2010 october classic marque

The Classic Marque October 2010 Monthly Newsletter of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia 75 Years on & S till S ensational

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Jaguar Drivers Club South Australia


Page 1: 2010 October Classic Marque

The Classic Marque

October 2010

Monthly Newsletter of the

Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia

75 Years on


“Still Sensational”

Page 2: 2010 October Classic Marque


Patron: H. Noel Roscrow AM

Your Management Committee

President: Rick Luff

Mobile: 0411 426 913

Email: [email protected]

Vice President: Bob Charman

Mobile: 0421 482 007

Email: [email protected]

Treasurer: Mark Goodwin

Mobile: 0488 158 151

Email: [email protected]

Secretary: Peter Holland

Phone: 8271 0048

Email: [email protected]

Editor: Pete and Kathy Taylor

Phone: 8288 0220

Mobile: 0422 563 876

Email: [email protected]

Member Secretary: Noel Trew

Phone: 8172 2071

Email: [email protected]

Events Coordinator: Di Adamson

Mobile: 0407862758

Email: [email protected]

Web Editor: Tom Herraman

Mobile: 0423 214 644

Email: [email protected]

Register Secretaries:

XK, MK 7,8,9 – Julian Lugg 0417882930

SS & Daimler – Malcolm Adamson

MK 1,2,S,420 – Geoff Thomas 83743228

V12 – Roger Adamson 0421052518

XJ, 420G, MK10 – Bob Charman 8248 4111

E-Type – Alan Baker 0429097729

Multi-Valve – Ron Palmer

Club Services

Technical Officer: Geoff Mockford

Phone: 8231 1233 (Bus) 0438 768 770

Regalia: Sue White and Judy Sterzl – 8270 7080, 8322 5126

Librarian – Tom & Marj Brindle 8387 0051

Historic Vehicle Registration Inspectors:

North: – Don Evans 8251 1575

Central:– Evan Spartalis 8362 8116

Geoff Mockford 8223 1997

South:– Onslow Billinghurst 8325 1971

Log Books:

Peter Holland: 8271 0048

Club Representatives:

Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs – ACJC

Bob Charman 8248 4111

Federation of Historic Motoring - FHMC

Don Tyrell 8371 0015

0417 818069

Marque Sports Car Association - MSCA

Barry Kitts 8391 1759

All British Day: Neil Raw TBA

Front cover

9 vehicles driven by pushrod engines drove to Wagga Wagga for the 75th Anniversary of the name

'Jaguar'. They were joined by Victoria, NSW & Qld - SS Registers and all up, 49 vehicles including 1

Standard, 5 SS, 1 SS Jaguar with the rest being Mk1V & MkV including several drophead coupe's.

Some interstate cars even returned to Adelaide for the Bay to Birdwood.

Fox Creek Winery A Class Metal Finishers

Sports Car Centre– Kent Town

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Meeting opened by the President, Rick Luff

Apologies: Bill Pryor, Ray Thomas, Trish Clark, Bill & Barb Mayman, Bruce Fletcher, Evan Spatalis

Guests: Paul Greenwood – Mk1 3.4, XJ6 S2

New Member - Matt

Business Arising from Previous Meeting Minutes - None

Vice-President’s Report:

Jag Day Committee Meeting at Bob Charman’s, 18th Sept 2010 at 10.00am

Expect General Manager of Jaguar Australia to attend Jag Day

Annual Dinner Saturday, 30th October. $45 per head at the International Hotel on Anzac Highway. Moving slowly, Bob has plenty of tickets

Christmas Race Day at Murray Bridge Sunday 5th December. Cost will be $50pp so far 38 people going.

Bay To Birdwood Sunday, 26th Sept, Tickets still available.

Showed Log Book covers to be given to Register secretaries to be given to members


ANZ Statement

Invoice for $50 from Federation Special interest group – Federation has agreed to help with registration

Log Books have increased from $1 to $2

National Library Australia asked for copies of Classic Marque.

Various Club magazines received.


Sue Harrison re Multivalve Meander

Ray Smithers – Fickle Finger of Fate, please speak to Ray tonight.

Annual General Meeting

Presidents report Submitted (refer specific minutes following)

Vice Presidents report Submitted (refer specific minutes following)

Secretary report Submitted

Treasurers report Submitted

Editor – thanked members who contributed thanks for support. Doug Harrison urged members to contribute

Web Editor – Reported on progress over the year. Asked for contributions, more than 20,000 hits. Cool wall up and running, articles page – First 10 years. Tom invited members to assist and learn.

Events coordinator – NTR, encouraged members to contact her re events.

20 YEAR Membership:

Rod Bradke, Chris Lake & Neil Porter

Malcolm Adamson – Border Run to Wagga for 75th anniversary of Jaguar. Malcolm gave a talk on the history of Jaguar.

Election Results for Committee Positions

President – Rick Luff

Vice President – Bob Charman

Secretary – Peter Holland

Treasurer – Tim White

Membership Secretary – Noel Trew

Editor – Pete & Kathy Taylor

Web Editor – Tom Herraman

Event Coordinator – Di Adamson

Librarian – Tony & Marj Brindle

ACJC – Bob Charman

Federation of MS – Neil M

MSCA – Barry Kit

Register Secretaries

SS & Pushrod: Malcolm Adamson

Compact: Geoff Thomas

Multivalve: Ron Palmer

XJ: Bob Charman

E-Type: alan Baker

V12: Roger Adamson

Xk, 7, 8, 9: Julian Lugg

Rick thanked those attending the GM.

