
TDIES SIOMUT ATOFST n 1910 iJc 5 c 0 I 4 to THE VASJITXGTO < Watt Street Market Turns Dull After Firm and Higher Opening i NEW YORK SECURITIES MOVE WITHIN A VERY NARROW RANGE OF PRICES f = in quite freely today belt the market generally has been dnu with prices in The opening was irregular bat PIt erally a little above the closing of Saturday Beading and Union Facttc were the early x leaders and was ra de- mand This led the leaden np oat a point lust Kfr the opening which steadied the marled for the time Later business turned dull and the list were back te about the opening figures with a tendency to go tower There is little feature m price move- ments Room traders show a disposi- tion to walt for the Government crop report and time discussing various predictions made London was a mode ate seller of from that source was not large enough to be a market influence The monthly copper report was in line with what the speculative element eirperted said was not an mdocemeot on of the market July show that stocks incpessed t Si JLai JftIe of the leadbaC street railways set metaIa ave I traded a narrow groove I many of them pu the stocks at tile Dui u supply diva we The report whteh far of eel pounds sstdaf for NEW 1OL Modus aa8roxds and ooase opea6 to them aith Z- 4mosdbi Droievs ¬ wce M8J8 7 prodoctfcm UM sIt domestic deliveries CC706J3S sad 6t4B7lCZ- Heavy rains over Kastern Kansas which shows remarkable growth the past ten days Todays rata win make tile in the eastern of State Light rain has fallen the center State There was no decline tn the traffic of the Western roads last week said no busmen depression of moment IS noted anywhere and a spirit of optimism hi manifest hi the Increasing de- index oc buying power The and- y to be on verge or revival Lumber and groceries are These factors are favorable to a re covery of prices and when the govern- ment crop report is If up to expeeta Lions room traders think there will be an upward swing of themarket Much of the uncertainty regarding the crop situ- ation has ha the general rains of the past few days and in general the situation is brighter Then too the market toss been in the dumps so long sad te oversold to such a degree that the rise when it starts wffl be easy and natural The market the fret hour of the afternoon was steady without much movement 4tocks were fairly firm posted at a frac Oft gained a little from the low point sad reached lam and Steel was posted at e- xP been a At IMDetit to the earn d wand tot dry goods may be taken iron stem In volume Leading this she as moymg asataable abov- e L 11 ¬ ¬ Today Necw York Stock Exchange Prices Qaotattoo fornHBad tor W B Hn a A Ofc eirtart New Tat Stock Kc- cfeaas Washtastoa Stock Vm CMcaso Board oC Trod limbo Betiding I sad INDUSTRIALS AxnaL Copper t- Am Beet Sugar toe 3fk 8SS4 o 8 M t Am Can pfd Wt Am Car Jb Fdy old jkm Cotton Ofl tom vl CTIs B I 9K Am Cotton OupM Am Ice Securities I M Am Loco com 3B Am pfd Set 31 m Sm Re com 7V4 sf S4 Am Sm Re pet 1 3 a- Aia Sugar Ref ce 133 Am Sugar Ref n I IJSfc Am Tel Tel 3BK 3 38 1 3 2 Am Tobacco I sM Woolen com 2ffc S7 SVK I 2714 Am Woolen pfd f Ho Anaconda Copper I W4 Cent Leather MM M M I Cent Leather 1 30s CoL F L com I 2m CoL Hock C A t oM Con GasN 1 33 31 3aK 1 39Si 33 3VA Sill I 3 C P R Pfd I W- X lst Securttte am Sift X1K1 21 General Etoctrie MM MHt 3p at 1 3tt Great Northern Ore Br Inter Paper I sM Inter Steam P 41 4t i 99- 4Mackay Co nom I sai- Mckay Co pfd I K4 National Buseutt eon 13WI Rational pfeu ra M Jot Lead sea SHi oK H I MK SIM MB ffe2tt Peo Gas of CM 3afM 3H MS Pres Steel Car eoai Si S4 M I St Pullman Company I3NK- Sy Steel Spga com M SI SB 90 By Steel Spgs pfd I K Sep I S tom I 2Ms d StM silk StM SMb SlossS S i L com M Tenn Copper 2SM SaM 2SWJ 2ZM- U S a L P om 15 U S Rubber tom SM- TJ S Rubber pC U S Steel eom at M S Steel pfd 33H4 13 Utah Copper 4M Va Car Chem nom C7M 87 Va Iron Coal Coke i West Union Tel K West Eke Man SUM MM BONDS Amor Tobaece rs 78M 1 Amer Vobacoo rsjM 3H B O Gen 4s sat Sett am 3314 1 Ho 4 I MM- S7M en- S8K Sflt I T2 Tl Inter Metro 4W WM K WM V Nor Pac P L 4s j avfe Pa Con s UK SM S KI SSI4 Southern Ry is MtM V Pac Con Ts M JM I P S Steel 3d Ts MCK MM 3KK isHK SALE OF STOCK BT HOURS Shares to U a m jm NEW YORK CURB MARKET Fumlabed Barrimaa 4- 3En er local branrb Bay State Gas Chino Copper Kly Central Florence GroeneCananea 7 inspiration Copper 7 7 n 7 Kerr Lake 7 i s La Rose Con 4 4 Aliami Copper i 23 314 21 a Mines Co of Am G9 ST SS 5 Rawhide Coalidosl 1M 351 35 1S- sasjr Central 2 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Wheat September sect tuber MAJ Con ptember December May Open High Low 135- 3M 3M 3M- 3aft 3ol WALL STREET OOMJIEMT Harriman in of American Smelting Im report- ed to be extensive and It is said tbe stock is heavily oversold at present It generally srmpathixe with tile movements in Amalgamated Capper on which mach bull gossip te eel rg from Boston All coppers being bummed on tile talk Lewis Jofi the Louisville and Nashville YoJlroad have signed an agreement wttb tbe companys engineers providing for rates of ray to tbe latter baaed on mileage wbfio e dpty of tw doter ttl U- m Law a Am Can corn 4i1l Poly ptd I m I Loco Am 183E I I I Am I nom aa pfd I L c P R oom I N Y B I Pac Mail Stsm lig4 I I Rep L 8 1 I I u E R 1m I lR I Ea- u I 1 iI Atch ODV a I R T Con 4s I G B Q J 4s c L P R I ChL R L I Pac ra 1518 u I JiM IE TM w 0 New York G B cIanIde HIP U H h DI4 1 JI t I I Cox aA 7 7 i 4 m a L j I h av I I- I I go tT t a 9f t tar a a r14I ail 13a9E S 1116 017 18A4 4614 4 1 4fD1- Eelm u r s Ot pfd 116fr flan 1 0 Bi curt A a pt alias I S i11E IOb ilb 111a 45 R A I G 14I bi 7f1141 111E l lM1E 131146 l b6 01 N l0b- 4B b P 4s 93 13M3E lox s00e to i7mea amp baatldtsg tlpsa aw 4 3E Giroux MItdrts- raoidtield 4 lit u f31E 011 4134 44 a Ca Private barrow the- e OaOf olsL sawi i in- stead t5r1 tilt p er1 M T Bfrraoui > > < > ¬ ¬ > < ¼ + > l T t SLFe com AT 4k Je pfd Atlantic Laae- BattoA Onto eont- Batto Onto Brooklyn Canadian Padre CCC 3tLeo Cheea Onto Cand OW new CMA SrP eon CMA StP p C KWT cent Cei4b SOiiihco- DeLJb Hudson J eLLaek Western RGrptd Brie Erie 1st pfd Erie 3d pfd Great North pfd Illinois Central Inter Metro eosa Inter Metre pM Kan City So eons Ran City So pfd NaslrvfBe Mexican Cat eats Mo K T pfd MSP SSMC04- HJ1SP Jk SSJC pC 3dasoon Pacific K Y TT Idi Sax pjo Oooe- 3HK lomVa- aaBBBk 1 Iflff I M- TH Ufa TS I 11- SE I Sf- 3St 3BM024II2ZM 1340- JsB NIt 32 I 3- I3SB I C- MIt I I Sttt- XT 21 ST z7M 3S7H- SoH 9 SB- K si si am- 3St 3Sl3SCI3- 4CM XY A W Northern Pacific Penneylvanaa P C C stL SflK SfK SfK HH Beck art pfd e OK St 3X S F pfd cm St L w pfd K So Pacific c m BStt 331 aim e JtaHway tam 2CK S2 2SH J S2 So Haflway pfd ga Padflc SSK SR Si SM Third Avenue a 8 S SH T S W com SM SZK Srfel 2ZK H 4394 4M Union Pac eom 1M 10 MM I mt Wabash vM WIs Cent com Western Md Wholesale Produce Market Eggs Cheese ad BvtterJ- Botter Fancy tub He priara lie Usk- Pnejstrjr Uve PooJtrr aprssc csacanh fejamo per Ik amaU Uadae Per CaOtforaial LMars per crate 1X00 9 mLS per crate swpoo tSa2 per orate YegetniiesP- otatotta bat were pota toes CLflsaLS per his Gwem Goads Uca4Lo per Live Stock Cklveo Prime te medium 7c eomm o Tie per Ib choice keg CaTc per Ib dium HaSc per Jb hugs Saloc per Ib H G Shears From New Is Fist to Appear National Race- sH to PUt in appearance tar Ski National Be pattas win be held on the Potoma JTrMay and Saterdar of this week Shears is a single scalier and halls from the Bosrt Club of New Orleans Be has made entry in the association single acid evwat and rosa an reports from Mew Orleans ajori sfaowins te will take a practice row on the Potomac river late this ina sad will take a iy spin daily I I A IT ROADS Ismd Law i tMi W6 IIVt I I JIM lied m Rap TDUiIB WIi 1ft JMIt Den RGCOIa