2014 in 2014_india_urban_side_friction_bus_stops (1).pdfdia urban side friction bus stops (1)

Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies (JSTS) Vol.5 No.2 57 IMPACT OF BUS STOP ON URBAN TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS A REVIEW OF RECENT FINDINGS Sai CHAND Satish CHANDRA Postgraduate Student Professor Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Roorkee 247667 Roorkee 247667 Uttarakhand, India Uttarakhand, India Phone: 918266802262 Phone: 918266802262 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT: Traffic characteristics of a roadway are influenced by various factors like surface type, shoulder and roadway width, terrain, driver skills, side friction or side activities, road maintenance, etc. However for urban roads, the impact of side frictions i.e. bus stops, encroachments, on-street parking, etc. is much significant than any other factor. The extent of on-street parking and encroachment is generally high in developing countries where many activities often take place at the edge of urban roads. Their impact on traffic characteristics can be minimized by imposing few restrictions. Conversely bus stops are to be constructed by the authorities at different locations near or at the edge of urban roads. Bus stops are the designated places where passengers board and alight public transport buses. Different types of bus stops like curbside stops, bus bays, queue jumpers and nubs have significant effect on traffic flow. This paper reviews the literature on the effect of curbside and bus bay stop on urban traffic characteristics. It has been observed that presence of a bus stop ominously reduces the stream speed and capacity of an urban road. The present paper also suggests few areas where further work can be taken up by the researchers. KEYWORDS: Bus Stop, Side Frictions, Traffic, Urban Road. 1. INTRODUCTION Traffic congestion significantly affects economic performance of the nation and living standards of the people. In majority of urban areas, travel demand exceeds highway capacity occasionally during peak periods. In addition, events such as crashes, vehicle breakdowns, work zones, adverse weather, suboptimal signal timing, etc. cause temporary losses in capacity, often deteriorating the situations on already congested road networks. These temporary capacity losses have significant impact on delay, reduced mobility, and reduced reliability of the roadway network. They may also cause the drivers to change their routes or reschedule their trips. The traffic characteristics of a road section can be influenced by various factors such as surface type, shoulder and roadway width, terrain, driver skills, side friction or side activities, road maintenance, etc. However among all the factors, side frictions like bus stops, on-street parking, encroachments and

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  • Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies (JSTS) Vol.5 No.2




    Sai CHAND Satish CHANDRA

    Postgraduate Student Professor

    Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering

    Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

    Roorkee 247667 Roorkee 247667

    Uttarakhand, India Uttarakhand, India

    Phone: 918266802262 Phone: 918266802262

    E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

    ABSTRACT: Traffic characteristics of a roadway are influenced by various factors like surface type, shoulder and

    roadway width, terrain, driver skills, side friction or side activities, road maintenance, etc. However for

    urban roads, the impact of side frictions i.e. bus stops, encroachments, on-street parking, etc. is much

    significant than any other factor. The extent of on-street parking and encroachment is generally high in

    developing countries where many activities often take place at the edge of urban roads. Their impact on

    traffic characteristics can be minimized by imposing few restrictions. Conversely bus stops are to be

    constructed by the authorities at different locations near or at the edge of urban roads. Bus stops are the

    designated places where passengers board and alight public transport buses. Different types of bus stops

    like curbside stops, bus bays, queue jumpers and nubs have significant effect on traffic flow. This paper

    reviews the literature on the effect of curbside and bus bay stop on urban traffic characteristics. It has

    been observed that presence of a bus stop ominously reduces the stream speed and capacity of an urban

    road. The present paper also suggests few areas where further work can be taken up by the researchers.

    KEYWORDS: Bus Stop, Side Frictions, Traffic, Urban Road.


