2011 results fryer contest galois contest hypatia contest 2011

The CENTRE for EDUCATION in MATHEMATICS and COMPUTING Le CENTRE d’ ´ EDUCATION en MATH ´ EMATIQUES et en INFORMATIQUE www.cemc.uwaterloo.ca 2011 Results Fryer Contest (Grade 9) Galois Contest (Grade 10) Hypatia Contest (Grade 11) 2011 esultats Concours Fryer (9 e ann´ ee – Sec. III) Concours Galois (10 e ann´ ee – Sec. IV) Concours Hypatie (11 e ann´ ee – Sec. V) c 2011 Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing

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Page 1: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011




en MATHEMATIQUES et en INFORMATIQUEwww.cemc.uwaterloo.ca


Fryer Contest(Grade 9)

Galois Contest(Grade 10)

Hypatia Contest(Grade 11)


Concours Fryer(9e annee – Sec. III)

Concours Galois(10e annee – Sec. IV)

Concours Hypatie(11e annee – Sec. V)

c©2011 Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing

Page 2: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011

Competition Organization Organisation du Concours

Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing Faculty and Staff /Personnel du Centre d’education en mathematiques et informatique

Ed AndersonLloyd AucklandTerry BaeSteve BrownErsal CahitKaren ColeJennifer CoutureSerge D’AlessioFrank DeMaioFiona DunbarMike EdenBarry FergusonBarb ForrestJudy FoxSteve FurinoJohn GalbraithSandy GrahamAngie HildebrandJudith KoellerJoanne KursikowskiBev MarshmanDean MurrayJen NissenJ.P. PrettiLinda SchmidtKim SchnarrJim SchurterCarolyn SedoreIan VanderBurghTroy Vasiga

Problems Committee / Comite des problemes

Judith Koeller (Chair / presidente), University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ONLino Demasi, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BCRad dePeiza, Toronto, ONSandy Emms Jones, Forest Heights C.I., Kitchener, ONShawn Godin, Cairine Wilson S.S., Orleans, ONAndre Ladouceur, Gloucester, ONPeter O’Hara, London, ONPaul Ottaway, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BCJudy Shanks, Pickering H.S., Ajax, ON


Page 3: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011

Comments on the Papers Commentaires sur les epreuves

Overall CommentsThe year 2011 marked the ninth writings of the Fryer, Galois and Hypatia Contests. The FGH Contests aredesigned to give students in Grades 9, 10 and 11 an additional mathematical challenge during the school year,and one that requires full written solutions. Being able to do mathematics is an important skill; being able tocommunicate one’s findings (in mathematics or in any other field) is also very important.

We were very pleased this year to see another healthy increase in the number of participants in these Contests.In general, many students writing these Contests are doing a better job each year of writing clear solutions to theproblems. That being said, there is always work that can be done to help them improve these skills. Some studentsreduced their scores because they gave answers rather than solutions or presented untidy or illegible solutions.

The averages on the Fryer, Galois and Hypatia Contests this year were 23.8, 24.2 and 23.4, respectively. Wewill continue to try to keep the averages on these papers in this range. Here are some specific comments on theproblems.

Fryer Contest

1. Average: 8.5This question was done very well by most students, with very few consistent errors.

2. Average: 7.6Parts (a) and (b) of this problem were done quite well, except for a few arithmetic mistakes or misuses ofthe Pythagorean Theorem. In part (c), only a fraction of the students who wrote the contest were able toconnect their work from parts (a) and (b) to the configuration given.

3. Average: 5.6This question was done reasonably well by most students. The most consistent issue noted by the markingteam was a lack of explanation of how answers were obtained in parts (b) and (c). Because the problemasks to “Determine all...”, the students’ explanations needed to demonstrate somehow that they had foundall possible answers.

4. Average: 2.1Part (a) was done well by most students. Parts (b) and (c) were quite difficult and were only completed bya handful of students.

Galois Contest

1. Average: 8.1This question was well done by most students. A few students did part (a) correctly obtaining a secondterm of −1 but when completing the remaining parts assumed that −1 was the first term. In part (c), moststudents discussed the fact that the terms repeated in a cycle of length three. In counting the number of2s, some students did not correctly deal with the remainder when 670 was divided by 3. Students generallyknew how to correctly approach part (d).

2. Average: 7.6This question was well done by students. Most students were able to look at cases in part (a) and generallydetermined the other correct scores. In part (b), many students stated the correct answer but provided littleor no justification at all. Some students knew that the sum 300 was important but were unable to determinewhat to do with it. In part (c), most students came up with the four correct possibilities. Some, however,missed the fact that two of the coins could be 0 resulting in 170 being a possible value for the third coin.

3. Average: 6.4Part (a) of this question was well done. In part (b), students generally knew what was needed in order toshow similarity but some of the solutions were poorly justified . In part (c), most students were able to get


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Comments on the Papers Commentaires sur les epreuves

the value QS = 7, but obtaining the correct value for SD = 283 proved to be much more challenging. In part

(d), students generally knew what was required but were often unable to do follow through to the correctresult. Some students determined the value of each of the angles using basic trigonometry. They used theseapproximate results in the last three parts of the question.

4. Average: 2.1If a student understood the notation they generally got the correct result for part (a). Many algebra mistakesoccurred which prevented students from being able to get to the end of part (a) and through the first partof (b). A few brave students tried to find the correct result for part (b) using a trial and error approach.This approach did not yield good results. In part (c), many students came up with a correct expression forT (c)+T (d) = T (e) and determined that c+d+e = 406, but few were able to substitute for e from the secondequation into the first. Of those who did substitute correctly only a few simplified the expression correctly.Many algebra mistakes occurred in the simplification. Part (d) was only attempted by a few students andeven fewer students were able to do anything significant with the given information. Some students wereable to work a little with the fact that cd was divisible by 407, but did not use the prime factors 11 and 37to go any further.

Hypatia Contest

1. Average: 8.2This question was well done. In (d), there were many ways to approach finding the area of quadrilateralBDFE. Some students used properties of medians and the centroid to do this calculation.

2. Average: 7.2Many students demonstrated a good understanding of this question. The quality of explanations given bystudents varied. Since the question did not specify that the given numbers were positive integers, somestudents considered negative numbers or even decimal numbers. Such solutions were accepted.

