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26/09/14 1 Digital Didactical Designs in Practice Isa Jahnke Nettbrett i skolen, Norge 26 Sept 2014 http://iml.edusci.umu.se/ictml/ Eva Mårell Post-doc Peter Bergström Post-doc Anders Norberg PhD student and Educational Technologist Lars Häll Post-Doc & Educational Technologist

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Dr. Isa Jahnke is professor at University of Umeå and will present several examples of how teachers integrate iPads into their classrooms, as part of a larger study of Danish schools (K-9) in Odder, where all 2,000 pupils and around 180 teachers use iPads started in 2012. Classroom observations and interviews with teachers revealed the use of multiple apps and a focus on creativity, production, and collaboration. Her empirical studies explore key principles, a) new learning goals where more than one correct answer exists, b) focus on learning as a project using guided reflections, c) making learning visible in different products. Traditional course-based learning turns into learning expeditions.


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Digital Didactical Designs in Practice

Isa Jahnke

Nettbrett i skolen, Norge 26 Sept 2014


Eva Mårell Post-doc

Peter Bergström Post-doc

Anders Norberg PhD student and Educational Technologist

Lars Häll Post-Doc & Educational Technologist

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Datum Sidfot 2


What the cleaning person is seeing...


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Danish municipality

•  Media tablets •  a 1:1 programme; one tablet per pupil •  in 7 schools •  all 2,000 pupils and 170 teachers •  started in Jan 2012 and: Swedish schools: started this year (funded by VR.se) Finnish schools: started this year Norwegian Schools?

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Research question - how to support tablet-mediated learning?

A) To what extent and how do the teachers support what kind of learning in media tablet classrooms? B) What is learning from the pupils' perspective?

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Research steps

•  School visits in April 2012, Aug 2012, Aug 2013, Aug2014 –  one week per visit – 24 classroom observations and interviews with teachers, – meetings with leaders and task force, qualitative data – follow up in Aug 2014 (+4 classrooms) =28 classrooms

•  3 online questionnaires: Sept2012, March2013, March2014 – 18 items – Limesurvey online

•  Students’ perspectives on learning situations, Dec 2013 – photo-based group interviews

•  Teachers’ perspectives on learning, Aug 2014 – group interviews

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Range of subjects and grades

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Range of teaching subjects: Danish, Math, English, Art, Physics, … Range of classes (14-25 pupils): •  preschool classes (grade 0) •  1st grade, Math •  1st grade, Natural science •  2nd grade, Math •  2nd grade Natur & Teknik •  3rd grade Danish •  1st-3rd grade, Danish •  1st-3rd grade, History, Math, Nature •  6th grade English •  6th grade, Music •  7th grade, Danish •  8th grade, Danish/Arts •  9th grade, Physics •  ....

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Question to all of you Who is using right now a device with Internet access? lofoten picture

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An alternative perspective – ICT is more than just a tool

The physical classroom and web-enabled mobile devices merge into multi co-located spaces – the expansion of communication spaces Co-located communication spaces

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Separation between learning spaces outside schools and…

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….Co-located communication spaces

Classroom and learning spaces outside schools merge together…

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In co-located communication spaces, we wanted to know, how the teachers design teaching-in-practice to enable student learning

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Theoretical lens

Design is the act of giving a form to the teaching practice; it is the act of modeling the teaching processes (sociotechnical-pedagogical) to enable student learning

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Digital Didaktik 3 layers affect each other


ICT Student



Teaching aims (ILO)


Learning activities

Academic staff development

Curriculum (+examination)


Institutional strategies

1 Didactical Interactions

2 Digital Didactical Design

3 Didactical Conditions

Social mobile ICT

Teaching aims

Learning activities

Process-based Assessment


l roles

social roles

social roles

Digital Didactical Design includes 5 components

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Fostering Social Relations and Multiply Roles

Learning activities (mainly deep learning)

Teaching aims clear and visible

Outer circle=5 Inner circle=1

From teacher-led classrooms (inner circle) to learner-centric learning situations (outer circle)

Mobile Technology multimodal integration

[email protected]

Process-based Assessment (guided reflections)

Learning activities (mainly deep learning)

Process-based Assessment

Mobile Technology multimodal integration

Fostering Social Relations and Multiply Roles

ID 11 Physics class

Teaching aims clear and visible

[email protected]

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Learning activities (mainly deep learning)

ID 8 Danish writing (Fb) Process-based Assessment

Teaching aims clear and visible

Mobile Technology multimodal integration

[email protected]

Fostering Social Relations and Multiply Roles

Process-based assessment

ID 12 creating a digital pres (geography)

Teaching aims clear and visible

Mobile Technology multimodal integration

Learning activities (mainly deep learning)

[email protected]

Fostering Social Relations and Multiply Roles

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Process-based assessment

ID 14 writing a story

Mobile Technology multimodal integration

Teaching aims clear and visible

Learning activities (mainly deep learning)

[email protected]

Fostering Social Relations and Multiply Roles

Process-based assessment

ID 9 creating a mindmap (biology f)

Mobile Technology multimodal integration

Teaching aims clear and visible

Learning activities (mainly deep learning)

[email protected]

Fostering Social Relations and Multiply Roles

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5 forms (16 of 24 classrooms towards learner-producing approaches)

•  Media-tablet didactics Alignment of all five elements towards learner-centric learning situations (11 classes) •  Digital didactics

