1998 harley davidson zippo catalog


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1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Lighters Catalog


Page 1: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog
Page 2: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog


Zippo celebrates


95th anniversary with

a stunning selection

of commemorative items in

custom imprinted tins.

Your choice,

Brush chrome lighter

and key holder gift set.

Black matte lighrer and

pocket knife gift set.

Or the classic antique silver

lighrcr with wrapped emblem

and companion key ring.

All emblazoned with

Harley-Davidson's distinctive

95th Anniversary emblem.

f9.r88 ^.. [mlAntique Silver Plate Lighterand Brush Chrome Key Ringwith Pewter Emblem Y

l"o.,t"tt" tr-, WAntique Brass LiShterand Brush Brass Key Ringwith Brass Emblem

All Helsy'Davidson designs na',be orde.ed in sts Ghown) or airdividuar [ghte6 ad accersorie.se€ price lisr for irdividuar codq.

I€ € €

l':"tn?""" IwBlack Matte Lighter and Pocket Knifewith surface imprint logo(custom sleeve shown here)

HD292 nrTr'Y|Brush Chrome |l.4Brush Chrome Lighterand lGy Holder withetch/surface imprint logo

\&o6e tr e @a@dy impoiis ou productt, som€nen( m:v n.i lnol na.dv I d..ided Pric6 mdspmifioions subi.a t .l-g.i"itl'""t notie.

The producsho*o in thhotaloq is o$ciilt ficersed,and inrv not Se rtrered h ur rai witlour d'c Eitto- -i* zooo ll*ut".n"i"c Co. tuv muddi?dchuge ot Jtl.d.* .ay be llbk @ [ga] idion

GII]AffiANIT|ME)'r'zirln l(tlh.hd, nhut lttnd r, ntJtulrtltl h! llt it ln! d6: ntuht at n)ttrhn Jtu 4 dnt!.

trru turt.trtbtt&'s(rtutli t( rtlni rlt ziq)r mntt turto lr(r'Jb$ tts rt &tttitit

IttJilish |tuu4 is nd t)nttit4Iri' lntant! rir6|ottrrtltr ].Kl

r^o t1r) ! r tt fl(Ix nhd n\ jut nttt h) ntk


Page 3: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog

HD 16IBrassEagle Series FouFLighter Gift Set(includ€s custom sleeve)

Soaring Eagle Lighter/Key HolderMoney Clip Knife w/Scissors Gift Set

(includes customsleeve)

HD I62ChromeEagle Series FouFLighter cift Set(custom sleeve shown here)

All Hdl€y-DaYid.on deigs n.rbe orde.ed ir 3eti (shown) or dindividual light€G md dcssorie.S€e p.ice list fo. individual @des.

Soaring Eagle Lighter/Key HolderMoney Clip Knife Wscissors Gift Set

(includes custom sleeve)

HD I53Antique Silver PlateLighter/Cut.About Knife w/PouchGift Set

. arailable exdusively in gifr set

' reverse etch design

. 2rru " stainless steel blade

. lock-back safery feature


and Stainless Cut-About Knife dPewter Emblem

Page 4: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog


The majesty of the

Harley-Davidson" name

and emblem is captured

on a superb selection

of chrome and brass lighters

and companion pieces.

Pocket knives and key holders

are as durable and dependable

as the world-famous

windproof lighter

HD I23Black CrackleBrass BootstrapLighter/Key RingGift Set

' spring-action locl$ securely. pulls apart easily. holds four or five keys per side

HD I24Black CracklePewter BootstrapLighter/Key RingGift Set

HD I28ChromeSoaring EagleLighter/Key HolderGift Set

€ €

All Harley-Davidsotr designs maybe o.de.ed h sets (shown) or as

indiridu.l li8hters ed accessories.

See pri.e list for individual cods.

