2011/ nov 27 - announcements

1 Announcements week of November 27 th SUNDAY 27th 9:30 & 11 a.m. Worship 9:30 The Ark, UpStreet, true: faith 11 a.m. The Ark, UpStreet 6 p.m. true: High School Ministry, Student Activity Center MONDAY 28st 9:30 a.m. Disciple 2, library 7 p.m. Disciple 1, library TUESDAY 29th 10 a.m. Icing on the Cake, A 7 p.m. Financial Peace University, B WEDNESDAY 30th 5:30 p.m. Dinner @ Wednesday Night Live, narthex 6 p.m. true: tween / true: middle school, Student Activity Center 6:30 p.m. Pageant Rehearsal, FMC :: red/blue, library :: Foundations, 7 7 p.m. Praise & Worship team re- hearsal, sanctuary THURSDAY 1st 9:30 a.m. Mothers of Preschoolers, FMC 10 a.m. Mary-Martha Circle, sanctuary :: ARCM, B 7 p.m. Calvin, FMC :: Cantata Choir, sanc- tuary 7:45 p.m. Worship Choir, sanctuary SATURDAY 3rd 9:00 a.m. Dress Rehearsal for pageant 10:30 a.m. Family Advent Craft Day: Gingerb SUNDAY 4th 9:30 & 11 a.m. Worship 9:30 The Ark, UpStreet, true: faith 11 a.m. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING The Ark, UpStreet IHN BEGINS 5:30 p.m. Children’s Christmas Pag- eant, The Christmas HAROLD 6 p.m. true: High School Ministry, Student Activity Center office phone 892.3580 office email [email protected] The Session of Shepherd of the Hills calls for a meeting of the Congregation at 11:00 a.m. Sun- day, December 4, 2011 for the pur- pose of receiving the report of the Congregational Nominating Committee. Nomi- nees for election will include: Please plan to attend this brief but very impor- tant meeting. Elders, class of 2014— Greg Williford, Lisa Crawford, Anne Kirsch, Derek Fisher, Gary Gibbs Deacons, class of 2014— Karen Great- house, Madeline Brock, Sid MacAllister, Candice Valdes Children’s Christmas Pageant All members of the congregation are invited to the Children’s Christmas program, The Christ- mas HAROLD. Please join us for this fun interpretation of the Christ- mas Story. The 2011 produc- tion will be held Sunday, December 4 th at 5:30 p.m. A reception and photo opportuni- ties with the “cast” will imme- diately follow. For more information, please contact Chris Gordon at [email protected] . more Advent events... A Bluegrass Christmas December 11 at 9:30 & 11 a.m. Christmas Cantata December 18 at 9:30 & 11 a.m.

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"Yellow pages" insert for Sunday, November 27, 2011. Updates on the congregational life and ministry at Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Austin TX


Page 1: 2011/ Nov 27 - Announcements


Announcementsweek of November 27th

SUNDAY 27th9:30 & 11 a.m. Worship9:30 The Ark, UpStreet, true: faith11 a.m. The Ark, UpStreet6 p.m. true: High School Ministry,

Student Activity Center

MONDAY 28st9:30 a.m. Disciple 2, library7 p.m. Disciple 1, library

TUESDAY 29th10 a.m. Icing on the Cake, A7 p.m. Financial Peace University, B

WEDNESDAY 30th5:30 p.m. Dinner @ Wednesday Night

Live, narthex6 p.m. true: tween / true: middle

school, Student Activity Center6:30 p.m. Pageant Rehearsal, FMC ::

red/blue, library :: Foundations, 77 p.m. Praise & Worship team re-

hearsal, sanctuary

THURSDAY 1st9:30 a.m. Mothers of Preschoolers, FMC10 a.m. Mary-Martha Circle, sanctuary ::

ARCM, B7 p.m. Calvin, FMC :: Cantata Choir, sanc-

tuary7:45 p.m. Worship Choir, sanctuary

SATURDAY 3rd9:00 a.m. Dress Rehearsal for pageant10:30 a.m. Family Advent Craft Day:


SUNDAY 4th9:30 & 11 a.m. Worship9:30 The Ark, UpStreet, true: faith11 a.m. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING

The Ark, UpStreet IHN BEGINS5:30 p.m. Children’s Christmas Pag-

eant, The Christmas HAROLD6 p.m. true: High School Ministry,

Student Activity Center

office phone 892.3580office email [email protected]

The Session of Shepherd of theHills calls for a meeting of theCongregation at 11:00 a.m. Sun-day, December 4, 2011 for the pur-pose of receiving the report of theCongregational Nominating Committee. Nomi-nees for election will include:

Please plan to attend this brief but very impor-tant meeting.

