2. literature review -...

CHAPTER-2 19 2. Literature review 2.1 Biosphere The biosphere is the aggregate of the earth’s self- regulating ecosystems that continuously interact with the lithosphere, hydrosphere and stratosphere governed by the natural forces (Vernadsky, 1998). This biosphere is postulated to have been evolving for more than 3.5 billion years, through a process of biogenesis or biopoiesis (Campbell et al., 2006). This biogenesis has started with the evolution of unicellular microorganisms and then expanded to multicellular microorganisms fungi, and the process of evolution had been in place on this earth for nearly 4 billion years. These microbial organisms including both unicellular and multicellular organisms are capable of exploiting a vast range of energy sources for their growth and survival in every habitat including the habitats of extremes of heat, cold, radiation, pressure, salt, acidity and darkness. So, the microorganisms had been working in these habitats for over 2 billion years preparing the ground for the evolution of higher order life forms like insects, animals, plants and ultimately the humans. Although there are diverse life forms existing in this biosphere, the microbial populations are estimated to constitute 50% of the living protoplasm thriving on this earth’s biosphere (Whitman et al., 1998). So the microbial populations in the biosphere represents the richest repertoire of molecular and chemical diversity in the nature and hence they serves as the basis for the sustenance of life in this biosphere, through their interactions and associations with the higher order life forms like, plants, animals and human beings. The richness of the biosphere is seen through diverse life forms and the dynamic natural forces resulting in the ever changing face of the biosphere.

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2. Literature review

2.1 Biosphere

The biosphere is the aggregate of the earth’s self- regulating ecosystems

that continuously interact with the lithosphere, hydrosphere and

stratosphere governed by the natural forces (Vernadsky, 1998). This

biosphere is postulated to have been evolving for more than 3.5 billion

years, through a process of biogenesis or biopoiesis (Campbell et al., 2006).

This biogenesis has started with the evolution of unicellular

microorganisms and then expanded to multicellular microorganisms fungi,

and the process of evolution had been in place on this earth for nearly 4

billion years.

These microbial organisms including both unicellular and multicellular

organisms are capable of exploiting a vast range of energy sources for their

growth and survival in every habitat including the habitats of extremes of

heat, cold, radiation, pressure, salt, acidity and darkness. So, the

microorganisms had been working in these habitats for over 2 billion years

preparing the ground for the evolution of higher order life forms like

insects, animals, plants and ultimately the humans. Although there are

diverse life forms existing in this biosphere, the microbial populations are

estimated to constitute 50% of the living protoplasm thriving on this earth’s

biosphere (Whitman et al., 1998). So the microbial populations in the

biosphere represents the richest repertoire of molecular and chemical

diversity in the nature and hence they serves as the basis for the sustenance

of life in this biosphere, through their interactions and associations with the

higher order life forms like, plants, animals and human beings. The

richness of the biosphere is seen through diverse life forms and the dynamic

natural forces resulting in the ever changing face of the biosphere.

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2.2 Role of microbes in the sustenance of life

The earth has the reservoirs of life forms at various locations in the

ecological domains for the sustenance of biosphere. One of those important

life reservoirs comes as the diverse microbial flora that can be revived and

sustained by the soil along with other natural forces in the biosphere. These

microbial flora has the capability to recycle the nutrients, produce and

consume gases that affect global climate, destroy pollutants, treat our

wastes and they can be used even for biological control of plant and animal

pests (Kalia et al., 2007a). Because of these peculiar properties, the

microorganisms from different explored and unexplored ecological niches

were isolated repeatedly all over the world for the novel microbial strains

with special characteristics like secondary metabolites for e.g., antibiotics,

hydrogen, methane, bioplastic, enzymes, etc. Along with these characters

other properties can be established that may be beneficial for improving the

products and services to the mankind and the environment (Kalia et al.,

2000; Kalia et al., 2003a; Kalia et al., 2003b; Kalia et al., 2007a; Kalia et

al., 2007b). So, the ecological studies on microbes were made continuously

to understand the diversity of microorganisms and how micro-organisms

interact with each other and with their environment to generate and

maintain such diversities (Konstantinidis et al., 2006) and subsequently use

those studies as key concepts for the creation of novel products and services

to serve the mankind and the society.

2.3 Microbial diversity

Microbial organisms had been evolving every day since the biogenesis

depending on the ecological variations subjected to the climatic conditions,

habitat conditions, radiation, alkalinity, acidity, availability of nutrients, air

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and its constituents, geographic locations, and so on. In other words, these

ecological factors influence microbial activities and play very important

roles in determining the dynamics of micro-organisms in natural

environments (Fenchel, 2005). So the scientists have been studying the

microbial organisms isolated from various habitats with the existing

permutations and combinations of the various environmental parameters

discussed above, at that given point of time, for their identification and

characterization. In this way there had been the huge database of isolated

microbial flora all over the world by various scientists at different point of

times. In spite of this huge data accumulated, there are still unknown

microbial flora existing in the reserve of biosphere, cultivated and exposed

by the nature in the soil, water bodies and the air as per the needs,

sustenance and maintenance of life on the planet earth. Considering this

universal fact, the research had been pursued to isolate the microbial flora

from various habitats and various experiments were conducted to

understand the diversity of microorganisms in terms of variations in

microbial metabolism, structural components, morphological and genetic


2.4 Habitats of microbial populations

Microbial life forms can thrive in every possible place on this earth where

the essential elements of the life, like water, carbon source and nitrogen

source along with the trace elements are available. Depending on the

amount of nutrients present, the survival and growth of microbial cultures

of diverse species can thrive to the extent that is possible at any given point

of time. So the habitats of microbial organisms are explored by scientists

all over the biosphere (Fenchel 2005) as discussed below.

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2.4.1 Soil

Soil is defined as the layers of minerals drawn from the small rocky particles

and sediments, over a period of time by various factors like, wind, water

etc., having their characteristic texture, structure, color and chemistry. In

other words, the soil is the unconsolidated or loosely bound layer of fine

rock particles that cover the surface of the earth as part of the lithosphere

(Birkeland 1999). So the soil forms a structure filled with pore spaces and

can be considered as a mixture of solids, water, and air (gas) (Taylor and

Ashcroft 1972). Accordingly, soils are often treated as a three-state system

(McCarty and David 2006) and most of the soils have a density between 1

and 2 g/cm³ (http://www.pedosphere.com/ ).

On the basis of volume, a good quality soil contain sand slit and clay as

minerals of 45% and 5% organic material including both live and dead life

forms along with 25% water and 25% air. The content of mineral remain

mostly constant in the soil while the organic contents, water and air are the

variable parameters where the increase in one of these components is

balanced by the reduction in the other component(s). So the organic matter

of the soil sprouts the microbial growth in association with the other

elements of the soil depending on the climatic and favorable conditions as

directed by the nature (Frank et al., 2011). If unfavorable conditions arise

in the form of change in the composition and physiochemical conditions of

the soil the microbial organisms will cease their metabolic activities and

slip in to the dormant stages like spore formations, and frozen conditions.

This cyclic phenomena of microbial life forms in the soil along with the

other higher order life forms makes the soil as one of the best choices for

the isolation of novel microbial organisms depending on the geological

position and the climatic conditions ( Ajay et al., 2007; Eichorst et al., 2007;

Stephanie et al., 2012; Bahig et al., 2008; Srivasthava et al., 2009).

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2.4.2 Water bodies

Water is the major constituent of the life systems in this biosphere and there

are various type of water bodies like, oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, aquifers,

hot springs where the life forms can be found. Most of these water bodies

contain various minerals and nutrients that have been brought by various

forces of the nature and these nutrients and minerals support the life forms

in these water bodies along with other sources of energy like radiation from

the sun. Since the time of biogenesis these larger water bodies have been

cultivating diverse species of microbial flora (French et al., 1987; Morris et

al., 2002) compared to the other species of higher life forms. In addition to

the geographical locations, the changes in the climatic conditions and the

dynamic nature of the earth, the microbial organisms are revived and

cultivated by these water bodies (Saleem et al., 2011; Hussin et al., 2011;

Velankar 1957) and at the same time they also preserve these microbial life

forms in the sediments till the favorable conditions.

In addition to these natural water bodies, there are many man made water

bodies like artificial ponds, lakes, dams, canals, drainages, water treatment

plants etc. (Kumar et al., 2012; Biswapriya et al., 2012; Vessoni et al., 2002;

Kehinde et al., 2008; Selvi et al., 2012). All these man made artificial water

bodies and drainages from various industries and cities also has vast

collection of microbial organisms deposited by the nature forces like, wind,

rains, volcanic eruptions etc., either by a sole or in combination. In addition

the availability of diverse nutrients in association of water revives diverse

microbial organisms depending on the ambient physiological conditions.

All these water bodies with their unique characters towards the microbial

flora lures the scientists for the search of novel microbial organisms

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(Fenchel 2005; Campbell et al., 2006; Purohit et al., 2007; Tiquia et al


2.4.3 Air

Microbial organisms being the lighter forms of biomass, have been carried

away by the wind or air depending on the dynamic conditions of the earth.

Air of the atmosphere also got water in the form of water vapor as one of

the main constituents and this water content along with the available gases

and organic aerosols in the presence of energy sources like sun’s radiation

can sustain the life forms (Bovallius et al., 1978). Further the climatic

changes on the earth drives the air from one location to the other depending

on the variation in energy levels (Fulton and Mitchell 1966). In this process

the air also erodes the nutrients and minerals from the lithosphere and use

them as the nutrition to cultivate microbial flora. In addition, the volcanic

eruptions also throw various nutrients and gases in to the atmosphere along

with the hidden microbial flora either in live or spore forms. So all these

dynamics of air combined with the other physiological and climatic

conditions along with the human activities revive the microbial organisms

and transport these life forms from one geographical location to the other

(Heidelberg et al., 1997; Rahkio and Korkeala 1997; Jericho et al., 2000;

Amy et al., 2005; Kang and Frank 1989; Chasseignaux et al., 2002). Hence

the air also considered as one of the choices for isolating some air born

microbial species from time to time.

2.4.4 Host organisms

In the biosphere there are various diverse life forms starting from the

unicellular microorganism to multicellular organisms of plant and animal

kingdom to the most complex organisms such as the humans (Desissa et al.,

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2009; Feng et al., 2011; Denise et al., 2002; Ishimaru et al., 2001).

Microbial organisms being the smallest life forms can grow in the higher

order life forms either in the symbiotic way or in the parasitic way or may

be as pathogens invading the other life forms (Julien et al., 2003; David

1991; Casper 1934). In such host systems the microbial organisms can grow

themselves as the nutrients can be derived easily from the host organisms.

