1st sunday advent a

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  • 8/14/2019 1st Sunday Advent A


    Yeor27 No.22STPAULSMEDIAff i

    t st Sundoy fAdvenl A) - Violet December,2013

    Alive, \l efr,Awake,nthusiastil s a s e m i n a r i a n , l w o u l d

    Afaci I tate ec olect ions orhigh school tudents nd oneicebreakerrememberowell isthe song l'm alive,alert, wake,enthusiastic."tudentsould bedivided nto four groups, achgroupassigned word from hesong.The students ould henstandup wheneverheirwordcame up as we sang.After hesong, hestudents ereall alive,alert, wake, ndenthusiastic,otto mention anting ndperspiringfrom he kick heygotout of theson8.The song apturesne o theimportanthemes f hisSunday'sCospeleading.n ourexamples,it highlightsheneed or steadfastvigilance.he 'rsfexamples hatof Noah.People uringhis imewere oengrossedn heordinarydaily act iv i t ies nd concerns("eating nddrinking,marryingandgiving n marriage").hereis no th ingwrongwi th thesenormaleveryday ctivitiesandtheattitude f "businesssusual"in themselves.t was hepeople'sl a c k o f v i g i l a n c e n d t h e i runpreparednesshateventuallycaughthemby surprise nd edto their uin.Thesecon and hirdexamplesre imilar. f two menin the fieldandof two womengr ind inghemi l l , onewi l l betaken,and one wii l be left ."Exteriorly,othwill bedoing hesame hing.Whatdistinguishesthe two charactersrom eachothermust e nternal. gain,hedifferenceresumablys hatoneisready ndalert,whilb heotherisnot.This sexplicitly ssertedn

    the ext: Therefore,taY wake "fhe fourth and lastexamPleagainunderscoreshe need orwatchful igi ance, specialy foran eventualityhat s unknown,l ike he coming f the hief nthenight.A lot of people rehurrying'Teenagersurry o be adults;studentsreanxiouso graduateandwant o work.Withhurryingcomeswor ry ing .One wr i te rperceptibly emarkedhat hecanwrite hebiographYf manYpeopleryith hreewords:H.urry,Worry,Bury.TheGospel odaYis a reminderhatnot everythingcan be rushed. he Lordcannotsimplybe fitted o our timetableand at our convenience. e donot knowwhenhe wi l l come.He comes, s hesongwe like osingn church aysnin his ime."O u r w o r l d t o d a y s a l s odistractedysomanyhingsikea cryingbaby s by the shakingof a rattle. heonly differencesthat nstead f a rattle,we havetodaymanymodern adgetsndtoys,manygames nd so-calledamusements,hatwe caneasilYbedistracted.herewasPlantss

    Zombies,henTemPleRunandfollowed y Beieweledndothercomputer ames.Now CandYCrushs hehottest raze.Will itbe hecase f twomenwatchingtheir avorite e/enove/a,newill be aken nd he otherwillbe left?Or will it be the case ftwo teenagerso busY witting,onewill be takenawayand h'eotherwil l be left?While heremaynotbeanything rongwiththesen themselves,heY anbeall ooconsumingnd ullus ntosluggishnertnesso hatwe failto welcbmeheLordwho knocksat ourhearts.Lastmonth, received textmessagehichgoes: A eenagerwent o a wisemanand askedhim, Whatis the best ime opray?'The man replied, Thebest ime to pray s beforeYoudie. ' The teenager rotested,'Bu t , nobodyknowswhen Iwill die t cancomeanytime rany moment ' o this, he wisemanresponded,Youareright.Death.canome nytime ndanYmomento anyone.So, he besttime o pray s alwaYs."What canbe saidof PraYercan be saidof vig i lance. heLord can come knock ingato u r d o o r sa n y t i m e n d a nYmoment.Therefore, e mustremainsteadfastnd constantin our vigi lanceor the Lord'scoming .The messagef theGospel trai ht{orwardlyollers:"Stav wake "Remain teadfastlYvigi[antlBe alive,alert,awake,andenthusiastic.

    - Fr.Victor S.Nicdao

  • 8/14/2019 1st Sunday Advent A


    Entranc* AntiphonlCf.Ps25(24):r-31&ecitedwhenheresnoopeningottg)

    sins,andbringus oeverlastinglife.All-Arnen.ffheGlonahnifted.)Collect

    O houseof Jacob, ome,letus walk in the light of the lnno-The word of the Iord.All -Thanks be to God.R*sponsqlriai lsalm (ps122)R - Let us go rejoicing tothe house of the Lord.

