia and tha t college members have been en­couraged to use it in their devotions. The influence of the Bible is plainly evident in


much of the ritualistic work of the Fra terni­ties.

Equality and Freedom Linked

The pa triots of America in 1776 wrote, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are crea ted equal, that they are endowed by their Creator wi th certain un­alienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of H appiness."

Richard L . Evan , producer, writer and the "voice" on a Sunday R adio Program fea­turing the Salt L ake City Tabernacle Choir and Organ, has been quoted by the Founda­tion of Economic Education on the subject of equality a it rela tes to Freedom.

H e says: "What is the meaning of equality as applied to men ? Does it mean that all men should be alike? Does it mean that all men shall be leveled arbitrarily to a common plane? Does it mean that those who have endowments beyond the average hall be restrained from making a better place for themselves and for others? Does it mean that those who are content wi th idlenes and in­dolence shall be lifted artificially to an estate beyond what they deserve or could enjoy? Surely it does not- and cannot-mean any of these things. For if it did, there would be no reward for the man who looks beyond the present.

"There must be equality, yes: equality in the right to voice our view ; equality in the right to wor hip according to the dicta tes of conscience; equality before the law · equality a t the ballot box · equality in the right to work without paying tribute to anyone for the privilige-an equality not ircumvented by political pressure, not denied to minorit group not withheld from the humble the friendle , or the need - but not that warped

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and mi taken 'equality' which would push down the able and push up the indolent; not the kind of 'equality' tha t would retard will­ing men to the pace of the unwilling, or that puts unsteady props beneath back liders; not that 'equality' which · would reward them who 'toil not, neither do they spin' . . .

"And so, to those who would like to elimi­nate differences among men, it would be said that if it were possible to do so, progress would cease. Equality cannot therefore mean to bring all men low. It must mean oppor-

tunity for each man to rise to those h ights to which his ncrgies and abilities wi ll tak him-'and a llow all men the same privil ge' - to the end that progress may continue, and that thereby a ll will find ben fit. Equality which means less than this is not equality at all- it i slavery."

Docs not our Fraternity system insti ll th des ire, the wi ll to foster such equali ty, to preserve suer liberti es, and to d fend th Faith ol Our Fathers, and to inspire futur progress under God?

IN TRIBUTE TO ITS INFLUENCE is pictured the Gutenberg Bible. first printed book. now the priceless possession of the Library of Congress in Washington. D. C. Acquired in 1930 by an Act of Congress. the Gutenberg Bible had for live centuries previous been in the pos­session of monks of the Benedictine Order in the monasteries of Austria. The handsome case in which the Bible is displayed is modeled after one designed by Michelangelo. The printing of this Bible ranks as one of the landmarks in the history of civilization and was a great forward step in the emancipation of the human mind. During the year 1952. the Five Hundredth Anniversary of Printing by moveable type of the Gutenberg Bible was

celebrated in many communities in the United States.

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Bv MRs. J ULIAN MASON, Sigma, at the Eastern District M eeting

;\; MosT of us think our public relations are covered by the Publicity Chairman, who sends notices to the paper about a party or a dance. This is not the kind of public rela­tions I have in mind. Rather, I am interested in the public's ideas or concept about sorori­ties, which, if not correct, are the fault of the sorority or the sorority girl. These ideas are the responsibility of not just the officers, or the chairmen of committees, but of each and every one of us. We know we are all ex­pected at a ll times to know the proper thing and do the proper thing.

The very fact that I have been assigned my topic indica tes that the impression we have crea ted is not perfect. Some of the ill­feeling is based on erroneous ideas. Some is due to lack of understanding a to what we do, a nd what we stand for. I am sure nothing I can say will be startlingly new to you, but a reva luation of our position may suggest a better approach to the future. I have read many sorority magazine article on this sub­jec t, and shall try to give you the most Im­portant impressions I have received.

Most sororities have named a special na­tional offi cer on their executive councils, whose ~o le duty is to improve their sta tus with the public. Opinion polls have been conducted to find wherein sororities have fail ed . One encouraging poll was conducted by Fortune magazine in 1949. It showed that American parents, by a two to one margin, preferred colleges with opportunities for their sons a nd daughters to join fra ternities, over those without them. Where sororities have had a bad name, a genera l .housecleaning has elimina ted many undesirable practices and substituted constructive program . An ex­ample of such a cha nge was pictured on tele­vision on the " We, the People" ea rly in October. The fra ternity week at Indiana Stat University known as H ell Week has been changed to H elp Week. Instead of pos­sibly ha rmful hazing of the pl edges the fra-


ternity m embers and their initiate painted an elderly couple's house, constructed a chair for a little boy, and fill ed a good-sized book­le t recording many other helpful, kindly deeds.

One of the important pha es of Public R elations is the emphasis which should be placed on the need for picture and publish­ing in the new papers not of just socia l events, but of the charities we support and the educational standards we uphold. An article in the college paper describing Pen­land, a nd our contribution toward it might create a grea ter re pect for Alpha Sigma T au. s J ohn 0 . Mosely of Sigma Alpha Epsilon paraphrases it, "The evil tha t fra­ternitie do makes the headlines; the good is oft interred in their scrapbooks."

A third suggestion, is that we all learn to know our sororities better, during a study period a t each meeting. I do think a lumnae groups might follow this idea, for we do forge t.

Another thought is that we should place grea ter emphasi on our rituals, the heritage that has been handed down to u as a trust. Ritual dram atizes the idealism for which we are triving. In practicing our ritual, we sym­bolize the basic reasons for our existence.

During the e war yea rs we h ave many op­portunities for service, through blood dona­tions, civil defense committees, etc. We have opportunity, as well as obligation. If there is a current wave of criticism of the frater~ nity system, we will give it a evere jolt if wearers of the Greek letter badge give prompt and effective proof of their leader-hip in this time of national emergenc . Per­

ha ps the greates t argument in favor of orori­ties is tha t they do give us an opportunity to develop leadership in a mall group I ader-ship as a president, a finan chairman a cha irman of a party or da nce. Tha t tr in­ing in leadership should can o r in I. ter

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years o tha t we may b come a help to our communities.

M o t ou tsid -rs, I believe, feel tha t we arc a group with sp cia! advantages; more knowl­edge of the niceties of life, than th average college gir l. As a na tural corrollary, I be­lieve we hould show a grea ter degree of charity, kindline s, friendliness, woman liness. Ba ica lly, the opposition to sororities is based on the ympathy given to the numbers of girl who are not chosen to be sorority mem­bers. If we think in terms of the ou tsider, w perhaps will place a little les emphasis on Sorority Week on fl aunting our banners, blazers, and colors. I have seen the bewilder­ed look in the eye of too many of my fri ends not to know a rea l hur t is felt a t being " left out." Some of these idea are already being carried ou t in our chapters. M rs. Che ter Pugsley, our pa troness, has told me our Sigma girls a re now emphasizing the importance and p lace in the college of the

;\; SoNJA KILE, a senior home economiCs major, is president of K appa Delta Pi and vice president of Zeta Tau chapter of A.S.T., and is also a member of the H ome Economics club and Student Standards.

Sonia Kile, a member of the senior class, and M ary Ann King, a junior, will represent the Beta Epsilon chap ter of K appa Delta Pi a t the National Education Fra ternity's R e­gional Conference_ The convention will be held a t the M adison H otel in Atlantic City, New J er ey, on February 17.

The program announced for the conven­tion includes conference , group discussions, and a banquet. The morning activiti es begin with group discussions on " Improving World Understanding Through the International Exchange Program," "The Values of Coop­era tion with Social Agencies to T eachers in Training and in Service," and "The T each­er's Role in Public R ela tions."

After a luncheon, there will be a confer­ence of a ll K appa Delta Pi chapter presidents to discus problems of the na tional organiza­tion.

The evening session will fea ture a banquet

girl who do s not mak · a sorority. Personally, I feel that instead of discouraging sororiti s, mor should b n ouraged.

At the presen t tim , th sorority sys tem is not a perfec t one, bu t like many other things in life, it is a foundation upon wh i h w may build improvem nts. We arc liv ing through a period of questioning the va lues of very­thing about u . What a r th goals at which we sorority girls arc a iming? A round-table discussion group at the National Interfra­terni ty Conference at Wash ington , D. C ., in 1949 decided on these four: ( I ) Exccll nee in schola rship, (2) F ul l assumption f civic responsibilities, ( 3) Wholeheart d coop ra­tion with co llege officials, and ( 4) P r. onal development of the ind ividua l. Those a re our goal . T o what ex tent are we attaining them? Each chapter will have to judge its own achievemen ts when measured by the e stand­dards, and where nece sary, improve them in the future.

to conclude the day's activiti . The guest speaker will be Dr. Ordway Tread, chairman of the Board of Higher Education in ew York City.

Sonia Kile

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;\:. WHEN the county eat of J effer on County was moved from Sheperdstown to Cha rles T own in July, 1871 , the people of Shepherds­town a nd vicinity decided to use the vaca ted courthouse for educa tional purpo e . An article of incorpora tion for a chool to be known as Shepherd College, de igned to in­struct students " in language , a rt and sci­ences ." was dra wn up and ianed by H enry Shepherd, Samuel Knott, D avid Billmyer, C . W. Andrews, A. R. Boteler, C. T. Butler, and G. M. Bcltzhoover. This body of incor­pora tors gave themselve power to elect in­structor , pay sa laries, and pre cribe course

of study. They appointed Profes or Jo eph McMurran first principal of the in titution which was opened on September 2 1871 , under the authority of the Boa rd of Trustees, with forty-two tudents.

In order to induce the State of We t Vir­ginia to loca te a college for the training of teacher in Shepherd town, the trustees agreed to lea the courthou e buildina to the ta te, fre of charge. The offer was promptly

accepted and in 1872 the tra n fer was con­summa ted.

On F brua ry 27, 1872, the Legi la ture of


Knutti HalL Administration Building at Shepherd College and Reynolds Hall Auditorium

Page 19: 1953 January ANCHOR

;\; THE delicate simplicity of traditional Japane e painting will be di played to Ameri­can art lover in 10 major U . S. cities this year and early in 1953.

A isted by the Committee for Free Asia, the International Student Associa tion of Japan ha just sent to this country an exhibit of 41 of the best examples of ontempora ry Japanese tudent art.

The A sociation is a non-partisan student organization, founded in 1934 to encourage cultural exchanges with other countries through student activities and to promote mutual understanding between nation .

The 41 paintings which have just a rrived comprise the first complete exhibit of art work by J apanese tudent to be sent to the U. S.

Alan Valentine, President of the Commit­tee for Free Asia, today termed the exbtibit "A symbol of the interes t of students of J apan in developing fri end hip and under­standing with students of other nations."

In the exhibit, students of Tokyo's Kyoto City College have sent to the U. S. three categories of paintings, each in the bes t tra­ditions of the Fine Arts school of that Col­lege.

The paintings collec ted in the exhibit, ac­cording to Kyoto College professor of Art History, R. Sawa, "are not accomplished works of art. But we hope the American people will appreciate them as incere con­fession of the souls of our student who have sought their thorny paths to art under heavy burdens of their strenuou live in the con­fusion of the postwar J apane e ociety."


West Virginia passed an Act whereby a branch of the State Normal School be estab­li shed at Shepherd College, in Shepherds­town, in the county of J efferson.

During the administration of Dr. W. H. S. White, Shepherd College became a four-year college for the training of teachers on July l , 1930, and was granted the authority by the


Professor Sawa, author of a booklet on the exhibit, reports that "pair;~tin gs in prc~c nt ­

day .Ja pan a rc under th influence of French a rtists and our J apan se a rtists and their work appears to be und rgoing notabl changes."

The Committe fo r F r c Asia r cciv ·d th pa inting on their arriva l a t San fran is o from Tokyo and has tartcd them on a year­long tour of . S. co lleges and univ rsit ics where they will be on di play to studen ts and t lt c public.

The paintings will be exhibited a t San Francisco Sta te College in San Francisco from Sept. 10 to 20, a t which time they wi ll move to Stanford University for displ ay from Sept. 27 through O ct. 10.

The exhibit will then start its journey aero. s the nation, reaching the niver ity of Denver on O ct. 21 and remaining th re uritil December 20.

The paintings will then b on di pl ay at Ohio University a t Athen , 0 ., from D -ccmbcr 28 to J anuary 31. From f ebruary 9 1953, until M arch 7 they will be shown at Cornell University a t Ithaca, . Y.

Wayne University at Detroit, home of A:ST's Theta chapter, will then have the ex­hibit from M arch 16 through April 15. F rom April 27 to M ay 20 the painting will be at the University of Minnesota in Minneapoli and from June 1 through June 26 at Bri<Y­ham Young niversity in Provo, tah.

From July 6 to O ctober 1 the exhibit will be a t the University of Washington in Seattle and from O ctober 12 to ovember 30 at Mill College in O akland, Calif.

Sta te Board of Education to grant the Bache­lor of Arts degree to gradua t of th in ti tu­tion. In 1943 the state legi lature enac ted legi la tion providing for a liberal a rt college program a t Shepherd College.

The college is full y accredited b the American A ocia tion of College for T each­er Education and the North Central A ocia­tion of Colleges and Secondar School .

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;\; "H ELP WEEK" concluded the 12 weeks' period for Alpha Epsilon pledge this year. The purpo e of "H elp Week" was to be of service to other .

helped them find people to whom they could offer their assi tance. The e tasks included help with handicapped children. Every day, each pledge did a good deed for some­one outside the sorority. The girls extended their activities into the

comm unity. They presented the "Elma," M acomb's elderly people's home, with nut cups and magazine . They inquired a t the hospita l and presented a pa tient there with flowers. Velma H a ring, pledge capta in, con­tacted the Cha mber of Commerce to ce if there was a projec t with which the girl could be of a id.

In addition to the e community service , the pledge painted and cleaned a t the soro­rity house. They also did a good deed each day for a n active Alpha T au.

The week' pledging ac tivitie were con­cluded with a slumber party a t the orority house on Friday night for all the active and pi dges. On Sunday the girl received their pin a nd became ac tive Alpha T au .