Meeting closed 8.40pm

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October 2010

Firstly, thanks for entrusting the leadership our club to me for another year. Rest assured that I and the rest of the executive committee will be working hard to make the next twelve months as much fun as the last were.

Each month I have the opportunity to read the magazines from the various Jaguar clubs around the country. While most contain articles that add to my car knowledge or are entertaining in some way, there are the occasional pieces that are so topical and pertinent that they deserve to be distributed widely. Not surprisingly they often take the form of a President’s monthly report. Brian Todd is the President of the Jaguar Drivers Club of Australia (NSW) and his August 2010 President’s report really struck a chord with me; not just the motorsport aspect but a couple of other things as well. I have included it here, with Brian’s permission, in the hope that it might offer an “aha” moment for our members, as it did for me.

“As we age, parts of us disappear. I’m not talking about vanishing limbs but about vanishing abilities. The adage “use it or lose it” is pertinent.

How does this affect us?? As drivers we are perhaps not as sharp as we used to be and more importantly, we may not be aware of our diminishing abilities.

When I was in my twenties and a uni student, I created income by being a driving instructor. Because of this I became conscious of my position as a driver and made myself as good a driver as I could be. Over time sloppiness drifted into my driving to the point where thirty years later I became aware of the slump and took myself to an improved driving course. As a result of this I became interested in racing and began my involvement with this club.

Racing has kept me sharp. It has reminded me of the danger of driving day to day and the awareness which we must carry to our regular driving. Once again I drive the suburban streets with my hands in the “ten to two” position. I am aware again that I’m driving a deadly weapon. I look for other drivers to make mistakes, because I believe, as I used to say to my students, that “if you expect the other driver to do the wrong thing then you will react appropriately when it happens!” Success in driving the streets is to drive defensively.

I am now in my sixties. It’s an age I carry happily as I’m as fit now as when I was twenty. But I am still active in business and have many urgent decisions demanded daily, so my mind is still alert….well…perhaps diminished after a few reds following a days’ racing but you know what I mean. And I have now been given a remarkable “toy” for a recent birthday. This is a hand-held electronic gizmo and I don’t want to specifically advertise so you’ll have to ask me (…sshh…ok, it’s made by Nintendo…) but it is an electronic device with a series of games/tests that are mentally challenging. It judges you after exercises and will rate your brain age and this of course is the figure to beat daily. This is a terrific stimulant and if I ever retire I will be recharging myself daily with this system. As of now I use it as a bit of fun and a challenge…but God, don’t let me slip back in brain-age! I’m way too competitive to let my brain be judged as recessive.

So what else can you do? Well, as a car club member, I would guess that you enjoy driving and may have even been tempted by racing.

I will say again that my introduction to racing was after a driving course which I undertook to sharpen my focus. The course lead to supersprints, which are open to absolutely ANYONE who wants to take a car onto the track. You will be staggered to learn how your skills sharpen when there is a little speed involved. And DON’T!!! think that supersprints are reckless and dangerous. You enter at the level to which you are suited and progress if you want.

You have one life. Live it to the full. If you are a fair driver and want to sharpen your driving I suggest that you give Guy a call ( sporting register secretary 9653 1913) and find out just how easy and cheap it is to involve yourself in entry level motor sport. Your driving will improve, your car will improve and you’ll meet a great bunch of JDCA members already involved.

If you’re interested give Guy or me a call, or better still, talk to us about it at a meeting…the next one is Tuesday 17th August…hope to see you there.”

Brian Todd


Jaguar Drivers Club of Australia

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The Bay to Birdwood, Fort Glanville tour and Round 3 of the Supersprints are done and dusted, with SA Jag Day and the Annual Presentation Dinner just a few weeks off. After that it really gets busy!

See you on the road (or track).

Rick Luff



It’s hard to believe that it is 12 months since the last A.G.M. Whilst taking on the position of Vice President with a slight tongue in cheek, I have grown to fully enjoy the position and would love to do it again.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate a few people. Firstly, our President Rick Luff, In his first year, he has steered the club forward, he has instigated member rewards, register incentives, controlled the Executive and contributed to a healthier bank balance.

Secondly, Peter Holland. Peter is a foundation member of this club and is still prepared to give up his time and share his knowledge with us. Peter should be an inspiration to us all, as he is an example that you will only get out of club that which you are prepared to give.

Thirdly, members of our Executive are the backbone of our club. They are prepared to give up that little bit of extra time and effort to ensure that the club is run in a professional manner.

Last, but not least, are the Register Secretaries. These people, I believe, are the grass roots people of the club. This year has been a huge success due in part to the efforts of these people. All registers recorded good numbers this year and I’m sure that this reflects directly on them. It is important to support your registers, because as I said earlier, you will only get out what you put in and the more numbers you have, the easier it becomes.

We have also recorded our best numbers for some time at our General meetings and again this reflects on our registers, and our thanks to them for providing the suppers. I would also like to say thanks to the following for making the general meetings so enjoyable, Noel, Tim, Sue and Judy. Tom and Marj and Barry up the back.

Cheers and happy motoring to all

Bob Charman




The position of secretary has run routinely over the past year, with two things of interest for me to report on.

First, it has been a source of great personal pleasure to make contact with our Patron, Noel Roscrow, who I have known for many years. The Club has not actively involved Noel in its events for quite sometime and as many of you will recall he attended our outing at Fox Creek Winery where many friendships were renewed. I am pleased to also advise Noel will be attending our coming SA Jaguar Day, before departing for Melbourne the next day. He has indicated that he would like to have a Club day at his home on Hindmarsh Island, and this will be planned for 2011. Noel’s interest and passion for our Club and its members has not diminished over the years.

