imy · 2015. 2. 9. · wrariaonc pleiiletea aa fitly is the itl* peralnn from babel, and elan to *1...

P L A IiT J -'IE L D , Js. ,T„ T H U RSD AY, SEPTEM B E R JH, L8S0. pgfjFEfltilOVAl. CABUB INiMLKANCE. .EX. *- BUTTS, Oil-XSEliDB AT LAW till, rnaibf; Him HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AMI NLHtiEON, mi4 balfact - Cur— 1.1Puk A tv |adhk l Knn CwtHMan iiclpa. Tfel^a INSURANCE AGENCY. X ln Jennr. imlttew In Ike hnrl by ibe i bough* -~t Icatpg m **wlr John Irving and bla rrmriorUhlc p™r*tlj. but Mr*. Itnymonda forluc in thd l « m *a m i. blirai Into * m y roil and nkfemd At ol nci>iu But ber Inrr *tit rtf no rln l thil tine, RaaHon bad broken the Horn green wliiyi-a of Delilah' anil her 0 ilea Ka-te powcifra* In rrtaia 114 ' ••fmild Jim for a tW L »«M make yon mr wife, did I once nod nut your rtvleof' IrlnTini ft ibis place* t hart loTcdyou trty degrlj i-Aenrra on- ly know* bow dearly: and my quart, M I pqt »™l from it. i* almc-A; jtwnkrn. Un ; bctirrihat it "hmiU ache «uw ibair be made ilrtalale hereafter .. Rkl you w lr lured me, Jenny, you CHkl not bare plityrd n lore- making wjth' there ram— fifrerliiwe, half of then., pb-amire-vcdicr. all. who will dance with /n*t. flirt with yrn. romp with Jim ; boI brrrr. novor lore you n l H w 'lone. Fw 1 did lore yon. Jenny, tu dearly 11 ; ' Then why are you aqj croaa to «c . John?'’ »be turned Inward bin with a HwM anile breaking il.migK the taater of tier lean,. ‘Yon writ know I low MRS. QUICK’S Sulphur and Medicated a.pop Treatment ' na riH h iVEHVa '!*neu>, s .i hjariwt to night T" i. nt courae, I won- 1 t'ntny. frrli plru kt Mi w with thta tried Uaril to make IJnrrie. Ia* I iuffifrtdG after akt Mr. flams died and left Gnre#iu) much mosrey; bat, Munrhow. Hie rlm lj thing frtl llimligl* ‘•Oot'l br toMlrfe.f lb*!. I bar* half a notion that llaryfje privately engaged. Bwirte-. ilarrii! nerd i.-d t* afraid >>( any w tin i miuniiicicia from Xugnnl'n rtitlnlimv *»ilh thatMia* TFfWr fie hire to*' much A kbc to marry a girl who Ua- lain mi lAri, talked abou! " Jure ibrn the ajnkrra were Harlled by lire nprrenfawe of f|young mail, a i>ram one of the pillxra-Urar the group, Horn! swiftly , rid Tbsrtnqwi-atioo i<»k an 'LCviy «M"1 I" .ivturiin. a L'ouj i: A T «a ,M U,iMi».| iNKiua*, w if - km fiNKMJ . QUJS. H. a • HUA TL. VjrroRjaKYj AT LAW, urficfl-IUBfh y,* l«vtr*i 1“ l>i-p**» kalj «t Chllle ran uanl 111 banc a key on the airing, and let Ae la heJtsliiag by lightning, and a guile Iraa pujriic tm iU gn b ica rkirping about Ibe ‘ wiadaH” and lire "gvni**" oj lb. howry tiabtralb breaker. lie favtnied a •tore that would ataokr your bead elf In Are liprna by the clock. ' * »- * Ho « ii nlwaya proud of 1fling tar kt eolrmrfPliiladrlfbla for the fw iu w with nothing in' l l r world hot two abiding* in bla pogket and four roll* pf begad under hi* and. But really, wbe» you com* Ui cuminc ii critically. il a n nothing. Any body rhtild bare d6«< it. f flrcjamln Franklin did i great many notaid* thing* for hi* ouwntry. and made her ruling oamr to he bmmed in n w j land* at liar author of *urh a u t . tl ip •not if * idea of rhi* mcavocr lo ignore that or w rrr It up So. ibr alafrir idee of If TUXUB K SmiiAN, iTTOBHEY AT LAW. So, IG >Yeai Frmil K lw t, rtalair^d. S ’j. ^ MartliH) ibe ejirekffa. kept on hia way till hr mebed that (Mtirni of the |naira ilt ' r..l, d lo Hjr gratRin. n There. ItgLllag hcigar, be *»i ilnfle in I he aliadowof nor ol llic pillara, akl rcmaiooil n|iparrnlly Inal in thought, jt lew minuICa it Ltr Mia. Wytde. lenning *Clier»l!e*dinl eiralifr a lire W ill, and I ihued llje lighted plane teenier dieil'iAEiooa, alien the Oer- nuin dancert weqa anenibliog Prrttr as n pi|| > If Mr*, f&aybnnid'l opitbot h*d luenVut when applied to the young lady i il ordinary walling tostumc. it apa doubly cfftn l rk r* iu fair object wa» arrayctl in ilk I moat Incoming ol all TIT3W03TS fc XiBSS. OoutlHOlorkt at I„'i v TH E MISSES COLES’ £ltgJJ*k mb*I Fr-Pltrh DjJ Nrhia '■Stopf1be raid quickly , kuldlng up hia hand, at If to repet ber, for the had ad- vanced a atep or two lrrw*rtt* 'hlm. ■*1>o not ptufatie ibe name »l >ha| nuwt aaerrd [eellug -You lore me' :T>*rr yn'1 aey that, wilt metier man>kln*e* upon rm»r U|M, and rhe print nf r ill another'* arm frrdi on Ihe ribbon Llulgbdt year wabtt So. BO; you never loved me—that I BOW know, tio in your Star aoi Merchants'Flre Ins. Cos. Of tis City bfHnw York, IrrliOtlied; whb-h hr worked up with a great abrnr of originalill out of It vino* that had ttxome wrariaonc pleiiletea aa fitly is the itL* peralnn from Babel, and elan to *1 ul, bla ntcigr and hip mHHiry inspinliimr. hk UBHcmly endeavor i » mike blnutlf eon. apit-Unnp When be rpltml Philadclpbis. pnd hi* (ly ing Up kite, and fouling nway. hia lime in all ports of neck ways| When ltd ooglit lo bar* been Tmagiug rpr u p fut or fou'irnciing randIra I nntrly fir. aired ta do nwnjf wilh M m * bat df the prmltm mlamitoua idea among heads ol families ibat franklin anjmred hi* great genius by working for notfarog. Undying by moooUgUl, tmifttriigopto 4)* tight indeed of w.lling unlil mnrnmg like a Ckrlnlw. ael ihn tkh program*!**, rlg- Idir indicted, will make a TrUUlB at every lall . f • foot. It k lime iqeae geb- --- —— —, r —- _ ta il and Irll him from ran that what be haiynucbed Ire mar take, and may la- beJupciy wilh hit wife.” Witliout itn iilher look *i the tearful face that Bbowed *e fair in. the ftoonllgM he i ■ untml Away, aprMig.qUiekijr from tbe pi | ana. and » i « ]o*t sight |>( in the did tut tiiudows, : For I* mobtcni Mis, i Wylrfc mMined insiiK’iilrv*. atiiiougblMi]f-»lUDa(t], or Soal in tiiougbi Then she ahnok out l*rr llasui- «■«, galberrd ber sluiwl B'ouiul ber and doparlavt. . ' t "AfteiitU, it is aa ■fflll.'' she audio k r td f, on her way up r«* bed. --lie was borriblr countryfled, arid now 1 ifaullpasa i).i. neat'winter with Non lattour and marry 'Nupcul ilulcp,'1, And Juba Irving; rial lie, too, go hia way. ligbi-bcnru-d aiiil aaearing, after 1b* “ Olds that »crrredflint fonrter frt.m ibe wuninia be loved: hud lure spoken* Doealbe atroag 't-,Mirr mff>r nothing ml ter tbe PtirgerrfTe hnlf| lu* rrntriTuI the •bail*m i Inub, or lift gttigmied Itrab that else would rquse Ills <lrwlb? A dull laradache. « l the In Into X’ gri tby lime w v constantly iDIcnetipiCil Iwjautb spee- ches from the region! atvov^as " l l i i , Jenny, will you lisyr the tihtl nlk trim- Olcl Will* flranaemor folitv"" S 'k l is* Jch BY. slinll [ gore nil tin- widQe of yonr gray poplin’ " "Miss Jennyjjiid you get 11**- him k rrlwrt for your ^ U v gnuKT or «nlv lour' The poor [r w > wan ig/ell nigh di'im-nled. lie laur it « . bo-ccr. wilh tl*M gcDUr, kindly (*®.ncv, often titlMsA. milled, pulfrtl and bui tbe lf«n*n sc-ef lunpto color, winch eerv'-d * pfiartistically kistiul, and Ultf-Vli grarc arid alyl*ia ibe cMad. with Up tew of rib qfc paiii, set atpid tltc sltl- ■I I|s crrpr gold! aeda band- it! jit !*> r ) i so juciciously rr.aisKiEi.n. n. j twvlta tnWt , Hawkryn E. W. & H. RUNYON, Aiiatitiis S KnunsrUors - AT 1.A**. liana Fatti,M isten iid Euincfs in ciaar. tkasr M- — ■»- draw. - . -u,. a*,-k. sswi Fnsnl lain to match HARTKiiltll FI ltr.. IlarLliM. 1. - KANllVEi: " Nr» I A . t - MtiuSt 1 NrrVork, - . jouru miTisn a aitvanriut n t flM W 14FE ± *t»’J r>«VT. Itwt that tfw prrtlyjae»r*t kvikcifpnriLicr than ever. WKsUiO bln' Mia* Jennie mijst*l iio t Uni ilurinulicr sin) at Ijcvansione, under tin luttfpge of Nora l^vtour, ah* ii.iil unduuMrelU gaitwd in styH and ken chi 1b gaiue J * ud ■)# (ienpas progrepa- 1 o l amodlbly pihI merrily; an(t,'krU W .Rip. Latnur. Jbny Wy Idr w.s the bright (olticillitr srarpf [III- CJcllnut;. t>rr youtb, J»ir frutliUrt.f^iCT kern cnjovaicflU'f *11 g s jd j and fuAianil pbntrr all. The ebsrm of novelty fifflrins made her Ibe greet Hiccepa ol the jpts-'n at UrcaDatonr. At hit tlie ew n iii cause to aa rod; the Eiral’imL ittu*|lan» yilbrred up Ibcir Id- felrnmenla ninUtcpnrtcd; tbe rieepy look W llht1U!i. i. Oakley Nodyne, JUSTICE OF THE. PEACE PLAINFIELD, N. J. )BGE MILIEU. - - •; PnjrietK. bla rtw»ti)?lti(P of iaaioct upd conduct are-ualyllj* rridram1 of genlut, nod mu lL iccreator* of If, 1 wkb 1 had been the father of my pnrraia long cmHgb in make tbett. compre-bend tbe, Ulilb. and ib u prepare them 10 let llwlr soo hare an caaler liiut nt 11., Wires I * b a child I rnwfuliy |*r PLAINFIELD ACADEMY BOAUU1NO AND DAY SCHOOL FOR ROYS. S eve nth St. near Liberty, Monday, Sept. 6, I 880. •ok* •rnBcyif itw. Inwg haunl lu ll Ibaj had j-liafrd itwlf ilatlirliuftn -u. h an uowor- id. ] l ia IPJ-ll fialurn an that ___ _____ ing that ajfmr have liar Capac- ity for pofferinj;. The ‘empty beaded and bolhJWheartedri|»l* pra imprrvbmsabelt to lire rtlnga and nredkr tiF aroaged or misplaced iffrdink, |j! Ln one H,ort yenrj hjswcKr. Juba Irr- irtgajuic* f,argue hit fit'jc- i-ycd I'rfcd. ,'iirhnr be made Ibn ar',uniQlpbCf of Jaiaigv 1-oY- cringx unly dtugbiet-4-Mtet f,ur* i. 'ver- ing—even - prettier 'fbart a pink,’* and toon tbey a cre uurrl-td, to the greet sal JOHN LINDSAY. Oardener and Florist. FL»«TS OFAtL klhOSftrt i»U - wtnunttHmE. t\ ic\ \imy orru.ii fbb, osu noi.un Front Stairen 1*l iumt. I herel . I PI.ARPFtl.l'. «. i St. i her we* weal tby, and I bed 14 gel up fatly and ritkljr gentip-try et hrr*kr*.