1e semi i 1 xxx stanford ky friday notesi i r i ofi...

1E SEMI = WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL n i 1 VOL XXX STANFORD KY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 019029 A1IL NO52 I NEWS NOTESI The Sinte Liquor League Is In tlge lion In Oweoiboro Isaac flout arid George Mjcru broko JiU tlOwlnctvlllo Joseph Dotaoit of MoLeaa ooiutr U dying from a iualce bite Tbo thirtyfour bltrRou states la f Britain averaco 183000 acres each The smallpox tluallou at Sionocu Q Va hoe reaoaod the critical stage Thero uro about 114600 telegraph ofllce now open In tbo whole world- L i k N earning for July show glint of 395733 li1 gross and 8268603 00 net William F nowo formerly a noted criminal lawyer of Now York U dead Charles Roach was stabbed by Pv t otto Riley la Cumberland county Dad diedGeorge W Diesel a prominent car Italtii of jDfilrolt was killed In a run awayAlbert Terrell a pugilist died at Philadelphia from Injuries received In a fillbt H S McNutt of LouUvllle was elected president of tbo Kentucky LI quor League I Atchison has a real miter who al > though worth 1100000 makes moat of bit meals on parched corn J Three engine were wrecked nod tbo train rain and passengers bad a narrow ouape In a Wabub uolllilon Former Congroteman Juno Gayle who has been III for tome time Is now threatened with typhoid fiver Great preparations arc being mndo ut franklin for tbo reunion of the Or ¬ than Brigade on September 18 It Is estimated that 70 persons were drowned In Algoa bay during the storm which swept over Port Blluboth A jealous opera singer shot the woman with whom bo hail eloped to J Philadelphia and tried to kill himself t The Uygela Uotol at Old Point Va has deicd forever Dy order of tbo war department It mutt be razed by ojui Hon I W Twyman a prominent lawyer of Hodgonvlllo and a member of tbo loit Constitutional Convention laded Wck was returned at the big Mar vine colliery near Scranton Pa Thero was no Interference from I strlkarst A period of deprostlon Ii In eight for tbo British shipbuilding trades Coo- t tratu for now v MU are few and far betweenA was granted oonvlot Frank Brooke on account of his conduct In the rwot mutiny at the Frankfort penitentiaryIn county Sam Houston a welltodo farmer shot and klllid his IUarrelI The Confederate Homo Commit slort examined the sites offered at Owoatboro for locating tbo homo but no eonoluiion was reached Lords Slratbeona and Mount Ste phen of Canada have added to King r Edwards hospital fund gifts which will produce 480000 a year Ulram Cronk the last soldier of the t war of 1812 Is dying at his home In r New York Croak has lived In three 1centurlc and Is 103 years old At Gamaliel Monroe county Dill Bishop and Thornton Rltchgy were tried charged with soiling liquor at a HoRtUt auoclation They were found tar with a wagonand several hundred bot ties of white whisky and wero fined 8120 each and placed In jail Duller T Soathgate receiver for tbo Industrial Mutual Deposit Compa ¬ ny bw tiled six suits against tho of fleer and directors of tbo company In the Paycito Circuit Court llo seeks to recover 821826 02 which he alleges was wrongfully drawn out by the do- s fendanls I Tbo express car of tho Louisville and i Naibville No 2 northbound passenger train was robbed between Franklin and Nashville by two masked men They held up McMengor A B Battle with revolvers and emptied no open sate They secured about 1500 and loft tbo train M It was entering Nashville One + 1 of tbo men claimed to bo GUI Hyatt R who recently escaped from the Ten ncaaco penitentiary 4A sudden bait has boon called on the formation of tho packing combine with a capital stock of 8500000000 It Is eald that some of the proposed constlt went companies have taken fright at the potBlbllllv of Congress placing Ca ¬ nadian meats on the free list It Is also reported that the fear of further die closures of the methods pursued In the meat Industry Is an Important factor In checking the merger It is announced that by Sept 15th the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen numbering 100000 members will wako Jr a demand upon the great railroad eye ¬ toms for an Increase of wages amount ¬ lug to more than a million dollar per month and that telegraph operators all over the country aro organizing with tbo same purpose In view If those events are pulled off ae per schedule your uncle Ponty Morgans merger may resemble a 15 cent beeftrust beef eak before frost falls Glasgow ft Timcsa KINGS VILLE Tbft baptizing of the recant ooovarts took place Monday and Tutiday eye ¬ ning Rid Brooks solos and occasional du ¬ etc with tome of the elderly ladles have been as fascinating It seems as Rid Berry eloquence In pulpit A youthful run awayeouple from Casey stooped at lintel Pcnnvbackcr last week en route to Tennessee where they wore subsequently married Their appearance here caused quito a com ¬ motionThe protracted meeting at tbo Chris ¬ tlan church conducted by Elds Berry and Brooks of Lexington Bible Col logo closed Thursday evening So far there are 10 addition + to the church Bd Berrys sermon To men only Sunday afternoon was well attended and wo bear that his talk was an ex ¬ cellent one as Mr Derry sermons al- ways are He Is eminently practical and not In the least sensational Mlet Ora Grlllln Is 111 of fover Clc ¬ are Murphy continues HI His trouble has developed Into typhoid fever Mr and Mri Morris Wall are contemplat ¬ ing moving to Burnilde Mlssss Bflle Webb and Lola Floyd wont to Soraar set Sunday to attend tbo fair Mrs D M Crelghlon has returned from a pro traetod visit to relatives In Missouri Mrs W L MoCarty continues ill with but little improvement since her re- turn from Stanford Operator Crelgb too paid a brief visit to his bomefolke Monday Mack Williams was down from Burgtn Miss Eva Uooob of Waynesburg Is the guest of Mrs Dr Aoton MR WATTERSON EXPLAINS The editor of the Cout ler Journal la a democrat Ho opposed the Bryan ticket In 1800 as the reprresoniatlvo of theories free sliver socalled being tbo paramount Issue Ho supported tbo Bryan ticket In 1000 the free silver Is sue being not only no longer para ¬ mount but practically ai dead at tbo Issue of African slavery Nor Is this the whole of It In 1806 he bad an al- ternative ¬ ticket ns between tbo Bryan ticket and the McKlnloy ticket In 1000 the conditions changed and re due dio a choice between the two be supported the Bryan ticket He did not support McKinley either la 1800 or 1000 If he bad be would havo vlo totaled 10 points of disagreement In favor of but one taint of partial agree ¬ mentIn revolutionary times men mutt of- ten do as they can not as they would and whatever also It was the fusion movement of 1800 In which the United Democracy of 1802 made common cause with tho silver republicans and the populists to tbo Infinite cost of the democrats waa a revolution The Storm and strca of weather over the editor of the Courler Journal along with the myriads of others who thought with him preferred bit old party asso ¬ ciations much as they were opposed to some of tbo now doctrines to republi ¬ canism They wore democrats not re ¬ publicans In a word tho currency question settled there was no longer any radical difference among tboeo genuine democrats who coo In republi ¬ canism only another name for Federal Urn and Wblglsm dashed with modern rascality Courier Journal Florida Recovers From Ravages of Frost Florida lit prosperous in ovary wayeald Senator Tallaforro recently In two or three years tho orange growers of my State will bo sending as much fruit North as they did before the frost killed their groves While the destruction of the groves was a terrible calamity to our people the ro suit has really proven boneQclal as the now orange groves have been plant ¬ ed south of the f cost line and u superior fruit will bo grown In Jacksonville where I live the results of the fire of a tow years ago havo been almost entirely overcome We have built since the fire 2000 houses In Jacksonville The flro de ¬ stroyed 2000 houses In almost every Instance the now houses have cost twice as much at the ones that wore burned They are built In a way to make a wide ¬ spread conllagratlon unlikely In thy future In tho business section they aro of brick and In places where frame houses have been built they have metal roofs and arc better built than tbo old houses Tbo Weston Tobacco Journal has the following to say on the outlook of tobacco In Kentucky Tobacco has Improved considerably but Is not In a satisfactory condition It 1s very Ir ¬ regular some fields being fairly good and others very poor The Burley districts report more favorable con ¬ ditions than the Dark Tobacco coup- tics of the western section but th t crop as a whole will bo far below the average In yield and quality Cutting has begun la the early fields HOTSHOT I The following hot shots from I Judge Suuflava speech at Harrodeburg Monday eera to have hit Mr Harding in tender spots judging by tbo wall his organ tbo Dauville News makes Ho has assailed me be said with a degree of venom and fury After hav ¬ ing bad the thumb screws put to him ho confessed with the agony of a man I parting from a drawn tooth that ho was a defaulter In