3. Average: 5.6In part (a), most students were able to evaluate x, y and z. In part (b), a common error was to look atspecific values of x, y and z that did (or did not) give y as an integer, and to try to generalize from a fewvalues. In part (c), some students recognized that 3× 5× 2 = 30 and that 302 = 900, but could not logicallyconnect this to the value of xyz.

4. Average: 2.4In part (a), most students were able to list the 6 representations of 8 and determine that F (8) = 6. In part (b),many students looked at the values F (5), F (6), F (7), F (8) and from these concluded that F (n + 1) > F (n)for all n. Showing a few examples does not prove this general statement. Other students found thatF (5) = 3, F (6) = 5 and F (8) = 6, and so concluded that F (n) = n − 2 for every value of n. This is false,since F (10) = 10, for example. In part (c), there were some nice attempts to create representations for 2nby combining representations for n. A common error was to combine them in a way that double-counts them.

Please visit our website at www.cemc.uwaterloo.ca to download the 2011 Fryer, Galois and HypatiaContests, plus full solutions.


Page 5: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011

Comments on the Papers Commentaires sur les epreuves

Commentaires generauxL’annee 2011 est la neuvieme edition des concours Fryer, Galois et Hypatie. Les concours de FGH ont ete creespour donner aux etudiants de 9e, 10e et 11e annee (sec. III, IV et V) un defi mathematique supplementairependant l’annee scolaire qui exige des solutions ecrites completes. Etre capable de faire des mathematiques estune aptitude importante. Pouvoir communiquer ses conclusions (en mathematiques ou autres domaines) est aussitres important.

Nous sommes ravis cette annee de constater une croissance du nombre de participants a ces concours. Engeneral, plusieurs des etudiants participant a ces concours s’ameliorent d’annee en annee en ce qui concerneecrire des solutions claires. Cependant, il y a toujours du travail a faire pour les aider a developper leurs aptitudes.Certains des etudiants ont eu des notes plus basses car ils presentaient uniquement des reponses au lieu de solutionsou des solutions non soignees ou illisibles.

Cette annee, les moyennes des concours Fryer, Galois et Hypatie etaient de 23,8, 24,2 et 23,4 respectivement.Nous tenterons de continuer a conserver cette gamme pour les moyennes de ces examens. Voici quelques commen-taires specifiques sur les problemes de ces examens.

Concours Fryer

1. Moyenne: 8,5Cette question a ete bien reussie par la plupart des eleves. Il y avait tres peu d’erreurs communes.

2. Moyenne: 7,6A l’exception de quelques erreurs de calcul ou d’une mauvaise utilisation du theoreme de Pythagore, lesparties (a) et (b) ont ete tres bien reussies. Dans la partie (c), seule une fraction des eleves a reussi a voir lelien avec les parties (a) et (b).

3. Moyenne: 5,6La question a ete assez bien reussie par la plupart des eleves. La faiblesse la plus commune etait le manquede justification de son travail dans les parties (b) et (c). A cause de la consigne ¡¡Determiner . . . ¿¿, les elevesdoivent expliquer leur raisonnement et justifier qu’ils ont trouve toutes les reponses.

4. Moyenne: 2,1La partie (a) a ete bien reussie par la plupart des eleves. Les parties (b) et (c) etant tres difficiles, elles n’ontete reussies que par une poignee d’eleves.

Concours Galois

1. Moyenne: 8,1Cette question a ete bien reussie par la plupart des eleves. Quelques eleves ont reussi la partie (a) pourobtenir un deuxieme terme egal a −1, mais dans les parties suivantes, ils ont suppose que −1 etait le premierterme. Dans la partie (c), la plupart des eleves ont mentionne que les termes se repetaient selon un cycle delongueur 3. En comptant le nombre de termes qui egalent 2, quelques eleves ont mal traite du reste lorsque670 a ete divise par 3. En general, les eleves ont su comment traiter de la partie (d).

2. Moyenne: 7,6Cette question a ete bien reussie par la plupart des eleves. Dans la partie (a), la plupart des eleves ont reussia determiner les resultats possibles et de la, les sommes possibles. Dans la partie (b), un grand nombred’eleves ont donne la bonne reponse sans justification. Certains eleves savaient que 300 avait une certaineimportance, mais ne savaient pas comment l’utiliser. Dans la partie (c), la plupart des eleves ont reconnu lesquatre possibilites. Certains n’ont pas reconnu que deux jetons pouvaient indiquer un 0 et que le troisiemejeton pouvait donc indiquer 170.

3. Moyenne: 6,4La partie (a) a ete bien reussie. Dans la partie (b), les eleves savaient quoi faire, mais certaines presentations


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Comments on the Papers Commentaires sur les epreuves

manquaient de justification. Dans la partie (c), la plupart des eleves ont reussi a obtenir QS = 7. L’obtentionde la valeur SD = 28

3 a presente un plus grand defi. En general, dans la partie (d), les eleves semblaient savoirquoi faire, sans toujours aboutir a la bonne reponse. Certains eleves ont determine la mesure approximativede chaque angle a l’aide des rapports trigonometriques. Ils ont ensuite utilise ces mesures approximativesdans les autres parties de la question.

4. Moyenne: 2,1En general, les eleves qui comprenaient la notation ont reussi la partie (a). Des erreurs de manipulationalgebrique n’ont pas permi a des eleves de terminer la partie (a) et d’entamer la partie (b). Quelquesbraves ont utilise une approche par essais systematiques pour resoudre la partie (b), ce qui n’a pas portefruit. Dans la partie (c), bon nombre d’eleves ont obtenu une bonne expression algebrique pour remplacerT (c) + T (d) = T (e). Ils ont ensuite determine que c + d + e = 406, mais peu d’entre eux ont isole e dansla deuxieme equation pour le reporter dans la premiere. Meme parmi ceux qui l’ont tente, peu ont simplifiecorrectement. Les erreurs algebriques etaient nombreuses. Peu d’eleves ont tente de resoudre la partie (d).Peu d’entre eux ont reussi a avancer de facon significative. Quelques eleves ont tente d’utiliser le fait que cdest divisible par 407, mais ils n’ont pas utilise les diviseurs premiers, 11 et 37, pour poursuivre.