-u, •wi psWbejr*v«petij, petdatw, tbieg Ju»t aa Fr*nkUa,did. In itie anheme hope ib! 1 I would be a Franklin aooe djf. Add her* J am. "DuaiMBBS CA&I>8. lark llw r-bmefatid ratingtiiah tile light!, »tp| |be rtanrdp di!iwr»ed*sumc to rebM 10 re*l. whlleff>ibeT»,- wetceful with *>e- citrmrnt. nuAbtill uumcbi icd. went out ■>nthe broad 8 ;ir * in tubal,- iliodetKtntn air, ai>a 10 taO * look *> tb» moon. Am- ong ilirM Infl Tun; Niigiot Bale! and Mis* Wyltlc";: jut their promenading we* cut diort by t ic Appearance of * dark fig- ure from bet&d one of the pBlatrt - k , advancing idfb the monhiigbl. stood full in tbc pen* tfcihc pair, ' The youn^udn- ultcrA « .liftedacrente and Ptnnst ladjijlg cagrriy i,t tin iktlrpslii***, and Ibrn buriir*1 ckclitiwingi • "Julio—jftjs lrring* Why. Ibe world JH you come fr ont" "S o furtl|4! than frorrTlbe <11 M uy I. n-ijua lkc feral of * fee couversetioRwith yonl T b i.; will t-ncuwSfruJ, up doubt," "Certilugi Aaohl trien*! I) Mr. Bnlr»;ftad 1 nut m> auiiou ' 'Trom Kteniuvllle,'' Un, with a batf-u frgiec. rekeul tbc young l.i- iq ii-Eaown, boared and depar- Sr-nirj- tempi to the tibwi-l- tr with » half frown upon ber Balirii Biles. Wools -, SkectttlB iM TiUst. ’i t e u f n Yti- SoK*an*J gwapa 1 Flip inng. low pnirh nf bell kon-J at ilianiio ranlie end (del irKrtjWI i rising'August moon, "‘Hueior, a llaptur fiahinoiU, lidb. wl*o hid graduated el half * doaen hoarding pcboolf, to a friend of bun who had ju ilbeenInlrufiwnl labor aj aneTeu- ing parly, 'dnctor. wbicb da ydu prefer. 1holid.1T *,f intellect or brillianlby? Thun, admire ibnltuily; .but aik fur aa, aa fSbakclbapcaro tbapth iu blLh 'Bride nf AtydoVb/ ’I prefer th"liduj and tpiltiau tby combined. ‘ “ The doctor panic iwa For Voting ladle*, PrOSDHi PlJAlET Wciti'.IElQS ATtKi- Mis! >» H. BVRKOW0. 1'elmdpel. Tbe FifUi Year will Commence Thursday, Sept- Ifv ISi*#. Tb. Frearii ltia rta «l *■ uaUar tt* rate vn’.u in rniinn:. . Pilv.I.SUauIr'UCriPttbitlHHPCU.r'1* U. ar»«agwt I y appilpiBi- ■*l*a Srbw., 1. AT NEW YORK PRICES 1 It t* be Awnd*! N W A 1 W »D , It Wb: frail k. Pint*; w Pa»r. ARTISTS'MATERIALS. Dr. Irving bju* gaioi-d for bwtielf a wirlc practice during (be ten ycarauf hi* prufrsiiuu. ami tiia pretty, block-ertd wife and InUr Era; thdr, only dtugbwt, now » i i yean tif ajj*. arej happy and joy It s in tbeir grand |dd liome Bui Jrnpv tYyUlfirrwhat r*f bCf! Ult. ilit t» tbr-.panK' ■* When we Brw intmluc cd her—dlih ibe eJioeplIon EbnC phe ba* lull bet beauty through krupleg idle boura and eating hue auintent. She ia still In lho maf rimouia! cnnrkdl. with no derirabJo bMrtcTs. - 3 ! . iog. fluttering gulla aniL chare avav ll« qirirluihr./ aaoniiy «rf i:» wdltudc- yj denkd, bawtrer, that lh»i m In*) brought will* Th.Fi aunt nf gavclv and lire if;! Irl had ncTi't known beg* particular A ijiil fvenfj Fhinfieli Public: Schools. and line. W « harent bad Hare l<r do * gfvat deal or flahmg ibis surnwri, but In lb* few odd Monro!a ae bad 10 tperp tre iigre caught just l.tU . A word in yuac' ear. my aoe: it i**T the Way you fish, bui Ibe -ay you count. Ibat mabea Up yoiir W a d 1—llur. ||aa>kryp To wlui enodjilnnt —a* it* palrivek Job at the a d of hia Iff*’ - aakid 1 Brf A- ly o Sunday idbovl tcidKr of a qubit 1#*- iogbny it the foot of fb« riant "IWa. V calmly re pUtd tbc quiri k -*f*g boy, -' fi: I6TSLEY B. GARDNEK. CENTRAL MARKET. North Avonue. MEAT, POUETRI. GAME. FISH A OYSTERS. The FallHrMlmt fonmni'ni.VvH- thiif NrjiteMtrr SiA, ibmiint* in'Teeptlble Xugchl X «upper S IIIK T S , MADETO OREEB, WAER/KTCD T5 FIT. ijtftdrtlligl Cjuil! tied dmirfribljr jjtt no*, uml nghtlrn }vul plurtiire. Did ititbb to|e| me apend mi. tun* Heat Cuto oT Heat Clteap .fur ffoab. - Onua, Ijilte and Ttirei Fiah'in theti aenaon , riYPTERS HO watt per quart L'iw Cod Liver till. , IMsretakra 1st Faber Ituek *4all kind. flawing room by lie-tjjclu IS il', finsid.‘ration for aurir qailnl Old bQutve " •■] tbe keturea? ' Mrs. V naked. X replied, "o f coane I clidn' them: bet i< wh rkannlig I PLAINFIELD SEMINARY rent YOUNG LADIES. With PrtmniT Di-portjiient for Btln»es- TW. Pall Tara* oreUreBoi. aa Xsadar, K«7« * « non nt ynlrr. taiiniprhl.sV Mat Pnw*^- ; MtDi 41 Tserua iu riiluLsIiiAiL H. T, ANTHONY l CO., at Brondimy, X. 1% FRAMES. tLBDMS, GRAPBKCOFES no lure like upturn id JoVb or manner, » he atood there liad rtretebed thentwlpcs into ! IIvy two bad alow! fart to il was ibraKra courtuttajj'oe There V irYing't tl In tbr brig Insopliers. Hr * w m ammliaiwouaFy lg in the c|tj of Boaton. nnfi. tfaiaifay, and n wgreled is accord- The *lgu* are rofi unraaiuuuohk' ■» UltlrtUaitil dretpcv at the jut-pent day, unit k>tbe^derty peciplclio*! been lavitml la itip Oftli^ml lire chair* in the .drawing room wcritduly ranged t« It>w» bus) Mni.tlriJ togs'ty r with harulker ehlets, —bile Ibe itm.iclgi 1aeiaa-il tliclr in alrumcnli, nod tbc eliLljg'efi skirmishml in «ml uut „ i the nqitn._o q rq H d furuYcly in at th*- dour, owed babe stem rietgc and puvj/n (ones of Ik*t3tigh and mighty jwtsoba^ , rhe leader German, vtw is >ir;*cri»tcnding tie' prrllmiruA-y ar- mngeDicnt». <>n tbe Fprcb outride tbe dispn.seareft married ent lb solemn conefarr. awl andIhinga with fiMslirtn, llioogli kill; iruib. while gayly attlrtd girl)* rti'yt,! in und nut thfou'ti 1h< (tarknc**. iwl every d,lormy was a nurlcus fur « gngp nt while era fILTEf STH ffi umi[»s titninB , Wsn(Si Plilupiplu JO|IN 1 . S T t l Y K B , MAKvnifrvkn of B Q O A I1 0 , l in n lili anti Suiokint: Tnlparro, SWI FF, M P B i, At*. sn 11 koalKkolfT r r . rrj.tsrisbli. and Li»Ar.4 *...1, laUbripe*. An.fares, etc. Fhntnoraphir Xilrrlals, W, ... hsh.utm lor vr»p!S.I*u! iaIS. —*j «r StorfiOiticana and ITafis Lanttni, Serf! firm, cold rVi-npL-e* thrill* l wltu ronretliicg vary like n(- • will 1 pause to uh you if I nue of in twain that banftrr- lntiu- licit 1 conn or at* uhl- *cc. airJ JA ibtc k ra reared ro ’ I blcaa. sail unoog.1 them i* llutt a young lady's lips rent be held sacred from *N «**- hi Limes id tbe Mbit Jay The yihjcrtef tbi! rafmoir -aftof a Tlciuus <ii.po*itjor. will early praultuud hi* taleata to tbe la- Tritllon at cniiilna and aphorism, ealeu M id U* inflict KiSuilig- trpen lue raaibg gr«ie(»tloe of ail Sratrecqiirnt !^ca Iti* iirnpUiat acta, aim. were contrived with ■ view in ibrir l«ioe btld up foi the tu t tetiun <if boyi forever—boy. qrho tutglil otlrerwire bare bteu happy 'H waa In aoap-boiler.- ami. probably, rm n*i other reuoD than lbi.1 tbc effort* of all future boy» -ho try to be anything tuiriil Ik looked upon with uupicKn unleaa tbey wcic iM on . of aoap fauilcra. With a ■mlcvulrne* wbieh U. wlib&ut p-talM in hiaaory. be wduld work all Car, aad then ail up nigfata. and let oa ta Ire rindying aigriw* bj tbc light of a .mouldering Art w that alt the knj. migbi have to do that also. Ill ciac bait lFcnJamiu Franktin thrown upon litem Nut mltilled with OITY MILLS. FRENCH BROTHERS IV—re* « . t-U.eJvU, M. I. Choire Brandi* oF Family Flour, “HVEKBK4DV” Hisa JlirtlBgiOB—' Yea. I.Jib* t|a- place ri-ry mueti. Major: you karc aucii a Jrtty ml of men daaa herd " Major— -Vm, awfully Jolly. You *1 t*t«« fieri jour heart. Mire Ptirtingtoa, in rate of acti- denb ' Mina F —Well, wbUc' l a about il, Ma>orv I'd ragkeraleal wiWwbialj dtar'a. don't you knowf—Fun ttmA ft*|t,bi B l* about lo Hcftiuc her bu>t<and. ' I aaW A l- lan Wwadury valfh i l i u from ypu lari eyeuiOgijJ * * » not hard Tor him to do. I ■quit 1 Kt—Nspsn Balia'* era. around ^Jur WiJri wbtfl you wer* down on the K id - tngrlbvr a few hour. ago. Rupril Dials*), wears to alghl 1h« rmc- bud lit Cg-k rrc'inyour hair ytutnb). To wltu b oTi tlicac three men are yuu eogag- Tv the .advent nf ' v.i'-tl-al elderly jxltc edge of the ALEX. WILLETT, tlULCI IS BOOTS & SHOES L. E. BARKALEW, Carpenter and General Jobber. "Hern Contes Norn C h u r ,' mid . H or there ladle, *• Mr*. IfRout. arrayed In a Jetty tlutlil nf bt-e a| I 'tulle, bef white ihotiliiers .Lowing, la A^r-ir dually draper- lea, like pearls In * ldj ( t rfeamA retting, m l lrer band* loaded ** ohbmn|Ueia,a-opt .lowly paat, • "She ''YA1* ’ .1' ready half ao hour hefnre unyoiifclre “ T Ihiok [ mw Misf^TcTo, Cotbc down Hair* fuat now," sf t another. "And Mias lVyUc woa in tl#_ [nulor half aa bnir ago-'1 i' "Ob, site i» down *yttK mods with Nu- gent Sate*.. J va- ilym' gt* off together juat before wc camej ait here." "Ilia a pity," u*Kj_»nfii ber, that Ml*a M''r no,ilrer itfmi.c An a inotCrer, Drsta's Patent Wills. illL L ilC E K Y ! M tlfi. P.LUUNN RaalkUtwIfUbsd Millinery, Bonnet*, Hat*, Ac. Bleaching and Prtsmbg done *t abort notice Further, curled and dy«l. ltnYitg done AUO ' A Iitiai Aaaaamrai or Sain Braid*. Switch?*, and Cwr-t*. : vy r, bring if I -«■ put op at awrlmw and »W (o tbe liirtnt WiMtrtl "Jam about fcraoo ~ IF*/. JO/ k+tlrr *bwa b HOLMES' CUT EXPRESS. PLAINnFI-B, k- _ -ilk CraCnt CifC-MI trepwt. Freiffhl and BafwiuHY DftliTftrrel. kursaltwre w ei rd with Care. PIlBH Kaaftv* i-WTWfUllr- which b*> bmqgbl rflirtloa to millioaa nf l»ya aiwee, wboec father* bad read f r a i l ] » '• perwivioija Mognphr, Ilia maxian were fall of aaiuKwliy ta- ISAIAH L. McVOY. DriiEii and Drilled Wells! FlHtliq, La Filtiii, A M l R iqiii All Work Guaranteed. Charges Reaaonable- REPAIRING. OFFICE WITH M, BtTOY, iujyu soon amp cotaty Wre |i too pretty a ed lo gu ile n ia a " Jenny W ild*’ young urea call b pict— Pie otii U

