
, , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse -comment sold iifter-rozoninH?" . i- Mllnr sufiKestcd Uiat the new owners coiild then break awny from unified developnicnt ^ind' adopt hnplmznrd nrchltcctural and iisaRi* plans. — "TV1llmni3lcntriflhmrmitild-bc-nny-t6r4obrnUmYcd-in-thc-- ' developrjient. “ All we're a.sklng for now is rc-zoning,” Frazier ___said.-i:Wc would alUl,” . . •. County Zonln« AdniinljitfmorKcfWoods snld Uifr county ond “'- cUy are nearlnj} a|{rec.tnent on a Joint zoning policy, under which . near the city. , Current Joint OBrcement pinna would give the proposed Sierra life dbvelopment area a residential dolsngation, Wood aald. :.:.;xoia_or:fl(lv:waiL:comment"'conccrnlnij :iiii:sierfa:xifc_ pfdjibiinl liasalrciidy becrtT‘<n»iraTBdTPlttrtmnJDQl^e^e^ to Woods. "People thought the area would be retained aa HOLDING ON TO frnrac of open wliuIow,-Elrc- Cnpt. Leon Sutton tries to convince Susan .^RTTTKranirnrrTmmfTiii great nunribor of people who hovo wantlni* to put .inbuUdlIlflfl,"iiccordltiK to.I''r{i?|cri Jlc said the K-Mart discount store chain was among the interested.‘-'people.” . . But Frazier stressed that "not one tiling Is planned anywhere” itlng-reportg-thftt-fikoflHfl^bactaonji. is .scckiniUQ- She came hack St. I^ uIh btilldlng Monday. Sutton succeeded and Miss Mansfield, Modlson. III., was taken to a lidspltal " rllm b^ onto the-ledge nUer nn orBument^wltli - -mier-fluperviflop-ot-worlh-fUP*) -- -------- yvt, disTOuntlng reportjH building site In the area. _______________' Sierra Life plans a 7-59-i5 year building program, I'T'azIer d^en'lrlos-und exlta ut-fllue - Lalcea-Boulevurd-wiU-bfi-canstrucled. UiroutU llie. shoppinji.. nsked^raicr7"Why hotT^ tlie city to annex the areo and . take Itiout of tlie county’s hnnds?” ; : Frazier answered.‘‘Doyou want to lenae It from u^ and pay the additional taxes while.wc develop this during thCvjnext IS., years?” --- IrLJOBlephonc. Interview Uiis past Friday, rVazier aald, “ Really, 1don’t hnvc-onythlng plannc(i71ireouy iooks lo me uko When Frazier aald his firm would allow a uniform Twin Falls Is barnyard planning all over tlic place. ■■Ilro >nHf4tf(^tnntnpnmpletBplannQdimiLlhaLWQllld_bQ-dQnfl_ right. 1do thltltwe neffd somebody In this (own who luis Ujc guts -flnd-gUMfi«6mft^friflmftthln{^org4hfln4hpwHtoro5;^:- ■• benate Ttribri^ iit-bug^case probe Rubber workcrN on strike ___ AKRQN. Ohio (UP1)_- A atrlke by more than 10.000 rubber _____VKASHINGTON^EI)—Afiubpoonawu»lsBuodlodayforJohn. Investigating Watergate,. and ilmt.hl.H lawyers now. were workers In 0 contract dispute today shot down D.F. Goodrlcfi ‘w. Deon, ousted White House coupsel'to undergo questioning ' concentrating\on getUng an exemption from, the Senate plants in six states. under oath tWs week by investigators-of Uie Senate's special committee. ~ltlnhi>~|Klrl‘cni’l>nB'lnircr . -mobile ,. AIa.-(.UPI)— •Bccky Jones of Idaho, the Gem' State- representative In the -^Junior Miss Pogcantrworthc— schbVastic . ' winner Iri pr'oilmln^r-y—compoUU^ Monday. - She was among five winners named, and received a $1,000 scholarship. Finals In the ev- ant ^MiB.flobod^od gridayn .i. ■ on ofderrto’oxopipt'Doan .......... . . , for tPBtlmnny hilt niarinplnfir that whether he nctuallv la given The Senate commKTCe plans pttbllc, televised hearings on Uie -----ImmunltywoulddependontbevolueofliislnformaUon. Watergato arid similar incidents of..political espionage and Immunity would depend o .................................. Tlio Washington Star-Newa said today Dean's efforts apparently had fallen through to get Immunity from federal attbrneys~Itroxchaoge~rof~t6atlmony befofc~a'grand jury" sabotage. CholrmarrSam'JrErvIn,p-N7C.,sald today plnnsnow' call for the first hearings to begin May 17 —about two days later (‘ContlmTedlJiP)T2} ' CnmhodinhN <nkc 2 lownN PHNOM PENH (U P I) -n Cwnbodlnn forces recaptured two towns near Phnom Penh today and linked up with other In the air war, U.S. fighterbombcrs stayed away from the Phnom Penh arc&.08Qln todays but U.S. apotter pllotA directed . hcnvjmitdrB!fl8WhBrcin-Ciimbodia;-Th© U.S.' Paclflc-Forcea Comrtiand if) Honolulu said American B52 and tactical warplanes were active Monday throughout Camlx)dla. IHIndddX offf rH NcrvlccN ATIj \NTA (U P I)^ Georgia' 'Painted ladies’ 's^arm inta Valley JER O M E (U Pl) — ‘'Butterflies are free," and it's a good thing because If nnrth prndfi'rB flJJncoln Elemcntarv School ht?rc hod to pay for them, they’d^ be out of lunch money for a month. The 20 pupils of Mrs. Melba Ilowlandu In Jerome - population 2,500 — Iwve' been ntudyl^ butterflies for the past ycnr In conjunction with a Unlvenilty of Toronto reneorch project, and since tlie weekend hove wltnesBcch unusually large numbers of the "painted Indy” — or thiHtle butterfly — variety migrating through Southern Idaho. "There ore Just thousands ol them moving West.'’ Mrs. Howlands said of the twoHnch wide iDHCCtJi thot have on oronge*tan background overlaid with hlack _ spots and black nioRIing. . rtitidnhfr-c<w«te<l<l>ouft4tU>m MulBlnttLlpBflfits — thn Nt)w wo know what all . thoso protty ^butfeflUos-afOr—,- ---- Rh'lmrdson Jiiin (Is free ' nomlhdtcd hin^self ds the Watcfgntc case Mondoy In a r- -telegram tOjPrdsldont Nlxon. — Mnridoi Raid a !'complctc__ and lmpartla]invcstlBntlon'\ls — needed and plodgod -^that—If— 1' . appointed "o full exposure will be made." He said no , ___ 80 nfelnrice:.oJ._n_cpv6ri|p pr .. l^navbTrTrtvcatigntlDTi—will—be tolernted by Ahiorlcans. rtelephw proper name is Vanessa Cardul — flutttr pyery minute for the belter part of can lust ImaRinc how many ol them there puUout stalls FU N D ED KNEE,"s“b~TUPlT-TlKcvHuaBo^^ historic hlimlcl of Wounded Knee by followcrB or Ulc Amorlcnn Indian Movement who occupied It 71 dilys ngo began peacefully today In bright sunshine. bmi llr.i ri.p,irt« Indlrnleil there were no top AIM londera among those found In the village, A spol(csman at Roadblock 3, one of Uio focal points of the line of federal officers which has surrounded Ulc vIllaBO tor wocks, said thot AIM leader Dennis Banks apparently had sncnkcd out of tJie village and his whereal}out!j"were unknown. , Two others, Oirter Camp and Uonard Crow DoB surrendered Monday. They were token to.RapId Cl)^, S.D., whcre.they were arrolgned on charges Including asaaultjfti federal officers, ------- obslrucilng fcdornrotllccrsrlnr<cnyrbre«ta^nd cnlarlng-nnd- -All-the charges grew oyt of the Feb. 2/ armed occupation or -WASHfNCrTOl'HWtWnil ....Ilondbldck - W ^ ^ For |5, entomologists atT^ironto certified the kids as official researchers and lehfparapheniQllfl on how to'ralse, tag and follow monarclm. (Continuedonp.l3| Cdnit-ftCoircH cbemlcihl-Uiia- SAIGON (U n ) - The VIel Cong cluirged today that Saigon Iroo^ fighting-Irt a CornmuhlfllhBld arcrsprayed toric cHqml- -cala “ ccaa of-lflnd_nnd.,cuuflfld-_L..,. -iMioW inioets. And from a butterfly book they wrote lo the Canadian research.conter tlie Watergate Inveatigation. lYcsldent Nixon's press se- cretary, Ropald L, Ziegler, said . . . A . . , »^.Mnij~of-lm-- ( miinlty from prosecution to ' Mmo- pooplo- ln--U)o.cuso If - ^ iirchnr(lsQh believed'.it wns nece^ary” lo iOhCOWimKc* tes-. tlmony. • Ziegler’s response ■cdme''lp“ "nns\)pef" to ' a question iShoshoiie passe levy ^ o ic rs 111 C n n if iN O K sch o o l le v y -------- SH03H0NE - A STrmllVViinlntenanea an'd- or csUibUalilnBacutln progrnmi fot tho ««lary,--^j,||(,||,j|, „ statcment-bifprcst- Jlferlal, 4 ' Farm, 14 =iMngr1l-13- Matkeis, 19 Sports, 15-17 operntlon levy foTlho Sho^hpne sclR5ardIStrl(^t IncreascB, was’ approved In a special election Monday. After votes wore canvassed by the sohool board Monday night, a public hearing on tho Ttiere were 120 votofl for and B4 oRalnst the jjy^iao7^pB U wnw nt ivyrOnly a rimploinnliH-Uj^M nocded'fa piuu ; . j , . Tho-CTirmnt'-yoiir-budsct l» 1302,524. Uifl tauo. Supt. l^ennaUi. Crothora mW todny< ^ increase la IhU w i n j t i c r c ^ lho^^^^^^ Inrgoly fPLipInrJos but »J,aoo will pe used nllow ttio.BcIiool Boofil to itiM t tho:loBlaInttvB- ---------- roquosl of'10 per cent raise fot* teachers. T)ie jovy will lying In tn.760 per year dent Nlx^ bn April I7 —ilflit any Individuals holding “ a ■poBltlon of major Importance” - not - bo fllvon Immtirilty —might..... Inhibit testimony from them. -- -------------- ------ ir-i-r-*ir--------------ProMCutflca frequentliLBCfllit___ elsewhere, Due to fewer students enrolled in the •immunity frorii proaocutlon i o •- district, plana ore to eliminate one Tourtli grade suflpocts In order to get teacher at the olomcntary-gcljool and one lmlf=— ^^lyenc^^ olliorfl. — tlmo^enclior who haS'beon working in both the '. •< tiio whole nucstlon ' FAH\FIELO-Cnmas County Schooipistrlct .• -voters Mondoy: opprovod a 5mill,ovcri'JdtJcvy-... —Lqijdjcalccicd-lwo.incunil)cnl.tni«fcos.___^ ^ •Supt. Horolil—SlToud^snld-tl^e.-jfnllU — mulBtettaaceantHpei^nlloMevy wlU^^^ sfllary Increases granted tcnchehi and non-^ /certified pcnjonnel^Thpy will rwclye 8 B.Sjwr. In I18.5M peip year In the district. Voters In the district approved tlic levy, 88 to 12. Funds will aUo allovr tfie district to add » riliomt- ecbnomici.claw to the high .8c!iMTrrr*“ (O r line our loll-fre<! I(neii) ~Airnon3;ofllfldd p«Wnl®Trnii« dlB&rcrMll -«liio wctlvt^t-lO liai'-iitnt-Mlat’y-lllCTMM.^te^—^unlor-aiid aimlor. high, sclioijl^Ilig.^Sacnt^i -raid thomhool lu» bora rocoHTHnrHirUtrellilun " ■ pniliriimTHTi Uir malii' ' o(either calllnB thoelicUon to Incronsa the fund grdUfilnR of atudqntfi.' In lhb truilee cleellon, IneumbenU Tom .Spnctiiiiin.'.:niiinlna..Mn9nB^!a!u,'‘»?'’‘' ' ^ ^ Totei «nil J m MeCtrter, «|«o unoppoiear rtcclveil H votei. SMclniHii woi «el«cl«l In

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Page 1: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

, , ,

Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse -comment

sold iifter-rozoninH?" . ‘ i-Mllnr sufiKestcd Uiat the new owners coiild then break awny

from unified developnicnt ind' adopt hnplmznrd nrchltcctural and iisaRi* plans.

— "TV1llmni3lcntriflhmrmitild-bc-nny-t6r4obrnUmYcd-in-thc-- ' developrjient. “ All we're a.sklng for now is rc-zoning,” Frazier

___said.-i:Wc would alUl,” . .•. County Zonln« AdniinljitfmorKcfWoods snld Uifr county ond “'-

cUy are nearlnj} a|{rec.tnent on a Joint zoning policy, under which .

near the city. ,Current Joint OBrcement pinna would give the proposed Sierra

life dbvelopment area a residential dolsngation, Wood aald. :.:.;xoia_or:fl(lv:waiL:comment"'conccrnlnij : i ii i:s ie rfa :x ifc _ pfdjibiinl liasalrciidy becrtT‘<n»iraTBdTPlttrtmnJDQl^e^e^ to Woods. "People thought the area would be retained aa

HOLDING ON TO frnrac of open wliuIow,-Elrc-Cnpt. Leon Sutton tries to convince Susan.^RTTTKranirnrrTmmfTiii

great nunribor of people who hovo wantlni* to put .inbuUdlIlflfl,"iiccordltiK to.I''r{i?|cri Jlc said the K-Mart discount store chain was among the interested.‘-'people.” . .

But Frazier stressed that "not one tiling Is planned anywhere” itlng-reportg-thftt-fikoflHfl^bactaonji. is .scckiniUQ-

She came hack St. I^ uIh btilldlng Monday. Sutton succeeded and Miss Mansfield, Modlson. III., was taken to a lidspltal "rllmb^ onto the-ledge nUer nn orBument^wltli -

-mier-fluperviflop-ot-worlh-fUP*) -- --------

yvt, disTOuntlng reportjHbuilding site In the area. _______________'

Sierra Life plans a 7-59-i5 year building program, I'T'azIer d^en'lrlos-und exlta ut-fllue

- Lalcea-Boulevurd-wiU-bfi-canstrucled. UiroutU llie. shoppinji..

nsked^raicr7"Why hotT^ tlie city to annex the areo and . take Itiout of tlie county’s hnnds?” ; :

Frazier answered.‘‘Doyou want to lenae It from u and pay the additional taxes while.wc develop this during thCvjnext IS., years?”

--- IrLJOBlephonc. Interview Uiis past Friday, rVazier aald,“ Really, 1 don’t hnvc-onythlng plannc(i71ireouy iooks lo me uko

When Frazier aald his firm would allow a uniform

Twin Falls Is barnyard planning all over tlic place.■■Ilro >nHf4tf(^tnntnpnmpletBplannQdimiLlhaLWQllld_bQ-dQnfl_

right. 1 do thltltwe neffd somebody In this (own who luis Ujc guts -flnd-gUMfi«6mft^friflmftthln{^org4hfln4hpwHtoro5;^:- ■ ■ ■ ■•

b e n a t eTtribri i i t - b u g ^ c a s e p r o b e

R u b b e r w o rk c rN o n s t r i k e___AKRQN. Ohio (UP1)_- A atrlke by more than 10.000 rubber _____VKA SH IN G TO N ^EI)— Afiubpoonawu»lsBuodlodayforJohn. Investigating Watergate,. and ilmt.hl.H lawyers now. were

workers In 0 contract dispute today shot down D.F. Goodrlcfi ‘w. Deon, ousted White House coupsel'to undergo questioning ' concentrating\on getUng an exemption from, the Senateplants in six states. • under oath tWs week by investigators-of Uie Senate's special committee.

~ lt ln h i> ~ |K lr l ‘c n i ’ l> n B ' l n i r c r

. -m o b i l e ,. A Ia .- (.U P I)— •Bccky Jones of Idaho, the Gem' State- representative In the

- Junior Miss Pogcantrworthc— schbVastic . ' winner Iri

— pr'oilmln^r-y— com poUU^ Monday. - •

She was among five winners named, and received a $1,000 scholarship. Finals In the ev- ant ^MiB.flobod^od gridayn .i. ■

on ofderrto’oxopipt'Doan .......... . . „, for tPBtlmnny hilt niarinplnfir that whether he nctuallv la given The Senate commKTCe plans pttbllc, televised hearings on Uie -----ImmunltywoulddependontbevolueofliislnformaUon. Watergato arid similar incidents of..political espionage andImmunity would depend o ..................................

Tlio Washington Star-Newa said today Dean's efforts apparently had fallen through to get Immunity from federal attbrneys~Itroxchaoge~rof~t6atlmony befofc~a'grand ju ry "

sabotage. CholrmarrSam'JrErvIn,p-N7C.,sald today plnnsnow' call for the first hearings to begin May 17 —about two days later

(‘ContlmTedlJiP)T2} '

C n m h o d in h N < nkc 2 low n NPHNOM PEN H (U P I) -n Cwnbodlnn forces recaptured two

towns near Phnom Penh today and linked up with other

In the air war, U.S. fighterbombcrs stayed away from the Phnom Penh arc&.08Qln todays but U.S. apotter pllotA directed .

— hcnvjmitdrB!fl8WhBrcin-Ciimbodia;-Th© U.S.' Paclflc-Forcea Comrtiand if) Honolulu said American B52 and tactical warplanes were active Monday throughout Camlx)dla.

IH IndddX o f f f rH N crv lccNATIj \NTA ( U P I ) ^ Georgia'

'Painted ladies’'s^arm inta Valley

JE R O M E (U P l) — ‘'Butterflies are free," and it's a good thing because If nnrth prndfi'rB flJJncoln Elemcntarv School ht?rc hod to pay for them, they’d

be out of lunch money for a month.The 20 pupils of Mrs. Melba Ilowlandu In Jerome - population 2,500 — Iwve'

been ntudyl^ butterflies for the past ycnr In conjunction with a Unlvenilty of Toronto reneorch project, and since tlie weekend hove wltnesBcch unusually large numbers of the "painted Indy” — or thiHtle butterfly — variety migrating through Southern Idaho.

"There ore Just thousands ol them moving West.'’ Mrs. Howlands said of the twoHnch wide iDHCCtJi thot have on oronge*tan background overlaid with hlack _ spots and black nioRIing. .

rtitidnhfr-c<w«te<l<l>ouft4tU>m MulBlnttLlpBflfits — thn

N t)w w o k no w what a l l . t h o s o p r o t t y


Rh'lm rdson J iiin (Is free

' nomlhdtcd hin^self ds the

Watcfgntc case Mondoy In a r- -telegram tOjPrdsldont Nlxon. —

Mnridoi Raid a !'complctc__and lmpartla]invcstlBntlon'\ls

— needed and plodgod - that—If— 1' . appointed "o full exposure will

be m ade." He said no,___ 8 0 nfelnrice:.oJ._n_cpv6ri|p pr ..l^navbTrTrtvcatigntlDTi— will—be

tolernted by Ahiorlcans.

rtelephwproper name is Vanessa Cardul — flutttr pyery minute for the belter part of

“ can lust ImaRinc how many ol them there

puUout stallsF U N D E D KNEE,"s“ b~TUPlT-TlKcvH uaBo^^

historic hlimlcl of Wounded Knee by followcrB or Ulc Amorlcnn Indian Movement who occupied It 71 dilys ngo began peacefully today In bright sunshine.

bm i llr .i ri.p,irt« Indlrnleil there were no top AIM londera among those found In the village,

A spol(csman at Roadblock 3, one of Uio focal points of the line of federal officers which has surrounded Ulc vIllaBO tor wocks, said thot AIM leader Dennis Banks apparently had sncnkcd out of tJie village and his whereal}out!j"were unknown. ,

Two others, Oirter Camp and Uonard Crow DoB surrendered Monday. They were token to.RapId Cl)^, S.D., whcre.they were arrolgned on charges Including asaaultjfti federal officers,

-------obslrucilng fcdornrotllccrsrlnr<cnyrbre«ta^nd cnlarlng-nnd-

- All-the charges grew oyt of the Feb. 2/ armed occupation or

- W A S H fN C rT O l'H W tW n il....Ilondbldck - W ^ ^

For |5, entomologists atT^ironto certified the kids as official researchers and lehfparapheniQllfl on how to'ralse, tag and follow monarclm.


— Cdnit-ftCoircH cbem lcih l-U iia-SAIGON (U n ) - The VIel Cong cluirged today that Saigon

Iroo^ fighting-Irt a CornmuhlfllhBld arcrsprayed toric cHqml- -cala “ ccaa of-lflnd_nnd.,cuuflfld-_L..,.-iMioW

inioets. And from a butterfly book they wrote lo the Canadian research.conter

tlie Watergate Inveatigation.lYcsldent Nixon's press se­

cretary, Ropald L, Ziegler, said . . . A . . , »^.Mnij~of-lm--

( miinlty from prosecution to ' • Mmo- pooplo- ln--U)o.cuso If

- iirchnr(lsQh believed'.it wns nece^ary” lo iOhCOWimKc* tes-. tlmony. •

Ziegler’s response ■cdme''lp“ "nns\)pef" to ' a question

iShoshoiie passe levy^ o i c r s 111 C n n i f i N

O K s c h o o l l e v y

-------- SH03H0NE - A STrmllVViinlntenanea an'd- or csUibUalilnBacutln progrnmi fot tho ««lary,-- j,||(,||,j|, „ statcment-bifprcst-

J l f e r l a l , 4 '

F a r m , 14 =iMngr1l-13-

Matkeis, 19 Sports, 15-17

operntlon levy foTlho Sho^hpne sclR5ardIStrl(^t IncreascB, was’ approved In a special election Monday. After votes wore canvassed by the sohool

board Monday night, a public hearing on tho Ttiere were 120 votofl for and B4 oRalnst the jjy iao7^pB U wnw ntivyrOnly a rimploinnliH-Uj^M nocded'fa piuu ; . j , . Tho-CTirmnt'-yoiir-budsct l» 1302,524.

Uifl tauo. Supt. l^ennaUi. Crothora mW todny< increase laIhU w in jt ic r c ^ lho ^ ^ Inrgoly fPLipInrJos but »J,aoo will pe usednllow ttio.BcIiool Boofil to itiM t tho:loBlaInttvB- ----------roquosl of'10 per cent raise fot* teachers. T)ie jovy will lying In tn.760 per year

dent N lx^ bn April I7 —ilflit any Individuals holding “ a ■poBltlon of major Importance”

- not -bo fllvon Immtirilty —might.....Inhibit testimony from them.

----------------------— ir-i-r-*ir--------------ProMCutflca frequentliLBCfllit___elsewhere, Due to fewer students enrolled in the • immunity frorii proaocutlon io •- district, plana ore to eliminate one Tourtli grade suflpocts In order to get teacher at the olomcntary-gcljool and one lmlf=— ^^lyenc^^ olliorfl. — — — tlmo^enclior who haS'beon working in both the '. •<tiio whole nucstlon '

FAH\FIELO-Cnmas County Schooipistrlct .• -voters Mondoy: opprovod a 5 mill,ovcri'JdtJcvy-...—Lqijdjcalccicd-lwo.incunil)cnl.tni«fcos.___^ ^

•Supt. Horolil—SlToud^snld-tl^e.-jfnllU — — mulBtettaaceantHpei^nlloMevy wlU^^^

sfllary Increases granted tcnchehi and non-■ /certified pcnjonnel^Thpy will rwclye 8 B.Sjwr.

In I18.5M peip year In the district.Voters In the district approved tlic levy, 88 to

12. Funds will aUo allovr tfie district to add »riliomt- ecbnomici.claw to the high .8c!iMTrrr*“

(O r line o u r loll-fre<! I(ne ii)

~Airnon3;ofllfldd p«Wnl®Trnii« dlB&rcrMll -«liio wctlvt^t-lO liai'-iitnt-Mlat’y-lllCTMM.^te^—^unlor-aiid aimlor. high, sclioijl^Ilig.^Sacnt^i -raid thomhool lu» bora rocoHTHnrHirUtrellilun " ■ pniliriimTHTi Uir malii' ' “

o(either calllnB thoelicUon to Incronsa the fund grdUfilnR of atudqntfi.'

In lhb truilee cleellon, IneumbenU Tom.Spnctiiiiin.'.:niiinlna..Mn9nB^!a!u,'‘»?'’‘' ' ^ ^Totei «nil J m MeCtrter, «|«o unoppoiearrtcclveil H votei. SMclniHii woi «el«cl«l In

Page 2: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

— ~ r ^ m t i n w i r i w m 'R i i i ^ i* w ir~ t tn K B » v r i i6 F P iw J:

S u f o p b e i M T i f a ^(Codtlmied from p. I ) ’

Vico Clmlrmw Howard H.iBokor, R.Tonn., s«ld Uio first round of heariiitfs'Wduld be significant. Ttioro have been rcpbrts UiaUiie Initial liearlngs wU! not deal specifically with Watergate

' »tl)«-burglary ond bugglng-jtf Democratic head<luarters.Ervin sald'llkrnratTJWBM'ianreOTlHj^oai^ Mny 1 16,

May 22-24, and June 13-14.-------. ._Ervln tol^renort^ in response a question, “ I have no

^InformnJonJhSj^rcy^^^ Nlaon wria pcrsoniniy'InvbTyod'ln IlilslhV'atorgatefl'^rai '

• Son. Edmund[SrMusklert>Mhlne,-aald he felt - Nixon aUll needed' to rea to e " the 'American' people Uiat n "truly independjint'' InycsUgatlon would be nriado of tius Jicopo of Uie

''■soaiidal.".... - ^ ^ — rr-J----Muskle, an early target of.roported'political espionaeo.cUorts.,.

by tlie prcaidcntl^f^Iectlbn <>rgamzation when he, was ratedjj__ Ute' leading cdntend^ for the Democratic nomination, said

l^Jlxon'f^vyn nbllTtyjo govoVh*ilic country” 'la partly at slak^ Iff” tho'fllilioilorit" 7^ ^ ^

Elliot L. Hlchardson, named last week by Nixon to take .... --ind-ofOie-governroonUlnvcsUgatlo^t:thc-acQndDl»JnkL

a-specinl Watergate-prosecutor, but made clear the appointee would be answcrable'to him.. "One of tijo problems," Muskle said "Is the question of the


Em il' Pike walkipe! along Second Avenue West . . . Bob

' At tho 4ainc time, a defense for Nixon and a ^aro rebuke of tlte presji for "reckless" stories suggesting MIxori had a persoh&l hand in Watergate coverup efforts came from an unusual source -Democratic Ben. WlUlam Proxmlre of Wisconsin, a frequent Nixon critic. ' ^ ‘■TH. Mcm I< rnpiaiy t«W.M-m<mieWum di KnlghUwlumlHrw. ^ ---reporUng Innuendo and rumor in U)ls Watergate paSB agftlnfltr l^ ln g - a u ^President Nixon," Proxmlre said In a prepared Senate speech. . Frances. Wa^bnd IwklnR fit Ho oflkodi '• ____- - - ■-___ ______ campground dlrectqry_...

-iJ^^!?Docan*t-tiiaPrcaidci\t)iQv&ilio aomc simple r l « h t i h a t , p v e r y prnB7 c ^ : g e , ^oUier American has to be Innocent until proveii. gulUy? ..: aulo htfacUlght . . . Laree

. Dowh't he doflcrVeot least this measure of faith Until proven nliar?" '' The White House Issued ij. frcsH statement, authorized by the

— PrOTldent7mrM[mJoy3nylnrNlxofrhad^«lvftheerknoltl^^ ,—...of_the burglarv-buflclng of Democratic hoadquartors.hore, or ' . ! ^ i f i.i • - . had any partln subsequent ottempta to covcr.up.the extent of tR^ Ilon Wyatt, f^ jle y ^ s lu n g :-

plUt, , ' r * • • \ylUj sheriff's officers in Twin . ----‘TOb^'Wooawaf^rn Waahlngl6n7P6si'rfiporlor;glycfi rlargc

-Monson plcklng’nsparagus— Frank Mogenson talk|j[)g about Boys State delegates . ; . Jack Fiahcr. mylng-Vinklnri-thlngs-

Tneasuren)f-tTedlt“ for-TnBny-dlsclosures-that-caused-the-^af5e«^wo*=l‘ *n8;-^Jl— ;nightyWatergate'case to become a.national Issue and an admlnis- Saturday .. . Kellh Savllle tratlon. crisis, said In commenting on the Post’s award of a Investigating dog complaint i illtzor prlzc.for th? Wntergnte invcflUgallbn. ~ —Ruttoc—planting- __

"We have to ask-wlmt tho Prcaldent knew. and how much he ricw ^ fr Bin— nauitr 'KelcKum, in Twiri'Talli-on* • business . . . B ill Steplienson

In making, decisions on such matters na Immunity (from prosecution) of witnesses."

knew, butwe'^ust be careful not to make speculations and workon facts alone." ' • ' -i,. ,

A ni»wiy iilfl Hnrria piihllfrnninionnoll published today showed « blown . . . Dick that by a margin of 77 per cent to 13 per ccnt, those quesUonod • ailtAjUr^dyliif< ther-roll^f-*^ did not "think President Nixonjhould resign." • Johnny Hoclron . . . Jim

•' _ Rosenbaum discussing comingJlo3p(tal..-board-mcctlngs-^,^—

andpverheard, "ThpijcMndals , are alright If you don't like-ShOOsA,:-. , ---r-

Ih j v in d l in ^ ^ e l s

s e r J } y P r ^WASHINGTON ( U R i r ^ The administration

hopes to have an emergency ninn to deni with ' - ttlP_noMQPJ?.<iwlnd|lng fuel pupplles worked out

-r— Born-Julj^ar'l'flfftrflt-Hund "—^ rnUy:Sr b.". \w liitU y ig.vf-iho " longest Judicial careers in

rdulfSriiuVinj' been appointed ~ “ jiid (;r^ r in e “ !• ourin JudfcraT

Duslnct by'Gbv. naldfi^ge in March. 1929. He was continuously rc-etcated • until

— hlf»-fellpemenUn-Iiservices."Thu niinilnlBtnilion Bkolchod Its oUcrnalivcs _

ill a mcoUnc In llif otticeorg lccTO iaonrap Iro- '

Under consideration are a "priority order ' lystem" to allocate fuel to various types of

customers on the basis of ne.od or perhaps the__ use of a longstanding contingency plan designed

originally for national security purposes (n the — •vcnt-/ofolgn-olUupplic«-wOrc-caLoff.-

:!-Tho.-plan8 cope wlU)

state senators who were worried iibout the impact of fuel shortitf'es on furni operations.

Deputy Treasury Secretary Willlum L. _SlraQn,.who.lflld-thejnciilini’ he had l>ecn named

the administration's chief ^oil policy -repfeaenti»tiyerreportedly-snid-he-wt«ildmal<r

‘ *' "■ '■ sfton and

lejjree from the Yale law school in 1908, He came to Cioodlng that same year, where he was the 'attorney to

-open an officc_______ ___ ____In 192.1 he served a term in

: ■ Uie*Tdali0~S0nntc-*whore—h«j- wor-kttd ■ of t4)oti»

TW IN F A U ^ - David Fred GOODING — Mass for ' ^ B r i e f s , Schuler,-71,-iSvln Falls, died.—Manuel Elezgaray, who was . • . .Sunday evening In Magic' killed Thursday In a truck KING H IL L - Mrs.jDale

- Valloy-M em orlol— Hospltol— accldentintlicBruncaudesert. Shnlby i den mnth<>r ofi-Cubfollowing o long luness.------will be celobrated at t l n.m.— Scout Pack 24; and'lftiboys

BDnrMay-17rlMlrin Ness Saturday at St, EliznbcUi’s' went to the Indian Cove'Santf ity. Kan':; he" mnrrrcd"Nell'

MacCauley in IMS^He came to -Iwin-Eall.i-ln.lfl72 frnnuBQia

>nglneep- for Morrlson-Knudsen for over 20-yenrfi. ' .

James Shlnnick'as celebrant, evening. ,nnnar}i .luilLhft-rofiltiuLnt^B— -

lUay .fll TliuufvstrChapel.'

’Mr. EleZBar'ay__wns lwrn_

one son’, - Douglas Schuler, A lbuquerque,_N . M .; a daughter. Marja Hayes of Son Molcfl. CaliUimLal5lEra.iMi:s

Grange No. 216 will meet at fl;no p.m. Wednesday Ih the Irange ffalirsoren joimasen,

Spain, Tills vyas his thirdjrlp to American F ie ld .. Seryjce Uie'United Stales."fI5‘‘am vciP 'sfu~ (I^ t, wiir~~spoblT“‘|Jo ^

Ix) Means, I a s Angeles,_ — CaliL,. .’gnai-'Mrji.' Pnulin'cT

here March«20, 197.1 • ^ULviYQcaJncludeJila



and two children in Spain. nuilindyLivni

----- forflnnrntosr

TW IN F A L l^ - Jim Munn -an4=fluddy=neWeesg=ofcrthe=:

c r i j r W t T t f i T c T -

Funeral services, will be conducted at .1:30 p.m.Wcclncsda>’ in the T\vin Falls . r . O l D S O n ^ P .Mortmiry raapel with Mrs. „ E N D E M . - Fro,I H. aarencc IAnd™oj.<l_ oLBolse .S r .„_0 7 ,_ lanBtimc duiplpr.ot tllf American o f f ^ ^ j^ X r c m a U o n m Resident, JiL'il' K f l ■■Wd-CrosS iS T ls open to U.e follow, rrlends may call at me tn ______ public. “ .

TwitTFaMs shetlf££M iSO »llL_— present a drug preventiori pronmmltnJickel Elementary School Tliursday at 7 p.m. Tlie event Is sponsored by the Twin

u a L iL J i . „ c _ , _ d ,,» o rv lcH s ---------- ----------------------^-or«a„l.aUo,-ol .U,o-Amorlpa_n. ■ d i.d r- .„r ir f ,< n lr :.flunria>^'Vadna:^ay

TVyiN F A L l^ - Cleanup of

nrmsf ^nd - agonclej

pltaU and o^er government ch are providing "critical public

tho-'^orm of an executive order sif ned by President Nlxcn. 2. nftapn

M a g ic V a l le y H o sp ita lsM in idokn M om oriiil

Admitted—(iiiHhii) M cm oriiil

• Admitted-----.IV1uf];U' Vnlley [Viemoriiii

------ ..Admitted,

rtJ was pecretary-treasurer of the reservoir district.

He served us chairman of the Gooding District -Boy Scouts,- was a member of liie • chamber o f commerce, past, secretary of -the-Rotary-€lub— an 1 Ihe Mtisonic I..odge.

Survivors include his wife,.

Mit4)i&-hoi^Born Sept. 25. 1908, at

Oskaloosa, Iowa, he married • Mora Sanders Ju ly 1, 1030. at ' Pocatello. - - ■

At Uie time of his death, Mr. Wagner was assistant divlsior) accounting manager for Idntn^

■Power Co. at Twin Falls, He ■hart»..hnrn pmplnyffi hv tiny

F r u i i k B e r tB U R LE Y - Frank V. Bell,

■M, Burley.-died Monday at Cassia Memorial Hospital,

Born Sept. 15,190fl, in Arnett, Okla.. he attended Springcrepk— liuilding.and -groundfi Is-theT^by-tepef-Morluopy^-^-----nrilnr nl. buat o j o f .-"

I gathering IK at the

□uirch at announced Mortuary.

, Grange during------------- Thursday evening at th5

time to be Community Hall. Those by Payne attending are asked to bring

.sandwiches or cookies.

L'hooi in Hammon, Okla. He married Eva May Bromlow.

■ Jnv-KcnflfiUu l‘M E i5“ “ Elsie. Trocy, Peggy^Bossnrt,

HIclmrd Benke and Donna L. .Wilson, nil Runert. and DellaWcncli. Burley.


•'Hnlc-nnd - Gary Ynrbrough,- Morrls.-Hcrbcrt-Morrison.- . .patrR-ja K irnB lerTG ood ingr xvns duo for rptlremcnl inBurlev: BrantVllletandMorie Goldie Leichlltor. John- two irrnndsons, Doran • tf)r reUremcoLin_r^lckson. both iVnpcrt: Kiuuler.MarjicPf^(™,sf*n' Alice— I^ln{}lor,^uniBhr^^ *'i*' **'* *ind

J ofilft-Mortr-Buployi—Jayn<^ U>ulse-Parker and. Roslna Schenk. Rupert.



-----PTf-WdWH------(Dolly tSundoy]

Rosetta Roberts. Heyburri, and'■ SlfefrDTciirTiTTaftvrord:-------

Mrs. Earl Culley. Heyburn, and Mrs.- Melvin Darrington, Declp.

Daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Alan McCombs, Heyburn and to Mr. and .Mrs. Jerry Lyons, Burley.

memorials to the Idaho Youth

Public Library.

Funeral Services

l y MollPaid In Advanct (Dolly t Sunday)



Admitted Brown'. Kim berly: Knowlton, Fairfield;

S M ontht SB.50 6 ^ o n lK i SI6 .00

- I v*ot _ sao.o^. " - .M a l i - t u b t c r lp t l b n i o c c« p t« d

w h o r* c o rr lo r d* llv* ry U n o l m oin- (o in c d .


T h illp ’ Biilloy, Wendell; Mrs. Ted Peterson, Sylvia Shaffer,

Mrs. Clint Abercrombie, Gooding.

DismlsNcd M. F; Rayn, R. K, Olson and

Mrli. On’ille Henry , ^r.., all Gooding.

Cat! your ComU i

Q F O m y

"Miirray.'Mrs. ROyT^crDnllns- “MnsonT^ohn'wnimnTsr-

Kutt, Margaret Day an(l Mrs. Uiis Beaumont, nil Tttin Falls; Mrs. Raymond Bartlett,

Clarence Carter, Robert Bishop and Mr.s. Roderick Smith, all Buh l; Robert Phillips and Mrs. Waldanlar Martinez, both Rupert; bai Uut i r ti^ iunti . yOTr t ?1r

Viclor Petrocn rind' Johnson, 'both Gooding; Kermeth Beanion. _UQuntiful, Utah, and James Hall,

-NHgertnHnr—*----- --- —Di.smisNod * •

Mrs. Ronald Epper.s. Edna Richardson, John Stochiurd, Alva Wowl, Harvey Floyd, Mrs. Virgil Groves, Deborah Kraus, Delbert Webb, MrS. Elm er Montgomery, Mrs.

. Mlci/ael Wo(M «nd son. Mrs

Heck, Wayne Steele, Mrs.LYaig .Saunders .and son and t w in FALUS — Services for

‘ 1 m-ujuj»-a-iumiibei—uhrthe. .:ttand have lived here since that

Presbyterliin Church and— -Mr -Bell-htid been a-shift-y,- Portland, -and -one

great-gran<lson.The ■ -faiiuly- ' ‘suggests*

past secretary-

had served the church njrelrter. treasurer and on the .Scout

u-:- committee.. - . -

foreman . at ' the Burley Processing Co. plant the past 30 ycnrjj. ’ . . ..

was past secretary- ' He was a member of the •af- thcTTu'tn-Tnlls^ - Pentccostai- Qmrch-

Exchange Club and a member of Masonic lx)dge No, 45.

Surviving are hfs wife. Twin Fa lls ; one daughter, Mrs. Qiarlotte Howar(l, Boise; one

-OufU . -WHKiiCTTtm rnrinwdny- -at- the— NrM.-.'itntf sir gnim!chlldrcrr~— bnrthcrsT^Jmney—crTrGllv

and had atiended the Assembly of God Church since living in Burley,

He is survived by his wife, Burley; one son. Dor litll. J\uliurn._Wasli,; five

Community Jiaptlst Church. He was preceded In death by F inal rites In the Ila lley his parentsr. ttmetery. . ... Funeral services (or ^ r .

— nnm :EY~= ~servlecs^ tor‘^''V‘‘Hnop-will 1»Bernice PIntLs will be nf2 p.m., P n'- Wednesday at White

JWoi:tuacy_Chumi~l>y-RtV.^ Robert Van Nesl. Burial In Sun.set Memorial Park,

Friends may call at the mortuary this evenipg amP until 1 p.m, Wednei'lay.

BUHL — Services for I-Vank J , ‘ Vitek will be at 2 p.m.lluirsday iit tlie Allwrtsfin, ThefamilysuKRostsilonallonsDIckard Chapel. Final rlte,s In >'>'■' Presbyterian Church --------- ^

--M emnrlaUuml. .. ‘ " Mim nui'ltiV -A:>scmbly of uod.

Albuquerque,'N. M.; Tliomas M. Bell, Burley; Hoyette L, Bell^Clinton, Qkhi:; Odis H.

lijroy A. Bell, St. Paul.Meb,; two sisters. Minnie E. Ik lJ, Oklahoma City, and Mrs! Vivian Thornbrough, 'Sijyre, Okla., and two grandcltlldren.

He was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers and one sister,-

Funeral services will be in


■ National SDlected'Morticians is nationally recognized for sotting liipjhcst standards of fiinoral Bnrvicn

yNSM~cr/atnrl thn Codft nf f ldad-Eimeral .

nicluir inRurl*ySup»n

-Jlltr-Bflg tf'ton UoiHittt _ a 2 t J3 Z 5 _____IW «nd*ll-U rom *Ooodlno Hao«>mon ' S3fc-353S

POMMUNITV .. : COBBISPO^DENTS............/Almo"

M '» W o llo fo ToytOi • H J4 V371 Ruhl . - .P au lino Dov 543 5 4 1 J

•'FITiT---- ---------- ---------


Mrs, r.oster^Koj'T'Buhl Mrsr~ p:irii. Thursday aPT V liilf^ ' — - MolViir-Cro\vlo>'rnTir-RnRcr“ Mor'tuary Clmpdr, Final files In"" — Kellor,-l)olh-CjiKlluford;--MrB. -Sunset Memorial P a rk r

jinaOcwln will be at 2"TTu irsday


Jaine.s Henslce and daughter.llagerman: Mrs, Eddis ; t WIN F A L I^ - Graveside Lammers, :F iler and M rs., services'*for Darrell Arthun^\nilrew Beck^Ifelchuiu------- will bo ot 2 p.m. Wednesday at

' Births Sunset'Memorial Park.A son was born to Mr. and____________ •

r.oon iN rt

/l.v/f for . . . Sirt’rl f^tiprisr


Marjorio Llormat) - GobdinQ Coiiniy

■ pJoov, , , Koflofmon

.336 54S4

GLEN N S F E R R Y - Order "D f'Tfn5tum **S«inrnetrs‘ore, K iCs. Ijirry Jones, Twin Fall.H

" ■ ' — ---------- ■ “ rvice.s (or William T! Hnyeanawden.' worihy patrtfn, Mrs. •'TheHormonamrchreported w lllto a fZp .m . Wcdne,sday nt

W dino L a rto n '

— m v " S a ■ “Ta icTate Con(orencc.. Elmwood _ Ccinclcry.. The. .: .± ‘" “ ‘-‘•-"“ I 5-a-n.illton^ncm. oorto«o-l«»vc^.-Thompson...

. Ooloihoo SUoUinith ,' J#rpm»

Chorlotlo Doll-------

433-S4PRn I M Pi

Mcretary; |Mrs. Clara Stone, treasurer; Mrs. W. R. Henry

•334 4761 coliductrcBs: ElmPP----------- —- - QHaoclato

366.3350 conductress; Mrs. Rov..A70

— .— ,• Nifchols, mufllbianrMrs. W T 035-56)5 Stevens. Adah; Mrs. . R.

^ m pbelU Rutli; Mrs. Herman JohnMn, ^ tlio r; Mrs. ' Irla

■ "tiers:" Oinpoi nt 'l:45 p,m. ■ -

Mr*. Arthiir Craor . Mlnl Coiila.

-Sdon'H eikllon . ' DIulvDlKOn Shoihon*


Comilqlronion ■ 670.H077 Orol IrvlnB, v«rdor • nnili.Mnllni!l. E,D. Lnwaon.