I DeBt com II IlK n 1ftt lilt Jftt J I Louis A 7314 I SVJ I Xo JC A T Coal I 6t m I C 4i R111 fI G A StL e I NY G I StL 2d I Oct A West 144 DMt DM Dn6 inti t h u- COIIL Rock IJII oar I 41 S I lID j Tags I I L 41 T S w sail Usioa raclAc aL iii lie K I told IT Jf Jf I I- I I York Ja iny Ile utbenI Sic dto Rki tat ae Dc slat Sac 77 r17o Per Wic III Prwi- ta3M per s JIIIIr boa cna Ja iIi LEeS IIIII1S aa per s per apiece ea per e irx7ic I SGULlER ARRIVES FOR BIG REGATTA I Or- leans for H G Shears Is tile first tile Mat ee cars I even t is stop RaIea Hotel and k its u at CIdt- r jk M 50 157 W4 Coat 15 l1 7till17M5 711k 151 170 if 24 x M 1 11134 15 39iffE 171E 17 11211E 117 4111 48 1414 17a 114 DI l0 N 11144111- 1NY ou i Nit 4 31l314E- Norfoiik lA1 i A rift 1111E 2y 113x16 ft- Readiurz lAi 1f14E 181613101E Alt 14 1 sLL dill tilt Wabasl 117 N 3815 IN4 I 4 141 CheaoeNew pr ID JS ltat thfrdr resevated tsar 7 lh hers reaLmi ter ApA W par boa eralm bar ta spbe alb pmah- it p per eafotm Csesmbemaa baohet b b W bean clones pa ltlhat tsar os ter crate watermeim ta lwpe LZs2M sabbap- eterbbL of on air which 4 sheald a 31r s ears rw at i fbi Ablasha Dolt louse ettnitir 41aa ao > > > > > < > > > + BidandAsked On Local Exchange QOVJSRNMENT BONDS ft I i 3 u S Coup 4s 33 13BH of Cotanbfa MT 3t GAS BONDS Georgetown Gas fs 3W Gas Cert fa 318 RAILROAD BONDS Traction R ffa 11 r Columbia R R os Ml Columbia R R 68 3W Metropolitan R R Fs 37 Wash A Electrie fs SI Wash Alex it Mt T Fs MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Colonial Beach Fs K 1 Potomac Eke Cons Fs 3M 3M Potomac glee Lt Fs C A P Telephone F 3ti 3 a Amer 4s ISmerson Steam Pump Vs PUBLIC UTILITY TOCKS Capital Traction 131 1 Wash Ry A Eke oem SI Wash Ry Elee pfd SI Wash Alex Mt Ver N W Steamboat 3K- WasLoigton Gas 7S H4 Georgetown Gas M- Ajner TeL 4k Tel 3S TYPE MACHIN11 STOCKS Mergenthaler Linotype 94- Lanston Monotype JB MINING STOCKS Greene Cananea Itt NATIONAL BANK STOC3C- 3Amerean Nat Bank MS CIty Nat Bank 33t Commercial Nat Beak 3ff Lincoln Nat Bank 3Sf Metropolitan National Bank 3S- 2Riggs Nat Bank Second National Bank 3B Nat Bank District Nat Bank 3SI L TRUST COMPANY STOCKS Amer Sec Tmst Eli S National Sav Tmsc SM Union Trust Wash Loan Trust United tate Tnut 31 335 SAVINGS BANK STOCKS Home Savings Sat Mech Savings 361 Union Savings 34e DIme Savings Beak n 3S East Wash Sav Bank 2SK- ProvMent XL FIRE INSURANC3B Arlington FIre Insurance Jt nom Fire Insurance C Corcoran Fire Insurance 77 Firemens Fire Insurance 3 GerAmer Fire Insurance J Sat Union Fire Ins Potomac Fire Ins TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS Columbia Title Ins 4fe Real Estate Ins M Washington Title Ins MISCELLANEOUS STOC3CS Colonial Beach 35 Emerson Steam Pump 3S- Grapno pfd 3i- MeTch Trans Jk Storage 13S Storage SM- Waahlngton Market 3SK THE DAYS SATES Washington Railway and Ktectrie- inefeiied 3t0 7 Washington Gs TB919 afiay- sMergcntbaler IcJSW- Lanston 3 United States Trust a jMi 1fi3- Ts aeus After Can Mergenthaler 39KU ill Capital Traction 90327 Army and Navy Service OrdersA- RMY Leave of absence for two months is Capt FREDERICK W HISTERER Coast Artillery CorpH CoL COLDER LH RUGGLE8 of ordnance and science gunnery United States Military will proceed during the month of August to Ar- senal Pennsylvania Pksattnny Ar- senal New Jersey and Springfield Armory Maawsclmnau Captain H S KNAPP detached of the General Board Navy De- partment Washington to Navy De- partment Lieutenant Commander H P detached command and will continue on sick leave Midshipman H O ROESCH detached Naval Academy Annapons to Del aware Surgeon M S dtochrg treuxnent Naval Hofp t Las Ani- mas CoL to Pensaco1 Fla Pasted Assistant Payriaster W S ZANE detached Porumouth N B to Philadelphia- Passed Asstvtant Paymaster G R CRA PO when discharged treatment Army and Hospital Hot Springs Ark granters leave three weeks Paymaster P tacked Navy Yard Boston to laooth- Chie Machinist R F NOTJRSE to Norfolk Paymasters Clerk W CRAIG appoint mouth revoked Lieutenant J S AHWTKJ5 to naval startans Cavtte and Okp Lieutenant Commander 35ARLE de- tached naval station acute to tome Lieutenant C R P RODGERS de- tached naval station Cavits to Assistant H L DOLLARD detached Relief to Charleston Assistant Xl H AXES to Naval Hospital Passed York Boatswain B F SINGLES detached New York to Mohican H GRBBNLEB detached terey to Naval Hospital Mai e Island MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS Arrived Chisago at Boston Ington at San Francisco Dolphin at Gloucester Mayflower at Standish at Annapolis Nav at Mare Ozark at Washington Helena at Shanghai Nebraska Bats bridge Barry Dale and Charm taa North Dakota at Dixie Preston BeN won and Smith at New London Vulcan at Sewall Point Delaware at Newport Yankton at North Carolina at Hampton Roads SnBed from Newport for cruise Nanshan from bat for Tsinstau Tacoma from Port Limon for Buffa- lo from San Francisco for Manila via and Mar Guantanamo Wolverine rom Cheyboygn for Thunder Bay WIDOW GETS ESTATE Under the terms of the will of Fraicis McLean died August S his entire estate except whfch goes to son Newton Me Lean is bequeathed to his widow non Judson McLean who Is nam 1M Ak 1IQi u 8 R u s Ceap Cap R JJt II t Ii sa I A A i816 381 IS a r 111 a h A II II Mb uu I J SecurItY 7tiJ82 I4 II granted to take effect Tit NAVY mem- ber L GUEST Assists BALD eat a pa Cork Ports R Surgeon S 1 ffiG GINS to New R for Wash Island VermoRt and Virginia at T8In lJu ser Provl nee town Blue elds en1lS from Delaware Breakwater for wile hf t Rag rs re US 4s 1191 fIt 11 1M a M 7 1M 15 iN MS 21 311 191 s Yes cL 30 STOCKS 31 e 111 l 04 31f5 Augrt f P Roan as s ter Su eon too Toy p 05 wkecutriz i t Pow e od si > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = > > Lanston Leads the Market With Sales at 82 and Fractions Higher TIle local market more active today thaa for aerocal weoks A MIr of the brokers have from their raeaUon and came on the with orders to buy Lanston the leader aeUiaa at said fractions higher in all about nivety went on record United States was n at 11C Menrenthaier stoic at SIC Waah- ia tOB Gas at 724 71 and Rail way preferred at 87 The bnstneae of the day stopped after call by the sat of a fractional lot of Capital Traction at 117 The situation locally is for an active market as soon aa brokers come hone from their outings and et in touch with their clients There is plenty of Rioaey to and t will seek n c investment in loose securities as cam as the revival of starts after the midsummer liirllnan The Vital Records CUt H sad Ktoette Wens boy Marriage Licensee Enos W Harden and Catherine M WI1 lia aamuef Appfebee and Pansy 3reenburg BALTIMORE Arc were here today for John M Perry of and Hilda A Donovan of Balthnore Bcbert- loraat of 3Xeman and FtaecneeO Bark elW four day Suley TlinnstH WuTtem Cleary forty years Reek Creek near Pcun vlTaaia bridge Alfred Kinaey eightyone years Gov emmert Hospttal for the Inaaae- Ralpfc B Koehler four years 43 H street southwest D L ndvoJghi fortytwo yeas 417 Eighth street southwest Clarence Lauer eight 123 Fsct Stevens Brightwood D C August lOecwr sixtynine years Gov- ernment Hospital for the Inenne Horace Adotphn Taylor seventythree years 3897 Massachusetts avenue Margcrltr A Hamd one month US Tenth street ooribeast Johanna S RasnnBRen seventeen hours Ue Cresham place northwest Ore place norttjrest HOG PRODUCTS HIGH ST LOUIS Mo Aug t Notwith- standing there has been a reduction of SSW per X9 In the price of hop in the laIR three months the retail of beg products has advanced With hogs at 9st the consumer is as nch aad In some eases more than when tile hop were bringing 33335 Bacon is 15 cents sad say the wholesalers lid pecker are responsible Were Prepared- to Act as Agentf- or those absent from the city attending to