The pledge offered their service to the sorori ty sponsor, Miss H arrie t Stull, a nd he

Gloria Horney

Q ueen

;\; GLORIA H oRNEY, Alpha 1gma T a u'

Alpha Epsilon candidate, wa elected

H omecoming queen last fall for We tern Illi­

noJ State college, M acomb. Gloria i a

junior and i from Trivoli, Ill.

G loria wa voted a cia s per onality h er

fre hman and ophomore years. he is erv­

ing on the Student Council for h er econd

year, this yea r as ecretary. For three years

Gloria ha been president of the Alpha T au


A Panhellenic council repre entative for

three year Gloria wa treasurer for the

council last year. She i a! o a member of the

A ociation for Childhood Educa tion, being

a kindergarten-primary m ajor. Gloria ' a

o-ru h cha irman Ia t ear and i ru h hair­

man for the or01·ity this ear .


Page 21: 1953 January ANCHOR

;\; LAsT SPRING Carol Dickey was awarded

the Alpha Sigma Alpha Award for the out­

standing freshman girl. Pi Lambda Theta ,

honorary educational fraternity, also honored

her as an outstanding freshman. Besides these

awards she is active in Spur, Delta Omicron,

an honorary music fraternity, Greeley Phil­

harmonic, and Associated Women Studt>nts.

Alpha Sigma Alpha is a social sorority on

the Greeley campus. Each year it gives this

award to a deserving freshman. Scholastic

ability, service, and personality are the basis

of the award.

Sylvia Estes


Carol Dickey-a sophomore music major, and member of Nu chapter at Greeley, Colorado.

5/j/via 6te61 ''Spur o/ lhe rf/omenl "

;\; RECENTLY activated into Nu Chapter at

Greeley, Colorado, Sylvia Este wa cho en "Spur of the Moment" by Intercollegiate

Knights, an honorary pep fraternity. The award is pre ented to an out tanding Spur

for service to the college.

Sylvia is a sophomore music major. Be ide Spur, she takes an active part in Tau Beta

Sigma, an honorary band sorority· J ean and

Janes Square Dancing, Greeley Philharmonic,

and is vice pre iden t of the ophomore cia and regional public relation officer of NS .

Pi Lambda Theta, honorary educational fra­

ternity, honored her a one of the ten out­

standing fre hmen.

Page 22: 1953 January ANCHOR


t TooAv's younger generation has been labeled almost everything from the "s ilent" to the "oldest young" in an article a ppearing recently in nme magazine. This article has a ttempted to discover ju t what today's youth believe, what they think about, and what they have as idea l and hope .

M any adults contend that the silence of this present generation is its most startling differentiating factor- ·ilent bccau e it work steadily, says nothing, make few speeches, ca rries no banners ... .

And the "oldest young" bccau e, in gener­al, youth accepts life as it is in a most mature manner, not blaming conditions on fa ilures of parents or politician , trying to make the best of a bad world situation, whether it be on the Korean war front or here a t home.

Considering tha t this genera tion inherited few ideals, few standa rds, little cultura l breadth from it parents of the "fl aming twenties," youth's morals are really far better than a nyone could da re hope.

June Yoak


Today's youth ha di covered for itself e thical standards which have been derived from an American tradition far older than its parent .

Youth today fee ls the need to believe in something greater than itself ; God has be­come a grea ter element in this generation's thought . To many, denominations are unim­portant a nd theology is omething remote; however, more young people arc attending church crvices than ever before. Its leaders a re discovering that moral law are just as sta ble a sc ientific laws.

Today's tagge ring world problem , uch as race, labor, and war, wil l h ave to be solved by member of today' " ilent" youth - by those equipped with a cientific knowl­edge and the moral of Christianity.

'"' ha t of today's? They do not expect to be se rved, mainly becau e they've never known the meaning of being served, of stability or security. But-youth will and does expect to continue contributing to mankind ... still in sil ence.

t J u E YoAK, Omicron, of Bluefield We t

Virginia, ha been cho en to ervc a acting

vice pre 'iden t for the first erne ter, 1952-53 .

June will be replacincr Juanita Grant who i

now working a an a si tant librarian in the

Concord College Library. Juanita will join

the ac tive ra nks of Omicron aga in in J anuary.

Page 23: 1953 January ANCHOR

Bv P EGGY WALLACE, Charleston, W. Va., Alumna

Winifred H. Newman

;\; WINIFRED H. NEWMAN unintentionally wrote a description of herself when she en­titled an article published in the ANCHOR "Personality Unlimited)' Having a forth­right, enthusiastic manner and a keen sense of humor, she accomplishes great things in the fields of education, in civic organizations from the local to the international level, and in the religious education department of her church.

Miss Newman, who is an Assi tant Super­intendent of Kanawha county schools in Charleston, was born in Oakland, Maryland. H er early education was in Bayard, West Virginia, schools. She began teaching at the Bayard grade school, going to Potomac State college in the summers. Winifred received her A.B. degree from Marshall college in 1929, and came to Charleston to teach at Capitol grade school. Her graduation from West Virginia University in 1936 won her an M .A. degree in Education Administration and Supervision. Within ten years after first


coming to Chari ston, she had tak n the success[ ul steps from teacher, to prin ipal , to as i tant sup rint ndent of K anawha county schools.

During this tim h r talents and int res ts were varied in the community, civic and church realms. She has taught a Sunday School cia s at Christ Chur h M ethod ist, whi le erving as a istant superintendent of the Church School. Voted the "Career Wom­an of 1951" by the Charles ton Gazette, her capabi lities have been used on the advi ory boards of the Charleston Women's Civic Council, the Cerebral Palsy Foundation, Girl Scouts, Boy and Girls Club, Children's Theatr , and Junior R adio Board.

In the cultural fi eld, the Charleston Sym­phony Orche tra and the Charle ton Open Forum have been served by her on their executive committee. She was the first wom­an from West Virginia on the National Ex­ecutive Board of the Young Women's Chris­tian As ociation. Twice this vibrant, charm­ing person has been awarded a . Trea ­ury Citation: one, a Silver Service Awards M edal for War Work, and the other one for U. S. Savings Bond work since the War.

Pilot Club International, which is a service club for women, has made her first vice pre i­dent this year. She has been both pre ident and director of the Charleston club, and served as governor of her district.

H er article have been published in ariou educational magazines including the TV est Virginia School Journal, the YWCA official magazine, the Pilot Log, and our own ANCHOR.

Winifred has shown much interest in the orority, giving of her money, her talent and

her time. She has been speaker for the Founders' Day Banquet of the Charle ton Alumnae chapter, and this year was gue t speaker at the Alpha Beta Chapter' Found­ers' Day Banquet.

Page 24: 1953 January ANCHOR

;\;. THE May Festival last spring was o'ne of the many big events of the semester. Phyl Gordon, junior, represented the T aus on the Festival Court which pre ided over the fes­tivities .

For the second time we had our spring house party at the cottage of Joyce Cotter. Even though the water was still ice cold, a few of the braver Betas ventured in for a quick dip. We were lucky because everyone stayed in good health. The first evening we had a shower for the seven engaged T aus. Each girl was presented with a piece of Revere ware. There was little time for sleep­ing, but much time for talking, singing, and eating. We were a happy, but tired group of girls at the close of our week end.

All of our engaged girls were married this summer. They were Marcia McQuire, Jean Rothlesburger, Donna Dole, Ann Unjian, J erry Jones, Joyce Lattin, and Marilyn Boughfman.

Seven Betas attended the National Con­vention in Chicago this summer. They were J ean Gleason Clark, Jeannie Martin, Pat Plowman, Ruth Hamlin, Miriam Fuhrman and two alumni members, Flossie Slade and Natalie Haglund. We were very proud to hear that one of our songs, a hymn written by Ann Unjian, was voted upon to be part of the Alpha Sigma Tau initiation service.

Plans for Homecoming are well under way. Our candidate for queen this fall is Delores Mooney, music major from Owas o. As yet, we haven't decided on a float decora­tion, but there will be ten enior riding on the float this year. Our annual alumnae Homecoming breakfast will be held in K eeler Union, Dining Room A. The alums offered


to take over the responsibility of planning and making arrangement for the breakfast.

A full schedule of activities has been set up this semester with our brother fraternity, Sigma T au Gamma. In the schedule is a H allowe'en H ectics Party which will be an informal affair. Everyone will wear jeans and plaid shirts. There will be plenty of eats and fun for alL-PHYLLIS GoRDON.

;\;. AFTER a very busy summer, the girls from the Theta Chapter are again making plans for the Fall semester. On September 10, we had our first business meeting of the year with our new president, H elen Shimer, pre­siding. H elen took over K athleen Raleigh's office when we lost K athleen through gradua­tion. The other new officers are Peggy Lom­er, vice president; Doris Bell, recording secre­tary; M arisue Hantel, corresponding secre­tary; and Anna Ukrop, treasurer.

One of the first events on our calendar will be a formal initiation ceremony for our initiates: Marjorie Good ir, Marilyn Pilgrim, Polly Faber, Lillian Dombrosky, Virginia Turek, and M ary Ruiz. Ruth Ruby and Dorothy Murray were initiated formally at the National Convention in August.

Another important date on our calendar is our first rush party which will be held in the Wayne University Student Center on October 6. Rushing formally opened with Sorority Night which wa ponsored by Pan­hellenic on September 17, at which time we had a chance to chat with some of the new rushees before our first ru h party. It ga e the pro pective member a chance to circu­late during the e ening and learn about each

Page 25: 1953 January ANCHOR


orority. Our own Marlowe Franko was emcee at the get-tog thcr, and we w rc very proud of her. Marlowe was elected vice president and rush chairman of the Panhcl­lenic Council last pring. Our other repre­sentatives are H elen Shimer and Lillian Dombro ky.

This summer proved to be a v ry happy one for a couple of our girls who returned thi fall with beautiful diamond rings. Tho e announcing th ir engagements were H elen Shimer to Robert H. Doxtator ; Peggy Lomcr to Donald J. Charpentier, and M ary D. Ruiz to Joseph Riolio. We wish you the best of luck, girls !

We had several socia l gatherings thi sum­mer. After commencement last June, we spent ten days at our sorority cottage in Irish Hill , Michigan. During July the girls had a date picnic which was a great deal of fun . We also had two dinner-theater parties dur­ing August and then, of course, we can't for­get the National Convention in Chicago. We were very happy to see our crap book win first prize.

Plans a rc also b · ing nradc for Honrc om­ing which will be Nov ·mber I . Poll y f ab r will be the chairm an, and we a r planning cvcra l pajama parti s at her h usc to work

on the floa t. It should be loads of fun.­MARISUE HANTEL.

Jota j Renovation ;t "CoME on down to the Alpha Tau house" is a familiar phrase on the Emporia campus this fa ll. All th girl ar anxious to "show off" a little sin our house remodeling this summer. It's reall y a house to b proud of, too. In each room an entire wall of indi­vidual close ts replaces one mall one which a ll the girls in tha t room shar d last year . All the old plumbing was rcp la · d by gl am­ing new fixtures. In addi tion to this, one compl t new bathroom was added on econd floor and a new shower on third. o more standing in line! All th plintercd old floors were cover d with a ttractive a phalt tile which i , incidentally. much ea i r to keep clean. Our cook, Mr . Tom , love her job thi yea r. The kitchen was completely reno-

View of the chapter room shows the following girls relaxing and listening to records: Dorothy Jones, Jo Liess, Lee Brown. Carolyn Heghin, and Connie Baber, back row, and

Mary Jane Boterweck, front row.

Page 26: 1953 January ANCHOR


vated, and to be brief it's a homemaker's dream. Next year, finances permitting, we plan to enlarge the dining room. Also, we want to convert our sleeping porch, which now twelve girls occupy, to a dormitory type where all the girls may sleep. This will entirely eliminate beds in the house. To com­plete the picture, the girls all worked hard before rush week, and each room has a gay, new coat of paint and colorful curtains a t the windows. Can you blame u for boa ting a bit?-TwiLA ANDERSON.

;.t GRETA CHING, one of the pledges of Nu Chapter, ha an unusual hobby for a col­lege girl. With the aid of Dr. Arthur Moinat she is raising orchids in the biology labora­tory. H er parent in H awaii raise hundreds of orchids. Besides Greta's many other activi­ties she is president of the Colorado State College H awaiian Club.

Eight pledges of Nu Chapter are looking forward to becoming active members of Alpha Sigma Tau on October 20.

Informal rushing, with one or two parties, will be conducted this fall. .Plans for formal rushing winter quarter are in the hands of Bertha Olsen, chairman.

Work has already been started on our Homecoming float and house decorations. Western State College at Gunnison is to be our Homecoming opponent on ovember 7.

Beulah Wright, our new housemother, is from Denver; and we all think she is just a peach.

Newly elected officers are: Barbara Booth, sergeant at arms; Ruth J acques, cu todian ; Rita Lambert, program chairman ; and Syl­via Estes, editor.

Shirley Madden is our president; Marilyn Sweitzer, vice president ; Gertie N oe, treasur­er ; Gwen Edward , recording secretary, and Pat Engel, corresponding secretary.

After seeing the beautiful robes in Chicago our girls have started plan to make new robes. We're planning a sewing bee for some night soon to get tarted on them. Gertie Noe presented the chapter with a white atin

alter cloth she had made. She al o em­broidered the crest on it in white. Shirley Madden i making a pin cushion to go with it. Becky Ferguson and Carol Dickey sur­prised the group with a tarnish-proof silver­cloth. We really appreciate all of these things!

o.t WE, of Omicron, are very fortunate to have the e wonderful people called pat­ronesses to help us. They are the ones we alway fall back on when we need something. We should try to how our appreciation for thes~ thoughtful ones more often. R emember the partie they give us! Our patrones es have a pa rty for us in the planning tage now. Think of the wonderful advice they have to offer when we need advice desperately! They are there to encourage u and are proud and loyal to u until the end . While we are away from hom they step in and adopt each mem­ber and are willing to do o much for her. They are each worth their weight in gold and may there alway be more of them. M ay we all do more to show them that we love them o much.

ctive and alumnae who were at Concord College during the first ummer session had a wiener roast at Speedway Park on July 8.

After a day of cla ses thi "food" session followed by a "gab" es ion was a wonderful relief. This outing give all those pre ent a chance to meet others on the common ground of being Alpha Sigma T aus. We hope to include soon in our future plans another opportunity to get together with our sisters.