    E.C. MarforiA c F cffiW

    Let us go re- oic-ing to the^ | e, c% house of the Lord.1. I rejoicedbecausehey saidto me,/ "\Mewill go up to thehouseof the lnno."/ And nowwe have set foot/ within yourgates,OJerusalem.@)2. Jerusalem,built as a city/with compactof uni8/ To itthe tribes go up,/ the tribes ofthe Lono.(R)

    3. According to the decreeforIsrael,/ to give thanks to thenameof the l-ow./ In it aresetup judgment seats,/ seats orthe houseof David.@)4. Pray for the peace ofJerusalem / May those wholoveyou prosper / May peacebe within your walls,/ prosperity in your buildings. @)5. Becauseof mybrothers andfriends/ I will say, "Peacebewithin you " Becauseof thehouseof the Lono,our God,/ Iwill pray for your good. (R)Secluii,iReacling(Rom13:11-14)Now hat hey izaecceptedhefaith in Christ,Paulremindshebeli.euershat t istirne oawahefromslumbernd iaehonorablyaschildrenofGod.A readingfrgm the ktter ofSaint Paul to the RomansBROTHERSndsisters:Youknow hetime; t is thehour now for you to awakefrom sleep.For our salvationis nearernowthanwhenwe

    To you, I lift my soul, Omy God. fn you, I havetrusted; let me not be put toshame.Nor let my enemiesqmlt over me; and let nonewho hope in you be put toshame.t-rreettn$(Thesignof thecrosssnadehere)P - The graceof our LordJesusChrist, andthe loveofGod,and hecommunion f heHolySpiritbewithyouall.AII-And with your spiriti . i rt i , i ;* i ' t t j ; i(Maybe eadusinghaeorother imilarwords)P -Today, we open a newliturgical year. Advent, whichmeans "coming," is a t imeof preparation for the Lordrscoming. May we have.thisdisposition as we start a newstageof our pilgrimage.- . . . . . " . . , . . . , L J -

    P - Brethren (brothersandsisters),etusacknowledgeursinsandsoprepare urselvesocelebratehesacredmysteries.(Pause)P - Lord Jesus, ou tell usto be preparedbecause ouarecomingat a time we leastexpectLord,havemercy.All - Lord, havemercy.P - LordJesus,t is now hehourforus oawakeromsleep,for thenight of sin is overandthe day drawsnear:Christ.havemercy.All - Christ, havemercy.P - LordJesus,wemustcastoff deedsof darkness, nd ivehonorablyas n daylight lord,havemercv.All1Lord, havemercy.P - May almightyGodhavemercyon us, forgiveus our

    P -Letus pray. Pause)Grantyour aithful,wepray,almightyGod, he resolve orun forth to meetyour Christwith righteousdeedsat hiscoming,so that,gatheredathis right hand, hey maybewortlyto possessheheavenlyKingdom.Through our Lord JesusChrist, ourSon,who ivesandrelgns with you in the unity ofthe HolySpirit,oneGod, oreverandever.All -Arnen.

    Isaiahprophesiesbout hemessianicimewhenall peopteswill comeogethern the -ordbname.At that time,warswillceasend herewill bepeace.A reading from the Book ofthe Prophet IsaiahTHIS IS what Isaiah,son ofAmoz,sawconcerning udahandJerusalem.In days o come,hemoun-tain of the [,ono'shouseshallbe established sthe highestmountainand aisedabovehehills.All nationsshallstreamtoward t; manypeoples hallcomeandsay: Come,et usclimbthe lnnnfsmountain.othehouseof theGodofJacob,thathe may nstructus n hisways,andwe maywalk in hispaths."ForfromZionshallgoforthinstruction,and he wordof heLonpAomJerusalem. eshalljudgebetweenhenations, ndimposeermsonmanypeoples.They shallbeattheir swordsinto plowshares nd theirspearsntopruninghooks; nenationshallnotraise heswordagainstanother,nor shall heytain for waragain.

