20 years of kirankiranvillage.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/2011-news...20 years of kiran centre...

20 YEARS OF KIRAN 20 YEARS OF KIRAN Centre for education, vocational training, rehabilitation and referral services of children and youngsters with different abilities For Private Circulation Only ANNUAL NEWS LETTER-2011 MARCH 2011 MARCH 2011 EDITION 13 EDITION 13

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Centre for education, vocational training, rehabilitation and referral services of children and youngsters with different abilities

For Private Circulation Only


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Page 3: 20 YEARS OF KIRANkiranvillage.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/2011-News...20 YEARS OF KIRAN Centre for education, vocational training, rehabilitation and referral services of children

We are happy to announce that the 20 years

of KIRAN have brought lots of happiness to

the hearts of our differently-abled children

and youngsters, and raised a spirit in them to

become more & more successful in their lives.

The Annual KIRAN Newsletter is a way of

approaching individuals who are unaware of

KIRAN's services, or the medium through

which we can display the activities and

talents of our differently-abled children and

youngsters in front of other people from our

area and society. Hence, the annual

newsletter is distributed free of cost to all

our supporters to make them aware of the

objectives, mission and vision of KIRAN

towards which it has been working for the

last two decades. However, any kind of

contribution to the newsletter is highly

appreciated, so that the printing and postal

cost towards the edition of the newsletter

could be covered.

I am thankful to all i.e. children, trainees,

staff, volunteers and supporters who have

supported me for the write-ups for this

year's newsletter edition. For any kind of

query or information you are free to contact

us at our address:

KIRAN Centre

Madhopur, Kuruhuan P.O.,

P. B. No- 5032, Varanasi-221005

Uttar Pradesh (India)

Ph. No :- +91 542 2670165/166

Tele Fax:- +91 542 2670180

Our Mail: [email protected]

Website to contact: www.kiranvillage.org


s Editorial

s Do not grow weary, but gently hold

out your hand to the wonder, like to a

bird- from Directors Desk

s ”20 years of KIRAN” A joyful


s National Symposium 2010

s Some memories from our first KIRAN friends in Switzerland

s ’’Deye Fme osMe ceW’’, ’’leyeener’’

s peerJeve DeeOeej

s I still love my work just like on the

first day

s ’’yeÛeheve’’

s peerJeve oMe&ve

s peerJeve ØekeâeMe

s efnccele nejer lees ogefveÙee nejer

s Washing Ravi

s JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ ØeefMe#eCe keâe heefjÛeÙe

s peueeDees oerÙes.....

s efkeâjCe mes cegPes Flevee hÙeej keäÙeeW nw

s ceeveefmekeâ cebo yeÛÛeeW ceW keâewMeue JÙeJenej keâer DeeJeMÙekeâleeSB

s Annual Awareness Program 2010

s Department wise photos of KIRAN

Children & Staff

s Thanks note & appeal


Edited by:

Manoj Kumar Singh

Assist. Administration Officer























20 years of KIRAN!

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This quote from Hilde Domin stayed with me for a long time throughout the KIRAN adventure. There are moments when I tell myself: “Don't get tired Sangeeta, don't get tired!” Maybe some people find it strange, that I call KIRAN a wonder, a miracle. But: Are there not smaller and bigger wonders in our daily life? Maybe we don't listen carefully enough. Maybe we don't see them. But they happen!

When I look back to these 20 years, one special occasion comes to my mind. Maybe the one which had the biggest impact on me: The moment when I knew all of a sudden, after meeting the severely disabled woman called Hema in the South of India, that I should do something for disabled children. And the wonder was, that I got enough energy and trust despite all the difficulties to make this idea a reality.

The second wonder, which comes into my mind, is that my wish for KIRAN to become a multi-faith creation where Hindus, Muslims and Christians work together on an equal basis in a friendly way could be realized. The acceptance of this dream of mine by the children, the employees and the committee members was and remains very important for me. The fact also that in KIRAN disabled and Non-disabled children live and work together in mutual acceptance is another joy for me. I dare to hope, that this integration-system teaches all of the children TOLERANCE for the rest of their lives.

And above all it is a wonder, that so many friends and institutions from Switzerland and from several countries, and increasingly now also from India, realized our need for help and started to support us with great concern with small and large contributions. Now these partners of ours count on us that we may give our service to the differently-abled children as professionally and as lovingly as possible.

One more wonderful thing that was done in this 20th year of service was the opening of the professional

school called the Human Resources Training Centre (for cerebral palsy affected children). It was a day full of unforgettable impressions when 25 young students started their diploma Course at KIRAN. Hopefully they will learn, beside expert knowledge

and skills, to let grow in their heart a special love for differently-abled children, so that KIRAN may become through them also a “ray of hope and joy” for many more children. And I would tell these students as well: “Don't grow weary…it is worth the trouble!”

ßeer efnu[ [esefceve kesâ keâLeve:- ''efve{eue yevekeâj cele peerÙees Deefheleg heef#eÙeeW keâer lejn Deheveer yeeBneW keâes HewâueeDees'', mes yenve mebieerlee meowJe ØeYeeefJele SJeb Øesefjle jner nQ~ Deveskeâ keâef"ve heueeW ceW Jes Deheves keâes mecePeeleer nQ efkeâ, ''mebieerlee Deeies yeÌ{es, DeYeer Lekeâvee veneR nw''~

Fme Je<e& efkeâjCe kesâ meHeâueleehetJe&keâ yeerme Je<e& hetCe& nesves hej Deheveer ÙeeoeW keâes lee]pee keâjles ngÙes Jes Gme heue keâes Ùeeo keâjleer nQ peye Jes nscee veecekeâ ceefnuee mes efceueerb pees efJeefYeVe ¤he mes me#ece yeÛÛeeW nsleg oef#eCe Yeejle ceW Skeâ mebmLee keâe mebÛeeueve keâj jner LeeR~ ØeLece cegueekeâele ceW ner Fvnsb Ùen Snmeeme ngDee efkeâ, Fvnsb Yeer Fve ]pe¤jlecebo yeÛÛeeW keâer mesJee keâjveer ÛeeefnÙes~ Gòeâ ceeie& hej Deveskeâ keâef"veeFÙeeW kesâ yeeJepeto GlmeenJeOe&ve leLee mekeâejelcekeâ Øeefleef›eâÙee Øeehle keâj Ùes efvejblej Deeies yeÌ{leer ieÙeeR~

Fvekeâer Ùen FÛÚe nw efkeâ, efkeâjCe Skeâ Ssmee mLeeve yeves peneB meYeer



Sangeeta J. K. Executive Director & FounderKIRAN Society

Sangeeta J. K. Executive Director & FounderKIRAN Society


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Oece& kesâ JÙeefòeâ Skeâpegš neskeâj, Deehemeer YeeF&Ûeejs kesâ meeLe jnW leLee keâeÙe& keâjW~ Fvekeâer Gòeâ FÛÚe keâes yeÛÛeeW, keâce&ÛeeefjÙeeW leLee keâcesšer meomÙeieCeeW Éeje ÙeLeeLe& keâjves keâes Jes DelÙeble cenlJehetCe& SJeb DeeMÛeÙe&mJe¤he ceeveleer nQ~ FvnW Ùen efJeMJeeme nw efkeâ, meceevelee keâer YeeJevee, yeÛÛeeW keâes peerJeve ceW Goej yeveves nsleg meneÙekeâ nesieer~

efmJešd]pejuewC[ efce$eieCe, DevÙe menÙeesieer osMe SJeb mebmLeeÙeW leLee Yeejle kesâ menÙeesiekeâlee&DeeW Éeje nceejer DeeJeMÙekeâleeDeeW keâes mecePeves leLee Úesšs-yeÌ[s meYeer Øekeâej kesâ menÙeesie keâjves keâes Jes ØecegKe SJeb meJeexheefj DeeMÛeÙe& HeâuemJe¤he osKeleer nQ~ efkeâjCe Éeje oer pee jner efJeefMe° mesJeeDeeW keâes osKeles ngS Deye osMe SJeb efJeosMe mes keâF& menÙeesieer mebmLeeÙeW efkeâjCe keâes Úesšs SJeb yeÌ[s meYeer Øekeâej kesâ menÙeesie nsleg Deheves neLe Deeies yeÌ{e jner nQ~

Deble ceW Jes 20 Je<e& kesâ Gheue#Ùe ceW ceeveJe mebmeeOeve ØeefMe#eCe kesâvõ kesâ GodIeešve leLee 25 Úe$e-Úe$eeDeeW mebie ØeLece me$e (ef[hueescee-efJeMes<e efMe#ee) keâs ØeejbYe nesves keâes DeYetlehetJe& GheueefyOe leLee keâYeer ve Yegueeves Jeeuee heue ceeveleer nQ~ Fme Skeâ Je<eeaÙe hee"Ÿe›eâce Éeje %eeve kesâ meeLe-meeLe yeÛÛeeW keâes efJeefYeVe Øekeâej kesâ keâewMeue meerKeves ceW Yeer meneÙelee efceuessieer efpememes efkeâ Fvekesâ efoue ceW efJeefYeVe ¤he mes me#ece yeÛÛeeW kesâ Øeefle Øesce pee«ele nes mekesâ leLee Fve Úe$e-Úe$eeDeeW kesâ ceeOÙece mes efkeâjCe DevÙe efJeMes<e yeÛÛeeW ceW DeeMee SJeb KegMeer keâer efkeâjCe uee mekesâ~

Dele: Jess Fve Úe$e-Úe$eeDeeW mes Ùener keânvee Ûeenleer nQ efkeâ; efve{eue yevekeâj cele peerÙees Deefheleg...............~~


We inaugurated the carpentry unit where trainees acquire expertise in the said trade, along with the food processing and preservation unit, which was inaugurated after completing its construction in November. This teaching unit will teach differently-abled trainees to prepare preservatives such as Jam, Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, etc, which will be launched for sale in the market.

We have applied for our Vocational Training Department to be registered under the Vocational Training Provider (V.T.P.), which is recognized by the “Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment”.


Carpentary Unit of Vocational Department started its activities for the session 2010-11, for which registration under V.T.P. of

I.T.I. Department/M.E.S. is in process too.

Carpentary Unit of Vocational Department started its activities for the session 2010-11, for which registration under V.T.P. of

I.T.I. Department/M.E.S. is in process too.

Food Processing and Preservation Unit of Vocational Department started its activities for the session 2010-11, for which registration

under V.T.P. of I.T.I. Department/M.E.S. is in process

Food Processing and Preservation Unit of Vocational Department started its activities for the session 2010-11, for which registration

under V.T.P. of I.T.I. Department/M.E.S. is in process

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“20 years of KIRAN” A joyful celebration

On 2nd and 3rd October KIRAN celebrated its 20th anniversary with a big, colorful and cheerful festival. For over a month, the staff members, school children and trainees had been working very hard to prepare this joyful event. As the big day moved closer, nearly every day rehearsals were going on and all the children and trainees were very motivated practicing their dances, songs and drama again and again, until their teachers were satisfied. Everyone joined hands to embellish the KIRAN compound and together the staff members decorated the walls of the main hall with traditional Indian paintings and put chains of lights, multicolored flags and balloons up in the trees. Even the paths were decorated with colored footsteps and mandalas and the horticulture team worked hard to bring the trees, bushes and lawns in perfect shape.

In the end all the hard work paid off and more than 1000 guests came to KIRAN-Center to become part of the big anniversary. Friends and family-members of the staff and the children, people from the city and the surrounding villages, as well as friends from abroad, everyone shared some wonderful moments and enjoyed the cultural program.

The KIRAN-family was very honored to welcome many special guests, like, Shri Anil Shrivastava, Representative of Shri Mukul Vasanik, Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi,

Dr. Philippe Welti, Swiss Ambassador in Delhi,

Mr. Ravindra, District Magistrate of Varanasi, Reverend Bishop Raphy Manjaly of the Varanasi Diocese, Mr. Urs Keller, President of the KIRAN Foundation Switzerland, Mr. Urban Zehnder, President of the KIRAN Friends Association Switzerland, Shri Wangchuck Gyalpo, Asian Director of Partner Organization SOIR-IM, and “Les amis de l'Inde”, our longstanding partners from Luxembourg.

Before entering the Main Hall, where the cultural program was organized, the visitors had the time to visit the stalls and got information about the diversified activities in KIRAN, bought products made by the trainees or join the Indian KIRAN Friends Association (IKFA). Large boards depicted the history of KIRAN and many people were very happy when they recognized themselves in the old pictures.