Secondly, Conditional Registration has occupied a significant amount of time, as I reported a year ago. This year 260 logbooks have been processed, comprising both revalidations and the issue of first time logbooks. Of these at least 50% have required replacement due to expiry of the current logbook, making the time involved even greater. Each replacement involves cancellation and recording of the expired logbook followed by the issuing and recording of the new book. The one fascinating part of this task is getting an overview of the vehicles we have on Historic Registration. As a result of an apparently a less flexible approach by the powers to be, for example non-Jaguar vehicles in a one make club such as ours, a change to the Constitution was proposed and passed to protect the Club and its members. At the same time the change meant that all aspects relating to Conditional Registration could be brought together in the one clause.

In conclusion I would like to thank my fellow committee members for their support and an enjoyable, and I believe, very productive year and I would also like to especially thank Ros for her support and encouragement.

Peter Holland


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SS and Pushrod Engine Register


As I had to print the CM one day early, the minutes for the SS did not make the Hard copy of

the CM. Apologies for those who receive the hard copy CM but for those who have a

computer, they will be on the internet next week when I return from holidays.

Pete and Kath (editors)


WAGGA WAGGA September 17th-20th

This gathering is an extension of the Border Runs which we have been doing for

about 35 years with the Victorians.

In 2005 a combined meeting with South Australia, Queensland, N S W, and Victoria Jaguar car clubs was held in Parks. A second was held in Bathurst in 2008. This year it was the South Australian SS Register’s turn to organise and Wagga Wagga was selected.

The following South Australians participated:

Malcolm Adamson - MK IV DHC

Margaret & Don Evans - MK IV

Margaret &Bob Krestschmer - SS Jaguar 1939 1 ½ L

Jan & Ross Rasmus - SS1 (Pictured)

Betty & Ross Gogler - MK IV

Jean & Jack Richardson - MK V

Dennis Siddall & Val - MK V

Judy & John Caskey - MK 2

Lorraine & Jim Temby - Jaguar Series 1

Judy & Bob Lynch - Porsche

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Friday night was a meet and greet. Saturday saw a display of Jaguars for the public and then lunch at The Wagga Wagga Winery, followed by fun at the races with Jaguars made from wood with each state competing against each other.

Saturday night, Malcolm Adamson welcomed everyone and unveiled the 75 Year Banner. It looked spectacular as it was unfolded.

Malcolm and his daughter Maryanne Hobbs distributed badges commemorating this event at Wagga Wagga.

Saturday 18th is the closest to the Saturday night on September 21st 75 years ago when William Lyons presented to his agents the newly designed car and with the new name of SS Jaguar. The new designed pushrod motor was also introduced.

A video of the “75 Years of Jaguar” was shown (obtained through the Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust, England)

Sunday a drive to Junee where photos were taken from the top of the old flour mill of all the cars assembled below. Participants then visited Junee sights and surrounding areas.

Sunday night was a dinner and presentation of prizes.

109 people and 49 SS, SS Jaguars and Jaguars attended the weekend.

The Local Daily Advertiser gave this event ½ page story before and after the weekend.

Ross Rasmus

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Minutes of the Compact Register held at the home of Phillip & Sue Pryor on the

10th August 2010

Present: Geoff & Marg Thomas, Philip & Sue Prior, Ray Thomas, Noel & Jo Orford, Peter &

Roz Holland, Tom & Marj Brimble, Doug Tilley & Judy Sturzl.

Apologies: Colin & Marg Haese, Noel & Carmel Trew, Bill Jones, Tim & Sue White.

Business Arising: Annual dinner tickets available tonight.

Five marshals will be required for Jag Day. Please see Geoff regarding roster.

Ray to follow up on the price of 18th scale models.

Has anybody been having trouble downloading and printing the magazine?

Please supply photos of your car for the calendar as soon as possible. Two photos per car

please. Send these to [email protected]

Cool Wall photos required

Christmas celebrations will take place on Sunday 12th December at the Normanville Hotel

for lunch.

Car Talk

Phil: NTR

Ray: stainless steel exhaust system and mufflers have been fitted (growls nicely)

Noel: NTR

Peter: behaving, new heater tap. Daimler turned over

Tom: winter hibernation NTR, photo sent to Cool Wall

Doug: Jag has come home, other garage no longer available

Geoff: NTR

Phil gave us a very interesting talk about his life (including all of his cars)

Phil & Sue were both born in NSW and have had many Fords and Holdens. Phil has fully

restored an MGA. His main claim to fame is when he had his Calais stolen in 09 and then

discovered that it had been used in approx 35 chemist shop robberies in Victoria.

Many thanks to Sue & Phil for their hospitality.

Next meeting at the home of Geoff & Marg Thomas on 12th October 8374 3228

Minutes of the Multivalve (XJ40 to current series) held at the home of Reg & Sue

Wymond – Tuesday, 27th July 2010

Apologies, no minutes for the Hard Copy CM. Internet will be updated on my

return from holidays. Editor

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Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register Meeting held at Shannon’s Clubrooms,

863 South Rd Wednesday, 8th September 2010

Present: Bob & Daphne Charman, Martin O‟Dea, Roy Malandain, Martin O‟Dea, Darryl &

Fay Leyton, Evan Spartalis, John & Claire Evans, Hayden Isaac, Pete Taylor, Rick Luff,

James Mann, Noel & Carmel Trew, Don Tyrrell, Matt Gill and Serge Stebellini.