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  • P L A I i T J - ' I E L D , J s . ,T „ T H U R S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R J H , L 8 S 0 .

    pgfjFEfltilOVAl. CABUB INiMLKANCE.

    .EX. * - B U TTS ,Oil-XSEliDB A T L A W

    till, rnaibf; HimH O M E O P A T H IC

    P H YS IC IA N A M I NLHtiEON,mi4 balfact - Cur—1.1 Puk A tv |ad hk l

    Knn CwtH Man iic lp a . T fe l^aINSURANCE AGENCY.

    Xln Jen nr. imlttew In Ike hnrl by ibe i bough* -~t Icatpg m **wlr John Irving and bla rrmriorUhlc p™r*tlj. but Mr*. Itnymonda forluc in thd l « m *a m i.blirai Into * m y roil and nkfemd At ol nci>iu But ber Inrr *t it rtf no r ln l thil tine, RaaHon bad broken the Horngreen wliiyi-a of Delilah' anil her 0 ilea Ka-te powcifra* In rrtaia 114 '

    ••fmild Jim for a tW L» « M make yon mr wife, did I once nod nut your rtvleof' IrlnTini ft ibis place* t hart loTcdyou trty degrlj i-Aenrra only know* bow dearly: and my quart, M I pqt »™l from it. i* almc-A; jtwnkrn. Un ; bctirrihat it "hmiU ache «uw ibair be made ilrtalale hereafter .. Rkl you wlr lured me, Jenny, you CHkl not bare plityrd n lore- making wjth' there ram— fifrerliiwe, half of then., pb-amire-vcdicr. all. who will dance with /n*t. flirt with yrn. romp with Jim ; bo I brrrr. novor lore you n l H w 'lone. Fw 1 did lore yon. Jenny, tu dearly 11 ;

    ' Then why are you aqj croaa to «c . John?'’ »be turned Inward bin with a HwM anile breaking il.migK the taater of tier lean,. ‘Yon writ know I low

    MRS. QUICK’SSulphur and M edicated

    a.pop T r e a tm e n t' na r i H h iV E H V a

    '!*neu>, s . i

    hjariwt to night T" i. nt courae, I won-1 t'ntny. frrli plrukt Mi w with thta tried Uaril to make

