· 2015. 9. 12. · thelouisvilledailyjournal. v(»lumexxm. f«lwr4xabirtbutltki...

THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOURNAL. V(»LUME xxm. f«lWr4X ABi rTBUtlTKi •!« ruic^TtrK & Hm%DntL%on, ' w»KA «Am Ain> rtrrv •rmscn. V erlMiac \m itailr «r L— 17 iiM m !• IlM 9t iCM; It. .^1 •• M" . <•'« ailncMt %mtnim M BiotiiA* w\tk0m MiMrMtaa m LOUISVILLE, KEiNTUCKY, MONDAY, MAY 23, 1853. NUMBER 152. EUTAH—DOI.NG8 OF THE SAINTS. Tht TtmfU. Ac'^tblT *** prui^u- uoticr, A XcKK’ii Irt.4 OF P«o<iRE!><. That » a cu MISCELLANEOUS. COPARTNERSHIP. MEDICAL. J. W, BROWN'S BYE WATER. nt^ 4> 4m M 44 iuc\¥a^ of Iro^t in tli** cnrtb« tbout^b 1b« ttMW illu‘iriou« ti •«'tid ain! •> ^mmrmrnpmr mm4.imm. *4. Ihn.* v.... .i ^ . .L/ . . f .. brown s bye water. PD', air. VdI* 1b*DM^ (ur- »«•• <TrM. Mre *8 cnu .Kirilin*. Mr Tbom., | * J!**™' to Ui*i,r.. Mr oIBcd If ''r,^SSSr BUSINESS CARDS. BADDLCKY. HAR!«IBMa A.'^DTRl.YK mA.'^lF.MTORY. - MARTIN A JOHNSON, oorn«r«f 1 i HpMfttD and Seventh itreeu, d«slre to call tbo attooDoo of parcbao*-r« toCHU^ tbolr »iuck. They stiidy U> always koep oa hand aa i •«U 94 rbriMJcb tbe dmy. ••ISM I wore «*4ieAbl'ii|t, they were •— Y •• 1 awee'eof otraiAf from tbe While lb- pri.pie IhiiiC >UU i.ak of m » l-u'U' rticui ami u^e- t{ !l® a_ j _ .a. fa ' 1*. A a. I a , 5,) WbttB do A.O du d< . tlw du: cheered mi»hfbe APliu itfh I ra •• pis, :..H m> days iii ' recrUrd and for ^aie low by * bra«» au - Cipt. *uin p*ace, I hava* i* ’h=- <'ounT«d *lie ho>.^e», i n*iR iaj IAaac ctbiRtR. Ef« . It mxuthBt reavwaltla, >ot wror tvloo 44 oara, 12 m^tmxhu iwoewabla, Ml to ar««a«e sre- :^v*aweo• a 94 44 aoaaro for It autbi 1* 99 •lA.atttba, rwaiwatio, aot lo av«ra<r« vmm oace a ^mmk 99 94 A. Aiuua; ••.oar*,# BMitha. x.aeaMti* pablUhed at totcrvalm efa: weekty, ***»**fci»,tn wooRiy,»r iilhly. aro nharyad Rl t>«r A" f»r iA« irau aad f mail for oeary aabaoaaeat la* i fiallo’a I ha>r lia^e I iiii^uire i Ui’o 'lie i.u./ibei- uf tl»e m* Frraulei.l Youtie arrived a* 1'4< arid, uub hm bub.UiiT,* ai.^; a* i ^Lat o.te o i cauacil ai(d tb*' mb y. w .tije*^e.l rhe ^ll^ve\ |(ii»uj'ji-» and lUe u'*i*t ^IoA8 anay iii -,»• fni;- ol Uie Mie «if ibi* iVui;^ by Je>»e W. K.»x’, I *oiii ul ht» r^^iip. M:at i-* i u h>.biu*>, oi iiii* •*. MXadei tbe <^a'<er>iileiiij,-iire of iVtiman O Alltel I aS^ ve *ill, at *o he : trv o ^ h ? oiy ui tii*» arehitec’, whict. wa>coir I L-tfd a:»uu: 11 o’cIofU; <*>’, f""d oe:!\ kUd>Atf :i’i- «iaouM id ir: aiul when itie praaideii: a::J ctuiicil, Uir twene I cou.' ».oa Ih A Ihi »i.iJ e^ ii.a) Late rate:i hi.-., Head Kr»L -• «win*woraM, ocaic ....... » [.ct'cr Pa^e”: ^ T V ^ I iicr» anl nevcr^mn *prev^^lv“‘* w ^*^“*^ *• on tbo basis of caaA, ^ait* ! I^tflDIRhi pi Bl| If | \| fkllCT tB d PlDI Df fS laViro" do da; * T ^ nroi uf Fielding A Tboirts f j when the dtrectloofc are ol**terTod. Aov penoB JJ^**^**^ Tbo manufactorod gouda which » Loare NKW uaUtANAaa th«feha&> t|l,| -* beg ifgve i.j reiurn niy ••Incere thanks :• my doubting thU ran cou»e to we aad make their ^rrJin^ «bey offer for eale are got up by tbemaolToe and warraai- I . ± of «L:k « a v ^^-ii I MISCELL.ANEOUS. FORCALIKORNIA Til Mtaragii. THE SHOBTKST, CHIIPBST, A BBALTHII.ST BO» *. Tbo New Oileana and San Francinco SEMI-Sn.\THL r Steamship Line. a;** at redoced ratio by 2 Apor’lee, Ax., removed to Ibe eael 1 hr; ami Ely, MarabaJ Litile, aN.-ie> i by Lie poLrr. |K»':.ted pm ®tu Ibr varnma ii e^t to tt»e |r,«8a* inulU.i.d*', con lo- MaUiiR of several Uiiiutaod, who tormeJ aroi.mi I’ 4 hoil(»Ta ai^uare, and re’aitied lb.iT ;• '>11101. loie Ufif cumin:: of t*e >%vord of l-..iin. 1 KI.T#i»>.i I «|wr, ...* * auf>«mN blue laid niltJ Packet Pmt Paper; UtreiOi,>oa '.».e fo ii» lu r ^ii re ir,?o it, I 61 c.-.aaoo du da do «i«>; ^ -loum wrg leaxe la return qiy sincere tfiauE^ t# my aouoiing thU ran cotoe to me and make their barnalns. ®^® *«« np oy themaelTe* and warraai- 1 . of each «oam ler av v Jr-ai oe* HieieU and the puMic for the very lib< ral patruuagr tba »ad bar: a cure or their money refunded backT^ d^ qahlUy, and they aak the encDuragemeot dae rJi!n r VI * IT '*^'* ***‘![ ** 'if j ****®'“ce C».I* be altiOiled to by encloelog the fe* W RffrNlWtATiff 1 '»« ibe Piacldc, for SaN FRANi ISUO. ^ in ' lo a loiter to me In Loulevllle, poet-paid. Price »l M Hni*-5P mivro There U bat W milee of taad travel «a this roate, over tTi)’ HI ; * uh, lil) iatnb' &r LU whiih I uni'i^rit iLrtf i.ol. ibou dUxi v%e Mv rou.1 t thic; .;o 1; .V *4x s rOmmmmmtm trmm tiaeeleoi f nuae eretraen toil :<aid la advaeea. k irne^taii oat marked ea iba eepy ler a ipecitad a <*.'•* * er imretlaai win he eoncmced aatll forbid, and p«-i. -ot enacted. t^r^etiectoef yearly adverUeef* erlUha nkalMieil n* ... to tarlr reffular haetaeoe, aad all etber adeevtlee- fijt partalaliif te tbair regalar hoelarai mm affread te , TO be prnit ««tia. or .latlDr BM t* D. raUlikW kf tk* true—II II «aa be taaeraed tratasteaaly* Miterucemetiae Cer cAarttaMe taodMieaa, tre eam- . oaM, wvt«*h4». aad athor paMlc Meetiaffii amd »* to be cha^r'^. LaU pnoe. I a lioil(»w dijuare, and re’aiti^d ;• -mIioi, tve wi rou.* I thic; .;o 1:1 j,*.ici. Of a •liile Uh» president aUurr.«s^4 thr*m a Tb « mo-' Uuth, tliu » h.-..^ iu;^. . uiei.y aor. ,, and iher it tbfilhriff speech of ab.>ut tL.rfy 1111 .ufr^, eo as to ho Ltrni doii?-, fur •peoa»‘r u uue anil lUc fni Liue«'*edo do no do, 60 do a Lite l-reticb Co 4 j do; in mi u fur eale bv IbiV.ti cii«>MIKy Whoie«ale Paper U'arebt nK tu b oa 477 Mslu partDtr, Mr. Thomae, whom I lommend f> them a- a lo letter lo me In Louisville. t>oiit'.tmtd. ai to 5-nt»rmaii in every w-y worthy asd deeirvlDg of ib»-T ! per bottle. *^u», post paid, price 91 M wiruD.... Mr. Tho:i,M hi. CD*»SM t:,e ...rvlr.. cl j mwllcInM c«i be toDoiJ .1 my prlnclp.1 iJ.Dot, »t Ih'.r'icKh I.I.CIK.1 h.'trr, .lid lh".e »ho may t.vf him I MilcUBIX i OCBIIAUIFS, M.rk.t .'rn.l.tmw.eQnral with th-ir ordT. c»d upoo h»TlD| them Hied lu 1 Brock nrw'., .ud .,co at the followtiui o:ac-»- Low * U U o.c. I J . B. wilder fc Co., d. K. Monicimrry ti Co., I W. McMAIN, ' _ MISCELLANEOUS. j SMatifol RMid«BC« for Sat* I mss* *. k... p ao*l I. oa.,i...,..'. I nil: »<*.-••• I ». .!« n''i! Kcmi. •ir.,1, tra . I Ch«Mt. Tk, m>..« .'kr.,M -i.. I klak,to..a'BlM M. rm<B., a i'**na.i-T».i,i.* •»«orM wmpiM., .1,. .,. ry ....iw.D.-. at.. tMl urrlMr-koa aum Mlar, aal . a. la.;. L i I ** .'*T^ 'T**** ’•erf' •" a pa.'i a. tec. Aa Ik. uwa- I ar la d«wlra.a to lott ha. .k*#p;.f, a b.tI. a m Ike I Miara Bill ha .. d >r Aratiad. F.r pw lc a..., I t»i.lra at aar cac, can.r ..i |•.„.rl P ar. aa i i-—.. ! •*»— C<t.aT> Bu'TT a PIALD. , »• .1 lUlal. Ifc..a.ra. JAaCES GRAIN. J!L, . ATTOkMMT «T LAW ' M D ..KM - A a I. LaMO AUBk r, . -Wari... PUIaraaaiy.TesM, be beard ui all parlt d' ihe aav Ai-.'eiiibi)'. lei.ei i. aiiulher. Tbe itTouud lor the Tt-mpie was;ui!ed ' Alter 'he lartcori of l‘iy jedplt', t!,oii ha- lo tbe Me-' Hi^h G‘k1; lo bt a H*-l» Pier*; »a. . t.uiut'nt* | 'o «i!<- !i i. i;-;i|l t;oi wbofe bO uncleeu Umitf »bmjl<1 ever H[»j»ro.icl ; be|» y «>nd u. .trial la i unr. v^p- (inajs.- hi *aLui|: upoi bu H-^Ave-i K U* h*ir lo pfutre: u » lo weie iuru la<*re, a.;d ;itver Ucfirc U from eeerytbiim the* wo,«*vil^ aud that he wou!-i * <iud »>• *•' To Coufitry aud City Dealers in Hats, thou ha-: Caps, aud Straw U-oode. , - I ll’Kleveooa lu .or ^srer.2oBi>h 4A6 M t.ii eirerf,the »a i II 1. ui: I \ isige-i eu l beM >e>cte.l i.|.»ck of lUi». <'*{••, aual ()nais.- htr (' a- u- i>e i«* ;ul lu *f*y one h..uie I t ihe Untou. Ucsirc lo i kU i.sve iu«nufaaur«-l rz;>r»-4e:y lur wltL ih**ir order* can rt-ly upon havlD^ them Hied U; ! I li.eir emlrc »aeilwfMC»lun. M «y 17, ls^3_'ul» M. U. FIKLDIS'Q. j DISSOLUTION. j 7ifB copartoer»btp heretofore existing betwft^n the .A uDderrlfDcd 1> this dvy dl«buivel by mutcvl c«iii- •tnt, Abel laow having d'-(K>iKe<! of b1> Interest - W'l> > 11am UewArt. urKSHAM McCALU'M, j ARKL LOMT. LoulSTl!!e, Api-l II, ISM. j COPARTN E L SHIP, HOUSE joiner and carpenter, |•K-iru.d,-llk co-ruri.5:r-li:r«,;nJ::!::" .1fa»....ruh.c«i-;,.T,»., I Mr.l >1., belweea Walaat aad t bMlaai, 'erlD* IndBcmrot, .aperlor toaay Mhn roat, iw K.m. ' VV‘'‘‘ ranh-alarl. w Ik, L.«i ,a. Parjae-. bl, I >l'«ae»l»ratla* loCklltarnla or llr.a«Mu AirMlMlua- ’’ and S«, |.a dw II h.- •I'al . no. ID ih. muat workmaDlIk, manaer and on accaa nymta, and fram b la 7 imati tlma, cao aa r.u.d ! * ~«a I ts. ran mmaat ^*a - bleaa tbe arciilleci, Ibr u; e. u.tei,d. ul, Uie fct.- ibAii, abd all the lab. ei.»ntbe *e |'I.^, w ith wi-don and utidenia;,;{ii,^ and knowledce and pera.-varaiice ui Ihe mirt.i of all ditlirulu.., ; Ibeir wivei and children; auti bl.»* ih.oi i 1$ It I o...ib!r, Ih. ::, that l.i’.c idea i;f a gei.crdl - .I.ercouiae b.-tde." m mkit d ^huul(l mak. any, iuj|iii .-ion on our l.I,.ler^ta.l.lln^*;•' God fj. t,i ;, | L;^.ell, uh my T;.. ie is no » i‘il.)ui equal | unto the b. Irt-I i., God Hr cica e<i the Wi' .,•• aa.ja fur »ir,w I ritiii; hare .d a cop,|, nn.Ter _. a . - and deauw an palilukai a, aeaa. OMtaa- detii; even that they miilht l>e ta ihtut lo the - .lat-yra. I'.vwai.aaaaaaA wilffu. and receive lb>ir blea.>ini;s m I.he Iru.iiii; » - alTera,.M»aad all DWaat amUlna aomataataa- Ui.i a* angel, of heaven micM de-c i u at d •' IT raqatna* aatlaa* AaiKaad t* eal. uienUoa u ... . e miem ow i..i at.d > - iuima, CouiOTa. w asy rtktic aawnaiameeta. V** ,4**:*.“* ’*?? t®*.*'-. a id dwell then n, cn i 9-.^^ r.srotonre RtoO* f«roteitanMe,«U »(>Uw «f pil- Lou biixi-«ll imi;bt soeH til« eerVdOti^ thvie, e. ai.aoi.uw. evwy aaOw «anoe< to cat; atteattoa aod admiaieier lo Ukioi and thu* be coniinued I* ^e knew d when to « uai Ike Muae I, u b, ..Id IM. If tatiniil Ik *‘11 faia luag. tailed bun, aud be raid Aloeu, tn aloie, in orcharde, and vinryaidr, and **“' eball we liken»!\ i; ;io H..a, m Mi-;,: every tbiug even as hr had piayed tor Ilie | re-|. *''11 p i.elrat i:,^< the iny.t.Tie!i ol hi- detii; even that they uiiilht i-e laihlul loth. I rd, .r ..k / Shell we-.>, heboid lhi= ,'«r -ci and receive lb.|r blra.-iiii;s iii I.^e lru:|iii; u lo ''i round that .-'ar, ai.d this other -tar ui !i lual Ihe angel, of heaven nuebt derc. i..i at.d Util poe!!. .uid cumetu .n ro many yi ar.-'r Lei i I v.*i'tlMM>in tba- houe<, a;id dwell Ibrn n, an t S'’- H Irov: wlioee hood it case will gu dr a:e I- wr.l Aliaiu tU, w. <ao oil. r tuluc.aira.. lu t).« | 1 the u.iiic a;.d >l>ls vt M.C'AI.U’M a STKiVAIll, «jy uf low IT'. 1-- t.> l.=. m.-t ..tlh any olhir e.iah- f»r Ihe nurpui.- of Iraniactlia a UKNKKAL WI OI.K ".I n'-iit In me We.i. V.m would rrraily enhance jour BAl.Kaad K.^tTAIL FhoUl'i'K d iHiM M ISSli N ka.l- tu'eie-! t; vlvlt.* a- a call. j re,-. iirKBIlAM McCAlLl’M, KOLI.AJ.O, PRATUKR. a .SMITH, j WILUAM SIKWAAT. iul8 la.. AVv Mam ,11'.. u j LoahiTllle. April II. IW—dtt i f AIlKl Aalitan. ,r the Will and the Way, a Ulaslli.rTIU\. A .•woo.-., by the auth-.r of Amy lAWrcute, liua F|>HKc.iDar:neriil..ii h.r..|..l.,r, ..'.line .. t B Rayniond a Pauen, WlUet Clarke. Dr. Owen, aail rir^ I »hare Ihe pnhllc patr..Daa.. Wm. Nock; al... at Wlnstandlay H Newkirk’, and C ,, 1~ Bmker».. N-w Alhany. In.1. aI4 .IRwif Pj Liver Complaint, Forwa/ding ai J ACKUICR, UTBPBPBI.A, CHRO.ilC OR NERVODH \iKRP ULkILITV, tlUAA»£ OF THE KIl'MEVk, -WCiiW. And all Dl eaii-aarl. hkfrjnaDIwirUered Llai rorStom ^ ach. inch a. 0<.n*t!;»iion, Inwanl Pile, Fullne.. or Refrrtncf.Merch Blood In Ihe, ACd'iy of Ihe Biomach, Nan- m,dln* .ea. H..artbnm, Dl.^u.t of Ko«d, Fuluea. or ~ - Welvhl m the Biomach, Soar Krecia- L' D f D V ilonf, Sii.kln* or Piuiierirg at me iu L 11.* ) Fi R. A Fit of tbe 8tuia*<.b, ^wlmmlug | of the llTzrrle'l am OENi DliC«iUBro*tbliig,F:ut- I di /V -1C * rv .X V torlDg St the Utartd I C 0 JI 31 I SS I 0 i\ Obfiklug or SurTiKstlug Sru^ktlocs when In a lytag po». modAttng tfiws. TbAiikfQl for post favors, he hop*-* to j «P«o- .•w bok. I, by the auibvr of Amy lakwmite, lius TpHK cnpartnenilAip h?rvt »tv)r« exlMlng hetwaea A. 8. Dimness of Vision, Dct# or Webs before tbe Sight, l. Jice Just recilveil Aih» rourih hirt-et. X NKWroN et>4 R. 8. HlNUtaOLU U Ibis day die. Pever aM rtuli PaIo lb tse Head, Uedcioacy of per>.ala ‘*^1 SHOWN a. UOWe solved by mvtUAl cou-*ent. fAtlwu, Tetlewne** of tbe sk'UAnd Rvee, PaIo In tb* ’L F. PEARCF I ^'T Mo.T*caiDp‘w.,K.wijiie,; _ Aa/a rkV./ JZ.y t>-Trie laat trip froqi San Franc. .00 la ikla dai Forwa,ding and Commission ’'•'•^»!*^i»^n»day.. MfcjRCIIANT *‘»*b *'•» i-ivKi»p»»o». iM, W EELIWO VA -.TATfcw VlklL wTfcVVlItRA. Rr^er«u:r.-.Merch.nU Of Loumwlle ^ 1 _m,dln- ^ ^^g^^j^vrLA.NTIC. Caik. Waat^^^^_^ MMOJSB&AWmo;' I SSSw nVIWnAT ' ADRlATlC,Catrt.«irart. n. VeXiXM XjXIAAj j fbeeertilpa kae. Been kollt by caatraci, a*e«a»'^ c 0 AI AI I ssiOrV’ AI ER cH AN TS . Sid~,Tri;;'2.rn::‘.r Fhiladelphi a, : "llAll'-t for ele«anca andc.mfort.*'’' arm Y eaato’ang M.m« f the 8i*« «t pwt **mm oT aa - *’0 hAi toode AfrAeg.oicuu w.-vk to* :• n to o - -tta-.t I For tbroofh pAeAoge Uefeote appit to I a tieaerAi Lsioi Ag« cy Ukroogowai ia« ; _ W. U. TRMP1.R70N, ! I Mo, 78 Camp eta. New Or I eauA. i H. Pine* How. Wto- F. RuJ;.. k, CYToe :aaI trip from Saa fr raac *oo to UiW c«u wa* . 1 iT.T* l. •W-. AoUer^vo, M-«Ar«. Mvr- male hy tki. line In Today- * '.'i.wo"l. Wea r.. J. s. m .p* « A , awi V ». ! •••»"L,«ai.,ti'>a!av»i.a, »j., <A,a. iokaeot. v . t.., THE NEV» V»HK A^l» LIVERPIMTE I MTA f "***' T ITal I STATE, VIkIL wTEWIEKA. ' WANTED, ahip. compoalniiiii* ^ ^ * A b Be, a.aa‘Weld. «d»a V rLAN^n. Caiir. [ va d, a <1 ea'.iWaiWry refer.aca. r..,.il'Ml. Vkoly j rocNDBRY FOR SAUB. I pcE.-!.' A.ST h aa owla- of laa K eyd cue iti aean, ,a ; t. W wlt*e« iA% a gr«| «1a- ef Jtto-, W-Aa St -Ho vretoier^ Y I l^aiMt li k. a. M , I ww vffer r«r »mm lo 'h** bight*- 1 ra-h |H«* a>i owtiis vt ‘p»ny« *o- , •«: W A»1 X IW Retoe^klo.** plM »*. L.w^r Pmuiw j »» New A Way. a «l ;..i . ii,r li tA*«or L 0NUI»!\ Quarterly Review f^r ,\pril; Hu> <*.' M< tiAute* jtA^Axtntf tor Ji *>; tloe mt x 1- Cod tilli'wlf imutil sucH tile e**rVdii4:e Uivio, I t!. But U. *u Will >ay uDlo me, |ju»* irch-i\ eu ty ibe*Arf-*ut*v, i; aaenctew Rod «<iiom«eter to tLcm^ ard tbua Be cmiimued | <*h l^*r 1 um mote leariied 11 . Miou ; * js\.. BKt»w*s' now, Fourth et. M*eilieo ho know cot wheo A:-'! li^vo eOf^n ui(»ie If UJOU I tYa^^^'crlbers win pieese cai; aud gotibeir nuuilrrs. twAortod tw fa** *u*»r** **ded ham, wnd be f«J Aioeu, i *fa»' ‘Lo. i u ar! m ;Uj re?|ufcl be;:er IDarr j o m7m oCkuiai. Note Paper.— m^rnmmmmpmm waewrtlw tf-niSi >*—J 111 k (Which WAW ho oaty WI tRr diooretiew Ril UiC people witb kijaJ keaiu .^houted j ^ uclcim**. 1 incite GsHiiLo* i aetosrUlheifcoreei tifcTOtoeeaot Aaae®. I »oek col ihat wtuch i rt^uue Lot. li.ou aM uIomoMt teho ^mm4 R8 «bu tor X*br Presideocy aooo repaired to tbe •outLea«* I learned la iba Uiinf:A 1 cjre uoi lor; aad u-i lui IM ooRtoOHgsM oaekiMaoM omR '* "aplo site, wo«ie tf'ev aoe: >uc- which I'lou l.a»t i deble it. Will wed a lii aifliiiNntoiea. PiUJiat ce#«o k pic^^or : t pi*^ u* ^»rtb. ! 9McU f3 wimLcn cioate Ihsc a duob'.e bvilv. oi lou rtu- b.ue ui«] ruvcd Commercial N-*le Paper; Lm vm» crcAM do do do do do; n eiofr lEud fur »Ale by ‘“'^1 ISA.VC CROMIK. plcwvag A. . J phcc M ;-kr-ti, Sb.c. meb F3 cia-ate a il',ab!e b.Ily, ni r Iti.a, irr.wne'.' bVcklas, of a W hallni; ^ r a vf wr- ... ... . . can, lai ~i. one foot MjuAra, areieled by the Twelve. J. M. “’iL Ilmu -eek pkiaiiire wUh lliili'- eyey! o.i, I J . truu,, .m, , „Tur„ „„ ,he i.iaild .. H ^ a ‘utereai la Uie lala These Bitters are worthy il Grant, ma)ur ot Ibe ci'y, aixl olhert, b'lt whil.- my f,i.n.l,lf Uio'l h.- 1, ray, "Ihce l j win. a nrlet hl.iory of tm- Whale Fl.hrry, lu Aio.ur.?n doine thia. ac... <l..llar s.I.or .h- t.j t; al h..: i;,..i •> II. ‘J.l'. ...d .... P"‘ »“» ire~ ui couuiuon. Recelv ed aud lor .ale I’y T.™” ‘-i '^1''“.'^ ’’ th« livr aud lesaer ilau U. S. KINt><^)I.I)wtU Cwntlnaethe DrugADfIPresertp- ***‘^if» C* •.--t, Llmlat, Re.. Suduea Pluabes of Beal, I Hull bu:»innp-. at the i id sun l, coruer of Jefftreoa aud !’ the Flesh, Constaot Itaagtaaitotis of Ivll Flr-t sire«-u*. great Deprcssloa of Spirits can be effectually cured I LooDvIlif, Jamiary 1st, - HOOFL\Nl>»8 I rpilRparmership hl^Tet^'l'/erelvned under lb. CEKMAN BITTERI!, A Bm of llowla'id a I'uucan la this day dkieoli. .1 by ' ekur Ai_tn BV mi. c. ai. jackvob, W . R .wai.d 's alone anthortled AT THB GKHMAN MRDICINX STORM, lo c. the naiU', ol the Bnk In Bcltim* up It. airalrv, and iM ireh atreel Ph".d.', m. will Ih- business m hi. own name ei the old ktreel. PMladeli hla. Stand ooruirr Sa-codiI Main stiYeit. * * power over ice above dlaeasee Is not excelled* If J.\Mi:s W. ROWLAND. wineled, by any other preparaupn In the rmieil Spates, 8cpl.6,lS5J. JAMF.-t M. Dl'XUAN. Jlaiii\^/ial*M*^*’ *** after ikUIfnl pLy»l- Tbc**e Bitters are worthy the aitectieo of tnvalliU. lure. Dimness of Vision, Dot# or Webs before the SlShi PhilariAlnKia ' ^7*!:.^?*? pto^na«r,ar« „. t »•**-*»-*• **•« - L.wr IWia Fever aud dun Palo In fe Head, Ueacurn^ of P.rl!,i! ' -T U U 3 O O 1 p Dl A . = "Ijalled for eicanc. andemfon. | » N-w A ad a . i..r a railou, Te.lowne.. of the .k'n and Bvea, Pam In the C^I-lberal advaneea made oa con.l*nmeniA of Pro. 'Tom New Turk la Ueerpw,! In ir. '»‘.H "f oaa I .niar S o k- «mih .ida 81 le. Back, C’ e.-t, Llmha, EC, Sadden Flurte. Of Seat tuce aeneraliy. 'vcl^e. «e,i evtra .I» «ai. r««,, ,a.; ‘.V'”'': *• - Burnm* is the Fle.h, Consum Imagmallou. of ' j Ueerpaol l. N«e T-rk a.d ; ,*L ' " '' 'uol ireat Ueprclon of Spirit, can be effaonally curl^ “• i> axun. -T ..L a .«.»--•« la. hopree .e«i. u,r.-. , by eoecmauy cured CATTM A, nrism *• MP^ancwl Sur*eoo attacked t. «ck aklp. L ..r F....I,,,. a a . . u., DR. HDOFLAND’S hrArfiB Si REED, | Eu berth can ha Mcsral uau' paKl for. | d .dker laip raMi. ,r n- v. «r» .v f* f I? RP a XL' i> < ' V L> ss 4 K’ tuT-Yeurva A7T0RXKT8 AT La V, laonisvlllr Kvaa will bractlce - OATEJ or XAiLintt- - Lo., ead ibe e'Oito® «l»o ^a. 8*to. C,aJEB..ATEL (sLKMAN BITTERBj Law In tbe Ctmrubeld Iti LoulsvILa. They will ai I Prom Vfw Turk w. t * ..e f , ^ ^ •^ ** ^*“***‘*^ ^^'•* iMo nobosy a^ tutereai IB Uie lola These Billers are worthy the altentlon of InvaltiU. of R.iwland E Duncan to J. W. Howland, I lake Pcareafltnk Kreat virtue, m the rectidcat-.uu of diseaae. ISd'm practice In all the Conrta In Prankfun, I iaturday.^si^T *,'* a^ In Shel .y, Henry, and Oldham Clrcnlt Oourn*. l m I Aunrday. Seui IS. 'll*™ n “* ^*‘”*'*’ "*• U>« Fedwai Conn. ; Satuiday, ocu W, ne^utrk !<•'» "Ireei, between Fourth and Fifth auaala, Vatuniay.iE-t.IO, S’dEwl?'''”'^’ * "" Saturday, Nov. IB, DAILY JOURNAL. A .VloHT IN THE CLOUDS. Altar theaank ira< 1/w.aeS .r™.. d .k»..r ... _ n‘us., or me pure.iuoaJlly and rto«t oeaalliul •elllUKW tUrfB^d^lT^ PresTd^nt V ^ kTOUbd, kbout MS -J HoNOB OF UgLINF.*..— l is ei.viou, to I * »' Je.elry of the late.l .151.. llictie* UPTpE FreM4<fnl Yoiuig «aid U Wb» h;> oba.'ri'e that ati ...*1. f-wvAi .cm 11. **tm. .. I.A.- I «0J beat uua.liy; aelectee with care by one uf the Arm. pnvikcffT lo rtuiuv# lint, irud tonJ, th. I. V**' »“ fACF Is ;;e.,erolly the Iti'lici- I m,*.. call aud ekamlDe at A VI. HT IV TUI- r'lni-nc “?«» •«“ 'pdiie, nua hfietl A .MirHT IN THE CLOLDS. Uigh up.aua *Aid‘ eet^ of mVw.v.lor Itm Tuwd«.< the rl.iae of a beBntiful Augur* eve- j goiux to throw tbt*,” auo Ihere livid It About oi.e bi'KCi ’he -Kiioui roACt k-adiog to the city of muiute, before be could ce’ room to U> it dowu. ‘j; ri. in;--: iiiiiUUierAbii* exhiiata'i: c wii'ici«io> in Iheweai- er him:»«lf, auii I- tbe cau>e 1 1 Wit in otht*r.-. «*®J**b FLKTCIIER fc BE.N.VKTT’S. IILITAKV (•••da.—-jQht received a large A-^Mirt- Mnuokegto wer* UUe4 wr.b itrowp# oT cheriful troui otf tbe temple »Ue;»o dci*ee Were Ibe muUi- I ue-i*^attMbuted^'t^^^^ **V' v li wtocf * people, rrturmoff from Ibe % anou» plew- tude wouful. I hV/n^k^^ ! T' - V ^ . ’‘A f.-s'-a iAr« . B.e gardens wtiicb bad replAcedtfM- old loruiirA- The Prcudent then Addressed the mullitu'Ie, ^ , a,,,., „l a:rim* n nf hu^’mn/ tba.'"’ I* Bn. Faiujuii receivel i ImES tiMBe, n -heir turn, becie dewxled .rtd kod declared tbe ground broken for tbe temple, "u^ruher Xha LLT f u Z. i ' wmu but oo^ where tbe murmur of mem the people m the oame of Ihe Lord, Vud fAmoUi^lor perw .al del!jlily^ ^^i'!ch. 1'^' z? pOMB-’-Pm’u Shell C voKevaudmuMcai accomfooimeuU still reaouud- diamiated tbe aeaembiy, aod all »aid amen. Some his master H ,r in li? il * ? L tore, a Leaniimi aracb. U1-.AIIU myirensisaouinr puo I •! tno UTt-r aud l«-ss«r glau.i»« ezprclslng tba znimt llcKensrally. (-t; J vmk.<« u. liriMrAN-. j earchiuk powers lu weakne.s of the UlieaUva oreana. ~ - -- .-.™ jss*^ f they are wttha] saf«, certain, an*! pleaaaot. Y Y R I Sil Applet.— too bu?bel*> iti »ture a^J f«r sale by T. T. bRKNT, bON, M CO. Tb® Don. CHARLES D. niNELiHX, Mayor of tbe cUi A-tiiisn^ * I k. N’« J*i som us tbe following: C in:?“?;7l,’ily »“*«>“«» -nooruANi,-. GxmuAN B.ttxr..- W. have a«.u CJI7 -j*^ BHKNT. SON. A TO **Et*^w*^ noilcee of tbls me-ltcite, and tbe scarce * from which they came Indnoed ns lo make lo<4atry re- 8. S. Mark. W. II, DULAKKY a. F. downs. ltd menu. From Inquiry, wer»* p«r.®oadei L->IIIItOIUERIKS._Rc„lvea thl. day another apJird li^ea'^me^Ie';^ ^ Par".: rr^m'^lS 'R.“hY:‘al d‘s/e.?‘‘’'"'-'"‘“’ •*= Mourums ^ really .arprtam*. itemm. aud .tr.nsth.iuih. uerve., kmb.-uldered HandkercUefs,*^’ ir’Mh'T?*. »‘«P re- Carriages! Carriages!! jSf !& js . F. 'STONM, thud door front the '- y- Gall UoBs , bunl.ville, Mr., haa Just V. Jr*—"Tjw recelvad m additiun u> hia former larae J-* VC— atuck, Uj.ny CARRlauMS, ounaiauua From New Turk. From LirarBaol. tturday, Bepf. *, Wedne-da /, .Vpi. a. unnlay. Sept. IS, Trdnes‘.av , Sent. -AJ, unelay.txua, w- n«wiaj.i>cu fc tturday, Oct. 14, Wedneadai, Oct. -.‘d» ituniay.iE-t.10, Wirlnewlay, .Nov. fc iturilay. Nor. Ifc Weihlesday. Nar. 17- -atarday, Nnr. JT, WedB.eUl, Dec. I. ^unlay, Dec. II, w.stB».l.y, Dec. Ifc Smunlay, Dma Jfc irmTOesd.,, Dec. £ Wat ftelKht or pasamta apply to like lot last B.mol—w'th lae hupis.v - 'imt* Ite'E. - ** '** ’*• i. err a » . i to. OMC-.-it-ry. I t. part -re, a •! .dbro Imp-.aww'. .,r -q. Brm yV , FhiMm, Ills., Co., aodike a-..m. •loo ... I'm. For m r. ua-tlcm ar |. fcroutl.H. ashu iko piyMika.mMliroratMo. aboo,. ao- FMA.VaLl.N wvaasx, m* Out * -’T® u-'-ci. uoiu-t. ley.rornal OWV dmiy ll.l 4oy «(* .-nd ] acaw .nUOtUI-t :t!« IB-..-.T. Alfcaor Is* , Tr|*o»o. for saeb. ^ Coechea* Cal*«bes; 8-stat Rockaways; 8-«eat do; i^eat do; Donbie Bnggteo; Single Bngjclea; Rcckaway Ru^ea; Trotting do; No top do. Dec.ll, Wisteroslay, Dec. Ifc YV* T B»r role TWO u>r» F GMiTNO, anulM D*":- !*. Wrotoesday, Dr. se. <ro.l. bo,. rkt or pMtmia apply U> •** *• »'•« •"»*« IW’D M. COLI.l.\S a CO, 5* W.JI U...S.T. Vw *• -'"Fs BROWN, SHIPLKT, E Oo., Urmirou. *• *- "L ’» u»« F t M. a. HUSMBTS E CO., I Fona, tko *. toot la -^aa '^O.Uil^a—.Pialu Hbell Combs* of French manufac y tare, a beanmnt aracl?, lor sale at the ••Varieties.’ mie :S.'. D. L. MlLloKR. Bucceroful, that tlMrc waa not a public gardeu la doors «* the Social Hall were uia-i^d to the Get mat.) isitlKKilita balloeuf; and an aerial voy- compauy for the iirst lime, and a select party, age had Lec^ ali^ ** ^ *'"** >>»•>:»» ‘® arSemble. a r.wro a row p!ca« c. ,u, | a S'l.u.rr, 'I'rect | d['''E l»r<e wroortmeat vf Guid and Sliver w.tche., J ceWed aid f”r vim h7'-'“ *' aea Walk upon tb. Kbine. It u true, these trips At three, tliw company was called lo order bv "rence. wuick ar. W.,nhy tu- ati utijo .sr per- the mo.i ce.ebiai..l maker, lu Luu-iun! f -»’* ”7 u were ibe'l, aed <Jiow-ed (ew chances ef danger. President Ejmball, when Mr Dunbar saui; Faa-onltc ike due an.-, aui which are "eris,oi, and Genera, cau.d lu the mo.- u. au- aluai^kh e ct^ .“uSt?: rTn? 'T,xnTaZ:Za^%'t:’aZ "* c, Malu be leugtheocd or aborteoed at pleasure, tbe catiou prayer was then odcred by Elder Amasa 1 bareaiao a p;a»ter Ha*i nr o.lNiKt, WKBSTgR.i-a'.d **“«- F.nameiec, Diamond, a^d p-.ri Watchea.oi the balii'.'U ro«e at llie wilt of tbe aeruoaut, and in j Lyman, tollowed by tbe song, -Speau no 111,” by ^ a” e»c.i'eni lueaa.,, oupics or ahkh I am aalliL* u-akee, tor ladtr.. An rxromlre .tuck kiway. kept I *** O OH lio bhla rcolrid and for -ale h' ' bo'de*t aaaeu' seldom went bevond the tana I Mr. Duuhar. Ur. Jame. l.'orw.,..w. .-a. .eit *“ ha's'- kre-y une .r which wo warrant acenrair 7-* ' tlLL- . MITII, E CO. I , 1 a ^ |7 bvvTihiaa la the Marble Hue farui«hs4 at fair price- dmo-keeper.. FLKrCdER a, BKN.SKTT, TIT .1 tieefc ... J ,, j •“ *®f »^o*’™vnt, and gave a:, auiress com- hy KlkiAR XtBDllaM. | misi-ai 4SI Malt. M..uiweeo i'uurtii a<el Fi'Ui. I V -‘'Ys.-ioo keg. asejnel In «mro an 1 1 .r i«o by Ihe Ctwwd ban abaudotied tbe retired walks, | arncuig a* folloit a: aprat 'Et tr N.wth .Ida jefferH-.a -u, nea- Fourth. I - i * GILL, aMlTlI, E CO. J HACE howoD e riHFia n rt>w pto STATUARY. wV*fc-w21 kmbrolJtreJ ng’xlxercLiefs. NNlsTT. Muslin Csps; Lac« aijfl VAlenclennes 8ur CoIUrii jrtmnit of Rjgct nnd wblto Cr*p« Collars; Wolio Illation; NNKTT.^ Dtmlty B«n*ts man..*. -a IIoiiUoD LAceCoIIxiv; o 1 l u Emhrul-lored MusIIb SkliU; iLUE. Cor led Hair do; t received “* which Will be aold at luw prices. 5. MARK, DLLA.NF.V, E DOWNS, ILLER. _?'* 4TlM.lnat. cnlbo Oufle > Jum reiclvru an i for ssl® by GALLAiillKK R C3.* Smith R Rowund’s Rlock, Mali »u* aLo%’« tbe (wait laati^. speciliiR 1L4 mvriu. I^um Inquiry ** *1J^''** rrgards numbar anc to us« Itjausl inai.1 say we lou2*l ^ .peclOc lu^^^ua 2f ihfrh* oOcrwl lo this market. AI. upon diseases uf the liver aud dlccstive oresnE At ti th. *hlch will be sold verv low for cs-»h or goo4 paper. pC-erf.llndB«c.U„:?i; caT?.*. ,U>. lailroi. InTiTed t. really .arpruiu*. i.eii,, l»- «“*» »f t^Ukea. _mar liibKlrg them Into asia’eof repose* malilu.K sleep re- j ‘'If tli;s moilctue was mora generally tised* we are SPRING IMPORTATIONS. **h^‘n * *»• ilckne ae from the stom- DRY GOOD3 WHOLESALE. i Ik ClBg*s Anta Tanl. i^tolcWo I e™i I JOHN MUNROR M CO., */, Snf#— 0»w-eigkak ia « M*»aaMe mmrnm at 4 I *• R.» .Totr* Dam. da. Tlmains, Farts. u “•••’•r- hai..*. |. g e<iMI auuMi av- I aio. H. DRAFMB, Harro. ^.Et..,E, mw| a It,, i »s owama at thata ablas will aot h. Mnaniahi. Er - '77M— *olfcsllrn',b.llloD,apecla, Jewelry, pirwtouuuaes, DRAT SON 8PRIN0ai. I f.rotl*"*!*?'”' SMVT aov C .CUTT. MBs OtCr I .aloe ihereor ekpremud. wTOitS e,, j 'pHB ..rt-roroJ la - iir. talar. I >Ew \uRii i\D niiFORMi I «~*^-“w‘'.:i.vsrro,;rGr.,w*roK^^ iSTEAMSHiPcoMPANY.I ^kr:p^,!::.:‘;r.~‘’ro“::r:!*« THROUGH TO nAb\ FKAaNCI.S('0 ! kch, llr.r, and nCTTouaay.tfm the treat majority of real II fK at. Dow r»ceirln« a he.-,.vTf VTA A3PINW AT.T. AND PANAMA and imacim^ diseaae. emwiate. H.r. them In a VV meat FA.VCT aiul STapl”d“t Afcn ly rA.X4 A.M.A. atthe-«'i»ri.,m m* y miro.w -a «ene*TmiT''‘*TiI’G’^'“^i““'''''jlr'l*“'*“*‘’'‘’'“'“ *••"»'»* tb. aiteniluo .f city uul cotutry'^erchuia. 'Pn* Sleam.i. coap-talng tkla Un. m. a. follows; ..eVi, **-" y—^ a»t .awr- kenetally. Tul, extraordinary medlcloe wa woihl id- iFu are determined to aell at a rarr anroii -* w^ may k. m a.-r«a af pi mmw. viee our friend* wbo nre et ell loulrptiead to give e irlel. coet for cevh or on time to pnnetoei men ? h«»ween PnaneM mm4 %mm rrwweleee iaeJV ^ liT** %rn*e ( *eer l«8m ummm^) ere It will rewmmend luelf. it .hnuld In fact h. la e.ery J. d7s>“ OTH E SON * '•‘‘“thD SCIWT. fctw Doum^ !;S!ir * •FF'voai'd Sr Ik. l«r..i i m Lrol irmer'lt.’^" _g^_lAw 4S8 Mala, betw... Foanh and FtfU Mfc | «** CoBTBS, I,M toufc Tho., B.Ltupp.r, - KT T ffTTTU ^** *•*••** *•***•'- im* of sla«e« s. B mah-thturow, and M-mra. Wtb, Nell, Crvmo, the •^Verletie*.” Da La MILLKR. J. O. Moore* K«q.* editor of the Delly Newt, eeld n (Oct-Ii.p Dmiy« Commojion and Fo “Da. HooFLAKD’a German Bitterb.—are try- >Q8 thl* retiowued medicine for e ktnbbom dt*ee*e of th€ ^OkEPH Mo<}Riz>og,,.«,.« ST, LOUIS, MlabOURI. CommitsioD aod Forwarding Xerehonti. , Flyl.g kel w... Tew Wrlcaa aaj Aaat.waU. Bouofc BiiaaheUtuwa, wui aapRiv -arm. Ec.. N) Hrai- ; Tke UNITED STATKS, I,SlM tuna, Wm. C. RerT>,C'> . r. I **• DtTID A..IMIV, Wwels,an-1 can with truth testify to Its e»cacy. beve teken the coDt«*nu of two bottle** end we hwve de- rived more benrdt from the espehmvnt then we derived - r^. .m ...m... - ^ *-l»oelchPd from New Tork 0* Ih* MOO^-lDGE A McPAUIa, ' direct frvm A^ptewe... (Late Twitchell A MooRi. OE), earner at Vammurcial Bad Plan aIrMli. I '•rteaoa, oa th. Tie „f C ONSIGN MK.NT, MUI Cowmliali^ will meet wltk "vnih, direct from A-pin.aii. prompt and personal atteuuo . and liberal advance. of^r'e^Tmouth! '"** w I b. ea Ue Is will b. kiven whon reonlred im cotudaoBtenta or bttia at _ w- _ . - and rwilrrtaB la tbe large esplanaile, tlevoted tw the 'XhibittaB ol bre-woikfc The aUtubbeiies I practice ol tbe drau.. kmoug the bauits of the bkd i-re. some Ume 4ev ie4, »bao a mmi of LasI Db)*, At,d tb'oi is the CrAoiA t self lutro- awaie iurty year.- of age, ACComjiatiied by a duced. Thus open, the brst hail constructed for the THBARKPTJT r.rtiFr'c, iCe Ol tbe drau.. R'uoug the hauits of the . . HOVER. Db) S, «Ul tb'OS IS the Crathk t self lUtro- A a «“•*« l ..we.t wUh iu>rro.V load. J aoee; ur-'x-t Te-irAi’ec urr oa.'a.db Lera* *• •-*•1 4 miwt ul fc.Au.> Alowu tae ro*.% h ANK ET%.~A Urg4 4-»Drtm«*ot of IUftk«t4 of every a**x-r iptit'ti* Al*9 Ot’oa. Cerruges* Credt* t, Ctothee* H«>keu* »U'uprr«, and C4rn*K* anl U*b Ruuning- Ut-ar. fur eale wboleMla ani retail at 447 Market at. rect iTcd and fer Nale b* i lLL, v MITH, A CO. surtel In Mture an l f >r mle by tilLU SMITH, 4 CO. * ^ BFj f waawfcBBTO*. I *-**1 ua-> a aiwim fc.Aat> alowu lue ru*<\ I'll i* nppt- Aged »t tbe ecid of ocie ai ibe I io you, whom much bitter cxperaC.'ic: La*- i Ak-Lg wbnee track ber lover »atr aa .eta, urns rUA.-) aa.ks. Tliey also directed tbeir I taught lo Ur- to tbe best accouut every blessing ®* ***• *-7 -tbor clime-, id. t Ear. Use •kuletiEde: but proceeded alow- 1 Issu receive, mini todra* tram everv f..untaiu tu- - J* ‘bo“*bl was to her DOW, M. t .nr. ^ . aplerikde; but proceeded tdow- jou receive, ai..l to dr.a Irom every fwuntAiH Ihe s “ro.eil,': ‘wUSS^eJroero*.’.?.::'.:" iy,- Eitb the ail ot persons buried m deep draugfa' alwne tabicb nourishea, any cumments wni at k. repeated the ardent upwn thie subject would he siicerCuuus. l.i ad- “er r ck»n«in« low—-Bm. an, n-’, sone,” Ai « V some time la sileuce, (be mati dreasing you therefore ui bebaif ul the O- a-ret *“ ^ ‘be cried, •> «.d I’m .lou. .*• excU E.d ei.eiEr.tcElly, -Ko, sisier, DW! As Dramitic A-socuUofi, I tbe priv jege to ^e ^«lri“'i^rV-'dow^ luii* 1 I 1 iwver f vgive ibis Christian repr^ent you at tbe some lime. Bui »Jlt i/ii,ai .„« h-'r ,uat r, r-!.ie!-y L BEiBij iwf <iro|>*jliiig my right o€ succwraioo lo i At tbe ot Ihe add e-i, six co'illon- were 1 ceme her t* a'»y or why her r-ii'dus- ko-hedf Uy .1 m.tiuf.ciurui’» pi ices hy “'« GILL, *'MtTn, E CO. HITE & SAlAliL. WilOLESALR AND REIAIL DEALKES IN RUUSK- UOLD ANDSTSVMUUAT Fl'KNlaUlNG 40UDS, >•. 499 Mala atreet. ThA» Ih». msm^ir.wvro -..,1 JT .. e. 7 a! OT billa Of i TOkt this medL'Ioa win enra Mver Complaint and Dya lading In hand. j p*pala ®°® ®40 doabt afi«r VHlag It ai Jlrectad. It Order* tor iha pnrctuut of Lead, Qrnla. Bobd. and act* •paclflcally upon the atuoiach and liver. It ;* ra othrr Frodnee will 4m flllad at the luaaei powiible price*. ftrab e to calomel to all billon* Ul*eaa«r—the effa. . U The Recaivlag aod Forwarding of Mercbaodiaa and I ..a^ » . . - Imiueciaie. Tbe> can be ailailblM«-r«d lo temales or Id PruJuce will me**t with atipaclai -arc aol d>*Daich. Th* I ^ **'„ *“* thraca Uto traval u F' have tha written algnalnra Ol »-xpen*a of Rturaga aud brayage ai unch aa poaalU* * ** *" '’’•*’“•'*• C.M. JACCbON npun the wra;*per and his oama blowi avulded. I **-*f®*®*^*^ at uoca for 8au JTranclaco. »a«^to-n. lo tbe buttle, RCFERE!hCEA Forsalewholero'e Md retail ny «*•«• * Bmion, Ch.rle,fcB.o., EL«;,'choul..u ETall., ' SLTCLlrFB, McAtXlSTKE, E CO-, and Doan, Ktng, E Co,, St. Lonls, I , "'bdlesale DruKslata, LoBUvIlle, Ky. H. D. Newcomb E Bro. aaj w. B. Bsynolda, Louts- : Aoi by respectable dealers ihxougbont tha coontry. vtlle. | Thaaa staamar* will Uad thatr paaa®‘n ,<er» OB the laatlroad waarr* at Aspinwan ^raaof axpooaa, where CafB «r« re.*.'’ n r«cet«a tSam. aud by which prvcae^: •? Pa*. E Bacon, Chabrol Brow,VL^''choula.u E Tall., -bira ror ro Mid Domi, Kins, E Co., St. Lon>?' | »'» “• ^p.o.l.nt upo. wh«h« p^r-nde,. H. D. N.wcomb E Bro. aaJ w. B. Bsyiuilda, Louts- *" bo«««*, rtllB. , ww.iw xuro. M.«maklpe ar. all new, w.r. ool.t In N fo,x Bill. E Mnrton, Strwtar E Sorman, E Ft««- ! 7w!“d*r'. ^ SprlOKor E Whiteman, and B. E o. Goodman E Co- ! iath ^ Clocinnatl. | 'teaniCT carrle, ja axporl-nctd P yeiilan. J. w. Buu.r E Brothar, D. Lroch E Oo,, and Wm - fav -an e t„nu. Hcimro E Co., Pliuour*. •»’> raly at -A Sr-adway, New T-wk. Morgan. J. M. Sock, E Morgan, Sht.kta E Millar, B. I ”'T'S,_eAoi>KS. E co., E C. E C. .. and B. B. Comrora, Fblladelphta. ! Agent, at New ivriw.«2m v -** *•*““ juetah Lee E Co. and AUiaham 1. Co'e, B.>i<niure. uto "** ** " wOilgsrv rwA-NKLU k- k. ecu.. only at'Aeapalco ftw' iTkE^.u^^ntr!* %uir?I2'M koi^^miioF mad. •sihmna 1. at the pa—engars’ .ipro»., which rare. - ’*• ikbrnrot. aa wmi ,a^ from Slot. $Bfc iapao-lent spoa mhathat paareuei. !^”1*******'’* >bs ssrol ooro*'«e and sro* ro- Bat.gUik. aol'ida that Grasroiu -Korlugt mroaroa great adraatawa, aa a iMM'oa a-r a Hith S bro-i, f~e mai. at femvie, awl aa'ag aaxioro lo e« wntab la. o»um-nelt g wt'k the fa.1 aro-i'-". w. irii. any g. -tie. maa who may kadatraasoS vEia.’.. MiiAi, oa-iaero la rtmi ror p'a . rod OMarnaliMM M I'a wlvrotaa™. Eo. may* lE.lm UBBNDO-U, CLAHK-toN, e SO-V. gvw!."'”'*** l»lilu. I 'wtahit.kmrot i. now la suecroMm roerK-. a A •“ ^t» m rwwv. pMtMim. rh. --.ra. rom- rnlSC tlegunt M bite Bearer lUt. x.lten u. hi \..,V - DsiALSiES IN HUCSB- 1 POI-LAHU, PRAIIlKiri ?MI1H .f. su^rTo': ro FI RNIaUl.NU 400DS, -lyi. aai fluUh ij any to he fuond ta IL. L'al'in, and we f** Mala afreet. VV'K bare on haul the n.hct .trie, and hot qnallty avLt-i.. Hat lorlh-. mm-onof the year. mUjEh VV of tie;, hyal Larpeilng, lu very b.rouilful 1 mini l-vt ; ai d -ol .r,, aud wi would uy to ptrsoi. lu want Ijtti’.tl.I.VI If It takes ahacbtlor two weeks uuder ol Ih'e snlcie to give us au early call aud altiunr Hoods I t;.c iitUfjceof otie of 1MY&:1, UttAU*, te CiL'b a c:o»e exauimat.o’i. Ural» reaNOfTi to i‘Lr« w hi* courage np lo tha vtlcklug { At^o• lM>«ot1f ul * yle« of— bYUCTIUN SALKb. jj. W. Haller te Brothar* D. Laach te Oo** aod Wm. j Hclme* te Co.* Pltuourg. AUCTION AND COMMISSION *ur*an. J. M. Buck, E Morgan, Shtekte E Millar, B. '|iHa tuhecrl'-Kr be:a Irive t, tuiorm the pnwii ttai , * /j; C... and B. B. Comedy., Fblladelphta. 1 h. bro takeu u.- I.,--:, and c.,mmZas sroreLuo^" | u. bO Fourth •irefi, between Main aiel Mark^u fur Ih*- » ^ Forraat* and Charla» A. Matga* w.|’. r } «H teiV cottau:! Kof God k»o»>* it . toroM^, uLicR were aucce*^^ by AuetjuAl 4|.d<« 4.«u Wteicaa* RIU, but Ui p«y- ber, uottl 6 o’clock* when l ie coiopaiiy. co..- j U-rjew. n«; LaLibei Juv Uaiw* Ifitiu out h>-r eyeg; her an'i' Upon Ler bv*»m. •weiliux, nrt’, am : ijFt.F.>B.g .,a..i( u laxea abacncior two week* uudar I t;.c ii!l*fjceof ui.eof IMY&sH, UttAl<4, te CtL'8 Urat i-ea>erT« to i‘Lr« w hi* cuurage up lo tha vtlcklug At^o• lM>«ot1f ul > yle« of— I*, m lu mvi.Teas a lady, h »w many ua>s wlilituaea Luca*h am Anieritao HraaKeU; « d «t-r t<» St l a w< i,y 1)0 dQ ,^0 T*^•e^trT; Abt .attaui Riding Mat to the laly who will answer B^u^*elfc an«l Taofstry atair Carpailng. tia. aLDw. niU jteb ^M'e^hab a a large euca ul thu.c lu grrat var el: ^ OU ate Invited logetLer wUh an ext»^•lvcftockof— ^’*'^ ‘To call at J.18. I. LxMOnN* aol examine a aud Am< ncau 3«piy; v' 1 ' beauillul »l .».k oi 1IK8 aud Lo do® do 2-pt}. »hl«h tf Las tale y reccl>tJ, Cun I A nd all of lua dHer-ni gra of low prted Carpc*> A ji.. of— mg, ranging fr'.m i^ceiui ui-aari. V a'tbf. t.f variuua Myluu and j.rl ta; »» e hope prr eon. In waui ol F Arn'.»hini Goodi will i». Id IbUs's; Ffcb,aud V«*iUbaios not tall to examine our »t tck, a* w»- a;»»ra keep the *7^!*“ *'***’‘» «Hl wltu eeta; )hl<-at »ly es wbub are f*>raarcled to ua Aithvy are ru i*'». 1 Urup of «-very dearrlpiL^o; cetved troai the mar ufact jrt-ra. M umture nu*. ISiaceU'iA, Lucket», dkC.; We aiM* kerp a .arge »tock uf— Cuu r'.ifc»; Gold Ttilmbltr* and FeuclU; Curtain M ttertai* aisd Curialn Tr'nnlni*: Si.\or Cuiia auA Goulecv; Al.o all kU-dv l l.ieu Guoda; Ca' i-Taa* a and >*ort-teotihica. Flour Oil (MotUa, 1 am coOD.AUtly receiving DewatvUa of J«*welry. Maiilug, Hiiea, an I M*t«; 1. LRMO.S, gg Fonrtn at. And e*er> article uaualiy k pt in a r- gr ar Farnlbhlns ' h 7UHe. UirK te 8M \LL« M teN'N aud Bo)a' Nummrr HaUWe have (o *»l«i Mala ft., ‘Mnween Tjlnl aod Fuurth. -I *re iiew *i>4ta of M •' ’» a*id Rjy Sutuusor Hat* * of rvi ry grade a’.d iaii«-i> ai very It»h’ { rlci-v. j te..HGN Nirup.lOu boxes L"®ua Hlrui, a aaptriu-r ul4 ;a.b Pi>LL.4ltU, I RATiikei, te 8MlTti 1 Ll lu aio.e and fur aai* by A. RoKlR, ’IlliUNK Y'reMt-h .Me allian Halt aro •omethtog Whoietale Caofev tloue», FruU-rer, tec., 1. en:lr*rly &«a, aiii caa uu.y bo Lai at46fMa>a No.Mlhlrd ttreet, above Ma;p. '‘mTirL ^t-LAI^FR^T.lK R.E SMITH. CVb’pJ^J. uilT Fr-Uch Cloth; P Kteiltl'sM Die*a Hat* •-— * ^ 6 do du Italian do; . . s.w . -..-ro* in the R cst, we are pro* 10 du r*Q Kre^nch C'a -l^- «-* partdio la;ui»b parcha*ira w.ib the ably Premium Hats *? nrtG'i*’ itHihe ws..m, :n tie Csty. The quality aud atyle are lumwu and ac- I **^^*i® *'^‘’**1 t^*blon Y'lanne!; kiiua'ltds;ed to be auperlor to all other*. * caae Uaujliton do do do: POLLARD, PKATnRK, te SMITH, * tleacheJ Canton FlaaneS rnUlteo Main *treet c*»o SMrtfOf Cliec^* and Tw* ed*; chftes fancy new atjle Print*; O LD Geatlemen'aNort Otter and Beaver H«la.~ * * tend 4-4 bleached Cotton; ibi-ne are the mu*i *er>‘tceabie and cumtortabla Uau ^ bait* twilled *trip«d o naburg, for aarvattv; f jr the ^ea•on now worn. For *ale wry low 3 dj Mariner*' bbtrtiug Sirlpta; 0-14L>teJ POLLARD, PttATUKK, te SMITH. City and Calliorrla DeDtm.« lo do ^ettuen atid other ‘lUKtcg; r \K.AF\LSS.— Uae I>r. LARZBTTK’i ACOUSTIC * brown DrUln.,; sL/ OlLro lorthecuraaf D<•afoe^•; also all inoftedlfea> * thin bruwu Co»tMD, fr llwlng; •WW4 jwip. VB i^T-awa riiuiiru " i ue ino.moa a « uusibe-v »•. ro.,...- . “A— tjr o«r» bot ki.u» «fc k.utiror,” wxl Itor CserO -Tsk roiuoTvSI^Vro mJ "i c. youti^ ^^tt\ ippiitly. “Otnrr* Lave excited lur Mr. Dubbar Ibeo 4tenR *^SucU a Gebuif 1 D*c *~te. * u^»patKr »n»fa* l-wett itai : a - 1 - auei4Aiai'e; aiM. Ito baueaea tbra Uwe* becauite Grow,*’ ib roatume, wbicb to aoiu^iui: t.Sat he porvhaaed lur the propnetur a .a;ge av* cijvi- It m Li. ro.e|W,. WUu JO.” te —s loudly encofed, auO .use ere., tiro cUI bj - auo A*.*l ^rpii^ MicLtfW^tterly , ^ l^hBto a^aiii 4Uig;li.|; iL Ai:cr a xaiiet^ ut •Uigrf'aud j *»ecmiafiof i A«;ucrreotrpio. lUf-roi,*.* hi. i. v^ ruroroe* I»vrol.wroAa 4.. ro.. ^A . R. .. .-s. .w . U,-*Vl:*C .| be oa;sii«re4of trie land 1 bare cultivated I bear recita'utiia^ t*.i,> j..ia, kiAl mAtro mior own tbroujcti tiro llro AlriCAn Band,” diwrod for tb* tKCAsion, mol* of Urouc BaiiOs, Ej r s'rrotffer, ia*o Isms no peridriirod u s*ri*a ot n*|fro uieliydies. riRhi Uil UiU of me cbisiice* ol birth” Abou “i u!' mljourutuei.t ol lAlf un hour lor .c'' 111 ih»- a**', r-.: ; Ju-'ify ib” prwy rieiu, lb «ie can ou%k ii.r-:l»Rta hi» t prMer vti Aaer ab i bjutl- -x luGitely il:i *u»nl M.clxiun beoB •f'r-?='j *v thG c>*mmabltv. “BA ,oU know, brother,” iLtcrnipted Fio- iefrcsbiiroi.ts w us surer. by Jaucii.e till I'il, ( -.u. ,r r^, “j«d*«roi.t bos not yet been iwonoun- wbra aingit.t was fc;.in lo-umrd. ^vi.‘. LiVoii E AiKyisu, . PriaUtt’ tutteal.Ui.- nni'lere of Dr.eret, *5 ’’’''“’te (iw.-u, i-r<.;,'.tr,!-e-j ti<rferotbcr*iOofc bMbeAd. “Ah! IhRveTcry RccortUnit to custom, held tiroir ruluaI fe*Uial R.i. UFLLKfc f'T’T »» F®J*E«, kcuve, RDd Rt the irobooi bou-es iu It.r touremth w -rd, on H«cb l», luOi-str CET as Ssw, likel) Bro tnaiTOEIial trwnda. FerbAfw tbe bAturdAj. the 15:h uist. aplrnui.llj ru,brllo.h*d ^ sseoroe wbK* u to diiporoen lac hag nlreedy cards, jiriutsM i , eold, urre p esen-ed fi'kuomei.ronT^T^VrV'i:?" aeu-; - totlroir patron.- and tii'-i,.i-;at (lie tiuse ol a.—ru.- ror f-riaer frtcuE au: cu-iomci.. Flarcboe sifBed, and Ki*ter observed lU but,;' tbe puTy sal down to table, sjuej.l with all March IS, ryfc—ufcjtf Cet sTS's art e h.-> “Coase,” he asud with aa edoi-t, “heie I am, tbe luiuries and Uiuntror that the btart could 7777 at tbe aame Mihjcct uftaui, after briiiBUic wish. SODA-WATER, you hera to ratrrob your ttou«bU and help A blerotofc was then a.-ked by Preident John S. you to toiTEel It. I wiA there were some eB- Yotioft, and thedinner wagyerved in a gljle that uana.rui,au4 i. row prepare* u. serve his tr'end- and ettguE gpeclEcle aanro new sensattaa, which did Bfcat ciedit to the manoEe-'i, and w-*s not to in general with a aoperWr anici*. cotsiu dtaUact my rousd trom thu oae abaorb- be excelled. mSbEii' J J ^ After dinner th* party Adjourned to tbe kdjou.- . i BOOTS, SHOES, AND BROOAIJd Ak iiff iteMl iBfffc worci* a »im4^ turn in tbe inff roosi, teisd dteaciLi; wa* coiDUi«Xiced witb 8. P. sk<.'OR, M*uuf»i:-7r’ urlu a% path hreoi'L, them out oa a ^aisy gtjuar*, which prayer by £ldsr I'liineE. Vounit ! j 'rt '.oscr.i'i.on ui at„j G"ji Loots ros the, Lad not betswe perceived; it was the liart " ~' { f Hi -the--, Ki,. 4uS Marie; FeurJ aevoted ta the aacent ot ballooos. A captive Pottrfwkaf u titA -•brilltAn'.” youn; I Tk. ra^kasi. saroros la a vanny ut --as nv.ijslu aa t. Ik* Lantsvni* Iumi-ui. alraady a uru* uumker at rojroaasmui l.vmM. may S. „ro4» tkro ° mM k roast at tka Lro sv'.h. Bydropatkie la- “I onn utoCf‘W. P*t par*icnlnra aMaV to ! m“ u'~tslDel”“*"'“'' * »“® Cvuiml.. J. p„iVll j Arraugrm* nt« a*e boint ma«l« for tbe regular we«‘kly Twicba., J -ale* of Dry Go^fla, Ruots arwl tlioe?-, GrtKrrlea and Lt- P-.T”, GiifcBwar**, atd FurLliure. all coti*lgnm*-nta to cov,.r all »blp' bsOi wu. rccvive tl* pcrpuual at tutlun, an I prompt re- Liall*i turti* ma)«. 3r at tbe time alee of Peal ff*tate acU Hua*eboii Furniture at Loole, M p'j »*•!• rr»lUvt4ca* aUendfrU t*. upun reaeunable »» i aatla* 17 dl wi factury term*. -wi Kt»** 7 at r«*uiar aiatiuoa CauaigumersG ealicltvti ani liberal ca*ba>lvaace*ma>Se. A CO., ! bauy SucmUtm •'Xt-t-pird *17' C. C. 8PL.SOR* Anctuueer, >TlAM PLANING MILL te RUILDRRS’ WARREOOMte ! R d ord at il:ii a. M. R-turatoc, Lat» of the nrm Ul . G. Ueary E Co. LejSkER TaBu; OfSi Floorifo Minn; *=** •’• «*•• *»’ »mv. at New REI-ER to; dASB, Door, and HIm Drv Ooodu, Starcp *“““““'»i»ti><o ira'D, carr.ina fr M-w.-ra. Leirht- Tl'tc, e Co., Barbee, Branulu, E Co., Bnixn Factory; Alin Boa* Boxes. ‘toFF’uv At way-stmiooe, wi,l eat j Au'ler.ou, McLre',, E Cu., A GuW'ly ECu.. M.> Ik.iu- ar. .e u 'ow ay- aateplec, at II a. M., - ery E l)a, i.lge, auj Fouii E Murr?fc Loulsvlirof k“. *“*' ’’ ^-thlxttwtn fVrf and Brock tlrttU. S:4i A. M. 4 V ka B Me.-rs R.,'rori o. BerdellECu. Aud F. taieo E Co., v v oa.i,.v r*' ,N«w A.bau . April la. ius»— -i .S--W T.rrk City. c. uaieu e no., V N. SBBDBN E CO. kAv. (hr sAla 1^00,000 lam o< Vro.rt Danforth,Sia‘, ECo., B..ston,Ma.s. D ed seasoREl Lumhw; TOOAOOjiln. and po,la. Id53. ' T?C? TwIchcM^Cu'.: Maltin' Mor . ‘“*T •>*” f“” »4*«rt««nts of Doors, Tanatlai' BK 3B M, 3B1 CHI PhyE-VovlLroi ui^.iy“e' gutter.. Widow aud Hot-be-i Smdu Fu‘uUor.kd Giro JauIJdm,La. tugdone an their work, to order, « very rroaouabl. rroro. j W l.\ I £U .a UK A .M, B.ow te March, rrg*» ei Forreai* and Cbarle* A. Matga. .Sew Tori. A. G. Farwetl te Ce anJ TToward, Son* te Co., loetua. to Co Twlcbe.a tei)Oo r «meara. liY'We have an open Pt»!lc7 of Inauraace, which wll. covk*r all »blp-'*- :• « ,i.r adtlre*** when aJvlaed by let- New Albkoy and Salem Railraad. Iver all ship— ;. " ,"r adrass, whan ailvised by let- RL.k.Ul.Mi HHAUs.B.UK>T>. / V.” ““ ®* lAdlng bofor* S At'vr M .".lay, the ISta Imi'., >je I.alos ro •“ r at tbe time sir . tuia I New AlbaT. nM 344 m ssmt m.i vii> St. Lou'.s, M MUGRIDOB E McFAUL. Iowa: •* wla p. run a. r FMVuii 1 4%. aasy r.iy lap-sw Esvia. lEeir Rc‘ c*'topuaa rt-* %M p«4* «r csa« witA a '* »i* ro aad ii-pwro at tk. Drug aro roe-wips'-m W r , Js> ..» F. ivtfc Cense, e. mvih ao ! Wa-kr' e-a. SPORT 07ER TiUs OAKoANO |.lo|ping .myu re.ular Mstiou, ,, , | - N V, rX'MWkW. '/*? ^ *' ! bauylellj.SuoOay, ex,.pi„I .n a. R asel .rriv. ^ f ' *. M-oela, ,u 0... an. CM BUS ME : S- d ord l;i77. B . l!;:tur.:„, .'V'* * ' '' •« «*• » - «»• «« ow p.., ^ I 7:10 P. M.. rot amve at New A' ai a;yoF M. I** Da>—Ga.t AtiU. *w 1- ror -eea^uro’e fcea-*; Accoiomooatloo ir.'D, carr.lna ssi pa-roDoar- I stoppluval «.y Stailooe, wl,l eave .New A k.u 0.1 s' -uoy .atepn^ " *- ••-’ -• I V * 7V 4 V ka BfcsuKfc Frerooeui. I tetegg jgaag; WI.MEK .-vUKA.N(iLV>t..M. bslloec floated (lucefuily over Ifaetr bekdfc and ®e poetry th* oth*r day, l.'irsl suspenoed te it was an ci*|'Knt car, in the form lollowiU({ hyperbolical rrain: “Po- ol a boat, which seemed (e jtlide gently over Ihe 'T* “*y optuioo, is harmony. It u tiro •treec sward. voice ef aueels, the music ol the spliereg, the Froraocc iovoiuctai Up uttered cry of »ur- t®y*l harp of los-e,tlie parent of piii;ty. Hie bt- prtse aiMi adiairatiosi. Livii^ at a diata ,ce tii^insirumeotiHctiarity. Poetrj-bresthessw-'O'i-. Irom tbe «tj , this was tbe brut time she bsheld “* •*“ majestK sy mphooies ol Bor. a-; tbe .-, s a hslioon so ikei, and she drew tser brother ®<tho rtf music, and tiro w-avrs, as they roll on- •looar. ward, without cessAtioc, in chromauc scalef, •-Aotutt for two man!” cried the proprietor of e*l’tp”- 'ery souL Poetry tome is Ihe ^^th* Hie balloeo and Bskua^er el the ropes. Michael ^isuced at the car, in which A youac maa in a iruvelmc dress was seatini’ hiaseil . tb*ao*, mv dear, where did y-ju purrho that los-e uf a butr” rr-»u •; auJ bbhKfi lOAror Vo uf *.rr 4t .''bon Ovi'.c** AT B tb* b«y*-l p,.F IMt tetTNCgcir v:, tUig ,l»r v7lj woii.1 la w«i4 w umls. nUjtea’tr PETERS. CRAO-G, & CO., MAKl’K^rii RRitM OF AND DEALF&t piano-i- jKTLb. Fvtorr on M41u. 7 R /eiv- C«. iblrtt^Pt:i 40d Fo^it**eu:b sir«‘*^- Majc-fv "111 uu M*:q, I •t A'lfb ReCDUtl 4»i- YblM 4ir«wu, i*ppo it lUuk ot kras'LLisY. o;te» itei PETERS. WEBB. £ CO., gr«'<f4lfi«* aftkV!> like theburg'ngol lii*ectv, r4llltig of m*4- " -1*4 heavy tniiiel u»n4b ivr* «bUxUig of 4te4m* which are »>ujpicm» of 4p* ^ bole 3-.2 Inch twlliDj RagiftDgi p;u4cisli4g ilc4foeFS. Many pfT»t>u* whj have been dvaf ^ t-aia ’J7«iach do at>; fur t«*o, flitern* ur twenty y<wni, am wera »ubject to u»e ^ hale 4<>-inch do do; tar trumpfiA, have, after ueiog one or two buttle*, <^u*t received aud for tuUe cheap by iLtoao a»lde ibeae Uumpt-G, being ma<le perfectly well. 1 «»*»)teb RAYMOND te PATTKN. ~TZZn ' 16 plecvc black Fr^Dch Clutb; 6 do du Italian do; 18 ii £« ttuHtS js'8,r.'v"-j..rt 1 caaft Rrmlne Lruwn CAtiiuQ Flannel; 1 ca*e Uamliton d,> fl«# du; 1 cane da tleacheJ Canton Flanne* c««e ShlrtlDg Cbecv* anJ Tvt ed»; caftes fancy iicw Mjle Print*; 15 case* 9 4 aod 4-4 bleached Cottou; 2 bait* twilled *triped o naburg, for Mrvattr; 3 dj Mariner*' 8htrtiuk Sirlpta; •J da Jewett city and Calliorrla DeDtm.« 10 do Methuen atid uther llvKtcg; 2 do trovn I’rl.lliis,; 4 da thio bruwu Co*tMO, f r bluing; 6 da 4-4 heavy tniiiel u»na!)a.g; 1 bale Inch twilled Bagiftog; 1 la;* J7-iach do dt>; 1 bale 4<>-inch do do; 1 4ttvBt!un of dealsn .-rr-pectfully Invttai to our tlmoElaia at IF. characiw of th. work don. by thoa ta HR—t Iraaakipnroat. - * aar^ou a*;».- *n every TuvsOay au 1 Thsts- from suiae of tha most raapectahle ctilaeua and n-ackaa- 1 '*** **“» "S' r- rou' fur lasmtur i.r the ses.. royauiln, uctall,Miui;eeucinKoLeacr.aa; atioo’cloct li*- To all tE^ie who Intend u boUd, they aay can aoc * fro-'t uf B-Tcksniu. in.t pruloswro *'VT? '<*’>"»! ausortment of I'HT examluuihetr work. »iro" Broun, ,Ne. r.ra, Fhiiade.puia, Wk-riiaa. Oa N B-liuGANS, 4c. See our sp. KJtftfdW.Sifuihf'S.^gF sf-uwally and MUa fki ‘-““’•'"’-i »«- Loul.,aad lai.mnvtiaiv ussea. .. ca..: '-:-'''A‘'’Vi4'fciwouri at uu«. lira Main itteet, or vMll he furwarded loroVEANsro , *• the i.hlo nvsr. _ j Ihslr BstAhhsLment Is tharousltly urgaulsed, aud tael- BalUmoie End Ohiu 7rni>arw>; r Ing ihsmeelves euOreiy pr<^rf to SlI any order that ' ana unu> afwuaportAtiwa Lmc | ka S L'GAK 6-u htsls strictly prime; 4r do fair, la sture an<! for sale by WM. CAT, 683 Main St. C 'tIG.kR,.— y 1110 uuo Regalia Clears, varlons branda; no.ouo lro Nuruiado; Krlucpe du.' Half SpaL'i.h Clvars; n s'rore and f„r sale by (idIS| 0»0. WKI.BT. maa in a iruvelmc 4r*BS was sratinc hiaj*il. M one* suid tom*, “I bsve known wo- n'* haimx Ik bis hkud ••* ot those Alpiiro rtickf m*n of all coun’ries. Tb'- IuIiaii woman whuir-a> shssd witli troll osed in the aacent of muun- trolroves in tb* siiic*ii y ol b*r loier uh*n h* i- ~ tarns. iwady te commit a crim* for L*i; b* E'lglish j . “krouifor twet” be exclaioMd; then turninc woBian when he is disposed to Uro cowniit;tit i to F'urmee, he suu with a sBilc, “Would you mad in ber behalf; and tiro Frenchman when hr hk* to toEc a rid* over the treesV” D dispooed to rmocr himself sillily ridlculou- for j rocp',-* “Ar* you sure there IS DO danc*rV” kev s^ke.” j LJE ra.i “N-dro, 1 caiiA*4ttre)ou,yo«Kic Udy,”sai;!tbe i i oa< saai.aaet;“l hste Aireody Airecled Uie voy sees ^ - ly".' ' '.: of remr ;en ibou snd Chrutsaiis 8 j i..', j'l “A". . ut. w* come siown wh*o we iikeV” . V JR, JO 03 Hav.w “O'T.Aini;,. iou liAve Bierely to pull the! ^ jd'vu'Ut vh •ssc of tke b*U tou 'a lU hud iii the cor.” I cTvud^i Flofvuce beaitsirdjahc was sttll rsther AfrAui, i ! patcia.t- yei ihe on* uEiiiv Of such u ride tempted her. ' 4T^^JtoPpJk^^^^a~vi sls-utem^^m I *-a-'-vn. AccustuMcd Us all Ibtiics to ac' upon th* Bilvicc I tos ^^g ol n*' urtsthcr. slier a moment’s ladrcistou, she XUBCaltoi^BMBto^Hli^R^^te* I ur .u " est' -L*' la "Uid Co as he liked. roa . a ^ro Wa uwa ro uw roa aua mb i . ' - -rve * CHERRY PECTORAL i- FlivrriiCr id Ptor iIm Carw of J* aJ:z:z:aaTJt:!.:;z,zi^^io:zz!Z **o**se\ess. .-r:rrt\“?? ret llj toEseeni j BgOUdlTIS. H BOOPI.VC-t Ol tiHs Un iniUsA tiro motuo uf the car, the youn« I rKOrP tEYBMI tVli s.u.d'Kurro;' pull, •rea an in'aiuuts>^' cry, ano turned pale. row. s a, swri.u, a.uir ad* all ma niro i4#e awauffrr «teo «uto t4-attsl opfK>Ml* ber ruYsr.umos. •Lore wi:. piteCf-*. big boiiM wu tbe teU pull, ••atekii me le rpo ctm a c«l.d m ith uladacbk and ftejRK- 4Ufi« lo-f egrib}”’ Mild be wnb te MDlW. 1 KBSSOFTfll R*»DT,ttekv thftCHLliteV Pe<xokal i-'to* awd tna) r ^aMms| tbMilu, Mr/’ rKtirMd Plor«t>ce* who »rap op w*f«, lu hwe*t unnng me hr t- wi fegdl re^eaihpd bet eotorj abtell goute becosc teC- “%’Si a cold and OO' GB, taka u nomlng, boob, ^ to ibr fl»Olioi.‘ teted rv*tting, teioCfc>rdlog lu teirertini,* fn th* botil**, ar’d **L ’Oh U«»tet” iiflemipled Micbteci, we are tte» 4l*ctellf »7li *«**• be r* »or«M. Ni wti: locg ai f YUTarv telr*te<'V tetrvr tbe ^tmmm ^ ' tmr trmm ttet» troteUv wt*^* U*y flsfi U ca» bg gu rra/ltiy Atetetou a ^ ro . row u evretea pgraoteg afBtctad «ith a *etet*M coogb, which removal. JAMES BURNS, DKLU'bI.'I AND APOlilhi' \KT, REdPteLTKCtaLk rokUra* hi> uiuaI »;nccre OHriteankata hi* rr)«:,uA aud the pnhi.c gone* r^>”» »ML rasiy fur their litsf'r*: atij gciirruiis patron •/'. T A agv. a .i leg* ;• «vr lu aui.uabcc ihai ha u! < ts«.s a new an Uxit*ui>.hr %kh and retail l ri ai-isl ;a the Drroa^ . i- tie*-, .Nu. 3*7 M-uia aitecl, I—twrea terreuth *Li . Havibg u *u t-iika^ -j lro iL” Dmr !ih<, and ha^4DE di vu’ -u m> ; fiis'-.-a, a?uu;: -a lu 1;.^ l*s vfLiitfilua bui*l- urw Cor li.c imst r< V'-ri! «-ii >t‘ar-,A(!-! uaving ju*! r«*« ce.Vfcdl ai. ..;»eur 1 *J «u:.ik. it«*w e, Wbich I ha« patCla>l-C i'T Cwa'a t .XI, I..-1 0.4 i I; u,.! CvlrtjTaJrtC *,4.':cTi. «RA •‘t.ii Iff, I h II- ut* f .J entire c.uB :-ocr :h»i iii- -c * ills tAkof UI wnh ti.'^r pairuDAge wi. i>? w.iia e\t.r. ifciu« i at uiy c^iauishb* meiiU 1. ' t r -•n.'c e p jr liw* 4 wll*' -A ar. a- s^-I *tr;niT purr a la *' i;>. i-r (Iseitug larfwprri"' t a .‘i'- k «<f urtlilriit** ... .isk- :•« 1. la* *. fc dUrvT^u-m.y t-wdsUig,; aiI ih“ On JulciHi are iiuw *erveU up In tl>e8ak>ou at mlgiteb _ ^ _WAUkKlC8,_ThlrUat. E UI^Ul KG NitorkaD;^ Tale Ale.—Mnlr te Ron U-< ra*’ d Rdluturg bparklltig Pale Ale* lu qnxr and l-l:iT^* fvr meIv hy khe doieu or *114*10 tuUU at Iteu WALRER»d, Itird tt. X hv ea tLU LatlwO ha* no ts;ual. It U CulMpouti-led upua the tuoit acicuuSc prioc plee, and haa perfu med extrasT iiuary euie*. F\»r vluleiit .laQaitimatloii, ordlna* ry icdamun*t!uu« d tnoe** and faMngot the *Uht, weak* U*.*r ul 'L eye;, iovuluist*ry wcepiuk* f«re;gu »utatau* c#i* IU tbe e>-«-, «iCs, U b a pufeUive and *pcrU> cure. Price 35 veau per huiUe, with fun directlou*. RYVMU.NU te PATTEoV* AgetiU, Pill !teb Faarih *la* near Main. VAILS.—2,000 k”gi hlauentirgei*' fur .ale vy D. T. CURD te CO. I'lHki cull, Chulov I ana S.trar. lia;* Rope. I ! I-''RE’*H Datea.— 14 trails Justreoelvei .ni for aal* luachiae isa;..i'aciar>, for -ale oy J/ low by GALLvilIKR E CO., t°l* A. BURtE, 60 Third st., mar Msin. Sia'th .S HuaUiur, lUuck. Balu sL ^ aojva Ga t Hons*. L^RfcSH Tamanroa.—Just rrcelvsd a few ra,i* „f 7.777 7.~. A th,* article* put up In Uu cau* fre*h Irom tbe vine. W ^ It- ItOl te t ^aoIs*”®*.— pO tfbl# Refined, a in* at 25 ceuG per can. O pen* r a.'-tKle, lu ‘t. r* anl f.-r tx' bv I A. BORI!!, WTtlrd it.,n*irMaln. U. D. NKWCoMB E BRO., / lUKFEK - _ At'uu lu.- Kraiifrv. t-y -J'lO tag- prime Htu; i r.T K*i*ls *d— 7IS po-keiaoMJava; J 100 i; a oe-i '•hruiue Gr«-n; Moi-aa; for axle hy LiO lox hem Chrome Tedow. _2!ir. GARDNER 4 CO. THUS. A. HCRl-ET, Dmsxisl, MA4OLK4.-100 holes lu store acd fur „u by Oura» S^mhjmd Green sis. GILL, 8MITM,te CO. Ijt RE White Lead.—60 ktg* recelvad and farcale B KI'lsTtL\Ee—‘dh bhla Rrlbiktuue luito gaikl fer EUle by iial7) H. T. CURD te «:u. T. te P 91 VV1V \!*'*^^**tefi NaiU, assorted *1x4** In alore * ^«hk v IN. r.uJ fur xteje hy R urta—ijiKki Culls choice « a hau-1 au machine ma!..i'acta *— ^TARCil—160 huze* in store atd lur *ale b' *‘Oft lu the atUly nights^ Oj^e ulM.* tMllH, te 'I'HE telrbratid Eaglish Verula Orsirayrr, v-PIRITs TarpeBtiarisTlh;.”hr ~ X aarranl"! snperlur to any anui= over oBered O may u ,iew j s MiiiJiti^s o suf ihc de»;ructlun Of auu, hed-Lug,* rvacbe*, wvrajs, - - niotlJF, *tid ail lUM-fcU that crawi ur Inhahli cavitte, ur V\’l*n fid I tl* for Ftee by jM.i Uur wood furciiturt-, um** shrutueiy, tec. It lu »V msy tadtew j. ,s, MoHRli te SON, Mali -I’.if'd lur.: * aal l•a^ca no 6ta!u. Prico* ceuta. "I 7 S. P. KELLY, M*unraunr**r of SILK FRINGE, TA5h'^Kl.8,GlMP8, CORPS, AND RriL- lion, AL80 00LD AND sILY’KH TRIMMINGS. ^|7Hl8 *t« re U at all tlBeg well >oppll*d with Dregs X Trtmralaga, Zephyr Worsted, Pattern*, Cauva^ Cbe* ulile*, Rte«iera Y'aru, Rnluing Cottum* KubrniderlDg aod Silk F.oaa, Linen and Cation Fioaaea* NewUg*, TbreeD, bclg^ora, Buitona* Coiul», Bm^ne*, Tape*, Bral’!** Lac'nga* Rlbton* and Blndlngg, Frebcb Fancy Gouda* with every varirty uf article* a*ually fuoifd la a regular Trimming Stare* wholctale and retad. 8. P. CBI LT* No. IU4 Fourth gt., between Market and Jeffaraan* apr ri dlvr^nlaw CdLRRlAaBS! CARctiAOE3!I I d> aad *ar« tran tt uf Mercte«D.iUe tnd Ptola^^. «eei« Rteiub, Ne« Turk, Pbilaiie puie, Wh-rUag, Ct» -•iDuafl, LooUviiiw, Loui**aad a«4 mtcrai^iaic towa*- m tbe I bin river. ^ te.ihia, .Ni-w York, auo Mu^ion* »bipper* wlii at * - b- aii.e Ui di*ptet’ h thalr ir«lglit la eborteai titot cU«*<*d Witte mae euirtee- tetoa awir*— f-rtoiu « pw 4 Day—P«”to ShM— tw».ipMe te^t> *iw all towiea teofgW” M L*x ugtote ttee v4M-.ttea rec«e—«a* trance free, tei Dtey— Loteiaviu* B»«H Atake tot 4-y»ar.jM». »>tot>» htot •fJatee traace, Rite ifc»rf.-n—rltowd w.U alt ete’K a. ab Dav—^r,.. ap>h_te « le te ata. lb i*af—Pur-v %i4i>—atotiT ^eat>* m te**t *a te. «th bar— '•ar-s.- ffstg^a- Wti* a* ag, aita *m laaldw toalte SJ w—, f»rki w ite 4 1 tetere «<r<-gge*i a>wera* tr to lar^iaete abrupt bat -re wl I te t*« 'Utee* fr. la Tea *e“**,H *r a* LuoUtau®. o*i« irwto t a *ato, rru«M if :< .a. as.4 uet»*MO Is la alter. IteiC^a Witte lae >a'w*-’r »r te«e»e* ra.D,ag la te*aia ky gaud t%wan m*y bw M aiww*** uP aia L.tH;atPte4.hate tp «»'•*» te*tab Ute«d -tac- ll tok » Lucalitiro uf RtoiemOfBceg gftl Ageacle» will be pat- i oa.y teoaee .ste i e Ca*«iit*va i.ign^i. lah^oaurbefurethe l”iaf Jaaioary. For Produce g.- I " i am ty itee Pr •• Me m or *tee isoa. ng laat, adoiea* tba lueicreigaeo. ! LT va **h\ ^| * telihto at |«oi, 9^ FUWSTTHS te HUPKINtes i } r** *• -f ^ dHw. Wneeuag. V* ' COLuiM'N teUOWro.N, 039 its Phi j A ROMANTIC THtEfl 1^ la sh” I ai a ^o«kiii.ui d*> la the at saih * «f April, I«i63v that I »irall”l .ttw itea gf. wl-, u| . a. •vtlle 1st u«a 4 .ICO vf the bn>> ibfuag a* ite^y p* *r>». * lUcb o«e, >ave Bivt.elf, -ee I'Cd lu bavr vome ofta-vi II ( vi«w. A* I aaodtrrd a aug Main *ftrrtt, la-'a'-s,, [ Fifib, I wart KUibletk'y arre^trJ v, .ro,*k.„g » . T perci-fcd ap'U a »tiuw-t.-*-rt c •nt.hlniuc •tktiuerrf'^iypv 1 at fpped lo lake a view of ttee beauties ur an f'». a ni «eni, a»i, tig aaractfMl by thu*« be«ure ni. eye*, l [ UfenrsT^ntoiiiewef nn Hmm- .*» ha* - uiia«>« te“*u ..^0 iitw kiUtf Malv**toter.”d la te*w Tork. Ute c. aisiEffwit haeitmte tow w ^ , wua c. aisiEffwit aaeitmte tow* w . I LOWOOqi I *>uU tte.* de«*>t-ai., ibe stewvw Il otmim arranuetoobto Iw *f f” fur’*‘eh thepM iU wu a •av«rtor I Y t , *-• artlfcle. Par, hater* wh n. i per* i A - MOl »r»a;* q jlrotof Meia.v.’.Gea- Inrorr.t, lu- a;-... | 'Piirt*^WvVT F.— a.Oai .sawi, .irwuv . 411, asg - ! 4 ft , ro V xtat . aea pasror uS i* "14 t.4«vrrr-iyp,-. ; ^ kA-^ARr* . 1 J -Nvroroa iroar. tka katss- sM--a ities ur art f'fc am ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 aai oani' ftork a* g%ar*t *• be«ure m. eye*, l | [“fc^^Ptoin W cutoHoritia itewi totgtei h«t wa* ID th* i» to tee ttetootwL »ervrd a toi^ptlwF.; ! m uiftt wruyg 7 Ow Newi»#a are told ttee Pnw- ly admlr.,.1 p.*«f, | Reuil tet. ree mi iter VmMed lev Rlrutsg-ibe .VI. ; I t rTr v.«toar I •« rtce *4- r;a< 14# .?»- In vJrs , I j $4 per lygWte U* te#”t tewafrty ec i lu toy Pwca,.f,*ij I Iteeapepm per l,dto» .hi le I ty eg tefc- a pep-r. iow *s Ga:>ry, ai Ae ea ludacetoeai to Vte>ieaele Denivn we teev# in a;*! r ‘.era it, r^ nude airaog^toeetg to e>lew tbvto e liteeral dWaont f ruu tk. toautiegUvy »b* tred* prto. ef— Ite- pun* y aiel Inuu te* pgr U meatMl, ibo b*M qa*il*y. tivl tbtet b^e Dtoi de- 9^ P®^ tbattoau u* wcsfid quoslty. kkblodtoth act IS* *^® eup-dtet-l a- WVd**Me Affeteto, p*ay td 0 Fa 1' g % C u, in M-etate; .eturu * •tortea, a New T re; Ddwu'ite, iWate* u, te Ut , i^da viph!a, AO. Prvd. Ft« <&ev te 4tsu<, R* ligtor*. M'wiug Tikavrr te -’sk., teed tc fus's. »h 8a*!* tlinrleafotef F. Dlte te U •„ :a 8». 1..#:., TT * «. J M. ^dward”, la Cteicago; CR.te.g. MLiaLteR te C<» . IM ^ vic^a te C ' I N 4TL to wbom al* 'k-dvr* •teoai«i dir«*ct d* luu.r« b aw Th*rJ j ^ GILLa 169 Mala *ir#rt, L-al-v l>e, Rva, a'ee I beg • larr- wseLariraetei ul ite# atg** >rou'i,-* f,r a ' ' ~ I vteul«aA:#ur r«t*li f#te.9 ti *eww I Invite cUlsen a .d •trangera to ex* i to<*tei, ao*i, tig aiuacttMl by gmtae my stuck ur HtXRAWATS teia*. ! cooctoslrd t i wa k ap arid BriitilKS. 1 a*** •iill at tbe old Mais j atefc.v*, wo*n. U! acd bebui ! I wbrrv 1 have heMi fer the la*t 14 year* I ilk«nr»f> uf rou.* e.rted aO'! univ”f and can turtiSh aa gaud Cerriteg are made Rastor ' Mirtw Mattie. To# .eaipiattstu ma* elsewhere* aod cao refer to same a. oor beet citlxeo. *plrit aeixed upon Bi*—*te I* there uriag li# v^.* iq who have patruo’xed nie for yvairt. 4 nave a vartvtyun I *e;iwl npuu lU** pict irr, put li lu ay ^cxi bteisd* coorttsilng of Coacbe** Roc ;a*#jte» seat Rng- sneaked like any .tber rutoe glea, Slagle Bugglee, Racing Bo -!;•#** aod N^iop Bov Ttiet picture wa» etoleo rrw<o Mnow *s Gar*rT ai gles, which caouut fall tu vott a., in qoallty* atyie ao- the lo-iividnal wiu pUa»e **Eue*. » ta a;*! r ;aru \i, fu . - ! g»^*7 Ume ibey |u..k upoa aud aduiirv tk. toautieg u*i h«t wa* ID the i» to .erved a toigptlwr-ro; ly admlffcd p.*«t*, lev elruug Ibe . VI. , ECT I .ixir fsuul. 100 r. » oe<i rprame Gra<*D; I'H) iOx best Cbrome Teitow. TUOaS. A. HCRlaCT, Dmzgl&t, Bil7 I'uraer Hewntb and Green *ts. .. Caniages ftr uie chvap. A toe ] md^i oraw ue ruutra.t betwee« la- pun«y aiel lutko’ ^'***^** **^‘**‘* ^ choapai ceac-uf cba^’acter there e.bibtted aivl that b^e btoi do- Nu. go's Ja.«t abuve tbe comer of K r>t aod Mato arreet. I pravvi ai»paaltis.n la laemeeive# whkb lad u tl. a-t LaaUviile, (tv. C..ARK BRADLRT. | rtieallng. f.ayVd MORRIS t V>N. OP.4.MSH WhUing.-lOtbl* f .r .aie by O inl7 TllOS. A. 1 RAYMOND te PaTTKN, 74 Pt-s P OWDIlHKD Cream Tartar.— li hbU very gone- riur lur vale by ma. U dtew J. s. MORHLS te SON. TllOS. A. lirRLET. TH0!». A. HL fll.KT. 1 be tirbt cvei iutroduced into this market! , Ul-I'L-N t LI air.R CIIauFsgbF. I4t,t»krUuf | 7*'* lb. best <;n.llt» fur ... hy vr It.; twj Ba-.ui I ; Wli-CJUM receitra per ex- “U U uEw J. S. Moillui WlI.KERJ.-i. Tti'l-l.t. New and Popular Books by Cirpreaa. | ^fices D l; .1 )II-U,H» fF*ltlK E--rOiiMAT.GE. |0 100 mat. Cs'.ls; t t . 6, Laii r uin cenu- t crok Nutmra.; S IF. faik- EaOa ISO Sees bi-et -Vrw Ca-tU for irole by tmeylS.lEaj J. ». MORRIS E SON. IjL'HE Wkite Lead.60 htp. recvlveU oiwl furt-sle - STHULLBR & BAURMANN, ir b y tmnj llliiS. A. HUHLET. Imporltrt and Dealert Guas, Piilolt, Uari L^EE«^..-^bb^rec.iv.J„^^ j ’m^b fc-PA.MsH WhlUns.-lOl,m. f by ~ rouT'broVm “rt TtlOS. A. II I RLET. Offc^ .prlug impofsiluus ot\^J oPIRITNTarpeatiB. aaJ Japna Varalih tnkual ( W iid Ou^.^ O aij lur sn.e Dj n, rv j ‘1*1 Cult’s, APen’s, an.| Slant E », in’. Revulv.rv; s-u TIio a A. HlllI.KT. gla and duobie barrel Pl*taD* Dueling PUtoG* tee.; a.- V '.t.\Df:ilPOUL'fc kuml-i’iipi-r fur rol. bv th. b«t and lars»t s.rorua.Di of auUTahl. Cut ' l.ry,fur.lau aiij <lom.aUc Hardwai*. and G.rman Fan.. A. H t-KLBT. anich w. alll a.ll in Ilt.i.r. an-l th. iraJ. : ( ' LL'E. w' lDi> an 1 fi r .I',, by s.nural at ib. lowrot prlcro aaO on la. oust llhvrs I mn TlUrt. A. IIURLKT. terms. 100. it illyr.nlani BL'DA AND Mr AD. nu-l-r ••• nu«|.rrpa.-uj tc :n.-M .h SuOa M*ad uf a rtupmor i|ateiit BRAD V:*, MdU\ V|C^* te C a, n fiia Mam Ft., gduror* b aw Th rj. 9CW BOOSS. y "' .<BF, ertb* Jauru*yef tb- Fran^t. .4 Cro*a i# lo tbe ga«t. B.- J. d.j B #*#“, rtUM.ur cf ^a^uuiUtia ‘•f a Wuaing I'rul**-** a.'d •*«ani«ue Lii^^ l|*r;4«-'‘ Maguine. With luu*;r4tSf. Uta-j., M * la. Fr:ce V ’^.h.XDKrkPOOLVN teuad-Paper fur kale by ml7 kiiOS. A. HUHLST. LC £. ro‘ 0 Ibft received an I ft r »a'.e by I nG7 TllOn. A. UCRLKT. C 'OTrti,^.— 31 bale* la -tnre aiitl f. r *«le ty uil7 JaS. TODD te HlCUAkUSON, Wall st. n|^jrTTT^ Ml MAKATI'S TroagpenaiioM U«te Ptettedelpteva. liuiiimeev.wted .aew k eci —fhrough receipt# gl veto, ae aheve, at i^vfitorat#^ empta##* aad 'Dapat:# gaaractied. Apply to f >4 «M» toutetp a The Old Form Rang*r,er wt*d Sp#ru i>f livl'a aa tto I r m Nei.gberry Hill*, lo tbaJunglce, aod ua ttee Piaiiaa. Mt t teteJa ffoto lair ta pclto# far *a # ey M*J ror Waiter Caiupbell. I ^ a«LL, Usoai. of th. W..t. Bj 4xs. Hfci. roitlBU. Third vta, herweea Ma a f I .N'% and i'UioU._w u.ue re-:, aud L..Ufck lu*... R*>«- au a u o:. •. r. ;<ia- tutort, <>4axur, L'Ui ut-ui‘, I s<ut>» ’u's l*a>i .i; t«- i-.cvd Kxiract u! Ja::.a ca •* i>fc*'r, Ti: ii*jrt>. texiraci gD4 all tua D4 oftt atvrs.’»rd kiiA.* •! Pcriitiu *ry My •lore «i:i tt-uiiu’ie a«ca>* upvti, tlay and hlgut. R-s**l cuftlfc uier<» atsd Usuf# Lavtt.g prr>a ipiioU' ta t< coujpauiMtfcrtl, wlU tuL'fcii Willi p:vuipt ati I ia*talit aueia- i-rto* aad ma) re»t tovart.! t. at n,. U)Fp« u«e tot. 1*1' <’f ibe Cabana cardeti Uy apread tieloa eoaad ntibruke# *ieep, and coa»eqqc.m:y re- t^maa 1" like OIM of tboue matU-U arhi- '^‘•*** goffering aud an njU- •^Ma, •* OH^ mtooetm ck&j ^ gllur*#g to tte#o*aod« whu are tho* afttiagd biteOiiitL' BUlltar} ttuteeMMia. innedialely be~ te/ ttel* to^tuahie remedy. low l!e t tel. 0**14 lay tito aafkltefiteda, crowded tolth Freto lie acn*e*h.« eftoct totbe#era«to, many tead prtspiw , ! . urteiUT cd to'baae toicea jual reacb- tfc«aiaalv#e imwitllnc te forego to n»e when the ueceg- *d (Lr tfrov*l*jg. iLeteir becoauMR ii^bter cver> Fruu tv# cniaetu PhrMciaag la giiuut,aii«a ite4;rt. with paifusto* totei excitui|t FaTSTTEviLi.r.trctr».* April ic, I66i. atfd 4m dtdtciOtoa tmtiiieto. Flarawce turiwd to- Site: Wehave giveii year CntteRT Pi rroMAL au rx- to teftoe ber brotltof, bar tmee bewBiiig witb 4mi\mt TirTV*Trir*T iiut,aiAa ite4;rt. wiib poiiusw* totei excitmi' PATSTTEviLi.r.trctr».* April ic, istei. fd 4m fbdirirnt Irnhiieai Florawce turiwd to- Site: Weteave giveii year Cnttemr Pi rroteAL au *x- terue bar brotbor. bar laco baaHkiiig Witb aaiilef> leatoee trial ta our pracuee* aac tend it lo aerpa** every ^ ro u a . . , J otteor rea*ed) we teave for cartac affectloa* of the rcepl* “Mu* ^1* t»d trokutrtul escrytlurir krouiiti ,roori arcana. DBS. diemrr e Hampton; ij ri,. utclaHnaC. “Tail mr, MicLk*!, So to MaocRS EMi> prCLlC sPF.AEEits ibi* rem«-> |OU ikOt U04 a|Naeua|d ktoid uf MitoSlCtetlOli; teted Cy to tavaiaohie* a* hy to actiaa oa the tbruat aai lui.g** g o tea uol bteppiar bcrc tbaa to W«r« iUhl waea tateoa la e»eai ; qaaatitlert, it remuvok a l tioar»e- rn-mfgf ugg* ta afow boar* and woadvrTaily i&creage* tbepoW' w oi u .. k fc fc or aad Soaltetmy of tteo voice, %•', Mid KiTle«; •vbc pfa}»actel gffBtetetiOt.e AMTUMa le geaoraliy mach roUeved aai often wteolly toKu* t-cm Uw B*liiO( A4id I great* to )€ thtel 1 nmt earod hy CMteteUT PxcToteAt.. teut tteore *re eu«e •br'Vw the II luiieg oi Mtmii 4m 1 i«oc above Lig ®®*^ •• •• to yie;d entirely to ao nmilcme. dtoe.Li^. but wbot to tbe BtotterT UbalUoee Pfc4:TOteAL wlil cam th.-tej if ihoy cao he ttwt riowM CO Ibr esplsbkde BBoKCHITIS, ar trrlLstla t,r-0. K KOK>«KKt. » Mammoth Da-;ueneaji Grallery uvr Ca.Xrr E M- .-ront la' urr. No. 531. OPPOtlTK TH TIlLkORVeH orPM E, Kaiu oirrei, teetwern ^eroad aad Third \ M teu teGB^BK.iG. tote uf tbt firu uf J. A. K.:mbAi! te C hAViug .•rtikfd Gfl. ef) As. Muuvr, a *1 fiUic .. up in o Ft}ie -urpAw^ed hy buu- uiU« r k tu cuovuU.c.C’ i ur et' gebce (hi- ilgbt U uo ibe iMrst mi. : i .*»t *:>pruv. c J |*Uu), I* euahteO lu lAk* Mi’iU nrv- lu cl-ar u x., rui\ h WF oUier, which will he u wtiy lo»ert.-l lu gul 1 IxM-kf - •r-Ato-piu*, ftuger-rlug** au.i pi*m mud t«u.) c*.-t s. Ttefelo-e he*«sL»d «ariie«!ly iLvite l v fcltii*-ijE mu<l la- dle- gencr*Dy to call an I exeui’nu bU ruum- *ud vyeu L V' i. D* I't.S clutt. a a I do, V . 6. ; V. \t i. t, .u. jai -r a . do. iuf V- It., full 61I. y *9 60. |I» •JV '-Vu., t.r lb tel. Au t)r;.t.a;i 1,.., ly kw. '-i--.- B. Fi k. Ismu. 26 cla. f> I-) Ba* 'a, by Hlltiani .dam.- S. I, p, .6ct-- Ui'i n aainluw, U. D. T6i;ti. Bau> ^ij XU -Mu.v b: S'.cun. EspiUtiuti by AnrLln 11. l-a.'.i M. P. h<6U. Acni-r UI F.-lu, i> Hr ,ry S. R. grr.. ,125. Rt *»-*u «:i-i i'% Kitues 61 Ht t ric Dr-UroG i.’luUve to Nopuleub. Kre*h eupply. toor roatog) we have fer cartac affe<teloa* of the reopl- Remeoiher that Llk*: rto»-.» are pat up fur th'- »nigl isorf arcana. DBS. DIEMRR E HAMPTON. tuoi ul »l 6u up to iiy pneu, r-oirJ '.a lu Ci and r,ir. to MaOCRS EH1> PrCLIC 8PF.AEEII8 'bl. rvmr- s' <>. Hammuiu Dacu-rr...; i,a...i>,uy H. I’EROUBON A SON, iX 'IIOI-ESSI.K A-ND RKrAll. DEILFR; IXFAMILT VV F I'.nr, curu-r Filth and irarx.t rtr«.'vu> Part———', haw . tew era ul tberv bvaulltu , I'-ir only u r. in in* tuy. POl.LARU, PKArHER, E SMITH, '• •'1*’ OSS Main rt. -lit n.— " at'j 'j.c pn;ra-rtlne luttlona Mill* Floor; J tsg.ei Cluve^; 20 bags rate Ginger; 6 b *U pum KFuuud Ginger: !00 lb* M*v. 24 tMxm ground Peppe-; fr *aie by n?uy J. .Hr ^ R ick. - 20 tierce* I*rlr.e Utit i!i *t »re an i f -r -Aie hy HRANNIN te St MMERH. K MIk Dreg* caa duw be obtained at a very law ^.rlco irum Uart: uf ite largest aud haadaumeat alac** lu the tlly by t.»l'ing early at S. aSHiR. 1)8*8, lOi Fourth at. B KK.Wk te.<4, Ti««ura. oii't Qreiiadiiiee.large aU'l cuiAplei •dsr k oflond at tbe lowent iioMinle Ugure* aud cfOiprlsiLg tbe m -»i aelec; aiad ebeleo giyle* vt Ibe *ea»oa* at «***, N- SHIKLD.o?, 104 Fourth at. .lea la -fore a;..| f. r *«le ly J CR /8TAL PALACB, TODD te KlCUAkU^N, Wall *t._ ^erttecavt ceraer ef Fifth aad Jefferaen Streela. ol*.— W(.‘ bavo a large itock of aa prgprt* tur* waoli reinm ibelr ackouwledgiueuu UuU»a a 'd oilier qua tie*, alto aln- ^ ^ public for tbe liberal patronage bliberto ex- I'Jcaaka pritoc treate Rice fer aai# by J. teKLU aie and doshle uirrri Gun* and Rilu-«ab4 Kug.lab Gun L>ck ra0»u’ud, uf Li.jtq.ial ly. u»l7 ^ A. 0. SKMPLR te BRO. ETh. i .•* »cp *r Uuc> LaceRjuneure- r.Vfcu 1‘roU .lay a-.l f-r aaleby u)17 <J aMK.H LtIR A Co., 417 Main *t. A to me paoiic lor me iiDerai patronage bliberto ex- r aRU ia ....i ainfciro . . *..h«i c . ~ temied them aod reopactfuUy aollclt a coounaanceuf th# I m be ', ,*** ^* Lard i..e vale I I ^*PLATB.— IJte baxo 6^ Tla-Pleu fi»r rtaie uy fcacote Lz:* J- 9K LU X toJg J. BULL. i'd mo“rapi,V“.i^'ll!" I * - S- M' XS.kUM .1nM. «^ ?I.7.L « AtltT T«. K lBUtl\b.-fO cartoo'ia rcL'ilved aiid for rale hy 'Ui>W KH Batte».-*A fm.i aaur’toea* taf ar'.vubte lAuoSlijby J.4MES LOW te CO. B ErK.Uk K.<4, Ti««ura. MU't Greiiadiiiea a large vxmi taistc... tr... m.. * u< 0 . c All perauna vU’.Uttg tbe and Cuiaplrt riir 4 onsr. d .1 thr luarrt puralnir ^ V**v KUK'^r rMvlTlng Ihv best atten Ion Ugure* and cutuprlaiLg the m.»i aeleci aiad chcleg #iyle» ^ - * * t, PRb>i. son, te to, with tbe he*t Win#*, Liqnc Ul ihu »..wn, at L’^TR-t Fiav Kasarr— W. ba.o untroudalars, 7 •«»«! to all-DO vx ^ _ S' 81 1 ELD.-- S, 104 ionrth »t. Ji, aaronnivui .f txua finv Raxotr, Wxdr E Butchvr’r, *’*' raulxw K ENTLI K, Toha. , o.-6i)0 buxr. ruueriur brand. •»'' “•‘'r. rrlectni tor tor HAWlwrv Erntu hy Manufacturrd Tuhaccu lu riurr riri fjr t-nm"! '“urorringlo. Wo cu RANNEx .a.c ly [mill SKANNIN a Sl’MMSIHS. ““‘'‘’ ' *‘* **“ **“‘ ®“' ’^V'7? V a . WHOEESAEI Cnitrd S-atrs. SOI Ihcl' Morar ssrscU.s snd fumroked ! aV.1. SuU tso I'u'isa isriro truo Nu. MO Sn look ^ rhoavr Caih- a.a ta rtroa u 1 (-•. i—r. ail hew ktyie Bonuet Hibtan* wtm every imaginable cuovealence. i 9bu ' ale* Matiing; ' aaoteliiby ftol**l MiLi Ma te aMia-Ti^ lbebe»t BRANDT, WI.SK8, tec., can be bad ready | '*6 tog- Ca-pet rxaia; ' ^ - . J.4MES LOW te CO. bottled and are e»peulally reconuaeodid for medic aa. tte do co.ur-d go; i ^ L’AMO.—|,440M >to p«re Parov-.aa Gtoaoe ta *ta*e . purpt’*#*. I’JO do W.applng Twine; U aud lor *Aie ay r*BltENT^M)X k CO *“* ”***“'^^***^”* I “*® l®’*l «KO K1LL1CK. MlI.I.Mte te awteMTte. 7 .T~ 1 7 7” perauna vU’-ung tbeOryaial Pe ace may miy apoo OTOAI fcLL'te Fvergreea ^agar Corm.— 3 duaea I I ’•"^**** Oil.— te» tbto tet**#*, »«pe kr Ceauw Oil e uSu've* u ***** receiving tbe be*i alien Ion aol being alway* mrolshed receive aad far »a - try ^ •• * g»g »#•*- Pile aad fv. aaie bv i. ORhXf. 80.N, te tUa with Ibe he*t Win#*, Liquorv, and Cigars. The Mme “** A. «•. MtNN, 6M Mala *k **** A.XG* W acCMate A.a te % Ul, w*i| to. >We hare un Kaistl * i*r>» q‘toil y aerved lo all—DO excepriuoa. CY^rtee 24 mria p*r ear. » ^ _ T. T. BURNT, SON, te CO. MILl.MR te 8HMXVR MlI.I.Mte te aNteMTte. Ithtbe heat Win#*, Liquors* aod Cigars. The Mme iiail y served to all—oo cxeeprluoa. J)31 reuUw LL'PB te RAMBRIGHT. AaNG*W Mk'CMateAte te«UL, Wall to. RANNEY A OOHIN. WHOLESALE DCAlAteg IM V I Kts I M A Tobai (*e*.w« haw y*t a »tuaii *upph of R ar« Ufc. o < ) , te 0u.’» c ivtrated BailleRarJ, Jnlta Deau, audLa KeliBT..bMic i4. T..bMlCl4. BRaNNIN te SUMMKHB, s*iol« Agvnt* A. B. 8KMPLB te BROr, Curuer Mam and 8 Mb au. ouk, Faxicy and V aiTCty Goods, I t Uilery w . «ve ini baud, | -V***" ^rfetf %trlA *hig* LmUrUrf. Flue Peihel ( uilery.—w . ave tni baud, XVi tut-onod direct f.«su th- Kugiiab nianofactmers, a taigrt *»at>rtmeoi uf M'usieubuim te 8‘*h** aud Kudgetate ll'^Bare oaw lo receipt uf jor Spring laspurtatloite VV which have been aelrcted wtih great CAre,J East- fl'IlE I au Veaun 1. r.i'l 'Iv aiiDroa hina .ni.v.r. «“y F. csrt Ontlrry, thrlr IST,u..itrru«, .ro rm Importerrud nuoaiKtarvir. Uar nuck of MIk aud 1 l..i> .uw.n uf .urilUuiT.n7»n i«ivd aul r.purtr.1 rxurr..-l> 1. r ihrmalUrsdo. rbro.. Dr.« Gouda U cumprl..L.i . srrat variety at Uil4 y. SIUKi.DV.4, ltWFuunj*t. ***'^|.'*^* I fine Coilery will pi-a*e call a«t examine our #.iyle* aud t^OroUUee. Our M* tu*t Ribbuo* Glove au4l GiLf. F. ROK.-yBKKi; lt« hUI^ rt^ira 2*rt) t U‘ Vfc-ry j',. r:< o aiurr and i»r .-aif hy ail I iteb II. PrlRGrSON te Son. DMI riWtote mt eefMAUMe OMtoi..' hEoKCBITlS, ur trrliaUeo of G.e thrmt aad oprer ** I bey ar# toeg^aiiK tor ibe ktw-workf*” said perttoa or ttee loAg*, may he eared hj tohitig Cuebet Le eistoikLr-f. PtecvoteAL ite astoll ated fregeeat doaea. Ttea oaceaH “V*s.»4tlrocegotI.eSf-rocW.”.xcUun- T...txtro= 4kc PiofetoCe. «k| umtm mmma ttee CMkteMTPEc Tuteai cure sach caae* W kf 4o tteey eo of one teflcr tbs otuer of Amttmm and Srooch'.ua a* lead* me te hcLcve U can pV** rarely tal to e«re tteoee 4i*eaee*a** ••O th* J «- ^fcck M...k.Erofc*«as^ 44.0. C4MITP, glee an esegte of am wony* to be ful- WOOGtoork Wbick tuppoitec tbe ipweg by targe and fre<)acot dk«ee of t HLkteV Pectu- Morfcf Mftelhli^ to pwcet. ' mal naUi teeahdaeetbrduetoe. If taken in aoa*ua*lt **l !«v epeeiMoto bte9 lailodi’’ win am uii te care. “Vr«, EM lUItD—<lo you bcEf lb0S*Clies?” »H4’®^tk«i-COCOH mro— lrook*» upaud •«« cbtei “O raeoou, IroavcMl” said MiefcaW. Ijl'y 1T« ?NFU S^l“u S^.v^rVlirov;;! hy this r.m*- oertroyiuc l«i«*s arotlisl Uro fldWW- dy. Narouuu irotonor. trov. i-vr. noilcrd wherr •dte.^ wbele taasllto* were pruecxck. fr*® aay certoea ooa*#- 30 If.! FOR SALfc:. [IFCLLuf Uribe Metbu'iatui Ea**rtiu uuad. k a't term»y li^iulrt at tbt- eolt* VOR SALE, r OF GKoof) ,,u vae a .rib tide ,jt Hma.: Leta**cs Fiovl aod Pre*»uii. 4 -’r it-raift, *i. K tlLtlNM.U Gold huii Stiver Paper.— d ream- Uii» . ewtx Gutdani silver Fapvr* a b-*«uUXDl aril- rS. smKi.lM’.'*, 104 Fourth al. | I I^AKA*»01aM Para»*N;— A Isr*- *u«| Lonipleie atufc'k I A now wrt.ilug at price* novr bnere bearj uf in Lo’i- Isvtl!* at »»* .s. S»IIEI.r>8»-", IOj Feunh *1. flue Catiety will pi-aaecaU aM examine our | istyle* aud t^OroUDee. Our M* tuet Ribbuo* Gluve au4l tl7 A. B. 8KMPLK te BRO. Uoaterj tosmtuiinu are full a*i i conipiete. We Invite country and tliy « t»Tcr» to ao xamlnat oa of oar stock 1 leery Tab'e tallery.- We have in store a before p r ha»iL.;.-» we are -.ei**fmined to toll a* low I a-saruueiit uf tl-.fc* lv.>ry Tauio Cutlery* Kr.g- as any W’»!*m Kate. Fart cuiar aueotiun given |o i r JO bbda prime Sugar; 2h0 tag* prliaa R oCufle#; 100 bbls Plantaii >a Motasees; teo buxee *xt a Tea*; 5 La f cheat* •» da da tfcnyacxroa.f>rraa;iln), u.xf *rDc!e; no kri. N.llfc uaotuvl mm 41 la ttd; too buxe* ^oap; M (ta Caodlee*tec.; 1a store and for Mi'e by Rowland te OO. 4M1VW BrrWAM 4M te 1 o. r aaytbleg la ttee way of Wto-* toeet be tore to ca.i ah 4teJ Main aireai beruTe ^oscLaeiag JOHN OllL. WbolaaAle and Retail Dealer la Tey«, Feoey Gro«aa, tolt fSkWh*. Bre«h'.rt« andl MiH's’*** s*f , X'wteb C au.KM^aMd Hair #N*teea.— rs* ar»c*i a**; eery / u«*t a-rts ttmea er aU »ata ante:** aan a,«aya fv-a^to ai a 3 aaitk air**i, to.O -OHJI »«ll L. I ^INK Ivery T*b> tallery.- We have in store a before p rl large a-auruueiit uf tl-.fc* Iv.-ry Tauio Cutlery, Kr.g- a* muy W* -iab aiHi American* with au-J wub>>ut Fvr&** aui far itllf'X ori * A. B. SBMPLR te BRO. 1 at to FablUi »lfvvlro “o lot*! tte woroiEori- wiuck supportsd tte fHibC'fM! MOfkf Mftelhi^ to Dweet.*’ mal aaUi Mtoudscethedtaeato. If t ** i nctoria#4# IkM itEitodii’) wtJ aok fall ta eere. REMOVAL! IvCMOVAL! J . Y. I! AMT, U {...LtertALk ALDtitfl/.L DCALEa IN x i MoteJhG AL’L taKtel.NG 70L.4CfcV.i, ;*> r. ha '-*f rvEi-v wi .a > <'. Mo M L.i . *7' •l. k ro •Oi* kilrd. 'V." /•.'rfc.r a.;.<7= t*-- : C ..i j : m2 dtewlteb ICE-CREi^M SALOON, NO. bg FI TU dTKKRT. ( '*11. STHt'LTHFS^ beg» leave to announce to th' V fc-.'lteba rg l.osGvii e tt*t bu 8*1 'Oti, wh^ch ha*- - ceti*ly teeii flited up in a at% f* of i:-. ganct. tiu-urpa *. -lis. oporracto bte9 laklodr’ wig ^ mil ta care. ICE-CREi^M SALOON, “V*.,.,M.uUD-do you te« l^ citear’ ^ I NO. bg FI TU 8TKKRT. “Oraeiour b«avc«tor’ aaid MiebaW. Th-y INFU'EKra li a£^.;*rdiaovi;i by thla reme- / 'll- STHl LTHrs^ beg* leave to announce to th teTO Aefllroykiig tke let<eet aroufafi tbe fly^wey- Natoerwoe ia4t*aoee Lav# u«*ea ouCerd where \ * ^-’Oea* eg i.osGv!! e tt*t tu 8*1 'o»«, wh^cb ha- kedte.^ wb#:e tamma* were pruacxcd. tr m aay eenoto ooa*#- c^u*iy teei. rttted up in a at-, r of i:-. gancfc uu-urpa * “it m E Etrolrat’s rutr raid tiro ror.nroar «k*ir aTOshEu-fc w.ih mt Ih. CHEiiEV by ant lu H. M ' country, u tuw nw n tur thr I. ^ * wiaaew g row* eteid IliO Oirteii^er. Pn.TO»aL, were *naer.i4g nwa» the dUiaM^, ceptluo of tUoM- ei-.. u*. te -a kUa j *• :o ex’eud lu L.i *li#4 arerereijpmr tbaawelvrg upon tbe gar- Ralcm* Ohio* llih Jane, itetel. the same llhcral pairubag* ahich b* ba« b tui rts. m <&«M lor dtote|if>OHita«eijt**’ Dte.J.C.ATEM: 1 write W’.urom yuu of it.a truly ertved at ihe.r t«i) l^. apr id v.lm a^ bluj “How cHd I teJM tbtet we are out of th# wav ®*®®**®* P®«*'<'*«Liiav pectomal latui* . •1 all tte* lurnul- "Eddrol Piro-ro!!-. ^ pi^Ead lE SM a*. tamHy. ua* . f aiyUnshiro. nu \1*A.^TEI• la flay ar lxlrc-lot4 r:;it;,ro^i'. ..Vi -rtrtrol k lornica. c.roplEvty curaS la lErro day. ro a araaut.; y h..up'u.- M F..;. fr.;:: 12 w Ir ...t uf loic. 4u,:.' IteEjrouETE kwt iri^cklodrod asked Cawt k* laXla* tu Dt.Mrom, . n. ro «u vrry but u .. Ki’iro-. pEystetoEfc fraely roau. ikai k. ouroUrr- tt th. hot “N rot ID tte Is^L” rvsMd} ba»s «u» palrocaory 4l<rororor, aod 'Jmi h. ha. U AFICR PRESS FOR SAJ..E. “ItieEWEillr-stiUkroter” rjynBn»«rr.iKO"1ufl'Tior'.xl..h. x.ryrnF" - Nx PEcTOa*!.. wro. MSro.nx truai ihr d;>uro. SahEM, UHio, llUi inn., ItSI. DteaJ.C.ATEte: 1 write w '.urom yuu of Us# truly ceptiua of UioM- Wei'-i Wfl'. te -a kltai ** to ex*eud lu L.l ibe same Lheral pairubag* ahichb* haibtuirts* m ertved at iLe'.r b«ii l^. apr id v,lm a^ bluj / * L.4/.teU fever Paper.^-dOO ream* Glaxed Pamph- vJl irtt C-ver Paper, aiffercut* aud *lxe*, Ic ature *1 M>iKK t rui»e lu the .>ledllerra iCuo, uti hoaM o au A;u aU Fliga.e* A. P. Well** JUrtt received ^llroAMbOAT Dill Paper.— lOU rtxoia 8t<*mha*t 3 B 1* iT) V. X.'.** arm *»«urktri culor*. in atfrs* acid fur •le 1/ 1>AAC CRoMIK, uiIOjNl' Wli>>;#»aie Fkper Warebause. Va/ I c**“ h.ack Fr« lich C! ’ics; 1 da da Ou C vi-i!ut*re*; 1 do f*ticy8l.k V’erdt e*' JoK received *ad for sale cheap hr T. te K. SLKViN Oil I Miln .-t , 2-1 dxM.r tx !row 1. R ^Pte.—ICO half Calls 9-!>trao, m*cb hy_ [mr ,| t ,M.LL4 <»l Y 1 *'l-ASNtN.— ,'i0 half hb!a and SCO iVX fcuup far tale ty r^te -1KB-PI^><^; SsaVK d'or sate. >WLA!<t> tAMOEBX XHASMX. ROWLAND A CO., We Invite / 'sO>l 1|0^ Teteetco.- 790 bwx » ; rtee-i Kentucky ^HaL.1. face v eeae* 4 lar e a«-«rtto m wi 8e#tl ®* ®®^ stock A / an M ttouri TuLacua la tture ar,i fs*r r y I auu K«autae r7<-«M.a M. J* u ag c aioe la »«Me lonTgiven to 1 BR4DT te UiVirt. (*»»> J >h\ *. 14.4.. '^T^OW Liaea.— 1 000 vardrty a Rperb artM<s la -tor- i AMIYV Weeh-Maxev eate Itoeveia^ €»##«.— ate# I X ! ii»r a«i*b7 |<al**] Roe 1.4 s !> te riu XoS ar.kea'Vl u*.k«red *-*a*rtoae«i x **,**•/« to oeate ivALLAGlIB.t te CO. k’t. v.r>,.* ,..r ,.i, J. 8. Mt.HHIS St'W. bRANMN te 81 MM* :tS, I^NGLIMl Veuetian Ked.—2'j II nay 1 1 dtew j. s. M. L^LOl K.— lou tbia fxtr* In aicte atd fur »alc* hy F 11.14 ulL Iro MfliH. te CO-a l!^ Wall at. Y I ^ ^ K#tl- «rfd.—bO cotU 6 an 1 b iLread juai irvX r* - 'sed * .i lut >aie hy GARDNER te CO. R li.h'1 MiU su:*ar« 191 bwls aa« jr.ed low .)aalltles -1. - •: ; t-r F*uoy 8parhawk a'll f«ir»«le i>r 11. Da NKW( OMB te BRO., AsTeuti. fur Hc-flovry. bbls, cyprea. I I^SALSRS IN GROCMRIKS, BACON, LARD, FUK A, \ ’’’^velia;; ru»ha— to r- Lrl. ea ml* I XJ lIMea, Tallow tec, aoutbwvkt corner uf Main aial i o\ c«»ip* «»f % vrry il .«• a#- t a#ut -.f wic*. rN M**a - I second »D‘v«»hi. l.oul.vllle, Ky _ UilS [ Mo and Leeih.r c wr^d na-k , *11 -ix,-*. kprr.a'i-. u- . ! I ’**!*• ^* *1 Te»#.— As t *'«4KKULLtu% -At 1- # aw.' I Umtlet mg a irli. * ill .'.j wall by »sph.; la* lut akg. ^ jAAKKULLtUA Floor1,0 hWa of this aup#rl«>r wlth^r^uVerlfc-TflAT*'^^^ \/ F.ous made 44 WUUv Wb-ai expre«a.y for family aHc-vt i.*** frw.i I price* A 4nJ Maiu »m vt at retoU O to laax* 8cofch Ale, pint boiUe^; 10 de Brown Stoat, dm In store and for »a*e ntb «mEO. WSLBT, No. MM Mala kL S I PCfl patoateairt ler Iter Hair.— T*# 1* i«>% e naj a very rtOaferi.T *..uri'an.; ar a ta* .1 fl rMs.i 1 ^*r «a>e oy ltoD*| »*M». 1X44.1 H. te. I pomatuoirt fur ih*b‘ r. pni «,• .m t 511 e * , t«F I T [ ~ (rtrr**w top*, telr lU'.iL *nH- g tor ii-dVd-i.r-^. w* re- 1 I AG Mahiea aw4 Keel hiaa ^Ua, teg-itevr cvlv^l X Cue la\ fie*h, D I u.-.mira. ? % . j VV eMte * «e> efai *toct of e^e yiaite* *k44ta» e la vtee mis TAT L4*R te ARMS’ Rung ear *# p aw'.i ig-* ror cai triia, fca« *iwa- to rwM.M m . _ . _ « . »r*ai a «.i<leefcv, awJ al ttee very lewe*i itod to tpilK (r.Bl raa at tk. r iIifto I. aalkta, la j ** M-** »»* JOHN G LL. 1 umu-r air> ID. run ; laai . .. Trol rUABi x <AHaE. - - - rirunx’-, 4'l Mrta .t-'ri, 'h;- d.... a-riMi a. a a ^1 .,,u-i.ati.i tSEro.- arrow., dro Ull.. tm-amaata rorr. y. I6ey kxr. . aro-t e'jiro .luex a, I'.lu - w.ifc J«. irov.nn ky ro . m sa .a .oxl. -d..l u'li'D. Turo.ttraiuaroi..uak; ra . I JOHNGIlI- fur iha irnip'.'lua lohay V Irr.rol.tlM.. ajl- | . airtiN attfc ^ A , DX ^#a« Naif i-'Fa Mart *r Euw-s .ro a*. R if FIN to Nasa-I D e-acaac, UUEuCtal fur E" roa roa la -i r. a ro fc ..illroewa P rasua. N... I wd fc >a.ahy GELLA..H*E E lO- 10 bhd- «hli dm rd, rattan., fur coafrotlaErn; ' EroitN aad auwlaroi*. - 1, n a.t. J. Ib Idura ud (ur aala Ui ml* u.v. la. uait - mis WM OAT, SSS Mala .1. 1 ro^» la- 'fcu Haaam. . |Arok.»R|.„,u««ro— f nCNIKfcT.— IWb'l. Ctmrnt rroalvM uJ fur Ml. si I il M uisr. am. U. Ml )..>• Ifckavc ; / ra. lury Drtrro ky I ok da -aoro- M. mis A. ^ML'NN, WMalllM. SS da Wm. T AtdarMa>a^ “Owet-E ^ Kid OIOVEE #1. S t C l BLA.N HAitu .fl-rrtth- beu F mb R. * Glee** 4> J G«to L«tof toT 7* at $1 p r pair, werren'fd to goal ee t'%«# toM elee- ! 40 Oe Ja*. C. llUl*t*« Ate I AfiC gte'-s C *fk, %#•• k*4 rrcel tl la Sr.-re ea4 *wte4»w teikal tote. v> »'ite * 4 _^i»'.tew_ J. s. M.'UniS te St'N. j lale. i aunel-, u MUU in *ture anJ \fADi:{KV Wluea.— ili' . h.crt^.•^.. • •• f w XJ iw. -si* by i\X tlirt -A\> ..f J. li>uar;, Morcti, te 4 BLO., M ftnnfa. tnrers. Wiuer, offer ^or *^r— ^,|R| r.— 1») pa4k4j“rt Gulden airup lu.lore and lur Sjuib sxi *.7 * ^ ^ reduced price* In 1. 1, Lr wiuer, offer fur sale— Old Bull Me'irlrs tV!"-; Suuth alil'.- Iu i..>; L-n I,n Farticulsr M-Jrlrs Wine; AM prriecil/ pnra. ml* WtU.ACK FOPK k CO. i\ikw'hL;.‘tr;h«.im, Ih da. urd«r; ' ?' Ih rt. m:!: r.r«u trI J^ii! G ATl**® V*"> *'• txTalt!! cV'hV'.TJ! ' 7: ro R lt'£.—JO tierce* Caralm* flint Rice In etare aod for *ha t*imst*G.»w lahey s lrr< •aleby (mlSJ W M. GAT, b*J Main »t. t x v *-i v a n te*w*- Oar cieftertoao of ttee Bapttet ChsrcL »»y» tteat dnrlng CofaliisUc4 to riaa bicLcr tor MetwiteJ muiutM aiut the r«a of !•«««* tevre ihu *ea*u4d he La* eeea cares tbM became gUtMtoM «»uiag, aoo »edJd»e tec conig scarcely have believed Ttem. tUramm * s--^ * wHteegl eeclgg. «M»e rmve^s ntterod at tbe iteiDC »o- To«ra reapectfaliy, J. Da SINCLAIR, NAFILR PHRS8 FOR SAiuR. uDder»lgn*-d off*-r lor i-ale the %iry snp« X |>lerPr< ^^ i.puO eblch the louDlsvlUe Juuii *. antli lately h«tu printed. It ta tn am-l urder, ai.d i he sclu npua terntM to salt the pi:rch*.-er. •!* «a mhaador.ei hcote .-e its ^lae wa* to*< MLa turi.eib larged form of lae M'e>.-: ,y Journal* Apply a* ibl Office. tebJldkwhknf PULNIKL te UaNULE-’iN C.H. Bent C- DuvaM L G- Howard. CARFETINOS! CARFETINOS! i<K.M, UIIVaU., fc CO.. l<Er,cl aMd ll.urrhald I 1'“—kli'S M arrbouM- I W’“ - ' t'y mir arrival., frum ilc lar *<ro ImUur.'r. Cf Xnxl''.I.E.. .nrtlh-ni.rot . , . ~ - Toara rao(ro«rai!y, J. B. SiXCLAIH, BFtrt EE racIsEi.tioB ad odatraliau Below t»-poiy Puromorovr. ttrooD Iej- Ob Eli Sirtas, ES Ur ro th* *•» dl»tlM*Elab»d Prafr.Mr at t troroi.try raocti, idEE-.lMi vTu^., . .hduro stTLZ , “* JHadlra. . .wdM. troro.e. liiU lud Diem rut! vaiterf I teave logiK ttee c:hmuit Pc( toral, a* lu lagre- teSdd plain, tiin.vtelted belde atK vilUcee, ffteme eteee, a powfirral retoedy for cotoa aag cuagh* lltoi , >gw4Tiosig mtd torme vterj Pery itMiteli' 4o4 palMiaiiary 4i» wtoee. Tbe btocb Foraaf l«M»ed tbe H urtcttburM lr<ib PARCKR CLRYICLaMD, M. D. “T;. •«“f •- - «’* ao^: .MOTT. tiro pictiu* w Ilk k rtkFy Ittx of stiver, atid Tk. wldrly raUkrated Wraframor at kar(rry la tb. *' We^dEfl lay Itro onwetittiro ^eckEr, srindu,; off M.dt<«i(«u.E.. K.wVro-kCUr.saya: rxtrar; Uto tiro lislEnec, cueairorad witk bright “U m. piwaiu. t. unify th. vroa. aad .tDcacy * CSMCEllr!” *0 0 I U ‘ATEE’s CaxEEV TElToeal,’ whltA I oaaaldor BAROAINS IN DRY GOODS. - - . JUH.V A .MILLKUfcCO, C -iTnxvrr fc 3. Cunifr of tutiTlh and Market e/rcffr* 6<w -la Woeieohoia.' H '.VK reteib*.: n!it4u the l*-t few days a Urge slaKk ^ BumtOTr Go >lSr am l.*via< oertt pu'-chasefcl siucr x tino .* *1.^.. « ^ the n'Ckiii dtffchiirt fUkbi'-rt ibcm to tcli iireat h*tgalu*. •»’,«,« A-»..rietl Pock Ft * u;i- nhu *ie h kiarfcb of tjood yooffs at low price* aiTu * i--* ».#aw.k'** are ;»av led luiallau? c4teupAre their goods and prices Cutlrrv ^*^ ‘^*^**^ wi.L *f hui:rtr.,^refe*,.i.', to idt at cor/. FUitTpor^fn^^^ LU^st-calured uheCu 4td mUiped »ti’ro*; 2,? Iq Dj da plain J. ; ^ _ Rich prits’.ea U*fi*ts and Tissue’s; x r.lLi:KIA.\ATE s. ‘v V-/ 4‘io duteo R idgeri te Son's fiu .* Pu- kei Cntlery 600 lio Worienholaa's do do d-; 300 du flne Kxtuis, W*de te Butcher's aud Rvlj-* er»»G »,<KK) do a-»..rietl Pocket C.iIIpit; UviKiU gruMt du TaijetuUtrv; Alsu * large stock of American aud Engll.h Ivory Table beautiful sl>)esi rUitd Forks at.d hpro«!U-; ^t *re aud fur %aie low by A. 11. HKMFLK te HRo. V r -LLC kI.%.\AT£ u' .Merphiue f t «ialr ty BKl.Lv aOBlN8.>N, te CD. 6’*. hire b *w lu >t -rr, by arrival*, from ite lar V g#at IttpufufT* cf Rnglish C*rpetibgrt aod the must iteui'.ve n.autifac'urs.-4oi t arpet* In ur own cu* niry, great varlet’ or th# richest and cLutceat de*iga» ot— Saxtjli MedaiUeii Velvet; WMu4i and Tepee: r> do; BlX“fraa>e acUalllon brutoels; htx-curd Bon<4oei and 8cru|i ltrt<-*e!s; Rugileh aidd Au erlcac Tapeeua*; Do du Mo Imuertai aud super 3 pl.e* attd 2>pilekfc Ingrain 6' ply, fnper, fin*, atm met'ium; ITlIuM do. au* xc lieut article, low priced; Bruutols aiMl Veo*-tu. 8t«ir *od Hall i*ar|jt-t, FoaitsP BuU'>i and i'iarp Malr ic-kis. M*gblfifcei-t P«: or Ras** •• r.p tl.e rc,»tl Mi- »*4C, 8ax ’ti>, wu> Lule auu T Uad*. tec. Tbe ateoev gewl* wc ufier tu pa«cii*.< .* miw a thi- oue can he pnrekased lu as> to tue >•%*- etu o>*/s«t*. BENT, DCVaLL, te OUe, Carpel Uar«hec*«, Bit Jteh Mtelb ePs* ofpoaito Bank ef Keutnetey. EAfci 1 E»f rofc _ro -ro ro e«lUny oiaptsd to CMre dleaiMi of the iterual and <^«4teUT!" Mteul thff Mrti^er, tef if to ^ ®teO lerttie J^>e> ef sever* Miseesee «pon Che l«mgs h*ee been toeMv loe l4teik^*bie riser, 4mi Woodod MkOMii- ••srteg by caLteav pcctoral :• s«ch extrense caee* *•••• »tee belief thto a r#M»«dy teas at length hecM f I be eOfi*inu#d 1 S2? UlSf ^ 4mpmmArnfi mm to oire the CuMgL*, J ^otesiinuiUu# whtoh cany froto our midai thiTiTMXii^wai V year. it te loMeef a u**itda* lo which I Ntetoto Mufft*» to«aMa. by T. te A ttear. tor to e ei **^ •'‘^ *^^^**» ^ '*'^e**W, and lbe> lb* *Me I , I •b«®*®“el»g‘Maav»t. th*to.a|ve*er tea "rto* b E Hu« I x'BBfanJei^j tauaa c. atdia. L 0j-0.\u' ro Ih, m^ : Swroim, L«Ht.O, Maro -eaittJZZaaL.^ “*" J** * Hero..*, liSirt;.., .S? k, mi» IM; amam. am..— drEEdlst* SEd daaron m OMS-roiaa. .vroTwkroa. ^ «*» fc HOW. I wkJSdoMBfcawadu Hicli pr uirtti Orjaudle?} BriillanieruB *ua piintM Linuia for Children, Liivtit-colurcd Ctiiuix and Ginghams. Goad*. JaCfc»Qetrt, plain and plaid; Wnit'* CamhriCw and Mnll aud Nslnaock Mudlnr F.atn,'ly and tmhruldered 8wl*a Muslin*. Embtoidcrits and LaeUa French w- rked Collars; Du do Ch lAiexettes* with slerrea to match;| | 8<ritt a:.d Jaconet Collar*; Du do Bands. 4" ih*-r Willi a laigeatid fclefsnt atourtmeot of lacr rt k MsntL'a , which are offering at uawsua 1> r pn e*. 4 1 u a large slock of Buy** G xjda. Cutlonades, plain and ! a. D. NelWOOMB te BRO., _ ^geut* for Refluery. ( ilCa.\R8.—'JB.OOJ Havana Uuo Ina* on consignment and fur sale by “rt II . U. NE WCOMB fc BEO. Ol - . O I lair loprllu- SuKan 160 th » Fiautatluu '.atois; 76 Lags R:u uOre; 60 putkeu JavaCuffe*; ^ 200 pk. B GuniKiwder Tea; 126 boxes Tolaccuv *' 60 bb»s Luv<riu;;*s White Sastr; 16J p'oces Baggins, 200 Culls R pe, 160 hbis Orotb u Whisky; In SPT4 aud for sale by "*rt T. T. BKINT, SON, fc CO. sluc* ef Uatec rureiss- » Item utece suifik: ea:, ( v1-tiMe. fcD I WM. GAT, 6*2 Main st. WM. GAT, 5M2 Main tt. «4AUDNRR te Co. V rrRY Saperler Madeira Wlae.— \6hble jast re- ceived aud far sale by IV Wl tlurces P rag<»Q. Noa, 1 aod %. 10 hbd4 «hu Rrft ed*snit«D.e fur cotefectloaers; la stura aad fur sale Ly ml8 WM GAT, 668 Mata af. A. A. MCNN, 660 Main sC ^ A I NT6.D Bavhelt, Tatea, aad Keele'^a. Zlac.\X* atffipr pair, warran*ed to gtMj I aa t'«ee toM elee- ! 48 oe Ja*. C. llUlet*s r Wash boards; 8wallow,ohakrr, aod cuinm a B. usoas; « here fur g . 2% Ttee present stovk U lar.: aut jual rr- lOM Mo m ftailadge** Whup*; FO'set ; White Pine Tubs; and Wuoaea Bawla; celved- In store and far eale by lolR 8DRBVB te STEWART. j mAi, RELIu, ROBINSON, te CO. \ A Rf OTl.> for stele by hi UlU Kg BKLLv ROBINSON, te CO. RDW. J. MARTIN te CO., 6M<y Main st. I T. T. BRENT, SON, te CO. j _ Heda—'iu hbi* lu store ani for sale by 1 2 i U. T. CL RD te Co., tef BELL, ROB1.N841N, te CO. . SUth st., between M*»u_aisl Market. i lev fur bv ~ 6,UU0 lb. .OIMTI' r Ballun Twine (or OA e. SELL. ROBINSON, k CO. °* _ JAS. TOLD fc KICIIAHUSON. d. fair to ctiulce lu feure and for role ^'lOU Ll>EHS.—60 ca.ks pork hoa«. Shunl. O flers received and fur ^a'-e by J, MARTIN te CO., bSh Main st- JAS. TODD te jtlCHARDSQN. tecyltees. 260 dusru Wald’sroo l-i'*!*® f humpagne . -20 bakkeis Cream de Bonxey alD deythe*, prime quality, for sale ^ Cbaiapajne Ju*t ret elved an.l for k,ale by t k MantL:* , which w* are offering at uawsual> | UNGMoit Sparkling f ai iwtea, td I'a a'i'i Z . jiurrmsu' Dry f^atawba u a i*rge Slock of Buy#* G xjda CuOoaades, plain and Le ogageu s fur the above super tir we w»a lu i.'Ururta n aca Bummer Clatas, Gsmbrouns, Sei- r .lure keep a ouu»iaut supply uo haad U .*11 at 111*00. . Nsnkeeos, tec. JNO. -A. MlLcBR te CO, i.^inrers’ prlcoe. v u at mann aU* VALLACH POPS fc CO. V \% I .> fc.—90 btel:^; Twine fvr ale by I uil7 U4LL4GUER fc CO, | kHANUlfcSxad Wmes #24 pipes superior MaG ury Brandy, vlnuge of 1862, 2 4 Ot’fd, Dapuy, te C:. do; 6 t J* 3* Dupoy te Co. Mes 5 4 do R**tea44 Charrlenr do; 6 i do A. Betgnette do* 3 I do I’nlled Proprietors’ do; 10 1 casks various brands Mo; I 4 cask very saperlar old Port Wine; 16 casks Burgundy do do; 16 do pure Port Juice; 16 4 casks Sicily Madeira Wine; 10 I do Canary do do. 10 I du pure Sveel Malag* Wine; S hhls New England Rom; 76 hble old Bjoroan W* skyt 25 this oH Mute’ UMaheia Mr* Vhlskv: *0 S»oxea Ciarel ^ do ^1*fc*at do, ba!>keta « hampaane Wine, pints and qaarts; F'TO .^a luw, tro chM roa.iE.mrat, k, . .r . . ... dlVI.IT*. Ladies' Fiufcst Fianch K.d Glsvaa 75 eta. ' . . - H AVI N«4 a heavy rtU*ch Of rreoth EP*s, ff-r then, w I \1 *Jr Ih. LoJ'ro uf Ironi.vtli. tt ti eufc-, mmE u m.1 I ' * « ??, *'>i'roro, la Ea. oarownEaat .lro.b.f . *c S6 oau »l —lo. I mlS l>fcT G. BLAMCHAfcO. OW M.ln M. . ^’^**^^ ** ** l«“*l «*N dlLLICT. C tMKKEK.—16 buxM a.w Weroxara E«irorv. Ck-a>. C’' ®L® P.roafclE fcaraa.—EE taTO m. IB ro.ra rad / received per stennibotei Geergvtoen nod fer stoe hy juMM p. Howard a co., ! .* x. Mrv:;, Mitota mreet, mis g|7 Main, hetweee Third and Pa«rth sto. ' *** 1 atol 4g»ieteMeral fltoee. / iKDAR Ctear»i.rt-lf dotote feraale b| 8M»— G ClhMV 8M»— 10 hteiee .sMBtev ] A^Atewd L4w^yg tolto la eture a»1 for sale | 9J iLkSI BR.4DT te DAYlEft. 10 hteiOe .stotoy Rags; MhtefiiUeaOe ce; fat tole hy TMAIhAtetol I ^ 9J ^LkSI S TARCtetedh mis E\ and PuwdereO recelveo per steotoer Reyesuo# mmt I lor tale hy m 0 W. D. If 8Wr«>M 0 te OMfV, Wall sa. iVKFtets teipu«rira.rTi.« u i !:• ba.-ket# » hampaan# Wloe, plDU aad qoanst Jsirttwherrlea.—Having rcqeuiiv r,.cr|viid II atore soMbr saie by (miBJ GlO. WELBT. r a lata, invujc. uf 'hU dtltclun. _ - 1 ^ult,"****** kay ts evBi. p.r buttle. \JAIL,.lOU kraka-rouftra .tiro In itor. rat fro .at, “**• fc. kOHLB, 60 Third .u, near Main. b, [mlSl HHADT fc OAVIU. IvX Itackiud rrovivra par .trom.r Atkroraitro uro fcr I Ml. bp (mIS) SHfcBTB fc SCKWaJIT. I cyPtlcalE eaam pay ror. L lltl.: Uraa:-M kkta Whlia L'ro.rarokvra ra, ro, Mia aj imltj A. «• at'Mli. 6M Mala M. ,

