2014 book trailer project stage3

You / your group will create a book trailer that captures the essence of your story (without giving away the ending) and encourages others to read the book too! Book Trailer Project Term 3, 2014 Name: ______________________________________________ Class: __________ CONTENT Persuasively create a trailer for a library book that you think other people should read. Combine text, images and sound to hook your audience and make them want to read the book you are recommending. Learn to use Windows Movie Maker to publish the book trailer. Give credit to your sources and create credits that BEHAVIOURS Use a graphic organiser (storyboard) to collect and organise your ideas. Stay on task and don’t let blockers distract you. Follow the library code of conduct. Use the checklist to ensure you have done everything the teacher has The trailer should be 90 seconds to 3 minutes in length (no longer). It needs to be planned using a storyboard and edited using Movie Maker. Please save your trailer into the Collaboration folder using your name. What would you nominate as the best book in our library?

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Creating book trailers with stage 3


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You / your group will create a book trailer that captures the essence of your story (without giving away the ending) and encourages others

to read the book too!

Book Trailer Project

Term 3, 2014

Name: ______________________________________________ Class: __________


Persuasively create a trailer for a library book that you think other people should read.

Combine text, images and sound to hook your audience and make them want to read the book you are recommending.

Learn to use Windows Movie Maker to publish the book trailer.

Give credit to your sources and create credits that will include a bibliography.


Use a graphic organiser (storyboard) to collect and organise your ideas.

Stay on task and don’t let blockers distract you.

Follow the library code of conduct.

Use the checklist to ensure you have done everything the teacher has asked.

The trailer should be 90 seconds to 3 minutes in length (no longer). It needs to be planned using a storyboard and edited using Movie


Please save your trailer into the Collaboration folder using your name.

What would you nominate as the best book in our library?

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Decide which book you would like to create your trailer about – you must have read this book in its entirety.

Planning Stage

ChecklistDigital book trailers are short videos that promote a book.

Their purpose is to motivate others to read the book.

Brainstorm the important parts of the story (you may need to re-read sections or go online and research it).Save your brainstorm to your folder on the collaboration drive.

Add the name of your book to the Google doc (link on the blog) and see if anyone wants to do the same book as you – can you work collaboratively?

Weeks 2, 3 and 4

Drafting Stage

Use the storyboard template to plan each screen of your trailer. For each screen plan for the text and images that will be used.Keep a slide for your credits!

Ask a friend to help you proofread and edit your draft.

Presenting Stage

Locate or create each of the images you require (according to your storyboard) and save them in your folder on the collaboration drive.

Choose appropriate royalty-free music to play in the background of your trailer from the folder on the collaboration drive.

Open Movie Maker and insert all the images and add the accompanying text.

Weeks 5 and 6

Weeks 7, 8, 9 and 10

Create a folder to house your work in the Collaboration drive.

Ask Miss Gutjahr to check that you have done everything that has been asked.

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Hook / Plot There is no hook OR plot is completely revealed, not allowing for suspense. Viewer does not need to read the book because the trailer told them the entire story.

Hook does not grab viewer’s attention OR more than one scene reveals too much of the plot, thus causing viewer to feel like they already know plot without having to read the book.

Hook grabs the attention of the viewer. One point of the plot is a little too revealing.

Hook grabs the attention of viewer and keeps it. Plot is revealed just enough to make viewer want to read the book.

Text Text does not relate to images / soundtrack, thus confusing the viewer.

Text distracts from other elements of trailer.

Text is appropriate and supports the images / soundtrack.

Text fully enhances other elements of trailer and does not overwhelm presentation.

Images None of the images correlate with other elements of trailer.

More than two images do not relate to other elements of trailer.

1-2 images were not carefully chosen/appropriate.

Images were carefully chosen to represent elements of plot.

Soundtrack Soundtrack does not correlate whatsoever with other elements of trailer.

Soundtrack is distracting OR sets the wrong mood.

Soundtrack is appropriate and supports text / images.

Soundtrack sets the mood for trailer, fully complementing text / images.

Documentation / Respecting copyright law & intellectual property

More than 2 sources are not cited properly OR more than 2 copyrighted pieces of material are not identified properly / used with permission.

2 sources are not cited properly OR 2 copyrighted pieces of material are not identified properly / used with permission.

1 source is not cited properly OR 1 copyrighted piece of material is not identified properly/used with permission.

All sources are cited completely and all copyrighted material is identified and used with permission.

Length Trailer is extremely over or under time constraints. Images/text are on screen too quickly to be read or too long to keep interest.

Trailer is shorter than 90 seconds or longer than 3 minutes. Most images/text are on screen for right amount of time, but some are not.

Trailer is between 90 seconds and 3 minutes long. Images/text remain on screen long enough to be read/comprehended.

Trailer is between 90 seconds and 3 minutes long. Images/text remain on screen long enough to peak/keep interest.

Book Trailer Project

Term 32014

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Write down the name of the resource you have used and the URL (if it is a webpage). Give enough information so that other people can find your resource if they want to know more.