Apologies: Kathy Tyrrell, Steve Attard, Ray & Barb Offe, Graeme Moore, Anne-Marie

Pijanka, Borys Potiuch, Kathy Taylor.

New Members: Matt Gill

Guests: Serge Stebellini

General Business

Our Register Christmas Dinner will be held on Saturday the 27th November on the

H.M.S. BUFFALO at Glenelg. The cost will be $35 per head. This includes a 3 course

meal and a few surprises. Names can now be given to Bob. We have 28 already.

The week end trip to Renmark with the Compact Register was discussed. The date for

this event is November the 20th. Rooms are almost full, so don‟t delay, contact Geoff

Thomas of the Compact register.

The Jag Day for 17th of October was discussed. The committee‟s next meeting is at

Bob‟s place on Saturday the 18th at 10am. Morning tea provided.

Bob gave details of the Xmas Race Day at Murray Bridge on Sunday the 5th of

December. Cost will be the same as last year, $50 per head. Full details will be

announced shortly. Names can be given to Bob. We have 42 people so far.

Bob has the tickets for the Bay to Birdwood on Sunday the 26th of September.

Gumeracha Hospital lunch and viewing available. Only two tickets left.

Bob gave details of the XK‟s day at Fort Glanville on Sunday the 19TH of September.

Contact Rob Smith of the XK register about this event.

Bob advised the meeting how well the A.G.M. went last night. It was one of the biggest

turn outs for some years. About 80 people.

The position of Regalia is still up for grabs. The meeting discussed the possibility of a

club jacket or polo shirt.

The club has obtained new log book covers for our members. These are free and a vote

of thanks should go to our Executive Committee for coming up with the idea. Log book

members were given one at our meeting tonight.

Claire Evans advised us that a new page on our web site will be called „Jag Wags‟. This

site will have recipes, patterns etc. Darryl Leyton is laid up with the shoulder operation

at the moment. I think a good pair of knitting needles will do the shoulder the world of


Also it is Fay Leyton‟s birthday next week. I‟m told it‟s somewhere between 40 and


Bob informed the meeting that the General Manager of Jaguar Australia might be

coming to our Jag Day. Well, I can tell you all that he is definitely coming and will

address our members at the lunch at the Cruising Yacht Club and then be shown around

the members‟ cars so that you can meet him personally.

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Car Talk

Martin O‟Dea: He says he has reached the height of incompetence. The other day the

interior lights would not switch off so he drove straight to the auto electrician, where the

young lad got in and told Martin that the switch was on. Martin had accidentally turned it

on with his knee. The next day he noticed that the car was leaking petrol. He rang his old

mates at the R.A.A. but, before they arrived, he found the return valve on the right tank

was working but the left hand one wasn‟t. He thought he would test the Mechanical

wizards‟ knowledge. You guessed it! They couldn‟t find anything wrong until Martin pointed

it out. He says that these guys couldn‟t find a Priest in the Vatican.

Bob & Daph Charman: The car is going into the paint shop on Monday the 13th to fix

some small problems.

Roy Malandain: Car going well. Bought the battery trickle charger.

Darryl & Fay Leyton: N.T.R. Darryl still not allowed to drive. Doctors orders.

Evan Spartalis: N.T.R.

John & Claire Evans: John did the upper ball joints and wishbone on the XJ. He was

pleased with the result and how easy it was. He can now tell any one how to do it. He did

however get a nasty ticket for parking in a bike lane.

Hayden Isaac: Alternator fixed by Ernie. Hasn‟t driven lately because of the weather.

Pete & Kath Taylor: XJ Coupe - changed the alternator and waiting for the dyno tune. The

XJS going fine.

James Mann: Going well. Took it to work. Left the Volvo home.

Noel & Carmel Trew: Back from jet setting all over the place and the Mk 2 and the XJ are

going fine.

Don Tyrrell: One Mk10 going well, new battery. The other one having the brakes done.

Took the X300 to Mildura and was suitably impressed. He had forgotten just how good

Jags are on the open road.

Matt Gill: Had the XJ about 12 months and no major issues. Just brings it out now and

again. Bought it from a car yard in Adelaide. Needs new battery. 222.000kms when he

bought it.

Serge Stebellini: Bought a 1972 XJ Series 2 in 2006 for $200. Pulled it apart and rebuilt it

and sold it a few months later for $6500. Now looking for another Jag to drive.

Rick Luff: XJS changed the spark plug leads. Got them from U.S.A. cheaper then here.

Going OK. Window gearing mechanism had it. Needs replacing. The race car went well until

it ran out of brakes, caused by doing two successive races and the brake fluid got a little

warm. Has new racing fluid so should solve the problem.

Ann-Marie Pijanka: Per email Anne-Marie informs us that she is steadily working on her XJ.

With fuel tanks, shockers, door regulators etc she hopes to see us all again on Jag Day.

Meeting closed 8.45pm

Next meeting: Wednesday, 13th October, 2010.

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The latest meeting of the delegates to the ACJC took place on Sunday, 15th

August, 2010 and here are some of the key points from that meeting.

Jaguar Australia

Kevin Goult is the newly appointed General Manager of Jaguar Australia. Born 3 kms from Browns

Lane Kevin joined Rover/Land Rover at the age of 16. After completing his apprenticeship he spent

10 years in engineering being one of the designers of the X350. Transferring to sales with Land Rover,

Kevin returned to Jaguar after moving to Australia 5 years ago.

