20141111_dsd - offender conduct

Detailed System Design Total Offender Management System (TOMS) Detailed System Design Offender Conduct

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Detailed System Design

Total Offender Management System (TOMS)

Detailed System DesignOffender Conduct

4000 Westerly Place, Suite 110Newport Beach, California 9266

Page 2: 20141111_DSD - Offender Conduct

Detailed System Design

Table of Contents2.13 Offender Conduct....................................................................................4

2.13.1 Summary of Gaps That Are the Subject of the Design....................42.13.2 Overall Design Diagram for the Functional Component.................192.13.3 Description of the Design Diagram................................................192.13.4 Menu Being Updated.....................................................................21 Menu Navigation..................................................................... Data Elements and Behavior.................................................. Use Cases.............................................................................. Error Handing.........................................................................24

2.13.5 Incident Information....................................................................... Incident Information Screen.................................................... Data Elements and Behavior..................................................312.13.5.3 Use Cases..............................................................................40 Add New Incident...............................................................402. Edit Incident Report...........................................................41 Process Input(s)......................................................................422. Incident Number Current Value.........................................42 Processes...............................................................................422. Calculate Incident Number.................................................422. Send Supervisor Notification..............................................43 Error Handing.........................................................................442.13.6 Conduct Summary.........................................................................48 Conduct Summary Screen......................................................482.13.6.2 Data Elements and Behavior..................................................492.13.6.3 Use Cases..............................................................................50 Edit Conduct Report...........................................................502. Dismiss Conduct Report....................................................512. Add Hearing to Conduct Report.........................................522. Add Appeal........................................................................532. Add Sanction.....................................................................542. Add Credit Class Review Hearing......................................562. Add Petition to Restore Credit Time Hearing.....................57 Process Input(s)......................................................................582.13.6.5 Processes...............................................................................58 Populate the Conduct Summary Grid................................582.13.6.6 Error Handing.........................................................................59

2.13.7 Conduct Hearing Summary............................................................62Prepared and Owned By - Capita TechnologiesConfidential – Not to Be Reproduced or Emailed or Printed 12/4/2013

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Detailed System Design Conduct Hearing Summary Screen........................................622.13.7.2 Data Elements and Behavior..................................................632.13.7.3 Use Cases..............................................................................64 Add Hearing via Hearing Summary Screen.......................642. Add Appeal via Conduct Hearing Summary Screen..........652. Add Sanction via Conduct Hearing Summary Screen.......662. Add Credit Class Review Hearing via Conduct Hearing Summary Screen..................................................................................672. Add Petition to Restore Credit Time Hearing via Conduct Hearing Summary Screen.....................................................................69 Process Input(s)......................................................................702.13.7.5 Processes...............................................................................70 Calculating the Description Text........................................702. Calculating the values for the R, I, S, E grid columns........702. Populate the Conduct Hearing Summary Grid...................70 Error Handing.........................................................................712.13.8 New Conduct Information..............................................................73 Conduct Information Screen - New.........................................732.13.8.2 Data Elements and Behavior..................................................742.13.8.3 Use Cases..............................................................................76 Create New Conduct Report..............................................762.13.8.4 Process Input(s)......................................................................77 Case Number Current Value..............................................772.13.8.5 Processes...............................................................................77 Facility Dropdown Text......................................................772. Populate Conduct Code Dropdown...................................772. Calculate Case Number.....................................................772. Location Requirement........................................................772. Schedule Hearing Notification............................................77 Error Handing.........................................................................772.13.9 Conduct Information.......................................................................81 Conduct Information Screen...................................................812.13.9.2 Data Elements and Behavior..................................................822.13.9.3 Use Cases..............................................................................85 Edit Conduct Report...........................................................852. Dismiss Conduct Report....................................................852. Add Hearing to Conduct Report.........................................872. Add Appeal........................................................................882. Add Sanction.....................................................................892. Add Credit Class Review Hearing......................................902. Add Petition to Restore Credit Time Hearing.....................92 Process Input(s)......................................................................932. Current Credit Class..........................................................93

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Detailed System Design Current Earned Credit Time...............................................932.13.9.5 Processes...............................................................................93 Process New Sanctions.....................................................932. Process Existing Sanctions................................................932. Sanction Notification Process Chart..................................942. Allow Read Only................................................................982. Populate Event Dropdown.................................................98 Error Handing.........................................................................992.13.10 Admin/Create LOV and Lookup...............................................102 Create Lookup Event Type...................................................1022.13.10.2 Create Lookup Location.......................................................1032.13.10.3 Create Lookup Results.........................................................1042.13.10.4 Create Lookup Actions.........................................................1042.13.10.5 Create Lookup Assaults.......................................................1052.13.10.6 Create Lookup Suicidal Behavior.........................................1062.13.10.7 Create Lookup Property.......................................................1072.13.10.8 Create Lookup Misconduct...................................................1082.13.10.9 Create Lookup Miscellaneous..............................................1092.13.10.10 Create Lookup Restraint Type Used..................................1102.13.10.11 Create Lookup Injured Person............................................1102.13.10.12 Create Lookup Injury Source..............................................1112.13.10.13 Create LOV Conduct Code.................................................1122.13.10.14 Create Lookup Assault Victim............................................1132.13.10.15 Create Lookup Plea............................................................1142.13.10.16 Create Lookup Authorized By.............................................1142.13.10.17 Create Lookup Confinement...............................................1152.13.10.18 Create Lookup Seen By Medical........................................116

3 DATABASE STRUCTURE CHANGES.....................................................................117

4 REVISION HISTORY............................................................................................126

Table of FiguresFigure 1 – Overall Diagram of Functional Component........................................19Figure 2 – Conduct Menu....................................................................................21Figure 3 – Incident Information - Top.................................................................29Figure 4 – Incident Information - Bottom............................................................30Figure 5 – Conduct Summary..............................................................................48Figure 6 – Conduct Hearing Summary................................................................62Figure 7 – Conduct Information - New.................................................................73Figure 8 – Conduct Information...........................................................................81

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Page 5: 20141111_DSD - Offender Conduct

Detailed System Design

2.13 Offender Conduct

2.13.1 Summary of Gaps That Are the Subject of the Design

Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap



The software application shall provide templates for initiating conduct reports

No None. Reports & Forms Framework None.

CD.2 The software application shall allow inmate data to be modified to reflect conduct infractions and associated matters such as time credit calculations, loss of credits, visits, etc.

Yes Addition of a new Conduct Information Screen. This screen will allow the addition of offender conduct infractions and any related sanctions such as loss of Earned Credit Time, change in Credit Class or loss of visitation rights.

Conduct Information Screen

ADMIN – Lookup – Location

ADMIN – LOV – Offender Conduct Code

ADMIN – Lookup- Assault Victim

ADMIN – Lookup- Plea

ADMIN – Lookup- Event Type

ADMIN – Lookup- Results

ADMIN – Lookup- Actions

ADMIN – Lookup- Authorized By

Create a new Conduct Information Screen. The screen will allow the user to add or edit current offender conduct details including related sanction information

Data Elements:1. Incident Date2. Class3. Date Report

Received4. Conduct5. Case Number (Auto

generated)6. Assault Victim7. Facility8. Thrown Substance9. House

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


10. Reporting Person11. Range12. Plea13. Shop/Other14. Prehearing

Segregation15. Event Type16. Event Date17. Effective Date18. End Date19. Facility20. Results21. Value22. Actions23. Authorized By

Create Lookup -Offense LocationData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create LOV -Conduct CodeData Elements:1. Class2. Number

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


3. Abbreviation4. Description5. Classification6. Effective Start Date7. Effective End Date

Create Lookup -Assault VictimData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup -PleaData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup -EventData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


Create Lookup -ResultsData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup -ActionsData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup -Authorized ByData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Side Note:Both “Housing” and “Range” LOV

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


Declarations found within Offender Movement Module.

CD.3 The software application shall track rule violation and the potential formal hearing process that may result

Yes Addition of a new Conduct Information Screen. This screen will allow the addition of rule violations and any formal hearings that may be held.

Addition of a new Conduct Hearing Summary Screen. This screen will track the hearing if one results from a rule violation.

Conduct Information Screen

Conduct Hearing Summary

Create a new Conduct Information Screen. The screen will allow the user to add or edit current rule violations and formal hearings related to violations.

Data Elements:Reference CD.2

Create a new Conduct Hearing Summary Screen. This screen will show all hearings during an offender’s incarcerated duration.

Data Elements:1. Date2. Class3. Code4. Description5. Result6. Recommend (R)7. Impose (I)8. Suspend (S)

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


9. Enforce (E)

20141111– Per IDOC Feedback dated, 10/08/2014, “Offender Current Commitment Periods and Previous Commitment Periods, if any, will be appropriately displayed to screen by leveraging the SQL’s Default Descending Sort Pattern, by Start and End Dates

CD.4 The software application shall capture, store and report an inmate’s conduct history

Yes Addition of the Conduct Summary Screen. This screen will incorporate both current and past Conduct Information for the offender

Conduct Summary Screen Create a new Conduct Summary Screen containing both current and past conduct information.

Data Elements:1. Case Number2. Class3. Conduct Code4. Description5. Offense Date

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Detailed System Design

Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


6. Report Date7. Hearing Date


The software application shall capture, store, and report data to allow searches of inmate conduct data for easy accessibility


Capability of searching and/or reporting against an offenders conduct data

1. Types of Searches: Amount of offenses Type of Offenses How many by unit\dorm\

housing\bed assignments(Location basically)

What the results were, If they Appealed it

These searches will be capable by either involving an IDOC Database Administrator or via the TOMS Application AdHoc Reporting Mechanism through the Reports and Form Framework.

Conduct Summary Screen

Conduct Information Screen

Reports & Forms Framework

Create new Conduct Summary Screen. The screen will not display records where the case was dismissed or the offender was found not guilty.

Data Elements:Reference CD.4

Create new Conduct Information Screen. The screen will allow the user to add or edit current offender sanction information related to the current infraction and resultant hearing.

Data Elements:Reference CD.2

Reporting and AdHoc Reporting will compensate for Juvenile requirements.

CD.6 The software Yes Addition of a new Conduct Conduct Information Screen Create new Conduct

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


application shall create, store, and report on sanctions given as a result of a conduct hearing.

Information Screen. This screen will allow the addition of sanctions pertaining to a given infraction and formal hearing.

Addition of a new Hearing Summary Screen. This screen will show all of the sanctions received as the result of conduct hearings.

Hearing Summary Screen

Reports & Forms Framework

Information Screen. The screen will allow the user to add or edit current offender sanction information related to the current infraction and resultant hearing.

Data Elements:Reference CD.2

Create a new Conduct Hearing Summary Screen. This screen will show all sanctions given during an offender’s incarcerated duration..

Data Elements:Reference CD.3

20141111– Per IDOC Feedback dated, 10/08/2014, “Offender Current Commitment Periods and Previous Commitment Periods, if any, will be appropriately displayed to screen by leveraging

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


the SQL’s Default Descending Sort Pattern, by Start and End Dates

CD.7 The software application shall create, store, and report on conducts dismissed as well as appeals made and the appeal results.

Yes Any reports made to query the conduct data should exclude the conducts dismissed.

The report queries can include the appeals made and appeal results.

Addition of a new Conduct Information Screen. This screen will allow the addition of appeals pertaining to a given infraction and formal hearing.

Addition of a new Hearing Summary Screen.

The screen will be filtered such that it will not show dismissed or not guilty conduct records.

Conduct Information Screen

Hearing Summary Screen

Reports & Forms Framework

Create new Conduct Information Screen. The screen will allow the user to add or edit current offender appeal information related to the current infraction and resultant hearing.

Data Elements:Reference CD.2

Create a new Hearing Summary Screen. This screen will show all of conducts during an offender’s incarcerated duration.

Data Elements:Reference CD.3

20141111– Per IDOC Feedback dated, 10/08/2014, “Offender Current Commitment Periods and Previous Commitment Periods, if

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


any, will be appropriately displayed to screen by leveraging the SQL’s Default Descending Sort Pattern, by Start and End Dates

CD.8 The software application shall track all petitions by offenders for deprived time to be restored.

Yes Addition of a new Conduct Information Screen.

This screen will allow the tracking of petition hearing for the restoration of ECT.

Addition of a new Hearing Summary Screen. This screen will show all of the hearings for the restoration of ECT lost.

Conduct Information Screen

Hearing Summary Screen

Reports & Forms Framework

State Form, SF 6949, Petition for Restoration of Time will reside within Forms.

Create new Conduct Information Screen. The screen will allow the user to add or edit current offender petition hearings for the restoration of ECT.

Data Elements:Reference CD.2

Create a new Hearing Summary Screen. This screen will show all of hearings for restoration of ECT lost during an offender’s incarcerated duration.

Data Elements:

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


Reference CD.3

20141111– Per IDOC Feedback dated, 10/08/2014, “Offender Current Commitment Periods and Previous Commitment Periods, if any, will be appropriately displayed to screen by leveraging the SQL’s Default Descending Sort Pattern, by Start and End Dates


Any conducts dismissed or resulting in a not guilty determination need to be maintained in the system, but not reflected on the offender's conduct summary.