the campaign In which Mr Goobol was tbo nominee of the democratic party He pleads for by ¬ gones to bo bygones and polnta out my frtznds in the crowd and calls them to account for thou utiltndo on the ell ¬ vor question Yes let bygone be by ¬ gone so tar as Mr Harding Is concern ¬ ed but let the coals bs kept burning and keep us over them In that battle when truo and tried loader were needed most when dhal ¬ ter was Immtnopt when the party stood od the brink of a volcano when men were In doubt when democracy In Ken- tucky ¬ seemed to be In Its loath throes when Goobsl was making his fight alone assailed by calumny ant Insult with the moneyed corporations banded to encompass his destruction when In ¬ timidation was attempted at tbo polls with trickery and fraud to contend against at the ballot box Robert Hard lug stool back and gave aid and com- fort ¬ to tho enemy When the year after you saw bow the oat had jumped when tbo victory bad been woo without your help you came bank and plead for harmony The people were in support of Goebel why oouid you not vote for them It was the conduetot suoh men actuated by onry and malice and spite that follow- ed ¬ on the heels of William Goebel and hounded him to his death If It had not been for your anillatlon with and en conragementof those lawless moun ¬ taineers and assassins William Goobol would bo alive today Instead of In his grave at Frankfort When you had sown tbo wind and reaped the burr ¬ cane you came beak You said you were bigger than your party I did not say that I sacrificed my principles for my party To protcstniratasl the aCt boltJudge dur log the troubles which followed tbo as ¬ sassination of Goebel he bad Issued a paper giving his reasons for believing plotno apprehend Taylor try convict and hang him Ho said from that moment a cabal had been determined upon his defeat If be ever again presented him- self ¬ for rcelectlou Ho charged Mr Harding with being tbo exponent of this cabal IHYSIOUN AND DRUGGISTS drugfirm Solgleo our customers Wo ordered three dozen sayIlerbin that we have duplicated this order three times and today we have your salesman another order Wo bog to say Dr 0 B Snlgloy takes pleasure in recommending DrugStore airs The fair secretaries association has announced the following dates Somerset Sept 21 days Bardelown and Glasgow first week In September Ellzabethtown and Bowling Green SeptemberInterstate fourth week In September CURED PARALYSIS W S Dally P O True Texas writes My wife bad been uttering fivo years with paralysis In her arm when I was persuaded to use Ballard Snow Llni ¬ ment which cur dlher all right I have also used it for old sores frost bites and skin eruptions It does tho work 25c SOc and il bottle at Pennys Drug Store Tho value of the coal mined In Japan Is almost equal to that of all other min ¬ orals combined It varies from the hardest anthracite to peat but the quality Is usually Inferior to that of American coal Modern machinery and methods have been Introduced In the operation of many mines r Mother Why Johnny your shirt Is on wrongside out Youve been In swimming again Johnny Nom Ive bio turningsure IotI The Friend I tought you said you could lick him wld one hand tied ahlnd yer back P The Vanquished I kin but he wouldnt wait till I got mo hand tied publico ltilI this great statue Is 150 tonr 600 pounds of which are pure gold IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES j Fire destroyed G W Lyoea furnl NlobolllVUlII of the Red section was found dead In bed Mlno operators In Laurel county hir ¬ ofI Win Fox of Dunnville while wall log a well was dangerously hurt by a stone falling and crushing hla skull His recovery Is doubtful While digging with a pick prepara ¬ tory to building tbo foundation of a house at Mlddlceboro James Smith un ¬ earthed a body In a perfect state of pet riflcatlon Among the new attractions which will bo seen at the Knox County Fair Is an exhibition of oil A sample of each grade of oil found In tbo Knox oil fluids will be on exhibition In the floral hall Flro destroyed Stanfcl d Cos store at Pleasant View entailing a loss of 81200 and the Macoxetore and dwell ¬ ing Partially Insured Dynamite was used to wreck the burning buildings to save tho village The Cllfty Creek Coal Co of Pulae kl county with 8160000 capital slock was Incorporated at Frankfort J A almond of New York and O C Gil Uaple and J L Waddle of Somerset aro the chief stockholders The unveiling of the handsome Con- federate ¬ monument recently erected In Spring Hill Cemetery Harrodsburg by the Mercer Confederate veterans aided by liberal popular