20-year-old paper bag entrepreneur - reviews & profiles - monitor.co

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  • 8/13/2019 20-Year-old Paper Bag Entrepreneur - Reviews & Profiles - Monitor.co



    20-year-old paper bag entrepreneur

    Mupuya displays his paper bags at h is workshop. T he paper bags business idea won him the Anzisha Pr ize worth Shs75m. PHOT O BY REBECCA VASSIE


    He is young, an entrepreneur, environment conservationist and a boss. Mupuya is such a person to inspire fellow 20-year-olds to do something that can change their lives and communities

    Just 20 years old and still studying, Andrew Mupuya w ho employs people older than him recently won the second annual Anzisha Prize, the premier award for

    Africas young entrepreneurial leaders. The awards ceremony was held on August 29, 2012, in Johannesburg, South Africa. Mupuya won $30,000 (Shs75m), and

    was among 13 exceptional entrepreneurs, all under the age of 22, selected from 270 youth in 23 countries.

    His first big win, however, came in 2008 when he was a student at Kololo SS and participated in the now annual Junior Achievement programme.

    We were over 200 students collecting plastic bottles and selling beads to companies in Norway and Uganda. Our company, Quapack was the best that year. I got

    inspired by my entrepreneurship teacher, Timothy Mugerwa. I consulted him and he encouraged me to draft the business plan, he explains.

    The second win was in 2011, when his own company, Youth Entrepreneurial Link Investments (Yeli) won $1,000 (Shs2.5m) for the International Labour

    Organisation business plan competition. His winning plan was about the extension of the paper bag business. Yeli has now produced over half a million paper bags in

    its four years of operation.

    Mupuyas claim to fame so far has been through his undying passion for entrepreneurship. The Makerere University third year Commerce student majoring in

    accounting wont be on the streets searching for a job as he is already an employer.

    When his parents became unemployed, Mupuya struggled to balance his school fees with the need to support his family. In 2008, then aged 16, he saw a market

    opportunity in paper bag production, as the government considered a possible ban on use of polythene plastic bags. After he had raised his initial capital of

    Shs36,000, Mupuya started making paper bags on a small scale basis w hile still in high sc hool.

    Business plans

    We learnt how to make these plans at school but I had to inquire from my teachers whether the paper bag plan is viable. I sold the idea to the students. I had done

    market research so they got convinced. During my Senior Six in 2009, I employed 30 students at the school. It was too much work.

    The school gave me premises. During my free time, I would train the students. They would sell the paper bags and I would give them commission, he recalls. In

    2010, Mupuya officially registered Yeli. His Mulago-based business has grown to employ 14 people, the eldest of whom is a 53-year-old father of eight. Yelis

    customer base includes local hospitals, retail shops, roadside sellers, supermarkets, restaurants, pharmacies and major local flour manufacturer companies like

    Maganjo grain millers and Akamai Foods.

    From his earnings, Mupuya is able to pay for his tuition, salaries and support his family in Mbale by opening up a distribution outlet run by his mother. In March this

    year, I was watching news on TV then I saw an advert about celebrating young innovative African entrepreneurs. I applied, and two months later, I emerged a semi-


  • 8/13/2019 20-Year-old Paper Bag Entrepreneur - Reviews & Profiles - Monitor.co


    The organisers visited my project and interviewed my employees. They visited markets and the community to see if I have created an impact. They took the

    information and I was later among the 13 finalists. While in Johannesburg, South Africa, we presented our projects to the judges whose criteria included impact,

    ingenuity and scalability. I expected to win. I was so happy, Mupuya narrates.

    In addition to managing his growing enterprise, Mupuya has found time to train over 500 individuals, mostly young people, on how to make paper bags through

    which 16 other projects have been set up. His personal goal is to employ 60 people by 2015 and set up a paper bag making plant in order to achieve a vision of a

    cleaner Africa.

    The grand prize is a great honour for me. With this money I plan to expand my production capability and also build a paper recycling operation, he explains. He

    hopes to have the plant at Namanve Industrial Park.

    I have done my research on the necessary machinery for the plant and on the production process. The recycling machines are expensive but I will get them

    gradually, he explains. He adds that he is in touch with paper suppliers in Kenya.

    Ugandas paper material is not good and the distribution is poor. Ugandan suppliers have disappointed me. They are inconsistent. The poor quality paper in Uganda is

    more expensive than the good quality paper in Kenya, Mupuya argues. Asked how he manages to balance books and business, Mupuya says he tries as much as

    possible to maximize his time relevantly. Because of his achievements, some of his f riends ask for money or loans but he always asks them how they are going to

    invest it and they fail to explain.

    I know how to handle people who ask me for money be it girls. I will be interested in girls when I am settled. Right now relationships can distract me, he argues.

    When asked how managers older than him feel about his being their boss, Mupuya says it is something they have to live with. Some of them feel intimidated but

    when I talk to them I tell them that it is the business employing them, not me, he says.

    On if he has any diversification plans, he says that is what kills some Ugandan businesses. In Uganda, we like diversifying a lot. People should first take time and

    grow one business then go to another. I want to expand my business first. Rwanda is a potential market for me. Although Uganda hasnt fully banned polythenebags, I will look to Rwanda, argues Mupuya.

    They also block drainage channels and this causes flooding, but the blocked channels also act as breeding grounds for mosquitoes. I believe I am doing something

    good. I want to partner with UIA, Nema among others to promote paper bag use and lessen polythene usage, he summarises.

    [email protected]


    Who is Mupuya

    With the experience garnered, creating business plans is a side job. Mupuya says he has done over 100 business plans in the last two years. He usually gets in touch

    with someone who wants a business plan and then he creates a road-map for them on how their businesses should move.

    However, planning is not all rosy. Sometimes when I put the plan on paper, some people say they wont do the business and therefore wont pay me. If I see that

    you are not capable or worthy of doing a particular business, I advise you to avoid it.

    Some people foresee themselves making a killing in the early times of the business yet I think it will be later so they get f rustrated. I tell them about bank inf lation

    rates, taxes and how these can impact on their businesses but some people dont want negative news, he notes.

    His charges depend on the workload because some plans require him to do feasibility studies. I usually charge two to eight per cent of the estimated capital. When I

    encounter some challenges along the way, I consult my lecturers, Mupuya says.

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