Ellen M aple, Omicron, of Beckley, West Virginia, has been elected treasurer of the ophomore class at Concord College. Ellen

i a mu ic major and active in campus affair .

Omicron rushing for fir t emester will begin the econd week in October. During this week the girls desiring to sign up for ororities, will meet with the D ean of Women

a well a the four pre idents representing Concord College' four national sororitie _ The Panhelleni T ea " ill b gi en at thi. time for uppercla men going out for orori-

Page 27: 1953 January ANCHOR


ties. No formal rushing will b held, but the traditional ilence period will be observed. Omicron wi he for girls to join our group who are willing to work together for the good of the group. With new members we can make plan for the econd semester rushing season.

D ean of Women D emari Wilson en ter­tained members of the Women's H all Coun­cil of Concord College, Sunday, September 27, at her apartment. Omicron is proud to be repre ented by three members on the six­teen member council. Dean Wilson gave a dinner and afterwards the regular business meeting of the women's government was held. June Yoak, Nancy Canterbury, and Patsy Fields were the Alpha Sigma Taus present.

Omicron chap ter at Concord College won the scholarship cup for the year 195 1-52 again. This meant that Alpha Sigma T au had the highe t scholastic average of any so­rority on campus. This was the third con­secutive yea r tha t the Alpha T aus have won this honor. Yearly this cup is given by the Panhellenic Council to the sorority having the highest scholastic average. We wish to continue this as a tradition and all chapters please wish us luck.

Esabella Frazier, Omicron, music student from Fayetteville, West Virginia, gave her senior recital October 9, 1952. Esabella is a mezzo-soprano and i active in all campus activities . She has been in the production of several musicals given by the mu ic depart­ment. Esabella is corresponding secretary of our chapter and graduate in J anuary, 1953. - PATSY FIELDS.

t THE Pi Chapter of Alpha Sigma T au in St. Louis has been a bu y bee hive the past months. For in March we h ad Skit Night for the tudent a t H arris, and it was good! The turnout was really big thi year !

M ay 4 we had a picnic a t our spon or's farm near Cuba, Mis ouri. Miss Murray's farm is big, and just perfect for all those who went. We had a wonderful time going

horseback riding, sunning, wading up th "erik," and just having a good tim . A bctt r way, there ould not be to sp nd a unday afternoon .

During the summ r months ev ryonc was busy in the preparation of rush parties in the fall.

August 20-22 was the da t of th conven­tion in Chicago, and was ertainly enjoyed by our chapter. The girls esp ially liked meeting girls from the different places and also staying at the Conrad-Hilton Hotel. Tho e who were able to go had a grand time. Everyone hopes to make the next on in Roanoke, Va.

September found the Alphas back in school Immedia tely we began definit plan for rush parties. Our fir t party was informal and a Showboat Party which was held at the Mark Twain Hotel in the very appropriate Steamboat Room. Every rushee receiv d a sa ilor cap to make them official Showboater .

Our forma l party at the College Club was called "Life Goe to H arris" where we used the L ife magazine as a them for the ve­ning with games and entertainm nt to fit accord ingly. The beautiful yellow mum pre­sented the ru hees, patronc e , our ponsor were offset by the emerald ribbon with wh ich they were bedeck d.

Alpha now take great pride in welcoming and introducing to you our two new "Cover Girls" Joan Adams and M atilda Weeke, who were ribbon pledged on Tuesday, October 7, at H arri . Thi day found the Alpha ur­rounded by yellow tea ro e , candlelight, and a tasty cake decorated in yellow and green.

September 17 was a upper meeting at Carol Willman's hou e and a! o a big nio-ht for our pledges since it wa pin pledging. T he evening was fi lled with delicious food excitement, and lots of fun. M ay I note here that we really have two cutie for pledge -and I don't know which is more tickled over their new i ter ; the pledge or the little i ! .Joan Adam is under the protectino- wing of emor aom i 0 en chmidt and M atilda i

under th tend r care of Pat Seib. our pre i­dent who is also a senior!

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A H allowe'en party is going to be at Carol Willman's house with costumes galore. Witches and goblins will all be there when the Alphas have a pumpkin good time on Hallowe'en.

Since Interfratcrnal Sing is a big thing at Harris T. C. , everyone has been busily prac­ticing and wiggling their vocal cord in pre­paring for it. A trophy is awarded to the winner-so, cro s your fingers!

Besides a ll thi s our chapter has been active in other ac tivities:

Pat Seib, H arriette Russell, and aomi O ssen chmidt belong to the Psychology Club.

Dorte Schwerdt and Carol Willman are member of Beta Beta Beta (Biology Fra­ternity ) .

Pat Seib and Carol Willman are members of Sigma Tau D elta, the Engli h Fraternity.

Evelyn Buenemann is secretary of the R ed Cro s; and vice pres ident and treasurer of the Spanish Club.

Pat Seib is editor of our chool paper, the Colleaian.

Dorte Schwerdt and Carol Willman a re officers of their respective clas es. Carol­secretary, treasurer, Soph. 1, and Dorte­treasurer of the Soph. 1 T. C.

Evelyn Buenemann is also a reporter for the Collegian.

All are members of the Women' Athletic Association (W.A.A. ).

Pat Seib is president of the Panhellenic a nd president of the Future T eachers of America.

aomi 0 sen chrnid t i the ecretary of the Baptist Student Union (B.S.U.).

Our plans for the future include a parents party honoring both moms and dads, a date wiener roast, and a hay ride. We hope to have a bowling and skating party too!

Rho j UniCJue Jund Raijintj (/ame

;\; TI-m Interfra ternity Council of Southeast­ern Sta te College pon ored a food drive Tu sday, November 25 . The food, con i tina

mostly of canned goods, was divided into twenty-five basket and di tributed to the needy of Durant. Chickens were added to some of the baskets by the ororitie and fra­ternities.

The Interfra ternity Council i compo ed of the two ororitie and the two fraternities on the campu at Southeastern. The two sorori­ti e are Alpha Sigma Tau and Pi K appa Sigma, and the fraternitie are Sigma Tau Gamma and Phi Sigma Ep ilon.

The football game between the members of Alpha Sigma T au and Pi K appa Sigma wa held to rai e money to build floats for the H omecoming parade. tota l of $51.00 wa ra i ed with the money being divided between the two group . The "Kapper " emcrg d victoriou from the Powder Puff Bowl after the brutual affray fought there with the "Flashers" Monday night, October 13.

The "K appers" found themselve on the way to victory in the econd quarter of the game when Fran Apel caught a pas from K apper captain, M ary Nell Robin on, for the first touchdown of the game. Captain Robin­son then ran the ex tra point, running the core up to 7-0 over the Flashers.

There wa "blood" in the eye of Fla her Pat orman, as she carried the ball ixty yard for a TD. Norman attempted to run the extra point, but a fumble on the play left the core at 7-6.

The "K apper " were now determin d to "hold that line" and managed to stop further Flasher advance into K apper territory.

A highlight of the game occurred in the fourth quarter when "Wrong-way" Ruthann Fleak received the ball on the Fla her 15 yard line, became omewhat confu ed on the direction of her opponents' goal and berran running toward her own K apper goal line. H owever the Fla her proved to be equally up et, a they tackled " ' -W" Fleak thu preventing the mi hap.

H alf-time entertainment wa furnished b the H ellhound Pup Band con i ting of the H ellhound pi dge and under the direction of General Don Gumm. It wa arrr ed b the admiring rowd that the Pup h d !!Teat

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promise as a band of renown. The Pups, with their usual modesty, felt that they did need a few more practice periods.

The spectators found the crowning of the "Kapper" Sweetheart, Dennis Willard, and the "Flasher" Sweetheart, Ja k Williams, also highly entertaining.

The "Flashers" were constantly approached by a suspicious looking character who has since become a candidate for Powder Girl of 1953. "Josephine" was faithful to her job of spraying the players with perfume and dust­ing their shiny noses with powder.

All good things must end, however, as did this game between the Pi K appa Sigma "Kappers" and the Alpha Sigma T au "Flash­ers." The "ladies" staggered from the field with skinned knees, bruises and minus a few fingernails, but with high spirits. They left with promises to return next year to the Powder Puff Bowl.

Szljma 'JAAnj fionorj at

Convention ;\. SIGMA CHAPTER was adequately repre­sented at the lOth National Convention held in Chicago by Sally Sturm, president and delegate of the Sigma Chapter, Elaine Black, Mary H. Glor, Florence Kuczma, Barbara Leggett, Janet Luther, Patricia Maue, Jean Ryckman, Ellen M. Schillinger, Alice Szalecki, and Margaret Wild. The members attending the convention from Buffalo made a regular vacation out of their trip to Chi­cago and they remained at the Hilton Hotel until the Sunday following the convention and during this time they had an enjoyable time seeing the sights of Chicago.

Sigma chapter, as an active chapter, had the largest representation of the Eastern District at the convention and was awarded a beautiful plate as a prize.

Sigma chapter also won the song contest with a beautiful rendition submitted by mem­bers Janet Luther and Mildred Lamb at its entree. We were duly proud of this achieve­ment. Sigma chapter felt that the convention was a wonderful experience and are anxious-

ly awaiting th next na tional onv ntion at Roanoke, Virginia.

At the present time the chapter is prepar­ing for a tremendous rush party based on the theme of "Castilian Capers." Invitations and plans are being expertly handled by our rush chairman, Pat Donovan. She and h r able committee are se tting the pace.

Sigma's annual college dance was held in the College Union October 3. It was an appropria te clo e to the Campus' Organiza­tion day which was held the same day in the college auditorium. Sigma's dance was tradi­tionally entitled "Tau Dreamtime" and was signified with an 11 ft. moon, si lver stars and an heavenly a tmosphere. It was indeed a highlight of the school's opening days. Five hundred people attended.

Sigma would like to announc the engage­ments of two of their active members. The engagement of Augusta Brunner to Mr. Ed­ward Frank, United Sta tes Army and a June graduate of the University of Buffalo in the field of pharmacy.

The other engagement is that of Nancy Cruse, '53 to Mr. Robert Sumbler, a resident of Ontario, Canada. Sigma is very proud of their accomplishments at the present time and they are looking forward to a pleasant and prosperous year on State's campus.

We would also like to pay tribute to our candidate for queen at the convention. She was Miss Patricia Donovan and we were all very proud of her as a repre entative of our chapter.-MARY GLAR.

Zta Jau fio/Jj r/!lanlj

0/ficej ;\. MARGIE SuTPHIN and H elen Castros came back from the A.S.T. convention in Chicago just bubbling over with excitement and new ideas for this year. And were WE excited and proud to know that our own Margie wa chosen queen at the convention!

We are now getting ready for the fall ru h teas in O ctober, and we are e>.:pecting to get some good pledges. We hope to see man old

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A.S.T. back at Longwood for the college -circus on October 25, and with our Founders' Day banquet just around the corner, we have really been busy. We are already looking for­ward to spring rushing, when we give bids to freshmen.

One of our projects for the year is the pur­-chase of a new rug and other new furnishings for our chapter room. We are planning to get a grey rug to blend with the walls which are also grey.

Members of Zeta T au chapter hold many -offices at Longwood this year. Helen Castro is president of Hou e Council, and H elen and Mary Hurt Peery are members of student government. Lu Beavers i treasurer of the "Y." M argie Sutphin is art editor of the Rotunda and head dining room ho tess. Bev M arsh is an assi tant dining room ho tess and is also serving as senior house pre iden t. Ann Gray is vice president of Beorc Eh Thorn, English honor society, and editorial news -columnist of the Rotunda. Bobbie A said and Mary Campbell are member of the sopho­more commission. Martha Donaldson is vice -president of the sophomore class and secre­tary of the Home Ec club. Sonia Kile and Pat Taylor hold the offices of president and secretary of Kappa Delta Pi ; Pat is also president of the Spanish club, of which Skee Gillikin i vice president. Pat Donnelly is rush chairman of Panhellenic. Dean's List ·students include Bobbie Assaid, Lu Beavers, Skee Gillikin, Dee Steger, and Pat T aylor.

Two A.S.T.s have been married this fall. M any of us were in Roanoke for Bobbie Obenshain and Robert Hopcroft' s wedding on September 6, and for Margie Steele and Ed Sutphin's on October 19. We are going to miss Bobbie, but M argie will be with us for the re t of the year, erving as president of our chapter.-PAT TAYLOR.

Up:Ji/on j flonor:J "";\; SARAH J uNE BELL, Dorothy Campbell, H elen Greer, and J errene were among the out tanding member of Up ilon Chapter last year.

Whil following the bu y chedule of a

music major Sarah June had time during 1951 -5 2 to serve as pre iden t of the Pan­hellenic Council and take an active part in Alpha Chi (honorary scholastic fraternity), Royal Rooter (honorary leadership frater­nity ), the Student Christian Association, Music Club, and Wesley Foundation. Sarah will graduate in J anuary and plans to be married this fall.

Dorothy Campbell wa the only one of our group who was married Ia t year. She had the duties of a hou ewife in addition to erving as our chapter secretary and taking

an active part in campus affair . Dot was a member of the Student Chri tian As ociation and the Women's Athletic As ociation. She wa our nominee for Scroll Beauty.

H elen Greer worked in the office of the president of the college in her pare time Ia t year. During the year she also did a tint as vocali t for the college dance band,

the Top H atter , and took an ac tive part in everal organizations-Royal R ooters, SCA

and We tmini ter Fellowship. he was elected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities by the student body. H elen directed our chapter in the song conte t on Founder' D ay last spring. We won fi rst place over four other ororities on the ampus that entered. H elen was married this fal l to En­sign Dan C. M athe , Jr. They are living in Charleston, South Carolina, where he is sta tioned.

Jerrene M cCurdy pent mo t of her time Ia t year working on the college paper, the Echo. She wa bu ine manager of the paper one semester and editor the next. She also was a member of Alpha Chi Alpha Psi Omega (honorary dramatics fraternity) , Royal R ooters, SCA and WAA. J errene will graduate in J anuary.

Ru hing, homecomino-, fall forma l-the e are the major item on the agenda for Up i­lon the fir t erne ter this year .