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Page 1: · 2015. 9. 12. · THELOUISVILLEDAILYJOURNAL. V(»LUMExxm. f«lWr4XABirTBUtlTKi •!«ruic^TtrK&Hm%DntL%on, 'w»KAo««AmAin>rtrrv•rmscn. VerlMiac\mitailr «rL— 17iiM


f«lWr4X ABi rTBUtlTKi•!« ruic^TtrK & Hm%DntL%on,

' w»KA o« «Am Ain> rtrrv •rmscn.

V erlMiac \m itailr «r L—17 iiM m !• IlM 9t iCM;It. .^1 ••

M" . <•'« ailncMt %mtnim MBiotiiA* w\tk0m MiMrMtaa • m

LOUISVILLE, KEiNTUCKY, MONDAY, MAY 23, 1853. NUMBER 152.EUTAH—DOI.NG8 OF THE SAINTS.Tht TtmfU.—Ac'^tblT *** prui^u- uoticr,


nt^ 4> 4m M 44 iuc\¥a^ of Iro^t in tli** cnrtb« tbout^b 1b« ttMW illu‘iriou« ti •«'tid ain! ; •>^mmrmrnpmr mm4.imm.*4. Ihn.* v.... .i ^ . . .L/ . .

f ..brown s bye water.

PD', air. VdI* 1b*DM^ (ur-»«•• <TrM. Mre *8 cnu

.Kirilin*. Mr Tbom.,|

* J!**™' to Ui*i,r.. Mr oIBcd If



mA.'^lF.MTORY. -

MARTIN A JOHNSON, oorn«r«f 1 i

HpMfttD and Seventh itreeu, d«slre tocall tbo attooDoo of parcbao*-r« toCHU^

tbolr »iuck. They stiidy U> always koep oa hand aa i

••«U 94 '

rbriMJcb tbe dmy.


wore «*4ieAbl'ii|t, they were•— Y ••

1awee'eof otraiAf from tbe

While lb- pri.pie I IhiiiC >UU i.ak of m • » l-u'U' rticui ami u^e- t{ !l®a_ j _ .a. fa ' 1*. - . A a. I a

, 5,) WbttB do A.O du d< . tlw du:cheered mi»hfbe APliu itfh I ra •• pis, :..H m> days iii ' recrUrd and for ^aie low by *

bra«» au - Cipt. .*uin p*ace, I hava* i* ’h=- <'ounT«d *lie ho>.^e», i

n*iR iaj IAaac ctbiRtR.

Ef« . It mxuthBt reavwaltla, >ot wror tvloo44

oara, 12 m^tmxhu iwoewabla, Ml to ar««a«e; sre- :^v*aweo• a 94 44

aoaaro for It autbi 1* 99• •lA.atttba, rwaiwatio, aot lo av«ra<r«

vmm oace a ^mmk 99 94A. Aiuua; ••.oar*,# BMitha.


x.aeaMti* pablUhed at totcrvalm efa: weekty,***»**fci»,tn wooRiy,»r iilhly. aro nharyad Rl t>«r

A" f»r iA« irau aad f mail for oeary aabaoaaeat la*



ha>r lia^e I iiii^uire i Ui’o 'lie i.u./ibei- uf tl»e m*Frraulei.l Youtie arrived a* 1'4< arid, uub hm bub.UiiT,* ai.^; a* i ^Lat o.te o i


cauacil ai(d tb*' mb y. w .tije*^e.l rhe ^ll^ve\ |(ii»uj'ji-» and lUe u'*i*t ^IoA8 anay iii -,»• fni;-

ol Uie Mie «if ibi* iVui;^ by Je>»e W. K.»x’, I *oiii ul ht» r^^iip. M:at i-* i u h>.biu*>, oi iiii* •*.|

I MXadei tbe <^a'<er>iileiiij,-iire of iVtiman O Alltel IaS^ ve *ill, at *o he : trv o ^ h ? oiy ui tii*»

arehitec’, whict. wa>coirIL-tfd a:»uu: 11 o’cIofU; <*>’, f""d oe:!\ kUd>Atf :i’i- «iaouM id . ir: aiul

I when itie praaideii: a::J ctuiicil, Uir twene Icou.' ».oa Ih A Ihi »i.iJ e^ ii.a) Late rate:i hi.-.,

Head Kr»L -•«win*woraM, ocaic ....... »

[.ct'cr Pa^e”: ^ T V ^

I iicr» anl nevcr^mn *prev^^lv“‘*w ^*^“*^ *• on tbo basis of caaA, ^ait* ! I^tflDIRhi pi Bl| If | \| fkllCT tB d PlDI Df fS laViro"do da;

* T ^ nroi uf Fielding A Tboirts fj

when the dtrectloofc are ol**terTod. Aov penoB JJ^**^**^Tbo manufactorod gouda which ‘ » Loare NKW uaUtANAaa th«feha&> t|l,|

d«-* beg ifgve i.j reiurn niy ••Incere thanks :• my doubting thU ran cou»e to we aad make their ^rrJin^ «bey offer for eale are got up by tbemaolToe and warraai- I . ± of «L:k « a v ^^-ii



Tbo New Oileana and San FrancincoSEMI-Sn.\THL r

Steamship Line.

a;** at redoced ratio by

2 Apor’lee, Ax., removed to Ibe eael 1 hr; ami

Ely,MarabaJ Litile, aN.-ie> i by Lie poLrr. |K»':.ted

pm ®tu Ibr varnma ii e^t to tt»e |r,«8a* inulU.i.d*', conlo- MaUiiR of several Uiiiutaod, who tormeJ aroi.mi

I’ 4 hoil(»Ta ai^uare, and re’aitied lb.iT ;• '>11101.

loie Ufif cumin:: of t*e >%vord of l-..iin. 1

KI.T#i»>.i I «|wr,...* * auf>«mN blue laid niltJ Packet Pmt Paper;

UtreiOi,>oa '.».e fo ii» lu r ^ii re ir,?o it, I 61 c.-.aaoo du da do «i«>;

^-loum wrg leaxe la return qiy sincere tfiauE^ t# my aouoiing thU ran cotoe to me and make their barnalns.

®^® *«« np oy themaelTe* and warraai- 1 . of each «oam ler av v Jr-ai oe*HieieU and the puMic for the very lib< ral patruuagr tba »ad bar: a cure or their money refunded backT^ d^ qahlUy, and they aak the encDuragemeot dae

rJi!n r VI*


***‘![ **'if j

****®'“ce C».I* be altiOiled to by encloelog the fe* W RffrNlWtATiff 1 '»« ibe Piacldc, for SaN FRANi ISUO.^

in '

lo a loiter to me In Loulevllle, poet-paid. Price »l M Hni*-5P mivro There U bat W milee of taad travel «a this roate, over

tTi)’ HI ;* uh, lil) iatnb' &r L U

whiih I uni'i^rit iLrtf i.ol. iboudUxi v%e Mv rou.1 t thic; .;o 1;

.V *4x s rOmmmmmtm trmm tiaeeleoi fnuae eretra—entoil :<aid la advaeea.

k irne^taii oat marked ea iba eepy ler a ipecitada <*.'•* * er imretlaai win he eoncmced aatll forbid, andp«-i. -ot enacted.