    Traffic congestion significantly affects

    economic performance of the nation and living

    standards of the people. In majority of urban

    areas, travel demand exceeds highway capacity

    occasionally during peak periods. In addition,

    events such as crashes, vehicle breakdowns,

    work zones, adverse weather, suboptimal signal

    timing, etc. cause temporary losses in capacity,

    often deteriorating the situations on already

    congested road networks. These temporary

    capacity losses have significant impact on delay,

    reduced mobility, and reduced reliability of the

    roadway network. They may also cause the

    drivers to change their routes or reschedule their

    trips. The traffic characteristics of a road section

    can be influenced by various factors such as

    surface type, shoulder and roadway width,

    terrain, driver skills, side friction or side

    activities, road maintenance, etc. However

    among all the factors, side frictions like bus

    stops, on-street parking, encroachments and

  • Impact of Bus Stop on Urban Traffic Characteristics A Review of Recent Findings


    frontage access significantly reduce the

    performance of an urban road. Table 1

    summarizes the various elements affecting the

    traffic characteristics such as speed of the

    vehicle and roadway capacity. The Highway

    Capacity Manual (HCM 2010) of USA provides

    a methodology for urban streets analysis, which

    may be used to evaluate mobility in terms of

    travel speed for through traffic stream. The

    methodology however does not directly account

    for capacity constraints such as on-street

    parking, narrow bridge, bus stop, bottlenecks,


    This article presents comprehensive review of

    literature regarding effect of side friction factors

    on urban roads with due attention to effect of bus

    stop. The gaps identified in the literature and

    guidelines for future research are also elaborately




    n densely populated developing countries, there

    is often a great deal of activity at the edge of the

    road, both on the carriageway and on shoulders

    and sidewalks, which interacts with the ongoing

    traffic flow. It results in more turbulence to

    traffic flow and adversely effects the

    performance of roadway as well as capacity. This

    effect occurs on both urban and rural roads,

    although the extent of activity and its severity is

    much noteworthy on urban roads. These

    activities which usually include bus stops, on-

    street parking, encroachments etc. are often

    treated as detrimental to the capacity of roads.

    Bang (1995) stated that the side friction like on-

    street parking reduces the capacity of the road

    due to temporary reduction of carriageway width.

    It further changes the traffic flow from un-

    interrupted to partially interrupted conditions.

    This effect is illustrated in Figure 1 by a

    reduction in capacity from CO to C, and a

    corresponding drop of the speed at capacity from

    Vo cap to Vcap.

    Speed-flow-density regressions using a single

    regime model were applied by Indonesian

    Highway Capacity Manual (IHCM 1996) for

    analysis of the impact of side friction on capacity

    and the resulting side friction adjustment factors

    for different side friction classes are found. For

    urban roads the capacity reduction factor was

    generally found to be 0.87.

    For urban and suburban arterials, the HCM 2000

    recognizes that roadside development may be

    intense and can produce frictions which limit

    choice of speed of the drivers. Parking,

    pedestrian movement and city population are

    specifically identified as affecting performance.

    Chiguma (2007) adopted an empirical method to

    determine the effect of side friction factors such

    as pedestrians walking along or crossing the

    roadway, bicycles, non-motorized vehicles,

    parked and stopped vehicles on traffic

    performance on urban roads in Dar-es-salaam,

    Tanzania. He then combined the individual

    friction factors into a single unit of measure

    called FRIC. The results showed that side frictions can have considerable effect on speed

    and capacity. Hidayati et al. (2012) quantified the

    effects of roadside activities and the School

    Safety Zone (ZoSS) facility on speed behaviour

    in Indonesia. ZoSS is a time-dependent speed

    control zone consisting of traffic signs, road

    markings, optional traffic signals and rumble

    strips. The roadside activities like vehicles in and

    outside the side area, vehicles parking on the

    street, vendors, pedestrians, and buses stopped in

    and around the area are considered in the study.

  • Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies (JSTS) Vol.5 No.2


    Table 1: Factors Influencing Traffic Characteristics

    S.No. Factors Elements

    1 Baseway Conditions

    Good Weather

    Good pavement conditions

    Familiarity of users with facility

    No impendent to traffic flow

    Appropriate Lane widths

    Proper Clearances

    Level Terrain

    No curb parking on approaches( for intersection


    2 Roadway Conditions

    Number of Lanes

    Type of facility and its development environment

    Lane widths

    Shoulder widths and lateral clearances

    Design speed

    Horizontal and vertical clearances

    3 Traffic Conditions

    Vehicle Type or Traffic composition

    Lane or directional distribution

    Pedestrian activity

    4 Operating conditions

    Parking characteristics

    Bus stop operations

    Traffic Signals

    Stop signs and yield signs

    5 Technology Intelligent Transportation Systems

  • Impact of Bus Stop on Urban Traffic Characteristics A Review of Recent Findings


    Figure 1: Impact of Side Friction on Capacity (Bang, 1995)

    Table 2: Effect of Parked Vehicles on Capacity (Ministry of Transport, U.S.A., 1965)

    Parked vehicles per km (both

    sides together), Vehicles

    3 6 31 63 125 312

    Effective loss of carriageway

    width, m

    0.9 1.2 2.1 2.55 3.0 3.6

    Loss of Capacity at 25 kmph,


    200 275 475 575 675 800

  • Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies (JSTS) Vol.5 No.2


    The effect that parked vehicles have on capacity

    is demonstrated in Table 2 (U.S. Ministry of

    Transport, 1965). It can be seen that small

    numbers of parked vehicles have relatively large

    effects in reducing capacity, and that the effect of

    a given increase in parking diminishes as the

    intensity increases. This suggests that waiting

    restrictions have a limited effect on the capacity

    of a road.

    Various studies conducted by Weant and

    Levinson (1990) indicated that the prohibition of

    parking on a four-lane road doubles street

    capacity. Similarly, prohibiting parking on a six-

    lane road achieves a 67 percent capacity

    increase. The American Association of State

    Highway and Transportation Officials

    (AASHTO, 1994) also confirmed that on-street

    parking reduces street capacity and also the free

    flow of adjacent traffic. AASHTO further stated

    that eliminating curb parking can increase the

    capacity of urban arterials by 50 to 80 percent

    depending on number of lanes.

    Reddy et al. (2008) studied the effect of on-street

    parked vehicle on traffic mobility in urban area

    and found that parking facility with a width of

    2.5 m and a length of 30 to 40 m, would reduce

    speed by 10 to 12 percent in case of motor

    cycles, autos and cars, and 12 to 15 percent in

    case of heavy vehicles. Rudjanakanoknad (2009)

    used oblique cumulative plots to study the effect

    of various factors such as illegal parking,

    interrupted U-turns from the opposing direction

    and interrupted crossover right turns from an

    access road on urban street bottleneck capacity.

    The average capacity reduction due to the

    parking blockage was estimated as 460 veh/hr.

    Although it was stated that presence of a law

    enforcement personnel would substantially

    increase the street bottleneck capacity, it was not

    quantified in the study. Guo et al. (2012)

    developed a cellular automata model to evaluate

    the interaction between the on-street parking

    maneuvers and traffic flow. On a single lane

    unidirectional urban street with on-street parking

    spaces, they estimated the capacity reduction to

    be about 35 percent.

    Dhamaniya and Chandra (2014) studied the

    influence of undesignated pedestrian crossings

    on midblock capacity of urban roads in India.

    They estimated the capacity by plotting

    fundamental diagrams at the sections and then

    comparing it with the capacity of a section

    without any side friction. They developed a

    mathematical relation between pedestrian cross-

    flow and reduction in capacity which is shown in

    Equation 1. They found no influence on capacity

    when pedestrian cross-flow is less than 200

    peds/hr. The capacity however reduces by 30

    percent when pedestrian cross-flow is increased

    to 1360 peds/hr. The variation of capacity

    reduction with pedestrian cross-flow is shown in

    Figure 2.

    Percent Reduction in Capacity = 11.09 + 0.025*Qped 8x10-6

    * Q2ped (1)


    Qped = Pedestrian cross-flow (peds/hr).

