(2) protein synthesis 1

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Biochemistry notes

Protein Synthesis


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: Team Leader

: Team membersYahya Al-Aseeri Metallic 0 Mind

Biochemistry notes

Protein Synthesis


Overview- Protein Synthesis called Translation - Translation needs Genetic Code . - Genetic Information : - Stored In Chromosomes . - Transmitted to daughter cells by DNA replication . - Genetic Information is expressed through Transcription to RNA mRNA Subsequent translation into proteins .

Note :- Any alter in the nucleic acid sequence may result in an improper Amino Acid being inserted into protein chain ,potentially cuasing Disease or even death- Many Proteins are covalently modified to - Activate them - Alter their activities - Target them to extracellular or intracellular destination


The Genetic Code* Each Individual word in the code is composed of three Nucleotide bases . *These Genetic words are called Codons

A - Codons- Present In mRNA . - They are presented by the language of : C, G , A , U - Their nucleotides should be written from 5-end to 3-end - there are 64 different combinations of bases

Adenine (A) Guanine (G) Cytosine ( C ) Uracil (U)

NO T (thymine ) (MCQ) J >>>

Biochemistry notes

Protein Synthesis


How To Translate a Codonyou can translate the codons to Amino acid . - For Example , 5-AUG-3 codes for methionine . - 61 of 64 are coded for the 20 common amino acid

Termination ( or stop or nonsense ) codons : {UAG - UGA - UAA }If One of these amino acid appears in mRNA : termination will occur and they do not code for Amino acid sending signals that the process is complete

: 1) Met & Trp is the only amino acids that form by only one codon 2) others amino acids formed by more than one codon as u see 3) Not in every protein we find Met

Biochemistry notes

Protein Synthesis


any mutation that altered the manner in which the code was translated would have caused the alteration of most, if not all, protein sequences, which would certainly have been lethal Characteristics of the genetic code Specificity- The genetic code is specific - a p articu lar codon always co des for the same amino acid

Universality J - the sp ecificity o f th e genetic code has b een con served from very early stages of evo lution [Note: An exception occurs in mito cho ndria, in which a few cod ons have different meanings like , UGA codes for trp .]

Degeneracy (Redunduncy )- a given amino acid may have mo re than one triplet coding for it. For example, arginine is specified by six d ifferen t codons.

M et

Nonoverlapping and commaless- The genetic code is nonoverlap ping and commaless, that is, the code is read from a fixed starting point as a continuous sequ ence of bases, taken three at a time. Fo r example, ABCDEFGHIJKL is read as ABC/DEF /GHI/JKL with out an y p unctuation between th e codons.

Biochemistry notes

Protein Synthesis


C. Consequences of altering the nucleotide sequence: Alteration in single nucleotide base (point mutation) :1. silent mutation : the codon containing changed base may code for the same amino acid ( e.g. UCA UCU = serine ) 2. missense mutation : the codon containing changed base may code for different amino acid ( e.g. UCA =serine CCA = proline ) 3. Nosense mutation : the codon containing changed base may become termination codon ( e.g. UCA = serine UAA = termination codon)


Biochemistry notes

Protein Synthesis


Alteration in amount or structure of protein produced by translation :A. Trinucleotide repeat expansion :( MCQ)O c ca si on a l l y , a se qu en ce of t hr ee bas e s t ha t is rep ea te d i n t a nd em w i l l b ec ome amp l if ied i n n u m be r, s o t h a t t oo man y co pi es of t he tr i p le t occ ur . I f t h is o cc ur s:

1) Within coding region of gene :t he pro t ei n w i l l co nt a i n man y e x t r a c o pie s of o ne am in o a c id .

