2009 poster - masters research on youtube and cultural heritage

Primary issues: The R esearch focus: The Knowledgeable Actor: How do Youtube use rs cre ate , use , capture ,organise and share their videos on Youtube? Pr ocess of cultur e for mation Interaction with online tools The Digital Space: In what ways doe s Youtube act as a collecti on of me morie s for anindividual and a community? Memor y storage thr ough stor ytelling and sharing Youtube as legi timising agent f or sma ll stories Culture in the Continuum: Youtube, small stories and memory making Gilliland, A., andS. McKemmish. 2004. Bu ild ingan Infrastructure for Archi v alRes earc h. Arc h iva l Sci ence 4 (3):149197. Upward, F. (2005). Continuummechan ics and memory banks[Series of part s]: Part 1: Mult ipol a ri ty. Arch i ve s and Manuscripts,33(1),84109. Retri e v ed Au gu s t8 , 20 0 7 ,fro m Da ta b as e Au s tra lian Publ icAffai rs Fu ll Text database. Upward, F. (2005). Continuummechan i cs a nd me mo ry b an k s [Se ri es of two p arts ]Pa rt 2 :Th e ma ki n g o f culture. Arc hiv es and Manusc ri p ts ,3 3 (2), 1 8 51 . Retri e v ed Au gu s t8 , 2 00 7 ,fro m Au s tra lian Pub licAffai rs Fu ll Text database. H ow to unders t and and capture born digital i nformation i s the mos t c hallengi ng i ss ue in arc hi val sc ienc e today . The revol ution of digital technologies all ows every one toc ontribute, communicate, rei nventand et c h out s paces for personal identity , community andv isualc ult ure.The use ofonli nesocial medi a tool s , often referred to as Web 2.0, contri butes to a rich born digit al cultural herit age, however, in archival sc i ence, a spac e and language for thes e c ult ural information sy s t ems does not ex is t. Withi n a hi s tory pres tigi ous mus eum s pac es and w ors hi p of the cult ural artef act,onli ne digit al technologiesof theeveryday arebeinglost to the ephemeral orumbrellaedintoweb archiving. Frank U pward’ s Cult ural Heritage Conti nuum model (fi gure 1), one of the array of information processi ng model s devel oped inrel ationshipwith Monash Uni vers it y,provi des an opportunity to devel op a sys tems unders t anding about thi s kind of born di gital information. In U pw ard’ s Conti nuum theory , the beginning and the end i s the flick er, an ins tant where c reati vitycan take hol d. U nders tandi ng the flicker and the forms and s pac es in which it liv es is the key to unders tanding information capture, organisation andpluralis ationin onlinedigital heritage. Yout ube, a vas t us ergenerat ed repos itory of digital mov i ng i mage material, prov ides an opport unit y for scruti ny of the c ons truc t and ongoi ng developmentof di gital i nformati on i n onli ne spac es and the potential i mpac t on c ultural herit age preservation. Identify ing Yout ube as a w ebs ite c ontai ning mov i ng image ignores the c ompl ex i nformati on syst em that c ontri but e to it s exi s tence as a s pac e f or cultural s tories . The i ndi vi dual Yout ube user i s w here the fli cker begi ns . The acti ons of the user rev eal the proc ess of c ultural herit age formation through s mall s tories and pers onal memory mak ing. This res earch investigates theuserin theContinuum of (born digital) Cultural Heritage. The approac h to res earching thes es pac es and thei r culturalc ontent i s multidi sc ipli nary and neces saril y c omplex . Wit hout c urrent res earch in this fiel d, threads of c onv ers ation concerning the impac t of digit al technol ogy are found in the literat ure of soci ol ogy,cult ural and media t heori st s , as w ell as arc hi v al researc h. I n additi on, the application of the C ontinuum model s w ithin the res earc h is complex , w ith it si nherent properti es of i nformati on processing used as both met hod and methodology . In involv i ng the model s so deeply int o met hodol ogy , theres earch, in a sens e becomes a refl ecti on of itself by embedding and tes ting therec ursivenatureof the construc tion of k nowledge. Leisa Gibbons, Centre for Organisational and Social Informatics, CaSIT. Supervisor, Sue McKemmish Exploration of theliterature reveals lack… …of research into Web 2.0 applications as cultural agents. …of archival research addressing cultural born digital material in preservation strategies. Developmentof amethodologymodelto… …embrace a multidisciplinary approach in interpretivist research. …pr esent Continuum thinking in knowledge generation. Discov er and interpret