Addition of a Conduct Summary Screen.

The screen will be filtered such that it will not show dismissed or not guilty conduct records.

Conduct Summary Screen

Create new Conduct Summary Screen. The screen will not display records where the case was dismissed or the offender was found not guilty.

Data Elements:Reference CD.4

CD.10 The software application shall create, store, and report on all pertinent data related to an offender's conduct

Partial Adult ConductCourt Docket Form - Formal/Conduct Hearing:1. Daily summary sent out to

pertinent personnel.2. Forwarding notification on a


Reports & Forms Framework

ADMIN - Alerts & Notifications

Adult ConductReport to be created to meet requirements.

Reference the Conduct Daily Docket Report.

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


incident and offense. need to now basis.3. Search by day4. Provide the following report:

Who they saw, What happened What has been scheduled, Where they are at Are they in transit

~Reference the Conduct Daily Docket Report

Juvenile Conduct~Reference CD.1

The Incident (PBS) Report contains all key and pertinent data to not only drive out the Incidents but to be leveraged to determine functionality business flow.

Alert Configured for the Incident Report – Should go to Shift Supervisors

ADMIN – Lookup – Assaults

ADMIN – Lookup - Suicidal Behavior

ADMIN – Lookup- Property

ADMIN – Lookup- Misconduct

ADMIN – Lookup- Miscellaneous

ADMIN – Lookup – Confinement

ADMIN – Lookup – Seen By Medical

ADMIN – Lookup- Restraint

ADMIN – Lookup- Injured Person

ADMIN – Lookup- Injury

Juvenile ConductModify the Incident Information Screen to meet the PBS Report Data elements.

Data Elements:1. PbS Incident No2. Date Logged in PbS

Web Site3. Notification of

Officials a. Officialsb. Datec. Time

4. Youth Involveda. Youthb. Ethnicity(RACE)c. Unitd. Conduct Report Issued

5. Assaults6. Suicidal Behavior7. Property8. Misconduct9. Miscellaneous10. Confinement11. Seen By Medical12. Isolation

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


13. Segregation14. Restraint

a. Youthb. Type Used

15. Isolation Youtha. Youthb. Roomc. Date Ind. Date Oute. Time Inf. Time Out

16. Medicala. Youthb. Datec. Staff Named. Time Seene. Reason for

Exam17. Injury Youth

a. Youthb. Injured Personc. Injury

Shift Supervisor AlertCreate alert to Shift Supervisor once the Incident Report has been entered and completed in the system.

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


Create Lookup -AssaultsData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup -Suicidal BehaviorData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup -PropertyData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup - MisconductData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup - MiscellaneousData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup - ConfinementData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup –Seen By Medical1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup -

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


RestraintData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup -Injured PersonData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

Create Lookup -InjuryData Elements:1. Name2. Abbreviation3. Description4. Effective Start Date5. Effective End Date

CD.11 The software application shall provide notifications to appropriate staff of conduct hearing and

Yes Conduct alerts/notification conditions:1. Offender Conduct Entered into

the System:a. This indicates that an

ADMIN - Alerts & Notifications Add 2 Offender Conduct Alerts/Notifications

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Req. # Requirement Desc. Gap Exists? (Yes, Partial) Description of Gap Module Screen Proposed Gap


results within a time frame specified by DOC policy.

Offender Conduct Report has been received.

b. Alert to notify Case Manager and Hearing Officer that a Conduct Hearing requires scheduling.

2. Seven (7) days after Conduct Report Received Date, if a Conduct Hearing has not been scheduled and held, trigger alert/notification to Case Manager and Hearing Officer to reschedule or dismiss.


The software application shall provide a reference table to support a dictionary of charges in the DOC conduct policy.


The creation and configuration of a Lookup for the list of Conduct Codes used by DOC for documenting offender conduct.

ADMIN - LOV – Conduct Code

Create Lookup –Conduct CodeData Elements:1. Class2. Number3. Abbreviation4. Description5. Classification6. Effective Date Start7. Effective Date End

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Page 22: 20141111_DSD - Offender Conduct

Detailed System Design

2.13.2 Overall Design Diagram for the Functional Component

Figure 1 – Overall Diagram of Functional Component

2.13.3 Description of the Design DiagramThe design diagram begins with the listing of the menu options available in TOMS. The first menu item, Incidents opens up the Incident Search screen where the user can search for incidents by entering the search criteria and clicking Search. The Incident Search Summary screen displays all of the incidents that met the search criteria. By clicking New, the system opens a new Incident Information screen for the user to a new incident. If, the user clicks the Edit icon on a particular incident, the system displays the selected incident and allows the user to modify it.

The Conduct Summary sub-menu item opens the Conduct Summary screen where the user can view all of the conduct reports for an offender that occurred during an offender’s incarcerated duration except those which were dismissed or the offender was found not guilty. By selecting the new button, the system opens a new Conduct

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Information screen for the user to add a new conduct report. If the user selects the Edit icon for a particular conduct report, the system displays the conduct report to the user in an editable mode.

The Conduct Hearing Summary sub-menu item opens the Conduct Hearing Summary screen where the user can view all of the hearings and related sanctions for an offender that occurred during an offender’s incarcerated duration except those which were dismissed or the offender was found not guilty. By selecting the new button, the system opens the most recent Conduct Information screen for the user to add a new hearing, appeal or sanction. If the user selects the Edit icon for a particular hearing, the system displays the related conduct report to the user in an editable mode.

The Conduct Information sub-menu item opens the most recent Conduct Information screen for the user to review, edit or add more hearings, appeals or sanctions.

20141110 – Per IDOC Feedback dated, 10/08/2014, “Offender Current Commitment Periods and Previous Commitment Periods, if any, will be appropriately displayed to screen by leveraging the SQL’s Default Descending Sort Pattern, by Start and End Dates”.

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Detailed System Design

2.13.4 Menu Being Updated Menu Navigation

Figure 2 – Conduct Menu

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Detailed System Design Data Elements and Behavior

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Incidents & Grievances Menu item The item in the menu bar that is the root for all Grievance, Incident and Conduct Menu Items

Click to open the next level menu items N/A

Grievances Menu item The menu item used to navigate to the Grievances Search Information screen.

Click to open the Grievances Search Information screen


Incidents Menu item The menu item used to open the Incident Search Information screen

Click to open the Incident Search Information screen


Conduct Menu item The menu item used to open the Conduct sub- menu

Click to open the Conduct sub-menu N/A

Conduct Summary Sub-menu item The sub-menu item used to open the Conduct Summary screen

Click to open the Conduct Summary screen for the selected user


Conduct Hearing Summary Sub-menu item The sub-menu item used to open the Conduct Hearing Summary screen

Click to open the Conduct Hearing Summary screen for the selected user


Conduct Information Sub-menu item The sub-menu item used to open the Conduct Information screen

Click to open the Conduct Information screen for the selected user’s most current conduct


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Detailed System Design Use CasesThe Offender Conduct Menu Navigation provides an end user the means to navigate and utilize all aspects and functionality specific to this module. Use Cases have been identified and described within each pertinent document section below. What follows is a tabularized format that links to each section by:

1. Menu Element2. Submenu Element3. Screen4. Use Case(s)

It has been provided in this fashion to provide clarity and avoid informational confusion.

Menu Element Submenu Element Screen Use Case(s)

Incidents Incident Information Use CasesConduct Conduct Summary Conduct Summary Use Cases

Conduct Hearing Summary Conduct Hearing Summary Use CasesConduct Information Conduct Information Use Cases

New Conduct Information Use Cases

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Detailed System Design Error HandingThis section provides a detailed overview for the Offender Conduct Error Handling, catered towards future state. It will depict Error Handling Specific to each Offender Conduct Screen, the condition or action taken, within the TOMS Offender Management System Application, the Type of Error plausibly encountered, and the Application Expected Results.

Condition Type of Error Expected Results1 End user navigates to the

Incident Information Screen

Displays a Blank Screen End user to not only be redirected to the Incident Information Screen but painted to the screen as well., The following data should be painted to the screen:

- Incident Date/Time- Status- Incident No- PbS Incident No- Date Logged in PbS Web Site- Incident Location- Work Location- Incident Type- Use of Force- Notification of Officials

a. Officialsb. Datec. Time

- Clients Involveda. Client No.b. Client Namec. Client Locationd. Client Involvemente. Mental Health Level

- Youth Involved

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Condition Type of Error Expected Resultsa. Nameb. Numberc. Aged. Ethnicity (RACE)e. Conduct Report Issuedf. Unit

- Staff Involveda. Employee No.b. Employee Name

- Assaults- Suicidal Behavior- Property- Misconduct- Miscellaneous- Confinement- Seen by Medical- Isolation- Segregation- Restraint

a. Youthb. Restraint Type Used

- Isolationa. Youthb. Isolation Roomc. Date Ind. Date Oute. Time Inf. Time Out

- Medical

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Condition Type of Error Expected Resultsa. Youthb. Datec. Start Named. Time Seene. Reason for Exam

- Injurya. Youthb. Injured Personc. Injury Source

- Incident Description- Comments

2End user navigates to the

Conduct Summary Screen

Displays a Blank Screen

End user to not only be redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen but painted to the screen as well., The following data should be painted to the screen:

- Case Number- Class (CLS)- Code- Description- Offense Date- Report Date- Hearing Date

3 End user navigates to the Conduct Hearing Summary Screen

Displays a Blank Screen End user to not only be redirected to the Conduct Hearing Summary Screen but painted to the screen as well The following Conduct Data should be painted to the screen:

- Date- Class- Code- Description- Result

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Condition Type of Error Expected Results- Recommended (R)- Imposed (I)- Suspended (S)- Enforced (E)

5 End user navigates to the Conduct Information Screen

Displays a Blank Screen End user to not only be redirected to the Conduct Information Screen but painted to the screen as well. The following Conduct Data should be painted to the screen

- Incident Date- Class- Date Report Received- Conduct- Case Number- Assault Victim- Facility- Thrown Substance- Housing- Reporting Person- Range- Plea- Location- Prehearing Segregation- Event- Date- Effective Date- End Date- Facility- Results- Value- Actions- Authorized By- Current Credit Class

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Condition Type of Error Expected Results- Current ECT

6End user navigates to the Conduct Information Screen – New

Displays a Blank Screen

End user to not only be redirected to the Conduct Information Screen but painted to the screen as well. The following Conduct Data should be painted to the screen

- Incident Date- Class- Date Report Received- Conduct- Case Number- Assault Victim- Facility- Thrown Substance- Housing- Reporting Person- Range- Plea- Location

Prehearing Segregation

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2.13.5 Incident Information Incident Information Screen

Figure 3 – Incident Information - Top

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Figure 4 – Incident Information - Bottom

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Detailed System Design Data Elements and Behavior

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Incident Date Date field with Calendar icon Date of Incident occurrence

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


Incident Time Time field with Clock icon Time of Incident occurrence

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Clock icon.