Although there are diverse species of higher order life forms as per the

changes in the geographical locations, and the climatic conditions, the

microbial organisms make themselves adapted to the diverse situations and

the climatic conditions, and thrives to and make the largest diversity of life

forms on the earth. In this process some of the microbial species have

become part of the higher order life forms and keep surviving in the host

organism throughout its life time; in some cases the microbial organisms

have become the pathogenic organisms causing diseases to the host

organisms (Toth et al., 2006; Midekssa 2011; Drancourt et al., 2000;). In

other cases some of the microbial species do the recycling work of the

nutrients from the dead life forms in to the nutrient pool of the biosphere.

In all these situations there lies the opportunities for the researchers to

isolate the novel microbial organisms that can be used for various purposes

in the industries, institutions and the academia. One of the best practiced

microbial isolations were seen as the clinical isolates of pathogenic

microbial organisms from the infected humans or animals in health centers

of the society (Drancourt et al., 2000; Sujatha et al., 2011).

2.4.5 Caves

During the formation of landscapes on the earth since the last 4 billion

years, the dynamics of the earth’s natural forces made the formation of

caves in the lithosphere. These caves have been under exploration every

day all over the world and has brought the new insights of the ancient

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microbial samples that got preserved in the rocky layers of the soil

(Filomena et al., 2012; Barton et al., 2004; Laiz et al., 1999). Caves are

considered to be the most undisturbed areas from the natural physiological

changes and free from the erosion process. These caves are not the every

body’s choice of microbial isolation habitats, but they are being explored

by a very few scientists who are adventurous and driven by passion to

identify the novel microbial strains. In this direction, though such kind of

adventurous and exploration projects are risky in nature, especially the

young scientists and engineers have been willing to take up such projects

and the findings have been excellent as they have added some new species

and genera the existing microbial world. So there are some caves explored

specifically to find the appropriate strains that could produce the antibiotics

and the required medicine for the known and unknown diseases for humans

and animals (Bhullar et al., 2012; Barton et al., 2001; Northup et al., 2003).

2.4.6 Polar ice caps

The polar ice caps of the earth, has the extreme weather conditions with

two type of seasonal changes, one being the winter and the other being the

summer. However there had been the life forms both at micro and macro

levels adopted to these extreme physiological and climatic conditions

(Bowman et al., 1997). There would be a complete freezing of the

vegetation, sea and the other life forms subjected to extreme low

temperature breezes triggering complete ice covering of the land and

mountain ranges. But then some of the life forms still thrive in these

extreme cold conditions especially like seal fish-tiger, polar bear and on

microscopic scale there would be the growth of psychrophilic

microorganisms both on the land and underwater sea in association with the

macroscopic life forms (Boyd 1967; Olson et al., 1998). In the next season

there would be the sunny atmosphere melting the ice caps to certain extent

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making the way for vegetation to start growing, and reviving the other

frozen life forms. In addition there would be the visiting life forms like

penguins, seal, whales, birds etc. through the sea waters from one continent

to the other. These visiting life forms also bring diversified microbial flora

along with them across the continents. So all these nature driven activities

at the polar ice caps of Arctic and Antarctic continents cultivate

extremophiles of microbial organisms from time to time as desired by the

nature (Dancer et al., 1997; Junge et al., 1998; Thompson et al., 1998).

Hence these polar caps also make one of the best choices for the scientists

to look for the novel microbial organisms and species that may produce

new products and services for the mankind.

Apart from these above discussed habitats, the microbial organisms can

also be found in many other natural and manmade habitats that are

discovered and made at different points of time.

2.5 Lipase producing microbial organisms

All the life forms in the biosphere possesses lipase as per the needs of the

biochemical reactions being carried out on routine basis and for the special

purposes of lipid metabolism (Rubin and Dennis 1997a; Rubin and Dennis

1997b). Since the lipases produced in these biosystems are part of the

sequential biochemical reactions there would be a limited life span and

activity of these special biomolecules. So as per the design and purpose

every biomolecule in the biosphere has the life cycle and then it would

eventually be degraded. But the microbial systems among the life forms of

the biosphere has the capability of producing excess quantities of

biomolecules like lipases and be released in to the ambient environment to

aid in the consumption of bountiful complex organic molecules like lipids,

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oils etc.(Kazlauskas and Bornscheuer 1998; Thomson et al., 1999; Hasan et

al., 2008). This particular property of the microorganisms were exploited to

produce the lipase in excess quantities by stimulating or mitigating suitable

culture and production conditions. In this direction, research has been

carried out on diverse microbial species as shown in the Table-6 by some

of scientists from time to time.

Table 6. Bacterial species explored for the production of lipases by

scientists (Sharma et al., 2001)

Source Genus Species Reference(s)





B. megaterium Godtfredsen,


B.cereus El-Shafei and

Rezkallah, 1997


Gowland et al.,


Kim et al., 1998

B.subtilis Kennedy and


Recombinant B.

subtilis 168

Lesuisse et al.,


B. brevis Hou, 1994

B. thermocatenulatus Rua et al., 1998

Bacillus sp. IHI-91 Becker et


Bacillus strain WAI


Janssen et


Bacillus sp. Helisto and

Korpela, 1998

B. coagulans EI-Shafei and

Rezkallah, 1997

B. acidocaldarius Manco et al.,


Bacillus sp. RS-12 Sindhu et al.,


B. thermoleovorans

ID-I Lee et al., 1999

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Source Genus Species Reference(s)

Bacillus sp. J 33 Nawani and

kaur, 2000

B. subtilis Jaeger et al.


B. alcalophilus Ghanem et al.,


B. pumilus Jaeger et al.



S. canosus Tahoun et al.,


S. aureus Lee and

Yandolo, 1986

S. hyicus

Van Oort et al.,

Meens et al.,


van Kampen et


S. epidermidis

Farrell et


Simons et al.,


S. haemolyticus Oh et al. 1999

S. xylosus

Pandey et al.,


Van Kampen et


S. warneri Talon et al.,




delbruckii sub sp.


EI-Sawah et al.,


Lactobacillus sp. Meyers et al.,


L. plantarum Lopes Mde et

al., 2002

Streptococcus Streptococcus lactis

Sztajer et




freudenreichii Hou, 1994

M. luteus Hou, 1994




Sztajer et


Pr. granulosum Sztajer et


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Source Genus Species Reference(s)

Pr. avidium Brune and Gotz



Burkholderia sp. Yeo et al., 1998

Bu. glumae EI Khattabi et

al., 2000





P. aeruginosa

Aoyama et al.,


Hou, 1994

Ito et al., 2001

P. fragi Mencher and

Alford, 1967

P. mendocina Jaeger and

Reetz, 1998

P. putida 3SK Lee and Rhee,


P. glumae

Farrell et


Noble et al.,


P. cepacia

Penereach and

Baratti, 1996;

Lang et al.,


Hsu et al., 2000

P. fluorescens



Lacointe et al.,


P. aeruginosa KKA-


Sharon et al.,


P. pseudoalcaligenes


L in et al.,

1995, 1996

Pseudomonas sp.

Sin et al., 1998;

Miyazawa et

al., 1998;

Reetz and

Jaeger, 1998;

Dong et al.,


P. fluorescens MF0 Guillou et al.,


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Source Genus Species Reference(s)

P. luteola

Arpigny and

Jaeger 1999;

Litthauer et al.


P. nitroreducens var.


Ghanem et al.,


Pseudomonas sp.


Yang et al.,



Ch. viscosum

Rees and



Helisto and

Korpela, 1998;

Jaeger and

Reetz, 1998

Diogo et al.,


Ch. violaceum Koritala et al.





Sztajer et al.,


Aci. radioresistens Chen et al.,


Acinetobacter sp.

Wakelin and

Forster 1997;

Barbaro et al.,



Ae. hydrophila Anguita et al.,


Ae. sorbia LP004

Lotrakul and



Fungi Rhizopus


Salleh et al.,


Coenen et al.,


Beer et al.,


Essamri et al.,


Hiol et al., 2000

Rhizop. arrhizus

Sztajer and



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Source Genus Species Reference(s)

Elibol and

Ozer, 2001

Rhizop. nigricans Ghosh et al.,


Rhizop. nodosus Nakashima et

al., 1988



Ghosh et al.,


Rhizop. chinensis Ghosh et al.,


Rhizop. japonicus Nakashima et

al., 1988

Rhizop. niveus Kohno et al.,

1994, 1999


A. flavus Long et al.,

1996, 1998

A. niger Chen et al.,


A. japonicus Satynarayana

and Johri, 1981

A. awamori Satynarayana

and Johri, 1981

A. fumigatus Satynarayana

and Johri, 1981

A. oryzae Ohnishi et al.,


A. carneus Helisto and

Korpela, 1998

A. repens Kaminishi et

al., 1999

A. nidulans Mayordomo et

al., 2000


Pe. cyclopium Chahinian et

al., 2000

Pe. citrinum

Sztajer and



Pe. roqueforti Petrovic et al.,


Pe. fumiculosum Hou, 1994

Penicillium sp. Helisto and

Korpela, 1998

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Source Genus Species Reference(s)

Pe. camambertii Ghosh et al.,


Pe. wortmanii Costan and

Peralta, 1999


Mucor miehei

Rantakyla et al.,


Lacointe et al.,


Plou et al., 1998

Mu. javanicus Ishihara et al.,


Mu. circinelloides Balcao et al.,


Mu. hiemalis Ghosh et al.,


Mu. racemosus Ghosh et al.,


Ashbya Ashbya gossypii

Stahmann et al.,



G. candidum

Sugihara et al.,


Ghosh et al.,


Geotrichum sp. Macedo et al.,



Beauveria bassiana

Hegedus and



Humicola H. lanuginosa

Ghosh et al.,


Takahashi et

al., 1998

Plou et al., 1998

Zhu et al., 2001

Rhizomucor R. miehei

Merek and



Weber et al.,


Jaeger and

Reetz, 1998


Ortiz et al.,


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Source Genus Species Reference(s)


Fusarium oxysporum Rapp, 1995

F. heterosporum Takahashi et

al., 1998

Acremonium Ac. strictum

Okeke and

Okolo, 1990




Berto et al.,


Eurotrium Eu. herbanorium

Kaminishi et

al., 1999

Ophiostoma O. piliferum

Brush et al.,




C. rugosa

Wang et al.,


Frense et al.,


Yee et al., 1995

Brocca et al.,


Xie et al., 1998

C. tropicalis Takahashi et

al., 1998

C. antarctica

Weber et al.,


Jaeger and

Reetz, 1998

Arroyo et al.,


C. cylindracea

Kamiya and

Gotto, 1998

Helisto and

Korpela, 1998

C. parapsilosis Lacointe et al.,


C. deformans Lacointe et al.,


C. curvata Ghosh et al.,


C. valida Ghosh et al.,


Yarrowia Y. lipolytica

Merek and



Pignede et al.,


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Source Genus Species Reference(s)

Rhodotorula Rho. Glutinis


et al., 1992

Tahoun et al.,



Pi. bispora Hou, 1994

Pi. maxicana Hou, 1994

Pi. sivicola Sugihara et al.,


Pi. xylosa Sugihara et al.,


Pi. burtonii Sugihara et al.,


Saccharomyces Sa. lipolytica

Tahoun et al.,


Sa. crataegenesis Hou, 1994

Torulospora Torulospora globora Hou, 1994




Dharmsthiti and



Actinomycetes Steptomyces

Streptomyces fradiae

NCIB 8233

Sztajer et al.,


Strptomyces sp.