wi csin aa details in the most satisfactory manner Our charges for this service die very reasonable Deposit flexes rented f yea National Savings and Trust Company- Corner and N r Aye fi r fff A Hibbs Building LOCAL STOCKS boagtit aad old on aaBM favorable terms ao we offer for trading In Now York stocks and bends Every Advantage approved banking policies is offered de- positors in this bank Ample resources complete faculties convenient courteous treatment The Commercial National tank Ooh a S KTig G sta The Safest Investments Are that do sot Cactoat d Hl c t tarred eoadnioBa of Ute money or stock BAIT tats Fleet of trust notes flrst otort well second on reel estate te tha- Dtotrtet of Columbia consOtate mnn f loapoaribUrty of ladrrldaala or orations for their stability and are txooi personal proporty Can assail such iBvestmcnU la mnocata from apward Seed for booklet Coaecratej Learn sad Inv etmeots Swartzell Rheem Hensey CorJ- 27 lotk Street K IT Savings Bank 9 M to 9 fit Interest on Saving Accounts 14th and arorticoat Coraai WASHINGTON STOCKS ARE MORE ACTIVE was exchange II Trust stock and B tap BirlM- B IUd L ylameat Erafn de XuaIG boy B Lent and w 1 Powell JIIIdJJ R w JDIIctWt and Wok JL cote bah of WbllnOlloDeet aye mouths Raamumen hours ret- ailers Sate 6 CO i i i York w oI t Casual I abase deed alga tlDeats They do not depend t re 14th tSt Open PM- t 3 U Sts N W returned was shares Chases Frances Mate 1 1L and E t Csppallsaaa and Maloney seveatrea FINANCIAL up- i C t 14 teed lsehramc- dlfombama blue Neap 31stsY aet- atieap naasa Tgniu 6 54 4 41 4 4 fIw e d1 saris a90n rh sip e as 6 < > ¬ > <> + + + + = > + > TRIAL OF SIMMONS Alexandria Prisoner Accus ed by Girl Is Denied Release on Bond WAaJBXMGFrOW TOOK BUKBAU- AlJBCAKDKr VA ATKJCBT S as Of wiraam charged wttli soauUlua Violet Mr rmeer sixteen jarold girl from west ooBttirood nattt touaoiiyw- momtn tile W trot iMivtar arrived fir n her home Attorney Robinson MoBcmne appear d ton reCoaea J S Baylta thtrtr ailed the Alocaadrta Ja- mplojrad am- oa river No nm rml tel of Mr and Tnracr flartHngir died her yaranta hone Ml Sooth Patrick street tfato morning JL H Cvtta has been appoteted mar haj and Smith WUUaaaa aide toy B- Iteaea ooapany No for flre beater marshal and A Norris aite XL Klaa will n Et Thais OoM HHa rA slat Otarftsttesvi to t iMEaaftry wffl special 1111 ntlna thss evening woes the pay for service at Gettys- burg win be given The Alexandria Electric having extended its line to Atexandrte- taunty ia now and pow r for the Columbia Cotton Oil Company sear Arlington DEATHS pjottbareet THOMAS M ALLEN t m thence to St MattbeWo Church whore aaas will bo aald at- Til 10 ill of tile family are lashed to attend nOQAIOtOQ Saturday laawjt sth at be OS O BRIDGET BH9GANX bo lewd wife of sHraaol TTIaiiai a m Tuesaay Aa ot tbc oo to 8t Bteoxtlrwi and tre im Irate to at- tend IsMrsatat at 3T Ottvst Ctsaatery- HOUBTOXOa Satarda Alga at- Valla Charea Va J XX wife of Hoanr- Lr o JOM3EBOa Saaday A T MS at S4- p wt t- KDV32V 3X KATCS JONaSB hi the sftynnt year of his ass UM at iaHHrn Ctt H ttroot awrta wart ADOCSTCS K MaMfKilT fern the ao eatr U0ttai year of afa ale TwMday A not 9 at m m m J- WAKXWTOa Xondar A swt s MS at S a arn at To JCAT 3CACKBT taJ tfa o yoan old tiorH w of Faaak W VJMoetS UNDERTAKERS J WILLIAM LEE ttBSRTAKER LTFSRY- SB Pa aYe N W Trfephot Main ISBx FUNERAL DESIGiiS FUNERAL DESIGNS tf every deeciiptioti moderatefer priced Talk to the Town Through The Times 3Sie Average Ad Costs LesS Than 25c Gal Up Main 5260 PERSONAL A SET OF DOLLS OF Os Nation Sub Free KMVCS Of EWALDS t WHITE SATIN BREAD Deck are to cbafcen aad- EwmfcTs is send for eJnMrstu Thats why w ve combined tie two ae naitrnehr we want to get tile dbUdrefi said Bread acquainted A k for them at any toN fiat MIls Kwalds Only be awre to ia sist EWALDS WHITE SATIN BREAD Save Tried R- Herrmaims Fatnous Ale DElA YEn ONE DA TIle a Il UNIc J for that be N- JeuM OIl hat Feline Ca old at 1 tI morning K He a or 9t UTa tosaatT slid a tINt ar rangeasests year at 5 the mea tarader this month Ti1a oIawa- ilia has I Jean Load Major Ilt Nest Friary D of TIM bold a Soday A T tIC J rMnl at a rimy II 18 clock Po res ra n her at Oda will be for tx of Mr ilL G latery L t de II B At rI at t adI pinta bar CoIaIIIIII AND D Co Utmea Want Ads FREE EIGHT NATIONS of kf1Irer7 elftwe ia sr upon I r RJIBOIIK IUD tIJr j U t L A G 1it1 DIk it 1 n h Sieasoss Oc iBsamoss and asked be lend Jtstke Tours typheId fever ins ative hX ad been Govtaruer vessel have boas made- Lva aelilogg sae etc da sgh Yrs Ire a easpey George James dap eendaelt bnpeot of that M a fi beet Akxa rla AyixOw tgat tilt ex 214- a as bh redden P3ttee ath lmoday AugeR it rta idm f at le maidens erheet soahweet has arleca r Dadska wbe a mail erne mat rpoo 8 Ills Bowaaa sad ta an fatasdr4r has srniorw aai k- ea twran hs a odes es ftmaral hereafter Washington a Wednesday plseiaflrr Brood Yes Ta1pr dunlrt eaut Iaelipa n 3RR2L1lI1t s duet cosh l s h Bae b ¬ < > > LOST AND FOUND 1OBT The fallowing articles haws beet be bed by ynxlMjj probity WASHZNOTai TKJCIXAL CO 1 haadfcas 2 aaU ring 1 pocketbook 4 packages 1 pair rubbers X 1 cardoase 1 can of ore 1 sold necklace Z pair emalaaan 1 ooU 1 ahcppiaa bag 1 aampte eaoa 2 yein of 4eve 1 hot shoe aortCOaOS 1 1 1 babys coach 1 breech 1 coat ttamarelbM 1 Mack oeart- LOBTOoM watch ard pia watch badly eased open face in Mores on F- at 3 a ave or 7th at or is M ear Liberal reward U to Jllaa E DtrX3S 1S1 F at N W 1XNST Oe cent brooch aot wttn peach bird tat enter botdta ame diomoail a morth- raby b Columble or on 12th or Pa ave to 7th at W tram ChiMpeiaj Peach Liberal reward B4 ttk N W LOOT A own pearl boroeatoe pta Kowatvl for return LOST or keys Friday ntajht Ltberal inward peters to aM 3d at N W SITUATIONS WANTED Female WAJJTEIX FoslOoa as goaeral- 4IS lot aC N K HELP CHOCOLATE OOATKRBKporfeaoo BUT need pay steady Apply BOX JR Ti swell work MiPa- COOKS Waito eotored COOKS gmtial maids MS nta JS W GntL Wbfte to ply H H 3 GOOD COOK Malta so bases aMMa BOX K Tnaee- LAOntS to hart MtaMry poettloa- goaraatoo after taamlag NBW YORK SOLUXKRT ACADKsIT OB G at good ready OB86 Horns AXMENCT MB loth at GIRL END LAUNDRY 1ZZS Fa awes 8AUQSLADIE8 at tko 8KB BOVK STOma 7th mt N sal can Apply WBBT END JSSt COLJLGOE CAPE B ot K W CATS ITa P avo- WOKAKCoions Apply 12S C ac X H HERBERT YOUNG of me n for otOee work moat WTSM bead shad bo aecaxaao at score Ap- ply to a r Landry COL Ci G at bowers 4 sad i cIt n m YOUNG LADY a bookkeeper Apply bo- twcoa said la CAPITOL PAPa BOX CO M Haaoror at YOUNG WOKAX for Jan S to DAIRY LOSCH 2d aad ots X W- HELP HAKBKRSAt anon X good white good xaaraatoo Apply 4B sth at S 35 HOT eat office ago from M to U knows how to itte a wheel BOX exporfc to work in a M- cyete shoo ISM th N W BOT for prtattea tar moranu COSQfOXWEAUTH- OOt RjoaUu Ya WATCH BJEPAIR CO sill H X S- XCOUXCTOR at X W COOK UJNCH 1 G 2 W 1 GROCERY CLERK sad most cattor mast bavo refereooo Apply aol ith at N W IXSPBCTOR or FLOOR WALKER for US a week with board jaattor wbna roam said board M room awd farm baad 3 roam sad board hitch men willie and cetoked Pt booed cook 3e SM IP FISHERS AGENCY C tit ot- FIREKAK SaX hotel 4 diak- waobera 5 week waiters O colotad The BCU its 11th X W lIEN to leant barber trade now yatem ors team only few wacoi while learning guaranteed la dry or oocncry when tkraBgh For cata losae addreoxy XOLBBTS BARBER COL LJBOE New York dtyi- Sxperleneed acbortiaa real good opportunity for right i HIGH A THRIFT Late Bids WATCHMAKER aad Jomjiur Apply after I S BS MSI H WE INVITE an attractive iiujjiuoHloa 10 to e- than SI5 a month Mad woo would Oke to- beeneae dMutfeara aatomobOo oloimna nvctory aMekanlcs bait of coot far our vicoB payable after yon a oafl- ea eoerotary fcf farther Infonaaxion THE AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE Of WASHING- TON Inc i S i b ac N W Prepazmcorr- TOCXO MAX shoat 17 to ajako htiaiHT K gal to a douitng stare cfaanoo to the H DODBK M4 Tib at N W TOUTH Hoaeot sad iadoatrh- ajoo ao porter saot brta ply ia Pa awe I W HELP WANTED Male and Female WANTED Oompeteat- beokkta era are Hi denaad TIle boot piaee- to bars to at STRATERS BCSLXESS COL Pay sad afcht city I au somxnor on SatMTdays Writs or call JCAX AND WXTBCoiorod aa otltttr nan and cork prirate family 6a I9UREKA MO X T aaro CANVASSERSLadles sat nenUemen coed pay if you are waling to work ftdffinoi BOX 96 hider office 1 WINDOW CLEANING SOW ABOUT THOSE D TT WINDOWS rzjOOI Acme Window CteaniBC Co re laMe io 9O G K W Phone it TUB FLOOR FINISHING WA3ETNOTON PARQUET FLOOR SDR PACING CO 33d rt n W oU- ojBct aJoon Mrap ddownroflUed poiccajad waxed expert workman work jjumaiilcofl road sootal PAINTING BEFORE painting set ocr estimate drop LISLE VAUGHN Ht 2d at ii W I tc lY sad 1 IlL ret KATIE tit d JIlL 1 to 147 I for colored Pi as thar Dane 1 WANTEDFEMALE APPBJiDtTICE learn tcIaM Plat daseuttine postUoa at G N W n odica CHI KIIIISU UJ C I i1 W COOItcleNd w u wilt Y IS FISIIERS aue ewe INL JC wasted De C street IIU o8IcIa pod u cJL- UD8 poetry XABOLB I II WDl W Ih P- Ug W wMa BAS LUNCH JIOO IdI lit M w 1 wIIItIt JIOrDS WHITE euiy JI HOuaBZiaP1LR far rr Gold LADY wark C LADy De 7Ua II N w WANTEDMALE for T7mo amce BOY lit xaeetlatr CLOCIC a J14I Na tII Apply STAR cafe bard re- ad tit Ave Uba wBars nIaniL KF lit ILl 1 W M- ace heat lit N B ten who can ttshting school for f Y MAX and t Jr week JOHN WILTiLNS 1 X W AJt LIIIGX Old XMaaIc Tennpk Ith said F Coo Free wtsiogbs Whlw kelp aDd prince LBON L ion poaal best surd cheapen its rosin Cut may lady s boors t pah- i lady rsed eyes T tar 3beward M l istersiag Qdwcy plan WANTEDB7 Doren seeara- 7ibMa n m s Isubsler to ar0eaarbisgg aa- dfrstcbs soasataed er lesraig- Ul6 t estlaed aeelg bs laa gees cbaebersaiAa abo fmarJ- WBIKA illN ma i7i elessa- H a 4 AGlh1Cym mat syaeworhers dtatsehen to at aorta wont RetLL far 1mlly sow ter walti sad weeaa sus 5M lira LAUNDRY B8S1CTw espero4 p WAFlRi88EbTwn espeeieas- riVus b3 WAITRnBLspsmtwee elsaers geabaa- lWOMANWhite a Mssaalseper- Piscataway Prio eay 7 set ypoesao ant sent SOW Cote au l gee Oat YOUNG wb eaiasi Mfr and eoigsg at t sal rears 3R oed moat kw bicycle CAVAS6 3 WA OTOX wow APPb arCamrd esi are ors ens tdtrdten 1ema 4 CHSN any- one weed pelt ti ht or Tsang area ears pistil am0otaobtle uartea prod learn basins reaeaha resod as bookkeeper 4 H at at L colored sage eaea stamgSlpbers school meson yes far gadebm those fer rasa moderate it AP FA3IIi8 bevwrk k pb t ra tia sec ywrr r st aid al < > > + > FOR RENT ROOMS Punished C pl d browner beautifully fu furnisbed with all nniem in few aquara of Union StaU to all Obvcraoeoc d parumau Itlreijr caterSoc to retrial adult B ST Jf E 41C Efecfeedingiy rewm r ni of style eompi t fr u W FLORIUA AVK N EL 111 Two large coal cummankattao modem month for 2 10 moatfe got N J AVIV Stt Two oommiaalcatlnx rocua oeeead Mat aril aa M ST N W ISi Khjaii CTZTftT W 0 TwJ- MH MU nth aM W MU wtth heard oat story back matt very east with PA isnnme or tsar UTH ST if W fsnisbed- t Rhone I fiT N V T N W CDOut nneTelMd av w i US week ST K W ITU mtiOLU- or mania oovple with bad K d G BT X W JZILarse coal ITS ST jr sx i- S OA wtta lit family 3M Froat nook en Sat toot water dub FOR HOOHS Z X W ST K beat bath to a w IUS Tbreo uaftsalah 10 ST K W 12X2 Brtcbt airy FOR RENT BOOHS m ST 2V S- kot water Sttod tpr light N J AVE J W sad aafontiabod rooms scrim ST x E o ROOMS AND BGAM- S ST N W some TC neBt board near WTH ST Jf W Sio Cool amen eoHont beard overtook COUNTRY GOOD PLACE to Hideaway Georgetown CeeB- Md keaattfat place OB the Soaaafcaa rive Bay larsa aha hung BO chary for att ktada ef bates to oatt at K au S- BKKTUETB PAVILIOK 3XOTVL- Idoal apot of roionlal Beach osacor- aidanllr best borne fooklas masd lam food etaaaere etabbiac ad oa THE NSW WILLABD imisnii tram Daarl- it board ft M rates lean BOCSE Oa Ttiiaiilaaal Opoa for Prop WAJITED flOOIIS3- TT A G32NTLOaAX two natanHahed vooou Mar library of COBCTOBB state price BOX SOL Ttateo office 1 cn PADDED VANS IS toad 2b- COUCMmA TRANSFER A STORAfflB X T N W Packing Shipping Siocaae 9 load GET CUB BaTUr on ihoaistotj Oro CNITEO- SiATKS SToaAOJJ CO 3a lack at W- ijaS tbo v ef atoriac furniture Mottt tar tars rag etc Padded Vaas for Moving tavern Prices ITTJUEPBOOF STOH AQygporial lock tan partawBto per owettb up Lowoat rate aC laomaeo nil sveij convenience Saline to famished aEEaOHAKT8 TBAN- 8ys coy n K at M w EXPESEES RKEK7C3EBL oalppia and tab ia pojFaaeat sal fur ateere otoroa WASHINGTON rUJtNJ TURK 7ib area N W Xonb ZK MARKETS COLEMANS OYSTER HOUSE 1454 P ST N W PoaJtrr dresoed to orcdT saber tan Sake crai e atoamod Walt SktodaJ price on Ian I WORKINGMENS WARTS r but here wth a bargaJn sweet in- uJt J3 to t iHoted- m neat D RUG WEAN HANDSOME reveralble pets we guarantee ear Worat IK14 L ri EST X W l Lrge fe 0 In esceptlonay k t S f H hn on I ft3 t k ps e ry thing DeW DrmClQ j lat coavenieDce bar 8T ill Mt owe filet larg parlor pen LUy ptcne well kept yriate ST X W 1M y1ow wI kept r mOQt- hlJTH Sl w 11tRa8 toes alibi t xir front tL5t per J ree II a fwII1Md DIII s u e N m HOUSE IIIII CII ISJ- QW nIB8Br N AVE flats f1W sakL II V G Br X W alt W m or tex X W RSMt waned light pammtt ted cIiIDIINL s4 SL K W Two taLit P ie lrrace tel ue uI CIlIa heaths ITS ST N W hr akIe 1 or 1Aro eeeI Jt CIa won W d rcald r BYE ef 4 alwafe WIlIer C E legit IIH ST K d liras huh too or tJJd 11i Uire terser eDa a 1 fwIIIIIbed scorn soar light U earssb1e asa Y x Co 4 PItaDa wM ez yank atNL 1 TB ST lC W nicoat Jazd SOUte- Irr N married coplr 111 rme with nJ le- A woatio arse pwaacJa crac of rnII tihfa tb- 1t GkcIe of tea yes u rand haw E RAN r s u3AGE a load Pbone Kala JR awe 1 pnI8 x TOBAGJi1aooxs lid Pisa Vann Posos FIDELITY TORAGB COMPANY la U G will Os your etc CO era1I ORKLGXC I vein u tilt set feet 1I1DY a SIfIIdb 1 trig RUG CIDp 0 e o oas a p sc P a i a el parr it gstat 75TH LeliaittfularFe te tbraebed hnrle sntbmnC- ORCORA 1 private bm gemismss red rs a skeet orUemea w rear asr btb toatemknca Islwma ta lame aieoa Rlp iw tarot ToMs dalatad pesttesaea yomeed Ip roeos t dear or es erdtrt paKrat barb eon a rawly 1pred feaiabd aaev b AVE w i 1Pest bosrd la c mprato t bnraebL5ing r- Phsw viTa b 4 IDiNiaeb bond baeabtf3 Worth 417 0sa ataaps s srt oon vMalsaa- a rro rrn sac i oaeg limier tins foam m4es la araSr sad Soon boehr parg no teaaans Y thhdery a pm sloldbeea estoaaa hoseiheep owegasat room s boon eaW4bi- bi ianrd rMeasbla 712Brea achy ahad loh footlon t tram4o asla Sere n sr err btetb i orsws Mkt bokaog magi rrisasbia ime co a Use rnasb- laft 14 sad other Usisesnisbo 11 rWe fes re0rsa Wt hit AiBrae roes eoe ter teheeplw pit quiet heGOPhri aleouad 1kor roans giver samatety m aMi1 Ftl losed flat rwmme hoesekeepI1er taolors larswvsataestt iaGDarhai h larger cool arnb atltrg 3d omeehu far bs plag dNno mtly ate drpaR eata sad 7f rAraua reefer sag a sad teal board mmbaa p is R- Twa die coal fwalahal nsasasr wit hood snliabie tine as- tr fsetlaMd board adi tor- me ae two yebg mm m bestlrsl Yuma ea Gogtova eu Pbar Wes iiit- raste 6aerlaxowa ar wild tit and oar apad leer oat t pesb eati0 Shfeg hhoag loci sus peen ceyetabYt bleb 3eeulats er tmthera t ai ptu x BIB r ftsrt aoeommodatl0as ah ddH weal tact isb turfy JOHNSON msnae Lemma Jobease i MNE S waswy ef C- Oo b wit tamale wmt ors aba ID orson sdea ali ram Boos Saver Carpet a oats Atdomobegw a i a BTOBai Prwe x pat 3fOVI1 sad We arovtag rackleg eap Situ meal falter wf0 rye e Pxuxs Ia r rte tara ram lire r me pr cc- t JtiSTft n2P TA rage was in tB f REA1Lti 6s sseor o- BatY i c > = < > < > < > = = > > > > > > > =