DO N A tirE^pN IUS7D;D.S7iMho-auOcIatlon^st— i— ;

SfANtEY^MrKERNrb.p.Sv- f f r Ihe-proctic* of Cenoral bsntltlry.-

1 SS Blue lo k « i Blvd. N „

o r .

I time It - of - LoveSwp»U * your M q r r jV l i

. yoof vvHli o .g lft o l .1 Howor* on htrr d a yWo c(]n m akp arranQ om ontt

'lb havo iTiom do llvo ro il ' i l ' l • o n y w h o fo . . . A nd romofrtbor.

ZV l/fro tfsn-'^ co m p lo io •o lo c ilo n ’o f G r o o n .p l^ l i^ C u t Flovwort ond^ p ja n l t r i , to o .. ' •

Twin Falll, 731-1674

Practice to define t|iosc standards.'yneompVomtainp-cT,mmitmanfc*to-thafe----—

— Code is n coiitlftion of meinBefaliip in__NSM-A!Ltho-NSMjiflilialo.jQt-thia-arfla,____ _

we aro governed by tlio Code in ovory- tliliig we do. For farnilies who - rlinnse narntiillyjltliat.-mcan'B-80m<ione - to cbmit on. , J

V V H IT E"The th - ^ byiho Park" ' 136 4th AVE. EASI-TW IN FAUS


Page 3: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

. I-

jia iiil n m n t^ wansset fortunds I r j ls choir~ F A U ^ - Twin Foils County

•■ '•' '; • ’. ' ■ ’ •■ ‘-j-' ' ■ ' ’ • __________ commlBsloncrs Mofi lny formnllydcclnred their .j Tl • ! pT jjP^ri|~ 'i planned use of M02,(K» iii ictieral rcvchuc : ; ; r- • —-slat^ci 1 1 1 I r . “t ;s concert .set

iMday, May 8. <973 Tlmoi-Naws. Twin Fallt, Idaho. 3'. .

^ ---TTW U ^ FA LLS A* bond...... nlcht with Twin^'PnlU'HiBh

School, Vera C. O’U a ry nnd riobcft Stuart Junior High

7:30 p.m.

bandS 'WlU'-bo conducted by. Ricb-Tliornc and Tom Whaley.....

Tlicy will, play “ Hnlny Pays and Mondays' ', and "Proud

Crade bands • will play -'“ Clierish;"-“ The \Viw»rd of Oz-

Fantasy'-' and n conccrt march “At. the Summit."-Under tlic-dlroction-of^J^l-

plninned, for WL'UricsdJiyr

The bands will piny nl' the College of SouUicrn Icl»ho>Flnc

-^hla-fttidilorlunr;---- — :Del Slaui;hter and Tom Slnughtcrflnd.nich Thorne, the

- Whfllejr w ill . direct the combined . concert , and . combined dewnthi'rndcbimds-. sympRony bands will'perform

■' ln~ ” Srppln’' C ld e r " lh i 'ir n~ ‘'New - Sounds of- - the -—

Blue Wlien Uie Sun Gets Hed” Na." “ Them From Summer of nnd ••Chosllch{m«elt.” ’42” nnd "Sounds of Uie Tliree

— 4 ’lio-fllflhtli-antl-nlnUi.Krade-'-Pgta jjliahtA'..! _ ------

cammlRslnnerfi Mon lay formnlly declared their planned use" of in icderal rcvchuir-Khnrlng money.

The cflmmlBHloners imnsed n reuoluilon listing -a Rche<li lc'0f planned expenditures.

The list Includes:--- --Gounly^biil!dlnKHriftn-<ncllllleMrwlrlnHand-.— wpnlrflrUM.OMi----- — ................... ..........

— County falri;rounds. fire protecllon nnd ‘<apllaHmpi’ovcnu‘nt, $147,000;

.;^ ^ Pu b llcU « ltftW lt!r r fh iftd d lh j? ii(!» ;W O r— Solid Waste, rond to snitltnry Inndrill,

■'"W5.obor“ '-.—- — Clty*cbunty airport capital Improvement, $.10,000;


TWIN I--AL1*S - n ie Twin -r-'nlls— niTjh— School - Mu.qlc- ^Department wlll"prcsent fU? atnuiiil c’lirtlp nlj'ht-^nir.sdny nt

p.m. •intiiii.*pm. :UL >Southern Idaho Fine Auililoriiim.


— MaRlc Valley- Memnrlal lioNpltnl rcmd pn))(*ctji; $30,000;.__

Slurti'til.s of Vera C, O'lxfnry * jind Rolwrt Sluart Juiiior high

.school niiisif di'parlmonls will Titsn-

Kathy Coleman and Knrcn Cook.

A- chorus’ 'trio Includ^fl- ■(’.iirolyn Jesscr,-Jane Willianis

LCberi;-Muson.>Solnii)tfi-aro~ Mary L ju n , Jone,s, soprano,. and Dcbbic Sullivan, alto.

The high school Concert (liulr acciimpaniblK' ar« MIhh Uerry and Jerr,y Vmulenlocs,iitntni swe'iii Id icTfooniomtr

wis^ii paictD^

\ -jjppiijir•iimuv. jvrotiriiiii- which is .directed by Hiohard Vera C. O 'l^ary general Snuiokr—Tom-Whaley , and.- nuiKic. ciassen will bo

If the money Is spent UB^expccle.l, the county -Helen Ijerzinijfr, T i’ckot.s mav ac'comp/uiiod by Steve Moss .wiintaVc $10,000 rcmnlnlirjTtirthP biHlKrt“ fn r puFcliaHed nt. the (jonr.' ^ ~«{” 1 Meg Ray^ rn , Mos.s wlH'

ThrvJiif*lt=aclu>oi—WHdrif'«l^»lwMu;tu»mpHny-lh»i<ihoir-nnd undetermined amount In has realized sinners will Im> accompanied by choral ensemble. 'from Investment of the funds. - ' l.ynette Herrv with N'ldnn Tin-Uolwrl Stuart choir will

-iiMtaiQiupunkd-liy llobln.

“ frtnriDse who; care..TATE FURNITURE!!

Our Entire Stock...• Lamps ol all

• .typos , •

reamedTWIN F A M ^ - D o n Huston,

R o ir f fho.s bcejy.uflpolnted.^, statew ide organizationalCDordinator.-fQr-. the__IdahoAmerican 'P n r tv. It wasannounced Monday.

Huston's appointment came at a party executive committee

meeting in Kimberly Saturday. He will coordinate development of Uie Pacty_ln cuunties-which-are currently without a _pnr.ty— structure.'

■ The committee also set June

23 for a slate central , cuwmittce meeting in> Twin Fails, Mrs. Alice Jaclmon, party- aecretary, said the_

.. rnQ£Unr‘WOUl?rbe_ combined _ wiUi a picnic style social gatherirjg, and invited all intere.stejl per.sons to attend.

Vandenbark, son of Mr.- and Mrs. James A. Vandenbark. Twin Falls. Washinuton St^Ue Univej'sity graduate .student, has preaentt^ n nnncr.entitled

-"-bnmuno Supprossive-Activity- 6f Serum During the Development of Delayed Hypersensitiv ity" at

Chorus -nccompnnt.sts- arc Witherspoon; --

-Elm ere-ta get-f a i E T H t f m i x f e r

1 ; ■ . \ ■

l - ' A ' - ' ' . -1 M i


‘♦OccQsionolPoliceMountain Home

fX'partnient.Two teachers, a nieniber of

----- ------------

C.MCNtJSFFHHY - RlmorO (^ounly.haK been granted $4,104 in Federal funds for the

meeting of the’ Federation- of •Juvenile Idinmillee to irain ' Uie Idano Department oT American Societies for local people'in problems of F n v i r o n m e n t a 1 andFxpCTlmental Biology, Mrs. -<lrug al)uso. — ----------C(»mmunity BorvlCes, a parentVandenl)ark announced today,- The granl will sendoi seven- and civic \yorkcr and a- high

mendH^rteath oflocal people to school student will attend. •. •llie Uhiv^rsllyo! MinnesoUi I6f----Tn'TOhWrCmTnly'TlPTennei-tw«Mveek-sesslon under the ( ’ommittee.'which obtained the

Al)us(‘ Kdiication Ac^'of' grtilTt'

loblos I W all docor

• Mirrors .

w %T)FF!LargostJeloclLoD o f

3 U M M t R F U R N U O R rI ‘I70. .

...... Tl>»'4»wm wil\*i5e 1iBndCTt=ljy:=p

IS a voiiihtary association of local

•worfc^Kev, Allan MUcheiriim rwiir"'drr(*(‘lly vvltTi yoiinp people include Captain Ted' J , under 10 years of age.

.„Mikolajc7.yk._ :.£rum__—U ie___ ____________ ... .jP r ic e d F ro m < ^ 9 5

S o r o r i t y s e r v e s ^

Dalton, vicL‘ i>residenl; (.'olleen Lalhflm, secretary; Fve lyn Staudiiher, historian i Miriam Hreckenridge, three year boiir[l ineinber; Joe Kiii|{.

KINC; H IM . - A beenjuffef duiner was served by members of Xi Alpha Al[)ha sorority members to Delta Alpha nieinl)ers Saturday eveing.

T i a v e l

MKS. FA YK Hollman. right, recilvK 'tin- -the Tjvln Fu11b_ Business and

- Professional Wohumi’k Club from ,Uclty '"'AlnsvTorflt." "Mf'{j""'IIMrrtlhH*''Wnr-TnnsrnjTF=

succeed Mrs. Ainsworth as prcsldenr of orgnnl/alloa at a meeting Sunday. . *

- Frhiit'i wtll-ttt»lintie-Hs- thr year board nienii)urs.

— -- - lU w aa anoonnC Q d-U ia l- lliiL :.- !Dijetumte f>nnt won thi> .sj^nnd

~^ ace civic awar(l fo r ' organizations In the Music

' Week Parade.

treasurer. Mrs. George Withers.

Mrs, Joseph Black was installed us X i ' Alpha president* Mrs, David Owen, VTc(» presldeht; MfB— Em-I~ Tischend'or'f. corresponding ■secretljryTMrs. John Shrum, recording socretaryi Mrs.

____________________ Tin?m)iTTe;r:uftlit ; i^ u iH lL_Mi.a'..secretary; Mrs. Dick Callison, Robertson, alternates and Mrs.' extension office; alternate, Marvin Wootiin, treasurer.Mrs, George W illis and •

.StJTn uwmRs instnMnrtTirrPrcsKTntTTof Alpha PcHaT ‘.Mrs7T4frT5Tlo‘HL\Tnre'“ [)residcnt. and recording

Extra Cha lieg g r t S h g l E

Pdd i Irom , . .

Business womereu n r

T h e A p p re c ia te d G if t fo r l\otn o r th a t g ir l g ra d u a te I

L a y A w a y N o w !4 ^ t h i s u n e keepsakeL i i n MINIATURE CHEST-IS

Jloffmyn-waii.choacii president — ofHlie-Twin-Fnlls-Busincss^^d-

"Professional Women's Club at a meeting Sunday.

She will- succeed Hetty Ainsworth.

— MniT-Bljfie-MillerwHft name^l-- winner of a quilt preserifcci by the Idaho Federation of

. RUSlnCf),^; nTi(t Prnfessinnni, Women’s Clubs- -Hon(.ro«l-for-;{ti-VOt<rF-t2l men»bcrship in the club were Mrs. liOra Doss. Miss Miller. Mrs. Geneva Billington, Mildred G ill. Mrs. Mable

lAfOther officers mst^dlecrat The

mCctlrTfflnclucle^rs. UiVerria Rudolph,-pp^ident-elect; Mrs.Iteverly lx*eds, vice president;Mrs. ' Bnrbai n ' CHi l.ton, recording secretary: Mrs. lx)is Jane Adam.snn, l7.etta McCoy A(lSTTnTfrTr;“ T‘Dm?.«qTonTlrTn;— nnd-lk

Moore to head - U n T d e r w r i t e t ' s

Thomas' M. Moore was elected president of jhe Southern Idaho Association of

-IJf(v-]Jndurwriturs aMnond>erK- Ynel Momiay in

Ronald' G .' Woll, treasurer; Dean Hadfield, Harold D. Cook and Dewaine ‘ • Jensen, diructorH. James W. Hawley i i' 7mtinmil"Comfhittupfnnn,nfittir-TWTTFnlls: ...........

ip«-wilUuocood-Iujrr^-Dr— ^rganiiatlon^Uh-4w<>ry«urf}-yot to serve in his term.

Speaker at the Monday meeting was""6^ A (Gus)

-Ko1k-gr~eintnr-nriirf>-^r News. He spoke on community

-scrv ic in is- ltT u ln tosn trb iis tno s: anil profe.ssional men.


Henman who has.served for the past year, -

OtherTYelected at the noon nuffCM O iQtasrQUTluaO r^

Rl)undu|) Room of the —Rogersbn-HoTelTTver^hj’Tp D.~

tJsco ln , v lc c - p re s ld e n l;William 0. Lyda, uecrctary;

i V m e r i c a n P a r t ya i r s p r b T ^ t

_____ Whfin.your wotor hp’a lor nood« ..roplacum ont. c a ll your olofctrlcal donlor or. cloBB o lo c tr lc .J i 's Iho noalor hoatorl

Pnrty' officials announced Monclny thcy'hnd [lut toRothor an oviiriniiliric'l^r'^nmpnlun

-setfernl tinys n|to protesting llifr- . "Gcnocldc Trcnty" pcnillni; -t»fore-thc^U.S-Senate. ' r

Mrs. . -Alice • Jackfion,

.'Itioy took while: flclitliii<-ln the' Vietnam Wnr._^•' Mr.sT 'Jackson saUr tlioBo: pnrtlclpntinR in the letter cnmpnlRii were from -Burley, Twin Falls, Klmlierly, Albion, -BrldKe and Jerome. -

-i!ocrot«ryr «»ld-nenrly -0,1110— Jackain-alilr-i^ny-Ainorloan— letters were prepared and cltljen accused of such a vngue mailed to senators protestlnR and uhdeflned ' crime nil tlie ralltlcntloirbrtho-trcnty;— .cauBlnB-mcnlnl^hnrm' Hi a i»li1ch=ihe-ii«lil-eould-~illlb]l!(;tu:::jncmbcmt:JumlnorltV-(irouproturnlnR "ABierkoiwsoiarcrs' ■cTiDI(njc’Ql(iFh7rom Ute Unlicd

:tmm-Vlotnnm to eirtradltlon NStatcB tor Irlal ln a forelan and. prosecution' (qr .'ncllpns

' . I I's nitfc thiit \vt' can taku luil u'aliT l'<ii- Almosl I'veryoni' Has aplwiiirul .smifil.y. Ill fa d , inure than fpiir mil of cvcr.v live I k i i u c s in our ai'wi have

w n t r r 'h P a to i\ < n lR n u N T T F ir hVatoi'f; that need no eliimncy.

■c)no ol' till' (listinn'uishin);' foaUii:us of our i i i ) i lu a L a u d iu ; i l f l 'O L v i i iK .- Q a m K - iL im e ly - w il J j- lioju'il.sijieq) it Uial-way., .-

The energy'you n eed/or the//fe you/eac/


j^ Larg e Selection

JL&SI DinettesPrices sfarl

as low os .


Kitnbarly Rd. Twin—


Page 4: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse


Perhaps The Start Wag ‘ ^Adequ^te^~'' O e v o t 4 u l 'fy> T h ja ^ C J th e n n O f M tt f f ie -P ^ a U v y

. TuMd«y,.AAay fl/1973 •'

“ o p ic T ir c W m t* Coon tv M#wtp«<iK

Al WMl«ror«n, Publiihtr PHONE-733n)Wl '''~~M*oib«rijr*Odiriia'iiUflrcireutMiortirH#UPi

- -fi5iTn5nwBir<^ub)lih'^^irubllihTd"tiilly:irid:$MaiYr««<«<>' STwin P i l l i . ld*ho.»»01,bvM »olc V«JI#y N*w ip»p*fl, Inc. dnUr^ tT irucoAO c l i i r m a l l matter April I ,

--*^MMtr*tw»p<>VT>Hiet tn-fw>w^»»>»»r«^*ho7iuor>jjAito»4h» tofAm-j;hjraTT. . .. ■ ...V------

WASHINGTON \ President ■ Nixon’s-bclntctl p rge of top White. House fltnffcra who belrbyoU lilm In tJio Wutcrgnto

J}UBcincjind_cQvcrrup^wa3_nn_/'■ ■"iul«nunt'c"'fitu.rt, Vn the word .

of a lonU'time nssoclate, but nepubllcan party, — ns - wnj. They fcnr he.-; Is still only an puUldc projJecutor can major power centers in hifl own contrasted to • Uic buttoned-, dcaiinB with Watergate‘by a clear tlie air of scan'dal — nrtd party are not jumping with down^Nixon apparatchiks now' scries of tactical expedient*!, clear Mr. Nixon of publicncw.(ound jo y ^ - ■—pur«cd.rrom.tlic-!WWtc:Hoiwc ..notbJU ic grand strategy oUull— iusplclon,------------ —__Xp the contrary, moat of tjte — fed that the P resident wjw disdosuxc they want. . - ' It was, in the wor^ _______men of real power inside Uie pusliedTnto nclTon agHlnsl'lils...... Moreoverf^Mr. Nixon is siTch.HeiMn)lIcnnr‘’shocWng''^

under -private’ but liairph Uiat Mr. Nixon liung this ____-pftwerful-^HooioioiKMt-Riohar'nBonr-Aguinr

Good From. BadTKS ^Watergnte - scandal, NtJi*)h took pujna lo :

BonsDless and. illegal from the pcoplp there will be no wliitewash ouBctTWd lhc rcsuItiint spKMd of "-of the White'House.questions reaching to tlie veny door----Meantime; there are .Jargerof President Nixon, may yet bring duties of the office of the President,------------------------------------------w itlrw in E in v f f t Js v g ir t irs h D t ilit- m jt :

........ ___________________________interfere - the quest for peace,l? ir .s trth e-m ess ;m u st;.b a jJfian Q d .^ ^ Q n tca Lo [_ ih fla ti()n .:_ re id u ctip JL_ flC



"UjTso tharmorc'ImtWEtiint affaira- of greater national significance can rcceive proper attention. It is the

discharge faithfully its task of c'lcaring the innocent ■ and

"insider" it wouid appearI coursc of wisdom for him to assign

the pro'secutipn to 5n outsider of.... ; unquestioned repute and stature.

, His greatest task will be to restore :-faith in the Department of Justice

— ^_anditS-invjistigativc-arm,-thoJBl

tacts-i^ll—sntisfy-tKi!=American‘ people and the judicial system


■tfriticianr— -by- nepublicans for tli6 clumsy ' way he handled certain Aspects of the two most important new ibsignments he has made^ tiiat o f'^ liroV 'T irch a rd so ii as ”AltQrncy.Uencrai antj wuhnm.' Huckclshaus as acting director of- 'the • Federal- Bureau- -of

Uie President's refusal tlie demand of n vast, perhap s iinanlmous, majority In his own p a rty in th e matter of a epoclal profiocutor smacked of.

TOtr ;tiictics;'-not '-the-‘grand^3^ S t r a te g y 'required to’ bring his ndm ln lB tra tlo n and tho country back from-the brink. • • _

rinally, whnt (ins 'fallccTto'

result in needed reforms political process and ppst partisan

- ^ w n lH h in V h < ^ it ) lt3 ^ h e - o n e is - it ir— <ft )Q S ( r - i^ n ^ r i :5 b t- ^ th i6 - - a y irtipo"rtarit~“as th^other, but bipartisan goair

-inevitably-some—innocent. :o I , Departure oLJiihD Erlichman wrongdoing will suffer.

A c c c p t i n g u l t im a t e responsiblitv. Nix6n pledged to the

^ople that every effort will be made to bring out the truth, fully and impartially. He picked J3lliot Richardson as his new Attorney

'GeneraTwlthxompletcauthofltrto e's slimmy trial

-_IO.vestlgat|o ji..______________________nuckelflhaus, a youngi)mioHi-oetlvisl-wiU»T:<>har-mT— givt^AltJJiitoaaJulljLdcan-bUl--- ^

shrewdnfiss and aljrlglit future of healUt Inside the power•in-natlonaMlepubllcnmpomiwi— Btrueturo-of-hlft-own-party-is---- -■hns' now becn -effectlvoly tlie continued Bocrollvoncss of liarrfd from running for tpc Hie dcc;ls^on-maicing wTHcl)-. Senate'ffext year-or perhaps .oulm lnaled in his ever by the President'a sudden, ' .’onfoj.jHUlalire M o tid ay Hl-fnasiflprM. fimsinn. ,ln..piil-.-mmnlnt! Piiijge. nnfl, hifThim In charge of the F B I; Not wahling ll)c job and feeling not fit for il, lluckelshaus,

•‘adequate” Monday evening report to Llie people.

Thus, Mr. Nixon has not once

and H. R. Haldeman could improve relations betwtf(?n the White House and the Coogress, long critical of Cavalier treaimeni- at dit' hunda of

, Nixon’? trusted aides,The national interest militates

strongly • against---pre-trial^speculation andTiccusations.

In the words-of Henpy-Kisslnger FtcfTislnrarscivcs-whethei

3 w6 can afford an orpv of -r^Gr-iminaiion,-or—wJiethen should not keep in mind that the W led States will be there for

I few months as ' ‘acting”_______dlEuctor Uorcing__ him lo

remove himself from all possibility of re-entering elective politics In Indiana irt'

political advice frOm tlie men best equipped .(ogive i(_to_liim.. i.aird, -Goidwater, former Wliite House counselor Bryce Harlow, Scott, Hep. Geralc)

^ S 8

ii.M— — -------—Far—worse-tlie-Presidenl'H' quick, decision to. put "Mr.

/ *1 ft n ' r. 1 t It . k . Ii' 12 I (Y t f 1 1 *11

-Itepublic'Hn-leader — aU-theKo- - have been kept ih the dark.

Rnth ITnrrl f>nrl r«/)1Hu/ntprClean at me i lii ~ a uicui-cn ' • decision that fits into no

LHilll rUI U* 4IIIU«V4UlUWili(.l 1tortiu-ed by worry that Ute-

— — discemible-long*term-strHtegy- -Wat<;rgale-<liselosur-«(»-had'uacantecd—still— bccomo—a—ooni;lil«tTDnai==nnd-

another period of dangerous____________________________ payiuncertainty for the harassed beyond reach, had to b^g l^ii-d

'chological crisis spiraling

■ Ttnnrm m lltipwn’jTBble-integrtt;' and. rigorously high, principles,”

__ mho would bo fair and fearless; He_____________■_;: aiiQ'gave ftichardSon_^ul ^ imngSTlhai bny-particular crisis

.^jLfihnVicrt. ;.!! .lipnninL -siiphrvising_' aridwhethef all of ils db not Have aq: prosccutor for Watergate and obligation to remember tHat the 'rrelatcd affnirs..:Sincc~Richardson faith in—the--country imujt be .state during (he hapless reij^n of the unfortunate L. Patrick GraylTT7 -= ----— ------ ------

Far more Veveallng of the IVesiden^t’.') inability to deal deciaiveiy and come sharply to ~

case lo the President. But, uninvited, he never dicj.

Moreover, Mr. Nixon, is “kn^own^ ■l}p^fnrtDnF=Tit= Goidwater' for - his-Aprii* 11 ' public demand . that the President stop protending

Capital spending statistics are

economic barometers, for a . number of good reasons.

a»i)fid9iMWg8n-HiB-piinUnf» tlifl«

Watergate must ,b& -kept in perspective, a sordid aberration on the part of men who should have known better.

The President of the United -Statos-lonlior-now-than-ovor.-has

CliallingEach citizen-owea-it-to himself-and... --witi\-ft-iii>erHi-friend-the other-his counry to support his Ideals and ' 1 t-xpressed ap()rehL‘nsionrirepms of n better life for all. . .• ■ ________ _____rigriuul_]nryiiiQQiii concerning'

tlie {MKssible involveinenl of high Nixon' admini.stration officials in the Watorgalo bugging scandal.

•‘But John Mitchell and the rest — they’re all guilty as



Double Standardshadow of a doubt.’cutor, but to leave that [iresidentlfil decision up to Kichardson,

Given the long’'and‘ ugly _ Watergate c.Qver.:up by .Mr.' Nixon's aides in the

— ----rr— i.s unihTfitaiiiL done to protect tlie accused's, able thal.'^uch Republican

andliard d _Monday, deeply worries party elders who vvanl llls clean-up to sufceed, both for Uieir sake tJS

..i^ lL il:S jlii_____________________

Capital OutlaysSpending for capital Items in 1973

-4e—ovcM-eaeliing—moat—eai4fer- forecasts. The total this year will be a new record.


Tluis. (lie need for-seoreoyi is- ri*piitation,- 'Hie -f*rand-jury-H absol^ite, because grand jury system of secrecy says the proceedings are exclusively a evidence heard by the 2:1 jurors

'zalidvtrEQidyEiUlfif^imiHwHie^ublialjeav^^F'lhe^^^Sirtl, siniple reason that the accused is not yet on trial. I l ie grand jury in fact may refuse to hand down an indicnment, whereupon the transcript of the

Ah! How grateful we all are" to tlie anonymous Sophist who invented the flnnhle-slanfiaaL

tprosccutloi proseuution's' caso is presented; the defendant In effect has no rights of defense;

, He may not be represented by a lawyer and he has no right to offer evidence; indeed, he may Ix? barred " fr ftm ‘:'the--henrinir

For they see as yet no sure slunals that the President is finally ready lu open up his,

estal)lishnifnt»n'ums—as—»Son— office—and—liis-juind-to—the----Barry Goidwater, former outside tjpinion most ‘ Defense Secretary Melvin U. . particularly the__opinion, of ~ 5eh:;i^nugH—SeutL=r{if=iwllllt.'lunbrin.liiirK)wnrPiirly.-:rT=^,.-- Pennsylvania, the Senate that niiglit have saved him minority leader, and many, much of lu^^ many more are insisting that preseni grief.

""" '" " ^ " ^ E O R G E X ^ H O S IE S O N J V L IXroom.

Under such circumstances. rytliinii-pflaaihltLahQiiltl

But it Is not only Jhe accused who is. protected, So is the priKet-nlinn^ All Worry

— “^irectly^affccted-byHtsrwillingncss— hemilTrB'^reTiW^inflaTlohary :— .-to-invost-largo-sums-of-moneyJn— problems-an-somesectors.because

• neW plants "atia^equTpmenl. And dcmand'exceeds oulputnSstimates----capital-— spenBingi -though - aro^-that-factorjies are now---inflationary in-itsolf; .also forms a .perccnt of

_7_T—ctisTfmn irifrationary capacity.'Rernainitiglit this'level of---- pressurcs^when-factories-beeia-to— p

approach maximum production. new surge of inflation.

I duculucl U WOMlcI bo focUluKK— ROBERT ALLEN16 argue IKafthc proceedmgs of n grand jury ate «upj)osod to be .secret, on penalty of profiocutlon for—contempt <»f court. But later I could not help

Panam a Gaiial


- lT n re ~ ts ~ lM o v T iT ^

W ASH IN GTO N ' The Panama aiTd L ib /a ' have- ie'~“ifel{?vaTir’ T ’anama"CflnarwoUld"bccpme~establI^W'orric!alTelntinn's‘’-

wonderings about othijr directly embroiled in the — apparently preliminary lo. sen.sational cases of the past tensely explosive Middle Fast formal lies.

_______ dceadc. all ^flavored, with, tlnderbox — If the*'virulently____ the.foroign ministers ofIdeology or ' "po lillcs. 'anti*U, S. radical rtders of the two countrios are lo

■So'fnms- f-have

about going out of,my mind -_wjth worry..Fm aUnpnopause

agcTind stoppcd-menstruation-' for nbo\n'^ix moritlis, liien 1 started to monslruate again. Is that the way the change of life

- fs?— M. .1. S ,----------There- nre-poflsibilitieft—ef-

nothing harmful in .such resumption of Menstrual bleeding; there, are also occasions in whi<’h it ran l>c a ’


addressed, stiimped envelope. Send requesl4i.'tQ me in-core of Times'News;-— r - --- -—

Dear Dr. Jlioste.son: Would you romihen op the value Of - viti«nin-K for treating-heart. ..

-A— vwH-fne-aning---

I wronc.'

neifihbor quotes nutritional book.s cljilminy tlinl vitjiipin E c'fin heal scar tissue and repair

'a (laniaiipi.riiciirntrtlmi!;----My (loctor says that buying

July nth isn’t really as far off as iUooks — and members of the Twin


infofmed, is May 30 so if you want to go tlien get on the ball.

holding their 50th Reunion her.e on■ that date know that to be a jac t__

.But they arc moving rigfit along and we received word from those in

; charge that as of now (and thanks „to Mr. Spectator, they.said) all biit

TrrUriOftJitrclaBSTnoiiibors-have been ' accounted foi . __-------------

are Luverna Adams, Hilda Chase,

■ FolUs, .Heleh G. Jungst, Bernice • Kelly, , ■ Thelrria McCreary,

J -ElizabaUi— Romes,— Xheodorc.. Taylor, Arcliio Tuckor, Victor Vilardcand Mildred Willson, If any

,. of y6u' “ fdund souls" know-. the_ ^_whereabouta-<iL, — tJnin write tUft 01^^1023 Keunmn- - Secretary, P. 0; Box 804 in Twin

Falls or call NonalJiochQm Verano _ or Emma Wanner; also both of

TwIlTFiin r - ' ----- ^

uTascertam , ho pious ^md TlffV'JirPlTppiireTitly^eWng---- Han a n i ani«rn--- forelirn 'indefatigable reporter of’ funds'from oil-rich Ubya to minister Tack and ambassador wliich - so in.stead of golny out and no oni: haliberal tendencies sougl\t to construct a sea-level canal — Hoyd have been vigorously of-your mind with worry, jusl j)roof that it is<!rack the secrecy of 'the in (hrect I'ornpetition with the courting the Arab delegations make an appointment wiUi human .systeminquest in^o the drowning at waterway built and controlled " at the United Nations - your doctor for a pelvic

-Ghfi tvpaqHViHhl-k-k;:^T-JH>4— ^ i i t r

i ever off^ed value to the

- 11. P,.- I fairly well agree with your

:iing their'hosUhly iQ tho pTnminntion^nnd Pap smear... rinctQr_excppt_fQr_onc? point. l|, S. and sup|M)rt of the Arabs' There are. you see,, reasons Vitamin K does have its uses - nmity to Israel. ’ for « normal' \voman having but it Issop/evalenl ln,so m^ny

AIDUEQUESTKD «. testimony, involvinf? the Ther have refwrtedly beenpossible culpabilitv of Sen. discu.ssions on that between ...... . .... . ,

I o iTibvan— »lroivKmnii--- Gof,---- Hi.;^-ij^Hn-Bv.iwwl-M«r.|liBl. Illvt'dilUL. .afjof .lomg-^^fcailSJluiLliilmEbLlOthe r d ay fro m J i m Com stock , a byordwof thi'presidinu juduc. M u am m a r Q a d d a f i . ivli,, jnakes Inn IwriL's Iiljout miintlis witliinil any Ovulation heard ot anyone lacktni!new sm an , on the W est V irg in ia ' ,vfrc(ltl.'ri'loalis from tlif fiToc iou.sly anti-lsraid and aflviicatini; I vioLuncf and u ™ proiiui-tuin I raises with fnounh iif it from his reuular

H i l lb i l l y o f R ic h w o o d , W e s t - |;rand juries whtdi indicted hostile to (he U, S., i|nd terrorism to ilain desired ends, menopause,but.studicsdi.selose foods.^ V trg in in A s n nQwsmnn~he ip ____Dan.Ellsbcrg for .stealing t|i e I ’anainanjan finance minister In IMfl. he le(l a rlotou.s anli-U. ovaries can still As lo,vita|iiin E supplementsjust about ready to retire but as a Pentagon Papers, and ilu-__r,tHllermo.Aiy.m>. r(d)idlv H. deniQnslrulloaiiUhc.CanftLJ’''i .‘ii'i^ i^ i^ ‘ <fe.

- f m a i: b ig p ro j tc t lS :g eU m ij tflEgi hCf ----- s. ' ------------------------------------- ---------- Vm.n .mhlr b ^ luid ■ t.f . . Im oyiir ianl.onn.;nel-tHT nrrt/lnrinf* nf vn liim n \Vorif-“ li^^rngan. ' Libya. » major oil producer. supprpsRert-bi,^tnTeIfte p roducm g-ot a-60-VOlUm<MV^C------ i j , J lh..r.. snrl. I.-ukT---h;>fl .in im-oini»-|ast vnaTTRTm

..._______He and. i)iocked offtirls lo work

This ordinarily is about one- lentli of the amount mat used to

on, no. U's a fad. And so many

One volume will be devoted to -WoBt VlrgtnlahB-wtohavcJetLWEst- Virginia. Mr. Comstock is very

siicli .people who now live in this sbctitin of Idaho. He’s interested in Two "typiisl'.Jiainely (1) those who

r^ le f t iW «3 t^ re in i!t :y em ;s- ? ig o im d " a degree became "settlers" or

t^uide tor iTT]m n m n s c n j rih'fcTvftmrmmB'"

:PFtipOiilOCOUi;^Had there tieen such leuRjT. had an income last year From T................. . . . .

I— myv'-frienrf— hwYe— this-^^o«rti^flHomr|'.HJillrTm^=— oiinrcnrnpnnmtsrrpsolatlomjt— bfr-pwMhitHMln-Howevj^rr-it-iH-announced Kllsberg and the expected tothcrease to atleasl Uie Security Council meeting in «lso known that-the amount ----

-nerriganbroUjcrswere •'guilty J2.5.-linilon-thls_y<^ar^ A i„P i,n am a ,- — .:-cnn-rvnry.-and-ifc:n:zauddcn:^-^Dcaci}r.^ThQ5tcaon:JJiOY.?.8--_i as hell” ? I decline to n r r io priiniirve country w ltir a According to the Inside ienuMirary surge occurs, tho

-iLprflPtf_thnt_hnrd_nnt_ ---- -— population of only nround 2 account. Ai7:pu proposecf a |2 membrane of tho uterus wittHowever, perhaps 1 should million, dils huge revenue iias billion' loan to Qaddafi

give my friend’Uie benefit of enabled"Qaddafi lo throw hla construct a sea-level'canalthe doubt and conclude that he doesn’t nnderatnnd the.f.nuK.I

weight around In Middle ICast' nnd other affairs..

which would t>e owned and -opor4)tud—juinUyuby—X^uunu-

cniving for seeds — ' apple seeds and -sunflower .seeds. _

lttlirflmr^f-b)ef>4:— Wh^t-valuc nrfr-thoyT-lf-<*» ih---- =L i k e w i s e s o - c a l le d other.than protein? Are they

fattening? — Mrs, J . C."breakthrough bleeding'' can -UCCULif.

Officials have said they believe everyone will:hove bo muchiun at— tlie reunion starting on that date (July 13) and continuing .through., tlie next day (July 14) they have

Jeaders In tlie trade area of .the. Times-News (2). Ex-West'

—Virginians . Avho- havp.—made-, a- ■ reasonable^ucccss.itrinduslry or a profession or in government, also in this sectiotTof^dahoT:^

r ^ i r y ayatein: fle'ls n o rt StiipW AlthoiiEh't Jhya; has onlyr.n . and U h ya . ■ r ■ . -------- -— lilfOM'ontrol piU,-or.|iorroonon'm'n.iindthatcouWbc'theonly^ mlnisaile army nnd no navy or Aizpu Is said Jo haW stre.ssed medication^ for menopausalreason for. his dociaion that air force (despite Uio purchak* that thi,s new canal would fjive sytnploms.,In'sucli cti,'i.<ts, anJohn MItcliell et al s t a n d o f 70 French supen.sonlc MiniBC tlie,Araks (loininiitlon of-lwa of adilialment In the nmoutil you

principally—[lbeii.'—O t. the---iiil!e.«ible ■ portion; sunflower .iccils run 24 per cent protein,47 per cent, fat atid 20 per cent

' conyictccLQl parllcipnlion ih o r " fm liierst.'Qadiliiti. vocal|y' Is (he worliKs inain'wutcrwayii—. lake usually coi'rccLs thliiRS.__ cnrbohydi-ate.Trlch In mlnernis— .c r UigioSflfuciileTit'Df the Arab ~ Fiinamii and the SuczT\^linii6~:~n(iralneT! .lilccilln|i-n1s~o~ can anil.bavihK liolije vltamlns^A

Names and addresses as well us a~br}ef i iography are requested, "hosenc

. crlininnl_Jinawliiiliib.,flIlt!l9 Watergate caper. ■. . A .Bn in d Ju ry does not


war'mdnHorH..^l/puisone ofjllctator Omar


Arabs possciisinB m osfol n iirT t» T i‘all!H'of cHncer-or-otllcrr-.and~B,rApp)»-«epd3JiV}. I "world'soil.thesr would then be', the ™ly wte thlni! to .similar proportions. ■ ^ j .

4i. - UinlnHlo ^— dov-and^w..ohly-wftyJiL.iilop--- I attcoinf .?.—"Anyt!Un(i:~witll----a crime seems lo have been With foi^rKn mihister Juan , Israel by torcmi; tho o. S. and ^orrymfi. Is lo havO a ehi!Cknii tlvat~Tmreh^rtitclii, fat—and cominjtled,-:n-pnncl of M Tack lind-^UN nWbnssador oDots to withhold supiioft lit by your physician, ■ curboliydrnto la fattenhiB it

you eat cnouph of It,

“ thnnime-Si n tO^OlnThBmrStTfar personally!'

from a few members of thb classes of 1020,1021, t02;t and lOiiS. If you're

Tnlcrcstijd in’ tHs then write tljo “IT_TODAY'S G llljcKC El:____triukes you realize the

nnd to decide whether a charge . or.charges brought agnlrtst ^qne. ' or nifrro

-lndividm iia._ An .Indictment

role in putting over n schomc whflro. by, the UN Socurlty Codncil hcld 0 . week’s sbssioft InPannmn.“ TIiolrTilm, to ram'tfirotigh a

. S. roRolutlon,may-be retwmcd by iTBinipIo—

__ ... .the ttostofjicefeox listed.----rK tte r w o r d get ^ , „ t is determined by n petit S. nmbaflsndorjohn & n ll;~ 'lH c lf lim e d Q V d a a fliiiie v in ce d - ’ mntatCffr'hiirbpoklctwuldbe— stnm petUnvelop^- DoadHne for making ., down to cloning out the garagd jury before which Uio'stato l^ccordlng;to .usually, well- “ definite Interest"'in tho ciinnl “ Dlobctes, The ; Sneaky In coin to cover cost of printing

-- rcsorvatlons, wc. have' been cach spring. ■ \ M,: niuiitrprove lta c«sft:bfiyond;a -inrorm WlddlfrEaataource8r-Tu:horac;™--r*-Tr— : . -re-DlaeaaeT*‘-^ynllablrT‘fot:7 ilB-nnUlhnndllnB^

write what "g lycosu ria ” Much ,heart trouble nienns. Tills is very Important preveniab le .. W rite to Dr.. to'Tno>(ls ■ thcrG-a~booklct .on.- Thostcsron In - care -lo! •, <lilH tlila? — Mrs. F. C. . newaparier for^o copy of hla_______

Wall'e7r‘lh'nif^Hft-‘’lflte^8lTilil“ “ 01ycosiiriff meini=too=mudi==bDoldcl,^uuiJUJateCMti!:d£— Nasser. ' ' s u g a r In tlje l i r ln e n n d this Your Heart," enclosing a Ipng,

r qimrtcre r lt- moBt-?-7gonornUy-^^-manpiu-molf.addrejtBod-tusc-ilp-cod&).--- .

hojd out jto Qaddafi that he would become, tlic ilomlnhnt

' (IgurV in the Arab world e ven 'm ore , pow erfu l'and

Page 5: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

Newsjmafi iees"Tuojdsv, May 8, ,1973 TImoi.Nowi, T»l/ln F«lll, Idaho S

— >lEW_XQRK_aiEl)---Waller-Cronkllc-bcllcvcs Die Nixon Admlnlstratiton "has ^Icd to ' brins. one] may )mvo succocdcd In bringing, the press to lied" In Amcrico.

In nn extended nnd cnndlti Intcrviow In .the June issue of Playboy mngnzlne, tlie CPS

“ :newartnut'TKc^^ses'llio*T^rx6rrDilinlnlslrniron' of **nn orchestrated, coordtnnted cnmpatRn'*

^ofikltc sald.hq Tclf Spiro Aghcw''a IDGO' specch In Dcs'Moines, Iowa, iii'which tlic vice president oltackcd TV news conimcntatorB ns “ 0 Uny, enclosed frotemily of privilege men

V clcctctl by no onb/and enjoying a raonopo!y._— — sanctionwhmd-Hccnscd bj; B0vcrnmunt;'"\vufl a—

. turning point In Uie admlnistration'B ottitudo to- • word tho-nowfl-medlo. ■ -— ~— ^ . ' •-

• *'I think thot Wos th(f open declaration in the / ’ battle/’ Cronkito said. ••Before tlu it'lt was .

■ -stmply fi>U thnt. this ^HminlfltrnHnn’a- ai tagonism, had been-about like the antagonism

------ — filwwn-by^provlous-admlniBlrfltlonn.— • - v-'nie-admlnlstration-liait^^-and l • ” " fn^' haWsuccc^ed/lhliringlnB/thc [Jre ^ to

heel.-11 hos tried to suggest In every possible way Uint the press [las no' privileges In-tlio—

-SQcioIy.should be put under much closer scrutiny by society as a who|e.

•;A/id this. I think, Is a dangerous philosophy.------“ ■ ■’ _nL>ainst nrcsa credibilltv. to

divlffe tlie notion from tlifc press, is continuiny—

_iU.can’t's poi^lbto to have such on v nouncmg Uint Uic cost-cf-food index had risen inorchestrated, coordinated campaign wUlwiit- January: "Of course, the press is going tosome prior plan and ngrcement —which really misinterpret tliis." ' _____ _coraos oul to bo n conaplrncy;" ho aald. "Tlmt was quilc n proJiidKmcnl, it scorns to

I.UTON, Eiiglaiul^UPli - ncildenli ol a quiet rcBidcntinl street'awoko Sunday to the


■ C r q B k ito _ Jo r m o d ^ .m e."-CtoanJctnnklie m lc l.. "How do youpcromcnt pinble, piirtlculjirly for; n. mnn.ln ,j,e ^ U io food prlfea luivc.Borioliis.poslUmU’.r ^ "up by the gronjest percentage In "20'or 25. 'n»oNlxon'Udmlnislrntionatlltiulotownrdthc v'i>nrq'»" ■ .