Concours Hypatie

1. Moyenne: 8,2Cette question a ete bien reussie. Dans la partie (d), il y avait une variete d’approches pour determiner l’airedu quadrilatere BDFE. Certains eleves ont utilise les medianes et les proprietes du centre de gravite pourdeterminer la reponse.

2. Moyenne: 7,2Un grand nombre d’eleves ont demontre une bonne comprehension du probleme. La qualite des explicationsvariait beaucoup.

3. Moyenne: 5,6Dans la partie (a), la plupart des eleves ont determine la valeur de y et celle de z. Dans la partie (b), bonnombre d’eleves ont tente de determiner des valeurs particulieres de x, de y et de z et de generaliser a partirde quelques valeurs, ce qui ne constitue pas une preuve. Dans la partie (c), quelques eleves ont remarqueque 3 × 5 × 2 = 30 et que 302 = 900, sans reussir a relier ces resultats a la valeur de xyz.

4. Moyenne: 2,4Dans la partie (a), la plupart des eleves ont reussi a donner les 6 representations de 8 et a montrer queF (8) = 6. Dans la partie (b), bon nombre d’eleves ont regarde les valeurs de F (5), F (6), F (7) et F (8) pourconclure que F (n+ 1) > F (n) pour toute valeur de n. On ne peut demontrer la validite d’un enonce generalen montrant celle de quelques exemples particuliers. D’autres ont utilise F (5) = 3, F (6) = 5 et F (8) = 6pour conclure que F (n) = n − 2 pour toute valeur de n. Cette conclusion est fausse, puisque F (10) = 10.Dans la partie (c), des eleves ont tente de creer des representations de 2n en combinant des representations den. C’etait bien pense, mais souvent, les combinaisons faisaient en sorte que certaine representations etaientcomptees deux fois.

Veuillez visiter notre site Web a www.cemc.uwaterloo.ca pour telecharger les concours Fryer, Galoiset Hypatie 2011, avec solutions completes.


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Enrollment Inscription

Number of students registered by province /Nombre d’etudiants inscrit par province


NL 16NS 206NB 138PE 34QC 559ON 7355MB 347SK 58AB 812BC 1785International 2599

Total 13909


Page 8: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011

Student Rankings Classements des eleves

Hypatia/Fryer Galois Hypatie

Score/ Rank/ Rank/ Rank/Note Position Position Position

40 1 1 139 3 3 338 6 8 837 12 22 1836 28 71 3135 51 113 8734 87 175 13233 146 276 21732 232 392 32131 347 559 48730 489 692 63729 683 874 78328 897 1090 93427 1119 1308 111326 1390 1545 128725 1647 1785 146324 1916 2003 167523 2168 2207 186322 2399 2389 204221 2613 2537 220420 2800 2684 234719 2943 2829 249218 3055 2963 263617 3145 3083 274916 3259 3181 285315 3346 3269 295414 3415 3348 303913 3489 3422 312312 3540 3476 318411 3584 3531 324410 3626 3564 32969 3654 3603 33368 3678 3635 33577 3704 3660 33906 3719 3682 34225 3732 3692 34454 3737 3710 34673 3744 3716 34772 3751 3723 34821 3758 3725 34890 3759 3491

N.B. These rankings pertain to ALL contestants /N.B. Ces rangs se rapportent a TOUS concurrents


Page 9: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011

Fryer – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Fryer

The top 25% of the competitors in each of the three Contests were divided into three categories: Gold Standard, SilverStandard and Bronze Standard, in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. The names of the those students achieving the Gold Standard (that is,scoring in roughly the top 4%) are listed alphabetically below for each Contest.

Les candidats qui se classent dans le premier quart de classement dans chacun des trois concours ont ete repartis en troiscategories: le niveau or, le niveau argent et le niveau bronze, selon le ratio 1 : 2 : 3. Le nom des etudiants qui ont obtenule niveau or (c’est-a-dire ceux qui se classent parmi les premiers 4 p. 100) est donne par ordre alphatbetique ci-dessous pourchaque concours.

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitSUJI AN West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver, BCKWESI ASANTEY London Central S.S. London, ONNATHANAEL BALETE Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City, PhilippinesALEXANDRE BEDARD College St. Alexandre Gatineau, QCMICHELLE BELIAVSKY Thornhill S.S. Thornhill, ONTRISTAN BERARD Academie Antoine-Manseau Joliette, QCYANNIS BI ICAE Troy, MILISA BIAN Waterloo C.I. Waterloo, ONMICHAEL BRODETH Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City, PhilippinesRYAN BROWN Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONDAVID CAI Crescent School North York, ONVICTORIA CAO Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONJUSTIN CHAI Upper Can College Toronto, ONALVIN CHAN Fredericton H.S. Fredericton, NBZHAO CONG CHAN Munsang College Kowloon City, Hong KongCHEN CHANG Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONFONDA CHAU Little Flower Academy Vancouver, BCDANIELLE CHEN Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. Scarborough, ONQINYUAN CHEN Fuyuan School Shenzhen, ChinaRICHARD CHEN Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary, ABLISA CHENG Barrie North C.I. Barrie, ONSTEVEN CHENG ICAE Troy, MIANSON CHEUNG Academy for Gifted Children-PACE Richmond Hill, ONKINTON CHEUNG Upper Can College Toronto, ONMICHAEL CHOW Albert Campbell C.I. Scarborough, ONMEGAN CHU Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONAUSTIN CHUA Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City, PhilippinesKATRINA CIRONE Earl Haig S.S. North York, ONCOLLEEN COADY Ecole St. Matthew School Calgary, ABLYDIA COLLINSON Mississauga, ONHALEY CUMMINGS Balmoral Hall School Winnipeg, MBCASSIA DEERING Bluevale C.I. Waterloo, ONGEORGE DONG Branton J.H.S. Calgary, ABJEAN DONG Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver, BCMICHELLE DONG The Woodlands School Mississauga, ONGLEB DZHUS Christian Brothers College Cork, IrelandDAVID ELHADAD Bnei Akiva School North York, ONANGELA FAN Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONKATHY FAN Moscrop S.S. Burnaby, BCRENA FAR Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary, ABJERRY FENG Sandwich S.S. Windsor, ONCRAIG FERNANDES St. Joseph S.S. Mississauga, ONCHRISTMA FERNANDO St. Francis Xavier S.S. Mississauga, ONALEXANDRU FLOREA Martingrove C.I. Etobicoke, ONCOLE FRIESEN Westgate Mennonite C.I. Winnipeg, MBHAOWEI GAO Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONMEGAN GAO Tom Baines School Calgary, AB