  • Impact of Bus Stop on Urban Traffic Characteristics A Review of Recent Findings


    Figure 2: Variation of capacity reduction with pedestrian cross flow

    (Dhamaniya and Chandra, 2014)

    Figure 3: Effect of bus dwell time at

    a curbside stop on 7.5 m wide road Figure 4: Effect of bus dwell time

    at a bus bay on 7.5 m wide road

  • Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies (JSTS) Vol.5 No.2


    Chin et al. (2002) studied the effect of various

    factors such as work zones, crashes, breakdowns,

    weather and traffic controls on capacity and

    delay of principal arterials in USA. Haijun et al.

    (2011) considered temporary bottleneck created

    by accident and proposed a new two-lane traffic

    model based on the KKW (Kerner-Klenov-Wolf)

    model. They presented asymmetric lane-

    changing rules and the model of grabbing the

    entrance of a bottleneck based on the differences

    in driver behaviour and vehicle type. They

    observed that with the proposed lane-changing

    rules, although travel time of few drivers

    increases, the outflow of the road increases and

    thus resulting fluctuations to the traffic flow. The

    result of this study may be extended for the

    analysis of a bus stop and on-street parking, as

    they create temporary bottleneck on the roadway.



    Fitzpatrick and Nowlin (1997) analyzed the

    influence of bus stop design on the operation of

    suburban arterial roads using simulation. The

    results indicated that the bus bay design provide

    the greatest benefit when compared to curbside

    stops at traffic volumes of approximately 350

    vehicles per hour per lane (vphpl) and above.

    Silva (2000) developed a simulation software to

    represent buses and their interactions with other

    traffic flow on urban roads.

    Koshy and Arasan (2005) developed a

    microscopic simulation model to analyze the

    influence of bus stops on heterogeneous traffic

    flow with great attention to reduction in traffic

    stream speed. They validated the model using

    traffic data collected at curbside bus stops and

    bus bays. The results of the simulation model at

    curbside stop and bus bay on a 7.5 m wide road

    are shown in Figures 3 and 4 respectively. The

    figures show reduction of average speed with

    increasing flow at various bus dwell times.

    Influence of bus bays on other vehicular traffic is

    observed to be less when compared to curbside

    stops. The authors opined that curbside stops be

    replaced by bus bays when traffic speed reduces

    by 25 percent. However, they did not come up

    with a formula for calculating capacity of roads

    on which bus stops have influence on the traffic


    Yuan et al. (2007) studied traffic characteristics

    on a two-lane road consisting of a mixture of

    buses and cars. They developed a model in which

    buses can only drive on the right lane and

    investigated dynamic behavior of the traffic at

    different densities. They also presented the

    fundamental diagrams and showed that the

    capacity of a road depends on the number of bus

    stops. They further stated that due to the presence

    of bus stops, the right lane reaches maximum

    flow rate early, and then at large densities the

    flow rates and average velocities of the vehicles

    on the two lanes become unequal to each other.

    Reddy et al. (2008) opined that under moderate

    to heavy traffic conditions, on-street bus stops

    can cause substantial delay to vehicular traffic on

    urban roads. They observed that free flow speed

    of various vehicles on a stretch with bus stops is

    about 30 percent less than that on stretch without

    bus stops on all working days. Arasan and

    Vedagiri (2008) used a simulation model to study

    the influence of exclusive bus lanes introduced

    on urban arterial roads. At all volume levels, they

    observed increase in the speed of bus because of

    providing an exclusive bus lane. However they

    collected video data of the study location for

    only one hour which may not replicate the real

    scenario. Moreover as they provided bus lane in

    the middle of a road, passenger access to bus

    stops is a serious problem which they did not


    Kwami et al. (2009) developed a statistical

    relationship between average bus impact times

    and average bus arrival frequencies. They

  • Impact of Bus Stop on Urban Traffic Characteristics A Review of Recent Findings


    calibrated a model and concluded that with the

    increase in bus arrival frequency, the actual curb

    lane traffic capacity decreases. The authors did

    not consider the situation when there is a queue

    of buses waiting to take berth at bus bay stop.

