2011 the japan foundation awards recipients … · %˘japan foundation award for japanese studies...

PRESS RELEASE September 1, 2011 Official Release Date and Time: TV/Radio/News Agencies/Internet From 0:00, September 2, 2011 Newspaper Morning edition of September 2, 2011 Every year since 1973, the Japan Foundation has honored individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to international cultural exchange between Japan and other countries by presenting them with the Japan Foundation Award. Three awardees have been selected for 2011. ◆Japan Foundation Award for Arts and Culture TAMBUCO Percussion Ensemble [Mexico] TAMBUCO was founded by four Mexican percussionists in 1993. It has been performing contemporary music composed by Japanese composers both inside and outside Mexico by utilizing Oodaiko (Japanese large bass drum) or Shimedaiko (small high-pitched Japanese drum) to realize their musical concept. TAMBUCO is the world-class percussion ensemble and has been so highly evaluated that it was nominated for three sections of the GRAMMY Awards. Taking lots of works written by Japanese composers into TAMBUCO’s repertoire, TAMBUCO introduces Japanese contemporary music not only in Mexico but also around the world. TAMBUCO’s vigorous and influential activities to deliver Japanese contemporary music continuously is a good example of the contribution of introducing Japanese culture to overseas, which surely deserves the Japan Foundation Award for Arts and Culture. ◆Japan Foundation Award for Japanese Language Department of Japanese and Japanese Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University [Egypt] (Professor Karam Khalil, Head of the Department) Since its establishment in 1974 and as the first center for Japanese studies inaugurated in the Middle East and Africa, the department has been playing a central role in fostering scholars of Japanese language and culture, as well as promoting Japanese language education. Unceasingly contributing to the smooth and effective progress of understanding of Japanese culture in Arabic-speaking countries with graduates publishing or translating numerous books on Japan, ranging from literature to politics, the department is producing graduates with high Japanese language skills and active around the world. Due to these achievements, the department was judged to deserve highly the Japan Foundation Award for Japanese Language. 2011 The Japan Foundation Awards Recipients Announced

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Page 1: 2011 The Japan Foundation Awards Recipients … · %˘Japan Foundation Award for Japanese Studies and Intellectual Exchange Augustin Berque Retired Professor, School of Advanced Studies

PRESS RELEASE September 1, 2011

Official Release Date and Time:

TV/Radio/News Agencies/Internet From 0:00, September 2, 2011

Newspaper Morning edition of September 2, 2011

Every year since 1973, the Japan Foundation has honored individuals and organizations that have made significant

contributions to international cultural exchange between Japan and other countries by presenting them with the Japan

Foundation Award. Three awardees have been selected for 2011.

◆Japan Foundation Award for Arts and Culture

TAMBUCO Percussion Ensemble [Mexico] TAMBUCO was founded by four Mexican percussionists in 1993. It has been performing contemporary music

composed by Japanese composers both inside and outside Mexico by utilizing Oodaiko (Japanese large bass drum) or

Shimedaiko (small high-pitched Japanese drum) to realize their musical concept. TAMBUCO is the world-class

percussion ensemble and has been so highly evaluated that it was nominated for three sections of the GRAMMY

Awards. Taking lots of works written by Japanese composers into TAMBUCO’s repertoire, TAMBUCO introduces

Japanese contemporary music not only in Mexico but also around the world. TAMBUCO’s vigorous and influential

activities to deliver Japanese contemporary music continuously is a good example of the contribution of introducing

Japanese culture to overseas, which surely deserves the Japan Foundation Award for Arts and Culture.

◆Japan Foundation Award for Japanese Language

Department of Japanese and Japanese Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University [Egypt] (Professor Karam Khalil, Head of the Department)

Since its establishment in 1974 and as the first center for Japanese studies

inaugurated in the Middle East and Africa, the department has been playing a

central role in fostering scholars of Japanese language and culture, as well as

promoting Japanese language education. Unceasingly contributing to the

smooth and effective progress of understanding of Japanese culture in

Arabic-speaking countries with graduates publishing or translating numerous

books on Japan, ranging from literature to politics, the department is producing

graduates with high Japanese language skills and active around the world. Due

to these achievements, the department was judged to deserve highly the

Japan Foundation Award for Japanese Language.