• t^r^etiectoef yearly adverUeef* erlUha nkalMieil

n* ... to tarlr reffular haetaeoe, aad all etber adeevtlee-fijt partalaliif te tbair regalar hoelarai mm affread

te , TO be prnit ««tia.

or .latlDr BM t* D. raUlikW kf tk*

true—III II «aa be taaeraed tratasteaaly*

Miterucemetiae Cer cAarttaMe taodMieaa, tre eam-. oaM, wvt«*h4». aad athor paMlc Meetiaffii amd»* to be cha^r'^. LaU pnoe.

I a lioil(»w dijuare, and re’aiti^d ;• -mIioi, tve wi rou.* I thic; .;o 1:1 j,*.ici. Of a•liile Uh» president aUurr.«s^4 thr*m a Tb « mo-' Uuth, tliu » h.-..^ iu;^. . uiei.y aor. ,, and iher it

tbfilhriff speech of ab.>ut tL.rfy 1111 .ufr^, eo as to ho Ltrni doii?-, fur •peoa»‘r u uue anil lUc

fni Liue«'*edo do no do,60 do a Lite l-reticb Co 4 j do;

in mi u fur eale bvIbiV.ti cii«>MIKy Whoie«ale Paper U'arebt nK

tu b oa 477 Mslu

partDtr, Mr. Thomae, whom I lommend f> them a- a lo • letter lo me In Louisville. t>oiit'.tmtd. ai to ^

5-nt»rmaii in every w-y worthy asd deeirvlDg of ib»-T !per bottle.

*^u», post paid, price 91 M ,

wiruD.... Mr. Tho:i,M hi. CD*»SM t:,e ...rvlr.. clj „ mwllcInM c«i be toDoiJ .1 my prlnclp.1 iJ.Dot, »t


Ih'.r'icKh I.I.CIK.1 h.'trr, .lid lh".e »ho may t.vf him I MilcUBIX i OCBIIAUIFS, M.rk.t .'rn.l.tmw.eQnralwith th-ir ordT. c»d upoo h»TlD| them Hied lu 1 Brock nrw'., .ud .,co at the followtiui o:ac-»- Low* U U o.c. I

J . B. wilder fc Co., d. K. Monicimrry ti Co., I



SMatifol RMid«BC« for Sat*I mss* *. k... p ao*l I. oa.,i...,..'.

I nil: »<*.-••• I ». .!«

n''i! Kcmi. •ir.,1, tra .

ICh«Mt. Tk, m>..« .'kr.,M -i..

Iklak,to..a'BlM M. rm<B., a i'**na.i-T».i,i.*

•»«orM wmpiM., .1,. .,. ry tMl urrlMr-koa aum Mlar, aal . a. la.;. L i


.'*T^ 'T**** ’•erf' •" a pa.'i a. tec. Aa Ik. uwa-I ar la d«wlra.a to lott ha. .k*#p;.f, a b.tI. a m IkeI Miara Bill ha .. d >r Aratiad. F.r pw lc a...,I t»i.lra at aar cac, can.r ..i |•.„.rl P ar. aa i i-—..! •*»— • C<t.aT> Bu'TT a PIALD.,

»• .1 lUlal. Ifc..a.ra.

JAaCES GRAIN. J!L,. ATTOkMMT «T LAW ' M D ..KM - A a I. LaMO AUBk r,. -Wari... PUIaraaaiy.TesM,

be beard ui all parlt d' ihe aav Ai-.'eiiibi)'. lei.ei i. aiiulher.

Tbe itTouud lor the Tt-mpie was;ui!ed ' Alter 'he lartcori of l‘iy jedplt', t!,oii ha-lo tbe Me-' Hi^h G‘k1; lo bt a H*-l» Pier*; »a. . t.uiut'nt* | 'o «i!<- !i i. i;-;i|l t;oiwbofe bO uncleeu Umitf »bmjl<1 ever H[»j»ro.icl

;be|» y «>nd - u. .trial la i unr. v^p- (inajs.- hi

*aLui|: upoi bu H-^Ave-i K U* h*ir lo pfutre: u » lo weie iuru la<*re, a.;d ;itver Ucfirc Ufrom eeerytbiim the* wo,«*vil^ aud that he wou!-i * <iud »>•



To Coufitry aud City Dealers in Hats,thou ha-:

Caps, aud Straw U-oode., -

Ill’Kleveooa lu .or ^srer.2oBi>h 4A6 M t.ii eirerf,the

»a i II 1. ui: I \ isige-i eu l beM >e>cte.l i.|.»ck of lUi». <'*{••, aualj

()nais.- htr • (' a- u- i>e i«* ;ul lu *f*y one h..uie I t ihe Untou.|

Ucsirc loi

kU i.sve iu«nufaaur«-l rz;>r»-4e:y lur

wltL ih**ir order* can rt-ly upon havlD^ them Hied U; !

I li.eir emlrc »aeilwfMC»lun. I

M «y 17, ls^3_'ul» M. U. FIKLDIS'Q.j


DISSOLUTION.j7ifB copartoer»btp heretofore existing betwft^n the

.A uDderrlfDcd 1> this dvy dl«buivel by mutcvl c«iii-


•tnt, Abel laow having d'-(K>iKe<! of b1> Interest - W'l> >

11am UewArt. urKSHAM McCALU'M,j


LoulSTl!!e, Api-l II, ISM.j


HOUSE joiner and carpenter, |•K-iru.d,-llk co-ruri.5:r-li:r«,;nJ::!::".1fa»....ruh.c«i-;,.T,».,


Mr.l >1., belweea Walaat aad t bMlaai, 'erlD* IndBcmrot, .aperlor toaay Mhn roat, iw K.m. ' VV‘'‘‘ ranh-alarl. w Ik, L.«i ,a., I >l'«ae»l»ratla* loCklltarnla or llr.a«Mu AirMlMlua- ’’ and S«, |.a dw II • h.- • •I'al .

no. ID ih. muat workmaDlIk, manaer and on accaa nymta, and fram b la 7 imati tlma, cao aa r.u.d !* ~«a I ts. ran mmaat ^*a -

bleaa tbe arciilleci, Ibr • u; e. u.tei,d. ul, Uie fct.- i

ibAii, abd all the lab. ei.»ntbe *e |'I.^, w ithwi-don and utidenia;,;{ii,^ and knowledce andpera.-varaiice ui Ihe mirt.i of all ditlirulu.., „ ;

Ibeir wivei and children; auti bl.»* ih.oi i


1$ ItIo...ib!r, Ih. ::, that l.i’.c idea i;f a gei.crdl -

.I.ercouiae b.-tde." m mkit d ^huul(l mak. any,iuj|iii .-ion on our l.I,.ler^ta.l.lln^*;•' God fj. t,i ;,


L;^.ell, uh my T;.. ie is no » i‘il.)ui equal|

unto the b. Irt-I i., God Hr cica e<i the Wi' .,••

aa.ja fur »ir,w I ritiii; hare • .d a cop,|, nn.Ter

_. a . - and deauw an palilukai a, aeaa. OMtaa- detii; even that they miilht l>e ta ihtut lo the”- .lat-yra. I'.vwai.aaaaaaA wilffu. and receive lb>ir blea.>ini;s m I.he Iru.iiii;

» - alTera,.M»aad all DWaat amUlna aomataataa- Ui.i a* angel, of heaven micM de-c i u at d•' IT raqatna* aatlaa* AaiKaad t* eal. uienUoa u ... . e .

miem ow i..i at.d

> - iuima, CouiOTa. w asy rtktic aawnaiameeta. V** ,4**:*.“* ’*?? t®*.*'-. a id dwell then n, cn i

9-.^^ > r.srotonre RtoO* f«roteitanMe,«U »(>Uw «f pil- Lou biixi-«ll imi;bt soeH til« eerVdOti^ thvie,e. ai.aoi.uw. evwy aaOw «anoe < to cat; atteattoa aod admiaieier lo Ukioi and thu* be coniinued

I*^e knewd when to

« uai Ike Muae I, u b, ..Id IM. If tatiniil Ik*‘11 faia luag. tailed bun, aud be raid Aloeu,

tn aloie, in orcharde, and vinryaidr, and **“' eball we liken»!\ • i; ;io H..a, m Mi-;,:every tbiug even as hr had piayed tor Ilie

|re-|. *''11 I® p i.elrat • i:,^< the iny.t.Tie!i ol hi-


detii; even that they uiiilht i-e laihlul loth. I rd, .r ..k / Shell we-.>, heboid lhi= ,'«r -ciand receive lb.|r blra.-iiii;s iii I.^e lru:|iii; u lo ''i round that .-'ar, ai.d this other -tar ui !i !

lual Ihe angel, of heaven nuebt derc. i..i at.d Util poe!!. .uid cumetu .n ro many yi ar.-'r Lei i I

v.*i'tlMM>in tba- houe<, a;id dwell Ibrn n, an t S'’- H Irov: wlioee hood it case will gu dr a:e

I- wr.l Aliaiu tU, w. <ao oil. r tuluc.aira.. lu t).«|

1 the u.iiic a;.d >l>ls vt M.C'AI.U’M a STKiVAIll,«jy uf low IT'. 1-- t.> l.=. m.-t ..tlh any olhir e.iah-

|f»r Ihe nurpui.- of Iraniactlia a UKNKKAL WI OI.K

".I n'-iit In me We.i. V.m would rrraily enhance jour ' BAl.Kaad K.^tTAIL FhoUl'i'K d iHiM M ISSli N ka.l-tu'eie-! t; vlvlt.* a- a call.

jre,-. iirKBIlAM McCAlLl’M,


WILUAM SIKWAAT.iul8 la.. AVv Mam ,11'.. u

jLoahiTllle. April II. IW—dtt

ifAIlKl Aalitan. ,r the Will and the Way, a


Ulaslli.rTIU\.A .•woo.-., by the auth-.r of Amy lAWrcute, liua F|>HKc.iDar:neriil..ii h.r..|..l.,r, ..'.line .. t B

Rayniond a Pauen, WlUet Clarke. Dr. Owen, aail rir^ I»hare Ihe pnhllc patr..Daa..

Wm. Nock; al... at Wlnstandlay H Newkirk’, and C ,» ,, 1~Bmker». . N-w Alhany. In.1. aI4 .IRwif Pj

Liver Complaint, Forwa/ding ai



And all Dl eaii-aarl. hkfrjnaDIwirUered Llai rorStom „^

ach. inch a. 0<.n*t!;»iion, Inwanl Pile, Fullne.. or Refrrtncf—.MerchBlood In Ihe, ACd'iy of Ihe Biomach, Nan- m,dln*.ea. H..artbnm, Dl.^u.t of Ko«d, Fuluea. or ~ -Welvhl m the Biomach, Soar Krecia- ' L' D f ’ D V

ilonf, Sii.kln* or Piuiierirg at me iu L 11.* ) Fi R. AFit of tbe 8tuia*<.b, ^wlmmlug


of the llTzrrle'l am OENiDliC«iUBro*tbliig,F:ut-

I di /V -1C * rv . X V

torlDg St the UtartdI C 0 JI 31 I S S I 0 i\Obfiklug or SurTiKstlug Sru^ktlocs when In a lytag po».

modAttng tfiws. TbAiikfQl for post favors, he hop*-* toj«P«o-

.•w bok. I, by the auibvr of Amy lakwmite, lius TpHK cnpartnenilAip h?rvt »tv)r« exlMlng hetwaea A. 8. Dimness of Vision, Dct# or Webs before tbe Sight,l. Jice Just recilveil Aih» rourih hirt-et. X NKWroN et>4 R. 8. HlNUtaOLU U Ibis day die. Pever aM rtuli PaIo lb tse Head, Uedcioacy of per>.ala •

‘*^1 SHOWN a. UOWe . solved by mvtUAl cou-*ent. fAtlwu, Tetlewne** of tbe sk'UAnd Rvee, PaIo In tb* i

’L F. PEARCF I^'T Mo.T*caiDp‘w.,K.wijiie,;

_ Aa/a rkV./ JZ.y t>-Trie laat trip froqi San Franc. .00 la ikla daiForwa,ding and Commission ’'•'•^»!*^i»^n»day..

MfcjRCIIANT *‘»*b *'•» i-ivKi»p»»o». iM,W EELIWO VA -.TATfcw VlklL wTfcVVlItRA.

Rr^er«u:r.-.Merch.nU Of Loumwlle•

^ 1_m,dln- ^ ;

^^g^^j^vrLA.NTIC. Caik. Waat^^^^_^

MMOJSB&AWmo;' I SSSwnVIWnAT ’ ' ADRlATlC,Catrt.«irart. n.VeXiXM XjXIAAj

jfbeeertilpa kae. Been kollt by caatraci, a*e«a»'^

c 0 AI AI I ssiOrV’ AI ER cHAN TS .


Sid~,Tri;;'2.rn::‘.rFhiladelphi a, :

"llAll'-t for ele«anca andc.mfort.*'’'arm

Y eaato’ang M.m« • f the 8i*« «t pwt **mm oT f» aa - *’0hAi toode AfrAeg.oicuu w.-vk to* :• n to o - -tta-.t

IFor tbroofh pAeAoge Uefeote appit to I

a tieaerAi Lsioi Ag« cy Ukroogowai ia«

; _ W. U. TRMP1.R70N, !

IMo, 78 Camp eta. New Or I eauA. i H. Pine* How. Wto- F. RuJ;.. k,

CYToe :aaI trip from Saa fr raac *oo to UiW c«u wa* . 1 iT.T* C» l. •W-. AoUer^vo, M-«Ar«. Mvr-male hy tki. line In Today- * '.'i.wo"l. Wea r.. J. s. m .p* « A , awi V ».

— !•••»"L,«ai.,ti'>a!av»i.a, »j., <A,a. iokaeot. v . t..,


"***' —T ITa l I

STATE, VIkIL wTEWIEKA. ' WANTED,ahip. compoalniiiii* ^ ^

* A b i® Be, a.aa‘Weld. «d»a

V rLAN^n. Caiir.[

va d, a <1 ea'.iWaiWry refer.aca. r..,.il'Ml. Vkoly


I pcE.-!.' A.ST h aa owla- of laa K eyd cue iti aean, ,a; t. W wlt*e« iA% a gr«| «1a- ef Jtto-, W-Aa St -Ho vretoier^

Y Il^aiMt li k. a. M , I ww vffer r«r »mm lo

'h** bight*- 1 ra-h |H«* a>i owtiis vt ‘p»ny« *o-,•«: W A»1 X IW Retoe^klo.** plM »*. L.w^r Pmuiw


»» New A Way. a «l • ;..i . ii,r li tA*«or

L0NUI»!\ Quarterly Review f^r ,\pril;Hu> <*.' M< :« tiAute* jtA^Axtntf tor Ji *>;

tloe mt x1- Cod tilli'wlf imutil sucH tile e**rVdii4:e Uivio, I t!. But U. *u Will >ay uDlo me, |ju»* irch-i\ eu ty ibe*Arf-*ut*v,i; aaenctew Rod «<iiom«eter to tLcm^ ard tbua Be cmiimued


<*h l^*r 1 um mote leariied 11 . Miou ;

* js\.. BKt»w*s' now, 6« Fourth et.

M*eilieo ho know cot wheo A:-'! li^vo eOf^n ui(»ie If UJOU I

tYa^^^'crlbers win pieese cai; aud gotibeir nuuilrrs.

twAortod tw fa** *u*»r** **ded ham, wnd be f«J Aioeu, i*fa»' ‘Lo. i u ar! m ;Uj re?|ufcl be;:er IDarr


o m7m oCkuiai. Note Paper.—


tf-niSi >*—J 111

k (Which WAW ho oaty WI tRr diooretiew Ril UiC people witb kijaJ keaiu .^houted j^ uclcim**. 1 incite GsHiiLo* i

aetosrUlheifcoreei tifcTOtoeeaot Aaae®. I »oek col ihat wtuch i rt^uue Lot. li.ou aMuIomoMt teho ^mm4 R8«bu tor

X*br Presideocy aooo repaired to tbe •outLea«* I learned la iba Uiinf:A 1 cjre uoi lor; aad u-i lui

IM ooRtoOHgsM oaekiMaoM omR '* "aplo site, wo«ie tf'ev aoe: >uc- which I'lou l.a»t i deble it. Willwed a lii aifliiiNntoiea. PiUJiat ce#«o k pic^^or : t pi*^ u* ^»rtb. ! 9McU f3 wimLcn cioate Ihsc a duob'.e bvilv. oi

lou rtu- b.ue ui«] ruvcd Commercial N-*le Paper;Lm vm» crcAM do do do do do;n eiofr lEud fur »Ale by‘“'^1 ISA.VC CROMIK.

plcwvag A. . J phcc M ;-kr-ti, Sb.c. meb F3 cia-ate a il',ab!e b.Ily, ni r Iti.a, irr.wne'.' bVcklas, of a W hallni; ^ r • a vf wr- ... ... .. can, lai ~i.

one foot MjuAra, areieled by the Twelve. J. M. “’iL Ilmu -eek pkiaiiire wUh lliili'- eyey! o.i, I J . truu,, .m, , „Tur„ „„ ,he i.iaild .. ' H ^ a‘utereai la Uie lala These Bitters are worthy il

Grant, ma)ur ot Ibe ci'y, aixl olhert, b'lt whil.- my f,i.n.l,lf Uio'l h.- 1, ray, "Ihce l jwin. a nrlet hl.iory of tm- Whale Fl.hrry, lu

, Aio.ur.?ndoine thia. ac... <l..llar s.I.or — .h- t.j t; al h..: i;,..i •> II. ‘J.l'. ...d .... .

P"‘ »“» ire~ ui couuiuon. Recelv ed aud lor .ale I’y T.™” ‘-i'^1''“.'^ ’’ th« livr aud lesaer ilau

I U. S. KINt><^)I.I)wtU Cwntlnaethe DrugADfIPresertp- ***‘^if» C* •.--t, Llmlat, Re.. Suduea Pluabes of Beal,IHull bu:»innp-. at the i id sun l, coruer of Jefftreoa aud !’ the Flesh, Constaot Itaagtaaitotis of Ivll


Flr-t sire«-u*. great Deprcssloa of Spirits can be effectually curedI

LooDvIlif, Jamiary 1st,- — — HOOFL\Nl>»8

IrpilRparmership hl^Tet^'l'/erelvned under lb.

CEKMAN BITTERI!,A Bm of llowla'id a I'uucan la this day dkieoli. .1 by

' ekur Ai_tn BV mi. c. ai. jackvob, W . R .wai.d 's alone anthortled AT THB GKHMAN MRDICINX STORM,lo c. the naiU', ol the Bnk In Bcltim* up It. airalrv, and iM ireh atreel Ph".d.', m.will Ih- business m hi. own name ei the old

ktreel. PMladeli hla.

Stand ooruirr Sa-codiI Main stiYeit.* * power over ice above dlaeasee Is not excelled* If

J.\Mi:s W. ROWLAND. wineled, by any other preparaupn In the rmieil Spates,8cpl.6,lS5J. JAMF.-t M. Dl'XUAN. Jlaiii\^/ial*M*^*’

*** after ikUIfnl pLy»l-

Tbc**e Bitters are worthy the aitectieo of tnvalliU.

lure. Dimness of Vision, Dot# or Webs before the SlShi PhilariAlnKia ' ^7*!:.^?*? pto^na«r,ar« „. t »•**-*»-*• **•« - L.wr IWiaFever aud dun Palo In fe Head, Ueacurn^ of P.rl!,i!

' -T UU 3 O O 1 p Dl A . = "Ijalled for eicanc. andemfon.|

^« » N-w A a d a . i..r arailou, Te.lowne.. of the .k'n and Bvea, Pam In the .

C^I-lberal advaneea made oa con.l*nmeniA of Pro.'Tom New Turk la Ueerpw,! In ir. • '»‘.H "f oaa I


.niar S o . k- «mih .ida81 le. Back, C’ e.-t, Llmha, EC, Sadden Flurte. Of Seat tuce aeneraliy. 'vcl^e. «e,i evtra .I» «ai. r««,, ,a.; “

‘.V'”'':*• -

Burnm* is the Fle.h, Consum Imagmallou. of

' —j

Ueerpaol l. N«e T-rk a.d;,*L ‘ ' " ''

'uol ireat Ueprclon of Spirit, can be effaonally curl^ “•i> axun. -T ..L

a .«.»--•« la. hopree .e«i. u,r.-. ,by

eoecmauy curedCATTM A, nrism *• MP^ancwl Sur*eoo attacked t. «ck aklp. “ L ..r F....I,,,. a a . . u.,


|Eu berth can ha Mcsral uau' paKl for. |

d .dker laip raMi. ,r n- v. «r» .v

f* f I? RP a XL' i> < ' V L> ss 4 K’ tuT-Yeurva A7T0RXKT8 AT La V, laonisvlllr Kvaa will bractlce - OATEJ or XAiLintt- -

Lo., ead ibe e'Oito® «l»o ^a. 8*to.C,aJEB..ATEL (sLKMAN BITTERBj Law In tbe Ctmrubeld Iti LoulsvILa. They will ai I Prom Vfw Turk w. t * ..e f , ^ ^ •^ ** ^*“***‘*^ ^^'•* iMo nobosy a^

tutereai IB Uie lola These Billers are worthy the altentlon of of R.iwland E Duncan to J. W. Howland, I lake Pcareafltnk Kreat virtue, m the rectidcat-.uu of diseaae.

ISd'mpractice In all the Conrta In Prankfun, I iaturday.^si^T


a^ In Shel .y, Henry, and Oldham Clrcnlt Oourn*. l m I Aunrday. Seui IS.

'll*™ n“* ^*‘”*'*’ "*• U>« Fedwai Conn.

;Satuiday, ocu W,

ne^utrk!<•'» "Ireei, between Fourth and Fifth auaala, Vatuniay.iE-t.IO,

S’dEwl?'''”'^’* • "" Saturday, Nov. IB,


' Altar theaank ira< 1/w.aeS .r™.. d .k»..r ... _ n‘us., or me pure.iuoaJlly and rto«t oeaalliul •elllUKW

tUrfB^d^lT^ PresTd^nt V^ kTOUbd, kbout MS



l is ei.viou, to I* »' Je.elry of the late.l .151..

llictie* UPTpE FreM4<fnl Yoiuig «aid U Wb» h;> oba.'ri'e that ati ...*1. f-wvAi .cm 11. **tm. .. I.A.-I «0J beat uua.liy; aelectee with care by one uf the Arm.

pnvikcffT lo rtuiuv# lint, irud tonJ, th. I. V**'»“ fACF Is ;;e.,erolly the Iti'lici- I m,*.. call aud ekamlDe at

A VI. HT IV TUI- r'lni-nc “?«» •«“ 'pdiie, nua hfietlA .MirHT IN THE CLOLDS. „ Uigh up.aua *Aid‘ eet^ of mVw.v.lor ItmTuwd«.< the rl.iae of a beBntiful Augur* eve-

jgoiux to throw tbt*,” auo Ihere livid It About oi.e

bi'KCi ’he -Kiioui roACt k-adiog to the city of muiute, before be could ce’ room to U> it dowu.

‘j; ri. in;--:iiiiiUUierAbii* exhiiata'i: c wii'ici«io> in Iheweai-er him:»«lf, auii I- tbe cau>e 1 1 Wit in otht*r.-.



IILITAKV (•••da.—-jQht received a large A-^Mirt-

Mnuokegto wer* UUe4 wr.b itrowp# oT cheriful troui otf tbe temple »Ue;»o dci*ee Were Ibe muUi- I ue-i*^attMbuted^'t^^^^ **V' v liwtocf * people, rrturmoff from Ibe % anou» plew- tude wouful. I hV/n^k^^ ! T' - V ^

. ’‘A f.-s'-a iAr« .

B.e gardens wtiicb bad replAcedtfM- old loruiirA- The Prcudent then Addressed the mullitu'Ie, ^ , a,,,., „l „ ’ a:rim* n nf hu^’mn/ tba.'"’I* Bn. Faiujuii receivel i

ImES tiMBe, n -heir turn, becie dewxled .rtd kod declared tbe ground broken for tbe temple, "u^ruher Xha LLT f u Z. i “ '

wmu but oo^ where tbe murmur of mem the people m the oame of Ihe Lord, Vud fAmoUi^lor perw .al del!jlily^ ^^i'!ch. 1'^' z? pOMB-’-Pm’u Shell CvoKevaudmuMcai accomfooimeuU still reaouud- diamiated tbe aeaembiy, aod all »aid amen. Some his master H ,r in li? il*

?L tore, a Leaniimi aracb.

U1-.AIIU myirensisaouinr puo I •! tno UTt-r aud l«-ss«r glau.i»« ezprclslng tba znimtllcKensrally. (-t; J vmk.<« u. liriMrAN-.j

earchiuk powers lu weakne.s of the UlieaUva oreana.~ - -- — .-.™ jss*^ f they are wttha] saf«, certain, an*! pleaaaot.Y Y R I Sil Applet.— too bu?bel*> iti »ture a^J f«r sale by —

T. T. bRKNT, bON, M CO. Tb® Don. CHARLES D. niNELiHX, Mayor of tbe cUiA-tiiisn^ * I k.

N’« J*i som us tbe following:

C in:?“?;7l,’ily“ »“*«>“«» -nooruANi,-. GxmuAN B.ttxr..- W. have a«.u

CJI7 -j*^ BHKNT. SON. A TO **Et*^w*^noilcee of tbls me-ltcite, and tbe scarce

* from which they came Indnoed ns lo make lo<4atry re-8. S. Mark. W. II, DULAKKY a. F. downs. ltd menu. From Inquiry, w« wer»* p«r.®oadei

L->IIIItOIUERIKS._Rc„lvea thl. day another apJird li^ea'^me^Ie';^^Par".: rr^m'^lS 'R.“hY:‘al d‘s/e.?‘‘’'"'-'"‘“’


Mourums ^ really .arprtam*. itemm. aud .tr.nsth.iuih. uerve.,

kmb.-uldered HandkercUefs,*^’ ir’Mh'T?*.»‘«P re-

Carriages! Carriages!!

jSf !& js .F. 'STONM, thud door front the'-y- Gall UoBs , bunl.ville, Mr., haa Just

V. Jr*—"Tjw recelvad m additiun u> hia former larae

J-*VC— atuck, Uj.ny CARRlauMS, ounaiauua

From New Turk. From LirarBaol.tturday, Bepf. *, Wedne-da /, .Vpi. a.unnlay. Sept. IS, Trdnes‘.av , Sent. -AJ,unelay.txua, w- n«wiaj.i>cu fctturday, Oct. 14, Wedneadai, Oct. -.‘d»

ituniay.iE-t.10, Wirlnewlay, .Nov. fciturilay. Nor. Ifc Weihlesday. Nar. 17-

-atarday, Nnr. JT, WedB.eUl, Dec. I.^unlay, Dec. II, w.stB».l.y, Dec. Ifc


Smunlay, Dma Jfc irmTOesd.,, Dec.£Wat ftelKht or pasamta apply to

like lot last B.mol—w'th lae hupis.v - 'imt* Ite'E. -’ ** '** — ’*• i. err a » . i to. OMC-.-it-ry.

It. part -re, a •! .dbro Imp-.aww'. .,r -q. Brm yV

,FhiMm, Ills., Co., aodike a-..m. •loo ... I'm.For m r. ua-tlcm ar |. fcroutl.H. ashu iko — —

piyMika.mMliroratMo. aboo,.ao-

FMA.VaLl.N wvaasx,m* Out

* -’T® u-'-ci. uoiu-t. ley.rornal OWV dmiy ll.l 4oy «(* .-nd]acaw .nUOtUI-t :t!« IB-..-.T. Alfcaor Is* , Tr|*o»o.

for saeb.


Coechea*Cal*«bes;8-stat Rockaways;8-«eat do;i^eat do;

Donbie Bnggteo;Single Bngjclea;

Rcckaway Ru^ea;Trotting do;No top do.

Dec.ll, Wisteroslay, Dec. Ifc YV* T B»r role TWO u>r» F GMiTNO, anulMD*":- !*. Wrotoesday, Dr. se. <ro.l. bo,.rkt or pMtmia apply U> ‘ •** *• »'•« •"»*«IW’D M. COLI.l.\S a CO, 5* W.JI U...S.T. Vw *• -'"FsBROWN, SHIPLKT, E Oo., Urmirou. *• *-

"L’» u»« F t

M. a. HUSMBTS E CO., I Fona, tko *. toot la -^aa

'^O.Uil^a—.Pialu Hbell Combs* of French manufacy tare, a beanmnt aracl?, lor sale at the ••Varieties.’mie :S.'. D. L. MlLloKR.

Bucceroful, that tlMrc waa not a public gardeu la doors «* the Social Hall were uia-i^d to theGet mat.) isitlKKilita balloeuf; and an aerial voy- compauy for the iirst lime, and a select party,age had Lec^ ali^ ** ^ *'"** >>»•>:»» ‘® arSemble. a r.wro a row p!ca« c. ,u, | a S'l.u.rr, 'I'rect

|d['''E l»r<e wroortmeat vf Guid and Sliver w.tche., J ceWed aid f”r vim h7'-'“


aea Walk upon tb. Kbine. It u true, these trips At three, tliw company was called lo order bv "rence. wuick ar. W.,nhy tu- ati utijo .sr per- the mo.i ce.ebiai..l maker, lu Luu-iun!f -»’* ”7 u

were ibe'l, aed <Jiow-ed (ew chances ef danger. President Ejmball, when Mr Dunbar saui;Faa-onltc ike due an.-, aui which are "eris,oi, and Genera, cau.d lu the mo.- u. au-

aluai^kh e ct^

.“uSt?: rTn? 'T,xnTaZ:Za^%'t:’aZ "* c,Malu be leugtheocd or aborteoed at pleasure, tbe catiou prayer was then odcred by Elder Amasa 1 bareaiao a p;a»ter Ha*i nr o.lNiKt, WKBSTgR.i-a'.d **“«- F.nameiec, Diamond, a^d p-.ri Watchea.oi the ’

balii'.'U ro«e at llie wilt of tbe aeruoaut, and injLyman, tollowed by tbe song, -Speau no 111,” by ^ a” e»c.i'eni lueaa.,, oupics or ahkh I am aalliL* u-akee, tor ladtr.. An rxromlre .tuck kiway. kept I

*** O OH— lio bhla rcolrid and for -ale h'' bo'de*t aaaeu' seldom went bevond the tana I Mr. Duuhar. Ur. Jame. l.'orw.,..w. .-a. .eit *“ ha's'- kre-y une .r which wo warrant acenrair 7-* ' *® tlLL- . MITII, E CO.

I , 1 a ^ |7 bvvTihiaa la the Marble Hue farui«hs4 at fair price- dmo-keeper.. FLKrCdER a, BKN.SKTT, —TIT.1 tieefc... J ,, j

•“ *®f • »^o*’™vnt, and gave a:, auiress com- hy KlkiAR XtBDllaM.|

misi-ai 4SI Malt. M..uiweeo i'uurtii a<el Fi'Ui. IV -‘'Ys.-ioo keg. asejnel In «mro an 1 1 .r i«o by

Ihe Ctwwd ban abaudotied tbe retired walks,|arncuig a* folloit a: aprat 'Et tr N.wth .Ida jefferH-.a -u, nea- Fourth. I


“ * GILL, aMlTlI, E CO.

JHACE howoD eriHFia n rt>w pto


wV*fc-w21kmbrolJtreJ ng’xlxercLiefs.

NNlsTT. Muslin Csps;Lac« aijfl VAlenclennes 8ur CoIUrii

jrtmnit of Rjgct nnd wblto Cr*p« Collars;Wolio Illation;

NNKTT.^ Dtmlty B«n*ts

man..*. -aIIoiiUoD LAceCoIIxiv;

o 1 l u Emhrul-lored MusIIb SkliU;iLUE. Cor led Hair do;

t received“* which Will be aold at luw prices.

5. MARK, DLLA.NF.V, E DOWNS,ILLER. _?'* 4TlM.lnat.

cnlbo Oufle > Jum reiclvru an i for ssl® byGALLAiillKK R C3.*

Smith R Rowund’s Rlock, Mali »u*aLo%’« tbe (wait laati^.

speciliiR 1L4 mvriu. I^um Inquiry**

*1J^''**“ rrgards numbar anc

to us« Itjausl inai.1 say we lou2*l ^ .peclOc lu^^^ua 2f ihfrh*oOcrwl lo this market. AI.

upon diseases uf the liver aud dlccstive oresnE At ti th.*hlch will be sold verv low for cs-»h or goo4 paper.


,U>. lailroi. InTiTed t.

really .arpruiu*. i.eii,, l»- «“*» »f t^Ukea. _marliibKlrg them Into asia’eof repose* malilu.K sleep re-


‘'If tli;s moilctue was mora generally tised* we areSPRING IMPORTATIONS.

**h^‘n* *»• ilckne ae from the stom- DRY GOOD3 WHOLESALE.

i Ik ClBg*s Anta Tanl. i^tolcWo I e™i —I JOHN MUNROR M CO., */, Snf#— 0»w-eigkak ia « M*»aaMe mmrnm at 4

I*• R.» .Totr* Dam. da. Tlmains, Farts. u “•••’•r- hai..*. |. g e<iMI auuMi av-

I aio. H. DRAFMB, Harro. ’ ^.Et..,E, mw| a It,,

i»s owama at thata ablas will aot h. Mnaniahi. Er - '77M—


;*olfcsllrn',b.llloD,apecla, Jewelry, pirwtouuuaes, DRATSON 8PRIN0ai.

I f.rotl*"*!*?'”' SMVTaov C .CUTT. MBs OtCrI

.aloe ihereor ekpremud. wTOitS e,,j 'pHB ..rt-roroJ la - iir. talar.

I >Ew \uRii i\D niiFORMi I «~*^-“w‘'.:i.vsrro,;rGr.,w*roK^^iSTEAMSHiPcoMPANY.I ^kr:p^,!::.:‘;r.~‘’ro“::r:!*«


kch, llr.r, and nCTTouaay.tfm the treat majority of realIII fK at. Dow r»ceirln« a he.-,.vTf VTA A3PINW AT.T. AND PANAMAand imacim^ diseaae. emwiate. H.r. them In a VV meat FA.VCT aiul STapl”d“t

Afcn ly rA.X4 A.M.A. atthe-«'i»ri.,m m* • y miro.w -a

«ene*TmiT''‘*TiI’G’^'“^i““'''''jlr'l*“'*“*‘’'‘’'“'“*••"»'»* tb. aiteniluo .f city uul cotutry'^erchuia. ' 'Pn* Sleam.i. coap-talng tkla Un. m. a. follows; ..eVi, **-" y—^ a»t .awr-

kenetally. Tul, extraordinary medlcloe wa woihl id- iFu are determined to aell at a rarr anroii -* w^ may k. m a.-r«a af pi mmw.viee our friend* wbo nre et ell loulrptiead to give e irlel. coet for cevh or on time to pnnetoei men ?

h«»ween PnaneM mm4 %mm rrwweleee iaeJV ^ liT**%rn*e ( *eer l«8m ummm^) ere

It will rewmmend luelf. it .hnuld In fact h. la e.ery J. d7s>“ OTH E SON * '•‘‘“thD SCIWT. fctw ” Doum^ !;S!ir—* •FF'voai'd Sr Ik. l«r..i i m Lrol


irmer'lt.’^"_g^_lAw 4S8 Mala, betw... Foanh and FtfU Mfc


«** CoBTBS, I,M toufc Tho., B.Ltupp.r, -

— KT T ffTTTU ^** *•*••** *•***•'- im* of sla«e« s. B mah-thturow, and M-mra.

Wtb, Nell, Crvmo, '

the •^Verletie*.” i


J. O. Moore* K«q.* editor of the Delly Newt, eeld n(Oct-Ii.p

’ Dmiy«.wfc.mdCommojion and Fo

“Da. HooFLAKD’a German Bitterb.—W« are try-j

>Q8 thl* retiowued medicine for e ktnbbom dt*ee*e of th€ ^OkEPH Mo<}Riz>og,,.«,.«

ST, LOUIS, MlabOURI.CommitsioD aod Forwarding Xerehonti. ,

Flyl.g kel w... Tew Wrlcaa aaj Aaat.waU. Bouofc BiiaaheUtuwa, wui aapRiv -arm. Ec.. N) Hrai-;Tke UNITED STATKS, I,SlM tuna, Wm. C. RerT>,C'> . r. I

**• DtTID A..IMIV,

Wwels,an-1 can with truth testify to Its e»cacy. W«beve teken the coDt«*nu of two bottle** end we hwve de-rived more benrdt from the espehmvnt then we derived

- r^. .m — ...m... -^® ^ *-l»oelchPd from New Tork 0* Ih*


MOO^-lDGE A McPAUIa, ' direct frvm A^ptewe...(Late Twitchell A MooRi. OE),

earner at Vammurcial Bad Plan aIrMli. I

'•rteaoa, oa th. Tie „f

CONSIGN MK.NT, MUI Cowmliali^ will meet wltk"vnih, direct from A-pin.aii.


prompt and personal atteuuo . and liberal advance. of^r'e^Tmouth!'"** w I b. ea Ue Is

will b. kiven whon reonlred im cotudaoBtenta or bttia at i _ — w- _ . -

and rwilrrtaB la tbe large esplanaile, tlevoted twthe 'XhibittaB ol bre-woikfc The aUtubbeiies I practice ol tbe drau.. kmoug the bauits of thebkd i-re. some Ume 4ev ie4, »bao a mmi of LasI Db)*, At,d tb'oi is the CrAoiA t self lutro-awaie iurty year.- of age, ACComjiatiied by a duced.

Thus open, the brst hail constructed for the THBARKPTJT r.rtiFr'c,iCe Ol tbe drau.. R'uoug the hauits of the . .

HOVER.Db) S, «Ul tb'OS IS the Crathk t self lUtro- A a «“•*« l ..we.t wUh iu>rro.V load.J aoee; ur-'x-t Te-irAi’ec urr oa.'a.db Lera**• •-*•1 4 miwt ul fc.Au.> Alowu tae ro*.%

h ANK ET%.~A Urg4 4-»Drtm«*ot of IUftk«t4 of everya**x-r iptit'ti* Al*9 Ot’oa. Cerruges* Credt* t, Ctothee*

H«>keu* »U'uprr«, and C4rn*K* anl U*b Ruuning- !

Ut-ar. fur eale wboleMla ani retail at 447 Market at.

rect iTcd and fer Nale b*i lLL, v MITH, A CO.

surtel In Mture an l f >r mle bytilLU SMITH, 4 CO.

* ^ BFj • f waawfcBBTO*.I*-**1 ua-> a aiwim fc.Aat> alowu lue ru*<\

I'll i* nppt- Aged »t tbe ecid of ocie ai ibe I io you, whom much bitter cxperaC.'ic: La*- iAk-Lg wbnee track ber lover »atr aa .eta,

urns rUA.-) aa.ks. Tliey also directed tbeir I taught lo Ur- to tbe best accouut every blessing ®* ***• *-7 -tbor clime-,

id. 1» t Ear. Use •kuletiEde: but proceeded alow- 1 Issu receive, mini todra* tram everv f..untaiu tu- - J* ‘bo“*bl was to her DOW,M. i» t .nr. ^ . aplerikde; but proceeded tdow- jou receive, ai..l to dr.a Irom every fwuntAiH Ihe s “ro.eil,': ‘wUSS^eJroero*.’.?.::'.:"iy,- Eitb the ail ot persons buried m deep draugfa' alwne tabicb nourishea, any cumments wni at k. repeated the ardent’

upwn thie subject would he siicerCuuus. l.i ad- “er r ck»n«in« low—-Bm. an, n-’, sone,”Ai « V some time la sileuce, (be mati dreasing you therefore ui bebaif ul the O- a-ret *“ ^ ‘be cried, •> «.d I’m .lou. .*•

excU E.d ei.eiEr.tcElly, -Ko, sisier, DW! As Dramitic A-socuUofi, I tbe priv jege to ^e ^«lri“'i^rV-'dow^luii* 1 I 1 .« iwver f vgive ibis Christian repr^ent you at tbe some lime. Bui »Jlt i/ii,ai .„« ,« h-'r ,uat r, r-!.ie!-y

L BEiBij iwf <iro|>*jliiig my right o€ succwraioo lo i At tbe ot Ihe add e-i, six co'illon- were 1ceme her t* a'»y or why her r-ii'dus- ko-hedf

Uy .1 m.tiuf.ciurui’» pi ices hy“'« GILL, *'MtTn, E CO.


>•. 499 Mala atreet.

ThA» Ih». msm^ir.wvro -..,1 JT .. e. 7 a! OT billa Of iTOkt this medL'Ioa win enra Mver Complaint and Dya lading In*pala ®°® ®40 doabt afi«r VHlag It ai Jlrectad. It Order* tor iha pnrctuut of Lead, Qrnla. Bobd. and

act* •paclflcally upon the atuoiach and liver. It ;* ra othrr Frodnee will 4m flllad at the luaaei powiible price*. '

ftrab e to calomel to all billon* Ul*eaa«r—the effa. . U The Recaivlag aod Forwarding of Mercbaodiaa and I ..a^ • » . .-

Imiueciaie. Tbe> can be ailailblM«-r«d lo temales or Id PruJuce will me**t with atipaclai -arc aol d>*Daich. Th* I

^ **'„ *“* thraca Uto traval u •


F' have tha written algnalnra Ol »-xpen*a of Rturaga aud brayage ai unch aa poaalU** ** *" '’’•*’“•'*•

C.M. JACCbON npun the wra;*per and his oama blowi avulded. I **-*f®*®*^*^ at uoca for 8au JTranclaco. »a«^to-n.lo tbe buttle, RCFERE!hCEAForsalewholero'e Md retail ny «*•«• * Bmion, Ch.rle,fcB.o., EL«;,'choul..u ETall.,


SLTCLlrFB, McAtXlSTKE, E CO-, and Doan, Ktng, E Co,, St. Lonls, I

,"'bdlesale DruKslata, LoBUvIlle, Ky. H. D. Newcomb E Bro. aaj w. B. Bsynolda, Louts- :Aoi by respectable dealers ihxougbont tha coontry. vtlle.


Thaaa staamar* will Uad thatr paaa®‘n,<er» OB the laatlroad waarr* at Aspinwan^raaof axpooaa, where CafB «r« re.*.'’n r«cet«a tSam. aud by which prvcae^: •?

Pa*. E Bacon, Chabrol Brow,VL^''choula.u E Tall., -bira ror roMid Domi, Kins, E Co., St. Lon>?' |

»'» “• ^p.o.l.nt upo. wh«h« p^r-nde,.H. D. N.wcomb E Bro. aaJ w. B. Bsyiuilda, Louts- •

*" ’ bo«««*,rtllB.

, ww.iw xuro. M.«maklpe ar. all new, w.r. ool.t In N fo,xBill. E Mnrton, Strwtar E Sorman, E Ft««- !



SprlOKor E Whiteman, and B. E o. Goodman E Co- ! iath^

Clocinnatl. ’|

'teaniCT carrle, ja axporl-nctd P yeiilan.

J. w. Buu.r E Brothar, D. Lroch E Oo,, and Wm -fav -an e t„nu.

Hcimro E Co., Pliuour*. •»’> raly at -A Sr-adway, New T-wk.Morgan. J. M. Sock, E Morgan, Sht.kta E Millar, B. I

”'T'S,_eAoi>KS. E co.,E C. E C. .. and B. B. Comrora, Fblladelphta.

! Agent, at New ivriw.«2m v-** *•*““

juetah Lee E Co. and AUiaham 1. Co'e, B.>i<niure. uto"** ** " wOilgsrv rwA-NKLU k- k. ecu..

only at'Aeapalco ftw'iTkE^.u^^ntr!* %uir?I2'M koi^^miioF mad.•sihmna 1. at the pa—engars’ .ipro»., which rare. -

—’*• ikbrnrot. aa wmi — ,a^from Slot. $Bfc iapao-lent spoa mhathat paareuei. !^”1*******'’* >bs ssrol ooro*'«e and sro* ro-

Bat.gUik. aol'ida that Grasroiu -Korlugt mroaroagreat adraatawa, aa a iMM'oa a-r a Hith S bro-i, f~emai. at femvie, awl aa'ag aaxioro lo e« wntab la.o»um-nelt g wt'k the fa.1 aro-i'-". w. i irii. any g. -tie.maa who may kadatraasoS vEia.’.. MiiAi, oa-iaero lartmi ror p'a . rod OMarnaliMM M I'a wlvrotaa™. Eo.may* lE.lm UBBNDO-U, CLAHK-toN, e SO-V.

gvw!."'”'*** l»lilu.I 'wtahit.kmrot i. now la suecroMm roerK-. aA •“ ^t» m rwwv. pMtMim. rh. --.ra. rom-

rnlSC tlegunt M bite Bearer lUt. x.lten u. hi \..,V - DsiALSiES IN HUCSB-1 POI-LAHU, PRAIIlKiri ?MI1H .f. su^rTo': ro

FI RNIaUl.NU 400DS,-lyi. aai fluUh ij any to he fuond ta IL. L'al'in, and we f** Mala afreet.

VV'K bare on haul the n.hct .trie, and hot qnalltyavLt-i.. Hat lorlh-. mm-onof the year. mUjEh VV of tie;, hyal Larpeilng, lu very b.rouilful

• 1 mini l-vt ; ai d -ol .r,, aud wi would uy to ptrsoi. lu wantIjtti’.tl.I.VI— If It takes ahacbtlor two weeks uuder ol Ih'e snlcie to give us au early call aud altiunr Hoods

I t;.c iitUfjceof otie of 1MY&:1, UttAU*, te CiL'b a c:o»e exauimat.o’i.Ural» reaNOfTi to i‘Lr« w hi* courage np lo tha vtlcklug

{At^o• lM>«ot1f ul * yle« of—


bYUCTIUN SALKb. jj. W. Haller te Brothar* D. Laach te Oo** aod Wm.•

jHclme* te Co.* Pltuourg.

AUCTION AND COMMISSION *ur*an. J. M. Buck, E Morgan, Shtekte E Millar, B.

'|iHa tuhecrl'-Kr be:a Irive t, tuiorm the pnwii ttai ,*/j;

C... and B. B. Comedy., Fblladelphta.

1 h. bro takeu u.- I.,--:, and c.,mmZas sroreLuo^" |

u. bO Fourth •irefi, between Main aiel Mark^u fur Ih*- »

^ Forraat* and Charla» A. Matga*

w.|’. r } «H teiV cottau:! Kof God k»o»>* it . toroM^, uLicR were aucce*^^ by AuetjuAl4|.d<« 4.«u Wteicaa* RIU, but Ui p«y- ber, uottl 6 o’clock* when l ie coiopaiiy. co..- j U-rjew. n«; LaLibei

Juv Uaiw* Ifitiu out h>-r eyeg; her an'i'Upon Ler bv*»m. •weiliux, nrt’, am :

ijFt.F.>B.g .,a..i( u laxea abacncior two week* uudar1

I t;.c ii!l*fjceof ui.eof IMY&sH, UttAl<4, te CtL'8 *

Urat i-ea>erT« to i‘Lr« w hi* cuurage up lo tha vtlcklug At^o• lM>«ot1f ul > yle« of—


I*, m lu mvi.Teas a lady, h »w many ua>s wlilituaea Luca*h am Anieritao HraaKeU;« d «t-r t<» St l a w< i,y 1)0 dQ ,^0 T*^•e^trT;Abt .attaui Riding Mat to the laly who will answer B^u^*elfc an«l Taofstry atair Carpailng.tia. aLDw. niU jteb ^M'e^hab a a large euca ul thu.c lu grrat var el:

^ OU ate Invited logetLer wUh an ext»^•lvcftockof—^’*'^ ‘To call at J.18. I. LxMOnN* aol examine a aud Am< ncau 3«piy;

v' 1 ' beauillul »l .».k oi 1IK8 aud Lo do® do 2-pt}.»hl«h tf Las tale y reccl>tJ, Cun I A nd all of lua dHer-ni gra of low prted Carpc*>

A ji.. of— mg, ranging fr'.m i^ceiui ui-aari.I

V a'tbf. t.f variuua Myluu and j.rl ta; »» e hope prr eon. In waui ol F Arn'.»hini Goodi willi». Id IbUs's; Ffcb,aud V«*iUbaios not tall to examine our »t tck, a* w»- a;»»ra keep the


*7^!*“ *'***’‘» «Hl wltu eeta; )hl<-at »ly es wbub are f*>raarcled to ua Aithvy are ruj

i*'». 1 Urup of «-very dearrlpiL^o; cetved troai the mar ufact jrt-ra.I

M umture nu*. ISiaceU'iA, Lucket», dkC.; We aiM* kerp a .arge »tock uf—Cuu r'.ifc»; Gold Ttilmbltr* and FeuclU; Curtain M ttertai* aisd Curialn Tr'nnlni*:


Si.\or Cuiia auA Goulecv; Al.o all kU-dv l l.ieu Guoda;Ca' i-Taa* a and >*ort-teotihica. Flour Oil (MotUa,

I1 am coOD.AUtly receiving DewatvUa of J«*welry. Maiilug, Hiiea, an I M*t«;

1. LRMO.S, gg Fonrtn at. And e*er> article uaualiy k pt in a r- gr ar Farnlbhlns' “ —— — — h 7UHe. UirK te 8M \LL«M teN'N aud Bo)a' Nummrr HaU—We have (o i

*»l«i 4» Mala ft., ‘Mnween Tjlnl aod Fuurth.-I *re iiew *i>4ta of M •' ’» a*id Rjy ’ Sutuusor Hat* i



of rvi ry grade a’.d iaii«-i> ai very It»h’ { rlci-v. jte..HGN Nirup.—lOu boxes L"®ua Hlrui, a aaptriu-r

ul4 ;a.b Pi>LL.4ltU, I RATiikei, te 8MlTti 1Ll lu aio.e and fur aai* by

A. RoKlR,’IlliUNK Y'reMt-h .Me allian Halt aro •omethtog Whoietale Caofev tloue», FruU-rer, tec.,1. en:lr*rly &«a, aiii caa uu.y bo Lai at46fMa>a No.Mlhlrd ttreet, above Ma;p.

'‘mTirL ^t-LAI^FR^T.lKR.E SMITH. CVb’pJ^J. uilT Fr-Uch Cloth;

P Kteiltl'sM Die*a Hat* •-—* ^ 6 do du Italian do;

.. s.w . -..-ro* in the R cst, we are pro* 10 du r*Q Kre^nch C'a -l^- «-*

partdio la;ui»b parcha*ira w.ib the ably Premium Hats *? nrtG'i*’ itHihe ws..m,

:n tie Csty. The quality aud atyle are lumwu and ac- I**^^*i® *'^‘’**1 t^*blon Y'lanne!;

kiiua'ltds;ed to be auperlor to all other*. * caae Uaujliton do do do:

POLLARD, PKATnRK, te SMITH, * tleacheJ Canton FlaaneSrnUlteo Main *treet

c*»o SMrtfOf Cliec^* and Tw* ed*;chftes fancy new atjle Print*;

OLD Geatlemen'aNort Otter and Beaver H«la.~ * * tend 4-4 bleached Cotton;ibi-ne are the mu*i *er>‘tceabie and cumtortabla Uau ^ bait* twilled *trip«d o naburg, for aarvattv;

f jr the ^ea•on now worn. For *ale wry low 3 dj Mariner*' bbtrtiug Sirlpta;0-14L>teJ POLLARD, PttATUKK, te SMITH. City and Calliorrla DeDtm.«

— lo do ^ettuen atid other ‘lUKtcg;r \K.AF\LSS.— Uae I>r. LARZBTTK’i ACOUSTIC * brown DrUln.,;sL/ OlLro lorthecuraaf D<•afoe^•; also all inoftedlfea> * thin bruwu Co»tMD, f - r llwlng;

•WW4 jwip. VB i^T-awa riiuiiru " i ue ino.moa a « uusibe-v »•. ro.,...- .—

“A— tjr o«r» bot ki.u» «fc k.utiror,” wxl Itor CserO ” -Tsk roiuoTvSI^Vro mJ "i c.youti^ ^^tt\ ippiitly. “Otnrr* Lave excited lur Mr. Dubbar Ibeo 4tenR *^SucU a Gebuif 1 D*c *~te. * u^»patKr »n»fa*


l-wett .i» itai : a -


auei4Aiai'e; aiM. Ito baueaea tbra Uwe* becauite Grow,*’ ib roatume, wbicb to aoiu^iui: t.Sathe porvhaaed lur the propnetur a .a;ge av* cijvi-

It m Li. ro.e|W,. WUu JO.” te —s loudly encofed, auO .use ere., tiro cUI bj - auo™A*.*l ^rpii^ MicLtfW^tterly

, ^

l^hBto a^aiii 4Uig;li.|; iL Ai:cr a xaiiet^ ut •Uigrf'audj

*»ecmiafiof i A«;ucrreotrpio. lUf-roi,*.* hi. i.v^ ruroroe* I»vrol.wroAa 4.. ro.. ^A . R. .. .-s. .w

. U,-*Vl:*C .|be oa;sii«re4of trie land 1 bare cultivated I bear recita'utiia^t*.i,> j..ia, kiAl mAtro mior own tbroujcti tiro “ llro AlriCAn Band,” diwrod for tb* tKCAsion,mol* of Urouc BaiiOs, Ej r s'rrotffer, ia*o Isms no peridriirod u s*ri*a ot n*|fro uieliydies.riRhi Uil UiU of me cbisiice* ol birth” Abou “i u!' mljourutuei.t ol lAlf un hour lor

.c'' 111 ih»- a**', r-.: ; Ju-'ify ib” prwy rieiu, lb«ie can ou%k ii.r-:l»Rta hi» t prMer vti

Aaer ab i bjutl- -x luGitely il:i *u»nl M.clxiunI

' beoB •f'r-?='j *v thG c>*mmabltv.

“BA ,oU know, brother,” iLtcrnipted Fio- iefrcsbiiroi.ts w us surer. by Jaucii.e till I'il, (-.u. ,r

r^, “j«d*«roi.t bos not yet been iwonoun- wbra aingit.t was fc;.in lo-umrd. ^vi.‘. LiVoii E AiKyisu,

.PriaUtt’ tutteal.— Ui.- nni'lere of Dr.eret, *5^ ’’’''“’te (iw.-u, i-r<.;,'.tr,!-e-j E«

ti<rferotbcr*iOofc bMbeAd. “Ah! IhRveTcry RccortUnit to custom, held tiroir ruluaI fe*Uial R.i. UFLLKfc

f'T’T»» F®J*E«, kcuve, RDd Rt the irobooi bou-es iu It.r touremth w -rd, on H«cb l», luOi-str CET

asSsw, likel) Bro tnaiTOEIial trwnda. FerbAfw tbe bAturdAj. the 15:h uist. aplrnui.llj ru,brllo.h*d ^

sseoroe wbK* u to diiporoen lac hag nlreedy cards, jiriutsM i, eold, urre p esen-ed fi'kuomei.ronT^T^VrV'i:?" aeu-;

- totlroir patron.- and tii'-i,.i-;at (lie tiuse ol a.—ru.- ror f-riaer frtcuE au: cu-iomci..Flarcboe sifBed, and Ki*ter observed lU but,;' tbe puTy sal down to table, sjuej.l with all March IS, ryfc—ufcjtf Cet sTS's art e o» h.->

“Coase,” he asud with aa edoi-t, “heie I am, tbe luiuries and Uiuntror that the btart could 7777at tbe aame Mihjcct uftaui, after briiiBUic wish. SODA-WATER,you hera to ratrrob your ttou«bU and help A blerotofc was then a.-ked by Preident John to toiTEel It. I wiA there were some eB- Yotioft, and thedinner wagyerved in a gljle that uana.rui,au4 i. row prepare* u. serve his tr'end- andettguE gpeclEcle— aanro new sensattaa, which did Bfcat ciedit to the manoEe-'i, and w-*s not to in general with a aoperWr anici*.cotsiu dtaUact my rousd trom thu oae abaorb- be excelled. mSbEii'

J J ^After dinner th* party Adjourned to tbe kdjou.- . i BOOTS, SHOES, AND BROOAIJdAk iiff iteMl iBfffc worci* a »im4^ turn in tbe inff roosi, teisd dteaciLi; wa* coiDUi«Xiced witb 8. P. sk<.'OR, M*uuf»i:-7r’ urlu a%

path hreoi'L, them out oa a ^aisy gtjuar*, which prayer by £ldsr I'liineE. Vounit ! j 'rt '.oscr.i'i.on ui at„j G"ji Loots rosthe, Lad not betswe perceived; it was the liart

" ~'{ fHi -the--, Ki,. 4uS Marie; FeurJ

aevoted ta the aacent ot ballooos. A captive Pottrf—wkaf u tit—A -•brilltAn'.” youn; I

Tk. ra^kasi. saroros la a vanny ut --as nv.ijsluaa t. Ik* Lantsvni* Iumi-ui. alraady a uru* uumker atrojroaasmui l.vmM. may S. „ro4» tkro° mM kroast at tka Lro sv'.h. Bydropatkie la-

“Ionn utoCf‘W. P*t par*icnlnra aMaV to

! m“ u'~tslDel”“*"'“''* »“® Cvuiml.. J. p„iVll


Arraugrm* nt« a*e boint ma«l« for tbe regular we«‘klyTwicba.,


-ale* of Dry Go^fla, Ruots arwl tlioe?-, GrtKrrlea and Lt-P-.T”, GiifcBwar**, atd FurLliure. all coti*lgnm*-nta to

cov,.r all »blp'bsOi wu. rccvive tl* pcrpuual at tutlun, an I prompt re- Liall*i

turti* ma)«. 3r at tbe timealee of Peal ff*tate acU Hua*eboii Furniture at Loole, M

p'j »*•!• rr»lUvt4ca* aUendfrU t*. upun reaeunable »» i aatla* 17 dl wifactury term*. • -wi Kt»** 7 at r«*uiar aiatiuoaCauaigumersG ealicltvti ani liberal ca*ba>lvaace*ma>Se. A CO.,

! bauy SucmUtm •'Xt-t-pird *17'C. C. 8PL.SOR* Anctuueer, >TlAM PLANING MILL te RUILDRRS’ WARREOOMte ! R d ord at il:ii a. M. R-turatoc,

Lat» of the nrm Ul . G. Ueary E Co. LejSkER TaBu; OfSi Floorifo Minn;*=** •’• «*•• *»’ »mv. at New

REI-ER to; dASB, Door, and HIm Drv Ooodu, Starcp *“““““'»i»ti><o ira'D, carr.ina fr

M-w.-ra. Leirht- Tl'tc, e Co., Barbee, Branulu, E Co., Bnixn Factory; Alin Boa* Boxes.‘toFF’uv At way-stmiooe, wi,l eat

jAu'ler.ou, McLre',, E Cu., A GuW'ly ECu.. M.> Ik.iu- ar. .e u

'ow ay- aateplec, at II a. M.,- ery E l)a, i.lge, auj Fouii E Murr?fc Loulsvlirof k“.

*“*' ’’ ^-thlxttwtn fVrf and Brock tlrttU. S:4i A. M. 4 V ka BMe.-rs R.,'rori o. BerdellECu. Aud F. taieo E Co., v v oa.i,.v r*'

,N«w A.bau . April la. ius»— -i.S--W T.rrk City.

c. uaieu e no., V N. SBBDBN E CO. kAv. (hr sAla 1^00,000 lam o<

Vro.rt Danforth,Sia‘, ECo., B..ston,Ma.s.D ed seasoREl Lumhw; TOOAOOjiln. and po,la. Id53.

' T?C? TwIchcM^Cu'.: Maltin' Mor . ‘“*T •>*” f“” »4*«rt««nts of Doors, Tanatlai' ! BK 3B M, 3B1 CHIPhyE-VovlLroi ui^.iy“e' gutter.. Widow aud Hot-be-i Smdu Fu‘uUor.kd Giro


JauIJdm ’,La. tugdone an their work, to order,« very rroaouabl. rroro.


W l.\ I £U .a UK A .M,

B.ow te March, rrg*» ei Forreai* and Cbarle* A. Matga..Sew Tori.

A. G. Farwetl te Ce anJ TToward, Son* te Co., Co Twlcbe.a tei)Oo r e« «meara.

liY'We have an open Pt»!lc7 of Inauraace, which wll.covk*r all »blp-'*- :• « ,i.r adtlre*** when aJvlaed by let-

New Albkoy and Salem Railraad.

Iver all ship— ;. " ,"r adrass, whan ailvised by let- RL.k.Ul.Mi HHAUs.B.UK>T>./ ‘ V.”

““ ®* lAdlng bofor* S At'vr M .".lay, the ISta Imi'., >je I.alos ro •“r at tbe time sir . tuia I New AlbaT. nM 344 m ssmt 1 m.i vii>St. Lou'.s, M MUGRIDOB E McFAUL. Iowa:

•* wla p. run a.

rFMVuii 1 4%. aasy r.iy lap-sw Esvia. lEeir

Rc‘ c*'topuaa rt-* %M p«4* «r csa« witA a '* »i*ro aad ii-pwro at tk. Drug aro roe-wips'-mW r

, „ Js> ..» F. ivtfcCense, e. mvih ao ! Wa-kr' e-a.


|.lo|ping .myu re.ular Mstiou, ,, , | „ - N V, ‘ rX'MWkW. '/*? ^ *'! bauylellj.SuoOay, ex,.pi„I .n a. R asel .rriv. ^ ‘ f •


M-oela, ,u 0... an. CM BUSME : S- d ord l;i77. B . l!;:tur.:„, .'V'*

* ' '' •« «*• —» - «»• «« ow „ p.., ^I 7:10 P. M.. rot amve at New A' ai a;yoF M.

I** Da>—Ga.t AtiU. *w 1- ror -eea^uro’e fcea-*;Accoiomooatloo ir.'D, carr.lna ssi pa-roDoar- Istoppluval «.y Stailooe, wl,l eave .New A k.u 0.1 s'-uoy .atepn^ “ " *- ••-’ -• I

V* 7V 4 V ka BfcsuKfc Frerooeui. I

tetegg jgaag;WI.MEK .-vUKA.N(iLV>t..M.

bslloec floated (lucefuily over Ifaetr bekdfc and ®e poetry th* oth*r day, l.'irsl

suspenoed te it was an ci*|'Knt car, in the form lollowiU({ hyperbolical rrain: “Po-ol a boat, which seemed (e jtlide gently over Ihe 'T* “*y optuioo, is harmony. It u tiro

•treec sward. voice ef aueels, the music ol the spliereg, the

Froraocc iovoiuctai Up uttered • cry of »ur- t®y*l harp of los-e,tlie parent of piii;ty. Hie bt-

prtse aiMi adiairatiosi. Livii^ at a diata ,cetii^insirumeotiHctiarity. Poetrj-bresthessw-'O'i-.

Irom tbe «tj,this was tbe brut time she bsheld “* •*“ majestK sy mphooies ol Bor. a-; tbe .-, s

a hslioon so ikei, and she drew tser brother ®<tho rtf music, and tiro w-avrs, as they roll on- 1

•looar. ward, without cessAtioc, in chromauc scalef,

•-Aotutt for two man!” cried the proprietor of e*l’tp”- 'ery souL Poetry tome is Ihe—^^th*

Hie balloeo and Bskua^er el the ropes.Michael ^isuced at the car, in which A youac

maa in a iruvelmc dress was seatini’ hiaseil . I



ao*, mv dear, where did y-ju purrhothat los-e uf a butr”

rr-»u •; auJ bbhKfi lOAror Vo uf *.rr 4t .''bon Ovi'.c** ATB tb* b«y*-l p,.F IMttetTNCgcir v:, tUig ,l»r v7lj woii.1 la w«i4 w umls.nUjtea’tr


piano-i- jKTLb. Fvtorr on M41u.

7 R /eiv- C«. iblrtt^Pt:i 40d Fo^it**eu:b sir«‘*^-• • Majc-fv "111 uu M*:q, I • t A'lfb ReCDUtl 4»i-

YblM 4ir«wu, i*ppo it lUuk ot kras'LLisY. o;te» itei


gr«'<f4lfi«* aftkV!> like theburg'ngol lii*ectv, r4llltig of m*4- " -1*4 heavy tniiiel u»n4bivr* «bUxUig of 4te4m* which are »>ujpicm» of 4p* ^ bole 3-.2 Inch twlliDj RagiftDgip;u4cisli4g ilc4foeFS. Many pfT»t>u* whj have been dvaf ^ t-aia ’J7«iach do at>;

fur t«*o, flitern* ur twenty y<wni, am wera »ubject to u»e ^ hale 4<>-inch do do;tar trumpfiA, have, after ueiog one or two buttle*, <^u*t received aud for tuUe cheap byiLtoao a»lde ibeae Uumpt-G, being ma<le perfectly well. 1

«»*»)teb RAYMOND te PATTKN. ~TZZn'

16 plecvc black Fr^Dch Clutb;6 do du Italian do;

18 ii £« ttuHtS js'8,r.'v"-j..rt

1 caaft Rrmlne Lruwn CAtiiuQ Flannel;1 ca*e Uamliton d,> fl«# du;1 cane da tleacheJ Canton Flanne*c««e ShlrtlDg Cbecv* anJ Tvt ed»;caftes fancy iicw Mjle Print*;

15 case* 9 4 aod 4-4 bleached Cottou;2 bait* twilled *triped o naburg, for Mrvattr;3 dj Mariner*' 8htrtiuk Sirlpta;•J da Jewett city and Calliorrla DeDtm.«10 do Methuen atid uther llvKtcg;2 do trovn I’rl.lliis,;

4 da thio bruwu Co*tMO, f r bluing;6 da 4-4 heavy tniiiel u»na!)a.g;1 bale Inch twilled Bagiftog;1 la;* J7-iach do dt>;

1 bale 4<>-inch do do;

14ttvBt!un of dealsn .-rr-pectfully Invttai to our tlmoElaia at IF. characiw of th. work don. by thoa

ta HR— t Iraaakipnroat.- * aar^ou a*;».- *n every TuvsOay au 1 Thsts- from suiae of tha most raapectahle ctilaeua and n-ackaa- 1 '*** **“» "S' r- rou' fur lasmtur i.r the ses..royauiln, uctall,Miui;eeucinKoLeacr.aa; atioo’cloct li*- To all tE^ie who Intend u boUd, they aay can aoc * fro-'t uf B-Tcksniu. in.t pruloswro

*'VT? • '<*’>"»! ausortment of I'HT examluuihetr work. »iro" Broun, ,Ne. r.ra, Fhiiade.puia, Wk-riiaa. OaN B-liuGANS, 4c. See our sp. KJtftfdW.Sifuihf'S.^gF sf-uwally and MUa fki ‘-““’•'"’-i »«- Loul.,aad lai.mnvtiaiv ussea... ca..: '-:-'''A‘'’Vi4'fciwouri at uu«. lira Main itteet, or vMll he furwarded loroVEANsro •


*• the i.hlo nvsr._


Ihslr BstAhhsLment Is tharousltly urgaulsed, aud tael- BalUmoie End Ohiu 7rni>arw>; rIng ihsmeelves euOreiy pr<^rf to SlI any order that '

ana unu> afwuaportAtiwa Lmc | ka

SL'GAK6-u htsls strictly prime;4r do fair, la sture an<! for sale by

WM. CAT, 683 Main St.

C'tIG.kR,.—y 1110 uuo Regalia Clears, varlons branda;

no.ouo lro Nuruiado; Krlucpe' Half SpaL'i.h Clvars;

n s'rore and f„r sale by (idIS| 0»0. WKI.BT.

maa in a iruvelmc 4r*BS was sratinc hiaj*il. M one* suid tom*, “I bsve known wo- n'*haimx Ik bis hkud ••* ot those Alpiiro rtickf m*n of all coun’ries. Tb'- IuIiaii woman whuir-a>shssd witli troll osed in the aacent of muun- trolroves in tb* siiic*ii y ol b*r loier uh*n h* i-


tarns. iwady te commit a crim* for L*i; b* E'lglishj


“krouifor twet” be exclaioMd; then turninc woBian when he is disposed to Uro cowniit;tit i

to F'urmee, he suu with a sBilc, “Would you mad in ber behalf; and tiro Frenchman when hrhk* to toEc a rid* over the treesV” D dispooed to rmocr himself sillily ridlculou- for j

rocp',-*“Ar* you sure there IS DO danc*rV” kev s^ke.”

jLJE ra.i

“N-dro, 1 caiiA*4ttre)ou,yo«Kic Udy,”sai;!tbe i — i oa<

saai.aaet;“l hste Aireody Airecled Uie voysees ^ - ly".''


of remr ;en ibou snd Chrutsaiis ” 8j i..', j'l

“A". . ut. w* come siown wh*o we iikeV” . V JR, JO 03 Hav.w“O'T.Aini;,. iou liAve Bierely to pull the! ^ jd'vu'Ut

vh •ssc of tke b*U tou 'a lU hud iii the cor.”I cTvud^i

Flofvuce beaitsirdjahc was sttll rsther AfrAui, i

! patcia.t-yei ihe on* uEiiiv Of such u ride tempted her. ' 4T^^JtoPpJk^^^^a~vi sls-utem^^m I


AccustuMcd Us all Ibtiics to ac' upon th* Bilvicc I tos ^^g .

ol n*' urtsthcr. slier a moment’s ladrcistou, she: XUBCaltoi^BMBto^Hli^R^^te* I ur .u



-L*' la "Uid Co as he liked. roa . a ^ro Wa uw a ro uw roa aua mb i . ' - -rve *

CHERRY PECTORAL i-FlivrriiCr id Ptor iIm Carw of


aJ:z:z:aaTJt:!.:;z,zi^^io:zz!Z **o**se\ess. .-r:rrt\“??

ret llj toEseeni ‘j

BgOUdlTIS. H BOOPI.VC-t Ol tiHsUn iniUsA tiro motuo uf the car, the youn« I rKOrP tEYBMI tVli s.u.d'Kurro;'


pull, •rea an in'aiuuts>^' cry, ano turned pale.row. • s a, swri.u, a.uir ad* all ma niro

i4#e awauffrr «teo «uto t4-attsl opfK>Ml* ber ruYsr.umos. •Lore wi:.

piteCf-*. big boiiM wu tbe teU pull, ••atekii me le rpo ctm a c«l.d m ith uladacbk and ftejRK-4Ufi« lo-f egrib}”’ Mild be wnb te MDlW. 1 KBSSOFTfll R*»DT,ttekv thftCHLliteV Pe<xokal i-'to* awd tna) r^aMms| tbMilu, Mr/’ rKtirMd Plor«t>ce* who »rap op w*f«, lu hwe*t unnng me hr t- wi

fegdl re^eaihpd bet eotorj abtell goute becosc teC- “%’Si a cold and OO' GB, taka u nomlng, boob,^—

‘ to ibr fl»Olioi.‘ teted rv*tting, teioCfc>rdlog lu teirertini,* fn th* botil**, ar’d

**L ’Oh U«»tet” iiflemipled Micbteci, we are tte» 4l*ctellf »7li *«**• be r* »or«M. Ni wti: locg ai f YUTarvtelr*te<'V tetrvr tbe ^tmmm ^ ' tmr trmm ttet» troteUv wt*^* U*y flsfi U ca» bg gu rra/ltiy



ro . . row u evretea pgraoteg afBtctad «ith a *etet*M coogb, which

removal.JAMES BURNS,

DKLU'bI.'I AND APOlilhi' \KT,REdPteLTKCtaLk rokUra* hi> uiuaI »;nccre

OHriteankata hi* rr)«:,uA aud the pnhi.c gone* r^>”»»ML rasiy fur their litsf'r*: atij gciirruiis patron •/'. T A

agv. a .i leg* ;• «vr lu aui.uabcc ihai hau! < ts«.s a new an Uxit*ui>.hr %kh and retaill ri ai-isl ;a the Drroa^ . i- tie*-, .Nu. 3*7 M-uia aitecl,I—twrea terreuth *Li .

Havibg u *u t-iika^ -j lro iL” Dmr !ih<, and ha^4DEdi vu’ -u m> ;

fiis'-.-a, a?uu;: -a lu 1;.^ l*s vfLiitfilua bui*l-urw Cor li.c imst r< V'-ri! «-ii >t‘ar-,A(!-! uaving ju*! r«*«

ce.Vfcdl ai. ' ..;»eur 1 *J «u:.ik. it«*w e, Wbich I ha«


patCla>l-C i'T Cwa'a t .XI, I..-1 0.4 i I; u,.! CvlrtjTaJrtC

*,4.':cTi. «RA •‘t.ii Iff, I h II- ut* f .J entire c.uB:-ocr :h»i iii- -c * ills tAkof UI wnh ti.'^r pairuDAge wi.i>? w.iia e\t.r. ifciu« i at uiy c^iauishb*meiiU

1. ' t r -•n.'c e p jr liw* 4 wll*' -A ar. a- s^-I *tr;niT purra la *' i;>. i-r (Iseitug larfwprri"' t • a .‘i'- k «<f urtlilriit**... .isk- :•« 1. la* *. fc dUrvT^u-m.y t-wdsUig,; aiI ih“

On JulciHi are iiuw *erveU up In tl>e8ak>ou atmlgiteb _ ^ _WAUkKlC8,_ThlrUat.

EUI^Ul KG NitorkaD;^ Tale Ale.—Mnlr te Ron’ U-< ra*’ d Rdluturg bparklltig Pale Ale* lu qnxr

and l-l:iT^* fvr meIv hy khe doieu or *114*10 tuUU atIteu WALRER»d, Itird tt.

X hv ea tLU LatlwO ha* no ts;ual. It U CulMpouti-ledupua the tuoit acicuuSc prioc plee, and haa perfu medextrasT iiuary euie*. F\»r vluleiit .laQaitimatloii, ordlna*ry icdamun*t!uu« d tnoe** and faMngot the *Uht, weak*U*.*r ul 'L eye;, iovuluist*ry wcepiuk* f«re;gu »utatau*c#i* IU tbe e>-«-, «iCs, U b a pufeUive and *pcrU> cure.Price 35 veau per huiUe, with fun directlou*.

RYVMU.NU te PATTEoV* AgetiU,Pill !teb Faarih *la* near Main.

IVAILS.—2,000 k”gi hlauentirgei*' fur .ale vy D. T. CURD te CO.

— — I'lHki cull, Chulov I ana S.trar. lia;* Rope.


!I-''RE’*H Datea.— 14 trails Justreoelvei .ni for aal* luachiae isa;..i'aciar>, for -ale oyJ/ low by GALLvilIKR E CO.,t°l* A. BURtE, 60 Third st., mar Msin. Sia'th .S HuaUiur, lUuck. Balu sL

^ aojva Ga t Hons*.L^RfcSH Tamanroa.—Just rrcelvsd a few ra,i* „f 7.777 7.~.A th,* article* put up In Uu cau* fre*h Irom tbe vine. W ^ It- ItOl te t ^aoIs*”®*.—


pO tfbl# Refined, a in*at 25 ceuG per can. ’ O pen* r a.'-tKle, lu ‘t. r* anl f.-r tx'



A. BORI!!, WTtlrd it.,n*irMaln. U. D. NKWCoMB E BRO.,


/ lUKFEK - _ A t'uu lu.- Kraiifrv.


t-y -J'lO tag- prime Htu; i r.T K*i*ls *d—7IS po-keiaoMJava; J 100 i; a oe-i '•hruiue Gr«-n;

Moi-aa; for axle hy LiO lox hem Chrome Tedow._2!ir. GARDNER 4 CO. THUS. A. HCRl-ET, Dmsxisl,


MA4OLK4.-100 holes lu store acd fur „u byOura» S^mhjmd Green sis.