Sarah GilbertVolunteer


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Together with the Chief Guest and the special Guests, Bahan Sangeeta, KIRAN's Executive Director, inaugrated the program with the lighting ceremony. The children and trainees proved to be talented actors and presented the play “Sawa Ser Gehu” written by Shri Munshi Premchand, a famous Indian author. The play revolved around the central character named Shankar, who was a very poor farmer. One day Shankar borrowed 1 ¼ kg of wheat from Maharaaj, who was a wealthy farmer from the same village. Due to his critical condition, he was incapable of returning the borrowed quantity of

wheat as a result within a short time it went up to 250 kg and ultimately to Rs. 1200. Shankar was unable to pay this huge amount of money therefore, his whole family was tortured by Maharaaj and his cohorts. At the end Shankar died due to excess laborious work and Maharaaj takes all his property.

meeje efieuyeš&, efkeâjCe mesCšj ceW yeleewj JeeBuesefCšÙej mesJee Øeoeve keâj jner nQ~efkeâjCe ceneslmeJe 2010 kesâ yeejs ceW ÛeÛee& keâjles ngS Ùes keânleer nQ efkeâ, efkeâjCe ØeebieCe ceW 20 Je<e& kesâ Gheue#Ùe ceW DeeÙeesefpele oes efoJemeerÙe meceejesn efoveebkeâ 02 SJeb 03 veJebyej 2010 keâes yeÌ[s ner n<eexuueeme kesâ meeLe ceveeÙee ieÙee~ keâeÙe&›eâce keâes meHeâue yeveeves ceWW mebmLee kesâ yeÛÛeeW SJeb keâce&ÛeeefjÙeeW keâe DelegueveerÙe Ùeesieoeve jne efpevnesves Fme meceejesn nsleg efJeiele Skeâ ceen hetJe& mes DeLekeâ heefjßece efkeâÙee~ keâeÙe&›eâce ceW yeÛÛeeW leLee ØeefMe#egDeeW Éeje Øemlegle ieCesMeJebovee, Jnerue ÛesÙej ve=lÙe leLee veešdÙe cebÛeve yengle ner Deueewefkeâkeâ Lee efpemekeâe ueglHeâ keâeÙe&›eâce ceW GheefmLele meYeer efJeefMe<š SJeb ieCeceevÙepeveeW ves G"eÙee~ Fme efJeMes<e DeJemej hej mebhetCe& heefjmej ceW jbie efyejbies iegyyeejeW, keâheÌ[eW, efJeefJeOe Øekeâej keâer efÛe$e keâueeDeeW leLee heefjmej kesâ ceeieeX hej heoefÛevn keâer Deeke=âefle DeodYegle Úše efyeKesj jner Leer~

keâeÙe&›eâce kesâ cegKÙe DeefleefLe -ßeer Deefveue ßeerJeemleJe, ØeefleefveefOe - ßeer cegkegâue Jeemeefvekeâ - meeceeefpekeâ vÙeeÙe SJeb jes]peieej ceb$eeueÙe, leLee ßeer JeebieÛegkeâ efieÙeeuheeW- menÙeesieer mebmLee, mJeeÙejce, Deewj efJeefMe<š DeefleefLe- ßeer SJeb ßeerceleer efHeâefuehe Jesušer- efmJeme jepeotle, uekeä]peceyeie& mes DeeÙes efce$e, ßeer jJeervõ- efpeueeefOekeâejer, JeejeCemeer, ßeer Deej0heer0efmebn- DeeF&0peer0, JeejeCemeer, jsJe0 efyeMehe jeHeâer cebpeueer- JeejeCemeer [eÙemeer]pe, ßeer Gme& kesâuej- DeOÙe#e, efkeâjCe (efmJeš]pejuewC[ ceW), ßeer Gyee&ve ]pnsv[j- DeOÙe#e, (efkeâjCe efce$e mebIe efmJeš]pejuewC[), meYeer efkeâjCe meesmeeFšer meomÙeieCe leLee ueieYeie 1000 mes Yeer DeefOekeâ Deeme heÌ[esme kesâ «eeceerCe, efkeâjCe yeÛÛeeW leLee keâce&ÛeeefjrÙeeW kesâ heefjJeejieCe, JeejeCemeer leLee yeenj mes DeeÙes meYeer ieCeceevÙe DeefleefLeieCe ves Deheveer hetCe&¤hesCe GheefmLeefle oer~

keâeÙe&›eâce keâe MegYeejbYe yenve mebieerlee leLee DevÙe efJeefMe<špeveeW Éeje oerhe ØeppJeueve kesâ ceeOÙece mes efkeâÙee ieÙee~ leleheMÛeeled jbieejbie keâeÙe&›eâceeW keâer Øemlegefle keâer ieÙeer~ keâeÙe&›eâce keâe cegKÙe Deekeâ<e&Ce ØeefMe#egDeeW Éeje ßeer cegbMeer ØesceÛebo Éeje jefÛele veeškeâ ‘’meJee mesj iesntB’’ keâe cebÛeve Lee~ Fme veeškeâ kesâ YeeJehetCe& ÂMÙeeW ves GheefmLele meYeer oMe&keâeW keâes YeeJeefJeYeesj SJeb jesceebefÛele keâj efoÙee~ Ùen keâneveer Mebkeâj veecekeâ iejerye efkeâmeeve keâer Leer efpemeves Deheves ieeBJe kesâ cenepeve mes meJee mesj iesntB GOeej mJe¤he efueÙee Lee efpemekeâes ve ueewše heeves keâer efmLeefle ceW cenepeve ves Gmekesâ yewue SJeb Gmekeâes Deheves ÙeneB yebOegDee ce]peotj kesâ ¤he ceW keâeÙe& keâjJee kesâ Jemetuevee Ûeene~ hewmee ve ueewše heeves keâer efmLeefle ceW kegâue yÙeepe meefnle GOeej yeejn meew nes ieÙee efpemekesâ keâejCe Gmekesâ leLee Gmekesâ mebhetCe& heefjJeej keâes ØeleeefÌ[le efkeâÙee ieÙee~ Deble meyemes ogKeo Lee peye Mebkeâj keâe osneble nes peelee nw leLee hewmee ve ueewše heeves keâer efmLeefle ceW Gmekesâ heg$e keâes cenepeve kesâ ÙeneB yebOegDee ce]peotjer nsleg cepeyetj nesvee heÌ[lee nw~

Fme meceejesn keâer meHeâuelee keâe ßesÙe Ùes mebhetCe& efkeâjCe heefjJeej keâer DeLekeâ cesnvele SJeb ØeÙeeme keâes osvee Ûeenleer nQ leLee Deble ceW meYeer keâes mebosMe osvee Ûeenleer nQ efkeâ efJekeâueebie nesves kesâ yeeJepeto Fve efJeMes<e Øekeâej kesâ yeÛÛeeW keâer #eceleeÙeW Deueewefkeâkeâ nQ~


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In the occasion of its 20th year celebrations, we organized a Symposium on “Cerebral Palsy, Treatment and Rehabilitation in Indian Rural Context” on Sunday 7th November at K.N. Udupa Auditorium, Banaras Hindu University.

Why did we choose the topic of Cerebral Palsy (CP) for our symposium? In fact, CP is the most common cause of child physical disability in the world, affecting from 2.0 to 4.0 children per 1000 live births, and though the exact prevalence in India is not known, we have reasons to think that it is not inferior. The disturbances that occur in the developing brain result in a wide variety of movement disorders that persist from childhood into adult life. Main causes of CP are intrauterine infections, developmental

malformations, preterm birth, birth asphyxia, malnutrition, postnatal infections and injuries affecting the developing brain. Early identification of

the condition and early intervention for treatment and

rehabilitation are important for the goal of helping the child develop at the maximum of his/her possibilities. Counseling and sustaining parents in dealing with the child affected by CP is essential for the global benefit of the family. A family-centered approach is considered the best one. Due to its complexities, both from the medical/rehabilitative and family/social point of view, CP is considered a model of the disability problem, a problem that directly or indirectly touches everybody's life.

The Symposium has been an important occasion for discussion regarding how to give quality services to all the disabled children affected by CP, given the limitation of resources we are facing, both economic and professional, especially in the rural setting.

In fact, the Rehabilitation, Education and Social Integration of Children and Youth affected by CP is often a very challenging task, even in an ideal setting where good services are easily accessible and where medical doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, special educators, speech pathologists, psychologists and social workers collaborate in a harmonious team-approach; thus the present situation in most of our rural villages, and also in urban areas is all the more challenging.

Speakers have been Medical Doctors and Heads of Organizations serving Cerebral Palsy Children, all renowned specialists in the field: Prof. B.D. Bhatia and Dr. R. Prasad both of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi; Dr. A. Gupta, NIMHANS, Bangalore; Dr. A. Martinuzzi, Medea Scientific Institute, La Nostra Famiglia, Italy; Dr. S. Reddy, CARENIDHI, Delhi; Dr. Poonam Nathrajan, National Trust, Delhi; Ms. Charu Lekha, AADI, Delhi; Ms. Madhumati Achutan, Spastic Society of Tamil Nadu, Chennai; Dr. Sw. Varishthananda, Ramakrishan Mission Home of Service, Varanasi; Dr. Nitin Rajpai, UNICEF, Lucknow.

About 300 persons attended, among them medical doc to r s o f Varanas i and su r round ings ,

A National Symposium on “Cerebral Palsy: Treatment and Rehabilitation in Indian Rural Context”,

was held on 7th November 2010 at Benares Hindu University, Varanasi.


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physiotherapists, special educators and social workers, managers and staff members of NGOs working in the field of disability rehabilitation, students of Benares Hindu University, and staff of Kiran Centre.

The media, both newspapers and television, gave ample space to the event.

Exposure of children & trainees by participating in various cultural programs

The cost of the symposium was fully covered by the contribution of the sponsors, especially by UNICEF.

For those interested, a DVD with video recording of all the scientific sessions is available at Kiran Centre on request.

Dr. Moreno ToldoMedical Director

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20 years of KIRAN unbelievable!

August 1990. Sangeeta's small, hand-written letter to myself and a few friends:” Will you help me? I would like to do something for the disabled children in Varanasi?” Of course we wanted to. We knew each other from earlier times, grew up in the same

area in St. Gallen. Who could imagine at that time the result of such a small request !

After this, intensive correspondence was started: Hand-written letters to India - no phone, no fax, no computer, no mobile yet. Who knew if a letter

really arrived? After six weeks, maybe an answer. How many letters we received!! Personal letters, business letters, letters of friendship; about flowers, money, friends, destiny, daily life, faith and God. How many contacts have been created! From Europe to India, friendships developed. So many wonderful meetings, discussions and actions. 1993 my first visit in KIRAN , at that time still at Nagwa- Lanka. What a world! Fascinatingly different, brutally different from ours in Switzerland! The KIRAN centre, like a small paradise! Later on, the generous area in Madhopur. A lot of laughing and dancing despite the disabilities.

What really impressed me was the morning prayer which was like a power source. “How wonderful to feel that God creates our lives as he desired them to be. And how calming it is to leave everything up to HIM.” (Sangeeta on 26.07.1991).

It is so wonderful that so many people worked with so much passion and responsibility in and for KIRAN in the past 20 years and that this continues now. How wonderful it is to be a part of the KIRAN family!!

ßeer efHeâueerhe ne@šues, efkeâjCe efce$e mebIe-efmJešd]pejuewC[ kesâ meomÙe

Philipp Hautle

Some memories from our first KIRAN friends in Switzerland:

nQ leLee efkeâjCe kesâ me]HeâueleehetJe&keâ 20 Je<e& hetCe& nesves hej DeeMÛeÙe&Ûeefkeâle SJeb n<eexuueeefmele nQ~ Deheveer ÙeeoeW keâes Deheves uesKe kesâ ceeOÙece mes yeleeles ngS Jes keânles nQ efkeâ, meved 1990 ceW yenve mebieerlee Éeje Skeâ nmleefueefKele he$e Gvnbs leLee Gvekesâ kegâÚ efce$eeW keâes Øeehle ngDee efpemeceW Gvnesbves efueKee Lee efkeâ, ''keäÙee Deehe cesjer ceoo keâjWies? ceQ yeveejme pewmes Oeeefce&keâ mLeue hej Meejerefjkeâ ¤he mes me#ece yeÛÛeeW nsleg kegâÚ keâjvee Ûeenleer ntB~ ÛetBefkeâ ßeer efHeâueerhe ne@šues SJeb yenve mebieerlee Skeâ ner mLeeve meWš ieeuesve ceW heues-yeÌ{s, DeleSJe Ùes Gvekeâer ceoo nsleg lewÙeej nes ieÙes, efpemekeâe efve<keâ<e& Deepe Fme ¤he ceW meeceves DeeÙesiee, Fmekeâe Fvnsb leefvekeâ Yeer DeeYeeme ve Lee~

lelheMÛeeled efÛeefšd"ÙeeW keâe oewj Meg¤ ngDee, efpemekesâ ceeOÙece mes Ùetjeshe mes ueskeâj Yeejle lekeâ Deveskeâ efce$eieCe efkeâjCe mes pegÌ[ves ueies~ Je<e& 1993 ceW peye efkeâjCe mebmLee, veieJeeb, ceW Fvekeâe Deeieceve ngDee leye Fvnsb Ùen DevegYetefle ngF& efkeâ Skeâ ceesnkeâ SJeb DeeveboceÙeer ogefveÙee ÙeneB hej Yeer efmLele nw pees Gvekeâer ogefveÙee mes hetCe&le: efYeVe nw~ leoghejeble Ùen mJeie& ceeOeeshegj «eece ceW mLeeveebleefjle ngDee~ ÙeneB keâer Øeele:keâeueerve ØeeLe&vee ceve ceW Skeâ Tpee& ØeJeeefnle keâjleer nw~ yenve mebieerlee kesâ Meyo efkeâ'' efkeâlevee Deueewefkeâkeâ nw efkeâ F&MJej nceW Gmekesâ Devegmeej peerJeve oslee nw, leLee Meeefvle mes meye nce hej ÚesÌ[ oslee nw- (26-07-1991)'', Deepe Yeer Gvnsb mcejCe nw~

Deble ceW Jes Deheves keâes efkeâjCe keâe DeefYeVe efnmmee ceeveles ngS leLee Deheves keâes ieJee&efvJele cenmetme keâjles ngS keânles nQ efkeâ, efkeâjCe mes YeeJeveeDeeW SJeb hetCe& ef]peccesoejerhetJe&keâ pegÌ[keâj keâeÙe& keâjves Jeeues cenevegYeeJeeW keâer ner osve nw efkeâ 20 Je<eeX kesâ heMÛeeled efkeâjCe Deepe Fme cegkeâece lekeâ henBgÛe mekeâe nw~

By Philipp Hautle, who started KIRAN Friends Association in Switzerland:

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I remember very well our first meeting in 2000. As usual Sangeeta visited the new officially nominated Swiss ambassador; me - and invited me for a visit to KIRAN. There was soon a special relationship between us, Swiss people, that's why I told her on my first visit that she could count me as a part of the KIRAN family.