(alignment but not as strong as in pattern A) (5 classes) •  Benefit of tablet integration

didactical design differs but learners’ benefit through ipad use (1 class)

• Potential for Digital Didactical Designs alignment differs & medium/low extent of iPad-use (4 classes) •  Re-Design - Applied designs limited learning experiences,

considering of re-alignment; better without iPads? (3 classes)

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Matrix for Different Forms of Learning

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Preschool class and 5th grade •  Students read a traditional book and write a book review; using

Bookcreator to make that review, a collection of all reviews made by the students into one book (preschool class)

•  Creating a Booktrailer (5th grade)

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Educreation in math 3rd grade Educreations app for applying different math strategies in small groups

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"Explains everything" 4th graders

Students got the task to explains the other students what a “verb” , “adjective” and “noun” is En kjole – kjolen – flere kjolen – alle kjolerene A dress – to dress – several dresses - all dresses

•  App “Explains everything” •  Students created storyboard and

showcase incl. sound and visualization (product is a brief animated video)

•  Small teams “outdoors”

Peer-Reflective Learning 7th grade Students write something from their childhood and reflect in peer-reviews their writing skills using FB; iPads deliver Internet-Access

Discussion Forum

here writing something

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QR code “improving grammar skills” 7th grade

[email protected]

• Pupils searched for QR codes, which lead them to a website to answer questions about grammar

• Combining learning outdoors and learning in the trad. Classroom • Reflections about the process

Collaborative Learning 8th grade Students collect ‘provocative’ painting in a museum; Assignment: to analyze and discuss what the audience could say and writing a report in small groups

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Videos in physics, 9th grade

collaborative producing of videos about experiments in physics

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Implications – a shift in teaching practices? (1)

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Teachers' designs for learning... • Focus on action: Teachers activate the pupils' engagement through "producing" • Process-oriented learning (and teachers as didactical process designers) •  Information seeking in classrooms via online spaces: => bringing the real world into the schools

• Connecting the learning process to a real audience • Different places

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Implications – a shift in teaching practices? (2)

[email protected]

Teachers' designs for learning...

• Designing for Learning: more than one correct answer or strategy is possible • Supporting learners to make learning processes visible – documenting the learning steps; "pupils express themselves in different ways"

• choices of learning activities; "different ways are possible to build a product"

• Different apps that are not built for education and combining traditional resources (books,pen, whiteboard...) and different apps

= the mindset is on the move towards learning expeditions

From traditional course-based learning to learning expeditions

Learning expeditions stand for rather open-ended, problem-based learning paths which include aims-oriented learning to master X, or explore and understand the implications of N, in which the learning methods and instruments are very open, that take place in sociotechnical co-located communication spaces with reflecting peers where process-based assessment supports the learning progress.

[email protected]

Learning does take place in loops with back and forths; it is not a straight ahead way, rather it has detours

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Digital Didactical Designs in Co-located communication spaces

Teachers are becoming jongleurs of different elements; complexity increases through technical breakdowns which affect their pedagogical plan (Jahnke, Svendsen, Johannsen, Zander, 2014) For a long time, teaching has been understood as a routine activity, it is moving and turning into a design project in teacher teams Teachers are collaborative learners at the workplace

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"require teachers to undertake more complex reasoning than before in their planning and practice" (Webb & Coxx, 2007)

Results Over last three years a) more than 50% of the teachers actively integrate the tablets – positive trend b) pupils' view: more than 30% of the learning situations are connected to the

tablets Didactical changes – positive trend

o tablets useful for collaboration (Q2) o wide range of different activities (Q3) o pupils present learning outcomes in new ways (Q5) o students as producers (90%), creating new ideas (70%)

Social changes

o  Teacher’s role has changed (Q7) o Student motivation (82%)

Attention? • Some teachers (not many) do concern about a negative effect on social

relationships (16%/B2) more than last year (9%/B1) -- Collaboration-Dilemma?

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•  Developing a variety of digital didactical designs (pluralism)

"   Media Tablet as a “booster” for discussions about different ways of designing for teaching and learning

"   Do not use media tablets as an “exercise tool” where pupils sit alone in the corner to repeat sth.

•  An organizational strategy incl. meta-reflection for teachers •  Discussing and developing teacher roles and student roles (there

are different expectations!)

• Teachers, lead users, ped. leaders, students, etc. discuss together what good learning situations are - discuss it in your school

Implications for schools

[email protected]

Benefits of media tablets? Teachers' view

•  “It’s easy” (e.g., “My old father use it, too”) •  “It works” •  "It’s mobile – “Pupils can bring it home” •  “It is not time consuming” •  “I don’t need to organize the laptops where always software

was missing or out of battery” •  “I have more time for my pupils for individual guiding” •  “The pupils are equal” (all have now access to facts/knowledge

through the tablets/Internet)

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“The biggest challenge with the iPad-project is to know when to shut it off"

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Isa Jahnke, Lars Norqvist, Andreas Olsson (2014). Digital Didactical Designs of Learning Expeditions. In: The 9th ECTEL2014 conference proceedings (full paper) Our website for further information http://iml.edusci.umu.se/ictml/

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Professor Dr. Isa Jahnke ICT, media and learning Umeå University Dep of Applied Educational Science

[email protected] Website http://www.isa-jahnke.com http://iml.edusci.umu.se/ictml/

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