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Page 1: · 2009-03-03 · TDIES SIOMUT ATOFST n 1910 iJc 5 c 0 I 4 to THE VASJITXGTO < Watt Street Market


iJc 5 c 0




Watt Street Market Turns Dull After Firm and Higher Openingi




in quite freely today belt the marketgenerally has been dnu with prices in

The opening was irregular bat PIterally a little above the closing ofSaturday Beading and Union Facttcwere the early

x leaders and was ra de-mand This led the leaden np oata point lust Kfr the opening whichsteadied the marled for the timeLater business turned dull and the listwere back te about the opening figureswith a tendency to go tower

There is little feature m price move-ments Room traders show a disposi-tion to walt for the Government cropreport andtime discussing various predictionsmade

London was a mode ate seller of

from that source was not large enoughto be a market influence The monthlycopper report was in line with whatthe speculative element eirperted saidwas not an mdocemeot onof the marketJuly show that stocks incpessed t Si

JLai JftIe ofthe leadbaC streetrailways set metaIa ave I traded

a narrow groove


many of them pu the

stocks at tile Dui u supply

diva weThe report whteh far of

eel pounds sstdaf for

NEW 1OL Modusaa8roxds and ooase


to them aithZ-



wce M8J8 7 prodoctfcm UM sItdomestic deliveries CC706J3S sad

6t4B7lCZ-Heavy rains over Kastern Kansas

which shows remarkable growththe past ten days Todays rata

win make tile in the easternof State Light rain has fallenthe center State

There was no decline tn the traffic ofthe Western roads last week said nobusmen depression of moment IS notedanywhere and a spirit of optimism himanifest hi the Increasing de-

index oc buying power The and-y to be on verge

or revival Lumber and groceries areThese factors are favorable to a re

covery of prices and when the govern-ment crop report is If up to expeetaLions room traders think there will be anupward swing of themarket Much ofthe uncertainty regarding the crop situ-ation has ha the general rainsof the past few days and in generalthe situation is brighter Then too themarket toss been in the dumps so longsad te oversold to such a degree thatthe rise when it starts wffl be easyand natural

The market the fret hour ofthe afternoon was steady without muchmovement 4tocks were fairlyfirm posted at a fracOft gained alittle from the low point sad reachedlam and Steel was posted at

e-xPbeen a At IMDetit to the earn


wand tot dry goods may be takeniron


In volume




moymg asataable

abov-e L11



Today Necw York Stock Exchange PricesQaotattoo fornHBad tor W B Hn a A Ofc eirtart New Tat Stock Kc-

cfeaas Washtastoa Stock Vm CMcaso Board oC Trod limbo Betiding




AxnaL Copper t-

Am Beet Sugar toe 3fk 8SS4 o8 M t

Am Can pfd WtAm Car Jb Fdy oldjkm Cotton Ofl tom vl CTIs B I 9KAm Cotton OupM

Am Ice Securities I MAm Loco com 3B

Am pfd Set 31 mSm Re com 7V4 sf S4

Am Sm Re pet 1 3 a-

Aia Sugar Ref ce 133

Am Sugar Ref n I IJSfcAm Tel Tel 3BK 3 38 1 3 2Am Tobacco I sM

Woolen com 2ffc S7 SVK I 2714

Am Woolen pfd f HoAnaconda Copper I W4Cent Leather MM M M I

Cent Leather 1 30s

CoL F L com I 2mCoL Hock C A t oMCon GasN 1 33 31 3aK 1 39Si

33 3VA Sill I 3C P R Pfd I W-X lst Securttte am Sift X1K1 21General Etoctrie MM MHt 3p at 1 3ttGreat Northern Ore BrInter Paper I sMInter Steam P 41 4t i 99-4Mackay Co nom I sai-Mckay Co pfd I K4National Buseutt eon 13WIRational pfeu ra M

Jot Lead sea SHi oK H I MK

SIM MB ffe2ttPeo Gas of CM 3afM 3H MS

Pres Steel Car eoai Si S4 M I StPullman Company I3NK-Sy Steel Spga com M SI SB 90By Steel Spgs pfd I KSep I S tom I 2Ms

d StM silk StM SMbSlossS S i L com MTenn Copper 2SM SaM 2SWJ 2ZM-

U S a L P om 15

U S Rubber tom SM-TJ S Rubber pCU S Steel eom at M

S Steel pfd 33H4 13

Utah Copper 4MVa Car Chem nom C7M 87Va Iron Coal Coke iWest Union Tel KWest Eke Man SUM MM

BONDSAmor Tobaece rs 78M 1

Amer Vobacoo rsjM 3H

B O Gen 4ssat Sett

am3314 1 Ho4 I MM-

S7M en-

S8K SfltI

T2 Tl

Inter Metro 4W WM K WM VNor Pac P L 4s j avfePa Con s UK SM S KI SSI4Southern Ry is MtMV Pac Con Ts M JM I


Shares to U a m jm


Barrimaa 4-

3En er local branrb

Bay State GasChino CopperKly CentralFlorence

GroeneCananea 7inspiration Copper 7 7 n 7Kerr Lake 7 i sLa Rose Con 4 4Aliami Copper i 23 314 21 aMines Co of Am G9 ST SS 5Rawhide Coalidosl 1M 351 35 1S-sasjr Central 2


Septembersect tuberMAJ


Open High Low 135-3M3M 3M-3aft 3ol


Harrimanin of American Smelting Im report-ed to be extensive and It is said tbestock is heavily oversold at presentIt generally srmpathixe with tilemovements in Amalgamated Capperon which mach bull gossip te eelrg from Boston All coppers

being bummed on tiletalk

Lewis Jofithe Louisville and Nashville YoJlroadhave signed an agreement wttb tbecompanys engineers providing forrates of ray to tbe latter baaed onmileage wbfio e dpty

of twdoter

ttl U-m Law aAm Can corn

4i1lPoly ptd



LocoAm 183E I



nom aapfd


c P R oom



Pac Mail Stsmlig4 I


Rep L 8 1



u E R 1mI

lRI Ea-uI1

iIAtch ODV

a I

R T Con 4s I

G B Q J 4sc L P R IChL R L I Pac ra


u IJiM


TM w0 New York G BcIanIdeHIP

U Hh DI4 1 JIt I ICox aA

7 7


a Lj

Ih av I I-I I


tT t

a 9f


tara a r14I ail13a9E

S1116 017 18A4

4614 4 1 4fD1-

Eelm u r


pfd116fr flan



Bi curt

A a


alias I Si11E

IOb ilb 111a


R A I G14I bi


111E l lM1E131146

l b6 01 N l0b-4B

bP 4s 9313M3E



to i7meaampbaatldtsg

tlpsa aw4


Giroux MItdrts-raoidtield



f31E 0114134 44a

Ca Private barrow


OaOf olsL

sawi i in-stead t5r1 tilt p er1














l T t SLFe comAT 4k Je pfdAtlantic Laae-BattoA Onto eont-Batto OntoBrooklynCanadian PadreCCC 3tLeoCheea OntoCand OW newCMA SrP eonCMA StP pC KWT centCei4b SOiiihco-DeLJb HudsonJ eLLaek Western

RGrptdBrieErie 1st pfdErie 3d pfdGreat North pfdIllinois CentralInter Metro eosaInter Metre pMKan City So eonsRan City So pfd