Sztajer et al.,


Strptomyces sp.


Sztajer et al.,


Str. coelicolor Hou, 1994

Str. Cinnamomeus Sommer et al.,


The above data includes the microbial organisms from bacteria, fungi, yeast

and actinomycetes, and shows the dominance of bacterial and fungal

organisms for the production of lipase from the explored microbial

organisms compared to the other reported species. Further the genus

Bacillus covers more than 50% of the gram positive bacterial domain

followed by 25% of the genus Staphylococcus and the remaining 25% is

covered by the rest of genera. On the other hand the genus Pseudomonas

dominates more than 80% of the species in gram negative bacterial domain

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and the rest 20 % is shared by the genera Chromobacterium, Acinetobacter

and Aeromonas. Similarly, the fungal domain of lipase producing

organisms distributed among the genera Rhizopus (20%), Aspergillus

(20%), Penicillium (18%), Mucor (15%), Geotricum (5%), Fusarium (5%)

and the rest of the genera constitute 17% of the total explored fungal

species. The other important lipase producing microbial domain, yeast is

dominated by the genus Candida (50%), followed by Pichia (20%) and

Saccharomyces (10%) and the rest of the genera constitute 30% of the

distribution in yeast. On the tail end the domain of Actinomycetes is

dominated by the genus Streptomyces completely. However the lipase

producing microbial organisms are not limited to these organisms and there

can be many more microbial species that need to be explored from the

possible habitats of life in the biosphere.

2.6 Lipases

Lipase is a biomolecule categorized as an enzyme of functional protein and

it is further categorized under the enzymes as hydrolases that catalyzes the

reactions of hydrolytic breakdown of complex molecules, with a bond

specificity of ester linkages between the glycerol and hydrocarbon chains

that may be of fatty acids. So these lipase molecules are named by the

enzyme classification committee of IUBMB in the systematic classification

as triacylglycerol lipases with the code EC The important

distinctive characteristic feature of lipase catalysis of esterification,

transesterification, aminolysis and acidolysis reactions (Joseph et al., 2008)

at the interface of the aqueous and non-aqueous (organic) fluid molecules

on the target substrate molecules makes it as a special enzyme compared to

the other enzyme in the class of esterases. However, esterases catalyzes

water soluble short chain triglycerides, whereas the lipases act on the long

chain water insoluble aggregate lipid molecules (triglycerides) emulsified

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in aqueous environment, to produce diglycerides, monoglycerides and fatty

acids (Giham and Lehner 2005; Angkawidjaja and Kanaya 2006).

2.6.1 Genesis and exploration of lipases

Lipases were first noticed by the Claude Bernard in the year 1848, as the

pancreatic secreted juices emulsified and saponified the fatty substances,

and these observations were later attributed to the enzymes named

pancreatic lipases. Traditionally the animal pancreatic juices and extracts

were used as the source of lipases for commercial applications. As the use

of these lipases were increasing the search for other sources of lipase led to

the exploration of lipases from all the life forms including plants and

microbial organisms. In that endeavor by 1901 the bacterial lipase

production was first reported in the strains of Serratia marescens and

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Hasan et al., 2006) and then onwards the

bacterial and fungal exploration had been on the first priority for the

production of lipases (Table-6), though other species from the yeast, and

actinomycetes were also explored for lipase production However the

bacterial lipases were relatively more in demand due to ease in production

and processing of the bacterial lipases and their versatile characters. Some

of the commercial lipases of bacterial origin are shown in Table-7 along

with their commercial names and applications.

Table-7. Commercial bacterial lipases used in various applications

(Balakrishnan et al., 2011)


lipase Source Supplier


on Reference

Lumafast Pseudomonas





Detergent Jaeger et al.


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lipase Source Supplier


on Reference

Jaeger and

Reetz 1998

Lipomax P. alcaligenes




Detergent Jaeger et al.





Detergent Jaeger and

Reetz 1998

n.s P. glumae Unilever, The

Netherlands Detergent

Jaeger et al.


n.s Bacillus



Belgium Detergent

Jaeger et al.


Chiro CLEC-


Chirazyme L-


P. cepacia






Jaeger and

Reetz 1998

Amano P, P-

30, PS, LPL-

80, LPL-200S

P. cepacia



s, Japan



Jaeger and

Reetz 1998

Lipase AH P. cepacia



s, Japan



Jaeger and

Reetz 1998

Lipase AK,

YS P. fluorescens



s, Japan



Jaeger and

Reetz 1998

Lipase 56P P. fluorescens Biocatalysts,





Godfrey and

west 1996

Lipase K-10 Pseudomonas




s, Japan



Jaeger and

Reetz 1998


ium viscosum


C. viscosum






Godfrey and

west 1996

Lipase 50P C. viscosum Biocatalysts,





Godfrey and

west 1996

Lipase QL Alcaligenes


Meito Sankyo

Co., Japan



Jaeger et al.






Meito Sankyo

Co., Japan Research

Godfrey and

west 1996

Lipase PL,






Meito Sankyo

Co., Japan



Godfrey and

west 1996

Alkaline lipase Achromobacte

r sp.

Meito Sankyo

Co., Japan Research

Godfrey and

west 1996

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lipase Source Supplier


on Reference

Lipase AL,



r sp.

Meito Sankyo

Co., Japan



Godfrey and

west 1996




ase mix)

n.s Biocatalysts,




Godfrey and

west 1996




ase mix)

n.s Biocatalysts,




Godfrey and

west 1996






n.s Biocatalysts,






Godfrey and

west 1996


(lipase) n.s Novo Nordisk Leather

Godfrey and

west 1996

n.s : Not specified

2.6.2 Bacterial lipases and classification

Bacterial lipolytic enzymes are produced in various forms such as maybe

classified in to different families including carboxylesterases (EC,

which hydrolyze the ester bonds in smaller lipid molecules dissolved in

aqueous solutions, and true lipases (EC, that catalyzes water

insoluble long-chain triglycerides. These lipases were analyzed with

respect to amino acid sequence and found them as part of the serine

hydrolases whose activity is dependent on catalytic triad consisting of

serine, histidine and aspartate along with α or β hydrolase folding (De-

Pascale et al., 2008). Since there is a large collection of bacterial lipase

data accumulated, these bacterial lipases may be classified in to different

families and sub families as proposed by Arpigny and Jaeger (1999) based

on the conserved amino acid sequence motifs and the biochemical

properties of lipases. So the bacterial lipases were classified in to 8 families

and the first family being the largest family was subdivided in to 6 sub

families (Arpigny and Jaeger 1999) as shown in the Table-8.

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Table 8. Classification of bacterial produced lipolytic enzymes (Arpigny

and Jaeger 1999)

Family Sub

family Enzyme - producing strain Properties



Pseudomonas aeruginosa

True lipases

Pseudomonas fluorescens


Vibrio cholerae

Acinetobacter calcoaceticus

Pseudomonas fragi



Proteus vulgaris


Burkholderia glumae

Chromobacterium viscosum

Burkholderia cepacia

Pseudomonas luteola


Pseudomonas fluorescens


Serratia marcesens

4 Bacillus subtilis

Bacillus pumilus


Bacillus stearothermophilus

Bacillus thermocatenulalus

Staphylococcus hyicus


Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus epidermidis

6 Propionibacterium acnes

Streptomyces cinnamoneus


Aeromonas hydrophila Secreted


Streptomyces scabies Secreted esterase

Pseudomonas aeruginosa OM-bound


Salmonella typhimurium OM-bound


Photorhabdus luminescens Secreted esterase

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Family Sub

family Enzyme - producing strain Properties


Streptomyces exfoliatus Extracellular


Streptomyces albus Extracellular


Moraxella sp. Extracellular

estarase 1



acidocaldarius Esterase

Pseudomonas sp. B11-1 Lipase

Archaeoglobus fulgidus Carboxylesterase

Alcaligenes eutrophus Putative lipase

Escheria coli Carboxylesterase

Moraxella sp. Extracellular

estarase 2


Pseudomonas olevorans PHA-


Haemophilus influenzae Putative esterase

Psychrobacter immobilis Extracellular


Moraxella sp. Extracellular

estarase 3

Sulfolobus acidocaldanus Esterase

Acetobacter pasteurianus Esterase


Synechocystis sp.


Spirdina platensis

Pseudomonas fluroescens

Rickettsia prowazekii

Chalamydia trachomatis


Arthobacter oxydans Carbamate


Bacillus subtilis p-Nitrobenzyl


Streptomyces coelicolor Putative



Arthobacter globiforms Stereoselective


Streptomyces chrysomallus Cell-bound


Pseudomonas fluorescens

SIK W1 Esterase 3

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In this lipase classification, true lipases are classified under Family I, which

is dominated mostly by Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Staphylococcus lipases

where the catalytic center possess pentapeptide, Gly-Xaa-Ser-Xaa-Gly.

Conversely the lipases of Family II possess Gly-Asp-Ser-(Leu), [GDS(L)],

peptide sequence as the catalytic motif, where the catalytic serine residue

lies much closer to the N-terminus compared to other lipases. However this

Family II is one of the shorter families dominated by the secreted and

membrane bound esterases of Streptomyces, Aeromonas, Pseudomonas,

Photorabdus and Salmonella. Family III lipases consists of Streptomyces

and Moraxella lipases that are extra cellular in nature having the typical

catalytic triad, Ser-His-Asp, as the catalytic center. Further, the bacterial

enzymes showing the peptide sequence similarity to that of the mammalian

hormone sensitive lipases, were grouped under Family IV, consisting

mostly the esterases of Pseudomonas, Archaeoglobus, Alcaligenes,

Escherichia and Moraxella, with the similar catalytic peptide motif Gly-

Asp-Ser-Ala-Gly-Gly-Xaa-Leu-Ala-Xaa. Similarly the enzymes of Family

V are constituted from the esterases of mesophilic bacteria like

Pseudomonas oleovorans, Heamophilus influenza and Acetobacter

pasteurianus; psychrophilic bacteria like Moraxella sp. and Psychrobacter

immobilis and even thermophilic bacteria like Sulfolobus acidocaldarius.

The conserved catalytic peptide motif for the esterases of Family V was

noted as Gly-Xaa-Ser-Xaa-Gly-Gly. On the contrary the lipases of Family

VI are the smallest (23-26kD) known esterases constituted of two subunits,

having α/β hydrolase fold and a classical Ser-Asp-His catalytic triad, in the

active site of the enzyme. These carboxyl esterases hydrolyses simple

substrate molecules with broad spectrum of specificity, however they do

not catalyze the long chain triglycerides. On the other hand the lipases of

Family VII consists of large esterases having their peptide sequence

homologous to that of the eukaryotic acetyl choline esterases and they are

mostly derived from Arthrobacter oxydans, Bacillus subtilis and

Streptomyces coelicolor. The lipases of Family VIII are constituted from

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the esterases derived from Arthrobacter globiformis, Streptomyces

chrysomallus and Pseudomonas fluorescens SIK W1, having the peptide

length of approximately 380 residues long, showing the sharp similarity to

several class C, β-lactamases.