Status Dropdown Incident status either Active or Inactive

User-supplied or LOV Loaderpossible values are: LOV


Incident No Text The IDOC Incident tracking number User – supplied No

Incident Type Dropdown The Type of Incident being reported

User-supplied or LOV Loaderpossible values are: LOV


User of Force Radio Buttons Whether a use of force was evident or not User – supplied N/A

PbS Incident No Text The tracking number supplied by the PbS web site User – supplied No

Date Logged in PbS Web Site Date field with Calendar icon The date that the incident was reported to the PbS web site

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


Incident Location Dropdown Where the incident occurred with regards to the facility User – supplied No

Work Location Dropdown The work location or facility where the incident occurred. User – supplied Yes

Save Button Saves the current data set Click to save N/A

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Detailed System Design

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Cancel Button Cancel the current edits and return to the previous screen Click to cancel N/A

Notification of OfficialsGrid Row Display only

Cell – Check Checkbox Used to select the current row Click to select the current row N/A

Cell – Edit Edit icon Used to edit the selected row of Notification of Officials row

Click to edit the selected row N/A

Cell – Officials Text The official who was notified Display only N/ACell – Date Text The date that the official was notified Display only N/ACell – Time Text The time that the official was notified Display only N/A

Official(s) Textbox with finder icon Used to select the officials who were notified User - supplied N/A

Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the official was notified

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


Time Time field with clock icon The Time that the official was notified User - supplied N/A

Add Button Add a row to the current grid based upon the values contained in the controls. Click to add grid row N/A

Remove Button Removes the row that is currently selected Click to remove N/A

Clients InvolvedGrid Row Display only

Cell – Check Checkbox Used to select the current row Click to select the current row N/A

Cell – Edit Edit icon Used to edit the selected row of Client Involved data

Click to edit the selected row N/A

Cell – Client No. Text The Client Number Display only N/ACell – Client Name Text The Client Name Display only N/A

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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Cell – Client Location Text The Client Location Display only N/ACell – Client Involvement Text Text Client Involvement Display only N/ACell – Mental Health Level Text The Client Mental Health Level Display only N/A

Client No. Dropdown The client that was involved in the incidentUser – suppliedPossible values are Client Lookup


Add Button Add a row to the current grid based upon the values contained in the controls. Click to add grid row N/A

Youth InvolvedGrid Row Display only

Cell – Check Checkbox Used to select the current row Click to select the current row N/A

Cell – Edit Edit icon Used to edit the selected row of PBS Youth Involved data

Click to edit the selected row N/A

Cell – Name Text The name of the youth involved in the incident Display only N/A

Cell – Number Text The IDOC Number of the youth involved in the incident Display only N/A

Cell – Age Text The age of the youth involved in the incident Display only N/ACell – Ethnicity Text Text box that holds the selected ethnicity Display only N/A

Cell – Conduct Report Issued Text Displays whether or not a Conduct Report was issued Display only N/A

Cell – Unit Text Displays the unit where the incident took place if entered by the user Display only N/A

Youth Textbox with finder icon The youth that was involved in the incident User - supplied No

Ethnicity Dropdown The ethnicity of the youth involved.User – suppliedPossible values are RACE Lookup


Unit Textbox The unit location where the incident occurred User- supplied No

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Detailed System Design

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Conduct Report Issued - Yes Radio Button Indicates that there was a conduct report issued for the incident User - supplied No

Conduct Report Issued - No Radio Button Indicates that there was not a conduct report issued for the incident

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Clock icon


Add Button Add a row to the current grid based upon the values contained in the controls. Click to add grid row N/A

Remove Button Removes the row that is currently selected Click to remove N/A

Staff InvolvedGrid Row Display only

Cell – Check Checkbox Used to select the current row Click to select the current row N/A

Cell – Edit Edit icon Used to edit the selected row of Client Involved data

Click to edit the selected row N/A

Cell – Employee Number Text The Staff Number Display only N/ACell – Employee Name Text The Staff Name Display only N/A

Employee Name Dropdown The staff that was involved in the incidentUser – suppliedPossible values are Staff Lookup


Add Button Add a row to the current grid based upon the values contained in the controls. Click to add grid row N/A

Assaults Multi-select list box The types of assaults that the youth may have committed

User-suppliedpossible values are: Lookup


Suicidal Behavior Multi-select list box Lists whether the youth was suicidal

User-suppliedpossible values are: Lookup – Suicidal, Suicidal Behavior


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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Property Multi-select list box The types of property actions the youth may have taken

User-suppliedpossible values are: Lookup


Misconduct Multi-select list box The types of misconduct that the youth may have committed

User-suppliedpossible values are: Lookup


Miscellaneous Multi-select list box The types of miscellaneous acts the youth may have committed

User-suppliedpossible values are: Lookup


Confinement Multi-select list box Lists the type of confinement used on a youth if any.

User-suppliedpossible values are: Lookup


Seen By Medical Multi-select list box List the type of individual that needed medical care if any

User-suppliedpossible values are: Lookup


Isolation - Yes Radio button Indicates that someone was placed in isolation User-supplied No

Isolation - No Radio button Indicates that no one was placed in isolation User-supplied No

RestraintGrid Row Display only

Cell – Check Checkbox Used to select the current row Click to select the current row N/A

Cell – Edit Edit icon Used to edit the selected row of Client Involved data

Click to edit the selected row N/A

Cell – Name Text The name of the youth who was restrained Display only N/A

Cell – Number Text The IDOC Number of the youth that was restrained Display only N/A

Cell – Restraint Type Used Text The type of restraint that was used to restrain the youth Display only N/A

Youth Textbox with finder icon The youth that was restrained User - supplied No

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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Restraint Type Used Dropdown The type of restraint that was used on the youth

User – suppliedPossible values are lookup


Add Button Add a row to the current grid based upon the values contained in the controls. Click to add grid row N/A

Remove Button Removes the row that is currently selected Click to remove N/A

IsolationGrid Row Display only

Cell – Check Checkbox Used to select the current row Click to select the current row N/A

Cell – Edit Edit icon Used to edit the selected row of Client Involved data

Click to edit the selected row N/A

Cell – Name Text The name of the youth placed in isolation Display only N/A

Cell – Number Text The IDOC Number of the youth placed in isolation Display only N/A

Cell – Isolation Room Text The room where the youth was placed in isolation Display only N/A

Cell – Date In Text The date the youth was placed in isolation Display only N/ACell – Time In Text The time that the youth was placed in isolation Display only N/A

Cell – Date Out Text The date that the youth was removed from isolation Display only N/A

Cell – Time Out Text The time that the youth was removed from isolation Display only N/A

Youth Textbox with finder icon The youth that was placed in isolation User - supplied NoIsolation Room Textbox The room where the youth was isolated User - supplied No

Date In Date field with Calendar icon The date that the youth was placed in isolation

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Time In Time field with clock icon The time that the youth was placed in isolation

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Clock icon


Date Out Date field with Calendar icon The date that the youth was removed from isolation

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


Time Out Time field with clock icon The time that the youth was removed from isolation

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Clock icon


Add Button Add a row to the current grid based upon the values contained in the controls. Click to add grid row N/A

Remove Button Removes the row that is currently selected Click to remove N/A

MedicalGrid Row Display only

Cell – Check Checkbox Used to select the current row Click to select the current row N/A

Cell – Edit Edit icon Used to edit the selected row of Client Involved data

Click to edit the selected row N/A

Cell – Name Text The name of the youth that needed medical attention Display only N/A

Cell – Number Text The IDOC Number of the youth that required medical attention Display only N/A

Cell – Date Text The date that the youth was seen by medical personnel Display only N/A

Cell – Staff Name Text The name of the medical staff person that attended to the youth Display only N/A

Cell – Time Seen Text The time that the youth was seen by medical personnel Display only N/A

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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Cell - Reason For Exam Text The reason that the youth was seen by medical, personnel Display only N/A

Youth Textbox with finder icon The youth that needed medical attention User - supplied No

Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the youth was seen by medical personnel

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


Staff Name Textbox The name of the medical staff person that attended to the youth User - supplied No

Time Seen Time field with clock icon The time that the youth was seen by medical personnel

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Clock icon


Reason for Exam Textbox The reason that the youth was seen by medical, personnel User - supplied No

Add Button Add a row to the current grid based upon the values contained in the controls. Click to add grid row N/A

Remove Button Removes the row that is currently selected Click to remove N/A

InjuryGrid Row Display only

Cell – Check Checkbox Used to select the current row Click to select the current row N/A

Cell – Edit Edit icon Used to edit the selected row of Client Involved data

Click to edit the selected row N/A

Cell - Name Text The name of the youth that injured someone Display only N/A

Cell - Number Text The IDOC Number of the youth that injured someone Display only N/A

Cell – Injured Person Text The type of person that the youth injured Display only N/ACell – Injury Source Text The source of the injury caused by the youth Display only N/A

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Detailed System Design

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Youth Textbox with finder icon The youth caused an injury to another person User - supplied No

Injured Person Dropdown The type of person that was injured by the youth

User – suppliedPossible values are lookup


Injury Source Dropdown The source of the injury inflicted by the youthUser – suppliedPossible values are lookup


Add Button Add a row to the current grid based upon the values contained in the controls. Click to add grid row N/A

Remove Button Removes the row that is currently selected Click to remove N/A

Incident Description Textarea Free form text area to enter other specifics to the Incident Occurrence User - supplied No

Comments Textarea Free form text area to enter other specifics to the Incident Occurrence User - supplied No

Save Button Saves the current data set Click to save N/A

Cancel Button Cancel the current edits and return to the previous screen Click to cancel N/A

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Detailed System Design Use Cases Add New IncidentUsers: Custody Staff, Case Manager, Supervisor

Preconditions: The user is logged into the system, and can be on any screen. Post Conditions: A new Incident Report record has been created.

Trigger: One of more youths participated in an incident that needs to be recorded in the system.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Incident from the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES menu.2. The system displays the Incident Search Information screen to the user.3. The user enters the search criteria, such as Last Name, first Name, and IDOC

Number into the screen and clicks Search.4. The system displays the Incident Search Results Summary screen to the user

with any results populating the grid.5. The user selects New.6. The system displays a new Incident Information screen to the user.7. The user adds the minimum required fields to the record, which are Incident

Date/Time, Duty Supervisor Notification Date/Time, Work Location, Status, and Incident Type. The user then adds any data that is not required such as:

a. Assaultsb. Suicidal Behaviorc. Propertyd. Misconducte. Miscellaneousf. Confinementg. Seen By Medicalh. Isolation (Yes/No)i. Segregationj. PbS Youth Involved Record

i. The user adds a PbS Youth Involved record by looking up the youth with a finder control, selecting the Ethnicity from a dropdown, typing the unit into a textbox, and selecting the Add button.

k. Restraint Recordi. The user adds a Restraint Record by looking up the youth with a

finder control, selecting the Restraint Type Used from the dropdown, and selecting the Add button.

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l. Isolation Recordi. The user adds an Isolation record by looking up the youth with a

finder control, typing in the Isolation room, selecting the Date In, selecting the Time In, and selecting the Add button.

m. Medical Recordi. The user add a Medical record, by looking up the youth with a

finder control, entering the Date, entering the Staff Name in a textbox, entering the Time Seen, entering the Reason for Exam in a textbox, and selecting the Add button.

n. Injury Recordi. The user adds an Injury record by looking up the youth in a finder

control, selecting the Injured Person from a dropdown, selecting the injury Source from a dropdown, and selecting the Add button.

o. Notificationsi. PbS Incident Tracking #ii. Date Logged in PbS Web Site.

The user clicks Save to record all of the data.8. The system calculates the Incident Number, saves all entered data, and displays

the Incident Search Information screen to the user.9. The use case ends

Alternate Flow

A1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Incident Search Information Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 7 of the Normal Flow. Edit Incident ReportUsers: Custody Staff, Case Manager, Supervisor

Preconditions: The user is logged into the system, and can be on any screen. Post Conditions: A previous Incident Report record is updated to show the changes entered by the user.

Trigger: The user needs to edit an Incident Report previously added to the system.

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Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Incident from the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES menu.2. The system displays the Incident Search Information screen to the user.3. The user enters the search criteria, such as Last Name, first Name, and IDOC

Number into the screen and clicks Search.4. The system displays the Incident Search Results Summary screen to the user

with any results populating the grid.5. The user selects the edit icon for the Incident Report he or she would like to edit.6. The system displays the Incident Information screen to the user in a format

where every item is editable except the incident number.7. The user edits, adds or removes items from the Incident Information screen, and

selects save.8. The system saves the changes that the user made to the Incident record, and

displays the Incident Search Information screen to the user.9. The use case ends

A1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Incident Search Information Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 7 of the Normal Flow. Process Input(s) Incident Number Current ValueThe current incident number provides the base for the next incident number Processes Calculate Incident NumberThe first time an Incident Report is saved, the system calculates and stores the Incident Number. The Incident Number starts with the three (3) letter abbreviation for the facility. Next comes two (2) digits for the current year. Two (2) digits for the current month come next. The number is completed by counting the number of incidents at the facility in the current month by starting at 0001 and adding one (1) for each new incident, so the next value would be 0002. The whole number would be IYC 14 07 0015 for the fifteenth incident at IYC during July 2014.

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Detailed System Design Send Supervisor NotificationThe system will send a notification to the supervisor notifying him/her that an incident has occurred and an incident report has been created.

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Detailed System Design Error HandingThis section provides a detailed overview for the Incident Information Error Handling, catered towards future state. It will depict Error Handling Specific to each Incident Information Screen, the condition or action taken, within the TOMS Offender Management System Application, the Type of Error plausibly encountered, and the Application Expected Results.

Condition Type of Error Expected Results1

End user navigates to the Incidents Information Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu and Incident Menu Item.

The end user is redirected to the Incidents Information Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

The end user is redirected to the Incidents Information Screen.

The contents of the screen paints successfully to the monitor however one of the following data elements have not been successfully populated:

Dependent upon the missing Incidents Information Screen Data Element(s), this may result in one of the following Error(s):1. “Officials Not Found“2. “Client Number Not Found”3. “Youth Not Found”4. “Ethnicity Not Found”5. “Employee Name Not Found”6. “Assaults Not Found”7. “Suicidal Behavior Not Found”8. “Property Not Found”9. “Misconduct Not Found”10. “Miscellaneous Not Found”11. “Confinement Not Found”12. “Seen by Medical Not Found”13. “Youth Not Found”14. “Restraint Type Used Not Found”15. “Youth Not Found”16. “Youth Not Found”17. “Injured Person Not Found”

In regards to Data Not Found – These are the Expected Results. In this event please have your administrator create the necessary LOV/LookUps within the ADMIN Module beneath LOV & LookUp Admin Summary.

