2014 fall semester academic & career advisement center jim gadzinski, director

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2014 Fall SemesterAcademic & Career Advisement Center

Jim Gadzinski, Director

Academic & Career Advisement Center (ACAC) –

Two Locations Academic Advising Services

Undeclared, FP, CTP, GENU students Career Exploration and Placement Services (Career

Services) Academic Skill Development Academic Proficiency System FP and CTP All-Campus Tutoring Informal Degree Audits Declaring/Changing Majors New Student Orientation Walk-in/Drop-in/On-line Services



A Note about Liberal Studies

“Liberal Studies” will be retired and replaced with “General Education” for the 2015 or 2016 fall semester

Most students, however, only recognize “Liberal Studies” as the “General Education” component of their degree

Academic Programs at NMU

Liberal Studies

30-40 Credits Health Promotion

2 Credits Major

32-87 Credits Other Required Courses

0-48 Credits Minor

20-30 Credits General Electives

0-30 Credits Baccalaureate Degree

124-152 Credits Associate Degree

62-95 Credits

Let’s look at each individually…

The Liberal Studies ProgramFoundations of (except Division 5)… Div 1–Communication

6-8 Credits Div 2–Humanities

6-8 Credits Div 3–Natural Sciences/Mathematics

6-8 Credits Div 4–Social Sciences

6-8 Credits Div 5–Formal Communication Studies

3-4 Credits Div 6–Visual & Performing Arts

3-4 Credits Total Liberal Studies Program

30-40 Credits

NOTE: Associate Degrees require varying credits of Liberal Studies.

– No limit on credits from any one department –– Students may “double count” LS courses in the major or

minor –

Liberal Studies and Graduation

Requirements Div 1–Communication:

Students must complete EN111 and EN211 with a grade of “C” or better

Div 3–Natural Sciences/Math: Math is only necessary if required in the major

or minor or as a prerequisite for a class (NMU does not have a math requirement)

Students must select and complete a scientific lab course from this division

Liberal Studies and Graduation

Requirements Upper-Division Requirement:

Students must complete a 300- or 400-level course of at least 3 credits (Div. 2, 4, 6)

Pre-requisites for upper-division LS courses include completion of Division 1 and sophomore standing

World Cultures Requirement: Students must complete a course designated as

World Cultures of at least 3 credits (Div. 2, 4, 6) Defined as non-Western, non-Anglo Saxon May be met in the major/minor; most students

complete by taking LS courses designated as WC (*)

Health Promotion Students must complete HP200 (Physical

Well Being): One credit hour course Required for all students (B, AS, C)

Students must complete a 200-level HP activity course: One credit hour course May count up to 6 credits of HP for a bachelor’s

degree (including HP200) – two programs in HPER allow 10 credits

HP courses no longer count as repeats Appeals to waive requirement – see H&HP


The Major Individual program requirements differ

according to academic department GPA requirements/”C” or “C-” or better rules Upper-division requirements Retake policies (e.g., Math/CS, Education)

Departmental approval may be granted for waivers (rare) or substitutions (almost too often) – see your Department Head first

Students with a double-major are not required to complete a minor (unless the minor is necessary for licensure or certification, e.g., Social Work/Human Behavior cluster minor)

“Other Required” Courses

Most frequently used in lieu of a minor

Some programs do not list “other required,” but, in actuality… Some have “alternate requirements”

(e.g., PR majors take EN211E, if not, must take SP200)

Some have “hidden” pre-requisites (e.g., requiring DD102, but not listing DD100)

Watch out for LS courses listed as “other required” (Business – 16 credits of LS work)

The Minor A “normal” minor usually is 20-22 credits Minors of 24 or higher credits are usually

“teachable” minors (secondary ed majors) Minors may not be required in all majors Some minors are required with certain

majors (e.g., SW and HB cluster minor) Again, students with a double-major are

not required to complete a minor

General Electives Not included in Bulletin – must do the

math! Any course, 100-level or higher, counts

for general elective credit, except: Only six credits of COS for BA/BS degree Only three credits of COS for AS degree

Less-than 100-level courses (vocational) do not count for BA/BS, but may count for associate, certificate or diploma

Combine these with “double-counted” courses and complete second major or second or third minor (more marketable, knowledgeable, etc.)

Recap… Liberal Studies

30-40 Credits Health Promotion

2 Credits Major

32-87 Credits Other Required Courses

0-48 Credits Minor

20-30 Credits General Electives

0-30 Credits Baccalaureate Degree

124-150 Credits Associate Degree

62-95 Credits

“How many should I take?”


