1st john remembering who we are

1 John Everlasting Mercy Fellowship

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1 JohnEverlasting Mercy Fellowship

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Deep Waters

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Some Things Lie In Deep Waters

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Who Are You?

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The World’s Answer

According to Psychology Today writer Mel Schwartz, to even ask this question suggests than an answer exists.

The Philosophy that prevails today is that you’re born as a blank slate and then you begin this long, drawn out process of self discovery which never ends so therefore you can never know who you are?

Because of this, some people have come up with built-in excuses for their behavior such as “I’m still discovering myself”.

It is true that life is a journey but it doesn’t have to be a journey without a map or GPS.

It is true that we learn and discover new things throughout our days but this process is called maturation or simply getting older.

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God’s Answer

The bible does not teach that you are a mass of tissue wandering around a journey without a map. It teaches that God made man as a fixed creation with thoughts and actions that were known to Him. Our age is fixed – Job 14:5 Our hair is counted – Luke 12:7 Our purpose is declared – 1st Peter 4:10-11 Our heart is known – Acts 15:8 Our past, present and future are fixed –

Isaiah 46:9 God knows us COMPLETELY! – Psalm 139:1-4

1 O LORD, you have searched me and known me! 2

You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. 3 You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. 4 Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.

With this, let’s examine todays text.

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1st John 2:28-3:24

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Systematic Breakdown

We are to abide in Him meaning that we are to live, move and have our being in such a way that when Jesus returns, we won’t be ashamed (see 1st John 2:28-29; Acts 17:28).

Who are you? A person created to Live, move and have your being

We are not born as but instead are given the privilege of being called Children of God who have a hope in resurrection in which we will be as He is. This privilege comes with the responsibility of behavior (see 1st John 3:1-3).

Who are you? A person created to Live, move and have your being in a manner that respects

your privileged position.

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Systematic Breakdown

Once we’re called by God to be His children, we should not keep living lives that are sinful. Though we sin, we are not to abide in sin nor make a practice of it but instead should practice doing what is right (see 1st John 3:4-10).

Who are you? A person created to Live, move and have your being in a manner that respects

your privileged position which was given to you in order that you would do what is right.

We are to love one another unlike Cain who didn’t do the right thing and killed his brother (see Genesis 4:8). The world is very much like Cain, hating what is right and doing what is wrong. Hating and murder are equivalent and whoever engages in either will not inherit eternal life (see 1st John 3:11-15).

Who are you? A person created to Live, move and have your being in a manner that respects

your privileged position which was given to you in order that you would do what is right. Your actions should be distinct from those of the world.

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Systematic Breakdown

Jesus laid His life down for us and we should do likewise and lay our lives down for our brothers. We do this by being generous to the family of God and giving out of what we have been given. By doing this, we show proof that we are truly Children of God (see 1st John 3:16-18).

Who are you? A person created to Live, move and have your being in a manner that respects

your privileged position which was given to you in order that you would do what is right. Your actions should be distinct from those of the world. They should be sacrificial and generous. This shows proof that we are respecting our position as God’s children.

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Systematic Breakdown

In addition, there will be times of failure, doubt and guilt. We can be reassured by understanding that God is greater than our emotions. Furthermore, we please God when we do right, love one another and obey His commandments. His response is to give to us good things and to seal us with His Holy Spirit (see 1st John 3:1924).

Who are you? A person created to Live, move and have your being in a manner that respects

your privileged position which was given to you in order that you would do what is right. Your actions should be distinct from those of the world. They should be sacrificial and generous. This shows proof that we are respecting our position as God’s children. Furthermore, by doing right, loving one another and obeying God’s commandments, we are rewarded with His goodness towards us and have our salvation sealed by His Holy Spirit.

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Next Week

Next weeks sermon will be titled: “Family Likeness” and will be based on 1st John 3:4-10.

We will be having a special Christmas Eve morning service on Saturday, the 24th of December at 11AM.