:prosiU4uriioB-baqtiU lUliU)lt.J-U iln IUUlui-----^l-Wmld-rDfrttbc-nblchrshut up-i>boutiill ofProsWonl's pcrsonniuy,'to lil.s romoIencs9, Hp...,u,|s i ilon'i. wiuil'to Hland out horo us u lias novor boon oblo to sit down witli nowamcn, spokesman for tho tree press nunlnst tlio put his foot up, get, out tho bourbon bottle imd President of tho Uniteil Suites and niialnst his say, *Conie on, go(H{, lots have a drlnkj you ■ndminlstrHtlon. Tliat‘s not n comfortable thlncKuya siire laid ivmio:rno.tpilfly,’\Ci‘onkUo said,... lo' invo io do,-:’ ' ' ' r : ’: : . ' 7 :“ .: .. .--Ttmt*ffthirwtTirtWnTnhrftT(D0n ^ lu.von't' oonie from our .side,.Capitol_Hine_voj:yjincrn^ Uiough. We're likt tho troop.s in tho trench’

Tfiey colled pollee, who (llscovere l leven -JjgcrB.pndiiE.Uiclr cage on the back ol a truck

parked In the ^ w t Uurinft tlie niRht.----- A cIrcuB spokesman cxplolned that Uic truck

_Urok&dowu^uUls4]rivof loftiUnd tlie tisert to-• get a mechanic. . --f '*—.............. ^

Air war funding hit

because- President- Nlxon-can't do-,Umt,. -his— dijrini’-n-rpnnr.ftrrthnfV.bclnfr'^Olnted-by the aloofness gr_ow_ into co61ni BH, [nto mlsun- _other slc|e. ,Yn\i know, if WB coulllusljliydown■(lorstiinding of the press; and*lhoh" info an' toward tlie nress and eventually into acampaign ngainst It.

our arms and say, 'Come oh-the Constitution tumjiavni£ci2-spctidi.and.a.frt^e-preaa,.and

..•WASHINGTON (U P I ) — to deficit accounts to suppoTt^ Hep. U ‘s A.spin, D-Wis., said Uie bombing of Cambodia In

fInprfCed__the-, bombing of _ prohibiting-transfcriuwithput_.Cambodio/ illegally and congressional authority.-someonc-could-go-tu-jaiL-

l)roadca.sting ought to bo a part of it; no\v let's Aspin said testimony by -just admittjimtTind ncknowicdRC that this is the'-Dcfonso' Department’ officials "

-Ecnlagon— oUicial'aitestified -the money has. not' bccn'lfigallytrnnsferred' but

v -Cronkitc:. pointed ^out-Agricul^uro Socrotary -. \yhy thin country has nlwnvftTum-nnH lefr*»run-it« ?ihnwrrt»-thnt~^H«»-nnHinTr-hrrn— — Tffr r nW", pPlfflnrr Pari Butz remiu'.k in February a|tcr .an- that way.'Ciosh, thafwouUl be great." been tran.sferreil from .surplus eonRrosalohal npprovo^ '


and is being stepped up. as a.matter of fa(;t."Cronkite said that hlthougli he regretted using

the terpi "conspiracy” in a speech a couple of

yoar.s ago, " I still fed that tills Is basically what ■ has taken-place: , a wcll>directed-campaign the press, agreed upon in secret by members of the administration.

fees create

WASHINGTON i U P I) '^ Sen. ■ Robert Dole of Kansas, former Republican national chairman, says he considers Republican convert__ John B. ConriqUv

l“ PorelBn=JJowip;Analv5t=i::35ononifOriIj^viorking-«lom(In July, 1950, U.S. forces Middle Kast. She

lande<l Ixbanon to help put Trilownonantl*go«ernmentuprl3—

Ing supported by Syria and Egypt nnd stemming at least in part- from the nresencc ln_

raneancoastalprefer»-;o remain the areals -The guerrllliW prefer , tohanker4indccntciu)f UjurismJ_____operale.iroin .Lebanon because

Slio lia^aiuiipucted the Pale» — tlio mountains un eithur side of tlnian cause, but did little to the Iwrder are ideal for fi«ht Israel inJQjfl iihd miUiin^_i:ucrcilla.ODtfriitlon?i.m.ost Jsrn-

iQt-f4i4nu.Toss the Iwrder and Connally as the frorit-runnerff. t.operate in thu Medlter- even tliougli ConnallyTiasl>een

State Department warned It supposedly guaranteed peoc-e would view "with “ greatest U'banese-Lsriieli fron-concem" any threat to the h* the 1(M>7 war l)oth kUIusintegrity of Ix-banon._____________ respettedlt. ___

In May, 1073, the U'bunese Oh. Ihe pllier hand, Uie government once again finds formula by wliich she giiincd

'^ ■ n i r e in i iB m ® "b t - c t c n r a T t r ^from the outside. »nd auain _ guaranteed the guerrillas; a

- becomes the focal point in a ‘s ia f^aven and gave them crisis with potentially grave certuin. infiltration routes intointemationalcomDlicatlons.____IsraelrTheonly eon<h tionn were—

InTm Hction siniilar to King'^'thal'llTc guerrjUas'did liu use Hussein’s ouster of Palestinian I-ebanese villages as, didguerrlllns from Jordan ln1970.

" nitlVl»ll iiKalhsi' 'lliu guurr •"•wim'imu iiiJiiu ii.'im»iu» tnew base:_____________________

J ___ !lfluiiiL_Lebiincse_Jiiisident__Sulefmiih Franjieh decliu-ed ' Lajbnnon would not become the“ base for a guerrilla "o(.'cupation {u-my” and ho adde(h

"1 don't iwlieve Uud. any ■ other Ariib country has gK’en our Palestinian brothers what

"we have given them." '' It was true thaUn.Lebanon . the guerrillas had enjoyed the

Page 6: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

4 TlmM-N«W»,-TWIivFill«Pldih6 r-Tu«iaiy7TW»v

l£rogli% a ff^ av it Im iiticates-Hixon

_____LOS-ANaELES_(.UPD jz=_l« n. Inifiitflry.jipcpfiiJrj— Pf«Bi<l«ntaiUoiupotJiDiuilly__ iL fo rm crJ

ordcrcJ the “ Krcnlcat nfHiJnvU. urgepcy" In .InvcBtlRnting panlcl Ellsbcrg, nnd John

. . _fJhrlichtnhn Knve Ihu . r V-WvofllfKOtors ••'fliiUioi'lzrttlon to

©'nRnRo In covert ncllvity''"Mmt

: to ropgdfl from tlw FD_LOi«t_Uic

Wnshlngton rocclvcd me The atntomonl by Eg ll papers before ' Amerlcnn

"Dud" Krogh, described In newsmen, he snld. oUtcr 'sUiUjmontB as one of the — . H ie affidnylt said KrpKh key figures In the breok-ln nt 'iwna personnliy Instructed by Uic *■ offlcp-^ f— Ellflborg-ft-^Pi*friild<ynt— NixuM v liT~ Iho

■ psychlntrist, wns reveolod- presence of John D. —Mondny ot-thtH-Pontagon— Bhritchm Tm =*=tlnit^=thi

I Papers tfihl. ____ , __conUnulng lonka of vhni Infor ^KroKh’s-affidavit ga’v c ‘ nb"_ mntjon^wcrQ.eprhpromlfling^

Indication IJtat tl»o President niiUonal security of Uie United itront^cclflmpemtioai— Statcii; • and^hir~Preatd<nf

Uie Wlilte House team instructed the afflanl (Krogh)

.he ‘ Inirglpry. "Krogh "s a id " grcatwl urgency 16 detorrnlho'•jEliFliclimart-Jcacned_of_thc__Uic-sourcc of .th'c Jcnks’i" .. ..break-in only after It had -There was evidence fo

.............. Ilsherg

‘B l I D ’ K n O G H. foi’in i'r

uiTurri't! nnd ccnflMr c d ^ rc DHTevc . team, saying It “ far dxcceded • - psychlatrtnt, Dr. Lewis— -

Uieacope of any covert activity Fieldjng of Beverly Hills,' which had been approved In Calif.J hud Information that

-gonorol-in ttdvancot*'-....- — -!.‘may- hold-tlie_kcy,.’l_Krogh____ |• Krogh'saidthe Prealdenl wQfl ..' said. / concerned over wlwther the “ General auUiorization to

^T^nla'gon Papers teak woa the enBagc^nr’covert'aclivlticfl to act of an Individual or "tt^e obtain a psychological history *•

_ reauU of wider conspiracy to or fiscertaln associato,s .of Dr. engage in espionago." There Ellaberg waa. thereafter given

fiviflnncrUn.iihnuLKUaty-r tho..Bpocinl-unit-by..Jol>n-D----:

Pn litieal fao^a^e free after ‘tradei’

U . i-m iA n A W JA n A K :.M ss !E .ii-■ (U P I) - U.S. Ctmmil Gciwrnl BUOTiHos to ! (r« f-^crrcM oC ; Uonhordy walki!d--prUomrii, nmonc^ Ui™--fOur__ . -----

I Inin 1,1a Ijiln Mnnilnv' In women. Thc: IddnnnerrU ircat- - ^ M n c aliouUioW-lmppyXimi borrowed dlolhlhg nnd o Uirco- . encd to kill Uonhardy rO S llT - frn r irc irB S n liir^ C lItn w ra dqy .beard; freed 6y iQftwing , were rtot freed and flown to fiUT»Hy. friends andgucrrlUnsWhoIieldhimneWly .Cuba. j . . ' ‘'o* ®“ 8iies. both AmorlCansmhoure os npomica! hostage: AuUioritles bowed lo Ujc nnd'Mcjdcana..Dlhlbmatlcl-oollohBucB-iwid Wmariil£Suhdav. tlusn started ........... '

IT uie ^

, Uonhardy la le r isHiied , ^t«iem c’n t-^ iH nKr-^*''-~

ho-was weak and tired, but, a long wait to see"okay.” ■ , [.iddnapers would free Leonliar-

Tlie release of fxonhardy, •sr^ U.S. —drpVomat'-

abducted in Mexico In inodern Mmep, wn8..cxDgcU(

dy.'7Ue^rppfifii‘ed:nt"10:45p.Tn;r- walking Into his suburban home-througlHt^wjok-dooF-pasL

Sundny o,ltor 30 abrcnlled e“ ” n,:n who rccofinized' l^llUcal p r iso n e rsm o s t of


■ -SP™' “Wrt nnd panU, nnd shoes ^■,--rtown-to-Hny6nn,|n_oKcl|nnao. cloUilns than he wore ■. ^ W - U i lllinarOV. ■— _ _ — p,id„jm ,|,„n-------gnen-llln.'i

Uenlinrdy said In a State- _____L n . „ „ h r^rro,! himment that his ordeal again

- emphasized the need for all „ governments to cooperate in


was not acting alone, and


E h r l i c h m a n , ” K ro g h ’s affidavit said.

The break-in, According to^ oUior affidavits made p u lJ I^ h .. tJic trial, was directed by .G.

■^ordorrlTiddyTjnd-Eh-Hownrd- ..Ihint Jr . . fncmer-Whltc llouafc-

Hostage freed

rorlfuifr” ^He did not mention details of

his kidnaping—carried’ outlast Friday by four armed men who later described themselves as members of the leftwlng •PeopleV n evbltttienary

stopped his car and forced him away at gunpoint. Uonhardy also was unsiiaven, but oUiorwise appeared in good shnpPT ""' ---- ^



E tlMrExcon wQt«f in-»h«t o u ncp m rarl^ o . I-Um will holp you 'loco OHCSft water wolo.hf, W « o> KIneitiurvf r*comm«nd It. .

Only $1.50KM GSBURYM Um CY

117 Main Ava.E.608 Shoup Avt. W .

__________ Twin Fallt ^

U7-8;— eON3U l7 ^ e h e m l— Terrence— 6 Leonhardy embraces his wife, Eileen, ofter he

^freotl-lnto-Mondoy-l>y-loftw|ng-Moxlcaiv_ guerrillas who kidnaped him four days ago.. He

■ ■ ' ■ w lodglHggrcenngm irWASHTNGTOlsr(liPI) uruied Air Utieu

night 042 from Clevelond descended toward Woshlng'ton’B NoUonfll AJrpor.t M om rny,' passengers heard llie voice of Sceend Officer Rlchnrd Mnrtlneau pointing out tlic White House, WasUngton Monument and the Capitol,

' I'iitdi .' tmmta roii«-“mc' wntCt-gatc bugging.

^^TO5^^K^^n^^^Wt-^-tbe-le^t-^ e of tlte rcraft may sec some odd-«ha^tf buildings

Denver M ilita ry menaircraft may sec some odd-«ha| i

~Be» r iP ~ thc~Kcnncdy-eCTter7^-Wiiurgate..

Ti>e passengers were atlll laughing as the planc'louehcd down:— ..... -


talks a t impasse

KE l.m C G . Idaho tU P IT - — — 7— Mo-new meetinf^s luive been


______1 • j_____ ____ ________ 1 ___ ___1 ■■ * ' the city Mont

-• U/n1<l Pni.rB E IR U T (U P l) — Lebanese refugee camps erupted at 10

air’ force Jets hit Palestinian p.m. Monday.- • |rocrrlllp~str(mghoid5-on-the--- T^c~scronm of the-jetarflyhlg-

woBtorn .outskirts of Boiriit U»e capital wofeo ufp

W ASH INGTON (U P l ) - l'‘our miiitiiry men convictcd of

D EN V ER (U P f )- T Iie South fraud’ for running a billion Pintle Iliver conUn«e.s to pour doilur r«i’kt!tL*frlng rinj* on over Its banks north of Denver Army posts planned to tell n

___ najnetroDoiltim area r«.si«k*nl.s, Senate .subcoinrnitlfe today . . . . . ." " or t o i w o a L r - E Q B : did :i.

noodlnthoarouln«lHhlv«nr«,-'ooverup „oli..n» by tbojr club systems in tfc talks were al anreturn to Ibelr home.,. ' ^uYeHors, ^ J lmpnsstr-He~™ d-lhr-ta»V-—Donvor-oHlelalii-now-ovor---- IhctUuitununy involves a scnloneus for thc four were ">“ 11111! bclween llie eompaiiy-

' and the union in April had

All oxcopt Bass took thc Fifth Amendment ' and refused to talk during subcommittee hearings on fraud and

"the^n^ted Sleeiworker.s Unfon to settle a ^ wo-month strike, accord!ing-—to a federi^- mediator,

Henry M. Niciiols of the Fed­eral Mediation nnd

_733-5570-Now Showing I

the city Monday and eatimated_ ^digbinto-thc-mlV'-

dollnrs.Weld County Commissioner

Glenn Billings said in Greeley Monday night that the swollen

ta n g le d w e b o f k ic k b a c k s , d e fe rre d t)V U .S . t)istric-« Ju d g e ............................. . .^1ieFFFBBSF=imnn(WcccinH.- wnrrcn-FctRuson-who-urged—In fluence pe<idling nnd other th em to coop erate “ f u l ly " w ith “ yreem en t.Illeilal activities In the subeommitteeoperiition ol post exchanBes ™b<!ommlttLL. „nnd mess balls In Vietnam, The Senate Investigation, Just as Uie mine was returnlni!

it reached daring the destrue- today with rockcts, the army citizens around 7:15 p.m. The tive 19G5 flood. He said the announced In « statement explosion of Uie rockcts echocd county water commiBsionores-

t hc~luvuls~~ UcTmany -nnd~~the - United— whioh-wont-on from-iOCfl-antil— ta-fulUproduoUon-folloianH-'Stares"" '------------------ Hrrr.'-'tfhcmvb-d-tnafaV ire. in May, 'WIT, i

In several instances, widespread corruption . and which 91 miners died, m il i t a r y invcfiH ga .tlons mismanagement of open m en w ere

»obaWitn^^ssc.s in- anar.tment

.. .. .000 to 45.000 .second-feet at corruption-weru' curladed or

“ C h a in — o f— ~

military aaaumcd control of thc .

...................... ......................... ...........................clnloiod a '^ t c of emergency orea near Beirut's cast side bf tlie river in Evans, command, according

— --- Mondny-night-after-the-army— intemnt1nnn,l^~nirport— which— Col(rr^Dulh~of*<jrecleyrhnd— invesligHtnnir •t»nd .guerrilla-'*, resumed flght-_ was clo.scd . to international g(ven way and he.expected Uio . Former Sgt, Miij, William n.. Ing, breaking_nn uneasy four- traffic Monday night. 700-foot.bridge over the river Wooldridgt*. Sgt. William Hig-

----- dartrucc-nlrCndyTnnrred b y :— ThcT:ommUTriquc-brondcn5t' ouWbtrwDShcd TJUt: ~ ” don and formtr-SRts.-^j-moursporndtc fljihtlng. _______bv Bclyiit radio wdd: ______No deatlia were reported ns ".Sjmdv" Ui/iir nnd 'riuMKlore

------- Hafo»-modo-tl»o-announo«-----“ Early—today7“ "two—planus— th(T~cro.^l' of "water~ftondcd^""SaTi'i” n’i.ss7"iill i^otivicted'Inment of the state of emergency rocketed tlw positions of heavy through the towns o( Wiftten- Uie U.S. DistmT~roiifl~iirix)s during a cabinet meeting under weapons nnd armed burg. I.a Salle and Avans on ILs Angeles Feb. '2fl. were lo

----- Presldent-Sulciman-Franjlch, .--.cbhciifllgairmoinhC'DUtsKtrls— wtiy northeastward to ...the___appear .. Utifure ..the—Senaie.^ h ich had been considering a- of the Bourl*Bar)nch (refugee) Nebraska border. Permanent .Subcommittee on- -

drDft~flL»fccmcnt_fQi^Deaee. : cnmn. . . »— — up—4n-4 iUkji.^ ith-^— UTluMirmyr^hlcliJuiiUMicn.4. -guerrilla loaders earlier in Uio patient and which is still

,^y. .fwUent, will be forced in allBeirut radio also annoiinccd sj)rrow to bombard heavily the

. -todaylhntH«re?lmdsiLbmiit^-_aopr.ccfl of fire when, they are- hia. resignation.__________^ . almednt the snfetv of citizens,

The 47-year-old premier iiTorder to limit casualties to formed his government April these sources of fire nnd away

_2ILlQ-rcplDc6-on«i-led:liy‘Bneb .,.from-dUzdna-and-lhc_onncd_.Salam, who'reslgned 21 hours •forces." after an April 10 commando ' As thc military took over raid by Isrnclls against control of the cbuntry, the guerrilla leaders and targeLs in army clamped a news blackout Rflirut itBoff; - on renewed qJnshes <vlth

T vo planes took part In Uic Palestinian guerriUas._____atujck today, ihe army com- ~ A violenVflrefight. illumlnal-

and the existence of a currency

Four hundred dlod4>HlwiliiiUerKunshittedsr-the nation's largest and -

■■ilMiy W ia ii" ' .............

CKnt Eastwood DitiyHany , (v«nlngi:

Moiln**: Sot. t Sun. CHUMMtkM IK p.i.

Page 7: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

-Tu»Ki«y, May g, ini-TIM«-N«wir-'twlnsR4ll»i;ldaH»~-'7 “

■4 " ,


■ j T -

A LONr nutomohilc ranked iU way- slowly iiIfmff4 J:Sr-4<H n ~ irTocfc-itti<k wren, .i^ j inf lttg-: Btorm dumiicil 14-lnclics of snow In the Rocklcs oiitiiide of -Denver and 4-Inchcs of roln in

_ncnvYr7TI>(rHtoimJin8j:nn?lc(inoo(»MLnm -ColorodD citlcs; <UPh-- t r -------------

Presenting a beautiful array of the richest, nfiost Luxurious towels for the most discerning. Offer- t r r g - r h 'e ^ l T T r r i a ^ n - q - o B i l i y - a T r d ^ b r o T b ^ c y r E a c h

one ts a ' rich swath bf“ color taken from on artist s.pqiet.tB—-A.__color__cholce-

- for fashicJn drtisfryTin the berth. Idealm atching o rcooTd ina tthg .“

iT ia zcra iT io io rs^ O H itii^ is

spute engine reports

mllcaBC that five or ten pbr Ctinl of convontional enuincs Iiwiucu uy UHVIU rowur suiu -jj , . . , rowers coiicmsioii is h

that -prctty-RrawrtloEC ' stMcmcntUiey conlJK’led snid Ihnt Uielr . . . bjisl*d on just 40 cars,' the

” ”rram Y cn t“ boini;7txjinEinatead;--:e7R.Brown7generalmanaf’cr-^Maitla^ffiolai«»ld,:-^.-..!:--^-. of hinirim" ufter 30,000 miles. of Mazda Motors of America, Tlie ■ team. J .D.

Power, wliose studj^rocu^ saiirthe freqrro7ic>M)f"proUeniH’ Power and A.s.socinte.s, said the onT GOO cars bought—in-tho- -^n Ihe-new-rotiiry eni«ino-ih*fur— inoat—frtH|u»iJit--ppobll)m was

' United States before Octobcr, lower Ihnn tlio Power survey failure of ‘'Q” riiiH.s, a type of ---1071vBaiUthefindlngs-^siRnQl‘o— -ahowsr^^

need for n lonKor look at the Brown wjUI

_GriU-for--ila -annual' .TWay. ^luncheon. Kach member will

“ COMPTON. C a llfn U P f) — ^consumeracceptin)llUy“ orTIie Mazdnshave been bought since — O ffic ia l t—at— Mazda—Motors— Mazda-powoFplant-untlor-U.S.-~lhoy-wor«-intr^lueo{Mft-Uto----disputo a-roport—Uiat-Utolr— dcUdnu ondllionHT i— -------- UniteshfilHtwj-in-lOVOrftnd-lhnt—"-^folary;oniiinerJavclbp-sjiQrej::=^j-r,^^^^^

major problems than conven*.tional eni’incs.

A survey research team convenUonal enHin^s ' ■'fiine problem.s. -headed by David Power s^d Power s conclusion

“ TEIW PTATIO IV”■So ft touch—tirri^h.— 5 0 ^

Tayonx- ;p5 f^ s te n _ :0 e s s E

solid colors. 29" x 50".

' Doth ■ Towol.Hon3~


TWIN FALI,S - MounUin Hock! Grani’e will meet Wednesday at 0 p.m. at Uie hall. ‘

nub_CaOIim3rciipped7Arult5l' will host at 7:aQ.p.m.. Thursday at the American T-e iion Jlair, Wqndell; Gbarloy ~

. -Wallerji and-^umlly ...fflll. provide entert^iininent.

_ lE^utialLLm iLC lub- salad bar and auction will be held at 1 p.m. May IG at Mrs. lioyd UruninKs. .

~Brown‘snldnboUM,00pof-the- . W.OOO rotary engine _awncca. have reported, some kimd of cnRinc- problems; - He said, though, the Japanese-built nuto .switched to stronj'er ^0" rings iryeara o

_ lie denied jt wa.s ba_sed on a chronic failure of Il\e old one ■it’s like, upj’rading a sent l)elt,''hesaid.

questioned. WABIITNGTON (U P n -Tltq *

. Supreme w iiri a^re'ed IfidffyiO decide whether lllDfifll' use ”of someone's credit card

-uuiiatllutua’ ii violntion of thfl mail fraud statute.

Tlie UuisYille. Ky.. clise w ill. be heard next fall or winter and decided by written opinion. - '

Tlie Justice Department ap- ___IpcQletl np r tijg jth u ^ . Circuit

1972, reversed tlic mail fraud--- ctmvtctioTrof*Thoma^BrMfl«:e—

in connection with "‘nankAmcrlcnrd."

Evidence .showed that Mjizo hfid lived in the U uisvllle apartment of Qinrles L. Mere* dlfli early in 1971 and left with Mercdith'flHnnk Arheril’ard afid

; . -his ftutomoblliL.. He. used the -— cnrd; ( i>tnln-foo<l-<ind ItMlMinK—

at liins In CaUfornia, Florida, ■-.nnri Itiujsinnp. .

The card was issued by . Citizens Fidelity Bank ii Triist

Co. of ' •QulflvlllPi- A- .Unnk :" ‘otficlal tesll red'that‘thc-bhnk ‘“ I

cvcnttioHy . rccelvccr nir thc. . The mnll fraud stAtutcmtikcs.

it.on offense, to use the postal ~Korvlnn~ «Tor::Uie -pitfpoac of

executlni>’' n fraudulent scfio-

Surround Yourself with Totalcolor.afid Savings

SPRiHG..SALESemi-Gloss • S & , Vl-Ko Latex

EN A M E L H OUSE P A IN TRog. S9.24 < H » ■ M M / i . Rog. SB.0O TWO FOR ''OX

* 1 Pnegitlir tor Oriiil flower %Jtw 8i«e on piinl tundrisi. rugShowcmlreiilriwinBilMCIi Itiirnpoo. ifiriy piinii rnllfttpirliclpilInQ ilort. ■<>(»>< nilirori ind mortl

PHBl7BC»EST ‘‘G«:«rteKTO IIW“-Jacquard, fringed, unsheared. Canary,and

w hite. Pink and w h ite . 5pearm lnt"and W hite‘ or Tangerine and white.

" ~nvi!i>6ursmnwcr...■-in ■ATncrlcaTi--hSBtory, th e -

yooT— tflie— — p6pulf»rly-_____knowiua&-the-ynnr.-\yitliflUt_--- a-Biimmor-:l)ocauaa-',in-Mhfl_

hortliom statcifl there were‘ m J5 t5 ^ rt“ *tibwirri!r-prnc-—-lically-fiVory^TTionth-:ol::the.z-



= B e n n e t t ' s q f i F F M a ^ ^« Addison-Aver-fcr'IwIn Falls.- Walio i:::r.:l)ry[inrl!icaitialBdirHaEfc ^

Page 8: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

Tlrr«i-N«wi, tw in Falli, Idaho Tui(id«v, Mav si 19?)

, nriM ic n t to' -nbBcr H. Unacott of tho

. .n , m :J^ or. Mllfor PulitMr Priic tor public wrv.lcc _pI»nWrp_w5i W '" lp i ln ^ wrllino for the body of

. Mondny (or lU) InvcBllBHtlon of rtjpclcd fof " "UibWolcrKHlcscandiil: ■ Brondwny. But n pcralatcnl- _Huynh Cong^ur of tlic

’ • 7 j “| °U “ i f f u n p‘^ °li!r“L ° “ 'letters nnd ono In music. Tlicrc Wllilnra Andrew Swnnbcrg; ..j ju to iT o r^ T w S '' denfctlni!

- " - i5 :^ [ l | col ro|arR « l c in u i i i^ n ic d - d o w T r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^■ nint niivld S BrtKlcr In the Co umblii Unlvcrally who,have "*•

■ "^ K k c lV s u n ih y editor of W e " n r im r r b ln ^ p ^ o r - " ^New Vork Times, won Uie ■, nnd His Em pire," o work about.. Konaia w w m i Pulltr-cr (or Intcrnfflpnnnc^ncl'fyTrruccrthe-tounder-of--' portinii' for Ills «ovcr«Bc.-of . Tlmc,ln.c.

-^ - ■Prggideni-Nixfln^-trlp-to-Chlrui * '

ea^vyTnamisr iiaes hit Jfapahese island

■ TbKYO“ (UPl) — At Iciist . ^iC weather atatlbn ■ In five peraonii died ond'hundrcds NagasoW said 8.3 Inches of rain M jMrsons were driven from fell botwcen mldnlahl and 9 UiclrhomMtodaybytprrcntial^^o^. wlUi 2.85 In^hes^^l^ rninBVtiillnniblTdeson'Jaliah'a comiriitlnonehout. ‘)uthsr l l^mdo^Kyluhu;-------Firo-doparlmont--lruok«-At least five other persons toured tlie city before dawn, 'orirrciwrtodTiitotnBrpelice— warning rosldenta of hilly aroas-

anlj,. - _______ to leavii tlielfthomca because of^TieaMgeifHTaiiailltlea. '

b o ll S lM U icn S H O E S

Ifowafd Slmon.s, mamiKlne -EudoraW .lty, In the fiction editor of .The Post, .Hnld the ,|i.ieloaure that Sen. category, for her novel "■nie

_____prizes brouR lit' ‘sinRumr honor p ppniMnn thi» • OpUmist'ii Daughter..... ■ to this newspapeiLMiLMliaciah.^l^nii>oralli

lylolUyoun|! amlhnrd.<llgglnB I , ’ h is to ry reporters, Dob W ^ w ^ iU m L theJilstory categpry^IoiLhU.a r l Bcrn»!e!n/1 The PuHtzer le d ' to Emdeton's work "People of Paradox: An award mentioned the “

_ ....nnnt role” Woodwnrd, - wihcr nwards nnnouncd

Htory [n^anowaby-uncovcrmti j^ofjdfly- ......._nevvdevelopmenls.. . _ T l. i la . la iR o Tribune for , , ^

— --- wtxxlwftfdtold-UPMhe^prcsB— d!slln6ulshcd-Kenornl-or=Bpat-JiiouniPhy._GoorBC_WasnlnB-' Hiusl'ulg evch“ necpl5r"lir^c rEwrr<rpm‘tlnB ivn tn r^^ *Mormer rcnor c r

WQterf»nte acnndnl. "W c hove paper's local aren of clrculo- to ask whal the President knew lion, for uncovering flagrant Tribune.

--- ijncThow nrjucVi lio-know bul-wC--viblalJons-oLvoUnK:prQCC(llirca'____fntist j>P. cnrftful not to make in .the primary election of

"^^J^ulatiom i and lo worn'iJi'i' "Kfjircn ;i:i, facts alon'o' *'he said.

_ ncrnslelhf^iild official denial.s ’ of'tKe' PosV reports bolstered

mornle of Uw teafn working on ----tfin-Cfl.sfi...*'TlieJtind of denials


C L A y D E B R O W NFURNITURE - MliSIC1 -13 M c iin A V C . E a i t

O n T h e M a l l

Page 9: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

woman irts-^show

Tn»<riflvj' Atoy 9, 1973 TIniPi-NCwi, Twin Fftllt. Idaho ,9


TW IN P A I J^ — A Burley Iravcl to the Boise cvcivt. womnn took first plnce honors Third nnd .(oiirth plncc. ,^n±iy nt tlwi Magic wlnti,prft_&inU«y',\voPC ;)Mftlno, ■

loi!-ClUzcns .TulcnL-Slidw. , Wxluftt^-fluhl-undJThelmtL- Belvn'RusSRll will re|)rescnl Butler. Gooding.

show for acnlors scheduled lor ■MnyT4' fri“UolKi)r‘"Zeinr JeromB. who finished se(:ond in Sunday 'H CQinpeiltlon.dvlIl

Severnl hundred p(?bpje - nBtfu7's~51iW

at tlie College of .%ulhornIdaho caiiipius.

T F i l e r o i l i c e r s

F IL K R — hrentTlinctc, center, lii the newly _ clected fitiident fwdy president of n ie r High ' •

-— School r-Bruoe-IJncoln-ls-viro-preflldent-aJul--— ----- -----Marin AndrcnHoii Ik secretary trensurer.

~ariilieirutrvnrBltyThnerlcnrierrAtenrMnry-Npll— r -----

Injured manPnHtoor, Dehra Fleenor, IJiifla JohnNen, Connie HrCwflter and Kathy .WlllliimK. Junior vartilty

rrchecrlcndurm uru CyntWif^HnkeTnlcininrT ‘ Andre.niion, PhyiliK Ilamseyer and tamniy StllWOM;----- -- ; - ■


TW IN F A L l^ A 21-yoar - . accidontTa hp.spUal ypoke.snian rnils mirn .,\v:iB - said todnyJ—~

fair oondlttnn Staty Police reports indicate

Land board revises rules'■ord-T\vliv

T u p o r t c d ______________yesterday a( Magic Valley Memorial Hospital follbwin}' a ono-t 'ar ri)lh>vt?r on ILS.,

Uie car, which was travelling soutli on the liighway about five miles from the Idahn-NeVada

rBO ISE-(UPlV^^A 'Tcvlscd^m crRC JTC J'” rUlesT~lhe Teftnversion oLproposod emergency regulations for navlfj^jtlonal

' “ aTdfl^'blTTdalio ' lakes' will apparently continue the

jit Its lost nieeting April 13, UieStiite Land Board agreed to take full - (’ontrol -over

rr€fwroQi‘hment navigable lakes, but sent proposed emergency rules

mean high water, mark is retained and this definition is ■propdse'd: ’. "The water level

of the yearfy high water levels. ,The average shall be computed over at least a 10-vear period vlnjr<i:

waleFlniirk' dcflifed In sertion for agricullura purposes. 5fl-l«un). Idaho Codq,” :

Tliat is the section of the code whicir f rve.s' the i;an(l~Board [wwer to regulate and control

in the beds of navigable lakes, rivers atul Htreauis to the ^nat- ural or ordinary high water

— a difference, that could hurt* prjvate owners.

Constitutioiuilly, thu Ijind

conimercial,. navigational otlitir p»bIic-ti5Q^

[l>i3iro)n;rRnrd-id aijpposwHttrol over sUite-ownud lands InIdnhn nnH nvnr ita_nnnijphL

•Year’ as‘U,herein means cyclic wqter flow years »frnm

— liack-to-tlie-dntwing-board-for-^—(k ‘tobor—througlw-^ptumbui ~ revision. -___________ ;________ rather. tlian-calendjiLi’ei‘rfiil!.--- prjm^lnnt-oiTtPctinns-tfr-thr*----A.Tln~thrfit‘lRlnnr-vcrKton-thr ........ ............__________ _—-pTTTrp-ftii-«» — — rulol'-iwtiiilJ^]vt?~thtr—t^nU~^TK.‘rog;itton o[ or secklri^ tC< . ..

regulations were to the use and Deparf^WL'nf authority from interfere wiUi the riparian or ,j!*,.„.definitlon.oLi:inc«n.hlglLwUec___Uimulfl-Jimii-tu dcchiEc^ii;— liUucaLdghts-ot-Uiti-nvuiuL-cI—

marl{.” An attorney for a elevation of tlie mean high upland property abutting or Ijike Coeur d'Alene property water mark l)f navigable lakes, adjoining such lands."

_________________ _______ ____specifically provides that Uie ,, , . ____ .AsltnhrorlRlnnr'verston-the— "Ijnnrd^^fiidTo'^ iO-JitntD irin:-----J ilr_c .inuC hH n .^ „■I v;i . t= » j i L . " i r . ___ I____ _ f . l

, owjpcrs ossDciatloacontendcd i l Tlien-Uje. aiviaiQii_aiidiL-llib_____ WluliLtli£i..secUon_docii„proitlireatened existing property stiitement: _ vide for act^tiisitlon when it J.s

=rinhte>hlnkc:ffonLQwnorfi.— ---i-iThii^ im ia ii—hii;h—water__fnr_Utc_i;highi»?iLjind_best use.1

AdmlhistFatioh tF alterations of stream beds. An attorney general’s opinion ex­tended Ihl.'; to navigablp-lnkcs,

-ThtLterin “ mean hi^h water

Su nd ay .Idaho State .Po lice said

Franklin I.iindy wiis thrown— fr.fin>.nie.c«r in;WbiclUte was

nnuTfj jH Hie tiihe ’ ol the . Those who oppose the change.. accident, which occurred about

as oytlined-undor the'proposed; Sunday. emorRcncy-rcgiilailons-.<;ny- Kundy'.s" L ro th e r aird there 'is a great i jffcrence traveling companion. Mike .............................................. ......

Iwrdenel'l'tlie ;Tavenient on-Uie left side of'the road, came back onto thu-road and-lefLit-OiiJJu; r.igl)t..slde. of the higliwny.

seriously hurt in the accident. ‘ The older Lundy received inuliiplf la«’erations In the

WASHINC.TON < U P I ) 'Hie ____ ___________Supre^iie Court ruled today in a awaiting ’ tria l or servingNortli Carolina case that .i» . nii.sdemeanor sentences,stale may deny the vote to . 'Hie case-|Will be heard next

' convicted felons. fall or winter and declded by'rhe court in a brief order written opinion.

For Mom tack lo O Ir io> f i i t fu ls .o f p sse n tia l

l i i l lo coniro&t t ll lc h o ry un to m b lo T

top that can pochotod'«n^ lho double

Po rlo cl fo f pocking in o a tyc n rs ■ p o lyo tio r 35 % co do n . O yna in iifl co lo rs 30 to 3 0 .

enjoyed .JIiCtcUlljajm'lL-.?!privacy today before settiny out on a three-monUi voyare tiiirt will make qll of their

- actions and words public. ,Tlie' volunteers will leave

Tue.sday aboard a large raft to " '“ "driri'across Uie Atlantic in .an

experiment devised by -M tx ican anthropologist

Santiago Genoves.‘ 'Hje spjice around us will be

-so.j/aiit,.und_QUiL-ttWiu:catLJtL-smnM Umtnoonewill boablo to—J ---

— uA^^Miu-anytJdntHVlUioiriist being ablp to se« or hear,*' sAid Genoves.

— — ir-niinsnos-woiirtTtnm i--- Stmrtny.~ttioy~-wtll--larid -ot^<:’j

. YucatJin, Mexico. 'r ar*‘ *1111 hM* y pr>*p’»'inj»__

■ fnod, u e ll ln iiH lc equlpmunl . ready and loading the raft,"Genoves said. ” We hope to get. away 'Tueadiiy pr..Wgdnesday

• - GonovoK’ purpoBO in-putting together in isolation six men and seven women of dlfforcni

-“''~T^pea*rontl-‘bRekcro»ind»,—‘ saldi.lsto

--rrrcoixiat— Hnd~Uielfcriflaollqn‘- ■— undeP-BtcMHfc

________________— pcrlmonl-wlU-Fewcal-aomc..{)f.

tiic reasons for conflicts In llic jiiorld. Included InUio crow afo

nntL-Wbiie Am‘erlcjm5... j .^tid ii Jew nnd.on_ArflUi_ r — r-a Ttioy-ionnnortnktCTvanTtt'

book or>fl\jiowBpnpo.r ihcm. ---

^_JilUknyUiln8JlkWLtek ,, -21-j |I n i ----# -. abuld allow somoono n form ot # • oV ' 5— mBf7ii'i 'ffr lin n it :'‘~Biilil t ic n w iH 7~ 1f ~

who twice took port In explorer —Thop|Uav<!«liJil^naXnniUUi-

n,rn(l Atlnntlc croMlnRJ.

I — ^ . .S T U V H B A K E l l

Page 10: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

coticert plannedW a t e r sho rta jsSe

SEATTUE. Wash. (UPy) - Seattle Is U>c city......whoro it rOlns.Qll tliO-timo» riftht? Wrong... ■

Seattlitcfl. who were InimhlnB Inat winter

TWIN FALLS-The,annual Trio memlMsrs hove been-I Dcllinl trio concerti la ployingtogotlwi*fortJjopost 10; scheduled for Friday a t’8:30 . ycnra, althougli eoch tcnchcs» p jn 3 tJie Mauricc'Street t l )S rtiualcnhd la h solo perrormw.Itnkehmnwr--------- r “ -----Th»-i>i'oBrflm—ls-proB«nt«d—.Tlie trio, Mrs. Pel SlnUBhter. .............................. .. ‘ ^

"vfoini.Mra. lioHhy Colnor7rcllo7 idTMrsrRobert-Bellinirl>l"n«>r

will ploy "Trio. No. 5 In G

■ j when they found tjjntmostofthclr rain had gone > to NofUfem California, ajre less cheerful at

discovering that roiny Seattle may won liave n water alwrtaflc. . . . .

t ;A T V n ir r iN l) I I J I iM ” — l)O I)( ; i7 A }irM A (7 llA M K II— --- lI lC rH l- A i lN O Ii l )-

arinually for their friends, ' -oecordlng— to— Mrs^— v*ean- -Sdtollffep-fubUoity-rmtinflgePf

The Friday * night Mnjor;” ' by Moairt^ .nllOBm, Porfdrmonco U dotUcnIcd to- nndnntc, und nlleBrelto; Nnllonnl. Music Week,

oUoBcor-^POnsotpd-bji-lhii-Nailonal— modcrato, schorzo, cWgIn, Foderntlon of Music Clubs, finnlci the first movcmcnl of ,Hio progrnm wilUjcgIn nl 0:30 ■‘Trlo "- ‘b r^ l‘iiiii!ii!wr-aneei‘<>r— oorllor -

- L A N I)\ - II AYNICH_____lllEliantoalc Jn._A_.Ml[19r:L by^ u^lpf J'iB b . achqpL sirlnR_• John Irelnrid. workshop, Mrs. Sutcliffe said.


COTTONWOOD, Idaho ( U P l ) T- Mombora of the Idaho Coun- rll nf nnthQilc_W.omgiLSunday-,

m e ^ w n m a n . -DubHn-Pmmded"

named p re s id ^ t ?St! Catherine's church at Ka- m lah;' .

Mrs. WilHnm Ijiat wns elcct-

N o rw e g la n m a rau d e rs fbunde'd~Dulilln — one oi the first towns in Ireland

in the 0th century. Tho citY’fi Christ, Chiirrh Cnthp.-.

CRIME AND CORRUPTUNand, according to the Bible, rolrlbutlon comos tfs’ b consoquorico. THo world l»-»ufloring a groat ■‘Himg ■ of Mrtoobli^V-Thoiy is nf^uch.causo for groat roioiclpg, howovor, iiO' couso tnls-dork cloud-of treb le hos a silvorllnlng. God's now invlilblo Tend visible supornotural gov*

-«fnm«r>»-wlll-s00n-b0-06T- fobiishod "or\ oorth; ond

.will moUo it 0 now world'

dral looks down on the re- mnins of an original Norse settlement, found under 14

rda'RooskJn wonran?1ady—ed-prc.nidcnt^f-thtrBtottrorgnn=— of the year," and elected a Je> Ization.ShesuccecdsMra.I^ouis rome woman president-during Wimcr.Cottonwood. T -.thc. flnnl. .dny._Qf Ihclr flnnuHL-.._Mra.W,.E- Smith,.feoise, waa. convention. 'elected frrst vice .'president;

_ Mrs. Kenneth Walker, Twin

Todor'i FUNNY »>ll par V 00 io> tflch BrigtHDl “tnKyulfi} Srrfdodal la; ToHor't fUNNV. l}00 Wcti Third Si , Clfvdand, Ohio 44111. •

■wT^o~ar;gdlib./.XMiVlb ond cdrruplion Will bo oboiifihod, ond oil mon oT’ good will can then hovo ovorio$lin.g . safety, -pdoc»~ |a7 -nnd’-Hfo.—Fordotoilt. wrilo- Tho Blblo Stofidord. Chester ^ gs. Po- 1^42 A

Falls, second vice president; Mrs. Richard Scheer, Jerome,

. ..^ , , , -............ treasurer, and-Mrs. I.«uis Lo-civl«rw^rkrShe-is-a-merober-Of— goszrShoshon^sc^eretfli^i-

Mrs. Gerald Girard was named fdaho Catholic Woman. of the Year for her church-anji

= _::rEn:w :niD aEQ iic; 331LCS-WE1X^ __u )j\ rw ic i i i c N D in x

K c l c c i c f l

THj:.TWIN FALLS Amcrlcon Uglon Cliopler .

-^tlelCffotMlfflm^tn-FaHrHlgh-SchooHo-IdVhOn. Boys' Slate. The reprcscntntlvcs, shown above, will attend tlie event In Boise In early June...

N e ^ m e n k e e p ^

cm l sourcesWASHINGTON ( U P l ) — Tlje by fiO defendants betw«en 1932

Supreme Court left un- and", 19fi9. Tlie defendants were jiistucbod twlfty^Hower j " "T?hnrged^with^BCltlng=tropg06^ refusal to extend to civil cases Negroes at an excessive prices . thc'TTilcTcquirinfrnewsmcirto— througlh-^bloekbuHllng^^— that— disclose comtdentiRl sources lo iHpfoslerin^'^pJiTilc^fllghl-

TTraml’ ^jurjr-invcstliratlng—Tvhltcsrtraytng-thcn-hi

^ w

Young University, Provo, UUih.

TWIN {‘‘‘ALI.S — Murine Sgl. l^rren N. Dnvla, .son of Mrs.

“ M iiryJ£::Ensplall;Twin-.t’nll37 has reported jo r duty at the Murine Corps Base on

- -Oktnowa.-

crime.'Hie court acted in a brief

order on a Chicago civil rights raising the Lssue,,

Tlie lawsuit was brought In X llicauo federal court by a lecturer at ' the ,_CoJumb[a

■ group of Negroes-nilcging University Graduate Sclwol of 'TacialdlscriininHtionlnhoijfting Journahtm -in New-York City.

depressed prices and reselling lo blacks at inflated prices'.

Tlie writer whose source was deemed helpful Is Alfre<l Balk,

whsfctheymeanby--4Eme Bourbon!

- 7Vn Ifin li. It'a U'hnI true bourbon isall uIh iilL A lu ll, rich arama.-A^jlat^r^{jcntlrrl by lonu Im v -vrnrs m'tht' fi/;i'n/?~harrrls. A rcwardinf', tnnd of sip-by-sip snlisfaction. Ten The true bourbonva lu e . F rom

;Va/Arr, 1 E M n l G H

Tried and True

Page 11: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

CoupleDUIIL - dirlsly-n«>d-»n()—

le rites Tuesday. >Aay n; ltl7] ;Tlm|n.h)owi, ‘rwin F»lli,. Iitoho 11

Uucsla were greclctl by Uio bride nnd bridegroom, parents' of Uio couple, Mr. and M ri A.

- 'Ki'nccd.'grnndpnronts of Uie' -brldo. and-Mr.and.Mrs. G .K.-

Omndlcr, grnndpArcnts of UVclyidccroom._________. ' .