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Fryer – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Fryer

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitDIVYA GOEL ICAE Troy, MIAARON GORDON Kincardine D.S.S. Kincardine, ONLOGAN GRAY Branton J.H.S. Calgary, ABSHERRY GUO Martingrove C.I. Etobicoke, ONXIAO MEI GUO Francis Libermann C.H.S. Scarborough, ONZIDU GUO Upper Can College Toronto, ONTARIQ HAJI Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONDAMIAN HALVORSEN Forest Heights C.I. Kitchener, ONJACKY HAN St. Michael’s Univ. School Victoria, BCDANIEL HART Jerudong Int’l School Negara, Brunei DarussalamEDWARD HO Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONJASPER HO University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONRAYMOND HONG West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver, BCDANCHENG HU Acadia Jr. H.S. Winnipeg, MBDANIEL HUANG St. John’s-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg, MBSIMON HUANG Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONVINEET JAMMALAMADAKA ICAE Troy, MIXINRUI JIA Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONHELGA JIANG Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONJIAHUI JIANG Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONWILLIAM JIANG Windermere S.S. Vancouver, BCBEN JIN Earl Haig S.S. North York, ONBILLY JIN Waterloo C.I. Waterloo, ONOANA JUMANCA College Jean Eudes Montreal, QCDANIEL JUNG Earl Haig S.S. North York, ONHUSSEINA KAKAL Woodbine Jr. H.S. North York, ONEDREA KHONG Pickering H.S. Ajax, ONDONG KYU KIM Port Moody Sr. S.S. Port Moody, BCCHELSEA KIM Abbey Park H.S. Oakville, ONJESSICA KIM Martingrove C.I. Etobicoke, ONYOUNG NAM KIM R.E. Mountain S.S. Langley, BCVALERIE KOO Havergal College North York, ONAKASH KUMAR ICAE Troy, MICASSIDY KUNICYN St. Joseph’s Morrow Park H.S. North York, ONCHI CHUN KWAN Munsang College Kowloon City, Hong KongOH SEONG KWON SingaporeSEJIN KWON William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York, ONBORIS J T LAI Munsang College Kowloon City, Hong KongQUINCY LAM Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONCZARINA LAO Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City, PhilippinesORSOLYA LAPOHOS Earl of March S.S. Kanata, ONLINDSAY LAUDER Branksome Hall Toronto, ONDAE HO LEE Earl Haig S.S. North York, ONOLIVER LEE Moscrop S.S. Burnaby, BCPAUL LEE Cameron Heights C.I. Kitchener, ONSALLY LEE West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver, BCSOPHIA LEE R.E. Mountain S.S. Langley, BCLAURIE LEE GLOVER Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary, ABLINDA LEUNG Loretto Abbey C.S.S. North York, ONNICHOLAST LEUNG Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver, BCWING TUNG LEUNG Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongMATT LEVESQUE Grant Park H.S. Winnipeg, MBALICE LI Leaside H.S. East York, ONANDREW LI Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. Scarborough, ONIRENE J LI Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongOLIVER LI Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ON


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Fryer – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Fryer

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitREBECCA LI New Westminster S.S. New Westminster, BCTONY LI St. George’s School Vancouver, BCVICTOR LI St. John’s-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg, MBXINGLIN LI Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONJEFFREY LIANG Martingrove C.I. Etobicoke, ONBAILEY LIAO Half Hollow Hills Central Schools Dix Hills, NYJENNY LIAO Elboya Jr. H.S. Calgary, ABLABAN LIN Fraser Heights S.S. Surrey, BCDAHENG LEO LIU Forest Hill C.I. Toronto, ONFRANK LIU Don Mills C.I. North York, ONJAMES LIU Riverside S.S. Port Coquitlam, BCQINGFAN LIU London Central S.S. London, ONZHENGLIU LIU University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONGARY LUO ICAE Troy, MIPAI LUO Sentinel S.S. West Vancouver, BCALAN MADSE N Southridge School Surrey, BCKATIE MARTIN Earl Haig S.S. North York, ONDHRUV MEDARAMETLA ICAE Troy, MISIMON MIAO Moscrop S.S. Burnaby, BCCLARE MOFFATT Branksome Hall Toronto, ONYOUCEF MOKRANI E.S. Mont-Royal Mont-Royal, QCWINNIE MUI David Thompson S.S. Vancouver, BCYUWADI NAING Jerudong Int’l School Negara, Brunei DarussalamTANAZ NATERWALA ICAE Troy, MINATALIE NGO University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONHENRY NGUYEN Dr. Gordon Higgins Jr. H.S. Calgary, ABCLARON NIU Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongSU JEE NOH Port Moody Sr. S.S. Port Moody, BCALICE NUZ Vaughan S.S. Thornhill, ONJI WON OH Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongKATHERINE OH Bayside, NYTONY OH U.W.C. South East Asia SingaporeANIL PALEPU ICAE Troy, MIDAVID PAN Milton D.H.S. Milton, ONERIC PAN London Central S.S. London, ONMICHAEL PANG Acadia Jr. H.S. Winnipeg, MBCHANWOO PARK Leo Hayes H.S. Fredericton, NBDANNY PARK London Central S.S. London, ONJUNG IN PARK Meadowridge School Maple Ridge, BCJUSTIN PARK Port Moody Sr. S.S. Port Moody, BCJOSHEN PATEL ICAE Troy, MICHANDLER PICHE Gravelbourg H.S. Gravelbourg, SKJONATHAN PRADIPTA Tangerang, IndonesiaJIN QI College Jean Eudes Montreal, QCCINDY QIAN Grandview Heights Elementary Jr. H.S. Edmonton, ABBEN QIU Pickering College Newmarket, ONRAJ RAINA ICAE Troy, MIATHAARIQ RAMADINO Tangerang, IndonesiaALAN REMPEL Westgate Mennonite C.I. Winnipeg, MBJIESI REN Longfields-Davidson Heights S.S Nepean, ONREINE REYNOSO Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City, PhilippinesLUKEH RIVETT Sir Oliver Mowat C.I. Scarborough, ONJAMIE ROSE Crescent School North York, ONDESI ROWAN Parkside H.S. Dundas, ONJANAHAN SELVANAYAGAM General Vanier I.S. Cornwall, ONJACQUELINE SHEN Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby, BC