GILL, 8MITM,te CO. Ijt RE White Lead.—60 ktg* recelvad and farcale

B KI'lsTtL\Ee— ‘dh bhla Rrlbiktuue luito gaikl ferEUle by iial7) H. T. CURD te «:u.

T. te P 91 VV1V \!*'*^^*— *tefi NaiU, assorted *1x4** In alore* ^«hk v IN. r.uJ fur xteje hy

Rurta—ijiKki Culls choice « ahau-1 au machine ma!..i'acta

*— ^TARCil—160 huze* in store atd lur *ale b'*‘Oft lu the atUly nights^ Oj^e ulM.* tMllH, te

'I'HE telrbratid Eaglish Verula Orsirayrr, v-PIRITs TarpeBtiarisTlh;.”hr

~X aarranl"! snperlur to any anui= over oBered O may u ,iew j s MiiiJiti^s o

suf ihc de»;ructlun Of auu, hed-Lug,* rvacbe*, wvrajs, - -

niotlJF, *tid ail lUM-fcU that crawi ur Inhahli cavitte, ur V\’l*n fid I tl* for Ftee byjM.i Uur wood furciiturt-, um** shrutueiy, tec. It t» lu »V msy tadtew j. ,s, MoHRli te SON, Mali-I’.if'd lur.: * aal l•a^ca no 6ta!u. Prico* ceuta.

“"I 7

S. P. KELLY,M*unraunr**r of


^|7Hl8 *t« re U at all tlBeg well >oppll*d with Dregs,

X Trtmralaga, Zephyr Worsted, Pattern*, Cauva^ Cbe*ulile*, Rte«iera Y'aru, Rnluing Cottum* KubrniderlDgaod Silk F.oaa, Linen and Cation Fioaaea* NewUg*,TbreeD, bclg^ora, Buitona* Coiul», Bm^ne*, Tape*,Bral’!** Lac'nga* Rlbton* and Blndlngg, Frebcb FancyGouda* with every varirty uf article* a*ually fuoifd la aregular Trimming Stare* wholctale and retad.


8. P. CBI LT*No. IU4 Fourth gt., between Market and Jeffaraan*

apr ri dlvr^nlaw


I d> aad *ar« tran tt uf Mercte«D.iUe tnd Ptola^^. I

«eei« Rteiub, Ne« Turk, Pbilaiie puie, Wh-rUag, Ct»-•iDuafl, LooUviiiw, Loui**aad a«4 mtcrai^iaic towa*- •m tbe I bin river.

^ •

te.ihia, .Ni-w York, auo Mu^ion* »bipper* wlii at *- b- aii.e Ui di*ptet’ h thalr ir«lglit la eborteai titot

cU«*<*d Witte mae euirtee- tetoa awir*—f-rtoiu

• « pw4 Day—P«”to ShM— tw».ipMe te^t> *iw all towiea

teofgW” M L*x ugtote ttee v4M-.ttea rec«e—«a*trance free,

tei Dtey— Loteiaviu* B»«H Atake tot 4-y»ar.jM». »>tot>»htot •fJatee traace, Rite ifc»rf.-n—rltowd w.Ualt ete’K a.

ab Dav—^r,.. ap>h_te « le te ata.' lb i*af—Pur-v %i4i>—atotiT ^eat>* m te**t *a te.

«th bar— '•ar-s.- ffstg^a- Wti* a* ag, aita *m laaldw toalteSJ w— , f»rki w ite 4

1 tetere «<r<-gge*i a>wera* e« tr to lar^iaete abruptbat -re wl I te t*« 'Utee* fr. la Tea *e“**,H *r a*LuoUtau®. o*i« irwto t a *ato, rru«M if :< .a. as.4uet»*MO Is la alter. IteiC^a Witte lae >a'w*-’r

»r te«e»e* ra.D,ag la te*aia ky gaud t%wan m*y bw

M aiww***uP aia L.tH;atPte4.hate tp «»'•*»

te*tab Ute«d -tac- ll tok »Lucalitiro uf RtoiemOfBceg gftl Ageacle» will be pat- i

• oa.y teoaee .ste i e Ca*«iit*va i.ign^i.lah^oaurbefurethe l”iaf Jaaioary. For Produce g.- I

"iam ty itee Pr •• Me m or *tee isoa.

ng laat, adoiea* tba lueicreigaeo. ! LT va **h\ ^|* telihto at |«oi, 9^

FUWSTTHS te HUPKINtes i } r** *• -f ^ dHw.

Wneeuag. V* '

• COLuiM'N teUOWro.N,039 its Phi

jA ROMANTIC THtEfl1^ la sh” I ai a ^o«kiii.ui d*> la the at saih i

* «f April, I«i63v that I »irall”l .ttw itea gf. wl-, u| . a. •

•vtlle 1st u«a 4 .ICO vf the bn>> ibfuag a* ite^y p* *r>». *

lUcb o«e, >ave Bivt.elf, -ee I'Cd lu bavr vome ofta-vi II (vi«w. A* I aaodtrrd a aug Main *ftrrtt, la-'a'-s,,[

Fifib, I wart KUibletk'y arre^trJ v, .ro,*k.„g » . T

perci-fcd ap'U a »tiuw-t.-*-rt c •nt.hlniuc •tktiuerrf'^iypv


1 at fpped lo lake a view of ttee beauties ur an f'». a ni«eni, a»i, h« tig aaractfMl by thu*« be«ure ni. eye*, l


UfenrsT^ntoiiiewef —nn Hmm-.*» ha* - uiia«>« te“*u ..^0 iitwkiUtf Malv**toter.”d la te*w Tork.Ute c. aisiEffwit haeitmte tow • w; ^ ,

wua c. aisiEffwit aaeitmte tow* w. I LOWOOqi I *>uU tte.* de«*>t-ai., ibe stewvw

Il ‘otmim arranuetoobto Iw

*f f” fur’*‘eh thepM iU wu a •av«rtor• I Y t


*-• artlfcle. Par, hater* wh n. i • per*i A - MOl »r»a;* q jlrotof Meia.v.’.Gea-

Inrorr.t, lu- a;-... |'Piirt*^WvVT F.— a.Oai .sawi, .irwuv

' . 411, asg - ! 4 ft , “ ro Vxtat . aea pasror uS i*

"14 t.4«vrrr-iyp,-. ; ^ kA-^ARr* . 1 J -Nvroroa iroar. tka katss- sM--aities ur art f'fc am ’ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 aai oani' ftork a* g%ar*t

*• be«ure m. eye*, l | [“fc^^Ptoin W cutoHoritia itewi totgtei

h«t wa* ID th* i» totee ttetootwL

»ervrd a toi^ptlwF.; ! * m uiftt wruyg 7 Ow Newi»#a are told t» ttee Pnw-ly admlr.,.1 p.*«f, | Reuil tet. ree mi iter VmMedlev Rlrutsg-ibe .VI.

;I t rTr v.«toar I •« rtce *4-

r;a< 14# .?»- In vJrs , I j $4 per lygWte U* te#”t tewafrty eci lu toy Pwca,.f,*ij I

Iteeapepm per l,dto» .hi

le I ty eg tefc- a pep-r.

iow *s Ga:>ry, ai Ae ea ludacetoeai to Vte>ieaele Denivn we teev#

in a;*! r ‘.era it, r^ nude airaog^toeetg to e>lew tbvto e liteeral dWaont fruur« tk. toautiegUvy »b* tred* prto. ef—Ite- pun* y aiel Inuu te* pgr U meatMl, ibo b*M qa*il*y.

tivl tbtet b^e Dtoi de- 9^ P®^ tbattoau u* wcsfid quoslty.

kkblodtoth act IS**^® eup-dtet-l a- WVd**Me Affeteto,

p*ay t d 0 Fa 1' g % C u, in M-etate; .eturu * •tortea, aNew T re; Ddwu'ite, iWate* u, te Ut , i^da viph!a,

; AO. Prvd. Ft« <&ev te 4tsu<, R* ligtor*. M'wiug Tikavrr te -’sk.,

teed tc fus's. »h 8a*!*tlinrleafotef F. Dlte • te U •„ :a 8». 1..#:., T T * «.

JM. ^dward”, la Cteicago; CR.te.g. MLiaLteR te C<» . IM

I ^ vic^a te C 'I

N 4TL to wbom al* 'k-dvr* •teoai«i dir«*ct d*

luu.r« b aw Th*rJ j

^ GILLa 169 Mala *ir#rt, L-al-v l>e, Rva, a'ee'

I beg • larr- wseLariraetei ul ite# atg** >rou'i,-* f,r

a' ' ~

Ivteul«aA:#ur r«t*li f#te.9 ti *eww

I Invite cUlsen a .d •trangera to ex* ito<*tei, ao*i, h« tig aiuacttMl by (

gmtae my stuck ur HtXRAWATS teia*. !cooctoslrd t i wa k ap arid

BriitilKS. 1 a*** •iill at tbe old Maisj

atefc.v*, wo*n. U! acd bebui ! Iwbrrv 1 have heMi fer the la*t 14 year* I ilk«nr»f> uf rou.* e.rted aO'! univ”f

and can turtiSh aa gaud Cerriteg are made Rastor ' Mirtw Mattie. To# .eaipiattstu ma*elsewhere* aod cao refer to same a. oor beet citlxeo. *plrit aeixed upon Bi*—*te I* there uriag li# v^.* iqwho have patruo’xed nie for yvairt. 4 nave a vartvtyun I *e;iwl npuu lU** pict irr, put li lu ay ^cxibteisd* coorttsilng of Coacbe** Roc ;a*#jte» seat Rng- sneaked like any .tber rutoeglea, Slagle Bugglee, Racing Bo -!;•#** aod N^iop Bov Ttiet picture wa» etoleo rrw<o Mnow *s Gar*rT aigles, which caouut fall tu vott a., in qoallty* atyie ao- the lo-iividnal wiu pUa»e **Eue*. » ta a;*! r ;aru \i, fu

. - ! g»^*7 Ume ibey |u..k upoa aud aduiirv tk. toautieg u*i

h«t wa* ID the i» to.erved a toigptlwr-ro;ly admlffcd p.*«t*,lev elruug — Ibe . VI. ,


I.ixir fsuul.

100 r. » oe<i rprame Gra<*D;I'H) iOx best Cbrome Teitow.

TUOaS. A. HCRlaCT, Dmzgl&t,Bil7 I'uraer Hewntb and Green *ts.

..Caniages ftr uie chvap. A toe ] md^i oraw ue ruutra.t betwee« la- pun«y aiel lutko’

^'***^** **^‘**‘* ^ choapai ceac-uf cba^’acter there e.bibtted aivl that b^e btoi do-Nu. go's Ja.«t abuve tbe comer of K r>t aod Mato arreet. I pravvi ai»paaltis.n la laemeeive# whkb lad u tl. a-tLaaUviile, (tv. C..ARK BRADLRT.


rtieallng. f.ayVd

MORRIS t V>N. OP.4.MSH WhUing.-lOtbl* f .r .aie byO inl7 TllOS. A. 1

RAYMOND te PaTTKN, 74 Pt-s POWDIlHKD Cream Tartar.— li hbU very gone-riur lur vale by

ma. U dtew J. s. MORHLS te SON.

TllOS. A. lirRLET.

TH0!». A. HL fll.KT.

1 be tirbt cvei iutroduced into this market!, Ul-I'L-N t LI air.R CIIauFsgbF. I4t,t»krUuf |

7*'* lb. best <;n.llt» fur ... hyv r It.; twj Ba-.ui I ; Wli-CJUM receitra per ex-

” “U U uEw J. S. Moillui

WlI.KERJ.-i. Tti'l-l.t.

New and Popular Books by Cirpreaa.|^fices

D l; .1 )II-U,H» fF*ltlK E--rOiiMAT.GE. |0 100 mat. Cs'.ls;t t . 6, Laii r uin— cenu- t crok Nutmra.;

SIF. faik- EaOa— ISO Sees bi-et -Vrw Ca-tU for iroleby tmeylS.lEaj J. ». MORRIS E SON.

IjL'HE Wkite Lead.—60 htp. recvlveU oiwl furt-sle -STHULLBR & BAURMANN,

ir by tmnj llliiS. A. HUHLET. Imporltrt and Dealert i» Guas, Piilolt, Uari



fc-PA.MsH WhlUns.-lOl,m. f by~

rouT'broVm“rt TtlOS. A. II I RLET. : Offc^ .prlug impofsiluus ot\^J

oPIRITNTarpeatiB. aaJ Japna Varalih tnkual(W iid Ou^.^O aij lur sn.e Dj

n, rv j‘1*1 Cult’s, APen’s, an.| Slant E », in’. Revulv.rv; s-u

TIio a A. HlllI.KT. gla and duobie barrel Pl*taD* Dueling PUtoG* tee.; a.-

V'.t.\Df:ilPOUL'fc kuml-i’iipi-r fur rol. bvth. b«t and lars»t s.rorua.Di of auUTahl. Cut

' l.ry,fur.lau aiij <lom.aUc Hardwai*. and G.rman Fan..‘ A. H t-KLBT. anich w. alll a.ll in Ilt.i.r. an-l th. iraJ. :

(' LL'E. — w'


lDi> an 1 fi r .I',, by s.nural at ib. lowrot prlcro aaO on la. oust llhvrs

I mn TlUrt. A. IIURLKT. terms. 100. it illyr.nlani

BL'DA AND Mr ••• nu«|.rrpa.-uj tc :n.-M .h SuOa

i M*ad uf a rtupmor i|ateiit


BRAD V:*, MdU\ V|C^* te C a,n fiia Mam Ft., gduror* b aw Th rj.


y"' .<BF, ertb* Jauru*yef tb- Fran^t. .4 Cro*a i# lotbe ga«t. B.- J. d.j • B #*#“, rtUM.ur cf ^a^uuiUtia

‘•f a Wuaing I'rul**-** a.'d •*«ani«ue Lii^^ l|*r;4«-'‘Maguine. With luu*;r4tSf. Uta-j., M * la. Fr:ce

V’^.h.XDKrkPOOLVN teuad-Paper fur kale byml7 kiiOS. A. HUHLST.

LC £. — ro‘ 0 Ibft received an I ft r »a'.e byI nG7 TllOn. A. UCRLKT.

C'OTrti,^.— 31 bale* la -tnre aiitl f. r *«le tyuil7 JaS. TODD te HlCUAkUSON, Wall st.

n|^jrTTT^ Ml MAKATI'S TroagpenaiioM U«tePtettedelpteva. liuiiimeev.wted .aew

k eci —fhrough receipt# gl veto, ae aheve, at i^vfitorat#^empta##* aad 'Dapat:# gaaractied. Apply tof >4 «M» toutetp a

The Old Form Rang*r,er wt*d Sp#ru i>f livl'a aa tto I r m—

Nei.gberry Hill*, lo tbaJunglce, aod ua ttee Piaiiaa. Mt t

teteJa ffoto lair ta pclto# far *a # eyM*J ror Waiter Caiupbell.


^ a«LL,Usoai. of th. W..t. Bj 4xs. Hfci. roitlBU.

Third vta, herweea Ma a f

• I .N'% and i'UioU._w

u.ue re-:, aud L..Ufck lu*... R*>«- au a u o:. •. r. ;<ia-

tutort, <>4axur, L'Ui ut-ui‘, I


s<ut>» ’u's l*a>i .i; t«- .

i-.cvd Kxiract u! Ja::.a ca •* i>fc*'r, Ti: ii*jrt>. texiracigD4 all tua D4 oftt atvrs.’»rd kiiA.* •! Pcriitiu *ry

My •lore «i:i tt-uiiu’ie a«ca>* upvti, tlay and hlgut.R-s**l cuftlfc uier<» atsd Usuf# Lavtt.g prr>a ipiioU' ta t<

coujpauiMtfcrtl, wlU tuL'fcii Willi p:vuipt ati I ia*talit aueia-i-rto* aad ma) re»t tovart.! t. at n,. U)Fp« u«e

tot. 1*1' <’f ibe Cabana cardeti Uy apread tieloa eoaad ntibruke# *ieep, and coa»eqqc.m:y re-

t^maa 1" like OIM of tboue matU-U arhi- '^‘•*** goffering aud an njU-•^Ma, •* OH^ mtooetm ck&j ^ gllur*#g to tte#o*aod« whu are tho* afttiagdbiteOiiitL' BUlltar} ttuteeMMia. innedialely be~ te/ ttel* to^tuahie remedy.low l!e t tel. 0**14 lay tito aafkltefiteda, crowded tolth Freto lie acn*e*h.« eftoct totbe#era«to, many tead


! . urteiUT cd to'baae toicea jual reacb- tfc«aiaalv#e imwitllnc te forego to n»e when the ueceg-

*d (Lr tfrov*l*jg. iLeteir becoauMR ii^bter cver> Fruu tv# cniaetu PhrMciaag lagiiuut,aii«a ite4;rt. with paifusto* totei excitui|t FaTSTTEviLi.r.trctr».* April ic, I66i.atfd 4m dtdtciOtoa tmtiiieto. Flarawce turiwd to- Site: Wehave giveii year CntteRT Pi rroMAL au rx-

to teftoe ber brotltof, bar tmee bewBiiig witb 4mi\mt TirTV*Trir*T

iiut,aiAa ite4;rt. wiib poiiusw* totei excitmi' PATSTTEviLi.r.trctr».* April ic, istei.

fd 4m fbdirirnt Irnhiieai Florawce turiwd to- Site: Weteave giveii year Cnttemr Pi rroteAL au *x-terue bar brotbor. bar laco baaHkiiig Witb aaiilef>

leatoee trial ta our pracuee* aac tend it lo aerpa** every

^ ro u a . . , • J otteor rea*ed) we teave for cartac affectloa* of the rcepl*“Mu* ^1* t»d trokutrtul escrytlurir krouiiti ,roori arcana. DBS. diemrr e Hampton;; ij ri,. utclaHnaC. “Tail mr, MicLk*!, So to MaocRS EMi> prCLlC sPF.AEEits ibi* rem«->

|OU ikOt U04 a|Naeua|d ktoid uf MitoSlCtetlOli; teted Cy to tavaiaohie* a* hy to actiaa oa the tbruat aai lui.g**

g o • tea uol bteppiar bcrc tbaa to W«r« iUhl waea tateoa la e»eai;qaaatitlert, it remuvok a l tioar»e-

rn-mfgf ugg* ta afow boar* and woadvrTaily i&creage* tbepoW'w oi u .. k fc fc

or aad Soaltetmy of tteo voice,%•', Mid KiTle«; •vbc pfa}»actel gffBtetetiOt.e AMTUMa le geaoraliy mach roUeved aai often wteolly

toKu* t-cm Uw B*liiO( A4id I great* to )€ thtel 1 nmt earod hy CMteteUT PxcToteAt.. teut tteore *re eu«e•br'Vw the II luiieg oi Mtmii 4m 1 i«oc above Lig ®®*^ •• •• to yie;d entirely to ao nmilcme.

dtoe.Li^. but wbot to tbe BtotterT UbalUoeePfc4:TOteAL wlil cam th.-tej if ihoy cao he

ttwt riowM CO Ibr esplsbkde BBoKCHITIS, ar trrlLstla

t,r-0. K KOK>«KKt. »

Mammoth Da-;ueneaji Gralleryuvr Ca.Xrr E M- .-ront la' urr.

No. 531.OPPOtlTK TH TIlLkORVeH orPM E,

Kaiu oirrei, teetwern ^eroad aad Third \M teu teGB^BK.iG. tote uf tbt firu uf J. A. K.:mbAi! te

C hAViug .•rtikfd • Gfl. ef) As. Muuvr, a *1 fiUic ..

up in o Ft}ie -urpAw^ed hy buu- uiU« r k tu cuovuU.c.C’ i

ur et' gebce (hi- ilgbt U uo ibe iMrst mi. : i .*»t *:>pruv. c J|*Uu), I* euahteO lu lAk* Mi’iU nrv- lu cl-ar u x., rui\ hWF oUier, which will he u wtiy lo»ert.-l lu gul 1 IxM-kf -

•r-Ato-piu*, ftuger-rlug** au.i pi*m mud t«u.) c*.-t s.

Ttefelo-e he*«sL»d «ariie«!ly iLvite l v fcltii*-ijE mu<l la-dle- gencr*Dy to call an I exeui’nu bU ruum- *ud vyeu L

V' i. D* I't.S clutt. a a I do,V . 6. ; V.


\t i. t, • .u. jai -r a . do.iuf V- It., full 61I.

y *9 60.|I» •JV '-Vu., t.r lb tel.

Au t)r;.t.a;i 1,.., ly kw. '-i--.- B. Fi k. Ismu. 26 cla.f> I-) Ba* 'a, by Hlltiani .dam.- S. I, p, .6ct--

Ui'i n aainluw, U. D. T6i;ti.Bau> ^ij XU -Mu.v b: S'.cun. EspiUtiuti by AnrLln 11.

l-a.'.i M. P. h<6U.Acni-r UI F.-lu, i> Hr ,ry S. R. grr.. ,125.Rt *»-*u «:i-i i'% Kitues 61


Ht t ric Dr-UroG i.’luUve to Nopuleub. Kre*h eupply.

toor roatog) we have fer cartac affe<teloa* of the reopl- Remeoiher that Llk*: rto»-.» are pat up fur th'- »niglisorf arcana. DBS. DIEMRR E HAMPTON. tuoi ul »l 6u up to iiy pneu, r-oirJ '.a lu Ci and r, MaOCRS EH1> PrCLIC 8PF.AEEII8 'bl. rvmr- s' <>. Hammuiu Dacu-rr...; i,a...i>,uy

H. I’EROUBON A SON,iX 'IIOI-ESSI.K A-ND RKrAll. DEILFR; IXFAMILTVV F I'.nr, curu-r Filth and irarx.t rtr«.'vu>

Part———', haw . tew era ul tberv bvaulltu, I'-ir only u r. in in* tuy.

POl.LARU, PKArHER, E SMITH,'• •'1*’ OSS Main rt.

-lit n.—"

at'j ! 'j.c pn;ra-rtlne luttlona Mill* Floor;

J tsg.ei Cluve^;20 bags rate Ginger;6 b *U pum KFuuud Ginger:

!00 lb* M*v.


24 tMxm ground Peppe-; f r *aie byn?uy J. .Hr ^

R ick. - 20 tierce* I*rlr.e Utit i!i *t »re an i f -r -Aie hyHRANNIN te St MMERH.

K MIk Dreg* caa duw be obtained at a verylaw ^.rlco irum Uart: uf ite largest aud haadaumeat

alac** lu the tlly by t.»l'ing early atS. aSHiR. 1)8*8, lOi Fourth at.

B KK.Wk te.<4, Ti««ura. oii't Qreiiadiiiee .—


largeaU'l cuiAplei • •dsr k oflond at tbe lowent iioMinle

Ugure* aud cfOiprlsiLg tbe m -»i aelec; aiad ebeleo giyle*vt Ibe *ea»oa* at

«***, N- SHIKLD.o?, 104 Fourth at.

.lea la -fore a;..| f. r *«le lyJ CR /8TAL PALACB,

TODD te KlCUAkU^N, Wall *t._j^erttecavt ceraer ef Fifth aad Jefferaen Streela.

ol*.— W(.‘ bavo a large itock of aaprgprt* tur* waoli reinm ibelr ackouwledgiueuu

UuU»a a 'd oilier qua tie*, alto aln- ^ ^ public for tbe liberal patronage bliberto ex-

—I'Jcaaka pritoc treate Rice fer aai# byJ. teKLU

aie and doshle uirrri Gun* and Rilu-«ab4 Kug.lab GunL>ck ra0»u’ud, uf Li.jtq.ial ly.

u»l7 ^ A. 0. SKMPLR te BRO.



i .•* »cp *r Uuc> LaceRjuneure-• r.Vfcu 1‘roU .lay a-.l f-r aaleby

u)17 <J aMK.H LtIR A Co., 417 Main *t.

A to me paoiic lor me iiDerai patronage bliberto ex-, r aRU ia ....i ainfciro . .

' *..h«i c . —— ~ —

temied them aod reopactfuUy aollclt a coounaanceuf th# I m be ', ,*** ^* Lard i..e vale I I ^*PLATB.— IJte baxo 6^ Tla-Pleu fi»r rtaie uyfcacote Lz:* J- 9KLU X toJg J. BULL.

i'd mo“rapi,V“.i^'ll!" I

—* - S-M' XS.kUM .1nM. «l» ^ ?I.7.L « AtltT T«.

KlBUtl\b.-fO cartoo'ia

rcL'ilved aiid for rale hy

'Ui>W KH Batte».-*A fm.i aaur’toea* taf <» ar'.vubte



B ErK.Uk K.<4, Ti««ura. MU't Greiiadiiiea a large vxmi taistc... tr... m.. * u< 0 . cAll perauna vU’.Uttg tbe


and Cuiaplrt • riir 4 onsr. d .1 thr luarrt puralnir^ “ V**v KUK'^r rMvlTlng Ihv best atten Ion

Ugure* and cutuprlaiLg the m.»i aeleci aiad chcleg #iyle»^

-* * t, PRb>i. son, te to, with tbe he*t Win#*, Liqnc

Ul ihu »..wn, at L’^TR-t Fiav Kasarr— W. ba.o untroudalars, 7 •«»«! to all-DO vx

^ _ S' 81 1ELD .-- S, 104 ionrth »t. Ji, aaronnivui .f txua finv Raxotr, Wxdr E Butchvr’r, *’*' raulxw

K ENTLI K, Toha. , o.-6i)0 buxr. ruueriur brand.•»'' “•‘'r. rrlectni tor tor HAWlwrv

Erntu hy Manufacturrd Tuhaccu lu riurr riri fjrt-nm"! '“urorringlo. Wo cu RANNEx

.a.c ly [mill SKANNIN a Sl’MMSIHS.““‘'‘’ ' *‘* **“ **“‘ ®“'


Cnitrd S-atrs. SOI Ihcl' Morar ssrscU.s snd fumroked ! aV.1. SuU tso I'u'isa isriro truo Nu. MO i« Sn look ^ rhoavr Caih- a.a ta rtroa u 1 (-•. i—r. ailhew ktyie Bonuet Hibtan* wtm every imaginable cuovealence. i 9bu ' ale* Matiing; ' aaoteliiby ftol**l MiLi Ma te aMia-Ti^lbebe»t BRANDT, WI.SK8, tec., can be bad ready |

'*6 tog- Ca-pet rxaia;— ' —^ ‘ — - .

J.4MES LOW te CO. bottled and are e»peulally reconuaeodid for medic aa.j

tte do co.ur-d go; i ^ L’AMO.— |,440M >to p«re Parov-.aa Gtoaoe ta *ta*e. .

— — purpt’*#*.I

I’JO do W.applng Twine; U aud lor *Aie ay

r*BltENT^M)X k CO*“* ”***“'^^***^”*


“*® l®’*l «KO K1LL1CK. MlI.I.Mte te awteMTte.

7 .T~ 1 7 7” perauna vU’-ung tbeOryaial Pe ace may miy apoo OTOAI fcLL'te Fvergreea ^agar Corm.— 3 duaea I I’•"^**** Oil.— te» tbto tet**#*, »«pe kr Ceauw Oil

e uSu've* u***** receiving tbe be*i alien Ion aol being alway* mrolshed receive aad far »a - try ^ •• * g»g »#•*- Pile aad fv. aaie bv

i. ORhXf. 80.N, te tUa with Ibe he*t Win#*, Liquorv, and Cigars. The Mme “** A. «•. MtNN, 6M Mala *k **** A.XG* W acCMate A.a te % Ul, w*i| to.

>We hare un Kaistl * i*r>» q‘toil y aerved lo all—DO excepriuoa. CY^rtee 24 mria p*r ear.» ^ _

T. T. BURNT, SON, te CO.


MlI.I.Mte te aNteMTte.

Ithtbe heat Win#*, Liquors* aod Cigars. The Mmeiiail y served to all—oo cxeeprluoa.

J)31 reuUw LL'PB te RAMBRIGHT.

AaNG*W Mk'CMateAte te«UL, Wall to.


VI Kts I M A Tobai (*e*.—w« haw y*t a »tuaii *upphof R ar« Ufc. o < ) , te 0u.’» c ivtrated BailleRarJ,

Jnlta Deau, audLa KeliBT..bMic i4.T..bMlCl4.BRaNNIN te SUMMKHB,

s*iol« Agvnt*

A. B. 8KMPLB te BROr,— —

Curuer Mam and 8 Mb au. ' ouk, Faxicy and V aiTCty Goods,I t Uilery w . «ve ini baud, |

-V***" ^rfetf %trlA *hig* LmUrUrf.1Flue Peihel ( uilery.—w . ave tni baud,

XVi tut-onod direct f.«su th- Kugiiab nianofactmers, ataigrt *»at>rtmeoi uf M'usieubuim te 8‘*h** aud Kudgetate

ll'^Bare oaw lo receipt uf jor Spring laspurtatloiteV V which have been aelrcted wtih great CAre,J East-

fl'IlE I au Veaun 1. r.i'l 'Iv aiiDroa hina .ni.v.r.«“y F. csrt Ontlrry, thrlr IST,u..itrru«, .ro rm Importerrud nuoaiKtarvir. Uar nuck of MIk aud

1 l..i> .uw.n uf .urilUuiT.n7»n i«ivd aul r.purtr.1 rxurr..-l> 1. r ihrmalUrsdo. rbro.. Dr.« Gouda U cumprl..L.i . srrat variety atUil4 y. SIUKi.DV.4, ltWFuunj*t.

***'^|.'*^* I fine Coilery will pi-a*e call a«t examine our #.iyle* aud t^OroUUee. Our M* tu*t Ribbuo* Glove au4l

GiLf. F. ROK.-yBKKi;

lt« hUI^ rt^ira

2*rt) t U‘ Vfc-ry j',. r:<

o aiurr and i»r .-aif hyail I iteb II. PrlRGrSON te Son.

DMI riWtote mt eefMAUMe OMtoi..' ’ hEoKCBITlS, ur trrliaUeo of G.e thrmt aad oprer I

** I bey ar# toeg^aiiK tor ibe ktw-workf*” said perttoa or ttee loAg*, may he eared hj tohitig CuebetI

Le eistoikLr-f. PtecvoteAL ite astoll ated fregeeat doaea. Ttea oaceaHj


4kc PiofetoCe. «k| umtm mmma ttee CMkteMTPEc Tuteai cure sach caae*|W kf 4o tteey eo of one teflcr tbs otuer of Amttmm and Srooch'.ua a* lead* me te hcLcve U can !

pV** rarely tal . to e«re tteoee 4i*eaee*a**j

••O th* J «- ^fcck M...k.Erofc*«as^ 44.0.C4MITP, glee an esegte of am wony* to be ful-WOOGtoork Wbick tuppoitec tbe ipweg by targe and fre<)acot dk«ee of t HLkteV Pectu-

Morfcf Mftelhli^ to pwcet. ' mal naUi teeahdaeetbrduetoe. If taken in aoa*ua*lt**l !«v epeeiMoto bte9 lailodi’’ win am uii te care.

“Vr«, EM lUItD—<lo you bcEf lb0S*Clies?” »H4’®^tk«i-COCOH mro— lrook*» upaud •«« cbtei

“Oraeoou, IroavcMl” said MiefcaW. “ Ijl'y 1T« ?NFU S^l“u S^.v^rVlirov;;! hy this r.m*-r» oertroyiuc l«i«*s arotlisl Uro fldWW- dy. Narouuu irotonor. trov. i-vr. noilcrd wherr•dte.^ wbele taasllto* were pruecxck. fr*® aay certoea ooa*#-

30 If.!

FOR SALfc:.[IFCLLuf Uribe Metbu'iatui Ea**rtiuuuad. k a't term»y li^iulrt at tbt- eolt*

VOR SALE,r OF GKoof) ,,u vae a .rib tide ,jt Hma.:Leta**cs Fiovl aod Pre*»uii. 4 -’r it-raift, *i.

K tlLtlNM.U Gold huii Stiver Paper.— d ream-Uii» . ewtx Gutdani silver Fapvr* a b-*«uUXDl aril-

rS. smKi.lM’.'*, 104 Fourth al.|

II^AKA*»01aM Para»*N;—A Isr*- *u«| Lonipleie atufc'k


A now wrt.ilug at price* novr bnere bearj uf in Lo’i-Isvtl!* at»»* .s. S»IIEI.r>8»-", IOj Feunh *1.

flue Catiety will pi-aaecaU aM examine our|istyle* aud t^OroUDee. Our M* tuet Ribbuo* Gluve au4l

tl7 A. B. 8KMPLK te BRO. Uoaterj tosmtuiinu are full a*i i conipiete. We Invite—; country and tliy « t»Tcr» to ao xamlnat oa of oar stock 1

leery Tab'e tallery.-We have in store a|

before p r ha»iL.;.-» we are -.ei**fmined to toll a* low I

a-saruueiit uf tl-.fc* lv.>ry Tauio Cutlery* Kr.g- as any W’»!*m Kate. Fart cuiar aueotiun given |o i

r JO bbda prime Sugar;2h0 tag* prliaa R oCufle#;100 bbls Plantaii >a Motasees;teo buxee *xt a Tea*;5 La f cheat* u«


•» da da tfcnyacxroa.f>rraa;iln), u.xf*rDc!e;

no kri. N.llfc uaotuvl mm 41 la ttd;too buxe* ^oap;M (ta Caodlee*tec.; 1a store and for Mi'e by

Rowland te OO.

4M1VW BrrWAM 4M te 1 o.

r aaytbleg la ttee way of Wto-* toeet be tore to ca.i ah


4teJ Main aireai beruTe ^oscLaeiag! JOHN OllL.1 WbolaaAle and Retail Dealer la Tey«, Feoey Gro«aa,


tolt fSkWh*. Bre«h'.rt« andl MiH's’*** s*f • , X'wteb

Cau.KM^aMd Hair #N*teea.— rs*

,ar»c*i a**; eery

/ u«*t a-rts ttmea er aU »ata ante:** aan a,«aya *«I

fv-a^to ai a 3 aaitk air**i, to.O -OHJI »«ll L.

I^INK Ivery T*b> tallery.-We have in store a


before p rllarge a-auruueiit uf tl-.fc* Iv.-ry Tauio Cutlery, Kr.g- a* muy W*

-iab aiHi American* with au-J wub>>ut Fvr&** aui far itllf'X ori *


1 at to FablUi »lfvvlro

“o lot*! tte woroiEori- wiuck supportsd ttefHibC'fM! MOfkf Mftelhi^ to Dweet.*’ mal aaUi Mtoudscethedtaeato. If t

** i nctoria#4# IkM itEitodii’) wtJ aok fall ta eere.


U {...LtertALk ALDtitfl/.L DCALEa IN x i

. MoteJhG AL’L taKtel.NG 70L.4CfcV.i, ;*> r.ha '-*f rvEi-v wi .a > <'. Mo M L.i . *7' •l. k * ro

•Oi* kilrd. 'V." /•.'rfc.r a.;.<7= t*-- : C ..i j :

m2 dtewlteb


('*11. STHt'LTHFS^ beg» leave to announce to th'V fc-.'lteba rg l.osGvii e tt*t bu 8*1 'Oti, wh^ch ha*- t« -

ceti*ly teeii flited up in a at% f* of i:-. ganct. tiu-urpa * .

-lis. oporracto bte9 laklodr’ wig^ mil ta care. ICE-CREi^M SALOON,“V*.,.,M.uUD-do you te« l^ citear’ ^ I NO. bg FI ’ TU 8TKKRT.“Oraeiour b«avc«tor’ aaid MiebaW. Th-y INFU'EKra li a£^.;*rdiaovi;i by thla reme- / 'll- STHl LTHrs^ beg* leave to announce to th

teTO Aefllroykiig tke let<eet aroufafi tbe fly^wey- Natoerwoe ia4t*aoee Lav# u«*ea ouCerd where \ * ^-’Oea* eg i.osGv!! e tt*t tu 8*1 'o»«, wh^cb ha- t«

kedte.^ wb#:e tamma* were pruacxcd. trm aay eenoto ooa*#- c^u*iy teei. rttted up in a at-, r of i:-. gancfc uu-urpa *

“it m E Etrolrat’s rutr ” raid tiro ror.nroar«k*ir aTOshEu-fc w.ih mt Ih. CHEiiEV by ant lu H. • M ' country, u tuw nw n tur thr I.^ * wiaaew g row* eteid IliO Oirteii^er. Pn.TO»aL, were *naer.i4g nwa» the dUiaM^, ceptluo of tUoM-


ei-.. u*. te -a kUa j *• :o ex’eud lu L.i*li#4 arerereijpmr tbaawelvrg upon tbe gar- Ralcm* Ohio* llih Jane, itetel. the same llhcral pairubag* ahich b* ba« b tui rts. m

<&«M lor dtote|if>OHita«eijt**’ Dte.J.C.ATEM: 1 write W’.urom yuu of it.a truly ertved at ihe.r t«i) l^. apr id v.lm a^ bluj

“How cHd I teJM tbtet we are out of th# wav ®*®®**®* P®«*'<'*«Liiav pectomal latui* — . .

•1 all tte* lurnul- "Eddrol Piro-ro!!-.“ ^ pi^Ead lE SM a*. tamHy. ua* . f aiyUnshiro. nu \1*A.^TEI• la flay ar lxlrc-lot4 r:;it;,ro^i'.

..Vi ’ -rtrtrol k lornica. c.roplEvty curaS la lErro day. ro a araaut.; y h..up'u.- M F..;. fr.;:: 12 w Ir ...t uf loic. 4u,:.'IteEjrouETE kwt iri^cklodrod asked Cawt k* laXla* tu Dt.Mrom, . n. ro «u vrry but u ..

Ki’iro-. pEystetoEfc fraely roau. ikai k. ouroUrr- tt th. hot“N rot ID tte Is^L” rvsMd} w« ba»s «u» palrocaory 4l<rororor, aod 'Jmi h. ha. UAFICR PRESS FOR SAJ..E.“ItieEWEillr-stiUkroter” rjynBn»«rr.iKO"1ufl'Tior'.xl..h. x.ryrnF" - Nx

PEcTOa*!.. wro. MSro.nx truai ihr d;>uro.SahEM, UHio, llUi inn., ItSI.

DteaJ.C.ATEte: 1 write w '.urom yuu of Us# trulyj

ceptiua of UioM- Wei'-i Wfl'. te -a kltai ** to ex*eud lu L.libe same Lheral pairubag* ahichb* haibtuirts* mertved at iLe'.r b«ii l^. apr id v,lm a^ bluj

/ * L.4/.teU fever Paper.^-dOO ream* Glaxed Pamph-vJl irtt C-ver Paper, aiffercut* aud *lxe*, Ic ature


• *1 M>iKK t rui»e lu the .>ledllerra iCuo, uti hoaMj


o au A;u aU Fliga.e* A. P. Well** JUrtt receivedI

^llroAMbOAT Dill Paper.— lOU rtxoia 8t<*mha*t3 B - 1* iT) V. X.'.** arm *»«urktri culor*. in atfrs* acid fur• le 1/ 1>AAC CRoMIK,uiIOjNl' Wli>>;#»aie Fkper Warebause.

Va/ I c**“ h.ack Fr« lich C! ’ics;1 da da Ou C vi-i!ut*re*;1 do f*ticy8l.k V’erdt e*'

JoK received *ad for sale cheap hrT. te K. SLKViN

Oil I Miln .-t , 2-1 dxM.r tx !row 1.

R^Pte.—ICO half Calls 9-!>trao, m*cbhy_ [mr

,|t,M.LL4 <»l

Y 1 *'l-ASNtN.— ,'i0 half hb!a and SCOiVX fcuup far tale ty

r^te -1KB-PI^><^; SsaVK d'or sate.


We Invite /'sO>l 1|0^ Teteetco.- 790 bwx » W« ; rtee-i Kentucky ^HaL.1. face v eeae* — 4 lar e a«-«rtto m wi 8e#tl®* ®®^ stock A / an M ttouri TuLacua la tture ar,i fs*r r y I auu K«autae r7<-«M.a M. J* u ag c aioe la »«Me

lonTgiven to 1— BR4DT te UiVirt. (*»»> J >h\ *. 14.4..

'^T^OW Liaea.— 1 000 vardrty a Rperb artM<s la -tor- '

i AMIYV Weeh-Maxev eate Itoeveia^ €»##«.—



X ! ii»r a«i*b7 |<al**] Roe 1.4 s !> te riu ’ XoS ar.kea'Vl u*.k«red *-*a*rtoae«i x **,**•/« to oeate

ivALLAGlIB.t te CO.

k’t. v.r>,.* ,..r ,.i,

J. 8. Mt.HHIS St'W.

bRANMN te 81 MM* :tS,

I^NGLIMl Veuetian Ked.— 2'j II

nay 1 1 dtew j. s. M.


L^LOl K.— lou tbia fxtr* In aicte atd fur »alc* hy! F 11.14 ulL Iro MfliH. te CO-a l!^ Wall at.

I Y I ^ ^ K#tl- «rfd.—bO cotU 6 an 1 b iLread juai' irvX r* - 'sed * .i lut >aie hy



R li.h'1 MiU su:*ar« —191 bwls aa« jr.ed low .)aalltles-1. - •: ; t-r F*uoy 8parhawk a'll f«ir»«le i>r

11. Da NKW( OMB te BRO.,AsTeuti. fur Hc-flovry. 1

bbls, cyprea.I

I^SALSRS IN GROCMRIKS, BACON, LARD, FUK A, \ ’’’^velia;; ru»ha—w« to r- Lrl. ea ml*


XJ lIMea, Tallow tec, aoutbwvkt corner uf Main aial i o\ c«»ip* «»f % vrry il .«• a#- t a#ut -.f wic*. rN M**a - Isecond »D‘v«»hi. l.oul.vllle, Ky_

UilS[Mo and Leeih.r c wr^d na-k , *11 -ix,-*. kprr.a'i-. u- . ! I ’**!*• ^* *1 Te»#.—As t

*'«4KKULLtu% -At 1- # aw.' I Umtletmg a irli. * ill .'.j wall by »sph.; la* lut akg. ^ ‘jAAKKULLtUA Floor— 1,0 hWa of this aup#rl«>r wlth^r^uVerlfc-TflAT*'^^^\/ F.ous made 44 WUUv Wb-ai expre«a.y for familyaHc-vt i.*** frw.i I price* A 4nJ Maiu »m vt at retoU

O to laax* 8cofch Ale, pint boiUe^;10 de Brown Stoat, dm

' In store and for »a*entb «mEO. WSLBT, No. MM Mala kL

SI PCfl patoateairt ler Iter Hair.— T*# 1* i«>% enaj a very rtOaferi.T *..uri'an.; ar a ’ ta* .1 fl rMs.i 1

^*r «a>e oy ltoD*| »*M». 1X44.1 H. te.


pomatuoirt fur ih*b‘ r. pni «,• .m t . 511 e * , t«F I T [~

(rtrr**w top*, telr lU'.iL *nH- g • tor ii-dVd-i.r-^. w* re- ! 1I AG Mahiea aw4 Keel • hiaa ^Ua, teg-itevr

cvlv^l X Cue la\ fie*h, D I u.-.mira. ? % . j

VV eMte * «e> efai *toct of e^e yiaite* *k44ta» e la vtee

mis TAT L4*R te ARMS’ Rung ear *# p aw'.i ig-* ror cai triia, fca« *iwa- • to rwM.M m. _ . _ « . »r*ai a «.i<leefcv, awJ al ttee very lewe*i itod to

tpilK (r.Bl raa at tk. r iIifto I. aalkta, laj

“ ** M-** »»* JOHN G LL.

1 umu-r air> ID. run ; laai . .. Trol rUABi x <AHaE. - - -

rirunx’-, 4'l Mrta .t-'ri, 'h;- d.... a-riMi a. a a| ^1 .,,u-i.ati.i tSEro.- arrow., dro Ull.. tm-amaata

rorr. y. I6ey kxr. . aro-t e'jiro .luex a, I'.lu - w.ifc J«. irov.nn kyro . m sa .a

.oxl. -d..l u'li'D. Turo.ttraiuaroi..uak; ra . I JOHNGIlI-fur iha irnip'.'lua lohay V Irr.rol.tlM.. ajl- |.

airtiN attfc^ A , DX ^#a« Naif i-'Fa Mart . *r Euw-s .ro a*.


R if FIN to Nasa-— I D e-acaac, UUEuCtal fur E" roa roa la -i r. a ro fc..illroewa P rasua. N... I wd fc I >a.ahy GELLA..H*E E lO-10 bhd- «hli dm rd, rattan., fur coafrotlaErn; ' EroitN aad auwlaroi*. -

1 , n a.t. J.Ib Idura ud (ur aala Ui ml* u.v. la. uait - —mis WM OAT, SSS Mala .1. 1

ro^» la- 'fcu Haaam.

. |Arok.»R|.„,u««ro—

fnCNIKfcT.—IWb'l. Ctmrnt rroalvM uJ fur Ml. si I il M uisr. am. U. Ml )..>• Ifckavc ;/ ra. lury Drtrro ky I ok da -aoro- M.mis A. ^ML'NN, WMalllM. SS da Wm. T AtdarMa>a^

“Owet-E^ Kid OIOVEE #1. S tC

l BLA.N HAitu .fl-rrtth- beu F mb R. * Glee** r» 4> J G«to L«tof toT7* at $1 p r pair, werren'fd to goal ee t'%«# toM elee- ! 40 Oe Ja*. C. llUl*t*« Ate

I AfiC gte'-s C *fk, %#••k*4 rrcel • tl la Sr.-re ea4

*wte4»w teikal tote.

; v> »'ite * 4

_^i»'.tew_ J. s. M.'UniS te St'N.j

lale. i aunel-, u MUU in *ture anJ\fADi:{KV Wluea.— ili' . h.crt^.•^.. • • •• t» f w XJ iw. • -si* by

i\X tlirt -A\> ..f J. li>uar;, Morcti, te4 BLO., M ftnnfa. tnrers.

Wiuer, offer ^or *^r—, ^,|R| r.— 1») pa4k4j“rt Gulden airup lu.lore and lur

Sjuib sxi *.7 •

* ^ ^ reduced price* In 1. 1, Lr

wiuer, offer fur sale—Old Bull Me'irlrs tV!"-;Suuth alil'.- Iu i..>;

L-n I,n Farticulsr M-Jrlrs Wine;AM prriecil/* WtU.ACK FOPK k CO.

i\ikw'hL;.‘tr;h«.im, Ih da. urd«r; ' ?'

Ih rt. m:!: r.r«u tr ’ I

J^ii! G ATl**® V*"> *'• txTalt!! cV'hV'.TJ! '7: ro

R lt'£.—JO tierce* Caralm* flint Rice In etare aod for*ha t*imst*G.»w lahey s lrr<

•aleby (mlSJ W M. GAT, b*J Main »t. t x v *-i v a n te*w*-


Oar cieftertoao of ttee Bapttet ChsrcL »»y» tteat dnrlngCofaliisUc4 to riaa bicLcr tor MetwiteJ muiutM aiut the r«a of !•«««* tevre ihu *ea*u4d he La* eeea carestbM became gUtMtoM

«»uiag, aoo »edJd»e tec conig scarcely have believed

Ttem. tUramm * s--^ * wHteegl eeclgg.«M»e rmve^s ntterod at tbe iteiDC »o- To«ra reapectfaliy, J. Da SINCLAIR,

NAFILR PHRS8 FOR SAiuR.uDder»lgn*-d off*-r lor i-ale the %iry snp«


X |>lerPr< ^^ i.puO eblch the louDlsvlUe Juuii *.

antli lately h«tu printed. It ta tn am-l urder, ai.d i

he sclu npua terntM to salt the pi:rch*.-er. •!* ’ . «amhaador.ei hcote .-e its ^lae wa* to*< MLa turi.eiblarged form of lae M'e>.-: ,y Journal* Apply a* ibl


tebJldkwhknf PULNIKL te UaNULE-’iN

C.H. Bent C- DuvaM L G- Howard.


l<Er,cl aMd ll.urrhald I 1'“—kli'S M arrbouM-

I W’“ - — ' t'y mir arrival., frum ilc lar*<ro ImUur.'r. Cf Xnxl''.I.E.. .nrtlh-ni.rot

. , .—~ —- Toara rao(ro«rai!y, J. B. SiXCLAIH,

BFtrt EE rac IsEi.tioB ad odatraliau Below t»-poiy Puromorovr.ttrooD Iej- Ob Eli Sirtas, ES Ur ro th* *•» dl»tlM*Elab»d Prafr.Mr at t troroi.try

raocti, idEE-.lMi vTu^., . .hduro stTLZ ,“* JHadlra. . .wdM. troro.e.

liiU lud Diem rut! vaiterf I teave logiK ttee c:hmuit Pc( toral, a* lu lagre-teSdd plain, tiin.vtelted belde atK vilUcee, ffteme eteee, a powfirral retoedy for cotoa aag cuagh*

lltoi; , >gw4Tiosig mtd torme vterj Pery itMiteli' 4o4 palMiaiiary 4i» wtoee.

Tbe btocb Foraaf l«M»ed tbe H urtcttburM lr<ibPARCKR CLRYICLaMD, M. D.

“T;. •«“f •- - «’* ao^: .MOTT.tiro pictiu* w Ilk k rtkFy Ittx of stiver, atid . Tk. wldrly raUkrated Wraframor at kar(rry la tb. ” *'

We^dEfl lay Itro onwetittiro ^eckEr, srindu,; off M.dt<«i(«u.E.. K.wVro-kCUr.saya: rxtrar;

Uto tiro lislEnec, cueairorad witk bright


“U m. piwaiu. t. unify th. vroa. aad .tDcacy *

CSMCEllr!”*0 0

IU ‘ATEE’s CaxEEV TElToeal,’ whltA I oaaaldor


JUH.V A .MILLKUfcCO, C -iTnxvrr fc 3.Cunifr of tutiTlh and Market e/rcffr* 6<w -la Woeieohoia.'

H '.VK reteib*.: n!it4u the l*-t few days a Urge slaKk^ '

- BumtOTr Go >lSr am l.*via< oertt pu'-chasefcl siucr x tino .* *1.^.. « ^the n'Ckiii dtffchiirt fUkbi'-rt ibcm to tcli iireat h*tgalu*. •»’,«,«

A-»..rietl Pock

Ft * u;i- nhu *ie h kiarfcb of tjood yooffs at low price* aiTu * i--* ».#aw.k'**are ;»av led luiallau? c4teupAre their goods and prices Cutlrrv

^*^ ‘^*^**^

wi.L *f hui:rtr.,^refe*,.i.', to idt at cor/. FUitTpor^fn^^^LU^st-calured uheCu 4td mUiped »ti’ro*; 2,? Iq

Dj da plain J. ;^ _

Rich prits’.ea U*fi*ts and Tissue’s; x r.lLi:KIA.\ATE s. ‘v

V-/ 4‘io duteo R idgeri te Son's fiu .* Pu- kei Cntlery


600 lio Worienholaa's do do d-;300 du flne Kxtuis, W*de te Butcher's aud Rvlj-*

er»»G»,<KK) do a-»..rietl Pocket C.iIIpit;UviKiU gruMt du TaijetuUtrv;

Alsu * large stock of American aud Engll.h Ivory Tablebeautiful sl>)esirUitd Forks at.d hpro«!U-; ^t *re aud fur %aie low by

A. 11. HKMFLK te HRo.

Vr-LLCkI.%.\AT£ u' .Merphiue f t «ialr tyBKl.Lv aOBlN8.>N, te CD.

6’*. hire b *w lu >t -rr, by arrival*, from ite larV g#at IttpufufT* cf Rnglish C*rpetibgrt aod the must

iteui'.ve n.autifac'urs.-4oi t arpet* In ur own cu* niry,great varlet’ or th# richest and cLutceat de*iga» ot—

Saxtjli MedaiUeii Velvet;WMu4i and Tepee: r> do;BlX“fraa>e acUalllon brutoels;htx-curd Bon<4oei and 8cru|i ltrt<-*e!s;Rugileh aidd Au erlcac Tapeeua*;

Do du Mo Imuertai aud super 3 pl.e*attd 2>pilekfc

Ingrain 6' ply, fnper, fin*, atm met'ium;ITlIuM do. au* xc lieut article, low priced;Bruutols aiMl Veo*-tu. 8t«ir *od Hall i*ar|jt-t,

FoaitsP BuU'>i and i'iarp Malr ic-kis.

M*gblfifcei-t P«: or Ras** • • r.p • tl.e rc,»tl Mi-»*4C, 8ax ’ti>, wu> Lule auu T Uad*. tec.

Tbe ateoev gewl* wc ufier tu pa«cii*.< .* *« miw a thi-

oue can he pnrekased lu as> to tue >•%*- etu o>*/s«t*.BENT, DCVaLL, te OUe, Carpel Uar«hec*«,

Bit Jteh Mtelb ePs* ofpoaito Bank ef Keutnetey.

EAfci 1 E»f rofc _ro -ro ro

e«lUny o iaptsd to CMre dleaiMi of the iterual and<^«4teUT!" Mteul thff Mrti^er, tef if to

^ ®teO lerttie J^>e> ef sever* Miseesee «pon Che l«mgs h*ee beentoeMv loe l4teik^*bie riser, 4mi Woodod MkOMii- ••srteg by caLteav pcctoral :• s«ch extrense caee**•••• »tee belief thto a r#M»«dy teas at length hecM

f I • be eOfi*inu#d 1 S2? UlSf^ 4mpmmArnfi mm to oire the CuMgL*,

J ^otesiinuiUu# whtoh cany froto our midaithiTiTMXii^wai V year. it te loMeef a u**itda* lo which

INtetoto Mufft*» to«aMa. by T. te A ttear. tor to e ei

**^ •'‘^ *^^^**» ^ '*'^e**W, and lbe>lb* ‘ *Me I , I

•b«®*®“el»g‘Maav»t. th*to.a|ve*er tea

"rto* b E Hu«I

x'BBfanJei^j tauaa c. atdia.

L 0j-0.\u' ro Ih, m^ —: Swroim, L«Ht.O, Maro-eaittJZZaaL.^ “*" J** * Hero..*, liSirt;.., .S? k,

mi» IM;amam.

am..— drEEdlst* SEd daaron m OMS-roiaa. .vroTwkroa.^ «*» fc HOW. I wkJSdoMBfcawadu

Hicli pr uirtti Orjaudle?}

BriillanieruB *ua piintM Linuia for Children,Liivtit-colurcd Ctiiuix and Ginghams.


JaCfc»Qetrt, plain and plaid;

Wnit'* CamhriCw and Mnll aud Nslnaock Mudlnr


F.atn,'ly and tmhruldered 8wl*a Muslin*.

Embtoidcrits and LaeUa

French w- rked Collars;

Du do Ch lAiexettes* with slerrea to match;||

8<ritt a:.d Jaconet Collar*;Du do Bands.4" ih*-r Willi a laigeatid fclefsnt atourtmeot of lacrrt k MsntL'a , which w« are offering at uawsua 1>


r pn e*. I

4 1 u a large slock of Buy** G xjda. Cutlonades, plain and

! a. D. NelWOOMB te BRO.,_ ^geut* for Refluery.


(ilCa.\R8.—'JB.OOJ Havana Uuo Ina* on consignment


and fur sale byj“rt II . U. NEWCOMB fc BEO.

Ol -

. O I lair loprllu- SuKan160 th » Fiautatluu M« '.atois;

76 Lags R:u • uOre;60 putkeu JavaCuffe*;

^ 200 pk. B GuniKiwder Tea;126 boxes Tolaccuv

*' 60 bb»s Luv<riu;;*s White Sastr;16J p'oces Baggins,200 Culls R pe,


160 hbis Orotb u Whisky;I

In SPT4 aud for sale by '

"*rt T. T. BKINT, SON, fc CO.

sluc* ef Uatec rureiss-» Item utece i» suifik: ea:,


v1-tiMe. fcD I

WM. GAT, 6*2 Main st.

WM. GAT, 5M2 Main tt.

«4AUDNRR te Co.

VrrRY Saperler Madeira Wlae.— \6hble jast re-

ceived aud far sale by

IV Wl tlurces P • rag<»Q. Noa, 1 aod %.

10 hbd4 «hu Rrft ed*snit«D.e fur cotefectloaers;la stura aad fur sale Lyml8 WM GAT, 668 Mata af.

A. A. MCNN, 660 Main sC

^A I NT6.D Bavhelt, Tatea, aad Keele'^a. Zlac.\X* atffipr pair, warran*ed to gtMj I aa t'«ee toM elee- ! 48 oe Ja*. C. llUlet*sr Wash boards; 8wallow,ohakrr, aod cuinm a B. usoas; « here fur g . 2% Ttee present stovk U lar.: aut jual rr-


lOM Mo m ftailadge**Whup*; FO'set ; White Pine Tubs; and Wuoaea Bawla; celved-In store and far eale by

lolR 8DRBVB te STEWART. j mAi,


\ A Rf OTl.> for stele byhi UlU Kg


RDW. J. MARTIN te CO., 6M<y Main st.


T. T. BRENT, SON, te CO.j_


Heda—'iu hbi* lu store ani for sale by 1 2 iU. T. CL RD te Co., tef

BELL, ROB1.N841N, te CO. .

SUth st., between M*»u_aisl Market. i

lev fur bv~ — 6,UU0 lb. .OIMTI' r Ballun Twine (or OA e.



d. fair to ctiulce lu feure and for role ^'lOU Ll>EHS.—60 ca.ks pork hoa«. Shunl.O flers received and fur ^a'-e by

J, MARTIN te CO., bSh Main st- JAS. TODD te jtlCHARDSQN.

tecyltees. — 260 dusru Wald’sroo l-i'*!*®f humpagne .

—-20 bakkeis Cream de Bonxey

alD deythe*, prime quality, for sale ^ Cbaiapajne Ju*t ret elved an.l for k,ale by

t k MantL:* , which w* are offering at uawsual>|UNGMoit Sparkling f ai iwtea,

td I'a a'i'i Z . jiurrmsu' Dry f^atawbau a i*rge Slock of Buy#* G xjda CuOoaades, plain and Le ogageu s fur the above super tir we w»a lu

i.'Ururta n aca Bummer Clatas, Gsmbrouns, Sei- r .lure keep a ouu»iaut supply uo haad U .*11 at 111*00.. Nsnkeeos, tec. JNO. -A. MlLcBR te CO, i.^inrers’ prlcoe.

v u at mann


V \% I .> fc.—90 btel:^; Twine fvr • ale by I

uil7 U4LL4GUER fc CO,|

kHANUlfcSxad Wmes#24 pipes superior MaG ury Brandy, vlnuge of 1862,

2 4 Ot’fd, Dapuy, te C:. do;

6 t J* 3* Dupoy te Co. Mes5 4 do R**tea44 Charrlenr do;6 i do A. Betgnette do*3 I do I’nlled Proprietors’ do;10 1 casks various brands Mo;I 4 cask very saperlar old Port Wine;

16 casks Burgundy do do;16 do pure Port Juice;16 4 casks Sicily Madeira Wine;10 I do Canary do do.

10 I du pure Sveel Malag* Wine;S hhls New England Rom;76 hble old Bjoroan W* skyt25 this oH Mute’ UMaheia Mr* Vhlskv:*0 S»oxea Ciarel

^ do ^1*fc*at do,ba!>keta « hampaane Wine, pints and qaarts;

F'TO .^a luw, tro chM roa.iE.mrat, k,

. .r . . ... dlVI.IT*.Ladies' Fiufcst Fianch K.d Glsvaa 75 eta. '

. . -

H AVI N«4 a heavy rtU*ch Of rreoth EP*s, ff-r then, w I \1 *JrIh. LoJ'ro uf Ironi.vtli. tt ti eufc-, mmE u m.1 I

' * « ??,*'>i'roro, la Ea. oarownEaat

.lro.b.f . *c S6 oau »l —lo. I

mlS l>fcT G. BLAMCHAfcO. OW M.ln M. . ^’^**^^—** ** l«“*l «*N dlLLICT.

CtMKKEK.—16 buxM a.w Weroxara E«irorv. Ck-a>. C’' ®L® P.roafclE fcaraa.—EE taTO m. IB ro.ra rad/ received per stennibotei Geergvtoen nod fer stoe hy

juMM p. Howard a co., ! .* x. Mrv:;, Mitota mreet,mis g|7 Main, hetweee Third and Pa«rth sto. ' —*** 1 atol 4g»ieteMeral fltoee.

/ iKDAR Ctear»i.rt-lf dotote feraale b| I 8M»—GClhMV 8M»—10 hteiee .sMBtev ]

A^Atewd L4w^yg tolto la eture a»1 for sale|

9J iLkSI BR.4DT te DAYlEft.

10 hteiOe .stotoy Rags;MhtefiiUeaOe ce; fat tole hy

TMAIhAtetol I

^ 9J ^LkSI


I E\ and PuwdereO recelveo per steotoer Reyesuo# mmt

Ilor tale hym 0 W. D. If 8Wr«>M0 te OMfV, Wall sa.

iVKFtets teipu«rira.rTi.« u i!:• ba.-ket# » hampaan# Wloe, plDU aad qoanst

Jsirttwherrlea.—Having rcqeuiiv r,.cr|viid II atore soMbr saie by (miBJ GlO. WELBT.r a lata, invujc. uf 'hU dtltclun. _ - 1

^ult,"******kay ts evBi. p.r buttle. \JAIL,.—lOU kraka-rouftra .tiro In itor. rat fro .at,

“**• fc. kOHLB, 60 Third .u, near Main. b, [mlSl HHADT fc OAVIU.IvX Itackiud rrovivra par .trom.r Atkroraitro uro fcr I

Ml. bp (mIS) SHfcBTB fc SCKWaJIT. I

cyPtlcalE eaam pay ror.

Llltl.: Uraa:-M kkta Whlia L'ro.rarokvra ra, ro,

Mia aj imltj A. «• at'Mli. 6M Mala M. ,

Page 2: · 2015. 9. 12. · THELOUISVILLEDAILYJOURNAL. V(»LUMExxm. f«lWr4XABirTBUtlTKi •!«ruic^TtrK&Hm%DntL%on, 'w»KAo««AmAin>rtrrv•rmscn. VerlMiac\mitailr «rL— 17iiM

L O U I V I I. I« J (> i li N a i !

< l Aiik Mil I.'V< Si ATi-E or Ja. It I* IL.- Drworiacy of reimii> Ivsiiia art in (jy-Mr. E.lmoinl A. Grav.'!., of thin city, ka- ! GOmaVILLB I

r.i«ifcr aa.. . Jkan.i ir \ol art Wl » *““PO» witii the adnuioJialion, tbe cau.« of received fioui itin Secretary of tli« Interior ;he DENTAL DEPOT.


KV I’KKNTIt't Jr HEMrtKSOK A^'*— *o loid tite General Goveruioeat williac « bicb in thus set forth by the Waalringloii cor- appointment ol Indian Agent in New Mexico. IJAVINu recaivco me »-«>cy or dental lu..tmmests I

.—era/ xia.. .od rttih aireeu.’ W' ‘ * “<> *<• the»«lve. a. to reapondent of the Philadelphia <i»cette: “You This U a first-class Indian agency. Mr. G is t' wueM'r“ rte or'^imutl u

. ’v.H'; Tii Weekly. f<t; WeeUr. f3 00.,'^''‘1^' P*^' "*<* remeinber the future by will leineinber that, when Mr. Buclianan was a thoroughly trustworthy gentlemen, who served ‘“•‘™'»ent., teem, ate., aUich will beat al.

|r^’i’b^r»-'*ecitiy Journal sajtuntiahed on ‘uch acU as the putchaae of this lematkaUe appointed Minister to England, be announced his country gallantly in the Mexican war, ao4, “">^ers‘rruni m^uatrj, accompanied by the cai h,wtlToewday, Thmdxy, and Saturday. work of American Ulenl. We hop.- that their that he had made a diatinef stipulation that bis if he accepts the office tendered to him, he wi'l

, t and adounal is pwbtiabed •> firrl lesson in bronxe horaetnanahip may please acceptance was not to interfere with the claims faithfully perform its dnties. AKont'ior ione*, wuuo, Prrnuo *?wb,^ «Srthe Country Dailr JoBrnal $«l a Tear i

*" ''“**** *'• o‘ Ponwj lv»m* friends to loreigii,


comer Jefferis.D .n. /..nnh.i

J^rva-sine Wolletin (eiry> 10 eewts^^l however we accept the prener.t ns a pledge poaGjin other wonls, that his appointtnent was|

Washinuton, Monday, May l.i.tI<OUI8VILLE DENTAL EMFORIUM.

weeW—t country) *« f*r an. or-, . t HO Jot 3 a ' ood o»-n f-- 'he ; ,1 ire, we trust we shall to be regarded as a national one. To the cred- IDrw/opwcnli Cumins Toneking the M«i/M

| J* |

eaiainr an., t

KV I’KKNTlre tL HEMibKSON,I'arnerar Wa.nai.4 rinntlreeu.

ToOTxSay, Thmdny, and Saturday

t9~Ti<« Wonkly dounal ii|



.ocelve prompt attention.8* F. l).\%rR8t DniKFlM And Apott'*CAr7y

As^t rs>r Joiieity WUUf*y ci Oo.*« Prrmio Tef^tb*j4 dlyA.weoirljfft conic'r J^«*riMin «n< /unrth «t


No. 461 Main street, south side,BETWEEN rorBTH AND I'lFTIfy

LOUISVILLE,Wholesale Druggists,


A bAb*I»i>nie modem krtidenoB omI Ho.T WalDuta se&r Jsck»oa fttreeto 3L

N|{|| A foud Kn<lDr*p« Sand slid DwelltetUniiL c«in.» r or W«|nat «n>l Jsrkson streelA.A n«-«' DvrtlliOK u'a JACkvou, ncAT the oonxr of Wai>


nut BlreeUI Alsoy sema of In one bodr, on theI Yllie ni d S*<bvmf r^Hrondj 14 inllp<* wonth of c!ty.


iTfft’ comer Jrf..rwd,D .D. A.nrth’.i Uru<s, Meaicmew, Patent a^Wiciue.s Them-


, ^ -- —

ical:*. Paint*, OilK, Varni«)he9, Bni*h^, i

XiOUISVILLIj DUNTAXi UMFORIUM.) Dyf^^Stutf;*, Surgeons’ Instrmnenis,

JOHN r. H CGHES, PKOPKI E I Oil l Pertumery, Spices, Glassware,otnesst SnUllB. A. llssbe,’., romierlr Sutcliae, McAl-

I Wiiidow-Gla-iS atidVirgi-'

\s. sat Main sireei, L.alsTlIle, Kt. Ilia, Missouri, and Ken-I

In receipt or an enttrely new and turky TobarcB|

wer-«Hected :ock of URNTAL (400US. N. B. GlDtenK, Featbere, Flas-Soed, fUgm Bee«wat,t would rt-wpectmlly invite the attention Mustard^Seed* and other ouuoirr produce will he re> i

of the Dental Prt*f*w»lun of the Strath and celvt^ In **xcbaoRo or tn i^yme&t of dehta doe to theimlnatlon of my aMoriment. My atock 1« late firm of J. 8 . Morria A. I'-o. mar 1 a&wlplv

^•C2L«’ . «k t.-* n.* i.oilK^fhocA:*l Wrtiiti.- Kin .TiMoyMrre..|Krct tor it of your Slite if said, a very few only Many w. CajAtag, 4c.

, iMer,&<x..v, ’,7aIjr " ^_jtbe donor, the g-oup, or the worthy artist, of her ciUzens were humbugged by this an-

busiuels*'^ Kulf* offi'cia?**T"^m the Mesilla 2"!,“ ‘

lucky Tobacco


''!‘r‘\"'llTtr’mftt:'e^^nouncement, and the applrcants from yo«r«aie ee.ved llom New Mexico; gr'vrug 700^;“, [o'r

LX^LdlZde Ielticf, to look ini« giii-uorte III the mouth. iBe for foreign places were rommendably few. Two Gov. Lane’s course, which have not been here- ^'^^-‘-t-I-roi m. D.mai Po.f-..iun of tb.s.,om anj ceivi-ii in .xebaoB. or in i-aymeat of debu do. lo

, . . i voice of public acclamation has declattd this to or three were, however, who, after pushing tofore presented. It is explained that (iov.“

*«Vil.\vVw lor^cShlaic Bmi .-f J. » Morris k iio^ mar i

MOND/iY. MAY 2.1 . l^bS. ; be, in iis own line of art, ihe grande«t cITort of their claims with great pertinacity for a mouth J.*“*’* iwizure was con.sequent upon certain|iici* u*M by m. ProiwOon, nu.rantlrd of superior quai- To TallOIS and Seamstxesses.

~~: := = -r=^:^r -


ancient “^n !:«-'«’• Om ,n-ople, wilh past, were informed to-day that the mission to fbontfeTof ChThiI!huafin“«u!ngyr^n^and^m-' nuTCLii re '[MnJ^.nn.cribrr. L«

Fib#t Pack.—


Niirfil in tb#* Cloudfj Cl»h— invir U9U4l fundnw for fx«Pip^ their own Eo^land btd been chAr^cd to State ncceunt, and, prcssiiit; American citi/eun under peculiarly op- Al”^%r^^ 8 * Mcul^au^^& nnnibrr of hsn*i«, to whom tbry umarauiy c< wisut

Doags of the Saint*; A Turk's Idea of Pro- achieiements, claim that Mr. Mills has now for therefore, httle or notbing more was due to the pressive circumstances. I havegoml renson for! Aii“ .ccomraS'S by tbe wilt receiT. j’h’C.m* thr"‘'i'ngN^^^^^

craw; etc. the first time poised an e«iue*trian ttalue ujum Keystone State. I heard Senator Brodhead to-susjwcling t^hat something of this character was


vm-upi ««u. apr a* d»a.i.kweow*m1 i,Plow by M.r-rs. Haun-y A. Uorin. A lew


•• ^ L... „..i. .k . a- . r » _ a J . .L . .known to the Administration at tlie time ol the! l Taib.r. cm be accommsUiwl with Mai».

_ _ . , ihe new i »“ «!'»“* of day declaiming, in rather cxcited tones, agaiiift first lutelligence relative to Mesilla Valley, and For BalUmore, WashiuBton, Phlladel- miijkbiKS w M- nsnvix a. nj***^*T t*** *y ***yru- *‘ki e

nnd action The horse is far the roost [«-lecl ei-er somebody, and, it is fair to presume, his ‘fneiid' that the Union spoke by the card when it indi-i

pliia. and Now York.I . Tt’f")

A , , -i,i,r has kem eilablished by man’s hand; and that the artist has is among the ‘sold.’ Wonder if it was the latedefended Gen iMe'i course. Notwith- 'PTSfll

JSftaiSOll U vF,

fVSr^-o,-^” ?Tmoney from won the. .lumphs by migiecUi* the conven- Charge U. Copeidiagen.” ThlTn^rro:!^\

Between S^lfo^d'aii'd Third sU.ptMtBfHace. (lotiai rulcfl Of art and (be labors of other arti'U— winch an accreditetl AdiDinutration oriran ne- ?ke R'lltimorf a-^A OAio /Jutlrooff. />/»m i

CJTtt.vNOKUS wbw noi conir«Ur«i in iheir pur




rp ni5LtnivfH has bM before Ihs .4JIBm]r.%!f PMOn.RhhoQt tbrwo yuan. Orwr g»i

X, "Old sad RMd titr a crewt rarl^ of eooiplaiMs, hsih uf M AX sad AMIM %LA» sad U h^ alwayv^vaatloo^ b»cM»* It bassiwsys porfm irw Ijust wbat wo •old tt w*j«ld. H ho* h^lwf u‘4HCRRfl mS rittwr driUfiFTLirasod rU'RftiHJB 80MMS that had rsolstod Iho r«»odtss of the lUfTlIIJI MitiHCAL FaCCLFT. fbr MMVCmaTI’M.fSPLAMBO OR 9WOLLRX JOUrRI, tXMRA«40» STfATfCS, fSOTTa IfsM boRT TTROKI. mXTRsCTmb^(1 ARDKNRD CARTILAGBS, LtGAMBXTR, TRXDOMS,or (X>BDR, or aay >f thOSTp


uiIo^b>A llkfiy N'RiilU» BfiiT, >01 ‘23 yrsrs oM Ws» thwo Is OfiRhlns raa sumsss tt la arrssttaa lodimmah lOo rfdoefd »wo»1a^ <oftoo*oaa lUaa—rsisofl In ih!i <i:y. A pretiy rsn>soier r~rT—~i 1~ *rT*‘hhr irHnn ill InsayinmiTi. wbatnirtliR rr g riRTILtaa mrrlaso«l pstsicr sn<i s Csn>I sorrsai. I would or SKIM* ^

psrtiTOUiSf JOHN *PRlcr7 SprRlRs. Br«lsfSa »arRs. or Srmlda, fUceat Mm or Waaada, aad flloo

At bis • mce <« Jrtr^rson stroet, TIoM io Us sooUtlng sad boalloc tAdooacoo ttho s char«fmjndtm D. ar tb- o f Krunh. gar H*rtM aw4 Oiaer Animi*

WANTED, It la lUTalnabl., as H la a nmamteed rnwM, fnr SFAVIM, KIXOnoNB. SFUXT. roiJ.-Mn!., ac&A1Vl»7 ,.

t) GKltMA.V FtMIUKS w Wura in a rape aud baWb* »**>•«. SADDUt, HAA<(B.-S, or OOLLAK AAL09, WWAINS, or *MIMol tmr Xtad./w isctory. Fur psrtloulsrs, in lOlre <)f W.iAaeSTTaipliknraloraeoamewllsstba MEXICAM MrWAMii LIXIMRMT la all -ar iT.w»*i ami ewta—asman -IS Spilih k r...*:ai..l’« m..,4. M.m’li •• lb* b«lartlel. w. ha.- ».ar Bead terSaraa, lialJa ! Monaa. Wa ba.e n—i t -va-.a, -


^ *_ anU always .gectoally. Som. af our —-a bar. aba, aaaS It lor M*.r. Mrn**a. an.' 9nr-a- w- i ^ Mb-omariaMARSHAL'S SALE \

•'* “K 't acta Ilka bocIo—wa caa .ly tnj tkai wa aa.a aauraty sbaii Waa* !i. » an- a-- w,.b„MU.-c.,a^„ib.r. 1

• S-b.a..,,.rOtbaA*Bt.m...,e,..Ok...:Kwirl..%':^.

MM{K t^ubKCTibrrs hsve russisisd tn tb«> mauuis turo of

1. Cluthlns, soil srt* d^'rou^ of <>mp;u>lr>s s Isrso'

nnnibrr of hsn*1«, to whom thry auaranty c< musTit tiifpluyment at ibo htshL>t pricesa Apply at thoir tJUdbIn.; Ruou»y up -.talrM In th<i 1 mM^os No.i-14 MataocTupIfd I’pIow by McK-'ri*. Kann*'y X iAk»rina A few coudTailors ctii t>e accoium’>lat«d with rt<‘at»*

milJAblfib WM. <4 4RV1K x COa

14AL(.4<>IIER X COaaSmith h *l4iu:aiA>I’« K!..<.4. Main »ta

MARSHAL S SALE.h and tfiher-« i

't > la Chance;).

uJS'Jluh Mat’""' 8t.Bmb<«i3n;u.ia.nd «w..rr.)

WM- GARVIN' k CO. '1**^ .Irtn. nf a .lr.,r.


I among the ‘sold.’ Wonder if it was the late1-ane’s course. Notwilh-

.. r-- a •, standing, it iierformed its duty w ith Ihe extremebarge to Copeiihagen.' caution and the general with I

aPUghdi . sisMti jijiife<4KKAT TIllUX'Gli LINK Fo*! lllli F.AST.

Maison D’Or,.Md .tfuia el..