Other lipase enzymes that could not be placed in any of the 8 super families

described by Arpigny and Jaeger, are placed in new families 9 and 10 in an

arbitrary manner. Similarly the lipases that could not be categorized in to

any of these discussed families are grouped under novel lipolytic family.

Microbial Esterases and Lipases Data Base, MELDB, is a similar

comprehensive protein database of microbial esterases and lipases (Kang et

al., 2009), where the enzymes in MELDB are clustered into groups

according to their peptide sequence similarities analyzed on a local pairwise

alignment algorithm and a graph clustering algorithm (TribeMCL), which

differs from traditional approaches involving global pairwise alignment and

joining methods. So, the more elaborated and comprehensive data on lipase

and its related properties along with classification may also be found from


2.6.3 Processing of Lipases in cellular system

Processing of lipases can be better understood with simplest cellular

structures like bacteria. Like many other functional biomolecules, bacterial

lipases are found as either intracellular or extracellular or even like

membrane bound enzymes. So the cells that grow on simpler molecules

like glycerol and short chained lipids can channelize these nutrient

molecules to the cellular cytoplasm where the intracellular lipases can break

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them down further to lower molecules that can be metabolized and

absorbed easily in to the cellular biochemical reactions. One of such kind

of intra cellular lipase catabolized systems was reported in Bacillus clausii

SKAL-16 (Lee and Park 2008), isolated from the soil contaminated with

vegetable oil.

In other case, the cells can grow on the larger complex molecules like long

chain triglycerides as well as on short chain lipids and glycerol, where the

cell can produce both intra cellular and extra cellular lipase so as to

catabolize the simpler as well as complex lipid molecules. This kind of

intra cellular and extra cellular lipase systems were observed in the bacteria

isolated from the oil mill waste water such as Bacillus sp. (Ertugrul et al.,

2007) where the intracellular lipase activity was reported more than to be

11 times to that of the extra cellular lipase.

The extra cellular lipase can also be induced in the cellular system in higher

quantities depending on the kind of substrate or nutrients available in the

ambient. The lipase inducers like Tween 80, hexadecane, olive oil etc. in

the ambience of cells can trigger the lipase gene expressions leading to the

excess production of lipase that can be released in to the ambience and

catabolize the substrates to the easily assimilated molecules. Such kind of

extra cellular lipase secretions by membrane bound chaperons are observed

in the cellular systems where the growth media has multiple and complex

substrate molecules like the growth of Burkholderia glumae strains

(Boekerma et al., 2007), observed in the presence of glucose and

hexadecane rich culture medium.

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Apart from the intra cellular and extracellular lipase catabolized cellular

systems, there were the cases where the membrane bound lipases were

produced by the cells may be for the optimal utilization of the lipase

catalytic activity and prevent the loss of lipase activity and optimal

utilization of the simple broken molecules in the ambient. Such kind of

membrane bound lipase catalyzed cellular systems are rare and may be they

are part of the evolving cellular systems. However there had been the

cellular systems engineered through molecular biology tools to construct

the membrane bound lipase producing cellular systems such as recombinant

yeast (Matsumoto et al., 2002) reported to produce the membrane bond


In all these cellular lipase systems, the lipase molecules in the cells are

synthesized in the ribosomes with the expression of lipase genes in the

DNA upon the signals received by the membrane bound receptors and then

in case of intra cellular lipases, these raw lipase molecules would be

processed to the correct folding through the Golgi apparatus and be released

in to the cytosol ready for the transport to the targeted biochemical reactions

and places. In case of extra cellular secretion, the lipase peptide molecules

are synthesized in ribosomes outside of the Endoplasmic reticulum and then

be docked in to the rough endoplasmic reticulum lumen where the raw

protein molecules are glycosylated and molecular chaperones shape the

folding to the correct functioning. These properly folded proteins would

enter the Golgi complex through the vesicles generated from the rough

endoplasmic reticulum, and there the post translational modifications of the

lipase are made and functionality of the lipase are attained. These functional

lipases are ready for secretion to the extra cellular ambient.

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In general bacteria secrete the lipases to the extracellular medium through

various type secretion systems (T1SS TO T6SS). However the most

significant secretory system are Type I Secretory System (T1SS), consisting

of energy driven three component exporter protein complex; and the Type

II Secretory System that has two secretion pathways as Sec dependent

(general secretion) path way and Tat (Twin-arginine translocation) path

way. Bacterial lipases are secreted in the unfolded state through the Sec-

dependent path way in to the periplasmic space where the lipase specific

foldase (Lif) chaperons fold the protein to the functional lipase and then it

is transported to the external medium through the transporter complex

(Angkawidjaja and Kanaya 2006; Buist et al., 2006). The better

understanding of such complex lipase processing with in the bacterial

cytoplasm would help in design and production of novel experimental

procedures and possible solutions for the existing and prospective

difficulties in lipase catalyzed processes.

2.6.4 Production of lipases

Production of lipase by bacterial microorganisms was dealt in detail by

various scientists and engineers by using different strategies with direct and

indirect methods of detection, screening and measurement of lipase activity

as discussed below. Screening of lipase production

During the century long research and development in the area of lipases,

the literature has recorded several methods and procedures for the

production of lipase by microbial organisms. These methods and

procedures were developed based on either direct use of microorganism

under study (Nair and Kumar 2007) or the indirect method involving

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measurement of lipolytic activity of crude or purified lipase preparations

(Singh et al., 2010).

Among those methods, the preliminary detection methods like plate

detection method was developed using agar plates containing lipid

molecules and the subsequent was detected either by direct lipolysis or

indirect use of lipase, as clear halos or opaque zones around the well

containing culture or lipase enzyme preparation (Nair and Kumar 2007;

Hun et al., 2003). Alternatively the lipase detection can also be observed by

preparing the agar plates with lipids and chromophoric substances having

sensitivity towards the pH, like phenol red and victoria blue (Singh et al.,

2006; Rahman et al., 2005), where the lipolytic activity of lipases releases

fatty acids decreasing the pH, which in turn can change the color of the

chromophoric dyes used in the plate. In another method, the plates prepared

by the agar medium containing lipids and the Rhodamine B, a fluorescent

dye, indicates the lipolysis by formation of fluorescent orange halos under

the UV illumination (Kim et al., 2001).

On the other hand, colorimetric methods are developed based on the

measurement of chromophoric complexes formed by the reaction of fatty

acids released by the lipolysis and a divalent metal ion like copper ions

(Rahman et al., 2005). In the similar lines, spectrophotometric methods

were developed to measure the lipolytic activity of the lipases in an indirect

way of detection and measurement of lipase activity. One of such popular

method uses the designed lipid like substrate, usually p-nitro-phenol esters

of fatty acids (simplest molecule being p-nitro-phenol acetate) in the

reaction mixture that would be incubated with the lipase at the optimal

conditions and the resultant lipolytic activity was measured as the

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absorbance of light at 415nm, which is directly proportional to the amount

of p-nitro-phenol released after the lipolysis (Wang et al., 2009).

Another earliest known direct measurement of lipase activity was

developed by mixing the lipase enzyme preparation with the reaction

mixture containing pH sensitive chromophoric indicator and substrate lipid

molecules such as olive oil; and incubation of the reaction mixture added

with known lipase quantity, at the optimal enzyme conditions, leading to

the release of free fatty acids that create an acidic environment in the

reaction mixture. These released free fatty acids are neutralized by titrating

the reaction mixture with known basic solution such as 50mM NaOH

solution, to the desired pH level where all the released free fatty acids are

consumed by the titrant basic solution and the pH indicator produces the

characteristic color, indicating the end of titration process. In the latest

technological developments, the auto-titrators are developed that can

perform the titration process to the greatest precision as per the

programmed end point of titration. The resultant titrant, basic solution,

consumed in the titration process can be measured and equated to get the

equivalent moles of free fatty acids released by the lipolytic activity of the

lipase enzyme (Shukla et al., 2007). This method is popularly known as

titrimetric method or pH stat method of lipase assay, and this method was

followed in most of the lipase assay procedures as it is the direct method of

measuring the lipase activity and is more accurate provided the errors in

this tedious assay are handled and eliminated properly.

There are other developed methods like, chromatographic, turbidometric,

fluorimetric, immunological and radioactive assays which are mostly based

on the indirect methods of detection and measurement of lipolytic activity.

Due to the errors and procedural problems involved in these methods the

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researchers consider them as the least preferred choices for the lipase assay

(Sumitra et al., 2012). Lipase production media

Media plays an important role in the culturing of microorganisms and

production of microbial derived products like enzymes. Media can be either

submerged or solid state media containing the essential and necessary

nutrients for the growth and multiplication of microbial organisms, during

which the products of either intra cellular or extra cellular are produced.

Media composition is also selective to the type of microorganism and

determines the production and yield of the products produced by the

fermentation process. Optimal media composition also helps in the isolation

and purification of the lipase produced by minimizing the byproduct release

in to the fermentation broth. However, the bacterial lipases are produced by

both submerged (Chakraorty et al., 2008) as well as solid state fermentation

process (Alkan et al., 2007) as shown in the Table-9 with their respective

limitations in the production parameters of temperature, pH, carbon source

and nitrogen source etc. depending on the causative bacteria under the

fermentation process.

Table-9. Comparison of submerged and solid state fermentation for the

bacterial lipase production

Solid state Fermentation Submerged Fermentation

Requires much space for trays

Requires much hand labor

Uses low pressure air blower

Little power requirement

Uses compact closed fermenters

Requires minimum of labor

Requires high pressure air

Needs considerable power for

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Solid state Fermentation Submerged Fermentation

Minimum control necessary

Little contamination problem

Recovery involves extraction

with aqueous solution, filtration and

or centrifugation, perhaps

evaporation and/or


air compressors and agitators

Requires careful control

Contamination is frequent and a

serious problem

Recovery involves filtration or

centrifugation, and perhaps

evaporation and/or precipitation

Although most of the fermentation studies use simple sugars as the carbon

source in the media, the lipase production media utilizes lipids as the sole

carbon source and substrate (Zhang et al., 2009a; Zhang et al., 2009). It was

also found that lipase production was rarely constitutive under general

fermentation conditions, and the extra cellular lipase production is meagre

(Lee et al., 2001). But then there are also the fermentation studies where

sugars like glucose (Anbu et al., 2011) are used as carbon source whereas

lipids in the media are used as inducers for lipase production (Hun et al.,

2003). So the lipase inducers like vegetable oils (Kumar et al., 2005),

Tween 20 or Tween 80 (Li et al., 2004), hexadecane (Boekema et al., 2007)

and synthetic triglycerides like tributyrin and tripalmitin (Rahman et al.,

2006) are used in the fermentation media either in combination with

nutrients or as sole carbon source for the production of microbial lipases.