    IJnrrie. I a* I iuffifrtdG after akt Mr. flams died and left Gnre#iu) much mosrey; bat, Munrhow. Hie rlmlj thing frtl llimligl*

    ‘ •Oot'l br to Mlrfe.f lb*!. I bar* halfa notion that llaryfje privately engaged. Bwirte-. ilarrii! nerd i.-d t*afraid >>( any w tin i miuniiicicia from Xugnnl'n rtitlnlimv *»ilh that Mia* TFfWr fie hire to*' much A kbc to marry a girl who Ua- lain mi lAri, talked abou! "

    Jure ibrn the ajnkrra were Harlled bylire nprrenfawe of f|young mail, a i> ram

    one of the pillxra-Urar the group, Horn! swiftly , rid Tbsrtnqwi-atioo ii-p**» kalj

    ■ «t Chllle ran

    uanl 111 banc a key on the airing, and let Ae la he Jtsliiag by lightning, and a guile Iraa pujriic tm iUgnbica rkirping about I be ‘ wiadaH” and lire "gvni**" oj lb. howry tiabtralb breaker. lie favtnied a •tore that would ataokr your bead elf In Are liprna by the clock. ' * »- *Ho « i i nlwaya proud of 1 fling ta r kt eolrmrfPliiladrlfbla for the fw iu w with nothing in' l lr world hot two abiding* in bla pogket and four roll* pf begad under hi* and. But really, wbe» you com* Ui c uminc ii critically. il a n nothing. Any body rhtild bare d6«< it. • f •

    flrcjamln Franklin did i great many not aid* thing* for hi* ouwntry. and made her ruling oamr to he bmmed in n w j land* at liar author of *urh a u t . tl ip • not if* idea of r hi* mcavocr lo ignore that or wrrr It up So. ibr alafrir idee of If

    T U X U B K S m i i A N ,

    i T T O B H E Y A T L A W .So, IG >Yeai Frm il K lw t ,

    r ta la ir^ d . S ’j . ^ MartliH) ibe ejirekffa. kept on hia way till hr mebed that (Mtirni of the |naira ilt ' r..l, d lo Hjr gratRin. n There. ItgLllag h cigar, be *»i ilnfle in I he aliadowof nor ol llic pillara, akl rcmaiooil n|iparrnlly Inal in thought, j t lew minuICa it Ltr Mia. Wytde. lenning *Clier»l!e*dinl eiralifr a

    lire W ill, and I ihued llje lighted plane teenier dieil'iAEiooa, alien the Oer- nuin dancert weqa anenibliog

    Prrttr as n pi|| > If Mr*, f&aybnnid'l opitbot h*d luenVut when applied to the young lady i il ordinary walling tostumc. it apa doubly cfftn l rk r* iu fair object wa» arrayctl in ilk I moat Incoming ol all

    TIT3W03TS fc X iB S S .OoutlHOlorkt a t I„'i v T H E M I S S E S C O L E S ’

    £ltgJJ*k mb*I Fr-Pltrh DjJ Nrhia'■Stopf1 be raid quickly , kuldlng up hia

    hand, at If to repet ber, for the had advanced a atep or two lrrw*rtt* 'hlm. ■*1>o not ptufatie ibe name » l >ha| nuwt aaerrd[eel lug -You lore me' : T>*rr yn'1 aeythat, wilt metier man>kln*e* upon rm»rU|M, and rhe print nf rill another'* arm frrdi on Ihe ribbon Llulgbdt year wabtt So. BO; you never loved me—that I BOWknow, tio in your

    Star aoi Merchants'Flre Ins. Cos.Of t is City bfHnw York,


    whb-h hr worked up with a great abrnr of original ill out of It vino* that had ttxome wrariaonc pleiiletea aa fitly is the itL*peralnn from Babel, and elan to *1 ul, bla ntcigr and hip mHHiry inspinliimr. hk UBHcmly endeavor i » mike blnutlf eon. apit-Unnp When be rpltml Philadclpbis. pnd hi* (ly ing Up kite, and fouling nway. hia lime in all ports of neck ways| When ltd ooglit lo bar* been Tmagiug rpr u p fut or fou'irnciing rand Ira I nntrly fir. aired ta do nwnjf wilh M m * bat df the prmltm mlamitoua idea among heads ol families ibat franklin anjmred hi* great genius by working for notfarog. Undying by moooUgUl, tm ifttriigopto 4)* tightindeed of w.lling unlil mnrnmg like aCkrlnlw. ael ihn tkh program*!**, rlg-Idir indicted, will make a TrUUlB atevery lall . f • foot. It k lime iqeae geb-

    ---—— —, r— -_ ta il and Irll him

    from ran that what be haiynucbed Ire mar take, and may la- beJupciy wilh hit wife.”

    Witliout itn iilher look *i the tearful face that Bbowed *e fair in. the ftoonllgM he i ■ untml Away, aprMig.qUiekijr from tbe pi | ana. and » i « ]o*t sight |>( in the did tut tiiudows, :

    For I* mobtcni Mis, i Wylrfc mMined insiiK’iilrv*. atiiiougblMi]f-»lUDa(t], or Soal in tiiougbi Then she ahnok out l*rr llasui- «■«, galberrd ber sluiwl B'ouiul ber and doparlavt. . ' t

    "AfteiitU, it is aa ■fflll.'' she audio krtd f, on her way up r«* bed. --lie was borriblr country fled, arid now 1 ifaullpasa i).i. neat'winter with Non lattour and marry 'Nupcul ilulcp,'1 •, And Juba Irving; rial lie, too, go hia way. ligbi-bcnru-d aiiil aaearing, after1b* “ Olds that »crrredflint fonrter frt.m ibe wuninia be loved: hud lure spoken* Doealbe atroag 't-,Mirr mff>r nothing ml ter tbe PtirgerrfTe hnlf| lu* rrntriTuI the •bail* m i I nub, or lift gttigmied Itrab that else would rquse Ills «VT.Itwt that tfw prrtlyjae»r*t kvikcifpnriLicr than

    ever. WKsUiO bln' Mia* Jennie mijst*l iio t Uni ilurinulicr sin) at Ijcv ansi one, under tin luttfpge of Nora l̂ vtour, ah* ii.iil unduuMrelU gaitwd in styH and ken chi 1 b gaiue J* ud ■)# (ienpas progrepa- 1o l amodlbly pihI merrily; an(t,'krU W.Rip. Latnur. Jbny Wy Idr w.s the bright (olticillitr srarpf [III- CJcllnut;. t>rr youtb, J»ir frutliUrt.f îCT kern cnjovaicflU'f *11 gs jd j and fuAianil pbntrr all. The ebsrm of novelty fifflrins made her Ibe greet Hiccepa ol the jpts-'n at UrcaDatonr.

    At hit tlie ewniii cause to aa rod; theEiral’imL ittu*|lan» yilbrred up Ibcir Id- felrnmenla ninUtcpnrtcd; tbe rieepy look

    W llht1U!i.

    i. Oakley Nodyne,JUSTICE OF THE. PEACE

    PLAINFIELD, N. J .)BGE MILIEU. - - •; PnjrietK.

    bla rtw»ti)?lti(P of iaaioct upd conductare-ualyllj* rridram1 of genlut, nod mu lLiccreator* of If, 1 wkb 1 had been the father of my pnrraia long cmHgb in make tbett. com pre-bend tbe, Ulilb. and ibu prepare them 10 let llwlr soo hare an caaler liiut nt 11., Wires I * b a child I

    rnwfuliy |*r


    F O R R O Y S .S eve nth S t . near L ib erty ,

    M o n d a y , S e p t . 6 , I 8 8 0 .

    •ok* •rnBcyif itw. Inwg haunl lu ll Ibaj had j-liafrd itwlf

    ilatlirliuftn -u. h an uowor- id. ] l ia IPJ-ll fialurn an that

    ___ _____ ing that ajfmr have liar Capacity for pofferinj;. The ‘empty beaded andbolhJW heartedri|»l* pra imprrvbmsabeltto lire rtlnga and nredkr tiF aroaged ormisplaced iffrdink, |j!

    Ln one H,ort yenrj hjswcKr. Juba Irr- irtg ajuic* f,argue hit fit'jc- i-ycd I'rfcd. ,'iirhnr be made I bn ar',uniQlpbCf of Jaiaigv 1-oY- cringx unly dtugbiet-4-Mtet f,ur* i. 'ver- ing—even - prettier 'fbart a pink,’* and toon tbey a cre uurrl-td, to the greet sal

    JOHN LINDSAY.Oardener and Florist.

    FL»«TS OFAtL klhOSftrt i»U -

    wtnunttHmE. t\ ic\ \imyorru.ii fbb, osu noi.un

    Front Sta iren 1*l iumt. I h erel. I PI.ARPF tl.l'. «. i St.

    i her we* weal tby, and I bed 14 gel up fatly and ritkljr gentip-try et hrr*kr*.-u, •wi p sW b e jr*v «p e t ij, p e td a tw , tbieg Ju»t aa Fr*nkUa,did. In itie anheme hope ib! 1 I would be a Franklin aooe djf. Add her* J am.