2011 The Japan Foundation Awards

Recipients Announced

Page 2: 2011 The Japan Foundation Awards Recipients … · %˘Japan Foundation Award for Japanese Studies and Intellectual Exchange Augustin Berque Retired Professor, School of Advanced Studies

◆Japan Foundation Award for Japanese Studies and Intellectual Exchange

Augustin Berque

Retired Professor, School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences [France] With his rich knowledge of Japanese culture and milieu, Professor Berque is a leading

Japanese scholar who developed his own interpretation of “Fudo.” Through his

groundbreaking study on “Fudo” stimulated by Tetsuro Watsuji’s “A climate: a

philosophical study” (Fudo) he has immensely contributed to the academic fields of

geography, philosophy, anthropology and Japanese studies. Professor Berque’s

study seeking the essence of the human existence is highly evaluated and his

thought-provoking suggestions to Japanese culture surely enrich the field of

Japanese study. In addition to these academic accomplishments, he worked as

Director of the Maison Franco-Japonaise in Tokyo from 1984 until 1988, and his great

efforts and contributions to the cultural exchange between Japan and France for a

long period deserve highly the Japan Foundation Award for Japanese Studies and

Intellectual Exchange.

The presentation ceremony will be held at 17:00 on October 11, 2011 at Roppongi Academyhills in


<Symposium: The Reconstruction of Japanese “Fudo”>

Panelists: Augustin Berque, the 2011 Awardee of the Japan Foundation Award for Japanese Studies and

Intellectual Exchange

Toyo Ito, Architect

Fram Kitagawa, Art Director,

the 2007 Awardee of the Japan Foundation Special Prizes for Arts and Culture

The commemorative concert and lectures will be held in October.

As for the reception, the concert and lectures, we will release more information later.

<Commemorative Concert>

Arts and Culture:

TAMBUCO Percussion Ensemble

October 7 (Fri), 2011 Start 19:00 (doors open at 18:30) at TOPPAN HALL (Koishikawa, Tokyo)

<Commemorative Lectures>

Japanese Language: “The history of Japanese language education in Egypt and achievement of Cairo University”

Professor Karam Khalil, Department of Japanese and Japanese Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University

October 13 (Thu), 2011 16:00 to 18:00 (doors open at 15:30) at the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute,

Urawa (Saitama City)

Japanese Studies and Intellectual Exchange: “Teachings from the Japanese milieu – from the ricefields of Hokkaido to the theories of evolution”

Augustin Berque, Retired Professor, School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences

October 12 (Wed), 2011 19:00 to 21:00 (doors open at 18:30) at the Japan Foundation JFIC Hall “Sakura”

Page 3: 2011 The Japan Foundation Awards Recipients … · %˘Japan Foundation Award for Japanese Studies and Intellectual Exchange Augustin Berque Retired Professor, School of Advanced Studies

The Japan Foundation Awards are presented in three fields that represent the core of the Japan Foundation’s

activities: Arts and Culture, Japanese Language Education, and Japanese Studies and Intellectual Exchange. The

recipients may be granted a special audience with Their Imperial Majesties, the Emperor and Empress of Japan.

The recipients of the first Japan Foundation Awards in 1973 are: Professor Serge Elisseeff of Harvard University, the

International House of Japan, Japan Society (USA), and Sophia University.

【General Enquiries】

The Japan Foundation Information Center,

Tomomi Yamazaki (Ms.), Aurélien Hancou (Mr.)

TEL:03-5369-6075 FAX:03-5369-6044 e-mail:[email protected]

【Press Enquiries】

Kyodo Public Relations (on behalf of the Japan Foundation)

Mitsui (Ms.), Sakurai (Mr.), Kawano (Ms.)