    Zhao et al. (2009) analyzed traffic interactions

    between motorized and non-motorized vehicles

    near curbside bus stop in China. They presented

    a simulation model for mixed traffic flow by

    using Burgers Cellular Automation (BCA) model

    for non-motorized vehicles. They found that flow

    rates of both motorized and non-motorized flows

    undergo phase transition from free flow to

    congested flow at the critical point. It is observed

    that the increase in stopped time of bus causes

    congestion in non-motorized vehicles flow. Yang

    et al. (2009) presented a road capacity model

    based on gap acceptance theory and queuing

    theory for mixed traffic flow at the curbside stop

    in China.

    Tang et al. (2009) observed that bus density and

    the arrival rate of passengers are important

    factors contributing to the traffic interruption

    probability resulted by bus stop. They also

    showed that with higher bus density, the

    boarding/alighting activity is more frequent and

    thus leads to a greater traffic interruption. Xu et

    al. (2009) analyzed the effect of bus bay on

    capacity of adjacent lane using traffic flow

    theory and queuing theory. They derived separate

    capacity reduction models using simulation for

    two conditions i.e. during bus overflow and bus

    non-overflow. Then they tested the model and

    found that capacity of adjacent lane depends on

    both bus arrivals and vehicles on adjacent traffic


    The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM, 2010)

    includes some discussion on the influence of bus

    bay stops on capacity when buses pull in and out

    of the stops. The parameters needed are the

    number of bus arrivals per hour at each bus stop

    and the average bus stopping time. The

    deceleration and acceleration times of the buses

    are not considered.

    Xia and Xue (2010) used a modified 1-D pipe-

    flow model to stimulate the effect of bus bay stop

    on city traffic of Beijing. They proposed a source

    function to describe the path changing by

    vehicles. They proposed the stochastic bus-into

    stop probability to obtain the optimum length of

    a bus bay stop. Although they claimed to have

    solved the traffic problems of Beijing, the results

    are not discussed in the paper. Shi et al. (2011)

    proposed an extended optimal velocity traffic

    flow model on two lanes including a bus stop and

    a bus deceleration area. They classified

    fundamental diagram into seven different traffic

    states by varying traffic density. They observed

    two new traffic states in which one of them

    shows frequent occurrence of lane changing in

    front of and behind the stopped bus. The other

    traffic state showed the simultaneous appearance

    of stop-and-go wave on both lanes. They

    concluded that with increasing traffic density, the

    lane changing region alters around the bus. The

    major drawback of the study is they assumed bus

    to always stop in the exterior lane which may not

    be possible always.

    Arasan and Vedagiri (2010) used simulation

    model for heterogeneous traffic to study the

    impact of provision of an exclusive bus lane on

    the performance of the urban arterial. They

    observed average dwell time for buses as 17 s,

    and the average distance between bus stops as

    1.02 km in Chennai, India. Then they calculated

    time and distance required for acceleration and

    deceleration using the basic equations of motion

    and the same is depicted in Figure 5. They

    estimated that mean running speed of buses can

    be up to 65 km/h, when an exclusive bus lane is

    provided. After due consideration to the dwell

    time and acceleration and deceleration of buses

    at each bus stop, the journey speed of buses

    while using the exclusive bus lane was estimated

    to be about 39.5 km/h.

  • Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies (JSTS) Vol.5 No.2


    Yong-Sheng et al. (2010) studied the interaction

    of buses with other vehicles on urban traffic

    using cellular automata theory. They found that

    bus parking time is an important factor that

    affects the traffic flow near a bus stop. Ibeas et

    al. (2010) developed a bi-level optimization

    model to represent bus congestion, effect of bus

    stop location on modal split, road congestion,

    total social cost and required fleet size. Ben-

    Edigbe and Mashros (2011) observed significant

    differences in roadway capacities for the on and

    off street bus stops. They estimated a roadway

    capacity loss of 23.4 per cent and -25km/h

    propagation velocity of shock wave for curbside

    bus stops on a single lane highway. However,

    they did not conduct the traffic study during peak

    hour. Sun (2011) proposed a simulation model to

    evaluate the traffic flow characteristics on the

    road section and presented a discrete-time

    simulation method to determine the impact of

    bus stopping.