For the enormous commitment and courage which was needed for such a challenging work, and which cannot be described in words. I want to just reduce my words down to two: THANK YOU!I will never forget the bright eyes of the KIRAN children during my visit!

Best wishes from Moscow! Walter Gyger

[eB0 Jeeušj ieeFpej, hetJe& jepeotle- efmJešd]pejuewC[, veF&-efouueer, meved 2000 ceW yenve mebieerlee kesâ Gvekesâ heoe«enCe kesâ meceÙe jepeotle keâeÙee&ueÙe hej, Gvnbs efkeâjCe Deeieceve nsleg efveceb$eCe he$e osves keâes Ùeeo keâjles ngÙes yeleeles nQ efkeâ Gvekeâe mebyebOe keâye ØeieeÌ{ ngDee, Gvekeâes Fmekeâe leefvekeâ Yeer DeeYeeme veneR ngDee leLee Gvnesbves Deheves ØeLece yeej efkeâjCe Deeieceve hej yenve mebieerlee mes Ùen keâne efkeâ ‘’Jes GvnW Yeer efkeâjCe heefjJeej keâe DeefYeVe meomÙe ceeveW’’~ Deheveer YeeJeveeDeeW hej efJejece ueieeles ngS Jes kesâJeue Flevee keânvee Ûeenles nQ efkeâ, ''OevÙeJeeo! ceQ ØeLece yeej efkeâjCe Deeieceve hej efkeâjCe kesâ yeÛÛeeW keâer GppJeue DeeBKeeW keâes keâYeer Yetue veneR mekeâlee’’~

Deble ceW Jes cee@mkeâes mes meYeer keâes MegYekeâeceveeSB Yespe jns nQ~

I can't remember how many times I had emptied the letter box at the Klosterhof, the place where the office of the KIRAN- Friends Association is situated, and on the way to the third floor itself she happily realizes how many good things are happening backstage and how many people trust Sangeeta's work at KIRAN there in India.

I can only repeat what I told myself in the past: I got lots of joy from my small help with this huge creation and the involvement of so many people. I could feel how the beautiful work going on in KIRAN which “inspired” the people here as well. For me this was not just work, but also a lot of satisfaction and joy, an experience which I don't want to miss!

Gme&uee mšw[uecewve, meefÛeJe, efkeâjCe efce$e mebIe, efmJešd]pejuewC[,

efheÚues keâF& Je<eeX mes efkeâjCe mes pegÌ[er ngF& nQ~ Deveskeâ yeej

keäueesmšjn@Heâ veecekeâ mLeeve (peneB efkeâjCe efce$e mebIe keâe

keâeÙee&ueÙe nw) mes he$e hesefškeâe keâes GvneWves Keeueer efkeâÙee leLee leermejs

cebef]peue lekeâ hengBÛeves cee$e kesâ meceÙe ceW Fvnbs Fmekeâe DeeYeeme nes

peelee Lee efkeâ Deheves mes megotj osMe ceW Yeer efkeâleves DeÛÚs keâeÙe& keâe

mebÛeeueve megÛee¤ ®he mes nes jne nw leLee meYeer ueesie yenve mebieerlee

kesâ keâeÙe& keâes Yeejle ceW mejen jns nQ~

Deheves Éeje hetJe& ceW keâner yeeleesb keâes hegve: oesnjeles ngS Jes keânleer nQ-

efkeâjCe keâes Skeâ Úesšer meer ceoo oskeâj Jes DelÙeble n<eexuueeefmele nQ

leLee efkeâjCe kesâ Éeje efkeâÙes pee jns keâeÙe& mes Gvekesâ osMeJeemeer Yeer

DelÙeble ØeYeeefJele nQ~ Ùen Gvekesâ efueÙes kesâJeue keâeÙe& cee$e ve Lee

Deefheleg Deelcemeblegef° leLee Guueeme Yeje Skeâ Ssmee DevegYeJe nw

efpemekeâes Ùes keâYeer Yetuevee veneR Ûeenleebr~

Dr Walter GygerDr Walter Gyger

By Dr Walter Gyger, former Swiss Ambassador, New Delhi:

By Ursula Stadelmannsecretary of the KIRAN Friends Association for many years:


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The Murals at

KIRAN's Human

Resources Training

Centre, designed

and created by

Mr. Anil Kumar -

Crafts Instructor in


osMe leyeen nw veslee mes,

yeehe leyeen nw yesše mes!

ogefveÙee leyeen nw veece mes,

ce]peotj leyeen nw keâece mes!

Meeoer leyeen nw efoKeeJes mes,

Deewjle leyeen nw henveeJes mes!

yeQkeâ leyeen nw Ûeesj mes,

mebmeej leyeen nw Meesj mes!

efkeâmeeve leyeen nQ ueesve mes,

DeefOekeâejer leyeen nQ Heâesve mes!

Ùee$eer leyeen nQ YeeÌ[s mes,

Deeoceer leyeen nw ceewmece mes!

YeeQjs leyeen nQ Hetâue mes,

efJeÅeeLeea leyeen nQ mketâue mes!

ueÌ[kesâ leyeen nQ heÌ{ves mes,

heÌ[esmeer leyeen nQ ueÌ[ves mes!

leyeenerUday Pratap SinghTeacher

Uday Pratap SinghTeacher

Deye Fme osMe ceW,

ueeue keâce nQ, ueeuee ]pÙeeoe nQ~

keâece keâce, Ieesšeuee ]pÙeeoe nw~~

Deye Fme osMe ceW,

meeceeve keâce, cenbieeF& ]pÙeeoe nw~

Jesleve keâce, Thejer keâceeF& ]pÙeeoe nw~~

Deye Fme osMe ceW,

veewkeâjer keâce, yesjes]peieejer ]pÙeeoe nw~

F&ceeveoejer keâce, yesF&ceeveer ]pÙeeoe nw~~

Deye Fme osMe ceW,

Meebefle keâce, obies ]pÙeeoe nQ~

MejerHeâ keâce, ueHebâies ]pÙeeoe nQ~~

Deye Fme osMe ceW,

mesJee keâce, mJeeLeea ]pÙeeoe nQ~

Meyo keâce, DeLe& ]pÙeeoe nQ~~

Deye Fme osMe ceW



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Deepe kesâ Fme DeeOegefvekeâ Ùegie ceW ceveg<Ùe DeebOeer keâer lejn GÌ[lee pee jne nw Deewj Deheves ue#Ùe keâer Øeeefhle nsleg DeLekeâ ØeÙeemejle nw~ Deheves ue#Ùe keâers Øeeefhle keâer Oegve ceW ceveg<Ùe Deeme-heeme kesâ heefjJesMe keâes ve]pejDeboe]pe keâjlee pee jne nw~ Ùeefo nce Skeâ heue Lecekeâj, Deheves Deeme-heeme osKeW lees ve peeves efkeâleves Ssmes yeÛÛes efceueWies efpevnsb yeme Skeâ menejs keâer ]]pe¤jle nw~ keâYeer-keâYeer lees ceveg<Ùe keâeÙe& keâer JÙemlelee ceW Deheves ner heefjJeej keâes ve]pejDeboe]pe keâj oslee nw, heefjCeemJe¤he Gvekesâ yeÛÛeeW keâer hejJeefjMe mener ¤he mes veneR nes heeleer nw, Ûeens Jen efJeefYeVe ¤he mes me#ece nesb Ùee meeceevÙe ~ nce Fmes Gvekeâer lekeâoerj ceevekeâj Gvekesâ leLeekeâefLele neueele hej ÚesÌ[ osles nQ~ Ssmeer efmLeefle ceW Jes yeÛÛes Iej kesâ DebOesjs ceW Kees peeles nQ~ keäÙee Ùener Fvekeâer ef]pevoieer nw? veneR vee!! lees efHeâj.............

peve peeiees, ‘’efJekeâueebielee veneR nw DeefYeMeehe’’peeiees Deewj, nj yeÛÛes kesâ Deboj peieeDees,Skeâ veÙes peerJeve keâer Deeme~Heekeâj efkeâjCe-meneje,yegPee mekesâ nj Jees hÙeeme~peerrJeve meeiej kesâ YeBJej ceW,yevee mekesâ............Deheves peerJeve keâe DeeOeej~~

‘’efkeâjCe mebmLee’’ Fme heef$ekeâe kesâ ceeOÙece mes peve-peve keâes Ùener mebosMe osvee Ûeenleer nw efkeâ ØelÙeskeâ yeÛÛes keâes nBmeves, heÌ{ves leLee heefjJeej Je meceepe ceW mecceeve kesâ meeLe Dehevee cegkeâece Øeehle keâjves keâe mebhetCe& DeefOekeâej efceuevee ÛeeefnÙes~ Fmeer keâesefMeMe ceW efkeâjCe mebmLee efJeiele yeerme Je<eeX mes Deheveer mesJee -‘’efMe#ee, hegveJee&me leLee JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ ØeefMe#eCe efJeYeeie’’ kesâ ceeOÙece mes Øeoeve keâj jner nw~ ÙeneB ceQ JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ ØeefMe#eCe efJeYeeie keâes Deehemes heefjefÛele keâjevee Ûeenlee nBt~

JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ ØeefMe#eCe efJeYeeie efJeefYeVe DeeÙeeceeW ceW ØeefMe#eCe Øeoeve keâjlee nw pewmes- DeeF& keäÙet šdJeeÙe]pe, keâejhesvšjer, Deeš& SC[ ef[]peeFve, yeskeâjer, efmeueeF&-ie=efnCeer, neefš&keâuÛej leLee KeeÅe ØemebmkeâjCe SJeb mebj#eCe~ GheÙe&gòeâ mecemle ØeefMe#eCe JÙeefòeâ efJeMes<e keâer DeefYe¤efÛe kesâ Deveg¤he keâjeÙes peeles nQ~ efJeefYeVe ¤he mes me#ece DeLeJee meeceevÙe peve keâes efpevekeâes JeemleJe ceW menejs SJeb

ceeie&oMe&ve keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw Deewj efpevekeâer DeeÙeg Ûeewon Je<e& Ùee Fmemes DeefOekeâ nes, keâes ÙeneB JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ ØeefMe#eCe efoÙee peelee nw~ JÙeefòeâ keâer #eceleevegmeej efJeYeeie keâes oes KeC[eW ceW efJeYeòeâ efkeâÙee ieÙee nw-

JeeskesâMeveue š^sefvebie efmkeâue š^sefvebie

ØeefMe#eCe keâer DeJeefOe ØeefMe#eCe kesâ Deveg¤he leÙe keâer peeleer nw~ cegPes DeeMee nw efkeâ Deehe Deheves Deeme-heÌ[esme kesâ yeÛÛeeW kesâ Øeefle peeie¤keâ yeveWies leLee mebmLee Éeje efoÙes pee jns efMe#eCe leLee ØeefMe#eCe pewmeer efJeefMe° mesJeeDeeW kesâ ceeOÙece mes yeÛÛeeW kesâ peerJeve Ùeeheve nsleg peerJeve DeeOeej keâe ceeie& ØeMemle keâjWies~

Mr. Sanjay Albert, who works as an instructor in the Wood Workshop in KIRAN, focuses on the too fast, busy & struggling life of human beings where to achieve their goal they not only ignore their families but also their children too (both special and able children). Due to the lack of attentiveness and lots of carelessness their children do not get an appropriate environment to grow up in. As a result their children are lost in the world of extreme darkness in the house and become isolated. Is this their life? Not so! Here, Mr. Sanjay reminds us about the KIRAN song - people awake, disability is not a curse............!

He conveys a message through his article that, differently-abled children and youngsters also have the right to smile, study, live with freedom and

peerJeve DeeOeej

Sanjay AlbertAsstt. ManagerVoc. Training

Sanjay AlbertAsstt. ManagerVoc. Training


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For over 20 years Nirmal Kerketta has been working for the KIRAN Centre. On 20th anniversary of KIRAN, he looks back on the early days and says: I remember the year 1990 very well when I was living in an ashram in Varanasi and was helping the father in his daily work. In the same ashram Bahan Sangeeta had started to work for differently-abled children. She was taking care of a little boy, Rohit, who was recovering from surgery. After he was released from the University Hospital I had to do some exercises with him, so as to ease his contractions. A few days later Sangeeta came to see me and said that, I had a good way of working with children and offered me to work for her. I remember that at the moment I was quite hesitant at first, because I wasn't so sure about her plans. She told me was planning to rent the whole ashram and dedicate herself to the welfare of differently-abled persons and wanted to educate and rehabilitate them. She then gave me one week to think about her offer. The whole week I was thinking about her proposal and finally I accepted it. Soon other interested people joined us: Johny, Naseem, Kedar and Lallu. Together we founded KIRAN on 15th September 1990 and step by step our “family” grew bigger.

