2006, production of alkyd resin_effect of catalyst

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  • Production of alkyd Effect of catalyst on

    resins and their paints: their properties

    D Doulia, S Rokotas and K Georgopoulou i

    Chemical Engineering Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, GR157 80, Athens, Greece

    Keywords ,~\i~,yd resin catalysts, film prope! tie's~ paints, physicocherr~icai p!o.~el tiesr p! ot.ess tir'e

    Summaries Production of alkyd resh~s and their paints: Effect of catalyst on their properties

    Modified aiq~d resins were produced b}, aicoholysis of soya bean oil with pentaer?h! itol followed vdl I . lJ~ caEaiysts with different cc, rents, by esierificatior! with penfaerythlito! and p.htha!k: anhyd!-icie "~-;,- ~ .

    including LiOq, bub4 tin oxide and dibutTi tin chiorid6 were used for aicohoiysis anti/or esteri,ica tion reactions. [he effect os the catal)st or, rise reduction o r the process time of alk'/ds, and their physicochemicaJ and Film p!.pelties, wel e investigated >.nd evaluated [he cablvtic s}~stern iiOH 00/% - dibul?i tin chloride 02% proved to be the best catalb, st s?stern foiio~,~ed by LiOH 0.07%. ]he coaiing fihr~ characteristics of t~,~,o paints, r with selected a!{',~ds, were measured and compa-ed

    La production des resines alkydes et de leurs peintures : elfet d'un catalyseur sur leurs proprietes

    Des r~}sines aikjdes modifi@s ont et#; produltes gr'ace 8 i'alcooiyse de l'huiie de s';,ja avec is pen tael },th! itoi suivi de i'(S.slerification avee ie pentaer,,4hritol et i'anhvd! ide phthaiique Piusieurs catai- ,,~seurs ayant de dif.~rents contenus, v cor~pds LiOH, i'exyde de ;~ub;h}tain, le chlerul e de dibutyi~.- bin, orit ~te uti!b(,s pour i'alcooi'>,se et/ou i'Oste~ iqcation, i'effet du cata!?seul sur ia dh-~in~stion du tents du process.s des aikydes, st sur burs propri~.tes ph),'sicochimiques et de film, a eta} etudie. Le s},,steme catai)'tique l..iOH 0,07% ch!oru!-e de dib,[email protected] 0,2% s'est r~ontre is reel!bur s}'st@-qe catal}s s.,ivi de iiOH 0,0/% Lea ca! acteristiques de film de rev~tement de deux peintul es qh.~i ~.taient -u~ mul@s avec des a!kjdes seieetionn0s ont eta} rnesu~@s et compa~ @s.

    Die Produktion yon AIkydharzen [md ihrer Anstriche: Der Effekt yon Katal[yse auf ihre Eigenscha~ten

    bloclifi,,ierte s wurden hergestellt rnittels s yon 5o2s mit Pentaer'tthritol ur]d nachblger!de~ Esterifizie! ung rail: Pentaervth itoi und Phthalisch~.n s idt.n. ~9'iI ve~ wen@- ten verschiedene ~f, ataiysatoren mit unterschiediichem inha!t, z.B i_i014, Butylzinkoxid .nd Dibut),!zinkch!orid, ~Jr die Aikohoi},se und/oder dis Esterifizielung, und studierten die Wi!-kung des F,~ataiysators slf die b!ersteiiungseit del /-'Jkyde, ih!e Ph'fsiochernie und Fi!rr~eigenschafien Ein .'/,~atai?satorsystem bestehend aus LiOH 0.0/% und Dibusr163 02% stei!te >ich als das efiektivste hera~Is, gefolgt t~on LiOH 0079.8. Die, Filmeigelsschafien yon 7','~,ei k31 ben die mit aus- ge~,,,9.hiten Aik)'den hergeetei it wul cien, ve!den gemessen und vergiiche~s.