In this context it is also noteworthy that high concentration of carbon source

like vegetable oils, or the free fatty acids repress the lipase synthesis may

be by the feedback repression mechanism. Considering all these aspects,

use of either a single carbon source like tween 80 and the moderately

sustained release of free fatty acids from the lipids (Li et al., 2004) or the

appropriate combination of carbon source and lipids in the media may not

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cause the repression of lipase during the fermentation process, and further

would enhance the production of lipase.

In other cases, nitrogen sources in the media composition were found to

have varied effects on the growth of microbial organisms and the

production of lipase. Organic nitrogen sources are generally provided as

yeast extract, peptone, polypeptone, meat extract, beef extract, corn steep

liquor, soybean meal etc. whereas ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride,

ammonium hydrogen phosphate, ammonium sulphate, sodium nitrate and

urea are used as inorganic nitrogen sources in the media composition for

lipase production. However the use of either organic nitrogen or inorganic

nitrogen source in the lipase production media varies in selection as well as

concentration depending on the bacterial organism used for the

fermentation process. In some cases the use of mixed nitrogen sources

along with the carbon source gave the best results for the lipase production

(Kumar et al., 2005). The organic nitrogen sources like peptone and corn

steep liquor were reported to promote the increased lipase productions in

many of the bacterial fermentation processes (Gunasekaran et al., 2006;

Rathi et al., 2011) and similarly, the inorganic nitrogen source like

ammonium nitrate was also reported to produce the mixed results of lipase

production. However there were no reports of lipase repression by the

nitrogen content of the fermentation media by bacterial microorganisms.

Another important aspect in the lipase related lipid metabolism and

assimilation is the presence of surfactants that lowers the surface tension at

the interfacial surface of immiscible aqueous and organic media. In this

context the use of vegetable oils such as olive oil in the aqueous based

fermentation media brings out two different aqueous and organic phases of

liquids as the components of the media, and the use of surfactants enhances

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the formation of emulsion solution of these two otherwise immiscible

liquids. This emulsified media preparations with the help of surfactants

increases interface between the two liquids in the form of micelles and

hence the greater accessibility of substrate enhancing the catalytic activity

of lipases to have better enzyme productivity. In these regard, the most

commonly used surfactants are Tween and Triton-X 100 (Pogaku et al.,


2.6.5 Biochemical characteristics of bacterial lipases

The globalized markets in this modern era has brought all the products to

work or provide services at their best performance with the competitive

price dictated by the market forces. This increasing trend made the research

and development teams across the world to extract and find all governing

factors influencing the performance of the products being manufactured

round the clock. Such concepts applied on to the biotechnologically derived

products like enzymes, brought the biochemical characters in terms of

optimal pH and temperature of enzyme, the influence of the presence of

cofactors, inhibitors and enhancers on the catalytic activity, the enzyme

acceptance to the non-aqueous solvents and the presence of co-produced

enzymes in the media, to the limelight in order to derive the best

performance of the produced products. Alkaline and acidic lipases

Over the past century long research and developments on lipases the

reported bacterial lipases were mostly of alkaline in nature and such

alkaline lipases have been used to catalyze many reactions in industrial

processes (Nawani et al., 2007; Ahmed et al., 2010); on the other hand there

are a few reports on acidic lipases in the bacterial domain by genus

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Pseudomonas whereas those from the fungal domain are mostly from the

genus Aspergillus (Ramani et al., 2010). Thermophilic and psychrophilic lipases

Temperature is one of the most important factor influencing the catalytic

activity to the greatest extent for enzymes. Among the bacterial lipases

produced, the optimal catalytic temperature had been varying from 0oC to

around 60oC and these lipases may be broadly classified as psychrophilic

and thermophilic lipases with optimal temperature ranges of (0-30)oC and

(31-70)oC respectively. There had been the great demand for thermo stable

lipases in the industry as many of the reactions were carried out around

60oC and such thermo stable lipases isolated from the genera Pseudomonas

and Bacillus were studied for their optimal utilization in industries (Kumar

et al., 2005; Ahmed et al., 2010; Nawani et al., 2000; Dutta and Ray 2009).

Similarly the cold adapted or psychrophilic lipases were produced and

studied extensively from the psychrophilic microorganisms that survive at

temperatures around 5oC (Joseph et al., 2008). There were also the cases

where the cold adapted lipases were produced from the non-psychrophilic

microorganisms like Geotrichum sp. which is a mesophilic bacterial

species. However the spectrum of the industrial potential of spychrophilic

lipases sweeps a wide range of biotechnology products like dairy products,

detergents, food preparations, beverages etc. Effect of surfactants

Surfactants are known for their ability to decrease the surface tension of the

immiscible liquids at their interfaces, which in turn provide the better

access for the lipases to catalyze the lipolytic reactions. However there are

limitations for the use of surfactants depending on the type of surfactant

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and their concentrations in the lipase production media. In this regard, it

was reported that about 1% concentration of the surfactant like Tween 80

in the broth media inhibited lipase production by Bacillus pumilus and on

the other hand, 0.5% concentration of Tween 80 enhanced the lipase

production (Zhang et al., 2009a; Zhang et al., 2009). In another case, SDS

exhibited the inhibitory activity whereas Triton X100 and Tween 20/80

have enhanced the lipase activity (Quyen et al., 2003; Lianghua and Liming

2005); conversely it was also reported that SDS exhibited the stimulatory

effect enhancing the lipase activity whereas the Triton X100 and Tween

have inhibited lipase activity (Dutta and Ray 2009). So in general it was

found that the surfactants can act as both inhibitors as well as stimulators

depending on the concentration and the other constituents of the lipase

production media. Effect of proteases

In many of the industrial applications of enzymes such as detergents and

food preparations, lipases have been used in combination with other

industrial enzymes like, proteases, amylases etc. But the proteases are

hydrolytic enzymes capable of auto-digestion and simultaneous

degradation of other enzymes produced by the biological systems (Aguilar

et al., 2002) whereas lipases and proteases were reported as inter related

and produced simultaneously (Rajmohan et al., 2002) with variation in their

concentrations subjected to the alterations in the production parameters

such as increased aeration, and or due to the genetic changes in the

microbial genome (Lopes et al., 2008). In another finding the susceptibility

of Bacillus subtilis produced lipases to the extra cytoplasmic proteases

located either in the cell wall or the broth were presented whereas a few

reports in the production of bacterial lipases from Streptomyces fradiae and

Bacillus cereus were reported as resistant lipases to commercial neutral and

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alkaline proteases (Dutta et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2008). Similarly the

lipases produced by Pseudomonas aeuruginosa, Bacillus pumilus and

Bacillus licheniformis were reported as the lipases that were resistant to the

native and simultaneously produced proteases (Ruchi et al., 2008;

Sangeetha et al., 2010; Sangeetha et al., 2010).

2.7 Recombinant Bacterial lipases

Recombinant DNA technology had been thriving as the latest modern

technology developed using the principles of molecular biology and genetic

engineering in the developing and expanding area of biotechnology. In any

biological product development it has become a norm to perform the

recombinant studies may be for the commercial production, after the lab

scale and pilot scale production studies using the wild strain and further the

process continues with the recombinant organism(s) in a cyclic manner to

enhance the productivity and minimize the downstream processing. This

recombinant technology helped the scientists and engineers to understand

the enzymes like lipases in terms of substrate binding, the catalytic site, and

over expression of the enzymes in suitable host organisms to meet the

commercial demands. This continuous exercise had been helping to

engineer the enzymes and the corresponding host organisms to enhance the

productivity and analyze the probable anomalies to predict any unstable

conditions and subsequent by correct them for the smooth and efficient

functioning of the commercial production.

In case of recombinant lipases, it has been reported that they overcome the

limitations of crude lipases from the culture supernatants such as the non-

reproducibility of the results, undesirable side effects and the tedious

downstream processing requirements and moreover they ease the

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commercial production of pure lipases (Schmidit-Dannert 1999). Though

the success of this recombinant technology depends on the selection of the

expression system to be employed and the genetic engineering of the host

for the over expression and production of lipases, many researchers had

been working in this area with wide range of host organisms like

Escherichia coli (Anet al., 2003; Long et al., 2007) Pichia pastoris and

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Ramchuran et al., 2006; Mormeneo et al., 2008)

and successfully cloned, sequenced and expressed the lipase genes.

During the development of recombinant lipases, there were some hurdles

observed, as the formation of insoluble and inactive inclusion bodies due to

the over expression of lipase in the cytoplasm or periplasm of the host

organisms like Escherichia coli (Akbari et al., 2010), and the inefficient

processing of lipase proteins by the post translational machinery of the host

leading to protein mis-folding (Goldberg 2003). But then these mis-folding

problems were also addressed for recombinant lipases from bacteria like

Pseudomonas sp. by the response surface optimization studies (Akbari et

al., 2010) with the addition of low molecular osmolytes such as polyols,

sugars, polysaccharides, amino acids and natural polymers that can enhance

the refolding of inactive lipases. In another attempt to solve the mis-folding

of recombinant lipases, in addition to the conventional methods using

chemical additives to help lipase refolding, the lipase specific foldase (Lif),

chaperones, genes were cloned along with the lipase genes in the same

plasmid of the host organism, as these chaperones were found to assist

lipases both in vivo and in vitro. However the analysis of the expression

results predicted the lipase production as a complex process involving both

gene regulation and secretion mechanism; suggesting an alternate

expression system involving cloning and expression of lipase genes and Lif

genes in separate vectors in different hosts. But then these alternate

expression studies resulted in the enhanced inclusion bodies of mis-folded

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lipases rather than active recombinant lipases (An et al., 2003); so in a

mixed attempt, the isolated lipase specific foldases were used along with

osmolytes to refold the recombinant lipases of Pseudomonas expressed as

inclusion bodies in host Escherichia coli, and subsequently found several

fold increase in the refolding yield of recombinant lipase (Akbari et al.,

2010). There were also the reports on the successful expression of

recombinant lipases from Pseudomonas fragi IFO 34584, Pseudomonas

fluorescens C9 and Pseudomonas fluorescens JCM 5963 in Escherichia

coli (Zhang et al., 2009a; Zhang et al., 2009) as the host organism.

2.8 Applications of bacterial lipases

The potential of lipases were reported by many researchers and eventually

their potential was harvested and realized by the popular world enzyme

producers like Novozyme (Denmark), Amano Enzyme Inc (Japan),

Biocatalysts (UK), Unilever (Netherlands) and Genencor (USA) by

commercializing many microbial lipases. Though fungal lipases were

considered initially as the better lipases for commercial production

compared to the animal derived lipases, the bacterial lipases later

dominated the commercial lipase production and to name a few, Amano

Enzyme Inc had been producing lipase (named as Lipase PS) from

Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas fluorescens (Lipase named as

Lipase AK); similarly Meito Sangyo (Japan) had been producing lipases

named as Lipase SL isolated from Bacillus cepacia and Lipase TL isolated

from Pseudomonas stutzeri. Inspite of the availability of commercial

lipases, they share about 5%of the global industrial enzyme market,

however gained the attention as biotechnologically valuable enzymes due

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to their diverse applications especially in the areas of food, detergent and

pharmaceutical industries.