In early 1993 six of us started our training for physiotherapy. In the morning hours we studied theory and in the afternoon we practiced it with the children of KIRAN. Of the six of us, Srikant,

Rajkumar and I are still working in the KIRAN Centre while the other three are self-employed. Nathan, together with his wife, is taking care of mentally challenged teenagers, Pavan founded an integrated school and Rita is now married to a doctor. As you can see, KIRAN not only gives hope to many children but also opens up new perspectives for us. Today, 20 years later, I still love working with children just like on the first day.

It always makes me think; what would my life today be if I had taken a different decision on the proposal of Bahanji. Compared to the early days, many things have changed in the KIRAN Centre today. In the 90's we only had a small auto rickshaw to transport our half dozen children and these days I see many buses bringing the children to our centre. KIRAN has

Nirmal KerkettaPhysiotherapist- KIRAN CentreNirmal KerkettaPhysiotherapist- KIRAN Centre

“I still love my work just like on the first day.”


happiness and should be given equal opportunity to establish themselves in the society with mutual respect. Along with that they should have the right to develop their own specific identity. With respect for this, for the last 20 years KIRAN has been rendering services to the children in special need through education, vocational training and rehabilitation.

The Vocational training department gives training to the youngsters with special needs in the following trades: I-Q Toys, Carpentry, Art & Design, Bakery, Grihini, Horticulture and Food processing & preservation.

Both the special as well as the able who need support or appropriate guidance and is over 14 years of age are trained here in their field of interest.

The Vocational Training Department is categorized into two sectors:

Vocational Training Skill Training

In conclusion he requests all of us to be aware and careful towards the differently-abled children and youngsters in our surroundings and make the neighborhood peoples more aware of KIRAN'S specialized services which will result in building a stronger base to live their daily lives.

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grown a lot and we can help many youngsters, but sometimes I miss the old days, when we were just caring for a handful of children. At that time I could pay very close attention to each child. Today we have to keep a much tighter schedule so that each child can get equal benefit through physiotherapy. Fortunately more and more children in India are getting vaccinated against polio and so presently our focus is more on children affected with cerebral palsy. These children need special care & attention Therefore I did a special course in Calcutta to work with CP children who are now more prominent. I feel I am equipped to face new challenges and look forward to the up-coming 20 years with optimism.

ßeer efvece&ue kesâjkesâše (efHeâef]peÙeesLesjsefhemš, efkeâjCe mesCšj) efJeiele 20 Je<eeX mes efkeâjCe ceW mesJeejle nQ~ efkeâjCe mesCšj keâer 20 JeeR Je<e&ieeb" kesâ Gheue#Ùe ceW Jes Deheves yeerles efoveeW keâes Ùeeo keâjles ngS keânles nQ efkeâ; meved 1990 ceW JeejeCemeer kesâ Skeâ Deeßece ceW jnkeâj Jes JeneB kesâ Heâeoj keâes Gvekesâ keâeÙeeX ceW menÙeesie efkeâÙee keâjles Les~ Gmeer Deeßece ceW yenve mebieerlee efJeefYeVe ¤he mes me#ece yeÛÛeeW nsleg keâeÙe& keâj jner LeeR~ GvneR ceW mes Skeâ ‘’jesefnle’’ veecekeâ yeeuekeâ keâer Jes os:KeYeeue keâj jner LeeR efpemess DeehejsMeve heMÛeeled Demheleeue mes Úgóer efceueer Leer~ jesefnle kesâ Demheleeue mes Úgóer kesâ heMÛeeled efvece&ue Gmekeâer Yeeweflekeâ efÛeefkeâlmee (efHeâef]peÙeesLesjsheer) efkeâÙee keâjles Les~ kegâÚ meceÙe heMÛeeled yenve mebieerlee Gvekesâ heeme DeeÙeeR leLee Gvekeâes Deheves meeLe keâeÙe& keâjves keâe ØemleeJe efoÙee~ Fmekeâe keâejCe efvece&ue kesâ keâeÙe& mes ØeYeeefJele nesvee Lee~ efJeÛeej nsleg GvneWves efvece&ue keâes kegâÚ Jeòeâ efoÙee~ ceve ceW keâF& meJeeue leLee efPePekeâ nesves leLee kegâÚ efoveeW kesâ ienve efÛebleve-ceveve kesâ heMÛeeled Gvnesves yenve peer kesâ meeLe keâeÙe& keâjves keâer menceefle os oer~ leoghejeble veÙes meomÙe mJe¤he pee@veer YeeF&, vemeerce oer, kesâoej leLee ueuuet jece Yeer Fve ueesieeW kesâ meeLe pegÌ[les ieÙes~ heefjCeecemJe¤he meved 1990 keâes efkeâjCe keâerr mLeehevee ngF& pees Skeâ Úesšs mes heefjJeej mes Meg¤ neskeâj Deepe Flevee yeÌ[e yeve ieÙee nw~ meved 1993 ceW efvece&ue mecesle Ú: meomÙeeW ves efHeâef]peÙeesLesjsheer ceW ØeefMe#eCe ØeejbYe efkeâÙee efpemeceW meJesjs efkeâleeyeer efMe#ee lelheMÛeeled ØeÙeesieelcekeâ ¤he ceW keâeÙe& efkeâÙee peeves ueiee~ Ú: meomÙeeW ceW- efvece&ue, ßeerkeâeble leLee jepekegâceej efkeâjCe ceW Jele&ceeve meceÙe ceW Yeer mesJeejle nQ leLee DevÙe leerveeW ceW veeLeve ves Deheveer Helveer mebie ceeveefmekeâ cebefole ÙegJeeDeeW nsleg, heJeve ves Fbšer«esšs[ efMe#ee kesâ lenle efJeÅeeueÙe mLeeefhele keâj efueÙee nw leLee jerlee keâe efJeJeen Skeâ efÛeefkeâlmekeâ mes nes ieÙee nw~

efkeâjCe Deepe Deveskeâ yeÛÛeeW nsleg DeeMee keâer Skeâ efkeâjCe yevekeâj GYejer nw leLee Fmekesâ meeLe-meeLe Jen nceW Yeer keâF& Øekeâej keâer mebYeeJeveeSB Øeoeve keâjleer nw~ Deepe 20 Je<eeX yeeo efkeâjCe yengle yeÌ[e mJe¤he ues Ûegkeâe nw efpememes npeejeW yeÛÛes SJeb Gvekesâ heefjJeej ueeYeeefvJele nes jns nQ~ Jes Deheves henues kesâ keâeÙe& keâes Jele&ceeve mes leguevee keâjles ngS keânles nQ efkeâ, henues keâce yeÛÛes nesves kesâ keâejCe ØelÙeskeâ yeÛÛes hej Jes hetCe& OÙeeve osles Les, hejvleg Jele&ceeve ceW DeefOekeâ yeÛÛeeW leLee meceÙeeYeeJe kesâ keâejCe GvnW yengle ner efveÙeefcele keâeÙe& efoveÛeÙee& ceW Ûeuevee heÌ[lee nw~

Deepe heesefueÙees Gvcetueve nsleg hegj]peesj ¤he mes keâeÙe& nes jne nw, DeleSJe efkeâjCe ves Dehevee ®Ke mesefjyeÇue heeumeer Gvcetueve keâer lejHeâ hetCe& kesâefvõle keâj efoÙee nw~ mesefjyeÇue heeumeer mes «eefmele yeÛÛeeW keâer efJeMes<e DeeJeMÙekeâleeDeeW keâes osKeles ngS Fvnesves keâuekeâòee mes efJeMes<e ØeefMe#eCe Øeehle efkeâÙee nw efpememes Jes Deheves keâes efkeâmeer Yeer heefjefmLeefle ceW keâeÙe& keâjves nsleg me#ece ceeveles nQ~ Jes efkeâjCe kesâ Deeieeceer 20 Je<eeX nsleg DeeMeeJeeoer efJeÛeej JÙeòeâ keâj jns nQ~

yeÛeheve kesâ efove Yeer efkeâleves DeÛÚs Les,

leye lees efmeHe&â efKeueewves štše keâjles Les~

Jees KegefMeÙeeB Yeer kewâmeer KegefMeÙeeB Leerb,

efleleueer hekeâÌ[ keâj GÚuee keâjles Les~

HeeBJe ceej keâj Kego yeeefjMe kesâ heeveer ceW,

Deheves-Deehe keâes efYeieesÙee keâjles Les~

Deye lees Skeâ Deebmet Yeer ¤meJee keâj peelee nw,

yeÛeheve ceW lees efoue Keesue keâj jesÙee keâjles Les~~


Supriya SrivastavaAssist. Librarian, HRTC

Supriya SrivastavaAssist. Librarian, HRTC


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cesje veece meeoieer peeÙemeJeeue nw leLee cesjs ceelee-efhelee keâe veece- heÇsceuelee peeÙemeJeeue SJeb hehhet heÇmeeo peeÙemeJeeue nw~ Deheves peerJeve keâs keâgÚ DeveÚgÙess heueesb keâes Deepe ceQ Deehekeâs mece#e ueevee leLee Deehemes yeeBšvee Ûeenleer ntB~ cesje pevce 7 HeâjJejer 1993 keâes Skeâ ceOÙeceJeiee&rÙe heefjJeej cesb ngDee~ ceQ Deewj cesjerr 5 yenveesb mecesle keâgue 8 meomÙeesb keâe cesje heefjJeej nw~ cesjer ceelee Ûeej yenveesb keâs pevce kesâ heMÛeeled Ùen keâÙeeme ueiee keâj yew"er Leerb efkeâ, Fme yeej lees ueÌ[kesâ keâe pevce nesiee hejbleg cewves pevce ues efueÙee~ Deheveer ceelee kesâ keâLeveevegmeej, peye cesje pevce ngDee leye DeebOeer-letHeâeve mebie les]pe yeeefjMe nes jnerr Leer~ cesjs pevce kesâ Dee" ceen heMÛeeled ceQ iebYeerj ¤he mes yeerceej heÌ[er efpemekesâ keâejCe cesjs ceelee-efhelee cegPes meceerheJeleea Skeâ efÛeefkeâlmekeâ kesâ heeme ues ieÙes, efpevnesbvess Skeâ mehleen lekeâ cesje GheÛeej efkeâÙee~ GheÛeejmJe¤he meele efoveeW lekeâ efvejblej metF& ueieeves kesâ keâejCe cesjs oesveeW hewjeW leLee keâcej ceW DemenveerÙe heerÌ[e nesves ueieer~ cesjs heefjJeejpeveeW keâes Ùen ueiee efkeâ heerÌ[e metF& ueieeves kesâ keâejCe nes jner nesieer~ hejvleg peye ceQ ome-hebõn efoveeW kesâ yeeo Yeer KeÌ[er ve nes mekeâer lees efÛeblee kesâ keâejCe Jes cegPes otmejs efÛeefkeâlmekeâ

kesâ heeme ues ieÙes~ Gòeâ efÛeefkeâlmekeâ Éeje yeleeÙee ieÙee efkeâ cesjs keâcej leLee oesveeW hewjeW ceW heesefueÙees nes ieÙee nw~ Jen heue cesjs leLee cesjs heefjJeej kesâ efueÙes yengle ner og:Keo heue Lee efpemekeâes ceQ Deepe lekeâ Yeguee veneR heeÙeer~ Gmeer efove mes cesjs efueS keâef"veeFÙeeW keâe oewj ØeejbcYe nes ieÙee~ keâF& peien Fueepe kesâ yeeJepeto Yeer keâesF& megOeej

veneR ngDee~ meele meeue keâer Gceü lekeâ cewbves efMe#ee veneR ueer hejvleg, peye cesjer Úesšer yenve mketâue peeves ueieer lees cesjers Yeer mketâue peeves keâer FÛÚe pee«ele ngF&~ yee]peej ceW Skeâ efove meeceeve Kejerooejer kesâ oewjeve cesjs efheleepeer keâer ve]pej ''efkeâjCe mesCšj'' keâer mketâue-yeme hej ieÙeer~ Gme meceÙe Gvekesâ leLee cesjs mecemle heefjJeej ceW DeeMee keâer uenj meer oewÌ[ ieÙeer Deewj efkeâjCe ceW peeves keâer Gvekeâer FÛÚe pee«ele ngF&~ efkeâjCe ceW peeves kesâ yeeo Gvekeâes Ùen %eele ngDee efkeâ Gvemes Yeer ]pÙeeoe og:Ke ogefveÙee ceW nw~ Skeâ Je<e& lekeâ efkeâjCe mesCšj ceW efvejblej GheÛeej nsleg Deeves kesâ heMÛeeled cesje oeefKeuee efkeâjCe mketâue ceW nes ieÙee~ efkeâjCe mesCšj keâer efJeMes<e DeefYej#ee ceW, cegPeceW efove-Øeefleefove megOeej nesves ueiee~ Deewj Jen heue cesjs efueÙes DeefJemcejCeerÙe heue Lee peye cesjs hewjeW ceW yengle no lekeâ megOeej nes Ûegkeâe Lee~ efkeâjCe mesCšj ceW efMe#ee kesâ meeLe-meeLe, cewves Deveskeâ meebmke=âeflekeâ keâeÙe&›eâceeW leLee ef›eâÙeekeâueeheeW ceW Yeeie uesvee ØeejbYe keâj efoÙee~ efkeâjCe mesCšj mes keâ#ee 5 GòeerCe& keâjves kesâ yeeo, Deeies keâer heÌ{eF& nsleg cesje oeefKeuee efkeâjCe mesCšj kesâ ceeOÙece mes meer0SÛe0Sme0,keâceÛÚe, JeejeCemeer ceW nes ieÙee~

efkeâjCe ves keâYeer Yeer cegPes Deheves mes Deueie ve mecePeles ngÙes ØelÙeskeâ- ceerefšbie, keâeÙe&›eâce SJeb efMeefJejeW nsleg Deecebef$ele efkeâÙee~ omeJeeR keâ#ee GòeerCe& keâjves kesâ yeeo cesje oeefKeuee hee@efuešsefkeävekeâ (Fueskeäš^eefvekeäme) ceW nes ieÙee~ Jele&ceeve meceÙe ceW cesje hetCe& OÙeeve Deheves kewâefjÙej keâes yeveeves hej nw~ Deheves ue#Ùe keâes hetje keâjves ceW cesjs heefjJeej, cesjer yenveeW leLee efkeâjCe mesCšj keâe yengle yeÌ[e Ùeesieoeve nw efpevnesves cegPes nj keâoce hej menÙeesie efoÙee~ ceQ efkeâjCe mesCšj ceW mesJeejle leLee Gmemes pegÌ[s ngS cenevegYeeJeeW keâes efoue mes OevÙeJeeo osleerr ntB, efpevekeâer Jepen mes ceQ Deepe Fme cegkeâece lekeâ hengBÛe mekeâer ntB~