Cathy fleed, .sister of Ui6 bride, wns mald'of.honor. Usa

' Rhy WAJJ b'rlcfcsWHrdTWc'■'nny served ns b c i _ ______

i Bishop '1,'endy 'Kohntopp served ns.. ’ master, of ceremonies for a program. '

Mrs. I . H. stapjes was m ■ clmrgc of the guest bbol(. Cake;

was served by Mrs. Anton -Freilwffier: -Mrs.—Rex* Reed

morning coromony April 20 In the Salt Loko CUy LDS Tomplo.

Tlic brldo is the daughter 0/’ Mr. and-Mrii^Uoyd-KrrReed—

son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ray” Jr.. Boise. . •• ' ^

re'contion tliat evening at the Filer LDS Cultural Hall. ‘Uio linll was decorated in blue’and yellow for Hid ovont. '

desigiier^si sp riiig f ilile eo lleetib h^ DAYWEAR- • NIGHTWEAR



Rally^plans m ade— pirarca~pTiticii“

Ellie Ray cored for the glftii, assisted by Mrs. Arley Clayton

Eflnd Bonnie jm<J UannHTUiy, . rothers.helplng-with the gifts t w Bf O S h ir-luy r-A lioc.-; John David Reed._ _______ ..Baptist Women will be.amongI' The Filer LDS Relief Society tliose nttendlng the Centrjil

^helped clenr Uie tables. Association Spring lUiIly inL ' Th^dupltLccsidcsr.Ih-Boie— iGooding -I‘*ri(iay, acoordlnfl- to— •Vind wi)l-rcturn lo ‘ Brlglmm--Mrs. Genc Kovar.— ^ ' -

-r^Voung-Univeraity-m-Uje-fall---- Registration-atarts -at-9;30— ^whoro—Uio—bridogroom—will— ^■inr-Tlwmo-lup-the-r^lly-iK

;study youth4cadership and the “ Meet Our National

“ ^lementnry cducailorr''

: I r i s s n t ‘ i o i . v

, s l i n w s i n t e i i

- T W IN F A I . I . S - T l in Valloy Ir iK .Socloty’s annual show will be June R nnd 9 at the YMCA-YWCA building.

‘‘ F lo w e r p o w e r ” is the :U iem e of the show . M rs . Glen^-Tlieitten, nnd allow xhairman, has appointed Mrs.•Ed Conrad, Wrs, F . D.

-^Icrckicn- and-Mr'S. Alfred - "Kramer, to ~ llie ' awards T^Bmrtiitee, “ Memberi3“ are ■ asked to send lists of three or

-inore-ol—thuir-nowor—iFiK-for— show 'Classo.s "to r M r ^ ' Ed 'C onrud . lU . 1, Q i.s lle fo rd .

l i t

Is Su n d ay 1,0 may 10 ^

of Pastor Oliver who is profos.sorofRynccologyat noise State College and a niembei’ of

^Iho-Nntiortai-MinlHlriefrBonrd ■of the -Amcricnn Baptist- Qiureiiea-of-Hhe-U-Sr-A;------

i r - e

will .survo the noon lunch.

t -


T Height Lat^PlWDi^arlTNORTH

______V A D

_____t K Q t ) 1:1A Q u :i

U ’ICST (D ) i:;>ST

-Quick—No Seams• A 101)7

A 10 4S O U T H A A93

■ V Q J 1

— 4^44<J.S-S4.—• ♦ J

* H 7 .')

Printetl PatternK J r. 2

D oth vu liic riiljk '

nuiy-try tu find sumu end i)Uiy against yon ■ Kvpntuallv' von- cotnt? up

with the righf^isciird, wificli IK 71 riinmond:'South loads’ a " dianiundr' Vuu pluy luw and dummy win.s. Another ilia-

_^)uind'.Uiriavk:yuU:jn-l)uL=^tiu.i lay Oiiwn yuur lyng ot huarth and continue will) the' .sevcMi lo your partner's eight. Back conies a spado and your-king is the .sbtting trick.

Kelsey’s comment in. " T his one may seem too easy’but jn a 'O ttId Cup matcli one West thought ho could affordlu U I S IM I ..........................l i i ' i i r l s , "

I{y Oswald & James Jacoby Here i^another M W. Kel-

. soy hand. This timo you aro - West and open the three of

iraftttinatri' no-trump. .This produces the , n ine, 10 and queen and a low

^jnm nnrt-is- ied ■bhck^.'^n'if

‘- lln u U rh lu u p tr.This time one went wrong.


N o K h- L * ____


p la y low and dummy's queen drops your partner’.s jack.

A club, lead knocks out your, ace and you play a hfilTt in rnrn nfin y 's - t j c e

' Three rounds of clubs fol- - low and you hnve to make a

discard.Obviously you aren’t going

lo unguard your king of spades. "Or are you? aouth

■PTfss 2'jf."Y o n , South, hold:

A K 7 5 I V K 7 5-I « A J 9 4*3 2 ■Whiil «!() you ilo now?A — H id ! (u u nu>(ruiii|i. Y ou------------------- rtf-n ..............,...

nr»* rouil.v for u iiy lend.TODAV’S QUtXSTION

Y o in ' piirlni-i- L-i)ti(iiuies to lhr«-o cliil*s, W h u l du you do

A iik w c r tomorrow

1.49 for a full color portrait of your child.

iS e le ct:e ith ^ a rg e 5 ^ =QtsetQfe4^allet^iz^^^

Sunbeam-quick! ONE MAINPATTFRNPAnTfh-OflfnVmfltifpr , th(? sprightly wrap

- ^mrrrer! WlUp it up in tulip- • lirigl't cottons or blends for

.__ smcatmn^jiatUcfl»l_plcnIcs.__trips. 1 _

Printed Pattern 0135:

' ’ takes 1 yard 45-lnch fobrlc, “ -tiScvcntyJflve c«nta’7orcnch~__nattnm — odd 2S conts for onch-- pattern-fnr_ Alr_Moll_anU.

.fJpcelol. HnndHng._SDnd to Morion Martin, Times .News ’

, 305 Pattern Dept,, ^2 West '■■"Hnh'Si:;New VorW. N, Y. iw rT "

Print Tiame, oddross with lip^__size nnd stvle number. '

-Nev^f- Sp rin R - Su m in e t^ catlogl Wd love to design forj you — i)ver 100 town; vacaUon, gTiffWdJ*"flt top. ChboHo ohc

“ Tjaitcrnr-rfiWrtTSttiitTl no\y. InsUint Fashion Book. 91.' Instant Sewing Book — «ew U

“■^Todnyrwcaritt-tomorrow. I . ,

2 chiWfon photographod ilhor^Oodcfrrfilkf^

-AII-porirait&-dol(verod-jo you Rt our slorq )

• ^ 0 limit: 12 yonrs

jtVnd we iiever charge

Pixy is available only through JC P e n ri^ r

■ -.^JCPenney.—tuaiday throu||h Saturday,'May A’lQ '> 9i3b>6i00 Dally

buMutHy. Ilarol Saiitt piping Hall — eotof»H—fatittpi

Polyotlof 50*. Avfil Royon. pnni’ilfold prIKi S KOT

tlio t S-Ml XI $7 9(1 Long ttylo

— d l i t l f l f J 0 ^ n .9D. — -

-- IA H H [A fa4.CAnOEM_ICJ___IQQ.% ,com bod co lio n w IlK ivH lu rud r ih -------

- -o M o (lr-C o M l« 'V -o r llow(>f» ii> voi»-

o u l c o lo r c o m b ln a H o n * . IQ IO'^ **'

. ____ - ■ •

“ KOMAR KaTIO ~ST<lPr]bT~PT,T— L~A-TroUD'01R~0USTEft"(F.) '• Allcurad durable* prott llnl»h. G o y ^ ovof loty Hocking^ ir(mmod w it h ___

.■ it fTp q T 'o n '.co lla r ', a rm K 6 lo l“ o nd ‘’ '— 'i ln ird o tlc t^ i« ly " ih » rf» d - lQ C »-•d fllr io - -------

~ poctt»l'r~M odH la^ ll'na " on.' -Roolon ilp ttvoi ood aroundboll. Zippar. Orango/Royol Dlua. .co lla r. .So lln covered bO tlon i,3.M, $7.90. V - ' - SHpRT ily l* , S-M-L, $t0.95.

--HOfcTESS C 6 W N A N D PALAZZO , KO M AR .0UST6R (O .) .• Embroider- , Wo llttkt-Beothcom ^f- mlth.. ■-.■>d'-.voU>'-.oad--{wka>i— htoclUlha.

- — pTln « d -m ft-llow ef*;^vlyld lv-.tonid__ l,A^Jn?fT>gd y^uh ■ell-n ia laflo l-ruM Ie -

on w hite coorcllnolei tnow y Pique and toce. Oulton tfonf;^>lnt

b lo u M .f l- ID .IU .9 S . blue In S-M L ilx n i^ o lO flr-

Page 12: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

13 TImet'News, Twin Pall*. Idaho Tueiday, Mav a, 1973aiit, laano lueiaay, Mav a, iv/j l . ■ ' «

H u m i l i a t i o n n e c e s s a r y i t c o n d i t i o nDBAIl ADDY; Wo hnvo had our liouno up for. solo for

•months (Wscntise,of n trnmfcr). U Is In n most dcBlrablo n«lfi»il>orhood nrvi Is un|i.‘:unlly Iwfliillfu!, wlUi lovoty' Ihwrw nnd RnrtlBttfi.

prp!ipociivo buyorfl U tiuit hippies mii&t_dv(f Uiero. Tlilfl is ‘ fnr from Ujo truth os tlioy nro.wonderful w»plc nml good' friends arid nclKhbors In every other respecl'

I would Rlndly hire my gardener Uj clean up tijeir yard— .ftl.ffourac.! .don’i.wnnt tnJjumHlatfl.ihcm==:60^ 6-r«nQtn=hai

'Wunde> neighbors

unaold..ond.;wo jnay] liovo-to-rcduce oiir.prlco to, the level wlicro other cnreless f^plo cnr\ afford it. In that case wo»c.ftwn ilnanclaLpoflllioiL.

----OiiP broker h/is Jold uk tlinr it would liovo been soldr\g nf'o oxcojrf for Hit- nclKhlwrs wJio sl nre our <lriv©wny.

"hieir yard Is in dreadful <-omlilion! T1m5 Mrwlusfon'oT'ilie

So, Abby, be n good girl and pass on <a hint that no doubt would bo nppreclnlcd by property Rcllert; all over tljp U, g :> ; STYM IED IN SALbM— D E A R f iT V M IK O rV o ir m u it - b ir ld H d li iB l- W h y d o n 't you

t fd thftge "w o n d e rfu l p e o p le ," vvliom you c a l l yo u r fr lftnd s,’ - to c le an up H uilr y a rd hot on ly fo r Ih em o eW eB bu t ' fo r y o u t A nd if yo u w ould "g lad ly .* ’ h i r f y o u r g n rd en e r to c lf a n up l l ie ir y a rd but fe a r "h u m jllo U n g " tl«en i, go n h ra d Bite! Id r r h lfH .T h n B f i» ! lR h h o T » nei'rtf tn be h u m llln te d . —

DBAYt ADnV: After 18 i^ntlu; I'm sllll )>opol«asl In lovo with my exrwifo. Are there statistics Availfiblo regard­ing the incldenco of «>cond morriflgofl to the same partner? Do'tljoy work better than 0 ms firflt-Umers?

: r :r NQt-knowinjt-wl>oro ntw nnd our two children are-^m— . pllcfl(M mnUcrffuReading this may, miiv,o. fiorTo.^ntacrrac

If she has oxperlencod tlte same doubts and lonollnbss Uint I hnvo fblE'alnce tlie day wo parted; HEAnTBROKEN IN

bjKoro going (o bod. On our honeymoon I sold: ".Old tnen~ ^avo in Hm) morning, and young men shave a t'n l^ ."

We’ve been married for’ 27 years, arid ho bUII ihavos at -.lUffijt. .............. C U M I^ D ATNIGHTIN VA.

DEAR irEA RTBRO KEN : Forget the itatistlci aQd get doWn^to oaneii -If ihe’i-keeping hbr whe'reabouts a teeret - from you. that's probably tlie way she wants It, In vthlelr~ ease l .juiggest you forget it. If that's not the case, a ik her

• lawyer to get In tmich. Wtt rh>!r~ttntf~try~ior-ne|{<v4la<< reconciliation. ‘

DEAR ARDY; I h»vt> a' tender face and mV husband ‘ liAH a’rou«irbenr<irii wflflrno jirobiom •goiting him to’ flhnvtfV

. . . . . C 0 N ^ iD fe N T iM rT 0 '"FA m ir in rrA N **- iN - a iLV En - 8PRINGS. MD.: Tlie "gem*' te wWeh yw refer was uoi

.od g iiu L Jltl. was-wriUenJby. Lord - Brtin.-a-JamuuvBrltlsb-»«lMit*irielaB.r^k«-VMPl»«UM-quete-Ui~>!Vt^nnwkereVer-yMi-

Uve In tl^ world, you eaa ,have children only when you wUh. ^ l i will b^ « revoIuUoD with mare fsrreachiag cf<

- fects on the patiem of human cuitiird than the dlicover)' o7 •toml , eninrgy." ' ‘ '

ProblemST Veu^M feel ^ Ite r If you get H cff y « it chHU For a pers«Hal.r«piy< write to A BBY : Bos No. tt7M|, L . A., C llf>.._tAOM,-.' Raclose. stiit]|wd«. self>addrened -elveleiM,--' please. ' , ,

’O v r r 6 0 ' FavoriT^

. e w n t

s la te d

-M R SrtO O /S-SyfH tA K- 709 P a rk A v e , , T w in F a lls

K I I . IC I l I ' l l . T s l l i s lcntcrtaintiu;rit for "Ovrr fiO” citizens will Im! Tufsdjiy

— - - cvoninf, -at Uu! ■ Filer. ElemenlJiry S<'li(|ol.

■— ..-.■Moru-tlun. . 100..poopUi.4cum----- thJrFIlPr7l lolllstrr-nnd-flovtr

flrou hjivt' luii'ii invited to the' notliick (iitmcr nt 7 p.tii. U will be followed l)y ii p () irH i^

'----unTfer thP' dirtu'dhn of Mrs.’ ’Ro«cr-\____bo KunK-iuu(iur4inil-M^DuviU- Meud's vot'jd fttiidio stiide/its

zw iiq— Speciul—lr»nHi«trlallui» will •

be iiyHllnble for those neodinK it, said - Mrf*. Roy Wdtson.


tiib lii.s iio o ns b u t te r * t iiari'iiriiit;.I (Mi[) (lin'd (.’tdfiy .

^ m il (lU’ed omon 1 I Ii' I (1/ .) can .tunii fish I ilO ' j o/.,r can c'oruleti.sed

c:rt.'aiit (>l iiiuh liruu in or- LTeain of cliickt'O .s<juj)


~|K;p[)cr to tusle. Suiriinii wlih noudlos, alternutu la;?L'rs of

-iiiiNluro ;uuJ. .noudlu:i .in.. jj. <as.stT»lf dish, ■ Sprinkle rcinainInK noodlua on lop. “ imku UHcovcre(Tirt :i50

(loi;rec\s for 20 to 25 minutes or Q ntil, noodles are slightly browned;' > - ' . . .

The Tlines*New8 will pay 15 . Mfih wfflc fn r.................


s r w - W n lS .? :Woman'B—Poge ^Editor. U t em elt) no(jdleii.-

Cook »n lo ri5^ ^ i.i x d . ' i y In ImtliT iwitil iHiiiur AcW lunu TImes-Newf ahdcannot b«


Tliosc nttendinji w iH Im* ask(7(J

-and - aclivily.. lime. _WiJi^kly far-tlie .summershoppinji lri|Ks. cjubs, Oold program. ’ card nienilMMSlilp. ’olf, tennis. 'Hie .steerinj' conunittee of

lirTjTTnd pniriimirninTslcfFlrst— ttre- -Kllor— -Cnm niun lty - Aid ( ourses, di feiisive drivlrTg, Education Program under thefor their ideas in regard to

~fUturc~”profrrains. , - .SuKHc.stlons for soniluar.s. ii newspaiM?r aiTd elujrKt of UIFTTiltnrmniVUlC^'

---TcadieraLCQCDa-Drniect is in •

. programs Jilreatly IrirludL^frerd"•.•;:v ::1r|pn,.~pnrtinipnHnn-in=:finnnHn.

of Southern Idaho pro[{riun.s,••• • wookiy-uti-iimnthiy= innoHeonfc=

IVPfrOTn‘ T»3«<lFdTr■ ( t ) r iHtaj>ur-tulUfr<«n-lin«»»v-)— -



"freshly picked just for juniors

Crisp gbrdon s olod shadoi doop

vibronl moadow huos • ot! brought togofhor in supbrb soparalos fhot. loon inlo warnn days with gusto TooKing .sunward wiih oasv:Caro fab- rics and lino. Navy or groon blozor.


r n t t o n _ c h f * r t t i n Q_« r . r n n n r^r

: . „ x

na»y waistlino jockof 5-13 $23.95, Groon or while cuflod trousor 5-13 $14.95. Floral chuck coiton shirt in groon comblniion S-M-L, $13.95.-fly Bronson of Californio in Tho Top-Of-

T he s h a w l

y - w y — ------

- ......... ^ ^

--------S ^ in g - d ^ jg n Vhand-crocfieted ocrylic . . . bordered w ith fringo. A gra-

” c to I ft f o r fie r1 n ----white pink.' blue or

( fe O L

V - 'N '-


a t fh id ^ ris .114 M d ln JiV tn u f Narlh .VPwntow n '• on Ihf mail.

bxmi hm GIFT m'Apm6 J&sun

m m mmdther'sdav issiindaviQ

_____ JiiavieJ_.

W - : -

■ 1

M o lh o r 's D a y g ifts o x p e r f l^ g U l-w r d p p e d Ire e . '

l-^Mnli)^AvBnnn-l-Jnr-th;-^^n,-i:nlli;^DovA)njowtVrOn-thBjaqlli: "CljlQigP, It". —

Page 13: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

Biiirtey ccmmcil aaacejpts site prcrByMAIlKLYNELUOTT

tlnTei^ewiwrltti'---Profls gavo 82 votiis for tho orjslnal alto. 52 for tlio altornntc

“ 8ll6'BlTdlw6T6r8tlU"Othcr!ocntlonsrAlthouBh-the-poU-wrfl!rnot" conclusive, council racmbcrfl saUl'lhnt In talking with locnl residents, pi^ferenco for the original site wiis high;

WlUtthe formoUgrcemonl between cbnnty and city now, tlic llcutonnnt<nnd corptirnl Kennotli llafkncB.-i will bo promolod t?

BURLEY - A letter from the county commission and locnlopinion spiDTcd fl council decision to accept thft orlglnnl slt« -------. ---- _ ,propopnl for-thfUicw-Uw onforcomont building.., ... By accepting Uio originol silo, councllmnn Cloyd Tnylor

.--TlieBurloy Clty-Coundlagrccd^anday-night.toconveycity "we're not. jepanUilng-our-futuro that much,’ The low— ground botween-’thopf6Mntcity4iBllnndJMimty-bulldingBJ(LUlo cflforcemcntbuUdliui-yUlixLOdaflimlcJpcJ&^orflnndby tlw?n it

county^er<onstructlon of a now law enforcement center, may be necessary lo tear down tjib court house and build n new-Th«-courity.commi«don-scntalfltlcf-to-thc.Ck)uncllcadyJQ5t— onMnumid.

city retains Uie right to approve or reject tlieso final plans.As it now stands, Uie. centcr will be built b ick even wlUi tlic

In nddlUbn Ujrcc first clnss pntrolmcn will be prftmoted to corpora] and three third cloRs patrohiicn \yill bc .promoted lo

rearoftliccourthoiuc,reqillrlngconvDrslonornreaenldlngonnl socorid clnss pntrolmcn. Two new officers will be officinlly parkif^fipnces toparnllel. TIj Is locntion wjll pull the'front of the-'— ndded to the. force.

“ -week-refusinrtoTiccepHmyelte-but.Uiat-orlBhuaiy*;! . „The letter followed a Joint public meeting in w ilch members of, ' Roper said "if thnl is the only way tve can get totjeUier wiUi tlioIhecouncllraisedquofltionsoboullhovlabllityofthatslte. county wc wlU-hove to do it." ,

Public opinion at that meeting was divided and heated. • Maintenance costa for retaining separate fnellltica for tJie cityThe county favored the^ite as more efflcient> prnctlcal and, and county would become prohibitive in Uie futurci Roper said, •

~~gWUWTgntgtr —>r«n<Hhrbuilding is needed at this time.---------— ^thcallematesite.attiic comer of HUj Street and Albion Avenue, City ottorney William Parsons said It was unfortunate that thewas . pcrfcctly worknblp pnd would be suitable to his site.hnd become A.personal Issue vyhen the councillmd merelydepartment's needs. ' beencanring outroqujred public hearings and nctirig upon Oiem •

'.^ApUbllCTJplnlonpoll-conductcd-Iftst-week-by.tlM) South Idaho--- In-ci-professional/mftnhorr'— — --------— ^ ^ --------

-buUdinft.liiick_neucly_lnJlnc_\YllU_thc_lu)uL.of_i: courthouse.,;Tlie,CQunc^Lucccpted_a.'bId-Of. $3.51.0' for a l{U:i.clrctrlcnl ..

delayed on bids for a new garbage Injek pending rocommenditUons from Uie-htfad of thV Banitatioti duparUnent , and tlio shop superinfehdent.

Police Cliief Barry asked for confirmation of nine promotions ~nml~two' »ppointmunbi to the pgltri'-di'[Mirnni iit^nlong— ytth-'

............. yJOJlLnJJ02fl_pjLr_niQntll.wl|h..tluLiigjVLJiaat3tanLpolice chief receiving $055 per month, ' |


parlclng were referred lo Uie City Planning Commiuslon.Additional rccommendndonn for erenling turn bays on Eijst

Main Street will be rjjferred lo Uie atnte.• -An pllocation of un to $10,000 wa*! tentatively ](i{rcod upon for ' -Rod-^eftnj^Mftchlnes-Inerrl.oft-AnHolflJn-fop-chockinH-ond—

scaling city sewers. Mayor Garls Robertson will inspect acorresponding raises In saliiry. The council accepted Barry’.s proposals. ■ ’ slmlltu- project ttsing spcclnl tflevtslon camerns \yhlcli is being

L(. Ralph Marsy will be promoted lo ciiptain jis asslstaat chief conductod)>y.Uie amne company In Ruperl before making a final - of pojlce, delective-sergeanl-HeX'M»ddenrwill be projuoteiHo- Tdeclslon;--- ---- :r-;------------------------ r~-—

^fi52yEs© ts=Ijudget hike

WENDELL — Wendell scliool board nicmbera approved the 1073-74 budget ol <507,720 Monday night.

Six persons attended the public hearing, but no obJecUona were voiced on tlie budget which la 15 per cent Increase over Ir ‘ yonr'rbudBct otj»50J,S17,

will go for salar:lncrea?oa, highef bm contracts and ins\|ranco-costSv Tcachers received a'lO-lS per cent hike ta.their pay scale.

Supt. Lawrence LaRue said the district will receive $53,000 increase in state funds for next year plus $10,000 extra in spcctal

controlledRU PK ItT — Flooding Is under control today In Uie irrlgaUon'

weekend: - ----- ^ ^Minidoka irrigation dlstrlcl offlclHls. say Uie flooding is

conU-oled, nlUiough heavy rains cduld renew earlier conditions.■ -Following ilieralns-SaturdaynlRhtrCijp Hawley-Lake-two-

week fo.r.kinderBorten wlll bring In an estimated $10,000. In• addition Uici■rft wnB nhnnt m.OOO exce.w in geheraTfunds which'

-to^th^budgeted-inceme. 'U R u o saiaiiie disirict has been~abTe to provide the salary-

~TUk6, nna'7nnincg' 'wmiCTp».u-'» fjasaes '>i«*t j im despite-fl-reduction of &.SS mills in local taxes. ?

This Included the fTve mill override which wa^ ellmln;itcd this year, ait well as the three mill ciU, from 30 to 27 mills, made by the leglslaturelfor the entire state. This totals eight mills, and minus the 2.1^'jor Uic kindergarten, leaves a 5.85 reducUon,

-LaHue-sojd-.- - .................. ■ ~ ----- --vaddltion-therc-hns-been-reducuott-in^e-bonurooompuon— __

- le v y th is ycpfr.'

I___ miles north and one mile we. t of Uie Minidoka po»ply Hospitalfloodod onto nearby -fleldH. Irrigation “ distri'ct 'limpldyca^ constructed dralnwells and used pumpsjo bring the floods under control Into Monday night.

Federal AjMaUon Agency officials sold today a chance of | _ t l iu m rg T a V Q c m L th iB t lc r^

More than 1.15 Inchcs of i^alnfnll was recorded durlnjTa Saturday ~thunderBtorm in the 'Rupert-Burley uroa.»__________ ___________

— r—inignttnn-dlfitriet-wpokosmcn said today-Uiat crop Ldamattfe __ frnn|i th<> finod.s Is 0 fields plantod ln potatoes, grain


IV e iv c o u n c il m e in b e r

H EN RY WOOOAIJ,, a Twin Falla bustneSB THiili, IK Bwnrn in 'iis n iwln rulls city cmim -meinbur byEdyllinKuanH.dty-tkfh.jiurlnEa

c-mincil meftin); Monday nielli. Woodall roplai'cs Tom Ni-lson, wlio has mnvi-d mil nl thr city limit's. , n

Jlla lnc- .^ C a m a N C b s s I b -

E lm o r e -- tS S tt ll ll lK— J o r o m e r

C ih c o ln . M in ld o k n

T w in F n llN

IFrbiniidiii^ platsjofcgygd

_Aj)put 80 acres of farm land wore under water'for a sliort ’ " lerlod. Farms hclonnlnK to R Newcomb and Don Kestor Jr . *

were hardest hit.’— Newcomb hJid a fleld-of . grain just b^iSnlng-to-aprout that— — was flooded. Kester hod an alfalfa flelcl*and an unplanted field .floPileiLhyJhB Qvcfcfiow. ___ _ _______________>

M o x i c a i i a f l o a t w i n sTWIN\FAl.US - The Twin Falls Communidad

. -Volunlorla .Mcxlfanu-lloat-woi-awardcdjhe _Music Club trophy fnr best of show.

t h e tro p h y w as not fo r best m uslo as e a r l ie r rep o rted In the' T lm es-N ew s. '

T h e group w iik a lso aw a rd e d a trophy fo r firs t

V alley•uort8V7'Aftay-Br-tW3------

-- ------------’BybAVlDimnSMAN----------------..................' Tim esm *W fl w riter— :— ■— ■— ~ ^TWIN FALLS - With the spring come Uie flowers - and

construction In Twin Falls. .Four subdivision plats were approved by the City Cnncil here

Monday night. Eager land developers wanted to git an early start in ihfs' year's construcUon

code to Woodall,' "to be u^dln good'heninr" ~....... Woodall’ TPar-uppolnted-by^Mnyor-dohn-(^hrlfllofferHen-as“

council liaison to the fire and parks and recreation departments.The council lieard a lengUiy request by Lloyd Walker,

represenUng Arley ond Bob White, for city uUiltips for Uie Whites’ mobile home court on Eiistland Drive.

--- ^Although1heTonrt-isT3titsid(Tcify-limtts7-Wnlkef~snld-it-meeL‘i-nhd pity-zohlng-lttw.-Hnd evw-y-pr-opoflod-

city and county zoning law.”

D E € S ~ b o a r d s e f ^

^ w i n F a l l s m e e t -FA LLS — Abortions and new federal, welfare.9 will be on Uie agenda when the Idaho'board of the

was alerted at 1 p.m. Monday to extinguish a fire on a westbound Union Pacific car asl't^rlved fn wn. ^ . .

- - There-weresix bundles lumbor-dostroyed. Cause of-tho fire is unknown and damaga was not yet determined. Railroad

----- officiftl.«rsnid-Mon<lny evening.-Tho City Council also passed judgment on a subdivision outside

. . _ .. _ . ■. -joim.Vnrt Uiiniin,.^ori)mu;'chiriniiaii-uia iliU im ntalt!feHhg:Z-.propb|ed city-coiliny zortlnH ordinance and could not act until Its etoud would net on proposed rceulatlons ulterlnR the methods o(

Hl.ilrlhiilln|; i;ranl.s iTf municlnnlltie.s for sewaBC-frcntlTlonl^-■formal prcsentaUon."--- 'Uie-city-llmlts.--. ______Coundrman-Winaton i3onciiJiaid.-:;^NQUiln«:hiisj:himBvdJilnQe___facilities.

-Irao ~r control bv about Counc|l approval was required because the development was • we met wlUi Mr. White a inonUi ago.J' Thd couneil had delayed

•withln^one- milo-of-the-citv—Ihe-J}Qnna-Leiuh-SubdlvialQn.____ Iul Ht*fl«ilnn thcn^until. ioint-iDning-waaxstablishcdAlso to be discussed'are proposed policies-on“ abortions

- ^tntpwidr. for skilled nursinu_hQmea_nnd_

. B u r r i i t i i i i i i o i n i l r f i ___________________, BO ISE (U P I ) — James D. Burris has bcea officially appointed

located one^half mile east of Eastland Drive and adjacent to Falls Avenue. Is planned by severnl-famlllas; liuane and l^onna . Hanson, Francis and Ruth Fox, Jolui and Ptmlette Erickson, Jaok and Carolyn Holland arid Roger and U line Bolton.

Tom Nelson, a four year member of die City-Council, resigned

Gov. Cecil D.

At the jame-time., Andrua notod he had appointed Mrs. . ........... .........Wward lUllls, Rupert, to replace the late Wayne Hollenbeck as I Minldokn County Commissioner.

In other acdon. the counciiiiien:-r:^Eassed a resolution accepting a $70,457 federal grant for

purchase of fire and rescue vehicles at Uie citv-countv airnorl. City manager Jean Mllar said Uie gnmt would cpver_55,75'peV cent of the casts: ■■

Tall fUl hid.-' ftSi'Vu »f two pteir >t»

intermediate care facilities and the federal welfare regulations^____^Board members will also select a replacement for fSTmer

secretary Margot Tregoning, who resigned'her ppsltion_ton.s5ume the job as deputy-regional coordinator for-northorn---

^dnho within the-new department. ' --------4lar.po»ition on llmiinnril hns hiil n token bV R<'hcrl pooHttlei ,

■for the tire deparDiTian' anTl'bmToinne-aTtpif't--- PriestlllvcrTwhowillbtatttndinfi his first iT»»ltnB,—d e p a rb n e n t. p id s w ill be opened .lune-n. A ll board sessions a re open to the pu b lic . J

l t i i r ( i ; ln r . v p r o l i e i l• TWIN FALI^S — County officers are investlgaUng a Irtlrglary at the “Magic Mountain Ski resort.

Officers reported tlie breakin occurred between 5 p.m. Friday and Sunday m6rnlng when it was discovered. The ski lodge war. brokcA fnti^-UirouRlift-feftr^Qof-ftivrHHtff building was ente^***

• by tearing off a lock.' i_

*^Painted ladies’ seen in Jerom e

------- Mls8ing^erHool»^rom*the-lift-buildlngrt'

(Continued from p. I)For the past year, Mrs. Rowlands' classrjfoni ha.s been’ a

temporary home (or the black and ornnge beauties that are. allowed to fly freely around thejoom after they coinc oul pf tlieir

*'^e«rowwr After-a^eirdaya,-1-Bchool-yOTd-.- --------' Stiifignta’JnteccsLpeaked when news wa{j received oHhc larue

"On the broadcast, they said the palnled lady had been tJigged in Uie United States andjound Inter in Haivall.” she added.

She recalled when-her students* were given, that piece of informaUcn one budding entomologist'observed,'; they inust’ve

j tlie ocean.” •.— DivGhiirieft-Bakefvan-iJHHoelMUtpFon

State Colloge, told U P I if environmental factors are favorable

in the western United .Stutes oul of Uie norUi than souUi."Baiier said he bad counted up to 100 of the butterflies go by per

minute nioving.east to west in southeastern Oregon^ .....It seems tlie in.s’ect's migratory hiibits arc cllishing with •

inn mirnn. of travel-in-Soiiniern Idaho,

on antiquo clock, a mirror, two casofl of pop and a smaU amount —.— -of-eamljHUIil-Bum:— ■ ~ , ■ ■■ ■■ ■ '----

mlgration of tlie puinled ladj. _________“ I board-nimiit tliom-<in a television .show, from Snlt.l.akC

T l ' w o i i i n h i n j n r c i l

a ty , " Mrs. Rowlands said. “Tliey .sidd Uiey were migrating irom New Mexico Into Arizona and were In Utiih more than aweek .ago.

during certain years'— lots 6i preclpltiJU6n tlYid fin»d planfcr 'The pnintisd Indy breaks *u( in great humbors ospoclfilly in the southwestern U.a,, anti moves norur ' ^

Why norUi? "You tell me," Baker said. "They just fly against Q provuiling wind. In the spring of Uie year there are more winds

mnv>‘, Mrs.-ltowiaads, a tclicher forHhcandhBt liuai>«nch»eiMWwd4tw^----- —•— 7. "cur radiator was covered wltti Uieiii. They all miuit be flying tlie

-same place.” .

TWIN FALI.5 — Two vehiclca were damaged ^nd one woman two-car croah Monday aT the" Iritorpectlon of Blue

Vivettailuntor Miller, 50, Twin Falls, wa»trav6llng south on Uio boulovard when her car collided with one driven by Mark D.

_— .Jlasmuuon,20, Ua8oripan. The RasmuBson vehicle was turning---left from Blue Lakes Boulevard onto' Filer Avenue when the

—I:?_flCcidiinLflgeucri>d ^ \ : ^ " _ _____________Allcfi Murray* 78 a passenger In Uio MlUer vehicle suffered

pro]H A ILEY — Two major proposed land developments will bo conducted last week on the proposed Indian Creek planned, unit

topica.of two separata mflCtinHH.tonluhf.ln.Hnlley. _ _(bv,elopfnor^ - •. • ‘ "informaUon for thi atudy ' * -

Tlic meeting-will Include nn orientation to the goals andh c o ra n d S - rn u ? a - S r ^ | - o - S n ^ L T » S n r n S the.. H(llloy Plnnn!nii nnd_:,J3]epr6posed'a6v'61opm(!nt c6mpniaes aboilt 2,500 ncros.niia IS' methods of the Idiiho Neml3 A « ' ” ^ 'n l ,P « ( ! f« m n n d ^

zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing .on Uio ^ocnttd nbout 1.5 mllos norUieast^f Hailey, .• . " t ' worltlnc MSSlona fo r^ o ll groups. The groujMwl IJdcnUfy and---------- _Uon.iin«i.;D.,iu.Min»j.,n,poUUo^for-«nnoiatlan-ofj.0504iiac___Soiightby-thod«voloporsbaadlJippnovalforUieplamica imlt:_BlviLfitlocltjLto.Drol«clod learner n^ds ivWch t o y cqroW

pm posatto tlop raonL iilt^ liLH devftlopmftnt npprnvgl for 150 a:

GOODING — Gooding city councllMen awarded ,coptroct4 - :rji Monday night R e p a ir tlw olty Bwlmmlng poql and purchaso a

pickup truck. ' .Tho contract for tho .pool repair was awarded to Clark and

_ Bock?r*-Qoodlng. for $1,447, aibd thrplcloipJteuck for tHe alroct__ ^partment'l uaC-ffllL^PVfchaMd from n ic e Motor Co. for

----- “ “ ‘rthB-*— City Clerk GeorR©-8llva fald-tJi«-cbuncU-«l»(^approved.elgbt:- ^ a f i ig lg T O t t iF fg r^ tnr^fi44;0^ ---- . ....-

—AccaillnBjQ'Jommfislon/chQnfDDn. Grant-FattcrflDn^-'tho—— ProjoctdovoiqwrJ^'n-Koppoii^ctchum„flaUlJafltwcck-ini commiulon-will use .findings'irom .the hearing to make a planwouldincluUeaboutlOOOunltsformultlplcfamily dwcIlingsr^ommendfltlon to tho city counclli who^11. then conduct a and up to-280 single family unlta................:public hearing May 15.,Findlnasrfrom that hfiaflng'arid Uie“ .Also planned Is a-l-'pralrio barn typo community ccnter;> commlision'a proposal will be taken into consideration in Uie'^. cooperative atore, and a cooperaUv o ranching ventureoouncll’# doclilon,-: , - - ---- — Among.other raegtlngs ln Blaine aro throe.scheduled to-

Propoaod for Uie McCuUochwlto souUienat of rtailey are about night and Wednesday by Uie .jaialne County Program and243 jicreafbr glngi^famllirhdmeiB. ao.o acrcfl for tond‘omlnluma___F^cllllljea_Stu<ly,_l.' ........ ............and Uacrai for low rlaaapartmonta and duplexes. .Topight, a "concerned conferohce" will begin at Rp.m. at the_A1bo Dlanned'ls an about IflOO.OOO year round tennis club and Wood Rlvor Junior (llgh School, Hailey;

• ^ ------ ----------------UBnt r.'-At-^p4i^i-at-the-

“ Accordi_Count3LCQ»rtho»8ef tlw> county islnn___ ____________ ____________________ jriifirlMotcQnforenceaitojiEouidBJidded',— ^wl^ihi^tcaiathrougKthftDlnlhg^unly^^ogljt^

W BTO inffTn«ran itiffT»m ratttlon^ iiP^U nue,-a 'n ice lln ff“ 6p p b rtu ® fo rln te ?So< rw O jfH^Halloy. ^

..from the Unlvorflliy.-of Jd lU lpSlflge.^^S^^Doan fcvprett SamuolBQn,-Dr.'Terty:AitnBtroiig and Pc» Tom Boll. • . • ' ' •

A mcoUng wlth'fnculty and prlncipal«-wlll-be-«t-4-p.m.^-Wodnesday at Uio Bcllovup ISIomentary School. Atopen meeting of Itio atiiSy's itttlrucUonnI pfOBfinrBroup will bi ■at Wood nivor High School. _ ■ '

Hoesol wild the public .18' Invlled-lo aittonit'olther oirbo^h


Page 14: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse


' JKI-1’ W60D, rrlfiBt), wfliiTiiBCalled prcsldcnl of the Twin rnllf) HIrIi SclionI Future FnrmcrB or Anjerlcn ijHturdny evcniHB n* iHrtllfflnn Victor WatkliM (lcft) lB sccrctory nnd Stnn

IHiye iH.vic-t! prcNldcni.

bring tarm^orkortt^-into Oio-.. Tcnmstor'fl and try to destroyour iin io n .'___________________

Fitzsimmons replied that he wns 8n\l'sfled hi.H union represented the minority of Conchella Valley field workers.

TFiTcliapter install^1\e w sugarjiaci Jialks cormrwirce^

Contjict’the Timoi-Newt Farm balet DepartmenI (or complete- advor.titing coverag« your (arm ->alem:hond—biUiT7znffW.i'Pop«rTr<«y«,‘’<lO«:3l:^tCr 7Q;000 fgnderi » in Mogie Vgllfcy.LifldvontB bill* ing All at one special low ratn-; cvery-iale li«t«(T~

Farm Calendar (or 10 dayi befpro tale.

JW AY..9..

G EN EVA (U P I) — Negotin- belonging to the present ai'ree-tions tegan Monday on a new rnent.

internntionnlncrccmcnrfoRbv- ‘ NegntintionswiinastthrouRhcfn nn annual trade in ailgor May. with n second conference

TWIN FA LLS - Jeff Wood Schpol principal nnd to Wlllinm Dusty Qualls, Steve Beer and was Instiilkd president of Uie McHarK»G. l ' I ‘> chapter Paul Van Noy.

hiatchesAmerica cljnpter Saturday - aKricullurnnstructor.--, "*■--- prcsentcd to the parents of thecveninn-at the hi^h school. Steve Arrington, outstunding past officers, Rex Williams.

worth $1.5 billion.Tliepresenlfive-yenr interna­

tional sugar agreement expires- D a t h ;3 i7 : : -

scheduled fo September and Oc­tober, under the auspices of the United Nations Tradc-ond-Pcs-


"pi'e.'iTdeifrrT/iui vftn Noy, vicjr Ui<wU-i---

" ThcTigrecincnt covers half SugarprlcesiiaVfi’sOflred re- tlie total world trade of $3 blN ccntly because of a steady de-

SHOSnONK, — On May 1, lion, making sugar the second clirte in (Tuban output and a ser- ■Macic-Hcaervflir . WQa.Qa.(uU_ttfl_ moBt important commotUtyJor— iow)f^vwr-«»ttBonfl In th# Soviet-

vaiir anoi — ilwrrHnnifm flanm fe ’exports. ' Tlpinn/ -------- -

■ FAllS AVINUf W«T FUHNITUpe SAIB Adv«rtli«ment: May 7

Auclion**rii Werl. Ellen. Mobley, Clark I Metierimllh


AdverHiemtnirMoy'l...............Auctlone^ri: Wert. SHer». Mobley. Clorl< I Meiierimlth


Advertliementi May A , . Ayctloneeni Kpye Wofl i Don Psllerion


------ ^ A ^ t 7 i n r r » w ? B ! r W 6 y . l Q . . ‘ . ^_______ AyitlnrTimrtyljTMBiwrtJCaoTytOibome-^—

M A Y 11other new officers ot uie * -chapter member, wns^pnr’

•Hnyc7-vlt*«— *n?ntrrt--n-nynteh-by—filerlinR--ftroup-nnr -QLCaltl: I tTTT y Tp-7-W' . i t-flecretary-;*"John RHbertj- Uill -nolloway-reeeived-tlie— trenaurer;— Rusty Jea3er7

treasurer; Curt Ward, Star Ofwenhaud yward and the reporter; Jiru ce Blllinjjton. flontinol; Paul KKbert, Stijr I ’lmptcr award went to, sentinel; J j a y e , assistantroportoPi-Stovt>-Bo«rvHHHl»tanl.-= Joff-W illiam Hr...................... reporter; ifiul-Ken Stutzman,reporter and Dick Devries, Pest control award were- photographer. The parents of photographer. ' — given to Steve’Beer, first; Bill _ Meg Harvey, past chapter

‘=HwecthefirtT i r— ehapter-s^eetheaft^------- r-— GantrellrUtird.----- lett«r_oU‘Ppr«t;iT tion.

rphmbershlns r_oundanon .awards ^ver^ _ The iienlor students wore awarded to l-'rank received by Stevi; Arrington, presa>nU‘(rMeHatT?ire a ja cK e i

— It hnB-boon full-for'about a week- JVatgr was' in the canal for North Shoshone almost a week prior to that. Water was. turned into .the cflnal for Richfield April 30., Pepcnding m l w q fth fe f^ ^ ^ g f^ rb u i^ s^ th e re -

Advertliementi 10 bley-ClpitU ru M o b le v ^ C lp rk lA

Tlie oUier half is regulated by special preferrential arrange- merits,■particularly by the Unit- bd States and the. six original members of the Common Mar- ket who do not l{fclon« to the

'in to rn n t if lT rn t“ n ( > m ;m M r

The firstcomiVtUcclal canning qt shrimp in the_Unlted States was fn IflflT af Grand Terre Island, I j i ,...


Advertliemenli May 9 I May 1^.! Aucllaneert: Wert. Ellen. Mobley. Clark ( MiHeritnlth

slibuld b c j r c ^ t c r for u week xiiere ore 33 cxportini; coun- (ir so. This is purely nn triesnncl 20 imporlini!coiin(rics ^

-Charlton.—Xwin^ralbi—High— Husty^caiiur,-Jeff—WilUuiiiH,— for-hiji-lmlp with the-iiluipter.•* ■

Butz reparts American ~ f a r m s ^ e a ^



jjccording to Leon Grieve, tnanager of the Big Wood

' Canal Co.As of April HO, American •

Falls was full to the restricted delation. It contiiined 1-27

trr^ 'o f^ a le r^A'tT*

Idaho milkt

output up _

■ "'TVAsn iN CTO N " (T in r —Agriculture-Secretary.-Earl-li.-

Butz reported Sunday that American farmers had a banner year in 1072.