2.8.1 Lipases in food industry

The use of lipases is majorly found in the food industry to catalyze the

breakdown of various lipid based complex molecules to simpler molecules

as well as the transesterification and other biochemical reactions to meet

the industry needs as discussed below. Hydrolysis of oils

Fatty acids are produced mostly by the hydrolysis of oils and such fatty

acids are fats, and used for the production of high value products like

adhesives, cosmetics and other personal care products, lubricants and

coatings. So, industries exploit vegetable oils and fats as the cost effective

raw materials for the commercial production of fatty acids, using lipase

catalyzed hydrolysis (Murty et al., 2002) and one such popular fatty acids

production was practiced as the hydrolysis of olive oil with immobilized

acidic lipase from Pseudomonas gessardii (Ramani et al., 2010).

The Polyunsaturated Fatty acids (PUFAs) having two or more double bonds

in their hydrocarbon chain, categorized as ω3 fatty acids such as α-

Linolenic Acid (ALA), Eicosatrienoic Acid (ETA), Eicosapentanoic Acid

(EPA), docosahexaenoic aicd (DHA) and ω6 fatty acids, like Linoleic acid

and arachidonic acid are extensively used in the formulations of

nutraceuticals and pharmaceutical products due to their physiological

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importance in the growth and development of human beings. The

increasing demand for these PUFAs are supported by increasing the content

of PUFAs in the alga, fish oil, fish by-products and the edible oils

(Chakraborty et al., 2010) through the hydrolysis of lipids by bacterial

lipases (Chakraborty and Paulraj 2008; Kumar et al., 2005).

Commercial lipases such as AK-lipase and HU-lipase produced from

Pseudomonas fluorescens (Kojima et al., 2006) were used successfully to

enhance the concentration of EPA and DHA selectively in fish oils, instead

of the costly and cumbersome traditional methods involving distillation,

chromatography and solvent extraction. Hence, the AK-lipase catalyzed

lipid hydrolysis, increased the DHA concentration from 16.3% to 44.6% in

cuttle fish oil, whereas the catalyzis of HU-lipase increased the EPA content

in the cod-oil from 12 % to 43% (Kojima et al., 2006).

In another finding, Pseudomonas lipase was used to hydrolyze the sardine

oil in the presence of emulsifiers where the overall content of saturated fatty

acids got decreased and led to the increase in the mono and poly unsaturated

fatty acids in the sardine oil (Byun et al., 2007). Further a three-step PUFAs

purification was noted where arachidonic acid content was enhanced and

purified from Mortierella alpine single cell oil using non-selective

Alcaligenes lipase hydrolysis followed by selective elimination of saturated

fatty acids using urea adduct fractionation and finally the selective

esterification enrichment of the oils by using the lipases of Bacillus cepacia

(Yamauchi et al., 2005).

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60 Interesterification of fats and oils

The health benefits of ingested fats and oils are essentially dependent on

the ratio (ω6/ω3) of fatty acids from various sources especially for humans.

So the ratio (ω6/ω3) of fatty acids from PUFAs for the ingested fats and

oils must be maintained between 1 and 4 to reap the health benefits for

better growth and maintenance of the body (Griffin 2008). It is also known

that many vegetable oils like sunflower oil, coconut oil, olive oil, corn oil

and rice bran oil are rich in ω6 fatty acids, whereas fish oil, linseed oil,

walnuts and milk are rich in ω3 fatty acids. Hence the vegetable oils are

tailor made to meet the health requirements in terms of the structured lipids

with appropriate fatty acid composition.

To meet the fatty acid requirements of the ratio (ω6/ω3) in the structured

lipids, the use of lipase catalyzed interesterification of lipids had been one

of the best strategies reported (Mitra et al., 2010) and one of such structured

lipid, dioleyl palmitoyl glycerol, was produced by acidolysis of tripalmitin

with oleic acid. However such structured lipid synthesis require high

temperatures for the better homogenization of lipids and which in turn

necessitates the presences of organic solvent to resist the high temperature

denaturation problems of lipases; but then some times the organic solvents

may initiate the undesired product isomeric forms. Even in such kind of

process difficulties, the Bacillus stearothemophilus MC7 derived lipases

produced the dioleyl palmitoyl glycerol in non-solvent high temperature

reaction systems avoiding the probable side reaction of acidolysis

(Guncheva et al., 2008).

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61 Glycerolysis

The lipase catalyzed glycerolysis (Guo and Xu 2005; Kristensen et al.,

2005) of fats and oils were used to produce diacy glycerols and monoacyl

glycerols, that are widely used as emulsifiers in food, pharmaceutical and

personal care products. Otherwise these mono and diacyl glycerols were

produced traditionally by chemical glycerolysis, where there may be the

occurrence of negative side effects in terms of undesirable color and flavor

to the products (Cheirsilp et al., 2009). However the use of lipase catalyzed

glycerolysis avoids all the negative side effects and produces the more

efficient mono and diacyl glycerides with better surface activity as

emulsifiers and adds value to health unlike triglycerides (Cheirsilp et al.,

2009; Kahveci et al., 2009). Synthesis of flavor esters

Flavor or fragrance materials like aliphatic and aromatic compounds share

the major market of food additives around the globe. But the flavor

compounds extracted from the plants are very expensive, so the low

molecular flavor esters are synthesized by the microbial lipase catalyzed

esterification of fatty acids and some of these flavor esters were reported as

ethyl acetate, ethyl butyrate, ethyl methyl butyrate, ethyl valerate and ethyl

caprylate (Talon et al., 1996; Dandavate et al., 2009; Ahmed et al., 2010).

However these synthesized flavor esters carry the natural tag in spite of

their synthesis by the lipase esterification process, and hence this area of

research had been one of the most intensively researched domains (Gillies

et al., 1987).

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62 Tea seed oil

Cocoa butter had been the primary ingredient for many dark chocolate

formulations throughout the world, but the increase in the demand of dark

chocolate had increased the cocoa butter price by several folds, forcing for

a cheaper alternative. In such condition, interesterification of tea seed oil

was identified to possess the similar properties of cocoa butter and hence

used as a best replacement in partial terms to meet the demand and pricing

requirements of confectionary products (Zarringhalami et al., 2010). Lipolysed Milk Fat (LMF)

The LMF is prepared from condensed aggregates of milk or the butter oil

with added lipase catalyzed lipolysis to produce free fatty acids that impart

the cheesy aroma to the product. Such type of LMF is used for chocolate

coatings, artificial flavor additives, margarine etc. So, bacterial lipases used

for these products may be derived from the microbial genera of

Achromobacter and Pseudomonas (Sangeetha et al., 2011).

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63 Cheese

Cheese has been produced traditionally in most of the homes in the villages

if not in the cities. However the commercial cheese like Parmesan and

Grana Padano cheese, and Amul cheese, have been thriving in the market

with their added flavors and enhanced ripening derived from the lipolysis

or esterification of lipids or fatty acids. Though Lactobacillus lipases had

been in the cheese industry for centuries, the recent investigations found

that recombinant lipases were more efficient than the native lipases for

imparting flavor and to enhance cheese ripening (Sangeetha et al., 2011).

An important cheese derived product is the Enzyme Modified Cheese

(EMC), a concentrated cheese flavor produced by treating the curd with

lipolytic enzymes and used as food additive for many FMCG products like,

cheese powders in soups, salads, sauces and coatings (Guinee and

Kilcawley 2004). EMC products have more intense flavor than the naturally

ripened cheese, where the short chained fatty acids (C2-C6) are the major

contributors for the indication of ripened cheese. The product variations of

the EMC were seen in the market due to the esterification of fatty acids

releasing the characteristic cheese flavor molecules like ethyl butanoate and

ethyl hexanoate (Fenster et al., 2003). Some of those EMC products may

be seen as Amul processed cheese, Amul Gouda cheese and pizza

Mozzarella cheese from Amul dairy, India. Bread making

To improve the bread quality, emulsifiers are added and these can increase

the bread volume, improve the texture and provides the dough stability, but

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the problem with these added emulsifiers had been their protruding

appearance on the final baked and marketed loaf, forcing the manufacturer

to put all the additives on the labels. On the other hand the use of enzymes

like lipases from Bacillus subtilis (Sanchez et al., 2002) as bread improvers

can enhance the bread quality and in addition, they get denatured during the

baking process leaving the fine texture on the bread loaf, and this

technology can replace the emulsifying additives either completely or

partially (Moavyedallaie et al., 2010) with the better quality and efficiency

of bread making process.

2.8.2 Lipases in detergents

Lipases were developed as part of the detergents, after the successful

introduction of proteases in detergents both in powder and liquid forms,

where lipases were investigated to meet the detergent requirements of

stability at alkaline pH, solubility in water, resistance to detergent proteases

and surfactants and minimum substrate specificity (Rahman et al., 2006;

Quax et al 2006). The industrial bodies like Genencor International

presented Lipomax and Lumafast as the commercial bacterial lipases

derived from Pseudomonas alcaligenes and Pseudomonas mendocina

respectively to the detergent market in the year 1995 (Rahman et al 2006)

as an alternative to the existing acidophilic fungal lipases that were

suffering from the incompatible alkaline wash conditions (Quax 2006).

Such bacterial lipases get adsorbed on to the fabric during the laundering,

to form a fabric–lipase complex that is tolerant to harsh wash condition and

be stable through the laundering period and deliver the better washing

performance by hydrolyzing the oil stains (Hasa et al., 2006).

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The continued research on the detergent lipases, brought better detergent

stable lipase isolated from bacteria like Bacillus cepacia (Rathi et al.,

2001), with properties desired for detergent additives and gave a better

stability and performance than the existing detergent stable lipases like

Lipolase, from Novo Nordisk, Denmark. Conversely, a lipase derived from

Bacillus licheniformis, aspart of commercial detergents was found to lose

its stability and hence the loss of lipolytic activity; and further remedial

studies revealed that addition of calcium chloride could restore the stability

and activity of the lipase (Bayoumi et al., 2007) in the presence of the

detergent but then such lipases are prone to lose the activity in the presence

of chelating agents if any in the detergent formulations. Similarly, detergent

compatible lipases were also isolated from the bacterial species such as

Bacillus cepacia (Wang et al., 2009) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (Zhang

et al., 2009a; Zhang et al., 2009). In another development, a low

temperature, detergent stable active lipase was produced from

Pseudomonas with better wash performance (Suzuki 2001) and this

alkaline lipase was patented along with its detergent composition.