Miss Sadagi Jaiswal, daughter of shri Pappu Prasad and Premlata Jaiswal, born on 7th February 1993, got paralyzed at the age of 8 months. Along with 4 sisters, she is part of a family of seven members. Her mother was hoping for a son after the birth of her fourth daughter, and was disappointed when Sadagi was born. According to her mother heavy rain started at the time of her birth. Even though she was

Miss Sadagi JaiswalEx-Student, KIRAN CentreMiss Sadagi JaiswalEx-Student, KIRAN Centre

peerJeve oMe&ve


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not yet eight months old she became sick and was immediately taken to the nearby doctor for treatment. As treatment the doctor gave her continuous injections for seven days, leaving her in intolerable pain. As a result it made her incapable of moving due to which she was taken to another doctor. The doctor detected paralysis in her hip and both of her legs. It was very shocking for Sadagi and her family. Sadagi did not start her basic education till the age of 7 when seeing her sisters going to school, she had a strong desire to go to school too.

One day her father saw the KIRAN Centre bus, which showed him and his family “A ray of hope”. Her father's willingness made him contact KIRAN. After continuously going to KIRAN for one year for treatment, her father admitted Sadagi in the school for her education. She took education up to class 5th in KIRAN. After passing class 5th from KIRAN, she got admission to the Central Hindu School for Girls, Kamaccha, Varanasi, where she continued her studies up to class 10th, with the help and support of KIRAN. She wants to thank KIRAN Centre that, in-spite of being an ex-student, KIRAN never forgets to invite her to meetings, programs or exposure trips.

Eventually after facing great challenges, she got admission to Polytechnic-Electronics. At present she is totally concentrated on building up her carrier. She wants to thank KIRAN Centre, staff members of KIRAN and her family members too, who were so essential and instrumental towards building-up of her carrier.

Tailoring UnitTailoring Unit


ieg¤ ves efMe<Ùe mes keâne- peerJeve ceW ØekeâeMe Øeehle keâjes, leye efMe<Ùe ves ieg¤ mes hetÚe efkeâ peye DebOekeâej Ievee nw lees ØekeâeMe kewâmes Øeehle nesiee, jemlee kewâmes efoKeeF& heÌ[siee?

ieg¤ ves keâne- Ùeefo DebOekeâej nw lees ØekeâeMe Ûebõcee mes ues uees Deewj jemlee hekeâÌ[ uees~

efMe<Ùe ves efHeâj hetÚe- Ùeefo Ûebõcee ve nes lees ØekeâeMe kewâmes efceuesiee?

ieg¤ ves keâne- ØekeâeMe ueeuešsve mes efÛejeie peueekeâj Øeehle keâjes Deewj jemlee hekeâÌ[keâj Ûeuees~

efMe<Ùe ves keâne- peye DeebOeer Deewj heeveer mes efÛejeie ve peue heeÙes leye keäÙee nesiee?

ieg¤ ves keâne- DeeJee]pe megvees Deewj Gmekeâe meneje ueskeâj jemlee hekeâÌ[ uees~

efMe<Ùe ves keâne- Ùeefo DeeJee]pe Yeer ve megveeF& heÌ[s leye jemlee kewâmes efceuesiee?

efHeâj ieg¤ ves keâne- peye ØekeâeMe ve nes, DeeJee]pe Yeer ve megveeF& heÌ[s, lees jemlee hekeâÌ[ves kesâ efueÙes Deheves Devle%ee&ve keâes peieeDees Deewj peerJeve heLe hej Ûeuees~

Deewj Ùen Devle%ee&ve kesâJeue ‘’efMe#ee’’mes ner efceuelee nw~

Mrs. Seema Singh, Assist. Crafts Worker in KIRAN is telling us a b o u t t h e d e e p conversat ion held between a student and his teacher in which the student seems to be very curious to know how to obtain the

internal light source of life when there is absolute darkness. In response to that, the teacher told him that he can get the light source from the moon, the flame of a lamp, and hearing the internal voice. If there seems no way of getting the light source, then develop internal knowledge and proceed to walk on the path of life. And this internal knowledge can be obtained only by getting an education.

Mrs. Seema SinghAssist. Crafts WorkerMrs. Seema SinghAssist. Crafts Worker

peerJeve ØekeâeMe

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jcesMe keâes Meerle $e+leg keâer oeshenj ceW veoer kesâ efkeâveejs

yew"vee DelÙeble efØeÙe Lee~ Skeâ efove peye Jen veoer kesâ

efkeâveejs oeshenj ceW šnue jne Lee, leYeer Gmes veoer ceW

efkeâmeer kesâ ketâoves keâer DeeJee]pe megveeF& heÌ[er~ Gmeves

osKee efkeâ, Skeâ yeÛÛee heeveer ceW [tye jne nw~ Gme

yeÛÛes keâes yeÛeeves keâer GOesÌ[yegve keâes lÙeeie Jen heeveer

ceW ketâo ieÙee leLee Gmekeâes yeÛeekeâj yeenj ues

DeeÙee~ heeveer mes efvekeâeueves kesâ heMÛeeled yeÛÛes kesâ hesš

mes heeveer efvekeâeueles meceÙe keâF& ueesie JeneB Dee ieÙes~

Gve ueesieeW ves Gme yeÛÛes keâer henÛeeve meescet kesâ ¤he ceW

keâer pees meceerheJeleea ieeBJe keâe jnves Jeeuee Lee~

Gmekeâer keâ#ee keâe heefjCeece efvekeâuee Lee efpemeceW Jen

DevegòeerCe& nes ieÙee Lee~ Gmekesâ Iej ve henBgÛeves hej

Gmekeâer ceeB yengle hejsMeeve SJeb efJeÛeefuele Leer~ leYeer

Gmekeâer ceeB Gmes Keespeles ngÙes JeneB HengBÛe ieÙeer~ Gmeves osKee efkeâ

meescet yesnesMeer keâer neuele ceW kegâÚ yeÌ[yeÌ[e jne nw leLee yeesue jne nw

‘’ceeB ceQ hejer#ee ceW Hesâue nes ieÙee ntB’’~ ceeB ves Gmekeâes ]peesj mes

PekeâPeesÌ[e leLee Gmekesâ kegâÚ-kegâÚ nesMe Deeves hej keâne efkeâ, yesše

cewvesb lees Skeâ Fmemes Yeer yegjer Keyej megveer nw~ hetCe& nesMe ceW Deeves hej

meescet keâer efpe%eemee hej efJejece ueieeles nggS ceeB ves keâne efkeâ, yesše

legcnejer Keyej mes Yeer yegjer Keyej Ùen nw efkeâ legce efnccele nej ieÙes~

legce ceve mes Yeer nej ieÙes nes~ legce peerJeve keâer Skeâ keâÌ[Jeenš keâes

Yeer ve Pesue mekesâ leLee veoer ceW ÚueeBie ueiee oer? ceeB keâer yeele

megvekeâj meescet yengle ner ueefppele ngDee leLee Deheveer ieueleer keâes

mJeerkeâejles ngS ceeB mes #ecee ceeBieer~

ceeB Gmes meeBlJevee osles ngS yeesueer- yesše peerJeve ceW DemeHeâuelee keâe

meecevee lees keâoce-keâoce hej keâjvee heÌ[lee nw~ Fme efueÙes nceW yengle

meenme kesâ meeLe keâoce G"evee ÛeeefnÙes~ Fme efueÙes legce ncesMee Ùen

Ùeeo jKevee efkeâ,’’ceve kesâ nejs nej nw Deewj ceve kesâ peerles peerle’’~

Mrs. Anjana Shrivastava, as a teacher in KIRAN

tells us the story about a boy named Ramesh who

loves to sit besides the river near his village in the

winter season. One day he was there when he heard a

sound of someone jumping into the river. Going near

to the river, he saw a boy being dragged under the

water. He saved the boy and brought him safely out

of the water. At that moment many villagers

gathered and recognized him as Somu, who had

failed his examinations. Searching for him, his

mother came and saw her son murmuring

unconsciously “I have failed my examinations”.

When she shook him, he came to consciousness, and

his mother gave him some news which was worse

than failing his examinations. He was shocked. His

mother told him that, he was incapable of facing the

real truth of his life and so he decided to commit

suicide. It is like being a loser at heart. He felt very

guilty and ashamed and so he asked his mother for

forgiveness. In response his mother told him he had

to be prepared for failure in life and he always

needed to proceed forward in life with courage. She

suggested keeping in mind that, “if your heart is lost;

you are the loser, but if you can win over the heart;

you are the winner”.

efnccele nejer lees ogefveÙee nejer

Mrs. Anjana ShrivastavaTeacherMrs. Anjana ShrivastavaTeacher


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As i walk in

you turn, you look

though you cannot hear

the greetings in the hall

the feet on the floor

the scrape of the door

you know i'm here.

You turn, you look

you crane your head,

and grinding your teeth

into a smile,

you welcome the new day.

“Good morning Ravi!”, i say

awaiting no reply, for

wordless are your lips.

But you grasp, you clench

with your flailing limbs

a garment, a wrist, a hand

and hold tight, hold tight

to what is real, what is true.

I bend and cradle you

like a child in my arms

yet you are a man.

How your mother

must have wept

when her soul was severed

from the body

she could not heal.

But now your mothers are many

and they rock you, rock you

in their open arms.

I carry then lay you

on white ceramic tiles

to wash away the night.

I strip you of your clothing

and lay your skin bare

I feel your wrists and hands

knees and legs, ankles and feet

bent at impossible angles.

so as i rub the red soap

into your thick jet-black hair

onto your smooth dark-brown skin

your flesh becomes mine

and mine yours

as i soften the borders

and dissolve that space

where fear can corrupt the giving.

You laugh and laugh

a laughter that rises

from deep within your chest

and rasps at your throat

in spasms of joy,

for you know better than i

how good it is to be alive!

I smell the scent of oil

Massaged into your skin

your body now spotless,

you sit strapped to your wheels.

I turn and i go, knowing

the sacrifice of your body

has made love pure

washing my sins away.