� Elders, class of 2014—Greg Williford, LisaCrawford, Anne Kirsch,Derek Fisher, GaryGibbs

� Deacons, class of2014— Karen Great-house, Madeline Brock,Sid MacAllister, CandiceValdes

Children’s Christmas PageantAll members of the congregation

are invited to the Children’sChristmas program, The Christ-

mas HAROLD. Please join us for thisfun interpretation of the Christ-mas Story. The 2011 produc-tion will be held Sunday,December 4th at 5:30 p.m. Areception and photo opportuni-ties with the “cast” will imme-

diately follow. For more information, pleasecontact Chris Gordon at [email protected] .

more Advent events...

A Bluegrass ChristmasDecember 11 at 9:30 & 11 a.m.

Christmas CantataDecember 18 at 9:30 & 11 a.m.

Page 2: 2011/ Nov 27 - Announcements


Join Us for Gingerbread!Gingerbread House kits are still avail-able! Please join us on Saturday, Decem-ber 3rd, from 10:30 am to noon, for ourmost popular family event!This day of fellowship forparents and children in-cludes building gingerbreadhouses to mark the start ofthe Christmas season. Kitsare $10 and may be paid forin advance or at the door.

To confirm your family, please contactBritta Dukes at [email protected] or 892-3580 ext. 107 OR sign up at the tableslocated in the narthex or on the porch ofthe Family Ministry Center.

Home at Jesus’ HouseSHPC will be hosting IHN (In-terfaith Hospitality Network)the week of December 4th.Come share your time with our guestsand extend to them our SHPC hospitality.This is an opportunity to get the wholefamily involved! Children make greathosts for our young guests and give par-ents the opportunity to watch their chil-dren interact with others.

Sign up in the narthex or contact StuartMcIntire stuart78704 @ yahoo.com / 788-4455 or Lara Manire 922-3615.

The Caring Forever Endowment Fund is apermanent fund that is used to spread Christ's

love in mission and ministry.

Thank You for Caring!We rejoice in these recentcontributions to the CaringForever Endowment :· In memory of Madelaine Heath: Elizabeth

Flynn· In memory of Brent Harper: Elizabeth Flynn· In memory of her mother, Virginia Haskett:

Elizabeth Flynn· In memory of Maurice Essary: Beth Everett

Signups are coming in the narthex—bewatching! Orders must be placed by

DECEMBER 4, 2011.

Payment is due at time of order.



$12.00 / dozenChoose from savory pork, jalapeño pork,

bean, & chicken

Reminder from the Finance OfficeAll contributions for the 2011 tax yearmust be at the church by December 31,2011 or mailed in an envelope postmarkedno later than December 31, 2011. Any-thing received or postmarked January 1,2012 or later will be credited to 2012. Also,any 2011 pre-payments foryour 2012 pledge shouldbe marked as “2012” inthe memo line.

Page 3: 2011/ Nov 27 - Announcements


—letting others know you see how they've helped you

Children’s MinistryNursery care is provided in Room 3 for children from birth to 24 months of ageduring the 9:30 & 11 a.m. worship services.

The Ark Sunday School 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. – noon9:30 2 yr. olds — Room 1 3 yr. olds — Room 6 4 yr. olds & pre-K— Room 811 2 yr. olds — Room 1 3 yr. olds - pre-K — Room 6

UpStreet Sunday School 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. - noon9:30 Kindergarten through 4th grade — Family Ministry Center 5th grade — Portable B11 Kindergarten through 5th grade — Family Ministry Center

In Elementary Sunday School, we followthe ORANGE curriculum. This curriculumprioritizes the relationship between thechurch and the home. We believe thatthese two entities make a bigger impactwhen they work together. Eachmonth, we learn a new virtuethat helps us understandthe CHARACTER of GODand LIVE OUT GOD'sCHARACTER in our dailylives. This month, our virtue isGRATITUDE: letting other know yousee how they've helped you.

We would like to share our GRATITUDEwith the VOLUNTEERS of the UpStreet

Elementary Sunday School program! Fromsmall group leaders to the box prepteams; from our Host, Steve Crawford, toour worship leader, Amanda Hill, our Sto-rytellers Suzie Bridges and Alex Valdes,

and our tech guru, WarrenHyde…we thank you foryour time, for your tal-ents, and for your dedi-cation to the children ofSHPC.