Midnight to Morning

SLEEP(8 hours per night = 56 hours per week)

8:00 a.m. BREAKFAST (1 hour per day = 7 hours per week)

9:00 a.m. EN 111 EN 111 EN 111 EN 111

10:00 a.m.

MA 111 MA 111 MA 111 MA 111

11:00 a.m.

12:00 noon

LUNCH (1 hour per day = 7 hours per week)

1:00 p.m. MU 125 MU 125 MU 125 MU 125

2:00 p.m. SO 101 SO 101 SO 101 SO 101

3:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m. DINNER (1 hour per day = 7 hours per week)

6:00 p.m.

STUDY TIME(2 hours per credit hour = 32 hours per week)

7:00 p.m.

8:00 p.m.

9:00 p.m.

10:00 p.m.

“Useable” Time

= 43 Hours!

Here’s What We Tell ‘em

To increase your chances of success: learn how to manage time, prepare for class lectures (like you

would prepare for an exam) engage your instructors, and go to class every day.



Academic Good Standing Overall NMU GPA of 2.00 or higher

Academic Probation (AP) Overall NMU GPA less than 2.00 (or if admitted

on AP as a transfer student) Must sign an AP Agreement Must meet specific GPA requirements to remain

Immediate Academic Suspension* New students in 1st semester at NMU – FR and

TR Eight or more credits, earning less than 1.00

GPA in first semester

Definitions (Continued)

Academic Suspension* Students on AP that do not meet specific GPA Suspended for one calendar year, unless an appeal is

granted to return earlier Academic Dismissal*

Students that return after a suspension and again do not meet required GPA

Must wait one calendar year to appeal Appeal must be granted to return

Freshman Probation Students admitted below admission standards GPA and other requirements differ from AP

*All 15 state universities honor each other’s suspensions and dismissals

Academic Probation GPA Standards

Overall GPA Credit Hours

(at the end of the semester)

Semester GPA Required

to Remain at NMU

Less than 28 Credit Hours


1.70Semester GPA

28 to 56 Credit Hours(Sophomores)

1.80Semester GPA

More than 56 Credit Hours

(Juniors and Seniors)

2.00Semester GPA


Students on AP… are assigned specific probation advisers

outside of their academic department (FALSE).

cannot register for, or drop/add, courses until they sign their AP Agreement (TRUE).

are limited to 12 credits per semester (FALSE).

only take courses approved by their adviser or the ACAC (FALSE).

are prohibited from taking upper-division courses (FALSE).

FP or CTP Students

Complete placement testing at Orientation – COMPASS eWrite and Reading

Assigned a block in 1st semester based on placement results (required)

Block may have 090 courses Freshman Seminar (UN100C or B) instructor (usually

ACAC staff) also serves as the academic adviser GPA Standards

2.00 or higher in 12 credits (100-level or higher) for Good Standing

Less than 1.70 in 1st semester (or less than 1.70 overall NMU GPA thereafter) for Academic Suspension

Students must sign an FP Agreement


Academic Adviser Priorities

Forge a relationship with advisees (get them “connected”) and provide someone they may go to for help

Help students obtain resources and assistance

Help students set academic goals Help students identify possible

majors and minors Help students select appropriate


Advising the New Freshman

Course schedule should focus on LS requirements, even if they have a declared major

If they are uncertain about their major, reassure them that it is normal

Use LS courses to “explore” other majors or minors

Refer them to the ACAC for career exploration activities and/or to finalize their major

Advising Transfer Students

A total of 64 credits (plus 4 more PE credits) may be transferred from CC

No limit on credits transferred from 4-year colleges and universities

Credit is only granted for courses with a “C-” grade or higher

Transfer grades are not computed in the GPA, used for honors, proficiency, etc. (but some departments may use for admission to programs, financial aid, etc.)

Departmental advanced placement may be an option for students, especially those from non-accredited schools

Registration Holds

Orientation Financial (owe money, etc.) Registrar (transcripts, etc.) AP and FP Disciplinary Adviser Hold – the only one that you

should be able to lift







Drop and Add ProcessUnless a hold prohibits doing so… Students may drop or add freely up to

midnight on the first Thursday of the fall and winter semesters (summer is different)

Starting the next morning (Friday, 12:01 a.m.), students must secure a signed add card to add a course, even if it is open

After Tuesday of the 2nd week, and up to Friday of the 10th week, any course dropped will receive a “W” grade