    Yang et al. (2011) extended additive-conflict-

    flows (ACF) procedure from homogeneous

    traffic flow to mixed traffic flow to determine car

    capacity at bus stops with mixed traffic. They

    opined that car capacity near a bus stop is

    influenced by conflicting streams and dwell time

    of buses. They also analyzed that pedestrian

    effects and bicyclists limited priority have negative effects on car capacity near bus stops

    with mixed traffic flow. Figures 6 and 7 show the

    capacity drop of car stream with increase in the

    bus arrivals and bicycle flow rate.

    Figure 5: Acceleration and deceleration of buses at bus stops on exclusive bus lanes

    (Arasan and Vedagiri, 2010)

  • Impact of Bus Stop on Urban Traffic Characteristics A Review of Recent Findings


    Figure 6: Variation of car capacity with bus flow at different bicycle flow rate

    (Yang et. al. 2011)

    Figure 7: Variation of car capacity with bicycle flow at different bus flow rate

    (Yang et. al. 2011)

  • Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies (JSTS) Vol.5 No.2


    Yang et al. (2012) further developed a theoretical

    method using additive conflict flows (ACF)

    procedure to determine the influence of bus stop

    design on mixed traffic flow at Chinese bus

    stops. They proposed car capacity and speed

    models for three types of bus stops including

    curbside, bus bay and bicycle detour. Traffic

    volume, bus dwell time and berth number are

    found to have negative effects on traffic

    operations at any type of bus stops. For different

    types of bus stops, at car volumes above 200

    vehicles per hour, the bus bay and bicycle detour

    designs are more beneficial than the curbside

    design. Yang et al. (2013) used probability

    theory and queuing theory to estimate car delays

    at bus stops in mixed traffic conditions of

    Beijing. They observed that both bicycle stream

    and bus stream have considerable effects on car

    delay. Finally they suggested to replace curbside

    bus stops with bus bays if bus frequency is

    greater than 200 veh/hr. They calibrated and

    validated the developed model by collecting

    traffic data from only one site in Beijing.

    Lee et al. (2014) conducted a study on undivided

    three-lane roadways in Virginia and found that

    the probability of lane-changing violation at

    curbside bus stops is higher where a bicycle lane

    is present or where opposing traffic is lower.

    Yang and Huan (2013) proposed car capacity

    model at a bus stop with mixed traffic flow based

    on queuing theory. They found that the conflict

    between different streams at the bus stop is

    similar to the conflict between two movements at

    First-In-First-Out (FIFO) un-signalized

    intersections, which can be represented by an

    M/G/1 queue. They obtained car capacity by

    iteratively computing the service time of each

    approach and showed that both bus stream and

    bicycle stream have significant effects on car

    capacity. Figure 8 shows the mixed traffic

    streams at a typical curbside stop in many

    Chinese cities.

    Figure 8: Conflict among cars, buses and bicycles at the curbside stop

    (Yang and Huan, 2013)

  • Impact of Bus Stop on Urban Traffic Characteristics A Review of Recent Findings



    Research studies reviewed above indicate the

    following areas where further work can be taken

    up by the researchers, particularly in countries

    with poor lane discipline and with loose traffic

    regulatory system.

    1) Buses do not many times stop at their intended

    stops because of numerous side activities like

    passengers waiting for the bus on the

    carriageway instead of waiting inside the bus

    shelter, presence of auto rickshaws, vendors, etc.

    These fringe conditions force the bus drivers to

    not stop the buses at their designated stops. The

    current research considers lateral bus stopping

    position of a bus stop as same in all cases

    irrespective of other constraints. Future work can

    be done on the effect of improper stopping of

    buses at the bus stops on capacity of the road.

    2) Curbside bus stops create a temporary

    bottleneck to the traffic flow and when buses

    stop at these type of bus stops, they force the

    vehicles following the bus to change their lanes.

    Due to this, the speeds of the vehicles following

    the bus and also of those travelling in the

    adjacent lanes decrease. This aspect needs to be

    investigated in detail.