Paul Filippetto



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Jele&ceeve meceÙe ceW meceepe ceW peerves nsleg kesâJeue heÌ{e-efueKee nesvee ner DeeJeMÙekeâ veneR nw Deefheleg neLeeW ceW ngvej nesvee Yeer ]pe¤jer nw~ JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ ØeefMe#eCe kesâ lenle nce heÌ{eF& kesâ meeLe-meeLe keâeÙe& #es$e mes pegÌ[er keâesF& efJeMes<e keâuee meerKekeâj Deheves peerJeveÙeeheve keâe ceeie& megÂÌ{ yevee mekeâles nQ~ efkeâjCe mesCšj kesâ JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ ØeefMe#eCe efJeYeeie kesâ ceeOÙece mes keâF& #es$eeW ceW ØeefMe#eCe Øeoeve efkeâÙes peeles nQ pees Fme Øekeâej nQ-

l Jeg[ Jekeäme&- DeeF&.keäÙet.šdJee@Ùe]pe

l yeskeâjer

l ie=efnCeer

l yeeieJeeveer

l Deeš& SC[ ef[]peeFve

l KeeÅe ØemebmkeâjCe SJeb mebj#eCe

Fve efJeMes<e #es$eeW ceW ØeefMe#egDeeW keâes leerve Je<e& keâe ØeefMe#eCe oskeâj efvehegCe yeveeÙee peelee nw, efpememes efkeâ Jes Deheves peerJeveÙeeheve keâe ceeie& hetCe&¤hesCe megÂÌ{ SJeb ØeMemle keâj mekeWâ~ hejvleg Deheveer #ecelee leLee ÙeesiÙeleevegmeej ØeefMe#eCe #es$eeW keâe ÛeÙeve DelÙeble cenlJehetCe& nw efpememes ØeefMe#egDeeW keâer cesnvele meeLe&keâ nes mekesâ~ heÇefMe#eCe hetJe& efkeâjCe mesCšj, ØeefMe#egDeeW keâes Deheveer ¤efÛe Devegmeej ØeefMe#eCe #es$e keâe ÛegveeJe keâjves keâe hetCe& ceewkeâe oslee nw efpemes ØeefMe#eCe keâe ØeLece ÛejCe mecePee pee mekeâlee nw~ Ùen Skeâ Øekeâej keâer hejer#ee nesleer nw efpemeceW Ùen osKee peelee nw efkeâ ØeefMe#eg Deheves YeefJe<Ùe kesâ efueÙes mener #es$e keâe ÛeÙeve keâj hee jne nw Ùee veneR~

Deeš& SC[ ef[]peeFve efJeYeeie ceW ØeefMe#eCe kesâ meeLe-meeLe cegPes keâF& DevÙe Øekeâej kesâ ØeefMe#eCe uesves ceW Yeer ¤efÛe nw~ hetCe& ¤he mes efkeâmeer Skeâ keâeÙe&#es$e hej efveYe&j jnkeâj peerJeveÙeeheve keâe ceeie& ØeMemle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ Deepe DelÙeble ØeeflemheOee&lcekeâ Ùegie ceW Deheves ngvej kesâ ceeOÙece mes mener efoMee keâe ÛeÙeve keâj nce Deheves peerJeve keâes mener jen hej ues pee mekeâles nQ~

ØeefMe#eCe kesâ meeLe-meeLe Deheves menÙeesefieÙeeW kesâ mebie efceuepeguekeâj keâeÙe& keâes meerKeves keâe Deevebo uesvee cegPes DelÙeble efØeÙe nw~ menÙeesie keâer YeeJevee Yeer JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ ØeefMe#eCe keâe ØecegKe efnmmee nw~ ØeefMe#eCe kesâ Deefleefjòeâ Keevee hekeâevee, veešŸe cebÛeve, leLee efkeâmeer veÙes keâeÙe& keâes meerKeves Deewj Gmes veÙes ueesieeW keâes efmeKeeves ceW cesjer efJeMes<e ¤efÛe nw~ ØeefMe#eCe DeJeefOe kesâ oewjeve ceQ Deheves keâes DeelceefveYe&j jKeves nsleg ØeMemle nes ieÙee ntB~ Fmekesâ hetJe& ceQ Deheveer ]pe¤jleeW kesâ efueÙes otmejeW hej efveYe&j jnlee Lee, hej Jele&ceeve meceÙe ceW Dehevess leLee Deheves heefjJeej keâer ]pe¤jleeW keâes hetje keâjves ceW ceQ Deheves Deehe keâes me#ece mecePelee ntB~ heefjJeej keâes DeeefLe&keâ SJeb Meejerefjkeâ menÙeesie oskeâj cegPes DelÙeble ØemeVelee nesleer nw leLee peerJeve ceW Skeâ ‘’DeeMee keâer efkeâjCe’’ efoKeeF& osleer nw~

JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ ØeefMe#eCe uesves mes cegPes DeÛÚs SJeb yegjs ceW Heâke&â keâjvee leLee mener efveCe&Ùe uesvee Yeueer-YeeBefle Dee ieÙee nw~ Deepe kesâ Fme Ùegie ceW peye keâesF& Yeer efkeâmeer keâes DeeefLe&keâ menÙeesie osves keâer YeeJevee veneR jKelee nw, nceW Deheves YeefJe<Ùe keâes DeeefLe&keâ ¤he mes ce]peyetle yeveeves nsleg meesÛevee ÛeeefnÙes efpememes efkeâ heefjJeej keâe ueeueve-heeueve leLee YejCe hees<eCe mener Øekeâej mes nes mekesâ~

JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ ØeefMe#eCe DeJeefOe kesâ meceÙe cewbves Ùen Yeer peevee efkeâ, keâeÙe& #es$e keâer mecemÙeeDeeW keâes Iej keâer mecemÙeeDeeW mes keâYeer efceueevee veneR ÛeeefnÙes veneR lees peerJeveÙeeheve otYej nes peeÙesiee leLee KegefMeÙeeW kesâ ueeues heÌ[ peeÙeWies~ Dele: Deiej Deehe Ùen veneR keâjles nQ lees, Deehekesâ peerJeve ceW Deheej KegefMeÙeeW keâer Yejceej nesieer leLee peerJeve mener Ì{bie mes JÙeleerle nes heeÙesiee~

Mr. Somnath Bhattacharya, one of our talented Vocational Trainee affected by rickets, explains the importance of Vocational Training in his life. He says that taking vocational training in a specialized

JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ ØeefMe#eCe keâe heefjÛeÙe


Somnath BhattacharyaTrainee- Art & Design, KIRANSomnath BhattacharyaTrainee- Art & Design, KIRAN

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trade such as Wood Work (IQ Toys), Bakery, Grihini, Horticulture, Art and Design, Food Processing & Preservation, or whatever is in the interest of the trainee, is the most important way to learn & get expertise in a particular field and this will allow them one day to make a good living. Choosing the perfect trade is the first step towards security in life. Therefore, the trainee is given a chance to choose the trade according to his field of interest and capability. Training continues for three years in which they become well-versed in the chosen trade which helps them to become independent and self-confident.

Along with the training Mr. Somnath likes to participate in the extracurricular activities such as Cooking, Drama and to teach others what he has

Award Ceremony

We are proud that, our ex-students in-spite of their different abilities are making their own way towards earning a living as well as pursuing higher education with the support of KIRAN and a focus on continuously progressing towards the goal of achieving their dreams. Hence, during this KIRAN Festival year we have awarded all our ex-students who have succeeded in their respective field with precious guidance. We wish to thank Mr. R. N. Rai- Social Integration Manager, KIRAN Centre, who took the initiative and gave his full-fledged support towards integrating them into the society with mutual respect.

learnt during his training. He likes to take training with a sense of team spirit along with his colleagues. He supports his family in all aspects i.e. Physically and Financially, and feels very happy to do so.

Thanks to vocational training he is now able to distinguish between right and wrong. At a time when nobody wants to help others financially, the differently-abled youngsters have to make their own way to earn a living so that they can take proper care of their family members in every way. In conclusion he advises us not to mix problems at work with family problems with each other, otherwise there will be a lack of happiness in life and life will become difficult to live. If you do so, your life will be full of happiness.

To save the greenery and to maintain the ecological balance, KIRAN has taken the initiative to plant more and more varieties of herbs and shrubs in the KIRAN campus so as to give a healthy and fresh atmosphere to our children and staff. We appeal to all of you, to plant more & more trees around your surroundings to save our ecosystem

Green Revolution


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keâce& ¤heer lesue mes ner Deelce¤heer pÙeesefle peueleer nw~ pÙeesefle nw lees ØekeâeMe nw leLee Ùes ØekeâeMe nw -ceveg<Ùe keâe efJeJeskeâ SJeb %eeve!

efkeâjCeeW kesâ ceeOÙece mes ØekeâeMe neslee nw~ oerÙes keâer efšceefšceeleer ueew Yeer Ieves DebOesjs kesâ ohe& keâes ÛekeâveeÛetj keâjves kesâ efueÙes heÙee&hle nw~ DebOesje efmeHe&â metjpe kesâ [tyeves hej veneR Deelee, Gpeeues kesâ Jeòeâ Yeer ceveg<Ùe keâer meesÛe ceW Úghee yew"e jnlee nw~ Fmeer DebOesjs keâes efceševes keâer hegj]peesj keâesefMeMe ceW 20 Je<e& hetJe& peuee ‘’oerÙee’’ Deepe metjpe keâer ‘’efkeâjCe’’ yeve ieÙee nw~

efkeâjCe kesâ yeerme Je<e& kesâ meHeâj ceW cegPes menÙee$eer yeveves keâe pees ceewkeâe mebieerlee yenve peer keâer Deesj mes efceuee, Ùen ve efmeHe&â cesjs efueÙes ieJe& keâer yeele nw Deefheleg cesjs pewmes DeveskeâeW kesâ efueÙes Yeer ieJe& keâer yeele nw~ cegefMe&oeyeeo ceW cesjs pevceeshejeble cesjs ceelee-efhelee keâe efoue n<e& SJeb ieJe& mes mejeyeesj nes ieÙee Lee~ ceele=lJe keâe heeuevee Pegueeles 10 cenerves keâye yeerle ieÙes, helee Yeer ve Ûeuee~ ÛeeQkesâ lees leye peye 11JeeB cenervee heesefueÙees keâe hewieece ueskeâj DeeÙee~ efkeâmeer Ieefve° Éeje yeveejme peeves keâer meueen hej ceve ceW DeeMee keâe oeceve Leeces ceelee-efhelee yeveejme Ûeues DeeÙes~

Meg¤Deeleer oewj yengle keâef"veeFÙeeW Yeje Lee~ heÌ{eF& kesâ efueÙes ieefueÙeeW kesâ jemles leÙe keâj heevee leLee IeešeW keâer meerefÌ{ÙeeB ÛeÌ{vee cesjs efueÙes yengle cegefMkeâue Lee~ Deewj efHeâj ueesieeW kesâ ceve ceW ÚeÙee ngDee DeBOesje efpemeceW cesjer keâesF& lemJeerj ner veneR GYejleer Leer~

yeÛeheve yeerleves kesâ meeLe-meeLe cewves keâece meerKee Deewj Deheves efueÙes Dee@šes Ûeueeves keâe JÙeJemeeÙe Ûegvee pees efkeâjCe mes pegÌ[ves keâe ceeOÙece yevee~ ÙeÅeefhe Ùen JÙeJemeeÙe cesjs efueÙes ÛegveewleerhetCe& Lee~ Gme Jeòeâ efkeâjCe keâer yeme mesJee ØeejbYe nesves ceW LeesÌ[e Jeòeâ Lee Deewj leye yenvepeer ves cegPes yeÛÛeeW keâes ueeves SJeb hengBÛeeves keâer ef]peccesoejer meewheer~

ome cenerves lekeâ ceQ yenvepeer kesâ meeLe jne Deewj Gme oewjeve yenvepeer kesâ ÂÌ{mebkeâuhe keâer KegMeyet cesjs ceve lekeâ henBgÛeves ueieer Leer~

ome ceen keâe meeefvveOÙe Gme Jeòeâ Je<eeX ceW leyoerue nes ieÙee peye keâcesšer meomÙe kesâ ¤he ceW ceQ efkeâjCe mes pegÌ[e~ veieJee keâe Úesše mee efkeâjCe peye ceeOeeshegj mLeeveebleefjle ngDee leye JeneB Deepe pewmeer nefjÙeeueer veneR Leer, Leer lees yeme yebpej ]peceerve~ Deveskeâ mebkeâefuhele

neLeeW ves Gmekeâer osKeYeeue keâer, heefjßece mes meeRÛee Deewj ’’nce neWies keâeceÙeeye’’ keâes keâce& ceW Ì{eueles ngÙes Deeßece pewmes Meevle JeeleeJejCe ceW leyoerue keâj efoÙee~

efkeâjCe mebmLee efJeefYeVe ¤he mes me#ece yeÛÛeeW SJeb ÙegJeeDeeW nsleg- efMe#eCe, JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ ØeefMe#eCe, hegveJee&me, efÛeefkeâlmee Deewj efveoxMeve kesâvõ kesâ ¤he ceW efJekeâefmele nes ieÙee nw~ Fmekesâ efueÙes meceeve ue#Ùe Jeeues ueesieeW keâes meeLe uesvee Deefle DeeJeMÙekeâ Lee (Ssmes ueesie pees ceve ceW Hewâues DeBOesjs keâes efceše mekesâb keäÙeeWefkeâ keâF& oerÙes peye meeLe peueles nQ lees oerheeJeueer nesleer nw)~

Deheveer jespeceje& keâer ef]pevoieer peerles ngÙes meceepe kesâ efueÙes kegâÚ keâj heeves keâe megKe Jener peeve heÌelee nw pees Gmemes pegÌ[ peeÙes~ ceQ Fme megKe keâe Snmeeme keâj jne ntB~ Fmekeâe ßesÙe ceQ Gve meyekeâes osvee Ûeenlee ntB pees mebkeâuheyeæ neskeâj efkeâjCe kesâ meeLe KeÌ[s nQ~

Mr. Raju Biswas, Society Member-KIRAN, tells us about his life which was full of struggle and the way he got connected to the KIRAN Centre. Through his article, he wishes to speak about the importance of light. In this regard he says that, work like oil sparks

Mr. Raju BiswaasSociety Member- KIRAN CentreMr. Raju BiswaasSociety Member- KIRAN Centre

peueeDees oerÙes...


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up the internal flame. When there is a flame, there is light and the true light is human patience and knowledge. Light emerges from the rays. Even a small flame is enough to destroy the darkness. The darkness begins not only after the sunset but, is always present in the thought of a human being even if there is daylight. The flame which was lit 20 years ago has now become the ray of sun (hope into lives).

In a flash back of memories he says that he was born in Murshidabad which brought extreme happiness to his family. After 10 months of birth he was affected with Polio which converted all the happiness into sadness. Following the advice of close friends his parents came to Varanasi for treatment. After a lot of struggle he chose to work as an Auto- Rikshaw driver, which was how he got connected to KIRAN. When there was no bus in KIRAN, Bahan Sangeeta

gave him responsibility to bring the children to KIRAN and back home again. After 10 months of service he was nominated as a Committee Member of KIRAN. When KIRAN was shifted to Madhopur from Nagwa (a small rented house in Lanka, Varanasi) the land was totally barren but with many supportive hands, it was ultimately converted to a green environment.