    D DeLliia, S Reketas and g Geergopeubu

    Chemical Engineering Departrrent, ~',ationai Technical Ur!iversi,:}, of Athens, Zoglafou Campus, GR..!57 80, Athens, Greece

    -el: +30 2! 07723122 Emaii: ddouiia@chemeng ntua.gr Fax: +30 2!0,,723163

    Cepydght OCCA 206,6


  • Introduction The polyester obtained by the esterifica tion of a polybasic acid with a pol3&ydric alcohol is commonly referred to as an alkyd resin. A typical member of the alkyd resin family is made fi'om phthalic anhydride and maleic acid, and glycerol m~d/or pentaeuthritol and/or other poly ols, The resins are hard and have very good stability, gloss and gloss retention, weathering resistance a~d fast--duing characteristics, Due to the low chemical and alkali resistance, the alkyds are usu- ally modified with monobasic acids or oils such as soya, linseed, coconut etc, constituting the main volume of alkyds in production. ~ Their main difference from other polyester resins is that they contain unsaturated fatty acid side groups}

    The basic reac~ons of processing alkyd resins via the monoglycetide process are: alcoholysis of the oil by a part of the poiyol used, and esterification by a polyacid and the remainder of the polyol, The oil and part of the polyol are mixed and heated to a temperature between 240 and 270'C in the pres- ence of a catalyst which is generally alkaline (eg NaOH, KOH, LiOH, CaO and PbO), oi" without a catalyst ff the reaction proceeds at around 270~ s,4 The quantities of the catalyst used are around 0.01 to O.05%w/w with respect to the oil. The mixture obtained from alcoholysts contains monoester (more than 40%, irrespective of the reaction conditions), as well as diester, triester and glycerol. The monoglyceride con- tent is sufficient to homogenise the reaction medium and allow the process to proceed to the second stage, Mono- glycerides and diglycerides, generated during the first phase, take part in the polymerisation by undergoing numer- ous transesterification reactions. Esteri fication is operated either as a catalytic process (faster and milder temperature conditions) or a conventional high tern perature process. The selection of the catalyst is based on its effectiveness and on economical criteria. The catalytic esterification process yields alkyd resins with a lower viscosity (lower average molecular weight) and better results are obtained by preventing the resins from gelation compared with a high--temper- ature process under the same reaction conditions/: Various catalysts have been used for the esterification reac- tions of polyesters for use as coating resins. In particular., alkaline catalysts such as LiOH, Ca salts, acidic catalysts SUCh as HsPO 4, HCI, H2SO4, and organotin catalysts, have been reported in the relevant literature. ~-~~ Also,

    organotin compounds have been used as catalysts for the alcoholysis and esterification reactions in alkyd manu- fa.cture, n There is, generall Z a global effort to replace the conventional homogeneous catalysts of the above reactions with economical and eco fiiendly heterogeneous catalysts that have similar effecriveness and selectM ty but without the formation of by products or wastes. The cata154ic reac tivity of zeolite< cation--exchange resins, enz3;mes and metal compounds (hydroxides, alkoxides, organic poly- meric salts etc), and the related mecha- nisms of esterification and transesterifi- cation reaction, have thus been reported in the relevant literature, !~ !6

    Apart from resins, alkyd paints contain a suitable solvent (usually mineral spirits), a set of driers and other additives which irrorove perforlTkance/' Modified alkyd resins have been extensively used in paints and coatings. Alkyds rn W be old fashioned, but they are inexpensive and effective, Future trends will be driven by economic, quality and environmen- tal pressures along '~ith competition from other materials. Price reductions of paint con~onents is a continuous demand. ~,!r In the last two decades, the research effort has focused on the cost reduction of alkyds and the dr?ing chernistry of alk3,ds mainly because of tighter environmental legislation. 7he reduction of VOC (volatile organic corroound 9 emissions from paints can be achieved mainly either by the replacement of solvent borne paints with water borne paints or by the pro duction of solvent-borne products with a lower solvent content, .Q~other topic is the role of metal catalysts, which may affect not only the process time of alkyds, but also the properties of alkyd resins and the paints derived from them5 ~ Paint drying includes the sol- vent evaporation and the oxidative dry- ing related to a lipid autoxidation process. The polyunsaturated fatty acids of alkyd resins are prone to autoxida tion leading to product formation of cross linked Non volatile) species and numerous other oxygen containing compounds. ~-~

    In this work, a variety of catalysts were used in the synthesis of modified long- oil alkyd resins (~qth an oil length of 65%) by alcoholysis and esterification, The effect of the catalyst on the reduc- tion of the process time and the physio- ochemical and coating film characteris tics of the resultant prepared resins were investigated. In addition, b.~:o paints were tbmmlated containing selected alkyd resins, and their technical coating

    properties were examined and com- pared,


    Materials Technical-grade soya bean oil, pentaery- thritol, phthalic anhydride, xylene and white spirit were used in the preparation of alkyd resins. The catalysts used were LiOH, in powder fo~rc~, of 99% purity (HELM AG), dibutyl tin chloride, white powder (R 2 Sn C12: R butyl) with corn position: Sn 51 to 54% and chlorides 2% (Atochem), butyl tin oxide (RSnOJ (Atochem). The components of the paints, namel3; soya lecithin, titanimn dioxide, white spirit, etc, were also of technical grade,