    "DuaiMBBS CA&I>8.lark llw r-bmefatid ratingtiiah tile light!, »tp| |be rtanrdp di!iwr»ed*sumc to rebM 10 re*l. whlleff>ibeT»,- wetceful with *>e- citrmrnt. nuAbtill uumcbi icd. went out ■>n the broad 8 ;ir * in tubal,- iliodetKtntn air, ai>a 10 taO * look *> tb» moon. Among ilirM Infl Tun; Niigiot Bale! and Mis* Wyltlc";: jut their promenading we* cut diort by t ic Appearance of * dark figure from bet&d one of the pBlatrt - k , advancing idfb the monhiigbl. stood full in tbc pen* tfcihc pair,' The youn^udn- ultcrA « .liftedacrente and Ptnnst ladjijlg cagrriy i,t tiniktlrpslii***, and Ibrn buriir*1 ckclitiwingi •

    "Julio—jftjs lrring* Why.Ibe world JH you come fr ont"

    "So furtl|4! than frorrTlbe auiiou

    ' 'Trom Kteniuvllle,''Un, with a batf-u frgiec. rekeul tbc young l.i- iq ii-Ea own, boared and depar- Sr-nirj- tempi to the tibwi-l- tr with » half frown upon ber

    Balirii Biles. Wools-, SkectttlB iM TiUst.’ i t e u fn Yti- SoK*an*J gwapa 1™

    Flip inng. low pnirh nf bell kon-J at ilianiio ran lie end (del irKrtjW I i rising'August moon,

    "‘Hueior, a llaptur fiahinoiU, lidb. wl*o hid graduated el half * doaen hoarding pcboolf, to a friend of bun who had juilbeenInlrufiwnl labor aj aneTeu- ing parly, 'dnctor. wbicb da ydu prefer.1holid.1T *,f intellect or brillianlby? Thun, admire ibnltuily; .but aik fur aa, aa fSbakclbapcaro tbapth iu blLh 'Bride nf AtydoVb/ ’I prefer th"liduj and tpiltiau tby combined. ‘ “ The doctor panic iwa

    For Voting lad le *,PrOSDHi PlJAlET Wciti'.IElQS ATtKi-

    Mis! >» H. BVRKOW0. 1'elmdpel. Tbe FifUi Year will Commence

    Thursday, Sept- Ifv ISi*#.Tb. Frearii ltiarta«l *■ uaUar tt* rate

    v n ’ . u i n r n i i n n : . . Pilv.I.SUauIr'UCriPttbitlHHPCU.r'1 *

    U. ar»«agwt I y appilpiBi- ■* l*a Srbw.,1.

    AT NEW YORK PRICES1 It t* be Awnd *!

    N W A 1 W » D ,I t Wb : frail k . P in t * ; w P a » r .

    A R T IS T S 'M A T E R IA L S .

    Dr. Irving bju* gaioi-d for bwtielf a wirlc practice during (be ten ycarauf hi*prufrsiiuu. ami tiia pretty, block-ertdwife and In Ur Era; thdr, only dtugbwt, now » i i yean tif ajj*. arej happy and joy Its in tbeir grand |dd liome

    Bui Jrnpv tYyUlfirrwhat r*f bCf! Ult. ilit t» tbr-.panK' ■* When we Brw intmluc cd her—dlih ibe eJioeplIon EbnC phe ba* lull bet beauty through krupleg idle boura and eating hue auintent. She ia still In lho maf rimouia! cnnrkdl. with no derirabJo bMrtcTs. - 3 ! .

    iog. fluttering gulla aniL chare avav ll« qirirluihr./ aaoniiy «rf i:» wdltudc- yj denkd, bawtrer, that lh»i m In*) brought will* Th.Fi aunt nf gavclv and lire if;! Irl had ncTi't known beg*particular A i j i i l fvenfj

    Fhinfieli Public: Schools.and line. W« ha rent bad Hare lorv I'd ragkeraleal wiWwbialj dtar'a. don't you knowf—Fun

    ttm A ft*|t,bi B l*

    about lo Hcftiuc her bu>t

  • O a n tra l H o w J a r w j T im e * .

    m o i ffw r r o c ir o r a t ta n

    T « iM v n l i i i f IMli| fmHi in Ike bnwnty d) iMii 0* * membera. i D i » ocvJUe writer- In Ike Clirlwtra i* l’ t Anri n*J Vn n*r. In speaking for the CityaadremsHy, hays

    ' The lime ku u o t ■ I n lb* panjr denude fair ptaj and I be iW o tc eerie Lai T mat eerrr vrw root ai the primerim. W|lr be roantiul aa r»l, end tbal I be

    m n a n rD ics T. ■

    J A M E S A . G A K F 1E L D ,

    f o b VTi'K-PtumstoKirr. . C H E S T E R A . A E T IU m ,

    - o r l*rw roan.

    Q A R F I E L S ;kefubU oa* st a t e T iorrr.


    bare mpitl iotthing of ibt kind lurltolwl to bat. tbal I bad spent much live (be last I wcuty yean li General Garfield'* house, and bad been al bia labk boiim b of tiroci that t had newer area wine or other liquor OB bn (able, that I had strn beard of iueh a thing; tbat it could not lie I roe; and that General Garfield 1* temperate in hta Own hiabita- I added that be to not » prohibition to; and probably woaM dot nin

    mob in New York I

    ilia limp ports la ibr Rnria To-drf. if they had (be power, they would fliafraa Cbiae erny eowed man and radon him (O abject aoraitudn. Why are ibouaaada of cidoicd ntn, [twin* from their nalivc heme* in the Soulb 10 Kenaaa and tbe X■■rihcrn tinea? Only because tbe Iron heel of UtiKvnc; is upon tbeir necks and ,Lbey_ dare not assert Ibeir mu

    mud the essblbleoce sod raped of aeosi. llte lanpcnuu* people who know What

    'flim is abat I understand General Gar. field'* poaiiiuu and practice in be The ffturw punred lij- umt of the letnperanoe oral nr* excites tome reflections lt> nay mind, but I abstain from making them, and content uyaelf ariib llii* atalemcni of facia- IH publishing m lust 1 have ariiun you may « i a portion of tbe public right. If not. yon Hill confer a favor op the subscriber, who has several limes been applied to for information on the subject.

    Your* * - II A. HoaD si K.President Hiram Collect'.

    Hiram, Aug. iTIh

    Msi.vr. Kepubikoun promise to lay i iheir liv-al dllfereneea in Nowember toll bji a good ita/iHlJ for Gtar

    wbnltaii oflerr-d hlion eridently iwS din-ctloua if it is I nutioa it should There should be- sanitary gulltra are slow to rernn

    cnEwoed against whites who should at- leJbt to *duc*‘e them, even though they weft their own >h>r> Nerntbelcss un ter there erwerr ralricboos bund rot* oftUfjm learned in read, whom; the north■lot afterward* guided to I he liberty they to paired Lhal they aougbt il al tlx risk i»f Slog shot down, lorn by dog*, or ta teUslark Inin I tons! are l.w be lortsirid All ibif.ucm on for year* al ilic hand* of (be lbAirrmlk' parly, anil waa in a measureto&enuiced by that wing »f Iks' Whig(pamb railed Silver Grays; ami ai one limH the Whigs. gelling snaious for paw rr.fficldrf io the South and adopted apirn form nearly agreeing with that of tho iJrAwnus on the question of slavery n.'J ruoec killed tbe great Whig party, gntyhi* time ibouasivU nr ronseirnlioua IIr'_ jo lasth parlin had come to the enn- :1 ji K.o tint (lie stave* Wert- men ■ ml tlist ilswy as* not OousLllULlonal under our r-f imrnrm and declared i hat the gov - i

    Tar Itepubllcau tide Is rlaingiiAnd'will be rotigii in November that it bury even I be Maine iiufutloaW* *wt o| sight1 And don't allow lire fact- lo tacapc yotif recoiled! ion.

    DCI OltriELD 01 RATION Al.lflhAt a sr.uiirn' reunion al (.‘anion, Ohio,

    iL-cynih Tirsidtnt ( la m and General GshnKl-D escli mnile addresses Tlsc Trodden mailt * carefully prepared S|«wyh on lbs* interesting subject of wltat

    bow ban they vole but for (be Republican partyf—J. A. Gar Add lor President. C.A. Arthur for Viet President, and F. A.Pot Ilf Tor Governor Let their intelligenceguidd wiilmut inliraldalJou £. L.(■aht^* arc enraged l-> II .wsstkof lbr: ISmsurrats lhal they won

    bp Mainr pirn bin As lbrre were n ■ rs-enhackeri to one Democrat in ibr F inn knovcniehL il la holffiltprblfig III

    dorlqy m ibis pn two fasAilb'v ar bnd In !»nri- I her of shrkneirt t Tl c&gBiaant of 111* l*oo to secure | mm la for a emit own family wer

    kf tlm stale told ill of bg bia patieiua who

    Writer was penmnally fgleet of the AHmeia- j|«ef snuilary arrange- [where uiemhers of Ufa slopping this summer. 1*1 (be property* com

    Tho Seronth Day Baptist Denomination Hold it* Annual Conference with tbe

    Hcrcuib f>ny Rapilit church In Lillie Gen esee.-Allrgiiijr Co., K, Y commencing Wed Head lyjfwpi, Wd The *1 tuition of this church ik such that a large sUissiancc lariitecipri ] lu localiiy is ijniia ccmral, being!in ihoj midst or a large number nh Scvrtilli thy Baptist churelies in western New York abd Pmniylranla. . W-Eiblo a radluf of lin e forty miles (bora am ala Icon !*"■ VMH it Day BaptlU cburchi*. Tbe " ' " offend a rrduerd

    w York and return of |10.