Now KIRAN has become a resource centre for education, vocational training, rehabilitation, treatment and referral services of children and youngsters with different abilities. He realizes the happiness to do something beneficial for the needy ones in society. He wants to thank all the supportive people who are always close to the KIRAN Centre even in extreme situations.

Maya KumariStudent-HRTCMaya KumariStudent-HRTC

efkeâjCe nw nceejer pÙeesefle,

efkeâjCe nw nceejer DeeMee,

keâneR keâesF& ve Lee Dehevee,

peye Ùes peerJeve ueiee mehevee~

og:Ke keâer YeeJeveeDeeW keâes efueÙes peye efoue ceW Leer efvejeMee,

leye efkeâjCe ner yevee Dehevee,

efkeâjCe ves mepeeÙee mehevee,

efkeâjCe nw nceejer DeeMee, yevekesâ DeeF& DeefYeuee<ee~

metjpe keâer efkeâjCeeW mes Kelce neslee nw DebOesje,

efkeâjCe keâer jesMeveer ves efoÙee nceW meJesje,

nce "gkeâjeÙes ve peeSB DeheveeW mes,

efkeâjCe ves DeheveeÙee nceW~

peerÙesb ve yevekeâj yeesPe DeewjeW hej,

Kego peerves kesâ keâeefyeue yeveeÙee nceW,

mecePe kesâ nceejer YeeJeveeDeeW keâes,

Deheves ieues mes ueieeÙee nceW~

keâeefyeefueÙele kesâ Fme ceesÌ[ hej,

keâ¤B Megef›eâÙee efkeâve uey]peeW ceW,

efoue keâer yeeleW keâner venerb peeleer,

MeyoeW kesâ Fve De#ejeW ceW~~

efkeâjCe mes cegPes Flevee hÙeej keäÙeeW nw!


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ceeveefmekeâ cebo yeÛÛeeW ceW cetuele: efJeefYeVe Øekeâej kesâ keâewMeueeW keâer keâceer heeÙeer peeleer nw~ Ùen keâewMeue-Mew#eefCekeâ, JÙeeJeneefjkeâ, JÙeefòeâiele DeLeJee meeceeefpekeâ nes mekeâleer nw~ meeceeefpekeâ keâewMeueeW ceW heefjJesMe kesâ Devegmeej meeceevÙele: Jes meejs keâewMeue Meeefceue nesles nQ pees GösMÙehetCe& JÙeJenej keâjves ceW meneÙekeâ nQ~ yeÛÛes kesâ ceelee-efhelee, Gmekesâ Éeje meceevÙe JÙeJenej ve keâjves hej DelÙeble kegbâef"le nes peeles nQ leLee yeÛÛes keâes Gmeer DemeeceevÙe heefjefmLeefle ceW ÚesÌ[ osles nQ~ FmeefueÙes ceeveefmekeâ cebo yeÛÛeeW keâes meeceeefpekeâ keâewMeueeW keâe %eeve nesvee Deefle DeeJeMÙekeâ neslee nw~ keäÙeeWefkeâ, Gmes Ùeefo hÙeej Deewj menÙeesie heevee nes lees Deheves JÙeJenej kesâ Éeje ner Øeehle keâj mekeâlee nw~ Fve lejn kesâ yeÛÛeeW keâes keâewMeue JÙeJenej ØeefMe#eCe oskeâj efmeKeeÙee pee mekeâlee nw efpememes efkeâ GösMÙehetCe& ¤he mes meecetefnkeâ, meeceeefpekeâ leLee JÙeefòeâiele keâeÙeeX ceW Jes Yeeie ues mekeWâ~ keâewMeueeW keâer keâceer kesâ keâejCe Jes Deheveer mecemÙee meceepe kesâ meeceves ØeoefMe&le keâjles nQ efpemekesâ keâejCe meceepe ceW Jes DemJeerke=âle nes peeles nQ~ DeleSJe, ceeveefmekeâ cebo yeÛÛeeW keâes keâF& Øekeâej kesâ keâewMeue JÙeJenejeW ceW efvehegCe nesves keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw pees efvece>efueefKele nQ-

l mekeâejelcekeâ DebleJezÙeefòeâkeâ mebyebOe- Fmekesâ Debleie&le: Deheves oesmleeW kesâ meeLe mekeâejelcekeâ mebyebOe yeveevee, Gvekesâ neLe efceueeves hej veceve keâjvee Ùee neLe efceueevee, Deheveer YeeJeveeDeeW keâes JÙeòeâ keâjvee, Deeheme ceW efceue-pegue keâj jnvee; ceelee-efhelee, YeeF&-yenve, heÌ[esefmeÙeeW-efjMlesoejeW, Iej DeeÙes cesnceeveeW leLee Deheves keâ#ee kesâ efMe#ekeâieCeeW mebie mekeâejelcekeâ mebyebOe yeveevee ÛeeefnÙes~ hejvleg ceeveefmekeâ cebo

yeÛÛeeW ceW Decetle& efÛebleve ceW keâceer kesâ keâejCe Ssmee veneR neslee nw~

l Gceü kesâ Devegmeej meeceeefpekeâ mebyebOe- Fve yeÛÛeeW keâer Gceü lees yeÌ{ peeleer nw hejvleg Gvekeâer yegefæ keâe efJekeâeme efkeâmeer keâejCe JeMe veneR nes heelee, HeâuemJe¤he Gceü ceW Je=efæ kesâ meeLe-meeLe, meeceevÙe JÙeJenej meerKe veneR heeles nQ, efpemekesâ keâejCe Jes GheÙegòeâ keâewMeue JÙeJenej ØeoefMe&le veneR keâj heeles nQ~

l mecemÙeelcekeâ JÙeJenej ceW keâceer- Fve yeÛÛeeW ceW keâewMeue JÙeJenej ceW keâceer kesâ keâejCe mecemÙeelcekeâ JÙeJenej ]pÙeeoe heeÙee peelee nw~ Gvnsb Ùen veneR %eele neslee nw efkeâ-keâye, keâewve mee JÙeJenej keâjvee ÛeeefnÙes~ DeleSJe Fvnsb keâewMeue JÙeJenej efmeKeevee ]pe¤jer neslee nw~

l meÌ[keâ hej yeeÙeW Ûeuevee- Fve yeÛÛeeW ceW Fme yeele keâe %eeveeYeeJe neslee nw efkeâ, meÌ[keâ hej efkeâme lejHeâ Ûeuevee ÛeeefnÙes~ Dele: Fvekeâes meÌ[keâ hej yeeÙeW lejHeâ Ûeueves keâe %eeve nesvee DeeJeMÙekeâ neslee nw efpememes FvnW ogIe&šveeDeeW mes yeÛeeÙee pee mekeâlee nw~

l MeewÛe ef›eâÙee kesâ meceÙe ieesheveerÙelee jKevee- Fve yeÛÛeeW keâes Ùen efmeKeevee ÛeeefnÙes efkeâ, MeewÛe ef›eâÙee kesâ meceÙe efkeâme Øekeâej mes ieesheveerÙelee jKeer peeÙes leLee JeŒe keâe OeejCe efkeâme Øekeâej efkeâÙee peeÙes~

l Œeer heg®<e ceW Deblej keâjvee- Fve yeÛÛeeW keâes Œeer leLee heg®<e kesâ yeerÛe kesâ Deblej keâe %eeve nesvee ÛeeefnÙes~

l JÙeefòeâiele meeHeâ-meHeâeF& keâjvee- Fve yeÛÛeeW keâes Deheveer JÙeefòeâiele meeHeâ-meHeâeF& mJeÙeb mes keâjvee Deevee ÛeeefnÙes, keäÙeeWefkeâ JeÙemkeâ cebo yegefæ Œeer-heg®<e keâer ceoo keâesF& veneR keâj mekeâlee nw~

l mebÙegòeâecekeâ JÙeJenej- Fve yeÛÛeeW keâes mebÙegòeâecekeâ JÙeJenej ØeoefMe&le keâjvee Deevee ÛeeefnÙes pewmes- oesmleeW keâs meeLe veeškeâ ceW Yeeie uesvee, Kesuevee, FlÙeeefo~

l efuebie kesâ Devegmeej JÙeJenej- ceeveefmekeâ cebo yeÛÛeeW keâes meeceeefpekeâ veerefleÙeeW kesâ Devegmeej leLee efuebie kesâ Devegmeej JÙeJenej keâjvee ÛeeefnÙes pewmes; ueÌ[kesâ-ueÌ[efkeâÙeeW, YeeF&-yenve, ceelee-efhelee kesâ meeLe~

ceeveefmekeâ cebo yeÛÛeeW ceW keâewMeue JÙeJenej keâer DeeJeMÙekeâleeSB

Santosh Kr. YadavSpl. Educator

Santosh Kr. YadavSpl. Educator


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l meeJe&peefvekeâ mLeeveeW hej meeceevÙe JÙeJenej keâjvee- meeJe&peefvekeâ mLeeveeW pewmes- cebefoj, efmevescee ie=n, FlÙeeefo mLeeveeW hej MeebeflehetJe&keâ yew"vee leLee meeceevÙe JÙeJenej keâjvee efpemeceW otmejeW keâes efkeâmeer Yeer Øekeâej #eefle ve henBgÛeevee neslee nw~

Skeâ ceeveefmekeâ cebo JÙeefòeâ meeceeefpekeâ keâewMeue ceW heefjhetCe& nes Fmekesâ efueÙes Ùen peevevee ]pe¤jer nesiee efkeâ ceeveefmekeâ cebo yeÛÛeeW keâes ØeefMe#eCe kesâ Éeje peneB lekeâ mebYeJe nes JeneB lekeâ Gve meejs keâewMeueeW keâes efmeKeeÙee peeÙes efpememes meceepe ceW Jen meeceeefpekeâ mlej hej mJeleb$e ¤he mes Dehevee peerJeve-Ùeeheve keâj mekeWâ~

Mr. Santosh Kr. Yadav, Spl. Educator in KIRAN, explains the lack of various talents found in Mentally Retarded Children. This lack can be Educational, Behavioral, Personal or a Social problem. Due to improper care and ignorance by the family members, the M.R. child expresses his behavioral problem openly, as a result they are unaccepted in and by the society. But, through various methods they can be trained so that they can participate in social and family activities. The different areas in which the M.R. Child should be improved are as follows:

l Positive Interrelationships- it consists of making positive relationships with friends, on shaking hands responding the same, family members, neighbors-relatives, guests, teachers by greeting them, interacting, and expressing feeling. These lacks are found in M.R. Children.

l Relationships according to age- the body grows up but the mind remains constant, due to which they can't learn proper behavior and therefore behavioral problems appear.

l Lack of Positive attitude- Due to the lack of talent, the positive attitude are found lacking in these kinds of children. Hence, they should be taught appropriate talent behavior.

l Walk on left side of the road- the lack of knowledge to walk on appropriate side of the road is found in them. Hence, they should be thought to walk on the left side of the road so as to avoid accidents.

l Keep their morning bathing routine private- they should keep their morning routine private

and also learn how to wear their clothes properly.

l Distinguish between Male & Female- they should be aware about the sexual status i.e. male and female

l Personal hygiene- they should know about their personal hygiene because no one can help the adult M.R. individual.

l Joint behavior- they should know about the jointly behavior such as -to participate in drama and games along with their friends, etc.

l Behavior according to sex- they should know how to behave according to social rules regarding sex, such as proper behavior with boys-girls, brother-sister and father-mother.

l Normal behavior in a public place- to sit quiet and behave normally in public places such as temples, picture halls, etc without harming anyone. The mentally retarded persons should be trained to develop their talent behavior so that they can live independently and achieve independent livelihood.

From this year, KIRAN has raised its efforts to keep its campus free from polythene/plastics and is continuously trying to reduce the use of polythene/plastics in and around the campus in order to make the environment “Plastic Free”. Hence, we prefer to use cloth, jute, and paper bags in our routine activities and suggest others do so as well. Also we try to make the parents and the visitors aware of the health risks of using plastic.

Since, plastics are hazardous to our ecosystem, we appeal to society to restrict as much as possible the use of polythene/plastics.

Instead you can make use of biodegradable materials for carrying your routine items so that, we can live in a healthy environment.

Plastic Free Environment


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On the eve of 20 years of the successful completion

of our work, KIRAN organized monthly awareness

programs at different locations of Varanasi such as: -

Kuruhuan Village, Faculty of Arts Auditorium-

Benaras Hindu University, Chiraigaon Block-

Aashapur, W. H. Smith Memorial School- Sigra,

KIRAN Campus, Vasanta College for Women-

Rajghat Fort, Agrasen post graduate degree college

for girls- Maidaagin and Kastoorba Sewa Samiti-

Benipur, Varanasi, consisting of various cultural

activities presented by our differently-abled

children and and youngsters. A glimpse of the

cultural program is shown through the photos.

Annual Awareness Program-2010

Through the programm, we have tried to make each

and every local person, aware of the KIRAN's field

of work and quality services. This was a way to

introduce the abilities of special-education children

and youngsters and also to give a message that all

they need are opportunities.

The two-hour program consisted in songs, a play,

dancing, etc. I want to devote my warm thanks to the

supportive members, organizations and the

audience too, who made our annual awareness

program a successful event, which showed respect

and appreciation for the talents of our differently-

abled children and youngsters.