Ru hing i , of cour e taking precedence over everything el e. We have ixteen acti e members back thi fall and have twenty-fi opening . The TC Panhellenic council ha decreed that rush partie hall not be o-iven until the e ond nine ' eek of thi erne t r

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o we have plenty of time to do a good job of rushing. W arc ru hing lots of mighty fine gals and have high hop of filling our quota- with good girls.

Our college Homecoming was O ctober 11. This year for the first time in tead of having a Homecoming parade there were exhibits by the variou organiza tions over the campus.

Our fall formal is coming up in November and we're making plans for it.

Sara Brandon, our delegate to national convention, ha returned full of enthusiasm and is " setting fire" to the rest of u .

M artha King, our new pre iden t, is p rov­ing to be a very capable leader.

Martha J ean Miller has been elected cheerleader and Joan Blackman is again a football maid.- JERRENE M cCu RDY.

t THE Phi Chapter had a summer of ac­tivity under the direction of their pre ident, Betty Mclnni . Miss Lowe, spon or of the chapter, entertained the member with a watermelon party in August. As oon a school started, Mi s Miller, another sponsor, entertained the chapter at an ice cream party. She howed color slides of her recent trip to Europe.

Two members won beauty contests during the summer. Miss Bonnie Bolding won the " Mis Birmingham" title. Mr . J anet Anne Campbell Williams won the mo t beautiful "Legs" contest in New Orleans. Since we have been back a t school , Sadyce Alack, a former freshman clas beauty, has been cho -en "Homecoming Queen" and beauty of the Junior class. Erna Faye Underwood wa chosen by the sorority as Phi Chapter' Sweetheart.

Among those saying their "I do' " this summer were Betty Cowart who marr ied John Toney, an alumnus of Southeastern · Joanne Carpenter who exchanged vow with Durwood H ebert ; and Doris K ersh who mar­ried K enneth Thom as.

At present, Phi chapter i busy with prepa­ra tions for " rush week" which begins Tue -day, October 14 with a tea at the home of

Mrs. John Purs r, pa troness of th sorority. The foll owing Thursday the mcmb rs will enterta in rushe s at a cok party in th after­noon. The BIG EVEN T will b th Prefer­ence Party on Thursday night with the theme " the Roaming Kind."

Serving as offi cers this year arc: pr sident, Betty Mcinnis; vice prcsiden t, Ad laid Johnston ; record ing se retary, G orgine M ayeux; corre ponding secretary, Ca rmeli te Ragusa ; treasurer, Dori K rsh T homas.

Dolly St. Germaine has been ele t d vice president of the s mor lass and Shirl ey Ghent is secreta ry.

P.i j clJncofn Aou:Je (/et:J a Jefini:Jhintj

A new arrival.

t THE theme of Ia t year' M ay D ay at M adison College was the " United a tion ." Lincoln H ouse chose to decora te it house and yard as a J apanese garden. Tracy Fo was appointed chairman of th decora tion committee and did mo t of the work herself. We were very proud of her when we ' on the p rize for having the be t decora ted mall dormitory. T he prize wa a por h chair which we pu t to good u e.

April 28 wa an excitinu da a t Lin oln H ouse. One of our nior membe Tra Foss was married to L t. )bert \ l\1il on Mc­D aniel at Chri t Episcopal Church H arri on­buru, Virginia . After the c r mon the bridal

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party was entertained at a reception held at Lincoln House. The house was decorated with spring flowers. The guests were met at the door by the president, Emily Scott and the receiving line was made up of members of the bridal party. Our sponsors, Miss Helen Frank and Dr. Mary Latimer, presided at the punch bowl. The bride received a set of individual serving trays and a tossed salad bowl.

Last semester's rushing brought six new members into our group. They were R ebecca Dixon from Kilmarnock, Virginia; Nancy Earles from Danville, Virginia ; Gilda Hin­man from Parksley, Virginia ; M ary M . Lear from Cumberland, Maryland; Ramona Riley from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Nancy Shroyer from Crozet, Virginia. Thi group proved to be a very active one. One of their first projects was the packing of a very nice box for the Pine Mountain Settlement School.

To celebrate our local Founders' Day we spent the week end of May 17 at our college camp. Several brave, warm-blooded souls went swimming in the river ; there were quite a few hands of bridge played on the front porch and on the lawn; and a rousing game of every-man-for-him elf baseball proved to be a great deal of fun for some.

Supper was built around hot dogs which everyone cooked for themselves over a camp fire. For desert-toasted marshmallows.

After dark, we gathered in the living room, built a fire in the fireplace and listened to "Doc" (Dr. Latimer, one of our sponsors) tell stories. At a rather late hour we "hit the hay" to dream of all the pleasant happenings of the day.

Sunday morning several of our group went to a church nearby, while the rest of us slept on. Breakfast was a very jolly and amiable occasion- lingered over and enjoyed by ev­eryone.

Lincoln House started to breathe again about the fifteenth of September. After several days of unpacking, visiting and gab­bing with friends, we began the task of putting our house in order. The next few days were a flurry of flying brooms, scrub mops and dust cloths. We scrubbed and waxed our living room floor and then with

our own little hands, dry cleaned our rugs. We were very pleased at the results. Even the experts couldn't have done better!

One of our members, Mary Ruth Jones, thought of a brilliant way of making our liv­ing room look better- refinishing the furni­ture. It sounded like a good idea so we got some and paper, walnut stain and varnish and went to work on our round table and coffee table. A great deal of elbow grease was required but the finished product was well worth the effort. We've even had com­ment on our NEW furniture! Our future improvement plans include refinishing two more tables, painting the hall, making drapes for our double doors and we are trying to rai e enough money to buy a new radio­phonograph combination.

We have a new transfer member with us this year. She i Joy Turner from Concord College in Athen , We t Virginia. We are very happy to have her and hope she will enjoy being with u .

Lately, we have heard from or about many of our alumnae. "Zookie" Riley, who is now attending the University of Virginia, was a auest at Lincoln House from September 19 to 27. Fran Mo ely, ,.,ho is working as a home economi t for the Virginia Electric and Power Company, is now living in Staunton and visits us quite frequently. Emily Scott is teaching in Martinsville, Virginia, and from all reports has found it very interesting! J ean Roe and Gloria Shaver are giving Wa hington, D . C., a whirl. Alice Coon is teaching in Arlington and Jo King is work­ing in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

We are very glad to have Dot Roe, who is a dietitian a t M adison College, as our alum­nae repre entative.

That's all the news from Pi for this time. We would like to urge any and all of our alumnae to drop a post card every now and then to keep u po ted on their doings.

;t. WITH the memorie of national con en­tion till fre h in orne of our members' mind we ar off to a fl ina tart on another

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T H E A CH O R 31

Members in departmental honoraries - Front Row Left: To Cyr-Delta Phi Delta (Art Honor­ary); Front Row Right: Sandra Sal!wasse r-Phi Lambda Chi (Speech and Hearing Honorary); Sigma Tau Delta (English Honorary); Back Row Left: Shirley Hemphill-Kappa Delta Pi (Edu­cation Honorary); Back Row Right: Marilynn Smiley-Sigma Alpha Iota (Music Honorary).

yea r. J o Sharbak, Ilene Iler, J eanne H ilkert, La Vonne Betz, Arlene Summers, Corky Bradfield , Betty M oyer, Carolyn Weigal and our advisor, M iss Evelyn L ucking, gave such glowing accounts of the convention tha t we a ll fee l inspired to make Alpha T au better than ever at Ball State.

Homecoming plans are well under way. Homecom ing wi ll be October 11 , and we are hoping our floa t and queen wi ll be among the top winners. Our candidate for queen is Willodean "Willie" Smith.

Arrangements for the Kappa Sigma K ap­pa-Alpha Sigma Tau annual fa ll dance, Foot­ball F ade O u t, to be held ovember 8 are being made already. Thi was a uccess last year and we are hoping it wi ll be an even bigger success this year.

Greek Night, a dance which featu red Ralph Materie, was held Saturday nigh t, September 20. All sororities and fraternities on campus sponsored this and we are certainly glad Alpha Sigma T au took part in th is important school function.

Sandra Sall wasscr, on of our senior nu-m­bers, has a part in th new Spotlight produ -tion , The Si lver Whistle. M ary Lou Cheney has the lead in " Anna Christie," the sc ond prod uction of Spotlight T heater .

Fall rush starts this coming Saturday, O ctober 27, when th e fr shmcn women make a tour of a ll the sororiti es, visiting with the

rga nized women. The official rush parti s wil l begin the last of O ctober.- C\TITY Q AKENB S ll.

t A FEW of our girls did a littl e omething different from the u ual summer routine. Barbara Sanford pent the summer in w York City working in the office of a dre factory wh re her ister i as istant de igner. Ann Wilmot stayed on a fa rm in Canada, and Annie H ayward worked at a church camp in Wisconsin.

Another emcs ter h a tarted here at Mar­shall, and we arc making plans for a big year. We have just had a very ucce ful Op n House. O ur Mothers' Club furni h d the refreshments, and some of our a lumnae did kitchen detail. The Panhellenic Tea wa O ctober 5, and we will have formal ru h­ing for the nex t two week . Our fir t party will be a reception or tea, our econd one will be carried out a a club, and the third part will be a dinner. We have hope of getting quite a few new pledges. There ar ome lovely girl rushing.

We are also making plan for H om com­ing. For our floa t theme and hou e decora­tion theme we will u e "Southern Belle Ring Victory Bells." For our candidate for H ome­coming Queen , we a re runnina Evelyn Ful­bright for Senior, Barbara Dudderar for Junior, Annie H ayward for ophomore and Loui e Lowry for Fre hman Queen.

Our facu lty advisor ha moved to Ohio University and we certa in! a re orry to lo e her ; however one of our ery faithful alum Cl ara Clo terman, who ha been er ing our a l umn~e advi or, is also fillina in a facul­ty advi or.- EVELY F u LBRIGHT.

Page 34: 1953 January ANCHOR


;'\; EMMA SuE SMITH, Junior from Hot Springs, Arkansas, was elected president of Alpha Sigma Tau.

She is an Elementary Education major, member of H eart and K ey, treasurer of Sophomore class, member of the Student Christian As ociation, and wa elected out­standing member of Alpha Sigma T au to be honored a t the annual Panhellenic Dance.

Other officers are: vice pre ident- Joan Carrigan ; recording secretary-Bobbie J. Baynham ; corre ponding ecretary- D ale R eaves; treasurer- Pauline Kraus; editor­Glena Curry ; pledge mistress- ancy Daw­ley; reporter- D ale R eave ; Panhellenic rep­resentative - Glena Curry, Pat Harper; pro­gram chairman- Frances Moore; chapla in­Cynthia Caldwell ; rush chairman-J o Ann Carrigan ; historian- France Moore; mu ic chairman- Ida H amilton.

Bobbie Jean Baynham, senior from Pine Bluff, Arkansas, wa elected president of K appa Delta Pi, na tional honorary educa­tion fraternity.

Bobbie received a 4-year music scholarship a t H enderson State T eacher College, and is recording secretary of Alpha Sigma T au; a member of H eart and K ey, a service organi­zation, a member of the Collegia te Choir, and the Student Chri tian A sociation.

Alpha Sigma T au received -the Scholarship Plaque given by the Dean of Women for having the highest scholastic average of all sororities for the 1951-52 school year.

Four Alpha T aus have been tapped for membership into Heart and K ey, an honor­ary ervice organization on the H ender on campus. They are: Nancy D awley, Bobbie J. Baynham, Ida H amilton and Emma Sue Smith.

Carol Enger, ophomore from Pecos, T exas, was named "Queen of Star" for the 1952 H ender on Yearbook, The Star.

Mabel Gordon, who graduated in J anuary of 1952 and is now teaching enior high Eng­lish in North Little Rock, Arkan a was awarded a schola rship to the Un'ver ity of Arkansa for bowing out tanding potentiali-

ties in the teaching profession. The scholar­ship was given by the Rho Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, an honorary teacher's fra­ternity.-GLENA CuRRY.

__A~ha /:pji/on j ':A/ice tn

Wonderland " ;'\; "ALICE I WoNDERLA o" provided the enterta inment for a large number of rushees a t an informal party a Alpha Ep ilon started th year's rushing.

Coming " thru the looking glass," the guests entered Wonderland to meet Alice, the white rabbit, the queen and her court, the Cheshire cat, a well as every other character Alice met on her trip through Wonderland.

For the evening's program the girls were ca rri ed into make-believe and visited lice. They heard the flower ing, saw Alice and the Mad H a tter dance, and viewed the Queen's marching cards.

" Club T auette" was the formal party theme as ru hees were later entertained. Fol­lowing these partie the group pledged many ftne girls.

Mr. and Mrs. H arold Ave entertained the sorority officer in their charming home. Mrs. Ave is a pa trone .

Annette Baxter reigned a Queen at the Wine Fe tival in auvoo, Ill. , this fall.

Phyllis H err and Carol Ro s are again collegiate Alpha Tau as they've returned to campus following teaching experience.

Slumber party at the cabin.

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M any girls arc still remini cing ov r the fun they had being a hostess chapter a t the na tional convention. They were pleas d a t an opportunity to pres nt model pi dging and initiation ceremonies.

Thinking back to last spring's activities, the girls are remembering the lumber party tha t concluded the year's ac tivities. It was held in a cabin on a local lak . A long, healthy hike kept many of them bu y, whi le fellowship


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ADVISER'S PIN No. 4-Crown Set Pearl. Four Imi-

tation Emeralds . . . . . . . . 20.00 Crown Set Pearl. Four Gen-

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All badges must be ordered on spe­cial official order blanks supplied to each Chapter. the blanks to be signed by the Chapter Treasurer and Chapter Adviser.

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N o. 3

inging and chatting fi ll ed the rest of the evening. The ra in might have dam p n d th hair, but it nliv ned the spirits.

A new fall , whi te coa t is nrobing th AS1 house at 308 W . Adams, M a omb, Ill. But their landlord didn't stop ther , as h r dec­orated the kitchen and down stairs bath also. To omplete the new looks the girls have r -furni hed their rooms with matching bed­spr ad and draperies.

No. 6

No. 4

Page 36: 1953 January ANCHOR


;\; THE Beckley Alumnae members g ree ted each other anew a t the beginning of the new yea r in the home of Mrs. Emmett Phipps, Sa turday afternoon, September 13.