    vir-1 The prs-fRijly of Mat I oral aid in sq[>flying I be Womh with re boo! faeiiilicaTIlS! spnvb wu itruw(k-d lailb inlrreslingBialislkv, and Ibt irUlinn of education In ciilicuabip waa H forth in a convincing

    week, Tbpno

    wrl iu i as u i leas lujurad- K.'ju.ually il would cause a dart# UseIIa

    w w ilk all lbs dcrtrtscliom and SnfTei - igSbat must Docounrlly ftiflow. Tbe cmoFiuiir parly, determined to bold Ibt i(J< trmlF, tuppnnsd Ibe fupfve alare wW»(ujriitg North eras mm lo assist in tlrtlug and retiiroiog fugitives ncsplaf t'i. free state* or On ibeir way to Can-

    in^wiib One and lmprivranmiit for tefu- iGiad trts a flat for an mueh as bar- r f l l nr feeding them on their flight 10 trlum, ami the return Its be i l l k ci- mm ol Ibe government. This develop fa- great nulislaveiy acfilimcnt as nrT nffew. and lltousamfa deekrad there aft higher lux In G «l anil tinman!t) a^lbat announced by tlsC Ileoiorrstlc iw. Tbe underemund-railroad woala- ijf-trnc-l in heball of ilse slarn* by Ibe iifj liLitnanr of our people The ebive Ifsirs of bo lb Ho if Ui and Nonh were I A rc us and insolent. Slave* were run.mi. and of lea free negroes ih the North :#! kidnapped and claimed as staves and kKnin bnmlage. Colored minister* of

    Brie railroad fare fm*n N*|

    line fill h fSrv, Ihrn- ar* peeaenied In. meotan* tw ilM before. It to ex Ml ildit rKiiicadtlrpaiir-fiwillaiienij

    Please convey o»y rioti’l l that pervade* lbt-m » hr name nl every nnldier Idol It. There to nothin; il all tbit Republic than afnl the I'nifin H> went')«•( tlortrinc of genmHrv» grenlei IhiB anv of the Ml in *)1 (ltd part# pu-r to Utc Union to greater than

    Kit M nt rtUaiililii-lleT Pie.Thotwcnlv-sccuul annual csliitrii (hr State AgricnlTKal HoCieiy Will L at (Vs-rcrly Psd, the Hociety’i ground, on Ihc i.fM iu»t nod bee ued fur Are day*, f f bia Society baa etf effectually for if quirlcr nf «n In tbe irtrraaiicofaaar agricultural trie* timing llimrerrsl there lie ■ 'fn a U r l ip la tanwwhst}h’ *«II1gi>Tu-V. D. C-. Sept. «. 1W0.

    Tbif fact lhal the Republican Cdpgreas ional f'rn iuitirr is now giving lla lole al- ■ enlfon in Indiana ii nxwldered a* proof ponliivir Mre that lb«Democrat* h*veglr cn op all hopes nf carrylog Maine. In a private letter rweired. her* yealerday from [mliana tho writer gives tbe" names or a number of pfcminml Democrat* wise bare declared Tor Garfield and Porter, tho Republican candidate for Governor. Thegreatest aAMtaJou to Ibe Hepubbcae p*rl.». aaj‘* Hill gM'ICOULC. I* (be HOD. W. C. Un Pwn. of Mew Albany, ooc of (bewuiibieat men in the stale. I In employs icrcnty-fitsi mm. *11 ot whom were formerly Ted but Democrats, but who have now derlarin! Fist the Republic** candidate. He Myi Indiana will give at hast 7,000 majority fot.Porua-, and about the sum# for (tarfleld * month Uler.

    iVstema of culture are paare raiacd from tbe

    |. Tbe iniroductiun iving iBiplemcnl* has p of cullivaliog and'many, other* n-av be jj rif i-ri ■ nod t ffecilse Ikrieuiiural Sociely. i png togutber lirmra Nsl«, and beside* 1 he ail a; fris-nd*. It also dually of wing tbe

    NriH-n look a tnmhte tin To railsy as Ibe mart of Ibe litlle uicizv nf the cor n^-t CanliUon between lircenbaelier* and IJensOerats in Maine Capstari* llrnitl amiricbibtcs at tlsc alighU-al indication »f eebaeg* frwn the splendid flnancial admin ill ration of the ifvpuldi-can |iurty anil our cnnwiurnl coramervial |iniaperiiy lo ihc ubwrlain and (billing Pnancial theories of the Hc-mnrratle party and all Hist they imply. ‘ , '

    aiihmji dlsiinctlon of party, 10 an*the fiorrmuietii. whose finnnciai hbc has be«l Riadr equal lo ally in •odd. in Pbtlc of tbe efforts of these rvln-to lod-relroy It* crodii aud make

    ■y wi-ril among lionnl nal’ntis.•race of Ibeir Jvoderr, io iLc presence these flag* and ninfer them, w« asarrl ■uiioualjiy i.1 out apirll—ibe hu ad.

    tracing, beoeflevnt nationality of this

    JUST RECEIVEDmade th*l river o[ Htntoti. tar up l.f Id I he Gulf. node, from Ibr takreof Ii

    -Maine would allow lhal there Was si.oie moral lebouad in that party by putting iia Sea! or cnulenuuuiuu un [be bun rebellion against Ibe ballot hu earned on under- Ga»c* uiv and bM fellow conapirator*. But io tbe election jusl held IS* which lb«i political crime figured i » an iMUc. (lie Democrat* LaiAaol * Word lo ia* tier agapssL llie Infamy. That I*bail fas tlm mormt rlm racier of lk>l party. .

    usiiml lu-1Ini dtflrt-n tin- hibition A ll surpass alt IU prv- n jiumbeij and quality. Thereirgt -Iic-Vyif i borough bred ncaiwell as Hie herds of grade*.

    bu n. like began, of Kyracore. and is. were liuniesl down like brute* aad irt’ l luii replevied frain Ibrit band* trite of iiabva* cofpue. The oonslilo. Hit!’ of ihr taw was eulmil|ic-e tcrrl-

    slaTcry con.bercabout*, Mr. Garret

    I.Elcxir,fn>r New York /(at, .(hat con-•ursiir* ami insIcpandcnE RepuMican lobrml. wliicb has united with ra*pcc( able Ifrmorrau tn rid N>W York of Tammany rule, nliraales Ibe infamous tar, Cain at ila true value In an cditarinl undvr Lbv bead of “Tbv Tainffsaay-Hancock Alllaure, " li denounce* (lie combiuilun. and sari, sir ring other Iking*:

    “They [Ibe Democratic leader*, hare surrendered Important local office* to Mr, KkU l and nu f ootwculcri to rao>M •

    a general Dqgacrsllc caucus, following lbv suppoaed elccikm of Hancock, the

    (be caucus—Lben legislation miw follow to m«fi aatuhern idea* and demnnd*. Then would Hancock *elo net legiala- t in ! lie 1* from Pennsylvania—at waa Buchanan. He it a lender in ibe sonic party. When! it tlsc evidence (bat be i* a ■aroognaa (n slalruitaashipf Not is hi* letter of acceptance, nor in any public

    were other black tLbr bail fill lowed lisl/J'l


    kvowlodgRl ground that aucb a course is ■aceeauy lo tare-the New York Demo (raise electoral ticket They bare anen- d*ed- till* cily witli. it* van inlemt* (o n jisost nod Efiu unis, te l us lake 'hem al (beta wind.

    They have not received the people into! (heir confidence in tbi* mailer. Ini the people ar* pretty certain to make them- arivc* heard l « tbe aerion • » « he (UortHtfbiy gra*|"i(l--5iml il will be wide- Ivlgraspcd before Novctober—that a role

    f. T r y rj*ir 30 fceot ] Sugars n\ wholecal^

    •Ivdl.Ml im II juuI exkJtui

    r. * . »K.SI4STod St.. Ihrt) ffin lt!:

    PLlllFiELD K

    Dtaocssm organ* cooiiaue lo raveover the iaaettrity ol tbe managen of in*D*mocrnc> The New York ffipraw last Friday spot* It* mind » follow*

    ‘‘If ike Democrats-hope in einpi Jfan- rack amt Kngliah ihU fall they must step

    C A M P A IG N S O N G S T E R St a b d U M t H H A M i m M U l HE k“ S j £ 3 t ' ; K S S t V t f K ;.-------. _, ,_. .. . ... .___’

    drawn (totanhoi

    m«n the life hen! wbea-lbc order*-«rt fiv PR ilo go Up SaJ! HtVtr. •

  • RELIABLE PATTERHS OF FASHfOlSd«- a i l l ia front of ike nrcmirea:

    ■ f. «i ie ihcaf. " 'it f i l l 'i*M mil. Jc now !?m Normlirr the Cattle II ibed akirh a Ihxxf of ballcia Inf I hair leader JiWniw f• , that IttL'h-ill Shxt tratta* quat- Iff! fa Ike While ll'rfiar Tit* 1**11r* cimntthl* tinre. yonhnow. »nlni rod m- v, In- *bu4 him Wil h. -Il aa-ewinl like > pistol I saw the flmh Hgluen up bis isiuhucI'bi