Kevin reported on the recent successful Australian launch of the XJ in Queensland. Five vehicles

were flown in for journos to test with part of the time being spent on a 300km Nurburgring-type course

with hills, curves and the like. Phil King in a recent piece rated the XJ very highly whilst the story is

told of a customer who had always wanted a Jaguar and traded in his Toyota Corolla for a $240k XJ.

Major points noted by Kevin included:

Mike O’Driscoll, the new Managing Director at Jaguar, plans to come to the Sydney Motor Show this year. Jaguar will display 3 XF’s (in which people can sit) plus a limited edition white XKR and an XJ Super Sport 375Kw

The call for the diesel variant of the XF is very high now fuel at the pump is better. In the UK 50% of sales are for the diesel and journos have praised it highly.

Jaguar is basking in the success of the XJ with 1,000 sold in the UK and 500-600 in the USA since launch. In China in their first month 104 were sold. Manufacturing will happen in China in order to avoid the prohibitive taxes on imported cars.

25,000 XF’s have been sold in the UK whilst in Australia 72 were sold in July, The XF entry level price of $99,990 including metallic paint is a winner. To achieve this slight variations have been made such as a 10-way seat in lieu of a 14-way one. The 17” inch wheels have been well accepted along with the slightly reduced leather specification.

JA has been accommodating the idea of supplying custom-designed vehicles for customers now rather than in many months. This can be done since, with lower sales volume, JA is more nimble. They will airfreight cars out if appropriate thereby saving 6 weeks in the process. Only two other suppliers will do this, Ferrari and Maserati.

Jaguar Financial Services, underwritten by Capital Finance, has been established.

There is uncertainty as to how the Jaguar/Volvo mix currently operating in some dealerships will go following the sale of Volvo to China. Increased co-operation in order to strengthen the group will take place between the 19 Jaguar and 34 Land Rover dealerships. There is likely to be two to three new service centres and the Newcastle dealership is about to open.

National Concours Trophies. Following the decision of the ACJC delegates last year to award six

extra trophies to encourage increased participation in the National Concours, and to address the

imbalance previously existing in favour of older cars, a submission was received suggesting that the

Chassis-based category should be split into three viz:

(1) SS, Mark IV, Mark V, (2) Mark VII, Mark VIII, Mark IX & (3) XK120, XK140, XK150, C-Type, D-


Whilst fully aware that the C and D do not have a chassis, it was decided to maintain them in the

group which shares the XK prefix. The Council agreed to expand the “Chassis” category hoping this

will be an incentive to owners of cars in those three groupings to enter the various Concours in larger

numbers than has been the case of recent years.

D’Etat: A submission received proposed more recognition be given to entrants in the d’Etat category.

The Council believes that d’Etat is but a stepping-stone to entry within the d’Elegance category but

agreed to the suggestion that two trophies be awarded in addition to the overall winner’s trophy. One

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will be for the best car built during the life of Sir William Lyons whilst the other will be for the post-

Lyons era.

It was suggested to the Council that the word “Concours” be dropped from the name “Concours d’Etat”

to mitigate against the misuse of the word by some people when selling their vehicle. The Council

decided that it was the responsibility of buyers to ascertain the worth of any claim to be a Concours-

winner and hence affirmed maintaining the title “Concours d’Etat”

2011 Rally: The Rally, celebrating 50 years of the E-Type, will be held from 22nd

April to 25th April with

the Post Rally Tour concluding in Cootamundra the following Saturday. NR Headquarters at the newly

refurbished “Pavilion” on Northbourne Avenue provides secure parking behind locked gates operated

by a swipe card. The Display Day and Concours will be on the Patrick White lawns located between

the National Library and the southern shores of Lake Burley Griffin.

Full details are on the website www.jaguarnationalrally2011.org.au and registrations are now open.

2012 Rally: The Council approved a request the Rally in 2012 be held away from the traditional Easter

period, commencing on Friday 27th April. The Rally theme will be “The Future” with headquarters in

Como. Planning is underway for pre-weekend activities involving local and interstate members. The

Concours will be in the Supreme Court Gardens on the Swan River, close to the city.

ACJC Financials

The Council operated with a slight surplus of $1,341 related to the 2009-2010. This result is less than

the previous year following higher expenditure related to Trophy maintenance. Continued

containment of travel and meeting expenses, together with higher interest income due to tight

management of reserves, had contributed to this satisfactory situation.

Bob Charman


Paddy met Mick in the street and Mick said, 'Paddy, will you draw your bedroom

curtains before making love to your wife in future?'

'Why?' Paddy asked.

'Because', said Mick 'all the street was laughing when they saw you making love


Mick said, 'Silly buggers - the laugh's on them. I wasn't home yesterday!!'

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COOO-EEE Cobbers, were going to the

Coorong, AGAIN.

Our destination will be Meningie, on the shores of Lake Albert, which should

have bulk water right up to the lawn edge by the time we get there. We

have booked 6 powered sites and 2 en-suite cabins at the Lake Albert

Caravan Park (Top Tourist) arriving Friday 12th November, departing Sunday

14th November 2010 (you can extend these dates if you personally require).

You can discuss deposit requirements with the Park Management, Mark or

Tania, as required. The pre-booking we have made will only be held until

the week prior, so get in quick and book your spot.