NaslrvfBeMexican Cat eats

Mo K T pfdMSP SSMC04-HJ1SP Jk SSJC pC3dasoon PacificK Y TT

Idi Saxpjo Oooe-

3HK lomVa-

aaBBBk 1 Iflff

I M-

TH Ufa TS I 11-

SE I Sf-

3St 3BM024II2ZM1340-

JsB NIt 32I





I Sttt-

XT 21 STz7M


SoH 9 SB-

K si si am-

3St 3Sl3SCI3-4CM


Northern PacificPenneylvanaaP C C stL

SflK SfK SfK HHBeck art pfd e OKSt 3X S F pfd cmSt L w pfd KSo Pacific c m BStt 331 aim

e JtaHway tam 2CK S2 2SH J S2So Haflway pfd ga

Padflc SSK SR Si SMThird Avenue a 8 S SHT S W com SM SZK Srfel 2ZKH 4394 4M

Union Pac eom 1M 10 MM I mtWabash vMWIs Cent comWestern Md

Wholesale Produce Market

Eggs Cheese ad BvtterJ-

Botter Fancy tub He priara lie Usk-

PnejstrjrUve PooJtrr aprssc csacanh fejamoper Ik amaU Uadae Per


LMars per crate 1X00 9mLS per crate swpoo tSa2 per orateYegetniiesP-

otatotta bat were potatoes CLflsaLS per hisGwem GoadsUca4Lo per

Live StockCklveo Prime te medium 7c eommo Tie per Ib choice keg CaTc per Ibdium HaSc per Jb hugs Saloc per Ib

H G Shears From NewIs Fist to AppearNational Race-

sH to PUt in appearance tar SkiNational Be pattas win be heldon the Potoma JTrMay and Saterdarof this week

Shears is a single scalier and hallsfrom the Bosrt Club of NewOrleans Be has made entry in theassociation single acid evwat androsa an reports from Mew Orleans

ajori sfaowins tewill take a practice rowon the Potomac river late thisina sad will take a iy spin daily



A IT ROADSIsmd Law itMi W6 IIVt I


JIMlied m



DeBtcom II


n 1ftt lilt Jftt


Louis A 7314 I


Xo JC A T Coal I



C 4i R111 fIG A StL e INY G I StL 2d I

OctA West 144

DMt DMDn6 intit h u-


41 S I


jTags I


L 41

T S w sailUsioa raclAc aL iii lie K I

told IT Jf Jf

I I-


York Jainy Ile utbenI Sicdto Rki tatae Dc slat Sac

77r17oPer Wic IIIPrwi-

ta3M per sJIIIIr boa cnaJaiIi


aa per s per

apiece eaper e irx7ic






H G Shears Is tile first tile

Mat eecars

Ieventis stop RaIeaHotel and k its u atCIdt-

r jk

M 50 157W4

Coat 15 l1

7till17M5711k 151



24 xM 1

111341539iffE 171E 17


1174111 48 1414



DI l0 N11144111-

1NY ou

iNit 4 31l314E-Norfoiik lA1 i A

rift 1111E2y 113x16

ft-Readiurz lAi 1f14E 181613101E

Alt 14


sLL dilltiltWabasl 117

N 3815 IN4 I 4141

CheaoeNew pr ID

JS ltat thfrdrresevated tsar 7

lh hersreaLmi terApA W par boa

eralm bar ta spbealb pmah-it



Csesmbemaa baohetb b W bean clonespa ltlhat tsar oster crate watermeimta lwpe LZs2M sabbap-eterbbL

of onair


4 sheald a31r s

ears rw ati fbiAblasha Dolt louse






> >







BidandAsked OnLocal Exchange


ft I i3

u S Coup 4s 33 13BHof Cotanbfa MT 3tGAS BONDS

Georgetown Gas fs 3WGas Cert fa 318

RAILROAD BONDSTraction R ffa 11 r

Columbia R R os MlColumbia R R 68 3WMetropolitan R R Fs 37Wash A Electrie fs SIWash Alex it Mt T Fs


Potomac Eke Cons Fs 3M 3MPotomac glee Lt FsC A P Telephone F 3ti 3 aAmer 4sISmerson Steam Pump Vs

PUBLIC UTILITY TOCKSCapital Traction 131 1

Wash Ry A Eke oem SIWash Ry Elee pfd SIWash Alex Mt VerN W Steamboat 3K-WasLoigton Gas 7S H4Georgetown Gas M-Ajner TeL 4k Tel 3S

TYPE MACHIN11 STOCKSMergenthaler Linotype 94-Lanston Monotype JB

MINING STOCKSGreene Cananea Itt

NATIONAL BANK STOC3C-3Amerean Nat Bank MSCIty Nat Bank 33tCommercial Nat Beak 3ffLincoln Nat Bank 3SfMetropolitan National Bank 3S-2Riggs Nat BankSecond National Bank 3BNat BankDistrict Nat Bank 3SI L

TRUST COMPANY STOCKSAmer Sec Tmst Eli SNational Sav Tmsc SMUnion TrustWash Loan TrustUnited tate Tnut 31 335


Mech Savings 361Union Savings 34eDIme Savings Beak n 3SEast Wash Sav Bank 2SK-

ProvMent XL

FIRE INSURANC3BArlington FIre Insurance Jtnom Fire Insurance C

Corcoran Fire Insurance 77Firemens Fire Insurance 3

GerAmer Fire Insurance JSat Union Fire InsPotomac Fire Ins

TITLE INSURANCE STOCKSColumbia Title Ins 4feReal Estate Ins MWashington Title Ins

MISCELLANEOUS STOC3CSColonial Beach 35Emerson Steam Pump 3S-

Grapno pfd 3i-MeTch Trans Jk Storage 13S

Storage SM-Waahlngton Market 3SK

THE DAYS SATESWashington Railway and Ktectrie-

inefeiied 3t0 7Washington Gs TB919 afiay-sMergcntbaler IcJSW-Lanston 3

United States Trust a jMi 1fi3-Ts aeusAfter Can Mergenthaler 39KU illCapital Traction 90327

Army and NavyService OrdersA-

RMYLeave of absence for two months is

Capt FREDERICK WHISTERER Coast Artillery CorpH

CoL COLDER LH RUGGLE8of ordnance and sciencegunnery United States Militarywill proceed during the

month of August to Ar-senal Pennsylvania Pksattnny Ar-senal New Jersey and SpringfieldArmory Maawsclmnau

Captain H S KNAPP detachedof the General Board Navy De-

partment Washington to Navy De-partmentLieutenant Commander H P

detached command and willcontinue on sick leave

Midshipman H O ROESCH detachedNaval Academy Annapons to Delaware

Surgeon M S dtochrgtreuxnent Naval Hofp t Las Ani-mas CoL to Pensaco1 FlaPasted Assistant Payriaster W SZANE detached Porumouth N Bto Philadelphia-

Passed Asstvtant Paymaster G R CRAPO when discharged treatment Armyand Hospital HotSprings Ark granters leave threeweeks

Paymaster Ptacked Navy Yard Boston tolaooth-

Chie Machinist R F NOTJRSE toNorfolkPaymasters Clerk W CRAIG appoint

mouth revokedLieutenant J S AHWTKJ5 to navalstartans Cavtte and OkpLieutenant Commander 35ARLE de-

tached naval station acute totomeLieutenant C R P RODGERS de-

tached naval station Cavits toAssistant H L DOLLARD

detached Relief to CharlestonAssistant Xl H AXESto Naval Hospital


Boatswain B F SINGLES detachedNew York to Mohican

H GRBBNLEB detachedterey to Naval Hospital Mai eIsland

MOVEMENTS OF VESSELSArrived Chisago at BostonIngton at San Francisco Dolphinat Gloucester Mayflower atStandish at Annapolis Navat Mare Ozark atWashington Helena at Shanghai

NebraskaBatsbridge Barry Dale and Charm

taa North Dakota atDixie PrestonBeN won and Smithat New London Vulcan at SewallPoint Delaware at NewportYankton at NorthCarolina at Hampton Roads

SnBed from Newportfor cruise Nanshan frombat for Tsinstau Tacoma fromPort Limon for Buffa-lo from San Francisco for Manilavia and Mar

Guantanamo Wolverine romCheyboygn for Thunder Bay

WIDOW GETS ESTATEUnder the terms of the will of

Fraicis McLean died August Shis entire estate except whfchgoes to son Newton MeLean is bequeathed to his widownon Judson McLean who Is nam

1M Ak1IQi

u 8 Ru s Ceap

Cap R







ar 111







7tiJ82 I4


grantedto take effect






Assists BALD

eat a pa Cork Ports


Surgeon S 1 ffiGGINS to New



Island VermoRt and Virginia

at T8In

lJuserProvl nee town

Blue elds

en1lS from Delaware Breakwaterfor




rsreUS 4s 1191

fIt 11






21 311


Yes cL30




l 0 4 31f5

Augrt f



as s ter

Su eon


Toy p


















Lanston Leads the MarketWith Sales at 82 and

Fractions Higher

TIle local market more activetoday thaa for aerocal weoks AMIr of the brokers havefrom their raeaUon and came onthe with orders to buy

Lanston the leader aeUiaa atsaid fractions higher in all about

nivety went on recordUnited States was n at

11C Menrenthaier stoic at SIC Waah-ia tOB Gas at 724 71 and Railway preferred at 87 The bnstneaeof the day stopped after call by thesat of a fractional lot of CapitalTraction at 117

The situation locally is for an activemarket as soon aa brokers come honefrom their outings and et in touchwith their clients There is plenty ofRioaey to and t will seekn c investment in loose securities ascam as the revival of startsafter the midsummer liirllnan

The Vital Records

CUt H sad Ktoette Wens boy

Marriage Licensee

Enos W Harden and Catherine M WI1lia

aamuef Appfebee and Pansy 3reenburgBALTIMORE Arcwere here today forJohn M Perry of andHilda A Donovan of Balthnore Bcbert-

loraat of 3Xeman and FtaecneeO BarkelW four day Suley TlinnstH

WuTtem Cleary forty years ReekCreek near Pcun vlTaaia bridge

Alfred Kinaey eightyone years Govemmert Hospttal for the Inaaae-

Ralpfc B Koehler four years 43 Hstreet southwest

D L ndvoJghi fortytwoyeas 417 Eighth street southwestClarence Lauer eight 123 Fsct