I. Huntington protein (11-34 CAG = 11-34 glutamine) huntingon disease (MCQ) (neurogenrative ). * N.B : Huntington protein is unstable 2) In untranslated portion of gene decrease in produced protein : I. Fragile X syndrome (7-50 CGG) II. Myotonic dystrophy (5-35 CTG)

B. Splice site mutations: Mutation at splice site no removal of introns from pre-mRNA apparent protein production

C. Frame shift mutations : frame shift mutations : Addition or deletion of 1 or 2 nucleotides to interior of message sequence (not 3) (MCQ) Reading frame of mRNA is altered Resulting amino acid sequence may become different from this point on


Addition or deletion of amino acid: Addition or deletion of 3 nucleotides (amino acid) Not frame shift mutations Reading frame of mRNA is not altered

Biochemistry notes

Protein Synthesis


Loss of three nucleotides maintains the reading frame, but can result in serious pathology.For example , cystic fibrosis ( CF ): - a hereditary disease - primarily affects the p ulmo nary and dig estive systems - is most common ly caused b y deletion of three n ucleotides from the coding region o f a gene , resulting in the lo ss of phenylalanine at th e 508th p osition (F508) in the protein en cod ed by that gene. This F508 mutatio n prevents normal folding of the CF transmembrane conductance regul ator ( CFTR ) protein , leading to its destruction by the proteasome .

Note :

-----------------------------------------CFTR normally functions as a chloride ch annel in ep ithel ial cells, and its lo ss results in the prod uctio n of thick, sticky secretions in the lu ngs and p ancreas, leading to lung d amage and digestive deficiencies . In o ver seventy percent o f p atients with CF, the F508 mu tation is the cau se of th e disease.

Biochemistry notes

Protein Synthesis


III. Components Required for Translation:1-

all the amino acids that are found in the finished product2-

the mRNA ( to be translated)34-

transfer RNA (tRNA) . fun ctional ribosomes .5-

energy sources .6-


7- protein factors

Amino acidsAll the amino aci ds m ust be present at the time of protein synthesis

( If one amin o acid is missing (for example, if the diet do es not con tain an essential amino acid), translation stops at the codon sp ecifying th at amino acid. )

Biochemistry notes Transfer RNA

Protein Synthesis


-At least one specific typ e of tRNA is req uired per amin o acid -In h umans, th ere are at least fifty species of tRNA -so me amino acids h ave more than on e specific tRNA mo lecule. -But every single tRNA is directed for one amino acid

Amino acid attachment site - Each tRNA molecule has an attachment site for a specific (cognate) amino acid at its 3 -end. - charged : tRNA has a covalently attached amino acid - Uncharged :tRNA is not bound to an amino acidWh en an ami no ac id be come ac t iv at e d ? - w he n i t at t ac he d t o t - RN A

Anticodon:E ac h tRN A mo le cu le a l so co nt ain s a t h r eeba se nu c leo t id e s e qu en cet h e an t ic od on t ha t r e cogn i z es a sp ec if i c c od on o n t h e mR N A

tR N A a r e a bl e to carr y a sp ec if i c am in o a ci d a nd t o r ec og ni ze t h e c odon f or t h at am in o a ci d. tR N A, t h er ef o re, f u n ct i on as a da pto r mol ec u l es . ( MCQ )

Biochemistry notes Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases:

Protein Synthesis


- This famil y of enzymes is required fo r attachment of amino acids to their corresponding tRNA . - Each member of this family recognizes a specific amino acid and the tRNA that correspond to that amino acid (isoaccepting tRNA).

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases:- catalyzes a two-step reaction - The overall reaction requires adenosine tripho sph ate (ATP), which is cleaved to ad enosine mon ophosph ate (AMP) and inorg anic pyroph osphate (PP i ) - The extreme specificity contribu tes to the hig h fidelity of translation of the genetic message . - have a p roofreading or editing activity th at can remove mischarged amino acids fro m the enzyme or th e tRNA molecu le.

Biochemistry notes

Protein Synthesis


Messenger RNAT h e s pe ci f ic mRN A r eq uir e d a s a t empl at e f o r t h e s yn t h es is of t he de si r ed po l y pe pt i de ch ai n m u st be pr e se nt

Functionally competent ribosome-Rib oso mes are large complexes of protein and rib oso mal RNA (rRNA) -They consist of two subunits o ne large and one small . -Their relative sizes are g enerally given in terms of their sedimentation coefficients, or S (Svedberg) valu es. - Because the S values are determined both by sh ape as well as mol ecular mass, their n umeric values are not strictly additive. Fo r example, the prokaryotic 50S and 30 S rib osomal sub units together form a 70S ribosome. The eukaryotic 6 0S and 40S subu nits form an 80S ribo some.] (MCQ)(IMP) - Prokaryotic and eu karyotic ribo somes are similar in stru cture, and serve the same function, namely, as the factories in wh ich the synthesis of proteins occurs.