subscriptions takes place on the afternoon of Sept 10 Mr Walter McCarthy who was working on tbo silo which the Messrs McRoberts are building on their farm In Lincoln county was hurt by a fly ¬ ing piece of a nail which struck him In tho eye It is thought that ho will lose the slghl News The remains of Elias Elliott arrived from North Dakota and were Interred In Green River cemetery near Middle burg Deceased was twentytwo years old and was the son of Mr John J El ¬ liott a well todo farmer of Casey coun ty Elliott was a cowboy on tbo West- ern plains and was thrown from his horse in July receiving Injuries which resulted fatally A Mlddlcsboro dispatch says Fall lag to flnd John Largec whitecaps in Hancock county whipped his wife Into Insensibility Largee was accused of numerous small offenses and general worthlessness He beard that bo was to be ridden on a rail and fled to the hills The whitecaps wore masks but Mrs Largee recognized some of them and says sbo will prosecute Rev W S Houohlns pastor of the Cave nun Christian church near Bur gin while splitting wood bad his bead almost split open by the ax striking a wlro stretched above him swerving the course of the sharp Instrument which struck his bead with full force cutting a horrible gash He was car ¬ tied into the bouso In an unconscious condition but la recovering- A strange thing has happened In the Tenuesso oil Hold The two Bob Bar wells have been pumping 217 barrels of oil a day steadily for two weeks Sud- denly ¬ the yield of oil ceased and In ¬ stead of oil the wells aro pumping salt water The Somerset companys two wells at Sunny Brook as suddenly ceased to yield oil havlnglfurnlahed over 200 barrels a day for the past two or three weeks Oil men aro puzzled Farmers near Arlington S D post ¬ ed and patrolled their stubble fields to prevent President Roosevelt eon Theodore Roosevelt Jr from hunting Dogs were set on him at ono farm ¬ house where bo went for a drink of wa ¬ ter That Miss Goldrick seems to be awfully popular with the young men II Popular Is no name for It Why do you know her father has actually got out a prlntcdllform for declining offers for her hand In tho Oldroyd Lincoln Museum In Washington one of the Interesting relics Is tbo Bible which was used by Abraham Lincoln mother dally This volume came from the press In 1703 Tho cost of the State University Missouri for Its buildings books and other equipments 81300000 and the endowment bearing Interest at the rate of 6 or G per cent Is 81230003 Tho Qoly ho plant product of Mexico Central and South America is so called becauso of the shape of the flower which kai the appearance of a dove with expanded wings It takes a year ce ytd teIsland of dayThere tako has not been made In tho count The hardest wood Is not ebony but cocas It grows in the West Indies and Is used for makl ng flutes and simi ¬ lar 1altrumeDt8I Seventyfive hundred out of 12000 I union carpenters In New York have struck for more money e r 8 R m M II = t IIs It Worth 200 t ltiI We mean the label in some of the wellknown lE j 5 Hats All the goodness you can crowd lyj into a hat is not worth 3 We a It a sell the best 3 hat M you can buy 2- il f 1 FallEat 4 fij I ATj r- a Merchant Tailoring Cleaning Pressing and Repairing l IJI money back It youre not satisfied Te D MILLER DanvillB tWar KU J NOTICE To Country Merchants a + + 11 111111 J IJ1101 + o1o1 + + We arc 110W in the Wholesale Dry Goods Clothing and Gouts Furnishing Goods and can save you from 15 to 20 per cent on the dollar Terms 30 to 90 days Call on us be ¬ fore buying DIen of Stanford and vicinity should READ THE FOLLOWING Mens shoes worth 350 at 250 v Mens shoes worth 175 at 125 Mens shoes worth 150 at 9f5c Mens 500 suits at 298 Mens 750 suits at 448i ° Mens 1000 suits guaranteed tailormade 650 Mens 1200 suits go at 750 Mens 1500 suits well finished guaran ¬ tee fit tail rmade special price 925 Boys suits at your own price Boys knee pants worth 50c now at 19c C Rosenstein Co STANFORD KY Superior Grain Drills I 1 Special Features = Both wheels drivers solid steel frame each Jdisc and draw bar independent improved spring pressure The King of the Field It has Imitators but no equal Higgins a McKinney STANFORD KENTUCKY J Sponges Soap and toilet Articles Bargain Sale Now On Craig Hocker STANFORD 11 icii A preparation for eradicating the dis ¬ agreeable odors arising from perspiration It is a sure cure for the odors from perspiration on any portion of tho body without injury to health or clothing All the ingredients are perfectly harmless Prepared by WeB McROBERTS PHARMACIST STANFORD KENTUCKY r t d r

