2012 universal rights awards ceremony

UNIVERSAL RIGHTS AWARDS The Universal Rights Awards Ceremony was the first multi-mission initiative to highlight the contributions of Armenia’s civil rights activists, government ocials, and media representatives to the promotion of human rights. U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, joined the U.S. Embassy, Counterpart International, the British Embassy, the OSCE, and the EU to honor individuals working to promote human rights, accountable governance, and free speech in Armenia at the Universal Rights Awards Ceremony at the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan. ÙÁÑáõñ Çñíáõù»ñÇ ÙñóÏ»ñÇ ÑÓÙ Ûë ÙÇçáóéáõÙÁ ÙÇç·ÛÇ ÏéáõÛó»ñÇ éçÇ ÑÙï»Õ ËÓ»éáõÃÛáõ ¿ñ` áõÕÕíÍ ÛëïáõÙ Ùñáõ Çñíáõù»ñÇ åßïåáõÃÛ ëåñ»áõÙ ùÕùóÇÏ ÏïÇíÇëï»ñÇ, å»ïÏ åßïáÛ»ñÇ áõ ÈØ »ñÏÛóáõóÇã»ñÇ çù»ñÇ ·ÑïÙÁ: ØÜ å»ïùñïáõÕñ ÇÉñÇ øÉÇÃáÁ »ñÏ ·ïí»ó ØÜ »ëåáõÃÛ, øáõûñ÷ñà Çûñ»ßÉ ÏÙÏ»ñåáõÃÛ, Ø»Í ´ñÇïÇÛÇ »ëåáõÃÛ, ºÎ ¢ ºØ ·ñë»ÛÏ»ñÇ ÏáÕÙÇó ÏÙÏ»ñåíÍ ÑÙÁÑáõñ Çñíáõù»ñÇ ÙñóÏ»ñÇ ÑÓÙ ññáÕáõÃÛÁª Ù»Íñ»Éáõ Û Ñï»ñÇ, áíù»ñ Ñ»ë » ·ÉÇë ÛëïáõÙ Ùñáõ Çñíáõù»ñÇ åßïåáõÃÛ, Ã÷óÇÏ ÏéíñÙ áõ ï ËáëùÇ ËÃÙ Çñù»ñÇó: ÙÁÑáõñ Çñíáõù»ñÇ íÇñíÍ ÙñóÏ»ñ

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Spotlight on the 2012 Universal Rights awardees, showcasing their hard work and dedication.


Page 1: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony


The Universal Rights Awards Ceremony was the first multi-mission initiative to

highlight the contributions of Armenia’s civil rights activists, government officials, and media representatives to the promotion of human rights. 

U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, joined the U.S. Embassy, Counterpart International, the British Embassy, the OSCE, and the EU to honor individuals

working to promote human rights, accountable governance, and free speech in Armenia at the Universal Rights Awards Ceremony at the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan. 

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Page 2: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

The Civic Activism Award recognizes individuals or groups who have made a difference in the civic life of

their communities, demonstrating active participation to support positive change.

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CIVIC ACTIVISM AWARDø³աÕ³աù³աódzաϳաÝն ³աÏïÇíáõÃÛ³աÝն Ùñó³աÝն³աÏ

Page 3: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

The civic activist groups Save Teghut, This City Belongs to Us, and Our City stand up for the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and the protection of public property and national wealth.

They are independent, self-organized, non-partisan, non-

sponsored, socially and morally responsible citizens with a goal to contribute to the development of a democratic state, which supports the rule of law and human rights.

In their own words, they want to see a state of self-determined citizens wherein each citizen exercises his or her rights and

freedoms, participates in decision-making, and lives in a healthy and protected environment.

In this regard, the Save Teghut civic initiative will start its long journey to saving Teghut forest.

CIVIC ACTIVISM AWARDEESSave Teghut This City Belongs to Us Our City

Page 4: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

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Page 5: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

The Media Excellence Award recognizes journalists or media outlets for outstanding, accurate, and unbiased reporting on human rights and social issues, providing

access to credible information and diverse points of view, regardless of social, political, or cultural affiliation.

Èñ³աïí³աϳաÝն ·»ñ³ա½զ³աÝնóáõÃÛ³աÝն Ùñó³աÝն³աÏÁ ßÝնáñÑíáõÙ ¿ Éñ³ա·ñáÕÝն»ñÇÝն ϳաÙ Éñ³աïí³աÙÇçáóÝն»ñÇÝն Ù³աñ¹դáõ Çñ³աíáõÝնùÝն»ñÇ ¢

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Page 6: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

In 2010, Sonya Apresova, Yuri Manvelyan and Armen Melikbekyan co-founded the Independent Journalists’ Network NGO and online news site Epress.am.

As an independent and nonpartisan media outlet, Epress.am has become an

alternative news source committed to unbiased and accurate reporting.