Between Second and Third sta.I.ANOkRS wbu sr. not coniroUtsl la tliair pnrrha-

ik—..jf.., . .w.iuaeky cmify that wa bam aaa* tfia oo«ao*i

. . s'*”''’*'•**“•“*”* '• •" **'• a«»el* *. ha.a

tlay, lb. si i'l k’ An who doabc this will pl>aaa call oa tha

*>ill • -ly of Jour* Ihoa* at 1 1 O • io« k, »a M., uf| thoM , thair Hw . ww ^


•at 1 4*y, aril, m the hlBb»i b.JU-r, at public auction,«• he-

the SuamUat Sl'LTANA, brr Kurmitura, Machtuny, I

.KaIiss mb#or the iaKs 1

*’“‘<** °* art hwl (lie isDora CM omeram-U— winch an accreditetl Adminiitration organ ne- The BtUimore and Ohio RaUrnad, from Hlitcl-j

(k'TH.ANOKUS wbu sre not comniUir.i in iheir purcha-j

,0 place on bosTbe c4d Kj^tkRiRD wao aJ ot’ Mbat, having never .<een or modelle<( a atatue of (pyin one of the New York courts, Titus cessarily deals in known facts which are not' tng to Bailimorr, and conuecUnsr vith 'Ae L .


<^)!!rrnTnf a rasT dcRl of Mtfmrr wkI prrvenU bor!K;oriBan,hehraru--hpdintolhearm*ofneliire HuUhmson recently recovered $772 Irr'm Cor-^ J

/iaiiroad «f ffe Anefion I ;.!ii??yara the price-V/w*hrch areoffered at *a»i i*

board of paid t.iaSt where »be I

Govern*enf . vast de«I of Booey, „k1 prrvenU bor«:oriii.n,hehrarn.-hpdintolhearm*ofnal.ire HuUhmsoo recently recovned $772 Imm Cor-^ . intere«tm-F|

IRC the biu.kers and brokers from m»kii»c any by the irreawible |>ower of unlau#iht and unlu- nelms \ anderbilt for a failure to convey him byofficial imblicalion relative to aNcw tMexican


tbinc out of the Government. Accordme ^| lored talent. We are told be?iides that, by some a continuous route from New York to Nan atlair« in a few days. The facts are in nofi'^ts

k;> li» tnnk fivw huii<lr#J truMiaaiwI dfllw • ...... . . _« *t.. ^

eivett, are Invltcl tu Inspect the kU>ckccis at which are offered at

MdlSOX iron

Trrma 0/ —


3sUU> ca^h In haiwl, ao>l credlt:i of ^

I-, I", ai»l *il for Ut»» reiLaiuder of the pur* I

chate 'T.; _ vy. In e«ioa'. lL%ui!uenl«s with lutTv^t irom I

i.ovel ijtul ah yef unexplained process, he bas|Francisco. The def^tnlant purchase«l a ticket *ion of the admimstratiwn, and were ducusrseil = itiphii,

8 "tJtTuskvI. to 81 . Lbuis, «.d ht . vciy|

!:i-* «* in . fu^imce witltotil a ch.nmey for ban Fr.n-.sco by th* V.iKl-rbilt route, but,imHrnc. ' T".ri m* wSo";';o“.LT lul'.TJmi": Tre-C

•afioraUc eEfwrse. while any banker would have . and almos! wiihiMit fuel. after bis srrival at Ihe, found no steam- Mr. Marcy favors publication and immediate|

*'"• "f plourc,qur and romsiiilc ru i« in i

ado the transfwfraie ^ exp^a* to the Govere-j

>,ow we have to say that it Mr. Mills pos- boat there to convey him forward. A detention iiersi'tence in sustaining the Mriilla seizure, to , . . . v . ....!?™*\**** ioroe premium or t

mmlesty of true genius, as we are of tnree months and sickness followed, which *l>'ch Mr. Cwhing is not exactly prepared to gcr. l»%na.iauu”LercSed'by th* olBcor-'aii't'a^nta

lCa «aae Cwhertw, with ha muskn -marked 1 w.lliig to beheve, this fuUome and undiscrim- necessitated his return to New York. The de-publication UmTL’’'“H*i«'MTertid by

boMoa, i* to take a large run down to New Or-, inating adulation must be as revolting to his fer.‘e was that there was no contract to convey crais, claiming to know Ihe fact, that a special

‘'“‘"-iiam omnect witb

u. -a.k I-.V " *’ '* ***** •'> the p'ainliff^ forward by a continuous route, and hearer of despatches has gone to Santa Ke on the I «IdibVMp!lJ»mRluam“r^,'w2bV«K7m“phu»i“‘|ri

,T?**»«P*»**»*«h»l»tr « !!*T. art, and offensive to good taile. However it also that the detention at th* Isthmus wa* occa- S"hiecl, and tliat additional military force will ' ‘‘r- “*y be had of m* aumi, I. ?. Murehead, L,.

af Um huk-tr»aaury art will oooo ae demon- ..... . ... , i u .b j . . . .. n b he put in requisition to maintain Ihe aliened.


otrutad. and the next Congress will afford a may suit the deprated ap|.elito of our peo- aioied by the destruction of a steamer which claim of »he States to the Mesilla Vailed I

Tb. .team. r. l. ave the wharf at Loulsvll.e .Ully

remedy. pie for wboh-sale praise of the expioits ot the could not be speedily replaced. These poots The despatch sent to the Asimciated Press, rela- 1 nwwr^l'tll't'herrpr”'"''

Uatclv calUd the H lay Hover), 9 mitre from l/OK 'cha-e & v j, in .-Ua' ’la-lailwni., with “ut-r^i iromBitIUmort, av({ with the I’hUadeluhia, It'd tin* ol tin- prluclyi,'* I.| ih. e.tabllshmcnt l<— nut to


d»t. nrnil paid. TTir purcha.rr to ulra IkusU, «iih ap-miiigtou, unit Baltimore Railroad to PkUa- •>« B“>t‘r>old by au> cone.n. wbeiher the price, bo died provo,i wiemity, i.^ th.- d.i-rr..d . . aicu-loratalo..! Another priicn-i- la—toavold the pur- HENRY llKNT, M. I_ C. C.“ thaae of all ira-by or Interior gold-. alib .uBh they are m'2l didrenw IIK.SRV woi.Vimir, n-onta.

rllK groat Innneih u' on 111* linn are now c-mpleted, too otten ihe nsi.t proiluble ij the ae U r. I nee-1 nnly I

' 1—aii-1 the whole road I. In tin* cab Hu. ni pre.eiitlnf I

appeal to in..- - who have lavorel m* with their ca.loni|


n... aarmai the Democratic Washlneton cor- universal Yankee nation, it la certain to were overruled by the court in its decision and live to foreign appointments having gone from' eapres* niaii i

-nimilrtit of the New York Journal ol Com- deserve and receive* the contempt of all who the verdict was rendered as above. |*'* J^*binel to the President, and so forth, is re-|rc»pondcnt of thr New York Journal ol Com-


deserve and receive the contempt of all who|the verdict was rendered as above.

merce. Oar new Secretary of the Treasury, it ihave bad any opportunity to study art, and wUl

. ,.

iieems. has -eelabUsbed a regular corps of agents even startle the suspicions of sensible men un- °^ purpom of escort!^ the puWic money I veraed in art, whom judgments are formed only America ha, r^eutly made a treaty with the*** purp— -a I

. 1. ,L , t Ipope 01 Rome, by which the Catholic religion

from place to place.” We wish aociebody by the rules of good »«ine. ' p ’,J

^irom ptacw .op..,

' u . u ai :i. .. . —d .,n,n IS to be taught in all the schools of the republic;woaM inform ua how many of tbe-w regular Regarding Mr. Mills as a young and unin-

, „ , , , , , ,L t- J1 J.I- u. c. • ...—b .ra aidi Catholic religious orders, including the Jes-

aMU these are, and what their rale* of com- atructed arti»t, and thu as his first work, we are s. • .. .


^^leTare, a.^ what their servmm me likely willmg to concede to him a very high grmle of ‘*>«-*“« ‘n *>*

.1 Toet the ^ven,men. per yeor or per tour merit and it, attending honor,. ConsideringJ-*™**^

»«'y *>y "•*'7» ” -

Ttie despatch 8«tit to the A^W)cidte«l Pre*e5, FFla-l iron ftrrwUo Ihe r*r>.** 3T.\TK OF KKw TOBK, ) ^

live to foreign appointments having gone from ^ ****** niali train Imtm Whe^'Ilnt <Ullj} at aj

*“'* County of Now York. J

the Cabinet to the Preildent and so forth ic rp- i

’****' airlvr- at CutuLoriauO (201 I This la to certify that the un'lersltcne*l have formed a

liai.ip’ iuUek)at7P. M and allowlDit two be ufn there, arrlvmi ! limited panner«blp« poreiiaut to the provUlobe of the

*I ID Baltimore (340 ai Uayllsbt, ttie next mvgrolos, . KeTlocvi 8tatoie» of (be 8tate of New Turk, nuder ibe

^ rr^—-rr^ niakla* the pAA*nge through from W heeling In U'^e than’ name and firm of TOWN8KNU, CLlNrll, DIKK.

r^niia'r%i cm B-iw* m-i20 hoir*, iDcluilng #to|’pa»fep. That the general nature of the tn»lnMi» luteuded to t>«

S^nttCktj.Yi.vTiR.Yi Cl KCIL—This !• Bo longer Tra eler* will nut fall to obfterre that thU la TiiK 1traonacted U that uf Importing and drallog on ibetr own

a matter of doubt and uncertainty. The curea daily Cheapest aa well oa one of the uiost pleasant routes to|account and on commUeion in fure an and dumratic

Loul^Yiile, May 19,

United^States Hotel,KIIII..VDKI.I-III.I.

apt. MIlIrr’a rspuutlao •« a ha»t Is well known arnr- i

performed by that sure aod reliable remedy,


be Ka.*i. - laerchacdlte. That bolomnQ Townaetkl and Jatne*BaR^ago checked through to any of the fiaatera iKU&ta


Clinch, who, reapectlvely, realde in the city of Stwnthoai charge. Tort, und Orc^r l>. Dike, who retidea lu the city niFa^a(*Lgt•ra aod baggage are transferred to the car* for ' liruoilyu. tn the county of King*, are the general part-

It whail Kmo notniog by huc!t7*uf* nVw *‘'*t‘»*t d-Brek of wiU.faciion *oar-

u. T. bim wlih thair c^ the city «f PHrLADELeHi a. m.w i. ia\*

e<wr.. I arniriM aniMi ana iiiia as ursi m ura. wkc aiw - • • haf eetabllahod Ita reontatlon wherever Intrjduce^. ddo uaggage are iran*reiTcd to the car# for oruosiyu, in lue county or a.iug*, are rae general part- ^ ^ - ^COCCj

bf , - f mav etalablish fhemceli'e* in the renuhlir m-u w . .^

. .WashlOiftoD at the Jasethm* and for PbtialelpbU at Dera; that SolumoO T. Stcoli, who regldee in th'* ^aid I HOTICB wi- j... ^ w_ »

Fellow Orhfa, a»J Te»ei aa Ra o>l.

likelyIWilling to coacedo to turn R VOTV hiKh grade of ^ ^ P i W hen those who have, for ten and fipcR/y peorr, been Baltimore, without extra charge. TraYWere are at- dtJ of New Tork» U the tp^cial partner. That the said i i KOBGR STABKRt Rwi im m a i« i. a

BiSCX112 dRQ OrdCiLCSiMtAClUZ16ft> Fmeoi Pryer, Rpaa i eh Ira wb, amJ Tet/a DrJtaaaa. ta

mrei it. m f f . .. a* liA^r. rAnauUnur ooly ty tbeirowii Fulcg. Gfeater belpleaa, their ned/Zea, s/ijTi or ea/orped, the lowfi ample ilmeaad opportunity at all poluu to obuln .Soiomoa T. Nicoll ha^ coninbulMl one hundred ibouaand hw and atuma durlii’mr 14 * o* tP* e«tebra- ••

^ .r tour in^nt and Itf attendmjj liooorf. LOMlderiliC

^ ... . . . .kee^Ae. mm.* 7.’ - ..s Ibelrm.-ali. = -oIlar» a4 capliai to the common •!©#;: that the «amo aii oef«oMhIei^i.21 ‘*‘•^*7* 11 • led Blecutt aod Cracker Machiaea, »aa» m uaa CHa«e, l«»p«r1al, aod Areaa'ca. Orae^ in

PHrEAUEL^HiA, May 3, 18^.


MsV Toma, daiy M, i8tR.We hereOy certify that we have need the rampnoRd kaewea the irrwrA1f«3 UXIMRXT. end have -n

iarecncuBeodlng It en the beat arttcle we have ever e««H fer the rve •# apreta*, Ga. .<s Cwu»- Rrui»«<v, da<*. ,ahoreee. AD who doohe thH will p|eee« caii oa the oaderalfRed, aad they will he happy ;ia adbri aJi eahvr )uNsrm»>Uoa ta thetr power aa regarda lu eScacy, lic. LCTX, DALL, h Ox,

Froprteiore Manhattan ai^e Ce»

Kxtract from aletter dWedSAtRAMKRTO Cmr, ORL, ABf- 1K» ISM.

I ^llevethelirffTANO LtMIMKHT meet aa eReeneet artleSe. My wife Dveudht a ee«»u ben»«e with her.^Ich I miut thaakyoe for. RIaee ehe came here, ay horee feU down with me, aad tafered me reaaidriaLlj,L_|broke nu bonee. 1 had recoaree te the Mtuung, aad the relief, aad ta fact eare wm ^ra^llh


<*««“•*«». RAJiaOM.

mixtere, in aquare bottlee, called TetcaaK Olt Lie'-n^t (advertUM oa yoer board feocee aad marfeet-tMie«e<,), ae II te a hnmhad aad .mpmettlam. # «%ide the aemafrw aod matl'.aioi) ow advertleemiam aad pebUehed fal^e certlicalee te try te puff !t late aeklce. Theeeareracte mat we nave preven.

j^*'^******'*** MrSTAMS UXIMUmaSovaolakT All Uw vrtactml d*»*^a <> aaMt'la*. tfeiomXoai tW Call.,

Principal oOe*a-»4 Broadwar.ennar Duaa atraat. Maw Tort, ad airw ninl^lVarkai7iAi^9LL^**®

* _ JanmdU Xwl

N. YORK ADVERTISEMEirrS. iH. YORK AEVERTISEMEIITS.rra. H. .UcOanatra Adamuta* Howaa.IW.ttaaaaa I .aiivakrw . .

_ .. ADvRRTIdiN'* 4««!*VTR.

I WII \l •*«*G York; I. w,.,,,

VV I 1 /V l.« Tb L>V ix.\ Tj. iy^*T**- »V"t* for lA. .J,

Tl calaied »oamaie la the rnrie* ai^p, hei:aa^e*HK anhAcrtben amanfacture and k'epoaaetantly ea —

h»t.»^d*.cnpt^ of tki. ariicia. To DmeglstB and MerchantJobisexsand L>axg6 Ecalcxs thaulmuol r the I'.tio.y.ara adTIi.^ tn na* ao secoad paoriTS, bai ta call at TN . McCCLUiruB. Manaiarti-.r aad " .

aw a— p* **i*Ts. I.IUW, X,.'!?, ;\A/rilloVT Jv "-pMJfailz tavtia. ina aitwai:,W UXXCy Ob •"'^aats ckra aXaat tba Uaiua ta kla iwaa a^-oria-.d

. J ,' PAlSTS,oiLa..t.. ad iWaxaT aao acaasT Uirvi..

Ifi. i Craar Xtrrrt, «uca *a.*r. ia*>ai<> Mdaraiaisraia.'m.' MU m.m.' m m mm— • »ota la eaak aa>t elaaa-tlaa awpar>. Br ow ara aaaaa-

ma» n J3a •* l*adtiiE aruatr.;»YI«a Load la Olu in Saar af » tarn. Ika,

to f-Oft fW ^ I ^OofTif tha tal- “«»>'* «"•*'> »° eccl«i»s'ical discipline- cherde «sl rnneclre rontrertrd and drawn In varlou. nn- '•‘Zoa^bvetetr r..m Lonl.clU. m Balilmor. (with i JaX'ca^aUVn m ‘ali?a~rTnaVtriL“rar‘.“n'.^?Sp a* mrT”ri VuV «iuJ^n.**:!JS'\ *

years. If tb* single Irmnsfer y “‘

fl , , *7.- man also tb« infidels are to be converted by some means “:r anffrren oonaned to their bad. th*pnvi:cseol DlnB over aniahcrc on the rsiitc), »It; I l» to Comincnce on iha rlrT.nih day of May, onr thou- are rr.iuc.t«l to cad <!a^m aiJraAlir rti?r“

New York to 8t. Loot* cost be'ween six and : tut or of a llle-loug devotion to ar, we may «lsO .... , n . . .U r. S. or ions Ao*«»<f a/xm rnHiAu, arc, within a few wa»k», to Washiufion *1*; to Pblli-lclphla $ 1 J; to b« b»l oli-and elsht hundred aal tltv-tbr.-e, and wiu i.rmlnai* olSlni TiiiiM AS h J'

.ev.«rh.«..dIdolUr..lfietr««^efx-a.l.a»dto congTAluiatebun upon the b.nd«,me acknowl- reato^ u. m. n.iur.1 .« o, lliuU and to perfect®” ®« HBOAN, E^sCOTT * MO^^^

. Ma tb. “rewular c«rM ot ageula” during edgou-lit by Congieia of bia labors and hope “*'* “** '^‘6“' "*““*5 persons for vacant health, by the dm of tbta nsnedy. It la scmclcni to con- OrKroai Iiullanaiolla, the Ihioush ticket will be but,

baa been male and -Igned by the aDdcr.lBuad, and tbia 475 j| 4.^ STiEKr™ a .i .u 1 .a . u * a "I k- :• episcopal sees, Ac. vlnoe the most Increduloot. •»' dollar more iLau iio.e rate*. day Bled In the omce ol the Clerk of the City and Conn- YXTK re»pectfallT call the aitemb.n oa .s - ..i

Ifi. Pimce admm.stratimi anil profiabty, la the|tha- be may be stimulated by it to produce 1 P ^ j^KreiBh, to .11 . a-tem polm., by tbl. sal*, direct, tx New York. ' W our la‘;«e7;i\^^,'-.'^:^w*."?ci"„7

evMK af tb* law',;

woik. Irts^n to criticUm. We venture tocommumcat.on isfrom a dia- b7 «.y‘” t’h”;

modlfchd, do hot t Uttletowhrd prev^Unj aU the predict, if be if *be true mhn wt believe Dim lo. .

. r h h’

k i

ilclana, clergymen, and promlneni citlxena throughout AU projieTty carefully haadled, and deliveredmoqi—g.eo mn m incMici, *» a—.* —ow..;atWaaal I.'rvMi;<.k ..k.. u y •

nciaua, cterKyucu, auu prooiiucoi ciusexu torongooui carciuuy oaauieu, auu ae

per^Xiltaa that aooe folk* think would grew be, that, bow ev er well pleased he may be to-day ‘K. .

P the Union. We have Aonw f*ui.iife m every city, and[ WM PARKER On’l 8^ a aurplus m the Treury. with popular prm*e. or however confident of hU *«“ ”®re h.^ly esteemed the ro Gmiaettl. refer m nmny imporun.|

- ’ - --*

a^ ^a.y-a^a t’ i.a 1 ... A -..Ui *0 thif countrY’ UiRn thoAc of tfiv othcr nfivsiciaii caret effected io and around thu city. uuwi^iANCfc.

The eorreapondejit of tb. Joumal of Com-.own, a wider ex,wnence m,d more cult,.

^ ^ ^

«c«n^ I


BMTCtf tells US tbht tbc bhli BiilliM ot spociVe, vs;etiUft« wi.Mescb bim tbeextraysfcauceof thu« P®

i t. , . . recommended for thU <me dueoxc o/ofm—tbU it win care' , «

rndiug April, I&M.

taken h,' an agent to St. Louia, was put in “boiea earliest work and the ill judged admiration of•' *"K “• ® ‘““"J


8<I“ineala all Ua forms, either lagaianid/otY, ocule, or chronir,

|fhly of *oie^Miar1ev*^^/f

marked Coiled 8tatea uakets,'’ and that the hit loo ii.di.Igent fuenda. *i,* ?

*0 ao dtUerenca bow ion. sumdln*. The Inrarlable prica la ‘'Hcer. lor lue jear eudln* .vprti, Ihol, shall

oame agent u to take a Urge *ua> to New Or- Mr. MiJ* will tee with rurpritethe unrivalled">e privUege of publishing bis oxe .uttle *6. Tiiuee iottles roa ,10 . Or- "o7i?;e clerk of the a..ard of AUermea, live hi

loan* marked in like maimer “Cn.ted SUte* w orks in bronze at Munich and Berlm auid elm-‘lews in our columns. We grant it to him with d«. from miy part of ih. Union ma, ha .eat, with cash, <‘’'7'

anas mara a m iiae wibiuiwi v,

. . . j , .k j . pleasure, though of course be mav express to the proprteiors, or to their wholesaie agents In Louie. «l the Boarl ol Common CounclBudie;..'' We suppose Ibe boxet ma labelled ' where in Europe; or, if he doe* not cbooae lo P ’ " 7“


“* may express ^ y,, ^ hu^-d UoiareiH-r annum.. .. a I. ,k.f rf Ik., V. It file— let him vrait the arrival of Craw. “I''»“«« whlcb we ctniiot CODCUT. He bas a

0* •“eiy packed and «ni u of toe auiimr, one ihouumd dollars per annumla tbif way from an apprebeasioii that, if Ibey Ibeee, Jet him wait me arrival 01 U/raw ....

i. u , , 1.addreta as directed. Ol the treurer, twelve hundred and Buy doll

ay^c^caaaroto cooUia gold and ailver, they ford't Washington with ita accompanyiiig bronze pn»''«‘®pn*v mimi, ana uis only opieci is the w. V. ALEXANDER fc CO., Proprletora, ^uum, of wh'ch amoont two hunirrd end any

woQld be in danger of WUag into the Imnd. of ' .t.tue. for the noble memorial to the great !fiood of his fellow-men: Ko. I Barclay street. New York.

'' o7iSe‘’i:uee^~“^roV”S;m.%^^^^^^

thieve, aad robber,. .Now vre leave it to Ml generM. of VirgmU now erectingj f ’‘w ..

T 1 . z A

V ... wawa, Uiy2.1dly WM. PARKEH, Bup’t.ibe agents in LouitfvlUe can refer to many important ——cum effected in and around ibu city. OHI>l4(ANCE


Thii Is a vegetable internal remedy, prepartd and] c!^ for tbe decal year


reoummendeU for ibis oae dueosc o/ofM->ibU It will care ‘

, t,. „ . a. .


, ... . . .*• o- " ordatned bjf the Genrrcl Council of the

iB all Ua forms, either ia«annui/ory, acute, or chronic, f'ltf of Louuvil>e. That Ute saiaiiefi if tbe fvalloaing

BO diflerence boer lung »iaiMliogo Tbe Invariable price m ^^cera :ur tue >ear cudlng .iprti, lbo4, sball te as

ORE auTTLE *»' f"*“ °TTLE. FOX ,10 . Or- '"«7t?;e clerk of ih. B-^ard of AUermen, Bv. hundred

and flfty-flve. and tbai the certificate required by lawLaa been msile an-l Mgued by tbe underNlkued, and thisday died in tbe cCQce of tbe Clerk of ibe City and Cuou-ty of New York.Dated New York, May 12, 1353.


may 21 tiSRwl 8. T. NU OLL.


All pvftoos bavlnz cURn. rt.Tn.t ri^lll^Tcirat m.'^ * L**

"7"'* ««*»*' NartiaM, moat la ua. tamanal, and Aivaa c» Oraaoa, -a

samvi, him for svitis^ni-“ thr.,athout tha Unlivd Staiat, haviuE lataG oMla maay

are rv.,uc.t«l to coil ,1. Um ’.n-l ,.uir thin « whl’c^iHT** “‘25*'^ *“7 laTn**'"•«

nun im TH..M AH 8 . KER.H S.^n: £«-**. et a:. UmU.HEQAN, ErsCOTT. A MOOtXD thus wr» wUh n. purcuaaa niachlaary for tha baklag ***

Jf®'***XJaaaad OH, Pa'ty, wuuca. Cha


475 a vix ST-cUKr ka.iavM t-i axanlna an.1 canvaa* (bafora parcbaaina) •*” Lamp Black.

TXTK rvsppcttully coil th» aitanUon of th. ii. ... '7 *®e *ir*r*i>t klndaof Machlaao. and shotiid _ ^ nallah TsevCaa Bad, Chiama Bad ano’ VV our large ^Iw7l-.;..,rirf.?7ck ? * ‘® «*. •• •nhaaU. hot M favotahla, *®'*‘*

7’f” ““ '• e*'-

I PAPRli M ANiiiMiAok. eball be plea«»ed to receive tbeir order* at e«r oM ltdia Med« Rwi Lead, mod Litbarae, dry.

rompi'sina fully loojioo niL^ _,i, k. . ... ®*®®* “* »“'»*«• H. k J. McCoLLUM, *•“•*> Fraach, mJ am an ly.arv, .rj.

the latest au.1 met Pr.uch «' ?Vmc"r1cM ^ aWfda. vtMet. »e-_T^. .irM.,drt aad la W;.


.h7r;.ihr:.7nr' u rhr::c's:nrn;:f‘7.;r;;r. ::: ^ork saltpetre worka. “7 -

STK.VYKD frum tbe sttb.-criber, three miles d'fbcutt to pleaao.* »»cuuieino»;

t^j^-r^eouU of Lou!»vU!e, onibe 30ib of April, I'sbS, LOOKING-<al ASSRSCxy\ * mark, aboui Id bands bigb. IwivtiiK Consisting cl no- e M fair* Mmu- and pi-r, of thebevtl /^leiuD; m^e and tail, a. d two biud feel while. French Plate Gla-». We are dlUnc oertera •!?* eTTlbUe i» 3 year* oa‘l ihie »pr!ug—unbroken. Wfato la#t or t-hape, wit . dispatch- a: tb* New York ag.uCe eircti-bearl of, *be was ; .in,® in tbe direction of Jellersou-

! jar price®, au.1 we bellow tbU to be a llwer lUuJe^tSSitown, on the Jeffersootown road. The ab«ive rt-ward will i hm- hi,i.-w,gv _A****^ “«"•

lAX MARK, aboUl lb bauds bigb. iMftvliiK Consisting cl so- e SO pair* Manii- aud pi-r. of thehemt »«rs ai loweet price*. JOHN HMNSHAW,; mane and tail, a. d two blud feel while. French Plate Gla-». We are dlUnc ocrteri i«c *>• Maldea Lana, New Tort.•* oM ihi. soring—uubrokeu. Wfatn last nr .h^n... -i# . .. ... “I)_ * « — —

we Bball be pleased to receive tkeir order* at e«r oM Itdla Red« Rwi Lead, —d Lltbarae, of boataeae* H. k J. McCttLLCM, Stone, freark, ,aJ amei an*, .rr.ntayltiUai 4A Ridrtdge street. New York. * Anri'S e^d Eranaw.v b i«reeB,dry Md IR el*.

«e — ^ ^ ; xni Americaa WIbJmw Gix**.New York Saltpetre Work&,,

*• ' •“* .*•**«.vpHR aiiMUon of deaiar. an- coaMmsvs I. lavltsd la *! “ “i*v*a« la ca.;, aaaar1 Uyrvauwl!l.ltp.^|irnduo.l.tth...w»rka.k*lht IJSjlilJc,

wecTADted ABpertor la appearance aiid quality a* eay gle* «* ad' ao-a*** a*el..ndother. Omde Saltpetre ter sale ta iota te eait pwcha- '*

m**Lser* at loweet price*. JOHN HMNSHAW, ^ ^ 'crLU)r*iH,

lectloas we hare a supervW of due twte a»l eatlrtoi KP”* stteetkm of ieelem an’ coMmere le lavtiM te fBciiiiiw* menmrS-Ii.*? L-lLl***^*?***

In iustry, g.vl, g the .gomlc* af .uUluz * *®' "*®”' pmdumil at th... «orka.k*la. m ***weeranted «Bperk*r la appearance

' the Boanl of Common Council, live

town, on the Jeffer»ootown road. The ab.ive rt-ward willjhas hitherto been attempted In tbU aiark«t

b. given lur h.;r apprcLcaslou, •.te.kaaWDg. mil H,, _4vd water unizm p»i».t,v„z .UMURRAY PHILLIPS. OIL .AND W.ATER COUIR PVISTISG3 AND E.SGEA-VINGS

PllA.MIVS lETALLIC LIFE BOATS.Office 10 Broadway.

W. V. ALEXANDER R CO., Proprl*tora, »«um, ut wh'ch amutm. a a. . . (>• paid by Ihe commt*^Koo t Rarvrlay street. New Tetk. ihe street inspect;

BELL, EOBIKSON, H. CO., ROBINSON R CART, and dred Collar* per annum

I I The India Rubber CombCompany, >*•»« “p » co.tiyf«,ur,„. ourhu.ia.m. ourmaio,ottbaau.m..r’uov ihouMinU dolUMperauDum.44 i .tr. pt \e« vohri P-rtd.f aa« an *xp*»l.mct «| wm. twenty year.’ aaaoda- METALLIC LIFE BOATS,

Ol the trtarurer, twelve hundred an.i Blly dollara p«r,

(nmte 44 Lliff New Yoax), Hon -ith Ihe art., enahllDX him !•> dls^mlnaia In hi. Of any .lie or mad.l, aad In aav uambar. aoa, uf wh chamonottwohun lrru .Dd Blty Uellar. Sole Mauufacinrere nndtr Ooodyrar’e Patent, ..leetl,*. t., mtmre that which irUjuab^m^^^ uvUceTkU um r^illSLiTrTJSu^by iho cemml..lonrr. Uf the einkini fund. Hare ready and afler far tale tattae trade Hn* and weilby tue uitinllua ol all who aupr-Cate real M laAn.i i aavuaTw. -rclI the ktreet Inspector of the earteru dl.trlct* .lx huu- .. . « work, ot merit. u w Atattual lbfraaTA, ireaaaravdied foliar, per auD^. a new and .upcrlor article of Children’. /iiiTwnuir aprJBdlin rraod.'. M.ia He Ufo Boat Ca.

141 MalOaa Lat e, a -w Twk

New York Marbled Iron Works,OFFIuB AND3AUU BOttM NO. :U BBOAMAT,

Ufoaalto Nrw Ha-.n B. B. Pao^t,XtBBOlBctarT raawar BIB Avaoaa aaO 47iB MraaG

"** ymx i axavaL paaa<x.

^ _ . 1, j' , J ir .t tka /...t IPR<1KI>SBD PLAN POR THE tELF-BMASCIPATlON J- 8- NORRIS fc 80.V, Wholcaale ageni. tor igiul.viue. — u. tue eeziviu u.-.t.t., ... ..uo- a av ae . aa aw u a. a. a. «. at we av w ve ve im m o, . .

moraliata to aBJ- wetbm^ It la eooaiRteot With goodI

at Rtefimood. If, «» trie remwked at the out-| g^avits IN THE united STATBS. Sold al.o by th* principal druigliu. throughout th. Ti hi "eep"rT"h“' w rX and pea- hou.e alx bun Snrp^.lng in d.rvblllty and.ot.nem all other Comb.. ,

moralilf to adopt a ayatem of b'uliiig money *«t, the purehaa* of Milla’a Jackson l»y tb* G«n-j

Notwithatanding theiacumerable publication! t’n ted Staler may 7 deodkweow tf <(rvtl cullars per anijum. ’|

f^^For uie at the principal Cumb Dealers la N«w I Wc(b* couotiy umler falRS Ubeii. Whrlb- ' erkl Gormiment is » jfood oin«o for tbe future


on the ‘‘curse^^ of Nep-o sUrery in tbe United «s'»i o«p. ~ .

*« •

ma»i*r for the markrt-bouse between • Tork.^

m4 deoUi:*_j .ha

*r tfc* Sub-Tregaory Uw require* that tb* money- .1 Ameriran art, tbe same ran be affirmed much FOR PURlFYl*NG"'TlfE* BLOOD miIk«-houV^*etw«7a“e“bri7l*crampbi'lli^


bo.*, donng their tiBBatt *hall be smuggled more cordially, becauae with more truth, « theJit Ln propo.Jdfor tL

«d m..p«« connectedtrea.lxv DErA.TMEXT, > ’pri

aloi^ under tbe name of “L'uited State* mua-|patronage extended by ttie OIJ booaiuion to one tioii of this eiant evil. Mr.. Beecher Stowe’s

rtz.KVtJUo BTfBltiJM. ot he market i».vter, for the market hon... between|

Marck ua, luaz. j mo

kota,'* or wketfier tb* Secretary of the|

ol the worthier of Amerievn *culptor*, for the |»pul.r work concludes with a ‘‘moat lame and B 1 l^E R* C O r"!) 1 A L BviSind‘‘:^5iu.%^^:n*nnm"


IZrr, wilfioot tb* direc' aotboriiy of law, has pre- - noblest object of patriotic feeling. Slate ptide, im^tem conclusion. The designs and meaua axd •t *‘* ““’^"t ““i", <>* U>" market-hon.e between i i, 155-2^ ».,t5 ,j„ i„cin,Dtai expen»e* oi it.

.robed tbe device.W whether the Ht™t» ' mid the best impulse, of the human heart. We| ^^equaU ToXt t77oble‘arm;*L“nhe fr«J THIS Cop la. pfoT^.h.‘'^wn“-rtor Alterative l^rTvrmi ir/um-Stii^ViairUTinttSm.'* I ,:rrbai“^^.ru ";^Ve‘i‘’7eirde:7ot^

Bdopteditontheir own resronMb.t.ty, we are,

bel.eve that no people are quicker throi our. to I may not cb<m.e to expatriate themselves from 75 Tr*.cTfia7.'b1«.ii’o7d*n5:‘“j r.:uorT^^^^

•Dt it occurs to U« tlMt there is fr^X\Spprecikle true merit. H e are sure that the

(yieir «aare and adopted Umu}

j perhaps all the eminently blgu with the many tbouaaua* of ladle* and *a*.chm«n, one doLar anJ flfly cent* per prwpo*al* will be received at ibl* Dvpartmfai uciUl ^®

Awfiwer That the letterui-r •‘Uftiled Slates muf- Ue of art when ODCe eataU! l*hed bY the exUibi- ]

*‘‘^^> *^» •" *^**^ ^*“**> •** the Nepro race, it is gentlemen, and famllie* who have ua«d iu Itlsplra*- d»rwm*t engaged on duty. 12 o’clock noun of thrJAih day of May next (whlch,ma-t 1)«aa^r That TDC leitenu^, L-oiiea Ovaies nut i le.e oi an waen ooce eaiw*iisnf?Q o> lue vauiui^oped, will be freed, coiUd mot be conveyed to »at to uke, and 1 a* alway. proved riiicaclou* in the Of Ue cliy engineer, bhau be flaeeu bunJred dollar* te operate fur each kind uf wtrk) acr^vahiy to *och ij

kets,*^ «p0« Uncle Sam's boxes will soon come tioo of mfxieU will J^row by wha» it feeds .u, /WiA#r land Hettee the nece*sitv fnr enmo dl*««»e* or oomplalnu an»log from indt- P'-r sujum.

, ^ ^ ^ . I

uodincatlon* of th#* original plan and -pvcldcation* pre- i.f ]

. a . A a-, . -eb.-tteiAce 106 liwwsuy lOF 80006 ge«lon, a torpid *uie of the liver, or impuiluet of ihf W city engineer-, nball be *lx hundred p^^ed by the Hupenmi-adlog .Yrcbii^vt a® win bring the tot

to be ULoerstood by the DUioerous rogues our\on, until no worthy subject remains u m- mh project to accomplish that cousummation blood, weakneb*, reduced vitality of the flald*, general doiiarnper annum each* aggreitate of the coniract for the whute building within eet*

coufitiT unfortunately coBiams; and then tbv mcm^wated by some fit tribute from the pencil w> earnestly to be winhed,” the emancipation of d«*Hmy and proairaiion of the nervon* •ystem. Thi* <>r iiu awoMor of uxe*, ahan he ftf een hnndrod dol- i*,, ^nm oi $r»o,iioo. L^ V . , the Neero slave. Such a nian it i* now nro- Cordial and Blood Furifler l* purely an extract isr* perannum. The Department re»erT®ri the right to reje<l tbe propo- I 17 .

atrataifeffl wiii ccAse to be a prolecUoR, and tome or cbiMtl of our own artuls.\ .J suere*t

* * from the “Arcana” of vegeuble life—and shouldbe used or th* a^*l®lant assessor of taxes, *haU be ttve bun- now invited, if the ag.;r.'cate amount exerM that | 33^ft>«f*rir>ibM m II har» tA h* drriifd MAr*. u. a txnrn.MAU- shatainMl from entering • 1 i

" '*

. • • 1every Individual. drcldolar^ prr aoiium. «.ani* gf if it l*« otherwise de«med neerscary lu Lhe In- I froigwbar mscription wai Dave 10 De ceYiseo. wore-


we have purposei) aDsiaineo irom emenn^1 The looker od, it 13 said, sometimes secs more price only $1 per bottle. of itr additional abeietatii aasisaor, shall be six baa- of Ui,. i*oued8iaie®. *,;i,

ercR Ibare IS tbe farther daRxer that tbe 8ab-> into tbe particulars m which Mr. MilU's Jack- of the xame than the players themselves. In brll, bopinson, k CO., dre<i doSar* p«r anooin. No contract win u* awarded except to master bnLdrr* jfU

-1 ^ -Sv.M ................. I _ ivM.* nm-m ^...ovrtf .. 1 -rt.rt : thut charactcr. (hc WFitef a atranver hA(r« tn Wboleaale and retail Agmu, No. 463 Market at. Of lb® laiTprrter of the city court, one hundred andj (,r mrcbanlca. and tbe a»8l«D >ent thereof, wlfhont the u* 1Treasarers themrelkca who ahAll accotupanj

1 non is open to criticism, but we cannot close 1

^ mS #i,. 1 .-^.1 # 1.^ i*

wholesale by miBiNSt) w cary and ttuv doiarh per anuum.Iconsent of the s^'cretary of iho Tfra-vury, wiu be a lt- y

ii.» hff^rtnw tWv tobbmr iiAarrinluMia will r*»r»ttifv» that a national Bumumetit in *^®*”f^*.®* ^*** .'*®'**^^** J. B* MORELS fc SON; and may al*o b* had of all the Of th* superlntenJent of the Louisville Marine H'>e- f.-imro of tbe same. Blghty-dvo per cent, of the Fta

Sold also by the principal druggiets

C’n ted Sutra. may 7




Of .he market master for the market-house between ' TurkFloy- and Kre&Uin and the spaces conurctrj therewith, I w,nffiao«i tie roarket-housr between Sbe by ao-l Campbell


atrevN and the ttpace* connected therewith, dve hundred]dollari per annum.


Of die market TM^trr, for the market bonse* between|

Thirdand Sixth street!' and the *pace* ccnnected there-|rii|:

with, five bund ed doUa. p per annum. IOf tie market maeter, tor th* uarket-hou«e between i d,

Tenth and Kteveuth street and the spacea connected t .-nK-t

Agenta for LouisvUle. *‘treei Inspector of the western dl-trlct, *!k hun-j

INDIA. RUBBER LONG COMBS, 1 The making of Loofciug-4}is».f arvl Piciuro Frames, THTI REVT STEAMBOAT t.A|gl«. throughout 1h. 'T)f hiVeJl^^TZ'w.rt and p*,i-hon.*, alx hue-

Snrp«*Ing tn d.rvblllty and >o(,ne« all..thvr Cumb,.j (yTo'^V,NV.mM'’^^™^=^ aw^

BtBvB POWeBna» 7 deudkwvow tl dr*d cullara per annum. C|-Eor sale »l th* principal Lumb Dvalm I. Naw ! w. cut say wUh cunUdeuc. thI. Lranrh .if . . I'*

^HE LAW —I mm mmDntmctni*naOl be m.rVft for .h« m.fkM.i,,-.,— n-.— ! Tork. ni4 dsudl.:* ! .1, .11 k-


11 th. ln«mia«i>u rennlrwl t. • c«-

Tb. .vigtaal aad wo»i nt*aalvv Kuafaftarw. jt Bar*aiMaM Ca.1 Irua Maiu-^. Taui. Cmnrnrt-aaien, CI«irt Caa.i- Cvaaiw., jic.. aiiu ai

Eta-la oe CaaOao for OaMdinaa, .... maWiadow Llatvl*, Bii:., l*.,.r Waj»,

UM.ana, B.aMtM, Be.

?c7n aUe bTihrCam,,;,*;!| ^ vT HOuiK

®od therewith, ttve hundred ;



Lhe market bonse* between|

March *is, 1^163. ( modatele *pace* ccnnected there-

|riiHK lowest propoaals for constructing the Loulpville ^ncce**,

annum. ^ Cufftom IIou-ev, received und»*r the a'ivenlstment pnrpo«** uarket-hou«e between

i December 1, 1862, with the iiicidental expense* of tuand tbe spacea connected

ja-rectloo, excee'-ing the amount of appropriation re-

ir* per annum.; i^r that purpose, It l»A* been decidvi not to

> dollar auJ Sfty cents per 1 on htid pr.ip>A*ai®, but to reopen the *ub- B. P. et

^O'* I i*M:t for funber urd' ri. Notice is tberef Hre hereby glwn

i '‘.^'“*oNBTHiNoi...RK. ^rtt-V ^*?

member* or tho flria (from tbe favorable netii* t>o them. My Wau»r game for hoUvro; mv ****^'^ ^ tholr atMartmetit u* MorbaoiMR.1 tl jn (,l iDcrva-vd m*.D» a.1 faemtie.) »r» vnatlMl lo*; w Mvla. Chru.trtMrt with

*”* **°'‘**f mtmr arJclrv, wklia ih.y w. svwpromts th.« ryvrv .ifriion .h.ll b. offl to actom- pr2^rVn7a. ««hld,^v1^i^^ !7'75* *?.•“ th. brt«v »lmodal* thvlr frl.n la an ! ih, pnbllv wtth a .nrvty ,d .. in.!r..S.i. •* “ th*" •x*aUR. toa.-.-

rurw7f»*al can «r«t that aod ay lmpro*ad maaabla Metalll* Plug f.w hrtivv., "’tx.

wai^ aad ihair oaauu. ttaart, am mommr amloa-iw, aad eaoaut !« axcaUsd.TE* tsM-atlou -d to. aom vaalai.rt Harh-a.

otratAgem ta-iil c*«a* to fir a prot«ctioo, aoff aoao* or cbi-«l of our own artuls.j

** "***

«th«r inacriplion wJl bav* to b* <l*vi»«d. Mor*-^

W* have ptirpo**!)' ab»tain*<I from rnlrringj jbe looUr on, it U «aiil, sometimes sees more

erm ikun is tbe farther doRirer Ibh* tbe 8ub-,

i^lo Tbe pgrUculRrs in which Mr. MilL's Jsek-j

of the ffgme than the players themselves. Id

TreaMfcrs theaeclkCR who sbAll nccotupRoy| son ii open to criticism, but we cannot close


charac^r, lhe writer, a stranger, begs to

or th* af»si:<tant assessor of taxes, *hall be dve bun-drc ldolsr^ prr sonum.Of tir additional a»*i8tai;t ssrii'ssor, fihall besixhnn-

dre*l doSar* p« r aDooiu.Ot tb® lBt®*rpreter of the city court, one hundred and

,11, 12. IS 14* 18, If,Blankets and Carpets The MarNila* Oepartnest la


liie fioxr* bearing tb* fibbing insenpuon* wiU ' without regretting that a national monumetit inthe Journal the results j. g. morrls a suNi aad may ai«o be had of all the

^ 7® .

• muuoax .%rf, .... .of his own UDbiaseii observation on this momen- prtocipai reull drngglMs In LouUvlIIe aad thrungboal

become ao wall known along tbesr reapect- ao conspicuouj a position afiouid have been tous question. Sympal bising alike with the the Untied state..

l.e roQtea that any boxea oader '.hrir charge, 1 plared upoo a pedestal unworthy to receive it, Northern, tbe .Middle, and tbe Southern States,w. v . alri ANDBR a. Ot., Proprietor,

. ... . ... . . K .. .. . . .. ... Ik. >tw.l.iio>...f Ik. - . ..No. l Barclay wreel. New Yora.

trranmm|cerulned by the Superititeulmg Arvhlterit will be paid No"a, .^'ilurnlux '>*’2re«!'


ace, lot


Of Ihequarrnnau to Ibe wotk-t..uie, alx hundred dol- 1 |r„o, ,im. t, iime a, the work, and ttfieeo per p, 10 «r.-. slid a L^^ach a’ *UrJi. aW f«Iu* mafter ho«r lellacod, will be oeiEed by ao amall aidi low ai to injura seriously the wbole ^**^ ^^* ibohliouist, the colonizationist, and may 7 deodaLweowtf’

thieve* uU robber, for money-boxe*. To obvi- rtfect, without dignity, mid without any lus-re-. lriends'’of^)SerI«n BOWElTnd El .vinER conPLAINTS.

ote thu danger we thiik tbe Sub-Treaaurera|

lief* roamjeoioralive of the life of tbe General.; f^ir fame everywhere, he ventures to suggest a St'CH diaoaoes have broom* much more prevaloui of

wiii have te wcai inosks to bide their tace* as We submit too that the inscription upon a workj

mode of j'roc^ure by means of which he trusts ‘ [T^mark rteiVperl^drrt’^nra!^Whe7*'ihe^^^^^^


*> fuel ernared in lhe I'mUrd Stmire by iwo ewiiaif yaleaZe, the I


. 4•brto Painta, me vap .. r

eaeetully a* they hide their money,and that they of art should not be lettered like a sign-board **“* **®P**®*^ **' *** accom- valuable rmnedy ha. be« <n«o»^ pTiMuUwutJ’^uT"V V " V[ ... .. pliabed. I reach of every family and Individual, one that provrt ^ oui 01 me cuy irfaaury, .xoepi me .ai^

Will bare to take falee name* theffiaelvei as well . tut may be 1 4l from the farthest comer of the tc k, f„i,i emcleui in arreatlng and removing them. It .hould be ““ ®*° a~e«or of Ux« in

os WOOS. o-w i

^w m oEi lue worx IS Doi uiai or immeaiaie ana loiAi o^rt.-o^-eo^ w-n* in«v«®T fAmiir ib* weaifu dibtrici which «nau b* pau by the cutomit*-

Rs Uhr nRjaes to tbeir boxes. >Tu cerisin- ' Hjusre. In lhe same conoection we CAimot help emAncipRUon, reckless of consequences to both*“ •'

®^ '•“"f

• *iooer* o? be ainking fund, and ibe audUor ebai draw

ly a greet pity that the Sub-Treasury law, that i.«,uiring whether the principal action—the ownOT^*lave>; but that ol a ael^ yet aided ASTRINOENT 'bIRUP Uflc^Vo7SeV^ or maVihi !ffl^

IffliBortRl production of Locofoco wioaom, can- a%uR«a of the fiffure •— is not opposed to the l^aual, proxrcssive, yet naally pruvee to be »ucb a remedy. We aoid largely of it *ervtce in u«ce a* required i»y me charter and city ordl-

a,. .A

, ofia II #k. Ill* vi • fi la' I * u - „ .complete, CoODiijeu Wilh the simultaneous edu- during laat sammer, and ati wh* u»ad il were dellgbled nance* for tht utne fur which Le claioi* payment and

ly a greotp.^ that the ttab-


reasury law, that ..squiring whether the principU action-the out in^^ ASTRINOENT 8IRUP tmearn of m. M.y„, Ihat thi iiac™^ ho,Vn4vred .b^hSa’ „,.8 dtd hS^k? '“.S bway-l.^TTT;. m. wort,Ifflmortal production of Locofoco wioaom, can- animne of the fixure —• is not opposed to the tual, pr^essive, yet fiiiaily prove* to he »ucb a remedy. We aold largely of it service in u«ce a* required i»y me charter and city ordl- uon tonchlng the propesod work, can he ootalned on ap-

WoLFORD, Dtp y^ f^a J*''material*, paint, and U ** not

ffMW k* g-.rrMu4 AU* «> roll tk.w -eatv- ' i.^ , a- moaat trooTsTXrtr « him l.fro Hro . CompUlC, ComOlued With thc SimulUn60U* edu- during laai*»mmcr, andali wh* u*ed it were delighted nance* for tht time for which Le claioi* payment and| p icatlon to the 8uiM.Tlnieudlng Architect (X. K. W»i- Valuable Real EetalO For Sale. than pare white '.-ad, aod m 1^ ^ hafel) carried out without all this moo-

,whole tone and temper ot bis life. He is rats- cation and elevation of the Negro race, and re- wim lU vCecta. it ta pleasant to take, and »afe to ad- ha* not been ptfivloo-ly paid iherefur, whl:h ceitlflcate

,uam„, Ko. S7 Founh -Uvet). ivonUvUIr, Xy. have a number 'jf U-autifui BuMding Lot* lying ST^i^lSIT****^*®*,***’ krmiancy «oaffrvt-d ay W»t*

atioue hbbuiC, b«r we do not weh see how tbe ioc bts chapeau de bras as if in token of submis- pairing, and mere than repairing, the wrong to children in every wnduion in life, shall be filed wiu. the auditor: Proodiedm That the sai-|

The propoe*:- mu.»t be ^em to ihi* DvpariTnem, ad -


VV -.a Wamut, iiray*««, at. i jea«r*Ga sireeu below by hanS is???*? ircuSiTrt!^^ ^ ^ manTaa-i a- a paii

oiw 04. i . . .. L s. lA nri . OE. /- whirh hro. Krorot. glrtnro if^ ^ ^ uug We have ooUlnod a Isrg- eupply, and hope that eveiT •rl«»s of the day wa-^jhna. » *haU be aliowtni and approv-

;dreroned to the heernary of the Trea-ary, end.>i>«l®‘PrG- Slxieemh ttrert. P. r ..uv roarto^ u.u la the abov» jnTro.' iL^J!riMro *!J Fnr #m**Mi# n*e, esp. -eO Pi

the thing can be helped. aion to all beholders. Wbo wer knew tbe Gen- Wtuch hi- been done to it. family and individual win at ol«:e procure and keep it eO by the General Cu-fincll a* reqnlrrd by the third *«®c-ipwals for LoulsvineCtutom Houffe.*^ and WUI h*. opened l*art uf the cliy woiilddo well to give a* a eaJ a* we are d?^l Fain®# win retain their color ac

OorieadenwillrefneiiihM’liiAttl.eMiitarofthe rAMrteaue a* as in the intercourse ofLren UOder existing Circumstances, It OCCa- ready for use. We can also supply dregglsu and mer- Don of the onllaance u-iklc,® approprlatluo* for ihe tts- at 2 o’clock, P. M., on the day fliM for rrcelvlng the otTefrlng great Wcfio*. Thi or t >. wuh 1 V roVsfifrro.

after olhw^ Fa-nt-a areOrvu^wV.r.«d^wUlrrfr^t«UiaTU^ eral, courteous as ..r*^as in the inlercourae OI.ionally occurs that the Negro slave effects hu chanu at loweat whole«le price*. Reuil price 26 cenu cal year ending March ivh. f.64, approved April 4th, .anie, in iLe presence of the bidder*, if any Nh.ii be wv will ai« m-i. on f^voraVe tma. three floe Farm*, iiKi; JrTifxVDr^ as. The WhM. zi.c Fsiat* i

LotuevUle Deflsocrat, the other day, rather tun- geir lf®men, to gire any atgn of consideration much own emancioalion. This is achieved however and « cenu per bouie. 15M. present. James Gi’THHiK, u>-wiu ^ .g .1 ..rt-V, ^e. ahoai two-tairu* mar* *aitac«

idly kagge.le<l tliat tbe Uamafer of money b) less of *ubmi«ioo to tbe willot oUiert? Yet if through years of loll, self-denul, and’almost de- , “**'’ duiiw ot' M. b7a’*,ii7wrnrtTi‘^l."pl"| rmr * i"*ho*^- “ FvreV' r*o^,7*ar w-’^'iIun^h'

i-rortr. n^ai^ aai . dr»ti, parrti. u «m oeOrt la

wag*t>t,aieoaroo*tf,ror.,BUgbtpoa>iblybefiotii>this actioo has any meaniog it is sucb asez- I•old also kj an the principal retail drugg^ In th. upon alUumv miiected by him tor M 7« . fbvanuto. iaa.i. lo mil-v Wow th. city, ^ompi«rXing «T7il d^r^rt

’ ‘""*** “* ih.rtw wi,h yt.^

eZTrt...... -frt i.. th. iranTr hv drai-.. uv.,.., L ,ir, r> U.. ...L*< 0* Wj, tb* Negro then in these hi* tioble, city. mayTdrtdhwvowi. blm intoih. cli, ircrturj dnrlua^ m “J ‘ Th- JimoG..* ^shTut ^OLLAmWA.HuraCTi- 2

iia-vni wimniBi., Ifvp-y. mvwuai oiwraior.. ll wrty vafl.ty of M.rlala, —.— — - 3Valuable Real Eotato For Sale ~ ihL p«re wStti '.-wi, mto « u r-m.t. ,l. .b .«rt.«o

£;:,?~-:.7or',4vorav..vrm.ihrrtttn.F^^ahS-.New T-rt to buy g^--la, rumuh a coav-nleBt mvJIaaa I. I

laiy auggeMeu luai me iranaier oi money oy less 01 sunmirtioo lo lue wiu oi ouier*.- aei ii lurougu j ears oi loii, seii-uemai, ana aimosi ae-, 4M Mark-l .ire-L Loulavllle Ky. dullee ot hi. ottlce than bv a .Itowanc. „t ilv. p-r rent '

imr-iSTr-.i un-xr- Ferry roa.1, near w-u l-ouT-vlI'v., paymii. i. «« orew i« loot r«a, lE. «.« of prtuila* wtth a=c — . uaw krti

wagoot, aieBorooets, roe., might poasibly be both >thif action has any meaning it is aueb as ex- I*014 also hy an the principal retail drusa^l.t. in the upon all -urn. collected by him tor M 7« .fb-aoutu. iaa.k To mil- below the city, ^ompieteXmi «T.t’il o7r^«l*

’ ih.ew wi,h ea.t.^

cfcrtTrt a..,-, ..frt ia. th. iran^ hv Armim. uv— hnrtki. ant .iy. » H.. ae.Lf* O* Wj, tb* NegfO tbOH in these hi* noble, City. may 7 drtdttweowl. blm Into th. City tr-rtarjdurtoahU A a5ou Jb Th- -.rt.l-.* H »H I RT ^S^OLLAX » ANCFACTl-cheoperana safer tbmt th* tran«l« by drai:e; prreaes, “Your humble rers ant, sirs." H.s ac-

,,, Goternment, arMl— —

and ri seem* that tbe 8 ib-Tieasuror wiio went tioo abould not have denied what bis countenance let the philanthropic public extend their aid to *>3

to S’. Louis with tbe boxes marked “United indicate, and bis whole life illustrates—his uu- these strugglers for self-emancipation from 1) I ^ ^ Iv 1\1 \ 111 ^States mUskeU” avows himseli of tb* same opm-, governable self-will, or, if you pleare to call it

ria^O', for the rights of m^^^ Aa-l J J appx

Government a farthing—OB the contrary, ai the . daily half-hour or hour be assured to the Negroaxv xjnajaaartw

cofteepoadent of the Journal ot Coromerce aays, [For the Loni.viii* Jb^raaLJ slave, at a stated value: 3d. Let a fair minimum X *rtii u»rn to ma^M m tV* ^J F

EAT bankcf would Bake the trroisfer without! MKLODY. value be put upon the sl^ave: 4lb. L^t riiat yal- too have merely to shovel clay into a box and attach

aon. Yet the transfer by drafts doesn’t cost Ibe ao, bis Roman firmness.

GoveruBrnt a farthing—on tb* contrary, as tbe

eotreapoadent ef tbc Journal o4 Coromerce aays, [For the Loaii

oay banker would Bake tbe tradisfer without|


cLarge and even pay the Goveroaent a premium ' Bv CoaoiXA

for tbe gold. AtM, it there is any danger of iwin ihau coroe to ny ii

leas to the Government by tbe use of transfer ' Wh« aummer cornea

drafts, we should like to bear our neighbor of !

When the fletda and the

-L ¥, , . 1. i. . ... wilt shoe cow* to rt|U>* Democrat or Ibe genileroan who went lo bl.

Ivouu tell where lb* danger lie*. Tbe dralU ' wui thoa com* u my

may be idelea, but there is ao loss te tbc Gov-j

Where rum* brighti

OTBrnen'; they may be burned or suidi on steam- ww* vtoleu en...... 1 . .

' StlU awetor and atboa;., but tbeic u no loas to tbe Govemment; or

they may be buried irrecoverably beneath Ibe|

wui iboa came la thi

wrecks ol railroad cx-a, but atill Ibere la no loia I *“d with thjt eiefer

to lb* Govemment. Prajr boW can a Locofoco' When the twt yoant

. 1 u e- I . . Oa th* 1*1. aad th*ediior and a tMb-Treaaurer make it oul to

tbeii own satiatacUon and the public’s ibat I An* the hrmie of tha

Iranalcr-draflA, which, inatend of being an ex- ithall giv. .nr hear

pcbse to tbc Gyverument, would be actually I

with it* thniitm, ent

a a Ob thit twmntlfp I .ie sotirec of profit, and which bever did, oever I

coumI, and bever would rOMilt in tbc loas of a IThm, oh ray, that tha

atogle dollar of tbe aoaennt lo be tranvlerred— i.i»ewh*re tb*

bow. we sey, can they make it oot to their own ®*“* *®

lOLid* or ROYbod/ elxe’i that iuck drafts are

aorc expeoaivc and uoaale tbaa (be traoapocta- .

tioti of specie, cootiog tbc GBiernateot tix or ^ tk v


T his Machine ti oo eimple that anj intelitgent negro

can team u mauoa* it In two or three <laj».

Too have merelj to ebovel claj Into a box and attach

bEX. W. HULUARD, F. b. C. C. .

John r. vahni-x, c. b. c c. !

JAMRS SPEED, P. B. A.O, n.STRATTAW, c. B. A.Aitpiovfd May 18, tS53.

12 J.aMRS S. SPEED, Mayor. I

E^aiemucrat, Time*, acd Gvrmati papur* copy. i

Jl'NT Received—100 h i* Calcined New rk Floaterot Forl^ and tor sole by

Bv Corolla H. CaiswxLL.

Wilt then co»e to By loUatf boBe, lore,

Wh«B tOBo^r coBC* agalD>

VheB the ae|4* «ad the tree* are in hioom, ioee,

VlU thon ooBe to tk$ ti ter tbeci.

VUt thon eotne u my gnrdeo-tNiwcr, love.

Where runea hrtfhtly Mew—And whnrr vloleta even hour, love,

StlU »we«trr and ew««(er grew?

W;u thoB e»Be ib the daye cf Jibb, love,

Aad with tkg tttfer otoyf

When the onTt yonng rayi of the aooB,lovo,

Ob thn late and thn ocabb pU}V

And the bmexe of that boobIU honr, lere,

ithBll give OBT hcBrt* doUght,

WUh It* thriUtng , eotraaciug power, love,

Ob that heBoUful auBUBor night.

Then, oh ray, that than oooh wilt coiae« love.

That oiaewhere tha« wUt mot roaB—WUt ihoB ooBo to By teloBd hoBe, love,

w:u thorn COB* lo ay iolaad Bobm

I ot Farl^ and (or sole byFR.4.NCIS McHARKT,

(Formerly J. IlnUue R Co.J,mZl Third 8t.« between Main and river.,ue be a l«®gal payioent for hia treetiom: 5lh. Let a horae to the sweep. mZl Third tit.« between Main and river*,

a safe deposit oavioxa-batik for small sums. The Machine tomper* the day and mold# tbe brteka in,

““bcArmw the hi^heat rate of interMt he nrnriHM/ the moet perfect Bunner, *uch ae the most experienced • I^XTRA FawUy Honr.—A Bupertor lot of rr«*hpearmjj ine Digneai rate or inlereai, ^ provided gr#uDd (amiiy noor on hand and for >oie byby tbe Government: Ana nth and finally. Let wheu huruwl, taey ar* ruuud to b* atroxiver and mor* FRANC18 McHarrtthese deposits be doubled or trebled, or even solid than thoa* made in U* ntual way, because Ih* clay (fonneny J. Unlme h. C >.),

quadrupled by th* Govemment where the ob- la worked etlffer under th* prea-ur* oi th* screw than[

mil Third -i., b.twa-n Main and river.

lect IS B^-emanciDatiou.' '* p«—'®'* “ ®®'d 1« hy haad. it requlrrt on* mu t. ^ t vmrui—


Urse lot ol Ireah sTound

^I.»i osIf-jinatL^injitiiirL tkiia k. nla-sH fairlirahov.l m th* cAy, * boy to ^t In the empty mol^ an-

I Hydraulic Ceuienl kept constantly uu hand an,| torl^t seif-einancipatlOD toua be placed fairly otaor to pooa them when flUod to tho barrow, a thli^ to|

ini23| FRANCIS McllAKRT.witbio tbe power of every Nexro slave. Let wheel them u» iho a fourth to dUcharge them, a

| ...» •> ^

T~rr, ; ..“j'

the slave, by this mo<le of emancination na«s ttfth a* anpemumerary to wait on tn* rest. In all, ONXi V\ **’^*^, ‘

*k*®FPly onhandand

|tue Slate, nyuiia mo<ie oi emaiicipaiion, pass. „„a*K. AND FIVB BtlTS make from 3,000 to I

»» tor sale at rednted prlc*,* byfrom tbe conditton ot eUoe to that of a hired nn nnr\ .aa—i ' mZi Francis McHarrt.ttTPQnt


or let bm. if be orefer it* emigrate )

l\j,www aJiICRo P®* dRy. j

— -

Let me neero slave be Furiher in hi# Gold Medal wo# awor-aod for it by the Mary- pLANi'ER ol ParU.-.V fr«.h supply of Pio*ier of1^1 me negro giave oe luriner asauied in nia innUnte in IS62. IT ot iMrt* ju#t received and it»r eale by

emigratioD to Liheria, bU fatherland, thither prico of the fonr-moUl Machine $260; of tbe five-1

m23 fkancis carry back with him the knowl^e and mold * 100, including patent. '

'f~ANi»’pja*tvr.—100 bois’just received and ior -aleblessings of civilization, of Ireedom, and of in- For all paiiiculara, addres# „ , La by Imisl S’RaNCIS RcHabry.

witbio tb* power of every Negro slave. Let wheel them to tbe ttoor, a lourth to dlacbarge them, a|_


the slave, by this mo-le of eroai|cipat ion, pass Wfrom tbe conditton ot etaoe to that of a hired -Rrii-lra rw-r flaw' !

n*'iroto lue cuuuuMHi ui smipc lo loai or a atrea ^wawaroWroi wroroEv ea«rov*1

eemont; or let him, if be prefer it, croigriUr. I

10,000 BriCkS per day!,

Let me negro slave be lurlber assist in his*“ •*"

emq'ratioD to Liberia, bis fatherland, thither pne* of the four-mold Mscblne $350; of the ttve-|

to carry back w-ith him tbe knowledge and mold $ 100, including patent. '

blessings of civilization, of Ireedom, and of in-, For all paiiiculara, addressnwiTn

dustnr—and, may 1 not add, of holy religion!j


^‘^mi^rv, Ed. 1


dustry—and, may 1 not add, of holy religion!

' This plan IS boMd 00 the character of tbe in-

i dividual negro himself: 1st, On bis own firm and FOR SALB,Ipermanent deeire tot freedom. 2d, On bis own • beaullfnl an w.ii-improved /SU „ ,,

industry, fnyality and habit of sariiig 3d On ^ IS^8h!,tJi..to7u‘r:^,i'ke:*' fV.;!:«

(he best kind of education, viz: ThriR aelt-de- .BlIiL the city limit*. Tui* place containa as

pendence, and self-control, Ac. acre*, and baa upoo It a good two atory brick honae con-


To this kind of educalion, let other educa- taimag 5 room* betide* kitchen a^ all n«e.sai7 .rot-


lien of every useful kind be su^radded, viz: i;“j“r;ou‘n;rrc\V^.Kt'admg, wntm|(, And Arithmetic; aI^o, mAUufAC- a dc»irabie piac«, oud will be «oia low U application be


A bAMtifnl on well-improved COCK- WEBB Sc LiEVERIHO,/fff TBT SKAT, sUoated on tbe LeciivLle So. Main 8t., ttufh tide, three doort belouf Third,

IJ*aod Sbelbyvme turnpike, 2 mile# from LoriSVlLLB* CY.,

tiiL the city llBlU. Tui# place contain 36 Manufacture all kinds ».f Blank Book# onJocrck, and boa upon It a good two #tory brick hon«e cou-

; coo-taotU on bathl a lorxe osoon-UloiBf 6 rooBia bealdea kitchen and all nece*?ary oot-


(or mIo olihtT al wboleeoie or re-build log#. a fprlns of never faltlcg water, alto two

' tail.splendid young orchartia of selected fruit. Tula U truly y oil*-r# winblng Dionk Bo jk# made to t*r-

a desirable place, oxtd will be eold low ^•FplUetlon be have them nileti on t bound to any pattern andmooe to oa aoon at the comer of Court Place and rlfin

la beautiful and accarate style,nreet. CUATCROW a FIELD, Every Jeecrlptloii of Book-Bludicg executed uponrea-

iDUids or Aoybod/ elxe’i thAt auch drAfts Are turea, trades, leltera, And acieoce even. mooe ions soon at the comer of Court Place m»d Fifth p#*ed n beautiful and accarate style.

more expeiMve and uaiafe than the traoeporu. ' _ r aIn this manner, lhe property of the slave- ‘^“*^|-i!"ute Bri-’ra.

K»ei7d^^^. . _ I

TairiiPK* Ol THE Locofoco Abolitionists]owner is respected; the lights of tbe colored S s.'i.lernm^ aix or

j Naw Yoax.—The New York Herald, which|

»>»•» restoied; and it is believed that of those s. a. u. l. Wallace e. hhwabd.| niercnanl- arc invUid to examine our stock,

mivoo tbouaand dollar* per haul, and involvingj diatmeuishod itself as a Democratic '

***® number who remain in the Uni- SAWYER, WALLACE, A CO. _ |

comprisini; a lorite o^-vorim^ul of bchool, Ml»ce.!an«uu#

so much peril from robbers, to >ay noibiug of I

.^ „ I

f**! States will, with the emigraling Irish, Ger- /^O mission mkrchanta, its From street, Newj

and Blank Books, Fapir, »tauoncry, xc., ull ol wLick


, , V , . I organ and leader in tbe last Presidential canvass, mans /cc sunnlv amnle labor- anil what inrthsr L/ Tork. , will be sold on rea»uaaole lei m-.aKaroboal, railroad, and other accKUnie, that

, *li . ^ ii’ ^ » “"PP'T ^1*'® 'V°'{ H. B„,„n Cash’r, a. a. Soidon, WUBB a LKTERINO,

IN. .. h.,.o. ttw, monsv .» rhaert. ... se. I

^ opposcd th* Abolitionists ID all tbcir good Will i.ot be achieved ID relaUon to progress, aTd. Hont’ S^.’. Meaar-. J. P. Cnrtl. a ' mS3 Bookseller- «.d Blank Book Makerm

. .^ moveinenU. That organ now *ees however that porafs, religion—marruge at lea«l will be legal- dT. and Hesara. w. a c. Fellow** a Co., Lo.uviiie, IT

i oiT,,ri^e1.«e on hanra^n. Ioo,rTluaJy obliged tu sneak with it ihroogh the,.. os a ized and made holy, and indissoubl* at tbe will Xy. mayzadawii piM.EtT Caiiery.—we Lave on ban* * nna a-aort-

' 7 ... I... th* Abolition Democra'a or Bambumers bare, iT.'. ” me wm ar y- nient ol Pen-Knives of the very boat quality; altocountry undor a falae, a lying label.!!

, * .S * * «>®* ‘“•®- RART: riHATTCEl ,

Pocket Huualea of every deacrlptiun, Olaar-Oat-e or

Ar,o rwallr ii Arrnra to u. ariee all that Iheby »“peFt®T humbers and by tbe favor of Presi- Let US Compare emancipation of an uncondi- e /-/- aruxii <iv iakd for saLB.— 7,500 “** ''rie> and Archl e,;i-’ Drawiug-Paiier lor making

’ ’ dent Pierce, obtained a complete ascendency tional kmd with Ibis self-emancipation. Uncon- 7,500 acre* of Lane, lying near the Invereec- working drawinaa, a new article to tbli region, on* slie^^


**» ®*'" *beold line Democracy throughout New ! emancipation would let many a negro ^ ‘7indtona”a^ ”ttVBB”N*LBVK^riN7,*Bork..llers and*Bindera,crenood by naming it ‘-Lnited b ate* musket*.'’ v.,eL_ih.i th. R.rr,h..r,rtr. „th.r -r«,rl. .r. I “•‘P would not |K).sess msa 63i Main at., Jdoor. leiuwThlrd.

,lly it occoA to 7, .rtev'all, that the T**" i b“'»“,7‘P“i®" ®r»“ -y ri nil/ ^

' dent Pierc6, obtained a complete Aoeendency|

(loiiAl kind with this oelf-emancipAUon. Uncon- / ro^UU acre# ofLode Sam a apecie may even be in-Democracy throughout New !

<l»>*onal emancipation would let many a negro tiou oi ta* Jeirer«,nv

1 rcotiouauie leiiUb.

WLBB A LKVKKINO,BooksellrrN and Blank Bock Maker#*

Jl m«nt of Pf?D-KDlv#8 of the very boat quality; alio


MoUale# of every de#criptluD, ClKar-CA«v« of

ihif 1 Awn pfkR q#l R —7.500 'tyl6» nod Archl ecV:’ Drawing-Paper for making

Law; lying nea? the I'nleraec- 1

«»la resign, ona slie

JetferoooVilla and tbe CloeiDnaii and 5t.

slave free who AfterWArds would not i>oase<H LouU Rsliroada, in Jack#"U county, InHlaDa,ai^ bolong-

th. ah.lilv or Ih. r«.m...t tn tslr. ..r. liiwi. “ tb. h.lra and devlart of Jobn F acbll, d-ce*s«l.attain wy a-aurtg ar a. ua«w w..wv rti^rv.-

York-th*t the Bambumer* in Other Word* aT* rhV:h.l.T; orX tog toto. h^iri'.ndTbeoe are fiUibuateriLg tioie., and the fiJiimia- . th. „.rto ‘‘‘f,


'o^uC to t^e cm of him- I. tracts to ault purebaaera, on I

r— want arw.* tor . suAArt.**>* «o“’'®'‘“« po*^'®® ®* P**^y *elf, »Dd who would Suffer from hunger and tbe term* of one-thtrd ca*b, tbe balance in on* and two

obf'P'® ‘o wan arms for a suttocn ^ Empire S'ate. We call the attention of want, and be guilty of intemperance, perhaps ot year*, witb internu<>*«»• upon Cuba or Mexteo, may seize Lncle ^„eader* to tb* subjoined paragraph* of th* '»“*• SeK^ui«icip«'ion would ^lu with a

S’a boxes nmrked “Cnitei Ktatrt muakeU,”I

^ thatraining wd discipline whichw^

otter u. great..! tnd’

^ atkxro roraro^wro he,\A Affi I A if tA

” * ^ wwuia luivTBi vuT uMi, HIsucfa caiamiUes. L ficooditional emAncipA- acre# of tbe load lieAndj aauer ce.Uii^ spMM, bold on ^

|the N* w York pApers, tbe Baniburners or Abo- tion woulddeprive the proprietor Doth of bis p^-


vine and ladiaaopoiipuDAob tbeir fiobuig Locle for procUaia^ a chett


DemorrmU Are CAlted ‘‘Soft Shells,’’ And perly ui tbe slave and of bi^ labor; >clf-emaucipaiio^rt

upoo the*.j

hneorconaervaUve DemocraU tb*“H*rd «'oo,suchM described,would do neitlier. ' ^w,The UemocrAlic correspoadect OAy? that tl«e . cw^i. 99 ariiwa Af th# Harain tmUr iiahtio

value ol the slave would be paid to the ' ai»o offered for oaie.

mrt^iarshii,-. rt' Hrt a4r,r4 .aMtrup'uan that^® ®'* ®' *“* ***f»l® f*'* HBuriy owoer, aud many a free slave would continue to For nu* a .d a mor

66 ioebp# lu width, and oue size 37 lo> be* wMe.A EBB A LEVERING) Bockrotllers and Bioder#,

mSS 621 Mam st.» 3door$ te!uw Third.

tbe old line or conservative DemocraU tbe ^ Hard ^ has been described,would do neiUicr. ' anewi water power# in ihe counuy^ all of wLicb art 6 do robollod do»Lately arrlvod aod (or oale by



cdI oEa^ rt I Lcwlm w I ae4m.4 fanam Trommrone- UwlI » Will, bv Iho dlSClpIlliO Atld eduCAllOD wfaich bo3 ' los coodlUoo. A flrpt cloo. railroad lOlo the iuurtcr of -•


iDe coAi note, exriuoeo irom jammanj noji,expUined, be prepared for emiEration «>*»“«« ihe CM Eiaaiic C.

*• voted down in tbe Cabinet, and pretty well used ' rond rowDrciaiU for tronroierrmiF lo Libeiia Ibearta •Heady dally cownbutiug largely to \J Gum Kia-iic C'

26 do old yellow Java do,60 pftg# Buest Gunpowder Teoa;

300 keg# OfiBorted Plttaturg Naih;S76 Uas# Maykvilie CiiUouTarbi60 do do Batiliig;

100 ptg# L-od;60 keg- a.-oorted Shot,10 iamper# Caret BoiUe#;10 l*al-w Velvet C rk^^6 drum# Cod&ab; (or (>aieby

m23 D. L. ADAMS A CO.

aw a. I a ^*$4. _a ..A thmmA®^****® iDoeaiorioi 106 116(010 UIK 11^0117 owner, and many A free clave would continue to


For tiiie a.d a more particular daocnption of tha prop- ti.i.. ADAMS A CO.,iffipTACtscabili'y oC the strict coDSaruCvion, tbat triumph of the Freeaoil section of the serve bis former owner, if kind, ai a servant I

p«r»omt or* referred toXCLAUF A cut

Third tt., between Mam and Wate r.

*'•* constroeUoo of tbc bufi-Treat- Upmocracy^ but it is tbeir habit to talk lightly «!»«* hit master, for a just and proper tim*;' mudim Fonrth an, near Main, LooUviu*, Ky. uJfNURlE.s

urj lata, will wHia be deroonatrated, and that the,,erythiag. Lack at their decUration fv

^conditional emai.cipation would leave I FbR“sALE^

“jr MdT'ttul'’lSifu.™ Cutt,..-

JEKFERSOaNVluffc^CITY LOTS. old yenow'Aw*^^bow wiU all tboM Locofoco orfans look and

j the bi£ loaves and large fislies to the include tbc iufirm or indolent, and, alter a time, 'GREAT RARgai.nS.

aoo keg# a.»ortedTAt?»uted that have for neariy twenty yeare been Iw- Barnburner, a. to off-*nd th* conaerv.tives; that tbore would come to ^ cjtred and provided lor as u“ to ot ?e*tte"“L'- *?| *?.*• J*"**rahaag over tb* Bob Treasury a* the greatest q.^ ConverTctive* or Aoti-Abo- el»*wl{«''r.

