1.cardiorespiratory endurance - mile run, pacer 2.muscular endurance - curl-ups, *push-ups...

1.Cardiorespiratory Endurance - Mile run, PACER 2.Muscular Endurance - Curl-ups, *Push-ups 3.Muscular Strength - Push-ups 4.Flexibility - Sit & Reach 5.Body Composition* -No fitness assessment -Definition: the ratio of lean mass versus body fat percentage 5 Fitness Components

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance - Mile run, PACER

2. Muscular Endurance- Curl-ups, *Push-ups

3. Muscular Strength- Push-ups

4. Flexibility- Sit & Reach

5. Body Composition*-No fitness assessment-Definition: the ratio of lean mass versus body fat percentage

5 Fitness Components


Frequency: How often you work out Recommendation: 3-5 times a week

Intensity: How hard you work outRecommendation: Target HR zone

(65-85% of MHR)

Time: How long you work outRecommendation: 20-60 minutes

Type: What kind of activity/exercise you are performing

Examples: Jogging, swimming, etc.

Maximum Heart Rate

220 – (Your AGE) = ?

Find Out Your

Checking your heart rate (HR) is a great way to measure your intensity during exercise

How do we get oxygen to our working muscles?

-Oxygen is present in our outside air

-We breathe oxygen into our lungs

-Our heart pumps blood to our lungs to pick up the oxygen and bring it back to the heart

-Our heart pumps the blood with the oxygen through arteries in our body

-Finally the blood with oxygen reaches our working muscles and gives the oxygen they need to maintain activity


Benefits of “Warming-up”

• Slowly increases HR• Increased blood flow to working

muscles• Improves ROM–(Range Of Motion)

• Prevents injury

Benefits of “Cooling-down”

• Slowly decreases HR• Prevents muscle soreness• Prevents lightheadedness

What is an aerobic activity?

Definition- Steady activity in which the heart can supply all the oxygen the muscles need.

An activity that:- Increases your HR (reach target HR zone)- Increases your rate of breathing- Takes place for at least 20 minutes

Benefits of aerobic activity

• A healthy cardiorespiratory system• Helps maintain a healthy weight• Increased lung capacity• Lowered HR (during rest, exercise and

recovery)• Relieves stress• Longer life span• Prevents obesity and related health


6 Essential Nutrients

1. Carbohydrates- Primary source of energy

2. Fat- Long-term energy source

3. Protein- Builds and repairs muscle tissue

4. Water- Hydrates the body

5. Vitamins - Facilitate and regulate body processes

6. Minerals - Facilitate and regulate body processes

Nutrition Labels

*Nutrition labels are the most reliable dietary information


The ingredients Are list in order by weight

Nutrition Labels

1. Always wear a helmet2. Wear proper clothing

3. Ride with traffic (right-hand side of the road)

4. If riding at night, have reflective clothing and bike light

5. Make sure your bike is in working condition

6. Use hand signals for direction

Bicycle Safety

1. Always wear a lifejacket2. Do not swim alone

3. Do not dive in shallow water4. Have a fire extinguisher on board5. Ski flag to warn other boats that a

passenger is in the water6. Sober driver


How can a healthy person maintain their healthy


1.Maintain current exercise levels

2.Maintain current eating habits/diet

Benefits of physical activity for lifelong health

• Prevents obesity• Longer life span• Lower chance of disease risk• Lower heart rate• Increased ROM• Helps maintain a healthy weight

Chuck leads a very unhealthy life, he consumes 5,000 calories everyday and has 45% body fat. His favorite foods are hamburgers, fries, pizza, nachos, and candy. His only exercise is walking 10 minutes to and from the bus stop, before and after school. He burns around 150 calories each day, well below his daily caloric intake.

2 Fitness changes…how do they increase level of fitness?

2 Nutrition changes…how will they lower percentage of body fat?

Let’s Help Chuck

First change in physical fitness: Work out more often (frequency).

How will this change increase his level of fitness?Chuck will burn more calories. Second change in physical fitness: Exercise for

longer periods of time (time). How will this change increase his level of fitness?Chuck will increase his stamina. *Another fitness changes: Do more intense


Let’s Help Chuck

First change in nutrition: Cut down the number of calories Chuck eats.

How will this change lower his percentage of body fat?Chuck will consume less fat. First change in nutrition: Eat healthier foods (eat

more nutritious foods).How will this change lower his percentage of body fat? Chuck will have fewer calories to burn off.

*Another nutrition change: Eat a balanced diet

Let’s Help Chuck

Additions to current slides

• Components of fitness– Cardio = heart– Respiratory = lungs– Body composition looks at ratio between body fat

percentage and lean mass