Stevens Brightwood D CAugust lOecwr sixtynine years Gov-

ernment Hospital for the InenneHorace Adotphn Taylor seventythreeyears 3897 Massachusetts avenueMargcrltr A Hamd one month US

Tenth street ooribeastJohanna S RasnnBRen seventeen hoursUe Cresham place northwest

Ore place norttjrest


standing there has been a reduction ofSSW per X9 In the price of hopin the laIR three months the retailof beg products has advanced Withhogs at 9st the consumer is as

nch aad In some eases more thanwhen tile hop were bringing 33335Bacon is 15 cents sadsay the wholesalers lid peckerare responsible

Were Prepared-to Act as Agentf-

or those absent from the cityattending to wi csin aa detailsin the most satisfactory manner

Our charges for this service dievery reasonableDeposit flexes rented

f yeaNational Savings

and Trust Company-Corner and N r Aye

fi r fff A

Hibbs Building

LOCAL STOCKSboagtit aad old on aaBMfavorable terms ao we offerfor trading In Now Yorkstocks and bends

Every Advantageapprovedbanking policies is offered de-

positors in this bankAmple resources completefaculties convenientcourteous treatment

The CommercialNational tankOoh a S KTig G sta

The Safest InvestmentsAre that do sot Cactoat d Hl c ttarred eoadnioBa of Ute money or stock BAITtats Fleet of trust notes flrst otort

well second on reel estate te tha-Dtotrtet of Columbia consOtate

mnn f loapoaribUrty of ladrrldaala ororations for their stability and aretxooi personal proporty Canassail such iBvestmcnU la mnocata fromapward Seed for booklet CoaecratejLearn sad Inv etmeots

Swartzell RheemHensey CorJ-

27 lotk Street K IT

Savings Bank9 M to 9fit

Interest on SavingAccounts

14th andarorticoat Coraai





IITrust stock



BirlM-B IUd Lylameat Erafn de XuaIG boy

B Lent and w1 Powell JIIIdJJ R

wJDIIctWt and Wok JL cote bah of




Raamumen hours




CO ii i



tCasual I


algatlDeats They do not depend


14th tSt

Open PM-t 3

U Sts N W




Chases Frances Mate 1 1Land

E t Csppallsaaa

and Maloney








teed lsehramc-dlfombama blue Neap 31stsY aet-

atieap naasa Tgniu

6 54


fIw e


sarisa90n rh

sipe as







++ +







Alexandria Prisoner Accused by Girl Is Denied

Release on Bond


as Of wiraamcharged wttli soauUlua Violet Mr rmeer

sixteen jarold girl fromwest ooBttirood nattt touaoiiyw-momtn tile W trot iMivtar arrivedfir n her home

Attorney Robinson MoBcmne appear d

ton reCoaea

J S Baylta thtrtrailed the Alocaadrta Ja-

mplojrad am-

oa river No nm rml

tel of Mr and Tnracr flartHngirdied her yaranta hone Ml SoothPatrick street tfato morning

JL H Cvtta has been appoteted marhaj and Smith WUUaaaa aide toy B-Iteaea ooapany No for flre

beater marshal and A Norrisaite

XL Klaa will n Et ThaisOoM HHa r A slat

Otarftsttesvi to

t iMEaaftry wfflspecial 1111 ntlna thss evening

woes the pay for service at Gettys-burg win be given

The Alexandria Electrichaving extended its line to Atexandrte-taunty ia now andpow r for the Columbia Cotton OilCompany sear Arlington


pjottbareet THOMAS M ALLENt m

thence to St MattbeWoChurch whore aaas will bo aald at-Til 10 ill of tile family are lashed to attend

nOQAIOtOQ Saturday laawjt sthat be OS O

BRIDGET BH9GANX bolewd wife of sHraaol TTIaiiai

a m Tuesaay Aa ot tbc oo to 8t

Bteoxtlrwi and tre im Irate to at-tend IsMrsatat at 3T Ottvst Ctsaatery-

HOUBTOXOa Satarda Alga at-Valla Charea Va J XX wife of Hoanr-

Lr o

JOM3EBOa Saaday A T MS at S4-p wt t-

KDV32V 3X KATCS JONaSB hi thesftynnt year of his ass

UM at iaHHrn Ctt H ttroot awrtawart ADOCSTCS K MaMfKilT fern theao eatr U0ttai year of afa ale

TwMday A not 9 at m m m J-

WAKXWTOa Xondar A swt s MS atS a arn at

To JCAT 3CACKBT taJ tfa o yoan oldtiorH w of Faaak W VJMoetS



SB Pa aYe N WTrfephot Main ISBx


tf every deeciiptioti moderatefer priced

Talk to theTownThroughThe Times

3Sie Average Ad Costs LesSThan 25c

Gal Up Main 5260



OFOs Nation Sub Free



BREADDeck are to cbafcen aad-

EwmfcTs is send for eJnMrstuThats why w ve combined tie two aenaitrnehr we want to get tile dbUdrefisaid Bread acquainted

A k for them at any toN fiat MIlsKwalds Only be awre to iasist


Save Tried R-Herrmaims Fatnous Ale



a IlUNIc J

for that be N-JeuM OIl hat Feline Ca

oldat 1 tImorning K He a

or 9t UTa tosaatT slida

tINt arrangeasests



5 themea tarader this month Ti1a oIawa-ilia hasI Jean Load


Ilt Nest FriaryD of

TIMbold a

Soday A TtIC J

rMnl at arimy


clock Po res

ra n her at

Odawill be for tx of MrilL

G latery L

tde II B

AtrI at t adI

pintabar CoIaIIIIII


D Co

UtmeaWant Ads


ofkf1Irer7 elftwe





U tL

A G 1it1 DIk it





iBsamoss and asked belend Jtstke


typheId fever insative hXad been Govtaruer

vesselhave boas made-

Lva aelilogg sae etc da sghYrs



Jamesdap eendaelt bnpeot

of thatM a fi beetAkxa rla

AyixOw tgat tilt ex 214-a as bh redden P3ttee ath

lmoday AugeR itrta idm


at le maidenserheet soahweet

has arlecarDadska wbe a mailerne mat rpoo

8 IllsBowaaa sadta

an fatasdr4rhas

srniorw aai k-eatwran

hsa odes es ftmaral hereafter


aWednesday plseiaflrr



Ta1pr dunlrt eaut Iaelipan3RR2L1lI1t s











LOST AND FOUND1OBT The fallowing articles haws beet

be bed by ynxlMjjprobity WASHZNOTai TKJCIXAL CO1 haadfcas 2 aaU ring1 pocketbook 4 packages1 pair rubbers X

1 cardoase 1 can of ore1 sold necklace Z pair emalaaan1 ooU 1 ahcppiaa bag1 aampte eaoa 2 yein of 4eve

1 hot shoeaortCOaOS 1 1

1 babys coach 1 breech1 coatttamarelbM

1 Mack oeart-

LOBTOoM watch ard pia watchbadly eased open face in Mores on F-

at 3 a ave or 7th at or is Mear Liberal reward U to Jllaa

E DtrX3S 1S1 F at N W

1XNST Oe cent brooch aot wttn peach birdtat enter botdta ame diomoail a morth-

raby b Columble or on 12thor Pa ave to 7th at


tram ChiMpeiaj Peach Liberal rewardB4 ttk N W

LOOT A own pearl boroeatoe pta Kowatvlfor return

LOST or keys Friday ntajht Ltberalinward peters to aM 3d at N W


WAJJTEIX FoslOoa as goaeral-4IS lot aC N K


CHOCOLATE OOATKRBKporfeaooBUT need pay steady Apply BOX JR

Tiswell work MiPa-

COOKS Waito eotored

COOKS gmtialmaids MS nta JS W

GntL Wbfte toply H H 3


Malta so bases aMMa BOX K Tnaee-

LAOntS to hart MtaMry poettloa-goaraatoo after taamlag NBW YORK



8AUQSLADIE8 at tko 8KB BOVK STOma7th mt N

sal canApply WBBT END JSSt


CATS ITa P avo-

WOKAKCoionsApply 12S C ac X


me n for otOee work moat WTSMbead shad bo aecaxaao at score Ap-

ply to a r LandryCOL Ci G at bowers 4 sad i cIt n mYOUNG LADY a bookkeeper Apply bo-

twcoa said la CAPITOL PAPa BOXCO M Haaoror atYOUNG WOKAX forJan S to DAIRY LOSCH 2d aadots X W-

HELPHAKBKRSAt anon X good white good

xaaraatoo Apply 4B sth at S 35

HOT eat office ago from M toU knows how to itte a wheel BOX

exporfc to work in a M-cyete shoo ISM th N W

BOT for prtattea tarmoranu COSQfOXWEAUTH-OOt RjoaUu Ya



UJNCH 1 G 2 W 1GROCERY CLERK sad most cattor mast

bavo refereooo Apply aol ith at N WIXSPBCTOR or FLOOR WALKER for

US a week with board jaattor wbnaroam said board M room awdfarm baad 3 roam sad board

hitch men willie and cetoked Ptbooed cook 3e SM


FIREKAK SaX hotel 4 diak-waobera 5 week waiters O colotad

The BCU its 11th X WlIEN to leant barber trade now yatem

ors team only fewwacoi while learning guaranteedla dry or oocncry when tkraBgh For catalosae addreoxy XOLBBTS BARBER COLLJBOE New York dtyi-

Sxperleneed acbortiaa realgood opportunity for right i

HIGH A THRIFT Late BidsWATCHMAKER aad Jomjiur Apply after

I S BS MSI HWE INVITE an attractive iiujjiuoHloa 10

to e-than SI5 a month Mad woo would Oke to-beeneae dMutfeara aatomobOo oloimnanvctory aMekanlcs bait of coot far ourvicoB payable after yon a oafl-ea eoerotary fcf farther Infonaaxion THEAUTOMOBILE COLLEGE Of WASHING-TON Inc i S i b ac N W Prepazmcorr-