2.8.3 Lipases in Tannery

Many chemicals and enzymes are used in the three stage leather processing

where the first stage called pre-tanning cleans the hides, and tanning, the

second stage, where the hides are stabilized and in the third stage called

post-tanning, the esthetic values are imparted to the processed leather

(Thanikaivelan et al., 2004). Though the leather processing include curing,

soaking, liming, dehairing, bating, pickling, degreasing and tanning; only

at certain processes like soaking, bating and degreasing lipases are

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employed (Choudary et al 2004). The conventional soaking processes for

the rehydration of hides use the soda ash or the sodium tetrasulphide in the

presence of surfactants whereas the enzymatic processes use lipases and

proteases (Choudary et al 2004; Tancous et al., 1994), and the mixture of

these lipases and proteases are commercially available from bacterial

sources in the market as Forezym SK, marketed by La Forestal Tanica,

Spain. Similarly the dehairing process of the hides was performed

conventionally by using lime and sulphide, whereas the enzymatic

processes use proteases for loosening of the hair from the hides and the

commercial enzymes are available from La Forestal Tanica, for dehairing

as Dorezym LM, which is also a mixture of proteases and lipases. Another

important degreasing process is performed to remove the natural fat present

in the skin, especially sheep skin, by using proteases to breakdown the

protein sacs of lipids and subsequent removal of fat and its emulsification

in water or solvent by lipolysis of lipases (Padmapriya et al., 2011), in

addition to the removal of residual grease left out after liming process. So

the combination of bacterial proteases and lipases (both acid and neutral

lipases) from the marketed products like Forezym WG-L and Forezym DG

of La Forestal Tanica, together with enzyme compatible surfactants

(Thanikaivelan et al., 2004) are necessarily used in the degreasing


2.8.4 Lipases in textile industry

Garment processing to have the refined and polished look in the finished

fabric, has brought the denim culture to daily life style in the world

including India. One of the important step in the garment processing that

results in much sort after finished fabrics in denim fashion is desizing,

where the size material from the fabric is removed, traditionally by acid or

base or oxidizing agents that can damage the fabric. Alternatively, enzyme

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desizing has been developed averting the probable damages of traditional

methods and added multiple advantages by using enzymes like cellulases,

amylases, proteases and lipases depending on the sizing material used

(Sangeetha et al., 2011). In this concern, there had been the reports on the

use of bacterial lipases from Pseudomonas cepacia, Pseudomonas

fluorescens, Pseudomonas fragi and Pseudomonas stutzeri for desizing

where the synthetic sizing material like polyester (www.wipo.int) was used.

In another development, lipases from Pseudomonas cepacia and

Pseudomonas fluorescens were used to improve the fashionability of

polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) fabrics by increasing the wettability of

the PET fabrics and better dyeing (Kim and Song 2006) compared to the

alkaline dyeing methods; otherwise the PET fabrics were known for their

hydrophobic nature, high strength and wrinkle resistance.

2.8.5 Lipases for synthesis of polymers

Lipases are used to modify the surface of polylactate (PLA) fibers (Wang

et al., 2002), synthesized from lactic acid produced by the fermentation of

natural sugars, so as to make the surface wettable which in turn can

facilitate dyeing, otherwise the PLA fibers are hydrophobic in nature having

high biodegradability ad low in energy consumption. These PLA fibers are

used in textile fabrics, packaging material, biomedicine and bio-plastics

(Drumright et al., 2000) due to their similar mechanical properties to that

of polystyrene and polyethylene tetraphthalate and they can be synthesized

from different isomers of lactic acid (Garcia et al., 2009). Further there had

been the reports on the enzymatic synthesis (Matsumura et al., 1997) of

Poly-L-Lactic acid (PLLA) using Bacillus cepacia lipase, with more

potential than the amorphous PLA (Priya and Chadha 2003).

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2.8.6 Lipases in Pharmaceutical applications

Pseudomonas cepacia lipases were used for the synthesis of

hydrocinnamate esters (Priya and Chadha 2003) that act as precursors for

the synthesis of 1,3,4,9-tetrahydropyrano (3,4-b)indole-1-acetic acid, the

medicine in analgesics, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory agents and

additionally these esters can also act as the inhibitors of HIV-protease.

Similarly, an enatio-selective Acinetobacter lipase had been reported to

catalyze the hydrolysis of cis-(±)-2-(bromomethyl)-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-

1,3-dioxolane-4-methyl acetate, the intermediates in the synthesis of an

antifungal agent, Itraconazole (BALDESSARI AND Iqlesias 2012). In

other findings, Serratia marescens lipases were used to resolve the racemic

mixtures of Ketoprofen (Long et al., 2007) which act as non-steroidal anti-

inflammatory drug and (±) trans-methoxylphenyl glycidic acid methyl ester

where (-) trans-methoxylphenyl glycidic acid methyl ester (Baldessari and

Iqlesias 2012; Hu et al., 2009) in its pure form is used for the synthesis of

Diltiazem hycrochloride that acts as calcium channel blocker to treat angina

pectoris, hypertension and other vascular disorders.

Lipases derived from Pseudomonas were reported to catalyze the synthesis

of lipophilic phenols (Choo and Birch 2009) like cinnamoyl esters with

higher free radical scavenging activity (Buisman et al., 1998) than the

conventional antioxidant, cinnamic acid that suffer from the disadvantage

of being hydrophilic leading to deactivation as they get involved in the

stabilization of lipids in water, whereas these antioxidants are desired to be

active in the lipid region.

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In another case it was found that animal derived pancreatic lipases used as

digestive aid in lipid malabsorption disorders, lose their catalytic activity at

low pH and in the presence of proteases but the bacterial lipases of low pH

activity and protease resistance were proposed in place of these pancreatic

lipases to treat disorders of cystic fibrosis and pancreatitis (Sani 2006).

Similarly in the recent developments, a treatment method was developed

and patented with the composition of proteases, lipases and a metallic salt

for the skin and scalp disease and the hair loss (Miyazaki and Fujikawa

2009). The lipase in the developed composition was preferred to be of

Pseudomonas although the lipase can be used from both fungal and

bacterial origin.

2.8.7 Lipases for Biosensors

There had been the reports on immobilization of bacterial lipases using

micro-emulsion based gel and mesoporous silica matrix separately to

fabricate the glass based electrode (Huang et al., 2001) and potentiometric

(Setzu et al., 2007) lipase biosensors respectively. Such biosensors

developed can be used for the detection of lipids and the lipid binding

proteins like triglycerides in food and clinical samples, lipid based

pollutants and contaminants in pollution samples and pharmaceutical

samples (Pandey et al., 1999).

2.8.8 Lipases in Agrochemical Industry

Pseudomonas lipases were reported to produce insecticides, fungicides

(Pandey et al., 1999) and secondary alcohols like (R, S)-4-hydroxy-3-

methyl-2-(2’-propenyl)-2-cyclopenten-1-one (Xu et al 2005) by

trnsesterification and resolution of the enantiomeric alcohols used in the

formulations of pesticides. So these lipases were found to be an ecofriendly

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alternative to the production of precursor molecules required for the

synthesis of pesticides, insecticides and other agro chemically useful


2.8.9 Lipases in Cosmetics and personal care products

Lipase catalyzed flavor production by transesterification and resolution of

racemic intermediates boosted the cosmetic and perfume industry and one

of such process was reported from the lipases of Pseudomonas cepacia to

resolve the racemic rose oxides produced by the bromomethoxylation of

citronellol (Tanej et al., 2005). Similarly transesterification by lipases were

used to produce the flavor materials like esters of aliphatic and aromatic

acids, and alcohols including terpene alcohols, aldehydes and phenols for

perfumes and other personal care products (Franssen et al., 2005).

In other investigation, Pseudomonas cepacia lipases were used for the

synthesis of hydrocinnamic acid esters (Priya and Chadha 2003) that forms

the composition of the perfumes, sunscreen lotions etc. Similarly, lipases

from Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas cepacia (Chaplin et al.,

2006) were used to produce the menthol esters and similar compounds for

the formulations of mouth washes and shaving creams known for their

peppermint flavor and cooling sensation respectively.

2.8.10 Lipases in biodiesel production

Biodiesel has been produced as an alternative to petroleum based diesel, all

over the world and the research had been intensified to increase the yield

and productivity of biodiesel to meet the energy needs of industry and the

transport facilities. Biodiesel is defined as the monoalkyl esters of long

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chain fatty acids like methyl ester of fatty acid with remarkable properties

like renewability, biodegradability, non-inflammatory and non-toxic nature

and such biodiesel is denoted as FAME, Fatty Acid Methyl Ester

(Sangeetha et al., 2011).

Though biodiesel is synthesized by chemo catalytic and thermo catalytic

approaches, the bio-catalytic approach is more appreciated as it uses the

biodegradable and ecofriendly lipases from Pseudomonas cepacia (Li and

Yan 2008) to catalyze the trans esterification of lipids and short chain

alcohols (Chen et al., 2009; Dizge et al., 2009; Raita et al., 2010) from the

sources like soybean oil, rice bran oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, cotton seed

oil, jatropha oil, animal fat, algae, waste edible oil and industrial acid oil to

produce esters and glycerol, the byproduct . Since the aqueous environment

favors the hydrolysis reaction by lipids, the micro-aqueous environment

(Xu et al., 2009) like that of immobilized enzyme systems, is preferred for

the production of biodiesel from oils and fats. Further, the reports on the

efforts to improve the methanolysis for biodiesel production prefers solute

like ectoine that decreases the affinity of the lipase for methanol and

increases the affinity of lipase for triglycerides leading to the improved

yield of biodiesel (Wang and Zhang., 2009).

As the biodiesel production leads to the production of glycerol as a

byproduct, it has been utilized by the industry, to convert it to 1,3

propanediol, a monomer for the synthesis of novel polymers like

polymethylene terephthalate. In this concern, the bacterial species like

Klebsiella, Citrobacter, Clostridium, Enterobacter and Lactobacillus were

reported to convert glycerol to 1, 3 Propanediol (Xu et al., 2009).