The contents of the screen paint successfully to the monitor. The following data elements have been successfully populated:

1. Officials2. Client No.3. Youth4. Ethnicity5. Employee6. Assaults7. Suicidal Behavior8. Property9. Misconduct10. Miscellaneous11. Confinement12. Seen by Medical13. Youth14. Restraint Type Used15. Youth16. Youth17. Injured Person18. Injury

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Condition Type of Error Expected Results18. “Injury Not Found”

Dependent upon the missing Information Screen Data Element(s) Grid Row(s), this may result in the following Errors:

1. “The following data elements were not found for the Notifications of Officials: Official, Date, and Time.”

2. “The following data elements were not found for the Clients Involved: Client Number, Client Name, Client Location, Client Involvement, and Mental Health Level.”

3. “The following data elements were not found for the Youth Involved: Name, Number, Age, Ethnicity, Conduct Report Issued, and Unit.”

4. “The following data elements were not found for the Staff Involved: Employee Number, Employee Name.”

5. “The following data elements were not found for the Restraint: Name, Number, and Restraint Type Used.”

6. “The following data elements were not found for the Isolation: Name, Number, Isolation Room, Date In, Time In, Date Out, and Time Out.”

7. “The following data elements were not found for the Medical: Name, Number, Date, Staff Name, Time Seen, and Reason for Exam.”

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Condition Type of Error Expected Results

8. “The following data elements were not found for the Injury: Name, Number, Injured Person, and Injury Source.”


End user navigates to the Incidents Information Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu and Incident Menu Item.

End user alters one or all of the data elements found within the Incidents Information Screen.

End user proceeds to click the Save Command Button

Database Integrity Error and\or Database Submit Error is thrown.

“Data Saved” should display in a Blue-Font in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

3 End user navigates to the Incidents Information Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu and Incident Menu Item.

End user alters one or all of the data elements found within the Incidents Information Screen; however forgets to enter one of the required fields and proceeds to Save the Incident.

The end user is redirected to the Incidents Information Screen The contents of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

Dependent upon the missing Incidents Information Data Element(s), this may result in one of the following Error(s):

1. “Incident Date and Time are Required”2. “Status is Required”3. “Incident Type is Required”4. “Work Location is Required”5. “Client and/or Youth is Required”6. “Incident Number is Required”

In regards to Data Elements Required – These are the Expected Results. In this event please the end user will be expected to enter all required information prior Saving and Submitting the Offender Incident to the Database Resource.

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Condition Type of Error Expected Results


End user navigates to the Incidents Information Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu and Incident Menu Item.

End user alters one or all of the data elements found within the Incidents Information Screen.

End user proceeds to click the Cancel/Back Command Button

End user altered Data Element Values are retained in the Browser Session History.

Session History is not maintained and does not proceed back to the previously visited end user


End user altered Data Element Values are flushed from Browser Session History.

Session History is maintained and proceeds to redirect to the previously visited end user screen.

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2.13.6 Conduct Summary Conduct Summary Screen

Figure 5 – Conduct Summary

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Detailed System Design Data Elements and Behavior

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

(none) Edit icon Hyperlink to the Conduct Information screen for the selected entry

Click to go to the conduct Information screen for the selected entry


Case Number Text The Case Number for the particular conduct Display only N/AClass (CLS) Text The Class for the Offense Code Display Only N/ACode Text The Code representing the Offense Display Only N/A

Description Text The Description of the Offense related to the Conduct Display Only N/A

Offense Date Text The date that the Offence occurred Display only N/AReport Date Text The date that the conduct Report was written Display only N/A

Hearing Date Text The date that the Hearing took place for the given Conduct Report Display Only N/A

New Button The button to navigate to a new Conduct Information screen

Click to open a new Conduct Information screen


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Detailed System Design Use CasesView Conduct HistoryUsers: Custody Staff, Case Manager, Supervisor, Hearing Officer, Screening Officer, Facility Head

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: None.

Trigger: The user wants to review the offender’s conduct history.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user views the conduct history.4. The use case ends. Edit Conduct ReportUsers: Custody Staff, Case Manager, Supervisor, Hearing Officer, Facility Head

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A current Conduct Report record has been modified.

Trigger: The user needs to update the information on a Conduct Report.

Normal Flow:

5. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.6. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.7. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct report to be edited.8. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.9. The user performs any edits desired and the user then selects SAVE.10.The system saves the Conduct Report including changes made by the user.11.The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.12.The use case ends.

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A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Dismiss Conduct ReportUsers: Supervisor, Hearing Officer, Screening Officer

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A DISMISSED Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The current Conduct Report has been dismissed.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct report to be dismissed.4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects DIMISSED from the Event dropdown. The user enters the date

the Conduct Report was dismissed in the Date field. The user selects the Facility where the offender is currently. The user selects either the Screening Officer or Facility Head from the Authorized by dropdown, and then selects Add.

6. The system adds the DISMISSED Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new DISMISSED Event

record.9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user, but the conduct

should no longer appear on the screen because it was dismissed.10.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.

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A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Add Hearing to Conduct ReportUsers: Supervisor, Hearing Officer, CAB, UTDC

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A HEARING Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The current Conduct Report has been dismissed.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct Report to which to add the hearing.4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects HEARING 1 or HEARING 2 from the Event dropdown. The user

enters the date of the hearing in the Date field. The user selects the Facility where the hearing took place. The user selects GUILTY or NOT GUILTY from the Results Dropdown. The user selects the Screening Officer, UTDC, CAB or HEARING OFFICER from the Authorized by dropdown, and then selects Add.

6. The system adds the HEARING Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.

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8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new HEARING Event record.

9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.10.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Add AppealUsers: Supervisor, Hearing Officer, Assistant Superintendent

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: An APPEAL Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The offender appealed a Conduct Report, and the user is recording the results of that appeal.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct report to which to add an appeal4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.

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5. The user selects APPEAL 1 or APPEAL 2 from the Event dropdown. The user enters the date of the appeal in the Date field. The user selects the Facility where the appeal took place. The user selects the result of the appeal, DENY, SUSTAIN, or REHEAR. The user selects the appeal actions from the Action Dropdown, Not Guilty, SANCTION OR OFFENSE, NONE, and then selects Add.

6. The system adds the APPEAL 1 or APPEAL 2 Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new APPEAL Event record.9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.10.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Add SanctionUsers: Hearing Officer, Assistant Superintendent

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A SANCTION(s) Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The offender was found guilty during a hearing or the offender pleaded guilty to the Conduct.

Normal Flow:

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1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct report to which to add the sanction.4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects SANCTION from the Event dropdown. The user enters the date

the sanction was given. The user selects the Effective Date of the Sanction. The user selects the End Date of the Sanction if appropriate. The user selects the Facility where the offender is currently. The user selects the desired sanction from the Results dropdown. The user enters a number or text in the Value textbox based on the sanction selected. The user selects an action from the Actions dropdown to determine if the sanction is one of the following:

a. S = Suspendb. SR = Suspend/Recommendc. E = Enforced. ER = Enforce/Recommende. R = Recommendf. I= Imposed

Once all values are selected, the user selects Add.6. The system adds the SANCTION Event to the Events grid and redisplays the

Conduct Information screen to the user.7. The user repeats steps 5 and 6 until all sanctions are added.8. The user selects SAVE.9. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new SANCTIONS Event

record(s). The system sends a notification based on section system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.11.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 8 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.

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C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Add Credit Class Review HearingUsers: Hearing Officer, CAB Member, Unit Team Member

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A CREDIT CLASS REVIEW Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The offender previously had a reduction in Credit Class due to a Conduct Report. After ninety (90) days a Credit Class Review occurs.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct report to which to add the Credit

Class Review.4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects CREDIT CLASS REVIEW from the Event dropdown. The user

adds the date that the review took place in the Date field. The user enters the date the results become effective in the Effective Date field. The user selects the facility where the offender is currently housed. The user selects the Results of the Credit Class Review. The user selects an Action from the Actions Dropdown, I =Imposed or R =Recommend. The user selects Add

6. The system adds the CREDIT CLASS REVIEW Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new CREDIT CLASS

REVIEW Event record.9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.10.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.

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A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Add Petition to Restore Credit Time HearingUsers: Hearing Officer, CAB Member, Unit Team Member

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A PETITION TO RESTORE Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The offender previously lost Earned Credit Time due to a Conduct Report. After six (6) months the offender can petition to have twenty-five percent (25%) of deprived time restored up to three times.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct report to which to add the Petition

to Restore Time hearing.4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects PETITION TO RESTORE from the Event dropdown. The user

adds the date that the offender filed the petition in the Date field. The user enters the date the results become effective in the Effective Date field. The user selects

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the facility where the offender is currently housed. The user enters the number of days to restore in the Value textbox. The user enters the date that the facility approved the petition in the End Date field, and the user selects Add

6. The system adds the PETITION TO RESTORE Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new PETITION TO

RESTORE Event record.9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.10.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Process Input(s)None. Processes Populate the Conduct Summary GridThe grid contains the Conduct Reports for a specific offender for the during an offender’s incarcerated duration in reverse chronological order. The grid will not show Conduct Reports where the Conduct Report was dismissed or the offender was found not guilty during the hearing or appeal process.

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Detailed System Design Error HandingThis section provides a detailed overview for the Conduct Summary Error Handling, catered towards future state. It will depict Error Handling Specific to each Offender Conduct Screen, the condition or action taken, within the TOMS Offender Management System Application, the Type of Error plausibly encountered, and the Application Expected Results.

Condition Type of Error Expected Results


End user navigates to the Incidents Conduct Summary Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen.

The contents of the screen paints successfully to the monitor however one of the following data elements have not been successfully populated:

Dependent upon the missing Information Screen Data Element(s) Grid Row(s), this may result in the following Errors:

1. “The following data elements were not found for Conduct Summary: Case Number, Class, Code, Description, Offense Date, Report Date, Hearing Date”.

End user to not only be redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen but painted to the screen as well., The following data should be painted to the screen:

- Case Number- Class (CLS)- Code- Description- Offense Date- Report Date- Hearing Date

2 End user navigates to the Incidents Conduct Summary Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

Displays a Blank Screen End user to not only be redirected to the Conduct Information Screen but painted to the screen as well. The following Conduct Data should be painted to the screen

- Incident Date- Class- Date Report Received- Conduct- Case Number

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Condition Type of Error Expected ResultsThe end user is redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

End user proceeds to Conduct Summary Screen Grid Row Edit Icon.

- Assault Victim- Facility- Thrown Substance- Housing- Reporting Person- Range- Plea- Location- Prehearing Segregation- Event- Date- Effective Date- End Date- Facility- Results- Value- Actions- Authorized By- Current Credit Class- Current ECT

3 End user navigates to the Incidents Conduct Summary Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the

Displays a Blank Screen End user to not only be redirected to the Conduct Information Screen but painted to the screen as well. The following Conduct Data should be painted to the screen

- Incident Date- Class- Date Report Received- Conduct- Case Number- Assault Victim- Facility- Thrown Substance- Housing

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Condition Type of Error Expected Resultsmonitor.

End user proceeds to Conduct Summary Screen New Command Button.

- Reporting Person- Range- Plea- Location- Prehearing Segregation- Event- Date- Effective Date- End Date- Facility- Results- Value- Actions- Authorized By- Current Credit Class- Current ECT

4 End user navigates to the Conduct Summary Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

End user proceeds to click the Cancel/Back

End user altered Data Element Values are retained in the Browser Session History.

Session History is not maintained and does not proceed back to the previously visited

end user screen.

End user altered Data Element Values are flushed from Browser Session History.

Session History is maintained and proceeds to redirect to the previously visited end user screen.

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Condition Type of Error Expected ResultsCommand Button

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2.13.7 Conduct Hearing Summary Conduct Hearing Summary Screen

Figure 6 – Conduct Hearing Summary

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Detailed System Design Data Elements and Behavior

Element Name Element Type Description Possible Values and User Interaction Req

(none) Edit icon Hyperlink to the Conduct Information screen for the selected entry

Click to go to the conduct Information screen for the selected entry N/A

Date Text The date that the event took place Display only N/AClass Text The Class for the Offense Code for a Sanction Display Only N/ACode Text The Code representing the Offense for a Sanction Display Only N/A

Description Text

1 The description of the offense for a Sanction2. The text should be “CC Review Effective Date: ” and the date of the Credit Class Review hearing event.3. The text should be “ECT Petition Effective Date:” and the date of the Petition to Restore Time Hearing event.4. The text should be “Appeal 1 Effective Date” and the date of the first appeal5 The text should be “Appeal 2 Effective Date:” and the date of the second appeal.

Display Only N/A

Result Text The result of the Hearing, Appeal, or Sanction, Display only N/A

Recommended (R) Check Box This item will be checked if the code for the Event Actions contains an “R” Display only N/A

Imposed (I) Check Box This item will be checked if the code for the Event Actions contains an “I” Display only N/A

Suspended (S) Check Box This item will be checked if the code for the Event Actions contains an “S” Display only N/A

Enforced (E) Check Box This item will be checked if the code for the Event Actions contains an “E” Display only N/A

New ButtonThe button navigates to the offender’s current Conduct Information screen, so that the user can enter a new Event.