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Page 1: 1E SEMI i 1 XXX STANFORD KY FRIDAY NOTESI I r I ofI ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s5p91/data/0292.pdf · 1E SEMI=WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL n i 1 VOL XXX STANFORD KY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 019029



NEWS NOTESIThe Sinte Liquor League Is In tlge

lion In OweoiboroIsaac flout arid George Mjcru broko

JiU tlOwlnctvllloJoseph Dotaoit of MoLeaa ooiutr

U dying from a iualce biteTbo thirtyfour bltrRou states la

f Britain averaco 183000 acres eachThe smallpox tluallou at Sionocu

Q Va hoe reaoaod the critical stageThero uro about 114600 telegraph

ofllce now open In tbo whole world-

Li k N earning for July show glintof 395733 li1 gross and 8268603 00 net

William F nowo formerly a notedcriminal lawyer of Now York U dead

Charles Roach was stabbed by Pvt otto Riley la Cumberland county Dad

diedGeorgeW Diesel a prominent car

Italtii of jDfilrolt was killed In a run

awayAlbert Terrell a pugilist died atPhiladelphia from Injuries received Ina fillbt

H S McNutt of LouUvllle was

elected president of tbo Kentucky LIquor League

I Atchison has a real miter who al >

though worth 1100000 makes moat of

bit meals on parched cornJ Three engine were wrecked nod tbo

train rain and passengers bad a narrowouape In a Wabub uolllilon

Former Congroteman Juno Gaylewho has been III for tome time Is now

threatened with typhoid fiverGreat preparations arc being mndo

ut franklin for tbo reunion of the Or ¬

than Brigade on September 18

It Is estimated that 70 persons weredrowned In Algoa bay during the stormwhich swept over Port Blluboth

A jealous opera singer shot thewoman with whom bo hail eloped to

J Philadelphia and tried to kill himselft The Uygela Uotol at Old Point Va

has deicd forever Dy order of tbowar department It mutt be razed byojui

Hon I W Twyman a prominentlawyer of Hodgonvlllo and a memberof tbo loit Constitutional Conventionladed

Wck was returned at the big Marvine colliery near Scranton PaThero was no Interference fromI strlkarstA period of deprostlon Ii In eight fortbo British shipbuilding trades Coo-

t tratu for now v MU are few and far

betweenAwas granted oonvlot Frank

Brooke on account of his conduct In

the rwot mutiny at the Frankfort

penitentiaryIncounty Sam Houston a

welltodo farmer shot and klllid hisIUarrelIThe Confederate Homo Commitslort examined the sites offered atOwoatboro for locating tbo homo butno eonoluiion was reached

Lords Slratbeona and Mount Stephen of Canada have added to King

r Edwards hospital fund gifts whichwill produce 480000 a year

Ulram Cronk the last soldier of thet war of 1812 Is dying at his home In

r New York Croak has lived In three1centurlc and Is 103 years old

At Gamaliel Monroe county DillBishop and Thornton Rltchgy weretried charged with soiling liquor at a

HoRtUt auoclation They were foundtar with a wagonand several hundred bot

ties of white whisky and wero fined8120 each and placed In jail

Duller T Soathgate receiver fortbo Industrial Mutual Deposit Compa ¬

ny bw tiled six suits against tho of

fleer and directors of tbo company In

the Paycito Circuit Court llo seeksto recover 821826 02 which he allegeswas wrongfully drawn out by the do-

s fendanlsI Tbo express car of tho Louisville and

i Naibville No 2 northbound passengertrain was robbed between Franklin andNashville by two masked men Theyheld up McMengor A B Battle withrevolvers and emptied no open sateThey secured about 1500 and loft tbotrain M It was entering Nashville One


of tbo men claimed to bo GUI Hyatt

R who recently escaped from the Tenncaaco penitentiary

4A sudden bait has boon called on theformation of tho packing combine witha capital stock of 8500000000 It Is

eald that some of the proposed constltwent companies have taken fright atthe potBlbllllv of Congress placing Ca¬

nadian meats on the free list It Is alsoreported that the fear of further die

closures of the methods pursued In themeat Industry Is an Important factor In

checking the mergerIt is announced that by Sept 15th

the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmennumbering 100000 members will wakoJra demand upon the great railroad eye ¬

toms for an Increase of wages amount ¬

lug to more than a million dollar permonth and that telegraph operatorsall over the country aro organizingwith tbo same purpose In view If thoseevents are pulled off ae per scheduleyour uncle Ponty Morgans mergermay resemble a 15 cent beeftrust beef

eak before frost falls Glasgow

ft Timcsa


Tbft baptizing of the recant ooovartstook place Monday and Tutiday eye ¬

ningRid Brooks solos and occasional du ¬

etc with tome of the elderly ladleshave been as fascinating It seems asRid Berry eloquence In pulpit