    First Reading [Is 2:1-5] (Srt)

  • 8/14/2019 1st Sunday Advent A


    first believed; he night isadvanced,he day s at hand.I,etus then hrowoff theworksof darkness ndput on thearmorof light; let us conductourselvesroperlyas nthe day,notin orgies nddrunkenness,not in promiscuityand ust,not in rivalry and ealousy.Butput on the LordJesusChrist,and makenoprovision or thedesires f the lesh.-The wordof the Lord.Atl - Thanks be to God.l\llr:lui:l [Cf.Ps85:816tanAAll - Alleluia, alleluia.Show us, Lord, your loveland grant us your salvation.Alleluia, alleluia.(ir.rspc, Mt24:3744)P -The Inrd bewith you.All-And with your spirilP - A reading from the holyGospelaccording to MatthewAll - Glory to you, O I-ord.JESUS aid o his disciples:Asitwas in the daysof Noah, so twill beatthe coming of the Sonof Man. In those days beforethe flood, they were eating anddrinking, marrying and givingin marriage,up to the day'thatNoah entered he ark..Theydidnot know until the flood cameand carried them all away. Sowill it be also at the coming ofthe Son of Man. Two men willbe out in the field: onewill betaken; and onewill be left. Twowomen will be grinding at themill: onewill be taken, andonewillbe left.

    "Therefore, stay awake Foryou do not know on which dayyour Inrd will come.Be sureofthis: if the master of the househad known the hour of nightwhen the thief was coming, hewould have stayed awake andnot let his house be brokeninto. So, oo, you alsomust beprepared, or at anhour you donot expect,the Son of Man willcome."- The Gospelof the l.ord.AII - Praise to you, ItrdJesus Christ.

    Str:neily Sit)[:'roiessionoi Xraith SfunAAJI - I believe in one God,the Father atmighty' maker ofheaven and earth, of all thingsvisible and invisible.I believe in one Lord JesusChrist, the Only Begofien Sonof God, born of the Fatherbefot'e all ages. God from God'Iigltfrom Iiglrt true Godfromtrue God, begotten, not made,consubstantial with the Father;through him all things were.made. For us men and for oursalvation he came dov,'n fromheaven,iili tltt u;rtrdshat cilitLti, lt to antli:ttirrriit;gnd recanievtan,tLI ow)and by the Holy SPirit wasincarnate of the Virgin MarYand became man.F o r o u r s a k e h e w a scrucified under Pontius Pilate'he suffered death and wasburied, and rose again on thethird day in accordance withthe Scriptures. He ascendedinto heaven and is seated attheright hand of the Father. He willcome again in glory to iudgethe living and the dead and hiskingdom will have no end.I believe in the HolY SPirit'the Lord, the giver of life, whoproceeds from the Father andtlie Son, who with the Fatherand the Son is adored andglorified, who has sPokenthroug the prophets.I be l ieve in one, holY,catholic and apostolic Church.I confess one Baptism for theforgiveness of sins and I lookforward to the resurrectionof the dead and the life of theworld to come. Amen.t"rayer af. lhr: FaitfifirlP -Atthe startof the iturgicalyear, we feel more deePlYhesenseof being on a "journeYto the Father." Holding fast toChrist, let us pray for the graceof authentic conversion. ,etus pray:R - Father, hear our Prayer.C - That the Church and itsleaders may see the Adventseasonas anacceptable ime ofsalvationand invite all peoplesto join in the great pilgrimageto the house of the Father, wepray: @)

    C - That warring familiesand peoples may lay downtheir arms andseekpeaceandreconciliation,we pray: (R)C - That those.urtder thepower of darknessmay seelight and abandon a life ofdrunkenness,sexual excess,quarreling, and jealousy,wepray: (R)C - That the handicapped,the sick, the hungry, and thevictims of calamityand njusticemay find consolation rom theLord and support from hisgenerouspeople,we pray:@)C - That the Lord maYwelcome into the joY of hiskingdom our beloveddePartedones,we pray: @)P - Father,bless us duringthis seasonof Advent.Be withus always,andkeepus in Yourloving care.Through Christ,your Son.All - Amen.

    Pre:sentafionof the Gifts(StanilP - Pray,brethren...Alt - May the I-ord accePtthe sacrifice at your handsfor the praise and gfloryof hisnalne, for our good, and thegood of all his holy Church.Pral'er over the OtferingsP - Accept, we pray, O lnrd,these offer ings we make,gathered from among Yourgifts to us, and nay what Yougrant us to celebrate devoutlYherebelowgain or us the Prizeof eternalredemption.Through Christ our Lord.All-Ameir.Preface I of AdventP -The Lordbewithyou.All -And with your spirit.P - Uft upyourhearts.All -We lift them uP to theLord.P - lt usgivethanks o theInrd ourGod..All-Itis rigfttand just