culturalagency to… …under stand how Youtube tools contr ibute to content shar ing and communication. …define what types and styles of videos are being made on Youtube. Select andinterview… …Youtube users as case studies. Grounded theory analysis using… …the language of cultural and media theory models and research. …the Cultur al Her itage Continuum model. Generatetheory… …using gr ounded theor y method. …from theoretical investigations. Test theory… …using the Cultur al Her itage Continuum model Figure 2 Exploration of theory has expandedthe research intorich conceptsontime and space : Anthony Giddens’ Structuration Theory Bergson’s nonlinear time Deleuze&Guttari’ s rhizomic systemsof knowledge Foucault’s heterotopias Addi tionally , the lack of a language to descri be born digital content found in new and div erseonline spacesprov i des the driv i ngforcebehi nd criticall y explori ng theories of media use and ev olution. This research project trav els a di f f erent path to current think ing about digita l technol ogies, preserv ation and archiv al science. By embracing Continuumtheory , the nature of what is known in the archi v al f ield about cultural heritage will be f undamentally altered. The influenceofthis research is farranging: I nstitutional practices and worshipof the cultural artef act Theory of a post modern world withmultiple andequal points of v iew Applications in copyright withscoping a language f or borndigital material Legal def initions of borndigital material Sy stems thinking f or born digital cultural material Contribute tothe building usef ul cultural communication machines Significant issues arising frominitialanalysis: Youtube is used as a storage facility. Once videos were uploaded, a sense of personal ownership was relinquished. The act of video making and high quality home storage reveals a strong influence for personal recordkeeping. Public exhibi tion an d feedback fr om other Yout ube user s is often the pr imar y inspir atio n to create videos in the first place. The abili ty to commun icate a poi nt o f view or an indivi dual passion is a strong push for star ting to contr ibute online. Interaction online provides context an d meaning to a Yout ube ident ity through vi deo recommendations, responses, comments and favouriting tools. Collaboration and develop ment of onl ine relationships ‘offline’ contrib utes to a richer online interactive experience. Us er c ont r i but ed m et adat a Typol ogy of websi te tools to create, defineand communicatei denti ty. Exper i m ents wi th fi l m m aki ng Or i gi nal TV Shows ( nar r at i ve) Ski ts Ani mati on i ncl udi ng cl aym at i on M as hups Am at eur m us i c per f or m anc e Li p synci ngt o copyri ght m us i c Cl i ps f r om copyri ght m at er i al Vl ogs Fanf i l ms usi ng am at eur act or s Fan fi c(ti on) Hom evi deo Li ve band per f or m anc es ( boot l eg) Fan fi l ms usi ng m ovi ei m ages Com m ent s on vi deos Des c r i pt i on of vi deos Yout ube nam e Yout ube channel space Res pons evi deos Vi deo col ecti ons i ncl . f avour i t es Or i gi nal Shor t f i l m ( nar r at i ve) Or i gi nal TV Shows ( non nar r at i ve) Video communication types and styles Textbased communication tools Web page building tools Figure 3 Y outube • Memory and technology • A gency and technology Storytelling • Moving image communication • Online spaces • Memory making P ersonal recordkeeping • Use of online spaces • Time and memory Figure 1 How to understandCultural Heritage f ormation in W eb 2.0 spaces using Youtube? How to understanduser interaction and inf ormation processing throughusing Youtube? The Bubble model(figure 2): I s the discourse analy sis. I s an ideological, theoretical and philosophical f ramework f or research. Shows deep understandings andlink ing of concepts. Represents time and space where lay ers of meaning are built intoa f ramework. Does not promote generalisation, butrather embraces complexity. Prov ides a space f or sourced conceptual models to be embedded in Continuum thinking. Multi-disciplinary Research Research Findings: Case Studies Research Findings: Youtube as Cultural Agent Future Research Direction References Research Design Methodology

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Page 1: 2009 Poster - Masters research on YouTube and cultural heritage

Primary  issues:

The  Research  focus:

The   Knowledgeable   Actor:How do Youtubeusers create, use, capture,organiseand share their videos on Youtube?