A youthful run awayeouple fromCasey stooped at lintel Pcnnvbackcrlast week en route to Tennessee wherethey wore subsequently married Theirappearance here caused quito a com ¬

motionTheprotracted meeting at tbo Chris ¬

tlan church conducted by Elds Berryand Brooks of Lexington Bible Collogo closed Thursday evening So farthere are 10 addition + to the churchBd Berrys sermon To men onlySunday afternoon was well attendedand wo bear that his talk was an ex ¬

cellent one as Mr Derry sermons al-

ways are He Is eminently practicaland not In the least sensational

Mlet Ora Grlllln Is 111 of fover Clc ¬

are Murphy continues HI His troublehas developed Into typhoid fever Mrand Mri Morris Wall are contemplat ¬

ing moving to Burnilde Mlssss BflleWebb and Lola Floyd wont to Soraarset Sunday to attend tbo fair Mrs DM Crelghlon has returned from a protraetod visit to relatives In MissouriMrs W L MoCarty continues ill withbut little improvement since her re-

turn from Stanford Operator Crelgbtoo paid a brief visit to his bomefolkeMonday Mack Williams was downfrom Burgtn Miss Eva Uooob ofWaynesburg Is the guest of Mrs DrAoton


The editor of the Cout ler Journal la

a democrat Ho opposed the Bryanticket In 1800 as the reprresoniatlvo oftheories free sliver socalled beingtbo paramount Issue Ho supported tboBryan ticket In 1000 the free silver Issue being not only no longer para ¬

mount but practically ai dead at tboIssue of African slavery Nor Is thisthe whole of It In 1806 he bad an al-


ticket ns between tbo Bryanticket and the McKlnloy ticket In1000 the conditions changed and redue dio a choice between the two besupported the Bryan ticket He didnot support McKinley either la 1800or 1000 If he bad be would havo vlototaled 10 points of disagreement Infavor of but one taint of partial agree¬

mentInrevolutionary times men mutt of-

ten do as they can not as they wouldand whatever also It was the fusionmovement of 1800 In which the UnitedDemocracy of 1802 made common causewith tho silver republicans and thepopulists to tbo Infinite cost of thedemocrats waa a revolution TheStorm and strca of weather over theeditor of the Courler Journal alongwith the myriads of others who thoughtwith him preferred bit old party asso ¬

ciations much as they were opposed tosome of tbo now doctrines to republi ¬

canism They wore democrats not re ¬

publicans In a word tho currencyquestion settled there was no longerany radical difference among tboeogenuine democrats who coo In republi ¬

canism only another name for FederalUrn and Wblglsm dashed with modernrascality Courier Journal

Florida Recovers From Ravagesof Frost

Florida lit prosperous in ovarywayeald Senator Tallaforro recently

In two or three years tho orangegrowers of my State will bo sending asmuch fruit North as they did beforethe frost killed their groves Whilethe destruction of the groves was aterrible calamity to our people the rosuit has really proven boneQclal asthe now orange groves have been plant¬

ed south of the fcost line and u superiorfruit will bo grown

In Jacksonville where I live theresults of the fire of a tow years agohavo been almost entirely overcomeWe have built since the fire 2000houses In Jacksonville The flro de ¬

stroyed 2000 houses In almost everyInstance the now houses have cost twiceas much at the ones that wore burnedThey are built In a way to make a wide¬

spread conllagratlon unlikely In thyfuture In tho business section theyaro of brick and In places where framehouses have been built they have metalroofs and arc better built than tbo oldhouses

Tbo Weston Tobacco Journal hasthe following to say on the outlook oftobacco In Kentucky Tobacco hasImproved considerably but Is not In asatisfactory condition It 1s very Ir¬

regular some fields being fairly goodand others very poor The Burleydistricts report more favorable con ¬

ditions than the Dark Tobacco coup-

tics of the western section but thtcrop as a whole will bo far below theaverage In yield and quality Cuttinghas begun la the early fields


The following hot shots fromI

Judge Suuflava speech at HarrodeburgMonday eera to have hit Mr Hardingin tender spots judging by tbo wallhis organ tbo Dauville News makes

