2014 envirothon

2014 Envirothon Sustainable agriculture systems and organic farming anic Farming Association of New Jersey | 334 River Rd, Hillsboro 908-371-1111 | www.nofanj.org

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2014 Envirothon. Sustainable agriculture systems and organic farming. Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey | 334 River Rd, Hillsborough, NJ 08837 908-371-1111 | www.nofanj.org. What is sustainable agriculture?. Federally defined… Satisfy human food and fiber needs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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2014 Envirothon

Sustainable agriculture systems and organic farming

Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey | 334 River Rd, Hillsborough, NJ 08837908-371-1111 | www.nofanj.org

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What is sustainable agriculture?

Federally defined…

• Satisfy human food and fiber needs• Enhance environmental quality and natural resources• Efficient use of resources, incorporate natural

biological cycles and controls

• Sustain economic viability of farm operations

• Enhance quality of life of farmers and society

Source: “Sustainable Agriculture: Definitions and Terms.” 1999. National Agricultural Library, ihttp://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/pubs/terms/srb9902.shtml#toc2

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Focusing on Resources• Natural resources

– Soil, water, air, energy– Plants, animals

• Human resources– Personal goals– Community health

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The Strategy – Whole Systems

1. Cultural2. Mechanical3. Biological

• Crop rotation• Variety selection• Fertility • Cultivation

• Traps• Physical barriers

• Predators• Parasites• Competitors

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Nutrient Management – Build Soil• Organic inputs

– Mulches, cover crops– Rotational grazing/manure– Compost, inputs

• Crop rotation– Diverse inputs– Light/heavy feeders– Nutrient scavenging

• Protection– Field operations/tillage

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• Beneficial insect habitat– Protected areas– Diversity in habitat

• Integrated Pest Management– Scouting– Spray timing/type/method– Cultural controls: row covers,

crop rotations, trap cropsGreat Road Farm

Pest Management - Insects

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Pest Management – Bacteria/Fungi• Good food

– “active” compost– Variety of root exudates

• Good shelter– SOM building practices

• Cultural methods– Resistant varieties, crop

rotations, inoculations

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Weed Management - Plant Communities

• Many Little Hammers– Tillage alternation– Flame-weeding, hand-


• Economic thresholds– Prevent seed production while

practicing tolerance

• Soil management– Keep crops competitive

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Water Management• Irrigation efficiency

– Timers, calibrated– Directly applied

• Crop choices– Better scavengers, less water

use• Buffers

– Field borders, grassed waterways, livestock fencing

• Soil management– Improve water holding capacity

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Take Home – Resilience!• Cultural, mechanical,

biological methods FIRST

• Build Soil Quality

• Encourage Diversity: land use, plant types, inputs

• Consider the human element!

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What is Organic Farming?• Farming holistically – stressing biological,

mechanical and cultural farming methods that are tailored to the farm’s unique self.

• Federally defined, enforced• Allowed, Prohibited Materials• Contamination Prevention• Natural Resource Conservation• Livestock Treatment, Wellness

• Records, 3rd Party Inspections

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The CornerstonesRegulatory• Record-keeping

– Reflect practices, inputs

• Transparency

– Consumer demand for

unified standards

Agronomic• Soil Quality

– Organic Matter Content

• Whole Systems Planning

– Interaction of soil, plant,

water, animal resources

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Is Local the Same as Organic?

• Certification is federally regulated• Illegal to misrepresent a product

• Local is undefined• Political boundaries?• Distance?

• Know your farmer!• Understand the environmental impacts of farming• Reward ecosystem services

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Direct Marking of Local Food

• Community Supported Agriculture Programs• Pay ahead – weekly distribution• Customer shares risk

• Farmers’ Markets• Variety of vendors, product offerings• Customer enjoys the experience

• Pick Your Own (PYO)• Customer harvests!• Agritourism

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J u s ti n e C o o kO r g a n i c F a r m i n g C o n s e r v a ti o n & Te c h n i c a l S e r v i c e s S p e c i a l i s tj c o o k @ n o f a n j . o r g9 0 8 - 3 7 1 - 1 1 1 1 x 3

3 3 4 R i v e r Ro a dH i l l s b o ro u g h , N Jw w w. n o f a n j . o rg