In his annual, report. Butz -SBid—U:S:—ngricuUure—had-

ord net Income of more than •|10.2billlon latityoar wiUi farm

K)t^ totaling $a;billion. He

_ ---vvere -"is- pcr'-ccnt-nbnve-averugu-in iQliQ.-

Butz said that doiiiestic dunumd was up "moderately,’' .hot foreign sales "domlnntcrt" the economic plcturcj" rising

-drainaUcaUy.He noted -that-tlie Soviet ilPTT'tiot^ht' "niui e ■ thnn-lI—

billion of-^i)oriean grain and ■bny*’pci‘h<nw '

—^nit7-.*sTTtrt-ntTP7i -farni-income-lasl-

t-ypI->----- Milk•ti;if;r,m Sl™7,f pro(lucli.m id Idaho durlnec J f n - ^ r T . ; in m r n 7 ^ l ' th^ " Mnreh-wn^,pnhrcc

-__i— ---------—•irTtir^ame immth a year

uar-cut-iji-half the anaual rate of farm* abaiidonnieril - 50,0(H) farms in If>72.1'onipnred with the recent average of HIO.OIM).

—Iz irvesltw k

District No. 2 boards of ' “ directorFjrconiparisotTorihls

year was made' with former low water years of 1959, 19(i0. 19G1 and 19GG.

— 'l-he-r — DepiVrtfhent----of—Agriculture' says |>roduetlon- durlng the month was HO million pounds.

In 19C1, Iho loweirt m,ter year An.erican cheuse output was -ailK-E-mosF-5r'"us----cur,—ja i£ m f e ju j ! i a i _ n u 5 5 .g i ° " -a c re . feci.. was used from mrnTOirpiranilsr—American Fa lls Reservoir.


Hovlno told the form I will lell the (allowing locolad 4 mllei louth ond I mil* aatl of Jerome, Idaho or go } mlUi north and I mile eait ol (he Jeroma Goll Courte. — .

rhursday, AAay 10, 1973^S A L C T J M E i 1 1 l O O A . M _______________'A'nycNCITATTHrrHUCKW 'AG-ON BV CA'NYONSIDE lAD IES CLUB

-8 Registered Angus Cows — Nurse Cbws Stock Cows With Calves

25 per cent.***niV~lev el- er -fflrrwnCTpg~___________

-many-farm product:^In his lOC-^pagej-eport.’ Ho Bald gross fufni lnconie,__________________ t- in c o m e -p e L f a u i L -and income per resident of a

-facin alLreached-cccuctUuglis^


Produce Priccsr

Artlie end of 1972, fantr prices

2G5.0Q0. or 90.000 acre feet shortif, nur .shartesl.yeijr ---- The—bourda=ragreed they-

tr rr— tliould-buy-435.000-acre-fooLDf.._ extra water If It Is availab le '

— from-spucei>oidcr^who-might— liavo water to sell, Sinc*e there

'*,» -Js_ a _ shortage^the .boards

lid 0 Rogislorod Block Angus ^ " 'p7og“ 105lod "covvs' Ib'colvd "

4 Whito Faco Horoford.rows with colvos by sido' — 1 Black Angus Cow with colf

4 o M o " G g f tn K i f

n Cork Drtlii-i

Grain -IxlimmutCij! uUiiiLlS.CO <.1>T^ ■ s i;A rr i. i3 m iM i - 'I'oday's 'uV 'V i;

agi’eed to stiirt on 100 per cent delivery through' May ^jen decide at tlie iiext meeting

•whether the- delivery- rate should ■be~changcdrt^Tleve


PQCATKhLO, IdahDX U P I ) - -The president of the Parrh Bur*' i;auJi!i;dg£titi«>Dj^iiA^»rga izatibn will l)egin a 100,000" buihling program ^ i t s head­quarters in Pocatello.

W. bale Uockwood said the program will include a 12,00ft- .square-foot addition to the pres-

•cnt structure and reniodeiing of.. p flrtlO nSO rtn ccx ls im g D U iia ing .

stock cows — ~1~ Rod CqlvV White Foco

irCaivy 3tock-covi/— ;-2 Whito-facc’Holstoin-.crosa-mothof cows wtth-.5 Calvo»-to- be sold sepofbte — rH^IsloTod Milking Shorthorn mothor covtf with 4 colvcT' to b’o sold soporoto. ~

Registered — HORSES -^ RegisteredRuQiklurud Q u o rlu f M otu & y u a i« o ld. R aQ K Ier o i n fu fil ia racing — R «o i» lfli« c

■ " ‘ n o l lo o (R oq ot in o ril iO uortu r li lly i i ru d by k * i ( io ^ B lo o d l

fa c in g — R eg U lo io d - :iog ) and opt of obove m ore

Soft white m White club 2.67 Hard winter 2.r.;i

- Corn7G.00-77.60 Bjirley75.O0-7fi.5fl



Tolllj^ iarrow •• J'hoafhousors.-

^ A L E im E i 1,1;00 A.AA.7 0 3 W A S H I N G f O N S T . , E M M E T T , I D A H O

______ _ _ . : N E X I J O . R i y E R J U l l D G E .




■ . r t t B S O H a u c t io n e e r s ; .■ K A V I W A U * ■ ■

pON eATTieflON

TRACTORS & TRUCKS & PICKUPSForet ON ifQCtor- mlih h o o u y d u ty loodoi __________________________MavM iy Marriv >44 Iro c io ^ w ith J po in i t ii lc ^ o n d Ir icyc io iront ond — John Doaru

—-&■troelbtr- ■•pood• •ao »<4om*>wAlli-.» Jokn•De•r•■ ^ m» i|ch■'19^9 C .M .C . 2 Ion Iru ck . tios S &puud. 900x30 rubbor, ino lo ( Qood, lo o lii fino ,

o n d 'tiQ i 0 IQ fo o l m otol cb ltlo ra ck , o 'd o n d y un it • 1963 G .M .C . V '6 P ickup w llh w idu l)o> nnw liru s ond b iicb a cloott umi M ulal tiido In ttock rack lo r lo n Q j^ ido p ickup Coinpor sbo ll fl foo l io f Ibno wido p ickup Compo'f. 0

m odol has icu bo« Stock tro ilu r 2 tio n cb ian . 7 025x30 tirot, ^lUU p|i

0 "

MACHINERYiQQt^swQthor runs O.K. - intornationol No. 55 wiro tio bolo

Mossoy Horr)^ ^0 soil propollod )0 fopt combino Pickup ottochmDnt 12 footer - Goso corn chopper — Case 3 bottom roll'ovor plow with 3 point hitch — Ton- dom disc 10 locto/ on rubbor and hydraulic rom Chaltin ditchor with 3 point flitch Blade scraper with 3 point iiit^h Ferguson 6 loot tandem disc with 3 loint hitch - Srirmg tooth renovator with 3 ppint hitch -- Fpfd 2 row corn plant-

I d . 55 n^illwdr • Cose Manure Sprooaer on rubber',- F6ur wheejod wog-‘ A lo v r i t n r rfi~f<^lnr f^ ^ n iri niignr 1 I n p f n r >A/tth mntnr —

I t t ype nioeliih^ f^fittor---^JtjfoniE^-borner-heod--- GfOifwlfHI-l-S-hole-wUh-^ood- -Corrugotor-bor 9 loot w/4 coil shanks Foret '''* turn plow with 3 point

.^ p o uhitcli.---Wood-ftpiH3-4efcttof\-hofrow-df«wbof«----l4ow Idoo foriilizer-sproadQr-an-rubbQr-Trv Fiolfip7ckupi^Ziyibadci^^=^PbW gUlTlvoto r w tth~3 pulnt ldtd i — B ilogtft' StTutto n n tb” tor Machinery I,roller with tandem .wheels Wopd burner 200 gallon on rubbor*— 3 Soclion harrow with drawbar — Land lovo jor^ lootor —~ 7 socllon _




Tack Squeeze-Chute Livestbck SuppliesStock* Soddlo '— Exercise saddle Brid le#---Holtors — Lead ropes — Ou m *

's'lfonffTnTTla»~sqtroo70~^huto — -!Hargq-3toek-wotef^tonk»—^New-f4etl»cw>— , stock woteror — 2 elect, lericers — Boltery .Foncer — 30-20 loot corral

polos — Expandoble )6 fo 20 foot, gate H calf panels *- Barbed wire — A SHORT STACK P f 1st CUTTING HAY. - — - RADIOS' '

- <^-0ai«-4-^Mobil-Can«ral,ElMlric>U3a.T(on»~.....jj -- -mltiilr Tvoo BflHtftH

Roto-Tillor w illt -Qo» inolor— &--comoni hood —IQ lB i -A lu m in u m o x io n tlo n loddo f — 5 po ck -_______________

inn b arra lt— fl’ thA oit of RloncF □ah o lln n -',..Th «t« ii-T-WqiU bunth on .w|.oQU-300n5D ------

coblo.-StocU ol olymihum *(dlnfl—lo rf lf fu«l



: z i z

T lR M S i- C A S I'Speed" UPSHAWt Owner—


.**»“ HI"*** ......... ........4 (« Ptinlin

. .4

Page 15: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

" Jl ■| a-' i - ----- :------ — ------- ^ ------ - ' ' ■ . '........ - - ------------------------- ------------------------------- —

Baltimcrp^r tops ^ W e tic

— ■Tlmo^Nowjr-Twlri-Piilliridanr

w in n e ir a ilt 4 ^

B A LT IM O n E (U P I)- D o o ({ Powell cUmnxod'n throo-fun Rcconcl Inninfi with n two-run

-single to bntfk- Doyle Alexnrj* dor’s fivc-liit-pitchinti-ait Uic-

“ nijllimoro OflolcsTrlmmecl't^ Ohkinncl A'a B-2 Mondny nlsHt

Bnlllm orc chHsed...lofllrtt’ pltclicr lioUle Finijers In the ficcond and tiiHi'fj relievers Pnul Lindblad nnd Horneio Pinn for four more ruhs> as

.uwncd_by SlKmiind Sommer, dioc’kud In shortly before 1 p.m. nnd an "hour^ laief^ •SccrctnrIar\Va‘sninl(Tirile(rrr(itiV tiis van hIohh wlUi Kdw ln,

of SocrolKrlat, w«h [: jlalMwo doors away from, his „ more tlluatrious Bt iblcmntc.-

•• .Secrolarlnt’B. pnrty wa« Kinall alonj'side tlint of-Shnm’s' ontpnrai’e. ICddle Sweat, who­les been. In chnrj’e of the leadlnK* horses trained by Lui.’ien Ijiurln^ was In charm? of the r>erby winner ! Also in his ■pni'iy was exCi'eise Uoy Ueoriie Davis.and a Krooi'n for Ani'le | j « h t „ . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ■

by- desl{'nati;d__Ijittor TerryCrowley, shortstop Mark Be- ff^n^er nnd A1 Biinlliry

r re y c h trn ^ n — an- error-b;• Finii'effi? 'After - Rleh -Got'j'JnfT' forced Crowley a| home plate. Grich coaxed n walk to score

^Itel.-iFmi'Ci tind ,Powellh iiu inu

^nated h ittfe r h x i r l B P s

least effective th^ • IwiLs, with-101 runs scored, IKJt i l l- n m . : , . n , l 97 lu m , '* ’ r l . , , . ;

-^Am«picnn—^I.onj*Mi outhittinR-nlHhc pitchers in the A .spokcHTrraTrfDrthr :Ameri-

^National Ix'jt juo. can I-eaj’ui* said there w««s a •Take the four, worst j>nUin{^''.slr<)ni’ basia for. pic_cunclu-

averages amony the— s W ' that tho per]fonmitice of d e s i B n a t e d h i t t e r s — the liesij^nated ' hitters was

, • .................... .. .......--------------------------------------- ----------“ *---U li---y p.. i i ,n | .

with 101 liotners and 020 runs batted in. ’riiis_yt‘ar Uw combined iiveraiit; is .*2411 with lUti home runs jtr/d 010 UBl's.

"’n if desititialcd hitler may not be the eritire answer.” the

Na s u A h stiimllTlR.'nvltH'liTir leader James Hylton"iirTd CecT , otte rat-e reniainini; in tlie first Icf* of the Winston Cup series,

'Hie Wittston Cup, paying $120,000 to NASCAR Grand National drivers, is divided into

a I i pitchers in the National U*anue have batted -105 times.OR more than the designated hitlers of Milwaukee. New York, ('allforniii and Kansas a ty .

But^ the four t e a m T m i 's scaM .n, the f irs t le j; ends w ith fo llo w iii); h is th ird p la ce fin is i} . c a r p ileup at T a lla d e g a , has h ave scored .10 ru n s to Ih fo r _ tlm tr iiH It fo r Ih r tmtlduti r in u .’- C ily -I' O iU , iii.tln: w fL c k ra t jcw n W in s tu ii ijOQ... :*20LI|0 point:..

nrUi place finlshjiimped tiim lb ‘ (iurdon are separated by less second in the standings with than a poinffor s ^ f id place' 22(ir«)5 '’point's. ^ ^ ’Iton, "of with ( ’ale Yarl)oroiif»h and Inmaft, S.C., luis 22r>l.fto M)ints. Richard Petty close Ix'hind. YarlHir<tuf^h, in fourlh posi-

l*arsims,(»fl':ilerl)c,N.C..has lion, has 225:).50 points whiletlin 'e .ie iis* (lurinj^ jh e racing ,„a __ !iL lu l -J)i___il7 ‘.L;jC._ poititii _ IM b ' . Lilwt|iuLVl<:UULuLUic.l5r. J -....... ..

■'Uie '- N l^ ^ ttch o r^ h c r tn v p ^ .

im lh i t - U m .p i l c l i e K _ 5 W 5

___ dcly.y> j& rui),s, com p itred to,. overall•'“ (loslinintod htttor cntORorjnvith -

a battint’ avc'rat'e. Boston, M.lwaiikuu'.s (k.siiiniiled lilt- o h „ „ ,| „ CqR'dii wiirkinB

le rs lu ive the b.ittlriK |.s second. avtrhCL', ac'cordini; to I .,3.,, [,y mi„.

-.LaluU3Ucsj:i;lsaai;il^MondiiiJjiL_„ea„,„_„,_,292-Bidll.TOir- ...tlie Amertoin l.uuKue. Tlii-'y___233 a tvdund

liuvc hit only'•throuKh May 2. Nntloll.'il Itomunatud lllttursiur. Texas.

d j* n ^ T b r o M in i-R id e r

Je ts trailfedoubK' play grounder to short' for ia ck ic but sutnnd bn-scmim Dlive SiEW YO UK lUPD -Thff^ew John.slin'a relay went wild and York .Iet.s traded liuard Itoijer ,Krancpool and GoBRer eros,sml rinnle to tlic^ St. U iils .Ufe plate. T^cn^afTlnCT^nllCtid ^nai^mnl?rMon(la\~for Voj-'non and Millan singled home Seaver Emerson, an offensive'tackle, with Oie fifth run. Back-to*back Kmerson was acquired on the

walRs to Garrett and Staub rcco{nmcndatio;i bf 1074 hoad • forced home another run Ix'fore nW>rh lesi|;nnfp nmrHi» Win-

roliovbrPhil Niekro gflt Kcunc?.. ncr-,-who -tjoached. thc-Cards___. . -pQQl,.tlic-12lh jnan to bat In Uk* when Kmerson tumc. to ..^. ';____ lnninu..toiirm»ndgut. _ . ■ . LQuia.fQur.yeara auQ._________________ -__________

Tliq Motflaook-n iH loud in. Jll££JetflJaultLtllflLEmecannt^ = 'tlic fifth whornTnrrolBon and - pinyori wltfi ihe Cards (or t h r t e '................... ' .

- - Seavt?r-walke<l, Martinez^ hit •.-years. but sat mit-iastneajron; —■ InfcaTorccoutahdMlllnn.wUh earning his income aa'a real

only two RBla In 101 previous tftitaleilealer.WinnertflJkodlha■ at bnisi'llncd n-nin-produclnR r».'5, 2f>0-pounrt~form?r “ Mlir-—

--- Blnnle with two out.- — --noBota-DiiUith atnr- out-- of-ThcBrtivcs went ahead In the retirement. -

jiovonth when Dusty Baker led rinnle,. 245 pounds,* o ff 'V U h hifl fifth homor, played with the Jeta four-

— -MnrtinozdronI>e{tMBr.ty.Pcrpz^BpnHnn?;, , -

Hav<Mi’< yoi i floiio_vv

•Uierror and Johnny (Jntes tol- lowed Q sacriHco wtth'on'RDl

PO R— A- rO ftOWTH-— C A R E E R ? T h e n - c h o c k the C lA Stfltled .Adt each d a y l ; ........../ ^

nuy youi TORO III;W fS T tR N A U lO STORE

!i25 P iu m I Sliuul Kuporl, Idaho


Diiy your TORO iii:KR EH G EL 'S INC.

?U I ‘jutond A*umuo. 1 win rulU. UUdio


TiH bocond Avonuu, N Tv/in Holls. Idnho


l<t/ IV OMi /Svonuo, VVoW i win t'dllt. idnho



Page 16: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

..... .-r--

16 Tlm«-N«wi/Twln-f^aili, Idaho Tuoi’dayV AAay f i ' ' 3

Charge up Km decifijye vietory toiiiglit

KP.VI vn n if f llP H - Till! lanlKlit'a fourth Knitic^bcciiuae“ New York KWclnrrirdliicovcrcd^W npulloaiiiinftlrInjn>"i.icloTir-golil In lliclr rimlfl nnil tlie rush Icij. "Moni'oc l.i nIJ bn for n Boconil Natronnl iinfercnl pl'iycr now.

ner," Monroe cxplnlni;d J/nc^_(Ber^ccr^nlhujiln«'tn, jM TTninfiiitn'moulckc'r.’’ • ' noiflon~illU-wiUrinlurt!il~Jolm'

-Tlie ploycr' who nppcnrcU Havllcck.TlicColUca forccd llio itirrnrinjsnippremMivinifChrmibcf^-'Hftiickwnirasc^

BnriSrttaUAiSuoii'-dniiii^ tjukter .mil we'.vc. liol n Inln. wnn WoU.Frniior, Munlly l»winii to New York. .. ..plonihfplnfouryenra. Jobonhlm." ■ U.c Knicks'»lrpni!e8t.offenslve nevermlMod« pinyoff

WillinRcodunil Ii:nrl Mbncoo Monroe scored from nil iviupon.'FrnzlerdOMVcryllltlo nnmo, snlil.West.whopuIlcdn were not iliindoul.1 In (lio first nnfilcs, hminu from ouUilde,. driving Bln Wilt, hnmslrlnn In his left leg durlnij-

____jwo-Hrnn^fJlieJiUojicrica-JalBium ind-aim ilMrlnl for conlenl ln iU l iM U U 'y h ^with the Ijikers n» the tenms , reverilclKyupsnnddontrlbiitlnijsplltnpnlrlnUsAiiKcies. n i!ume-hl||h si* nsslst.1. t lu im iK rW c a n t block for

--- There wn.T-n complete rovci^—noo,iloollcqtcd lOVcbounds to ■ fear of ii.iioalteildlnB-CQllirrrT—«ni In form on Siindnv' « for Oumiterlnln, but his U s Aniieles, seeklnd to West has scored 72 points In howler as thV tm lln lVks ’S i n asset w in inhklni! Wilt— revcfSellic Ms|li|rtrcn(lrmUBt“ -1lic thrco’ Bllmca'IlBnlniit-Ncw^

— ^Inrnwl-reHoiiredal-nnil-liiilpwl—leimiJfeP°al.tO-atDpJllC-Knlcll_ll(;pcmlllrij!ia-PJa enceofWest York., 'He, wns en. route to.' teat Ijis Aniii'ks n7-«.1 Reed captnln’s outside ahoollni!. Tills to engineer enthusiasm, Jilst as anotherflnoscorlngoffortwhen»i'or«4 Ills 1073 li’lnyoff iilijh of left the Inne open for Monroe's Boston did with Injured John, he was hurt In tho third qunrter

=■.m-n>oini^^nil^held^WUl-alciveaft^;.-. _________ , . ..lluv]tokjTlicCcl»cjiformltto'"-■•nihmborlain on-nlmoat eounl-~ '-Wiltlnt|midile3you,:- nced.,-tolckalnloievcnfinmeabefore- .......................

--------------------------«yim~” YfiirhiWlrtlrtn)mbnnt— bfrwtnirttrNiJw-Vork. — onirpotiit-nftcrintermlsflloh*fl!■ torms lirider the l>n«'nls.- Monroe Uillied 21 polnLs and »>!« your shot when you

Inmmod Gall Oomlrich’.s nCor- f!» Inside at>a( litm liij' nular with a hrillinnt

; second linlf defensi^* Job lhal : held the l^iker.s niinnl to two ; {«)inls lifter interrnls'ilon. Goo-

■Monroe jifjrced inm ine l-i CJiamlwInin could make, a playiT cluinf'e his mind alxaitsfionttnfT

tlio-firKl luilf.---.--‘WhL‘n he IntimldntcN you. "Rnrl hurt us,” ndmlttod nn a Jondem'y • to stop

; injured Jerry West, who may drll)hlin»> Inward the hoop and , see. only limited action In ‘ direction far the cor-

“ I ’ve never, missed a playoff Hamc," snid West, who pulled a

■hainslrlil'/rin'WS 1G« IGR {inrtTUr the second K«aic of the current s<Ties. "'niere’s pain in both ICR.‘rrtn.wrtmVhcrm‘t-lct-tt'sto]rCoaltcndinU-c.aU:...........

I/03” ‘.‘Anf'ele5;— seeklrl]’ -to- the losing trend, must d(!{)end on the presence of West

Montreal could clinch

■Uic aecond.Banic^t-Uie-cuprcnt ficrics. “ .There’s pflln in both lc(>s now, but I cnn’t Jot it stop mcr

he snt out most of the accond half bccausc Coach Dill Shnr-

"Tinitr rufUMUtI" tu rlHlr-fnrthcr injury for the veteran ('uard.

= hoekey play oM tonight

Golfers begin to qiiafify

K A U H IM ^ .N .J. l U P D - a ' fleld-of-.l,577 iiolfer.s will l)ej>in- - •


7 MONTREAL (U P I) — 'ITie De.splte the I ’anadlens’ victo----- f Montrcnl : t*nnndicn!^7~-with^— r>"-in ~<:!hicnnn— Hcnd~Cnpch— ^Uiroa-hoekey-vlelprieti-HlruHdy— Keott-yJJuwiMijn-iH-stlll'Worrled-

TTo]! n in m p l^ s liip . at the lovakiali, was a bit disla^iT- ^nkmonr -Pfl.v f^ountry- Llub.unud after—tho—IlawkW^lotrti ..........■■■ - ..........Kiiiuhiy____________ " ' Tliu lournamcnt~propcr~^\'ilb

^WORKING-ON j m n \ West’s •.injHrcdJegll«nday-lfi-I,fl|{ort;Ui:aiucrJ2conk-Q!Ncill>jnie_ l.ofrAnKfles-stnrpuHed-n-hnrnfitrinB-muBoIe-lp— thc nla^tll llaine with the KnJcks onsuniiny nnd Hal oul tlie final perlnd. The Knlcks won 87-83»frrr

--------tftkt^h-2-1—f{omi*-ltfad-ln-tl»i)-bc*t-af_ii£ven_.. chniniiliinshlii ■■ierli's. IH P I Telcphoto|.

_ under their helLs, could t-apture Uielr Kith Stanley Cup Tuesday

•nhihtvHfiainKl the Chicago iHIack Hawks.

alWiut the Hawks.'•|-feel-we‘ll have to-jjivoour-

best aiid play, fiO minutes of, hockey;’ he siiid......... :_______Mayor “ JcnTr~Drnpenu^-i»------

^pltinnlnti-U-luiuidiLAVcdnesdiiy_____ Bowman is ItMikinj' for his

•F.veryone of us Is j-oinH to all odt on 'i’uesday,” ]ie saul^^Nof ^ist'one nrtwo

have a. 150-man fiefdT but 3! places already are< set for playurH-wiia-acii-eJcempt-fcom— -1

lines dlhtrv All the lines will an (|uiillfyin(i: Another liS'are havo-to-iiol olt-their-buttJi-unU “ empkirom local, qunhfjinii

Kentucfc^rying f<>T playoflfor the team tbrougli the streets of Canada's liir>* cityTilCTCTffiTllitaMa.titQllB

first Stanley Cup victory as a coacii. RDferrln^ to Chicago,

■ t»et goint*- We'll haveTanaHTenfPforecheck the

tlicir own end, that's the only-wrajv

ttp 'hiesday:, The C‘anadiens won the fourth uaine of the Stanley Cup final round Sunday, as they defeated the Hlai-k Hawks 4-0 in Chicajjo, -to- grab a

__;CouununillnK -344cud-in-.their- '.best of seven series.

_iio.winmi-sutci,-'-^iicy-Huve. ti- reaheacler-iivKti^n Mikita. He's one of the best p'layers in the ieanue und they imss liim when he's not playing." Mikita was out of action for the socond game of the series \vith a’vere flDiieLiDjiiry, -r ,.Jwii«r.TthW-,thiiLuOfim!L»T.Mikita. M native Czechos* can," ho-said. — -----

I*' r a n k M a o v i i c h

ourselves; Hemeiniiur lliey slill have to win that fourth Rame,"

Chicago's veteran l^iach TTllIy Reay wasn’t willing to give up either.

'I think niy team can |>lay

but will compete in sectional

■nicre are entries for•"thia~5Tnr'ii QpL‘n."lhlrd largest

l e a d - a g a in s t I n d i a r i j a t o n i g h tSAVEIIKE

history,-although considerably less than Uie record 4,279 who signed up for the I ‘J71 championship at Ardmore. l*a. The US(iA has limited set'lional qualifying to fiOO.

~~TfH‘ ':t7>7Z4n‘ n n iu tM )r ro tc

JA m !iV iLLE .^ to :...m Ell-^ :___UarjielLJllUiuaii-iit-lQm ard . am-Ul^mLUulnuJJL^Mi>anjids,_.TtnnBPny^rdTsiftur

stered by the return to action tif guard Mike (ii/ to take a 3-2 lead Tuesday nighMn their American Basketbair As­sociation final playoff series with the defending chami)ion

"In rfrT "

!inu vtitormr utmuf si'flyrthe . bench in the' revamped lineuf) used by coach liob lx*onard Siiturday, Tlie Pacers edged the Colonels 90-0G Siiturday in the brui.sing fourth^tnejsli^gyle U^t saw Mount is contact with Gilmore

^ ’"'!1miia‘na\^i%nnfrI‘Yeem^

put some defensive fouls on Artis," he said- ‘'hut that can be risky, too.-becauscf)nniels could gel some Offensive fouls •ailed against him when there

-He itsteun-stmt o u t )os 6 - 0

............................................. eitiier Monday or Tuesday, l;ale, sidelined sinee April 111 get into a fistfight, Tlie fii'st foundry to produceMont'real'fi lefl winger who ijas— May.21ur 22. al Ijfiailcji in locul.. wllh an eye-injur-ytri* * oHucded-----Hillrnan-tiivcaaiiem-belter . -fimnll firp«;fnr thr ConfederateIxien picking up a lot, uf ,‘li'idifyliig rounds, ‘nmy com- a^he tjtlonel.s’ besUlefensiv;e defervse." Mullaney saul., ‘i le jiovernment under cojUract in __ei4tit‘iHn>-(oi‘-hiH-(>la> in-tl»ih -Pctc-Jor Jn lJiin c . fL2guacE"Avltli_ Ji-pdiB iiin ir:lfc:ant_G t:iiw [uUyrU iuuli::rilbDanz:^ l^ - - - . - _l7.Z2-KlrabBilyJlQad_________

— iieries,-woulU-}usL4is:iyull.have— : lil h»‘«‘.tions. ...stealing-the luili-to-lnggur-fasl— lsi.el— =abouL_aii_lyugh_as— SpringsrMisa--Myf f -w~ tlie season end Tuesday. •Montreal H.xpos o-U ■irs be™ a ion« ye., tor

i:ie, sajil the 500 goal career scorer, "Except for.two games

, M I , I "1 i«»issetl Inst-fedl-tnthe-Gnnadii'-S."!'"': -“jLi ’S'i-ltussla. series,,avem-tKlllMONTRKA I. < m*l > — Cesar Kxpo untform this season since(^deno hit his fifth hume run of

' the seasoh aVid Dave Hobei-tsshut out the Montreal lCx|)os on

, six hiLs Mnnday. night as Uie Houston Astros beat the ICxpo.n


____ ____________ "IhterliatlOTiiFleague, dropped KdwHrds' |)0 |) fly. Wynn tlrove In his second rim of the game when he

and that's

: Defending champion Jack Nicklaus leads the list of exempt players. Also entered without qualifying are former □pen-chainpiuniiJxe Tcmno.- Tony Jacklin and Orville Mcmilv,

Additional exemptions'go to . V, Ti U.S. .ainuLeur champion

, whon tho -AKlrox-Avorti-loading— win- againkt—one—loss - whilo—3 3 j HnllPlun jumped Montreal start^’ and loser

___ j Euiiii-MuAnully-whu druppedhis first game aher wiiudng his

runs in the second inning.!' Bob Wat.son and 1/ce May hit 'consecutive singles before

.; Uoug-Uudai^icd-uul.-Juluiny-

walking seven and striking out two. 'Hie best the Kxpos coidd do was to get tu him for ^wu hit:> in the opening inning but he

-advan ces-*n^it'T)lTiL'rwtsp'exempt— •

breaks. — anyone tn the league. With••■Hiere's no ijuestion^ but Hillman in there, (ieorge

what having Mike ^aclt can McCinnis can concentrate help lus a-lot,’' said (-oach .loe more on offense and not worry

-iMullaneyr—J41-Htill-be-Htiu ting— ti(t—tiiuch -ftboul-pieking— u|i Louie Uampier and Hick defensive fouls while guarding

'-?r .....hesitate to put Ciale in when we need him*. Ham pier’s foot


-luiAim (u^ the iiagalnslTfedUreTxJWls:’

-Mullanuy ..liald tlic Coiuni‘la_, - Ijpyp . .-Stnckt{)n afl'd., .Ctjixi’_^u'ill n'eg'dibeitiii: offensis^pliiy— iilamrday ulien-hiii 'output

onATl.ANTA (U P I) - Judy

tilayer—Uiu. l i lovvciil acdrurs. N and ties for IMh place in the

1972 Open uxid the 15 leaders on da- P(iA lour under the UStlA

Mashore to hit into a fielder's choice


eighth on the.l,P(lA numey list this week thanks to her victory in the Riileigh Golf

j »;-aa35lc=.--- ---------t r i i m p U t i i lO p . s n n n i o ; ^ ‘ o l m r i —

'■ '—■'•sltiRtcib-scorff~Wats6n':*rflnnny Helms singled to load tlio b ises juid Roberts 'helped his own cause with Iht;. fifth singl(> of UiX‘ inning to drive in anotner run, Jim 'W jiin 's. sjicpfiee Hy scored Kdwards to put theAstros in front :i-0._______ _____

In thcyninth inning Montreal' leftfielder Clyde Mashore, who was mtiking his first start'in an

I I f Woofti ct I J 0 lifOfOrt. II 1 I 0 M.iMiorc II 3 0 0 imqlrlox '

if they \ ope to take.the lead in Uie best^if-seven series before it rc-turn.'J~to Indianapolis ’Hiur.sday night. If a seventli

it—mlt—tn?— played here Saturday,

‘‘[X'fensively, we're doing all right,'’ tlie silver-haired Ken* tucln—ronrh- said. “ Wc^rc-

slu'iink to 18 and-'eightrebeunds.

” I woiildn’t be surprised-to’


T P im i iT ia jp in E S„37.1_ Locuit-.St^ South___^Twin_FdIli-^nPhQn«_7J3r6505

McAToUU )* 4 10 » Te|«lt Houllon 0 MOHTfOI— ............- -«lU I'oli. Mrt»i>otr 01* Moutlun < Monltrnl 11

3il Waim nyiunl. tiailr, ;Cei/riio rsr i i onpr

Sunday raised her earning for theyear lo$l|>,;i:ni.

The top seven spots remained uncliangeil with Kathy Wliit- worth, only double winner

-during the first 10 -l.PGA tournaments of this year, on top with $40,4»1).

NEW YORK fU P Il Bnict' p-ainpton'.s $41,000 paycheck

■Jur winning Ihc Houston Open Sunday lifted the Australian- Ixirn golfer to the top of the P(iA- money standings on earriihi sofj$152.fl))G in 197:i.

.lack, Nicklaus. absent from

lersists atI n d i a n a p o l i ^ t r a c k

Miss Whitworth is followec^by tho Hiniston ,luurntj:~losVthc Mickey Wrighl, $;15.500; Joyce n»)iiey lead lie had held since

.Ka/mlerski, |21],93Ii; .Carol the Masters as he dropped to Mann.$2f),130: Hetty Hurfeindt, .second place with S14(i.Oti4. lx>e nn.noo; Mary- Mills. Iin.n32: ' Ti-Dvino Is tjiird with jiss.llfll Mark'nv. Hai'ye, Ilf»,(ifl9 and,^' jind Ijinny Wjirikin’i foui:lh_al__

kee jlng- them !rom scoi mg <rs~miich‘n.s they did iri thcir other' playoff series.

"Where we need our most . improvement is on offense," Mullaney ‘added. "Ind iana doesn’t give us the "kind of defensive |)ressure that eiUier _Viril!niil or Carolina did in our

fromphillip&66earlier pUiyoffs. Yet we're still having trouble runnlTig our plays,". . ..

Mullaney said he exiM'cth Indiaiia' t'g "oiTen vvflh RiToonO’

-lluundiiig^out^lCJijp_lQ.are._ Siindra Palmer id $15,557 and

Uuundlng_uuLUie..lupaa.uce- Oil Chi Rodriguez. $72,024; Rod

______ , ,- r ---NcxLLPGAstD'pisthctaO.OOO tCfi.279: Johnny Miller f u r m - ., al:Towsonr--Honipro IUnnras\ $M,2.13

- Rain and « spin by John Uie 1.1 drivers for the day. T!ie FrldavUiMUWhSunaav,______ Bud-AHIn-t6M5‘*-'— ■— r-----Mahler Iw iuHht out tlio'vellow 1072 winner was clpckcd at n ' ’ • • -


.Truck Ion*. Twin Falli

light at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway during prncllce Monday.’

.Tlie U-flck waa clo.sL‘d (or Uie day at 3:45 p.m., when Uie

" r f iT e r m il te n t s liTw eT ”s"--- iWstCtT------------- -

• Mahler, of Beltch,dorf; Iown, earned the dubious* dfstinction

- ~-Qf-ly<v^p — ■."prnclicoilnco llio Iractftpflne'd’

, April M for *0 JnpnUi of preparntion for tho*Mny ’28‘

llhmiLliLUm-J. -.._PrivjnB ..nn.................. _--- looped Ui&Ciir tn-UicUilrd turn

'ofi tholijick end simply drifted ; towards Uto wall. He slid mbre

"snail pace" 104.011 iniles per hour around the 2 V;-inlle oval.

Rookie Johnny l’’arsons, In- dianniiolls, sop. of J'J50 winner Johnnie Parsons, was tlmetl at

~T7ir2irMomtny7sccnndfnst’cst-“ nntfciray

Making their first ’ appearance this ypjir~wcrc-_-

Sani___Posev. Sn iL_ lJ!in n ._Caplstriino,-Qdif., nnd U rry Cannon, DanvlUe, ni.'Tosey

■ was Jujil. m fronV Mmc Roclc^

finished second tq-MeU Mlnter tlm SchaerprJrrnna-Anu . .-:

The rnln Mnndny,' with the* possibility ofi mQce-flhawcca.-.-.

~Yiies(lay,bo|^m worrying drlv-" WWdff,boforc;cominBlonstop ora ITUMiir-K6awjh-f6iLipp^__ ' at tho end of the short north bocauac Saturday Ih tho first ■chuto.» . _ , day of qunIlTlcoUo’n.s for tho 33

‘ t^ccnrd idnobn’ateconl/lct ' ' 'rwi0i.niS3BflMlirdlMaiaF:cWfi ::=^0Bt:ididV(iri|=qfflai::dlljor:-wore on tlitf trock at Uie tlmo.,but nono luitl trouble dodginBi M a b W .- . '- , ................... .'HMarlf^bonohiie^ -Newtown. . . ____ f.

rollbirdfl bcllevo Jt will take at teask 0 . ov(iraup over We four*lop quolidcatlon run to moke U)» Hold thifl yoor.


TAKEOUR I—ncAt— —vtFJ8M4i;i:NS:;SlJrtv^Slr-

Spedalpfor^TO-PfoFHm salos tux and your old tims.

=-zX)RJVIAKE=i --------YOURXJWN.

MalfB your own deal on a oat of 4 or 2 PhllllpB Radiate. Pumaa or Wide Action Tread Tires...


i f f l s n m A S T KJRRIGAftON^PIPE

or High & lipw Pressure mciinand lateral ,lines at

-. lO O V SrdA ve. W est XwlnJoli!

— oHxiiT.orTOuii---- oMAiiTOffwm • oHAm or^aiWOM-WIDfcR/^OJAt----- POIW----- WIOfUCTIOMTRttOw i-m or 1 - • If 6frwr»'UTw i — offtw • wTfl f'

,*wn tfi» *lor* vnHh 1h» pump.Mf ^

See Os FdiCoiled PIPE

T O O P ^

(INGO OD ING):flute‘_-S(cMain:G6

BUFlt)= ' Fields’ 66 '

. 326 iio. Broadway

(IN-TWIN FALL$)z rn n liy r B t iX T T r T m f ilD c la k e s B lv d J .

i l ' sGB . . , . . . . 1431 Klmherly I

-^llBstidillson BG .. . ' . ,-;.:-Wesi;ol HosiZIZ! Kentirt O il, . V . 735 HlritfokaAve.

' A

Page 17: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

p iG regorio sparks U .S: “ “ ^ p a 8 t ~ R u 8 s i a n i ^ 9 ^ ^

Tuo#d«v, Mfly Or I9)b T(mo8-Now», Twin Palli, Idaho

Ph illies beat

- —two rogulntion piny nnd Uicn piil in his first two

. ahols in’Uic ovcrUme Monday.

. night to lift the. United suites nntionnl basketbnU tcjim to n

M alone^

repeats as (dbamp-

___ Pnil.ADKl.PMiA (UIM) sin(5lp(UnscoreAnticrflon.______ ___ ____Ftnlfo^orlM)ii-w»lko(l Miko Clriolnnnti t‘lcd-U~in-U»o----—

---- Hy»r»'Twiih“ tfie':Wflscn- lnjuli*<l' -sevunth-wllh‘ two'pinch hits:----• \ Monday niKht 10 f.TO In.thf' Tony...Pcrcx slnKlcd and..wlUi — |«=jy::ldiuUtiiyuubtiL-llut44llfcUimlnK=^um^-^ouln-t>lnoh4iltter— !»rry-4;=i:;r I _ as thy Philailelphia Plilllle.s SUihl'slni’led. Joe MorRnn Uicn

(U'liverod a pincTi double to' score Iwth runners.■ Ton\ Hall, the fourU* •>fjnve

gdt-<»ut-of—'— ^ iMi.sos loaded, jams In both the ninth and ' tenth inninfls. He' struck out Wlllle Mpntflnor to end the ninth? '


: N EW V O n K (U P I )- E rn ie frantic BO M . victory 'Hint nfti-'r DlGrcijnrlo tfirlllod Uio Ol(5rp8orlo, the smnllcsl mnn, . cllnchcd tlic current series crowd oflS,734 with n brilliant :on"tira=courtrsoored-lhe fln iil'' ncnlnst the .Soviet Ullloli. “ ~ ” “ dlKpluy..oU»U_<;Qnlrfll_loJdll

In n game the (Irivlne Intensity of Mtmichi. the

trnlllnH 73-fiO willi only Sa seconds tefl to play, althoiii;h •by that point the pu.s-slnns had lost foyr.key players due to

Touls'.'But DIGreiiorlo, the flashy fn'

foot guard from Providence' w'ho led ail scorers with 25 points, sank a lon^ one-lmnder

-lo-cut-the-U;S7-deflclt-in-hHlf- -■scorcr-wiUj-,2lipolnU^Toniand Just 14 seconds-laler, ht* hit I jonderson luid 1-J and BehaRcn

flhot-to-R«in-n-tioIjtrry won .tJie


^ n t e u r ” HOir"tou“rL m e n t The U.S. Ilad.«‘chanc.’e tu win Aleksandr Belov, the hero of on)oteur p l f tournament reuulntion when Jlon the'Hussian ,victor> in the

-----row-wUhn IBP-total.------- rm ialllnK socond In the iiuMmii-anuv-vriwrsiraranuanir

chnmplonship llluht, ivhlch B" played 27 Uoles qn Sunday was

— --- Dftve-Drifleoll-«rithrHfi87-01erTJTnk'erey, Burley rXorls Navis.Caldwell, and Jim Guerry were

_tio4-at-lDon Hulbert, Twin Fnlls,

Nallond U«»gui tisndingt »y UAiKd Prilt inttrndto''^

niitdcipnia SI touit _W ca L

In- tho-thlrd -flight Ken— — S i U t l d i l l ^ S Mc'Glain of Twin Falls was the winner wlt'.i ICfi. Bob Hayden.Cnldweli, was second w th lG7i *Sliorty'Worman, Burley, third ,.,n»i.ufon‘

- 1G9 -and -Harm-Nelwerlr----- Burleyr-fourth-with 173,■ Bob-

White, F ile r, and Earl — — ^itm nnrM t-H om i

In the fourth fHglil Adrfan Pembroke. Salt Uike. and sanoXo*'

. _ Georf-e &isz, Mt. Home, lied for first with 170. St in Jones,Glenns Ferry, was second with [■tuuofipi>in i caH.nnai IflO. Duane Wilson, Buhl, and * Tutioivi oi


Mondtr't MvtulH

C iir l iN p itf lu v s■S«.\ foATe(«»ry

---a ilC A G O W P M — IxlUuiniU

AiiAniA aCcncmiiali al Ptiil^dirlptno ( / iii|ini PiltttJU'un si Lo» AnurlF^ i n|ixi UilLdOQ.Al^n Otago.

W itfnt»dav 'i C am ei

fouls durin^’ regulation. Fred • SiiutnliTs and Beha^en then

fuuleduut in overtime.Tlie Americiins led by a.s

many as nine points in the first' h a lf but a "series of turnovers- by lire“ U-S,, (.'Oiiiljined” w t lP .some cold sluiotinn, allowed the

within ;{()■;$!) at the half.The U.S. had made its spurt

in tilt' first half when Cba'di Bob C'ousy inserted Nater. Bartics and Kltnnre into the linini|) at the fi;l& mark. Witliin

Tintr.s, ■thP “~5tTT<rh(»H—tho— UJiadvanlane from Ifi-l'i to 24-

--- ir> wlUt fn<*h of-lhr-substitutcs -pioviditin one basket aloii ; withritauralimUiclE

Aaron watclivs Meiits pitclicr

dream of surpassliiR TlhiM*’ nutli’s^Iiome nin reninl. kneels-wllh babi !n the nn-(!i;ck elfcK* j s he sliidieH Mels’ pHrhcr Tnm ^rnver'In Npm" " — Phii*d«iphi; York^in Monday. Aarcui Itas eif>hl liomers tlilK. yenniiHl a lifetime toUil of GHl, l i behind Htilli.

■ tUi*l TelpphntoTr .......................... ...

Dcmninja pr’t.cjj.c,lli.rlxjn () .,'1 D D 0 Tolal* .-«r7 IT T o ta li I t I U ?

D«0 OOJ.UO MO }I : oiD oeo wo uo ei— )(‘^ f^^rton Ptumrtipr RP . J I Oil C'lf'nnali 8.

iU iS unldllc{. Moruan. JU.Ut}x.a.