Click to open the offender’s current Conduct Report N/A

Back Button Button to navigate to the last screen the user was on

Click to navigate to the last screen the user was on N/A

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Detailed System Design Use Cases Add Hearing via Hearing Summary ScreenUsers: Supervisor, Hearing Officer, CAB, UTDC

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A Hearing Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: A new hearing was held for the current Conduct Report.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Hearing Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Hearing Summary screen to the user

populated with all of the Events from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.

3. The user selects New.4. The system displays the offender’s current Conduct Information screen to the

user with the Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects HEARING 1 or HEARING 2 from the Event dropdown. The user

enters the date of the hearing in the Date field. The user selects the Facility where the hearing took place. The user selects GUILTY or NOT GUILTY from the Results Dropdown. The user selects the Screening Officer, UTDC, CAB or HEARING OFFICER from the Authorized by dropdown, and then selects Add.

6. The system adds the HEARING Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new HEARING Event

record.9. The system displays the Conduct Hearing Summary screen to the user.10.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

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C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Add Appeal via Conduct Hearing Summary ScreenUsers: Supervisor, Hearing Officer, Assistant Superintendent

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: An APPEAL Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The offender appealed a Conduct Report, and the user is recording the results of that appeal.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Hearing Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Hearing Summary screen to the user

populated with all of the Events from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.

3. The user selects New.4. The system displays the offender’s current Conduct Information screen to the

user with the Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects APPEAL 1 or APPEAL 2 from the Event dropdown. The user

enters the date of the appeal in the Date field. The user selects the Facility where the appeal took place. The user selects the result of the appeal, DENY, SUSTAIN, or REHEAR. The user selects the appeal actions from the Action Dropdown, Not Guilty, SANCTION OR OFFENSE, NONE, and then selects Add.

6. The system adds the APPEAL 1 or APPEAL 2 Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new APPEAL Event record.9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.10.The use case ends.

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A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Add Sanction via Conduct Hearing Summary ScreenUsers: Hearing Officer, Assistant Superintendent

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A SANCTION(s) Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The offender was found guilty during a hearing or the offender pleaded guilty to the Conduct.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Hearing Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Hearing Summary screen to the user

populated with all of the Events from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.

3. The user selects New.4. The system displays the offender’s current Conduct Information screen to the

user with the Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects SANCTION from the Event dropdown. The user enters the date

the sanction was given. The user selects the Effective Date of the Sanction. The user selects the End Date of the Sanction if appropriate. The user selects the Facility where the offender is currently. The user selects the desired sanction

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from the Results dropdown. The user enters a number or text in the Value textbox based on the sanction selected. The user selects an action from the Actions dropdown to determine if the sanction is one of the following:

a. S = Suspendb. SR = Suspend/Recommendc. E = Enforced. ER = Enforce/Recommende. R = Recommendf. I= Imposed

Once all values are selected, the user selects Add.6. The system adds the SANCTION Event to the Events grid and redisplays the

Conduct Information screen to the user.7. The user repeats steps 5 and 6 until all sanctions are added.8. The user selects SAVE.9. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new SANCTIONS Event

record(s). The system sends a notification based on the chart in section

10.The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.11.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 8 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Add Credit Class Review Hearing via Conduct Hearing Summary ScreenUsers: Hearing Officer, CAB Member, Unit Team Member

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Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A CREDIT CLASS REVIEW Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The offender previously had a reduction in Credit Class due to a Conduct Report. After ninety (90) days a Credit Class Review occurs.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Hearing Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Hearing Summary screen to the user

populated with all of the Events from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.

3. The user selects New.4. The system displays the offender’s current Conduct Information screen to the

user with the Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects CREDIT CLASS REVIEW from the Event dropdown. The user

adds the date that the review took place in the Date field. The user enters the date the results become effective in the Effective Date field. The user selects the facility where the offender is currently housed. The user selects the Results of the Credit Class Review. The user selects an Action from the Actions Dropdown, I =Impose or R =Recommend. The user selects Add

6. The system adds the CREDIT CLASS REVIEW Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new CREDIT CLASS

REVIEW Event record.9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.10.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.

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C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Add Petition to Restore Credit Time Hearing via Conduct Hearing Summary Screen

Users: Hearing Officer, CAB Member, Unit Team Member

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A PETITION TO RESTORE Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The offender previously lost Earned Credit Time due to a Conduct Report. After six (6) months the offender can petition to have 25 percent of deprived time restored up to three times

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Hearing Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Hearing Summary screen to the user

populated with all of the Events from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.

3. The user selects New.4. The system displays the offender’s current Conduct Information screen to the

user with the Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects PETITION TO REVIEW from the Event dropdown. The user

adds the date that the offender filed the petition in the Date field. The user enters the date the results become effective in the Effective Date field. The user selects the facility where the offender is currently housed. The user enters the number of days to restore in the Value textbox. The user enters the date that the facility approved the petition in the End Date field, and the user selects Add

6. The system adds the PETITION TO REVIEW Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new PETITION TO REVIEW

Event record.9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.10.The use case ends.

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A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Process Input(s) Processes Calculating the Description Text1 The text should be the description of the offense for a Sanction type event2. The text should be “CC Review Effective Date:” and the date of the Credit Class Review hearing event.3. The text should be “ECT Petition Effective Date:” and the date of the Petition to Restore Time Hearing event.4. The text should be “Appeal 1 Effective Date” and the date of the first appeal5 The text should be “Appeal 2 Effective Date:” and the date of the second appeal. Calculating the values for the R, I, S, E grid columns.The values for the R, I, S, E grid columns are based on the codes recorded in the Event Actions field. The R checkbox is checked any time that the Event Actions code includes an “R”. The R checkbox is checked any time that the Event Actions code includes an “R”. The I checkbox is checked any time that the Event Actions code includes an “I”. The S checkbox is checked any time that the Event Actions code includes an “S”. The E checkbox is checked any time that the Event Actions code includes an “E”. Populate the Conduct Hearing Summary GridThe grid contains the hearings and sanctions for a specific offender for the during an offender’s incarcerated duration in reverse chronological order. The grid will not show

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hearings or sanctions from Conduct Reports where the Conduct Report was dismissed or the offender was found not guilty during the hearing or appeal process

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Detailed System Design Error HandingThis section provides a detailed overview for the Conduct Hearing Summary Screen Error Handling, catered towards future state. It will depict Error Handling Specific to each Offender Conduct Screen, the condition or action taken, within the TOMS Offender Management System Application, the Type of Error plausibly encountered, and the Application Expected Results.

Condition Type of Error Expected Results


End user navigates to the Conduct Hearing Summary Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Hearing Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Hearing Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Hearing Summary Screen.

The contents of the screen paints successfully to the monitor however one of the following data elements have not been successfully populated:

Dependent upon the missing Information Screen Data Element(s) Grid Row(s), this may result in the following Errors:

1. “The following data elements were not found for Conduct Summary: Date, Class, Code, Description, Result, Recommend, Impose, Suspend, and Enforce”.

End user to not only be redirected to the Conduct Hearing Summary Screen but painted to the screen as well., The following data should be painted to the screen:

- Date- Class- Code- Description- Result- Recommend (R)- Impose (I)- Suspend (S)- Enforce (E)

2 End user navigates to the Conduct Information Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to Conduct Information Screen. The contents of the screen paint successfully to the monitor.

At a minimum and dependent upon the missing Event Hearing Data Element(s), this may result in one of the following Error(s):

1. “Incident Date is Required”

In regards to Data Elements Required – These are the Expected Results. In this event please the end user will be expected to enter all required information prior to Adding an Event Type to an Offender Conduct, Saving, and Submitting the Offender Conduct Information to the Database Resource.

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Condition Type of Error Expected Results

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

End user proceeds to click the Edit Icon Button and is redirected to the Conduct Information Screen.

End user proceeds to add an Event Hearing Type.

2. “Case Number is Required”3. “Class is Required”4. “Conduct is Required”5. “Facility is Required”6. “Location is Required”7. “Event Hearing Type is Required”8. “Event Hearing Date is Required”9. “Facility is Required”

3 End user navigates to the Incidents Conduct Hearing Summary Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Hearing Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

End user proceeds to

End user altered Data Element Values are retained in the Browser Session History.

Session History is not maintained and does not proceed back to the previously visited

end user screen.

End user altered Data Element Values are flushed from Browser Session History.

Session History is maintained and proceeds to redirect to the previously visited end user screen.

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Condition Type of Error Expected Resultsclick the Cancel/Back Command Button

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2.13.8 New Conduct Information Conduct Information Screen - New

Figure 7 – Conduct Information - New

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Detailed System Design Data Elements and Behavior

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and User Interaction Req

Incident DateDate field with Calendar icon

The date upon which the offender offense occurred

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


Class Dropdown The class of the offense User – suppliedPossible values are Lookup (A, B,C, D) Yes

Date Report Received

Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the Conduct Report was received by the offender

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


Conduct Dropdown The conduct for the offense the offender supposedly committed

User – suppliedPossible values are LOV Yes

Case Number Textbox The case number for the Conduct Report Display – only; system calculated at first save N/A

Assault Victim Dropdown The victim of the assault if one occurredUser – suppliedPossible values are Lookup (Offender, Staff, Visitor)


Facility Dropdown The facility where the offender offense occurred

User- suppliedPossible values are LOV Yes

Thrown Substance Textbox If the offender threw a substance it is captured here User - supplied No

Housing Dropdown The building in which the offense occurred User – suppliedPossible values are LOV No

Reporting Person Textbox with finder icon

The name of the person that reported the incident

User – suppliedPossible values are system users at the reporting facility


Range Dropdown The unit/range where the incident occurred User – suppliedPossible values are LOV No

Plea Dropdown The plea entered by the offender to the charged offense

User –suppliedPossible values are Lookup (Guilty, Not Guilty, None)


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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and User Interaction Req

Location Dropdown

If the offense did not occur in a range, then this value holds other locations throughout the facility where the incident may have occurred

User – suppliedPossible values are Lookup (Offense LOC) No

Prehearing Segregation Checkbox

The box is checked if the offender was segregated prior to the conduct hearing taking place.

User - supplied No

Save Button Saves the current data set Click to save N/A

Cancel Button Cancel the current edits and return to the previous screen Click to cancel N/A

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Detailed System Design Use Cases Create New Conduct ReportUsers: Custody Staff, Case Manager, Supervisor

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A new Conduct Report record has been created.

Trigger: An offender committed an infraction that requires the completion of a formal Conduct Report.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects new.4. The system displays a New Conduct Information screen to the user.5. As a minimum, the user completes the required fields, Incident Date, Facility,

Date Report Received, Class, Conduct Code, and the Reporting Person and then he or she selects a location. The user then selects SAVE.

6. The system saves the new Conduct Report including the system calculated Case Number.

7. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the new Case Number read only.

8. The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

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Detailed System Design Process Input(s) Case Number Current ValueThe current case number provides the base for the next case number Processes Facility Dropdown TextThe displayed text for the Facility dropdown should include the Facility Code, a hyphen, and the Facility Name. Populate Conduct Code DropdownThe Conduct Code dropdown should be populated either by Adult or Juvenile conduct codes based on the current offender and the value selected in the Class dropdown. The displayed text for the dropdown should include the Conduct Code Number, and the Conduct Code Abbreviation Calculate Case NumberThe first time that a Conduct Report is saved, the system calculates and stores the Case Number. The Case Number starts with the three (3) letter abbreviation for the facility. Next comes two (2) digits for the current year. Two (2) digits for the current month come next. The number is completed by counting the number of Conduct Reports at the facility in the current month by starting at 0001 and adding one (1) for each new Conduct Report, so the next value would be 0002. The whole number would be IYC 14 07 0015 for the fifteenth conduct Report at IYC during July 2014. Location RequirementThe user must select a House and a Range, or the Location. When selecting the House (Building), the system will prepopulate the values based on the user’s work location. Once, the user selects a House, the system will populate the Ranges in that House (Unit) Schedule Hearing NotificationThe system will send a notification to the facility Hearing Officer and Case Manager notifying him/her that a hearing needs to be scheduled. In addition, seven (7) days after the Conduct Report Received Date, if a Conduct Hearing has not been scheduled and held, send an alert/notification to Case Manager and Hearing Officer to reschedule or dismiss. Error HandingThis section provides a detailed overview for the Conduct Information Screen – New Error Handling, catered towards future state. It will depict Error Handling Specific to each Offender Conduct Screen, the condition or action taken, within the TOMS Offender

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Management System Application, the Type of Error plausibly encountered, and the Application Expected Results.

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Condition Type of Error Expected Results


End user navigates to the Conduct Information Screen - New Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

End user proceeds to click the New Command Button and is redirected to the Conduct Information Screen – New.

End user alters one or all of the data elements found within the Incidents Information Screen; however forgets to enter one of the required fields and proceeds to Save the Conduct.

The end user is redirected to Conduct Information Screen - New Screen. The contents of the screen paint successfully to the monitor.

