2014 summer newsletter


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If you’re like me, sometimes you have trouble keeping up with everything. A comforting thought, though, is that God doesn’t struggle to keep up. He’s got it all under control. God keeps track of more than seven billion people on earth! When I think of that, a specific phrase comes to mind—movement everywhere. God is at work all over the globe, all the time.

That phrase, movement everywhere, is a series put together by Freedom Films Productions (FFP) in Thailand. Freedom Films is led by Tom Silkwood, GNPI’s regional director for GNPI-Thailand. Tom and FFP have partnered with GNPI for 21 years to produce culturally relevant, Christ-centered media.

Partnerships are the core of who we are. We learned long ago that nationals know best how to reach their own communities. Therefore, as an equipping ministry, we work hard to provide media tools to help them.

This newsletter is a testament to that. We’re proud to feature recent results of our partnerships throughout the world. You’ll be touched and inspired by what you read. You’ll see God on the move! Through award winning productions in Uganda, the steady and faithful progress of our team in Mexico, and inspirational front-lines evangelism in the Philippines, God is at work.

Keep praying for us. We’re striving to keep in step as God’s Spirit leads us onward. GNPI has undertaken some big dreams to accelerate global evangelism through media and technology. With God’s help, and with yours, we believe he’ll continue moving mightily through this ministry—everywhere!


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Last year GNPI introduced its plan to develop mobile Apps for use in reaching and discipling Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu people around the world. The need for this technology has never been greater. By understanding the best way to reach these groups through mobile devices, we believe significant progress can be made toward accelerating global evangelism.

Please keep praying for, and giving toward, the development of GNPI’s mobile Apps. Specifically, pray for wonderful things to emerge in discussions we’re having with a team from North Africa. They are providing marvelous insights as to how we can reach Muslim people. We believe that what we learn will help shape templates that can then be useful tools for all of our regional centers!

To help in research and development of mobile Apps to share the Gospel, navigate to www.gnpi.org/donate and type “Apps” in the “Additional Comments” box when you make your donation.

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GNPI International Director Bob Sartoris recently returned from the Philippines. In addition to delivering some new equipment to our regional center there, he was also able to make progress with Nenette Pacoli and her team on several key issues and projects. Despite an approaching typhoon that eventually shut down Manila for four days, the group held an appreciation banquet for those who have helped GNPI-Philippines produce their WWJD series.

Further production continues on WWJD with two new episodes in progress, Finding the Right One and Infidelity. In addition to her typical day-to-day activities, Nenette has also been hard at work using GNPI productions to do ministry in select villages. She recently teamed up with her husband, Bert, and six other members of her church to show the GNPI movie All Things New in three different communities.

All told, the group traveled hundreds of miles, sailed the Pacific to small island villages, and showed the film to hundreds of families. Many responded to the presentations of the Gospel and wonderful foundations were laid for the growth of God’s kingdom in these areas. We praise God for how he is moving in the Philippines. More stories could be told, but we don’t have the space to include them here.

To read more of Nenette’s recent ministry in the Philippines, simply navigate your web browser to www.gnpi.org/newsletter.

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As we evaluate the progress of project NOMaD, it’s safe to say the NOMaD train has left its station. NOMaD Coordinator Jason Miller reports that in the first quarter of 2014 alone, more team projects were completed than in the three previous years combined!

NOMaD is also helping GNPI with important projects like The Global Gospel (TGG). The team in Chennai, India, is helping produce TGG in the Tamil language. Sources estimate this language could reach between 75-100 million people! Also on the horizon is Telugu, spoken by another 75 million people.

Remember to pray for our NOMaD teams, especially our team in Donetsk, Ukraine. They are in the middle of military action and making significant adjustments due to the conflict. Whether political turmoil, the threat of persecution, or lack of resources, NOMaD teams throughout the world need constant attention in prayer.