    ■wIktc the well is. the aefijnd li«u M frotlthe front. ta|snir| and Jnbnron wore Manilla ̂ lalsrrn the blr gale and ll*y i ifuijr; i f lljr ln| no llir flitli wallc Samuel. nfler lire nbnollng. went backward hi lire rued. I lien, lie ran to the Little gain anal ilimnyh il nraMisd Ihr baric part nf the b'JUsc n»d doiiosoxi v M at lam twice while be vss running Three allot* were It red ip my Utiijwl.-alge He ran after TV il lilvo. I did not ace where the turn ran. 1 * I ilu-n went in the bouse- After Jnlm actn wem ami of ihr yard 1 went irrtli*'a,—’ rfissr. Jrjliiiv.ui afref n.*r say MnyttnUfflo me. I never heard William* wy a word after be via sliot I did not hear John•on Bay nnyihing, I heard and sew Johnson inn, lie cLid noVeay auythinc m me

    li lie left the ).rd 1 know Williamsby Jik* vuife, Jolnn, si I cLh nut knn» i fdon't know a* \ ever uaw him. Eva

    Chugni. At Tba Public BchneU.The first tinu In tla- Primary depart

    incut art the 411i S4. builallTig n! ihr Public School* has an cnrollma-nt uf sixty three pupils. Thin 'rfrf Crowded roltriiliaiii makes it o,ery*«*Y ,0 tn u lif leu ot lit treu pupil* to lira coricispondlng gVudc in the bth f*4. Imilding w have tbd clnan h nm full. _ This *Tr p will aiumgc tin: afintliog

    The "MIGNON" KidE v e ry P a i r V rkrranUd.

    i s r t r s L i i T SS " W I t YL u iiliw . /.«a r a w s r s itki*ispSifeT*,siJ


    A Honyirel KepnMirnn Olnb-’E.4TsREflEKVBI* H ill t,MITES.■ rgani »nl am. reliable aam

    tnrni. anil prey1CATK T O I, BE IVEI/Vi

    IS Mjsli iraii nteyird [ucsidrm anil Mi(i \V Uoari.jrerclsq. .\f,. .1 \V. f,«l. rllUglon w ji a-linarn icuipoinrA commaudo A ntamp Ils amahls in|.»|ia CluiJil- Icr. the liiiihlvr, Jtonj Force, the shoe dealer. D. Vf. Huger* and Wl W.CurML produrc ilmlaTW ,F’. IV , .fob nml II. Cod- .llugiaa, uv dealare, Ea.pduucllman It. Smn».«on-, n|id many uiicrei They will make iheir iirst imrnde ilu*Wednesday ryenlog at Krsllh-ld

    g Edit Front St.G K A N X T E I K O N T M A j j . l l

    In grtat and th# t

    N E W P A T E N T S T E A K

    Thin iIih*s Jo t burn o r d ry UP the steak, .•' - AT 1>UR t ; j J •

    Hardware and House Furnishing Store, 13 E aat F ro n t S t . , P la in fie ld , tl^ J *,

    tec in going uul of i*c r»rd. JThis eudcal tho lastlimuaiy aid* lira arora

    waagiyen lo llie jury, lira corimi *laliog

    haw IVilliami cam* Ip hU dr-ili unit atwho*, bitals.' II.fy liad milhriL' la rla

    , willi live degree uf ihe crime. TTUe Jury . wii< nm ioeg {n rendering a slid ih*t Sniiiiiel n'jtliam* nu-i hi* ittjji from a ptllol shut tired by 1sal.ll JuiiuiL

    Air. H iZluJu* w ayuung owJh ( «s-a4y ■ lltrev yours old g»d hui tcccul* (usinpd Hi- wa* •Mill’ in Lhi [irpb'Uli'^i club of which be vfui * >iemVr. Iwiii^un offleer in Man lira club anal uni I i> r».i' legion, and wa* arelt spoken nf by Rose win knew him. Little i« known lmI mIuwh* Hr I'm- been iu (own at*«ui a i-ptr hul i*

    I ST rr* e;«,'LAJi(EO I.ETTKHr I remqlningfjb P«*| (Ifflcr.

    Jkplreticr IS. 1 grillKalla*. 11 r »1 ya:Hl f(*ur. lhl-la*l

    r*J HianI'BJIara*. * * *saw Jahnayi). and thut i

    if him in ihe offalr, Three giig am will again fbc crowd «|iy reining. Gcli-‘ N T l-bual I nine: Wit! hpa-i'IC for Hat' l| |v i ry.r>̂ JbHW»> of the r* k- iioc.ri>tr'wbe wi»k It 'lm r I n cn r̂e arguciI wild nbiliir a nUW Ira Rrwcfit Mr Jirom-. u 11 *la> I* htic Add deliver o ■anon* nnd offwlire sl«cechr*

    O lawtures of ibe d,»millff. ( aipmp. Iiytalhcr Abraham (tl h nt la'll-! Oab Ihdisnfial htTaj in,vo1re for Rdofthhl

    F1N | JEWELRY. WATCHES, CLOCKS R J S i l lv N e a t l y a n d P r o m p t l y R k p l l r w t

    i - T C O L L I E I ^ ’ gIlls'Oa 3 f i l i e r t - j - W d .., 2 d d o o r f V . i i i n I-'

    - \ H o B o t o h l a p . '. 'I l

    A f/ r i

    very brutal traiurc in hi* n saiili upon no unarmed man, hvllcig* * gains! Mm al* Tyry juilillablc. I ‘apt. EVald Ural abetb jail M iikLaj eyening.

    The tuncral of the murih-iptnre frulll Ml S Hire vhnrtli li'ino*)!| und' Was iuegrlv a

    Kvn TbtWBp

    aitoui half past u-n. v Iran 1 *• tuned linrm willi Vl'.ri RiewaTt. We atarted lo go husne nn fill n , nml ns.we gol timr ihe public Ha hand xJiua: one threw v,iuv:lli,uy *i iiv *mf n while man fullo w«l us nml « r wctu lack. Wl- imt John nm on t'ircriy si. lanal hr nlTercal To gu home with us We dill nut ttsk Mm. ttr time (rack u, $4 *1. He slepiusl alu cigar -lore, und we wanted nn^slowly until hâ came ap. anil

    vrni Auan ib*i lo fourth r r I got hnmr FroniurL IMiLianr*. mv Umberin- 1*W. si.**) in lira yard. Mary SCrw.n and I am waltiogfogcllrarinluthu j*td .l.,hnn'ii wan.behiiid. My broihcrin Law.

    h c you." 1 Then 1 *lnTt(jd in ge inl« the li'iun and hr- fan and caught hold of nw- 1 gait a n ) ln>m him. "tram* lia r, . Just a

    wdh you then you can no." Then J weoiand III* what hi- wanmi. IVhrn I saw Wil-

    «!M busy- Jailing wnlb Juliamw beiWitHnm*) did nart pay any alternlim in iuo. My rmvthcr caUic U1I1 uari caltcrL nu in. Jim a- 1 got in the ,bmi*e the plai"! mm oil. Johnson bad hi* Irandn id bis puchelajrhea I went into ilac boure They were stiujiliiig in front of Hie iiiiiri* on lira .iiii vralk near [lie big gate. I Mood In lirad -.-T aba] board Jvani *»y to JohruKib, "Iliim will lake year lyinda .mior jour larak ,-U I will rfgbl you with • f*il re anma| il- . s. ntng d

    f urnttar. SH»- SIM. « tlw « ! « » *' •barb will do lbe | cant a* * ft** hn*d upon an ttlsl llrauir. to give > ™> litite ropenl*nara of r jirrsenl nctron as paw

    w ! ,\ trv rraiefuitv and Jniljr '«*»'»“ ' K- V. £ e m u i . .

    Tfae KiiiLee* qf tbc Crescent Avenue ' IVnlirieAia eburrh b*(Vft fciodry giv.n lire ure aff tbrit 4 Lnrell for llii* lecture fir Krlrhatn will l^erefore >|*i1 Tuna- day evening. Snpt. *1*4. on ■'Metnorirt o( • I'leaaani flumna Ptjond >he sa. 1'ri.x ofllickeU. Wt-ntlk.

    - T R E E S .Fra il, ELodu aud Ontim ental .

    H ardy H ydran gea*, G tip * -Tides, Wintdr-bloomiryg

    O l__Awi ** .

    R. B. Manaing &. Bro.

    .laMHKisSli raaHmsteUi* aiaat* whHkkraH E W B R O O K L Y N , N . J .


  • M a l a r i a l; BLOODPoisoning,

    (fco ft*! Nsa Jstaoj 71 m »

    \i A n ok a .H H l j l t D K K s ,ji| \ F A R MERS.■

    A t f r ic d lo r a l I n u i r a n n j

    f BONj FIO lFBiTI!