Dependent upon the missing Conduct Information Screen - New Screen Data Element(s), this may result in one of the following Error(s):

1. “Incident Date is Required”2. “Case Number is Required”3. “Class is Required”4. “Conduct is Required”5. “Facility is Required”6. “Location is Required”

In regards to Data Elements Required – These are the Expected Results. In this event please the end user will be expected to enter all required information prior Saving and Submitting the Offender Conduct to the Database Resource.

2 End user navigates to the Conduct Summary Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Hearing Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

End user proceeds to click the New

End user altered Data Element Values are retained in the Browser Session History.

Session History is not maintained and does not proceed back to the previously visited

end user screen.

End user altered Data Element Values are flushed from Browser Session History.

Session History is maintained and proceeds to redirect to the previously visited end user screen.

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Condition Type of Error Expected ResultsCommand Button and is redirected to the Conduct Information Screen – New.

End user proceeds to click the Cancel/Back Command Button

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2.13.9 Conduct Information Conduct Information Screen

Figure 8 – Conduct Information

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Detailed System Design Data Elements and Behavior

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and User

Interaction Req

Incident Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date upon which the offender offense occurred

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


Class Dropdown The class of the offense User – suppliedPossible values are Lookup (A, B,C, D) Yes

Date Report Received

Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the Conduct Report was received by the offender

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


Conduct Dropdown The conduct for the offense the offender supposedly committed

User – suppliedPossible values are LOV Yes

Case Number Textbox The case number for the Conduct Report Display – only; system calculated at first save N/A

Assault Victim Dropdown The victim of the assault if one occurredUser – suppliedPossible values are Lookup (Offender, Staff, Visitor)


Facility Dropdown The facility where the offender offense occurred

User- suppliedPossible values are LOV Yes

Thrown Substance Textbox If the offender threw a substance it is captured here User - supplied No

House Dropdown The building in which the offense occurred User – suppliedPossible values are LOV No

Reporting Person Textbox with finder icon

The name of the person that reported the incident

User – suppliedPossible values are system users at the reporting facility


Range Dropdown The unit/range where the incident occurred User – suppliedPossible values are LOV No

Plea Dropdown The plea entered by the offender to the charged offense

User –suppliedPossible values are Lookup (Guilty, Not Guilty, None)


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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and User

Interaction Req

Shop/Other DropdownIf the offense did not occur in a range, then this value holds other locations throughout the facility where the incident may have occurred

User – suppliedPossible values are Lookup (Offense LOC)


Prehearing Segregation Checkbox

The box is checked if the offender was segregated prior to the conduct hearing taking place.

User - supplied No

EventsGrid Row Display onlyCell– Event Text The type of event that the row contains Display only N/ACell– Date Text The date that the event occurred Display only N/ACell – Effective Date Text The effective date of the event Display only N/ACell – End Date Text The end date of the event Display only N/ACell – Facility Text The facility in which the event occurred Display only N/ACell – Results Text The results of the event Display only N/A

Cell – Value Text The value that pertains to the result of the event Display only N/A

Cell – Actions Text The actions taken upon the results of the event Display only N/A

Cell – Authorized By Text The title of the person authorizing the actions taken Display only N/A

Event Dropdown The type of event that occurred and needs to be recorded

User- suppliedPossible values are Lookup (Dismissed, Hearing, Rehearing, Sanction, Appeal 1, Appeal2)


Event Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the event occurred

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


Effective Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the actions became effective

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and User

Interaction Req

End Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the action is terminated

User – suppliedCan be entered directly or selected from Calendar icon.


Facility Dropdown The facility where the event took place User – suppliedPossible values are LOV Yes

Results Dropdown The results of the event that took place User – suppliedPossible values are Lookup Yes

Value Text The value that is associated with a given result User – supplied No

Actions Dropdown The action that took place related to the results and value

User – suppliedPossible values are Lookup No

Authorized By Dropdown The title/role of the person who authorized the actions taken

User – suppliedPossible values are Lookup (Screening Officer, Facility Head, UTDC, CAB, Hearing Officer)


Current Credit Class Text The Current Credit Class for the offender Display Only N/A

Current ECT Text The number Earned Credit Time Days that the offender currently has available Display Only N/A

Add Button Adds the Event to the Offender Conduct Click to Add N/ASave Button Saves the current data set Click to save N/A

Cancel Button Cancel the current edits and return to the previous screen Click to cancel N/A

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Detailed System Design Use Cases Edit Conduct ReportUsers: Custody Staff, Case Manager, Supervisor, Hearing Officer, Screening Officer, Facility Head

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A current Conduct Report record has been modified.

Trigger: The user needs to update the information on a Conduct Report.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct report to be edited.4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.5. The user performs any edits desired and the user then selects SAVE.6. The system saves the Conduct Report including changes made by the user.7. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.8. The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Dismiss Conduct ReportUsers: Supervisor, Hearing Officer, Screening Officer

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A DISMISSED Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

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Trigger: The current Conduct Report has been dismissed.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct report to be dismissed.4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects DIMISSED from the Event dropdown. The user enters the date

the Conduct Report was dismissed in the Date field. The user selects the Facility where the offender is currently. The user selects either the Screening Officer or Facility Head from the Authorized by dropdown, and then selects Add.

6. The system adds the DISMISSED Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new DISMISSED Event

record.9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user, but the conduct

should no longer appear on the screen because it was dismissed.10.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

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Detailed System Design Add Hearing to Conduct ReportUsers: Supervisor, Hearing Officer, CAB, UTDC

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A HEARING Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The current Conduct Report has been dismissed.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct Report to which to add the hearing.4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects HEARING 1 or HEARING 2 from the Event dropdown. The user

enters the date of the hearing in the Date field. The user selects the Facility where the hearing took place. The user selects GUILTY or NOT GUILTY from the Results Dropdown. The user selects the Screening Officer, UTDC, CAB or HEARING OFFICER from the Authorized by dropdown, and then selects Add.

6. The system adds the HEARING Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new HEARING Event

record.9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.10.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.

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C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Add AppealUsers: Supervisor, Hearing Officer, Assistant Superintendent

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: An APPEAL Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The offender appealed a Conduct Report, and the user is recording the results of that appeal.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct report to which to add an appeal4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects APPEAL 1 or APPEAL 2 from the Event dropdown. The user

enters the date of the appeal in the Date field. The user selects the Facility where the appeal took place. The user selects the result of the appeal, DENY, SUSTAIN, or REHEAR. The user selects the appeal actions from the Action Dropdown, Not Guilty, SANCTION OR OFFENSE, NONE, and then selects Add.

6. The system adds the APPEAL 1 or APPEAL 2 Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new APPEAL Event record.9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.10.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

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B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Add SanctionUsers: Hearing Officer, Assistant Superintendent

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A SANCTION(s) Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The offender was found guilty during a hearing or the offender pleaded guilty to the Conduct.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct report to which to add the sanction.4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects SANCTION from the Event dropdown. The user enters the date

the sanction was given. The user selects the Effective Date of the Sanction. The user selects the End Date of the Sanction if appropriate. The user selects the Facility where the offender is currently. The user selects the desired sanction from the Results dropdown. The user enters a number or text in the Value textbox based on the sanction selected. The user selects an action from the Actions dropdown to determine if the sanction is one of the following:

a. S = Suspendb. SR = Suspend/Recommendc. E = Enforced. ER = Enforce/Recommend

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e. R = Recommendf. I= Imposed

Once all values are selected, the user selects Add.6. The system adds the SANCTION Event to the Events grid and redisplays the

Conduct Information screen to the user.7. The user repeats steps 5 and 6 until all sanctions are added.8. The user selects SAVE.9. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new SANCTIONS Event

record(s). The system sends a notification based on section system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.11.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 8 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Add Credit Class Review HearingUsers: Hearing Officer, CAB Member, Unit Team Member

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A CREDIT CLASS REVIEW Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The offender previously had a reduction in Credit Class due to a Conduct Report. After ninety (90) days a Credit Class Review occurs.

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Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct report to which to add the Credit

Class Review.4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects CREDIT CLASS REVIEW from the Event dropdown. The user

adds the date that the review took place in the Date field. The user enters the date the results become effective in the Effective Date field. The user selects the facility where the offender is currently housed. The user selects the Results of the Credit Class Review. The user selects an Action from the Actions Dropdown, I =Imposed or R =Recommend. The user selects Add

6. The system adds the CREDIT CLASS REVIEW Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new CREDIT CLASS

REVIEW Event record.9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.10.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

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Detailed System Design Add Petition to Restore Credit Time HearingUsers: Hearing Officer, CAB Member, Unit Team Member

Preconditions: The user is on an offender specific screen. Post Conditions: A PETITION TO RESTORE Event is added to the current Conduct Report.

Trigger: The offender previously lost Earned Credit Time due to a Conduct Report. After six (6) months the offender can petition to have twenty-five percent (25%) of deprived time restored up to three times.

Normal Flow:

1. The user selects Conduct Summary from the Conduct menu.2. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user populated with all

of the Conducts from the offender’s during an offender’s incarcerated duration.3. The user selects the edit icon for the Conduct report to which to add the Petition

to Restore Time hearing.4. The system displays the Conduct Information screen to the user with the

selected Conduct Report populated.5. The user selects PETITION TO RESTORE from the Event dropdown. The user

adds the date that the offender filed the petition in the Date field. The user enters the date the results become effective in the Effective Date field. The user selects the facility where the offender is currently housed. The user enters the number of days to restore in the Value textbox. The user enters the date that the facility approved the petition in the End Date field, and the user selects Add

6. The system adds the PETITION TO RESTORE Event to the Events grid and redisplays the Conduct Information screen to the user.

7. The user selects SAVE.8. The system saves the Conduct Report including the new PETITION TO

RESTORE Event record.9. The system displays the Conduct Summary screen to the user.10.The use case ends.

A1. At step 5 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Add.A2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.A3. The user selects OK.A4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

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B1. If at step A3 of Alternate Flow A, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 4 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow.

C1. At step 7 of the normal flow, the user selects cancel instead of Save.C2. The system prompts the user to verify that he or she would like to cancel.C3. The user selects OK.C4. The system discards all changes and returns the user to the Conduct Summary Screen.

D1. If at step C3 of Alternate Flow C, the user selects Cancel, the system will return to step 6 of the Normal Flow and show all changes made by the user at step 5 of the Normal Flow. Process Input(s) Current Credit ClassWhen creating Sanctions, the user can decide to raise or lower the offender’s credit class based on its current value. Current Earned Credit TimeWhen creating Sanctions, the user can decide to deduct or add earned credit time based on the current number of days that are available. Processes Process New SanctionsWhen the Actions for a new SANCTION Event record include “E” in the code and the user saves the associated Conduct Report record, the system will send a notification based on the chart contained in section The system sends the item in the Notification column to the recipients listed in the Assigned To: column. Process Existing SanctionsWhen the code for Actions for an existing SANCTION EVENT record change from “S” to “E” and the user saves the associated Conduct Report, the system will send a notification base on the chart located in section The system sends the item in the Notification column to the recipients listed in the Assigned To: column..

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Detailed System Design Sanction Notification Process Chart


for offender <IDOC Number>, <Client Name> to <Value>

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification, Supervisor

D2 DEMOTE TO CC 2 DEMOTE TO CREDIT CLASS 2 2 Change Credit Class for offender <IDOC Number>, <Client Name> to <Value>

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification, Supervisor, Release Specialist

D3 DEMOTE TO CC 3 DEMOTE TO CREDIT CLASS 3 3 Change Credit Class to for offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name> to <Value>

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification ,Supervisor, Release Specialist

EL ECT LOST EARNED CREDIT TIME LOST 180 For offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name> deduct <Value> from ECT

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification ,Supervisor, Release Specialist

ES ENFORCE SUSPEND ENFORCE SUSPENDED SANCTN E Follow rule for whatever the suspended sanction was/is

EW EXTRA WORK EXTRA WORK 40 Assign extra <value>hours of work to offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name>

Counselor, Unit Manager, Housing Unit Custody Staff, Shop Supervisor

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<IDOC Number>, < Client Name> to <Value>

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification ,Supervisor

HC HOUSING CHANGE HOUSE ASSIGNMENT CHANGE Process a housing unit change for offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name>

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification, Supervisor


change for offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name> to <Value>

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification, Supervisor, Program Manager


from offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name>

Business Administrator, Trust officers


for offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name> to <Value>

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification, Supervisor

SG SEGREGATION SEGREGATION 90 Process offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name>for transfer to restricted

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification, Supervisor, Housing

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SANCTION-CODE SANCTION-S-DESCR SANCTION-L-DESCR VALUE Notification Assign To:housing for <Value> days. Unit Custody Staff

VR VERBAL REPRIMAND VERBAL REPRIMAND Inform that offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name> received verbal reprimand

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification, Supervisor

WC WORK ASGN CHANGE WORK ASSIGNMENT CHANGE Process offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name> transfer to new work assignment.