•Process  of  culture  formation•Interaction   with  online   tools

The Digital Space:In what ways does Youtube act as a collection ofmemories for anindividual and acommunity?

•Memory storage through storytelling andsharing•Youtube as legi timising agent f or sma llstories

Culture  in  the  Continuum:  Youtube,  small  stories  and  memory  making

Gi l l i land,  A.,  and  S.  McKemmis h.  2004.  Bui lding  an  Infrastruc ture  for  Arc h iv a l  Res earc h.  Arc hiv al  Sc ience  4  (3):149-­197.

Upward,  F.  (2005).  Continuum  mec hanics  and  memory  bank s  [Series  of  parts ]:  Part  1 :  Mul ti -­po lari ty.  Archives  and  Manus c rip ts ,  33 (1),  84-­109.  Retriev ed  Augus t  8 ,  2007,  from  Databas e  Aus tral ian  Public  Affa irs  Ful l  Text  databas e.  Upward,  F.  (2005).  Continuum  mec hanics  and  memory  bank s  [Series  of  two  parts ]  Part  2 :  The  making  of  c u l ture.  Arc hiv es  and  Manusc rip ts ,  33(2),  18-­51.  Retriev ed  Augus t  8 ,  2007,  from  Aus tral ian  Publ ic  Affa irs  Ful l  Tex t  databas e.  

How to understand and capture born digital information is the mostchallenging issue in archival science today. Therevolution ofdigital technologies allows everyone tocontribute,communicate, re-­inventand etch out spaces for personalidentity,community andvisualculture.The use ofonlinesocial media tools,often referred to asWeb 2.0,contributes to arich born digital cultural heritage, however, in archival science, a space and language for these cultural informationsystems does notexist.Within a history prestigious museumspaces and worship of the cultural artefact,online digitaltechnologiesof theeveryday arebeinglost to the ephemeral orumbrella-­edintoweb archiving.

Frank Upward’s Cultural Heritage Continuum model (figure 1), one of the array of information processing modelsdeveloped inrelationshipwith Monash University,provides an opportunity to develop a systems understanding about thiskind ofborn digital information. In Upward’s Continuum theory, the beginning and the end is the flicker, an instantwherecreativ itycan take hold.Understanding the flicker and the forms and spaces in which it lives is the key to understandinginformation capture,organisation andpluralisationin onlinedigital heritage.

Youtube, a vastuser-­generated repository ofdigital moving image material,provides an opportunity for scrutiny of theconstructand ongoing developmentof digital information in online spaces and the potential impact on cultural heritagepreservation. Identify ing Youtube as a website containing moving image ignores the complex information system thatcontribute to its existence as a space for cultural stories. The indiv idual Youtube user is where the flicker begins.Theactions of the user reveal the process ofcultural heritage formation through small stories and personalmemory making.This research investigates theuserin theContinuumof (born digital) Cultural Heritage.

The approach to researching thesespaces and their culturalcontent is multidisciplinary and necessarilycomplex.Withoutcurrent research in this field, threads ofconversation concerning the impactofdigital technology are found in the literatureof sociology,cultural and media theorists, as well as archival research. In addition, the application of the Continuummodels within the research is complex,with its inherentproperties of information processing used as both method andmethodology. In involv ing the models so deeply into methodology, theresearch, in a sense becomes a reflection of itselfby embedding and testing therecursivenatureof the construction ofknowledge.

Leisa  Gibbons,  Centre  for  Organisational  and  Social  Informatics,  CaSIT.  Supervisor,  Sue  McKemmish

Exploration  of  the  literature  reveals  lack……of  research  into  Web  2.0  applications  as  cultural  agents.

…of  archival  research  addressing  cultural  born  digital   material  in  preservation  strategies.

Development  of  a  methodology  model  to……embrace  a  multi-­‐‑disciplinary   approach  in   interpretivist    research.

…present  Continuum   thinking   in  knowledge  generation.  