HD I25BrassSoaring EagleLighter/Money Clip Pocket Knif€ds.issors Gift Set

HD 126ChromeSoaring EagleLighter//Money Clip Pocket Knifew/Scissors Gift Set


HD I29BrassGearsLighter/Pocket Knif€ w/ScissorsGift Set

HD I3OChromeGearsLighter/Pocket Knife dS.issorsGift Set

Soaring EagleLighteri Key Holder

Page 5: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog

HD I3IBrassGearsLighter/Key HolderGift Set

HD I34ChromeMade in USA EagleLighter/Key Holder

HD I32ChromeGearsLighter/Key HolderGift set

HD I33BrassMade in USA EagleLighter/Key HolderGift set

All Harley'Davidron desigds naybe ordtred in sers Ghown) or dindividual lighteB dd a.ce$ories.See pri€e lisr fo. indilidual cod€s.

Gift Set

HD I35BrassEagle w/Shield WingsLighter/Money Clip Pocket KnifeWscissors Gift Set

HD I35ChromeEagle dShield WingsLighter/Money Clip Pock€t KnifeVscissors Gift Set

All gift sets are displayed on black velour plarformsin Zippo tins with custom Harley-Davidsono deeves.

BrassSoaring Eagle Gift Set

HD I52BrassMade in USA EagleLighter/Money Clip Pocket Knifedscissors Gift Set

HD I53ChromeMade in USA EagleLighter/Money Clip Pocket Knifew/scissors Gift Set

Page 6: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog


Theret more here than meets

the eye! Click open these

brass lighters to reveal

what's inside. Coordinating

key rings add something

extra to a gift set with

unusual appeal.


HD I50BrassTire/Engine SurpriseLighter/Key RingGift Set

All Hrlcr-Darilson dsigns DaybG orddd in

'.tr (shom) or $

iadividual nght .r dd arosorieSe orice list for irdividu.l @ds.


Motor and Flag Surprise Gift Set

All gift sets are displayed on black velour pladorms

in Zippo tins with custom Harley-Davidson siewes

HD I5IBrass

Tank/Fuel SurpriseLighter/Key Ring

Gift Set

Product shownactual slze.

Page 7: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog

i::'' m{wr

Multi LogoLighter/Key Holder Gift Set


Flash your true colors with

these thrilling new gift sets

featuring the famous

Harley-Davidson .

Bar & Shield logo on your

choice of srylish brass and

chrome lighters. Coordinating

accessories complete each set.

€ % €

IEW xD362Lnrome

Multi LogoLighter/Key Holder Gift Set

l,?,1' nrnDiamond PlateLighter/Key Holder Gift Set

AI Hdlcy-Davirtlon dgisns nayb€ ordded in sets (6hwn) or eindividual light€rs dd aa€soriB.S€e pri.e list for irdividual @de.

Page 8: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog


@m%% (

HD365 N{nBrassMade in USA 98Lighter/Money Clip Pocket Knife w/Scissors Gift Set

AI Hdey-Devi&on designs nayb€ oidered in s.ts Gho*n) or dindividud lightcr od accessodes.

S@ p.ie li,t for in&viduat cod6.

HD 166 rrFlrnchrome :rglllMade in USA 98Lighter/Money Clip Pocket Knife w/Scissors Gift Set

Page 9: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog

HD 359 rrFj'nlBrass Emblem JSince 1903Brass Lighter/Black CrackleKey Ring Gift Set


mq!lHD 360

Pewter EmblemSince 1903

Chrome Lighter/Black CrackleKey Ring Gift Set


lF rlHD 353Brass EmblemShield/WingsBrass Lighter/Black CrackleKey Ring Gift Set

All Harley-Davidsor designs naybe ordqed in st' Ghown) or dindividual lishters dd ac.asoris.See pri.e list fo( individual codes.


HD 364Pewter Emblem

Shield/YVingsChrome Lighter/Black Crackle

Key Ring Gift set


Page 10: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog


This manually operated

turntable displays 30 Zippo

Harley-Davidsono lighters.