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification, Supervisor

WR WRITTEN REPRIMAN WRITTEN REPRIMAND Inform that offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name> received written reprimand

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification, Supervisor

DB DEMOTE TO CC B DEMOTE TO CREDIT CLASS B Change Credit Class for offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name> to <Value>

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification, Supervisor, Release Specialist

DC DEMOTE TO CC C DEMOTE TO CREDIT CLASS C Change Credit Class for offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name> to <Value>

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification, Supervisor, Release Specialist

DD DEMOTE TO CC D DEMOTE TO CREDIT CLASS D Change Credit Class for offender <IDOC Number>, < Client Name> to <Value>

Counselor, Unit Manager, Classification, Supervisor, Release

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Note: The

values are just


Note: Send notifications to the Assign To: column

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Detailed System Design Allow Read OnlyThe basic information of a conduct report should become read only thirty (30) day after the Conduct Report was created. Each subsequent Event that is added to the Conduct Report should be read only thirty (30) days after it was added except SANCTION Event types. SANCTION Events can be edited up to six (6) months after addition because the SANCTION may initially be “Suspended”, and later need to be “Enforced”. Populate Event DropdownThe Event dropdown should be populated using the Event Type Lookup. The displayed text should be the Event Type Description.

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Detailed System Design Error HandingThis section provides a detailed overview for the Conduct Information Screen Error Handling, catered towards future state. It will depict Error Handling Specific to each Offender Conduct Screen, the condition or action taken, within the TOMS Offender Management System Application, the Type of Error plausibly encountered, and the Application Expected Results.

Condition Type of Error Expected Results


End user navigates to the Conduct Information Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

End user proceeds to click the Edit Icon Button and is redirected to the Conduct Information Screen.

End user alters one or all of the data elements found within the Incidents Information Screen; however forgets to enter one of the required fields and proceeds to Save the Conduct.

The end user is redirected to Conduct Information Screen. The contents of the screen paint successfully to the monitor.

Dependent upon the missing Conduct Information Screen Data Element(s), this may result in one of the following Error(s):

1. “Incident Date is Required”2. “Case Number is Required”3. “Class is Required”4. “Conduct is Required”5. “Facility is Required”6. “Location is Required”

In regards to Data Elements Required – These are the Expected Results. In this event please the end user will be expected to enter all required information prior Saving and Submitting the Offender Conduct to the Database Resource.

2 End user navigates to the Conduct Information Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to Conduct Information Screen. The contents of the screen paint successfully to the monitor.

At a minimum and dependent upon the

In regards to Data Elements Required – These are the Expected Results. In this event please the end user will be expected to enter all required information prior to Adding an Event Type to an Offender Conduct, Saving, and Submitting the Offender Conduct Information to the Database

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Condition Type of Error Expected Results

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

End user proceeds to click the Edit Icon Button and is redirected to the Conduct Information Screen.

End user proceeds to add an Event Hearing Type.

missing Event Hearing Data Element(s), this may result in one of the following Error(s):

1. “Incident Date is Required”2. “Case Number is Required”3. “Class is Required”4. “Conduct is Required”5. “Facility is Required”6. “Location is Required”7. “Event Hearing Type is

Required”8. “Event Hearing Date is

Required”9. “Facility is Required”


3 End user navigates to the Conduct Information Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

End user proceeds to click the Edit Icon Button and is redirected to the Conduct Information Screen.

End user proceeds to add an Event Appeal Type.

The end user is redirected to Conduct Information Screen. The contents of the screen paint successfully to the monitor.

At a minimum and dependent upon the missing Event Appeal Data Element(s), this may result in one of the following Error(s):

1. “Incident Date is Required”2. “Case Number is Required”3. “Class is Required”4. “Conduct is Required”5. “Facility is Required”6. “Location is Required”7. “Event Hearing Type is

Required”8. “Event Hearing Date is

Required”9. “Facility is Required”10. “Results is Required”

In regards to Data Elements Required – These are the Expected Results. In this event please the end user will be expected to enter all required information prior to Adding an Event Type to an Offender Conduct, Saving, and Submitting the Offender Conduct Information to the Database Resource.

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Condition Type of Error Expected Results11. “Action is Required”


End user navigates to the Conduct Information Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

End user proceeds to click the Edit Icon Button and is redirected to the Conduct Information Screen.

End user proceeds to add an Event Sanction Type.

The end user is redirected to Conduct Information Screen. The contents of the screen paint successfully to the monitor.

At a minimum and dependent upon the missing Event Appeal Data Element(s), this may result in one of the following Error(s):

1. “Incident Date is Required”2. “Case Number is Required”3. “Class is Required”4. “Conduct is Required”5. “Facility is Required”6. “Location is Required”7. “Event Hearing Type is

Required”8. “Event Hearing Date is

Required”9. “Facility is Required”10. “Effective Date is Required”11. “Value is Required”12. “Results is Required”13. “Action is Required”

In regards to Data Elements Required – These are the Expected Results. In this event please the end user will be expected to enter all required information prior to Adding an Event Type to an Offender Conduct, Saving, and Submitting the Offender Conduct Information to the Database Resource.

5 End user navigates to the Conduct Information Screen by selecting the INCIDENTS & GRIEVANCES Menu, the Conduct Menu Item, and its Conduct Summary Submenu Item.

The end user is redirected to the Conduct Summary Screen. The content of the screen paints successfully to the monitor.

End user altered Data Element Values are retained in the Browser Session History.

Session History is not maintained and does not proceed back to the previously visited end user screen.

End user altered Data Element Values are flushed from Browser Session History.

Session History is maintained and proceeds to redirect to the previously visited end user screen.

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Condition Type of Error Expected ResultsEnd user proceeds to click the Edit Icon Button and is redirected to the Conduct Information Screen.

End user proceeds to click the Cancel/Back Command Button

2.13.10 Admin/Create LOV and Lookup Create Lookup Event TypeA screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Event Type. Event Type consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the event type User Supplied Yes

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation representing the event type

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (H!, H2, A1, A2, D, S, CCR, P, R)


Description Text The description of the type of event that occurred



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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the event type could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the event type was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup LocationA screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Offence Locations. Offense Locations consist of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of location where the offense occurred

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Abbreviation Text The abbreviation representing the offense location

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Description Text The description of where the offense occurredUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the offense location could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the offense location was no longer active. User-supplied No

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Detailed System Design Create Lookup ResultsA screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Results. The Results include all possible values for all types of Events including hearings, sanctions, credit class review, and petition to restore and appeals. Results consist of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the resultUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Abbreviation Text The short description of the resultUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Description Text The full description of the resultUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the result could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the result was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup Actions

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Actions. The Actions include all possible values for all types of Events. Actions consist of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the action User - Supplied Yes

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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the action

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (S, SR, E, ER, R, I, N, SO, X)


Description Text The full description of the action



Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the action could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the action was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup Assaults

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Offence Locations. Assaults consist of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the type of assault User - supplied Yes

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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the type of assault

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (SY, YY, YS, YF)


Description Text The full description of the assault types

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (Staff Assaulted by Youth, Youth Assaulted by Youth, Youth Assaulted by Staff, Youth on Youth Fight)


Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the assault could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the assault was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup Suicidal Behavior

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Suicidal Behavior. Suicidal Behavior consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the suicidal behavior User - supplied Yes

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the suicidal behavior

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (S, SB)


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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Description Text The full description of the suicidal behavior

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (Suicide, Suicidal Behavior)


Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the suicidal behavior could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the suicidal behavior was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup Property

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Property. Property consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the property User - supplied Yes

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the propertyUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (D, T, W, I, O)


Description Text The full description of the property

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (Damage to Property, Theft, Weapon(s) Seized, Illegal Drugs and/or Alcohol Seized., Other Contraband Seized)


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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the property could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the property was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup Misconduct

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Misconduct. Misconduct consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the misconduct User - supplied Yes

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the property

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (E, A, F, IS, IL, H, O)


Description Text The full description of the misconduct

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. ( Escape, Attempted Escape, Failure to Comply, Inappropriate Sexual Behavior, Inappropriate Language, Horseplay, Other Misconduct)


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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the misconduct could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the misconduct was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup Miscellaneous

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the miscellaneous User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. F, LK, LT)


Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the miscellaneous

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. F, LK, LT)


Description Text The full description of the miscellaneous User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (Fire, Lost Keys, Lost Tools)


Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the miscellaneous could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the miscellaneous was no longer active.

User-supplied No

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Detailed System Design Create Lookup Restraint Type Used

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Restraint Type Used. Restraint Type Used consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the restraint type used User - supplied Yes

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the restraint type used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Description Text The full description of the restraint type usedUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the restraint type used could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the restraint type used was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup Injured Person

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Injured Person. Injured Person consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the injured person User-supplied Yes

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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the injured person

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (Y, S, VO, VI)


Description Text The full description of the injured person

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (Youth, Staff, Volunteer, Visitor)


Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the injured person could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the injured person was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup Injury Source

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Injury Source. Injury Source consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the injury source User - supplied Yes

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the injury source

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Description Text The full description of the injury sourceUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


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Detailed System Design

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the injury source could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the injury source was no longer active. User-supplied No Create LOV Conduct Code

A screen must be available in Admin/LOV Administration to enter Conduct Code. Conduct Code consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Class Unique ID Number The Class to which an Conduct Code belongsUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Number Text The number that delineates a particular Conduct Code

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Abbreviation Text The abbreviated description of an Conduct Code

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Description Text The full description of the Conduct CodeUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Classification Text A value that indicates whether the Conduct Code is for adults or juveniles

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (A,J)


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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the offense could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the offense was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup Assault Victim

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Assault Victim. Assault Victim consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the assault victim User - supplied No

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the Assault Victim

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Description Text The full description of the AssaultUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the plea could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the plea was no longer active. User-supplied No

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Detailed System Design Create Lookup Plea

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Plea. Plea consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the plea User - supplied No

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the pleaUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (G, N, X)


Description Text The full description of the plea

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (Guilty, Not Guilty, None)


Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the plea could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the plea was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup Authorized By

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Authorized By. Authorized By consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the authorized by User - supplied No

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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the authorized by

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (S, F, U, C, H)


Description Text The full description of the authorized by

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader. (SCREENING OFFICER, FACILITY HEAD, UTDC, CAB, HEARING OFFICER)


Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the authorized by could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon

The date that the authorized by was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup Confinement

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Confinement. Confinement consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the confinement User - supplied No

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the confinement

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


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Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Description Text The full description of the confinementUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the plea could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the plea was no longer active. User-supplied No Create Lookup Seen By Medical

A screen must be available in Admin/Lookup Administration to enter Seen By Medical. Seen By Medical consists of the elements listed below:

Element Name ElementType Description Possible Values and

User Interaction Req

Name Text The name of the seen by medical User - supplied No

Abbreviation Text The abbreviation that represents the seen by medical

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Description Text The full description of the seen by medicalUser-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective Start Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the plea could start being used

User-supplied or loaded with Lookup Loader.


Effective End Date Date field with Calendar icon The date that the plea was no longer active. User-supplied No

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3 Database Structure Changes

Functional Component Table Name Element Name Element

Type Description Reference

Conduct EVENT_TYPE EVENT_TYPE_ID NUMERIC Unique Event Type Identifier


EVENT_TYPE_NAME VARCHAR The name of the event type

EVENT_TYPE_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation representing the event type

EVENT_TYPE_DESC VARCHAR The description of the type of event that occurred

EFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct LOCATION LOCATION_ID NUMERIC Unique Offense Location Identifier

DSD- - Top



LOCATION_NAME VARCHAR The name of location where the offense occurred

LOCATION_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation representing the offense location

LOCATION_DESC VARCHAR The description of where the offense occurred

EFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct RESULTS RESULTS_ID NUMERIC Unique Results Identifier



RESULTS_NAME VARCHAR The name of the resultRESULTS_ABBR VARCHAR The short description of the resultRESULTS_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the resultEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct ACTIONS ACTIONS_ID NUMERIC Unique Actions Identifier DSD- VARCHAR The name of the action

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Functional Component Table Name Element Name Element

Type Description Reference

ACTIONS_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the action

ACTIONS_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the actionEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct ASSAULTS ASSAULTS_ID NUMERIC Unique Assaults Identifier

DSD- - Bottom

ASSAULTS_NAME VARCHAR The name of the assault

ASSAULTS_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the type of assault

ASSAULTS_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the assault typesEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End


DSD- - Bottom

SUICIDAL_BEHAVIOR_NAME VARCHAR The name of the suicidal behavior

SUICIDAL_BEHAVIOR_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the suicidal behavior

SUICIDAL_BEHAVIOR_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the suicidal behavior

EFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct PROPERTY PROPERTY_ID NUMERIC Unique Property Identifier

DSD- - Bottom

PROPERTY_NAME VARCHAR The name of the property

PROPERTY_ABBRE VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the property

PROPERTY_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the propertyEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

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Functional Component Table Name Element Name Element