Discover  and  interpret  cultural  agency  to…  …understand   how  Youtube   tools  contribute   to  content   sharing  and  communication.  

…define   what  types  and  styles  of  videos  are  being  made  on   Youtube.

Select  and  interview……Youtube   users  as  case  studies.

Grounded  theory  analysis  using……the  language   of  cultural  and  media   theory  models  and  research.

…the  Cultural   Heritage  Continuum   model.

Generate  theory……using  grounded   theory  method.

…from  theoretical  investigations.  

Test  theory……using  the   Cultural  Heritage  Continuum   model  

Figure 2

Exploration oftheoryhas expandedtheresearch intorich conceptsontimeand space:• Anthony Giddens’ StructurationTheory• Bergson’snon-­‐linear time• Deleuze&Guttari’s rhizomicsystemsof knowledge• Foucault’sheterotopias

Additionally , the lack of a languageto describeborn digital content found in new anddiverseonlinespacesprovides thedrivingforcebehind critically exploringtheories ofmediauseand evolution.

This research project travels a different path to current thinking about digitaltechnologies, preservation and archival science. By embracingContinuumtheory, thenature of what is known in the archival f ield about cultural heritage will befundamentallyaltered.

The influenceofthis research is farranging:• Institutionalpractices and worshipofthecultural artefact• Theory ofapost modern world withmultipleandequalpoints ofview• Applications in copyright withscopingalanguagefor borndigitalmaterial• Legaldefinitions ofborndigitalmaterial• Systems thinkingfor born digital culturalmaterial• Contributetothebuildinguseful cultural communication machines

Significant issuesarising frominitialanalysis:• Youtube is used as a storage facility.

• Once videos were uploaded, a sense of personal ownership was relinquished.

• The act of video making and high quality home storage reveals a strong influence forpersonal recordkeeping.

• Public exhibi tion an d feedback from other Yout ube users is often the primary inspiratio nto create videos in the first place.

• The abili ty to commun icate a poi nt o f view or an indivi dual passion is a strong push forstarting to contribute online.

• Interaction online provides context an d meaning to a Yout ube ident ity through vi deorecommendations, responses, comments and favouriting tools.

• Collaboration and development of onl ine relationships ‘offline’ contrib utes to a richeronline interactive experience.

User -­‐cont r ibut ed  m et adat a

Typology  of  website  tools  to  create,  define  and  communicate  identity.

Exper im ent s   wit h  f ilm   m aking

Or iginalTV   Shows( nar r at ive)

Skit s

Anim at ion  including  

claym at ion


Am at eur  m us ic  per f orm ance

Lip   syncing  t o  copyr ight  m us ic

Clips   f r om  copyr ight  m at er ial

VlogsFan  f ilm s   us ing  am at eur act or s

Fan   f ic( t ion)

Hom e  video

Live   band  per f orm ances

( boot leg)

Fan   f ilm s   us ing  m ovie   im ages

Comm ent s  on   videos

Descr ipt ion  of  videos

Yout ube  nam e

Yout ubechannel  space

Response  videos

Video   collect ions  incl.  f avour it es

Or iginalShor t  f ilm( nar r at ive)

Or iginalTV   Shows

( non-­‐ nar r at ive)

Video communication types and styles

Text-­based communication tools

Web page building toolsFigure 3


• Memory   and  technology• Agency  and  technology


• Moving  image  communication• Online  spaces• Memory  making

Personal  recordkeeping

• Use  of  online  spaces• Time  and  memory

Figure 1

How  to  understand  Cultural  Heritage  formation  in  Web  2.0  spaces  using  Youtube?

How  to  understand  user  interaction  and  information  processing  through  using  Youtube?

The Bubble model(figure 2):• Is thediscourseanalysis.• Is an ideological, theoretical and philosophical frameworkfor research.• Shows deep understandings andlinkingofconcepts.• Represents timeand spacewherelayers ofmeaningarebuilt intoaframework.• Does not promotegeneralisation, butrather embraces complexity.• Provides aspacefor sourced conceptualmodels to beembedded in Continuumthinking.

Multi-disciplinary Research Research Findings: Case Studies

Research Findings: Youtube as Cultural Agent

Future Research Direction


Research Design
