2014 - 2015_fd model exam 2

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  • 7/25/2019 2014 - 2015_FD Model Exam 2


    Reg. No.:


    PERAMBALUR-621 212



    Subject Code / Name :AE 2301 / Flight Dynamics Year/ Sem.: III/V

    Max. Marks :100 Marks Duration : 2 hr. 40 min. Date:10.10.14 (FN/AN)

    PART-A (10 X 2 =20)

    Answer All Questions.

    1. What is meant by ISA?

    2. Why SFC varies with velocity and altitudes?


    What is meant by coordinated turn?4. Define Range and Endurance.

    5. State two basic requirements of aircraft control system.

    6. Distinguish between stability and controllability.

    7. What are the advantages of sideslip?

    8. Define angle of yaw and angle of sideslip.

    9. Define aileron control power.

    10.Explain the effects of spiral divergence.

    PART-B (5 X 16=80)

    Answer All Questions.

    11.A) i) Discuss different types of drag acting on the airplane. (8)ii) Explain Drag polar of vehicles from low speed to high

    speed. (8)


    B) i) What are the force and moments acting on a flight vehicle. (8)ii) Explain drag polar in detail. (8)

    12.A)Explain with sketches pull up and push over manoeuvres of flight

    and derive the expression for turn rate and turn radius.


    B)A steady level flight is flying at 30000 ft. Assume a total loss of

    engine thrust. The span area is 950 ft2and the density at sea level is8.9068 x 10-4 slug/ft3. Assume the CD,o as 0.015 and K as 0.08.Calculate: i) minimum glide path angle, ii) maximum range covered

    over the ground, iii) the corresponding equilibrium glide velocity atsea level.

    13.A) i) Discuss power effects on longitudinal stability of a jetaircraft. (8)

    ii)Write short notes on stick force gradient. (8)(Or)

    B) i) Derive an expression for the free elevator factor. (8)ii) Discuss briefly how neutral point and manoeuvre point are

    determined from flight test. (8)

    14.A) Write short notes on: i) Rudder lock and dorsal fin. (8)ii) Stick force per g. (8)


    B) Explain the following: i) Weather cocking effect. (8)ii) Role of rudder in crosswind landing.(8)

    15.A) Discuss in detail autorotation and spin and procedure forrecovery from these situation.


    (B) Write short notes on: i) Phugoid motion. (8)ii) Stability derivatives in longitudinal

    dynamics. (8)

    Prepared by Approved by

    Sathakathulla A Saran Kumar S

    (AP / AERO) (HOD / AERO)