Those wishing to attend should ring the caravan park direct to book your

personal requirements on Fax/Phone (08) 8575 1411, Email [email protected]

and advise Ray or Barbara Offe on 8389 4436 of your participation. As the

“hosts” we can discuss whether dinner on Saturday is preferred at the

Meningie Cheese Factory Museum Restaurant being a short walk, as it is next

to the Caravan Park.

Look forward to your company.

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Minutes of the V12 Register Meeting at Roger & Di Adamson’s home 10th September


Present: Rick Luff, Pete and Kath Taylor, Murray DeLaine, Noel and Carmel Trew, Stuart

and Fiona Sturgess, Tom and Mardi Herriman, Brian and Sue Walker, Ivan and Janine

Cooke, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson

Apologies: Maryanna Delaine


Welcome to new member and return of previous member.

Reminder of events coming up – Jag Day, JDCSA Annual Dinner.

Marshalls required for Jag Day.


Stuart 1980 XJS had for 10 years. Papers were good however I have spent more than

anyone else. New steering rack, interior lining, air cond, timing chain, water pump and

seals all done. Garage floor is now clean.

Ivan Haven‟t done much. XJ12 S1 not much done since engine back. Done work on

Janine/s XJ12 S2. Been painted. Interior to be finished off. Cooling system done and

pipes/seals/hoses changed. XJS going well. Janine loves her car. They make a nice


Murray XJ40 6Ltr had out couple of times lately, going well. Injectors done and now

running better. Other cars all going well.

Roger Showed the faulty A Clutch Drum from the XK8. This turned out to be a known

problem with the early 5 speed ZF Gear Box. Expensive exercise. Replaced the EType

Oil Pressure sender which appears to have solved a problem. Going like a gun since Brian

did timing chain tensioners on her.

Rick Burgundy XJS on hoist. New spark plug leads helped. Perhaps timing chain will

help. Will replace motor and gears in window. Race Car now has racing brake fluid which

should help. 500 ml can be $150 of racing brake fluid. Rick bought racing brake fluid from

Martini Racing which is cheaper and lasts longer. Going well.

Pete V12 has a slight miss in the ignition system. XJC running well with new

alternator. Still needs tune up.

Noel 2.4 plus 4.2 should make us eligible. Carmel is selling tickets for the Dinner


Tom Looking at TWR on web and a 1 owner Red XJS for $10,000 but not probably the

best with the baby on the way. Web is being hit all over the world.

Brian Gliptone leather conditioner – smear on and leave in sun and it‟s all gone. Is

great conditioner. Sovereign had it for sale Conditioner for Sale $25 , wholesale is 2pounds

70. If you want Gliptone products Conditioner 7pound 50 including freight. We can buy a

litre can of conditioner 26pounds 75. Air freshener avail 4 pound buy 2 get one free.

Makes car smell like the day you bought it. Smells great. Rick suggested perhaps club

could order product. Gliptone Leather Care also has dyes and chrome magic.

www.liquidleather.com Ph: 0011441706819365

Perhaps Register run could be segments from Classic Adelaide for next year.

NEXT MEETING: 7 for 7.15pm on Friday 8th October at Roger and Di‟s.

All welcome.

Roger Adamson,

Register Secretary

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Minutes of the XK, 7, 8, 9 Register held at the home of Julian & Moira Lugg – 1st

September 2010

Present: Rod & Peg Davis, Rob & Vicki Loffler, Robin Ide, John Dunning, Julian & Moira

Lugg, Richard Smith, John Williams, Ivor Lawrence.

Apologies: Peter & Judy Goodale, Rob Smith, Ossie & Rayeena Petrucco, Carla Smith,

Roger, Di & Scott Adamson, Onslow & Wendy Billinghurst, Jenny & Russell Clarke, Peter &

Ros Holland, Diedre Ide, Doug & Sue Harrison, Lindsey Williams.


Julian is new register secretary and has emailed notes from last meeting – members

wished to receive minutes by email as well as in Classic Marque.

Fort Glanville visit 19th Sept meet at 1pm for BYO picnic lunch in the grounds – enter

car park area off Bower Road (organised by Rob Smith).

Calendar of events – Sept 5th XJ run to Cudlee Creek, Sept 7th JDC meeting (consider

nominating for executive positions), Sept 26th Bay to Birdwood (lunch at Gumeracha

Hospital lawns), Oct 15th – 18th Border Run, Oct 30th JDC Annual Dinner Dance

(consider organising a register table). Di is events coordinator.

Classic Adelaide developments discussed.

Border Run - Peg circulated a draft program and showed a tourist pack being

organised for the Victorians. Current numbers are 12 from Vic and 24 from SA.

Booking numbers needed from some venues. Deposits needed for Maximillians. Peg to

coordinate payments – attendees asked to pay Peg $50/head asap (or at least

$30/head deposit).

NZ run proposed by Ossie (maybe North & South Islands in Oct 2011 or Easter 2012).

Any expressions of interest to be given to Richard Smith to assess feasibility.

Register data base of restoration hints/ tips/ business contacts discussed. Robin

volunteered to prepare a draft – ideas to be sent to Robin.


Rob Loffler – XK under the covers at present.

Rod Davis – nothing to report.

Richard Smith – XK back from repairs – good job done (Ossie‟s XK has a temporary 5 litre

fuel tank!).

Robin Ide – Mk 9 off the road – timber work being restored.

Ivor Lawrence – XK still of the road being returned to original.

John Williams – XK OK but dipswitch sticking.

John Dunning – Mk 7 OK.

Julian Lugg – Has photos of his XK competing in Brighton Speed Trials and British Hill

Climbs in the early 1950‟s.