To facilitate effective training of current and future teams, Jason Miller recently held an 8-day training event in Joplin, Missouri. The training equipped local churches and individuals to produce quality media for kingdom purposes and served as a backdrop for creating virtual training to use for NOMaD team development.

A short video containing samples of what some of the NOMaD teams are creating is available for you at www.gnpi.org/newsletter.

We hope you’ll take a moment to watch.

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When GNPI regional centers around the world embark upon various productions, their goal is to create culturally relevant media that draws others closer to Jesus Christ. Closer might mean hearing about Jesus for the first time, persevering through difficulty, or resting and growing in the power of his Spirit.

GNPI-Uganda has drawn people closer to Christ since 2010. They’ve been through the highs and lows any ministry traverses, but recently our friends in Mbale received some well-deserved recognition. Proverbs, one of the Digital African Studies by Extension (DASE) projects designed to develop African church leaders, was given two honors at the International Christian Visual Media (ICVM) Awards, including Best Series.

The Proverbs series is one of many tools used by GNPI-Uganda. As they’ve monitored their activities using Solar Kits during the last three months, they’re reporting that 1,479 people have watched either Proverbs or two of their dramas, Tough Choices and Promise of Love. More than 100 people gave their lives to Christ as a result!

With the wonderful things God is doing in Uganda, it’s still a bittersweet time. Vince and Joy Vigil and their children, Elias and Alegra, will return to the United States in September. Typically our regional centers are led by nationals, but the Vigils were American missionaries to Uganda for six years, leading our team there. We wait with great anticipation to see what God has in store for the next chapter of the Vigil’s life in Colorado and for our regional center in Uganda.

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“No to abortion. If Christ is with me, who can be against me? God never abandons his children, but gives us the strength and wisdom to deal with something that we could not. This movie has helped me make a wise decision. Many thanks to you.”

“Christ found me after nearly 13 years on drugs and alcohol. Oh, that blessed day on May 14, 2009. For the glory of God, I have never been

the same. I really reflected on my life when I watched this movie. God bless those who made it. Jesus Christ is real!”

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“Beautiful movie! It made me mourn. God bless you. I’m going to subscribe to your channel. I want to see more films like this.”

“I congratulate the creators of this film. It’s very beautiful, God bless you. Thank God for mothers who cry out to God for their children.”

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During its March Vision Night, GNPI featured the work of India. Regional Director Manee Massey shared how the regional center in Damoh has been charging toward completion of projects that have the potential to reach people who need Christ.

Recently, to stay in touch with the heartbeat of how media could serve the people of India best, GNPI-Damoh, India, invited families from the local community to discuss problems many married couples face. Forty-eight people from different walks of life, with a variety of family situations, participated in the event. During two hours of discussion, the group raised 33 different issues. These ranged from a growing lack of interest or distrust between partners, to modern issues like the growing effect of technology and the strain it can cause on marriages. As a result of the session, a new dramatic series is currently in the pre-production process.

Plans like these often translate into results that test our wildest imaginations of what is possible. Among these results we see people being reached who are often marginalized or outcast by society.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. - Ephesians 3:20-21

To hear one man share how GNPI resources are empowering his ministry to a village of “untouchables,” go to www.gnpi.org/newsletter.

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Autumn is right around the corner, and with it comes a wonderful time of harvest, community, and thanksgiving for all that God has done.

As you reflect on your life and how God has blessed you, consider how your estate can help those blessings continue impacting future generations. A good estate plan not only accomplishes this, but can also provide significant tax benefits and lifetime income.

One tool to consider is a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA). With a CGA you can receive lifetime income, the amount of which would be based on your age.

To learn more about how you can create a legacy through your estate, simply call GNPI at 417.782.0060.

There is so much unsettling news these days from locations where GNPI has a regional center or a NOMaD team. Would you pray for the ministry of GNPI? Sign up for our emails at www.gnpi.org/news. You will find specifics on how to pray if you click on the Group 5•16 banner. Thank You!

Watch this video at www.gnpi.org/newsletter.