1oxford esc – 1 st july03 gridpp2: application requirement & developments nick brook...

1 Oxford eSc – 1 st July’03 GridPP2: Application Requirement & Developments Nick Brook University of Bristol •ALICE •Hardware Projections •Applications Programme

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Page 1: 1Oxford eSc – 1 st July03 GridPP2: Application Requirement & Developments Nick Brook University of Bristol ALICE Hardware Projections Applications Programme

1 Oxford eSc – 1st July’03

GridPP2: Application Requirement & Developments

Nick Brook

University of Bristol•ALICE

•Hardware Projections

•Applications Programme

Page 2: 1Oxford eSc – 1 st July03 GridPP2: Application Requirement & Developments Nick Brook University of Bristol ALICE Hardware Projections Applications Programme

2 Oxford eSc – 1st July’03


• LHC experimental numbers based on ongoing re-assessment exercise– Computing Technical Design Reports due in 2005– Expts will be using LCG “system”

• Hardware and chosen middleware• Software tools – e.g. POOL for persistency

– Numbers include Tier-2 needs• Non LHC experiments also gave estimated forward

look– Based on MC production & analysis

• Expts are expecting a single, integrated Tier-1 centre

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• Expts are expecting a single, integrated Tier-1

centre • Short term LHC expts expect some form of

centralised planning via LCG project– Projection Execution Board Grid Deployment

Board– GridPP participation in LCG bodies

• GridPP will continue with annual h/w review– CPU vs Disk

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Ongoing Activities

Example: LHCb Data Challenge –

>40M events – 170 yrs on a 1GHz PC

~1/3 events produced in the UK

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Ongoing Activities

Current usage of Tier-1/A centre dominated by BaBar usage – 60% of CPU, 90% of disk

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• Bandwidth dominated by replication in analysis stage of data processing– Use of tools, such as OptorSim, to understand

networking– LHC expts need to understand computing &

analysis models– Early estimates factor of 5 increase

• Current problems with MC production & bulk transfer– Unrelated to SuperJANET– Often attributable to links into the MAN

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CPU estimates

• CPU resource reqts are equivalent to 14k 2.4GHZ dual processors running continuously

• LHC expts: ~65% need in 2004 >80% in 2007

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Disk Requirements

• 60% of disk reqts in 2004 for LHC expts• 70% of disk storage in 2007 for LHC expts

– Non-LHC expts still data taking – need disk for finishing analyses

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Tape Requirments

• Tape usage completely dominated by LHC usage – 90%• Large level uncertainty

– 2007: ATLAS ( 850TB) vs CMS (1150TB)

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Needs in 2004End 2003 GridPP2 2004

New CPUs 500

kSI2k 667

£k 500

Total kSI2k 1007 2395

New disks 624

TB 146

£k 437

Total TB 215 396

New tapes 510

TB 100

New drivers 2

New servers 2

£k 96

Total TB 256 376

ADS maintenance 50

Replacements 20

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Application Development

• Building on current collaborative activity– GANGA: ATLAS & LHCb– SAM: CDF & DØ– BaBar: adoption of EDG s/w

• Prototyping Production environment– Monte Carlo production activity Analysis

environment• Grid technologies becoming more widely accepted

across HEP commuity– “old” experiments – UKDMC, ZEUS, …– “new” activities – LCFI, MICE, …

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Application Development

• Similar pattern of needs emerge from all experiments (not too suprisingly!)– Storage & location of data

• Replication issues

– Monte Carlo production tools• Seen as an obvious area for “efficiency” savings

– Analysis interfaces• Intelligent bookkeeping of a user’s analysis activities

– Persistency solutions• Composite objects spread across several storage


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New Experiments

Experiment Proposed Activity

UKDMC MC ProductionAnalysis

ZEUS MC Production

phenoGrid Metadata

MICE MC productionData handling

ANTARES Data handling

CALICE Data handling

LC –ABD Metadata

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LHC experiments

Experiment Activity

ATLAS MC productionMetadataLCG integratiomPesistency & data management

CMS MC productionPersistency & data managementWorkload managementMonitoring

LHCb MC production MetadataLCG integrationPersistency & data management

GANGA (ATLAS & LHCb) Grid user interfaceLCG integrationMonitoring

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Non LHC expts

Experiment Activity

BaBar Job submissionData handlingPersistencyMC production

CDF MC productionSAM deployment

DØ MC productionSAM deployment

UKQCD Data handlingMetadata

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Application Call

• Essential continue to develop application interface through GridPP2– Expand activity to allow current none GridPP

supported expts to participate– Benefit from LCG developments

• Call for application posts – January’04 – Response by April– Reviewed à la GridPP (“Williams” committee)

• Expt activity in UK• Science o/p• Track record in Grid activity