    Synthes is o f a lkyd res ins by a lcoholys is ester i f icat ion of' otis

    The process applied for the preparation of the alkyd resin included two stages, in the first stage, soya bean oil (600g), together with an initial quantity of pen- taerythritol (72g) and the selected cat& lyst were introduced into a four necked round bottom flask connected with a water condenser, a mechanical stirrer and a Pt 100 thermocouple. ~[he flask was placed in an electric jacket heater. 'Ihe flask mixture was heated gradually up to 250~ under stirring. The alco iholysis reaction occurred mainly at 250~ The duration of the reaction depended on the type of the catalyst used, The reaction progress was moni- tored, and periodically sarr~les fl'om the reactor mixture were obtained. The alcoholysis reaction was considered complete when one volmne of a sam ple, mixed with three volumes of absolute alcohol, did not give an opaque solution, but gave a clear solu tion when cooled at room temperature. lhis test is based on the solubility of monoglycerides in absolute alcohol, while the triglycerides were not dis solved in this solvent,

    In the second stage, the remaining mnount of pentaerythritol (72g) was added to the alcoholysis mixture fol- lowed by phthalic anhydride (256g), the catalyst (whenever used) and the reflu>soivent (xylene). ~[he mixture was heated. Ihe distillation began at about 190 to 210~ and the water, which was lbrmed, was distilled out as an azeotrope with xylene. Both water and xylene were condensed and collected :in the receiver, attached to the water condenser, and separated by gravity. Later, the temperature of the reaction rr~xture was gradually raised to 230~

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  • !ii!ii iii i!ilii !!i ! iiiiill ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i !il

    and maintained constant until an acid value of 15 was obtained. At that time, the total reaction time was recorded, A sample was withdrawn periodically from the reaction system and its acid value was determined. After the corn pletion of the reaction, the reaction mixture was cooled to an ambient tern perature mid dissolved in white spirit (60%~

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    +1 |

    5 -! ~ LiOH 0 .0~ Mm ar~dit~on~l mtal~t E | m LiOH 0.14% Mno adCtional mlalyst E | j ~,, tiOH O.OW/o MLiOfi 0 .0~ [

    O J, | | ~ | | | 3.17 3.33 3.67 4.25 5.00 5.17 5.75

    " I 6.25 g,42 8.75 7.17 7.50 7.75 8.00

    Time (+mms)

    Figure 1 : Rate of the esterification reaction based on the charNe of acid value against time in the alkyd process using as catalyst LiOH in alcoholysis (A) and LiOH or not in esterification (E) and in comparison with that of the conventional alb/d (LiOH in A/no additional catalyst in E)




    5 -

    ~, [iOH 0.~ Mm mtal~t [ No catalyst t~/dibutyl tin ehlmide 0.2% [ R0 m~l~st Mb~tyl tin oxide 0.2% [ LiOH 0.07% Mdi~.tyl tin ~hlodde 0.~ [

    x [iOH 0.07% ~,/hutyJ tin oxide 02% [

    2.42 3.0~ 3.67 a.92 4.42 4.92 5+12 S.92 7.0~ 7.S~ 8.25 925

    lime (~rs)

    Figure 2: Rate of the esterification reaction based on the cha~ge of acid value against time in the alkyd process using different organic catalysts in esterification (E) and LiOH in alcoholysis (A) in comparison with that of the conventional alkyd (LiOH in A/no additional catalyst in E)

    10.4% to 15,6%, by using dibutyl tin chloride and butyl tin omde respectively at 0.2% content, compared with the esterification reaction time of the con- ventional resin. The selection of LiOH (0.07%) as the catalyst for the alcoholysis and an organic metal catalyst (0.2%) for the esterification resulted in a significant reduction of esterification reaction times (37.5% and 29.3% fbr dibutyt tin chlo ride and butyl tin oxide respectively) and of the overall process time of the alkyd resins (32% and 25% respectively). Con- sequently, dibu@ tin chloride was supe- rior compared with butyl tin oxide cata- lyst with regard to decreasing the process time. The order of the catalyst effectiveness in decreasing the overall process time (alcoholysis - esterification) was as follows: idOH 0.07 % dibu@ tin chloride 0.2% > LiOH 0.07% bu@ tin oxide 0.2% > LiOH 0.07% LiOH 0.07% > LiOI-{ 0.07% (or LiOH 0.14%)

    no additional catalyst; no catalyst dibutyl tin chloride 0.2% > no catalyst buUl tin oxide 0.2%. The change in the acid value against time during the ester ification reaction of the selected alkyds :produced using a different catalytic sys- tem is given in Figures I and 2.