    TI.VOTIIy SKtii:' House EuraiiMng Goods, i

    Tinning'. ' : ..; .\ "i P lu in b in g, j ■

    ncrur corns back to ref nab job and (WJ den your heart a* does- the awninfT of that •Ul/ t f t reals’ psr-jdc, when you datlnl ■wniiin with the firl you lowed. IBd Uugbcd Jtwt u (Ik lea era ndW , becnosq you could not help it

    The ''(Md llujf* that w ild lu the morn Iny and wooden where It H I alul who low il ami wbere all Hi nwaiy la[flop. the good tim* that tail* ilaelf off with -m hrndacbe-iher* U precknm Utile fan In Wi*. Bui 11 only rake* a eery little liiitenwag n| that hied to pdaoo *0.1 .loud the atnorjn of you. pul. It don not **Vr "H J nitU |W»d lio'ea," ™- boy, ■•■

    of tbe Jewish popu- imnrt, it pair ’• cw> •lit; nf the' ]< * « ! light h al oooc Int" ■ li «a expana ■1 ID I nil l» an rigid in a elan If in aantber. fnnrcaa. bat ia always

    B*crcc nf 11k BKa Itugtal himself by

    era ■» larpf u in omnibus bora*. yet dwIH (be sting outweigh nil Uw good, ■ rat. harm Iras. hooey laden portion of ■e ber, and you would tblnlt of it ofteirer >d longer.—{tvrlinfftno liarkryr

    land md bn M i with which in old3 fniliful terraces t i>catine fir Lu brj ice, and hia rtc|iu| UK fertility nf mill•t of military cot Ussne** of life at hi

    tj-ry resource, the p»w Lieatloo nod ibe reck-

    tni * I nH« made him [Won* of Tilu*. Bui l-W o|-«tilDB be »•*.-• It igiilc lapinew he doe* !$if tHialiR'ab u open l» |prisl hvnir.tH. within

    i XIX,I bf naonsbr it rndol.jtw i>unitmr u-m

    peraliitr rob!India an. ft fans and Landkerchief, nrr to Apraial arm.nil. Ibe find toprodnee sttillciil od_ Tin- ability to Identify (elf null ibe hlgbcM or our tuturiv and i>. bring all the lower part* inlo .uhjrci iod. ■>r Bather u> draw them all upward* into h.rmory with Lbe beet (hat we know, ta the one central power which aupjiHes vilallly to all thr Brat flow In develop thil in tfic Child may writ absorb Ibe an Vrgr of firry parrot; bow (n ruIMrslir ilIn hiiiMcir nitty well employ lh«i alulnm and rnihuim-n: of every youth Y.-titla no Btftlrriim. or cunplicilial path I lint Irada to Hi. goal The habit of irol )• hu( the uxautulalloti of tontinmil »rt» of ralf denial fora worlhr phiwftjl ia bat (he repented authority of t|n- rr-.-r™ over the impnlara. of the judgment over tlw Itulinjlita.., t.f I lie aenac inf duty, over lilf deaim lie who ha*'acquired iliirliihii. who nn coff'n liimarlf ia(el llicrfttly. wiilium painful effort nact will, out fear of.reTdlt from hia j^ijiriitc. onVI |Usiu(M, hn« within Ibe aourrr of all retd power unci of all Irue liapjiinr*.. The fort* and merer “ Iteli be baa jiul forth day hy day. and hour by hour, Ik not ea bauated aer rvon diminiahed: oa the eon

    LEGAI. n o t ic e s .

    poetry andM ilAll Indians Iwlicee in one (Jwl. in one

    (Sreatl hplrit. Tltejr «prak of llim » itli rreert-nte, Ifliete that In ■» rteryyrbrre ["twill, know* Iludt waul*, ami Ibtf alt alwayt fearful of nding in a manor. will nftend film, for they W b n rhrruldM.ryili.wv lliev eon lit writ ripen1 hnl th. you rage nr -inr. i-y* iu war and linating. They] h « « nrr -jdula O. temple., hut anitit lllbcJ rpenk of ceflaln tinluml ubjeeta na inlrnor diTinltlca, which they regnid rarrê y a* .ymholi. or reptesmlailrni* of the 1 trout Hplrit

    With llu* gew-ral idea of 1h« Ueiiy. ihe■lifTi rr-nl l.ibea here earioua Indiliuai n! llieirajwn, aiich for InrUnee. iwthat •'«] llreel Spirit, wa* an IndUn and Lad made ±11 therai-Tti of HK11 oul of lilmralf, end. ** i» infill generally ilioUKhl, the Deity |H».*cpml a human form, and * a. In, all renpeCLB a mno. There are rarluoi tradi- iLrai concern i ok the treat ton. many of wlib-b arc ecrv rMMloU. Their belief in Ihfrliillrlirr of good awl bad spirit.,; anil (hat i [itrlCoUna- j* hrtil With rerlalnperaoba on earth |«y the fcitmcr. »a . I )>a oriitin of the medicine man. whom they tKlkcvr to he endowed wl.h superior pow

    IR O N AND-BRASS f f i l ^ O R V .

    Ley hair titturtR'd to Ihelr hwne*. acme I them 1*01 *rbed by v ipoaure to *m> anil h tuet-Er. and all nl iheni, wc> iaopt In Itnruii-rt anil rehrwi-.l in Imth Imdy awl find by cii.p^c nr air and acei"- Iboeeeditl ̂ lri*unly along, we-are at- kiwi hy a HlViiu «>n nf Africa wlm aak* |r n frw [knillr-a will, which la buy trail, allying In* lia* eaten nothing ainrr

    tMHfsigsbssiiesoMmmv.Hiram! fncHni,: » ; iffcnrsi ftf

    a ratlin nuipermii Bock, .hclougiog to a Cljipplol may w hoac chief dependence for a^ppon liner (a tt|»in Ihile-C who ftlt f a liilr. mister. Kbit

    if be whipped Lia line: od [be book Art r « y nan'a nrw.—New lla-

    Tho moat simp It norrtieil euro for ever offered.


    pariect and eeo- Inlarial Uiaeaeea

    tcrmineiJ purpose to ufcompliab by noise wbat Ibcj fall in, doing otiKialw, Tw« or three small Unierus throw a feelilo light upon the Bgnre, aad (In ibis c*ar> n aonp-lmi dokn doty for a dram, and at Very frequent intervals the air ia rent by tire vorlfetoda eLeera and tiger*“ tisn- ing front tin- tlirtrati of the half duarn or dawn fyitia. who have entered Hint rariy Inin Ibe political arena. M'c hope. «* weview them filing by. (bat their enthusiasm

    they grow older , and that when they shallenter in reality upon the duties of citiirn- Ihip il may Ire theirs to help guide tbe ship of Stale safely throdgh (he turbulent •m of political strife to a port uf safety. pViwperily, nod .honor Uut it socm* to us thM Hrrae link- le’luws. and also some

    - who are not little, would be in a belter

    * peerlfwi remedy for Scrofula. While dwelling*, l ancer, f.’n -ipvla-. floeL, t’hrunle Sores. SiwhllK Tam ora, < arbunrlc*. Mafti Khrnm, Jffalarfa, Dlllena ( onpUInha, and all dltmarei fBdieaflac aa lalbarr t ondjttna af tbe ItlOlld. This u rand Itemedr I - * roupound .*r iva^taLle extract*, the chief of which arjr Hlfc'.t l*Altl I.LA and STILLING! A, The earn rffMed by SAU(ILL’S HUMID .(.Ml LIVES rtYitYF ars ntoolnte and (hair rm rd .1* uaJUlganf b* fallara. Par bale hr all ttnumbd-, .

    of (be vainr (be otd get

    Boy*. Do n't Slock Cp Year-War. I was sitting ill lire office of a inercl (A loop rtner. when a lid of about mixtiered s.Kh J cigar in Lia iiiuiitli.

    The *dliru cure combined in quoPad. at-Lite evat of , nly 91

    Worn on the pit o f the ttomacli it-causa* no iDcoarnnivncw, trouble or thought, geu'ly and poaifiraly gives new Ills and vitality, while ah. »olItaly abhorbieg all malarial otbldod poiaona. Mold by druggists Brer y where. jeftwlS


    •Jxl'p. to learn a trad*. Hr.' ' "" i might give you a place, (nil you car-

    tv a very bid- recommendation ia yuur ■nouLb, " Hid llu jrmtltrnan.

    "j did n l I bin lr It toy hatia ta

    "1 ant torty ta lay, my young friend, I can Dot employ you- If you have oronry ermuab to imukc ricari. j-an will be above wash ing a* an apprentice: ami If yon have run money, your love foe cigar* might make you steal it. Jfo boy who smokes cigar* can gel emplojmenl in mj shop ”

    rajntte’H O rtler lo L im it' Creditara,

    lTCHLEYhome or. yudtiejt some read mg'room, storing their trim!* -With useful knowledge. Instead of roaming about the street, sub jeet to ibe rill itniiu-tic\* which prevail ia ft TO I X it rxIR E l'

    rasu Da. D iT iif RtaElil H

    On* of ibe oiofbm ever been ijrreL public, 14 thM of |d Itidg*. Malm CoS

    which Ibcy believe absolutely in secure them health, plenty * ia l heir-underrate log, fot the;

    KN.JAS.A.8ARPIELD.Nr bU la ansa smt pHsasal (OntlCra.i •!»• ■ fiS S H S

    kid a ex'. No in were eai al Hr Bench paid

    rclkf front hit sj By Ihc urgent a

    be woo induced i-oh*p* up for sa-rral s w U I bare ta ôre' me a very interesting description ol the, dance, aad wish my apace permitted me' to Ur II befure you. I cmo-lj any. that iv is ■’baotaleiy oc«**arj that buffalo ihould be killed each day, between Ibe rising mod setting of the mu conacqut-atly lire Kiowa* Lara rlwar* moml pul to the buffalo ground a, and there held ifael, „*d krtoc dance. Uai rear, they failed In flad buflats, and sdJWal racy much from hunger, before they cuold be relieved by the Agent, with ration* lent nut In them. *u thia year they have mtd nnlbtag about metUcinwdaace. and a* the boffato has* disappeared. Ikcr hare pcofaeWy abandon ed it, iliogetLer What tffwi. the dia

    grudalkw. In poverty.

    grave, and the nwc] lo Ilcif Some, it Ja tnie, do not pass through all tbew stages, but iuicniio-aara. [rereUred Id. llwayn end* in Ibe drunkard's grave- and we have too much ™ s « to far, in Hell. Tbej bar room U truly Ike curve ol the, of hi. wife, hi* child, and hi*