Page 12: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011

Fryer – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Fryer

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitKRISTEN SHI Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary, ABJAY SHIM Walnut Grove S.S. Langley, BCAPURVA SHRIVASTAVA ICAE Troy, MIGAJAMEE SIVAPATHAM Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONMARK SOH Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary, ABSAMUEL SONG Bayside, NYALYSSA STEWART Forest Heights C.I. Kitchener, ONVERA SUDAKOVA David Thompson S.S. Vancouver, BCHUZAIFA SULTAN Tom Baines School Calgary, ABIVY SUN Earl Haig S.S. North York, ONPRIYA SURESH Moscrop S.S. Burnaby, BCJAMES SURYA HERMAN Tangerang, IndonesiaNICHOLAS SUSANTO Tangerang, IndonesiaKEEFE TAN Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City, PhilippinesMATTHEW TAN Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City, PhilippinesNELSON TANG Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. Scarborough, ONJESSICA TAO Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONTA JIUN TING Burnaby Central S.S. Burnaby, BCPETER TIRTOWIJOYO Tangerang, IndonesiaWILLIAM TONG International School of Macao Macau, ChinaTHOMAS VAILLANCOURT-H College Jean Eudes Montreal, QCJIMI VYAS The Abelard School Toronto, ONJEFFRE Y WAN ICAE Troy, MIALAN WANG Henry Wise Wood Sr. H.S Calgary, ABANDY WANG Tom Baines School Calgary, ABBENJAMIN WANG Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill, ONCHINCHIN WANG Bell H.S. Nepean, ONJERRY WANG Cawthra Park S.S. Mississauga, ONKEVIN WANG Grandview Heights Elementary Jr. H.S. Edmonton, ABKRISTY WANG Grandview Heights Elementary Jr. H.S. Edmonton, ABRITA WANG Moscrop S.S. Burnaby, BCBEN WEI North York, ONCHRISTIAN WEN Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONTIMOTHY WILLARD Timiskaming D.S.S. New Liskeard, ONKAITLIN WONG Grandview Heights Elementary Jr. H.S. Edmonton, ABSANDY WONG Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONGLORIA WU University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONLARRY WU ICAE Troy, MIWENJIA WU Centennial Regional H.S. Greenfield Park, QCYANXIU WU Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONYIDI LILY WU Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONLOUISE XIA University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONTIM XIA Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary, ABALAN XU ICAE Troy, MIBRIAN XU ICAE Troy, MIDELLA XU West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver, BCJUDY XU Branksome Hall Toronto, ONROBBIN XU Lisgar C.I. Ottawa, ONSTEPHEN XU Bell H.S. Nepean, ONYUWEI XU Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONHUIYI YANG Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. Scarborough, ONMICHAEL YANG Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. Scarborough, ONBRIAN YEUNG Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONMETIN CAN YIGIT Tarsus American School Tarsus, TurkeyCHARLES YOU West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver, BCRYAN YOUNG Markham District H.S. Markham, ON


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Fryer – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Fryer

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitJACKY YU Fudan Int’l School Shanghai, ChinaULAS ZEYREK Tarsus American School Tarsus, TurkeyAL ZHANG Mount Royal Jr. H.S. Calgary, ABCOCO ZHANG Branksome Hall Toronto, ONDEVIN ZHANG ICAE Troy, MIGAVIN ZHANG Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver, BCLILY ZHANG Moscrop S.S. Burnaby, BCRAN ZHANG Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongBETTY ZHAO Metropolitan Prepatory Academy North York, ONFREDDIE ZHAO ICAE Troy, MIWHITNEY ZHENG Woodbine Jr. H.S. North York, ONJOHN ZHOU University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONYEXINHAO ZHOU Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONFRANK ZHU Vancouver, BCJAMESON ZHU Windermere S.S. Vancouver, BC


Page 14: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011

Galois – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Galois

The top 25% of the competitors in each of the three Contests were divided into three categories: Gold Standard, SilverStandard and Bronze Standard, in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. The names of the those students achieving the Gold Standard (that is,scoring in roughly the top 4%) are listed alphabetically below for each Contest.

Les candidats qui se classent dans le premier quart de classement dans chacun des trois concours ont ete repartis en troiscategories: le niveau or, le niveau argent et le niveau bronze, selon le ratio 1 : 2 : 3. Le nom des etudiants qui ont obtenule niveau or (c’est-a-dire ceux qui se classent parmi les premiers 4 p. 100) est donne par ordre alphatbetique ci-dessous pourchaque concours.

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitSEHEE AHN Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver, BCHAN BAO Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaROHIT BHADANGE ICAE Troy, MILETIAN CHEN Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONMARIA CHEN Moscrop S.S. Burnaby, BCRICHARD CHEN Gleneagle S.S. Coquitlam, BCSELINA CHEN Agincourt C.I. Scarborough, ONSHENG CHEN Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaYU CHEN Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaGEORGE CHENG University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONKWAN LOK CHENG Munsang College Kowloon City, Hong KongSOOMIN CHEON Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONLEMUEL CHIK Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONJENNA CHOO Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver, BCSID CHOU King’s-Edgehill School Windsor, NSMAHIMNA DAVE Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONMARTIN DENG Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONDUODUO DING Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaSALLY DONG Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONYILIN DU Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaJUNRAN DUAN Sir John A. Macdonald C.I. Scarborough, ONDAVAD DYSON TAM Danforth C.T.I. Toronto, ONERXUAN FAN Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai, ChinaDAISY FANG Dalian Maple Leaf Int’l School Dalian, ChinaDI FANG Shenzhen College of Int’l Education Shenzhen, ChinaARMIN FARAHVASH Jarvis C.I. Toronto, ONYUHAN FENG Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaYI GAO Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaGE GE Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaBAILEY GU Lisgar C.I. Ottawa, ONWEIQI GU Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaMARY HAMILTON All Saints C.S.S. Whitby, ONYETING HEV Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaYU CHUAN HSU Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam, BCLU HUA Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaQIQING HUANG North York, ONRUOXIN HUANG Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver, BCSONIA HUANG Earl Haig S.S. North York, ONTIGER HUANG Upper Can College Toronto, ONZILING HUANG Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaHIRSH JAIN ICAE Troy, MIALYF JANMOHAMED Upper Can College Toronto, ONMA JESSIE Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill, ONWANLIN JIANG Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABYANHUI JIANGI Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaYAN JIE Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaTIAN JIN Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, China