TOCXO MAX shoat 17 to ajako htiaiHT Kgal to a douitng stare cfaanoo to

theH DODBK M4 Tib at N W

TOUTH Hoaeot sad iadoatrh-ajoo ao porter saot brta

ply ia Pa awe I W

HELP WANTEDMale and Female

WANTED Oompeteat-beokkta era are Hi denaad TIle boot piaee-

to bars to at STRATERS BCSLXESS COLPay sad afcht

city Iau somxnor

on SatMTdays Writs or call

JCAX AND WXTBCoiorod aa otltttr nanand cork prirate family 6 a


CANVASSERSLadles sat nenUemen coedpay if you are waling to work ftdffinoiBOX 96 hider office 1



PACING CO 33d rt n W oU-ojBct aJoon Mrap ddownroflUed poiccajadwaxed expert workman work jjumaiilcoflroad sootal

PAINTINGBEFORE painting set ocr estimate drop

LISLE VAUGHN Ht 2d at ii W


tc lY sad




tit dJIlL 1

to 147 Ifor

colored Pi asthar Dane


WANTEDFEMALEAPPBJiDtTICE learn tcIaM Platdaseuttine

postUoa atG N W

n odicaCHI KIIIISU UJ C I i1

WCOOItcleNd w uwilt



aue ewe INLJC

wasted De C street


o8IcIapodu cJL-

UD8 poetry



Ih P-UgW wMa


WHITE euiyJI HOuaBZiaP1LRfar



LADyDe 7Ua II N w



T7mo amceBOY




tII Apply STAR


bard re-ad titAve Uba wBars nIaniL


ILl 1 W M-aceheat

lit N Bten who


ttshting school for f

Y MAX and tJr week JOHN WILTiLNS 1



LIIIGX Old XMaaIc Tennpk Ith said FCoo


Whlw kelp aDd prince LBON L


poaal best surd cheapen its rosin Cut


lady s


t pah-i



eyes T tar3beward M


Qdwcy plan

WANTEDB7 Doren seeara-7ibMa n m s


toar0eaarbisgg aa-

dfrstcbs soasataed er lesraig-Ul6 t

estlaedaeelgbs laa gees

cbaebersaiAa abo fmarJ-WBIKA illN ma

i7i elessa-H a 4 AGlh1Cym mat

syaeworhers dtatsehen


at aortawont

RetLL far 1mlly

sow terwalti sad weeaa sus



B8S1CTw espero4pWAFlRi88EbTwn espeeieas-

riVus b3




lWOMANWhite a Mssaalseper-Piscataway Prio eay 7

set ypoesaoant

sentSOW Cote au



YOUNG wb eaiasi Mfrand eoigsg at

t salrears


moat kw bicycle


wow APPb


esi are

ors enstdtrdten 1ema4


any-one weedpelt ti

ht or Tsang area ears


am0otaobtle uartea

prodlearn basins reaeaha resod

as bookkeeper4 H at

atL colored

sage eaea


schoolmeson yes far gadebm












ywrr r










C pl d browner beautifully fufurnisbed with all nniemin few aquara of Union StaUto all Obvcraoeoc d parumauItlreijr caterSoc to retrial adultB ST Jf E 41C Efecfeedingiy

rewm r niof style eompi t fr u


FLORIUA AVK N EL 111 Twolarge coal cummankattaomodemmonth for 2 10 moatfe gotN J AVIV Stt Two

oommiaalcatlnx rocua oeeeadMat aril aa M

ST N W ISi Khjaii

CTZTftT W 0 TwJ-

MH MU nth aM WMU wtth heard

oat story back matt very east with

PA isnnme or tsar

UTH ST if W fsnisbed-t Rhone

I fiT N

V T N W CDOut nneTelMdav w i US week


or mania oovple with bad K d

G BT X W JZILarse coal

ITS ST jr sx i-S OA wtta lit family

3M Froat nook en Sattoot water dub


ST Kbeat bath to a

w IUS Tbreo uaftsalah

10 ST K W 12X2 Brtcbt airy


m ST 2V S-kot water Sttod tpr light

N J AVE J Wsad aafontiabod rooms

scrim ST x E o


S ST N Wsome TC neBt board near

WTH ST Jf W Sio Cool ameneoHont beard overtook


GOOD PLACE toHideaway Georgetown CeeB-

Md keaattfat place OB the Soaaafcaa riveBay larsa ahahung BO chary foratt ktada

ef bates to

oatt at K au S-

BKKTUETB PAVILIOK 3XOTVL-Idoal apot of roionlal Beach osacor-aidanllr best borne fooklas masd lam

food etaaaere etabbiac ad oa

THE NSW WILLABD imisnii tram Daarl-it board ft Mrates lean

BOCSE Oa Ttiiaiilaaal Opoa forProp


TT A G32NTLOaAX two natanHahed vooouMar library of COBCTOBB state price

BOX SOL Ttateo office

1 cnPADDED VANS IS toad 2b-


Packing Shipping Siocaae 9 load

GET CUB BaTUr on ihoaistotj OroCNITEO-

SiATKS SToaAOJJ CO 3a lack at W-

ijaS tbov ef atoriac furniture Mottttar tars rag etc

Padded Vaas for Moving tavern Prices

ITTJUEPBOOF STOH AQygporial lock tanpartawBto per owettb up Lowoat rateaC laomaeo nil sveij convenienceSaline to famished aEEaOHAKT8 TBAN-8ys coy n K at M w


oalppia and tab ia pojFaaeat sal furateere otoroa WASHINGTON rUJtNJTURK 7ib area N W Xonb ZK



PoaJtrr dresoed to orcdT sabertan Sake crai e atoamod

Walt SktodaJ price on Ian



r but here wtha bargaJn sweet in-

uJt J3 to

tiHoted-m neat



pets we guarantee ear Worat IK14

L ri

EST X W l Lrge fe 0In esceptlonay k t



hn on Ift3 tk ps e rything DeW DrmClQ j latcoavenieDce bar8T ill Mtowe filet larg parlor pen LUyptcne well kept yriate

ST X W 1M y1owwI kept rmOQt-

hlJTH Sl w 11tRa8 toes alibi t xirfront tL5t per Jree






AVE flatsf1W


VG Br X W alt

W m or tex

X W RSMt wanedlight pammttted cIiIDIINL

s4SL K W Two taLit

P ielrrace tel ueuI CIlIa heathsITS ST N W hrakIe 1


1Aro eeeI JtCIawon

W drcald


BYE ef 4alwafe WIlIer

C E legit

IIH ST K dlirashuhtoo or

tJJd 11iUire terser eDa



scorn soarlight U earssb1e

asaY x Co 4 PItaDa

wM ezyankatNL 1

TB ST lC W nicoat Jazd


Irr N

married coplr 111rme with


A woatioarse

pwaacJa crac

of rnII tihfa tb-




rand haw E

RAN r s u3AGEa load

Pbone Kala JRawe


pnI8 xTOBAGJi1aooxslid


Gwill Os your



ORKLGXC I vein u tiltset feet 1I1DY

a SIfIIdb1

trigRUG CIDp


e o

oas a psc P

a i a el

parr it

gstat75TH LeliaittfularFetetbraebed hnrlesntbmnC-ORCORA 1private bm gemismssred rs a

skeet orUemeawrear asr btbtoatemknca Islwma ta

lameaieoa Rlp

iw tarot

ToMs dalatad pesttesaeayomeed

Ip roeost dear or es erdtrt paKratbarb

eon arawly 1pred feaiabd aaev bAVE w i 1Pest


lac mprato t bnraebL5ing r-

Phsw viTa b 4

IDiNiaebbond baeabtf3Worth

417 0sa ataaps s srt oonvMalsaa-a rro rrn saci oaeg limier tins foam m4esla

araSrsad Soon

boehr pargno


Y thhderya pm sloldbeea estoaaa hoseiheep

owegasatroom s boon eaW4bi-biianrd rMeasbla

712Brea achyahad loh footlonttram4oasla Sere nsr err btetb i orswsMkt bokaog magi rrisasbia


Use rnasb-laft 14 sadother

Usisesnisbo11 rWe fesre0rsa Wt hit

AiBrae roeseoe

terteheeplw pit quiet

heGOPhri aleouad 1korroansgiver samatety m aMi1

Ftl losed flatrwmme

hoesekeepI1ertaolors larswvsataestt

iaGDarhai hlarger coolarnb atltrg 3d omeehufar bs plag dNno

mtly atedrpaR eatasad


reefer sag a

sad teal board mmbaa

p is R-Twa die coal fwalahal nsasasr withood snliabie tine as-

tr fsetlaMd board adi tor-me ae two yebg mm m bestlrslYuma ea Gogtova eu Pbar Wesiiit-raste 6aerlaxowa ar wild tit andoar

apad leer

oat t pesbeati0 Shfeg hhoag loci

sus peenceyetabYt bleb

3eeulats er tmthera t aiptuxBIB r

ftsrt aoeommodatl0as

ah ddH weal tact isb turfy

JOHNSONmsnae Lemma Jobease i



Oob wit

tamale wmtorsaba

ID orson sdea aliramBoos SaverCarpet a oats Atdomobegw


a BTOBaiPrwe x pat


sadWe arovtag rackleg eap



wf0 ryee

Pxuxs Ia

rrte tara ramlire

r me pr cc-tJtiSTft n2P TA

rage was intB f

REA1Lti 6s sseor o-BatY



