I vine, lwltoiia,uppuaite Luuiaviii*, Ky., or* auw uffsred lOO pig« L-ad;’

vwUitrororoi f»rot ^ th* A^ro* Ha«n*t we alwavs a . . - .a I au abut If, AS seemi probable, by tbe immi^aUon fur»al«oD the larm# or •ne-mird ca#h aod the halauce 60 ke«- a.-*orted Shot.P”

- - ^1 * 0 .0 litionisU con do nolhmg to savelliemselves; that of Iiish and German#, the nej;ro should be found mtereet. lo lumper# c<aret Boiue#;

told these Locofoco t aonters that to canj outi have dwindled to a mere cor- in excess, how admirable » ill be found Uu# rk^i

the protrisioof of thew boasted bob-Trrosuryj

—,,p, gu,ro;tha- they have been “silenced in <y»>em of self-emancipation of the negro, who ^^uVLiu*tt^nu?KT^^.‘ Su^io^ ron msa*®™“* ‘-'"’“‘‘‘i <®r '»lety

^ ^woold be to dMgiaat the people of tbc United,,,,- ...1 hole exrludnl from Tammativ Hall

will, by the discipline and educaUon which has log coodiuuo. a flr-t ciaa. railroad iniu th* towttor of —m. .L -. . . a ... 1

tbe eeal hole, excluaeo from ismmanj Mali,explained, be prepared for emigration i*"' T' Elaailc C. mb..-R**.iv*d per *xprem, a lui oi

Bute* with It, and t* render neceiaarj lU imme- down in tbe Cabinet, aod pretty well used ' .„d ..Drciallv for Gau>lertiue to Liberia the arts®‘'*‘ Weei, la already dally cumributiug lamely to iJ oum Kia-iic Circular u..mb» tor children, ua moet

A..f. ir.JiSr.Iutt. orreneatf ' » j ^ .l „ 1- «l _k ...A i b 17 .if . Vn .V 7 rVi. “>• «“”"*> proaperlty ot JetteraoDvIlle, anl will de-lrable artlcla yet Invemed, au.1 lor -ale wbulesale orAiSeC iLodibCA'ioii or repes a up. and that to fine tbey are high and dry like of America! lu this mariner, the wants of tbe oQdunMvdiy, before long, make it ou impurtoai point for ivtali at G. nk'’S


the dams of Coney LUnd at low tide.” Wbal *^***^«fi S*ate«, tbe adopted country, and of ahippiog o» w«u a* fur maunfaciuri .g. other highly WI3 Manofactom P^rfamrry, an*i Kane store,

*l #ir F iron # aid —>A Wofliirdon corres- a .a .. wi rx w». * 1. r Atiica, the iatberlond ot the neero or African importom public wurkN ar» in coou*mt*iaiion which •ui mi3 b6 PuertU #t.) betwueu M,#m aud Market.ARC FiaMLAiEs. A v#«#uir ^oRdo the Sgutbero Democrscy tbiak When one of “ ^ ‘{r ^ no duoht voauy odd to the of the place. For

*«tident of tbe NeW York Cduner sayg, it is ^ ^4 -11 ,h* Anti ak^ a*iae suppliM. health and exce.lant aocaUun JaderounvlUe rank# 1 ( ^ANEV t*nue»:— Anoib«.r flue* a*ftor!mer»t of Ges-

•- , ^ _ a... _ i. ..

the obleat and mosi ivAlout ol all Ibe Anil-Ab- lo thu sug<esUoti, the writer respectfully awoogat the ar#t c;tio# on the Ohio rivur. ^ UcnifuS WaifciuR «:an»-w, c .tnprumg *11 the differ-now believed that oe pro^eas oas oecn akaoe m Democratic orrans at the North sfieak# be|

5» the atteniion of (lie (rieud'i of tbe nej^ro iFor th« accummodatiuo of i*erfioas wuhtug to pur received aud for oai** at

Ih* lego iatin. with Engird on tb.afi,,,. of the influence* already ex- race and tbe American ,*ople. He know- how ^Joor^

quattioB tine* Mr. Everett left lhe Department .

^ tv the Pierce adnunistra-"»"y K‘>pos*»»o» to *ff«t emancipation have on which tb* lot. offered tor Ai* ar* clearly \ 7. ‘’.'7“ *" ‘ «<t“““«*

i aue,I,,Ks;u^r7;i!^s“r»r.rxsK

u .a. ~-j«- aa,a»cava.„i.o,r,„„.-g.. a-.- ^'r;7S=;" “

C« mb#.->Rf^vived pf*r expreo# a lot of: Circular CuDibH for cbikreu$ it>e moetyet Invetued, aud tor <Eale wboiotale or

G. .NK'llOlaAS’S

.... — „ - Dguiuero uemocricy imaa woen one oi i i,,

j ” no doubt voauy odd to me bonent or mei

jiOiident of tbe NeW York Cduner says, >t robWrot otad mo«* xealout of all tbe Anli-Ab- ^ r* Ti^ health aod exce.laot .ocaUoo Jederoon

• .™ ohieat ana mosi leatous oi an ine aou-ad- thu 9ug<esUon, the writer respectfully awoogat the ar#t citio# on the Ohio rivor.

MOW believed tbat oo proEreas oas oem ouae ib^

Democratic origans at the North s(ieak# bejjo the alteiiiion of (lie Irietid 4 of the negro iFor th« occomuodatiua of i»erfioas wi#h

C.4NES! Caue#;— Anoih<*r flue osaorlmerit of Ges-ilcni^nS WalfcliiR Cnu*-n, c .n^prUixig all tbe differ-


For the accgmiaiodotloo of |>erboas wUhlug to pur|

rut »tvieW) juat received aud for oal** at

uuie one or more loiO) a large plan of the city can he MCIIOLA8^8s S6 Fourth at.

foiled, yet ventures, not without some hope,

to say cotifideiice, to su^i;est yet one more. 1 Fo rih 8ir<®«t, near Main, Louisvillt, Ky..

toMr,Ingwr*.lir*lb*^. Utliw-ateof ^ Kuking in the Trncee.l “‘PP? da^wh7„^ and able

thuiga much anxiety w naturally felt for Ibeof the hard ehHls of tliia :

.*'*’'* "**»• " »*'i rr^.iin.n. er

Droonecti Of oor fiahremen in the ensuing seaeon. cf- ,* noing lU very beat to get up a ois tot and cotidi-|

an okuinani k

u rLdad Uro. Mr. auclmn.. roX enter party rebelUou. It call, upon the marore ol thtt|


wn hi. mieWiH. until September next.“fi.*t ZT^’oZ ,

«c il«i by th. Om^at Cou^it of tkrC.t, o/

.. ,* _r ak^ #. .a.;.. «;oi show the irawthg poiiuctaiic wuai son or prio-^ ^

» i ', Leotfed/e, That Grove -treet he graded aud pa«ed from

It It evident f(om tbe tooe at the Provioeial they want It repuWi’sbes tbe compro- enterprise. Water etreet to Market, occordiog to the geuerai ordi-.a _a la 1 a a_^ 7


0 Ort.La»;il * *a ^ .1 a . .. T Some WOUld »VM1 106 Orkf^Ort Ull it V of . nronssro roawnlrotlna wtich tmL.riJV«IIl«aU. at thro f^.iaaf

R Hat jf i pr6dui't*«l la tbe city ca i equal tfieXl eicbout dtoli G’je»aia»*r Hat tutruduced by liiL-LaKD, FHATUKU. k. SMiTH, aud we alvlsf all whoulmlre a due app'-arauce &od comfort to gUr tuem acall ^i 466 Mam etref*. m't

It I* acdcd that Mr. Buebanaa wtU not enter party rebellion,

upon hia mieaioo until September next. ^'*y ^®

I> rt evrtani, uac wa,,; w w, riplcsuiry Wsul ll repuoiiaQei iiie compro- —7 1---'- waier street to uaraei, accoraiag lo me geuerai oral- — :

paper* that it i* anticipaled a vigilant watch will nXe platform, and want* it, aod intendg to have I .

»‘»®e would neglect even ^e opportunity of umict r.goiaitoa such inu-roveoieou, ai the com exem-{,^1^


lV . . . a . _ I «... II rw>uri*d al all riaka as the nlat/orm of tha I

ibis, here proposed. They aie the ludo-j

alvely oi the owoera of lots aul i>aru of luia fromiufbr kept to prevent any encroachment upon liinit* It, reenacted at aii ri^, u ^e piauorm oi me .

•*>. ’ „hnm f ra*, ihereon.

a- a ^ It

Democratic party. It call* for a convention ot 1“ ^ ’i* HKN. w. PoLLARD, Pres. Boaid Com. Coun. /IK

lofcrdiclod bj treaty to Aironcaii fialierroen. Itpeopl*, and tbreatei.* a variety of terrible *’* “® I*®®" ““<* Rlofiou* pnvile-

| joiix v. Varmm.c. b. c. c. Ij ua.— , ... — .. ,L. E-...I..N . ) ' .

’ .. - U7 rea no invi hut othara la-milH loll for Ilia ila- i JAUKS HPERII. P. II. A. Hn.ln.baa bee*i announced, however, in Ibe Eugluil tbing* when t’wy speak. We suppoee the mean- i

?® 1”^! others would toil for ttie de-


;ropen, that the C:.gliab cniiauig squadron wdl , ing all thi* ir, that the admimalraUon baa,


he again under tb* command of Admiral Sey- “«•“ giving i'

moor, wfaoac lustractacioa, aa well aa hu pereonalth

ii,cl.n*lion*, are rdied oa by (be Englwh prtm, ,i abuna* a raiwfaetory guaranty against any moaourr* , tor lebellion

wtiacb COL reooouahly lead I* a qaarrel between ‘ “

the t w. count, wa. I



bute tbeir a

JAMES SPEED, P. B. A.O. n. StaaTTAN, C. B. A.Approved May SI, 1363*mU dl JAME.S 8. SPEED, Mayor.Cj^D^mocrat, Timea, aud Oermau poi>er> copy.

I$otic« to Contrckctorfl.

Y'OlTll.VcSumin rHata.^Wt Lave In Mure a targeaud fresh »iock ot Boy*' Summer Uau, ol eutlre

new btyie#, uut to be ha I i lbewhtre._m2l (At POLLARD, PRATHER, A 8M1TH.

LATK^T Style#— Ladir#' Ridlns Hata directfruiu Pa'ia.—We luvit<* the fatl*^<to iDcpn-i our

late ini| onatiiitu of Riding llau, heiug #uperior tu any-thing lu the market._m2Ijaib POLIaARD, PHATHEU* Ik SMITH./^^•^TLt.UE.N'S Hn-iuct» uud ’iruveliug Hata.VJ We arc dally in recc-ipt of every new vatleiyofBawiue#» Hath, tu whii hwe luvHe lb*' alleuilou of altwho Seaire a c>ruifonable and gvoii t I Hat.

iu2l lOfib PtiLl.ARD, PUArUBK, A SMITH.

Harper fl Magazine.tX' K are io rec*;ik>t thtro murmur wi all the back cum*Tf her# of thie ("ipular work. Per•oo^ wbu won!

I between We very much tear, however, that these same

1bard Yhellt can do nothing, neither to save them- ®^ ^ tn»Ututed,” the ,„•*« to i(a

Mlvee nor to r*buae Sectary Marcy. If they fi'ory of «»»* whole world Md especially of u.uai

wuwriy reach that patch%m hu o.d leath-t“"nl\

*7* ‘‘n^^ "''.n’ nttUd. Da I ^ 6T hrorefaef they ffiirtit brijut fii® fo umI bmd ^ * wiw admire tiid would preserve the _A

permitted tbe occaeion of »he United SUt*. in their union and e. •• «*»«be Depart-

U,^«r rank and file have dwm- “ • helping hand, first, to mil- M bZS:,V.H I I

-i„.„^.ecorp^al’. guard. SiUmced^TdVe'‘iiS7e'r5ffi^


benevoleot contribute th6ir motiev sikd exert 0 *ALKD prvpo»alti win bs received by the nmlcriilgned[

*^*^*^ to cuiui»lt*ie Ihflr volume* uowhaveautbeir iLdueuce aud efforU Ixt a ‘•Sarietv in ihat tia o®,.,* until 12 o’clocX, M., Mondar, May 10, |

'•PP"rtnnliv ol auppljiL^ a*m,ele*> ty callluz at

1853, tor zradlna and paTlng urove aueoi Horn Water _ URoWN St UoW’3,



WaBungton letter ear*: “A tiiignlar «r breech**, they might bring Dim to ano bind

^ De-1.


meat of the Ir.tenor. Boo*rt B. W i llmiion, uwny to a meie corporal’i guard. Stlecced

t«r»erly « clerk id the depDnment, hiring lo Uic cokI hole, excluded from Tsmouiiy Uill,

T T,' ltJ63, fur grading %ud paviug Gruve #treet frum Water,

mstltuted,” uie to Market aireat.

d especiidly of U#ual oecunty re^iaired.

»erty xnd ngfal, « ^ ra. «>•

JAMES S. SPaKU, Mayor. I

1 1 - fh d2 Dem., TlmoN, oml Genuan papen copy.

OrWa’s Extra Quality Com Starch.Mrnufactured exprculy for t'uiintitj and Dietetic


SINCE it« lntri><iucuun lu pabllc uuttce, th1« articleboa been very exten.-lvei) u.ied ai.dblgbl> appruved

. Maoer «l tlie diebursesnents od acevuat of the aud voted down m tbe cabinet, the shells!Thro,^

. A 1 C a .a. ^ mi»T be congid-red as pretty wtJl used up. A II

®,o- Jue author proposes lo follow this rude Tiosi

rewus fubd, wa* removed hy Secretary biuort.cooveotiou ui these busy times, simply to


sketch by ^Hxmark* on Staoery,*^ Ihe result of TV the

Upoa sa *^amwi!iWi of tusaccouaU, it appears re-«ffirm tbe Holtiioore platlorm, is m yo. I (lefsorial observaUuu, in asenes of contributions,

' * b..i*taaied in L, bond* gix thoMaad dot- Tbe only living chance (or the ptor hard !•t'*'’ ®*'j^®* being tbe diffusion of facG, -

, r’rotU ia to trv it on axaia id Albani, m tbe 1 •' 0“*^* and unmitiga- MAMlaia of II* governmeoi money oo the plea tbat

*®“J'’ ,

>’ “ it* ot tbe all-

f-cliy ridicutoua ii, a deck. W* maderataad to go over tb* fence and set up a i*w pA.ty to I Plen adopted by L, ' (oM t.a'rj

Mr. MeCleHaad Im* df(e-XHo*d, it the money foPJ^ywtion with tf* NaUonaf Whigt ot H* Cie-[

«n»y ^ aboliabed by law.” iywaBWIEE.-I. ooire^Wo. rote, to tb. Traloury, to cauro

biack, wMl*, anJ co'ored Barer* MaDtlllas; also “ '»rtoua .ecLon* ol to* couniry. or i:, rood i|uall-

tatt* lllualoD Cap**. For aal# al low price*. He* mere l* no quirtloQ. It uultorluty rlvea toe utoivst

MARC, Dl'LANBY, fc DOWNS, 'aH»f*ctlon to all loeera ol gowf

ln2S 471 Main aiieel. rudUi.-a, He., Cuaturda, and deliciaaa lilauc

.««W440D V*»^a.--A Ortutlf ol aasorlmeni ol the farUiy with wh' to m’ay b* pr. pared (ten mln-V toe above in atorer‘'‘l«‘r«'* l" prepare a l.eau.ifal puddlnv),

_TBOXF30N a Its bealtbliil anl uoi-r‘.*1ili.r cbaracler, ita atai tallon !.

# 1*^ Ibe u«e of pvr#o0 is »i.o leeaf iUg u.'Urol UiUiFiroluLi u( ihe

IHtMiANY Pla*h#.-5f0,000 feel of Mahugasy eoro.'U, ail cuuibiue l-‘ reaavr ibU d >i-ry U.'biraWa

Flank*, of varlou# ihlckoe**«», lo Btora aud f >rI


jy Iiu33 CkTl THOMPSON k. STEWART. Mouge iTepared from il U roitbMeretl •up'V- J_ _ - — J‘ur tu that urdiuorily male with I'iiugia*#, M',^-, 4tc.,

AMFAGNE, Port, hkerry,aMd .Tlaurlrii—Tbe1

««>i^s being iu«th cheaper.

?e*^t hraoda ot the alM>ve Wlbea ia More ana fort*ale k^FuIi (I'rcrtiur.# for u#e with tj h !>toCmag^.


»«l« wholesale auJ mall by'

j rt”• 4b. SON,

AMlIlEh.-Ssperior hrsode of Cog06« s:v^u># uw nuojkb Tsorufr FIttb aiui Market au*

Bc^fTON, May liL I—

WOlaemeoD U» be crimumlly prameciRed, umler gbHU; but they have pi.y«l thetr ^ame ladlv" We leam tbat a violent hail and thunder slo-m:be prov»to« of tb. 8-b-Treroury law.- We and Uv. |o.t. Th.r. Jl. Tbj^ Ly grunble’ .weptlav* alrexdy aiiLouitttod tbat Williaxwoo he* i*l** iljf

i* lost. Tb*j are noon, duiing the prevalence of which much [ ni»» c'-^""*****”*'

'"^^’^F&iiK^k stbwart

* -d«..— Lf srjs'jr.n"re'“,toT"K'' S;‘S,S: 11^^tto- fwwiecatiep. can they do? L .

*i ilI^ .

Mr. Miles s varlou. quallUae and a«**, in .tore aalfoyateb

tAMIHCh.—Stperior hrsode of Cognac *

LauJ su4 for tale by


: PNDOaN Porter oad Pole Ale.-'Aftoeoseunnem,

EVfclRV Oeocrlptieo ef suoamcr Itola canqpM fuUDd ia ohuu'iaui variet« at

YAL. TU()MaH% .So. 49o Main #t ,

e>21 tMiiweeu Third aixl Fourth.

L Actuo uci Vouereai Diftcoae#, uew eMIUoOjA-shwell oo Female#;Arao:'# Klemeiitf of Phyvlca, new cdlUuo;Aron un tha Ueart;Beache’# American Eclectic Practice, 3 voU,Buwnoa’tf Practical Cbeuiblry;

Do Mciiicol floj

Bin! uu Urinary Depoelt#, 2U eU.iBeooet un th« Cteru#, 3d ed.;Barth k Rtidi;er#*A Motmai of Aaeculatlou,BiUiDg#*# Principle# of Medicine;Brudle’b Select Surgical Work#;Do on tbe Joint#, revtoed rdltiou;Do Urtuor)' Origan#;

Bo»aau’« Ph)»iuiogicai AnatomyBudd on the L veropiatesB*'oedlct’« Compendium of Chapman*! Loctureo;Biliord un Infant#;

Bi»od^» Deoui Mtdicioe;Bartieu’# Treaa»e un Fever#, 3d edlUon*Buchoi;:’# Duine»tic Medicine;B»-ll A Stoke#’# Practice of Medicine;Bright’# Family Practice;Cooper’# Lecture# on Surgery;Cooper on Herula—plate:,*

Du on Testi#, do;Do OI Di#lucatioc# and Fracture#;

Carouu’s 8yoop»l# of Materia Meilco;Cbella'^’# Sy»tem •! Surgery, 3 vol»;

Carpenter’# Principles ol Human Physiology;Du Eleuiems do do;Du cu AIcbo


Goodie on Chlltircn, 3il ediUoo;Churcbtli uo Feuiaico;

Do oo Children;Do on Midwifery;Do on Puerperal Fever;

Coluuibat on Female#;Chil#U*eU R GriiHih’s DtspensatoT} i

Do 00 Pwi#uu#;CruvcUhler At atom}


Chanoing on Ktherlzoiiou In CbtidhirCMymtr on Fevtr#;Cfupoun on Eruptive Fever#, Gout, and Dropi»lei;Choili)’# MidwUioiChornel’w G^'oeral Pathology;Cyclopwdia of Prscilcai Meuiclne, 4 voD;DruitC-k Muderu Surgery;DuugUsun’e Mediuoi Dictionary;

Du New Rcoutlies;Di l*racilce ut Medicine, 2 vole;Do numoti Ph>»ioiogy, du;Do Therapeutics, do;Do uumou Health;

Day oo O'd Age;Dewee#*# Sy#toin of Midwifery;

Du on C‘ lldrcn;

Uo onFcmalt#;Eht rle’s Practice of Medicine;

Du Therapeutic#;Eberle k MUcheii < u Children;Eberlt’s Note# on toe PracUev -f M .’diclnej

EllVs Medicai Ft^rmulory;K#«|Uirol ou Inroonlty;

Kk’lecilc Dlfipeuroatury*;

Flint oo ComlD>i”d Fever;Frtck cQ Kei.ol D;#ta»ks;Fra#cimro’'t Chemical Analysis;reigusuia’* Practical Surgery;Fuwnea’s CDeiiaiftry;

Giuge PalholugiCrot HlUoIofy—piate#;(yi-rbard uo iho Chevt;Gooch’s Midwifery;Gulbfie on Crioary Organs;(tUDD*# DomcMic Med;ciue;Gardner*# iludlca Chemiairy;Gratiwm’s du do, new tdtt'un;GritUih’s Medical Uotany;

Du FvrmuUry*;Gro's’s Urtaiary Organ#;Dj PothuioKiial Anatomy;Do kentucky Surgery;

Iloblyn’# Medical UicUunarv;Horner’s Special Anatomy and Qi»lolo> y

Do Called stat* * iu»#«ctor;H‘.uker’a Phy>lciau ao<l Patleut;

Do Mtdl,^ Delusion;RociiiU'D on Stronlsmu-T;llngbe#’# Physical Diagnosis;Ha#tlug>ou Toll w Fvvi-r;

Hill’s Eclectic Surgery;Hall uo Dlogu«Ml#;

Mro.iiosl D'ctlonory;Uo;e c*j the Heori;Ha.‘se*s Pathu!o;;Kai Anatomy;UarrtsoD on tbe NervoU'^ Sybtrm;hos£«;i’» M1ctu#C( ptc Anatomy—plate?;lUrrlb*# Surgary'*

Harriet’s D vuuuary of Dental Science-;Jooen’a Optliatmlc Medicine aud Surg*.ryKIrke and Paget'# Pbyhlulogy;Liftoh’s Surgery, by (»r«>#«,

Do on . Mutter’s Surgery;

McClellan’# Surg-ry;Millet'# Ilumar. Parturition;

Do Principle# ot Surgery, new ediitoo

I»o Practice of Surgery;Malgaigno’' Operatl\e Surgery;Mubr, H<'dwiMj^ oiki Pruvtwr’# ihiaroiacy;

M on ottou-iric#;

Mt‘!g<, on W.'man and her Dls«ate»;M"ig» ou Children;Hoere’t Healtn* 0 v>e, and Komady;Mortli’# Maiiipulaii •'—Id3 cuu]Moy uc'a Di^peubat »ry ;

Manuals on the B.uud an ! I’rine;

Matalix ’# Surgical .Anatomy—platci;Nellgonon Me*llclue;;

Nfill on the Nerve#;NeUi auii’^ C iiapen l;

Nuhi^an oD the Smln;

Pereira’# Man r a M'ltica;

Pirrle’# Syateoi of Surgery;

Ramaboiham’B Partumiuii;Klcurd ofi Venereal Dloease#;

R«e#t:’# Fiarmaiary;

hoyle’# Materia Medics;Siatiiian’# Cbeni »try;

Shey’n Operative Surgery—u«w worStmou’# General Pathology, do;

butih on Fracture#;

Smlth*» MtniFr Surgery;

SmiiL’# Fanuritlou;

Sulie’* EKut^nt# of General Pai**ology

Sar;:e«t’fc MUor Surgery;Siokob ou Ike Che.#i;

Stuart 00 CbltdreuyS‘.m‘ u's Chemittry of Man;Swi*tt ou the Che#t—u%w work;Solly on Human Brain;

Smith aD>l Homer’# Anatomical AtlOaS

StibUley on Uouc#;Taylor uu Polaou;Tay lor*# Mcdt:A» J:jri#prudeDce;Tl.t 03 Meu#truatloi:;TiUcU K.- menuof Ueolth;TL .mp#cn on Maoagetucui of Sick R«> >ra;I'nuel State© Dl#pen#an»r>—new edition;Vogepw Pathological .knototuy;Vawbebr*# U lU'lwbook ol Qoman .Anatomy:Walch on the ^{zut and Lung®;Watch on Cancers;Warren on XtherizatioBIWiiMin uu Syphiil©—plate#;

XX> uu the Skius—p«*te#;Wtl»o(i’# Cnite-l Statr.e i>iatoi*ctor;

Do Buman Auatomy;WUliom#’# Principles ol Medicine;WlUlaiP«an4 Ciytuer ou Respiratory Organa;Watsou’# Prat tico of Mvilctuc;W uud’s do do;Whilehead on AhurUon;West on Chli*iren.

Si £ "S,r.S: isi'" ZZ Z Zplke,an<i #u#ceptlp|a of making two fi<<od farm#; 126 on hood and fur oole. Block Silk $7 p«r lh.Vc«4srU rt*?rtt!r-fy^ ^ ^acre# lo cuitivaiiriO and 75 acre# clear»ril and ready to ( 47 6om^Bo n#ed in 0.1 reopeef* jtke WM.- Le.©t, Thry sen

fence; *e«l improeeniwi,, never f.iii.,! .«t-r, anl ta. Tb*.. admirable maebtn*., and ttnlabrnt avrttmaw of a?,?.* iTi^ ‘'i. Z *

Si rofi' ll!.'/®”''.®'


to*lr work, maj at aU Umc. b. fre*lr eiamiMd^mtoarto. '


For full and further porticutar#, inquire Oi our o«co, Of our *j?T7,^ *.11comer of CoQ*t Place on i Fifth St. [ OFFICKN a26 <11® 46 Dev ferret. New Turk.

CRATCR09T k FIELD, Ko. 2^5 QrooUway, .New T.*rk. ^ All paint# iinnTifnrtnnd hy this rompony iraHr\l EsUte Brukerv.

jSo. i5l Wa«blociuo *treei, lk>^aQ. woimotod

0S9OO nTlTXTAQrt I Nii. 57 S->u;k Fourth 4ir«e», Philodoiphio.~ — —

^ Ran a. 7 rrem to. aub.cru;.r, o. to. M of ' k ' 1*7Brilkfif) •»PilfiB tij »B » fiftrMlIl,

Wt Apr"l, in Uart lO'inlv, a nesro man Damed XD-N .iFIXlaea *’ __ . Nw 4tt3 Mrrodwav, >*w Yrtb.

corner of Con-t FUce anl Fifib tl. 1


ro»»d« Real Katat* Broker..(

82(X) Ran a. j from to* aub.crU>er, o. to* Id of


*« Apr"l, In Uart lO'inlv, a nesro man named ID-^n' Ml'NOe t’lOkk C omplexion, otuct 38 year# old, 6 ^ i ** • —

twin **^**’’* ''^* '’ ***'®''*‘ gpfcstor aro#ortm«M la-unuMa» IkIS•p«»aiDg 1 will give the above reword (or void man if horotolora. Ai? Pan rarwl«*k«l ora o# on - je i-.-ataken (jut of tola Btal*. or BlOU If '.ak*n In tola Btate, IMfORaANX TO #LL nml of no a.rt nanttv, ami 4**a. roiL ric 7 , mi t

and aecnred <0 I a) zei h;ni. who c« mmI


sm*, <iaa>itiM o.i aeair.-.i*, iwracck m to*_5i*^ *’• s. GREEN. Steam #s # NIotivo Power »•>•«« wiiiia*ii»«i. ,.11.* iL.5im»ro4. an

M I'SKETO \eitl.x — SUO Vlecaa IZ 4 BubblneiI a«D u.siac

* toairnia*at. ar. fuur wairaai al. a attaranir .««»*.-Mu-keto N*i!ln., of anperlor qnal tT.Ja.i received Baldj amd Ureal EcmaroT. “ T *? '*“ ®-

an for«a:cat a very luv price. Wo a k ponlcuUriT . w. . . a. . ^p«rraa#«o #lro«wh#r#. 8#ca%l-hana Floa... &t Ail


th« attetiUwo of the city trade to the ohovo, ! A ^ opportunity t# now <iir»red to all whom H may eon- k NEW INDENTION.— Th* urooa M .‘^le^a wftLmlTdS B0B1S80N k BRi>. ^ cer* to -ecum the exclu#lvenghl"f manolactarlng, TWO BANKS OF KEYS, t^- - . th 04 f ik« kictd im

' -——^ ^ - using* and «-*8l'ng Id State# aadcoua;ie»— tho er'anirvehavlag *W«y STii 8 PL R,#we* draw

"^WATKiN'ai ows^ Itvins'UirraUiio; Safely Sttam1 Ooaneed he Omnliuro m w roronaroi r tn.*

OFPICEBKo. 2^5 QrooUway, New T>»rk.No- Wa«blDCiuo »creeta B»»toQ.Nti. 57 Sa»n;k Fourth nreet, Ph<l«ietphia*E.t. l.^a Hauimatre -tr^et, Baitim^ro.N--. t97 Elm eueet, C actoDarl.

I. M. 3LSGER k CO.N. B.—Tbe New T.wk f>« e *1 I ’bo re^vod to No. •niarrnu my wareroumro, I «a moiiiid to k-*p

33 BkOAfw XV, on the flrn of Mav :.exi. ol4 dial A* * grooter o»>»oaa«M oi tnomuaena# man



1 ENEHAL COM MISSION MEIicUA NTS, PR4IT1S ONload Tobacco Broke.'^#, 624 Main otreeu LoaUville. Kv.

IMfORVANX TO .AJrol# end of on ovon qautty, and doepm toil, nci, «i t psTtoivWHO ciK oocaf toae, qao*iUo* morot d«4ir*‘,t<s iwmccB m the

Iteam as a Motive Power »-<»-Hi*roi»>i*«*toto.t«>...f ta.!:.,irn»ro*. an**D

Iaairnia*at. ar« fnUT mairaai ,1. a auaraair acOHs-ani.i. .to 1 -e^.ia

panirt eaerr Mil ot aale, aad are ro;.! m .w a. e.u am l Ureal E* .maroT. pnirkaawl elrtmbar*. SKsml-barol B1aa._ *| aii mtelZ( opportanliY la son .if, red w all whom tt aav rta- V NRW IN VKNTION.-Tb* uraaa a — ‘-rn wiu.corn to -ecum the exclusive nxht"r oMaafactanag, TWO BANKS OF KEYS, t^- - . th 04 t iho kind img. and «-*8l'ng Id 5*ate# aadcoua;ie»— tho er'anirr,havl8g *Wo :fr»> 8 -' »i PL Ra#we*. drawIrvi&sM’irraliiia; Safely Steam i r#o- m 1 »*- mm m aoanced hy Organlet# to ho •aperi r for ehoeokoo er or-rta. a. m ^ aa


EM pTocUco to tko OJB #loed orgoi^ FVtoo kMaLStoiluoary Engines, L'c-imzilves, Morno Bncioo# Aloo, iBo coaaauo M r tKiooa of oi. •ty'.vs o«4 hrlce«wiver. Iskro. 00*1 kaC.rou rnteromrora. A . . T* ro roalwroroiroiFM .w - ^ ro*^it.r*m1 Tobacco Broke.-#, 624 Main otreet, Loal»vlUe,Ky. ^®*L4^*** r*^^

Engines, L'omzilves, Morno Bncioo# 4:^ coaaauo M r tKiooa of omh oe\<r*mISdkwif . on liver, lake, oiW uc* an •tv-omer^, Tr e advaatagea Being the e^ela-^lTe oeooi fbr IBeoo fu^imauen'o,

- - — of thl»k>il-rov.T all otbete now In as# ora— oro sollcltod. the nano. dV^'>uot mode lo tbo *rmle noil. . —


*•*;>”«* aai KTv raOM t,*Lo,.o.,, balaa a. 10 tutt. xi ci*m men fo* i mr uea “!I of thi# boli-r ov**r all otbece now In ns# orw—


t. ENTlBk SAFKTV rOOH BXPLOSIO.V, hOl&g nomure Uoh.eto exp' «le than on open chadron.3. Lee# ihon 4»NB*THlR0 tho amount of fa** Is ro-


qnired W gen-rate iho steoaa ohesinod hy other huHore ofthe -anie power.3 The cost of constnetton t# REDCCBD OXE-> Saltiniore and. Ohio Railroad » Tho^oo#i or constnettoo u redccbd oxb- luaportant to Houaekaepera


rK.\.N'POK I'ATION Ll.VE ' a_, rwv.TaiBr, a _ .Something better and noore etonamical ika a ttoaa.

ASac«nufortoeU)-)Teiin., wear* M,wrr*p,i»lto koh«^ Zid^T Iw^phid Cream TarUr, oe <en, other r»#wr« .««, i..Ti. offer ano-nal taemtie. ftr th. anc-dv iran,it jf nr.-

»®!'*''’ “o- — »*•- „ia«aa rr-e~ .mem tm c..

p*riT lo m: to. Ka-iein ctilra. ^,‘•Ji* b* ^e^aMv "tome, for Baking.

ah.pp*ra will cun,natoelrlnt* In MrwarJln* bj,

“* “* to. rvrMRr, caxJIlCZL TRA,T.rt BAKIN© ruw-tbl# Hue *

Iof using IL DBR—For mt#ln< Bread. M*«r *>. - » .

K. WEBB, ROWLAND k CO •arAkANTKE the roaMty of the shove od- Johnny Cnhee, Pmldtoc%b^-F»ero^ r

may 16 dttwtfl*»t>«-LAND,

IT"-?:" "® «" '*‘“.<-'«CAL cakrt, A^rt .ro«,ll2S: ralwrriJ:,^

iccdj Lxan,lt vf pro- ^ expenae f Fnrnace urate* will be tacalcn.ably tetenee for Baking.

in f irwardln* by ,

''-•“"'“7 anronni of fnel rwiBind, ami to* rvrXKRr, caxxiCAL TRANT.k Bakina r«w-®' mana.r *f naiax IL 9J DBX—Far ratal.* BraaO. B-.c .u VtiIlLAND, Si CO., '

Compw orAXASTXZ the rrtllty .ftlMal^.al. Jrtnay Cak*., Paddliw., Fwt.pi*.; cJro’ ..V:’.. eaniaa-a. Tketr concioa 'ro* ar. ba*ad oa PBtcnCAL Cak*M Asala .rortBiiiu.. eoorro. w.

^may 16 d-xw.f„ > V., Be ar...:r;

The \e# 1 ork, Baltimiirf H hrrlin*. and 'abilt. ho«u ©.abdin.* rov-.«,LUQlS\ille 1 m&SpOri&tlOU Liue


ventlooberorethopnbii«. It stnnda alono and iodopoo- ****** n#inea, aa»^ mmm,m. g.. ^-nt^ nrdent Id lu morli#, and if it hn# Uo qnnUUoa claimed, End, spun acaroTtii troi, u» bo ihonerp /%«««

Sf i^rif J *(tlch ore oodenioble, the public will at unco acknowl- rorry ginpir dag tn Ueir ^mmW’ mflHHiK sdgeiu superiority over any other motive powor. Ilo moet Important advantages ovor Uo dd vairouiw

U irtioMr^in'irKV.t «- "to— - emaa. aBrt„.i„-Fre'.zht- for B*liln«-e,We:iM,clnc:o«il, Ptoce, .Naw lork, ovar to. »w ro-rtriLj

cimtiir'” i*NDL\. RUBBEK GOODS.

llavini; nnnaoal facimi


9, canrocvlpt tomzb aa ant ww w ®*."*JV ?***

fsior.k.c lerma. Th# XJlUOn Indl# Rnboex Company. ^,^^^^5**^^toi*^iai^mrt* man awfuauv.

Cak*.. Apro* irtmpltaa*, raatr*. Be., Be. Tbi* ila«Mtoai«rtTv


L *v »>• ptw— la SrtB mn*. amilUou•aaler ot iR6*ai|<iB. baartr KiMe lu* * aawBrtlawrtrtr, whiror. and ;;zbifr tBaawbn - w,ib r—

h* Tb. krwad Kao. ky termmitaiLm km a i *9l.H la

For p*rt!cul«a app:> to to. azm..: * ,B>:UO 5X .NO. 1, Na-vIAC 3T., N. T iwN^rwblllTS "T®*—b.

co.;., lh*-


rinter*, Tan-uiin*,R. wt.n. Rowl.xu, BCD Lon'sekie.


Cap*s, Air Betli, Piano Covers, I? '®T*:5'-* a****wt. tb. nave*David ATCMB Co St. Lonir.

I C.i Pllluw*. Sureiral and -^ -* ****'** *“ * *>— *»’ *°» c*aanaa*ai:T.

lUvm* r»cele.l tbe lanffuf cbA'Ec-, w* are now pt«- I Viliv i. \avv Cuihiona. rh^ieal Ar®®''* to* **"•• ‘«»!

pared u tU, bruuab tim* rtceipu i, Ml Ibe B.mrrb ' ?• "Ll ’ Chemical .\r- **! *w*-i*at •' ,.

Cities at uuusualiy tow rat«4 a*>d de-patch. Sblpp-rvofi LtXWS, ticlts, kc. Uocnuga.y ia*t, mwI 1» nn;e»w»-

tobacco will dud It to tholr inlereai u» forward by thi#|

C^The Goods made by this Company are warranted ^glraafjuf la #ai?heod ocooiding to m« airomieno# H a

E.W.RB,ROWLt.VD,BCO.Az*nu. rer^Ty^TaVerS-m.*^

d" D.T^al'ir'n- ‘'m*"*.:?'”’'*’"BtK.N# Pt.w-

_ _ I F.l^ttHxeAB».Trertn,.rMmS.«M«y. 1|S^. Ti wS^^.::;: Tl',:

I to*'OCco will dud tt to their interest to forward by thline.

E. WEBB, ROWLAND, k CO , Agent#.

lo prodneo dyepepsU and lu «ctw»loat "v «.Thtro article hae booa thovnagh.y .eoCad, sod te wu\om^

sally lik.’fiL When Seed ocoocdiag to m« diromieM, H a


Fancy Refrigerators,i ItE nitSTS. A.>D W ITEll nti'LERS,


BuUitt at. Louisville, Kj.


No. 8 Par# Place. New Tork,

wrraa##rf la mHljy*' rerefal t. nk ftw DCRKSr'. BtKiNA Pi**r-MB, airfua. D.. .aa«c, ami e«« wi.i iroi k. rtrrtwwt.

Frla Ipal uTOe*, IS* »ai*r aarket. New J.oK. BAd kytkn boot grocer# aod Imagisu geoermiy. re* M div

IBING exirn»i*ely engaged lo iho FVBli^H

Mining Agency.NEW YORK, iei WiLLl.WI

Rwom Ho X2.ING, Agency t# os(ahlt*h

, aro X on oaiaw*#roien mi nainprvparod lo offer overy variety of tooila In thoir line on i* Cuwenaioe ergantted ani at werX; « aw *urthe mo#tlltKral terms. Thoir uwn poMicatltfM vaihmco (nmlahing aU klado oi M*s.htnorv atmi M'.u.nn ‘cmmo onmaay valuabto aad popular mi« el'.anooo# work#, to- ordorod; aUa th* Ohamtc-i Aua.y#is .4 \n'-* andotn.#gethor with ao nnrtvalod soUettoa of School Booh*, tn- shkomnceo a# kmmeded from ani pan ot \..m enamryclndod Stoddard’# uoiobiroied Berio# of ArtthmoDm. C.« ^ print»d #lremla»> fteing mu ‘rtrlorat: gi vi ;'naL-, * Co* are alao tar-go in aad mannfaeinrers tn nnowor te any pn#»»nhi ianar er>cioal^

> clndad Stoddard’# uaiabiroied Serla# of Srtihmtitte C-, A prlniad #trcmla»> fteing mu anpb• L-, * Co* are alao tar-ge In aad mannfaainrers ( aaawar te any pn#Vtinhi Ian• if every variety of Lap and Leuar Fopara, which they thiaa*eani ftim iMte wamyiudhr at mannfactnrere’ whutesaie price#- J* R. BA

tirder# frum the tmia re#peetmily oatieltad. Xaw Torh, 38 WGllam #i., (tea# ». |;

oS dim "

R- Bammm r jh 9^(tea. »B lr«6#—ityu

150 Millions of PenT~A^uall^j


A_l , .wl A. XI, iU-l-IA V E O




91 JOHN STREET, NEW TORK. town•A lark* .t«i«k tff tort* pop.iar P*oa euuetmiltf ou aao.*. raawa.

Caatlaa la Ow.lrrs am* CMsaartra. IHatar*t.>a.k lur ••aJitzoiT’a,” a* a*r*ral pantn

hav* atoipictt to* aamwraia ky wkicb hta Pvrt kr* papa-


T '1 R^a—brtrtbara, vr-pf-aao*. r u.r TM'ta jt X.

The B* 4t sn>l most (. onvpiii-iil .-Vr'icle for Cool- rioi artuia.

ing anil Pre»« ivmg .Mean, .Miiia, b .iier, Foraai**

i Fruits, VVn.rt. Jtc. _Mr J4J»

Tx; K .ffrr to»» B*fn**ralora aa AO article fu'.lT trttrd 1' W by ftauu-ando, onu can aud do conilrnt y r* cam • w m , n

Ha sure t*» oek fur —GtnoTT’#,*’ m #wTeral partita _^.*f**'^\*^*T*^*^*^ M 4Nrp%CTi>RT, ora r^aa-have adopted tkr anaerai# by which hia Fena ore popn- nnngto uarotao.aV -i* hand, xInr’.y 'muuwn, ondihn# impuav np^n tha oawnry aa info* tTlv%* XENTAL iM.aritv

Fur sola a# akwa ta tha trade._^r U dim HBNRT OWIX, -%iant.

To Merchants and Dealers.metxl them oe po##e»#ing all the a-tvantages claimed fur I W i* ^ ^ remtad M* rchaai# and I chtnes. Tbtotithem. v> a '“”

3®''’* UertfUrtirt

They *-* ao srrmbfeJ I’l*'. tb* tc, w*i»r rnni a-ow’y r. S. llttYfr i I nflTfiltd HfififJ pro»*d crrttt.


>I«.'TA rtd FINB .XTLBBI. m; a =4, ot XlrtALLttI

Sr k*Si,AB5. tttlTrt, Batolltc, ukl Ii—IB Crtkrt**rt ro,Siam B*.; ttroinx a. ihw fora rt tbw L*. . r .irnTZ


*P«»In- f«* CiBk F*rt *ml jtVr D*f.. - luwi,' £?®.‘“ I‘'®r®’ *-l Swroorara, Thw.I wd SprlBs B *«I1M I MWrt a. AMto****.- w.ebton. Tbrtll IBMmMta.SpwrB'itoi^ B*..


aOn t« Sralan ob tb. meai nkcwBl twrt* forproT*d cradll. A;: uidtra tolls— , -srt.

tbruush *»th -b*lf, aol bcla* cmttael from iba eff-cta Tbaoi arauin—.l-ofor kla csl*brai*d MrSK BBiiWN fally »-ck»tf, soA awrb srtlcM warraBirt..I to* hot *lr,k»*p« thrm s: to* cvl !, -i point, f*a,lr; WIND.^IR SBd oth*r Toll*; Sospa, Berts’ urartrtCtorl- BAI.\ .x BRINl'KrRHiWwthe rrmyoi.tins Inttusnc* to b* to. ~«.* to..:,..too«t ttwl M.-rT«w., 8b.*to, Cr.rtBa, B.Utori i»«, oM4ly I4l


to* whole sppaisiu,. Tula Is >ff. -1*1 t» Ib* drippiuf, xc.— < *rty i»***i«, mtop, oiBaay i»i , n -i., ,*w y.,,.

from the Ice, wkloh I* If at In all oiber R*fT:;;*iB;i*r,. rb*y .ro conatAOtl* laiportins tb* ta**! aosiiurt *f ' off. wiTTT^^^They Use- keen in a c**-,iol op-ra.ion f..r m.w;.i'1« ol Ensi.k *iij Pr*nrb Bur .ml TtKttb Btsskn, ^n, FHi.'lkLl.^ flKIl ti l.\t

seven year., to ih.-sr*'itk*iion of tboae who liAv* to»m U rn, sni Butti,oDr*„ln*ComL„*iid *T*fy ftrtcnptl*- *w,iIn ..*, A. their cenlttcsie. will to. w, .mi ... n,.w to. liooO. I. to. Frary .2 P^miry "*? wlS^ „


moot SI-. Too ed u for* lb* public, rne improeinmia r*- will ..-Il si to* irtMSf crtS f r ra. Pne* List* smi ara- CAPITAL AND ASSOTBcently .flJcl, y hlcb a kiest asTln* oi Ic* bs* b*en pic# aent *n wbrb spplle ‘rt, Merthanie weMJtndit 41 Si. nOhoI>t*lueil, mo>r* frl.M sir prolncsoi. snil ilnrsbllliy roaci- melt morth their white to men. t.em a loU.wl, cert.:uly plrte ibem lar In wl Ulo* ol .cytb'.uk ever W. j. DAVIS B OO., >* flrafMy rt,«Hrt to to:. Iff to* Csll. 1 -^ *?. It*, tinoo... l.artTr'^*®**-

pB.I* ss*Bia »>r to* Caitol SIM**.

THK LAXt.xsT .2!tna Insurance CompdnTBBOL iDd TRIIIIU lOUfc a3oooooci^Ai®'A®T?%V^IN NBVk \0RX #300,000 CAPITAL. ALL PAID ElTHOM.^S G STKAR.NS,

iBponal sml Job^ of WJS. X. TBXNOB, sj.;^*"

Lilinery, and Fancy Goods ly* diy a ax- msb^ *< bbm i t

166 BRfiAl’WAT. .NMW TOXK. .

la sure .aa I- IsBy r«c.lvtmi utt oOkrlBt ROW TORK LXPS EfBUSANCE COow*at yrlc*m*f'oiapl*t*anunss*U orsMOs A. M**t, ot oi’a *«-

•abrrtiito All th* vvtirt* .tyl*. M4 dsMtaa, a*w «sc*rt BS-'tottB. TV*I MrtS WUt lABoy fftik*, BrtoMla**, PI*raa- l*i>rtac!p*ii, :uv* laPrtito

oiloreJ lor puMIc pai.oDk**. Nm 40 rsarllBaJI aIrM*. N«w Vosk.GrALVANlZED IRON mArMiUia a*l« Asrata »>r th* Caltcd Sim**.

su b«*n anb-tUut.l for in* ab*ivins la 11*. of mni, LAXiiXST

oxydizfuton Aii'l f-urru-tou, an.l ,oosefintotly tom of ttAt SILI, RIBB01, iDd TRlIim |0UfcdUacreeab » >djr wDUu Uo# bar, tc»lore i.e«n to ub IN Nk%b \oHk.JectluUai*'e lu 'Hhar H trigtraiuri. In addltjua > • tnrir THOM.^S G STKARNS.briitgao v4i®tIyaupeTior to Other*, owing tu their CtoOvp- ^

(run !* nor*: Jurotie thou »ny of er meui, a#i: ,

affrctfbt ry aril-.aait woir% n-. If Ad nuw ia »tare aad In

loRy receiving and oftertng IfliW XORK ioLPH IHBURAHCE CCKt-irUi raiur- ( *:iapea and d alfn# have Xl m the lowest prlcao, a cuapleta osaoitmani oJ gaud# - xxo acBet- o( u®*

1-wl-p trrimlimeto ume #toca ScoiC# have b«eu n hi- line, embraciiig oH tha ^ona Hyla# and d^gne, naw oacaad BM'M. Thla #uw.patent'd, but when le ted fuaud tu tail lo the pntpu»«. cun#Hnln^ of Week and foa^ 8Uh#, Mmoating Fleran- ^ taCtoi-.j

Ih)- c nc'ntlve evideuca of the tuperlonty uf the#* ce*. Skawia, Tii#»min», Buoaet Ribbun#, Tnff^ and 8tete»and New 3ur« StotaNiara.over ail U the kent*rAi de*lTeof tbof.w who have been Satin Ribbon#, Dre«e TrimBiaga af all kladte fteaeh Ite dlvMsnde hae* nwear haan iaaa Ihaa 40to 5B par a«»u

w buy '.Iheratu exchange thi UI fu( So >tt’» Pat- and Bogiub ***nnUy. kU kwaao haw* haan prompt. y maH and :ie

eui K-frlg"r#l‘>r, madt- on i *uM only io iht* city, by E. derla#, Giave# of *11 kind#. Silk Law rXiu^wnrogm, Ln* bnolneaa hn# haan aandnctnl hp Tmatae# a# aaawn okar-W. M Donald, Bullitt »ire«t, Luul«vlU*', Ky., and by J. ceo, Whua Good^ il^.*ry, L. IL ^lor^ofi, teiarand Onudlps. ThaagantdaaantehaoitatetetamortGurtlaa * 8uo, BnUlBbFfe (tireel* RAiuciwr#, Md. The otuiereigned write# the o^lUou the trade am meat te reremminit tkt# ’#ro*Un»ten aa a NOsa mo te o.i

a*«v -J<11mkw41*

liBpbntr o»1 Jobber of

ie!M*u i?nw* onccj^^hirG^^ ! SUkB, MiUmexy, and Fancy Gk>odj trm^f m

teiarnnd ifnadTPS* The agent tea# nag ha#ltaie fat a mo-iMnt te Ter#mm#nit tkt# *#ro«Un4ten aa a NOsa mo te o.|

bl.* kcaersUy. UfrtI InSarttasSH. oTOnS I* |iBaa*wB*.r* 4rtliwa* ot iiSislatot >a*anac.rt iB*'vash ABd SMOBT Tl NX bXykll.

TBUtI e. 8TEAXNB. I«1 Bramlway,BMwsw Llbony *«, adB lUldaB Lahe, N. T.


bouse siul barn were levelled to the ground.)I-U Bwarbsa WBtslii—IW bin. of toe Abov*, of

vrtlfiUB QUAlltlw And sketf, to .lore au-I fur asle by


«a UHAil He aver fiat#.«|^'*legaot #tyl# of fumtser

>!• the cuts n*Of LuUlHVinea# l.BB*'HER,Cl'FPEV-4ai hLhBDKR. II# receives fre-h L#eche# week’y•'Xbre#*., ao<t offer# them f-tr aule who or roiai. iwwi ua vsnieirwi. fXKe#.., ao<t offer# them f’»r aule wh« ^"ai# or roiai. a

fiat#.—1 have a flat lot of thi# And n large otjckof MtscrlUneous otid School Boako, ibe Laechiag Depot, No. 4U klxtn #tre«1, between Moimtser Hot, which t» #o luacb a bole#al« and retail, Including Harper, Fulnaiu, Gudty »B't and J#ffer*oa.

and Gr.'aham, lur 26 per duxen*


ib2)d#oakwifkUik#il XKLS )N k NELSON.N. 8. Mrf* M. Tugel will watt upon tha tnile# at a:.

Luur»* B*y (U dl»3iii


IdBufiittareri •( Bin tiii Wiur rrttf

Composiuon Rooffi,i 1 ^ILLotlcod fu # I order# left at ihn i*aniavUla FapeVT Mill ar Ol the Vhulaonie Paper Stern of 1#aac C'l'

iole, Mata otraeu Ros'fo, oo hcrateTura, pal an ol th*

beat qnoHVy uf inourtai and wurkuuA»klP at raaewnnhle

rotas* moylidinutis

awn lSv«a arthaaa eg thair frlaodn. WViar# fha pramlxmg Rrandway, anoaada fgh, 88 par caxM. wt;. oo re«atv«4 U emU and ktM Lnna, X* T. per oang. in a nala banrtng iau-*e#u TW ogen: fwpsn

fWHy rater# tha pnMicm tha rattawina psraia#, wha te<


*——w» ho lucai 8un»4 In thte city, win: Tbua. J. Martin* W. wISAAC cnoMih. salhaap* John MlMiin* WIUImi Proihar, YW. R. Bwi'


CO Watte, 9a^ aad L. P. TnadHi, M. X.nTr,* n«rt * W. 8. TERNoNa Groa’I A4#ntoMllCf frfif C^Ofllca anmeaenar •( Mata one PnlDU isanlovtnartJna# It. fteh—rftwie

\ IiWkSk' Md Ininnlo' Ctna %tr,w Mala, Cnp>,

xSl. TnrbnDa*aad Mi jumart* ot »ew oni eiegout -«,»*<*»#


a# m'Mt campteta aud aetoct nL- h In th* xHv, o« veryI a>w price#. ruU*AJU>, FRAraRR, k hMITM,

Page 3: · 2015. 9. 12. · THELOUISVILLEDAILYJOURNAL. V(»LUMExxm. f«lWr4XABirTBUtlTKi •!«ruic^TtrK&Hm%DntL%on, 'w»KAo««AmAin>rtrrv•rmscn. VerlMiac\mitailr «rL— 17iiM

MONDAY, MAY 23, I A. M. rKLKliKAPh. I Amehican Tract Societv.—


tic Iwcjly-,

—^ eighth amiuAl mrctiiiK of <hc Aincriran Trad]

Baliimore, Mu 21, M. Society w«<i rccci.tly held in N.-w Ynrk. It »p-OatAT MpRicAt Attractmr Tc-moHT.— Baliimore, Mr» 21 M. Society w«> recently held in New Y'ork. It »p-

Oui citit>«R h«ve bad a coneiderablc nuaiber of ^he Connelleville railroad bill ha« not become ?»'*'>• •’F ’*>e annual report that there were cir-

brat>rale moeical entertainmootR within the iaW a law. Thediapatcb from Aniiapolie wa.< in- culated during the year t*, 173,610 publicationv,

two week*, and we think that tbw circaaiRance cotrert. The bill |iai«ed the Senate with an including 8S1.7fi6 volumes, an.i embracing 2tiS -

Mg a vary Urge audMwee at the Macatt Hall to- House ^ Society 137.sM3.480 publications, includingjj2u«tiy.t,e,u.res a further ac..oj b/r^i

American Tract Societv —The twejly-. RTVFR NFWS The Skakch eok Sin John Franklin.—

eighth annual meeting of the American Trad|

* The London (i'larterly Review, which recent-

Society was recently held in New Y'ork. It ap- :

Cirlikhati, Mar 21, M.|y (-jq,, („ hand, contains an elaborate article in

pears by the annual report that there were cir-'

,'*** * inchea- The weather ts cool

relation to Sir John Franklin, and gives these

eulated during the year '.',173,610 publication'-, .

’ facts in explanation of the present condition of1 J -I-II -.o; 1 1 u . .. C'lNllNNATI, kaySl. r. M a .1 .iDclud..« 881. itm volumes, and embracing 208.-


the search:

90-2.315 pages, lolal since the formation of tl.e. Sir K. Belcher is engage.-', i.i a surveyor Wel-

Sociefy 137.NM3.480 piihlications, including! .src.werciufum The steamer A. I_ Shoiwell left Now liiigton, while < 'apt. KellettisprohablysafelyN 4 16,S3M volumes, Clratuitou.s distiibutio;i for <>r>ans, Toesday loornlDs, May I7ih at l» hours and 46 anchored in W'tnter Harbor, liie old quaiters olnight Ladies and gentlcMeo of taate are never

Mavsville, May 20.


JOffN Bates ,-

i _ _ vI>. A. Barxeiias StAg© MAnAgfn. *“• gtven by th* 0«rman}A. From I tl»Th©y at© foe Um And «o©4 «ld«ly


(:7*Mrs. Goodwin and thr Germari a—


he oM %, v. PrtinnU «- Ca.’e, iU*e>fiuao Ayni/t, I»lady, wrltlag to bar meads la the couatry, glTca a glow- .Vmmh -lUcrf, litm Vtrk, la .Ware, Bmtom.

W. A. WAR.NL-R Treaanrer. har letter we make the followinf extraat: ‘«Tha eoocert colateil joumala la the Ualted Stain aad iha CanaOea.

raicEi or admusiun.,

wcaad up with tha <App«tnre to the NIaht Cap la Cad- », ,, i’lTV rtiniSi'' i

72 T® ady,’ performed by the Oerraaiilcuaeos upon eareoteen *• 111 a Is t^l.^llioN UlKJjt TOR 1 .

^iudVe?:*." .'.*..7.r.".*1 acurlu«p..», three nutn mal a ^

»c«,u. «o»leh«mm.J ke,.n,t-blow»onn.d.plch.l»4«e. Th.1

0-FlrsM.I«ht of the .naasenieiit of th. BATK.MAN hoWInR ««iuld. tickeu'

OniLDKBNa bAd STMl fllfficnUy tnflodlDgoooTei.ieot plncMt* «Unda -

8VRNIKG (MomUT)y Mty 23, will b© Acted the Among th© nodleoc©, which wm T©ry ©©{©cty w© notic«lComedy o' the TOLTKti CorPloB-^CbarleH I>© Blond* the M ©Mrs. W©b©t©r» 0©gcerr©otypt«Uy 479 Mnln itiwet*vine, Mln« Sllen Bnleraan: Uemietl* D«Vlirnya UImITmIn Rwlastnaatl AtSnwawUlcK nVB DdhWRT ntryll- ml3WKate BAtemaQ.e.aAUer which, HKB ROrAI. ai(4ll>XKS'4»ia©<>pohl!aA, MIbb Kai© BntemAo; Srmchloo,MI.ib Rll«<n lUteman; l>r. BtrcUInl. Mr. Batemnn.... CJ-Jm received rT<KH Kew Tork, by ©spre««, n lot of

Good©, ItCa, Now 99 Ub©ny ©treet*

Boropenn Goo^ Ko. 44 Brond ©ttoot*

well as of the maeMS in both hemiapheres. the , lurcs,fv , . ,

honor it accorded to her of betng one of the V T v 211 29; for coliwrtRgc S79 711 -29- ca-h .en,*'•' Cl-*-""" « C«.h w.nd; ^c pas-ed Hehr.ngV Straits, in July ol

. ^ She baa Mt --- The U ashiugtoii corres|«i,denl of the N. 1 ,^


'* •^* *^‘* " "'"••• Pihe at KietcUer's; mn Fanny Smith at Little Chain; n,e lollowing year. Our coii-ul at I*diiaina,^in-graotcsl «d rocaliRie. ooe Da« not More inaii Tribune says that the coniract with Glover and *® 'oreign and pagan lands *-20,0(Ml. Total pa-n.1 Fal on at Moinirolls; “<•* Lncy Robinson at Cot I deed, writes tlial Coilinsoii had been siioken byfour or fiee livMig peer*. It U a daligbt to bear Matber for carrying the mail, betw een Louis- $38.'),ll75 07. The are 64-2 roiportcur.s, of w hich i ma-ood tar. Fawn at Ral.vllle; paasru li-n. Lalayaite J -oino whalers, but ivilliuut d<-tai|.; w-c know not

Ime, aad it la a joy to hatre heard her. The •"'* OrUani, lo Ibe amount of nearly y,2 j,,,} y.'i « Total nuinbor Salt river, end rrachid LouPvIlle in four d.iya I vrliut credit i.; to be attached to the rci>ort.




r. “.is •< ElsrrcrTt, i;;”!:

New Y'oee Mav 21 M P«l>l«*l‘ing boc ka and |H-iiodical $-232’ ^

I Oil Oil. ©NV. 1 a ar-41-6 1 -ai. _ .

ri»riue-n$ a , | u»nj a. i • ^ pfeHS Ol CaiJ\ A?, h© stOOcl foT th« pACk-iceH-n anl Chicken.; met Kelydaer at haa.l of -26 Icy ('ape, in Angust, 1N;>0; nor from Collin-

7HrRTyA’TRFK"v*"T’0>» (’»rre «'f Daguerreotype eaaea,of Ike lataet atfles, which can beUIIBTNA GKKKN—jcQklD©, Mr. ChnpmAo; B©tty, _ ^ u a . -a. „ ^ . VA RMbrolderl©©, Mc.»


Mr«. Ch©pm»n To conclude wUh th© Fnrc© .*f^ * room©, Noa 617* puc©.Mr«. Ch©pm»n To conclude wUh th© Fait© «*f

tbo©. g. Bft© a laO* •

MT KKLLOW CI.F.aK—Tlcktm, Mr.CtaApnian; Jn* Mnln ©ir©©!, b«iw«©a Third ©ad Foorth-

a .‘ K.B. Room© formerly oocnpled by 3. W.StAScnr©.

tJ^Durlox the ©n?©.:'m©nt of th© B©tem©n Children,,r

th©v wlU ©ppe©r, for th© Urnt time on ©ny ©t©gr, !nS‘i©k«p©ar©*© ROMRO ANI» JUUBT. ^ . —

ROBGR PRAICB R CO., Impurtett of Lac© Good*.Bmbrolderl©©, Rc.» AB Broedwny, ooraer of Bxclwuicr

L Je WTVra R cOw, importer© ol mhroUlm!©** I

• Whit© ©ad Uo© Oood©,2fOa 23 Broml «tr©©u

LEWIS S MORRlS 5tCr«Commission Merchants,



here.' M»«iwet m»Jt m% Cj-*-'r-.>a<-aff

Western Produce genermllylaa«-j*wlr

LARliE and attractive 8TiM E OrDry Goods.

L. O. WILSON & 00 ..lapafter. aad Jobber* e(

» MM. m' M.S M M M M MM MM W>«>. U CUE-BTl.A\'yTA-ntKa.

(Opaaana taa NMiaaai aad Waatera ap,f

11 * 13 Day StTMt. New Toik.

breathe paiae* net away with the pounds them- with the contract.

aelvae but livat forever afterward ia the mcMoc}- Wn. M. Carey, of Ohio, will probablv be

and the baart.appointed consul to Constantinople.

Misa Lrfamaon lato be asnated to-night by her New Orleans, May IM.

brother, a resnarkaMy hne lutist, Mr. Rudolph, The follow ing steamer, ariivetl: Yorktow n

an eacelleiit vocaliat, and Master Saar, the young »»<* Hungarian.

aad hjfhly accoMplishad ridiniat. New- Ueleans, May I**, M.-

—~ “ The weather is hot The thermometer standspublic maeti^ w ill hr held this even- ot 88.

iQg at 8 o’clock, in the Frial Prasbytenan ;J^'i»<8l^eorgetowt., Iowa, J. D Earley.

*.«. - o~* .. •' *

ceusader the report of a conunittee appointed at

a previoaa Meeting an the aubject of duDmiahiog

the competitioo among Mamstresaes.

The a. L. Shotwku.. —


his ateamar has|

achiev-ed a great triuinph. The Sbotwell atarted I

from New Orleans on Tuesday mortiiDg and ar-

Ariivrd—Georgetown, Iowa, J . D. Earley. 4obn Herr,The A L. Sbotwell left at a quarter before 10

this morning. iMS“^r«.,n,New Orleans, May 18, P. M.

The Joaiah Lawrence has arrived. ^ uiover.

The H D. Bacon, AIcr Scott, and Magnoliaara going to-nigbl. o Buu’m,

LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. w^Philadelphia, May 21.

^ * *''T>

The buainess in Calilomia isdull. The lead- „ .

from New Orleans on Tuesday morning and ar- ^he buainess in C.lilomi. is dull. The lead-racrrypoiidm, Srertfrir,.

nredhereonfiaturday evening, making the trip mg articles are further depreased. Flour is JLma^'uVbr^r'a, WmT."!‘CT'’’from port to port. Mteording to the subjoined '‘•"• little choice of ^ord,ng S,crtiarj and TVcaiurcrla G Muun.,U.em«R lummhad os politely by her o©cers, J'^mXral < ' **"•

.0 4 day.# hour. Mid 2$ .mutM. which rathe couragl^l.quickest ' jne on record by two mtoulea. Thu In the Senate, on the 29 h uU., the water front Mman. g.nueiy. ormany niie, au4 A. G. Muan ara a

Matemen' alao the tinm to the d.eerent postponed by the

pwinU along the nver and other particulars.L*vRt. Governor.

,will ge ahead wiih ai-irit anl ,.ucc«.a. wa bope all our


Th* Geg*»l»turc was lo adjourn on tlie 10th cf elUi ns win uka ho«l and n*lp buiu U up. Lstalllu-Thc bjolwell was built at New Albany, and la M». urMUsi He pr,aaut nait Saturday.

owned partly there and partly here. She ia a Tbe banking bouse of Page, Bacon, A Co.

larga boat, with edagant cabins, and is in every of $3,0UU. citt coi'RT.

seaport a No I packet. Washington, May 21.

Her rommender is Capt. Elliott, and the first The jury are still out in the Garcleik is Mr. George P. Jouett, two oficers who tbw is no prospect of agreeing,

are known for their effcicncy and skill. She Philadelphia,leav-es br New Orleans this evening, and those The New School Asseinbly, al Bi

wish to travel luEunoualy and apeedilv should *•** *•• tosttOB to-day; hai ing adjourned until lo- ad in a.oo id au.wer nWlmraour.

• Ir 1^ IDOfTOiT 0«>mmMOwe«ltb bYT G©o HIaimI (f u c)Vh

•otrsMwf a/ trip •/ SUaaser J. L. tkatu'tUfrwm Sttt Orletut to LsniavUir.

Daps. Hswrs. Jdtn.

WU||>«W. bwiow Gtwd G«lf .a.a««miik"l«fe»b«rv

1^© FtwMam©1up»Ml «a4 4 ©k B. P. i©k—


©tBir p©fl©©iif«

lB©tr ©•««©•© am b—w.Vm^ioiamm a.

s Loi© «< M. .0.0

B©«© ©

OppwK** k©©4 ©r mMil© bar MavU^aa© Ka B.a..

Oatf©....oPadBoatiCa«fT*ni©....ft^ aiii©4ava.V virr ©a.Bt CB© t©ct ©f Bic bar, b*4»v Bv©a©.

warn f©c. me aaroaad aad laidaa bar I Boar aad M miaataa.

pOIDtlb^ coiomittaes. BItu F-rd ©od John Sribel

Id a dabat© at to th© numbar ol memherf on «^ork-hoa©© lo d<f©o*t «f ban.

Tbeotopcal bammane©, Dr. Murray moved thatthe committee be increased, al the diacietion of .r-yitateivid-iEavthe MO lerator, by the ad litioii of the names ol t * IMM ll< H ITALthe Commissioners from the sec:ions not now rep-resented in the convention.

in ^L‘^4- «'>• •<’«* “ '* •»'' *«c. SRd Iaeamiarie© in ta© m©at, athd proteated apain.ot as

any arrangement that would deprive thei^f its*“* ’’


riytitf .

~8al©» Of two too© twin*- lo loti

Finally, a motion to add one from each Synod^ *“ *"

was adopted. •“ "*'*•

Judge Tine, of the Buffalo Synod, withdrew »n <•» srecery markrt a «l.

” -• • Eiiglanil by way of Barrow’s Straits some lime'

P(1I!-|' OF LOl'lSVILLE *’>tker by Lavicaliiig his ves.-el(For b. Lunisville Jnurna

.] arkivalf tliro'igh Hie unknown sea w-hicli streli lies north I

At A me«lag or th. Keutucky HorU cultural Soi.. tyAiiunaiA-

of the .\mericaii continent, or by iiuitling hisiiheiouowing gentlemen wer. elected om.ers for the Mav 21 ships and making for Melville IslaRd, or .someen»ung}ear. Ben Franklin, Sumiuons,Clnc.tmat;. point nearer home. Stirring tidings of somerreodm/—Lawrence Toang. M.rj .st,| OIIik-, «.!lM>n. [. , , i i i.. . .u .1” -o“”

I- rv,„rfsn/. The*. 8wiu. M.i’ior., Wheeling. **'"'• 'TiH, most likelj, reach us III the course ot’ Blue wliiK No. *2..'*uuiHjcri'. Eeiitncky river. a few month*.

Dr C W Bbortp DrJ A Uo«>r©y JrttfrssiUy 3 'liDMoa. Pitisburij. —Arthur Peter, FtiKdearle, f. S Mail. Itaricll, !tl. l,..ul..

. , ,, ... . , ,B R ChtMtovi-thy Hfury rbufcoul, a OrlcAii^t WhlUt u, New Orli-tn*. ©<!ltonai 111 the (. HiClimatl Gk/.ett©


M-mphi* No. 1, Carp,-ntcr. .81. Louis. contains the following significant heading;' »b©%^Gr© Brown, Wm L Tb 'iut>©ooy F©ul 4od©r»*o:i. Gr»y, l*Ui>UurK« ^ ” •J^n Herr, Janoe ii-wim K. ji. Pstt -, Hc-iep, Teuiu river. Cincinnati has five hundred and fifty-eight

li G ulkt';*"’ E^;mS.d7"“’‘ (iambling places of all kinds, including Baga-

A M D aoB©rt©'>o, Jobu 1 ^©rob, DcrARTrRcs. tellesy Bilh&idijy CanUy Rondo, K©ho, &c.HU L©wrvoo©p K.k©© Dt.r»>r>, B©Q FrxT.kltn, Snmuoiis i'tt<c)UD©tl. • g i ai- a t •

Gr-urc© a©io»oay w©fr ck uui«r» Man M©4tpon. A low day« a^o an ©dray took place at a ron-

.-irHitkfX’er, doroominCincn nati. Jlie matter has under-

K,i wtiMin, Ur 6t Geurac Cooke, H. :.ieh:r S '- •> CiuciimaU. gone judicial investigation and the following


rjSi^TSr^':;. ?;ni7Vw Gl’Abam. 'Il'ich we copy fiom the Ga-W C wuilAiii©, Pkllip Bti©©0p Jan. J©ikp>ih« WhU©, T©uu river. Zttte:


W W Fit, Col 5 OriLftiy. Bm>' WlUh' Nu. 2, B©uu>l«'ri», KentDcky riv©'.

Camtpon^ing Brrr©/ari>f. i»*ui Ac*i«Troo, Gr«y, St. LguIb. Gambltngf OfC.— VVertnesday rreninp about 7w D G©ll©nb©r, N..b> But tt,

Tiivw. t»»©un, Ux’lurr, w heeltrif. o’clock an attray occurred in a rondo room onTboma© u Sbrev©, Wm T©:i:.*fr. ARRIVALS. Fifth Street, between Main and diycamore, over

Rrcordtng Sreretarj and TVfmurrr—A G Mocn. May I'.'. the horse auction stable of ('ornoy &: B'l'isin^;,

Tb« aodety h*tr« oLi©toi<<i the Q-© of tb© C'ttT LlbrAtr Tri»'kr»ph N>». *, McLcUod,


iucinaat!. in which k man Bkiued Cleophus Goddard wasBoff*m« on Fuonh Ptr©©tb©tv©©o M©rk©t ©!!<] 3©iT©rt(tfD for l-r*i©U WiKinMii. severely slabbed by 'rheonhilns Pettit. Ttic

A“.r -‘7un .r. . i.:7;;'n^.‘,'.’’M"c?-o'i'l7 Srn m7. wound altliougn serious i. ,.ot likely ,0 prove

committe© to ..ia©m ffub^iHT©. M©tii© Wayue, Byiuf. Mempbik. fatal, Gmldard received three •tabs in the breastFrom the iat©r**©t ii4©uife*>t©<], w© prodlct the ractety Bi.Ci©ir» LoiLr©n, N‘ W Ori©©u». and groin. 1 he defendant, Pettit, was ai'O bea*

aiu c© ©h©«d with «WrU ©nl BQccesB. w© bope ©11 ©or mV’***^u ^ leu On the head badiv —alleged to have been

«.r^k!‘uX'."‘““ i'tt‘7F“mi«:‘'^i.^^ui7'““'- -'-"d «n the ex-

Cb©uc©Uor, U©ck>u, N©m- 4)rl©©ns. ainuiklion oelore Jugde bpooner, this iL<»ining,. Ao»-tr©UA. M©suii,St. Loou. that he was from Rochester, New Vork, aitd was

CITTCOl-ET. at present engaged as do..rkee|«.r,„ the gamb.Mordav, Mat 21. Tc.uui..-i-. n.-w I“‘K house descrim-d above: that the room i Ikept

Kiln RokM, and MlrbiK-l BolMi. 4rs k Ai.d aisarilerlT David Wbltc, UoUaln, Wbecllng. Ii\ I'lios Kicliares, ai.d the game manag' d bycoDdurt. BA-|(» 9O0r.,r*aK' Tc.r. K1 za went th.

nr».RT, ui-H David Thomas ami Jo- .

work-boQ©© ©Ofl Ml('l4©«l ©©© l«11. DrPAKTl.Rl..i. u.. -f


li i i j a vi ae .

Comwoowe lib kT C' M HU- V. Mitchell George, reiegraph No. J, McLellon, Clncluuatl.<’.!d.1.r*d Lent th' m




p«*c© w©rr©nt. B©ll to $300 for three tii'>uib© HiAt©'min, Mci oma-. oiocm„Atl. GwIUard the door, ami a j>er5on by theWm Hsm ei, a-saali ADd batterr on Michael McC.riT ^uMloehAUUA. IlurJ, New iirl-oDB. name ot I’elers Ihe ha:. Attei mentioning the

and t'bA|^ McC.rt , uid .bo..tlng .1 tbvm. Uall rc-;u'.r- FureM cut, MurdKk, M b-elliig. names of sundry persons who til- witness kiiew

*"<l"n!i.7!.w.:!‘m b7 i::;' Hr:::" m *, .. xbu.. mor “i ’•’t©od M©ry FTTor, p«©c© v©rr©ot. Rx> cnt«d on U©rr and st. Ciair, Cticbran, PittfburK. queued o> tlie coul t to stand Up and point outNb© wa© ©eot to tBe v©tk>bcu»© for on© monOi In d«r©u;t fai.iuct, McCuoe, CiucUmat!. such as wer© prsent who had b^n implicated,of giTiDx bkii in $’M0. Belt©. Bril k«*ii, Cincinnati. As soon a'< Ibis PUir*^e'*tion wai» made a nwh

BItx© F. rd ©Dd John S©in©l w©r© dlxcharged from th© Kranklliu M •©'>. au, .Su Lonl©. made for th© iW hv ^everNl t ?ig.nfrork-boof© in dHaoU or ball. Atiwira-u. M©ri(.u, Fi t-lmric.was made for lu© isoor by several, which pro*

leiumUh.ClucluuMl. duced great excrement.^ C i' /* i- 1 UT B P"f ami overlook the fiigi

Ci IfvfMld'nr’TAT Kt.tElf'lS. lives aid brought them into the presence of the» r |TX .** rta O \ Per Den Franklin from CiucIubaiI; S bxs, Cralne N Co; court, much to their corifii-ion The court or-

irn^7r. «',\i:;::ron.1n“cr;7rn!."^ ‘‘"ti>? .mbs. by ,.ermis,io,i

Lot isTiLLCv May .3. ^ ^ hemp, T H No- irapl'.catetl many young men in this cit>A •©!© of too pieces ba^Blns at I2|c, 17 pieces an*! 66 tie; I I x, Kshn u Wuir; twirM, Karbe© B UrauniD} 1 box, w'ho have heretofore not been susifccted as bein^

coils rope at IS *od $|c. and 1,000 cells n>pe In three Ivu Liw R 4k>, 6 ©©'-©, B F B*k**ri 6 vslw, 2 bbis, C*s»eday eni*a|;©d in such occupation^. Stibpccrias wereTit: iM colls at f|. and 100 hi oolls and 660 colls .t C4c. Cof 'or "•‘ •r ‘»|-f»'arance, which were being8©1©» Of two toes twiBff In iou at He. Sales of 15 bales Biickiin a Col 4 lx*, 9 pN, I F Stun©; iUbd]ii,BBBS served At the time of {^oing: to press as rapidly

J ans and itoheys at 32 and 43. CUrh; « pkkMJ F*ulay. 10 pkXf, J K Winter; 7 Ibis ale, as the clerk can moke them out. Upwards ofla Bour. light sale, of .nperllB. at »s 9»s$4. c'* jirw n-'*'* mJk'JVp;’

name.1. In the mean-In the frccery market a sale Of 100 bhds sugar lo th© B'-tcalfe; lot lumlturr, J MkMiohan; 10 ca-^ks. Wilder B time the CAse Was proceeding, Olid up to 2 o’clock

Washingtov, May 21.Monday, May 21.

gf8A .... A •,

F1l*a Boho© and MIrbael n, dm k arid disorderlyIB© .IMIT ore Mill out IQ In© Gardiner case, coodnet. Ba'I in 2oo f«»r fa»© y^ar. Ki za sreut t-Y the^ there is no prospect of ai^reeiiif. work-bous© and MU'isaai ©©© l•a1l•

Comnnov© Itb by C^as Htt<* vn Mitchell Geors^,Philadelphia, MsT 21. p«ac« warrant. Ban tn $30o tor three ra'>uibs

Xkm K'mv c^KvweI ©..ra. 6 d *“"* Ham et, ©-••©;» and battery on Michael McCartyTne New ScbMl AsM-tably, at Buffalo, was and Oh... MeC.n , Md »bo..ting .i Umn. UaII rc-;u'.r-

orrow 0*>niini40we«itb bYT Geo Bland (f ni c)Tii Tbua. Pr>or

Toe Old School is in seMioii here. To-dar •ftM.tTFijw.p^cwr.nt. E«.cni«i <m M.rr .irf


frb© was sent to the wa»k*bous© for one moD*ab In dafauUks occupied 10 receiving the reporU and ap- of giTinx bsii m $200 .

