
DYNAMIC PAGE -- HIGHEST POSSIBLE CLASSIFICATION IS TOP SECRET // SI / TK // REL TO USA AUS CAN GBR NZL (U//FOUO) Charlie Meals as SID Deputy Director: Proud to Serve with the SID Work Force FROM: Charlie Meals Signals Intelligence Deputy Director Run Date: 04/21/2003 (U//FOUO) It is indeed an honor to be selected as the new Deputy Director of the Signals Intelligence Directorate. I am looking forward to working with MG Quirk and the entire SID work force in my new role--exciting times lie ahead! (U//FOUO) MG Quirk brings a wealth of experience that will benefit all of us in SID greatly. We will work as a team and will communicate with the work force often and openly, looking to you to help us as we continue to provide warfighters and policy makers with the vital information they need to protect the nation. I have no doubt that the outstanding support you have most recently provided during Operation Iraqi Freedom will continue as we work to meet our customers' most important information needs. (U//FOUO) I have always taken on new assignments with enthusiasm and optimism--this one is no different. I believe we can have fun while working hard. MG Quirk and I will work to ensure a smooth transition and minimize distractions as we bring together a new leadership team in SID. We are here to serve the work force and provide a supportive environment that enables each of you to concentrate on the issues that matter most to the Agency and to the nation. Very Best Regards, Charlie "(U//FOUO) SIDtoday articles may not be republished or reposted outside NSANet without the consent of S0121 (DL sid_comms )." DYNAMIC PAGE -- HIGHEST POSSIBLE CLASSIFICATION IS TOP SECRET // SI / TK // REL TO USA AUS CAN GBR NZL DERIVED FROM: NSA/CSSM 1-52, DATED 08 JAN 2007 DECLASSIFY ON: 20320108

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