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2.8.11 Lipases in Environment Management

Waste-water generated from the metropolitan cities, industrial area and

other health centers, contain high amount of lipidic content in addition to

other organic matter, but the disposal of such contaminated and polluted

water pose threat to water bodies and ground water by consuming the

dissolved oxygen as well as decreasing the oxygen transfer rate

necessitating the human intervention may be in the form of ecofriendly

bioremediation (Mongkolthanaruk and Dharmsthiti 2002) that involves the

use of enzymes such as lipases, proteases etc. Another important area where

the lipases are used is the oil spills that contaminate both soil and water

during the rigging and refining processes (Pandey et al., 1999) in the oil

fields. Similarly, the effluents emanating from food processing, tanner,

automobile industries, restaurant and fast-food outlets can be treated by

inoculating the effluents with lipase producing bacteria (Pandey et al.,

1999; Nelson and Rawson 2010) and cultivating microbial organisms for

longer periods of time. Such waste water containing the lipidic and organic

matter the treatment process was performed by culturing the bacterial

organisms from the genera such as Pseudomonas, Bacillus and

Acinetobacter (Mongkolthanaruk and Dharmsthiti 2002; Padmapriya et al.,


2.8.12 Lipases in Environmental studies

Environmental studies are emerging to understand the interdependence of

the geological forces and biological forces and one such studies is the

analysis of the relationship between Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) and

bacterial dynamics in terms of bacterial response to environmental changes

and the human intervention if any. These studies utilize various parameters

like the soil composition, moisture levels, air and water percolation,

biological systems etc. for analysis and among such complex situations

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bacteria use the readily available small molecules from the pool of DOM

for their growth and subsequently breakdown the complex molecules by

amino peptide hydrolysis and polysaccharide degradation in situ as

indicators of DOM dynamics. Similarly in the recent past, there was also a

report on the relationship between the levels of lipids and in situ lipase

activities during different environmental conditions like Spring and

Summer (Bourguet et al., 2009).

2.9 Bacterial identification

Identification of an unknown organism like bacteria in the interest of the

sustenance of life on the earth, is an important process to further

understand, characterize, preserve, organize and share the organism for the

benefit of the mankind and the biodiversity at large. There are two ways of

identifying an unknown bacterial organism like the series of phenotypic

methods, developed and practiced traditionally over the centuries of time,

and genotypic methods, developed and has been practiced over the last few

decades based on the molecular and genetic engineering principles.

2.9.1 Phenotypic methods

These are a series of methods or tests developed over two centuries to

identify and type the microbial organisms based upon their phenotypic

characteristics (Holt et al., 1994) as discussed below.

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74 Biotyping

This method is based on differentiation of the unknown organism using the

responses or properties like different biochemical reactions, morphological

characters and sustenance to the given stimulus in the form of media,

culturing methods, chemical treatment etc. in an in vitro laboratory

condition. So for every given stimulus the microbial organism respond in a

distinct way, such as the growth of the organism to the given differential

growth media displaying the ability of the organism to metabolize the given

nutrients in the media and the display of the morphological characters;

which would help in differentiation of the organism to a particular species,

and further display of different biochemical responses by the organism to

the given chemical treatment in various forms, will assist in the next level

of microbial identification and so on up to the strain level. All such

responses and characters of microbial organisms are recorded and

organized to suggest a series of tests to identify the unknown microbial

organisms at various laboratories and microbial repositories and they are

even programmed to automated systems to make the process more efficient

and time saving (Singh et al., 2006). Antimicrobial susceptibility

Antimicrobial susceptibility testing or microbial diagnosis had been carried

out for any unknown suspected microorganism as common practice in

clinical microbiology laboratories. There are different antimicrobial test

methods but the satisfactory results were obtained by the methods like agar

dilution, micro-dilution, E-test and disk diffusion (Pankuch et al., 2006),

but then disk diffusion method is not being adopted as once it was due to

the difficulties in automation of the process, whereas micro-dilution testing

was preferred as it provides a quantitative measure of the MIC, the

minimum inhibitory concentration of the antimicrobial agent that inhibits

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the growth of the organism. However, disk diffusion as well as broth

dilution were standardized and hence are accepted as they are reproducible

within and among laboratories. Such antimicrobial tests on an unknown

microorganism yield a pattern of in vitro resistance to a panel of

antimicrobial agents or antibiotics, named antibiogram that indicates the

type of unknown microorganism, with some limitations as some of the

suspected microorganisms may have the same susceptibility pattern

although they are not genetically and epidemiologically related. Serotyping

This method for the identification of an unknown organism, particularly

pathogens, involve a series of antibody stimulus on microbial organisms

like bacteria to which they respond in variable antigen antibody

characteristic binding (Babl et al., 2001). Such methods of pathogenic

bacterial identification are practiced for decades and continue to be the

preferred choice of identification especially for the genera of Salmonella,

Legionella, Shigella, and Streptococcus pneumonia; and in addition

serotyping has been used to differentiate strains within the species of

nosocomial pathogens such as Klebsiella and Pseudomonas. Further this

serotyping technology was used to find the relation of serotypic

distributions of strains causing invasive diseases, nasopharyngeal

colonization and antibiotic resistance, to age, geography and socio-

economic conditions of human populations (Aslan et al., 2007) and in turn

these studies be used for the distribution and evaluation of vaccines.

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76 Phage and bacteriocin typing

Bacteriophage and bacteriocin are the typing techniques developed as

epidemiological tools specifically to identify and characterize the bacteria

based on the pattern of resistance or susceptibility to a particular set of

phages (Hopkins et al., 2004). It is known that the bacteria having the phase

binding receptors in the cell wall are susceptible to the bacteriophages and

hence the phages can enter the cell, multiply and eventually lyse the cell;

such phage dependent phenomena varies across the bacterial species

corresponding to the variation and availability of phase binding receptors.

Though this phage typing method was applied to characterize the bacteria

associated with nosocomial infections, it suffers from the lack of

widespread availability of biologically active phages and the technical

difficulty in performing this technique for various bacterial species.

In the other bacteriocin typing technique, a series of heterogeneous

bacterial protein based molecules are used as inhibitors called bacteriocins,

to limit the growth of bacterial species, defining a particular inhibitory

pattern to identify and characterize the unknown and susceptible bacteria,

and one of such bacteria characterized by this technique was P. aureginosa

(Arbeit et al., 1995). However this bacteriocin typing, like bacteriophage

typing, had the limitations due to the non-availability of wide range of

bacteriocin molecules to characterize various species of bacteria.

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2.9.2 Genotyping techniques

Since the last three decades, the molecular techniques and genetic

engineering based technologies have been evolving and practiced to find

the characters and the interrelations between the species based on the

genetic or gene patterns conserved among different domains and genera of

species. Among those techniques, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

techniques including, real time PCR, multiplex PCR, nested PCR, and the

hybridization techniques like fluorescent in situ hybridization, are widely

used either in sole or in combination with other molecular and genetic

engineering methods of sequencing to characterize and identify the

organisms. However PCR had been the initial and primary technique

involved in most of the genotyping techniques developed.

PCR is a well-established biochemical in vitro reaction technique that

involves a DNA template from the organism of interest, two

complementary oligonucleotide primers designed to flank the sequence to

be amplified, in the template DNA, and a heat stable DNA polymerase,

usually Taq DNA Polymerase. Once these components of the PCR along

with the reaction cocktail were placed in the wells of the thermalcycler (the

PCR facilitating machine), the PCR process gets initiated by rapidly

increased temperature to 90oC, where double-stranded DNA gets separated

into single strands (denaturation) , then rapidly decreasing the temperature

to 40-65 oC, where the primers gets annealed (bind) on to the generated

complementary DNA templates specifically at the target sequences

(Annealing) and then the temperature gets raised to 72 oC, where the Taq

DNA polymerases binds to the target template DNAs at the primer and

starts to amplify the target sequence leading to the generation of two copies

of the target sequence (Extension) and there ends of the first cycle. In the

subsequent PCR cycles (denaturation, annealing and extension) of about

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20-30, the target DNA sequence gets amplified to sufficient quantity

required for further analysis as part of the characterization and

identification of the organism of interest (Grimm et al., 2004; Hussain et

al., 2004; Suzuki et al., 2004; Trad et al., 2004; Nakari et al., 2005; Shutt et

al., 2005).

For more advanced level of analysis, a set of molecular and genetic

engineering based typing techniques were developed to characterize and

find the pattern or profile of the community diversity (Meyer et al., 2007)

by rapid analysis methods such as denaturing-gradient gel electrophoresis

(DGGE), temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE), and single-

stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) specifically for bacterial

domain. Further, there were also techniques developed based on

heteroduplex mobility analysis of 16S rDNA fragments for targeted

detection of sub-populations of bacteria even to the level of strains within

diverse microbial communities (Turner et al., 2002) and some of those

techniques include ribotyping, amplified ribosomal DNA restriction

analysis (ARDRA), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), random

amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), repetitive element sequence-

based PCR (rep-PCR), and amplified fragment length polymorphism


In spite of all these methods and the data built up on these methods, the

molecular and genetic engineering techniques have been evolving and

specially the gene sequencing technology has revolutionized the DNA

sequence based technologies and improved the accuracy and repetitiveness

of the results of bacterial identification among various laboratories. One of

such technology evolved as the most common housekeeping genetic marker

for identification of bacterial isolates is 16S rRNA gene sequencing

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technology, due to the following attributes of 16S rRNA genes (Janda and

Abbot 2007).

(i) 16S rRNA genes are present in almost all bacteria, often existing

as a multi-gene family or operons.

(ii) The function of 16S rRNA gene over the time has not changed,

suggesting that random sequence changes are a more accurate

measure of time (evolution), and

(iii) The 16S rRNA gene (1500 bp) is large enough for informatics

purposes. Identification of microbial isolates by 16S rRNA gene


The bacterial identification process in this technique, typically starts with

the isolation of genomic DNA samples form the bacterial isolates from the

chosen habitats, and the purified DNA sample of the isolate strain would be

used for the PCR amplification of 16S rRNA genes using appropriate

primers (Table-10). These amplified 16S rRNA gene sequences would be

read and compared to match with the existing database of the known 16S

rRNA gene sequences. If no close match to an existing 16S rRNA gene

sequence is found, then the test sequence represent a new bacterium and is

listed in GenBank as “uncultured bacterium”. However the sequence match

is not the ultimate or the absolute for the identification of the unknown

bacterial culture. So further characterization may be carried out by the

traditional phenotyping techniques to supplement the information of the

organism. The accumulating database of 16S rRNA sequences, over

2,578,902 (16S rRNA) sequences till date, provides additional benefits to

focus on microbial diversity of less explored extreme microbial flora whose

unidentified sequence similarities can be matched with these reported

sequences to find the close and divergent relatives of microbial ecosystem.

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Due to this vast availability of data and reliability of technique, the 16S

rRNA gene sequencing has emerged as one of the most used methods of

species identification for the bacterial genera.

Table 10. Primers used for amplification and sequencing of the 16S rRNA

genes (Claudio et al., 2002)


Forward (F) /

Reverse (R) Sequence

Generic primers used for 16S rRNA amplification



Primers for amplification of the 16S rRNA gene



Inner primers used for nested PCR on clinical samples



Primers used for sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene















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The steps involved in the 16S rRNA gene sequencing technology may be

summarized as follows.

Isolation of genomic DNA from microbial strain

Design of primers in the region of 16S RNA gene or usage of already

published set of suitable primers

Amplification of 16S RNA gene using the primers and isolation of the

amplified DNA

Gel purification of the amplified DNA fragments

Sequencing of the amplified DNA fragments

Searching for the match of similar sequences using NCBI search tool

(Ex.: BLAST)

Analysis of the search results and construction of phylogenetic tree

Identification of the most probable strain of the test microbial isolate