    3) In most of the studies, researchers have used

    dwell time as one of the key parameters to

    evaluate the effect of bus stop. The effect of

    traffic volume, irregular stopping of buses and

    frequency of buses are not yet studied


    4) When buses stop suddenly at the bus stop, few

    vehicles pass the stopped bus from left side of

    the bus. Passengers boarding and alighting the

    transport bus may face conflict with these

    vehicles. The severity of conflict depends on the

    number and speed of the approaching vehicles.

    Boarding passengers may at least have a glimpse

    of vehicles that pass the bus from left side, but

    for alighting passengers it is not the case as they

    do not happen to see the vehicles unless stepping

    down from the bus or standing at edge of the bus

    door. Thus passenger safety is severely

    compromised at bus stops. A passenger safety

    index can be developed for all the bus stops in a

    city and rankings can be given to each bus stop

    according to the index. Figures 9 and 10 show

    the overtaking by the vehicles through the gap

    between the stopped bus and the bus stop.

    5) Passengers need to wait for few seconds

    observing potential conflicting vehicles and then

    need to walk on the road to reach bus in case of

    boarding and bus stop while alighting. This

    waiting and walking times of the passengers

    increase bus dwell time significantly. Although it

    happens only when improper stopping of buses is

    significant, this aspect needs to be explored and

    impact on dwell time should be quantified.

    Figure 9: Accident at a bus stop

    Figure 10: Car moving through the

    gap between bus and the bus stop

  • Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies (JSTS) Vol.5 No.2


    5. Conclusions

    Mixed nature of traffic is the major problem on

    the roads of developing countries, where same

    road is used by number of vehicles ranging from

    high speed modern cars to animal driven carts

    and even animals. The presence of such

    heterogeneity in the traffic mix increases travel

    time, congestion and pollution and also road


    Bus stops are the selected places where

    passengers alight and board a public transport

    bus. These are the weakest links in a public

    transport network because passengers have direct

    contact with ongoing traffic at these stops.

    Although many types of bus stops like curbside

    stops, bus bays, queue jumper bus bays, open bus

    bays, nubs, etc. are present in the cities across the

    world, only two types of bus stops namely

    curbside bus stops and bus bays are predominant.

    Bus bays normally create problems to bus drivers

    during re-entering into traffic stream. Moreover

    they are expensive to install and difficult to

    relocate. On the other hand, curbside bus stops

    are generally provided on urban roads when

    sufficient land for construction of bus bays is not

    available. They cause traffic to queue behind

    stopped bus and may also cause drivers to make

    unsafe maneuvers when changing lanes in order

    to avoid a stopped bus. Many studies reported in

    literature describing side friction factors and their

    impact on road capacity reveal that bus stops

    have a significant impact on reduction in traffic

    stream speed and also capacity of the roadway.

    Highway Capacity Manual (HCM 2010) of U.S.

    does not explicitly emphasize on the reduction of

    midblock capacity due to the presence of bus at a

    bus stop. It is rather more inclined to determine

    the performance of the roadway. Dwell time and

    frequency of buses are used in the manual as

    parameters to quantify the delay on a roadway

    segment. Indian Roads Congress (IRC 70:1977)

    provides guidelines for control of mixed traffic in

    urban areas but it only suggests that a bus stop

    should be located 75 m away from the

    intersection on either side with no mention of

    their influence on midblock capacity. Indonesian

    Highway Capacity Manual (IHCM 1996) also

    does not include the effect of bus stop on urban

    road capacity. However, the manual considers

    the number of stopping vehicles as one of the

    side friction factors and suggests a capacity

    correction factor based on the number of

    stopping vehicles.

    The literature review indicates that stopping of

    buses at curbside bus stop has more effect on

    traffic stream parameters than any other kind of

    bus stop. However, most of the studies are

    related to the homogeneous traffic flow with

    exclusive bus lanes or very little heterogeneity in

    the traffic mix. A high quality study relating the

    implications of bus stops on urban roads

    reflecting heterogeneous traffic conditions needs

    to be carried out.


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