The business meeting con isted of a report on the national convention by Mrs. Phipps. Pla ns were discussed for the Founder ' Day Banquet.

During the informa l get-together, summer vaca tion were recapitula ted. Theda R adford a ttended chool a t Morris H arvey College in Charleston for a twelve week term after which she vacationed in the Smoky Moun­tains.

Lillyan Lilly spent her vacation in Florida. Lucille V ento spent most of the summer in Daytona Beach, Florida. Ida Pitotti visited in Detroit and spent six weeks working there. Jessie Worley spent her vacation touring the midwestern states with stops in Omaha, To­peka, Oklahoma, Iowa, Illinoi , Indiana, l\1issouri, Arkansas, Ohio, and K entucky. Dorcie Covey attended West Virginia Uni­versity where she received her Masters' De­gree. Dessie S?t rrett visited her ister in Zanesville, Ohio.

The members of the Beckley Alumnae have received invitations to the Homecoming at Concord College on Q ct. 18. They have been invited to a tea in the home of Pa t H aney after the football game which is to be played b tween Concord and F airmont.

Plan for the coming year include a meet­ing in the home of M argaret Moses on Oct. 15 in O ak Hill. The Founders' D ay Banquet in November. A Christmas Party at the El Chico Cafe in Beckley in December. A busi­nc s mee ting with Ida Pitotti and Lillyan Lilly in J a nuary. A valentine party with J essi Worley and D ssic Sa rrett in February.


A busines meeting in March with Nancy H ap a h and M artha H edrick. In April the meeting wi ll be in O ak Hill with the Mose isters; Lillian Baumgartner, H elen Fie hman

and Lucille Vento. And the final mee ting of the yea r wi ll be a bu ine session with Gloria

orris a nd Mary Ann Egich.- J ESSIE WoR­LEY.

Bluefield j Outjlandinfj l}ounfj Women

;\; D uRIN G the ummer we had two delight­ful affair . In June we a te dinner a t Pete's Grill and then in July we had hamburger at Ward's. At the Ia t affair we had a urpri e birthday party for Thelma Wilson, our presi­dent. H er gift were frivolou items which crea ted a grea t deal of fun . A special gue t on this occasion was ora Sneed Cooper from Canton, Ohio. There wa n' t a ny get-to­ge ther in Augu t, but J anet Calfee and I had the plea ure of a ttending the convention in Chicago.

At our fir t regular monthly meeting in September which was held a t the home of Thelma Bailey with Virginia Bailey a co­hostess, we were glad to welcome Charmie J ohnson back to our group. Charmie was elec ted recording secreta ry to fil l the vacanc of Alice Christopher who is now teaching in Florida . Plans were m ade a t thi time for a book review a t our nex t mee ting and a visit to Omicron Chapter ometime oon. We had a bake ale in September which pro ed very ucr ful.

Each week over ta tion WKOY in Blue­fie ld there i a program whi h alute. an out­standing young > oman in the it . Th alute i. based on sc rvi c to the ommuni ,

home, etc . Hlu fie ld alumnae ha. been f r-

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tunate in having three of our members s I ct­ed for this honor in one month. Th lucky girls were Janet Calfee, Thelma Wilson and myself.

We are looking forward to a wonderful year ahead for Alpha Sigma T au locally and nationally.- MRs. WILLIAM RICHARDSON (EILEEN GoDsEv).


11 " ':!/ear

-.\'- AN unusual honor wa awarded to one of our group this past summer when Lois Anne Dryer was selected as "Secretary of the Year," by the National Secretaries Associa­tion. We heartily congratulate Lois Anne on this distinct honor.

Besides our monthly dessert meetings our program is interspersed with a ttractive spe­cial events. Among these Ia t spring were the Easter luncheon and party p:iven for Sig­ma graduates by the alumnae.

Summer activities of our group were many and varied. At our September meeting we joined in a round-the-room discussion of them. We found that many had spent studi­ou summers a t various institutions of learn­ing while others had traveled, some exten­sively.

We are looking forward to coming events including our dessert bridge in October and annual Founders' Day Banquet in No­vember.

-.\'- WITH a late August tea for girls planning to go to Marshall , who lived in the Charles­ton area, we got our new year started early. Jeannette Hale invited us to her home for the tea. With the presence of Pres ident Evelyn Fulbright of Alpha Beta and two other members from Huntington, we felt the occasion was a success.

Doris Will has assumed her dutie with a real spirit of enthusiasm. She was our dele­gate to the convention in Chicago and that

will make h r even more qualified to serve as president.

We gave one of our members back to the B ckl ·y a lumna . Jan t Dickinson moved back in Jun .

Alice L. LeFevre had one of those dreamed­about vacations. She spent a month in N w York City; seeing shows, television shows, broadcasts, looking at old churches, s eing the new ship, U. S. United States. Anyone who knows Alice will r joice to know she actua lly saw and heard To canini conduct the N.B.C. symphony orchestra for his two summer programs.

Mary Inez Miller att nded summer school a t Morri H arvey. She is also a co-ed this semester .

R ex and Jeannette H ale spent their vaca­tion and week ends in Pocahonta County, at their farm on Deer Creek. They brought a ten-yea r-old girl hom with them to spend the winter and go to school.

J ean Bailey and family drove 5300 mile on their trip to Mexico, which took three weeks. She sa id it was mo t interesting and she could well recommend a similar trip to each of us. Beside she got credit on her cer­tifi ca te for the trip there.

In order to show their four-year-old on, Greg, a live crocodile, Peggy and Aldred Wallace, with Vaughan, too, had to go to Florida on their vacation. H eadquarter there was a t Indian Rocks Beach, on the Gulf of Mexico, but they saw Cypre s Garden , Bok Tower, Silver Springs and other places of interest.

Doris and Lee Will went to Chicago on their vacation at the time of the na tional convention. Be ides taking part in all the . orority activitie , he and Lee aw the Ice Show. the Barnum and Baile circu , the ba eball game and other highlight of Chicago.

Our bigge t problem in the sororit i how to increase our trea ury. VVe hope to have another bake sale and to try other cheme to earn money.

Do you know of any Alpha Sig living around Charle ton, unaffiliated with our chapter? We would love to ha e them be one of us.-PEGGY WALLACE.

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::Detroit I j Gpan6ion

Program ;l; SHADES OF CHICAGO! but Detroit I began the year with a bang-up reunion meeting­at the Wayne University Student Center in September. Many old and new faces were there . Installation of officers took place and President Elsie Pohl conducted an initiation service for new members. A fine business meeting was held and each officer received a folder pertaining to her office with a special note of encouragement from our president . E llenjane Gohlke reported on the recent con­vention and Johanne Favaloro served the refreshments . With conversation buzzing on summer vacations, convention ideas and memories, new babie, and plans for Wayne's annual Homecoming celebration, we ap­peared to be off to a good start in 1952-53. Especially with brand new directories in our hands.

New officers are: pre ident, Elsie Pohl ; vice president, Jane Bradley ; recording sec­retary, Janice R egan; corresponding secre­tary, Ingrid agy; treasurer, Mary J ean Bris­tol ; historian, Vickie Brykalski ; chaplain, Rita Fortier; editor, J ane Gohlke.

In October, a benefit bingo party was co­hostessed by Elsie Pohl and Ingrid Nagy. Refreshments were super and a wonderful time was had by all. Husbands and friends were invited.

A Founders' D ay Luncheon is being planned at the D etroit Yacht Club for No­vember. D ecember brings the annual Christ­mas party and another social gathering is planned for January.

Our goal for D etroit I this year is Expan­sion!- JANE GoHLKE.

Prominent J £nt _Alumnae ;!. THE chapter was off to an encouraging start in September with the new officers: Cry tal H arn, pres ident, and Eloi e Howes, vice pre ident, taking over at a tea a'nd busi-

ness meeting at the home of Hazel Schultz. Initiated that afternoon were Diane Hat­les tad, Gloria Wedge, and Ola Hiller. Mae Fraser, Detroit, was a guest.

The following week, the group ponsored a remunerative rummage sale. Another ocial project introduced was ways and means of making life brighter for elderly people in Flint's convalescent homes.

Among the programs lined up for the year are a Christmas party and visit to one con­valescent home, a book review, the anniver­sary dinner, and a gue t luncheon for nearby chapters.

Attending the convention from Flint were Shirley Green, Hazel Schultz, Crystal H earn, and Eloise Howes. These ingenious girls pre­sented their report by a recorded cript.

Other summer jaunts included: Luella Clapp, Bl ack Hills and Yellowstone; Ola Hiller, a seminar on public chool broadcast­ing, ponsored by the Na tional As ociation of Educa tion Broadcasting and K ellogg Foun­d-ation, at Allerton Hou e, U niver ity of Illi­nois; Lucille M aWhinney, a delegate for Flint Classroom Teachers, National Educa­tion Association Convention in Detroit, and later a trip, including a stopover with J ean­ette Harding in 0 hawa, Ontario, through the Adirondacks, V ermont, and New H amp­shire; Pauline D emp ey flew to Buffalo, re­turning by car through Niagara and Canada; Pauline Wood and Gretchen Gaffney were among those vacationing in northern Michi­gan. In October, Louise Leroy accompanied her husband to the national drug convention in St. Louis.

A few of the m ember have been especially honored : Ola Hiller is state president of D elta K appa Gamma and was written up in the September Presbyterian L ife a one of the outstanding women in radio; Gladys Smith has a teaching po ition in Hawaii; lice R abin was appointed dean of girl a t Long­fellow Junior high chool makino- her the younge t dean in Flint. Luella Clapp i vice president of the woman' auxiliary of the Lion's Club. Lucille M a Whinne pre i­dent of Flint Cia room T eachers and wa in ited to parti ipate on a panel for a Mi hi-

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gan Education Association Regional Confer­ence with the Dean of the Education School, University of Michigan; the Rabbi of Bethel Temple, Flint; and the a sistant superintend­ent of Flint Schools. They discussed the topic: "Should teacher place more emphasis on spiritual and moral values?"

i\. HoNORING Miss Frances Bot ford, advisor emeritus, at the May meeting, the Muncie alumnae m et for a dinner meeting a t the home of Mrs. Louis Nelson. At tha t time Miss Botsford had just announced that she was resigning as associate professor of busine s education at the college. She planned to travel and investigate various geographical locations with the idea of choosing the spot where she could serve bes t and enjoy most the next several years.

Shortly after Miss Botsford came to the Ball State campus in 1930, she became a patroness of the Delta Sigma local sorority. In 1945, when Delta Sigma sorority became the Alpha Alpha Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau, she, too, was initiated and continued as advi or. Through the years she has been ever ready to help with her hands, with her head, and with her heart in anything which was for the good of the sorority or any of its individ­ual members. H er faithfulness in attendance, her willingness to help, her sage counsel­contributed in a large measure to es tablishing a firm foundation for the present trong Alpha Alpha chapter on the campus of Ball State T eachers College.

Our pring meeting were concluded with a "fried chicken and everything" meal at the home of Mrs. Jo eph McColm with husbands and children as special guest . Several of both were present and added variety and flavor (and noise !) to the gathering.

The official delegate of the Muncie Alum­nae Chapter to the national convention in August was Mrs. Leon Scott. Rachel, prior to convention, was lukewarm about such a gathering and confided to someone tha t she

thought it might be sort of a bor And th n came th awakening ! Rachel, accompanied by Ethel Himelick, motored to Chicago on the opening day of the convention. The two girls found th ir way, midst a driving rain, to the Conrad Hilton despite th fact tha t Rachel read the map backwards in trying to direct Ethel, the driver. After th usual struggle with baggage and room assignm nt, the two Mun ie-ites arriv d a t the luncheon during the fruit cockta il , and waved gre tings across the hall to the oth r Muncie d legates, H elen Cross and Ruth Fox. From then on the jam-packed program picked up momen­tum and R achel's enthusiasm began to moun t in a corresponding manner. The next thing Rachel knew she was a t the fa rewell luncheon on Friday, and convention was a lmost at the memory stage. There were memories of tha t initial sing a t the opening luncheon, the grad­ual spotting of familia r face - how good to . ee Mrs. Staehle again ; memorie of the im­pressive memorial service and the model ini­ti a tion , the dress-up Panhellen ic tea; conven­tion belles, the Alpha Sig- a! and its sincere and fri endly editor ; the district breakfast with Ball Sta te's Evelyn Luecking presiding as top man for our di trict ; the down-to-earth real­isti c approach to the problems of chapters all over the country; the ea y and gracious man­ner (my fri end and your fri end ) of our na­tional p resident, Mrs. R obin on ; the excite­ment of the TV show ; the queen selection and the uspen e a ttached thereto; that fabu­lous banquet and the Alpha Alpha an tic ; !he fa rewel l luncheon and " the thing." Can you guess? Ye , by now Rachel has become a top convention boo ter and her ne' logan

: "On to R oanoke in '55."

Fall Feed. Our first fa ll meeting was a potluck dinner at the new home of the R alph Crosses, with H elen's table tretched to it limit to accommodate the ixteen members present. H elen, her hu band, and their three children have just moved into a beautiful new home so the first order of bu ine wa the deluxe tour. The program for the e ening included the pre entation of ororit plans for the new year ; the report of the con en­tion delegate ; and the hO\· ing of an edu­cational film entitled ' Giant of the North ."

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Socia/ Service ;\:. LET's begin where I left off last time­March . Usually this month is a dreary one but the Sa turday we had our mee ting it was a beautiful day. The sun was out in full force to help us enjoy our meeting at Polly M ash's. At this time the nominating committee was appointed along with committees for the an­nual spring luncheon in May.

The following month of April found u with new offi cers to be installed . The very impressive installation services were held at the home of Betty Bates . Our president for this year is Geraldine Huffman with Betty Ba tes serving as vice pre ident. Committee reports and final plans for the luncheon were given a t this meeting.

It was a typical May D ay atmo phere com­plete with miniature M aypole and M ay bas­kets for our spring luncheon. Alumnae from Bluefi eld, War and Beckley were invited guests to honor all the Alpha Sigma T au gradua ting seniors from Omicron . The luncheon was held in the First Presbyterian Church a t Princeton. The seniors were ini­tiated into their respective alumnae groups in the church social room following the lunch­eon. This service is always inspiring not only to the new alumnae but a lso to the old. Standing toge ther singing our sorority hymn, repeating our creed, or just being together helps to refresh the true spirit of Alpha Sig­ma T au.