  • 8/14/2019 1st Sunday Advent A


    P - It is truly.right and ust,our duty and our salvation.alwaysand everywhere to giveyou thanks,Lord, holy Father,almighty and eternal God.through Christ our lnrd.For he assumedat his firstcoming he lowlinessof humanflesh,andso ulfilledthe designyou formed long ago, andopened or us thewayto eternalsalvation,hat,when he comesagain n glory and majestyandall is at last mademanifest.wewho watch for that day mayinherit the great promise inwhich nowwe dare o hope..And so, with Angels andfuchangels, with Thrones andDominions, and with all thehostsandPowersofheaven,wesingthe hymn of your glory, aswithout end we acclaim:AJI - Holy, Holy, Hoty LordGodof hosts.Heavenand earthare full of your glory. Hosannain the highest. Blessed is hewho comesin the name of theLord. Hosanna in the highgsl(Kneet)

    Acclamation (Stand)All - We proclaim yourDeath, O Lord, and professyour Resurrection until youcome again.

    All - Our Father...P - Deliverus,Lord.All - for th" nigOom, tfr"power, and the glory areyours, now and for ever.Invitation to PeaceInvitation to Communion(Knee[)

    my roof, but on$ saytre wordand my soul shall be healed.Communion AnfiphonlPs85 (Sa);131The Lord will bestow hisbounty, and our earth shallyield its increase.Prayer afrterCommunion$tunAP -ltuspray. (pause)May thesemysteries,O Lord.in which we have participated,proflt us,wepray, or evennowaswewalk amidpassing hings,you teachusby themto love hethingsofheaven ndhold asttowhat endures.Through Christ our l,ord.All - Amen.

    P -The Lord be with you.All - And with your spirit.Solemn BlessingP - Bowdown or theblessing.(Pause)

    May the almighty andmerciful God,by whosegrace

    you have placedyour faith inthe First Coming of his OnlyBegotten Son and yearn forhis coming again, sanctifr youby the radiance of Christ'sAdvent andenrich you with hisblessing.Atl- Amen.P - As you run theraceof thispresent ife, may he makeyoufirm in faith, oyful in hopeandactive n charity.All - Amen.P - So haf rejoicingnowwithdevotion at the Redeemer,scomingin the flesh,you maybeendowedwith the rich rewardof eternal life when he comesagain n majesty.All - Amen.P - And may the blessingofalrnighty God, the Father. andthe Son,(t) andthe Holy Spirit,comedown on you and remainwith you for ever.AII-Amen.DismissalP - Go forth, the Mass sended.AII - Thanks be to God.

    P - Beholdthe Iamb of God.behold him who takes awavthe sins of the world. Blesseiare those called to the supperof the lamb.All - I-ord, I am not worfirvthat iou should enter under


    LAtryCHURCH,NDMtSStONA Year f theLaityCatechesisFr. ames .Kroeger, M

    lntrod,wcinghe"yenroJ heLnltg,,. As he Churchbegins new liturgicaln[ our focus urns o thedesignatedheme or reflection: aiiy n he'Mission f the church.ln.thenine-yearchemaof.the hilippineBish;;s (CBCp)eadingo"the gret ubileeof 202 ,,,thesecond ear(ZOi+) sdevoted o-theroleof the aity n heChurch.^, Ihg year 2O2 will be."the fifth cenrenary f the comingofChristianityo our beloved.lad,, ISZI-2O21). oadequately reiarefor thisevent,he Church ecided'o ,trnbarkon a nine_yearpiritualjoull9y... lt isa grace-filledventof blessingsor the Churchj,- -- -Thiscomprehensiveisionof renewalsloundedon the pillarsof"faith"and"evangelization."e need o ask:what is he roleof faith-filled aity n evangelization?owdo the laity iue,pro.Lim, ;,;;;r,and ransmitChrist's ospelo humanity? owcan he aity acilitatethe 'bpeningup of people,sives, ocieiy, ulture, andhistory o theperson f Christ ndhis iving ommunity,heChurch,,?

    The l.ordns Praver

    SAMBUHAyubscriprionffioTels.:895-9201o04. DL ggi-7222 F.: 0/2)890_7iir l-,'r'laiiPaulRoad, anAnronio illage, 203 rlakati it [email protected]:aulJ,Marquez,Si Manag ing di tor rD indoD. pur to , : : : ,p S ia i i :Br ian . Tayag, SP,MichaMigue lCompetente,Spsr4