UOtiiig committees. Bltx© F^rd ©od John Selbel were discharged from theId a debate as to the number ot m©mhar« nn Yrork-hons© 10 detao’t of ball.


May 21

Bfti Franklin, SasmionsyCtuclrmatl.MiTJ .HtoJ'l.CU*. Clttie,

Thr>f. Mi.l.'lar©, Wheeling.Blue wiiiK No. ‘2,Sauiidcri4s Kentucky river.

Jefl« r»-*u, J •bDM«*n. Pm8buri{.r. S Mail. IJarielt. »t. L.ul^.

N« A OrleaiiY, W biUeU, N©»’ Orb-an-.M'-mphle No. I, Carpenter. Hu Louis.

Paul 4od©rho:i. (Kay, l*Ut>burK.

K. M. l'att ::s, H©6|ep, Teun. river.

A. L. Sbotwell, KUIott, New Orleans.

DCrARTmCS.Ben Franklin, Snmtnou*-, Ctuclunatlo

Mar> HtepbeTt-.l!liue, Mx«D^oll•

r.H. Matt. lUrlett, Ftttbhurg.

N*i «* OrKsue, W'bltteo, Clucionati.

N "’ 1, Cluctimatl.

</1n> im.aiU Kouu», St. Lonis.Yk .(pt-t , Slan:<'ou, Kew Orleans.

J©h. Jaikroh. W'hite, Teuu river.

Bm< W’luk No. 2. Hauu>l« ri», Keotneky rlxee.

Paul Ac<1erFuo, Gray, Ht. Louis.Tli^. S«auD,M.Ciurr, Wbeeitnf.

Tr'icarapb K>>. 3, McLellon, Cludanatl.Siixjueliauna. I-r4©i, CInciimaii.l-.n.-t t'lly, Murd'Kk, W beellnx.Hiatchman. McCuUta», SaNbrllle.

Mattie Wayne, SyiUf. MeupbG.Ht.Ciair, Loibran. N*-w Orleans,i’ahinet, McCune. w* al»a-^h rl vcr.

Delta, Urickelt, N«*w Orleans.Hike. Fuller. Ht. L<mi>.Chaucellor, Uacou, Kr©' Orleans.ADMtralla. M©8uii,St. Loais.M<uoCa»t1e, Ciocinnail.G' n. LaiayR-ttey ib titUy, Kew Orleans.TeLUUiM l'. New OrUaue.David W'bitc, MoCialn, Wbeelinf.

reiegraph No. 3, McLellon, Ctncluuatl.Hiat'‘«man, McCuiuaf, Olocitinatl.

HuMiaehauua. Hurd, New Orleans.Fure6t City, Murdeck, Wbeellus.Mattie w a>t,e, H>ms, Cluclunail.

Muro Castie, Him r, St. Luuls.

St. Ciair. Cticbrari, PlttfburR.

FatObet, McCube, Cibclntiatl.

Delta. Bril keli. Cincinnati.

lafttly Franklin. M *•>'' an, Su Lonis.

Au-tra:U, Mas4»u, Fl.t-bar«.

Iei'um8eh, Clbclubatl.


Offle^upen from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. and from

tJ-Uo- open At 'I; CnrtAln will rl.*e At 21 o’clock 51vGEA!«'N V01X'A!<II€ OIL LIMIME.NT.— Tht Greateat lUmeilt/ rorr Ditcorertdfor ifui. or

JAM*. m- M ! f WH<*kk»ALk IClkR. lo

lt»POriW .f Dr«» 1 TgCT iMEOMmUMOt W Oond*. wkl.h 1. kept COiJ-

MltJJSS aiu^G^iriiS!iJjr**~’La«

!plM. « M MMOMog ih. TW hr Ik. Ml tt.iiiB.AiHi!HuiGaud.tawraUT.

‘ naw wtIm W4 >Mr« iku W« TriMtiT AirtrlB. ir

.1 „ — I—^COveudfOT ifau or l-I CO»^ Manufactur©© aad lapor- OMBts 4©©o4©d •*©la*e#y a© ib© -sie «f Octbe, Oas-

*' Oooda, M©rtM, Shawl#, Rarefc©. salmerM, Tootlaca Tailer's THB.ia.:©. Wbt(e

r .hi.««u 1* a inm-1 *jzTcl 2T 'SiH

^WocvdSd^BRI-’isEU*MUMOND,M ptn. rt., wla Agmt tn Nm pOotA, IBeladlM Hwrlwac. *gI Cwheco., *3*Rk.iJ

fn*ii ^ ••••*•»« <M Ik. UsmM Jm. ud obe.i L.wng, Bwm*.. »Uek amt Mk-r wapi. *i.k., Iiiraol^Who UM It rejoin. In lu|

Soung, BMlTmann, Iralud. BosIiuImk AIpwaM «»• •. an«e.ooi oikar mVt!^appertalalag «• lb© Ow'da Trad#. ai©> ©teoi# s©r

MOZART HALL,On U. ouday Evening Bday 23, 1853,

t.AIIR nr. uiad. to walk, Ih. WOL'NDaD, BKIHSKU, VV Ywk. for m. .ale rfTk. Ijo-Tl!! L AewT.and SOBK IV. heale.1, and all who om It rejolwi In lu ^n*. SS

“* "‘V'h»llng .nd InrlRurAtlDg ellKU.

^ran,, miitumd, l«Iaod.'

** «'Mcl,EAN’S VOLCANIC >.IL LINIIilN’T POMUTMM 4 in.t iv A m v - - .

^ptwr^RlnjI. •.'d. t.wog-ni.cnratlv. power tnperlor to all other r,tem.l ^medl.., A. T »“?"' »»>onws -f jy^.****," »T.‘ '«••• a..being M ckrwwailT comblnad u 10 rrutn in lu cuati:

Frcuck, Swls.,Md Qgmaa Prr GwU., .a .

oatloo all tbe Ttrtu©s of tu ssveral iDcradienta a# to T^<v'itKB a Bi-«ir>a u sm ^ *** AttTntlaw cf .»© tlaurM .#«e©n ^tr ^

PdUlT I.1. Faiitasie, for riauo, **K.ralr d’Auionr’'. •

MASTER WM. SAAR.3. Salta poppa di-1 mte brik


ioe-k uauuD mil loe irxoes oi iw ssverai iDSTaaienia a# to T^oriiKB a Bi-«ir>a u ^ ^ . .

1853, eoabl«lt to peomrat© th« mtnat©»t ©©sacls of Uo buily, !


disa«mloatlng itabtailok lDllneDCo,removlni( lhaC.kCSR ' French and Swiss OoMbs Silks, Moslia#, R%of lb© disease, and impartlnf life, health, sUengtb, and

j »»,-,'«», t ..TbOkberk* Tlraclty to the whole system. * \l * »^ F*rTT,49 Bxrbaneo Flare. iTip^.n#

We see and bear dally of persons who wer© cuottnaM ^ BrUleh Dry Goodv Sroirh #fk<t in«hKlevl CRIPPLKS. Their arms or iocs wer© paraljMd or drawn

BrUleh Dry Goods Scotch ao>t Irish Lmei^

' crooked, their muscles being shrivelled and cootracted.3. J?Y’l?*^!VnV.VVi:V/V ^^ho o#w rejoice m m© permanont r©#tofailon of Ih« use S^'HLIRFKR, R RAARRAUS, Impor*#

' AHOLI^ t LbllJtlA.>.^.I©r their llmtw by the ns© of McLean’s c©l©bratfld Tok ^ »*»d Beixiaa Bruwi Oothn, Sliks Hosis

>1'LLE 4 ARULlIhE LRil»1A.M.>i.1. Solo on the Flute. .Tnion*

MR. F.DW. LRHMaNaS.6. Drinking Song from Martha Flotow.

MR. F. RUDOLPH.6. Rckert’ti Swiss S«>dk BekerU


- VI Raviso, from Stmnantbula •••Bellini. 1Neuralgia

..Tnlon* canlc OH Llnlmenu **Wbu, then, will saffer with local ^ ^ Bxvbaage Ftac©,pain or exterual disease© wb«n a safe and tore remedy I

FIbtuw. u to rullT obtalnnl-/”|

fctALOMON E»HN3TtMM. lmnon,w,.f Ri:k., ni..,,.-



“•* EmbroWwIu u.| Tailoring Good.,Are you afDtcted wUh Cancers, Plies, Tnmurs, Swellings, -

Broocbele, Goitre, Paralysis, CbronU or loflammaiory i . « r. —


—IRbeamattRm,SliffaeaslDyoarJolota,Cootraet«dM'i»clea, i A *»P®0«^of French, Germa.n, and

, weakness of the Joints, Muscles, or Ligaments, I^^ Silk (Jonds. Cloths, Re., C* Rit^way.

MR. F. RUDOi PH.3. Siene smiPray-r. from Dsr Frelwhuix Weber.



PUTFOKM SCALES.Xionc known— ••••rely teatod— ajwaya

Eifflit—tlM acknowle^ed Standnid.

Iffffl—W. B. BELE^lf, LtiiiTillc, It.FAIHSAiras A CO .New Yark— 89 W«ter .tree:.

Ku-Ach. or rwih-Arb., BrulM.,, Wunad., ~Flesh CnD, Ulcers or Fever Sores, Caked Breaels, Sore H*’ ^5^ <TlVERNOIS R Co., Importer! of French


K'Ipplea, Hams, Scalds, Indammatioo or Palos, no mat* ^ end Swiss Goods, Silks, Muslins, acw. No. 7ii Browl- 'M'LLE t:AROLI%E LEH>1.\%.M. K’lpplea, Hnrus, Scalds, Indammatioo or Pains, no mat* ^ end Swiss Goods, Silks, Muslins, aCw, Noa 7U Broad-3. Andante con Variation, for Violin aud Piano, Bethoven. t*»r bow severe or how long the disease b«e existed

MR. KDW. LEHM ANN, and SubVr no longer. McLBAN’S VOLCANIC OIL LINI- mnoM 4» Mi vaik* w , . « «MASTER WM. SARH. will care yon. It ba# bean thoroogbly teeUd In I

4. ncnLman Sonu, (SwedUh) Lladbled. the above diseases, and w© hav© never known It to *i,« VsnsSll. aCambrics, TwupaiMiags, WD

.71XLE CAROLINE LEHMAN’. fall In giving speedy and permanent relief.’* auaeens,»k.

6. The uemembrance Dobter. A VOICE •'ROM OLD KBaVTCCKT. ! ITATCH R CALK, Importers and Joh©«n of mik^ ^ ^ ^

Mr. F. hi. DOLPH. Mr. j. n. McLeab, SL Lou1s,Mo.; H Fancy Drv flood#. esMnrnJiyj v. street.6. Bird .Song..^.......... Deor 5*r 1 have used your VOLCANIC OIL LlNl* ^ -M LLE 4 .IROLI.NE LkllVlAM’^. MRNT on one of my negroe©, who wa# s©v#r©ly afflicted **^CRE«dT fc CO-, 72 WiMlam street. Imp .(^Tickets $1, and can be bad on appllcntioo at th© with Rheumatism, and one appllcailon relieved him. 1

^ tfs and Jobbrs of Fancy ©ad Staoi# Dryde-k lo ibU ufTlce; also at the pr;ocl{>alb<>teU, newopaper have applied It cm bnrua, sores, Ixc., and It invariably —ofllrea, and m«iNlc toro In this city. m21 U3 cnrwl these diieasca sooner than any remedy I have ©v* ^ BATCH R C<>., :n William street. Importer*

eruaed. ‘^oDepK©’-* Furnishing Good#, and Manufactur*

D a ^ TMf 'IT’Q I neighbors who have used McLANS*S VOL- Shirta, Stocka, Rc,iviurj O CAaNIC OIL LI.SIMKST do earne©ilTrwu>mmoad It to


MTALL, BLAKE, & FAIRrHILD,Wo. U Broad Stroet,

.* B W T O B a ,

An .p»il.i«l

l9lel«uuii UcCiiud SUU»,•T TBS

Tl.aia jr,Mtk,M Ziar, Cmpu. .4a.l«, u. -r-M»|

FOR TBE SALE Or TNBIBSaperiorPatentWhite Zinc Paints

I... . V .. -i .

VMM, Which w. coaM pabllib, hat w. d.m It oanKM-T It nnnere,«rT to .n .rg. upon th. chktM »ri.ilr* m th. um of one tw.ntT-0T. cot boltl. will b.of th;. rs.ublUbio.nt m th. u.lghborbooU of U>nl.- .oartont to ooDTlnc. ».n Ui. wit locrSSiitaJ rf lu

~V. WaicT «rw, HaoofiKtur.r ukl I>Ml.r la tmol.-' i’a*!., I>KMboT «•, 18*.

mertta, Seed#, Manure. Re. ^i TRo Maaagiag fHreosar eg tRo— ^ lollle MoataBMO©.,

Clotll Good*. ‘IF— FAKE M MJhCiRV.

^ FT«Kh, Ttonluk ValiMs. and Carpet Baa

H ;

S*«..T« »•*•» Laiw m • Llhrrlf ,lrMI, aa.OM, ..n.XSBB, k CO., 64 Joha urwt. iBpwtera I « .'** ar.w6wraT, ••• Tvh

MKl Jabken of Clocli*, Caw>lwri-s aod Vwiion. ' *“ *no4 atnH., Mrmork, J,

H a vw,,an a •»~

• W/ ® woaW tk. MtMUua ng rkwroratoow iuch*iif***^

* BH >TH«lk, WholM.1. CkMklDg, Skin. I*8. abvto wtleU., .!.« mo ol tk. oO tot

‘*"’*8 <81WI Clwklag wa I«w faclIttlM ... -TT.ail la momo.audWt Ia mU, » Park row, oppu-iu ike A.b,r


6»pl« of oug ga,A caa W faoad la i all tk._ — pnaclpal ettlM ao,l towa. la tk. Carted lum.

M oon.... Oiuggiata. ‘t rnua.iuai ..anwi^BTHop, Itu Arwnwick .trOTi, Ia(K.r- 1* •“ *••'» •*“ — -'•• •«* 6.,

vonxxiv:.^^ '• «•“>


meikta, Seed#, Manure. Rc.

LoriSTiLLC, May 23. ^ 2'hh«le toba co, iv

A sale of 100 pieces bagging ©t I2|c, 17 pieces an*! 66 tie; I I x, Kshncoils rope at IS sod $|c. and 1,000 colls rt>pe In three Ivis Liw R Go, 6 o

vilie for Us Hup^rlorlty to anyihliig of tho kind t^t tamtlc power In carlag every exteroai disease,hsff ever been exhibited lu this couniry It has — _now been prepared for the SFMMKR CAMPAIGN, "•*’»Fs and Other Aalmals.having an entirely ni w and capacious pa- McLean’s celebrated Unlnent le the only safe and ro-


viLiON, BjagolOcem Trappings end Parspherjalia liable remedy for tbs core of Spavin, Ring*Bono, Windend Appointments. Galls, Spllnta, Cnnatural Lump#, Nodes or Swellings.

C^Tbe menagerie contstns msny very rsr# and It will never fall to cure Big Bead, Pollevli, Fistula, Oldbeautiful sp©cltnens of animated nature, such as Running Sores, or Sweeny, If properly applied. ForTIgK S, bears, leopards, wolves, pan- Spralne, Bruises, Scratches, Cracked Beela, Chafes, Sad-THEKS, Ibe AFRICAN OSTRICH, and other rare dl© or Collar Galls, Cuts, Soros or WoDOds, U Is so In-Birds—the UAPPT FAMlLY*~sil to be seen fer one fslllble remwiy. Apply It as directed and a euro is eer-adralsBlon prlre tain tn every Instance.

yyy#r fU’tfaT-r pa>tlcnlars, see Budget of Fun, and Oiroctiona accompany each bottle In Rogllfib and Oer-

Clotll Ooods.

^’** fu.lwaT, lportCT*«C rr«Kb,

V,*, wd U.rmu Good., for Mnckaat T»ii,.r’

bi. uanr., .ud luovnl tbkt, in the CkU of Pilti.-“»4»«44-:. 8a1h of muloiM. .ad cuSw .t prerlou. '-"i • bx, Sirull-r it fo; 10 J.^0 Hafkoi I bx,K 'Ttl.oni liail iiot b-eti concludeil.

.~~ ™ .U. , lu I lie or riiii.-

1 I <1,., hair- • Nonciit, I du, -niomp-oD k; 8 b » One of ifie parlie.*

Pictorial and Dencrlpilve Biliii at the hotels.

tiJ^Performance at 2 and 7| o’clock, P. M.. each day.

% ^Admission 60 cents. CbUdrea and Servants halfprice.

XT I his Company will perform at New Albany Monday,May 30. atd at Jetter»envlUe Thursday, June 2.m3Sd9«

J. n. McLBAN, Sola Proprietor, St. Louis, Mo.For sals In Luulsviiie, Kv., by ED1F1N MORRIS,

Wholesale Dmgglst, No. 434 Main street.msrStdtf

Galls, Spllnta, Cnnatural Lump#, Nodes or Swslllngs. *^R1N’NRR, R CO., 6i John str©et. Importers I •d It will never fall to cure Big Head, Pollevli, Fistula, Old Jobbers of Cloth«, Caa#lmrre«, and VesUngs. '

G Runnlog Sores, or Sweeny, If properly applied. For rravsihttrk *. •» u—.w '• W/ *

- Spralne, Bruises, Scratches, Cracked Beela, Chafes, Ssd- H liT-*”* BR »THER, Wholeeaio ClothlBg, Shirt, i

s dl© or Collsr Galls, Cuts, Sor©# or Wounds, U Is so In- ^1 Fuml.kIng Goods, 01i©U Clething sad •

I© fslllble remely. Apply It as directed and a cur© is eer- ® «'PF«»*it© th# Ast*jr H*»u#e. l

' mdafactorvrstams.

Uagia.eia. GEO. M. TRACY A CO-,

M I^rB,«-hichh«dlwor.f>r.<>.nt«tne-intlifSjiic<i toUcc-. !U>n.. . Hr.hAm; Silodo.TcAij’i.; l«bl.b.r, ,,a„.e.l y, n lirflv was caMeVl to'ih-"'that one be withdrawo from tbe cooii&itlee a saleof lit tblfimcM pork si $16. al^o on Fri sy 126 j f* k McCaiium; 6 tw* egg;*, Saniers r Jones 23 pkgs,

i ,k !?' lT ,


Which WES Rdopled. They then idjourued unui $l»«*-i i« bbit on prlvsietsrm. Sale, .rf a few S A June-. stated that he had seen the U;l OAing persons

BOroUie. cwk.lw»D»t6,74,mid»etormioaWMf,rlbb««l.ndcl.»r P-r lilac Win* No. 2 from K.ntuckT river: -20cl» ropr, 10iiiieh.irt, James

.idM.’ B Stout. 60 bafikiQi;, 10 els r p., w A Uichanlrou; 31 i

(.uUUDi, aliKoii Armstrong:, Jameo terrpjt:.ii,

New UrtLEANS. Mar 21 4o uo, 20 p» baaslak, 20 bis iwIu.,ToW a Riibanlsunj|

foruierlj it w.itcliinaii, U-orire Moore, livesD 1.1-

' SalM of Ita hhds toljacto—2 at $3 60i$4. 66 M $426* 76 ps bsRElni;, Baril.)', Johnson k Cul 80 ilo do. liuaits Muinalown h bulrhor nut Lie h-otl..-Public inEiety u relieved by Ibe oDnounce- $4 ,6. $3 u $6a$6 .6, « u $ 20. as.i 2 u $6 76.Mw 8a-.eii; a ri. erper, Hitt k Sm.ii, I bbi -*l^ I hf do ‘,'^1*'' i,“ sulcfier, ami hi. brother

iBtnt of tlie t.«fe .rrival of the fe-lipse. alrro - -VT?! .. iL ,si

20, ta,i 2 w $6 ,6.$$ »6 ^ movable., -Joha M 'Of*-. Uoimmck , a fleoby youiiKt »Ai©# or wniBgy at imgaiHf. owner; I i>x, I wag*m, A o Smiih; 2 bx» bacon, 40 do to- man, aim Others whose nuiues were furnished

Kothinc sis© doing. bacio. owner; 3 bg^* appi* ., i ctk bscou, Fielder R Jack; to the court Uhmehart manafit*s the table in‘ • "P''*' ‘ «»;* (''‘O*"*-. « 1*0 divide the

hUD.UUU.UUO tbalerf, an l Dearly 1/<I0 leagurs Cijkinxati, MsyJl, M.i px bacon, owoer. money, a»ter Uie gaimug is over. James Me-

(four and a half EiiglUh miles) of rails are!'* ‘*"***’ unchRDg'^*; rommoo r<t Mary Sipphen* from Ma.lison: 76 bbU whi#ky, 26 ,

Ku.slry, an ex oificer, occupies one Side oi Ihe

alraadfi- UD4 Aakt*. tsw- I bTuod* $3 70a$3 76. Whisky 18|c. Thtr© U an locr#afi- GiU bsg-, J w Joo*^ 4 pkgp Mlrp, § kgM butter, Samlnrs table, ant’ had the manat^emelit of the same.^ rrcetp $ of loot I Ownoiid for prortalooi*, and more Ormucs. Id rvrrr k Juii..: 100 bsi. Hour, Siewart k lbin; 4obl* hey,Crow-j

]{g al;0 .--tilted that he had sei'D ill the house

le parlie.v idenllfiej by GoddardetfwtM by that kreat tad popular mediclou th. geDaln. I

L.w1.paft S IS 45CMO.IVMI 4 4C 46l*4Bwrt:i« 4 $ MM4duDE tfie trip froB port to port in 4 d$yi 9

hoar* and 29 Bioutc*.

The Steahcu Eclipse and A. L. Smot-w$i.L.—We Beotioo m • Bkttpr of news that a

r<MitToi-«iTy bkf ariwo betwwn tbt frieods of

^^GeriDao railways repre^i t a capital cfMu.UUU.UUO tbakf-T, aD I nearly leaguri(four and a half Eneliah miles) of rails arealready laid down. The jn'oss receipts of last

Regular Louisville Sc N. Oileaits Packet, n. o. farrrll’S Arabian linimknt, and w« cu f J"‘***'*®“ »»> «b4t»»w, hoo. -s and r;

,o -. ^’b""un^^vtacd^‘ta Piusonaer‘"ly roy. Torn our own knowlla., thM do mlicla. d.h’ni^a

J Hpamer A. L. SHOTWKL!., B. I*. Klllott, «T©r die; verwl ba» performed th© same wonderful tuERkun’T"M“i«at©r, will leave Ia4.uli«vlllo forNewOr- cures that U has, both in man nnd benst, and it U ©qual- (t in flu©ieaos on Muuday, May 23d, at 4 o’clock, P. M. Rape-

, . , . v u ... i. w .* Mmewesr^ii^Faocr Gouds^ Perruaory, Re., H

- ly good for hoik, which makes It so truly vnlunbl©. It ^tel, 386 Broaiiway,rlor arrarjgfmebl^ ou boarl for »tock of sll kinds#‘*** oois> wuica maxes it so imiy vnmsDis. it

For frcl ght or passsgs apply or board or to is therefore hailed by the suiTerlng as the greatest hless-

- *;J*; Ingofthesge, snd no on© would ever allow hlmsslf toTU33 BMl lH R BIIOTw SL loe , .... _ . , .. . ...IaMx-t bad and resl.ter at Smith Jk Sbutwell’i, Wall •«»”«*»» -ho had wIiDMMd Ita

WniTSKT, 30C«Lr.x, k 4NN:n. ArtlM. .ml «n- Jfo 84 WUna™ ta*’

crav.n ua Wood, No*. 18 and 40 rraltou .u»i- WUUam at., Corner Iffakleix ImamflDMt and bMl work Mwur»l hwo. MEW TORE,

Il>Ml4ner and Rairovn-, Noo. -:6.nd-r: IMPORTERS OP

[uimuoTTu Oentlcmen s FTmuBhig Ooodm.*“’ •‘‘sravM and rrlnlur, atoo dMi.r f -**y^ '****.**' hrtna th* :wa»M la tk. rtty.\T la flo* 3utloa*ry, I'aucr Good., Pertuawy. kc H .

.** *•—* ‘ ‘•m* o'** w»ii..»r.ei*l Moi4,*ta-rSMToMltta tawl,M8 Sro.iwiyr^

rcriuawy, kc., H

^|» p«„ ^ rt.k Sctaf. *M CruvM., a^moUT.

I. thcr.fore hallkt by Ih* .niT.rlna aa th. ffreolmt hi.*.- ri. c . 1

®*^.**'** taaptadcr., Starko, L.iad>n. . . .

ro«»rc~ro.oic..- Fnnc.v Qcvrwt. Tt—. Mlirta *f .11 .uiltlfo. 4.;/ avia.iDRof th..f., aDdnooD. would .ver allow hlma.lf to k VUCLdTfsiutaar.trc.uimBortw.ta.i I

***“ *• «*'• ktaltau. tk. mm twwtyb. without IhU MTCrclEU balm, who had wUnMMd It. 4 Jobbm In Bufilah, Pitach, aa-1 Gnaim rm ' '• »—


..ry. m tlwy h... awi. Mub «-ma*.c po*« over dU.ta. and lu wondmfol potency In ri>rl


Irelieving pain, however severe, lo a few minutes' time.

I Ws sarnestly d©sirs yon to call npon ths agent, who ©nil


" ‘ *p s orjjjjg aivl more rtrmneM in ©very R J‘aI#^s 100 bSD Hour, Siewsrt R 4ob!s hsy,Craw-

I ]|0 also .‘'taicd that he ha<l se(‘D in th© houselye« .mounted to about 44,' 00,000 of thaler., ! arttclc; tmlk act, 6ta* for ah ,aider. »d aides btaou.


acro.-s Ue ;.troct from the Gtey Eagle SaltHUi.which, deducting cotG of working, leave. *n !

«*n '<» ah«td.r. and aide.. Mm. pork. $16. L«d, p„ p,„, Ai«i,r.or. fr..m Pituburg; 64 bx. checac, J P 'I lore 13 a rondo rooin, coiiMderable gam-

QNION LINE r.ll.vIDs pain, however MTcra, In a f«w mlnutro’ lime. - —' <’*”8a*M. orod only ooll to aatlafy ih.a*alvw> thu orv

in«tlon with Ui. ltamm.„c and Ohio «'lr,u.l. aoraMUT JOO to call npon tk. aa..t, whowtll T ®H«l.J^.*Guv’^‘';iih 'TlTaTr iM. oT’'•«««» ha..

IIKGLLAR MONOAT PAi KKT FOR WHKKLI.SG. Inrnlrti you, Ir.. of chtaite, » ammi book, eonuinlna, wtaied forih.Tr L«IiiIuT.’ Nrodl!!^THE new and niaaniac.nt weekly poa-.n- v.mtal. InfomuUon, m l.r«. Hat of c«- N«r Tork..8«- 14 triy «r..i, JOHN X. SMITH.

roA ger packet D.WID WHITE, McLean, mas-. w.

— - wiioLKBAk.K*6S**i®t«r, Wllllcayc oa above on this day the -J31

tlBr»«» trom many of ths moat rMp.ctahl. p«noaa, of V’KAL CARROLL fc lirTCBINStiN, laportrrs ud UMBRELLA ATBTt PAR AQTiTInst., at 3 o’clock. P. M. cures effected by celebrusd medicine, which snrsly i-V Oeaiera in Preach, Oenasn, sod Enallta JewsIiV

-*^ *^ ** ^^**^-*-»

Forfreliibt or poroags apply on board or to lo cony ncu the most sceptical of lu trails-»'*"ry Goode, aul Sttiiogery, 647 Bro.,iway. MA.M FACTCRER,

m23 I. So MOORHEAD. > . .0. ..

* — — — • Mftx a^ sr^v w .cenden rtues. W© noUes several esnifleatss of Hardware Ac

»r«R8wuy, :$«w V«rk,

REGULAR U. S. MAIL PACKET. rheumatlam cured alter the patient had suBrsd every- T B. k w. W CORNELL, i:A lo 113 Center .tree-MO.W IXTEMSITl IM TJI3 W(«u>

6*OR ST. Lulls. thing but il©stb for five to twenty years. Also cases of Iroa Work#. id oowypafMt© ©flier kis customers aR8 wmbnn

abTv© un ihU .Uy\ho 23d iJu, at***** *^l*»«^«**> lesvin; nothing soparenUy bot drlsd skin

pari5?Im t«lh©Cn«*d Siafs#

tnst., at 3 o’clock. F. M.For frei^Ut or i'a»»age apply on board or to

m23 1. S. MOORHEAD


tbMF hm\3 M t* dto tia© mRd© by tbeoi fromper ceui.; and in the .

©ack> Rio oofl«?e taken at 6| to 9 Fair sugar

Kew OricRoa. The matter has boen about tbeAmerica 4 3-10 per cent.


at 4. Prime molaases 2ia‘iJ. i, <o coiu rup©

<mlf aubject af diocotaioo aince Saturday nitfhi. CraKwtTits.—Tb^Cfipper ship SovereigD of i


We hetre n«tbii« te do with tbe confiicting atate- tbe Seaa, ou her recent voyage from Calitornia, 1 a.sM bbi. Hour aold-8iai. $T 6a!”’«2; oi


sack» Rio ooflk*© taken at 6| to 9 Fair kugar w© quote N M'bili.'; 1 oo, Cochran R Son; I *o, Weob R Levering; The bar*keeper 19 Wm. Gile?.


at 4. Prim. molaaoM 21 .22 . 1 , fO colu rup. ukta at **^V%‘'m.idr2 Then were Roiido-rooms on the .same aide of* a*; lot furuuorr, G Hvas; 10 plates, Mort<<n « Qri»wold; i

srte^t, over a grocery kopt by Deivid White,

lOo'cltick, A.M.Pur freight or patuiago ftppiy on iMjard or to

m23 C. HAaSHAM

only gijo^m or atacOMtoci rioce Miaroay craioftTitg.—The Cupper ship Sovereign of} ntw t«hv Mbv «i m * oaiv#, p w Carroii; 24 ton« pig iron, McDcrmotn R ! but Ihe; have nut been in otieration for two

W, hen netbinc te do with tbe confiicting atate- tbe Seaa, on her recent royage from Calitornia, a.sM bbia Hour aold-8ui. $4 60.$4 ’«2; oi to ’$4 n, Sm'r!“i “ . c^hTta k AnIl.T.,nr2 d” ,1‘

"‘TH'- V‘irb‘'1''

BMiA of the p%ri»m9 interested. We ba\'e pveo brouebf a number of wild bea#tg, native lo the heavy; 400 btis Southern sold at $4 9ia$6 12. dun. 6.000 pia Buckt'*. a Co; 27 ci© rope, w a HichsrdMm; i hr f Joiepb Boiker controlleu i.he table.*. The

the aa w« repapted be tlw coBBUtders of foreata of that country. They were intended ferj

«-•«« •' '»' ‘-“•’ri. r rtnWe.Teptt.y Geoewh boa' wilbou' uiy quaiaratMns. In an- eEhtbitioo kt tbe World’s Fair, and Ibe collec- !

“™ J-'Jlo- ’o- » w.h> U :;ro.. with *^ k Bro.1 ,h„ J,, j„ opei atio’n once this week It’ was

and bon©, pre»0atiog so horrid a «pe«tacls that thslr —FRIENDS LOORED crOB THEM ArPALL£0,wbtl© physi-cians pronounced them BCVONO ART SrrORTto relieve. It Is th© most efUcacloas remedy known for Tnb ms, sprain#, wooods, brolsoe, cbUblalas, nsuralgta,

IJ t)BT. M. P ATRICK, Deftaiic# Sa amamlor Aafi** ••x—

Hats, Furs ©c.

934 .« 933 Brwdway, Maw Vwk,TBJI HOST IXTEMSira IM TM3 wnwi i>

18 now prapwod la oUn kU coMomm aadgenaralU »ac* ta 0Mi>rtaMa4 of I MBRBLLAS

PABA80LS. wBicB, for baaaty, .ooitiy, BaiaB, tad an-''^8 csaaoc b# equalsd by aav baus© ta iSa t*aMawt aiBtBB

r*^^*'V* ^*^^*****^^*^*'^***L*aQ#F»»tr©*.*E, Paid-Sylpk-l. P»ra.oi..

Aisa, v«ry rich Silk I aabrei>as a»t Para#o*s, -tnui-Tl m_ _ _

* ‘ clans pronounced them bcvono art srroRT f'^^HAM R JACuBB, in Water str©H, Impurter#, paim wo«| handl##, -i tbt friasmi

REGULAR U. .S. MAIL PACKET- » l» th. moat .mctal.u. rmnly known f« tKolmal. ^ I?««TO;ra:ir;^i;Sx‘.‘i'nrrv"wi'*':For Saint Louis. b ra., epraloa, wonod., brou-i,, nmirmlal., wl-boni jubu.

«w-» .uwny, w.ib ae i

(— . . T"ii. new and splendid poanena.r ateanier tooUucbe, bite* of Injeeu and replllea, aor* ibroat, oorn W»Chuiery and MacUijlO ToolS. r«e».«tnnT tsvlud u coll *ta .kBaila* Tfcl.Ei;RAPll No -2. Tucker, master, will or weak eye*, inmoro, ann pain, eic., and li nond wlikCJC^ENCK’A Marhice Depot, 42 Connload otrorl. b>ir=b*«:Bi. JOHN I. 8MITH,a Macklne.y.nd l.aok.,eTooU. ^24 dta



For ireiKbt or pa-«**e apply on board or lo tad cattle, inch a* aweeny, farcy, aprslni, brulona. Musical Instruments.— To Furniture Bnver*.

C. BASHAM. wounds, •tiff neck aad joints, lameness. tweiiiuKa. eaiiB L>RL'NO R CAH4*1LL. «7 Matdan .. ...... v .

a-*abu%e uu Tae>day, theiltb InsU,

to o’clock, A. M.For treiK’u or pa^tage apply on board or to

u*: . C. BASHAM

scarce. Coro ts steady at 60s6l fur yellow, b#s warp, F»*ru R Bn.: 6 tialvn coiion, T H Hoot R Co; 1 a ker.C es^ablishmeut OV«*r Ihe hcrse-auctioD, OD. Rto coffe. 61.84. Rice U dn.t .1 .044. To6ac» U ta-

S,' dX’l" Jo^‘ow\^ »*. ^ , . .

! veuctna. OoUon—2,000 bales uken, nilddlin* »4»10. iiaynea k iJrabam; » bale, cotton, Todd k KIcbarlMii; *•’*'- " b-* liolden to answer at the cniniua• n» r..., H.. UI 160 tun. metal, 38 hUd. tobacco, C Ba.ham; 1 tmx, vr.l- court m the sum of $390.

.. O ,.v. Iacekl.lih.uw; 4tiroimit, l2do beau«,sherieyk Bell; Jo4Ci.h Smith was arre-ted on charite of keei>-

K 7 '"LJ!!. . ‘tx .* c*" ‘ “ it.K reaming table, and held in $1/8)0 for a fnr-


ahonldara 64a»c. I.ard—I30U kef. oo.d at tic. Com. U pi-r Teietrkpl. trom Cmcinuall: 36 bU hemp, T H No- ih-r li -ai me on nevi[ lo good demand at 60c. Hay $l6a$17 per ton. Weeat ble; 2 buxs. M».Mechen R Greer; tj boxes, W’likes R Co; 2

^ ^

86.Bc. Sner am, mnUoae. tad unebana. 1. R,o »f- 5Vo;j''Lowfi« teaVllX^S ta’elu “ [ of the Jourr

frm Motors. B©Mdict C«iier| tbe acrati of peculiarity • “rRinbow** bear), a wliite bear a I

^ Davtea; i bdi md#, M*» ry r Davidge; gi tuns

tbe E. Itpta, BHI Btother funn « Fmr PUy," ttger. a leopsH, a c.yots, .ome peculiar qu..j,,'

u «tace. roc u M^y rorT-.'^. 6T.“wlr*prV.,;n“V^::^",:r’;„^^„rT%‘ H^k"^

lir.fTL“nd!!:.‘T.^rfT.R.ocoffe.6,.84. E.ce U dn.t .1 .044. To6.c» U ta- S,"Rieen, u aeBanoea, lo any of toe portlet inter- ! vsnetno. CoUon—28100 boles uken, mlddlina S4»l®- llaynea k itrabam; » bale, cotton, Todd k Klcbarle>ii;

•oled TbetacoBmaaicBtMMusreodrerttfeaientJ.I IFor in. Loaltriu* Joamol.l

I New Osleaw*. May 21I60 luu. meiai, 38 hUd. i .bacco, c Ba.ham; 1 box, vr.l-00 k I ^ I V — ^ >Ew uRLEAJfs, may rfi.]#cr R Llihxuw; 4 fruit, 12 do bvauh, sberley R B4 II;

RRd Rur CMUtoDf are Opec to repUcs 00 tbe SRIM ' LOCISVILLB, May Si, 1863. Mess pork it dull at $’&S$16 so. Bacon »ide# 74#7|c, j a D lluut r Co.

tams. ' ME5«R^. Smith R. Shotwcll, |shouldsrh 64a$c. loard—1200 kegs sold ai lie. Corals pi-r TeiegrapL from Cincinnati; 35 bis hfiap, T H No-

IAK^iitK 0< ffteamer A. L- Sbotwell ^ demand at 60c. Hay $l6a$17 per ton. Weeat ble; 2 buxs. M».Mechen R Greer; tj boxes, WHkes R Ccs 2


Seal E*tate roB Sale-


r Zblsuf sd-GfaUlemiax; Unfortunately great exciVnw-nt ***^' "“'‘‘•''B' »• Rio o.f-

5VoVj'*Lu^rt7oo ke«VilXjVM'^iri^47a.aiRui ao-

eKi«l9 in re^^ard lo the time ©ad© by the steamer!-western laWow 74s7|o, Ohio floj ir hi> de- h tj.’iktisp; IJ caiuvsto:#, f^rs, Munn; 3 bxs, J R Monlj; '

crtiete JOO loti in ieflersocivtlle, R»d « VRluabie Eclipse and A. L Sbotwell 00 tbeir recent ou ck cliaed flour has declined from I0al6c. Cotiou is firm loi bdu pap© ,Cr mey; lot #drs, Wauou; 1 bx, Cawthon,*^

tract of land in Jackrao caunty, la., far sale. ' trip. froB New Oilcan* to this ciiy, and we re- ^ f**’* •'>»'«• r«*|yod. N>tah2a?rb^,*8l[mpt? -2 mU^ A M t“ rton'b'cll^'^i'i'!

Sar RdrertiaeMrnt. 1^** considerable bet* have been|

CiKcmitATi, May 31. P. M. au R Butkiiu,

----- - I

iRRde upon the reault, and that both sides claim Flour is lower—too bbls sold clo Ing at $3 €5a’<3 70 for Per ForritOUy irom Wheeling: 1 cask, W H Stokes; i

iyW.BtderrtaBdtha.tfie W-t. ttf the Ua-‘ ^J^wc Biy^Te' Ctanoonbrond. Nniklnk b« tr.n.pfita Btr^vUlon.

.taiLute red.c«lU. price of .are to Cin- it .. rtjh, l^hJy rfiou.rbeTb. aurbe u om. « noon ,n,uno„..

"rdt.^rr^:^^^cioBRti to $t for each cabto pnorncor. advised by telei^sphtc dispatches from

tor», Msy 21, p. m.^ U4,v©>, Uunon a muiol; 10 Ou, weOb r Rowland; 3 di>,

^ btrotber A Bro., mho are the ayents of both C©tton is unchanged. Soles t,-f 6r000 btls flour—State Buckle#: 2id>s Adam* x Co; I box. Poiiard, Prather, R

per K. M . P#itvn from Horrocf: ^ ton* m^ui, 24 b’s xjnJer he control of a mau named Andy, and acuUuc. 1 Uli fur^, llaw»4)Q a Baroo; 31 bal*sco(tuu. Bra- u .. ..n j n ..a <t8i . i * t

dy R Davtea; 1 bdi md», M»utaum ry R Davidge; 98 tuosCllled Peanut?:. There Us«h1 to be a rondo-

meut, 9 bgr <'ot yam, 4 bi# cl.uod, Wm Garvin R cs 20 room 4t ihe Arbor, on fourth street. There is

ii E i; U L A R P A C K E TFor New Orleans.

wounds, fttlff neck aad joints, lameness, tw

or cbftfes, sore eyes, psrUal bllndoess, etc.

the beginning of flsiola. poU-evll, rlngbon©.

©s, tweiiiogs, galls D^L’NO R CAH4*1LL,47 MskIsd lesa©, uu!tar#,T ^

£. w. hutchi-Ngs,pro«r.«i. Rvory


Broaoway, If. Y.,

CiNcianATi, May 31, P. M.

6 pekao, M-oirheac; 4Uo, Hare , Nus.nt; 3 pc, .lone, KNrodhaoi; I bx, Scmpl.; 2 ml. In, A M Taylor; 6 caora Pi-

att k Buckllu,

[Ourrerpuul.nce of th. Journal an<l B.a.tln,]


FRA.8KForv)-, May 20, 1S53.

John F. Levy was arraigiiPij; this eiening.

FlourUlower-fOObbUkiblclo luf ai»3 45ai3 70for Per Forr-t Oily irom w nc.iinc. i c*ak, » ii»uk«; t K„, •jepU,.* {hat Ihe ollenve u-«. enmmiiro.. . bi. B nn.pherj; 2 pkice, II K Lewis 3, G M 6mlih !

inai me oiieiise was coinaillteMcommon brooda SetblnK boa iranaplred “ Itovl.lonn-

| ^ j,,,. j k Brtunon. 5 coek-, C C Orr 6 o6l» when he w-as lahonng under menial ahon-Tb. market U arm 01 noon auouuoo*.


M„Din.on k c*ry; 20 col. rope, W A RUbard.on; 43 not;, tioii. He denied Under the dost solemn pro-

New ToRk, May 21, p. M. a mX^^ lestalions that he had ever been guilty of anyCotton Is nnehangede Soles c-f 6,000 btls flour—State Buckle#: 24d-s Ad#m» a Co; 1 box. Poiiard, Prather, R t'l'lfr SltQllar Oiiencc, snd doclaicd that the ru-

The n.w #U1 .plumlM pa^enger steams U wmiDvprlably stop their funa©r progrewi. Bvery 475 BlOaaway, N, Y.,„e&tT:f<4''-<>H<;Kruw.8-. McPh.roon, nujtcr, wll family ahonM k»p tbia valnabl. mrdlcln. oa bud .iromwu.. Sin..., ke.

* "** *•«“ «t«.loa of rtytaaof. rtafUna» Ave ss ab«*vc on Friday tho -7th lust, ready for any emergency. — - - - I W Mow Tort is hta iarg© assortto#m of


‘V^Mfrt*Vor MSS.** apply on board or .0 G»* «./ for Conrt*rfrif,.-Tho pnbllc u. canUontaJ'*'" ffRIITCRB.

BENBUICT k CARTER, or ogalnat atatbor cunniorfelt, which baa UWly made lu I <'*** T- * T. B. Bot-w ina :

for rich*.— and wnrtauaaaip will es—p—o w1>ni« C. B.v8ll^. .pptartac.,callodW. B.F«-r.n’.Arrt.ltaUnlai»nv,Ui.

«''*» #>»8*. aad Firtuna :

uy la IBig otamry - ta Egfog.. f2t d3»



*’< “>• vonmerfmu, b«c.aa« bis bay- Patent Znaatic Pelt MatUeeeesFOR NEW ORLEANS. In* tb» name of Porrell, maay will buy ttln *ood falih ‘ (XADB VMOEB A .NEW .a.nd rECDUAB raocB**

^ Til* -p;*ndid pAssenger at*am*r CHAN- wltbonl tb* kDowl*U|* that a coanurfsit *xUta, and York H-.,ln Oil Mouafactur!.* Coaponv, 144*'

ta T;.*‘i!lirth.“-:;;r’in’'.u‘“• “>»- ' Private DwelliMs, Hotels, Steam


o’clock, A. M. rlon.mlxiar«haawron«btlUOT!l* SUnn Ar-

For freight or parage apply on board or to The geniln© artlcls Is nuanfacinrsd only by H. G. Par- FencUS. rw^nmmm .1miJ BOGG3R arsSBLL. rail, sols luvsuior sad prapriocor, aa1 wholesale drug- cMebva«©d Pencils, Ship aad T COMrvRTkiSL**R^!^Jl’^8J!ll^^S’^^

K E G U L a'r' P A C K E T .«o -bom ol. PtaciiX

FOR E.INTPURT.TLM LMBIA.R FLORENCE. *****”^***®“* for agendas must be addressed. Be sor© toil©!rtl«»©d ihTfaltowing, vls;^^wh*eh may

The new nml very light-draught atesmerj

Jon get U with the lettere IX. O. befor© ParreU’s—tbos, Tlueada. Th#y ar©ch«^©v hatr—will retala their rlastlrHj'’*• '

“S? ““ts’ i

“• ®- KAaitBLL’a-tad hU .Iputnn OB tb. wrupor; T’""**** BAR80CR. 43 Bxv-b.n*. r.oco Ll>*.oooxtm rtl klado .4 rrrmlti-w. .rt-

“J!' .11 olbcr. «. connurfoiu. 1 tao. Thr^lk, oi GimU ^r^^ “Vi!

ready lor any rm*r**ncy. “ JT “rv, i

’ '“*• •*—»«*« ofLoot out tor Cmnlnftill—Th. pobllc or* canUonwi Flat HooKb and Tackle, #c.


RUH JIB Pl.llY FCRYITCRE.oaalnat arnithar cunnierfelt, which hot UUly mod* lu ?' •b'^B (lou T. k T. B. Bot-s ina :

Vbicb for rlcbaoa* aod workaunobip will ewupv. w1>

app*artaco,called W. B. Farr*li’* AraMu Unlairnv, tb. T«k.el.*k“ “J Firtuna :

uy la IBig otawry oo la Ban,.. fTt

moat dangaroo* of all tb. conq(rrMU, becano* ht* bay- Patent ZDaetic Pelt MattlCeeeeIn* tb* lume of rarrell, many will buy tt In (o«d frtth

, ,„ , ^' (MADE WMOEB A .8EW rECPUAB raoc’m**

wlUtont tb* knowleUi* that a coanurfiii exliu, and •'"* k-'s'i Oil Mauafaclurln* Coapasy, 144’'

theywillpeh • only dUcovrr their error when b* apn- ic.MacniiierT, Touiur'., ram., CorUgc,

! Private Tykwollinar. Cr«».1. ft»«.av*grUnamlxtar* ho* wrootbtlU or'l effecu. , ^ , gk.-’ jm

Tbs(eB.lnoarUcl*l*maosfaotnra4aa!ybyH.G. Fu- PencUs. *^**^“P^ *

'Tb#i* wer# 6 feet water in IfiebMU in New Orkan*, that th# ShotwellTrft *4 tt.*4 ee, Ohio *4 52a*4 87 and heavy; and *00 tbi. * ->v, Onns'o m Owen; 36 bx. mors im(.iicatin< him in other similar crime* „aV"'*'

CBial lart Korn Ork.n. 26 Binut.; #art.« m .he^lnine •• “> Vbe.i u .tCy, ! mSi* P^^.''^bolly ami entirely untrue.

tbhrj lb© Ellipse, and W© ktiOW tliRt tb© Erlip*^ aales of 5,980 bushels Gene#©© at $1 30. Com li inISi«i"*t^#'Vll T*CurJi‘ 67 bbla whUk>t Wenermu k court took time until to-morrow to pro-


kt to o’clock, A. M., from tb* city wharf.Fur trelzbl or pa--*** apply on lioard or to

m-23 I-. BASHAM.



he Bateman children commenceanothe- eiMtacemeet at the theatre toHii^t


ty Ticketa te M’lle Lefamann’a complunec-wntaT- o . a aarii 1*1. , .tun* puhliafied by the oScers of the Sholwell i«t^LckeUU M’lle Lehmann’, compltmen- bel^.*;;! 5,. ,0 be «;cur.te, m e lut e .1

tar, cooecrl are for aale in tbe coanbng-roum of little <Uubt that it it erroneous. Under thesetbe Journal. circumstance, we profiote, in order to allav ea-

tbe Sbotwell, and wlule we do not doubt the lord at !<4al0c and buoyant. 8.1** 700 .*cks N. o. ooffr* • whiaky, F,rd k Bro; I bx, 22 ba eo, Hhli* k Co; 1 acre*-, ton Factory was discovered to be on tire, and.t?4»Hc. K. 0. ^ugar 4|c.

the Journal. circumstance, we profUMe, in order to .Hay A R R I v A LB Aciteatant and that jaxtice may be done between utcisviLLK uall parties, lo refer the question of lime to refer- £«t™»rr «»d QJficrr in f

S^rbe rbertff^, in the abeence of the coro- ee* chosea in the usual m ay, who .hall decide n B. rihw.rth, o k M R KBcr, held inquert. over five bodiet on Saturday op®® evidence to be submitted by both parlie- n ^ fiowe, do—four were fo«ad fioatuin eppaeite the ’*'* Ma.wVcrrtiei.;em''^ta

Jeffc.aanville fetTV-laiidinE. and one was found r* ®'*her boat, aiul that all u k B..bop, N r

.recommended to acquiesce in that w « Ho>te, n r

opposite West LouisirtUe. Tb©j bod been u tbe decisiotw,

G u B#tat nift, cmw. er for urn# week., mid nothine was fomtd Respectfiiil^y

^ „' J*F%!Jtaklu. Cm*

•a them by which they could be ideeUficd. 0i2.8c.uiLl k. CARTER,:T n (traham, 1*111,0,.

r. .. . •. c ., .c ,AAetdf .1 .'earner Eclipse. 1 a Aiheiton, 0 k M R it

From their dress it was inferred they were coal- _ •1 „ „ .scwaii n v

boat Bteu, and this ta plausible from the fact that Sfatemraf ta regard u> the tiau 0/ ikt Eclxi i<** *’ •rooi'k ,un,

they were all found about tbe mate time, four SkotwaU on tkeir flying tripa. Br'a.i kLn“k’fJ*AU


Enfrauce ami Office in the new win, on Sixth itrert.

H B. Tthw.ntb, O k M R It JO Arch-r, sb CIncInnAtl

Ilewiii k Vatble; I lx, A o Smith; 1 bx, B.nedlct A Ken- three ho trs Ihe entire buildings end machinery

„ , .. V ,,, , , . ,

hlafk*"® mat's of smoiilderin;; rums. ThePer suieam.n from N*~hvUI(; t boa, A'lams k Co; *0 ,^(^i Iq..

,, machinerv v c lapk*.,T Aod-r,takCo. 4 bas.ltainer., Kahn k Wolf; t '"“V 1- « 00

triactiinery, kc., is

d>. do. Curd k Co; 8 hbJ.- tobacco, Wtbi, k Howland; I®s'>i“atedat $25,1)00, upon which we understand

bbd bacuu. 1 craia, (iro) k Urowu; 16 bag* feathers, 10;

there is a;i insurance of about $16,000.Iks.nsx"*ed, I bx, J s Mon-.. F’clerickoburg {I’u.) Kecoriitr, xVay 12.


J. The spivodif] px&NVDger steAmer MAGNO*at. CiAlr ThuaiA-»on, nuMter, wllUe*ve

*"***"*## Above DO TuAtflAy, tbe 24lh lo»Li At 4 o’-

clock, P. M.Fur freight cr pAASAge Apply oo boAnl or to

ml9 BOGGS h arSSBLIta


All other© AT© coonterfeiu.


Sold bj the doiett, gro©©, or ©Incl© bottle At th© Hnlted


Sute© Medical Agency, No. 90 Peurth street, * H. Hay-


craft, Agent, and by regularly autkodsed ageoi© thromgh-


ont the United State©.


ti^Price S5 and 60 cenu, and $1 p«r bottl©.

AGENTS WANTBD In every town, vHlAge, and hamletIn the United States, In which oo© 1© not already ©siab-

lisbole Address H. G. Farrell, a© above, aocompaoied

X Tlrend.#, Shoe Tbreada, and GUltag ThremLs ©f c

own make and b#©t v,oalUy, by U© ca#e imiy.

Window Glass, Paints, Ac.

and far mor© cleanly than any otS#© #r» roeily renew-id er© vnluabt© a© AJrs-rmsassvsss, a berth mnt-tr«m of iSl* mtoenal b©m« ffuffletenuy bnoyM© to m»-

R E G T; L *\ K PACKET. 1


FOR yiVoW ORLEA3iS. ‘ #-fi«FPrR iMu.iiimai~

fr»> „ Thenewand splendid pas^ienger steamer

II B Cr#’t:, N rJ H KerrtBjN YJ P llarl^*. St LooUD A lojfiifiuoo CluJ tbirkpAtriLk X LcityM:.- Pk>,u;er,ClDD H CL#mbcr»,PltUl>g

E W Crit'^nden. c lyK K UezMd A M>n, Dnytou L S K«>nii..Dd, pbilth B K< biiikoD, LexDrMaiklaDAf, Ala

srig tfi tb© 8SO© fllMTi, sad tk© crew sf s cosi- dtsftoteb©* of btrotber 6l Ntw * ap-baw x i, cc

irt tooually conatrt. of five men. The, hwl no '*" j”^'j™nr*r;’SV

mark, of vmleoce m. tbeu pemon.•“<> ^ D « -«’•mark, of vmleoce m. tbeu pemona.


: *"",


MeDpe© l©ft M. O...


mlontc© past 10. A MK«w Mai hike —Oo the prMediDx ps|^ will atiutwmi “ « ^ « before lo, a m! j p ii«6i*woo, L k N b kbe fostod sr. sdtertinencQt of s oew oischiDe for Dffl#r#nc# i« r#vn# s>Bat»mM

|hf..x. iu4vtncronoeinrsvnrsbecwe.]... Kmlnnu©. w j McC u®e, Madlhoo

tokinc brick. It hM to0|' sdvsotXfie© peer Tl©©#) by same wntCL©# her©,IS P Dr t.e tkrre s l. N O

thcon iiOW aned for thsi iNimone I

Rcitp#© reacbed Foft.and. • * 13 mlLote© beli're B,p*M* M*»M Reed, Katcbi /woe i.oto on«G ror lum psrpoae Ant tb© Sbotwell *• b* .7 $* • 8 P Be d. T-xa#

C PeiupA-incsdiG F Krez*r^ doJ Mt LaujMlD, Mo

llou A Draitf Al©H P Hunt, VickrbnrgD n Stantuo, N TJ M Smub, NaehvllleII V McCaie N oS G Mord (k, N O

R AM Putnam k !, KarbMi-s Hen^toD, doK Fl>hff

O N P'f'trr, CuonMr# C P'BftJ r,doJ B l.iitdley, NahhvUtflJ P Lliii-ky, duW K B«Lbvw. LafayotteTM .Vuth'itiy, CiQA L Ol.apiael, doJ Cmc©i t W T .rp.n, K rH D Kv-il jg. Frankfort

IR G l!a»tli.c. A 1, Bu-toDG SchUte# k 1. lo#

M.>» M t':riD»^t, LaMr- k r, M •

Mr> Sizeu k f, LU RuckW S At' Kit, PUtIJ L UenD<-k«y, OoMru Faodog k t, N O( K hmlth. MoMr© Smith, i>i

4 W Crommy. MilwAckleV V Terry, CblcaguJ Dutchero N 0Mrk Tltiicup on, N UMia# Thjiupeuo, N O

ias.n.x-*eil, I bx, J s Mon-.. F'clerifkabitrj (Fa.) Recorder, ,Voy 12.Per An.-tr#lui from St. Luui: : 635 kegs w lead, 90 btls

Per Geu. lAt#yHte from New Orleans: 2 bx© mdse, J !

B Wil'ter A fu; 6 c#.*-© do, Ilegmi, K#coii, k Moore; 30 t

OLOilE I JfSl R A.V E < OMPA.1I\


bl# tur{:cuULe« £ J Martin k Cu; 4 bx# mdhe, 2 bl© »udrs, ' • ..1-TI^a,«»w .obr.

Wiigut k Brldsturd; 100 n.© uagam, HostteD k MiUun; 19 AUtnonxca Capital $300,000,bxB wiov, k J War *; 1 bx m<Ge, k a J«ibn©4 n; 3 c#»eedo, 1

Paid im and ©Ei vbed $16o,U00.30 bbls pitch, IbOdour, 1 Crumie; 6 ca^k• ale, t60 bag# ' 4̂ The underslKoed Ua- bevu appointed ©gent

;c*’il#f, A Buchansn k Co; I ca»e tnd«e, Curuw«ii k Bro; ' lortbe abovv-uamed omiauy, and la now


4 bst do, M <rtuu k GrtfWold; 79 bbi# rogsr, MUlvaIn k :>r^pared to tak© rikk«>on hulls and cargoes


Sou; I btfi logwued, 1 S Moor rad; 1 bx ind»«‘, L^juGvine ™ ^ -»u«* Rteaiuboatn an 1 cargoes of ve#brU by era,

I Hotel 1 bx boukN U Hagan; 1 du du. Brown k lluw; t do 8nd «o property ou eaua!# an 1 railroads, alsu ©gainst Us©


uid»r, II K w; 1 block© marble, D Kevin; 160 bgs culler, or damage by Are oa »lore©« dwelling#, and tbeir cun*McGulr** k Vtlllrr. tents, In elite#, towns, or country, oi>ou a# favorable

Per Chancellor fr..m N.w Orleoita: 10 ;i.x. .n*ar, C.trd ‘. . k .. oa Co; 40 Jo a .iall.sbvr a„; 40 do Jo. A Bn?b.’nta *c


'’ii*’y,vToN*'’jco; 75 bl© moiAMte#, Ciift >u. Atkinson, k co; 60 pkgs, * » u . *•

Coniwsll k ©ro: 10 do. Todd k R; J crair*. C©M.fid#r A >

KCUPSB, Sturgeon, Cf/mmaoder, will leave .

above on tb# folluw'ng days, vix:(

t^aturday, tb© 21<t of May, at 4 o’clock, P. M. t

M-’uday, the 6tb of June, at 4 o’clock, P. M.TurfMlay, tbe *J:«t of Jnue, at 4 o'clock, P. M.Wednerdav, the 6tb of July at 4 o’clock, P. M.For freight or yaesage apply on board or to


CliblAPHM AND SHORTESTmmd il U U T EBetween the East and West. '

in w AS lOD in every town, vtilage, and bamlet For sal© ny Dossurs k XllON, Ages©©,In th. Unttod States. In which on. I* not rtrstar asita- t' HuPtINS M EHiP3., Importn* of Pmcb W.n- !

5®* ** PU*.. ata 18 Mw.* atr**(, M*w To*M.llahod. Addr... a. G. Ptai.;:, ta .hov., tacomptatta

^ * ** Nv « Barclay ta**c N.w Torh.,

With good reference a# to cbaractor, respooslbUlty, kc. T H. POILU7N k C4>., ImporDrs uf French WIsduu g«©roi^T*WUed at a liberal dtoeewt.m9dlwkw4 v© and Coach Gi©#©, No. 31 Barclay ©creew 17^* *re P©rtotv*ed te use tke aaa#e of iS© fMl«w— lag gentleman, who bnv© esed and asprovAuf tS©art

C"Mh.*rr'ii.“.*w.''*'’Sot At* Furnaces *c. l. setayt*., m.., chmita b^,

•20 do old; lor Ml. by IT\AT1D CI LVBR (Inraolur tad ptaratM), Set C'lff

L ««« Eta-» »*v. H. W. Baltowwm2l ' JACOB KBLLBR. -Lf •««>* taO d.*t«, wholsom. Ota r.- H6n 'b Botatt J. Btahl*. BsWro— — — ' — - — . ... . tall, ta FornaevA, Registers, > entllat'tr#. kc, B® to©wer, M. D-, Mlrfcota© Deen, flsq-®

^t^DRIES.- taTix '.taT::;. J. w. ImlaRnw. M, D., Cito«- Jo©©88 J. CcdtotodRO 100 beg© Rio Cofle©; /^OWLBS k CO., 177 Grand ©irtei. Impfaved Hut A?r I Capu Basant, RufflMo, Com. C. 9. !!• riTemn

95 pockets Jav© Coffee, old; V/ Fureaces, Ranxee, Reci#ier», Ventu»iors,kL. I Capt. Holllftor, inltlc*25 pockets Jav© Coffee, old;200 keg!> Nalls, ©©©ortad;20 chest© Gunpowder Teas;10 bag© Pepper;5 do Plmentta,

too do Colton Tarra, a»©orted;90 bale© Bailing;10 do Carpet Chain; for sale by


Mtefceia# Dean, 8^.,Cape JoeepB J. CcdtoCadR,

Corn. V. 9. !!• toeatorrkitICe

I 9U0 boxes 8-10;900 do 10-19;too do 10*14;

CurTiw©!! k Pro; 10 do. Todd k R; 9 crate#, Ca#»ml©y k' R tpkm#; I» bx« wine, 10 cks, Garclu; 10 ck# llqQor,Lup© '



k llembrlgbt; 3 pkgf>, J Bieugbier; 3 do, J G Jubo#on; 6 FALLS tITV ISSURAStC CO!\|P.4 IH k .

A R Johnston, Raymond, Ml»s

GALT HOCAF.—Bisuop k Facliis.

B Mscomn TCBfll, ladW PGte-eL. Carroll M M.^llosky, CyW A %cot*, P tt© J M U*nb©m, V©D Ceckrell, Tenn

bTEAMMOAT Noti — We are rndehtad to **'.*Y“/2 mlnu.TC.oial iff*rr«c* t I’-ta, t iovcrport w e B.i.bc-, Lofayauizioo.mmvox trvri mo. new inaeoiaa to t, her favor «, m. wh..l. tri,. ft min«*». Tti. ^talr- ' H Bot>, do T M Auihuiy, cm

th* hUeti'ive officer, of the A. L hhottsell, »»» l. d«»ta taUriiy reiiot,.. tad cobcIb.iv*. J t> t, do ALOi.apita, do

Chui. eilor, Geti. LatajreUe, A If . Petten, Pike, Tliere is d«i<#r of er#it Hifficiiilr in rephr.) to i n'tah’. N*J C.m'w't ™"n. K rF..IVO' Ci'r, aiMl IJeviiJ White for f.vors.

I the bets on ft e time of tbe Eclij..# «t i Nb„:vi#il m m MMh*w^ PhH it u k-ii*k, Frankfort

~ ,1^ . . , Iboth eidec clrumuic Ibe moner. I nroi>o<ie tbi' L Fitimo. • i, L k C It R « ila.t;i.c. , i, Bo-toi

Th. Chtacellor leeve. toHDorrow eveourr for b#,. be settled by the d.cmion of a b^rH ol .‘i* £ “'Hi*'”“

KewUrteui*. Thr Pike hat been kid up end gentlrmen who shall lak# rn.lrnce outaid# ol i)j w ^tadi tU ’Mr^*!ill..u ri7‘ii’.‘^

#m place i* Mtpfilied by tbe fine iteemer W. B. ®©>c#n of either boet and decide. And I . lur- h' <> Scuu h. r, o Mr> Sizeu k. t, Ku

CMlo,.. She leeve. for ». Lona 10 o’clock. a'**;;,«^“®'-*‘’ j“h o"’


iL^^tlTooThe cJe,raiit rteomer Ikvid White leaves

j’t®P®'' com- n M Bn, tb fx I, Bait Mr. PaoHn* e. i, N o^ nutted. Rod mLo, I ItRve do doubt, «©ill urtdertRk© J ® How*ru, Lexingteo C K hmith. Mom bcwtiH^ thid eveciiof . Tbe Uvontd B«:d Frmrik- tb© antter to preserve ^ood leelin^ and justice ^Lincoln, i.o Mr© Smitb, i.s

he IS the C4imiim.ti medbota. I

»««•««* tal p.. lee.. FAIR PLAY. J t %x ?*™“Thita4o*'—!

T n H.rwoo*, Aril J UuttlH-r. N OMA^rtiricE-T HAT..-Ye«erd.y see e>.m- I f

‘**'‘ **'; S r ^li'o, c?y“ iiM N oeoed oome bet. meiiafact«red bv Craie '

»loop-®f-»«r hen Giovinm anchored off a b Jtan.toni RaUond, Mis.f -> « «

A. rf-* omoXo fi. u^ ^ ttig Rettery, having on board about eie’.ty pout- • . - « r-j«# Co., which ere lotended for eKbibitioo at tbe

| .d aeot hither by tbe Sordmita eo^rk- „ „HoC4K._i..,«oi- a K*ci.i«.

Worid*# Fair. They are ttoW ex^uiaitc apeci- ; Betit^ lo 8hield tbem from tbe vea^eance U Aus- w p Gu-e^. Can-oi i M Si?'c'i'j*ky^ Kymmt of workmaofbip, far aurpaaaiuie ID beauty

' Yesterday alterisOOD a number ol tbf'm WA^cot*, Pit© jm u*nb©m, v©

a a i.-, cu,. ^ £is7;1. T. " “L T' ‘"TT. •7" "

•t'.’-.f' ?!«*’ f.?.??ri:71 i J-Si',

conceive tbat among^ all tbe articla© tba^ will be,

into a smart tight. Oi»e of tbem ihreatencd to T k wmt©«fs, j Rrmiu, Kwjvbvi

aaaii at that rreat ealubitAon tbare will be anv tear tbe epaulet# Irom tbe shouLieri of auolhccr, w i wnitrt, gy li Krw:o, a©ffrem e^itm mere wui DC anyr.p trom tbe l*.d of e

* “ Oromwooi, S O j v, m..:*. , nudarnmore parteci in their Itoe than thei« hats nre as ...Jxnro lo. er*...i r...i .^x k**'

* * w»iih<*, ti«>’tn Mm j » ihtd**-, d.. . ^ tailor aoa lore Ok toe froci part, oo wbicb ma« wTMstiach. NT Mi## iifM!##*

They reflect the biffbaat credit oo tbe tbe oaioe of tbe vetk^el. A aevere tu»il©eij:>ued, TCnaney, KV wbf ilydrt, b©ueoterpnaiag maauiactorara, aod are an honor to 8t>d a New York Italian, who came to tbe aid of ^ ^ Monm, N T c loatsivr* m ©4

the meehenK erte ef Lo«»viUe. We ihell car- *“ *?**•"'l jVrJI'a"


_i| if P“I,“ in>^ but was mm>u rrleaml. j H Lotaw, B.uvtew T M Wj..;drii)*-, Tries«ms will, .bey are (cenuioe judges, Eire We uuderttaod the commaLder of the Son J Brv.on, do B B-jrrb*-, E'aaiHuKtan©ftaari H , C , 4L Ca. premiums f*r their very Giovanni, CapSain Inoiia, eomLlams that he has R • SLi.ids, Nauti. J w Couw..', N u

ktautrtta hats. aubject^ to oeriou* annovanca lu van. us S^.’^ilrtwaTn f, N o R R si'-ri-’nl. ArtBy the wav. tbe white bearer. mo.U kv

U here, and that, rl be Ud wwprtacon.dg w n Diuo, i..^ oearert ma*)© by

jao’ c«*MWacncei! paintmi; bi© v©!k©ff4y be would LV«ck©r, K » Pr Prtcr, Fr#ukf «rt

CraiR, A Co. have eery jaetly bacoatojbot Ioniser ri*maiti lU port. The hoetility of :he * ^ ‘''‘"71''. '

•er, decidedly popalar. A more comfortable |•aaael#«. wobabl, Krows out oi tbe feeling that J; kBatforaummer wear cannot be made Tliev

wet® !’•*’)> f*'? '•t;)e ontbeahi|* but this Mr* runkin k r, do j c snonooi., n o4, rt-f, . ,.i

- J . .. _ .* doee not justiiy tb* 11 cimducl, if it is correct It wRHvnro, in J M Doom, B.rdaiown

•re l#ht ns rtmw, nnd better than rtnw m th«r repreaeotid to us. Cnj.L lucL ooyaiUr ,*iieen- I“ «-.*“« R » H Wo.di«.

1*0wo wardioc off tbe Uifiuei«e ef lb. mm- vero bad tbe tain*' farr.. tbe crus -ibreaJ, wme, " S Jlr "asTst ului. .1 o lliU rti.-K,beams . A bond aurmounled by one of tbeae cb*‘*ae, potatoes, Ar. G Weaeuin, iuiteic 8 Wroelilr*’, Eufel!

b-nvert bo* a moot jenteel asr,nnd mnat be cool,' Jf we n^btly unoetsluid tbe ease, Iheae men OWEN’S ll(jrkL-.w . h. xjx, ty

... . . i. . . ®**'l'4y indebted to Ibe bardinian eovernii.eotprovideid Its (iropnetor has not aa much internal f„ United- Stole., luasmucb *' ^'>*>“«>> •*"rt Royal B y iinniertuid, Eyheat aa n volcano. We ndviae nil svho wufa a. it could not protect them trbere the, were r v2iItaln*“nam!“Kyc<>ot, (wmlortaMc, nod handtomety dneorated ’*‘*“®“* c'-mpiomi.iiijr itself with Austr.a. Rut B Walker, DaMa-tmrs 11 Jrbi.aor.i>iTi Royal

heads In trv tbtae haf. ]

no taoner do they touch our soil and receive 6 W F •l.•n^ta, dj J p orr, N l.i -.-rtyry nneeimia.

| ^ Sordiniai. ^, 1. , J » J L I

ff®*'®*^*®*"’* 4** addi'ion to a free pasaaKr, tba:. SHari, na:^t uTL 'xr'ou'.e#« tbal a diCculty occurred this|ti*ey evince a bitter midice towota. tb«r bene- J Mcjvtea, Va

r > sc

mariitnf ’ ••» of the morket-bouae* between •»rtoi9- Mor over, 'hey in.utt the country L M c^x. Suntotd LThomo., nanimud*

Ml Hamlet a market-maater, and nn Irtshmnn r*I*f'-»»:nK that laaJice eo"<.iii, Samniirriii. pj..or.,oMl. namiet, a ™«e.^aaier, ana nn irtsnmnn, ^ violation ot tmr l.w» <),, Monday “ =

'L"*“• “* “ K-aneiy, au

m whmb Mr. k.'mlet fiied a puiol at lu* op,»- I they were pnC on xhore; on Tuesday «Kcu..ed j m o'?.S;‘’i::“ca.-t*, 5 8 u”;;;:, B.u"“tannod, tbe hnll, however, not lakinit e©rct Mr.


thu row. They will learn by ar.d by, it they J (ion la, do Mi» d«

H. waa bet i to boil in »5o» to nnawer a misde- i •(‘•Y'*>*" “ • 'I'*" ^ betwM'n free-


memmr. I

‘*®“ “<»"“»««*-«—A. i. Jomr. Com. f o‘ « P Si,“ MtaUo,__

I I . - . - J 0 H il, Cartkagv J Joo©#, Owi^ co

(iirlleal catate buyen snil ptenoe ndtice i

^an MUcked iy n Horae —Thio moruinj, a* *«' w<«> fcl/si Louis w T^uhn^'r‘

thTsaie of Meta*. S ^ .*"“'*»®"“< »® • »'r*> borse

| Mr. Lta*., ^ do B Bt-hop. Nrwea.,:.'uevotatw meaori. b. o. Henry A Co., thwj

in Franklin ftre^U tbe animal nude a dash at ihiimi, do L landlord, Emkctati.fieri oos, at 4 o’clock, at the comer of Walnut


<"w •* tfie®. **»®eu Vt'n. Hall, and beat him to * a i, Scou &, J Unsiord, d.

aita Fuinesitb straeto. *Ithe earth witb his lore fret, infiictine upon him exchange HOTEL—Bi.Euaoc a MosnEa.aoch severe bodily ii'jury, tbat there is great I X 8 CannUerv Ky L Me 'srty, do

r, immomaLAx.m a reEion to apprehCDd 8 fatol Tcjult. I »» !.*.,<) p T Honsr, uulouudaLlippm Bmip lUca—Theowoors aad frUwds '

| w r;r"«t. K v B rer«u...n. de

•T the ceiebraled clipper ahin hoveraien of tk. '

jI» 8 aamii.rT»!ne, .«a**n» J

* e'amptalle, Ey

a _ - .•**“"•**I A’ *•’«A#—300 bad. (ram lair to prliu. lor eai* by j

W W.tater, Ey 8 Gsle.ood, do


^ Bruwu; 4 pkg^, bmltb k Shutwell; U S Office N©. 416, uorth ©liJe M©lu #u, oppo#Ue Loul©vUl©I

Hotel, bet. Sixth ©ud 8evvutb, Louisville, Ry. I

Per David Wbtie from WboeHu;; 6 pckgr, 10 btis Mu© Chartered C&|»lial S300,(KMI, of wUlch fll60,000i©iilck ««UT. Hustuu k Milton; 63 bdi© p©|>er, W N Uaide- ' Hiid aud ©rrared.m©ii; 1 Crete. L««l© A Co; 9 bx©, McCullough k Co; 1 do, :

CoDUnue to lut^ure MerebAu-lw©bo k Wuii; I do, Mon gomer>, D#vidge k Co; I do, J


dl«vc, Block, kc ,©x©ln#l lup© whenLow k Co; 10 do, A B Vsnwiukle: 9 do, H F Durkee; 97 i MljBLXcRrilttl on BleambuRi© or otherd«k, L L WerTf^n; 91 do, J B Breed k do, Cr©bb k '

" ™ goou ve©#el», bj river, l©k«>, ©ea.^^BHBCo; 49 pkx-, W< bb A R awiAud; 4 bx#, Lewi© k Wilke©; 2 c©n©l, ©nd railroad rout'’©, or on ©uy of the navigable


Ol-s Beurdlct k c'Artes B i ckg-, Adam# k Co; 7 hhd© ' wau-r© u>f the comoierctal world; also ©gal »t lo»s ou|

bacco, uwuei; 9 do d Pick* ti; 3 do do, 9 tx© do, Farmerp;\

Ball© o; Sieamboalri and other go<^ ve©©el©s al#« a^^alnat >

©I deep aiMl i «tortrt# huh.Tb. an.iv* propvriy will b« Mid italeci '.a th. 1.... al

ttOAU, at Whwlln*. TUr..**h IKk.l. by ibl. lln. lo ,qo do 10.14; “iJ .—.,f , ,


Baltluiure, B oahiudion L'liy, and Pblltaelplila, con ta .^Oy 10 16, ItMO, 11*17, 11. la, 12-1* 12-19 tad otxta, otani U# renwr .1 tn. Lonu.i i* a.-,# al.procured from lb* .c*nt» In Loul.vill*, Mtal«n, and

iij'Vs-lii;’ ’

Stat u ^«~Vp“ta “ *»«'

will ttmi It ure.tly to lui*r«.t, golu* Koit ot W..t, ' EncOUragBment to Wig Wearors. Tb. U».v* property win bi mM .talert -a th. 1.SO. ta

‘‘^PvZu"uln tain* . cbortetta comptay ar, re- ' MrtV. ^.“rti^t.'^b'^1^" ‘

“SiTrrr?“ ini®*Thl© !» th# only Itn© running In conuecUon with „f-f.,TiEnwi him iw.» »vtiiw .a. #. .ko. » v . ©t thm / ^ V ‘

#hltiLiiimor##rui(>hio K#!iro#*i I

Dim Dot oDiy lo lit the bead, boi alto th©.At th© #Ame tim# *nl plac©, th© uu’ttvtdwl hair ©f

.. . ^ . turm of th© wearer. He m-ke© u a ml© to allow oo ar- Le©©©hoU oa SB te«t h/ »-©i d©vp, fr«a«#g no SlaiR

lar^^rrneHt^aN-*/ a»i murt^'ii.vrb^ **** **** 1“ ©nd U© river, b«iiuc pan^irf ibrlarge#!, I#.nesi, fiaf«f-t,an.i oio»t a.ipvro »'oau ever bout ' mm,- *)#rtlcuiar. Alan. i^i#«f> «i#«. Rai* wiw. Haioo .#m## with ikm a— -v.^. T*

90 bbD »l:S©ky, J R Millvaln.


i At G.©Fg('W, ky., on th© evening cf the l>4lh lost., bythe Her. J. B. I’VrgUROO, Mr. A. J- McWiiiaTLR, cf th©

Iflrtoi of II. A 11. Dougia© # Co.. Na"hvU e, T«ua., to

lofs by Fire oo bulidlngi ami M •;rc|ianii©e aud DUHGB, President*

K. C. 8UMMBRB, Secretary.


FOHKST CITY. C«i>% .\. Murdock, Sunday, 3 P M.DAVID whit:;. C«ft. Wm. McL< aq, MoU4la«,3 P. M. I

BALTllKdiK, Ctvi u Wniiam Ciark, Tuea«Uy, 3 P. M. '

ALVl.S ADAMS. Capt. W. Norton, Wednrha#y,3 P. M.[

VIH»1N'1\, oapt. Cuarlea V. W-Ur, Thursday, 3 P. M.FALLS CIT y, C©l>i. Sam. .Ma#oii, Friday, at 3 P M.

inJl M. ZIMMRR.tTi>rxn forget No. 90 Fourth atreet, oppoalte G* I

Nhli’ila»*© Old ©mod.