Page 15: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011

Galois – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Galois

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitYING JIN Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaMASA JUGOVIC Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONCONNIE KANG Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongKAAN CEM KETENCI Uskudar American Academy Istanbul, TurkeySEUNGKYEUM KIM Westside Preparatory School Vancouver, BCJANET KIM Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill, ONJIHYUN KIM R.E. Mountain S.S. Langley, BCKUN KIM St. George’s School Vancouver, BCJAE RYOUNG KOO U.W.C. South East Asia SingaporeHYOUNGJUN KWEON Halifax West H.S. Halifax, NSCHI TAT LAM Munsang College Kowloon City, Hong KongFREDRIC LAM Centennial Regional H.S. Greenfield Park, QCJACQUELINE LAW Crofton House School Vancouver, BCLOUIE NICH LEE Int’l School Manila Taguig City, PhilippinesSHUK HING LEUNG Munsang College Kowloon City, Hong KongTSUN SUN LEUNG Munsang College Kowloon City, Hong KongJAMIE LI St. Michael’s Univ. School Victoria, BCJIMING LI St. George’s School Vancouver, BCTHOMAS LI Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongWUYI LI Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaYIQIAO LI Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver, BCZIYAN LI Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver, BCWEI TING LIN Cobequid Education Centre Truro, NSYAO LIN Beijing Concord College of Sino-Canada Beijing, ChinaBRYAN LIU Waterloo C.I. Waterloo, ONMINXIN LIU Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaSHAWN LIU Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONSIYUAN LIU Earl Haig S.S. North York, ONYIJUN LIU Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaTHOMAS LU Markham District H.S. Markham, ONYUANSHEN LU Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaYUCHUN LU Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaYUE LU Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaYUFAN LU E.S. St. Luc Montreal, QCZHENYU LU Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai, ChinaSIU HANG LUI Munsang College Kowloon City, Hong KongZHAOYI LUO Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaYUFENG MAO Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaYIDONG MIAO Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaHEEJOO NAM Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABDANA NG Canadian Int’l High School SingaporeRUIQING NI Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaXIAO NIU E.S. St. Luc Montreal, QCBARAK OSHRI U.W.C. South East Asia SingaporeYUWEI PAN Shenzhen College of Int’l Education Shenzhen, ChinaMICHAEL PARK Leo Hayes H.S. Fredericton, NBMINSEO PARK North Toronto C.I. Toronto, ONSEOYEON PARK Int’l School Manila Taguig City, PhilippinesRAGHAV PRABHU ICAE Troy, MIYI QIAN Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaBOBBY QIU Don Mills C.I. North York, ONBRYAN QIU Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill, ONKEVIN REN Pickering H.S. Ajax, ONVASU SAREEN London, ONADRIAN SHE David Thompson S.S. Vancouver, BCJENNY SHENG Earl of March S.S. Kanata, ON


Page 16: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011

Galois – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Galois

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitFEIFAN SHI Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaWU SHUYUAN Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaLARRY SO Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongALLAN SONG North York, ONRUI SONG Walter Murray C.I. Saskatoon, SKDANIEL SPIVAK Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONLINGFEI SUN Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai, ChinaHELEN TANG Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONMU TANG Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver, BCSTERLING TIU Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City, PhilippinesEDWARD TSAI Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONJAMES TU North York, ONKAA UGURLU Tevitol H.S. Gebze, TurkeySEYFIHAN USARER Uskudar American Academy Istanbul, TurkeyMIKAELA UY Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City, PhilippinesMICHAEL VU Mother Teresa C.S.S. London, ONCHRIS WAN Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongALICK WANG Bell H.S. Nepean, ONALLEN WANG Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONBOBBY WANG West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver, BCJIANAN WANG Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONSHINE WANG Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONSUNNY WANG Bell H.S. Nepean, ONYUANHAO WEI Earl of March S.S. Kanata, ONZHIX IN WEN Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaTSZ YING WONG Shenzhen College of Int’l Education Shenzhen, ChinaGAVIN WU Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver, BCKEVIN WU North York, ONMINXIA WU Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaSHUYI WU Fort Richmond C.I. Winnipeg, MBTONY WU Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. Scarborough, ONZHENHUA WU Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai, ChinaYUCHEN XIA Earl Haig S.S. North York, ONSALLY CHEN XIE Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONYUKUAN XIE Don Mills C.I. North York, ONDENNIS XU Abbey Park H.S. Oakville, ONJOEL XU Markham District H.S. Markham, ONQINYI XU Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaSHIKAI YAN Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaBOB YANG Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver, BCBYRON YANG Moscrop S.S. Burnaby, BCJINGBO YANG John Fraser S.S. Mississauga, ONJINGQI YANG Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaSHIRLEY YANG Sir John A. Macdonald C.I. Scarborough, ONSIQI YANG Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam, BCYUQING YANG Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaYUAN YAO Colonel By S.S. Gloucester, ONCELINE YIN Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver, BCALLEN YU Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONYIK HEI YU Munsang College Kowloon City, Hong KongREENA ZHAN University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONBEIYI ZHANG Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaJASON ZHANG Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONJIE ZHANG Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaJUNCHEN ZHANG Gleneagle S.S. Coquitlam, BCWEIWEIBING ZHANG Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ON


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Galois – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Galois

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitXIAO ZHANG Shenzhen College of Int’l Education Shenzhen, ChinaYINUO ZHANG Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaENFENG ZHOU Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaFUMING ZHOU Shenzhen College of Int’l Education Shenzhen, ChinaJOSEPH ZHOU Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONMUCHEN ZHOU Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaWEICHEN ZHOU Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaWILLIAM ZHOU Britannia S.S. Vancouver, BCXINQI ZHOU Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaNICK ZHU Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. Scarborough, ONQIFAN ZHU Shenzhen College of Int’l Education Shenzhen, ChinaROBERT ZHU Iroquois Ridge H.S. Oakville, ONWEIEYU ZHU Northern S.S. Toronto, ONYANSHEN ZHU Shenzhen College of Int’l Education Shenzhen, ChinaJIALEI ZHUO Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, China


Page 18: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011

Hypatia – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Hypatie

The top 25% of the competitors in each of the three Contests were divided into three categories: Gold Standard, SilverStandard and Bronze Standard, in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. The names of the those students achieving the Gold Standard (that is,scoring in roughly the top 4%) are listed alphabetically below for each Contest.