Type Description Reference

Conduct MISCONDUCT MISCONDUCT_ID NUMERIC Unique Misconduct Identifier

DSD- - Bottom

MISCONDUCT_NAME VARCHAR The name of the misconduct

MISCONDUCT_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the misconduct

MISCONDUCT_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the misconductEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct MISCELLANEOUS MISCELANEOUS_ID NUMERIC Unique Miscellaneous Identifier

DSD- - Bottom

MISCELLANEOUS_NAME VARCHAR The name of the miscellaneous

MISCELANEOUS_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the miscellaneous

MISCELANEOUS_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the miscellaneousEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct CONFINEMENT CONFINEMENT _ID NUMERIC Unique Confinement Identifier

DSD- - Bottom

CONFINEMENT _NAME VARCHAR The name of the Confinement

CONFINEMENT_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the Confinement

CONFINEMENT_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the ConfinementEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct SEEN_BY_MEDICAL SEEN_BY_MEDICAL _ID NUMERIC Unique Seen By Medical Identifier DSD- - BottomSEEN_BY_MEDICAL _NAME VARCHAR The name of the Seen By Medical

SEEN_BY_MEDICAL _ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the Seen By Medical

SEEN_BY_MEDICAL _DESC VARCHAR The full description of the Seen By Medical

EFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – Start

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Functional Component Table Name Element Name Element

Type Description Reference

EXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End


DSD- - Bottom

RESTRAINT_TYPE_USED_NAME VARCHAR The name of the restraint type used

RESTRAINT_TYPE_USED_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the restraint type used

RESTRAINT_TYPE_USED_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the restraint type used

EFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct INJURED_PERSON INJURED_PERSON_ID NUMERIC Unique Injured Person Identifier

DSD- - Bottom

INJURED_PERSON_NAME VARCHAR The name of the injured person

INJURED_PERSON_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the injured person

INJURED_PERSON_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the injured personEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct INJURY_SOURCE INJURY_SOURCE_ID NUMERIC Unique Injury Source Identifier

DSD- - Bottom

INJURY_SOURCE_NAME VARCHAR The name of the injury source

INJURY_SOURCE_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the injury source

INJURY_SOURCE_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the injury sourceEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct CONDUCT_CODE CONDUCT_CODE _ID NUMERIC Unique conduct code Identifier DSD-

DSD- NUMERIC The Class to which an conduct code


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Functional Component Table Name Element Name Element

Type Description Reference



CONDUCT_CODE _NO VARCHAR The number that delineates a particular conduct code

CONDUCT_CODE _ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviated description of an conduct code

CONDUCT_CODE _DESC VARCHAR The full description of the conduct codeCONDUCT_CODE _CLASSIFICATION VARCHAR A value that indicates whether the

conduct code is for adults or juvenilesEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct ASSAULT_VICTIM ASSAULT_VICTM_ID NUMERIC Unique Assault Victim Identifier



ASSAULT_VICTIM_NAME VARCHAR The name of the assault victim

ASSAULT_VICTIM_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the assault victim

ASSAULT_VICTIM_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the assault victimEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct PLEA PLEA_ID NUMERIC Unique Plea Identifier



PLEA_NAME VARCHAR The name of the pleaPLEA_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the pleaPLEA_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the pleaEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct AUTHORIZED_BY AUTHORIZED_BY_ID NUMERIC Unique Authorized By Identifier DSD- VARCHAR The name of the authorized by

AUTHORIZED_BY_ABBR VARCHAR The abbreviation that represents the authorized by

AUTHORIZED_BY_DESC VARCHAR The full description of the authorized byEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – Start

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Functional Component Table Name Element Name Element

Type Description Reference

EXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – End

Conduct CONDUCT_EVENTS CONDUCT_EVENTS_ID NUMERIC Unique Conduct Event Identifier




EVENT_TYPE_ID NUMERIC Unique Event Type IdentifierCONDUCT_EVENTS_DATE DATETIME2 Conduct Event Recorded DateEFFECTIVE_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – StartEXPIRATION_DATE DATETIME2 Effective Date Timestamp – EndFACILITY_ID NUMERIC Unique Facility IdentifierRESULTS_ID NUMERIC Unique Results IdentifierVALUE VARCHAR A description of Event Type OutcomeACTIONS_ID NUMERIC Unique Actions IdentifierAUTHORIZED_BY_ID NUMERIC Unique Authorized By Identifier





CLIENT_NO NUMERIC Unique Client IdentifierEARNED_CREDIT_TIME DATETIME2 Earned Credit Time per OffenderCREDIT_CLASS_ID NUMERIC Unique Credit Class IdentifierINCIDENT_DATE DATETIME2 Incident Date RecordedREPORT_DATE DATETIME2 Incident Report Received RecordedCASE_NO VARCHAR Incident Case NumberCONDUCT_CODE _ID NUMERIC Unique Conduct Code IdentifierFACILITY_ID NUMERIC Unique Facility IdentifierHOUSING_ID NUMERIC Unique Facility Housing IdentifierRANGE_ID NUMERIC Unique Facility Range IdentifierLOCATION_ID NUMERIC Unique Facility Location IdentifierASSAULT_VICTM_ID NUMERIC Unique Assault Victim IdentifierTHROWN_SUBSTANCE VARCHAR Thrown Substance DescriptionUSER_ID NUMERIC Unique End User IdentifierPLEA_ID NUMERIC Unique Plea IdentifierPREHEARING_SEGREGATION BOOLEAN Prehearing Segregation - Yes/No

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Functional Component Table Name Element Name Element

Type Description Reference

CONDUCT_EVENTS_ID NUMERIC Unique Conduct Events Identifier

Incidents NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION_ID NUMERIC Unique Notifications to Officials Identifier

DSD- - TopCLIENT_NO NUMERIC Unique Client Number IdentifierNOTIFICATION_DATE DATETIME2 Notification to Officials DateNOTIFICATION_TIME DATETIME2 Notification to Officials Time

Incidents CLIENTS_INVOLVED CLIENTS_INVOLVED_ID NUMERIC Unique Clients Involved Identifier

DSD- - TopCLIENT_NO NUMERIC Unique Client Number IdentifierCLIENT_LOCATION VARCHAR Client Location DescriptionCLIENT_INVOLVED VARCHAR Client Involved DescriptionMENTAL_HEALTH_LEVEL VARCHAR Client Mental Health Description

Incidents YOUTH_INVOLVED YOUTH_INVOLVED_ID NUMERIC Unique Youth Involved Identifier

DSD- - TopCLIENT_NO NUMERIC Unique Client Number IdentifierRACE_ID NUMERIC Unique Race IdentifierCONDUCT_REPORT_ISSUED BOOLEAN Conduct Report Issued Yes/NoYOUTH_INVOLVED_UNIT VARCHAR Youth Involved Unit Description

Incidents STAFF_INVOLVED STAFF_INVOLVED_ID NUMERIC Unique Staff Involved IdentifierDSD- - TopCLIENT_NO NUMERIC Unique Client Number Identifier

Incidents RESTRAINT RESTRAINT_ID NUMERIC Unique Restraint IdentifierDSD- -

BottomCLIENT_NO NUMERIC Unique Client Number IdentifierRESTRAINT_TYPE_USED_ID NUMERIC Unique Restraint Type Used Identifier

Incidents ISOLATION ISOLATION_ID NUMERIC Unique Isolation Identifier DSD- - BottomCLIENT_NO NUMERIC Unique Client Number Identifier


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Functional Component Table Name Element Name Element

Type Description Reference


Incidents MEDICAL MEDICAL_ID NUMERIC Unique Medical Identifier

DSD- - Bottom

CLIENT_NO NUMERIC Unique Client Number IdentifierMEDICAL_DATE DATETIME2 Medical DateMEDICAL_STAFF_NAME VARCHAR Medical Staff Name DescriptionMEDICAL_TIME_SEEN DATETIME2 Medical Time SeenMEDICAL_REASON_FOR_EXAM VARCHAR Medical Reason for Exam Description

Incidents INJURY INJURY_ID NUMERIC Unique Injury IdentifierDSD- -

BottomCLIENT_NO NUMERIC Unique Client Number IdentifierINJURED_PERSON_ID NUMERIC Unique Injured Person IdentifierINJURY_SOURCE_ID NUMERIC Unique Injury Source List Identifier

Incidents INCIDENTS INCIDENTS_ID NUMERIC Unique Incident Identifier DSD- - Top

IDSD- - Bottom

INCIDENTS_DATE DATETIME2 Incident Date RecordedINCIDENTS_TIME DATETIME2 Incident Time RecordedINCIDENTS_NO VARCHAR Incident NumberPBS_ INCIDENTS_NO VARCHAR PBS Incident Number ValuePBS_DATE_LOGGED DATETIME2 PBS Incident Number Date LoggedLOCATION_ID NUMERIC Unique Facility Location IdentifierFACILITY_ID NUMERIC Unique Facility IdentifierSTATUS_ID NUMERIC Unique Status IdentifierINCIDENT_TYPE_ID NUMERIC Unique Incident Type IdentifierUSE_OF_FORCE BOOLEAN Use of Force Yes/NoNOTIFICATION_ID NUMERIC Unique Notifications to Officials IdentifierCLIENTS_INVOLVED_ID NUMERIC Unique Clients Involved IdentifierYOUTH_INVOLVED_ID NUMERIC Unique Youth Involved Identifier

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Functional Component Table Name Element Name Element

Type Description Reference

STAFF_INVOLVED_ID NUMERIC Unique Staff Involved IdentifierASSAULTS_ID NUMERIC Unique Assaults IdentifierSUICIDAL_BEHAVIOR_ID NUMERIC Unique Suicidal Behavior IdentifierPROPERTY_ID NUMERIC Unique Property IdentifierMISCONDUCT_ID NUMERIC Unique Misconduct IdentifierMISCELANEOUS_ID NUMERIC Unique Miscellaneous IdentifierCONFINEMENT_ID NUMERIC Unique Confinement IdentifierSEEN_BY_MEDICAL_ID NUMERIC Unique Seen By Medical IdentifierISOLATION BOOLEAN Isolation Required Yes/NoSEGREGATION BOOLEAN Segregation Required Yes/NoRESTRAINT_ID NUMERIC Unique Restraint IdentifierISOLATION_ID NUMERIC Unique Isolation IdentifierMEDICAL_ID NUMERIC Unique Medical IdentifierINJURY_ID NUMERIC Unique Injury IdentifierINCIDENT_DESC VARCHAR Incident Description ClarificationCOMMENTS VARCHAR Incident Comments Clarification

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4 Document Addendums

1. 20141110 – Per IDOC Feedback dated, 10/08/2014, “Offender Current Commitment Periods and Previous Commitment Periods, if any, will be appropriately displayed to screen by leveraging the SQL’s Default Descending Sort Pattern, by Start and End Dates”.

5 Revision History

Revision Date

Revision Number Change Made Reviser

11/11/2014 1.1 Altered the CD.2 language from ADMIN – LOV – Offender Code, to, ADMIN – LOV – Offender Conduct Code. Maurice Johnson

11/11/2014 1.1Altered the CD.2 Proposed Gap Data Elements, Case Number (Calculated), will be altered to reflect the following, Case Number (Auto generated).

Maurice Johnson

11/11/2014 1.1

Accommodated a shift in language for RFP Functional Requirement CD.5 as follows:“Capability of searching and/or reporting against an offenders conduct data1. Types of Searches:

Amount of offenses Type of Offenses How many by unit\dorm\housing\bed

assignments(Location basically) What the results were, If they Appealed it

These searches will be capable by either involving an IDOC Database Administrator or via the TOMS Application AdHoc Reporting Mechanism through the Reports and Form Framework.”

Maurice Johnson

11/11/2014 1.1 Altered deliverable language to reflect that Conduct Screens will depict Current and Previous Commitment periods, in chronological order, with the most recently commitment period being listed first and sort in ascending order thereafter. The following Addendum will be made to any pertinent section; “20141111– Per IDOC Feedback dated, 10/08/2014, “Offender Current Commitment Periods and Previous Commitment Periods, if any, will be appropriately displayed to screen by leveraging the SQL’s Default Descending Sort Pattern, by Start and End Dates”.”

These addendums and alterations were made to the following Functional Requirements: CD.3 , CD.6 , CD.7 ,

Maurice Johnson

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CD.8. They were also made to all applicable Use Cases.

11/11/2014 1.1

Validated and accommodated that neither “Dismissed nor Not Guilty, should be displayed to screen.”, where pertinent, with the following addendum; “The screen will be filtered such that it will not show dismissed or not guilty conduct records.”

These addendums and alterations were made to the following Functional Requirements: CD.5 , CD.7 , CD.9. They were also made to all applicable Use Cases.

Maurice Johnson

11/11/2014 1.1All reference to the Menu Tab, originally designed as “GIC” has been returned to it’s Out of Box State “Incidents & Grievances”

Maurice Johnson

11/11/2014 1.1 Maurice Johnson11/11/2014 1.1 Maurice Johnson

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