They report on controversial human rights and social issues, and cross-border relations. They strive to report news that goes under-reported to ensure the public has access to credible and impartial information.

This fair and balanced reporting contributes to the public debate in Armenia and to the development of a democratic society.

MEDIA EXCELLENCE AWARDEESEpress.am Sonya Apresova Armen Melikbekyan Yuri Manvelyan

Page 7: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

2010 Ãí³աϳաÝնÇÝն êáÝնÛ³ա ²Աåñ»ëáí³աÝն,

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Page 8: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

The Government Reformer Award honors a government official who has shown vision, courage, and

perseverance in advancing democratic principles and increasing government transparency and accountability.

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Page 9: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

Major General Osikyan began his career in the National Assembly's Standing Committee on State and Legal Issues as a legislative specialist. From 1999-2009, he served as Assistant to the Military Prosecutor, Head of the Legal Department of the Government, Deputy Head of the State Taxation Service, Deputy

Chairman of the State Revenue Committee, and Deputy Prosecutor-General. In 2006, he was awarded the Prime Minister’s Medal for outstanding public service. Then in 2009, President Sargsyan appointed Osikyan to Deputy Chief of Police of the Republic of Armenia. He was responsible for

overseeing the successful implementation of the 2010-2011 Police Reform Program. Osikyan is a graduate of Yerevan State University, American University of Armenia and University of California, Berkeley School of Law. He holds a PhD in Law.


Page 10: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

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Page 11: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

The Woman of Courage Award recognizes a woman who has demonstrated exceptional courage, strength, and leadership in advocating for human rights, social

justice, and women’s equality and advancement. It is an opportunity to bring international attention and support to women who have put their lives or safety on the line

for the good of their society.

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Page 12: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

After her brother’s death from Army hazing practices – covered in the Department of State’s 2010 & 2011 Human Rights Reports – Tsovinar Nazaryan, along with other activists, started the civic initiative Army in Reality to put a spotlight on human rights violations in the Armenian Army.

Nazaryan is a well-respected journalist and recipient of international and local media awards, including Yerevan Press Club’s award with AR TV for best coverage of the 1999 terrorist attack on Parliament that killed several high-level senior officials. In addition to her work with Army in Reality, Nazaryan currently

serves as a communications expert with the Eurasia Partnership Foundation. She has a degree in international relations from Yerevan State University and, as a Muskie Fellow, a masters in mass communications and media from Howard University.


Page 13: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

Àëï ä»ïù³աñïáõÕ³աñáõÃÛ³աÝն 2010 ¢ 2011Ãà ٳաñ¹դáõ Çñ³աíáõÝնùÝն»ñÇ ½զ»ÏáõÛóǪ ÌáíÇÝն³աñ ܳա½զ³աñÛ³աÝնÁ, µ³աÝն³աÏÇ ½զáñ³աí³աñÅáõÃÛáõÝնÝն»ñáõÙ »Õµáñ Ù³աÑÇó Ñ»ïá, ³աÛÉ ³աÏïÇíÇëïÝն»ñÇ Ñ»ï ëÏë»ó °´³աÝն³աÏÝն Æñ³աϳաÝնáõÙ° ù³աÕ³աù³աódzաϳաÝն Ýն³ա˳աÓ»éÝնáõÃÛáõÝնÁ, áñÇ Ýնå³աï³աÏÝն ¿ñ áõß³ա¹դñáõÃÛ³աÝն Ï»ÝնïñáÝնáõÙ å³աÑ»É ÐՀ³աÛáó µ³աÝն³աÏáõÙ Ù³աñ¹դáõ Çñ³աíáõÝնùÝն»ñÇ áïÝն³աѳաñáõÙÝն»ñÁ£

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Page 14: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

The Freedom Defender Award recognizes individuals or NGOs who have faced great challenges and shown

exceptional leadership and courage in advocating for human rights, democracy, and social justice. The award

stresses our commitment to due process of law and the fundamental freedoms that must be respected by

governments around the world.

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Page 15: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

Artur Sakunts is often the first person victims of human rights violations in Armenia turn to for help. Both he and his NGO, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (HCA) - Vanadzor, a non-political and non-religious organization, have faced numerous threats because of their work. Since 2001 he has served as Chairman of the NGO, through

which they aim to unite individuals committed to the principles of democracy, tolerance, pluralism and respect for human rights.

Sakunts was an activist of the National Armenian Committee of HCA since 1992. From 1992-1996, he served as a counselor to the mayor of the city of Vanadzor, and from 1996-1997, he was head of the

Territorial Department for regional administration.

He also serves as the President of the Group of Public Observers Conducting Monitoring of Penitentiary Institutions (PI) and Agencies of the RA Ministry of Justice.


Page 16: 2012 Universal Rights Awards Ceremony

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