Thank you to Julian & Moira for their hospitality.

Next meetings: Wed 6th Oct at John & Lindsey Williams home 18 Millswood Cr


Wed 3rd Nov at Richard & Carla Smith home 38 Jerilderie Dr Happy Valley.

Sun 5th Dec Christmas function at home of Wendy & Onslow Billinghurst.

Meeting closed and supper with shed visit followed.

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Multi-valve Meander through Hahndorf

and Stangate House – 19 September

Over twenty intrepid club members braved the drizzly weather for a guided tour of the back

streets of Hahndorf with Annie Luur Fox from the National Trust.

We saw a side of Hahndorf that is not apparent when wandering down the main street with its

trendy shops and cafes. Hahndorf was

settled in 1839 by German Lutherans

escaping religious persecution, the

town deriving its name from Captain

Dirk Hahn, the captain of the ship Zebra

which brought the settlers to South

Australia. The original design of the

town was based on a medieval

hufendorf village.

We heard about ghosts and witches and

stories of the characters that have

peopled this historic town. Several of

the original buildings are standing

including the old mill, (1864), St Michaels Lutheran Church (1859) and the Hahndorf Academy


We learnt about the various factions in the

town in the early days and saw one of the old

schools, just one room which held 50


It was interesting hearing about the struggles

that have ensued in recent times to keep

Hahndorf from falling prey to developers

even though Hahndorf was declared a State

Heritage Area in 1988.

After the hour and a half walk and medicinal

coffee, we moved on to Stangate House at Aldgate. This property is open on Sundays in September to

view the magnificent Camellia Gardens.

Along with more varieties of camellias than

can probably be seen anywhere else in South

Australia there were also masses of bulbs in

flower. A lunch was provided by the Camellia

Society volunteers in the dining room with its

welcoming log fire.

Sue Harrison

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E-Type 50th Anniversary.

The JDCSA E-Type register have begun planning their 2011 event

to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the E-Type.

With well over a hundred known E-Types in the state this should

be a spectacular event Arrangements have been made with the

National Motor Museum at Birdwood to hold the event on their

display grounds.

If anyone would like to know more details or register their interest

they can go to www.etype2011.com

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This year the Annual Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, 30th

October at the




Tickets will be $45.00 per head, and this includes:

Pre-dinner drinks and Canapés from 6.30pm to 7.00pm

Three course dinner

Two bottles of wine on each table

Music supplied by Linda McCarthy

Two lucky door prizes and Presentation trophies


There are still a few rooms available from as little as $85

(inc Continental Breakfast) so, make a night of it.

“Just mention the Jag Club”

A security guard will be employed to look after any cars parked on the Anzac


Tickets will be on sale from July meeting – see either Carmel Trew or Judy Sterzl

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Notice Board

The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and

are listed in accordance with clause 6 (B-C) of the Constitution. If there are no objections,

membership will be ratified one month from this magazine:

Michael Davies & Leslie Sheehan E Type

Robert Lovelock 1967 2+2 E Type 4.2L

The following applications listed in the June magazine have been accepted.

Chris & Lyn Tankey XJ 6 Series 1 4.2L

Martin & Melissa Ball 1997 XJ 8 3.2L

We hope you will take advantage of the benefits available, and that you will contribute in your own

way to make this a better club for everyone.

I particularly ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these New Members welcome

at meetings and functions.

Noel Trew

Membership Secretary


The Roster for the preparation of supper for the General Meeting is: Oct SS & Daimler Nov Mk 1, 2, S Type &420 Xmas meeting - TBA Jan XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Feb Multivalve

Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the editor (or President if unable to contact editor) and ask them to obtain supper. The Tables and chairs need to be set up by 7.30pm and all members will assist in this process along with packing up after the meeting.

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All Jaguar car enthusiasts

Autumn is a special time of the year in Canberra with its changing colours of nature and this

makes a great setting for the 42nd National Jaguar Rally in 2011. The Jaguar Drivers’ Club

of Canberra is hosting this event and has planned a full and varied program of activities that

should cater to all interests.

The theme of our Rally will be the 50th anniversary of the release of the E Type Jaguar.

There will be special displays of this model at a couple of the planned events and we are

encouraging all owners of E Type Jaguars to join in the Rally celebrations in Canberra at

Easter 2011. Of course, the nature of a National Rally is that all Jaguar owners are

encouraged to attend and the greater the variety of different Jaguar models, the better the


Many enthusiasts use the National Rally as the means of maintaining contact with distant

friends made over the years and this helps contribute to the spirit of the event. The Rally is

also an opportunity to make new friends. We hope the plans we have for the Rally will help

bring these opportunities together.

Our Rally headquarters will be a recently refurbished hotel near the city that has secure

parking. There will be a number of accommodation options including apartments with

undercover parking. As the Canberra Rally usually attracts a large number of Jaguar

enthusiasts from around Australia, I would encourage anyone contemplating attendance to

lodge their applications early to ensure their accommodation preferences are met. In

particular, I would urge those intending to participate in the concours events to register

early to ensure the option of covered secure parking for their vehicles.

We will also have a rare print for auction at the formal dinner that portrays events at Le

Mans in the 1950’s and also has the signatures of a number of the notable Jaguar players

of that era. This is an opportunity to secure a piece of Jaguar history that is not likely to be

repeated easily. The print (and authentication documents) will be on display at the

Welcome Reception to whet your appetite.

So put Easter 2011 in your calendar for the National Jaguar Rally in Canberra. Details of

the Rally program and the registration documents are on our website at


We look forward to seeing you here.