If you are interested in join-ing the UpStreet team, please contactChris Gordon ( [email protected] ).

Holiday Cuddles... The holidays bring with them multiple church ser-vices, visitors to SHPC, and the opportunity to love on some babies! In an

effort to allow our child care staff time with family on Christmas Eve andNew Year’s Day, we are adjusting schedules and offering SHPC mem-

bers time in the nursery. Anyone interested in helping with nursery carefor the 4:00 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. services on Christmas Eve, or the 10:30 a.m.service on New Year’s Day should contact Chris Gordon ( [email protected] ).

Page 4: 2011/ Nov 27 - Announcements


Join the Senior Adult Ministries in collecting

Christmas Boxes for Seniors.These will be distributed to seniors anddisabled adults who Meals on Wheels hasidentified as needing something forChristmas. Many will receive nothing forChristmas nor will they have much tocelebrate. A Christmas Box will showthem that someone cares.These boxes should include a Christmascard, a few small decorations, a smallwrapped gift, and some everyday thingswe take for granted, but are luxuries ona limited budget. For other suggestionsand ideas, see our article on page 5 ormembers.shpc.org/sradult/XmasBoxes.php

SAM will collect these containers TO-DAY and December 4th. Consider mak-ing this a family activity. Take the kidsor grandchildren shopping for the itemsto go in the basket. Have them helppack the basket. Get the kids to write anote, sign the Christmas card or evendraw a “Christmas scene!” Help someof our neighbors remember that some-one cares.

Angel Tree is HERE!This Advent season SHPC will be providingChristmas gifts in partnership with fouragencies—Refugee Services of Texas,Presbyterian Children's Homes & Services,Trinity Child Development Center andAngel Tree of Prison Fellowship. Lastyear we provided approximately 600 giftsto brighten Christmas for our partnershipfamilies.

Starting today, the first Sunday of Ad-vent, there will be a Christmas tree inthe narthex covered with paper angels.Each angel will have a recipient's nameand gift wish (most in the $25-50 range,but there will also be bicycles).To participate,

1. Choose an angel,

2. Register your choice by putting yourname and contact info on theattached card and leave it in the bas-ket,

3. Buy and wrap the gift, attaching theangel to it, and

4. Return the gift under the tree by De-cember 14th.

Delivery help will be needed. We will bedelivering gifts the week of December12-18—help out on our Sunday of Service!We will try to deliver Refugee Servicesgifts Saturday 17th. There willbe lots of bikes that willrequire trucks and trailersand largeSUV's.

Contact GayLangston withquestions or to volunteer. (512)607-6516or [email protected] .

MARY-MARTHA CIRCLE invitesyou to a Christmas luncheon Thurs-day, December 1st, starting at 11 a.m.We will enjoy a program and musicalong with our catered meal. Call Di-ane O’Leary, 263-5592, by Tuesday,November 29th to reserve your meal!

· ASSOCIATION OF RETIREDCHRISTIAN MEN will be gatheringThursday at 10 a.m. in port. B. Men,mark your calendars and come!

SAM NEWS! (Senior Adult Ministry)

Page 5: 2011/ Nov 27 - Announcements


Ideas for Christmas Boxes for SeniorsPlease keep the box under 20 pounds and about 2 cu-bic feet. Remember, volunteers have to transportthese in addition to their normal food deliveries. Aplastic box labeled as lessthan 10 gallons or 40 quartswill work. A cardboard boxless than 12” x 18” x 16”will work. Please do notplace bows or other decora-tions on the outside of the

box. They make it difficult to transport without crushingthe bows or decoration.

Please be sure that the boxes close. This makes it easi-er for the volunteers to transport. Please return your boxes by december 4th

IDEAS FOR CONTENTS� A Christmas card –

write a line or two.Sign it. The mostcherished gift!