TWIN FALLS733-8371

_ , , , . . ~cmfinnMr»rPWifl-d.‘r(lii7i“Tn!y,.MChicago While Sox-to five hJts p.ttmurjinai n>» Anociev u.,y..ti Monday niglit to pilch the '"‘ “uo sa« o.cuo m.uhj) Boston.Red Sox to a 4-1 victory o*7iVn?d" “ m7n.Vr "a‘tron and end u nine-game Wlllle Sox w i p<i

----winning-alreHk^--------- .----- ^i‘|,mo7r" ----i3.-.n-_ _ _ It was only the White Sox' MiiwauKpt

"^ s e fo fT ra e re n i- im iiw ^ w s n r ' cS!t --- games,

Roiton Chicago

Smith cf } 0 0 0 McllCHi II) 3 0 Mdler tC 1 0 1-0-M»nder>f*-cl-4 0 Ceprdfl an <110 Anctre«% cJti

__________ nrLnjiszj'inr.f'ivnmiif'dTTtic-- •U.S.SH ;i:’-2Hu ith Klnioregetlihj; eight anil Hehagen .seven.


SAN 'DIf'X.O ( UP! 1 - The - American BaskelbTilFAssoeui-

-We-can; help you-kwp^belTerWcIc-oFyolJPi^ of Idaho person.ll chocking account. Wc can help you save money With a Bank of Idaho savings account and we'll pay you the highestJ^tc-ol—interest-on-all-calegorles of-savings nilowed by law. Wc'll”provide-----------------------convenience in jiiakine your..moiiail)gpngfaa6efevwtJiji}a iikA iiiurlt.\ITds from Bank of Idaho and money for unusual expenspt; with nnr

Qr^it account- with whirh vrin-i-nri -^wntTr

Page 18: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

” r ' “

;|fl Tlmai'Nawi, Twin l^alli; IdahoTamilV cmcui

Tu«iday.:AAiiy fl. 1973' ■.-f. O A to L iN tA L t e y

''...but if I maCiiI eVtould \lil<e ib contribute th a t ag_) W hai’sW hat

cWld'l Hint d»y ol Khoplf ' ' f ' ' ', ' ' " to Ih.l Inna liil ol brtghl .cco'mliliiluMliU by Uoniido di I - Viifci, add lh« dlKovery ol lh» lad lh*l lh« *g» o U Wm ™ ___

~di«rmtoodbyirCTmil( ol-ili tingl.-H 'l to w n poUllclam in gi(nor«l lip non. loo lultily in ton

l«ur«nli. Bul ilul oloclod poUUclan laid lo lip b .il ,ii lh« cilymayor. SurvnyH i l ^ Mnaloii lUU lip l o a i l . ----- 1- _—

‘ W h i i i r f o p o r t » r i ailii>d ihai t«oown«i WQtid liavolot Lowiili 'Thomai lo nani. Iho world'i mo.l b.aulUiJ <md MciUng dly, hi

Bangkok. 3. Rio'do lanoiio. 6. Donvor. 7. &alUo.-«, Portland. 9,San Dingo 10. Colorado Spnngi.-

________ itd»tti HOOP ______0 . 'inHrwnianho-hiltonaia n iw ha™ prov.dMhal lha-----

dmon, not womon?

~ < 'n r r o l l l l l | K h ( c i w j z a r d o f id

A Nol Iruo Tho hijiorlana lay Ihoy lo .cortUiTlfinniTO— know anybody callod Maid Manan, lhal ho Uvod a charto liio in

''ihowoodi wilh no |ominin<M»nipammiihip-Mll4lB0«™iJluUhil_ Iho ballada ol hi! limo Indlcalo ho wai dodicalod, d»vouUy lolicj. iou» and oicoudmgly maiouUiio Hii loal naino ii laid-lo havo

Rnh.n rv Kvn.' And.lKo Enoliih imoarchor lanui. U a .


( J l 'N I'R A L ri;NI)i:NCm.S: A wonderful day.• . I .ike ihc 'l)csi from yoiir pnst, annlyze it and

lipdale for bic progress tnwnnls your most desired amhUion. " fie-iufc-tu-gue sunte .compUj»ent-lo-U>ose-you want to sec —

_JTloi5:.__________ . : " ______________________^ 2 L ia ^ lQ y j i^ d < L i! f t y JO o B u in D r m a i

and coopcralc wrtlil-tJtem-ou-pfojcctiTatnniDbfei^Snni^ liking. CJrealcr happiness is possible willi the one 7011 love.

^eddg^howztarimprovestrjonmofu Jiariuoay^-beauty. Tlaa to cntcrlnin mure in tlii: fiilure Put across thfit

idea which can incrcusc your incomc. ...MJz.CiEMINlitMayjiih.torJuncliij.Itind-thciriiiht-mcthod-nDW.-

that can make you more pruduclive and active and bring you------------more moncy_amL_hflP4 iinfSfi.. <ici.jQgc{)ic[...with_rclaliY.cs.'_._

' _______ friends and loin forcci A gnod npighl)or can be helpful also^__MOON CniLO RIiN (June 22 to July 21) Oonccntxatc on

co n lo n d j ho w a i born ' in 1226, moal p rob ab ly a l Kym o m lan co ln jh iio , and livod m Iho lo ign o l Ed w a rd I, nol K c h a id Lo o . a a y i ho wa< no ho liho l w ilh a . longbow , in cidon la llyJuat 0 0-80___

Did i loll you a giraUo'i longuo ia about 18 incbM long?AJKOTHERIXAB _

Among tho ocfdball foar«, aJio Uit, ploa#o, ioniPthjng calloir -\Tgfiraino^liolJr*UlHo.wiu)iuljoitirom:ihaLwiiirdcondiUoQ -

iiomnhodvdoiopH. A huibAnd maybo-popa in tom^r, if ho M t--- S# vrifo'drllf 0lf-W'h0rT0cktit7lunng-hi**pr®<®rr»d-l^-th0v^-t)i----

VICO voroA Dr John Flomingor ol Guy'a Hofpital m London sAyi -tho nuladyuTaru-butTpalr: ---____________________________

Will bot you a quarlor on tho cornor you can't nanio that long r^Yli^gljflflbloworir manipulato lo maVo'lh'oir’pr^libiTTiTT

amall hills you owe. A big businega expert can---8UgHCSlion8-lhQtHiffr-invalUtif»<^Vt»tlf^'t 'ct^tt>^Ke IcUer

8.cpri>fqrtable pair ol snocdLliO (July 22 lo-Aug.. 21) You can put your best foot

forward now with others and iiccomplish a good deal through lociol activities -tn p in Sonic entertaining can-be helpful Invite only the ight people.-

- VIRGO-( Au|. 22 to Sept H ) i it in the quiet of yout study and d<jcidc how to have more of the good things of life, but keep your ’i3eas to you rS lPFd irovT jr ‘ * ■ ■ • ' •accurate now Avoid acting hastily muiCAztSbpi::

with ejiccUent results If you project* your special type of :m. .You .tan, ItandlQ.jffaita-wisrly—DonU-lct-Jinoinfxicodlv-—.

-pefton-interfere-with-youfTf«>gfea* ' ----- ---- ----^SCORPIO (Oct 23 to Nov 21) Study whatever is puz. ling

to you and come up witli the coirect answers; go to right.. sources for data you need Plan your romantic pastime for the p.m. eorly if single, otherwise mate ia most cooperative - - -SAClTTARI.US-(Nov—22—to -Dec.- 2l)-Invcstigatc .ncw. -

intertiata.thaLnre aDDealinn and Bet out of that dull existence. ^Makfi now fr)dndB_<iinong-lhuso.-whosa oxparlDncit-hos-beca—i.

different from yours. Avoid that depressing person. .____CA PR lCQRN_(Pe<? 22 to Jan_:fl)J[:flU_knAWL£JuiciiiLJiQ^c— I=i: »=handl«-iii«iiy-i><ptniwibith lei' twi ly Mukg'coHectiOTrj niy-

V-ou-<ian gudF5bout,-aee-people----PfiANUTS

^ 4 Jc tT al clrc'HS -----SScii-£iiiJu_____ ZfiArobiiin H'lH

Page 19: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

Maph t Review Tu«ldoyt, AA«y B, 19/3' TImos Niwi, Twin Falli, Idaho' 1»

NEW YORK (UPI) — Pricci Duiiiju .iom < <» • »■. m.- opcnodlrrcgulnrly lower Tucs. iii: il') ii;;7ilnj; In mmlcrntc'trncllnB on llio ‘i ' K “ i: T l 'Now Voi*k Slock Exdinngg.

--- irUystuifUltfopinlnijTicli;


“ ouaniitrmir

V^lle^ WealBerRepOT National__vTemperatures

Min. Pep.

; flRo hnd declined-,1.2JJ to 0-10.43. _____----UH O-W-O V 0 r-.- - ft H V n n r O n■’ .outnumbered declines, 131 lo EiiriCpu* •

115, am(Uic,tnpe. j. . , .

_____ TIiestockmnrkotfcllMondnj.Voturhe,' which hnd sljoweil some BlrenKth th r pcCvlouB— week, petcrecl out ti's Investor

■ . worried over tlie Jump in prime "Tnenaihirnjle 'lo 7 por'cenfUy

. — ^most—of- the nation's major- lMinks..Tlie Dow slipped .1.111 lo J)&0Ji;^ llinRio3thnlt

He said while the economy, like the stock market would f l u c t u a t e , 1 a r e di3tiirbances“ will .not occur without exceedingly foolish and excee<linf’ly improUibly poIlcle.s.” '

> MKcuc I iC 1}-CTrTri^.TT— u"TFtl5-' SiOcrPIo VA4>Sllilurnb 50 4'

5 C M Corp a StoMPfl,, 5ft n Scuri 1 40.1 SiicllOil } 40 I?• Sifrrnrv U 10 Siur>.>IC &0U t SiinniCo aa n ■ pfCJiOIO

Storm shifted to southern Idaho

uinalia ’ ^ T n r o r :Philndelnhin 73 48Portland, Ore, 57 '48 .17SI, l..ouls 71. 54 v52Salt Dike City GO 5 rSjin Diego 67 57Sjin Franci.sco .59 57Seattle-- 7 53'^4-SpoUano— ----- ...61 41 .10 - .Washington 76 60-

■Twin I'nlls, nHrthsUlo, T^uYlej-niupertflreir:

lawtT W ihhI Illvor vallry: iiidicalcd the storm track to be ■ PeriojJ.s orr» l» tonifjhl with north of Idjjho; however.

ach frontal syslem. Partly cloudy skies with occfl.sionnl

Periods ofTUln tonliJht with showers. Wcilnesdji^ SlroaK during the day the jet stream fihowerfj will jHTibh^tween>.-showers Wednesday. Strong gusty wiiHls at timos. l/iw,s shifted to the .south allowing storiij systems,. The firstgusty winds at times.' Iu)ws tonight ■ ;I2 to 42. High- the storm to return to southern frontal system 7-ipped through'lOrilghV ln“ lHe“-40s7 highs' Wiulnesclily 47to57. OutlooTTfor^iniu)~Strong'westerly zonal thi.s morning, de|>osltlng up to rWft(lnHB(lHy=511=tflj;fiflrT:QutlnQlL='niursduy,-ehiinco-^f^M)iowor»—-flow»^vi)i tiah^TP^pries=Ttf-fn3t=^= i^^^^n'Hnch?^of-for Thursdnv. chance 'of with ~TiTtli> tpmnnrafTfr'es mnvlnYi - ' - "showers will) TTtire chango. southern Idaho'at 24 to 30 hour north central

J'win FalhJLejnpemtures^

southern Idaho';it 24 to 30 hour intervals through 'nuirsdav.

mountains. Magic Vidlfv received up to

PiTm(lsofr;nn\vill»f'pnmpti‘nv .10.

Yesterday* -Lufit-Yoar—

60 46 -72-48-

—aiirtjcp-TJO 10--- 7—HJ*-.—10'AlloyhUort * " 'ft ■>' __ Allg'fW'lllMlit

IfloOy Corj) IS ?6 3J . , iripdtfiK- ][ n sn ii>. 'Mutual FundB~ Boom slowsT aide says

Ci>» [.U I 80 U •>) }f,.-Z £uiiiEiIJJlL:iU-JILV

■i Cwk-tfOl.lJ i li>.»

vljlM I lA ‘I r,4i 6


° ' m o iq ' l l ;)

.JiV.UIll' !’ ) «(' U'm ' V '

k Kli i lA M

m Is'i i '1 M 10 34 i;.

- Nnni 'rn7-inin “ 11-■ *NSir.i l4»''3J-

N.iini J ' 1S>'Ndll UCII-5Q 6 J6

Mo.u.ol,. WW4 S4 .01'.-.0J', lU) . ■. » V / '. a '. 6 . . aoSTON INVCSTOHOUP ;,w B W V i; ‘ J « , «oM iiu r"H O ? ; •, n - . I f . M '. ,■*, ,* ( t.u i»,.i i ;h v U iD ir .it , i ix) onii i .1 lo 4 ii »/ M.,tut> im m jmM i s i i n i u io J n i \ ’. J i ' . >. Muvk,oi V i 0 31 - !•, }i . . j , , i d j nD 6‘W 6S; n ;4 I4 4; u ,>,v MIO H n'*- ' K'.mc" (njh U N “'’ 4'! 5 " ‘ 8 36 lD »*r 4 SH 4 y/ Si’l.l.-i.-l V»MO)J Uml U IJ 1J 4«

N Sir.nirin43 U » U - . J J ', J1«. >. l.n- N ollfD lO 4 S». i ‘ . S‘ . FUNDS V n rIM , 8 US , ^ " 1 !I mNc.m^shivon j ; i v . is, ,U ', io.-w sTi.*i uv b>.- bu a', lo is n ov ...v hcs *<*\ ■< \ i *.i i i l l 1,1 t i li - - TS !:: • 'i 'n: ■ . w t . ......,- ui ■.» nr

‘t»yette— ~ (^ n n ty ■operation ha»c>ost m o re than $5 m illio n ntiil tias run into beds ofro c k . _ H u t __ _ •‘’“ id■ p rep 'a ra ilo n ,s “ w l l l " b e g ir i in M a lh eu r (bounty fur a w e ll to lie

HMherenythingdverlised— — in today's pdper

you like to own, i ember whottiti help you buy

U«yPLt I M 11 . t 33'Dcrrc lOt'IO I4S 41<

, DrI M«l t )0 t S) II'Dcntilvn . »0 * 113/

--- . O.krtavM .1343 lU 8)U —

CojTvrii p ij 11 y F_u tjUres• M a . m . T o d a y

t o d a y ' i F U N N Y

DELAWARC ' Knicl.r. OROUR: ' t(nkrC lliOoc«l 1041 II ]> L


Close Iligh Uw ajn.'n iui. 0,20

’ Mnlno potatoes'"Oct. live Cattle

-rnijne'lWOvCnttlp— ■— " ■ ,JimeHv6~hORfir‘ , '

Sept. whent - ; ., . Dec. corn

■MaycKK?.- ^ fim tU llv b r.'•niy

7.fl& 7,B5------45.05 45.25 44.02 45.20

r44,(K>;.v44rl6--<3;fl2-^4;07----■37.&5 - 37.85 37.40 .'37.05 -234H; ...2an 233V4. .235y*. - -

-174«iir-1«W- 174Vi .179V4 ‘ . .4345 .4305 .4340 .4390 ^.

1055 1710 1(163. 1703iSuDfptibnifrom louli.N. Riliiin Co;, TwlhFalli '

■]]l First Sec. C. 32.25 ^ la ; '4 :s T l^ a i’l. ‘ 4X00

Conl..Ufc_____/4j Ida.Pw r.Pfd. 53.00 '56.00 „ -

eoitaer — ItnuiiGHH. •- 14J7ii»^44r7fi— - AAutfnior»«ti E n il 11.15 1 .1# ifiitf us ioj’ K/»liu;onfl ifl fft- ‘'•17 ftrt conira(DRBvrmqBp___ LiiBOfw _____‘.''j®*’ i'- w . . j^oborl J,

nryl Fif 1 1 , 5 9 Line CflB B.20 6 6 Lo ng . Fibre- i n n nOrvI Lv !$]« U J* Lmof-nd IW - 1 7 .,

tm ncm —rTr-wTTs-toflMir-— -------Notl>. K n«-Jruceni ».7710.71 i«VLif xhJ.,E iE Mu 1J4 i u . Yap D v ' O B ? j j i ; P a c , E r ig ,

. Mondijy-tlie.^oiiUratljH*. or ■jJ An pluiiiblny wor-k-ow-Um aiLstury,. -

J'SS addition to the liilloa3 Jp— Intcrnntional llotol at l.u«.

Managing general eA m rn tra r^o rn iiir^ je i

U150 - m.OO- Munro.-inc„_jo,50—


........................ - -- ^dp D v 'o B7 IJ i ;U aulaO r >.t« I .O Mutual U t l U t I■ ATOM a (.ORDARRlIIOWABO:--------- ----------------------i . H - t . i i

Owth t; U J 4 U .U nndd*b 1D,4»>I.41Incm a « 37 « IS LulHorn lO.asHUOS p a c l lP .I . I I l.iS Luthn In f 17 10 nStcK PO m i u . u MAONVrUHDIi

CM M io l o . i n i . u CBDiaie o l o s p j j . n j j . u i S *07 »iV

Pilorm - I .W ».i3c a v d f 711 , M ,nhtn 4.0J 4 1» C a lv P f ' 1-]Q . . . . Mkl Owl ).]2 L32

_Fnd.Am ^ lp . . M A H C O .

Pac, St. Ufe , Qtiuntex----

,^ .,03 .00 -— rwrtflcinitho-proloct will morl- I I DAn - ' once,, Goilipletion Is'2.75 • a.oo

— fW- HoRcrs Bros;- 12.50-— Sierra Life 4,00 . Surely-Ufo 3.87lii , Greaterldnho.... Il5

-■ft?scheduled In 16 inonthB.

4.50 -4.25

■.25 ,

S i lv e r

■ N K W ^ S ilK fU P iP ^

“^Spot MetalsN rw YORK (U P l) MBial priCM,

* . ....... —Aluniinun*. primiiry; *»,5 pur cfliil plut.

W) III .r»uol» 3400,e-m............... -Coppar. •Itclrolyllc. (lollvarid U &.

tOOO.«,JJ { lli.,-Lrtku sy»3' C It), Urrttl. common. U S 16 00 1* SO t lb

You can convorl tho built-up-'Oqully In your houao into, - caBh (n your hphds. Cash to'do whotovor you want to do, -iftnd qay-bftck-conyenlenlly-oyor-Q-pflrlod-of-yoars.-

h o m eo w n e r LOTiNS '--- T0$2S,(K)0

\ ^ / M / b a j p i N A N C i A L s e ^ v j c k p

..ymffo_ u j. <40. tAuii-r— ______ ;« —,—1-» t nichl ._____Knargv: MAMi>Hcti........ «nd .Klarman Mondiiy quoted au«fi»e. om, isjooN iikni. a JictroutlL .citnoaci..i.Q .u .P .orl. .

Vh 1.70 ».»l m iT n.74 U .IJ ,, . » „ „c n -» fi-.. I'lflllrtum. »oH, 9* J flnr, pfoOucid-._i.ji_tJi._Mjo-— nj*.ii.4a_allver_at_225.o cent.s per fine »uoooHi oo, oa«iar-apj>fo*.. if4i.4o.«lira IftA llnM > .m • . . i L . i t u _---------- ---------— -------------------- 1.._ , ,.733.5814

•-.Till._N Y .n ro m p t jlollvcfv 704 M f

Page 20: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

• f t Tlm M ,N.w l,Tw l,,' F . ( l l , ld.ho'■rr^-

i ' . -

lif Y o u H a v e F o u n d A n I t e m O r A P e t H a s

- S h n w n > U A t - Y o u K - B o m e - A d v - a r - t i s e I t E R E E

n T h - e T i m e s - N e w s C l a s s i f t e c l “ L o s t S r F o u n d X o l u r n n !

W 6ne /33-0Vjl"or Check YoUrPi^n^B^^lFor^^^^

CLASSIFIED INDEXn vour wiwil o r n ted In The T im e* cR S ru m n l L U f f l OBIOW tl .m a K BV

^ d 'U ie lh M * c o lu m n »-r*o u l*riv — V o u ll flro fll in .M m/Hiy —

~;)ebTi»f4nt«r«*t-M altAPvm aU

th lf.l. R u jv Ca IoiNJ>*Cft«U-»o»-WloHI l ie In D iilil 543 W i

■ H OtJ* W /XN TCO : S tflr t in d s ji ln ry

;UAiin<io.war.lunaf.dilneuL' And Momnn to g rade potAtoet. Aqo

no! 0 tActor. Y M r round job. Housino A rranoem ent plu&■ - - gAii-'-n»fl‘' ftt ?0{)m

F U L L T IM E bookknopor to r locnl m A n u r d c lu r l n t i c o n n p A n v ..

—Ew|ier e ce- r -«cco m♦•’ p*V** '‘>- AnU flcnoro l l)ooks. Somo co&l Accounlino expcrlenco lio lp lu l, but nor B s s o n lia t . W r ite - in c tu d in o eM peritncc And r e lw c n c e i . P . ,0 . flox 389, T w in F a IH __________________

■^WANTEiDT^ii^rloricea’fccrBlft^^ U^orlliAnd c s s w iHa I, StnM rosuin iv stAtino quAllllC flH ons And s a l.i r v ro c iu jrem o ntj 10 F 3 ,.T Im P 4 Nows

S I t u j t lo n i .W u n U i)

d u m p .tru ck s o rv ic c . 733 3341.

O A C K H O e S E R y iC E S , x a l l J im K o o p n ic k . 733-23t3 o r - E fw in Tuo p cr 3? 58)6.

W IG S . w ia> ots . an^ c a iC f ld o t

H o m iiFo rS tI* ■ M I ttom H FsrS iU

3, ^KUSlbly 4bt<jroom Older hom e, spA ciou i liv in g , dining room . N ear c ity ccn to r. Uuhl. C all between S

M O R N IN G sfD G «r.eA, 3 bedroom , fa m ily ro o m , tencod yn ro .-*ia .W > A ce R e a lty 733 5317. .

DBI c K —3 ' OBargcTTrr’~CTnncTicrlo ca llo n . double gArage. rap id pos&esslnn. Acn R e a ltv 7i r S 7l 7

^ EE lC eu a iliEC lA L-T u lid ro o m hom o, located weM &ido

............USM; ,0. &,p.RPAi.TY,

H « m M P e r f a l * . '

D Y O W N E R . Nowly redecora led o lder homo In choice re tld o n lla l nolghborhood. 7 Ctodroomt up '

Hr A p U ce , p a r.iia liv - i In fih e d -tu^ pm enl, d in ino ro o m . .734 3B26.

B E A U T I F U L ne^r n c w | 3 't» ilroo m T-^ —bft^hT-<oufttfr-+>'o»T'e—

w^th doable t ia ra o c A ll VAcrc& ln law n w ilh under ground %pnnkler s v s lo in . A ll e lo c t f .c a ir condilloned, Ih crm o p iin f w indow s,

lA m ilyV o o m w ith 'l i r c p l. ic c . ha ll'‘ ....... f W ........ ................

S c lc c le d O ffe r sT TT gN'Sn'd--- TTg CN'l h ~Ttr

T R A IN E E S to so il guarflntoi-d J m J ..................

. VI 4«i»1

Lrtwn, F a rm & G flrden

■fnoncy., bftcK iltfl inaufant<:ja lso y u a ra n to o d Is su e In su rartcc re o a rd less ot honllfi conditions lo age 00,> a lto hoallh

rtnd w eekends, a p p ly m. K t :n fjf,hy ..F filt l,„ .C lU < ;.k ''r.. -rowi?,n tffnce nosUimc^uumuj^

and 9 " . no ro c k , i.4 0 per hole. C ^ j 704339?

lOAds ti/rn lthod Com m issions p>)1d d a lly , CnII D is tric t AAanagiir Dob G asto o l. 734.447;-«or in te rv ie w . '

P .i r i lim e io"hs'.ivailrtb ic Iro m 0 00 n :m -T iti-t?*t> 0-n n i A pn ty-n t-T ro y Nrtlionfil L in w Supp ly . ?0 I ?nd Avenue W est, Tw in f la ils . Ictono

b o lh v T A livinQ room ond In m ily ’ fffrpn' b o lli hovu tio n o

P O W lff i F E N C E post hole d rlllfng J " and 9” , no rock J 40 per hole Cflii n i im ?


O o s irte ii. S e r v ic e s

RortI Es ta te F o r Srtle

-t' ruiiv""’ '<■' .‘‘iij_R i crea liond l

K E T I C E D co a p te on .S o c ia l 5 c c u r i i v ncBdod lo a p .ir lm o n l co m p lcx , Sopic sm all m a in tenance , w ork rcq u irvd lor tiushnnd and some bookkeeping o K p v rib n c o needed lo r w «lo . A p< vim oni rurni&ncd a s w e ll a s a ll u t i ll lie s Capab llltlp s to de le rm in c

—M tjf.y_C*ll-734-4il 1----------W A N T E D M A N O R W OMAN

To own and operate C an dy and C w ifB C T lo n -V e n d in o -ro v^ e - in —

L IV E IN -n u rs in y c a re lo r e ld e r lv -»o d Y -*ffo h tf-p 4 t.d « iU -B 6 liu t—dav. 'aVaiFoljn^— PrrV M O " room O lriur-vvoman p ro le rrtK l Non sm o ke r. ?33.53?; o r J33-4SS4................

T H EW E A R E Avon ■ T r r r i lo n e s nowopun in I tin Je ro m e jnu- U urlcy a rp d s ; W o uld 'yo u lik e lo ' t a l l on A V O N cu ilo m (.T s th f re ? C a ll 733 /-■113 or w f i l t M r i , . P J i y l l l s M d n lu f f . Route 3, K jm b e r ly .

F a r m W o rk W a n te d

tU STO A A P L O W IN G , roto tlH inO,

lifoplacoi,*^ A lso doublo ra o e . covorod po lio w ilh

— B tia u lilu l lo n co d—v o id — llo w o rs ond sh rub s. J4 5 ,0 0 0


irxominiainirsinrrmirrta-ep^ p rocio lo tho w orm *ctio rm , m y o w n e rs . uso .U o . do co ra lfl m o. N *w ly rcm odlod k itc h o n .. w ilh app lion cos. 3 bathroom s, and 3 larQu b o d ro o m j. My ro cro o tlo n room occP jnodatos O lo rflo pool toblo , iho cornor lo l~ l l i l “on— n ••tondieaped b o o u lilu lly . D rive by ond soo lo r yo u fso lt of 1440 9 ih

— Av»f«u»-fi«*«>-Ro'ducad-rrom-

-G&MrS-TAT-E-drapes ' in c1udt“d , la rge kitchen equiped w ith co rn ln gw .ire range.

- lif lA n y ff.- lii.i- fliM'n.n'.hPi'

R E A L T Y7 3 3 - 5 3 3 6

I oouroom, n u a i. w u iv i. aanMui iu<i fu rn ished ' s in g le aaraoe ," $70 per

p in t ifppn^il C fln bfseen al 704 3 rd AvSnUO W c s r ^ f 733 5336 or 733 t069

C Q M M L R C lA l.. Large siiQO-Rlus sio rage H ig h w a y .30. hom e and acrcage included in price


L U X U R IO U S 4 b e d ro o m , , b .iths , covcfod dock, p a lio , 3 car g a ra o e . r e t r lg e r a fo r . a ir conditioning, A cc R e a ltv 733 5317

, N evr3 bedroom hom p— 100 p e r cent

C i n lc r A34 m tiii.L .ikC !._N Q rJIU -



AAodiu-n 3 bedroom w ith a ir £onditionlrfo F u l l basem ent, and fenced in b a ckya rd N E Loca lion S75.000, 734 3104,

irj f-iL£IH Larflc~bUlIOtrnr“V/tffr nice 3bedroom a p artm e n t; second

Im po rtan t R equire^ -tt.SO O DO-- c^sh in vestm ent. W r ite , g lv lno

■oliQotLnumtiet...SeU ^ rru if .c . P—

-f-Uf<t><tTUf7e-AN D-AH Pt:IAN C-e- s lo ru needs m a tu re w om en lor

S to n ie r s e r v ic e d e p a rIm e n l

_MAblURE_ n e a t 3

"SPRFA0INGL i O i a , I M O M, f ,A Hr i lN G -

I ' t b a ih s liro p lo ce gorogeiod— pQtin. -oil.

4940 Land O t l ic e o l Idaho ^

E m p t o y n r n l A Q t i> c it>

--------------------------ij .. . .R E G I S T E R w ith th e P e rso n n e l "5ervice'ofMaoiC“vaiiev. «3< Blur

— L d k M NorthT-Tw ln P a t l i r »M S Jr t i for that b e lte r pp.sltlon.

r numlirrsI- JI* nas.f

lowcil (ott or'CAll onr ul lliirvc loll ti C»»ll*lord, *»l 74H in Ih jr l* ,. Huiht I. 0 « l Wenflfll, Gooflin(j. M«g»fmoi>, of.Je»om», 3J* lU i in HollcH«'«,Jackpot, N*v«J*C laitlhtd DriX ny » • m Wf i «n »>«n niflr k il ' rp i.le ir or »c)l<» lot 1»

Vt‘Cor^KWffiHn“ flnn-TVPlnO' n7-i:7'-.».:tr.5^&nnlZlnip^fSfln QnlV- F ro m 9 00 a m un til I? OO noon Soo4A»n-O i;U«n.dl-C4in i-F-ornUuro- and A pp liance J lo re 304 Mi A vctiue N o rlh , .

T ^ F F J C - C L E R K— E » p w riw n cu t it - s cb e d u lJn u _ iin *L

sJiipping f i ' la ic d a c tiv it ie s hc lp lu l Goo<t w a iie s and bene lils Srnd r r ' . ' jn ic co ve rin ;: i><fu(fl»'?n and

« R IG A T O R , year round, close n , house (u rm shct) Personnel


A SG R O W S E E D C O M P A N Y Eiox J90, F ilo r , Idaho fl33?H An Eq u a l O pportun ily Em p lo yer

111* Dfadiii'p K ,U»(o<» «U It 10 #pn».»»

T»»dMdliArloeplacing •

L o t t !■ F o u n d

F A R M H AN D and ir f .( ja 1 o r , lu ll l im e e m pto v»m «’ n l tw a r T w in F n l ls 734 4671. /33 ?0/l a lje r 6 00

N C E D IR R lG A T O n lor 340 acri'S , . ) m ile (ro m iown^ iu ivL- 3 bedrtiuiH

house , 73] 0B63

TW O F A R M m a c h in e ry'm o c M « n ic s - » n o r* T W O - r i e t o I se rv ic e m a n , cuperience pre te rro d .

T6P PfO»M*iIonnr Cnmmi»»:onSa I <N .tl lona A utnm .»i Tquip

■L-(ll'<lM .in Ufa tU re ol

L O & f '.n downtown M B ll « ro a one —p tsrc lo d —o a rrJn o --W lT “—<H«mond»-ftCWAIlD*,’

FO U N D ________ _fe m a le , 3 m ile s lX 4 .m lie s W esI ol K im b e rly C all 433SB77,

T O Y O lack P ekingese strayiM Irom ho m e , w earing choke ctia in

— ---WMlHrfoBrrV|e»nHvr-3-miici-iQum.ol E n s t F iv e Po ints A h sw ers to T u lty , 734 4833;

,• $35,00 re w a rd 334 5681

E U R O P E A N S C R A M B L E S at 13:00, and E n g llth T r la ik at 9 :00

-M n y attn -^ trT ^ ^ -rte n e n d V o n t h f T u rno u fT N o V co & e xp o fi c la sse s ‘ Lo ca tio n . 1 m ile north pt Tw in

F a lls . '

S p a t i a l N o t le a i

S iU V E f t O O L L A R V g o id c o l n i i

~i5V3rOpifl“ »v*ningr-fr. Saturday P ____

—WATTnrorTnrucVTirivcrr7-ve.irT- v n p e n e n w . a l least 35 years MO S a la ry ttS,OOOto ite.OOO C d6 i 375 0615, Provo a fle r 0 p m

n ghtM A N -W A ig i L U 17.65 I'OUr l U’ s ia r t C U l in te rn atio n a l J33 6835

__ A n .O o u fll.i)p p o '’ tu n ily Em p lo yer

P e lt V lb r a t o r t ,

IN E E D A L A W Y E R ? H you d o n i navB'a’ia' ’ 'p’e'lefr’S u r v k e ( r o i l ^ T M l ^ l"lr it Ir.tervlew, I ' i Wj

.L O S E W E IG H T sa le ly and la st with. . X-M Diet P la n 13.00. R E D U C E

.A E x c » » s F lu id s ** .i1 h 'X Pe l U 00 - — M ortffVTfidcK-O uoranle* a t Penny

A T T E N T IO N • E D E N

«nd H a te llo n ta rm urb i Ju ro nw - County weed sp ra y e rs and

- cho m ica ls a rc handled by M rs .■ R u sse ll M a rlin , t m ile w est ol

H azeiton. 8391569;

05 M a 'm o fl^ l

Wc .w ish to entcnd our hea rtte lt thanks and i>ppreciat*ph for l l u ' '

-----— .-acts i) f M nOPCssv'-m pssagrs o l-sym p ath y and b e a u lilu l lloM I

T 0 3 W W I JNI-T Y1‘ I g t p g — i r - T WO- T e m p o ra ry Openings (E n d s Dec. 31, m 3 ) , Tw in F a lls and Jerom e A ide m ust be able lo a ss is t poor to o rg a n iie . plan and c a r r y out o b ie c t lve t re la ted to economic d e ve l^ m e n t ol or Social A ction.

J i ib l l l ly Qj com m unicate in Spanish Eno llsh- h^ lo lu l. ■ '2 3 5 535

m onth . Apply by M ay 15. SO U TH C E N T R A L C 0 M M .U N 1 T Y ACTTO N A G E N C Y , 360 3nd SI E . . T w in F a l l s . A N E Q U A L

■H)PPOQ^ U N IT Y — e w P L o y q p -

sym, o'lf .JriBhd*'

• v v l c a . A ll ^ T id a n t la l . 7 U -U 3 I -n lO M 7 » 5773

07 J o b t o d n U r t t f_____ ^ ^ . M ^ la A F a m a l r :

P A R T T IM E JA N IT O R lo r 4hour^5- m o rn in gs a w eek. M OO'an hoOr A p p ly a t J543 Ju m p e r Nortl-

. .be tw een 5 .OO.ond 7 .W i> jn . .

Ayudan te de Com m unidad Dos pueitoft tem poradaVn^ ^ o 5) D ecem ber 1973) T w in F a lls y Jerom e^!'' E p ayundante tcndra m a r * CTipa? a * w o » n i i« r -y a t l i t i r a I n pA bre t, p lanear y d e s a r r o l la r io s o b le s ta s en re la c lo n c o n una acc lo n e co n o m i^

- A V U D E N T B • - E S P E C r A L Tem p prada ' (T e rm in a D ec , 31, 1973). M s ls l i r en desa rro lio , p re su p u n to . m onitor y coordinar g r o o ra m a t s o c la te s a c c to n . -

_ A L C O H O U C S A N O N Y M O U i AAon. F I L E R B:00

3 3 6 .5 ^ —3 )3 tth St.

J E R O M E .A lA n o n ----- y TKTA W , y jg b aU A vg r t

‘ H A ltE Y ,l ;O O P A A 7B0 43»B' En ls rn n a l Church 780 ;i93S.

_ .Tu e » , R U B E fL T .#-OQ^3M461 tr/ivellnoVne^ting

M .F .A L L i i ;M J 3 iJ Z 4 2 _ IM i^^ve.Eai-W ed, TW IN F A C L 5 . ff:06 Court Houst Dasament___ Al A^r^,JJP-lMf:__^-

lU O E a i l H lo h land ,

. ...-BROMBim --------- ^3 3 4 0 3 4 6 — 3 38 E o it A u « C

Sa l.O U R L EV B iO O P M - *7i-7a74—3nd F lo o r C liy H a ll

\ . 1^07t^Av•.Ba*r— ^ . - T h u f t r O O O b l N O I ; 3 0 W 4 .S U f t l _


cuentas de negoclQ. In vestlgacio n , • f t t a d lt t l c a i 0 su o ld o ba jo o rg a n a ie ia r deseo H abilidad par'A com m iin lCAr en enqies y M p a n d u a t a yu d a . U 50 u )0 ip a i;

n> i .u « . i .« iu . , coo^ii handy m an ;

Monttfty. through F r id a y 9t00 to ,5 :0 0 , by 15th ol M ay

Wi-n*'; W llla rd I .................... ......1717. P o ta le lln . ld *h ^ 0 ??0 1 ..

or lu ll o r pa rt tim e

S P E C I A L ^ A S S IS T A N T T a m p o ra ry 'te iW , O ac. 31,'<♦??), T o a t i l i t irk d e ve lo p m e n t .

’b udo aH n»> '*~ *m onlto rino —-a n d c o o r d in i t ln f l • so c ia l a c t lo i}

£’00 ' 'a m . Oackoround In bu» lne ii« countliyp> r « ^ r c | \ . i t a t l t t l e * o r

_________________ ____ t e w

.DUJQCcailvc_____Liq u a li t ic a l io n s lo T im v s N sw t

M e rt liiW id i'...... . . . f K.^i— rm m P ti'n tp -Oprninfjs lo r inclep«‘ndent A rea D tilr i« ju to f» Viiu c jn p ro lil'. n1 V4UM lo S60M |i it

____NO—N E C C S 'o A B Y Onl> qu.»litii'd successfu l ^ rfitessK ina is t>ee<l

" ^ r f ) ^ l T j h T n } r ™ w r n . ' ' r o f l ^ ^M .* ili in c Corp , »’ O l)o« I n i , O rp i fcO t, D f M o*nes, lo w .i SOJOfi

ip a n y . 543,4111,

K s r•lied hAy choppcr C .iii 7J3

R a ilr o a d A venue .

S h p e t n vc tiil w o r k e r , w ciyes, a c c o r d in g to ' a b > lily nnd C K B c r ie n c c .g m u tn n s u ra n c e . v c r r o o o d c h a n c e lo r adv .V 'f >31 4964

Needl'd 3 top in«Mi for sen station w o rk , m inor re iir t irs , w aoes“ 334 3773------- ----- -

rtr fust'T )J 6441

W O U L D L I K E ii hdndVm at), a lew d ays w o rk Qnino .tnd the like Cali

T l^ C T O R . n ta c ii in c ry m cctiam cs n e e d e d , p re li ' r In te rn a t io n a l' H arvcW TT Catl 934 57H3 for-DoUO Wood. E a. W im plem ent

;____R O a i t R Q . PosiCtpn tlliP p n 'i? }!! :..E l aueldo es U >5 iJ.O P por

h o ra Contacte E l South C en lra i C om m un ity Action Aoency 760 S id St E , Tw in F a i l s . Idaho >33 9351, O P E R T U N ID A IG U A U

— P A R A -E M P L -E O . -----r - ^

G O O D SALESM EN ARE ----- JH A lN tD . . N OT H O R N !/

n r i.l n fn t ln t lo fs . |gv«vt?rsdo nh st^ o i irnQinoor'Yo i. can bo on o u ls lo 'u iin g

- id l«k inou-ond-iia£xt.-S-lO .Q Q lI___51 fiQ 0 0 530 00 0 o« m ofw -o-

I Uond'abld I H avo a, I'iq I' »

iioo or buMui

kdiooiYOU WILL

• A ttu iu l Iw t) w e ek s ol t lit Sbit Lak i) C liy

. S j^ A punse i pokI* ‘ Bo god<onl«‘ i/ (l'5 fln0 ' fnot o

d ra w ) o tn o n ili lo »to(i _A nd w lin l » n io ii* you w ill clo f ivt) 6 5 % Ol in o iu ol you< in f.omu lio m .Qui-.u sla b hshu d

_u ccQ Lin l!i!_ --------- # _“ irycfcrouOTv—W t G U A R A N TEE TO

I 'teach on il iici

O m ill. C u ll r no! in iiu v io v .

rv iab io n tu n uiia ow nuii cuum iim vii --— • > - , - - ■ • ___, W O I ym iiiW •n .- iA i H a h ll ir lA d rtfe ' C o n ta c t t r e Sou fh C e n lr a i n . . . , •

m encua l. F a vo r de a p llc a r c

•ooks WrtdiniTi

N E E D E D ia n ito rs 4 p m to m tA tg h l. W ayn»iin K im b a ll 734

_ J3 0 Q _---------------------------------------

.WANTEDDrivdr-Salespian .

A p p ly a i ' 54fl W o jh in flio n of . CQtl.733 Q602

Equa l O pporlunir'y Em ployer

ROUTE S/SLESMAN . .■ f o r - J-'-*'-—

■ l.lNEN:R0UTf_..,

TROY n a t i o n a l r i A U N P I i y : 4 N & -

'■fWIN fA lLS ; I6 A H 0 ' -1— 733-6716

- I t P t f f l l l * H f Ip

E N G R A V E R needed , w ill t ra in / in ia f v le t l ' tiy appoir>tmenl only

..Cftir.. .. . -- . . . ----IM M E D IA T E openlrM) ‘ lo r. two M ie s lad ie« in le ra tte d K L '^ a r lly .

. I f t - r r w H W I T . '- C T iO W - tf lC lrtr — n rt iw *T a p p a ra l-o u il« t-a rt- -T w It:

- F a iis^ T o p .*a la rV jo m n n e n tu £ c !£ : ^ ^ I T h ' - t t j i l i t v ------an«i-“ * fW F.. onperlencB. Frino * baiw llH . eldv— ii.{n i* r« ita d rP la a ta M tU e .to .D O )L

" 13, c k J y im «» N e w * ..

MtCCUStltll toil*'> intMliodv ^AvMgn you |o liie volovoron ol your hoire- undor-lh » a.tucl.un , id <)uidoiu«.ol b qxaiiluul Sulr^ MonogorI 'lo v u le Iho 0 p p 0 r lu r .1i ,for yoti In udvo'icii iiilo

■n)oii0f]enn'nl os loM ovyoiii (ihiiily V>iii wnrrani

|i(iii<>lil>. I'uiuH.i uiiusuni I’oiiMon O'Ul Sftvi'irj>^rii..


C U JTO M FA R M IN G - .l7 .a3 .Q J63_________L • ■ 734 3045


..336-4 ‘264 -co fpo t. P nco 526.QQ0.

LYN W O O p REALTY' , 610 Dl^o Ldkus N orth

733 9211 'A lto r Hours -„ F J Schw ondim on 733-7 100 V H a r lo y 'W o lh o f s 7 3 3 .0473 r M ik o G fo y 733 : 0101“* Jo ck Bishop 733 7761

_ 3 0 E p R C Q M , 3b


O A R D E R Shop for r ent F a irw a Shopping Cen ter in F ile r M aunc K la a s Real E s ta te 733 5519

IN V E S T O R S W e ll e s ta b lis h e d Idaho Corporation now o lle r in u

-~ouar«nt«o(i- >0 po rcun l. in turust-pn rnveatm ent per annum T h is otter lim ite d by o tte ring corporation Ana m ay be ceascd at any II n e . In ve s lm e n l m u lt lp irs a re 53,000

— »s:t»oo“ aiTa"Tlo;ooo~RopTVD'^S7T im e s News,

— a -U N IT —M O T E L -a n d a p a r tm e o trS room house. 3 s ta ll g a rag e M ay a ccep t'tio m e In tra d e . Phone 733 8033.


D U IL D IN G Supply D t'a le rsh ip tt

65or w rite {to> 1743. (k>ise 8370;

_ P R E ,C A S T .. r c in to r tc d . concrete lire p ia ce d l.M rlbu lorsh ip , No lee:;-

M o n a y to L o a n

F O R H O M E Eq uH y L o a n s , j>h6ne C la rk Dennett at 7^.4700.

V ' .U a m a « F o r b i t

O W N E R , e x c lu s iv e reslde<\|ial a r e a , n e a r h io h sch o o l and Sho pp ing c e n te r D c a u l i t u l ly lar\dscapcd . 3 bedroom s. 3 h a lh s , nrrMSc fuTTyTIiypoTMraiiipeTyr

-lar.flC c o v c r c a P / It lo , a t ta c h e d (la ra g e w ith shop a re a , spade trees , tenced in b ack y a rd and ready tor im m e d iate o ccup ancy .

