2 pavement distress handout

Pavement Distresses Flexible Pavement Sponsored by:  Minnesota LT AP  Center Presented by:  Michael Marti, P.E. SRF Consulting roup, !nc.  "an #eg$an, P.E. Se$Materials

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Pavement Distresses

Flexible Pavement

Sponsored by:   Minnesota LTAP Center 

Presented by:   Michael Marti, P.E.SRF Consulting roup, !nc.

  "an #eg$an, P.E.Se$Materials

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Various Rating Manuals

% Pa&e$ent Rehabilitation: A Guide for Minnesota Cities andCountiesM' LRR(

% "istress !denti)ication )or theLong Ter$ Pa&e$entPer)or$ance Progra$  S*RP

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Identifying the Distress is

 the 1st Step in the Process

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Identifying Distresses Includes

% 'a$e

% Se&erity

%  A$ount

“Rate what you see and not what youthink.” 

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% Types + Fatigue

 + Ther$alTrans&erse

 + (loc- + Edge

 + Longitudinal

 + Re)lection

 + Slippage

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Fatigue !rac"ing

% Causes

 + !nsu))icient strength

 + End o) pa&e$ent li)e

 + Too hea&y o) loads% Cures

 + Re$o&e and replace

 + Mill and o&erlay

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#hermal !rac"ing $#ransverse%

•  Causes

 +Contraction and

Epansion o) Pa&e$ent

/ith Changing


•  Cures

 +Crac- Filling

 +Full0"epth Recla$ation

 +Thic- 1&erlay

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&loc" !rac"ing

% Causes + *igh 2oid Content

 + 1idati&e *ardening o) the AC

 + Ther$al Crac-ing% Cures

 + Crac- FillingSealing

 + Seal Coat

 + Full0"epth Recla$ation

 + Thic- 1&erlay

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'dge !rac"ing

% Causes

 + Soil Mo&e$ent (eneath


% Cures + Crac- FillingSealing

 + Full0"epth Recla$ation

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(ongitudinal !rac"s

% Causes

 + Lo/ Te$peratures

% Cures

 + Crac- Sealing

 + Thic- 1&erlay

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Reflective !rac"ing

% Causes + Eisting crac-s or 3oints in the

underlying structure

 + Concrete slab $o&e$ents

% Cures

 + Crac- Filling + Etensi&e Pre01&erlay Repair 

 + Rubbli4ing

 + Crac- 5 Seat

 + Sa/ 5 Seal

 + !nterlayer 

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Slippage !rac"ing

% "escription

 + 60shaped crac-s in areas o) bra-ing, turning, accelerating

% Causes

 + Poor bond bet/een asphalt sur)ace and underlying layer 

% Cures

 + Crac- FillingSealing

 + Full0"epth Recla$ation

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Surface Defects

% Rutting% Sho&ing

% (leeding

% Polished Aggregate

% Ra&eling

% Potholes

% Patching

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% Causes + Lo/ Air 2oids

%  Asphalt contenttoo high

 + S$ooth, Rounded Aggregate%

Ecessi&e a$ountso) natural sand

 + Ecess "ust

% Cures + Re$o&eReplace 788 $$ 9 inches;

 + Micro0sur)acing

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% Causes

 + 6nstable Mi

 + (ra-ing, stopping or

accelerating tra))ic + Slippage bet/een layers 

% Cures

 + Re$o&e and Replace

 + Mill and 1&erlay + Thic- 1&erlay

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% Causes + Too high asphalt content

% too rich a plant $i

% i$properly constructed

seal coat% too hea&y pri$e or tac-


% Cures + Sand blot

 + Micro0sur)acing + Seal coat

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Polished )ggregate

% Causes

 + So)t aggregate

 + *ea&y tra))ic

% Cures + Seal coat

 + Micro0sur)acing

 + Thin 1&erlay

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% Causes + Asphalt binder unable to hold

aggregate in place% dusty aggregates

% segregation

% lo/ in0place density

% aged asphalt binder % Stripping

% Cures + Seal Coat

 + Micro0sur)acing

 + Thin 1&erlay

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% Causes

 + Ra&eling o) crac-s

 + Moisture da$age

 + Free4e0tha/ + !nsu))icient strength

% Cures

 + Patch

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Patch Deterioration

% Causes + Poor bonding to eisting pa&e$ent

 + !$proper co$paction

 + Poor $aterials

 + Propagation o)original distress

% Cures + Re$o&e and replace

 + Re0patch

 +  Assess original distress

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Miscellaneous Distresses

% Lane0to0shoulder "rop o)) 

% #ater (leeding and


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(ane to Shoulder Drop off 

% Cause

 + "i))erences in $aterials

used )or lane and shoulder 

 +"i))erential settle$ent

 + !nsu))icient co$paction o)


% Cures

 + #edgele&eling o&erlay

 + Micro0sur)acing

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*ater &leeding and Pumping

% Causes

 + Crac-s

 + !nade<uate drainage

% Cures + Full0depth patch

 + Crac- seal