Larry Roux

Rally Director


I N C A N B E R R A 2 0 1 1

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Marque Sports Car Association of South


MSCA for 2010

Round 4


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Regalia Coordinator(s)

WANTED This position is now available within the Club. It is a position that suits say an enthusiastic

couple or two couples.

During 2009 – 2010 we have reduced the stock levels with a view to changing the process for

the coordinator(s). What we have in mind is for a smaller number of product lines with the

Jaguar embroidery e.g.

1. Fleecy Vests 2. Polo Shirts – men’s and ladies 3. Caps 4. Fleecy Jumpers 5. Jackets A quantity of say 6 of each size would then be held in stock so that a member could order

on-line or at a general meeting with the coordinator(s) and the items would then be posted

or collected from a later meeting.

Ron & Claire Palmer (through Palmer Agencies) have offered to continue to supply the club

with the product lines and assist the coordinator(s) with product line choices and the


The club’s lock-up could be utilised for this purpose or alternatively if the member has space

at home that would be OK.

This means that at a general meeting the coordinator(s) only need bring a sample of each

size along (as the same manufacture would be used for the product lines this eliminates the

need for multiple samples). In addition to the above the various badges and other small

items would be available for sale at a meeting.

In addition the coordinator(s) would be responsible to maintain a cash float, bank sales

monies, send the banking receipt to the Treasurer, maintain stock levels, and sell Regalia at

Jag Day.

Should anyone be interested in this role please either talk to Rick or me.


Tim White

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Club & Other Events

XK 7, 8 & 9 Register: Border Run – 15, 16 & 17 October

Edithburgh Show & Shine – 3 October 2010

SA JAG DAY: 17 October 2010

Annual Dinner Dance – Saturday, 30th October at the Adelaide International Motel – 521 Anzac Hwy

North Glenelg

Climb to the Eagle: 5 November 2010

Compact / XJ Register: Weekend in Riverland Berri/Renmark 20/21 November. Murray Bridge XMAS Racing Day: 5 December 2010

JDCSA General Meeting – Xmas Meeting: 7 December 2010

Quick Reference for Register meetings

General Meeting Tuesday, 5th October 2010

Register Meetings

Compact Second Tuesday of every second month

E-Type Third Thursday of every month

Multivalve 4th Tuesday of odd Calendar months

SS & Daimler Last Wednesday of each month

XJ, Mk10 & 420G Wednesday, 13th October

XK, 7, 8, 9 Wednesday, 6th October

V12 Friday, 8th October

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For Sale

420 for sale. 1967 420 regal red cream

Full leather upholstery ( only 5 yrs old)

Full books and original import papers complete tool kit,

Runs well.

Brakes just been overhauled.

A bargain, at $8000. A very reluctant sale as health will

not allow me to give the car the care and attention these

cars need.

Phone John Kelly 0418 832 789

Member 2949

For Sale

1968 420, 3 Owners since new. Original rego number.

Silver Grey interior, Reconditioned engine 5,000 kms ago! Tyres good. twin stainless

exhaust. Brakes done this year. Car was on chauffeur plates early 2000s. Currently

on historic registration.

$11,000 offers considered. David Cowperwaite.

[email protected]

Phone (08) 8842 1880

Mobile 0419 035 946

Reluctant Sale but I need something with

airconditioning for regular Melbourne runs!

Page 25: 2010 October Classic Marque


For Sale

Mk7. In good order with only 40,000 miles on the speedo. A black car with 4 speed

gearbox. Very nice car. - POA

Contact Dennis Paech (Ph.85789021)


XJS (late model if possible)

Prefer a manual if one exists and would like a local car. Prefer a driver but will

consider any well looked after car.

Contact Dave

Ph: 0407 481 092

(Advertisement placed - 22 Feb 2010)


Tyre 6.7 x 16 Firestone,

Ross Rasmus Ph 8356 7041, [email protected]

Ad placed 13 May 2010

Give Away - Tyres (Must take all)

3 tyres 215/70VR15, Suit XJS HE

(2 x German Dunlops legal tread 1x Pirelli P5 50% tread

You want one - you must take all 3.

Ring Andrew 0417 890 599

Page 26: 2010 October Classic Marque


The Cat’s Giggle

A professor is sent to darkest Africa to live with a primitive tribe. He spends

years with them, teaching them reading, writing, math and science.

One day the wife of the tribe's chief gives birth to a white child. The tribe is

shocked, and the chief pulls the professor aside and says, "Look here! You're

the only white man we've ever seen and this woman gives birth to a white

child. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened!"

The professor replied, "No, Chief. You're mistaken. What you have here is a

natural occurrence, what we in the civilized world call an albino! Look at that

field over there. All of the sheep are white except for one black one. Nature

does this on occasion."

The chief was silent for a moment, then said, "Tell you what. You don't say

anything more about that sheep and I won't say anything more about that

white child

One day, a diver was enjoying the aquatic world 20 feet below sea level. He

noticed a guy at the same depth he was, with no scuba gear on whatsoever.

The diver went below another 10 feet, but the guy joined him a minute later.

The diver went below 15 more feet, and a minute later, the same guy joined


This confused the diver, so he took out a waterproof pad and pencil, and

wrote, “Amazing! How are you able to stay this deep down without


The guy took the pencil and pad, erased what the diver had written, and

wrote, “I‟m drowning, you moron!”

Got a joke? Send it to the editors and we’ll put it in the CM