Placement Activities Math Placement

Students take 53-question “quiz” on-line Results are combined with HS grades and ACT

scores Students may not enroll in any math course in

which they haven’t been placed English Composition Placement

For regularly-admitted students, placement is based solely on HSGPA – if less than 2.00, must take EN090 before EN111 (may appeal)

Foreign Language Placement Students should take on-line before they attempt

registration in a language course

Semester Deletion Policy

Designed for students who had a poor first academic performance at NMU, may “delete” one semester of grades (“W” grades substituted)

Must fulfill the following: Cannot have been in ANY school for at least

three years before returning to NMU Must complete at least 12 credits (100-level or

higher) and earn 2.50 GPA after returning Must be currently enrolled May select one semester of grades May only use the policy once

Incomplete Grade Policy

To receive an “I” grade, a student must: Wait until the “W” deadline has passed Be passing the course (cannot award an “I” for

poor or failing performance) Have a legitimate extenuating circumstance (e.g.,

illness) Not be required to “re-take” the course as a

condition of the incomplete The instructor must complete an Incomplete

Grade Form before when issuing an “I” grade Instructors must designate a deadline to

complete the work, not to exceed one year

First Year Programs Three programs – FYE, FP and CTP –

under the “First Year Programs” umbrella

All utilize the “block” concept and include a freshman seminar course

FYE is for regularly-admitted students

FP and CTP for students admitted on probation



Q. How many times may a student repeat a course?A. Unless a student fails (“F” grade) a course twice in

a row, they may repeat a course at any time. Some departments have their own policies (e.g., Math/CS) that differ from NMU’s policy.

Q. How are repeated grades counted?A. The grade earned the second (or last) time is

recorded – with the exception of “W,” “MG” and “I” – even if the subsequent grade is lower (an “F” can replace a “C-”).

Q. What does “double-counting” mean?A. The term is a bit of a misnomer – students may

use a course to meet two different requirements, but the course doesn’t count twice in terms of credit hours.

Q. Can students “double-count” a course in their major and minor?

A. No – students may only double-count courses in the LS and their major or LS and their minor (but not both).

Q. When and how do faculty submit grades?A. Grades are submitted by noon on Tuesday

following finals week. Grades are entered on-line. “MG” (missing grade) will be posted if the deadline is missed.

Q. How do students receive their grades?A. Students go on-line through MyNMU to see their

grades (NMU doesn’t mail any grades). Typically, grades are posted by evening on Thursday after Finals Week.

Q. How are students notified when they are placed on Academic Probation?

A. Firstly, they should be aware that less than 2.00 means AP. The student grade report notes their academic status and the ACAC sends e-mails (and, after a few tries, a hard copy letter).

Q. How may students on AP sign their agreement form?

A. Either in person at the ACAC or on-line at www.nmu.edu/acac.

Q. Is there a quick, easy way to calculate or re-calculate GPA?

A. Go to www.nmu.edu/acac and click on the GPA calculator.

Q. Who else can lift adviser holds for my advisees?A. Typically, only the assigned adviser should lift

the adviser hold. If a student has a secondary adviser, however, they may also lift the hold. Department secretaries, the Registrar’s Office, and the ACAC staff have the ability to lift holds, but do not do so unless there exists special circumstances.

Q. May a student “audit” a course?A. Yes, a student may enroll in, and pay for, a

course to earn a “AU” grade (doesn’t affect GPA or counts as completed coursework).

Q. What are the negative effects of dropping a course to take a “W” grade?

A. The “W” grade doesn’t impact GPA, but an adviser may want to discuss the following with advisees thinking about taking a “W”:* “W” grades may be viewed negatively by a prospective employer* The student loses time and money (books, etc.)* Financial aid might be affected. Students must complete 67% of the courses they attempt. At the end of each semester, the FAO checks completion rates and may place the student on “warning,” and, if they continue to lag behind 67%, they will lose their aid.

Q. When do students receive “official” degree audits?

A. Bachelors – 87 credit hours; associates – 32 credit hours; certificates – 16 credit hours

Q. How may a student register for an 080 or 090 course?

A. Courses that are less than 100-level do not count for graduation for baccalaureate degrees and most associate degrees. If a student needs or wants to take one, they cannot register for it on MyNMU as is normal procedure. They must go in person to the Student Services Center, the Registrar’s Office, or to one of the ACAC offices.

Q. Where is the ACAC located?A. The ACAC has two offices – one on the top floor

of Hedgcock (3302) and one in the Jacobetti Center (103).


Copyright© 2014Jim Gadzinski, Director

Academic & Career Advisement CenterNorthern Michigan University

Marquette, MI 49855