1s-2s transition frequency measurements in atomic hydrogen

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Post on 06-Jan-2016




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1S-2S transition frequency measurements in atomic hydrogen. N. Kolachevsky. MPQ. The Team. Mobile fountain clock. Hydrogen. Michel Abgrall Daniele Rovera Christophe Salomon Philippe Laurent. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • 1S-2S transition frequency measurements in atomic hydrogenN. KolachevskyMPQ

  • HydrogenTheoryFrequency combMobile fountain clockOptical fiber linkChristian PartheyArthur MatveevJanis AlnisAxel BeyerNikolai KolachevskyRandolf PohlThomas UdemTheodor HncshTobias WilkenBirgitta BenhardtUlrich JentsBrett Altschul Michel AbgrallDaniele Rovera Christophe SalomonPhilippe LaurentKatharina PredehlStefan DrosteRonald HolzwarthHarald SchnatzGesine GroscheThomas LegeroStefan WeyersThe Team

  • Hydrogen Levels (n = 1, 2)BohrDiracQEDHyperfinestructure

  • Hydrogen Levels (n = 1, 2)BohrDiracQEDHyperfinestructure

  • Energy levelsSchrdinger: recoil: finite nuclear size:

  • Talk by Randolf Pohl, Monday

  • N. Kolachevsky et al., Opt. Lett. 36, 4299 (2011)

  • 972 nm diode laser with a 20 cm long external resonator and intra-cavity EOMBeat note diode - dye laserMaster oscillator

  • FP at zero expansion temperatureTypical drift @ Tc is of 50 mHz/sJanis Alnis

  • FP1-FP2 Allan deviationThermal noise limit

  • Fiber LaserI()Hydrogen maserStabilized optical fiberFP5DistributionamplifierWenzel Chain 4 5 5Wenzel Chain 4 5 5PLLPLLI()temperature stabilized1GHz1GHzComb-comb comparison setup250 MHzsystem100 MHzsystem1542 nm

  • Comb-comb comparison: result

  • In zero magnetic field B:known preciselyto be measured1420 405.751 768(1) HzOptical measurement of the 2S HFS

  • 2s HFS result - 2009N. Kolachevsky et al., PRL 102, 213002 (2009)FFK2009

    Frequency [Hz]Uncertainty [Hz]Averaged interval frequency177 556 835.36.2Line shape / temperature02AC Stark shift01.2DC Stark shift-11Magnetic fields00.5Total177 556 834.36.7

  • C.G. Parthey et al., PRL 107, 203001 (2011)

  • C.G. Parthey et al., PRL 107, 203001 (2011)

  • C.G. Parthey et al., PRL 107, 203001 (2011)

  • *Mobile fountain clock

  • Thank you for attention!C.G. Parthey et al., PRL 107, 203001 (2011)