T he la r ge r ib os oma l s ub u n it c at a ly z es f or mat io n of t h e pe pt i de bo nd s t h at li n k am in o a ci d r es idu es in a pr ot ei n. T he smal l su b u n i t bi nd s mR N A a nd is r es p on si b le f or t he a cc ur a c y of t ra ns la t io n b y en su r i n g c orr e ct b as e-p ai r i n g b et w e en t h e c o do n i n t h e mR N A a nd t he an t ic o do n o f t h e tR N A

Biochemistry notesR i bo soma l RN A : pr okar yo t ic r ib os ome s co nt a i n t hr e e mo le cu le s o f rR N A, w h er e as e uk ar y ot ic r ibo som es con t ai n f o u r mo le cu le s o f rRN A

Protein Synthesis


C el l u l a r l ocat i o n of ri bos ome s :

- I n e uk ar y ot i c c e lls t h er ibo s om es ar e:

Free (cytosolic)LMCQ)C y t o so l ic r ib os ome s s y nt h es i z e p r ot ein s r e qu ir e d i n t h e c y t os ol i t se lf , o r d est in ed f o r t he n uc le us , m it o c ho nd r ia, a nd pe r ox is ome s

R i bo soma l prot ei n s : R ib os oma l p r ote in s a r e pr e se nt in co ns id er a bl y gr e at e r nu mbe rs in eu ka r yo t ic r ibo s om es t h an i n p r ok ar y ot i c r ibo s om es A, P, an d E s i t e s o n t h e r i bo so me : Th e riboso me has thr ee bi nd i ng si t es for t RNA m ol ecu l est he A , P, a nd E si tes ea ch of whi ch ext e nds ov er both su bu ni t s. To g et he r, t hey c o ve r th re e nei ghbori n g c od ons. Du ri n g t rans la ti on : t he A s it e bi n ds a n i n comi ng a mi noa c yl -tRNA as dir e ct e d b y t he c od on curr e nt l y oc cu pyi n g t his si te. T hi s c od on spe cifi es t he n ex t a mi no a ci d t o be a dd ed t o t he gr owi n g pept id e c hai n . (M CQ )

Associated with RER :T he RER - as soci at e d r i bo som es a r ere sp on s ib l e f or s y nt h es i z i n g p r ot e in s t ha t ar e : 1- to be exported from the

cell .2- d est in ed t o become i nt eg r at ed i nt o pl asm a, en do pla s mi c r et ic u l um , or G olg i m embr a ne s, or i nc o r po r at e d i nt o l y so som es.

N ot e : M it oc ho ndr i a con t ai n t he i r own s et of ri bos ome s a nd t he i r ow n u ni q ue , c i r cul ar DN A .

T h e P - sit e cod on is oc c up ied b y p ep t id y l - t RN A. T h is tRN A ca rr ie s t h e ch ai n of am in o a c ids t h at h a s al r ea dy be en sy n t he s i ze d.(MCQ)

Th e E si t e i s oc cu pi ed by t he emp t y tRN A as it is ab ou t t o ex it t he r ib os ome .


Biochemistry notes Protein factors

Protein Synthesis


Initiati on, elongation, and termin ation (or release ) factors are required for peptide synthe sis

ATP and GTP are required as sources of energyCleavage of four high-energy bonds (MCQ) i s re quired for the addi ti on of one amino a cid to the growing polypep ti de chain: 1- two from AT P in the aminoa cy l-tRNA sy nthetase reaction:-

one in the removal of PPi one in the subsequent hyd rolysis of the PPi to inorganic phosphate by py ro phosphatas .

2- two fro m GTP : - one for binding the a minoacyl-tRNA to the A site . - one for the transloca ti on step .

[Note: Additional ATP and GTP molecules are required for initiation in eukaryotes, whereas an additional GTP molecule is required for termination in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes.]