Ho has assailed me be said witha degree of venom and fury After hav ¬

ing bad the thumb screws put to himho confessed with the agony of a man I

parting from a drawn tooth that ho wasa defaulter In the campaign In whichMr Goobol was tbo nominee of thedemocratic party He pleads for by ¬

gones to bo bygones and polnta outmy frtznds in the crowd and calls themto account for thou utiltndo on the ell ¬

vor question Yes let bygone be by ¬

gone so tar as Mr Harding Is concern ¬

ed but let the coals bs kept burningand keep us over them

In that battle when truo and triedloader were needed most when dhal ¬

ter was Immtnopt when the party stoodod the brink of a volcano when menwere In doubt when democracy In Ken-tucky


seemed to be In Its loath throeswhen Goobsl was making his fightalone assailed by calumny ant Insultwith the moneyed corporations bandedto encompass his destruction when In ¬

timidation was attempted at tbo pollswith trickery and fraud to contendagainst at the ballot box Robert Hardlug stool back and gave aid and com-fort


to tho enemyWhen the year after you saw bow

the oat had jumped when tbo victorybad been woo without your help youcame bank and plead for harmony Thepeople were in support of Goebel whyoouid you not vote for them It wasthe conduetot suoh men actuated byonry and malice and spite that follow-ed


on the heels of William Goebel andhounded him to his death If It had notbeen for your anillatlon with and enconragementof those lawless moun ¬

taineers and assassins William Goobolwould bo alive today Instead of In hisgrave at Frankfort When you hadsown tbo wind and reaped the burr ¬

cane you came beak You said youwere bigger than your party I did notsay that I sacrificed my principles formy party To protcstniratasl the aCt

boltJudgedurlog the troubles which followed tbo as ¬

sassination of Goebel he bad Issued apaper giving his reasons for believingplotnoapprehend Taylor try convict andhang him Ho said from that momenta cabal had been determined upon hisdefeat If be ever again presented him-self


for rcelectlou Ho charged MrHarding with being tbo exponent ofthis cabal

IHYSIOUN AND DRUGGISTSdrugfirmSolgleoour customers Wo ordered three dozensayIlerbinthat we have duplicated this order threetimes and today we have your salesmananother order Wo bog to say Dr 0 BSnlgloy takes pleasure in recommendingDrugStore

airsThe fair secretaries association has

announced the following datesSomerset Sept 21 daysBardelown and Glasgow first week

In SeptemberEllzabethtown and Bowling GreenSeptemberInterstate

fourthweek In September

CURED PARALYSISW S Dally P O True Texas writes

My wife bad been uttering fivo yearswith paralysis In her arm when I waspersuaded to use Ballard Snow Llni ¬

ment which cur dlher all right I havealso used it for old sores frost bites andskin eruptions It does tho work 25cSOc and il bottle at Pennys Drug Store

Tho value of the coal mined In JapanIs almost equal to that of all other min ¬

orals combined It varies from thehardest anthracite to peat but thequality Is usually Inferior to that ofAmerican coal Modern machinery andmethods have been Introduced In theoperation of many mines

rMother Why Johnny your shirt Is

on wrongside out Youve been Inswimming again

Johnny Nom Ive bio turningsureIotIThe Friend I tought you said youcould lick him wld one hand tied ahlndyer back P

The Vanquished I kin but hewouldnt wait till I got mo hand tied

publicoltilIthis great statue Is 150 tonr 600 poundsof which are pure gold


Fire destroyed G W Lyoea furnl

NlobolllVUlII of the Redsection was found dead In bed

Mlno operators In Laurel county hir ¬ofIWin Fox of Dunnville while walllog a well was dangerously hurt by astone falling and crushing hla skullHis recovery Is doubtful

While digging with a pick prepara ¬

tory to building tbo foundation of ahouse at Mlddlceboro James Smith un ¬

earthed a body In a perfect state of petriflcatlon

Among the new attractions whichwill bo seen at the Knox County FairIs an exhibition of oil A sample ofeach grade of oil found In tbo Knox oilfluids will be on exhibition In the floralhall

Flro destroyed Stanfcl d Cos storeat Pleasant View entailing a loss of81200 and the Macoxetore and dwell ¬

ing Partially Insured Dynamite wasused to wreck the burning buildings tosave tho village

The Cllfty Creek Coal Co of Pulaekl county with 8160000 capital slockwas Incorporated at Frankfort J Aalmond of New York and O C GilUaple and J L Waddle of Somersetaro the chief stockholders

The unveiling of the handsome Con-federate


monument recently erected InSpring Hill Cemetery Harrodsburgby the Mercer Confederate veteransaided by liberal popular subscriptionstakes place on the afternoon of Sept 10