-c*lt-KU .0 403-----------------------------

.1,1 Oh.SO . . JiUa L—<. ■nnrR'9iH


N O R TH EA 6 (T location Just iis ied 3 ,3 00sq u a re tee to l grac ious liv in g , a ll t r i c k , 6 bedroom s. 3 b aths , 3 f ire p la ce s , lo rm a l or in fo rm a l liv in g , a il n e w ly carp eted lo r e x tra un|ov<nuni. H u r ry .o n lh i|i-|43 ,950 '


F H A and V A b ijye rs we h ave new Ivom esnow listed tor sa le , d ille re n i floor p lans, paym ents a r r fess Ihan to d ays rent p r ice . C o m e .ic e U5

- about Ihfise.

N e a i .y new 3 bedroom Dunluit. c lo se to Lvnwonrt »— .:c c Cnri

ip a rr .r— r » ^ - —

in a new subd ivis ion . 3 baths bedropm s— aMached A ll

reasonable te rm s. 733 9090

drap ^ .les, included

Sp^tW dsncw 'hom eone co rner lot 3 bedroom s, 3 baths, la rg e d ining a r x a ,- . io i/ o ly - rock. t lr e p J a c e . .ba5fmen! >42,500______Dorothy Ko lar 733 6B4B


-- H O W C A N - Y O y P e s iS T . . . . th is M orningside a re a , lour b e d ro o m , tw o li r e p la c e s . fin ished basem en i H * taalhs

— Ft-W 'fiv -o n e - lu r n a t o - a i t - co nd ilio ner, re fn a e rn lo r , de

. h u m i d t l i a r . h u i n i d i l i c r .lu rn .tce W ater softener s la y s

___ U A J i^ ____ ____________________ ________

• bedroom briCk H a s 1

ngin[r:rac3ni5:jiiomv-.iiwn.s ta rte r or investm ent p roperty

W hite b n c k . Ih ree bedroom s,iwQ b a |ii5 ..a lm o 5 ' b f j ' " d . ' ’ '?w.s p a c io u s do ub le g a ja g ^

A rv ii ia Robbins.D ill R d lp t is ..............

I BobbinskeUh Robinson-

6 Y 0 W N E R - 3 H 0 M E S

~ NOR T H T W IN P ^ L L S'3 bedroom , I ' t ba th . 16»J4 fa m ily ro o m , 3 ca r c a rp o rt , d ish w ash e r, d is p o s a l, c o m p a c to r , a ir conditioning- O n ly 3 mQntt’ i

'4 bodrpom , 3 b a lh . fa m ily ro o m , f ire p la ce s ,' fu ll b asem ent, 3 ca r g a rag e , a ll b r ic k on te rio r. can be roned co m m e rc ia l, 1

3 and 4 bedroom s, 3 b a ih s . Gold

T lo w n paym eni SncPiJTtftTr^g tOsts only tl,3 5 0 or »1,550 Da l.m ce 30 y e ars in lo re si 7 per ccnl


' N EW L IST IN G S I3 Qedroom b ritkU io m e ,

Luxu rio us sp ill lewd ne<ir College Has lour bedrooms 3' j baths

si y— lA in tl w— foom I— lir «p U mg arage . »39,wJo.

_____CA LR-RA IS IN a

N IC E 3 Ix 'd ro cm hom e, located 400 block on n o se »3 iu io t . Oood- condition insld<; and out Only .*17,900 H A C K N E Y A G E N C Y 733 45S9

3 B E D R O O M , lu ll basem ent, corner In l .__rlQiiplK “

N ow 3 b o d ro o m lo il bo io rnuni 1 '* bo ll' Rvody lo r o t. cuponcy in 30 d o y i Buy now ond bo o b le to lo lo t* co lo rs ond ro rpo l- O n ly 534 900,

FOUR LEVELS‘ O ntlof co'n'slruclion irr nowsub<liv.».o<> i l.o d ro o iH S - -7 boih^ .Ructooiion oroo _Buy I'Ow oncPwo con pu l your cole* schuino in your nowhoriio ~pnzird“ a n m o c rrr~

BI-LEVELS io ri w ith tw o budtoom s, • bol con bo o»‘pondud to 4

h l’ f^'ooms 2 b o t li i - Mony

iu n duck crcto d r iv e pnd w o iks n i o low 531 500 00


fvrm w -3015

C L O S E T O S H O P P IN G C E N T E R . schoolJ) .ind yet in quiei re s id e n lia i a re ii L o ve ly 3 be(/room hom e w ith fa m ily room , 535.000.

,O N E A C R E . S O L ID B H iC K , 4 bedroom tiomu wiM> lannrll y ro o m , 2 b<ilhs, 7 f ire p la c e s and one t a r par JQ C .,It iin li iT lw 53^000.------


............ ..... ..............T jn O B t' - M L S ” 733 5476

V ic k i o o llno er 734’37I6Juno W o bb 430.&3&S

--Jarey-lr lsh ---------------------- J3 4 - S J il-R a lp h S im m o n ' 039 5666

3 U E D R O O M . B A S E M E N T , 76'>, 360'. C om m o fcia i I0I on A d d iio n .

only 130,000

4. U E D ftO O M S . lo r m 4 L - t | ‘n jn g . -room , f ire p la c e 2-3a c re in co u n try ., Buy ot the y e a r tJS.OOO

.............M a rv in U r W in ir= - ^ ^ - = ^ n i- * M ^ U rr i^ vn e W ills 733 6567

i i i i i i i i L a m m m i

J A C k A N D JT T T r N u rse ry ', licensed rn ih i ca re Supurvisw l »cliviti<»k 1104-loih A vcn y e -Ea st

-13-— T— U ttw t io n i Wai^tad

GARDEN ROTO TILL ING. Gsrdeni, llower-hedtf-elrT'J'tolff ' Onrdonf, 5S.00, 374 iMi; ■ -

D G L O Y . a iN G H A M ro lo t l l l ln o b laaa w n r k ,j i a i t u r e corfugitMna P lu n e 733343V.

D A C K H O e S E R V IC E , c a ll 733 9340,

H A N D Y M A N .a ln llno T-w nd^

' In n d s c a p in o ,

U iu a r * n l« o < l^ o r .- l r e * - « » h m M fr ,731,7(U1 . I < —

W IL L do housekeeping. C a ll 734 ^,y M-Jl»Br::2a;: Mnrvtlflv: nfnuoti-

)tHif R a lto ft*Muliiple SnvwrvliHi ywi Kif fhnmt.-


Dornct.R iua lty

, H o m le lt R ealty « X Q y i{a r r ls a n Ronlfy ' ~Oiob»^olty-'

C o m Stoto-Reolly,!tV_’ ’

T h . v . ! . . . h o u . . ; h u n I . r W » „ ld n , I

•• U * i lo n d l .4 n - r n g ] j ^ * jU tO » _ li» i^ ! k n o w s - h o u ia i a n d .n ^ lf lh b o r- |

-NEW4 4 0 M b S -


Hi.'ccs-.ed e t ilry yard sets oltItim n rw c o n te m iw rn ry 'ce d iu hom e A p p ro m rn a lt jy 1530 sqU'tr*-' leet of. Iiwinil iS rea. 3

room, k itchen and dmirKj nre<i Heautifui no t r .i llic iivm g room w iin f ire p l.ic e Double c .irp o rl w ith s lo r .u ie anti covereo patio

—C on lo m po rary .ccdo r &ulil Ic VL'I,-. w ith vau lted ce ilings on m a m — floor 4 bedroom s, 3 b a lh s w*lh rouol) >n lor th ird in lower

., lo v u l.. la n v lv .iro o n i, K ilch cn ,

living in ttus n V home

.XdlLHnincLJlUdUfiLm V i h

’27,5003 bedroom s, plus 3 rnoro in

. iuM b o v o m e n i,— In c lu d in ;^ ■ l<ii«ily“ fO(nn~ond c x ifo b o itr ,"

2 CO* o llo ch ud ooroQu choicu NE lo ro tion ^

C a l l . .................................B o r n o s f lo g l t y ^

SN AP UPT h o s o 'C h o ic o

t io b lo c J a y

3 b vd iuo m hornu on io rge I0 I p iic o d In s e ll q u ic k lyS 1 2 .5 Q 0 - .C a fp u f t td ._ l iy u n i.

-m o m qnd bodroom-<rt»»ofliv® — ' rrto p lacu . garoou on 'l lon rod

yntd Don 1 W nit*

J ? 7 500 3 bedfco n lyliiige

rrrxtiflrrnrAisodfctraihrmndrrealrrrrn____ n ice k iltttn n w ifk M | i- i» ° P ; _ ____

p linncos. I l iu ru > m o 'o Cnl|

E X C E L L E N T fa m ily hotric 3 i.D ch ro flm s-o n -n i"tn - ‘ iM r ^ - n ^ « ;

---- B B flrD o m s T JIU J 're c re n H o jv ^ w ^ ^lu ll fin ished basement 134,500.00

(19,500.00 — lovely o lder hom o J u i l ro fT 'ndn lod i new c a ro e ts .nitnt.-ate.. 2. bedrooms, ’i'llB a i# m e n f : - o i r iu r n a c e , ; ' i « r o f tco/lper lot. R ic k Kn ight 035 5545 evenirifls .

3 [ledroom homo on 1,3

h o b d s lh a w a y on o ito rn o ^ k n o w e - j ' la w * (m d -o iw Q C C ou m an t-lkno w i___ j ___

'lyhwooHfiaalfy - MnoJc Vflllay Waoliy ■

M o unlo ln Stal«> R ea lty “ WffQal R o o l|y“

,0 >.100 yoo 1 * w,d..i I'-Sil loi-Aoaiic i_

IMU IW W*'MW * ------ IulitHon °1 I j

ih tt-M lS ,B gq !! V * » .?»yt) b e lo w , •

«7 ,000i00.-

bedroom s. b a lh s . L a r g f

tTnrrnotrTy-Soo- ih is g lom oious b r ic t hom o 1

-TVnTTtrt{r ih is glor K ih ib e r ly Itu s G o ld M edallion hdm u IS o Thing o l Oeouty 3 lofQu b o dro b in^ i^ d o logant Iq rm o l tlfnin'o rbotiV. Tho sp a fk lin g k ilfh o n hos .'ovory *

• th in g- you m ust sc e 'to oppr«- c ia le , . M ony o ll io r lo o luros

- io m liy — fn fln )_ '? •bolhs ond double Qornoe P ric 'o d b e lo w ru p lo c e m o n i ,

- ..cp ^ ),^ p n ly $36 ,000


Page 21: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

Tuosdfly j AAfly 0.,1973, . T Im os Now s, T w jn F r ills ,. Id a h o 2J

Check these (folumns for dependable firrrts, quick service


H o m t i H r S « |t Out of Town Houm 3S Farmi A Ranchtt

fo o iu w il l ) f iro p lo c o , N k i )fo rn e r lot $22 00 0 0 0 ,

.Hagerrnan■ReQ ty.:John IwM oynir- '0 U 7 44fc3“ [lob LoW fason 037-4n£3

0 3 7 .6 ^ 5U

-------U A P i iy ^ i> t - H h - f# ^ t * r ----- -~ Yd u 're iu re lo pliM se vouV wifo •'

rtn(i,i,>n)ily,.w ill) Ih i5 4 b i'droom : 2b .ith horni'on &tiort <)cru Lo is o( e x tra s - A ir co n flit io n iT , .

- n rup lrtcv.-inm tJy-room r'pntioV- —b u itM n -ra n o P “ Ooootp—n v r n ~

O ishw .uhur and d iip o sfll. Must .see to n p p rc e iA io L f ltc DinolKim 733 908S iNAOUNTAIN

' Farm! I> RinchtiD V i m n - D z n r a :

95 Farmi t Ranch*! Acrtao*li.Lotib c d r o o r r ) b n i c m e o t , I J A . O O O . -

• JV3tli i r \ aood.Vco of Jcf.omc onti. , i m r r t H l i A t c p o s s e s s i o n . L n n d N

R c r t I E s t . n o , 3 7 4 0 1 2 3 . L o u 3 7 4 4 4 0 4 ,. ,^Et>.3?4 4iaQ^Dick-324 5 m - .- .

R E D U C E D I ) , 300,' b r ic k ' 7 bedroom , ^ nrp cfs , dr<ipes. full fln lsticd p A o c l c d b A S c m e n i ; p n M o . ,

n d l H i ^ r n a c l o y

Lrtc r.i:_ raw ,xr-O B___

0 c u r c t I t ) J p t o m e

rJ0O-AeKEijr:tt»:Ui«rB» ol y/ Aler, 0 Uiciroom tiouso. .juU. I'-j .milu I r o n ) t o w n T h i s l < i n n . h i i ^ . o n i ' o f

J h c b o s i p r o d u c t i o n r o t o r d s . o n f l u ' i « o r t l ) s id r - HOOiOOO:— W ondoU*

-R*»«lhr7-S'Jfr-J7fi»:------ --------------------

•160 A C R E S - Good sn iflll stock ~?t up . A ll hay flnd>.r

• n tr r r^ 't r37J437P DON

M UST fii:r. TO tMTI l(7 V fl 7' ■flcri's ( '.is l’ ot U n io lto n . 4 ncdroom tio m r, liiM b »S(‘ i i ie n l. I ' / b iilh s ,

. ‘ iUU«r.J>lQdU>om.4 })!«, k m h o iis i'j.^ ^ jid _o lln M -_U u*U f*H « fc .— fio lTuto - ix 'f iu js i' 01 tiiM ltti s rO C K \^ E f/ 'S R H A L T Y flOO fiouth L in co ln , 374 4IUS, 3 V 4 S ; j i , 3^4 77,14, 374 437S ,

1977 74ki4 D c lu x r , 3 lii^lroom', J /O lb S .t l i'fp ih d u ( ..y u o t . Cluill-ms .» |)|ili.>ncui S36J1S6

ijodroon ifc , 1-*. b»»th»— it^ p u p l- d in tno room-, Mohl p A n e lin a .’’ f n r p c t ln f i . i>ir co nctltlo n ino * ' -ik (no«-J "''Oshtrtr-Vniy UjQUIIltZZ

j rWMoS

I f : : : " ’ " ! ''', m m — i o n . m u

O l’ CN H O U S E , ntfw rn ifr,:n o o , i lm n n ' ‘ " 3 r ‘’ ' * ' ‘ '’ «n l., . GitJSOn

.119.500. 733 5W9. 575 Madlson Ktal Eitat* WM(«93 - Q E D R O O M b r ic k hom v SpflClous tencod yrtrd , tl5 ,500 734 bflsement nnd t)?TcTi Cull 733 0016.

TW O - 7 bedroom tiomes in — Hrtf«nonTonrwith o.i?furnflCo. ihc o ilie r w ifno .l'V ie .ite r Crtll B25 5319. ' Eden

G R E A T B U Y - 7 bedroom ho[ni-‘----- w i!h _ j jn l in is h c d _ t ja n im o o u - -

• bedroom apartm ent upstA irt, 7 lo ts In business loncd nrcfl H a iley .

..........?O0-44Jt—- « f t r r ' drOO u n d onwer'kends

17 X 7/ Mviny room , lo la l s ix laroe ■ r o o m ! , b r ic k , cn rp o to d , oooti

J o c a llo n ,. 734 70U).

D Y O W N E R , e lectric 3 iiedroom b ric k hom e, la n i lly ro o m . («'nct‘d y a rd c a ll 733 0471.

DRYDENAGENCy407 Soutli L in c o ln . J rro m r

- - - - - - - - — l 3 Z i . S 2 3 , 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

rFal’t y'’'"'* ■ y V i f c L U A c e - . r

1 2 0 u . . , r , . . I 700 A C R E S Jero m e ,

- O w t« f :T o w n •^

___ ^SQ M E-TH lKfi— J ic w - Jo r J c u ii iii !^U o au lilu l .s^ lit entry dup lex Jusi

l> RanchM

DO a c re s Near H ig l'w a y 93. Just m ,inules from Jero m e or Twm

- F a lls HtQh productive (jround E a s y ♦nrmino'wttfr'*TTtinitrn7it

•and cem ent d itcht's D eau lllu l home w ith 4 bedroom and ta m lly room Good te rm s nr tra fte ’ f r ‘ la ro er fa rm Call F ra n k Oowen at H am lvtf R m I I v 733-4070.

177 A C R E s In H lioerrnan V .) l le y in p a s tu re nnfl trcD S , . no im p ro vo m o n is >60, 000. D il l P e lc rs Fe ld tm an-R o a llo rs 733 1908 and 733 0711 - ,

J60 A C R E N orlh!.idu d a iry fa rm , m ostly In h>iy And p astu re , 3 s ta ll s v iilk Ih ru b a r n ,. 150 s t ia re s NortJiMdt' C an a l Co w a te r , 2 bi'droom hon»L\ t96,000


563' A C H E ro w r ro p - fa rm , ip n n k lL T Jrc iO - ilfd from deep w e ll. 3b iK lro o m ho m «, - - - J330.000.

40 ACfJJ^S n i'n r W i'nd i'll, w il l! lu ll w .ite r r io h ts , toitl'd Ijd tliv lrtfd into sn ia llp r p .irh .t l* t40,000

Roour llrow n S3i 7604L y n n D a v K . 374 4440Frc r i nai/scher ' 374 599^C arm en P ru n ty 374

173o ....\ .n S l.o *h o n .

w i l anfl wrtrtli thi> r _____________K e . l l i iJ y 733 7400 Lan d O ltice 01 idfllto 733 0716 acro ss troiA

- *'omc;-iB60'Snuaro' I6®T'0l"livini»' s i’ a i i ' Owner anaipus to se ll due lo

. tno.vf C all Jtx«n S ch w arr 025 5600 Of L A N D O F F IC E O F ID A H O

to Town and C o ljn lrv D r iv e inn

f u l l y I a rpcied,- loca

- ‘ f t- - J -o rcsto rrrTT iT T Tn .rrf i r K H ' f ,i (o r . sleeps 4, fe a l »IOOrt /1JS1AS

Iv /l D ip io n i.ii. a l i.

ao A C H E D a ir y m ilk m d ••qyipm iTil. 100 fre e sta lls N |c i‘

•tom ur— W 0 ,000 r-L and -N WfMl Eb la te , J ifo m i- 374 11123

'740 " A C R E S ve ry good' la rm iiround in U u rley P au l driM fc i'd lots for l,000head ol catlh- t» rn u tltu t 3 tifrd fo o m , '■•alt m rpo t.'d b r ic k home $37(1,250 TV pj-cceni down W E S T E R N R U A L IY 733.3365.

A l 'P K O X IM A T E L Y I a c re , tp ici-d , VUijdrgom , lu ll basem ent.

; l‘"<*<iv.'»rui] I r c c i . .b e r r i e s , closi- - . . to lown,-pH«.i>(Mo-it>ii—P h iH - n r r r t :—

j h u b C .lv W iMlly, W i‘tHli>ll, 536 294H'

T U R E E bi'drootns, "iwo l ia lh s ,I fa m ily rnom , d m . double' yarao e .

, f 'A L L S R E A L T Y , 733 3662.

S O M EO N ti IS W A IT IN G lo buy lhat

S>aiio you no lonuer want. D ia l 733 V3I liiM tsoll it last v^ilji a 'W ant Ad

( 1 G o o d i n o

Ooodino Idaho . Phone 034.4731. 40 A c ru v t le a u lilu l la ro e

B A R E — t-A N D i— 190- A c m A - F « t« » - Avenue E a s t , hard lu r la c c road bn

~ 3 - » ld o t r—»»30 ,000 r-0a j— PW«r^ Fe id tm nn R e a lto rs . 733 1900 and 733 831)______________

p lus 100 h ead (u— lot-nfw ^oftorr:—H enu tif u c n o m

llu r lc y B u p iT l .

M odern 2 bodioom honiii on — .6 os o bwoV^OQf-

Only (1 4 0 00 00 ' a lso o lm o s l'! n e w 4 budroQin b n ck hom 0~.3

J ifo p ja c u s fu l l b o sn m o n t__’ V S b o lir on oneTo'cfo of fond

_________b o a u til iil— land»ca|><i— pftcod—--------- rio K i—oi— WfrOOOrOO • Corl

llu tlu r Ruolty 120 Ea s i M ain JuronW 324.11166

— --- ^ € A R Ir^ ^---BtlTL-EICRrAtTV

130 East Mom Ju ro inu Idalio Bus 334 0166 Ros 324 il046 C hu fk 324 fi367

-Conilu:____________ 3241.5060

L l« f l! lin ( ;i ![ , ,ir i :n o lU U W .„ lc o i,k now Melon V a l l c f —BO Acrt.-j H asiu re .ina vei i i 'c c homi- in A lbion .V iU lcy \ roart to Pom ore iie 225 A c re s on M .|(nc-r<t.i.i'fvo on li ic w a tc rt ro n l ;

OHNS-TONE^3.000 Hoad cattle ra n c h . 1550 por

, h n im a l u n it . E K C B llo n I ------*'arowna“ a ra im ff:— A'nurtdhn


6 5 ' « ‘ i1973 Oroker coopernlion in v llcd

100 Head d a iry ! W alk through . l><Un 103 free s la ll s , 3 bedroom modern hom e. P r ic e ioO.OOO. Cows Av^iiAbic a i m aru ct p r ic e ; -


r t t F R iC ^ A T O R S , t ro c ju n .r«noo fc , vwaHiorfc, d r y o r i . '

-Arg~g~wr s . ~ a p p t j 'A 'W CC~ R T P A IR , 733 5466 ^ 0 7 5 F lt0 r A venuc 'W est.

DOD'S.ADnhfl^c* R ep a ir ,sm all app llBH cei rep aired W o ih e rs , D r y e r s , R a n g e s Phont 734 4031.

G £ M J^ E I- R lG E R A T IO N A _A '« q O N D M tO N -W G ^ M e -lv in o to i^ Apphances Spies and S crv ice , C a li 734-2166.-^

Awnlnq-— —.------------ ‘ ------------

E v c r y th in o in p I c c t i wholesale & re ta il, ser . m sln lla lio n C E 5 C 0 , 331 M ai E a i J 733 9737-._____ .

Oravftl Top Sail |___

........ - p ! i o i r i ; ^ n h l n4 m in u te s fro m te w n . U n llm ito d su p p ly Do llve red . 731 )3 3 i, N orih West C rane , RIooIno and Transport

- C o .-

S T E A M C L E A N E R S , nlQh p ressu re c IcA ners . sA les <>nd se rvJco , new and uS e d .|S T EA M S T O ffE O F M A G IC v A lr t e -

. 734 3494

T R E E T O P P IN G or rem ov (il by o ijperts . F re e e sK m a le s and In sured . Pf»one 733 6OB0 o r ‘734 3403. R O D IN S O N 'S T f il^ Es c r v i c e : ------------------

B U Y IN G O R S E L L IN G A F A R M ? It 's easy when you ca ll F ra n k Dowon, a (u ii tim e la rm sp e c ia lis t .tndf: wmt-

'■ i A C R E home

00 A c re s so u th e a st J e ro m e .

330 O ff o s ' 100 ru rtivo io d • nico _b«i(k boim i w ifh pa»t

-basum cni • 3 bbdf oofns‘ ‘ '^ lorgo lic'ltfs S95 000.00 w turms, I’ossiblo (ixluctioii w Illicn s ji_ ........................_ _ _ _00 A c m s i>*ciillunl homo

. _______ ____________ i» J iU 0 W r :3 i. . . .:o . in T jo .a .ird f 't i plot ro n «y to p lant,

lUst w isoo

W E b T E N D R E IA L T Y n o l lro .id w a y Soulh

53 4409

putintti Proparly160 A cre s DiwersiluMJ $02 500 00

160 A c io s l i v i i i lo c k BancJi

O N E 2 bcdrqcm a p ar lm en t and ■ vp 1 bed ro o m a p a r tm e n ts .

■f)ar,itp c fltra n ccs R ents lo r 1245

L U llx - ii la ^ O iin O - r3io32

600 A (i< n 491 s lio io s ol wOliM (in>p tO() <|i)olity soil $325 0 00 00


I20 fc M AIN J lH O M t ID A H d nu-..'.a34-H I^6 R«t 3?d .H 046 •

, 324 1)367Cot\nio 324 5060

W A H tiH O U SC (-0H H fcN I 3,2'00 sq u .u a l i v l , 3 doors lu r locidmg l.'U t'Is lu rn is t i l'd . no! I ica lcd Call CoM Sulitin tc d r r e in h tw .T V s , 733

E X C E P T IO N A L L Y uood, G n ra o f and S e rv ic e S la tio n Low dowr p^'VTtTVnt,--'vwry oo o d f tn r -of e q u lp m e n l' in c lu d e d F A R M D U R E A U R E A L T Y 324 437U DON

- w A L L A r a w »> r76i6


j r C E P T lO N A XU -V — G O O D - G a ra ije and S e rv icv S tan rn Lo^v

() .iy n ii 'n 1 v(<ry uoo(l line otr q ii ip m e n i in c iu d P d ' PAR-M — % ------fU JR E A U R E A L T Y 374 4370 DON W A L L A C E 733 7616 DAN SUH R .374 7017 --------

^ R e c re a tio n en)oym ent, a part ol •■TJnvil^ nedstoad Ranch

room s, C iim p infl. fish . ...............p<->cv t r ip s , lenn is co urts , horsvs .

toppM oti by Iree p lane and• is L j- - ......................................... "

733 4ba •’M L S " 733 5476

I ViCKi llo liiio i-r , 734 77! June W fbb U25 5 174 I X'

. . . . . J t r r y i r i i t i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J 3 4 J 7 7 . I . L i i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Ra lph S im m ons 029 5664


y o u$4 0 00 0 o l bi(]b du inarid in vu n lo ry $ I S 0 00 (o s li (uquir ud lino nc ing o yoilo b lu fo i

" in fo rm o tio n c o n to e li. '

l in io Rontolb Inc 2 1 OS N K ip linQ - Su ilo 1 D o nvo j C o lo n Q 2 !5 Q R

■•rpll (3 0 3 ) 2 3 7 .3672

D o a le i lo f iho [o iilo s lic F o n v io w K Acodon iy

D IS C O U N T P R IC E S ! I••— - -- -

1 2 X 44M4 9 5-AOCUSON-fc-BtAKE-

for your company?

T u Z n D L lB y ^ K f fO W T r T in u F T - ”r e le v e l in rt . M aijic .V^>lley A w nnOand M obl|f•t^om c S erv ice 734 4900 C ■

Dach Hoc Sor

; bO 3070 Ifl6 7790


"fenoiitifincctl Jn fc r io r Palnfino

■ P a in fit iu , V arn ish in o ,

n i e f l r i c a l . a n d , l’U im liin«i C (in lr,)cling t a l i M li tW O Ini / ) 4 J H /3 o r bJA 2461 C o m n n -r ti .i l

n iM i-~loppinn nnd-rem ow m o.-A ll lim bs f \ it cHul s .H c ly lo w e re d hydrau lic a lly Save t i In sured 733 A54li - I


170 A t r e s ' llirt'i- bctlrooifi i;om e w itti l . r c p ln r i' C rp jjs a re a ll in M us! se ll or ii-asc- ilue to poor health

l-or ialvof> Ira d e 160 ii f r e i , w ith ihr»\,. hud rcinn i. • iinnn- . in ii

40 . A C R E S w ith 40 sharL-s ot f c r lM I C*ood out bu ild ings and

lc<ncino 2 bedroom hom e paneled throiiohout w i l l ; a lum inum sid ing . O rg«n ic gardet^ spo t, tru lt trees f>nco *45,000 by ow ner O ctober 1st liossession , Je ro m - 334-50S2.

N ew liiK Khoc b c rv it i- Call S3R9 . h ,i ;e i to n , id .itio M c D a n ie l ' ,

Vacuum C le a n a rs . Serv ice

A ufhorifod S U N Q EA M V acuum________________^ r r—iTT5cmmnrR e a s o n i» h |e . r i i to ' . t - r i 'i ' '

lu s l iin a lu k . C.>ll Lue K ar.uuy . 5 4 J- . '5127

liq M 'm e n l E le v a te d -'Im ik tank ()ipehne, r.ovcred

holding pen T h irty lour lo w s aii(» fu ll iioL' o( fiia c h iiic ry a va ila b le m ust hell tAfl.fHIO

— e io c tr lp - <41 M Jitn -A v r

G ir p o f i 40 por cent le s t IhAiV/

m idd le m an V n lie y In ie rio r 433 4046.

JWeinmp ■

'Carpet Cli'anjwj"

Houser llro t lie rs i ustom Rolo T illin o , b la ile w o rk, ( o r n i(|.itinc| 71T7147— " •

T 'a w s o ri P o r ja b le W e ld ih g A lu m in u m and g e n e ra l'

Ca ll L f lr r v " aClKLijniWL-I_i

»-or sa le 400 acr<-s w it l r l iv l ' bedroom hom o, ul*»valod mHk

lia rn , p ipe iiiK . t)u ik [,,nk F iv e wtioeJ and f iv e hand t in e s ;.....................

m-t3uofr?TnnmSw“r d a iry s«'l I»p O ne m ile ' shore tron lage Good

w n te i ...........................N ortlieas! ol Je ro m v Good polatO I and Dcol Innd-ALOOO per a c re 324 1 0316 ••

FLEETWOOD1 4 'x '5 6 '

2 B E D R O O M—^Gos~&-Eloctric--

rrmTrTorrnrscmnrmTtrrsnmtrnr.Tvyj.n..! <V!i_i33.l)243.....■ P P R O X IM A T F I .Y ' 1 I

Shag Carpet

A 'iQ Q S

Far-reaching, inexpensive TCfoSined Ads Taf;e“yoTrrsales . message directly to ■‘ready-lo- buy" prQ..jpncts. It's thfi onlyform of -advertiBing where-:— readers look for your ad . . .

enci-p lionaily c ica n and sharp Mnrdld K e ith ley 733 2400, Lartd O ilice of idAlio 733 0716 acro ss

S T E A M W A Y Tho b e s i In cleAMlng. H costs no m ore, ■«.TE A M W A Y Phone 7-13 6036

L Ive tto ck W it i lfd ' ..................—

D E A D A N IM A L S p ick e d uf REACH O VER

C arp a n lry , rem od tlin o , ca b ln tt i b u lll , do o ri hung. ihlnollng> -•tc;-p»ion*;734nnJ?rr,T-- -

CARP Eti'T n'v wo B K W A N TED -.H ^ w o r rarriodellno.Birnl«-WjllUJM:iW;

—ME-AT. .......................... .... . . • h l f lh a i lqua lM y m e a ts ,' lo V budoet 7r icw ,-- fltu B Lakes-Sh o pp ing

22,000 FAM ILIES

DA ILY i oood perm ancr\l p a s lu rv . Good _ 2 bedroom hom e, teedlQ l^ anci

w o nnn g ' c o rra ls for SOOTiuad.

ror,T3rAcrocr.0otw<«)rt-» lanovK e ic liu m RoAd. trees and w ater

. 780 4451.'

70 A C H E S ea sI ol K im b e r ly , fu ll w ak-r r ig h l. C ily w a ter and sew er .Tvnilab le id e a l lo r hom e s it e , ' tra ile r hniisp .p o rk , * iK . . $3i.QfiO,_ M rg o t la h le ♦er'ms • M A C /IC

• V A L L E Y R E A L T Y 733 5500 even jn (js 734 4090, or 433 41tl9

(JAM E L A N D tor n creag es 10----- p a n e l! , . M ,00Q a c rt ), K" '\W333,-^U.60ia-:

~tfTey7e"already in the market for your product or service

HOWES 11J639J^ir^B_rlyJI^ 7i4.J^40_|j

DOUBLE - W IDE1973 Bolmont

60 X,26

ancTiliat truly makes HBm~t>iB' Ijest prospects in town.

= g =

■ To hhcrease ^Our'sales and profits, just didi the number- below. One of our account representatives will be hoppv

:,'.te jhcu^t_you^hoviLotbQ i^

is- .

Page 22: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

.-rz%l-.33_TIrt>M.Maw8, Twiri IdAho Tu«idhy. M*V 8« ' v ; ' , ,

C ^ T ^ a y ^ n d A s k . F o r . . C l a s s i f i e d . . ; T R e T ^ w i F F e x p i ^ t h e “ E n t i r e ' F r ^ r a m ' t o y o v ^ A T i d - S t r o w - Y o i r H o w ^ Y c r t r C G r r A d v e r t i s e ' T b u r M e r c F i a n d i s e ^ l - F a r i ' - e r r D a y s “ A n d - i f H o f ^ t c P « ^ ^ l l ^ i a d l ^ R ^ ^ : : y - O T i = M ^ . ... r • ' : “ “ ' ' " ' L. — ■

f t . MAblU HomM

'I97J N A SH U A - 17 » 50 lir'd ronm , A ir condilioninn, rttifl n Ooofi tontlinon . 5044

—tjrorouTTTy—A T nT »rnn-iniM t<rtion7-flurtlltv c.irpellhfi. Mornpcihed cinrt cnoU-r K,9S0 ;33 5314 O E M S T A T t MHALTV .

3 IIE D R O O M , ca rp e t , d rap o i, " ca rp o rt, dopo ilt rM u ir« d . 7)4 3 M I,

)571 NASH U A 17X 44 w llh 3— r:*»«drflom, »

conriilionm g . sidtn« snw iUnlurniihcU <vul rclin/incc473 4ivn

Unfumlihtd Aptt.

N IC E A P A R T M E N T , do'vwilown W endell. Short wAlk to All so rv lco t.

-U tH tH M -«ornl»hertrPtionir53a?i|ff7-

N EW D U P L E X A p rtrtm o n ti, crtl'l 733 B400 cvp n In o J , 733 4314, d/iy»

7 tJPdroom d u p le * , nvn ilfltilo Mny- I S l h ------tlO S -o to n lh .----

A vfnu i.' W ■ 733 3497 ' ^

N E W ^ bedroom , c a rp o rt; k llchcfi AppIJjincaft, CArpet^^ d ra ped , a ir

<0 Iw liM llinM ui For Salt

—MAOj C-V ALLEY-AWN IN G-CO.,—h r o A k d o ^ s ,ic 4 up%. re le v e lin o . WAlor coolor SAlos And ic r v ic e . 73 4 4900.

U S E D -Stool Food 'L o c lto -

y?3'fc.storAao T5 per unit C .ill

U S E D R a irio crA tlo n Equipm ent

Radio. TV A SUrfo

T)UBrAnteetf7 i tve-nt-tnln'W-SS'^t t >“

QNCQLOfiTVV.U lo d poTfoblo co lo r T V J9 9 .5 0 U»od co n io lo . nu w p ic lu ro - lU bo .................................; . $249 .50

4f . Bulldlnfl M iU r lt ltD U IL D NOW — HOUM loo* a rc

.b 'a a u l lfu l, p r a c llC A l ond • co n o m lc a l, chaapar ttian lu m b er .

lo w u p k a s p . iP r o c l t io n m l l l s d . notOioil Antj*S i'S?}"'*' '

T o c l i io n m lllo c 6 V o a r F ; 0 ; 0 ,

a n le y , ,ldA}«>. Ca II

SO 0«p«gt Saltf

G O O D IES G A L O R E ! N ic nA C l,lam p s , ru g , d iU ics .d iu ic s . c lo th ing . 707

M A V .7 ,a ,;.' 9 :00 5:00.

FO R S A L E , 3 0 h C A d m iK i;d c .ilv o s 300 to 400 pounds, 63; 4400

S tanding a I stud T n i f l lB nAmi Sky Rockot A lso W hite Cloud p 11450, Dny M flro w ith colt by side.

r*6 3 ^

v r B s - o p - H O w s e & 't

For R«nt

L O O K IN G lo r d (ish ino r i ( |? You c.^n'l.boAl Ihis^ '15' b o .tl. ird i lc r t»1d 75 hof Ev in ru d i: motor with

Fri'tnoril D rivO . 733 4944 ■

16' S t L V E R L lN E 9 0 -l»or-4opower- Ev in rud t' m olof nnd tr<iilor, st'e flf 195Ty1or •

Soctr ' GcirT)e rH n c '’ 'w i l l i ' IjuHt in Ki.'ChfSt t l7 5 Crtll Del V StrOno P O »o« 7611 H .igL-rin .in , la.tho B1/-4550

M ‘ .

C A M P E R Shell less than y'cAr old. Inside Mas pAnelihg on w a IIs . bod w ilh to flm ru b b e r m A ttre 'ss .

* T+'j!n7:nntt-nJtJr-324*»USr— '—

M dtor H o M M

SCH OOL Dus c a m p o c .- hropane stove, re frig o ra to r arid boater. E x t ra n ice u n ll. 733'SaU


.A « .T ? n ,I A .n n . in S n u th _ .

O V ER ST O C K ED !$ 5 0 0 O F F , ^

A hy Hriutci In Stoik

) O F Fny woll. r oitlntotxl FTovoT™

(Oilni in ilork •, No Tfifl»» ' . .. No t icidcMi Cokiv . All m>nulo< I’n.ot f>oM«.d . 49 &iotU On (loll)

N o Tfo tio v ...........O llo r G o o it Ttutj A p ril Or> Daib R u ilo y and Tw in Fg lls


am -IhaUft Mat-r&-M(iin, A<reii hom-IhaUft Matori-TwinFolli- 734-3147

i flih nnd Ovflond, ItmUy A7H-7374if la iu u i i lu r i= !-rWHfoiTrTftftCottilfltL-

T JP e N 8 a .m ,lo lp .n

req u ired . 734 S7B3. ^

N IC E H O d M Y , 1 Ijodroom iip rtrltm 'n l Wrtn(}i.', r i;f r iu « rA to f .

ii ij i' . s tn r ix je . Adults, no pcts«-i i iA L ______________________ 'S i

In cludosono 5 ton 507 co ioprussor, o n e . 3 horso power co m protsor. re trlgo ratlo n un its . shArp Iroe/e un it, root mounted conclcnsor, overhead m eat trrtck , 4 w .ilh In t r o e ic r do o rs and 5 iW u-omf

-fl ro c c 6 c :to r!3 7 T a ft-f3 3 -O fi)

bto . , . • .- $ 3 9 .5 0W AR R A N TY 'E A S Y TERMS

. M El Q U A LES 13(1 2nd A vn , N- Tw in Fo ils

H W i n l i , T r M i ( . S lifub *

LAW N L E V IT l i N“g ; Roto T il lin g and D lln a , P h o n r 733 5077,

7 IXM lrooni ' d u p le * , a 1 779 f^ icha rd sfin D r iv e j r t o pnr nuinth 733 AA44 rvenin iJ!-, or 739 M irh .irdson , i-v«-nin<js

7 Ann 1 i5fdrf>om Duple^ps *o l»» Ju n e 1, tn rp t 'f i i l , (ird p rs . rorr^ooH Ator, rA n g e , .in d flircondifioni'O , c rtjl 714 4-‘ " _

A p A rtm e n t' -w ith sto ve- and rttlr lgo rA to r, ve ry n tcc , <75.00 a

u w w tih .-^ f ld u lta .o n b b jM d ” ’ '

(ipplim7a '5. fu lly ca rp c le d And d r .ip ed AvA ilAbli' M dy 70, t l5 0 OO,

T)(T'pcrt», 733

StuttiQ- A p o rlm c n t

W A J t f DOi MAin N orth , neodlecrA lt d e s ig n s , s u p p lie s , o rlu in A l* P A lntlnos, g ifts . Open 10 to 6 M onday Ihrojygh 5A furdny__

N E E D L E P O IN T T A P E S T R Y VArn, c a n v a i. Crow el k its and sfo o li. H our 10:00 a .m , to 4:00 p.m w o aktfrtrt , Se fu rd av 10: 00Jo >5:00,

U O I, M r i . w n ria m O ru la y , ) s i 9th A v --------

^MUF^f C E R S In ifa ttad w h il# you

u F u m lto r# I . C *cp *tixTa t

U N F U R N IS H E D F U R N IT U R E - L a r a e s r s e le c t io n and L o w e s t P r lc w : Bannet* Fur«U u f» ,-137 •>»«» A venue West- 733 1471.

E A R L Y A m eric iip O A venport. brown iweed L ik e n ew . c a II 025 5037

T O M A T O E S . pcppc-TS And o lher 'gTlrdcn p la n ts A lso pelunic>s And o lh e r t io w c r in o p la n t s ; . 405 CArdner Avenuo

E X T R A N IC E bedding p lants, f lo w e rs , nnd vegL-l.ible^ 733 6073

H a y , G ra in I . F M d

R E G I S T E R E D A p p A f o o s n G olding, 10 y e a r s old. Good toam roginji^^horm . Good disposltloncd.

Wed H ish 17’ lidc.TOlAS!i twAt, 7i t>orsc*-(X)W(.-r E v m fu d i' m o to r , w ilti <1 ir . iU c r J1.300 733 76?? • ^

id in MJ>lc>u|

lu rp ishpd trtn nfso supn ly bod o diivcno if n e ccssA ry i/ 5 month Ca II 733 9733 tjc fo rc 5 30 p n

A L U M I N U M a^’V ‘m)"i«.fl07'.- 30

r r " T (— 1} L iM C L E U M — irUTTST A SSO R T EO P A T T E R N S , t7.«5,

___D A N N E R F U R N IT U R E ^ - T w inF s ll i , 7 » 1«1.

30 tons R e d C lo ve r H ny on H lonw ay 30: eASt of Butil 543 5973, S43-4O80:--------------------------------------

D A R ,N E Y O L U E by TlnKoV f*do— b re d for s e rv ic e . 544 7407

A P P A L O O S A h o rses . Papered sto ck . Severa l nt d it f c rw l AgoS'


305004, 1173 00 tIBfl 7335

NOW SH O W IN G hero 1073 boats and m o lo rs , Set- Ihcm a * DUO AN® M A R K 'S y o u r E v ln r u d c

T H IS W E E K O N L Y 2 6 " IN T E R N A T IO N A L

A ir it fo a m Tro vo l T fo ilo f

., Tondorp w boo ls

.. FM A M S lo foo Rat|io

-lopfrBovei_£_Fu lly Equipped 1 Owner

. JU S T L IKE N E W - PH O N E :-733 -681 U-

cants each or , Custom Sw dth lno lo r g rd in , t)Ay. ■Ul.ihMCifvirf

■ " , A u l o S * r V l c r —

P a r t s t A c c a i u r i a t

U l W A y i l E T T W IU Y 5: A t . . .

S IN G L f - O O UfltC W/0£S V i m i l « i^ i t o f W * » ! '5 ‘P a ''* ‘'

; - P h o n a .7 3 3 - 6 U l

■ T971 O F F IC E U N IT‘ ~ ~ 6 C m - 3 --------I. A>!

-•CDTTdiTionnr—-------------------- —\ A RoqI Buy ‘ A t Q n lv . . .-. *4895

t U E D R O O M , 435 A dd iso n . $05 m onth, w a te r , ta n lta t lo n , lawn r a re and ro frlo e rA ttrr. 733 7546

P A IN T IN G — c « r« , t ru c k s , t r a c t c r i , r • 4H p a r* lo ^ ^ ^ l• « n —a q u ln m an i— D a n u ra m o v a d a c o n o m lc a ljv , P ho n t 4M -304.

DRU^iS'A/rCk7IW»ir^‘Doinr6~pb‘ol tab les , a c c w w r l i r t , S b Ib s- and

, naw and oted Jam e s 7B -fiinT ~ aT T W ~ rT O r-5T ro

. _ . .......... hou se h o ld lu r n l t u r e ,— fsnwrr^Tb?— rv, cgmunvatrBfi

re fr ig e ra to r fre o je r .C a l l 733 9454, d a y tim e , 733 9170 w eekends iind

. . .e v e m n f l i ..................................................................


q £ a u f e f P a r kAPARTMENTS


DO IT Y O U R S E L F ) Sbam ppo your

R « n r^ a *^ ? la V k ° Shampoo iT A V ith c o m p an io n v a c u u m . D annar F u rn itu re , 733 1431.