Three sides lock 10

individual tins securely

in place for reliable

opelation. A powerful sales

message is featured on the

fourth side. Dimensions:

13rtq" x 131tt" x 27",

This compact countertop

display features an eye-catching

Harley-Davidson' header card

and cuslom insert to display

rins at an optimum viewing

angle. The lockable case has

a durable crystal acrylic cover

and a security cable

in the back. )


FI{TI yp3e



All H*ley-Davilson daigns naybe ordend io cct! (showtr) oi sindividual nghreB dd acce$ori6.See pri..li.t for individual @d€.

1425,ae JIlilT


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Page 13: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog
Page 14: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog
Page 15: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog



Now, you can proclaim your

loyalty to your motorcycle of

cnorce wttn a classrc 4lppo

lighter featuring the famed

Harley-Davidson@ Bar & Shield

logo. Lighrers and accessories

are available in a variety of

dazzling finishes, even brush

chrome wirh an etched logo.HD I58BrassLighter/Key RingGift Set

% % %

Harley-Davidson logo Gift Set

Al1 gift sea are displayed on black velour platformsin Zippo tins with custom Harley-Davidson sleeves.

All Hdley-Daai&on dgigns mayb€ o.dered in s€ts (6hown) or dindividual lisfiteB dd @ories.See pric.lisr for individu.l code6.

HD I5OBlack MatteLighter/Money ClipGift Set

Page 16: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog


Dare to be different!

Brass or pewter side mount

emblems break the mold

^F ,t- --^-.,-)

Coordinating key ring

or money clip completes

the set, or choose

"his and hers"

regular and slim lighters.

Sidemount emblems wrap

around rhree sides of the

windproof lighter for a

unique look aad feel.

HD II7Black CrackleBrass EagleLighter/Key RingGift Set

HD II9Black CrackleBrass EagleLighter/Money ClipGift Set

HD II8Black CracklePewter Eagle

Lighter/Key Ring Gift Set




All Haley-Davidson deigrs maybe ordered in sell {shoM) or aindividual lighters md acocorie.S€e prie li,t for indiYidual .ods,


Page 17: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog

HD I2IMidnight ChromePewter EagleLighter/Money Clip Pocket Knife cift Set

AI Hdl€y-Davidion dsig$ nayb€ ordcred in set! Ghom) or oindividual lislt .s od a({sori6.See price list for individual dde6.

Black CracftleEagle Gift Set

All gift sea are displayed onblack velour platforms inZippo tins with customHarley-Davidson slewes.

Ofspecial interest to collecton:

The authenticiry ofyour Zippowlndproof lighter is asured by thefactory stamp on rhe borom ofthecase. The code indicar€s month andy€ar of maDufacurc. To obtain a

free Zippo Li$ter Collectors Guide,call (814) 368-2700, or fer Dept.HD (8r4) 368,2874.


Page 18: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog



The striking Harley-Davidsono

black Ieather pouch,

which fastenr easily to your belt,

looks great while keeping aoy

of these 15 eye-catching Zippo

designs safe, secure,

and looking great too!

Your custom combination

is packaged in an attractive gift

box. (See photo on page 19).

2548HD H22IBrass/Brass EmblemSoaring Eagle

250HD H253ChromeSoaring Eagle

2soHD H257ChromeMotor and Wings

254BHD H25OBrassBar and Shield"

2t5HD H228Black Crackle/Pewter EmblemGears


Antioue Brass/Brass EmblenMade in USA Eagle


% %


250HD H2s4ChromeEagle WShield

250HD H258ChromeEagle and Banner

2O4BHD H25IBrassLogo

250HD H255ChromeGears



250HD H259ChromeHandlebars and shield


W250HD H255ChromeMotor and Flag

250HD H262ChromeLive Free-Ride Free

@All Harley,Davi&on deigns m.y be ordered in set5 (shwn) or a individnal lishters dd accessori*. See prie lict for individual code.

Page 19: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog

Harley-Davidsoo Custom Lighter/Pouch combo shown hereLighter and pouch are handsomely presented in an attractive gift box.