� Small decorationsthat will fit into thebasket

� Non-perishable food

� Coffee & artificialsweetener

� Sugar-free hot choco-late mix

� Apple cider packets

� Box of tea bags

� Small canned ham ortuna

� Canned vegetables,fruit or soup

� Instant oatmeal pack-ets

� Jars of peanut butterand jelly

� Plastic Christmas ta-blecloth

� Christmas place mats

� Christmas dishtowel

� Small fruit cake

� Christmas coffee mug

� Sugar-free candies

� Tin or package ofcookies

� Gloves or mittens

� Knit cap

� A calendar

� Notepad & pens

� Envelopes & stamps

� Scarf

� Lap blanket or throw

� Facial tissues

� Hand lotion

� Shampoo

� Shaving cream & dis-posable razors

fits in a a shoebox or cardboardbox – decorated

a small plastic storage box -decorated packages inside

Foundations Fellowship, Service and FunWe wrap up our fall semester this weekwith the 2nd session of our Advent Study.Watch for info on spring 2012 dates whenwe will be learning more about many ofthe parables. Even though our study isdone, the fun and service isn’t! Join us foreither or both of these family events. Sun.Dec. 4th right after the children’s Christ-mas Pageant we will gather for a Christ-mas Potluck Party in the FMC. E-mailTracy Kuper at [email protected] so shecan send you the e-vite invitation for RSVP

and potluck contribution information. Sun.Dec. 11th at noon, join us in the FMC for anAngel Tree Gift Wrapping Party. Bringwhat you purchased for your family’s an-gel tree recipients and we will wrap themtogether in a group setting. The kids willmake cards for the gifts and we’ll all enjoya pizza lunch. E-mail Tracy Kuper to RSVPby Dec 9th so she can pre-order the pizza!We always enjoy meeting new folks andboth of these are fun, casual, family friend-ly events to come and connect with fellowchurch friends!

Page 6: 2011/ Nov 27 - Announcements


This section is for you to let us know of requests for prayer. Please tear here and place in thecollection plate.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -11/27/2011 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Signed (optional) Phone(s)

Provide Prayer Request in SHPC Prayer Chain? Yes / No Publicize in bulletin / newsletter? Yes / NoHave a prayer request during the week? Email [email protected].

Please pray for our leaders and our loved ones in the military…Members of the Armed Forces and all world leaders involved in war zone crises including: TeddySweredoski, friend of Stan & Jessica Wade... Lynda & Robert Wade’s niece’s husband Dan Ireland...E.J. Session, son of Deb Erlanson's co-worker Roberta Floyd... David Lee Stowbridge, son of OscarErlanson's co-worker Robert Stowbridge... Rebekah Frost, neighbor of the Lawrence family... PattieLawrence's cousin, Mark Hollahan… Tyler Moser, son of a friend of Dee & Greg Merrell... Temple &Janet Ingram’s daughter Kate Ingram... Christopher Lehmann, son of Mark Lehmann... LarryRoberman, brother of Lori Whitmire... Derek & Kristi Fisher's nephew, John Fisher...

Joys—James Crowder, friend of Tom & Mike McNelley, has returned safely from Af-ghanistan—Eric Huerta, Mike McNelley’s co-worker’s nephew, has returned from Ku-wait—1st Lt. Robert Beardslee, USAF, grandson of Bob & Carolyn Beardslee and husbandof Jenna, has returned safely from Kyrgyzstan; he and Jenna are now stationed at RandolphAFB, near San Antonio—James & Jennifer Moore (and 2-yr-old Jessica) happily announce

the birth of Janette Amber Moore, who arrived October 30th—Cora Gotcher, the 5-month-old baby sister ofSHPC preschoolers, back home since November 4th

Sorrows—Judy Behr’s sister, Barbara Cox, passed away in the early hours of November 13th—Lou Eng-land, mother of Joyce Stewart, passed away November 5th

Please pray for—Gene Shamburger, recovering from gall bladder surgery—Sue Shamburger, recov-ering from gall bladder surgery—Bob & Carolyn Beardslee’s 10-year-old friend Marybeth Barnes, infectionand ruptured appendix—Sharon Daniel, Diane O’Leary’s daughter, recovering from heart attack —MarisaStromberg, support during the time of her checkup, November 29th and 30th—Bob Barker’s surgery hasbeen postponed—Mike McNelley’s co-worker’s husband William Otero Sr., physical healing—Dick Klus-mann, recovering from successful 4th hip surgery—Carl Luttenbacher, back at home and feeling well fol-lowing hospitalization for unexpected blood loss—Karen Cox, good news following liver scan—GeneShamburger, husband of Sue, recovering from surgery to repair his back, broken in four places—the Gil-christs’ friend, Curt Burns, now suffering a gall bladder attack and blood clot in his leg—the family of Ben-jamin Jones of Kingwood, TX, who passed away very unexpectedly November 6th—Austin, the city wherewe’re planted—Pastor Kenneth Muyira and the congregation of Manyamula Presbyterian Church—Pas-tor Chimwemwe Mhango and his family