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We....the KIRAN team;

through various services are obliged to give a better and quality services to our children and youngsters in all


The glimpse of photos of the departments who are in the service of KIRAN Centre is displayed below.


Management Management

KIRAN ChildrenKIRAN Children


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Human Resource

Training Centre -


Human Resource

Training Centre -



Social IntegrationSocial Integration



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If you feel that it is your responsibility to help the needy children with different-abilities in our society who generally come from a poor family/background and feel helpless, then your kind support will definitely be an advantage for us and will make our task of empowering these children easier. It will be a great honor for us to receive your contribution towards the welfare of these challenged children of society.

For the basic needs & a healthy atmosphere for the children with different abilities, please accept my contribution of-

Rs. 1,500/- or 2000/- “Let a child walk” Rs. 1,000/- “Program 365 days”

Rs. 500/- “Let a child study” Rs. 500/- “Let a child get well”

Cheque/Draft.No/Cash................................................................... Date....................... Amount..............................................

Name ........................................................................................................................................................................................

(for 365 days the occasion with date).........................................................................................................................................



Mob./Telphone No.........................................................................E-mail : ..............................................................................

Your contributions either by cheque/Draft mode should be in favor of ‘KIRAN Society’ and send to-


KIRAN CENTREMadhopur, Kuruhuan P.O., P. B. No.-5032, Varanasi, U. P. India

For any inquiry mail us to : [email protected]

(All the contributions are exempted from Tax under 80G of Income Tax Act-1961)


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‘’Øees«eece 365 efove’’- Fme keâeÙe&›eâce kesâ Debleie&le cee$e ¤. 1,000/- keâe menÙeesie Deehemes Dehesef#ele nw, efpemeceW Deehekesâ Éeje Je<e& kesâ 365 efoveeW ceW mes Ûegves ngÙes efkeâmeer efJeMes<e efove keâes efkeâjCe kesâ yeÛÛeeW keâes ceOÙekeâeueerve Yeespeve efoÙee peeÙesiee~

’’DeeFÙes Skeâ yeÛÛes keâes Ûeueeves ceW meneje yeveW’’- ¤. 1,500/- Ùee 2,000/- cee$e keâe menÙeesie oskeâj Deehe efkeâmeer ]pe¤jlecebo yeÛÛes keâes meneje os mekeâles nQ efpememes efkeâ DeeJeMÙekeâ GhekeâjCe- yewmeeKeer Je petlee, GheueyOe keâjJeeÙee pee mekesâ leeefkeâ Jen mJeÙeb KeÌ[e neskeâj Ûeue mekesâ~

’’DeeFÙes Skeâ yeÛÛes keâes heÌ{eÙeW’’- Fme keâeÙe&›eâce kesâ Devleie&le Deehemes cee$e ¤. 500/- keâe menÙeesie Dehesef#ele nw efpememes efkeâ nce Skeâ yeÛÛes keâes mketâue keâer efkeâleeyeW leLee DevÙe he"ve meeceef«eÙeeB efoueJee mekeWâ, efpevekeâs iejerye DeefYeYeeJekeâ Fmekeâe KeÛe& Jenve keâjves ceW De#ece neW~

’’DeeFÙes yeÛÛes keâes mJemLe nesves ceW ceoo keâjW’’- Fme keâeÙe&›eâce kesâ lenle Deehemes cee$e ¤. 500/- keâe menÙeesie Dehesef#ele nw efpememes efkeâ nce Skeâ ]pe¤jlecebo yeÛÛes keâes mepe&jer kesâ yeeo keâer oJeeFÙeeB Je DvÙe ]pe¤jleeW keâes GheueyOe keâjJee mekeWâ~

’DeeFÙes kegâÚ meeceeve KejeroW’’- Fme keâeÙe&›eâce kesâ Debleie&le cenerves ceW Skeâ yeej nceejs metÙeexoÙe ogkeâeve mes Keeves leLee DevÙe meeceef«eÙeeW keâes KejerefoÙes efpememes efkeâ nceejs efJeefYeVe ¤he mes me#ece veJeÙegJekeâeW keâes peerefJekeâesheepe&ve keâe jemlee cegnwÙee nes mekesâ~

Your kind support is needed towards our basic needs..!!






Program 365 days”- with a donation of Rs.

1,000/-, you can give your support for 1 mid-

day meal for our children, on any special day of

remembrance like birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

Let a child walk”- Your donation of Rs. 1,500/-

or 2,000/- is accepted towards the making of

appliances/callipers for a needy child so that he

can stand and walk on his own.

Let a child study”- By donating Rs. 500/- you

can help a needy child to get his educational


Let a child get well”- By participating in this

program, you can pay Rs. 500/-, which will

help us to buy necessary medicines for a child,

either after surgery or on any occasion of need.

Let me go shopping”- By participating in this

program you can make your way to the

KIRAN Shop at Assi, at least once a month to

purchase bakery and craft items so that our

disabled youngsters might be encouraged to

earn their own living.


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Especial Thanks.....

Our hearty thanks go to our supporting agencies and well wishers, who supported and encouraged us in all aspects to carry-on our annual/regular activities as well as contributed to the annual events and make them more successful.

We are also grateful to those supporters, who supported us morally or in any way gave their precious time for the welfare of our needy ones. We are privileged to have your support and would like to make a long-lasting and a strong relationship with you which would be a benefit to differently-abled children and youngsters in every way.

Thank you

KIRAN Society

The full-fledged efforts of our friends association in Switzerland, all project

partners, society members, reputable organizations, supporters, friends-IKFA,

staff as well as persons to whom we have our strong relationship, will definitely

bring an evolutionary era where their will not be a difference between the able

and the disabled.

At this 20th year annual celebration I would like to give hearty thanks to our press

and media reporters and their superiors who co-operated with us throughout the

year by giving space to KIRAN in their respective papers and media. We are

hopeful that the same shall be continued in the near future as well.

It is an open appeal to all the respected members and organizations of our society

to join- Indian KIRAN Friends Association (I.K.F.A.), by which we could

establish a strong and long-lasting relationship with them which would definitely

be to the benefit of the needy ones.

Thanks note and appeal

1. Mr. Prabhat Dhandhania 2. Agrasen PG College for Girls 3. KIRAN Staff 4. Mr. Sadan Gopal Mishra 5. Mrs. Sue Lukersmith & Mr. Martin 6. Mr. Manish Upadhyay 7. Mrs. Soma Oberoi 8. Mr. Ashok Kumar 9. Geeta Saw Mills10. Mr. Krishna Nand Kushwaha11. Mr. Shyam Kr. Singh12. Mr. Sunil Kr. Singh13. Mr. Mukesh Kr. Singh14. Mr. Arun Kr. Rai15. Mr. Chandra Shekhar Sharma16. New Medicals17. Mr. Giridhar Gopal18. Dr. Monica Gupta19. Mrs. Usha Kiran Rai20. Mrs. Simmi Srivastava21. Mr. Vishal22. Divine Press23. Mr. B.S.Mishra24. kerala Café House25. M/s S.S. Suppliers26. Mr. Dibbu27. M/s Mahabodhi Society28. M/s Mukund Gas Service29. Mr. Arvind Thomas30. Mr. Shivpal Sharma31. Shri Ram Synthetic Chalk32. Vikash Drawing Emporium 33. M/s Ramsons Electricals34. Mr. Siddhanth 35. Mr. Ayush36. Mr. Om Prakash37. M/s Jawahar Tiles38. Mrs. Prema Singh39. Mr. Ram Jiyawan Yadav40. Mr. Sohail41. M/s Ballam Das & Company42. Mr. Ramlochan Yadav43. Mr. Raza Saheb44. Ankita General Store45. Mr. Shailesh46. Mr. Surendra Srivastava47. Shubham Sweet House48. Mr. S.N.Gupta49. Shri Laxmi Traders50. Mr. Satya Narayan Prasad

51. Mr. Rajesh Vishwakarma52. Mr. Surendra Charan53. Mr. S. S. Das54. Mr. Amarnath55. Jeevan Jyoti School 56. Awadhesh Enterprises57. Miss Supriya Srivastava58. Mr. Bhailal Yadav59. Mr. Peter Surin60. Mr. Arshad Faji61. Kanpur Steel62. Ms. Suman Maurya63. Mr. Pradeep Kumar64. Mr. Sushil Srivastava65. Mr. Rajesh Vishwakarma66. Mr. Harendra Yadav67. Mr. Gauri68. Fr. Pronoy69. Mr. Aman Kumar70. Mr. Sanjay Rai71. Ms. Archana Kumari72. Ms. Anamika Singh73. Ms. Sunita Kumari74. Ms. Ritu Pandey75. Mr. Shiv Bahadur Singh76. Mr. Pawan Kumar77. Dr. Vishwanath Pandey78. Mr. Ajeet Kr. Singh79. Mr. Kashinath Singh80. Mr. Pradeep Kumar81. Mr. Hausila Pd. Singh82. Mr. Ranjeet Banerjee83. Mr. Santosh Patel84. Ms. Renu Sharma85. Mr. Murari Yadav86. Sr. Maya Lal87. Sr. Kaushalya Pandit88. Sr. Kadmabari Vig89. Mrs. Zeenu Anand90. M/s. Sunita Jewelers91. Mr. Chandra S. Sharma92. Mr. Krishna Kumar93. Mrs. Nirmala Giri94. Mr. Santosh K. Singh95. Ms. Nilima M. Hansda96. Mrs. Munni Devi97. Mrs. Geeta Roy98. Mr. Aman Saxena99. Mr. Akshay Kumar100.Mr. Gaurav Gupta

101.Mr. Sumit Arora102.Mr. Tauheed Alam A.103.Mr. Vijendra Mishra104.Mr. Chandra Kr. Maurya105.Mr. Sargopa S. Lalwant106.Mr. N. Rajendra107.Mr. Sanjay Kr. Yadav108.Mr. Deepak Prajapati109.Mr. Samit Roy110. Mr. Triloke Chaturwedi111. M/s. Ajay Electricals112. Mr. Dinesh Kumar113. Ms. Anupriya Singh114. Mr. Rajkumar Shukla115. Mr. Somnath K.B.116. Ms. Isha Jaiswal117. Mr. Jubin Mishra118. Mrs. Anuradha Srivastava119. Mr. Ramji Prasad120.Mr. Bal Krishna121.Mr. Suresh Singh Seth122.Mr. Vinay Dey123.Mr. N. D. Tiwari124.Mr. Pappu Yadav125.Mr. Sanjay Albert126.Mr. Dinesh Srivastava127.Mr. Nayyare Azam128.Mrs. Arpita Khanna129.Mr. Rajesh Rai130.Mrs. Priyanka Singh131.Mr. Amit Chaurasia132.Mr. Deepak Kr. Singh133.Mrs. Vibha Srivastava134.Mr. Arvind Kr. Singh135.Ms. Poonam Yadav136.Mr. Sanjay Jaiswal137.Mr. Hariom Tripathi138.Mr. Raju Kannaujia139.Mr. Gaurav Gupta140.Mr. Peter Surin141.Mr. Rajesh Rai142.Mr. Lallu Ram143.Mr. Dayashankar Srivastava144.Mrs. Manish Saigal145.Mr. Samuel Reuben146.Mrs. Suchitra Dutta147.Dr. Reeta Gupta148.Mr. Suresh Singh

149.Mr. Anil Kr. Srivastava150.Mr. Arshad151.Dr. Punit Shukla152.Mr. Vijay Kumar153.Mrs. Durgawati Nishad154.Mr. Omprakash Rai155.Mr. Omprakash Gupta156.Mr. Abhik Bhattacharya157.Mr. Ivo Rusch M.158.Mr. Baijnath Banarjee159.Mr. Sneh Dhir160.Mr. A.k. Srivastava161.Mrs. Seema Singh162.Mr. Santosh Patel163.Mr. Santosh Yadav164.Mr. Uday Bir Singh165.Mr. Lokesh Mishra166.Mr. Prakash167.Ms. Brigitte Wuethrich168.Mr. Madhusudan Singh169.Mr. Anil Kr. Yadav170.Mr. Ajay Patel171.Mr. S.R. Upadhyay172.Mr. Dr. C.S. Upadhyay173.Mr. Dr. Ratneshwar Pandey174.Mr. A. K. Srivastava175.Mr. Satish Pandey176.Dr. Vandana Jha177.Mr. L. K. Jha178.Mr. Rajesh Yadav179.Mr. N. K. Singh180.Mrs. Sushama Srivatava181.Mr. Sudhir 182.Mr. Anil Singh183.Mr. S. Ram184.Mr. Satish Chaturwedi185.Dr. O.P. Chaudhary186.Ms. Priyanka Divedi187.Ms. Asana Chaursiya188.Mr. Shekhar Bhatt

Our Strong Relationship With:

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Use our Bus service:Every working day at 08.00 and 09.30 a.m., from KIRAN Suryoday City hostel, Lanka to the KIRAN Centre, Madhopur, Kuruhuan. The bus returns from the KIRAN Centre to KIRAN Suryoday City hostel, Lanka at 03.00 p.m.


Contact details: Telephone number : + 91 542 2670165-166 Visit to our website : www.kiranvillage.org

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efueS meowJe lelhej jnWies~

Dear Friends :

Since we have been in the service of children

and youngsters with different abilities for the

last two decades, it is an appeal to all of you

that, if you find physically challenged children

or youngsters in your neighborhood or

surrounding area, please tell them to contact

the KIRAN Centre for advocacy, counseling

and treatment. We will do whatever is in our

possibility to help them.