Les candidats qui se classent dans le premier quart de classement dans chacun des trois concours ont ete repartis en troiscategories: le niveau or, le niveau argent et le niveau bronze, selon le ratio 1 : 2 : 3. Le nom des etudiants qui ont obtenule niveau or (c’est-a-dire ceux qui se classent parmi les premiers 4 p. 100) est donne par ordre alphatbetique ci-dessous pourchaque concours.

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitAIDAN ACQUAH SOS-Hermann Gmeiner Int’l College Tema, GhanaSUNGIL AHN Abbotsford M.S. Abbotsford, BCMIKEL ALLAS Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City, PhilippinesSHIRI ALMOG Stephen Lewis S.S. Thornhill, ONSEUNGJIN AN St. Andrew’s College Aurora, ONRIGYA ARYA Academie Ste. Cecile Int’l Windsor, ONHARRY BANG Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONARSHIA BEIGI West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver, BCISABELLA BERSANI Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongANTON BORISSOV Waterloo C.I. Waterloo, ONADRIAN BRAM Tangerang, IndonesiaMATTHEW BRENNAN Upper Can College Toronto, ONMATTHEW BRIGDAN Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary, ABJAYSON CAMARGO Holy Trinity C.S.S. Oakville, ONHAZAL CAN Tevitol H.S. Gebze, TurkeyRUN ZE CAO Martingrove C.I. Etobicoke, ONYIQI CAO Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONKEVIN CARRUTHERS St. John’s-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg, MBMICHAEL CHAN Thornhill S.S. Thornhill, ONLAURA CHANDLER River East C.I. Winnipeg, MBSUAHN CHANG Holy Cross Regional H.S. Surrey, BCBENJAMIN CHASNOV Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongEDREA CHEN Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver, BCGREN CHEN Thornhill S.S. Thornhill, ONJANE CHEN Holy Trinity School Richmond Hill, ONYANG CHEN Fuyuan School Shenzhen, ChinaCHARLIE CHENG Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABSEAN CHENG Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City, PhilippinesLESLIE CHI Seaquam S.S. Delta, BCLEONARD CHIU Crescent School North York, ONPANG CHIEH CHIU St. George’s School Vancouver, BCRAYMOND CHO West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver, BCLOK CHOI Markham District H.S. Markham, ONMARK CHOI St. Andrew’s College Aurora, ONANTHONY CHUNG St. John’s-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg, MBTUDOR CIRSTEA Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONDAVID COHNN The Country Day School King City, ONXIANGLEI CUI Beijing Concord College of Sino-Canada Beijing, ChinaWENJUN DAI Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaTUDOR DATCU Crescent School North York, ONXIAOYU DENG Unionville H.S. Markham, ONANQI DONG Walter Murray C.I. Saskatoon, SKRICHARD DU North York, ONSHI YAN DU E.S. St. Luc Montreal, QCXIAOHAN DU Vaughan Road Academy York, ONCHEN FAN Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABJIAYAO FAN E.S. St. Luc Montreal, QC


Page 19: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011

Hypatia – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Hypatie

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitKAREN FENG Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONYUANCHEN FENG Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABTAL FRIEDMAN Thornhill S.S. Thornhill, ONALEXANDER FUNG University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONEDDY GAO Lisgar C.I. Ottawa, ONJACKSON GAO Glenlyon-Norfolk Sr. S.S. Victoria, BCALEX GATEA Waterloo C.I. Waterloo, ONARIK GERSHON William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York, ONAMPAUL GILL Seaquam S.S. Delta, BCHARRY GO R.E. Mountain S.S. Langley, BCYAAKOV GREEN Bnei Akiva School North York, ONTIANCHANG GU Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaYUN JIA GUAN University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONLINGQING GUO University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONJIN HAN Earl Haig S.S. North York, ONSEUNG WOO HONG Mississauga Private School Etobicoke, ONJEFF HSU Claremont S.S. Victoria, BCKATIE ING The Woodlands School Mississauga, ONLARIESA JANECKA Sir John A. Macdonald S.S. Waterloo, ONJIHYUK JEONG Halifax West H.S. Halifax, NSKEVIN JIA University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONTED JIA Don Mills C.I. North York, ONYIZUO JIN Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaSTEPHEN JUNG Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONCEM KALKANLI Tevitol H.S. Gebze, TurkeyJAE WON KIM Southridge School Surrey, BCYUNJAE KIM Lisgar C.I. Ottawa, ONNATHAN KONG Upper Can College Toronto, ONJETHRO KWONG Crescent School North York, ONTHOMAS LAMOTHE St. John’s-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg, MBGILLIAN LEE University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONRACHEL LEE Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongSEUNGWON LEE Southridge School Surrey, BCWOOJUNG LEE St. Michael’s Univ. School Victoria, BCANDREW LEUNG Crescent School North York, ONMARTIN LEUNG Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONHUIREN LI Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaJIANXIA LI Vaughan S.S. Thornhill, ONJIASHU LI West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver, BCJING YAO LI Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONSALLY LI Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONSIMON ANG LI Glenforest S.S. Mississauga, ONTERESA LI Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABMEGAN LIANG Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABBORIS LIN Elgin Park S.S. Surrey, BCCHARLES LIN St. David C.S.S. Waterloo, ONJAMES LIN Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABCHEN LIU Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaDENNIS LIU North York, ONDORIS YANG LIU David Thompson S.S. Vancouver, BCHELENA LIU Monarch Park C.I. Toronto, ONJACKIE LIU Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver, BCJERRY LIU Waterloo C.I. Waterloo, ONQINGYUAN LIU Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaYI LIU York Mills C.I. North York, ONYUE LIU Fort Richmond C.I. Winnipeg, MB