M any of the girls felt tha t something should be done during the summer months to keep the group together. It was also the desired opinion of the group that we should do some local social service in addition to tha t which we do through the ational Social Service. So we met each month this pa t summer, busying ourselves with making favors for hospita l trays, bringing curren t magazines for the ward , and doing small things of thi nature for our local hospital.

Two of our girls had the wonderful experi­ence of a tt nding th ·na tional convention at Chicago in August. They were Pencie Oney

and Wanda Bradley. To hear them tell of their experience made u all wish we could have at tended also.

Hila Arrington has replaced H enrietta Hamilton who has resigned as Omicron Alumnae R epresentative.

September found us busy vvith making plans for the new year. One of our projects for this year is to raise money for a fil e for our group. We plan to do this by such things as chances on a door prize, or "dime in the cake" a t each meeting. T he plan proved to be quite profitable and also a lot of fun at our Sep tember meeting.

Our O ctober meeting will be a joint meet­ing with Bluefield Alumnae with Dr. M eade McNeill as gue t peaker. We all look for­ward to these meetings with Bluefield.

Well, I guess that about brings us up to da te on Princeton-Athens Alumnae news. So until M arch when I will be writing you again, here are the best wishes for a good year from your sisters of the Prince ton-Athens Alum­nae.- SARAH Jo BROOKS.

fechmond-PeterjbUrtJ (}etj

Jof}e lher ;\:. WE are a widely cattered group, but we can always manage to get together and have a good time. Our social gatherings are often combined with business, but our one big social affair of the year is our Spring Outing to which we take our husbands. In May this outing was a Fish Fry which was a great suc­cess-especially with the men. We enjoyed roughing it, wearing shorts and slacks and eating fish and hush puppies with our finger . The fi h were fr ied in pans over a big open wood fire- then the hush puppies fried in the same pans. All this fun took place on the banks of the J ame River near H opewell .

In M ay we a! o enjoyed the opening tea of the Richmond area Panhellenic A ocia­tion. We are v ry glad tha t we are no~ tak­ing part ac tive! her in Richmond with thi organiza tion. Ther are man int r tincr

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affairs on for this year to which we a ll are looking forward to attending.

Our June meeting was a busy one- in tal­lation of office rs and initiation of new mem­ber and busines - besides-we had one of our former member visiting from the Phila­delphia Chapter and we had much news and gossip to exchange.

In September we met for our usual Dutch Trea t Luncheon at a local tearoom, and we enjoyed catching up on new of the summer' activitie and made some plans for our year together.

We plan to have our Founders' Day Ban­quet in November a t the H alf Way House which is very suitably named since it is lo­ca ted half-way between Richmond and Petersburg on the Pike.

At our April meeting we will have a planned program, preceded first by a dinner a t the Paddock R es taurant.

All of us were deeply saddened in M ay to learn of the sudden death of a former active member- Lucy Ellen Powell R ainey. She died in T erre Haute, Indiana, just two months after leaving our chapter ~nd com­munity. H er husband had been transferred there by du Pont.

We are looking forward eagerly to a new year of working and playing toge ther.­VrRGINIA DANIEL.

5hepherdjlown Workj lo

Revive ..!JnlerMl t THE Shepherdstown alumnae started 1952-53 meetings with a call meeting of the officers and the committee the first part of September at the home of Genevieve Pitzer, our n€w president. At this time we made plans for the coming year. Everyone wa enthusiastic as to her work and methods were discussed as to getting more alumnae mem­bers to pay their dues and attend more of the meetings.

Our first regular monthly meeting wa held at the home of Mrs. Roscoe Payne (Phoebe Wilson ), Charlestown, W . Va. At this meeting we decided to donate $20.00 to the collegiate chapter for their rushing party.

We had a I ' ngthy dis ussion as to our m m­bers not in good standing- why they had lost int rest and what w could do about it.

We were inform d tha t the annu al H ome­coming a t Sh ph rd Colleg is to be held October 11, 1952, a t which time we Alpha Sig - both oil gia tc and a lumnae- wi ll en­joy th fellowship and get-tog ther of th cus­tomary luncheon.

For our program we w re very ha1 py to have Wanda M ason, the coli giatc r pr s n­tat ive at the convention, to give us a report . We enjoyed it very mu h and we a ll hop d tha t we could hav a ttended .

Our nex t meeting will be hl' ld October 23 in Shepherdstown a t which tim we will make definit plans for the Founders' Day celebra tion.- DOROTHY BRANDENBURG WAR£ .

t SPRINGFIELD alumnae started thi fall by "getting down to business" on the roster. H ow a lums do move around!

Plans for the annual H omecom ing lunch­eon a t the K entwood Arms on ovember 8 are under way. It wi ll be the usual no ho t a ffair for a lumnae, collegiate and pledg for which the alum chapter makes all a r­rangements, place card , etc., and then pre­sents each with a huge mum to wear to the game. About fif ty are expected .

The report of the convention con umed much of th September meeting. (H ow that

yda babbles on! ) And then too it wa like a famil y reunion ca tching up on the doing of every one after a ummer of vacations. J ea nette Burchard ha just returned from a three months' vacation in Europe, o can you just hear the O ctober meeting, " Whatdidj a do and ee, and hear and buy?" Benny Schwartz took Sweep takes a t the fair thi year by winning six out of seven prize offered for flower arrangement . She can wear an color ribbon he want , including emerald and gold!

Convention wa stimu la ting and in pirin~.

I hope omeday to be a Belle, but until then. the Springfield reporter will be a happ little Tinkle, a Joan named u .-- YDA SEBRI• c.

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;\:. AGAIN the St. Louis Alumnae chapter planned a full schedule of events for a

coming year. In addition to our regularly scheduled meetings, we had a number of social gatherings. September found us at­tending our now annual "Fall Breakfast." A barbecue and a pot-luck supper were held in October. We have found these pot-luck sup­pers to be an easy and pleasant way of rais­ing money for our expansion fund . During November, we joined with the actives and pledges in celebrating Founders' Day with a banquet a t Town H all R estaurant. Our luncheon card party, at the H otel D eSoto, was also held during this month. The annual" Christmas party in December, and the chil i supper in J anuary were well attended and most enjoyable. Washington's Birthday was celebrated by our gathering for lunch at Stix, while the last but certa inly not the least of our parties will be one held during M ay for our Mothers.- jANIS MARSHALL.

;\:. WE, in the Washington, D . C., area, were all anxious to resume our regular monthly

meetings on Thursday, September 11 , 1952, for many reasons.

Eagerly we shared our varied summer ex­periences. The trip to Chicago and the Alpha Sigma T au Convention of our presi­dent, M eda R ay Sewell, her husband, Pres­ton, and K a thleen K elchner was of particu­lar interest to all of us. M eda R ay, K a thleen, and H arriet Stern, who was attending school in Chicago, not only showed us pictures taken in the " windy city" but also they gave us an interesting detailed account of conven­tion meetings and activities. We were happy to find our recommendation regarding asso­ciate alumnae members was adopted .

At our meeting we completed our installa­tion of officers when Dorothy Driver offi­cially became our vice pre ident. This cere­mony we shared wi th four pro pec tive mem­bers of our alumnae group.

Just as we are adding to our membership we are losing, for a short time, Hildred Kinzer and Siddartha Mahaffey who recently added a new member to their families.

As our representatives at a Panhellenic T ea were Dorothy Gates and Alice Coon. In October we will chaperone on Saturday night a t the Y.W.C.A. in Washington.

With such activities as these and many more brewing we are assured of a most suc­cessful year together.-Jo ANNE CRITZEA.

;\:. THE Williamsport Alumnae thinks it is wonderful to get together again after our

varied summer vacations. Martha M atchett and her family went on a camping trip . Helen Dittmar moved to a new apartment and spent her time painting. J ean Wolfe and family went to Atlantic City. Mary Ulmer pent her vacation traveling. In June and

July he went to the Adirondack Moun­tains in New York, acros Lake Champlain, through the White Mountains into M aine. She then took a Windjammer cruise from Camden, M aine. During August she visited the Thou and I slands and went up the St. Lawrence River to Montreal. She came back home through Cooper town, New York.

We are very happy to have Virginia Plan­kenhorn back with us this year. She spent

Mary Ulmer on Capt. Frank Swift's Windjammer Cruise out from Camden. Maine on board the "Lois Candage."

Page 43: 1953 January ANCHOR


last year in State College, Pennsylvania, where her husband was doing advanced work. Blanch Smink i now active in the local Civic Choir. We had a letter from

, Emily Williams Nutting. She told us that she and BiU have bought a lovely hom m San Diego, ·California.

We had our September meeting at the home of our president, J ean Wolfe. Our committees were announced and our pro­gram for the year was planned.

We are now looking forward to a wiener roast and gab night at Winifred Shaheen's ummer home in O ctobcr.- CHARLENE SoLT


Jjp6i/anli-_A.nn _A-rbor: Cver'j

member a cli/e member ;\; IN April we were fortunate to have Mi s

Evelyn Luecking, District President, here to install the Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor a lumnae chapter. We certainly enjoyed the messages of congratulations which we received from various chapters.

Five graduating seniors from Alpha chap­ter were initia ted at our M ay meeting which was a pot-luck dinner. We all went to South America in June-via the slides shown by

Send to:


5461 S. Kingshighway, St. Louis 9, Mo.

Chapter ___ _

Date of Marriage ----------­

Husband' full name

Address --------------

Maiden name -------------

Pauline Bentley. As a means of raising mon­ey, each m mber paid the sam admission which lo al theaters charge.

This summer Wilma Court was busy mak­ing drap s and d cora ting the home she and Bob mov d into. Virginia and Chuck Sheets becam the parents of Alice Ann on August 29. Pauline Bentley took a ruise to the Canal Zone and South America. Shirley and Chuck L amb traveled West for their vacation.

Fay Mitchell and Sheila Stefanac re­ported the convention to be a huge success. They came back with a better understanding of the sorority, new money-raising idea ; and now they are all se t to start aving for the next convention . They enjoyed meeting the National Officers and members from all sec­tions of the United States. It was int rest­ing to compare notes and ta lk over problems.

Fall has a rrived :md with it we have orne new faces. In ord ' r to raise money for so­cial service and the expansion fund, we held a bake sale in October. Everyone made orne of their favor ite goodies to ell. On Novem­ber 1, in conjunction with Alpha chapter, we celebrated Founders' Day by having a lunch­eon in Ypsilanti, where Alpha Sigma T au was founded. For December we hope to do some ocial ervice work lo ally as well as nationally.

One of our goal for this yea r i : Every member a Life Member.- SHEILA STEFANAC.

S end to:


5461 S. Kingshighway, t. Louis 9, Mo.

Name _________ _

Chapter _______ _


Former addre ----------

Page 44: 1953 January ANCHOR


Rita V. Gladysch to Dr. John Fortier, June 28, 1952

K athleen A. R aleigh to William A. Monti­cello, O ctober 4, 1952

Bertha Juers to John Pettke, October, 1952

. Lambda

Emily Williams to William utting O ctober 13, 1951


Shirley Horton to Frank Bales Becky Ferguson to K eith Williamson Frances Wassinger to En ign Larry Hayes J ane Yarbrough to Sgt. Warren Nipps Shirley Madden to Fred Trimmer, October

5, 1952

Pi Alta Nehring to H erbert D arrell H arris, Sep­

tember 27, 1952


Suzanne Nelson to William Eldridge M arcell a D ellinger to D aniel Wisniew ki Georgia Free to J ohn Slikker, June 28, 1952 Grace M. Fox to Edward Leanan Mildred Baker to Robert ]. Power , Febru­

a ry, 1952 V iva Merritt Durland to Robert W. Oliver,

J anuary 25, 1952 M ary J. M anti to Angelo M . Puccio, No­

vember 3, 1951 D elores M erz to J ames Brach August 9,

1952 Ruth A. Miller to R ev. H arold J. H aa, Sep­

tember 6, 1952 M ary Pa tricia Lau th to R alph Slade, June

21, 1952 Pa tri ia ]. Wooley to Du Wayne Wil on, July

26, 1952



Madelyn J enkin to Lewi Eber pacher, Au­gust 29, 1952


M ary Melinda Tracy Foss to Albert Wil on M cD aniel, April 28, 1952

J oyce Lumsden to K enneth Lloyd Geitz, July 12, 1952

Ann Loui e Stout to Irvin H enry Wicknick, August 16, 1952

J ane Jone Mohler to Edward Q alton Coffey, June 21 , 1952

Sa rah Elizabeth Strader to J ame Alfred An­ders, M ay 3, 1952

Pa tri cia Elizabe th D augherty to Jo eph Earl Gu chke, April i4, 1952


J anice Lorenzen to Duane Gallo, Augu t 9, 1952

Inez Fa llman to Bernard Iver on, September 21 , 1951

Stella D alene to H arry H arper, July 22, 1952

Inez Elverud to Orville L a rgtuge, Septem­ber 20, 1952

Alpha Alpha

Claralu K eever to R obert Blake Augu t, 195 2

M aril yn Lionel! to J ack Wood Joanne Tuerff to H arry ]. ullivan, Augu t,

1952 J ane Pa t1;ck to Paul Wargon, fay 6 1952 M artha Sue M cFadden to William E .

Butler, December 29, 1951

Alpha D elta

Thelma M cMurtre to D ave 1 Clure, June 1952

Alyce Brack n to Cal Cummin ugu t 8 1952

M a rie Bingham t Bob L n h

Page 45: 1953 January ANCHOR


Alpha Epsilon

Pat Mayes to Junior Ledbetter, M ay 11, 1952

Marcia Downes to Bruce Naderhoff Lina Vaughn to Stuart Carlisle, September

21, 1952 Kathleen Ippensen to John Morse, June 21 ,

1952 Beverly Kreps to Marvin Scott, M ay 4, 1952 Mary Ann Walther to John Carroll, June

14, 1952 Theresa Stohl to Robert Coopman, June 21 ,

1952 Elna Nordstrom to Bennie John on, M arch

23, 1952


To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheet (Virginia H erb t ) a son, Charles William, M ay 3, 1950, a daughter, Alice Ann, August 29, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. Miller (Frances Brown ) a son, Howard Frederick, February 16, 1952