Sho” * a S t, South.

cl'EAN C A R P E T S the sa v e and sa fe wa^ \Mith Olue L u s tre , Rent

7 3 4 - 4 1 9 5 - G R E E N A W A L T S

OFFERItaOYOU,1 ond a badroomt « oil pnn lio no i

W a i t l t d to B u y

11 P v m l t h a d A U i i lu m H e u m

If u R N IS H E D H O U S E , 4 rQQins •and bath , w a te r And sAnllAtlon

. ‘lu rn lth o d . G round tloor. A d u » iJ jQ _

I * CQrpef an d d ra p a i

a p p lia n c e s-a n jt t r e e r r r Double qnrport, grtrAQO, lArge l.iw n , t l7 5

-per m onth. F ir s t and lASt months r t n l in a d v a n c e . Y e a r- I04s«i

c^ l*l'34 83b7"or"7J4"340'r."-

N ice ly lu rn ished sm a ll 4 room ho u se ,g as h c A l, t/O.OOdvposit 051

I C f ^ : . . . ■ ’ 1 - . - —

Fo r <(oun l a io n t KelctJ

!fll 3 bedroom hom e in t F ile r Area,

lu s u l ili ta - :776 5974

iri^Furnliihad Apii. K DupdKti

_ . . .N E W I I and

; J bedroom . 3 baths, carpetod ^rnithod tC a ll 734 7BSS '

“ O N E , D ED RO 'dM upslrt irs , fld u lls ijn ly . 733 3693

C A M P U S . one. two, and

Tm shcd

K O R T M‘A P A R T M E N T Sthree bedroom r u m nn ca and u tilitie s p«>id Phone 7]^ 44f i l _ ,

- f r - Ja 4 - J 0 4 0 - ----------- --------- .A L L E L E C T R I C , C a rp o le d , I (x'droom . tircp lA c i'. u iiii li i-s pa id , K im b e rly , 733 6794

-----ffi'B a r t ia l ly paMiiiatt.I l ill t iC S (CKCCPI.U l i l i t ic s (C KC CP I. f l e c l n c i l y l

t ' r c t r i c i t v . ' A au its a n tv :' 727“ 7tti -Avenuff N ofthr— =1-----— -

J ro o m lu iiu M ii'd ( ip o r lm rn t tor

N ice , t if s l tloor Ap.utniL-nl. good’ tocatlon. oldi-r person on ly 733

“ > T T R > J IS H E D a p a rtm e n t — 1 b e d ro o m .' u t i l i t ie s , fu rn is h e d . Vourw w om en on ly - .p r iva te

< 'C l^ an tno dOposIt3 « J t -

^WIMCeli#o* of Souti\em Idaho, a

— ..,b « a ro ftm . - < urn l»h*d - ‘ o r -lU A ium U h«U -lUtcha(V~ app llancM r-

. . D A C H E L O R a p artm e n i, p a rt ia lly turnU hed , Fo r tin g le person 731

- pURNISUtD-^J-r-bedroom;- u t l ) l t le ip a id ,c i

», —.- r . WDur uuTii, iim|4 pa id , c leaning f w , no pets,

— B U R N IS H E D A parlm D nt, adults o n ly , no p a f i . CjcAning deposit.

' ■'l a u r e l p a r k . a p a r t m e 'n t s .3 - badrftftm - ly ro lih d t l3 - bttdraam - fu m iih e d anartm ent

» f0p f>M(;^ni=)rpuixnc<^c(u<i{i4p “ B l lh w n w r rd l i ih o lf c i rd s r 'p c l am)-

■ fin# landK ap 'ng * pool * walk-in clotali

louad ry

Hotise w Anlod to tiuy from ow ner, nboul 130.000 Send descrip tion and Address to Do* F 4, *Nows

O fH c a A .f lu « ln a » «

F O U R r e n fa l i on 1 a c re in d u str ia l-—R irrM ontfity 'tm n*ne-i«507< leM -tfY T

734 3050.

O F F ig E space lor re n t . ' 7 a u jo ln ln g ro o m s , p r iv a te re st

:-fOOfnr73J-yWJ - T --- — -r— :— r~

W A N T E D truck w ilh IB' lu rn ilu r t type v<in, p re le rA b ly w ilt) liH w r ito C LAw rence , Houle 3, Buhl

FO R R E ( ) t , downMAir

• C A SH FO R 'SC R A P W 'ETAIT^ Coppar,-<}rais, Aluminum,' *

- - R a d ia to r , B a tte rie s , E tc. H .K O P P E U C O . _____

157 Tnd Avenue Soutti

shop N e w ly -ShoiiAOotHlna-M.>ll PHono 733 <|S?B

_ M l i c « n « n « Q U i .F e r .S a l f

L ik o to w e ar Fa m o u s K N A f*P S H O ES ? Then ca ll M e rr ill P o rte r. 733 9265.

H :& IN B X P C ;4 S 1 V C to c lo a n ru g s <vid upholstery w itti B lue Lu s tre R en t e le c t r ic sh a m p o o er t l G R E E N A W A L T 'S

'~A n tlqu«t

E L E C T f t l ’C ‘ r a n g e . exculUt^i I condition ‘ C leAn 374 4436

condition, c a ll 473 4357

WAShington lA irp o rl ro a d ) 7J3

button ho les . C a ll 139 5930.WANT-CO -A-bra

CASli.,374 5960

fo r J i i i u l ! im i W» f Wthwi P T W ca m era w ilh 50 m illim e te r l.41oos,

. , ete r 3 .5 telcphoto N ikkor— im j

N E W Y A M A H A 1 p?x S ) s , used pianos Ya m a h a o u lta rs . K L H stereo racorc:

:DiM«u»aAiAa— ...... 'Shoshone North

• Axri-for' irj<itprrt*(rw><*'t>TnrffirIwo new tires i 6 i • A lso T w in b w VL’ I , t l4 0 . 733 3713.


V O X Super ConlinentA l Oru<*nyind Oucklnoham Am p ttlOO V ery Odod condition C all 914 5454

M D v .’ z — fn ir if l' cJo U pholstorin i

H aves F u rn itu re 733 4010.

F a r m A R a ttd i Su p p lit*


1 f972 Fibor fo'orn w ilK 1972 65 H »• Jo h n so n & envy lontl Iro ilo r $1995

in^Ciir^et^ino I 1965 DoMioi H Ev.

3 7 7 ,E N G IN E c lu tch transm iss io n Hurst S h ifttT , ru n s ve ry w e ll, t350 733 B73B

-1967 3U9 PonfiAC En Q in o And t ra n s m is n o n 110.00 433 4343 evem nijs

T Jro vp rrw in do w s l io 374 7145

de live re d o r m a y be p icked up. 326 ■JlldjT,J3A.10ff7 - - --- -----' r a n ly , ca ll 537 6731 .

P I E C E d in e llf , avocado , good condition . 139 95 .i i Ca in 's 733 71 1 1

vOn por 3 47*14

S PO T C ASH F o r Fu m H u re App lIances


N O R T H W E S T G ran d ChAmplon (golden re tn e v t* r) breeding stock se rv ice 734 5738 afte r 5 00

37 Avenue West

A p p lia n c t t

H E G r S T E R E O N o r w u g ie i i E llthounu pups lor sa le , e»celiofit t>lood lin e , 67B 0369.

7 U N IT S E R G E m ilk e r , late sty le h iicke ts- f g j l «ooct shops— t in w i

"gAllon (Tiilk c<ins. 374 4713.

A S S U M E c o n lra c to n H c s M o n l i . lv e q u ip m e n t , S la k h a n d 30 w ilh p o w er p a ck s ta k m o v e r 30 Hiiwk

-built tp ro a d v r w ilii a u lo m a l ic p ic k up 075 5063

000 F O R D T H A C T O H , ^ o rd 7 bottom p low , M H 10 fool yrc^i;\.

. d r.ill.- .> llalfa c ru w n o r. corr^tQalor, h eavy duty S ch w arti loader, A llis C h a lm e rs 10 toot d isc w iin 3 poinl h ilch Qlddu s c ra p e r . In lcrnAtlonal 6 » 6 honey Wiigon w ilti L e ly pump csnd m o lo r , 1954 C h cvc tru ck .ind

~ € e N W R \ ^----- AUlOMOttvC

-2 6 1 A d d no .vA v i,- i 733 507fl

Spo rtino Goods

■WASHHR A N D " d ry e r , p r t ir ,' F r lg ld a i r c , delu ‘«e 2 bpeed ' re c o n d it io n e d and u u a ra n tc e c T »199 p a ir , at Crtin 's 73J 7111

.lt.OR sa le mdJu-GrL'iiLDiJiit. 15Q. C all 32.4 B005.

FO B bALT: .i l(t )0',' n i . w Ruucr Super Dl.ickliiiwk jj Moynuin’ -P .s io i- Phono 73-i 3777-----

U U U N S W I C K . . D c t i a m i d D f l m o p o o l t a b l e s , o e * r t u d u s e d A c c o s s o n e i S . i l f i . m d b f “ r v i r e J a m e s C l a r k , H I S 6 0 I . i H t - t 4 0 0 a n d w i ' o k e n r t s

t io n ry Oawiv-st^ll b u y ^ an d sulU . h i iy , <ind lum ber Takinq o rders now lo r lodge po les , c a ll 374 46fl6

AcflOh. JX vscd p o , sling', pe rit condition, c a ll 733 0029. a sk for M .ir It

w iiL c iia n e o u s p a n s to r 350 n OOflii,- 1969 ITS CC-HOr^aA S r ' S l ^ f ' M I ^

Idaho S tree l F ile r 376 5324

10 C y c la t A S u p p l lt i

D IH T U IK E , 250 CC, G ro eve s , runs ()ood 734 3746.

f o r. S a il:. lV ; i Yjm<U>a . M m i- En duto , eKcellent condition Cnll a ftiT 4 p ,n 7tlB 4677, no llcvuc

OOKt Su/uki fld, oH In ifC liO n, quick change .-nSO 4)3 J lV j------ " ’

_l»70-.y-MA a !i I a . 125. Qooa condition.---------dOO or best o ffe r . 536 7351 or 536 -7100----- ------- :----------

W A N T E D '—co nd itio ner to t i f n inch 1140 C<>si- bwatliL-r, c a ll > 9147

A W E L L ' m ade c .im p rr , Mei'ps 4. W50 00, call 713 IBH9. .H ief 5 00 p m , wt'ek days

N E W L O C A T IO N :1 b lo c k off

K im b o r ly Rooci • Bohind Unilod Oil - '

ilau g h te r . 733 74fl3'* F o C J Q li : j r jf f l i le . in te rm ilio iia l 27S ‘ W lrW o w o r. V4' dun i A ugpr-w itn

cond itioner. ^4 3573

l o r in teV iw lio iu ii Corn o r- ,ace ia _i)f boiiiu..

juuNDA va.if,dimiotQixnii;R;M

4 <7PANELING;To ng . .• . $3.79 Tonu« • $ 3 9 9

A K C N o rw e g ia n E lK h o u n d S , S a m o y o d s . O r l t t ia n y s , G e rm a n

I S h o r t h a ir . G e r m a n ' S h e p h e rd ,

10 1-001 s . f ur Condiliorv cMmI ■'404r- -......

Koi»v rino ,— ^notfy-Rod Codoc .

M ary land O ak $0^ 5W olnut ..............■$'13 95

• 6 vo fio iio s ol v in y ls 01 $3 ,29 O v e r 5 0 vo rtrtiB * from f1 99y , io$r2 95*4 x4 c e i l i n g 'B O A R D :

tonon .$ 1 ,6 9 ,.Q o l(li..v .W iib li_^ . . ..............^2,99

Slfvor Inco “■ .-, $3 39 A ntique W h ile • $3 39

4 x 0 P L Y W O O D '3 fl- CD $4 95' I CD fc‘ «i D Iow i $4 49

S 0 Sanded B low s $6 95 - S O " Sandud'7 S ides S fl’ 49

C D x $n<75

2 . 6 2 .0 - .12

lO O flN G


733-5909 1 9G F ro idh tw o yt St.,

Tw in Ta llk . Idaho

G A R D E N t i l l e r . 5 HP> J135.00 lo ad le v e le r h i f c h i— *75 00 T r a i l , c v c l r , » 75.00 . M o b lia lre Icebox lo r trA lle r , 130,00. P la yp en . 170 00 Ju m p seat , tftOOi Le ts of ■MjaccUflocom 4Xi m y ’ V —

A p p lik p c t i

..iN tw .G 74j(r}^PO lvu i«M 'tir^UAU—


■ STO CK-NO -30T-W hrflpttt> l$T^9-5D~^‘« '" ' '" ^ ° 'STOCK No, 303 W turlpo6 ltl39.5Q • TOCK Nb,: 304^ :.‘-' ^

-W h lr ln o o l.1B lb“ .*“ ,-. :- : r S T 4 9 :5 n " ’ ®’^C*<'No »03....................................... • " W m ttnobou io 40"


POR S A L E : Cookie «nd C«ndy — V/tnttlno— M ach l/ llf »om * -o n

tocMtonr-Ar-rMl buy. Ptiont 733 _ <Wevep|nni. ^

RO U T BR .I30 . P f ic h Grlndtf,t30.

R E D U C T IO N S u p TO JS p e rc e n t^ S llk t , 'I lh in o t , ribbings^ ribbons.

mutt go NOW, Magic ValleV Sowinp 1405 C a t! Addison- ■ ■,

U S E D E S T H E R W lllU m i Poo l, U b|r^33tool com pleted . 11,000,00. 733

W A S H E R S ; R A N G E S..4IOCK-N».-30I K*hmo*»-t 130,4 0 ~ SI.Q C K . No 101..

•STOctrwsraio i w M rip o o H ih .s o“ ^ASHEIiaDRYERSBT ■

STO CK No. SOI M aytag . $100 .08

F R E E Z E R T' --------STO CK N o .-801 ------


R E F R IG E R A T O R S *M O CK No, 301 ^

-.-Whiflpool (po-ItQlO:____ S149-50STOCK tJo, 302

JT 4 7 3 0 ---FfTord'dTTo'tnolrDlt)'-;-,— $179:50-

- T V ' S10" RCA Color P o r to b lo - . . . . ; .............

.2 1 " RCA Color Coniola Remote-,” 10 -Z6NITH Block « W htf» r ; TT---------------------

? A f r : & : ^ E L E C T:R lC -


.$370.00 i . 149.50

'441 Moin 'Avenue EosIO PEN FRIDAY TIL 9iOOP-M.

IVTIIOia, w .w --.pointer Shorthair cross. Slock

AKC Registered Collie puppies, m ales, sab le and 11*1 Judy Thomas, 333 2574, Pocafcllo.

L A R G E S T O R A G E or tecci bln.

S P O R T K IN G0 ) i a i n a l o i o f p i c k u p c o i n p u w b o f u y o u c ^ u l n t m c r f o t I n s s

Y A M A H A m o to rcyc le ,' 00 CC,' fireat condition I 1150, Ptiono 536 7497

1 .C A S E 5 3 0 '0 a c k lio e ih good condition C .1 ir "5 4 3 6541 6r 543 4a42.

lA S b lO M - C A M 'R E R . & TRA IL ER SA LES

)ve b u l ls a r e Non”T ’'a T T tr K e y s to n e m c re a n d Non P a n e l O ardo lierfx iere These tic rd s ire s are also for sa le C a ll F ra n k D rake - 423 4014 befo re 6 a m o r a tlu r 6

ID A H O 'T R A C T O R .S A L V A C T FT i'a s m oved lo m ile west of hospital to G ran d vu D r iv e , tf>en m ile to u ttw C a ih for tra c to rs , low pricey on Used p a rts Phdne 7U 87^

i» 5 p fs I A f/m iru l » A 'u u f if

734 2f\fe I _ 1

IV65 305 lio nd .i ilUoupiTrT rne iar IlnkL- b lue . 73-1 35J5 a fte r 6 00

BAKER!SI9W S u fiih i X 6 H ustler. 750CC. Mi'titihc, (iftTerchrom c tenUer. 7,300 mile-.,. e«c« 'lli'iil co iid ilion , c a II 734 70H7

47W A N T ED

Pa«tur«> F o r R *n t

2 pollL<U C h iiro lm s H rifv 'rs , nlsn

Horst; p a s iu ru . 1 m lu west o l'O u C lub, 734 3476 ’ ' -------

Nelson, 374 401(|

R E C R E A T IO N A L V E H IC L E S , .

M O T O R H O M E S , •-^T RA V E l-TR A ILERSr _ . C-AMeERS-

— S A t e s - ^ e f m c F -

\'in. m low<uid extrd ? iirr 535ft .lite r 6 OC

n ileage a ll 4hks C all 4

M X tf)50

UOQ-iAuC^A~Hu'64variil 3i0 CC -

PARTS ■ SUPPLIES4 1 - ? A d d i u . ’ i . A « o W 7 3 3 J 3 ‘j P

»759 00 or best otter See H o llis

A R T IF IC IA L D R E l*b lN O to ADS jjreat proven sire, naflon'j^^jghest

w ith -c a lve s , 3 m iles .so uT h and 3 •niles w e st, Je ro m e . 324 ^131.

» C L C C I S IR E - 1 N C _ A IIda iry beef. Walter Leltcti- Pfwne S43 itS I.

delivery I'o yi...................... -*l«rf-«no-b»llor*-

, also olher Dreects. ‘ 300 to 400 —piondr-W^a4»-t)r^W*5»39-affer-A:Ofl.n.m.

b lo ^ lln e i. call F rank K«r*l. 7m ors4)sm ,

And Then You Will, Decide On THE ,

TlTAt^ M b T O U HOAAE7 0 Fo o t T ITA NRui^floci 16 oaupo carbon^tniil conslrucliati..._______

- V,. 4<e-e te -D Q d o »‘-tTiDini,:..r-Oy<of-Sl«ofino/ Powof-OMWet , .i'Autombllc Transmission

AtH.wvel^ lHo ■

T> AutomOtivw n ir cond ilio n ing ,', 5 .000 K W. O o n o ip lo . ' :i.ULQQQ.»IU,.Roof a iLto ln Ji. . —tiorjing—

. l i ____ JO-OOQ.DIli-CQluiiraiiJfliti_ n i L l u h i Q £ o -

. AM PM S io rno rad 'o ond tape deek-

•, Ooiibto s in in tB H T t iiB l---------kiiction sinks

, 7 3 c\)blc foot-Royol Domns-~ttrWfffrioqrntbr<Onrff8C~*>-- *'

tr ic_1 10 a 12 Volt)T SIpuiiTirn‘of f o n f lo m o n t rfo rn . ^ nloty oJoss in a ll w incjows I Shag c a ru u l w ll i i p o d .'

I 97 G n l lo n f io s TonfcrTfaiT5fnncicr~r~, Duql b a tfe rv • yst^m

Vf Dun! vo n ity in h n t l i____ _______________if Po w ar bathroom vont *

Tho N o w lo w C o s t T ITA N

. EnHcutivo livInQ n

FO R S A L E : 100-1SO H(X»liltl h ilU r* wtlohing from 1000-1300 jMumdi on harut af'^all »ltn**.-AJio r a i J U . f o


a S , 2 S D [

MOTOR CO.■304 4 th A V E . W F S T


; r z : a :

Page 23: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

. ,_T i L s .N«w^ 'EnUs.-.ldiho, 3 3 ,..:- - -H e a v y e q y f |» m * i i l

F o n

■—m jCM jVY {Ufll*r.llk*n#wCST,


John Doarf rT T rT f iJM e tn p w r r rw

'jofin 0»of«5010 ScfopT. ■ ■

ELLIOTT'S'M l Ovsrland

Biirl^y IHnhp. 2 P h Q n a 6 7 n ^ 5 a 5 . -

BOB HOUSTON-Saloi R«pr«(*nlo1iva

Home Phuna 733 UQO

T r u e k i .

' O BECO bodlM. b*«tt, orain, caMif, comblniflon._ .W#onir--Vj:«JI«r m w r g i r n g p w . ? !b '7A 7 i. •

10M Ford hfllMon, one ownd/. big • 6, eycellenf. Phone fl39-5W7.19&5 half ton Chevrolet with 6

a id 3 ipeod. tVSSO. 3)4'

M«rlno. power br«k*i. many •Kiraii 9J4 1051.

JEGP, m3 CJS.'Full lop, rofllyiarp—pfjcftd-tQ.mi^PHftna-JJi—

^ * i. ,J e j :P 5 T E R ^ C o m m * n d « » - > l'^ TWfiesi drive, 3 ftpeed, oood cendlflon, Crtll 733 1474 or< » 4 )43 ,^ O w >4 ;3 0 .p .m ..i t r r P C T i C H t ' i T gv srv itffr is^ b in *«ir. 19,000 mllH, flxlra thArp, 734 J540 S:00. ^

m * - J B C P WaoonCfir, V B, aujom wlc. « lr. power, excellent / uDDw v 4 M i m r

I9M FORD BriONCO. 13500. SK' cellent condition or trid* lor Vin. .6}} S359 Sun V«IUy.

19S0 JB E P ■uniycrsai, meini-ton,, hub&.tow b.u. &hnrp, U95, cnil 734 34A9.____________________ •

A u f e i F » r b i t

XR7. Rejit cliim.M«ke OOtr. 733-7311.

M -IPS-l PONTIAC, 55,000 iCtUII mllM, sharp. 13S0. 434-4717 or 43ft- .3 14. _____ _________ _197 PONTIAC Gf«nd' PrU, lull'

NEGD TO SELL Hd car 19/3 Ponllac Calalena, t37Si good trAnvnlition, call 733-A700.

■fiyj^^CA'CT. Waoon, radio, iach,'lnao«> luoqa

I, 4 ipeod.. .. ............ .-.jaoo rack,

^tless. Sarvlco recordavhilable. U?IovLie,7Ba 4<37or Ketcnum 77«4473. - ................

19 7 ouD$ - 1 door hardlop, DolnTont,bnecnroMTior. CnII Jllter 5 p.m. 733 4B44.\^ 7

A lr t e l

Must' .SC Lt I9>3 Cli*v«no.

1971 Chevrolet Im pa l* CuHom,-J door l>ardtop, A u lo m A tlc Irn n im lt t lo h . power ileerino> powei*— «ir— e^diHen»d«' vinvl loo. ttoreo, air l l t l th o c k i,

- t M » m f l * r i r W r t u h l t t ; } n c » r ^ . l ,— •uh flu il, m or«. *J950.0(t

_ T f a d t jL n 4 J0 1 5 . ._______________________;

condition, IMA Ford ___

19.7.).,yCGA for snie, cxcPlloni condition, rndlowlow mlleagL' ol n,WO.-t1,549,-cniT 334 40»7. ; -

1973 Pinto itntlon wnoon. reni iharp, loli of-cKiras 733 6003. 13,000•4'-OrW<«rtl 09 or 733 5

1969 Pontiiic Uonncvillu. 4 door sedan, power stoerinQ. vinyl 'op. alr-<ondlliont ■SHARP! 733-A:1950 4 door Ford V Q overdrive, Runs Good. 734 5599. 79? Blue Lakes Nprlh.

— G lo m e f6 u>-- ,H v p F ^ itH = t i ln r lF = = ^ Q ‘|^ > ^ °t*^ ^ * t« ll« n > - fu n rU iig -

1973 FORO V 8 Aulomatic 'n ton pickup. Take older one on irodir 423M479.

M U ST S E L L ,-1W B C hevy heavy d u ly '/> Ion p ickup , V B. au to m a ilc .

1944 D O D G E ■ j ion picV up, 316 V e, 4 s p w d . good condition , c a ll 733 7646/

f O l i S A L E 1973 Inter'nrtlional. 4 vvtieel d r iv e p tck'U p. Coll 423 5V23 o r 433-430S t th c r 5^00 p .m . •

...1 9 4 5 .□ □ D G £ p a n e l- iru ck ., enoind 3IB ip e c la l , ch ro m e re v e r to . 1350 733 |599,

I9S« F O R D picKup B3S 519B

E X T R A S H A R P , 1966 F O R D ton'power » te* r ln u , nutoTrnittCTAfT

_____ J . 1211.1819. of-7X1.^4a4._______________

1970 R A N G E R ■; Ion 360, au to m atic , power s le e r ln o , extra In nk . 336 S6)3 a ftC r 6

1945 IN T E R N A T IO N A L Tandem

^ U&T S E L L - - w H h irv 3 - ^ e kfr »973

p o w er,'A M F M r<icJlo. 5,000 m iles 1900 and take .over p<iymonis, or trade lo r 1973 sm a ll econom y ca r. in need o l a s m a ll .c a r 734 2056 after 6 o r weekends.

1943 D O D G E O n rl, 3 door hard top Good body, m e ch a n ica lly p crlect.

■ tJoctc*r-w a ir-W 9f7^ »r34 a»= = ^ ^

•1961 ' - R A M O L E R , flOOd t ra n jp o rta tlo n , S175 734 3707; « l l e r 4 p m .

1973 C H E V Y Im p a la , 4 door, 3^0, a i r c o n d it lo n ln o . 8,000 m ile * . t4 ,000. 334.435S. . ,

196/. - F i r i b J r d 400 .—e xcettw n t • 'O nd it io n ; lo w m lleao e ,' c a li '433 5377 a lte r 4:00 p .m . . ,

1965 F O R D FaM back M ustanp .-----------• jw jTT jsera^ ceftBm enrttesf"o ffe r , c a ll 543 6155.

1967 M E R C U R Y AAjnterey. V ery pood condition 733 3537pr 734 34fly

1963 M E R C U R Y AAontego 390 V 8,

F O R S A L E : Model T F o rd tourlno. o r ia in s l condition. 13,400 Phone 5« - i!13 ,.^______

1973 F IA T 124 sedan . W arra n ty s e r v ic e d E x c e l le n t co n d itio n in side and out. L o w , lo w gas

_ fn i ie a o e . 733 V455-ro-/a3 J307________

196? - Dodge -C tin rg e r .- cond ition , low m ileao snow t ire s . Call 334 5

197.1 Copn 1600 CC c a r . 13000 Sleroo and sp e a ke rs . 575. 733 3705

1969 P O N T IA C L e M .in s . Power s t e e r tn o , p o w e r b r a k e s ; a i r *

_co nd llio n ino -W cr.c fl_A nscn _m ao 5 i_ 350____O ____m o to r ,____ a u jD m a t ic

- )970 OtdS 443 W30 454 CUDIC inches, m ao s , t3,000 733 4316 a fte r 5:30.

FO R S A L E , 1973 M ustang only 10,000 m lle i . 303, V 8. 15((o our

B t lu m e lo an . 655 4311.

!?65 M U ST A N G COpvPXJiUK'......V-AenQine. 3 speed, sa le or trade lor p ickup o r va n . M ake o tfe r, 733

-For-aatg-tt6a-p ivmOUi n va ilA iM , 4 door ^^ \3* c y lin d e r, oood

1944 F a irU in i- F o rd , good cond .I.on , J395.00 Plioni.' 733 07)7 yai.4. p.-,iit-noor Plym outti

Must se ll by Mcty Ottl, 197() C .id illn c F iee lw o o d . g o id .-w h itc . lop . now tire s . s tLT fo . la p i' , 35,000 m ile s , .ill e ic lra s , 733 4446

196B E l C « in l

HI C U D E 16 A lum inum V an . L ike

__j Uiulj

. h o r w ithout 36" high caper i t n r t v ir r — H tr irv y -a u fv a u to m a ttc tronsm ission C riin k C ase Cooler Good condition iind ve ry c lean C all 543 6257 t l.395

1966 C h e v y ' ; ton .po w er b r a k e s .

V 0 auto m atic , ne w ru b b e r ,

de Shell tl.OSO. 733 6931

1963 F O R D ton 334 5B3U

- J f eJb cp in o x n new l i r e s ,


— \9)7 C H E V Y »i-ton, ftu to m a ii« r 'a ls o 1965 10’ t a b o v e r c a m p e r '334435a .1939 Chovy 1 ' / Ion" I r u c k .' r u n s o kay , 1300. 334 4606. I96B Fo rd I ton p ickup , p o s ilra c lio n , 51,450 334 4686

.- - G l___ :1-Wtli;cl ( in v i; truck has H ay _s la c k e r w ifli liyd r.ju IicT M d^C A n IH- m a d e in to a s ta c k r e t r ie v e r , 655 4361

“ 196'TM ercury C o Io n y 'P a rk w a g o n ," -air tondifionlngrtooonorractcrlorr- 01 e x t ra s , low m ilea g e , ve ry good condition, ca ll 543 499S.

D E S P E R A T E , m u st s e ll 1967 M e rc u r y , 4 d o o r. po w er everyt^t;ii^y^,^^factory^a^

1971 Q U IC K E s ta te W agon - v p assen aer, 324 4 l10o r 541 E . M a in , Tw in F a lls .

T o t a l T r a n s p o r t o t i o n C e n t e r

_«_£luLandjndivaduaUea5exiailo£edJQ.yflULnfifidi>-Rent by the day, week or month.


BILL WORKMAN FORDGory Hnlverson BKm.- Inte^ Blvd 'N 733 Sl.X)

- 1 9 A i.n il lc :K _ B lV E R A . e x tra ch-.^n. good t ire s , runs good, a ir con ditloned Jero m e 334 5040

iV V tf rn lv rnd tio n d l .T rtivu ld lt . 4 sp era . rad io and good li r e s 1995. See h i 340 H Igtiland A venue or Phone 733 B474 0 00 a n i lo 5 00

.p .tu ..l . . . ___________


S/C K E N G IN E -B U T D O N 'T W A N T TO B U Y A N E W T R U C K ?

Sovo titTio, mdnoy and probloms with o brond now _ : q 5 Q : i ^ n g i n e -

Hoplofo% m o v l'^UJ J U ; J J f B r J i B'BWl?tneVHrr.-nhpr*r*=wHtrmgft«~ r ia n k ih a t i h o o d i p is io n ;. co rnstia ll, boofing» rods li lto rs titni'i^



3 B B I E - S ^ E X e t t l S I V E ^ ^0 DAY ^ 1 0 ^ AAILE "1 0 0 % WARRANTY

> Open Even ingsrTlli 9:00~P:Mr -1-967 D O D G E P .O L A R A 4 .b«,, v.»ongino . a u to m a tic f ro n tm it t io n , pow er ittto ring . pb w o r b ra ke s , v o ^ n ice n utom oblln

1966 P O N T Ia C tcmpesT _7 (lopr hordlop-V-D oKnina 4 Ipgffil ___ _ir a n im iit io n vo ry qoo3 shape

^ - m r t . T O Y n T A -


4 dooi yodan outomolic (ransmisiion oif conditioning and 6 radlol l i r o t l ...........1970 B U IC K L e S a b ro 3 ,ioo.'V-fl ohriln6~auiljn1o7!(: transHnsvion powor - < ijBorinn powor hrokos. nnrt oif condlitnnlng. '

T595.!' lf«!’’!»ndDuivoruo ot.*’. . . . '___

1960 B U IC K wiODCAi •I door nlJ.w|\i|owith maroon intpriot' V-0- qoiomatic iton* mtssiofLpnwnf slnnnng.niiiLhrfikuL . . .. .1968 B U lC K w iiD C A i.

. 4 (loo i onu o w n e r loadod w ilh u x U a t 0 b e o u lifu l b luo in co lor . . . ,

- 1 9 6 9 - D O D G E T lA O N A ^ a -B ro n re w ith sa d d le y iny t top D o lu va — throughout a n d lu t ly equ lppud . .

1968 O L D S M O B IL E3 door o - - - n . Iro m o ndbut so v in g t . . ...................................

1972 O L D S M O B IL E DELIA nil vongino o u tom olic transm i»sio n pow oi s ing a n d b ro ko s p riced lo m o v u ....................

1967 M E R C U R YMOMTEIltVM Hoo7-yn i

1 ^ 5 -

j j - a s -

'T395 *1595 M 195 ‘2995

m o lk Iro n tm iss io n pow or vlu

1970 D A T S U N4 doo( e q u ipped 10sovo you'oper^ilTng nion^y , ” ’T

'1 9 6 9 P L Y M O U T H .FURY II 4 door on conditioning

J ia k4 M a 4y lh iim tn V a fy -& o o d :C o n d i


fURY II 4 door > r«iol Sprmo Volm

- 1 - 9 7 0 r P t V ‘ M O U T H T U R r m - j - r f 5 i i rduup gruon iTiotatliC~witti whito vinyl top < conditidning V O ongii»o outomaiic unnsr sloii lodiol hfoi low iDiluogu .............1971 M E R C U R Y C O M E T3 ijooi 2 to*)c it» coloi with trronomirolty 6 cytindpr tjngino — ---

1 9 6 9 C H R Y S L E R n e w V o r i j door'one o w n u i V-U w iiginu a u lo n io iic lionk-

r m :


ABBIE URIGUENOLDS-BUICK-OPEL-AMERiCAN M O TO RS 712 M A H N iA V E . S.. T W IN F A L L S . 733-8721 "W here Com petition Is M ade, Ndl M et"

in bo to r o il pum p p iv lo ii pins ond oven Iho sp o rt----- ^w cD_fQnn f)n w n P T H Qf:_PART<^ ALO N E

R l A D Y t o G O ! !

- -Insto llod . !T in c lu d in g io b o r -

C o ll G e o r g e for y o u r a p p o in tm e n t o f

J O H N C H R IS M O T O R STWIN F A IL S 733 'B 2 3

F O R S A L t 1967 GW C H andy Van , recent engine over haul B35 5310 tn^uliilod, paneled . •

■ i'O U & A Le -19*> -0 «d m «- tan~ptciflin 1*°' *


- 1 ^ 6 9 - F o r d Slotion Wagon V Q CIoon

1971 Toyota C c l ic o S I

= * 1 ^ 9 5 ^

‘23951970"Plymouth -Ooffocudo *1995

1971 Volks C arm a n G h io ' l> in ju il(u ('“

1967 Ply 1 Pury il 'x j! h t i id lu i ! . . . . *229.51966 ChevroletMalibu V<L'~' hordiop ■8951 9 ^ 7 C h G V r o l G t 'tm po la t * i r o c t i f a n - ^ l 2 9 5

1965 Chevrolet N ova Spoft C ou |i(i M95 9 6 ^ 3 f~ F O T C j j : o k Q n - ^ d o o i^ .t n u u d .............^ 5 9 5 ^

n 3 ^

A u to i i^ s r 1 « U A u i t u M r U l t .

THINK THEISEtQ: Idaho's. O ld est^ Largest

LIncoln-Mercurv Doalftr

- ) 968 F O R D ' - -- i 964 P O N T IA C L E M A N N S

Ropitlof 0O» v . f l onflln# , i l a n . . dord ifoniminlon, Bufaundy and .whIfA in c6 lor one} rum booulijully ,'

r . ^.l 4 6 7 -

CUSTOM -500-- -..Ihii-i-tiooi-iodon-it-fl-bfifliiti' fOl'runnlng for. 2 lone Qroen

.willrriqlu«9 OH vinyl Intorlbr. ENcellont Imy. with aulomohc Iranimiiilon, and V-B’ ongino

.N O W -AMor ttouriColl JotinGroyliDol 733-59‘J«)

■ 1966 FO R DFAIRLAtvlE 'sO O . :

Oooutilul liluo glamor’ itidlallicJ9 i?' -» |io n V 't i io iio i w ii Ij a u lo

ilif t tc iru t t iu ilo f i , p o w u r erm g cyi niico llon t runn ing

Alter Mouri Coll David Gielran . 733-7090


4 door t*ddn, tightgieen vinyl lop, foclory air con-


Spnciol Lo« Unco . $ 6 7 7 AHoi HuuisColl Inmni rt.iia* ‘.734-55(10

T969 D O D G E '

clnienl flrVt Qr.i*con"d cof. ■N O W O N L Y . . . . $950

A h tii HoyrS _, CffllTamarTITiiTaV''. ’nS'sMlir'

1969 FO R D .M U S T A N G

; ilo°r hoidiop 1,1,1, n llni------- P O L A R A ---------- W M , .moll V.OBo o u lilu l 3 lono blue w ith JL o r " “ leering °"o\TorV'o"r n ^ U h in g oil b lu ^ v ln . l in .o r io r , r o n d it io .in g . , \ g h t V l l l o w lo c a l I owno. On ilm o no you ij , to lo r . (jro o n a ll v in v l In- got Ih u t3 fTiflnih-n7 00 0 h»ni.— ~~rrDnoV ;o .m co o n e , " - .— ------ -warranty Tfii» cof it liquippod with outornatic tranifriis ion, “fowor iiooring power brakotf. □cioiy oil

NOW,. . . . $1490*'A l l u i tlouf^CnII JuloiHnrrlion 733 3336

1968 B U IC K - R IV E R IA -

“ jrd i

f^OW ONLY. , . $ 1 9 9 5- A lte r Hours

Coll Loo Qyboo----U 3.4 7 IQ-.

1965 M E R C U R Y . M O N T E R E Y

4 Door S ed a n , tllve r-b lu e in - fo jo r w ilh au to fT ta llc- .tran tm ii-- _ i iQ u — pawoc— ttoering ,— rad ii

A llu i Houiv Coll lom nr Ctulcis 734-5500

1969 M E R C U R Y i . M O K iTEREY*

flgqwlftu’ with wHito •tico u ntu i IHirautuiy. w m w in iu top: •onrf m oU hing- burgundy- nylon inlorior. LocoJ 1 ow nor

4 door te d o n . 2 tone green . V .Q . e n g in e , -outom otic Ir a n t- - m jis io ry f lood ond c le o n _ Jp t^ lo ry o ir cond ition ing ,

N O W O N L Y $ 6 9 5A tie r Hour*

troded in i > M orcury7 - JJ9 6 3 - R A M B LER --&AIVERJCAN-

- R u n s G o o d 11

Must See; . . $A VEAttur ttouiiColl M cilin A vku w 536-3511

. - 1 1 2 5 ^Coll E lv in Grown , , 734.4433


T O B A C K U P W H A T -----rW e ^ S A Y - T - O D A Y H ---- --

1_17_2_QLDSMQB1LE ~ .: -90- -eATALINA-

U in limury iodon ifc (igh i 4 door-rtedon , a ll w h ile , b lu *.buigu W11I1 gold v iny l top. and v iny l in te rio r. V-0 e ng ine , auto-light buigu- a ll nyjon in lo r io r m a lic I r a n im i s d o n , p o w e r

.V -0 ono|ne ond p O v cr^ - ilM f-- » ieoririg , rw n vo n d lo o k* o a e d ." inn, powijr brokes. t ilr« t» p r in g .

Am -Fm Sluroo Radio . 6 w ay a n d p o w o r

A lto r tlo u rsColl W ile y GcJdby . . 733-7790

m o t lr - f fb o rm iss ib ’tV; p o \ lo fttnnring lo to l 1 ownot and booLitilully (orud lo i

JslQW-.____ $1075Allor~Hdu/L- — — --------Coll LoutoSlim on ,.733-5198

1969 M E R C U R Y

1972-M E R C URYrr. M O N T E G O M X

4 door sedan , th is, ca r lt '[u tt lik e brond no w , light p o ite l

— —M O N T 'EG O - M X t—:—3 door lio idlop. Iin io Q'pon w itli w|iito top nconomi^ol V ongino 3 spnod trar^imis-


I p o ite l l L V r f

onflino: r®gultTT^'lueI,” outo- n»otic iro n n rw tT to n , p o w e r ttuo n ng , facto ry a ir Condt* lio h in g , o K ce lle n t w h ite w a ll

-thu^cfltaald-natffc, io r c

-NOW-ONLY-_____$1 250-• A l ic i Hour* • . __

Coll Dovic lG io tjun 7 3 3 7 0 9 0

r S44p0

v ^ jO ^ - O N L Y - ,$ 2 9 9 0 -C o llJ u lo t H o rrlson . 733-3336.


J v o . 1 P O N T IA C - W JJJ- A A E R G U R y -

3 Doof Hord'io»i, Spo il ^ o iio l . Ro(]ulnr not V tl «•'j l ~

- M O N T E R E Y -4 door te d a n . le i t than 4 .0 00

Import—Spoilt Can

ny7r-oy im<aHv, 'i.v lawm llo floe , ra d ia l t l r e t , o*cetlent

. c o n d i l lo n .JU 9 i . NBed.ELComerOi Keith W ilk lt ll. 934 4116.

STOCK No. 3-579Eguip|l)ed with 350 V-8 engine,transnriissiun, power steerih“g7 po :bral<es7 rddio7‘o1 “2~t ~ fPTfr

autom.gtic disc

1 9 7 1 . T o y o t a Statlori V ogon

1965 t=oFJ 3 doot liQidlop.......


1969 F IA T D U N E Q U G G IE lof M le. Needk ren e irv Cell S37 6643,

-iMli for-Ood#*.--• --------------

Y E L L O W Volkiwaoen,^ AM F M radio, Mlct>enni, eKceflenI

.a n d 'o a t mllAAnf) 711

l O w e r __________

-----r - CustomDelu-xe has 30- gdllpn tank and upperv and lower'side mourdings. ' : '

Li S t Price 6S440.-75- ^ ^ A L - E r P R l G E r r z r

1973 A U D I too LS , flawVeil with M lchelin lire *. U .m .?3 3 67M, . .

D U N E DUGGY-, AAeye^*' Tow'd,

--V9?; -VoVlUw«o*rt - ^ « n b » c k . 4 . ipaed. tr«namluion> radio, gooa

MTSUN=i1fBOM NI5»K-W ITHri«06^ - - jVd>»nR6 H®n'AfTTT

,DEAN MOTOR CO,409’>^»ua 8. : W-3

ChevroletB JJJ J^ K E S BLVDj NORTH PHONE 733-3033

1969 Toyotig 4doo,.„,ion „„19 4 Jeep W ag ono or 4 w tio o fd n v

■■9 -CKrysl rSI:.' ^1970 Jeep S tatio n W agon Com m ando

1970, Chevrqiet

*995^ ^ 2 4 9 5


= T 9 7 0 = F o r a W heel Drjvo Plckun. ^hcypi 2 ^ 8 5 3 :

P l y m o u t f i '

W E RUNA^/.eHVsimple business


ond .1 '' co'or |un» fluiQii.^ lK iranim ittion, power bctouillully iloonng. power brokei. eiicel-

^ -- UnI-wirileWii^-iirei,-airtllOTnrr:Ailuf ttuuii Coll Julot tliiril 733 3136

(o lor

. . . $ A V E1963 R A M B L E R

A M E R IC A N ,Runs Good! i

Coll Lo»ii> si'll

Altot Hoi i CalLLtiuy Arbauo>i..733a407

: 1963 M E R C U R Y

Alter t^ouri Cpil Merlin Atkew , , S36-3SH

,73.15190 N O W . . . . '$ 1 4 5 ,^ 1 9 6 3 M E R C U R Y ' T h it 4 door ru n & ’g o o d .

N O W r r r r ^ T - r ^ f 4 5 7 ;A lte r Houti

OaitflJiONWACr;ii.VVilV..CDllbv_ 733 7T9B

r 9 6 5 M E R C U R V - - M O N T ER EY ----- -

-4 De*^-<f(l(UVn«i)ver-bV»-in r-rolor-with ‘ '

- C A T A L IN A~4:door.^««donr-b-locol-Uowner— and one o l Ihe fine it uted can w e ’ve •ve'r' h a d ,'' b H ou llF Jl medium Blue fnetallle wilh

________________________ .nbinUilety- ^ period lr\ ild«andout.N O W . , . . . . $ 3 5 5 NOW O N L Y . . . .’$1-395“- A lle rH o o u — ---------- ---- ► n in fH o iiH ----- -------— " "Coll ElvIn »,own . . . 73<-4433 ^;'|;|^,",“ “|||'5hup.. . 734.306J

T h o e a s jo tt p la c e In Ih o w o r lf l lo h u y a ear 70) Main Ave. East. : . - - 73i-7700:L___

Page 24: · 2014-12-12 · , , , Frnzlcr wns defensive In his presentnlion.' knylnj* adverse

iia rFu tiiK r — - n n u n r r p i i i u a iBOHELESSJAM*""^^"


Look For tlblirlsoii's Tilkint Produce SItns HirMehoul Oiir ProilucB Dgparlmenl. They Tell Vou Nulrllloul Values On Miny 01 Our Fresh Trulls (nil Vetelables!! -

TM D jC u h lc f..!, . . 1”

w m M m g M w w w w M v w i i b

TH E FOOD P E O P L E C a r e ’

ir-“ PmC£RFFEi:TI»EWT w