    The physicochemical and film coating properties of the alkyd resins investigat.- ed, namely the @ml acid value, viscosit> hardness and duing time, are given in 'Ihble 3. It is obvious flint the properties (viscosit> hardness and @ying time val ues) of the alk3~d produced with LiOH 0.14%/no additional catalyst, although similaL were inferior in comparison with those of the conventional resin (catalyst LiOH 0,07%/no additional catalyst) and the resin produced with a catalytic sys- tem (LiOH 0,07?4/LiOH 0,07%). Also, the d~2ing time of the resin produced with LiOH added in both reactions was higher than that of the conventional resin, while the values of the other prop- erties (viscosity, hardness and production time) were the stone or very close. Therefore, the conventional resin is preferable because the quantity of cata lyst and therefore the cost of the catalyst is lower.

    The properties of the h~o resins pre pared with the organic metal catalysts in the esterification reaction were similar, Comparing their properties with those of the conventional resin, the latter proved to be better. It should also be kept in mind that the organic catalysts are much more expensive tha~q LiOH, The two resins produced using a combination of catalysts for the alcoholysis and esterifi cation reactions showed excellent prop erties and very low process times, with dibutyl tin chloride being slightly better.

    ~!~+:~!~!~iifii!!:!:~!ii!i~i~i!i!!++i~i~!~i!~!~!i~l~i~!ii!~i~+~i~i!!~!~i~ii~i!~i~!~!i~J~i~i~ii~!!ii~ii:i!!!~i~ii~i:i~!i!~i~i~ ~!~i!~!~i!i~i!i~i~+i~:~+i~i!~!i~i~ii~i~i~!N~;i!i~i~!~i!~N;~!~i~!N~iN!ii!!~!~i~!~!!~!~!~N~!~!~!~!~i~+}~++!:~i ~!i~!i~@~!i~+~ii!~i!~ii:~i~i~i~i~!)~!!ii~i~i}~!~!~i~!!!i;!~!~i~!:!~;!~!ii~+!~+~!!~!~!~@~iii~i!:!!~!~! ~!~i+~i!!~!i!~!~i~i:!;;!i!~i~i!~!!~iii!~:~i;!i!+@i+~i~!~!ii~!i~@)i~i~!i~i!~!i{:ii:@~i~i!~ii~!@i!@ii!~!~!i!ii~!~:!~!i~!;~!~:~!~!~i!!~!~ii!~;~i!~ii~@~i~@~!i!!~:~!!i~:~i~i@J~!i~i!gi~i!~!i~:~i!~iii~ ~i~ii~@~ii~;!ii;i~iiiii+i!)!i

  • !ii!ii iii i!ilii !!i ! iiiiiii ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i !il i! i:::::i

    Table 3: Properties of the a l~d resins produced by alcohoiysis (A)-esterilcation (E) pr~ess with various catalytic systems

    Catalyst Acid V~scosity Drying time Non volatile Hardness, % AlE value (dPa s) (hours) matter % oscfl Konig

    24h 48h /2h

    I JOH 0 07!I-o l!i.. 0 2:2) 2.750 s,;~ ,sue" 19 .:>~~ ,'4 addJtioFal ~.~,yo,~'~t ......

    '~" ' , .... 18 I!,vh 0.141no ~r, C !0 2.833 5880 !8 22 addilJonai cabi;,st

    i.,hiteness and hardness values were very close to each other. The selection of the best paint with regard to their properties can be focused on their film drying time. It is obvious that the combined paint, containing the alkyd prepared with two catalysts, was suped or, demonstralng lower duing lines.

    Conclus ions The effect of a catalytic system used in the modified alkyd processes, which included alcoholysis and esterification reactions, is significant with regard to the reduction el process times as well as the improvement of the coating properties of alkyds and the paints derived from them. The catalytic sys- tern (LiOH/dibutyl tin chloride) proved more effective than the com;entiona] catalyst (LiOH/no additional catalyst).

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