Mr Walter McCarthy who wasworking on tbo silo which the MessrsMcRoberts are building on their farmIn Lincoln county was hurt by a fly ¬

ing piece of a nail which struck him Intho eye It is thought that ho willlose the slghl News

The remains of Elias Elliott arrivedfrom North Dakota and were InterredIn Green River cemetery near Middleburg Deceased was twentytwo yearsold and was the son of Mr John J El ¬

liott a well todo farmer of Casey county Elliott was a cowboy on tbo West-ern plains and was thrown from hishorse in July receiving Injuries whichresulted fatally

A Mlddlcsboro dispatch says Falllag to flnd John Largec whitecaps inHancock county whipped his wife IntoInsensibility Largee was accused ofnumerous small offenses and generalworthlessness He beard that bo wasto be ridden on a rail and fled to thehills The whitecaps wore masks butMrs Largee recognized some of themand says sbo will prosecute

Rev W S Houohlns pastor of theCave nun Christian church near Burgin while splitting wood bad his beadalmost split open by the ax striking awlro stretched above him swervingthe course of the sharp Instrumentwhich struck his bead with full forcecutting a horrible gash He was car¬

tied into the bouso In an unconsciouscondition but la recovering-

A strange thing has happened In theTenuesso oil Hold The two Bob Barwells have been pumping 217 barrels ofoil a day steadily for two weeks Sud-


the yield of oil ceased and In ¬

stead of oil the wells aro pumping saltwater The Somerset companys twowells at Sunny Brook as suddenlyceased to yield oil havlnglfurnlahedover 200 barrels a day for the past twoor three weeks Oil men aro puzzled

Farmers near Arlington S D post ¬

ed and patrolled their stubble fields toprevent President Roosevelt eonTheodore Roosevelt Jr from huntingDogs were set on him at ono farm ¬

house where bo went for a drink of wa ¬


That Miss Goldrick seems to beawfully popular with the young men II

Popular Is no name for It Whydo you know her father has actuallygot out a prlntcdllform for decliningoffers for her hand

In tho Oldroyd Lincoln Museum InWashington one of the Interestingrelics Is tbo Bible which was used byAbraham Lincoln mother dally Thisvolume came from the press In 1703

Tho cost of the State UniversityMissouri for Its buildings books andother equipments 81300000 and theendowment bearing Interest at the rateof 6 or G per cent Is 81230003

Tho Qoly ho plantproduct ofMexico Central and South America isso called becauso of the shape of theflower which kai the appearance of adove with expanded wings

It takes a yearce ytd teIsland ofdayTheretako has not been made In tho count

The hardest wood Is not ebony butcocas It grows in the West Indiesand Is used for makl ng flutes and simi ¬

lar 1altrumeDt8ISeventyfive hundred out of 12000

I union carpenters In New York havestruck for more money


r 8 R m MII = t

IIs It Worth 200t

ltiI We mean the label in some of the wellknown lE

j 5 Hats All the goodness you can crowdlyj into a hat is not worth 3 We a It

a sell the best 3 hatM you can buy 2-

il f

1FallEat 4

fij IATjr-


Merchant Tailoring Cleaning Pressing and RepairinglIJImoney back It youre not satisfied

Te D MILLER DanvillB

tWarKU J

NOTICETo Country Merchants

a ++ 11 111111 J IJ1101 + o1o1 ++We arc 110W in the Wholesale Dry Goods Clothing and

Gouts Furnishing Goods and can save you from 15 to 20per cent on the dollar Terms 30 to 90 days Call on us be¬

fore buying DIen of Stanford and vicinity should

READ THE FOLLOWINGMens shoes worth 350 at 250 v

Mens shoes worth 175 at 125Mens shoes worth 150 at 9f5cMens 500 suits at 298Mens 750 suits at 448i °

Mens 1000 suits guaranteed tailormade650

Mens 1200 suits go at 750Mens 1500 suits well finished guaran ¬

tee fit tail rmade special price 925Boys suits at your own price Boys knee

pants worth 50c now at 19c

C Rosenstein CoSTANFORD KY

Superior Grain Drills I 1Special Features = Both wheels driverssolid steel frame each Jdisc and draw barindependent improved spring pressure

The King of the FieldIt has Imitators but no equal


J Sponges Soap and toilet Articles

Bargain Sale Now On

Craig Hocker STANFORD

11 iciiA preparation for eradicating the dis ¬

agreeable odors arising fromperspiration

It is a sure cure for the odors from perspiration on anyportion of tho body without injury to health or clothingAll the ingredients are perfectly harmless Prepared by