HD IO8BrassEagle on TireLighter/Key HolderGift Set

HD t07xChromeg

HD I15ChromeEagle Stars and StripesLightedPocket Knifedscissors Gift Set

I HDr6*l'rass

HD IIIChromeGirl w/TattooLighter/Pocket KnifedScissors Gift Set

HD | 12,*


Eagle on Tire Gift Set(includ$ crrtom sle€ve)


The staying power and

durability of Zippo and

Harley-Davidson are

exemplified in these meticu-

lously designed brass aad

pewrer emblems. Quality

matching accessories (key-

holder, pocket knife, or money

clip) perpetuate Zippot

proven reputation for qualiry

ard dependabiliry

%%%Atl Huley-Davi&on designs naybe ordsed in sets (shom) or uindividual lighteB ard accessori€r.Se pri@ list for iaditdu,l .ods.

*Ptoduct not shown

Page 20: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog


These lighters

are available individually. a

Ee €

254BBSHD H42Brass/Brass EmblemGirldEarrings

250BSHD H4 r,*Chrome/Pewter Emblem

25OBSHD H89Chrome/P€wter EmblemV-Engine

254BBSHD H90"Brass/Brass Emblem

2548BSHD HI66Brass/Brass EmblemEagles Profile

250BSHD Ht65*Chrome/Pewter Emblem

2548BSHD H I78Brass/Brass EmblemFighting Eagles

250BSHD H t77,(Chrome/Pewter Emblem

e254BBSHD H I68Brass/Brars EmblemEagle on Perch

250BSHD H t67*Chrome/Pewter Emblem

Each lighter is dirplayedon a relour pladorm in a

keepsake tin embossed withthe Harley-Davi&on Bar &Sldeld* logo, and indudesa custom Harley-Davidsonsleeve.

ChromeGirl dEarrings

*Product not shown

2soBsHD Ht69ChromdPewter EmblemWolf on Mountain

2548BSHD H t70*Brass/Brass Emblem

254BBSHD HI72Brass/Brass EmblemBear

250BSHD H t7 t,r,

Chrome/Pewter Emblem

Page 21: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog


g. €%%

20IFBSHD H I40Antique Brass/Brass EmblemSide Mount Eagle Emblem

I2IFBSHD H I4I*Antique Silver/Pewter Emblem

I2IFBSHD H I73Antique Silver/Pewter EmblemSide Mount Logo and Wings

20tFBSHD H t74*Antique Brass/Brass Emblem

20IFBHD H2I5Antique Brass/Brass EmblemBootstraD Emblem

I2IFBHD H2I5Antique Silver Plate/Pewter EmblemBootstrap Emblem

Product on this page

*Product not shown

Page 22: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog



I nese alFnew stoemount oeslgns

are each available in two versions:

brass emblem on antique brass

or pewter emblem on antique

silver plate. The three-dimensional

quality ofthe emblems and their

unique wraparound design give

these lighters a distinctive look

and feel. Their beauty is enhanced

by the rich patina ofthe

artiqued finish.

20IFBHD H237Antique Brass/Brass EmblemWings in Oval

20 IFBHD H239Antioue Brass/Brass EmblemEagle dBar ahd shield'"

20 IFBHD H24IAntioue Brass/Brass EmblemMotor and Wings


I2IFBHD H238Antique Silver/Pewter EmblemWings in Oval

I2IFBHD H24OAntique Silver/Pewter EmblemEagle dBar and Shield"

I2IFBHD H242Antique Silver/Pewter EmblemMotor and Wings

Page 23: 1998 Harley Davidson Zippo Catalog



20IFBHD H243Antique Brass/Brass EmblemEagle and Bann€r

I2IFBHD H244Antique Silv€r/Pewter EmblemEagle and Banner

20 IFBHD H245Antique Brass/Brass EmblemHandlebars and Shield

Enlarged toshow detail



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