TEL:03-3571-5326 FAX: 03-3574-0316

Page 4: 2011 The Japan Foundation Awards Recipients … · %˘Japan Foundation Award for Japanese Studies and Intellectual Exchange Augustin Berque Retired Professor, School of Advanced Studies

2011سبتمبر 2نشرة إعالمیة

2011جوائز مؤسســـة الیابــــان لعام اإلعالن عن الفائزین

بشكل كبیر على تعزیز التبادلومنظمات قاموا بالمساھمة تكریم أفراد ب –سنویا –مؤسسة الیابان قامت، 1973منذ عام

:2011جوائز عام للحصول على ھذا العام تم اختیار ثالثة . بین الیابان والدول األخرىالدولي الثقافي

:جائزة مؤسسة الیابان للفنون والثقافة • )المكسیك(اإلیقاعیة " تامبوكو"فرقة

:جائزة مؤسسة الیابان للغة الیابانیة •

)مصر(قسم اللغة الیابانیة وآدابھا، كلیة اآلداب، جامعة القاھرة )كرم خلیل، رئیس القسم/ االستاذ الدكتور(

ح في الشرق األوسط وأفریقیا، یلعب قسم اللغة الیابانیة وآدابھا دورا رئیسًا تكأول مركز للدراسات الیابانیة یفت 1974منذ تأسیسھ في عام الثابتة تطویرالالمستمرة لعملیة وباإلضافة الى اسھاماتھ . قافة الیابانیة وكذلك تعزیز تعلیم اللغة الیابانیةدارسي اللغة والثفي رعایة

لعدید من الكتب عن الیابان، تتراوح مابین ھ بترجماتھم ونشرھم اخریجیمن خالل فھم الثقافة الیابانیة في الدول العربیة لتعزیز المؤثرةوسم یخرج طلبة على مستوى عال من المھارات في اللغة الیابانیة ونشیط حول العالم، ونظرا لھذه االنجازات، فإن القفإن السیاسة واألدب،

.القسم یستحق عن جدارة جائزة مؤسسة الیابان للغة الیابانیة

جائزة مؤسسة الیابان للدراسات الیابانیة والتبادل الفكري • )فرنســــا(ت المتقدمة في العلوم االجتماعیة أستاذ بالمعاش، مدرسة الدراسا: اوجستین برك

. الیابان –مساًء، في أكادیمیة روبونجي في طوكیو 5، الساعة 2011اكتوبر 11یقام حفل تقدیم الجوائز في

" الیاباني" فودو"إعادة بناء الـ :" مؤتمر

2011والتبادل الفكري لعام اوجستین برك، الفائز بجائزة مؤسسة الیابان للدراسات الیابانیة: المشاركون تویو إتـــو، مھندس معماري

2007مخرج فني والفائز بجائزة مؤسسة الیابان الخاصة للفنون والثقافة لعام : فرام كیتاجاوا .قام الحفل الموسیقى التذكاري والمحاضرات في أكتوبری

.یصدر الحقاالحفل الموسیقي والمحاضرات، بخصوص حفل االستقبال ومزید من المعلومات

:المحاضرة التذكاریة جامعة القاھرة تاریخ تعلیم اللغة الیابانیة في مصر وانجازات : اللغة الیابانیة

كرم خلیل، قسم اللغة الیابانیة وآدابھا، كلیة اآلداب، جامعة القاھرة: االستاذ الدكتور .)م 3:30ب من الساعة تفتح االبوا. (م6الى الساعة . م4، من الساعة 2011اكتوبر 13الخمیس

)مدینة سایتاما(مؤسسة الیابان للغة الیابانیة - معھد أوراوا

:تقدم جوائز مؤسسة الیابان في ثالثة مجاالت تمثل قلب أنشطة مؤسسة الیابان . الفنون والثقافة، وتعلیم اللغة الیابانیة، و الدراسات الیابانیة والتبادل الفكري

.جاللتیھما امبراطور وامبراطورة الیابانقابلة خاصة مع سسة الیابان مبجوائز مؤ الفائزونیمنح

–سیرجي إلیسیف من جامعة ھارفارد، وبیت الیابان الدولي / استاذ دكتور: ھم 1973أول من حصل على جوائز مؤسسة الیابان في عام .المجتمع الیاباني في الوالیات المتحدة االمریكیة ، وجامعة صوفیا

27949431: ھاتف – صال بمؤسسة الیابان مكتب القاھرةالمعلومات یرجى االتلمزید من [email protected]: كوجي ساتو/ االستاذ