To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith ( Evely~ Long) a child, October 5, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. Barnet Underwood (H elen Beckenbaugh ) a son, J ay Russell , O ctober 31, 1952

Th eta

To Mr. and Mrs. D avid Wilkie (Louise T andy) a daughter, Judith Ann, M ay 24, 1952

To Mr. and Mr . Curtis Weaver (Barbara Jameson ) a son, John Wayland, June 3, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. William Bristol (M ary Jean Wright) a son, William Laurence, September 6, 1952

To Mr. and, Mrs. Ernest H armon (Joyce J ameson ) a son, Ernest, September 11 , 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wonnacot t (Norma U srey) a daughter, Susan Carol, Septem­ber 18, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. Don V. Booty (Barbara Benn tt ) a son, Braden L k, February 18, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. Georg J . G mbis (Vi ki Wolnie) a daughter, Jani e B th , April 6, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. Kerns (Patricia Mayn s) a son, J ames Michael, August, 1952

T o Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Luckett (J wei M ack ) a daughter, January 11 , 1952

To Mr. and Mr . Joseph Westphal (Mar­guerite Bernard ) a son, Lindsey, March 29, 1952


To Mr. and Mrs. H arry Blanchard (Char­lene Solt ) a son, September 4, 1950


To Mr. and Mrs. J ames F . Kinzer (Hil­dred) a on, Ronald Leonard, September 23, 1952

To Mr. and Mr . Charles G. Mahaffey ( Siddartha), a daughter, Barbara Ann, September 26, 1952

To Mr. nad Mrs. Pres ton H amilton (Hen­rietta M ahood ) a son, Robert Preston, O ctober 1, 1952


To Mr. and Mr . Le lie J. Maher (Ruth Priebe) a on, D:wid Lee, June 6 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Spencer (J anne Leilich ) a dau<Thter Linda Jean July 22, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. Milton H ammel (Marga­re t Brune) a on Steven Allen, Augu t 19, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. Kurt E . K oerner (Jean­ette U lrich ) a daughter, K ay Jean, July 14, 1952

T o Mr. and Mr . H. F. Duncan (Jeannette Bielicke) a on, D avid, 1952

T o Mr. and Mr . R obert Dick on (Marie vVolfslau ) a son, John Stuart, eptember 17, 1952


T o Mr. and Mr . George Bowker ( 1ary Flecken tein ) a daughter, Ellen Joan, June 29, 1952

Page 46: 1953 January ANCHOR


To Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Will (Jeanne Coultous ) a daughter, Karen Jeanne, April 25, 1949

To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Y. Booth (Jean Watt ) a son, Jeffrey, October 23, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. K enneth H auck (Freda Frost ) a son, Leslie Paul , June 19, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bonosky (Irma Ireland ) a daughter, Debra Ann, April 21, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gowan (Jeanne Turner ) a son, Robert Frederi ck, M arch 5, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Plachta (Frances Piowowarczyk ) a son, D aniel Edwin, Sep tember 29, 1952

Zeta Tau

To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. · White (Jane Fox ) a son, Mi chael Floyd, September 22, 1952


To Mr. and Mrs. Wilder F. McDaniel (Margaret Ann Buckley ) a d~ughter,

K ath leen Adele, January 25, 1952


To Mr. and Mrs. W. L. D aniel (Virginia S. ) a daughter, Nancy Winston, July 29, 1952

To Mr. and Mr. A. S. Vaughn (Sally Rob­ertson ) a daughter, Susan Robertson, Sep­tember 25, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkins (Caroline Matthews) a daughter, Carol Lanee, Sep­tember 20, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. William Gunter (Jean Snedegar ) a on, Steven Moore, July 21 , 1952

Alpha Alpha

To Mr. and Mrs. Willi am Stitely (Marjorie H efner ) a daugh ter, Cynthia Jean, Sep­tember 4, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. 0. E . Baker (Lavonne W agoner ) a son, Lynn Dom, August 27, 1952

To Mr. and Mrs. William Greenlee (R a­mona Bartlett ) ·c son, David Bruce, No­vember 17, 1951

To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton (Edra D avis ) a on, St ven Mark, 1949

Alpha Epsilon

T o Mr. and Mrs. Don Utter (Bettie Bru­beck ) a daughter, Pamela Ann, M arch 28, 1952

Beta-M axine Dellamater Burgess (Samuel E. ), December 1951

Upsilon-Mary Sharrock M cHughe (Mrs. Fay), April 13, 1952 Lucy Ellen Powell R ainey


Send orders to Genevieve R epeta

2634 M edbury, Detroit 11 , Michigan Grade Teacher American Home American Magazine Collier's Coronet Cosmopolitan Good Housekeeping & Cosmopolitan Newsweek Woman's Hom e Companion Esquire · Ladies' Hom e ]oumal Holiday Life Time Better Homes & Gardens

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1

year year year year year year year year year year year year year year

Page 47: 1953 January ANCHOR


Y/aliona/ Council President-Mrs. S .. Carl Robinson (Pi), 9437 Tal­

bot Dr., St. Lams 23, Mo.

Vice Presidents in Charge of Organizing :-Mrs. Joseph Steen (Sigma), 136 Doncaster Rd ., Ken­more, N. Y.; Miss Evelyn Luecking (Pi ) , Win­gate Apt. 203, 4 10 . M cKinley, Muncie, Ind.; Mrs. J. Waldo Hinshaw (Iota), 27 Hardith Hill Ct., St. Louis, Mo.; Miss J anet R . Calfee (Omi­cron ) , 87 Princeton Rd ., Bluefi eld, W.Va.; Mrs. Harold Wenzel (Upsilon ) , 22 16 Northwest 34th St., Oklahoma City.

N.P.C. Representative-Mrs. Haswell E. Staehle (Alpha), 481 Torrence Road, Columbus 2, Ohio

Secretary-Mrs . Haswell E. Staehle Treasurer~Miss Margaret Macdonald (Sigma) ,

673 Richmond Ave., Buffalo 22, N . Y. Editor-Mrs. Parry F . Schippers (Pi), 5300 Suth­

erland Ave., St. Louis 9, Mo. Chaplain and Historian- Miss Elinore De Cou

(Lambda), Apt. 111B, Parkview Apt., Colling­wood, N.J.

Lenlraf Office 564la S. Kingshighway

St. Louis 9, Mo.

Lenlraf Office ____Ajijlanlj Mrs. Clement Orf

Mrs. E. E. Marshall

Y/alionaf Committee Chairmen

Alumnae-Miss Elizabeth Wilson (Pi), 1008 Kuhs Pl., St. Louis 17, Mo.

Alumnae Project- Miss J oyce Carter (Alph a Epsi­lon ), 239 E. Park, Geneseo, Ill.

Awards-Mrs. ]. E. Gaughan (Psi), 6815 Eleven Mile Rd., Centerline, Mich.

Convention- Mrs . Francis Graflage ( Pi ) , 10310 Capitol Dr., St. Louis 2 1, Mo.

Courtesy-Mrs. L. J. M aher ( Pi ) , 251 2 H amilton Pl. , Peoria, Ill.

Endowment-Mrs. Meade McNeill (Omicron ) , Box 171, Athens, W . Va.


Examinations- Mrs. R. V . Fox (Alpha Alpha ), 610 West Centennial Ave., Muncie, Ind.

Housing- Mrs. E. C. Phipps (Omicron ). Box 331, Mt. Hope, W. Va.

Life M embership- M iss .J unc M e ar th y ( Pi ) , 4602 WW Florrisant, St. Louis 5, Mo.

M emorial Loan Fund- Mrs. Emmet C. Phipps (Omicron), Box 33 1, Mt. Hope, W. Va.

Music- Mrs. E. C. Twork (Alpha ), Route 2, Box 157, M ason, Mich .

News Agency- Miss Genevieve R epeta (Theta ), 2904 Richton, Detroit 6. Mich.

Pledge-Miss Natalie H aglund (Beta), 624 So. First, Alpena, Mich .

Program- Mrs . Lee J. Wright (Delta), 1530 Wil­liamsburg Pl., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Public R elations-Mi ss Ellcnj ane Gohlke. I 5453 Pierson, D etroit, Mich.

Rush-Miss Rose Marie Schmidt (Theta ) , 5106 Harvard Rd ., Detroit 24, Mich.

Social Service- Mrs. Preston Hamilton ( Omicron ), Box 84, Dott, W. Va.

Standards- M rs. E. F. Peterson, Crawfordsville, Ind .

State Chairmen Mrs. Ida Wa yman, I 005 Constitution, Emporia,

K ansas Mrs. Don Sebring, 1234 E. Minota, Springfield,

Mo. Mrs. Floyd Pohl , 581 0 Bishop, D etroit 24, Mich. Miss Florence Slade, 1712 ~ Beal Ave., Lansing

17, Mich. Mrs. Robert H emm, 517 Lakeshore Rd., Crystal

Lake, M edway, Ohio Mrs. Pauline Wills, H otel Embassy, Rm. 920, Los

Angeles 17, Calif. Miss Joyce Carter, 239 E . Park, Geneseo, Il l. Miss Wanda Smith, 714 Plai nfield, Ill.

Y/aliona/ Panhef/enic Conference

Chairman- Mrs . William H . Hutchin on, 5545 Penrith Rd ., Seattle 5, Wash.

Secretary-Mrs. Robt. C. Byars (Delta Gamma ), 7327 Staffordshire , Hou ton, T e.x.

Treasurer- Mr s. George M. Simonson (Gamma Phi Beta ) , 20 Lorita Ave. , Piedmont, Calif.

College Panhellenics Committee- Mrs . Harry H . Power (Alpha Chi Omega) , 2600 Woolridge Dr., Austin 21, Tex.

Page 48: 1953 January ANCHOR

Alpha (1899)-Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich.

President- Mary Brown, 425 K ing H all, M .S.­N.C. , Ypsilanti, M ich.

Adviser- Mrs. R . B. Ba tes, 20 S. Normal, Ypsi­lanti , Mich .

Alumnae R epresentatives- Mrs. John Riehl, 1678 McBrady St., Port Huron, M ich .; M rs. H . E. Staehle, 481 Torrence Rd ., Columbus, Ohio.

Beta ( 1905-1917; 1940 )-Central Michigan Col­lege of Education, Mt. Pleasant, Mich.

President- Pa t Plauman, 206 Barnard H all. Mt. Pleasa nt, Mich.

Adviser- Mrs. Mary Garvin, 50 1 So. College, M t. Pleasant, M ich.

Alu mn ae Represe nta tives- M iss J oan Force, 1712 Bea l Ave .. Laning 17, Mich. ; Mrs. C. R . Owens, Box 22. Mecosta, Mich.

Gamma (1900-1913 )-Wisconsin State College, Milwaukee, Wis.

Alumnae Representa tive- Mrs. Grant Hinkamp, 481 Delaware, Marion, Ohio

Delta ( 1916)-State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa.

President- Ellen H enderson, J oh n Sutton Hall, S.T. C., Indiana, Pa.

Adviser- Mrs. Alma Gasslander, S.T.C .. Indi­a na, Pa.; Mrs. Alvin C. H arrold, 235 E. Pittsburg St., Greensburg, Pa.

Alumnae R epresentative-Mrs. Frances Clark, 22 1 Gilliland Pl. , Pittsburgh 2, Pa.

Epsilon (1919-1923; reorganized as Lambda, 1926)-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.

Alumnae Representative-See Lambda Chapter.

Zeta (1921-194S; 1949 )-Lock Haven State · Teachers College, Lock Haven, Pa.

President- Shirley Stover, S.T.C., Lock H aven, Pa.

Adviser- Mrs. J ohn J os t, 121 W . Main, Lock H aven, Pa.

Alumnae R epresenta tive-Mrs. Franklin Mc­Ilvaine. R .F.D. 1, Dunnstown, Lock Haven, Pa.; M rs. Ralph Wolfe. Avis, Pa.

Eta (1927-1939 )-Kent State U niversity, Kent, Ohio

Alumnae R epresentative-Mrs. Albert Wick, 13820 Shaw Ave., East Cleveland, Ohio.

Theta ( 1923 )-Wayne University, Detroit, Mich. President- Dor is Bell , 3505 Parker, D etroit 14. Advise r- Miss Mary Lee Nicholson, 374 1 Col­

lingwood, Apt. 206, D etroi t 6, Mich. Alumnae Representatives_:_Mrs. H . T . Meister,

17344 Evanston, D etroit 24, Mi ch . ; Miss H elen T raskos, 6470 Appoline, Dearborn. Mich.


Iota (1923)-Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kan.

President- Carolyn H eghin, 1006 Consti tution, Emporia, K ans.

Adviser- Mrs. R oy Durham, 1005 Constitution, Emporia, K an. ; Mrs. Richard M ankin

Alum nae R epresentatives- Mrs. Bet ty R ose, 621 West 6th, Emporia, K an .; M rs. R alph Kurten­bach, R . R . 1, H erington, K an.

Kappa ( 1924-1929 )-Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Alumnae R epresenta tive-Mrs. R . M . R einert, 136 M avern Ave., H amilton, Ohio

Lambda (1926)-Temple U niversity, Philadelphia. President- Maria Fu ria, 1407 Ellsworth St.,

Philadelphia, Pa.

Alumnae R epresentatives- Mrs. D onald Young, 266 E . M eehan, Philadelphia, Pa., Miss Ma­bel Schreiber, 511 Chestnut, Lebanon, Pa.

N u ( 1928-1940; 1948) --Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colo.

President- Gwen Edwards, 1715 1Oth Ave., Greeley, Colo.

Advisers- M rs. Arno Luker, 1721 21st Ave.; Mrs. J ames Nardin, 1937 inth Ave., Greeley, Colo.

Alumnae R epresenta tives- Mrs. H oward Elgin, 1224 12th Ave., Greeley ; Miss J uanita Eme­rick, 3033 W. H ighland Park Pl. , Denver.

Xi (1929-1933 )-Westem State Teachers Col­lege, Gunnison, Colo.