Page 20: 2011 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2011

Hypatia – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Hypatie

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitZIYUE LIU Hants East Rural H.S. Milford Station, NSDAVID LU ICAE Troy, MISEAN XIAON LU Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONXI NI LUO Shenzhen College of Int’l Education Shenzhen, ChinaJASON LYNCH Bishop Carroll H.S. Calgary, ABKATHRYN LYNCH Miramichi Valley H.S. Miramichi, NBANGELA MA University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONJONATHAN MAK The Woodlands School Mississauga, ONCHANUKYA MALLA ICAE Troy, MIAIDAN MCKAY Centennial C.V.I. Guelph, ONWONG MICHAEL Harbord C.I. Toronto, ONCHRISTOPHER MITCHELTREE Halifax West H.S. Halifax, NSDANIEL NG Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongALBERT NGUYEN Seaquam S.S. Delta, BCSIJIA NIU Branksome Hall Toronto, ONADAM NOBLE MARKS Crescent School North York, ONJONATHAN ONG The Woodlands School Mississauga, ONKARANBIR PAHIL Sydney Academy Sydney, NSTAE HYOUN PARK Holy Cross Regional H.S. Surrey, BCKENJI PLISZKA St. John’s-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg, MBVIKRAM PRASAD ICAE Troy, MITERRY PYUN Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill, ONYINGJIE QIAN Bulkley Valley Christian School Smithers, BCHUNTER QIN Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONHAO REN Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaJULIAN SALAZAR Henry Wise Wood Sr. H.S Calgary, ABMARIYA SARDARLI Strathcona H.S. Edmonton, ABSHREERAM SENTHIVASAN Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONEVAN SHEN Markham District H.S. Markham, ONDESMOND SISSON Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary, ABKEVIN SIU Agincourt C.I. Scarborough, ONANAMJIT SIVIA Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABJONATHAN SMITH Sydney Academy Sydney, NSALEX SONG ICAE Troy, MIGEOFFRY SONG Lisgar C.I. Ottawa, ONJOE SU Lisgar C.I. Ottawa, ONNICOLAS SUAREZ Cawthra Park S.S. Mississauga, ONALVIN Y SUKMADJI Earl Haig S.S. North York, ONJEFF SUN St. Robert C.H.S. Thornhill, ONLINKE SUN Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaROSE SUN Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABXIAOLEI SUN Jarvis C.I. Toronto, ONYISHI SUN White Oaks S.S. Oakville, ONSHUNDA SUO North York, ONJULIUS SY Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City, PhilippinesJANELLE TAM Waterloo C.I. Waterloo, ONMANDY TAM Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby, BCDAVID TANG Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABJOHNNY TANG Markham District H.S. Markham, ONSAMUEL TANG Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABMOHAMED TAREK ABDELATY Manarat Al Riyadh Int’l School Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaLISE TURNER E.S. Dorval Jean XXIII Dorval, QCTAARON VAINIO Sir Winston Churchill C.V.I. Thunder Bay, ONMONICA VANYA SANTOSO Tangerang, IndonesiaEMILIO VERDUGO PAREDE Resurrection C.S.S. Kitchener, ONPEIYAO WAN North Toronto C.I. Toronto, ON


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Hypatia – Gold Standard Palmares individuel – Hypatie

Name/Nom School/Ecole Location/EndroitCODY WANG Western Canada H.S. Calgary, ABJOHNNY WANG Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam, BCJUSTIN WANG University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONKEQI WANG Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONOSCAR WANG Chinese Int’l School Braemar Hill, Hong KongROBERT WANG Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver, BCRUOXI WANG Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaTIANYU WANG E.S. St. Luc Montreal, QCYE TING WANG York Mills C.I. North York, ONYI HENG WANG Port Moody Sr. S.S. Port Moody, BCYU WANG E.S. St. Luc Montreal, QCZIHAO WANG Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver, BCSEAN WEN Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONPATRI CK WHITE Crescent School North York, ONERWIN WIBOWO Tangerang, IndonesiaANNETTE WONG William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York, ONCAROLYN WONG Templeton S.S. Vancouver, BCMELISSA WONG St. John’s-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg, MBMICHELLE WONG Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONJAY YOUNG WOO London Central S.S. London, ONGONGHAO WU York Mills C.I. North York, ONMICHAEL WU St. John’s-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg, MBSHIYAO WU Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaYUHUAI WU Fredericton H.S. Fredericton, NBKEYING XIANG Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaSHIQI XIAO Albert Campbell C.I. Scarborough, ONMENGDI XING Beijing Concord College of Sino-Canada Beijing, ChinaCHENGCHENG XU York Mills C.I. North York, ONDAVID XU Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill, ONPETER YANG Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONZACHARY YANG Don Mills C.I. North York, ONALLEN YIEH Seaquam S.S. Delta, BCLI YIN William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York, ONELISHA YU Moscrop S.S. Burnaby, BCMICHAEL YU Bell H.S. Nepean, ONSTEVEN YU Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam, BCLINDA YIHE ZENG Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ONYAN ZENG Southpointe Academy Delta, BCERIC ZHAN University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ONCLARK ZHANG Upper Can College Toronto, ONJASON ZHANG North York, ONJUNCHEN ZHANG Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S. Markham, ONJUSTIN ZHANG Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. Scarborough, ONMAGGIE ZHANG Marc Garneau C.I. North York, ONQIHUI ZHANG Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver, BCJONATHAN ZHAO North York, ONRUHUI ZHAO Wuxi No. 1 H.S Wuxi, ChinaXIAOYING ZHENG Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaKEVIN ZHOU Woburn C.I. Scarborough, ONWEI ZHENG ZHOU Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver, BCYANGYANG ZHOU Zhenhai H.S. of Zhejiang Ningbo, ChinaYI CHEN ZHOU Thornhill S.S. Thornhill, ONJIA LIN ZHU Unionville H.S. Markham, ONMANDY ZHU Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill, ONJESSICA ZUNG University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ON