Alumnae R epresentative-Miss Grace Quinby, 1200 J oseph ine Dr., Alice, T exas

Omicron (1930)-Concord College, Athens, W. Va.

President- M ary Edna Beckett, Athens, W. V a.

Advisers- M iss Mae H unter, Athens, W . Va.; Miss Mildred D ransfield, Concord College, Athens, W. V a.

Alumnae R epresentatives-Mrs. H arold Brown­ing, 559 Stratton St., Logan W. V a .; Mi Hi la Arrington, 1331 M ercer St., Princeton, W. Va.

Pi ( 1930 )-Harris T eachers Co!Jege, St. Louis.

President- - Carol Willman 4933 Finkman, St . Louis 9, Mo.

Advisers- Miss Julia K ohl, 5816 J amieson, t. Louis 9, Mo. ; Miss J ulia K . M urra , 3506 H awthorne, t. Loui , Mo.

Alumnae R eprescnta ti e - Mr . Eu ene Brun , 7022 E thel, t . Louis 17. M o.; M r . \ m. V it 391 4 M cD onald, t. Louis 16, Mo. '

Page 49: 1953 January ANCHOR


Rho ( 1932-1948; 1949)-Southeastem State Col­lege, Durant, Okla.

President-Jeannine McBride, Women's Dormi­tory, Durant, Okla.

Advisers-Miss Irene Scrivener. 1525 W . Elm; Miss Mildred Riling, 904 W. Elm; Dr. Linnie Ruth Hall, 324 W. Plum, Durant, Okla.

Alumnae Representative- Mrs. William Swaf­ford, 1311 N. 6th, Durant, Okla., Miss Mary Mcintosh, Box 236, Caddo, Okla.

Sigma (1925)-State Teachers College, Buffalo N.Y.

President- Sally Sturm, 455 Stockbridge Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.

Adviser-Mrs. Lillian McKenneth, 1300 Elm­wood Ave., Buffalo 22, N . Y.

Alumnae Representatives- Miss Florence Mar­cotte, 212 Congress St., Buffalo, N. Y. ; Mrs. Harold Peterson, 230 Knowlton Ave., K en­more, N. Y.

Zeta Tau ( 1935 )-Longwood College, Farmville, Va.

President-Mrs. Ed. Sutphin, Box 44, Long­wood College, Farmville, Va .

Adviser-Miss Virgima Bedford, L.C ., Farm­ville, Va.

Alumnae Representatives-Mrs. Fleet Robinson, Emporia, Va . ; Mrs. Boice Ware, 2004 Snead Rd., Petersburg (Colonial Hts.) , Va .

Upsilon (1935)-Arkansas State Teachers College, Conway, Ark.

President-Martha King, Box 155. A.S.T.C., Conway, Ark.

Adviser-Dr. Ada Jane Harvey, 730 Donaghey, Conway, Ark.

Alumnae R epresentatives-Mrs. Wm. Stafford, 2019 J/2 W. 17th, Little Rock, Ark. ; Mrs. E.

P. Whitley, Jr., 340 1 W. Capitol Ave., Little Rock, Ark.

~i ( 1940) -Southeastern Louisiana College, Ham­mond, La.

President- Betty Mcinnis, College Sta., Ham­mond, La.

Advisers-Miss Margaret Lowe, 310 W. Charles, Hammond, La. ; Miss Marjorie Miller, 61 2 W. Charles St., Hammond, La.

Alumnae R epresentative-Miss Marilyn Mit­chell, 209 N. Cherry St., Hammond, La.

Chi (1940-1948; 1950)-Shepherd College, Shep­herdstown, W.Va.

President- Patricia Ring, Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, W. V a.

Adviser-Miss Sara H elen "Cree, Shepherdstown. Alumnae Representative-Mrs. Roscoe Payne,

P .O. Box 546, Charles Town, W. Va.

Psi (1944)-Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. President- Lucy Grove, Box 511 , M adison Col­

lege, Harrisonburg, Va. Advisers-Miss Helen M. Frank, Madison Col­

lege Harrisonburg, Va.; Dr. Mary Latimer, 477 'E. Market, Harrisonburg, Va.

Alumnae R presentatives- Mrs. T . J . King, .Jr., Eng. Office, Ordnance D epot, Anniston, Ala. ; Miss Dorothy Rowe, Madison College, H ar­risonburg, Va.

Omega (1945)-Minot State Teachers College, Minot, N.D.

President- Sheil a Koppelsle n, M.S.T .C. , Mi not, N.D.

Advisers- Miss Loui se R eishus, 515 8th St. W ., Minot, . D .; Miss Esth er Ros Knutsen

Alumnae Representative-Mrs. W. Skowronek, 402 4th Ave. S.E., Minot, N . D .

Alpha Alpha ( 1945 )-Ball State Teachers Col­lege, Muncie, Ind.

President- Joan Sharbak, North H all , Ball S.T.C ., Mun ci e, Ind .

Adviser- Miss Evelyn Luecking, 203 Wingate Apt. , 410 . M cKinley, Muncie, Ind .

Alumn a R epres nta tive- Mrs. R. B. Cross. 207 Winthrop Rd. , Mun cie, Ind.

' Alpha Beta (1946)-Marshall College, Hunting­ton, W.Va.

President-Miss Evelyn Fulbright, 528 16th St., Huntington. W . Va.

Adviser- Miss Eva Miller, 1256 J efferson Ave., Huntington, W. Va.

Alumnae Representatives- Miss Dorothy Buzek, 5720 Pea Ridge, Rd. , Huntington, W . Va.; Mrs. Spencer A. Gillette, 396 Forest Rd ., Huntington, W . V a.

Alpha Gamma ( 1946) -Henderson State T each­ers College, Arkadelphia, Ark.

President- Emma Sue Smith, H .S.T.C., Box 4-l-2, Arkadelphia, Ark.

Advisers-Miss Amy Jean Greene. H .S.T.C., Arkadelphia, Ark.; Mrs. R obert R eaves

Alumnae Representative-Mrs. Earl Williamson, Box 551, Vivian, La.

Alpha Delta ( 1948 )-Southwestern Missouri State College, Springfield, Mo.

President- June J enkins, Sou thwest M .S.C., Springfi eld, Mo.

Adviser-Mrs. J ames R ay!, 1108 E. Central, Springfield, Mo.

Alumnae Representative-Mrs. Juanita Phillips, 2133 Cinderella Dr., Springfield, Mo.

Alpha Epsilon {1948)-Westem Illinois State Col­lege, Macomb, Ill.

President- Colleen Baxter, 308 W. dam , Ma­comb, Ill.

Adviser- Dr. Harriet C. Stull , 3 16 N. Dudley, Macomb, Ill.

Alumnae R epresenta tive-Mr . Flo ·d Prui tt, Box 359, Tiskilwa, Ill.

Alpha Lambda ( 1953 )-R adford allege, Rad­ford , V a.

President- Anne Bycrle, Box 562, R adford Col­lege, R adford, Va.

Adviser-Mis Blanche D aniel. Rad ford allege, Radford, Va.

Page 50: 1953 January ANCHOR

_Alumnae (/roup:J *Chartered

*Akron-Canton, Ohio Mrs. R. F. Snidow, 1080 Hartford Ave., A~ron

Albuquerque, New Mexico Mrs. L . J. Paddison, 911 Parkland Circle

Baltimore, Maryland Mrs. W.]. Deane, 4042 Edgewood Rd . ( 15 )

Baton Rouge, Louisiana Mrs. Gilbert Longsdorf, 949 North Blvd.

*Beckley, West Virginia Mrs. Emmett Phipps, Box 33 1, Mt. Hope, W.

Va .

*Bluefield, West Virginia Thelma Wilson, Fairview Apt. # 4, Bland &

South St.

*Buffalo, New York Mrs. L . W. Porter, 33 Mapleridge Ave. ( 15 }

*Charleston, West Virginia Mrs. P. L . Will, 1309 Turley Rd.

Chicago, Illinois Mrs. L. ]. Cashman, 2448 Estes Ave. ( 45 )

*Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. C. W. Oetting, 21586 K enwood, Rocky

River, Ohio

Columbus, Ohio Mrs . H . E. Staehle, 481 Torrence Rd. (2)

Dallas, Texas Mrs. W. D. White, 4224 Hawthorne Ave.

Dayton, Ohio Mrs. Robert Hemrn, 517 Lakeshore Rd., Crystal

Lake, Medway, 0.

*Denver, Colorado Mrs. A. Bruce Ewer, 1145 Clayton

*Detroit I, Michigan Mrs. Floyd Pohl, 5810 Bishop (24)

*Detroit II, Michigan Mrs. K. H . Nye, 188 E. Buena Vista, High­

land Park 3, Mich.

Durant, Oklahoma Mrs. Wm. Swafford, 1311 N . 6th St.

Elkhart, Indiana Mrs. ]. M . Beck, 625 M aple Row

*Emporia, Kansas Mrs. Ida Wayman, 1005 Constitution

*Flint, Michigan Miss Crystal H earn, 413 E. Fifth St. ( 3 )

Fort Worth, Texas . Mrs. C. V . Thornton. 3827 Bellaire Circle


*Greeley, Colorado Mrs. Verna Page, Windsor, Colo.

Highland Park, Michigan Miss Edith Mansell, 161 Highland

*Huntington, West Virginia Mrs. M adge Smith Skeen, 1213 Washington Bl.

Hutchinson, Kansas Mrs. J . H . Corsaut, 520 W. 9th Ave.

*Indiana. Pennsylvania Mrs. Robert Boyer, 599 S. 6th St.

Kansas City, Missouri Mrs. Gerald Gutzman, 43 26 Roanoke Pkwy. ,

Apt. 403

*Lansing, Michigan Mrs. R . Peterman, 124 S. H ayford

Little Rock, Arkansas Mrs. K enneth Francis, 112 S. Martin

Lock Haven, Pa. Mrs. C. K yle Bressler, Island Route

Los Angeles, California Mrs. Pauline Wills, Rm. 920, Embassy Hotel

( 1 7)

Memphis, Tennessee Mrs. R. ]. Coltharp, 3450 Spottswood

Miami, Florida M rs. C. D . Williams, 7335 S. W. 18th St. Rd.

*Minot, North Dakota Mrs. Lillian Eidsness, 815 4th Ave. S.E.

Morris-Ottawa, lllinois Mrs. Joe K oomar, 81 T oni St., Bourbonnai, Ill.

Mt. Clemens, Michigan Mrs. M arybelle Baker, 665 Huntington Dr.

*Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Mrs. Bla ir Dental, 10 19 S. Franklin

*Muncie, Indiana Mrs. Leon Scott, R .R . 1, Daleville, Ind.

New York, N. Y. Mrs. T errance O 'Reilly, Box 5+, K ingshighway,

Sparkill, . Y.

Norfolk, Virginia Miss M ary Lee K eenan 1030 J amestown


Peoria, Illinois Mrs. John Van

Peori a (5 ) !eve, 111 Clifton

re -

our t,

Page 51: 1953 January ANCHOR

*Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Miss Ethel Weimar, 200 Loney St. ( 11)

Pine Bluff, Arkansas Mrs. Wm. A. McEntire, Rt. 3, Box 106

*Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Miss Ruth Harbison, 57 N. Starr Ave., Bellevue,


*Port Huron, Michigan Mrs. Arlene S. Johnson, 1607 Union

*Princeton-Athens, West Virginia Mrs. Odell Huffman, Princeton Bank Bldg.,

Princeton, W. Va.

Pueblo, Colorado Mrs. Roy Smith, 801 Minnequa

*Richmond-Petersburg, Virginia Mrs. 0. B. Ware, 2004 Snead Road, Petersburg,


*Roanol(e, Virginia Miss Charlotte Greeley, 508 Arbutus, Colonial

Hts., Roanoke 13, Va.

San Diego, Calif. Mrs. H. J. Ferguson, 178 H St., Chula Vista,


Seattle, Washington Mrs. Stewart Hockom, 1253 S. 156th (88)

*Shepherdstown, West Virginia Miss Genevieve Pitzer, Gerrardstown, W. Va.

Central District: Mich., DI., Ind., Ohio, Wis. President-Miss Evelyn Luecking, Wingate Apt.

203, 410 N. McKinley, Muncie, Ind.

Eastern District: N. Y., Penn., N. J., Me., N. H., Vt., Mass., Conn., and R. I. President-Mrs. Joseph Steen, 136 Doncaster

Rd., Kenmore, N. Y.

Northwestern District: Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and all other states north of these and west of the Mississippi River.

*Springfield, Missouri Mrs. Juanita Phillips, 2133 Cinderella Dr.

*St. Lou;s, Missouri Mrs. Clem Orf, 7804 Weaver, Maplewood 17,


St. Petersburg, Florida Miss Ellen H. Smith, 2327 Second Ave. North,

St. Petersburg

Topeka, Kansas Mrs. Tom McHenry, J •. , 808 Mulvane

*War, West Virginia Miss Edith Elliott, Canebrake, W. Va.

*Washington, District of Columbia Mrs. Meda Ray Sewell, 6541 Williamsburg

Blvd., Arlington 13, Va.

Welch, West Virginia Mrs. Lena Caporossi, Box 607

*Wichita, Kansas Mrs. Louis Earl, 3220 Arkansas

*Williamsport, Pennsyl:vania Mrs. Woodrow Wolfe, 1601 Sherman St.

Youngstown, Ohio Mrs. Keith McGowen, 2368 Midlothian

*Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor, Michigan Miss Betty McGregor, 418 E. Kingsley, Ann

Arbor, Mich.

President-Mrs. J . Waldo Hinshaw, 27 Hardith Hill Ct., St. Louis, Mo.

Southern District: Va., W. Va., Ky., Md., Dela., Tenn., N. C., Miss., Ala., Ga., Fla., and S. C. President-Miss Janet Calfee, 87 Princeton Rd.,

Bluefield, W. Va. Southwestern District: Arkansas, Oklahoma,

Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

President-Mrs. Harold B. Wenzel, 2216 North­west 34th St., Oklahoma City, Okla:

!f/olice/ ANN MARIE GRAY, Zeta Tau, receives the prize for the best editorial submitted by

the Fourth District. "Satisfaction in Life" appears on page 14 of this issue. Both

Ann Marie Gray and Zeta Tau Chapter will receive five dollars.