FALLS t Hi, Cain. ham. .Ma#oii, >rlday, at 3 P M. fjO nnd Pocket taUery.—Tb© anent anal I tv ofTH031 AS 3W .AN N , Capt- J’sbti McLnre, Sainrday. 3 P. M. T Ro”<er*’p, Wo^teoholoi’*. and ^'rook'© PenEar* from L,u'-vllle to ^I'linor.-. .........*li oo Pocb.i Cutlery to b. loutaln Ui. uty, srt.ctta e««lal-



31 LVE


ralntbU Leaatkoid Property tpt-Ji it, Boxliiagj

PENCIL j\ND PEN OASES.roR SALK AT rLMLiL ACCTios.I The Trade supplied on llbeyal Teme,

^frti Tb* p.operty bnawn a. tb<- PLANTERS’ Ti ' w.,. •>. w..


to;;' BACtX) VABSUlirsE. Tb* b.lidlaa. a- La’^^w- Utany Pt«c,, ( ip -ttarsU

H!i!l '“*•> e»nio»udii.u« ta.1 w.i: bwili, bavtc* bOna. tlSmi

.^^iLmol u( M tael oa Woiiir Mr*el, 6*iwwn Pl.-tb)— —

and Sixro, otant m* reswr .1 lb. Laoi.<i.i* wh.rf, w.tb StjAblMIsiv/.i .itwo cJfnmo>.tuu. .t.r« rraniln* tb. waori, b.v!n« • ... I ,1 ) \l \l P K I I 4 I .

. frtail tatrauc. to ib. ..r*. Warrbuu., wbicb I. 360vve -’i*tx_3_4 XbA./A.J. AJ

f.»t deep an-l 4 bUb. f, _ _ „ _ _Tb. olKive propvriy will ta Hid italeet U th. l.u. ta - A U H U A tt U C 6 fi « O

Btata a Cuba, wbicb tvplr** n ts- l-Eb ul Ovtitar I >1 ortjtar, OT cavaLESTON, sor ,a caaousa.

8.1* m 1*2* pioo*, oa tbaKe’o^sefc oa SATURDAT, fasM r>Di'*ii *11 a*iil iaUw oBtb day of May, 1963, at I a>clu*x, P. M.* .al, 111,810 11,

At ma tame i,«* ant pigo., tb* un-Uvklad bait M <U300 OOOLcotabou UB 88 tern »/ lyj dta-p, lioatlai: no Blub i

5»«3AAJ,U\JU.atr*«i, tatweac Mom and tba river, taiiuc port of tbe I^TAe 9oc kkatiera are lad.e-d-uit/v IxaOJe la kaamtauu .<MM with tb* obuTe, bavla* otant 1 4 Ttan in thiCopxtml Moct OTiiyirea.

’’’f* william a HBRuvr, r--iifiui.Terms liberal on>l mta* known oa <Iay or sa>. LOi-ISTlLLB AGB.NCT, Mf>. 47* Maiw sTnan, 'omTor particular., retor tu .Vro.r., Uosaiaa A Boeta. *"a^ mrl •/ Fourth atreet ihmt motnt.''

Real B.toi* A**.:., maria dutr THOM A.A S. EENN BOT, Atyeta.m21 d7 a. HB.NRT a CO., AuctUHTO-..

“ nnr r. _ PKI^TIMW AMO WSSPR PAPKM.C. Co SPE27CCR. ) TAMBS CROMBT, agvBI far tk© tol©of 9i#Bto©to©

THRSK STURT BKICA H«M SR AND LOT ‘ v P«©l«r Frlstlag ©Rd Baok F^ar, Wall ©treal.

Fireuifii’b and Meefiauitb’ Insuraoet Co.I of th** toriuf r pi#c©o MkOlBOC, lUOlRlia.

The vlmrnitug yvjog brld© potAe*©©# treaty enough to CAPITAL #100,«MK), AND A SURPLUS.' **#et ten pi^eu r«ving,” but GI©B>gow h©^ by no mean# Tifo©. L. Paine.


ecretary.,0Avn> WiiiTi:. Pr©#ldent*lo©t ©U t > he©my 1c iuslng her It b©« fitlll © greater ;

nomberut bceottful l©<lle© in proporUon to tu pupul©-tluo than ©oy other town or city of lu ©Ize In the United


Stair©. Theru 1© no brtier place for © griulrmaa to go;

Havlnj been ©ppuloted ©gent ufth1% Company In Lonl©vUIe, I amV repareil to uke rl#kH onbnMd-•*ug», ©#od©, and ©li kinA« of pri


Fare from Lo'4i»\iIl« to'dphu >r >V©»hlng-! ton CUT S’2 00I Karr irom Ciociuasn 4o> Hwiutnus*’.. ....^10 00

.Fare fr mi cinclkiiail lo Pmla'iriphta uf Waahing-


tun City $11 00

t:;^An ©iHittonal charge of only $3 for Stale Room©. and Meal© from LuuldvUle to Wheeling.

»eogers tiag^age irauMerrod from pteamhoat©! to railroad, aud trom railroad to ©teambo«i# fro© of

cLargo, i «» iciKmilRAD,ni5 dtf Agent, Loatuville, Ky.

ly for oar reiall #©;#©, tur sale byCkD ORMSBr k OWRN, 364 Main ©t.

.VT AUCTlOaN.ORMSBr kOWFaN,364Matn»t. ^ TCRSDaT AFTKRN*i,>N next. May 94, ©l i

' l^lJ ^ aowL9 H*.eby, . mm ^ i

Mi.M ©ad Lot, ©Itaatad oa ih# -outb »1J© of M©rk«iJambs LtiW k Ct)., 417 M©ln st«

|*tr©et« between Floyd©04l Freaion, r»««> okPosIt© the ntar- !

ZaaT## Iket-hoti©o The hh i« 97 fret front, ronaiog baca i

Mr# Gowuhe, TennJ Huwmoot. OF J Rairiio pbB i'amphell. (Tin

J BrwU), Naj’bvlH Krw:o, doJ w D*.’ >g’ , BudaloM r© J W iKriigf, deMl©© Dodgr, daWBF Hfdrt, BallC Ia©tstrr, M»dT S Muntoid, E.:«©*to0

J Freta, P©aw©mar A wb^trt, doT M WvAridrlhg^, Trigg CfB Burehr, U'aahiugtonJ W Couverki*, N U8 B Wh’ eler, VaR R S©—lo k k I, ArkW L Ditto, luPr Prtcr, Frwukf >rt

• H Chllr* k f'altfurniai 6 Ueb^rich*, M«M~inMr» B uaalrd, G^a#*:uvJ O Sh©niU/li, N oJ M Dofom, Bardatewn(* U Weliece, WuwdrgrdJ SlUa ft, K OG o Ta;b.*tt,*Ky

8 Wr©elllrr, Eufel 1


lo If tar wthhe© to Iv’- ht© brart and rtnd © lox'oly wife. < erty ©gaiDM tire; ©Uo risk# ou i.u©iub'**t hull© ©n i c©r-,

goc’© generally; on «• a vettHel#, Meamboau, and flaihoau;


Inland transport itlon line:..



'“P- b! ATWOODV'AStaT.**’


“Vt-Vm. J.’ta'i.'romiiy ar* InvUcd to .n.nd L*r In- ' «•i


u.ra: tr..-- tb.rsmUy r*.idtac*,.bl..v*ntni; .. au’clocb. Ti^^^n!

• Paid in, and a Svrplvs,i

jPOT SrIb. will contlnuu u> ru©krln»uraoce on bull©

A NKGRO woman 93 yrar© old and two ebUduo, o<te Steam*)> at#, on Carg >e© per »ame, on Tes-ag*tl 3 yrara and the other lb muutt ©• Tbe Wsjmao


by »r#, toae, i:aiA#i, or tUrr, and lu aod1© a good Cook, w*as>her, and Iroaer. rrum Alianiicaud foreign Port©, auJ al»« onAppiyiv W. «• J. K. GATHRIGHT, buDdmg#. kc,, agalunt loa© or damage by fire.

ni93* Market Mtreet between Brook aud First.;

D. S. BKNEDICT, rreetdeot.;

— —~ IWm. Pbather, Secrutarj-.


LAW NOTICE. I DIBECTQBS.’ II^ILLIAM AlWtMiD, ATTOIt;4Er AT I.AW, Loot a- « _ „ ^Vf vliie, E) Othc© on the uurtbwst cuidur of


Clifton, ^u|.J. AdamsMain aod A#.i©ireci>, adjoining the ‘>in<.e of the Fire-

; A* 1* Wm. T. Bartley,

mssn’e iHiouraiiCe CuHioaiaT Ian 96 d1iigmM.«fXm TDOS. K. wl.»uii| WUi. i/» lijke. C.


LIINEM Tablr-cl.lh*.-6« H, MJia, aiid6a-7« Inch iMt, ntortor I*.., u. a U* ** nrbrown in«a tta..-Clotb» rwalvta ml* d»y an-t lor . <01.11 from* bon>. on tb* . Vv»al* by Imil) JAMES LOW a oo. Trrnu—Half ctab, vn*-.lxUi

G taliu^^^*tw. ^

ortt JAMHSUIW act). ax

SltAVESI SLAVB£»II W. Wiu pay tb. blabtai rta. priota toe

t'ff-aruta ol o,r N-aru dn*it, *• Im Mms.

' tatw*.a Mark*’ aad Jafl-m*, 1. I«lii. JT. AR*ER»| BN, ;

I II dBrnrcn* >w j. aaTBR.I RN.aiid6a-7«lncbIloat, ntoraor I*.., u. a U.-*« n'Ma.’ar. .1-*

may II dBrnrew* .w j. aaTBR.I RN.iceivta tbi* day an-l lor i a rmall from* bott.« on tb* V :«y- 1 . .. o. —JAMES LOW a OO,


Term,—Half coob, oQ*.»lxtti lo one year, **-4 •., ' CDOCOlAtO, OOCOA, UtOXOILCOM. rocmxeed tbi. a» I

lDt*r*«t, tad a ll.n roiainwl to ' YIT BAKBR a CO.'S Am*riCM ia1 Taa.da Ptw

T5IIRTEI3N DOIiLAHS THROUGH! ’ I-s m*m .ad for *ai. ny“ BY TH03. ANDBR=ON A CO. Him*T a Mo»aai, Mow itab;***^

lost Sttff, (hfap, aod lomfortble Route ^ ,_^w b^cha^^j^o^w. V

To the Eastern Cities,i S^^2^''‘~*"“'‘'*‘7^i?'lr‘*rrHa«xM * “•i.’cicrb R*ii»kT a uwp«t. cint^;, ohk..

kTlb.ClNClSNATl MVM. LI.NK and Cl.NClNNATI I- * aWI> W aicHAKAK »

| A .A. M., w« Ibyli* lb. taifutlo* »f droltr-. I. a -n- I*ALTER ^KBR a Ci»„

J .VNO P1TT6BLBU STKAM PACKET I.'.NS l. rilU- IJ — '***.. i

* “ *'*'* htataotata. Mota.

2rg, ihenre by ‘be Central P'/nosylvauia Railroad iV bbi© Loaf, Crashed, ©ml Powdered Sugar*; B©eie, %U©ea, Hat©, «nd 4‘ap©, •

irt.ogh to I'nilodelphi© ©ad Baltimore in 19 hour©. $0 tierce# Paragok No. I Sagan for *©le by Th« a©#unmeni will embrace vkfiei'ra vf :k« ;,4»ow INEOROES WANTED.

j3*F»refTom LouUvHle through to Philadelphia or aMD’W mreUANAN m, CO. lag deacrlptlo^ . Th© undeTetgaeit, .ieal©r ta Stove#, ?# wll- malDuiere ihUteen dollai©. m « ULAMK'S — Jou bbi# Dniu#~Pii^iu.« amw am^iobT^ * ©ewed Calf RYOtai 3©a»‘« (>*xr«i CkJ ©aa Up 1 VL Haa to 9©y a fair ea#k pnea r#e reaadI ^Ticket© to be ha<l on board Clnc*nnatl m©ll packet©. : \l m2| AN^W BrniAV ^^*^ ^**^**^ •"ugan#. )#u;ke’ I

JE^ k©aitky Necr©©©; aad h© ©«•• k©«aeli-rrain©K-ave Pituburg at3and!I| o’clock, A.M.

“ * ANIFW BLtUANAaN k 0O._ Calf mea'© Oxford Tl^<; a,*,*-,|^ tit on hand Near.’©# tor #ai©.^-a

THIRTEEN DOLLARS THROUGH!Mokt Sttfr, Chfa|i, aod lomfortble Route

To the Ecistern Cities,


bnrg, tbenre by *hu Central P'/nosylvauia Hallruadtbrnogh to r'niladelphia and Baltimore In 19 bonr*.

Far* from Loul-vlil. ibruusb to Phitad*lpbia orBaliiuiore iblite*D dollois.

W BAKBR a CO. S Am*ricsa ia1 Taa.ila,tt o am Chuditaao. CuoM. and BrMo, ro wbMh B*ta

. RTtaMsta. hay, h«a ,w«dad by th, ohlta lataliaia,mid Ptar. or tb# Coloa, aeo toe sol, by mi ih, avtamaalGrsem I, tb, Colud Stofwtad ,y thalr mornmn


HenKT a Mcaaav, Now lorb;SRAST a T,euo. PbliadalphlKTao's T. Rbvndisb, amuwMwKEHaST a UVPLXT, Cltattata’,. Ohiv.

W.1LTER BaKBRa C.X,a, M >Uyl, Btacbagita. Mom.


()trB.N>8 IlOTbL—W. H. i,L ij;

B F linngtTfmd, RyJ McNeai, Om«'Q cuH Vaslar dhigh#m, KyII Jeh(i»ur. PiTt KoyaJJ P orr, N Lr-’-rty

T Smith, Virgtuta;i M P'.w'T©, d.j

LTboma©, Ranilngd’ i

P June#, t>

D 8 K*‘©oe<ly, AlaT F IVttUH, duJ 8 Grtiaewy B<ju’bt>nM\#» <»alaro.n»j doJ Jatri-oi^J G:gt^r, l oion co<i P Stwpb’ii©, M*dl»o0J June#, Owoo COW reify, Madl^tTiW Tburub'.r,E Blnbop, NewcaktleL loaugfurd, EuckcaatUJ Langford, du

t| THCKE U nailiing tbat has ma le ita ap. LOUISVILLE MARINE AND FIREOto <- #~ance upon **Faphloi • ^age^’ that b©» been #u

1 1 V ••f ] k 1 f * !•* fi'tIVIPAVVmuch aimlfr’d a# thr ©prlug #l)ie uf Hat manufactured • ,om .** j , * .s * .* .

by V.4L. THOM 1', N •. 4J»5 Mato #t^eei, between Third .

itoreof South


aud F •urth. A ful rupply realy for tu->layS lalei. ^ ihof;r; (.

m9l y \ ^ Tbi© company luntluneeto lake r!#k© oo I— -

la hull# and cargo©* of ©luamttaiats andvee*elitlr I ^A fil.E < ulleiy.—200 duxen I vor> Table Rnlvei* and ' by ©ea,lako aud river# !•) and from Atlantic


J. furh©, a^io 1 duseu Mabugauy Ca#e# ef me flnt*©tj

©ud f.jrelgn purt* and In.aud tramsportailuo;}

i(Ualll>, fur retail likie.#, to, »alu A>i al©u, on NuJIUlrgr, m^rcuand*-**, and ftirulture #XYtn©t

^m2l Ck.D tlKMSBY k OWKK. or damoage ty ui#.

Goods lu Season. n n .


YY’E tav* nil taud thvlu.luwiu* ii.tut V*n d*«ya- “”5irtJ2ian,““’

w‘. j". Lrud*ta«r*.r, IVV bi. and ,*.~nal..* ou.«l.. wnicn we are Duw .fler-a. H Smith, H. I’. Newcumb,

In* ai a very email ana'.i-e ta ta«ivm CO.I—,, ,, t . II. l.<-ytu

p.alu bared.M ul all coiur» and .foallileei" li. Fureytn,

JjJ. Jl;.'.. „ 1

.Tlat.l J d,. do du; „ . „— „..K,Pre.ldet:U


Krn.vb JAv.nil 0-.1 Jwita Lawn.; I WM.8l,TO\.S*rr*urv. .4 dtl_|

bn;-Tlor »biie b.r.**. I..r tuauiir.; i jhk a iKtiyiK.N-h I .NNL'KA .»( U t«.>lPA.NY~


11.1 MumId d* Lam* du;|

OK I.OCISVIL! R.liu cna:l*y do;

I OlHc* on th* corthaeel curner of Mam «’.,1 Wall rtrevli. I

Pink, bine, .rc*n, and Tan Chall*}-: uiun lohs.evrni..

Plain <nam-:ion and njantm. SlIkM J. 8. Morrl*, iJ. W. Kallui., !

K!.b piaidandbKKale do; ItglPyf- • - ” - K. S. Crumi., fct*.’r. mimm*cilk- o' every .l..«:rll.lloD: ‘^aC-wmiom T-rry, A. (). Br.lml’i, aKii.>aVblu- Cra|i* SLawl*. kialu oDd oaturoidured; *. A liorjuei, w. H.Paroeui-, Mi.'kt-t- t.*t;

I p. B. Atwoou,


etretary. |tmo. J. M.(RTix,Pr*,|.|*utRiib H. nn*i ond no-b Ribbon.; ii tills tlumpauy cuuilnu'.' n, lak* il>k., un Bulldiuu-,

I L.di*.’, ml..v.Murii’.,»udboy.' Hoalery; 1 ,irok» uf M. rfhaii.U.e, and utner i.ruperty .uuiiT.i


Silk, Thu a , and Eld ifluvea; Fire; at#o ou M(t< haudlse auU Cargnet geuerallj again»t,

Together wit • nsai.y oth*' »ntUtri hJ of whUk we are ^^e peill* of the Sea#, H1v#i>,aad luland irausporiailou;

t(Ualll}, fur retail aaitSta, to, »alu u>m21 C«lD OKMSBY k OWRK.

Goods lu Season.

U^E have mi Laud tbe fusiuwiug iiat of ver}' dealra-bie atkd »ea<HjD4bie Good©, wbicb we are now ©fler-

Ibg ai a very email a ivauce uo Ea©iero co»t—Pixtu bareg'M uf #11 colors aod ^ualttlee;h'rtntoi 'J dis du du;Fretat-b JAv.h.oi-4 ©.a'x iwt#© Lawns;bup’Tior white b#r<ge» r«>r luauue#;

D.J Maoiln de Lame do;Du cna:ley do;

Piok, blue, ©reen, and Tan Challe}®;Plain cham^'lt'un atui mantilla Silk©;Kith pia:d and bicKale do;l.iUiuili.* link- o' »^'ery ileacrtntioo:

Vblii* Crai>e Btawia, plam »na vomroidvredfParaeyls, M«.-kut.» Set;

Kiuh H< nnet and 6#p>b Ribbon#;

IJ,adie»S mls'e-*, tU'riiN, aud boy#' Hoalery;Allk,Thf(a ', au l Eld Gloves;

Tboman H. Hunt,A. HucluuiaD,8. H Smith,11 11. Foroyth,

The ©tramet© of thla line are the Urgeet, fa#te©t, ©afeet, I

and must ©uperb vr#©el© now running In tbe We*t^-aU 1

provided wtih ©afeiy guard#, kc., lu oimpllance withthe lata law. All that money can procure to add to the '

I enmiort aud convenience uf nd’iaen’^ere has beah pro-}


Leavae Cincinnati un Wedneaday, 1


l*eave© Cincinnati oO Thoreday. I


L.eAvc.i Oinctnuatl on Friday. '

Ci.SCINaSATi, Capt. H. RouRTi,J.'^ave© Cincinnati on Saturday.


Leave# Clnctrnatl . u Sunday.|

F,rT3uoHGU,C4pt. Hra:i Cvmpmell,Laavc© Cinclnnaii on Monday.

M^aSSENuEll Non, Capt. Joii.n ELiRerELTCB,Leave© Cluctuuail on Tuea^tay. dl 1 ddm


LOUISVILLE aud SAINT LOUIS., ou and after the l»t of Feb-

.rof^. Rb ARY next, a rejuiar Daily ro#to||toy|^,

carrying the U. .S. Mail,


will ruu t’oiwoen LoulavlUe a^J St. Louis, leaving Lou-I

l«vtllrt, as follow©:PlEK. t‘©rt. W. F. Fuller M ’Oday, Id o’clock.TKiJCGilAPlI, J. Tucker Tuesday,GKN. PICS, 1. U.Joncj Wnluee«toy,


W B CLU'ToK, li. I. Spotu TburM.lay>


FASlIluN, Z. M. Sberley Friday, «


LiDY PIKB, J. Retaelln, Saturday, **


LADY FHANCLIN, W. 8. D. Megowan, Sunday, «


Tbe Bt(*amerH of this line are of tbe first clan©, com-

bbl© old Bourbon Whisky to, sale by Bnar.ii p- ??* Bu-^klus u-

VV m*l VND’W BUCHANAN k t;o. 5??aT m‘*©«»’ pegged Muroco aa iGoai8oo»a; chlldren’a Patent Lea<b. r Lack#; muaa#’ ptola|.^Afl.\lBRV lasplcaaeaia.^ l >**7#d Moroco’ Buout lai!ie.>3i;k i-#a«iny a»d Mi

D DW doseo Gram Scythe#; I Gaiter*; ladles’ aud ml©#e»* FoUah mitoea’ Br>>ase '***'

160 uo GrsM do; I Boo*©; lad* a’ Rtd supper© aod Tie#; Velvet .<lh»-


160 do acv.^ Snatn©scf Cnennallty: S-P Buoia; women’s Leather Bo©- ' I^ do <4raln Cvadlet; kln»; men’# extra sue Rip Brogans. i \20 do Hsy Forks; s

n©t# ar 4 C©4’* will c©«e.»; of tb© ^Hl10 do MauureForUi }

following varleil##- I

6 do Hay Rake»;I ^

e»<I boy#* Palmetto Hat©; a©n*«ao>l Pedal ! all


iOd do Hues, ©ome very fine;Straw Hats, meu's Canada Straw; men*© LeglU’in; lu- i

6 do Straw Knives; 1Strew, men'© nod boys’ Psnan© Hsu; men’s I f I'V

P 100 doxeo Gram Scythe#;160 uo GrsM do;160 do Bev*^ Snatn©scf Cneijnamy:^ do <4raln Cvsdlet;SO do Hsy Forks;10 do Mauure Fork*;6 do Hay Uake»;

100 do Hues, ©ome very fine;5 do Straw Knives;

300 do Scythe Stunea;h caeke Trace Cham©;6 do Ox and Log Chains;1 ca»k Firm Cbaioe;1 do Back and Breast Chain#,

300 doxen Curry Comb©;ICO do Mors-* Card#;90 do Shaw'g Sickieh;6 do Gran# do;3 d« Uo. A ZoJ'a Mill Saw., * M 8 f.«t;.do do Crosscut SaW't,9 do Ruwlend’s Mill Saw#, 6 to 8 feet;

9 Jo do Crosecut Saws, 6 to 9 feet;3 do do ru da;90 do Cow and Sheep Bells, aaeorted;id do saperior hhve > Shears;90 du 4, 6, and g quart Tea Rettles;

in 9&ure and for *ale very low byORMSBr k OWEN,

m91 CkD At the Cheap Tool Sior©, M4 Main st.

sviai Negro©* for ©a)©, er wtskiag te pnrchaaa, wo«uTmt u to their iBtete©! to are© a call. Hi# uA«*e ©ai do-pot la enaated am tho #a«t tide jt Becood, aetwoea Hahta»d Marh©t ©troete,*****‘‘>^ M. OAamutoN.

CASH FOR WOOLThe hUaeni mar%n pr*.L© paid for Waoi, wmMo

nawa»hea, byJAMAS •’MtHIRT, Wall

Cloths and <*!aied CTno.-. AN-pzastiN a fo., I

ABctltawr.. I

I >.a. Tb«tal*wiii b.' mot parrmottaT, Ik* d«.i*B


tala* to data .ol a coBr*m. Th* *ji.:. w.;« ,11 .*i,c|.for .0.1 ,r« w.u xi.-.ic-l b> th* w*. *m -rwl*.for .Oii^r. wta! X i.:.c.-l b> th* w*. *m -rwl*.

BY S, G. U&NRY Sc CO.Iu<m;6/raibl meU-loeile.l Uainnt Street PnitJiaz

JLott at .Tii«<iois.

ON Mi)ND\r A^'TARMh)N, M#; id, ai 3 w


iutk.we wilt ff»u, en tb * preiui'h* n—


4 Building Li '•» nor*,.#. roner of trs nmanl Pi:-

twntb tairt'-’!-, each 30f**^i jrtaOt by I Vi deep, to an

•J 30 Oonea fancy Unto Tbreod Hail Moae;40 du do Ceilua Half Base, bow Myk»ilot do bfuwu Cctwn Half Moee, •estoa# toun


30 4e brvswn Coi;.ia Ha;f Bueo, extra heavy;16 do faacy Mertau du da, strip’d, new my le;10 do Cotton xmd ceshwete fovteOa, do,10 do do de Horlao da, da# do;JO do do da Vlxuata d«*, da, da»

This la tho host seloeUoa at Bair Booo 1 ever heog* ••

Qeai’s m search uf Hall Mu»o wUl Jo w©U to call at ftlO

M#>a #;roet, ostherof ThirUmao HANSriMLIL

FRE^It Teae.~J0O ©sewrtod pe *kagee superior gaai-Uy Guepoweer, Tuueg Ilyeua, Impevlat, aad Blach

®n Flfieeuth 'ireet, each 31 feet froal by i received per late arrtvaie aaj tor «ate byro^ ta . _ m*h BDW. J. MARTIN k CM.

|iHE Ifeuveuly Receguittea, er aa Baruest |

I 166 dvep. ^

Ttrns af Na/e—One-tblrd tavh; V#Uac© lu I sad 9year©, with luier-'*!.

nl^idS BENRT k ax, Auctloneoru.

- ^ Mco Brvere bodily W‘jury, tbut thoro »* creat

Cl,i«* fissiff Rac -Tfieowaar. amt^

‘*M>I« *fiM. of th*;yLHJa#.-30.kkd. from Ulr taprlm. ,<w tai. b7~©Mi. Btad* an offer, uiaN*« Vork paper, a few O J. Rklu

#ay» taace, lo back her ogaiast on, otup aftoat I— tkird *t-, betwtaa m.iu ma riT*r.

ioraptart,.i»eh chOWoee ba. been trtset. b,j

"j. RRUUMl. Wat. H. Sobb, a welt-koois rtup b«Wer at p cota. prim* irmb Ric. fta aal*~br

Kew York. He fie‘.« $W/MU oa tba VaastK **. mn> j. brll.

Ammcn, • new rtiip bsult by biooelf: tbe ooil- UATC—120 baxm iS Tm-riou fur mi. b*

il# qt.aiblM« at h ktcb boa art yet boea tarted, — —.©e U. b. fro. Nesr York la brtt,brtb ofctp, to be loaded aad to tail to|fetber or -*"



i.lrr fc shretk.wiOao thirty days of each rtber. Tbe Sore- Sj©”*** #rtk..—


tali a*oorunout of Wardrobe

resCL af tbe b... «os buHt at Eort Bartaa, by“‘^aTSia

Ml. McKay, aad has prared herself the fastest oLtK Irdck Maior i.r roi.~

OAilisie ship ofisai, bsmI if tbe terau «e eloaed,it mil probaUy be one af the ©aert racrt tbeyrarld evar saw.

SIHJAA.—300 kkd. (roiD loir M pritu. lor .si* br w Wiii.l{rr, K*

J. MKI.U iJCW.fro, M»ml, mid St.* betwtas M.iu ud nr**- Uorri*

Ccriic.^iao Mc> RJU Cxtaoe tor taK by “ * *'

ml, J. BKUU J Ll.t, M-lObbi** J H. dln,sinii***M

Rick.—I* ras*. Pfloa: Irmli Rjc. Sat sale kj J. U.rdiu, tlaml, J. BRLL. M Hordlu, du

124) baxm it Tlo-Plow for tale b* f xiZtomr’ ****^7o**j-- _

J. BICLI- L l**t«r., Maxtill.

taurted alaoa (pMo. B« lu BI3) luf tal. br J JJ La.

M U.LRR fc SHRETK. w#rtka.—Altai orounmut of Wardrob. ^ DqoloiLdo

^•©*•»# ta ©lore aad for sale (price dll ^

^L****^. ^.a. ,13) hr |wl*| MILUta a SURavR. Mr, HarCTmft,4l«


— — H o. Aldrich, doLLE lAck M aur to* tal. by L M IlL, do

..MKIX, RuMNSoX, • Ctl. M'S-kutallu

S*»**“ '*•*" *“ “*'« “J *'* Mre Huttattal^l Lout.

Mfs anv t MAM,wr a. J M cGrudcT, i/wousboToU EDW, J. EARTIM a CO., t0t> Main .t- Copt Key, bLltun co

8 Gatewood, do

W 11*171©,

L V '^.Iman. KyROl orr, Hnr^mU a ilardm, Mea'le x<a

Mis# WtllHy #*UJ To.uerr MlbaRClich, ltdC Dudle>, TruuA iluk.^Na»hv«lle*4 ^ C*uip(>«*li| ll«.pktii*vlRMatclksm, doW C Harn i, 1#B Uuoo, doV bQ;:'f, Callf.UUST Beitley,J A dt,

O F Hurge, Warren c>B B.rcl©>, . gJ T Caldwell, doC Wa sou, i UuhurgDr MorrUuu k i, luMlee Bilacu©, N HavesA D 0o/> du

o’irrUik at very *uw pnerv.KOBINSON, WRIGHT, k CO.,


td91 96 Fonrtb ©l.,lea««v««it J#a6»n sod Jef*c<N"U.


I.| ,, l.eaYr# every Wednesday at 3 o’clock, P.

I M tor r rsnaik-rt tr.d '*'«*odford Landing.Ir^svee every Satunlay at 3 o’clock, F. M..

fvr Frankfurt, Urrguu, aod Muoday’© laardlng.I For passage only apply on board or to



I Regular Tri Ah eekly >ladlt©n hod Lruuieviii©ru(u«t.




Railroad,^•a ii^pleudld paaseogcr steamer MART STKPURNn I

•l»o uii the Hulls uf St<*auit>oaU and Sea Ve»#el«.

LADY FRANKLIN, W. 8.*D* Megowim, SuntUy. « > ami :^lHural discussion of tn©.ioeattoa,wwiu w# M^"i*-“’*“*V^*^’^*** exprv.# nouther Involc©

Tbe slfanierH of this linear© ol tbe flr*t clan*, com- Heaven.- by Rev. H. Haroaugh, Fishing IM©. <i«ai*s can ©ay ibe neai«#c andmande.1 sad uttlrwred by careful and rxpcrlvnced men, “«»* ^”®>«»FortabUCaneFt.hmgRa»-.everlnveni-wUh accoramudattoDs fur passenger© unnurpa.H»ed by any

1 vol* Price 76 ceoto, * ^ o©ro«r ef Main aad Talrl ©trt‘©U, aadhuatH in the Western waters. ‘*Th© author in this volume bae chosen a plenstiig

•l«gaoi eu«ortmea( uf ri»hiag Tack •Fur rrvijhl #r passage apply on board or to theme, one which will meet the ey© of the beroavtd f#.*.

*• hotter, at t u »-

Jib dtf C. BASHAM, Agant, » ‘l»rtll of joy. Tho fact of »oeh a recogolUua is ImjTm****•'** “•***‘y *•« au Com© iB,

Where plans of the cabins may b« seen auo ©tat©- ©rgued from Scripture, aod a great variety of coiuidera- *•** ^*» hu4 bay at

room© secured. i «»* In © cooclu«»lve and saUftoctory manner. A. D- MANsn*t*'*S.

‘•The author in this volume has chosen a oleasine ••©ortmeat uf ri»hiagTach© bbtoCluv©s h

theme, one which will meet th© ey© of the bereaved toki, wh*t Is h«Uer, at r a *-****


with a thrill of joy. Tho fact of •oeh a recogolUun is ImjH *•« to* Com© in, |h H B turrmaargued from Scripture, aod a great variety ofcuiuidera.l oos, aodtn a very coocludve aud satlrtactory manner A® ^ MANSn*L*'*S,



36 text# Premium Hvp© Mil: Mu>tard;16 dm grouad Popper;16 4o da Cmuaiaaa;16 4a do Cloeee;16 Jo do Glager;J« 4o Hopo Cay ^.do Pepper,a bUs Cloves lu ami for #ato by

?? . RDW. J, martin k OCX

cr! satuuuay packett uo*, god Id a cuacla>l.. and utlitaciarr —

-It woold b. w.u for tal who or. tuohlo* torwvU u ib^


xaHKfcf. Mi'i.f'-Hfr voiy-SL wa#!*«> END HEreETlNU



. Ki.htn* Tachle, Nu..V2, Tklrd 8tr**t, ucar Main, Loa

, an It will be iure to quicken their faith *--• ! -** gC« s^d soto-lcath- ^

CNl'B. ’rarm theu lauguld affection© tar things ai^-- . „ ^ i rf—

, The splendid passenger tte#mer TISHO- . Ifrunks for l^ee> #o and S3 lack bonnet beg lushto, new

MtNGO, Briscoe, master, will leave X'lt©- HeuveB, as* _ ^ 1 .

xurouiifr, I style; 98, lU, aud ft! ineb gem’s hlckunr striped andvilla for the at/ove aud all littermedlste lan*

“* Earnest aud RcrlpCueul la«|UiryI

plain, beet <tuallijr, all with heavy duik covers,the Ohio and Tenumeee river©, on SaiJr-’-

“• Aoooeof the Sainted Dead, by the Rev. U. Har- jl-*^*«*’ Bonnet Boxer, eingle aad doable.

I9ih of March, Saturday the *• baugh. 6(b edition. I vol. Price 76 centa. ITailcee, 16, IX 96, aad 39 inch, eottd leather,

1, aud flaiurday thojy,lj

“This Is not an crdiuary t»ook, to be Ba©ctly read and I'**Hto», Brussels, and Glased Leather, ao

landlugs oo the Ohio and Tenumeee river©, on Saiar** e 6th aod )9tb of March, Saturday the *>**


©dth of April, aud Saturday tho ^ i,freight or paeiuc- apply on uoanl or to

J_*} I. a. MOOKHKAlOllui , master, v**" ’®hv« for Madison every Tneeday,

|svlUe, Ky.,are now opeilmch large a»#ortatcct/>*

VL.xwro-iEv. >iui HEirtniAv #t 2o'z!ai^^a V*'. I Jain Donble>barr(‘l Shut Uans; i9*tnmKmw,.. uml.l*Thursday, and Saturday at 9o CauC., T?7.tlV7!7, “*:•

I urntufi, leave© MadiRou Immediately after the arrive

lain Doubie-harrcl Shut Guns; Gamebagu; Shot Belt*•wder Flanks; perenestou Caps: OoU’a and AHen’ •• Hi



thou thrown a»ide. It poaeeeee© sterling value. It# I *.

deeply Interesting them© due* not carry Its aotber Into I »Bchool Bags of rvery alee aad quality.ply interesting them© due* not carry lu anther into ^ oVl “ duality. I ™

region of Imactoattve fiction; oa the contrary, he I

cheap at 666, coracr of Main and Third eiroeta- I —7


uke# tbe lamp of truth with him to polot out each ©no- A. D. MAN8P1BLD-

of the cars, every M«U’lay, Wedne»day, and Friday|

volver#; Gun Luce#, R’Ue tUrrel©, #nd Guo laatcrlal©

I^NSVltLE A ilENDERHO!k. ceaelve step of ble re«earcne©, aud to show that the i^HEEkE.—A eupply of Weacern Beeerve Cb©e^The splendM packet stttamer FAWN, QoU|gfuund he tread© on le solid. Tar'ou© common error# I r©celve»l per mail-boat *tv 1 for »ale bv I


Pa«,enter© wlshlbg to take the railroad atMadlsunwI sod It sreally to tbelrtdvantagato take thlsllD©. d93

( NITEU kTATKk >1AIL.. morning LINB.


F • r^4U I^UJI IM I .

I The new and eK-gaai packet ©leanjerti


*tKN FHAN’KIoIN ......Johneon, maetei-hLaGRAPH McLeiiau, maetei


4riu leave reguiarly every morning at lu o’clock, A. M


arrytng the U. S. mat;.I d6 AOG448 k RrSSRLL. Agent©

i. a large invoice of ibi# dcilcluo© fruit, 1 will clo#*ihem out at a reduced price, eay 76 cenu per buttle,

uilh A. BOUIB, 6UThlrdet., near Mein.

ileoa large aa#urtment of flue Flsblog Tackle. Tht#, wit)hetr large ©tuck on band, make© the most compietea aarg©#t ©tuck that haa er u: been lu Jile city, which we toend ©eUtog at ©till lower lulce# than heretoiore.Rifle# made to order; repairing doae !a kow..

V*/ 400 dosen Eudgem k Son’i tine Fucket CuUrri;goo do WuKteubolm’a do do ds300 du flue Razor#, Wade k Butcher*© nnd ilodg

3.000 do airtsorted Packet Cutlery;9.000 gru»© do Table Cutltry;

Ueo a large stock of American and BugUth ivery TalOuUery, ©uiue extra flu©, new an-l bceutlful eiylerrlated Fork# aud Spoon#; In ©tore and fur #ale low lyml3 A. B. SBMFLK BHU.

The splendid packet stttamer


awn, QoU gronod he tread© on le solid. Tar'ou* common error#^ea||2^r croft, maeter, will <ooimence her regula happily aod ecrlptitrally refuted, aod the true grouad©

ip© cn Tuvs«la>, November Idth, leavin «f iha Salnu* bapplnee# clearly setf«nh **

ouulBVtlle every Tu<^sday aud Friday at 3 o*cluock, P. M.For frelvibt or paeeag© apply on board or toal« !. 2. MOORnRAD.



BETWEEM iroLahtliM©J^^iuiDlSVILLB k NASHVILLB.^^^"*«TATKSM AN U. G. Mcl'oiua©, master.

OHN SIMPSON oia P. McComae, mastar.

f*r«e6y/<noa. . , _For sale by MAXWKLL k CO., Li J6«w»vi Uiutor Shlru, aow style;mlH 461 Mam e«reeC. Plain Coitou do, aeaoitaj ©laea,

i_ J* ‘ ^ 6 ‘U’N© had euperb aeeortmoat ©r Ck *ff^XtHA^GE.—RAjOUOSlght onNewOfflean© wanted 'HHrtfr and iHawei©; at 696 Halo *tr©et. For #al© chran.Ij tma ij BDW. J. MARTIN k CO^ _mJ0 M AN.IritLD?

BAGtibaUHaaie— 3, »np«r eativutea end yellow^

waehe^l Ham© for sale tj Q ca»k« Should©?©;

r©fi.*iv«il per mail-boat and for »ul© byw. m aKHAEIrt.

L I.MK.M awl natal. Ml*kt Mlrta, atavt*4;JMunrt Uiulta Sklrta, MW iiTlta

>UN SIMesoH .J. r. accunuro, maat.r. XX wa*o*-i isaou rat *aia Cj- I > IBs cuks SkuDltan:ou* ol th.atav* *i>l*wlld «tain*M will ItaT. Lodi,.

; nUl JACOB KBLLBB. i" IM do nbb.d md«;

II*. rtVrtrr *111111^#% #t tl fJrlisrfe. t I a*. *III.. .Tory Tbunda> at II o’clock.

For frolght or pasta*, .ppl, oD ttoord or tu th.J22d#i^ * 0. BA3IIAM..]^AiDRO^*a tithes. — ZAO duxen Wsid^sronfV <4ra*« aud (jroln 8c>th**, prime (luallty, tor soleuwby A. B. 8RMFLK a BRO.,ml3 Cunier Malu aud Blxth etreeu. OHM3Br a OWBK.

M do cloat <!•;fr-OOO boased oDd yellow wa*h«d ****; Ibe *oxo bym» CUFTOS. ATCIN80N, a Ctl.

O rlT* POT oroaoror G«ta LaJsyoU.) (or Mlo low,


cloM coul(Smo.t, hym») BPtF. J. MABTIM E CO., tOOMalu st.

Bra M PY.—


ilTo B.IIO. dartOoh.'* MarSTlMtM*ipta* Cocuc roc stao fry


W. BORKHAHDT.ll'UOLRBAl.B A.tD RBTAIL F.MILT tiBOCBR,MtaW 417 Morkta Urota, ItaaiMtli. Ky. *>

STRAI.MBO HoMy. — I rook raiwTtor assUMdBoaoy rocolT*. yor BodSori aad tor stao ky


V- EA-k#—i axoeo FTtatoa a M*Tr1u>. Cairo

orMxl Tm*i rowdtas rKoicrt y.i wtal-iMS Mdmtat. by [w-rtf W. BC BKaARPT.

Mot UA t'rtfr..—i haaa Mwk. C«Bk. la aaoeo amirwjita.^ IroOSl W. BCBKHAaPT.

H EVaM.! Claan— 10,1W aacau. Cl«wro .Ba. ar-

ticle I, *wr. Md lor Ita. by

^WaLL4»W RiwiMs.—a I*w isMa .xu. s'g. Bwta-? low kroow* I. swr. Md tor tta. kymSO V. BCBEKAaBT.

SB , ou Mro a ItaSta

41 i do No. «irrtTrt pot memmot BoiFr. m Md lot tta. bywM SDV. J. EARTIM R OOb

Page 4: · 2015. 9. 12. · THELOUISVILLEDAILYJOURNAL. V(»LUMExxm. f«lWr4XABirTBUtlTKi •!«ruic^TtrK&Hm%DntL%on, 'w»KAo««AmAin>rtrrv•rmscn. VerlMiac\mitailr «rL— 17iiM



I D L E K ^ fl A k D W ^ R E .viii;; vtji:, harness, and trunk trimmings,

I- c. 131 . fpiaictly 133 Woc-d «t ), Plttabors, Pa.•r. h J li.«. , 1 ,. . , , T •!*•

• IK ..L uf F»c» *dJ• ^ ‘ 4ii4 Eaiactb iKMSfACMret Dr«c Balr«

Vir: >i— Htrincfc aad a»i^ mi wnMnni^ctmTmnf arlc—



oupberout or MedtcAtod OotDpuaody for preMfrlo^ttMtoBlbfy »oftenlofy and prumoung ih« groalh of tLt

halr« claniMtac the bead* and cortos dlM>aae«i of tbt:

•kiot and external coUy bnileeey Ate* The common col-eot of all who have need Barrx’e Trlcopberoos wbeth*er for the ImproToment and lOTlgoraUen of the hair orfor entpuocit, coU> braUee, Re., places It at the head ofall preparatwna intended for the like parpuees. Tbla UBO ilwcoKuldered aatertion* FiRurea aud tacts bear Uonu Tbe aalee average a million of bottles a year; thereoelpte* In cash* $100,000. This year the bastnose willexceed that amoonu Tbe number of orders which dallyarrive at the depot and manafactory, 137 Broadway, ad>dreesed to Professor Barry, eoclo^inx cash, and re<iairlnsImmediate attenUon, would scarcely be believer*. Tbewholesale demand Is from B^OOO to 3,000 botUee a day,probably eioeedlog that of all the other hair prepare*tiona cunjoloef. Tbe popularity of tbe article every*where and tbe liberal terma to dealers combine to in*crease Its sales with great tapldlty; aad ImprovementsIn Its composl Hon, made at conalderable expense, addto lU reputation as well as Intrinsic value.For sale wliulssale and retail at the depot and mann*

factory, 137 Broadwat, N* T., J. B. Wilder Is Co. and J,R. CoUtoii IL 0o«, Louisville, Ky«, and by tbe principalmercbantA and drugg su throughout tbe United Statesand Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain, andFrance. Bold in large beiUcs* Price *d6 cents*may Oddm*

NOnCE.1BATE this day aeeodaiel with me In the OAS-FIT*TiKO and PLCMBllca bnalneae Mr. WM.D*TUB*

MKR, and the boslneas will heteafter be earrled on nn»det the etyle and Arm of APPKRLT M TURNER.

Loolevllle, May », iSbS. WM. APPBRLT.F. 8. 1 would take thla opportanlty of retoming

thanks to my patrons and the public generally for theUhoral patronago conferred on me, and hope by the In*troducilun of my present partner, bU ablllllee andworkmanship, to merit a oontlnoance of their favor*may 11 dBm W* A.


Seothweet remer Jefferven and Second street#fdiiu erssort fo M, Stcveiu)*

Having recently refitted ani papered their SaloonsIn luagnlilcvnt style fer the voruun of lu guests,

tbe proprietors would return their acknowledgments tothe laiiles of LoulsvHU and vlclLUj for me liberal pat-ronage heretofore extended them, and respectfully so-licit a continuance of tbe same.N* H. Bel'n and Partict tuppllel as u -nal with Cakes,

Ice-Cream, Sberbet, Rc.Send your orders to DOWNING R BRO.,apnlO Corner of Jefferjon and Second sts.


LATB BF BXXTVCBV,^^aoLCSALB GR0CBRB*C0«MIA810M AMD FOR.V V wanllnu Merthanaa. Market etraatf asar Ir^sB,MaahvlUa, Pian.Me/«r fa—Meeara. Bprait, Lacan* R C*»*

Msaerv. Mew aad R Grabaoi. Ttl

Ntw and Fa«hianablr Daotiag leaden;Xew Pajuuger Irranaement.The most Expedillana CBd C'aMfartnhle Ranlc,

Hufnwnac Raif* Jtjffrum W** Wf. Thtrd aiW FewrfV

# .7tADA.nB ft. ORA.TT, tha celaCmaadTeacher ef ibandng (daughter of tha well,known M>us. Mallei), wtiuld reepactfully t»-form the citlsens of L^taellle aad vletatty that

siMr eae locatad ta thl» place and will apna her DancingAcw emy on Satnrday, April It, )S», at 4 o*cioch, F. H.Medame (I. Is prepared to teach all the neweot aad mastfashlon^le ball-room and parlor dancae receocly frompens. La Slclllenae* a beautiful now parlor dauco. winalso be lotroducal thla season. ’

MB. WM. MH.LEB, Prof. Of Muste and Dauctug. taengagad as Asslfttant TaacLar end Maalctaa.Pupils can enter the classes at any time during Ua

•asskiu. Toung Lwltaa* M.-sos, and Mwner«, frameo’clock, F. M., till dark. Geatlemeu* from? Oil •a’cioch,

Temu—$1§ per session of 34 Iass>itl4.

k^Fur >srtKalar«, inquire at tbs Merchaale* Roisl,Main street, and through the Phab^fle**.

InstrurtKtos will also ba given to rlmsrs la femaleseminaries ewl private resideaoes. aprBd3m


Whnipsdie mi.l Retail Dealer in

BOOTS AND SHOESJ091?i0l4 1il:(ELE).


PLrMBCRN ATD GAB-FITTRRS.Fifth au, between Main and Market,

UIUISVILLK, ET.A Fumps, Hydraulic Rams, Water Cioeats, Warm

und oold iBWierstou and SLower Baths, WashBasins, Gee-FIxtnres, Chundeliere, Ac., fixed orreps red.

Ad assortment of Sheet Lead and Lead Pipes, Brus»Cocha, Gus-rixturcsy Rc.« for sale on reasonabls terms •

k^All work put up will be warranted,may 1 1 dim

8ECTICN DOCKS.rillTR Smltblxad Bculon Dock Company, having pur-

X chased from the late Kentncky Dry I^k Companytheir Section Do> k.« and removed them to this place, arenow prepared to Duck all Steamboats or other watercraft on tran »nable termn ai.<l with dispatch. TheseDock* are tliucght to b«> superior to any ou the Westeri)uateia. the 0«»(upany bavo ingage*! of Mr.L. r. Folue asaupcrluieiident, he being In every rt^epect

qaalidt^ fur that Utlou.F* r further lnf« rmailon, we take the liberty of retrr-

rlog to tbe following gentl*'iueD« vlx: Capt. lt« ntly, Isie

of Bo**i(>iia; Uapt. Mathews, of tbe Lcxuigtcu; Capt.Broun, of the (ten. Lafayette; Capi. MoXli:, ot the Km*plre; Capt. ilMmee, of the I*rlaci>a; ( apt. I.'wthcrs, cf

tbe Natebex Nc. '2i Capt. I^aac June-, of tbe (t<'0. Plk*


Capt Tour, of St. Loalsi xud Capt. Jatuce M ;it£.>mer),

of Louisville.By order of the BoHTd of Managers.

WM. GORDON, Ctairman*Smlthlaiiii, Ky., Jan. S9, ISd3—P. S. Mr. I.. U. Foluvj will t.^!we contracts for bclldicg

FlulU of Steamers the timber on the Cumberland river

Is of very superior quality, ezul his wurkbiatsitlp shall

le equal tu any In the We..t.

Pe-wngers at all the rrjujar

... i:.. u.«r.[o« ir» u iroui luJ.uiM.Kll.'ilm>n roa.1, and will arrive in JeflersonelHe at i-jlo’cli^kP.M iteluri,lng,uwill leave JeRers-nvUle a!

i* rM. and w II. reach Fdluburg at 7 J^%.Utck P.

with the Accomaiodatlyn train^ **'*“* tneiice to lud.a.4apoUs* This

tralji el.l »u.p, f.,r tbe cunvenieuce or pa<.s-figer., stallsutlui.R aloog tbe |1dc, both goiii^ and reiuruing.B/U.e*e airangeraeuu the Ki„re^ tram f. rms adl-

» KnulUelowP, andRuthvme Rallr. ad trains* an l with .be early Axores-tram from Ma lison to In-iiaua;. s, wkieh VuaN7e. il!'***..ger. to take rhe Bellrfonia ne, lo^/ayeue, P*>ru. au<lTerre Ilant* r« S'U the aame day, fonni ;g by ui* latter acoDi.iiCtN - *ih stages to St. Louis.A « «*»• :ion is aim> u)a<lety tbe Accommodation train

with tu* aiieroooo train cn the Madison road, wherebypa-*'* r „ers a»r1vs In lodiahapolL. at 9 o'clock F. M


By ihe-e cocnectlous, travelers from any of the road,returning to Indlaoapolia, taking either of ih.* M»)i«noand Indianapolis trains to Rdjnbnrg. and the trains of thisroad fr-m thence, cun arrive In Jeffereonvllle or Loule-vlile 111 a few boors.OBSKBVE, that persons from Indianapolis and tbe

neljtitKirliaud. .< »e|| u .11 polnu ihl. .M., canJ« ji-rMioTUie .iht L>«ul.viil. .1.1 return bua. theMme Jnjr, luTtn* i.a haar. lu ih'iw clilc lor bn.!nca.

or picvurc.Kerri -lionH »i' pll'n* eooitantli th. etttn.

D- C« II. BoEDLKY) il.iKI SDiwrictcuJcnl.


^Mih sida Tiula •!.* 3 dears ^lauMARBLE AND STONE rOR SALE.RR STONE CO., whose yar ! and muchine wurk-


TIHB undersigned ueeoclated together under the firm

of StRRRTE h STEW ART on tbe 1st day of Aprilfor the purpose of trunsuctlng a WHO'KBALR WOOD-EN «'ARB boslneas* CIIAB. U. 8HRKVR,

WM* O. STEWART.Loutavtllc, May 1$, 1863.

BHREVE & STEWART,TR^nOLRSAt.B DKALRRS IN WOODRK WARM,Vt Willow Ware, Brushes* Blacking, Brooms, Mau,Tw1n«^ Ci>rduge,ltc., No. 45 Wall street, LouUvlUe, Ry.mlO

t»crr. My stock*.Wearing Apparel ana Fwmietape JBtf*f

D F. FBNNEBERa.lEOPBSSOK of the IaUu, (•rc-sk, tiebrew, Qenuao,Freuch, Italian, and SpAui.h auguages. Apply a:

. Scbnrier’s ufllce uu Wall strest, between Main and

I’UTTER, BHiil»Ili.Ab, a I’UP?,29 State strofet, Boston.

Cou^h$f Coldiy A$thain^ hrotukitUf Liver ComplciiUSpittino bloody lP\^iculfy of Breathingy Pam in

the &de end Mreuaf* PMpUetion of th* Hearty/ryfuengrt, Croupy Broken VontHutionysort Throaty ServoutDebihiyy and alldaresc* of Throaty BrrtMy and Lunpt.

Tbe meet cflectuul god apeedy cure knewn fer aayef tbe ubeve dlaeuaee it



Great Cure of Exekiel Thomas.Dr. B. Swathe—


eer Sir—Being for a length of timeulUlcted with a very violeoi cough* with pain lu tbe sideand breast, soreoee# of the lungs, sbortnee* of breath, lotis

of appetite, night sweats, he., 1 otade trial of variuuvremedies, which were recotumeuded highly In the papers,but gradually grew worse. The violence of my coughwas such that tbe blood nisbed profusely from my nostrilswhen the paroxysms of oougLlng came upon me; indeed,my whole system seemed prostrated, and tbe hour of my de-ps^nre teemed near at hand. At ibte time, >ou recom-mended the use of your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry,which immediately began to soothe, comfort, and allaythe violence of my cough, relieved the pain In my side,strengthened and healed my lungs* Re. I conttnuol tbense of It; hot now, thanks to God aiid to the efiect of yearCompound Simp of Wild Cherry, I am cured, and able topursue my dally labor* 1 tblukU an invaluable medicineIn coughs* colds, and dls<*eses of the lungs, and one that•bould be known to all attllcted. If persons would pur-chase the original and genuine article as prepared by you,and not taniper with the many spurious and worthlesspreparations which are attempted to be palmed oO on thereputation of yours, It might be the means of savingmany valuable lives. I freely offer this statement fur thebenefit of those who are saffierlug as 1 w a..

KEKKIKI. THOMAS,Cherry st*, three doort weet of Sebuyik:!! Second Etreet,


Tbe above certificate Is from a num well knewn by aUrge portion of our cltlsetu. Those who doubt the truthof It are invited to call and satisfy themselves thst It isanother voluntary, disinterested, and living witness tothe great virtues of Dr. Swavhe’s CoMPomp Sirupor WlL4> Ckxrrt.

vLjir LVPOiiriiRr cAimos.l:^ Remember, no preparstlua of Wild Cherry Is

geuulne sxcept the original article as prepared by Dr.Bwayne. See that his portrait is on tbe wrapper aroundeach bottle* mm yon obtain this Compound yon willnever know the real vlrtnea of the Wild Cherry.Prepared only by Dk. BWAYNE, at hu Laboratory* at

Mo* 4 North Seventh street, above Market, Philadelphia.For sale, wholesale and retail at proprietor’s prices, by

J. 8. MORKlb R Co., 441 Main st.

AtreUlljby M. AlklnR Co., Main street, near Eighth;B. Morsell, comer of Market and Fifth streets; M’Alllster,Market, betweenThlrd and Fourth; agenu fur LoUlsviUe.Also by B. F. Scribner, New Albany; Wm. F. Hughes,Madison; Wm* 7* Crutcher, Fraukfort, Ry*; J. M. OwenA Co*, Shsibyvilie. Cy.; John T. Junes, Shawneetewn;B. B. Hlnman, Cincinnati; Ua* Renuedy, New Orleans,lA.; and druggists and dealers In medlclnee everywhere.octSl wlRd

American House,BAKUVKH st K E f; T .... B08T 0 n,

n%' Li:\vis HicE.

RKBUII.T, enlarged, and elegatitly furnished* posses*slug all tire modern Impruvemeots and conveniences

tor the accumm««iatton of the traveling public*Boeton, Nov 33-Mily


IHATB this day as*>#daied w ith me, in the business ofWALKER'S CITT EXCHANGE, Mr. M. COMMER-

FORD. The eatald:^hmeol will pc coodoctad under tbesame name and style*Jan. 1,1863. W* H. WALKRfU

riUeC'M^ DJl4Fr\,C-BBT/FfrAFAv oF DBrvsiT,lad Licirrfil Hmcj kMsfei

AT LoWILsr BArRH.CaUectiaan ude aa all papte ed tha taiaB.


rorner of .Main and Adame sts., .7

marI9 diim*Large Stock of



CINCINNATI SILK nOUSE.'’ILLlAM P. DKVON, No<^. 4-H a'Ml 50 Pearl street.Importer an*l Dealer In Silk, Wh te Millinery, and

>Tnina **q| q|y

COPARTMKRftlllP.IX '^R have this da) formed e oopartaerMilp, under the7? vtyle and firm of BRANNON, TUATCUKR* k Me-ROBRRTB, for the purpose of transacting a (vRNRHALWHOLRSALK 8IIJC, DRESS GO(»DS* ani TAUIETT bo-slneas, and we renpecUally eollcU from the trade a shareof their patronage. B. T. BKANNON,


Jan. 1, 188S—dtfkwl No* 486, Main at*

I A^H advani-esen Tebarte,C'ettou, kc.,coDslgne*l’ to our frlen*!* lo Ph.iSdelphia, byv*i9 c rt. wKBU* Rowland, k CO.


Franklla Mavra, Bs^; W. U. Foacar* E*;., Ca*bi«rBatik J- Com=rrcv; M«-*»rv. J. E. M Bro.,J. M. Beebe, Morgaa. R. Ce., aaU R. D. BrUtaw *Co.

NB«P TgRA:Meaar**G* S* RoSbloa Jx Sea, Cur\:s, BeaJ>* MFver'ag,

Carpenter it Tenstiye* McCurdy, A^Jrch, aadcar.

FHILADRLFBIA:Meesrk W. B. NewtH...i k At>.l Grant it Stone.

WASHlN.«TiiN, B.C.;Me««m* Carcaraa k«. ulb My

LJ>>* house fr atrrmef years* would unaouaceta thepublic that It has undergone enieaslve impreva-

igl * menu ainl repalru, has been refurulebed la thehlghci^t >iyleef modem elegaace* aad is naw preparedIn all reepects fur the reeeption and convealeaea ofguesu.Tbe location ef this Houae Is ceetral acid command-

ing, being In the very heart of the city, upon the princi-pal street, eooMguous to *ach rai.road depot. Lake Brie,kc.* ami arTordlng tbe finest view *)f Bufla»u and the ad-)aceat country that can be had in the ci*y.

It will ever be the purpoM of the proprietor le pro-vide the comforu or a pleasant hum* in baba'f ef allwho may favor him w*th ihetr patronage. Ue tmtt*that the same grnevoelty which was accorded him aec>>.aman*!r: f tbe »team*rs London, Canaiia* May Flew-er* and Emy ire State may aUo be extended to him in hlanew vacation.eprtdgm H. VAX ALLRX*

CN A .>1CLKD t:OTTAG F. FU H !h ITt K K.

T HKsnbscriberswuaM respectfully Invite theattculioD

of those who are foriiUhlng to their new and beantiful

st) let*.

This Work Is net only beautiful but very linbatanttal enddurable, flnisbed In a great variety or shale** an<i color*,

highly ornamented with th«- gold ai;*! rich delicate tlntt-,

at'.d execut'Hl In a style and matioer superior to an* thing

of tbe kind that can be uhtaluM at any other ertaidUb-ment In the Wi*stem cltlr*.-*.

Th'>se who are about ijrnULlng cither Steamboat,public or private bouset>, a til find It an ol>Ject to call andexamine the above before pnrcha«lLg.

Full sets from $i0 tu $iu>.BURLclT k LTFORD*

oath aide, bet* Sycamore and brualway,Cincinnati, Ohio.


• A I L O R 8 ,479 Main aireel.

We are DOW receiving onr Sp* lug an«i Summersupply for 1**63, »>eierted by Mr. Oliver lu pers«n,with great care, in tbe Eaet*'m marketn (au>l, as^fc v. e arc extrem**!y deMirou;^ not oDly of culllvatlng

bat porpeiuat'ag an arqualntance with the cttlxeus ofLooUvlUe an*l tne surroun*tlDg country), will sell onrstock at greatly re>lnccd price* from what such goodshave heretofore been offered for In this market, for caehor on time to prompt ruatomer.* (payable »eml. annually).Oar stock embracet. C'l/iril.S, (^\S.SIM1:RES, and VKST-ING'^, of all gra*ies aud every nbadeo color, a4aplM tospring and nuuimrr wear, DrlUlngs, Bhallle^* Marseilles,811k, k-., in fact everything ueoally kept by .MerchantTailors, all of which will be iua«1e up to order in a -tylenot to be surpas-e*] hev or In any of the Kaatern cP'^a,Our C<iat department Is under the exclusive supervU-

ton of Meesrs. OLivxR k Ctmiv, onr Pantaloon* andVests are cut by Mr. GASXii.1., and we don’t think anyof Us can be exceiitnl in our tue*

Call and see us In person or forward your orders.Thankful for the patronage received since onr com-

mencement In buslneer, we will strive to merit Its cou-tlutiance*

IT** e have received two Pattern Coats direct fromWoo*lman, of Pstls, to which they call tbe attention ofthe fashleuables.^9 OLIVER k CIPHN, 479 Main st.

KO. 535 MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE BANK OF KENTUCKY,Q 0—1 tar M < ft tartr .n sunafutar*, tk. *dj bom ^jMidtd uurtinaot of ‘

Vm Vm Rich and Elegant Fnmitnre,' 1 ’ ' 1 • Of WUI.1* *. «»l— .a* PMienu, t. I. la *07 mi. MUblUhnwot ta tka Wm. »« fraatl, rtauata pitca., aotaMlac af fall aai! coaw>laU rru at

ROSEWOOD, UjtHOGASY, WJLSVT, AKD CHERRY FCRMTCRE,lit* Cktirt, CUrki, Ipriig tid Sknrk laurmri, L**kinf-Gltitri, le.,

Wkiak, la aatat of aHoatadara, 4a.Ua, aad U. Bal.b, .111 eoBvara with tlmlUr aniclea masaUaorad In anrpan eC iBe CbIww.

CABINET-MAKERS’ MATERIALS,•aefc a. IUkacao< aad KmmoM Kiaak. V.aeM., tofa Sprtiua, Ba'.r B.aUBc,, Looking.GUm Platm, Cnrladair. Glua, VaniUk, gkc*u fer saie ai rsiacsi pneae. g^


THB uudenlgoed have associated as partners, underthe same of GILL, 8M ITH, k OOa, for the sale of

Bell Mountain COAL aud Wheeling MenufhetoredGoods. We also tnteud doing a Geueral Forwarding andCemmiasloD businees. Our principal House Is at No. 38Wall rtreet, and will be fully epeoNd tor business on thelet of February next. JOHN W. GILL,

R. M’a CRITTENDEN,LoulsnUe, Jan.6, 1863. DAVID J. SMITH.


WriPKt. BR»rHAH*.r,*<inWAKl>IilG AMO cujmio, ok .tKCHk.STS,V earuiw Ma a aad (gu.ncy *r- * •, wh ,u»,Va.

Third st.

Jyiu dtf


THB copartnership b«rewfore existing under the style

of James low k CO. is thU day dleeolvad by mu-tual C4>naei*t. Klther party U anthorlxed to use theoame of the firm tn liquidation. The books of the con-cern will remain in the bauae In which they have beendoing buelnase. JAMES LOW,

JOS. T. TOMPKJNfi.LoulsvUla, Oct. 18, 1863. o30

WANTED,SkO (w wY **”' therm hamk or kkm-

TCCET STUCK at the highest sMirket

ml6 dtf CkD HlTl'HINGS k CO., 467 Main su


IRAVE *e«ured the exclusive right to manufacturesaid Mill In Xentucky and T«an*<e»re. This M>U has

edvar*is<es which most br*Dg It lab: general use. 81m.pie In tu -roLktnictloo* durable, T>. t llabla la get out ofri pair, ami easily kt art >1 lo any power. Every Grist-Ml'l •D*>uM hAT*‘ Oil** wf item* I ais*> saaufactareHtSD-MlI.I i. S"^ ;!^l«Vkry i*ml>v can prwvMe luetfwwr c">aa h* i !;. |i: five to tea minutes’ time.

.'.I. r*. .M ; *v 'aou.and wCheniTtsitlaaLon-..1 to call and sea the Mill in

•k,er k :,a si ; ak* d’<* F-‘>t.^lvry, Ma'n : treet, between

AGUE AND FEVER. OK CHILLS Aj\D FEVEKCured by Smith’s Tonic Syrup.

Stovt, GrmU. C..f>ptr, TU, Skrtt-lm,'H-Umf- W ire .Itawrjetnrf re,

A3ft Xarthweet Corner Wotn aad Third ftii

LiHl Yll.LE, XT.

IV caPIng tha atteattan or doa.ors ta uur 4^na .*» 1

markot wo would »«ate that durhiu tha *

montha anr attentwn ba* um *rec.«d to xri .

large number <^f oe.v *v^vo a..*; ara;- , a«^—m*ak led to our already .arxe stuoa, Civ#« u f .

muat extenaive and drsirabl- a wnui ni, a - «r-t-market. Amuug ih*;’ aum^r wa WM-«id — *r .>

-*A*h;anJ Xentnchian’* C^>va^

Taase idav*-* have greuc welgiK of m«u<« • v ;

•^1* end ei eaant m appearaace. Tb*y cmodern impruviuvii.* .hat kr*. ha 1

.eloped.Wew..uM avtt«.)«a:or* tta

i *« »• 9 * *1^5 •

ee> Ve«, ao>l w« toing . t, (| * t he., h y •

Ua.r U4 va'— go. *uf u* -%i>r:ri4meat, wo can prompt.* m^ A! . .eukoitaj-A Tbaasfii 1

the patronooe wc.t-h t eab-eu wih*u<i.j e.*..we! >

we tru*t by wCficiami prompt at* >*ht on m s.eeure a conrnoance **f r**u 1 >r>e ouriuoofacture** work ka*l h« as itar- -.^aai if uoklior bt the best, an.1 MotUiortl**’: given in aii emas.»!• w klXAi a, i-'7ki*40W, » 4' >.

l!*e, kc., therefore, loieoded for any>1* er prAHiucc. kc** off this road, will beMlcr its dellv*>ry At JeoVrsoovIlla* at antipper of oiJy ene and one half cert per

D. C. BO&DLBT,[D, T, k rj Gen’l Sup’l.

Tbe proErtabsr «f this )MaUy oalebrmted IfadttchM claims for tt a enperlomy over all ocher retnodlee ever offerodTlcdm public tor the am%, ewrtate, epeadg, and permanent cm of uU forms whatever of Ague and Fever or ChlUe

mm; Fever, wi^tikoret ehaw er tong smart ing, and tn no cnee u ill it faUtooureU tha dlrocuous are ecricUy followudand cumod oui.mie rmnii) has hnu nWvety uaoi: ihroughout the Bcatas of Kentucky, Toubfweo* Ohio, ladtanu, Feunsylvu-

am, m TiUnu i Iowa, wm eousin , llUnol^* hiaaourt* Teuna, Arkaneas. Aiaouma, M!<k:t.eipp', and Louisiana, and hasp yrMi^ns g «arod ovur halt a miid. on of cuem, lu an its vanod forms, manv of which bad boon of from onetrttroe rnMU’ mundma* nnd had restaced ^ the u«> vst remoii*- hiwwa la the country, and lo »o cu«*« did this madl-' *

'.* iks luvarta-le eBOoeo.'. that a large number of reapoct-

•entry ua# and tdcacrlbc t*. in preforeuoe to qulnlno and all

that H Is only certain tn as a tunic* hut* baint 4'ompoaed entirely of vegoCaMe” - ^ r«<*—, abwr..A> be giv^n to remalea. Infants, and all persons

: iw.. Ieh»l r ar whar>*v r- of srr ui.p>a*ant * fioct.' I

* d qua i-r. ar-1 l^ a'way* made by the proprietor In:

’ n t '1

- Si be .r tt.many tmtics now flooding the Weaterut; iiisr. r aU ne 1- rendered great. y super. or to the remedies usually preparad

'alitieh. it te rendered emlnooUy eoperlot"ttateve wutrf Tunics are proper to be ad-

• be public geuerally to g;ve U but a fait-»-f r« u.e*'*<^ Luu in use for the purpose*

i'erar, or LiMooB Fevors wocaddo well

r . ef* :fi aios of Its «alue* given by persons who bavo usod It,r*e‘-. . L. If coauiry* a* wei. a# rixdu many respociahle prao•«Der. au«7.tl05! ‘(s valcv*

JOHN J. SMITH. Froprietnr.mar 10 dkwta

corARTN KRhHlP.’T7HX undersigned, having purchaaod from Mr. Jos* T.

X Tompkins hU interest In the stock of goods belong-ing to the firm of JAMES LOW kOO*, will continue tbeWBOIJLSALX DRY GOODS boslnees et the same standand under the same nm. JAMR8 Low,


Louisville*, Ocui^ IS* 188ft. ^

IlVDKAL'LK For.kPKRY,Sortheaei comer 0/ Ffoyd and H'aahint/ion $treet$y

LUClSVlLI.k.* K V.rpUK subscribers are now luakiug M ill CsAtlngs andX Machinery rrom new ftaitercs got up In the mustmodem and approvetl style. Also, totacc'i, lanl, tlinU-r,

and mltl hertms, Iron Railing, F>ri.iug an«l LutingFiimpA of vailuus sixe* sml kind-, caMt Iruo Screw Pipesof {* 1, 1^* 14. if. 3, 34, snd 3 Inm diameter, hockn an*!

Flauge Fipe tr*.m 3 mt-hes lo t>% luches In diametr-r,

lta:ir«>a>l Car AxU«, Car Wheelis and * IU« r ca-.ttn^'« lur

rallroadf*. Ibty are aim> tbe »*jie ii'air^fa tur**r-^ of

R*/)’s and I rmch’s lataat Hub Xorttcluc MaLhin-^ fur

wagon and can lags makera’ u«e, a*Qicn iua* tcru proDouiiced by competent Ju Igcs oue of the Hrt^aieet latur-

Mvlng machines ever invente*!. Orders fi«.m adiatan*..-,

with SAtlnfActury re^^rsnce-, or canb rcaiuuuce-, wii.


COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CANAL AND RAIL-road Ageai.^ and Bruk«-f* In Cotton, Tobacco, Pr*>-

.IstoD*, kc., Kov laud k Smith’ - Block, Loalsvllie, Ky,aag 13 d(f


/'o PhU'uidpm i and baltimore

IJ AVING be-*j aji . J f’M* ex' »u-ive .<• >;,a ih'«

were pr<»parlye tn variwu» paru «f the

COPARTXERftlilF.—The Dnderslgced entered In-

to copamtershlp, on the l*t Inst., under the style ofTERRY, OGLKSMT, k CX)., for tbe purpose ef transact-ing a WUOLESALB ORGCRRT and COMMISSION bnsl-neaa, and wUi occupy the old stand of W. leiry k Bro.


Dec* 16,1868— dtfkw4 AUSTIN (4LA6KBROOK.

W. BURKUARDT,BOLKSALK AND RKfAtL FAMILY GROCKRYand Tea Stcre, No. 117 Market et., LualsTllle, Ky.


Monroe stre.*:, betwewi lilev»? an«i Twelfth(One '*inar« below the LonUvUle Ptper-Mlli),


^H*'iiirn ihtlr ltiC**ru thauLs fu: the very llbe-

G 1 rat la'.rktuage h* reiotore tecetnd at their old^BL^^*^un<i on Main Ktreti, near NlntL, which wa»

-iroyrd by tiro some time slLce, 'orclDg themtj remove lo the aluve loraduii. lUvlDg purcha^-dgruOTid and erecicl a large and comsio’lluus brkkbullolng, they are eusbied te carry on *11 (lie differentdeparimeuU in their line of basliiees wiih increased fa-cility, snl are fully preptrtl to mvaafacture KiigDiesand Machinery fur Suamb 'ete, (irlM-SIHs, Saw'-Mli»s,Factories, and other u»i.>; Tire Kngin.e, (or city use;Saw Mawdrilla; (i'lmuilng Machlaes, f*-r Mill Saw>,Hemp Mschimrv, p'.cipt*. Sl anting, iUng*<rs Pulleys,Patlem*, k>'.; Forsiug ut all de»crlpilon*; hra*** Cast-ings and nolsbed Hra-i* M'.irk of all klD*iq fine Soft IronCasting, suitable t^rs-uall mavhlnery, sg well as Ca»t-Ings of the largest kind, embracing all Mnds of Maebtue-rr»We hope to sncceM hereafter In glvlnr as rcneral sst-

isfactloa a» we have fur the ia»t tltteen y* -r-*. onr )ai-terns are all of the be l atel must approre*! styles. Inaddition we have obtained tb** patterns 'uimerly st theJeffer'^oD Founder)’ (John Curry’s), and are can fttrulsbCastings to suit the w »rk mu*le at iLlt ei^tablbbmeatwithout iocurrlDg (he expense of m*k1n( pattciTM. Noextra charge male for casting off aby pattern we mayhave tu suit. al9 d3tn

New York,PhiUiielphig,


ChailMton* aodNew OrleftDii.


IS/* 1^100 lbs.

40* M 100 tH.

A'l fl lOulbs*u pr.-mpt dls-

-if... iu»e , T bai

, ’.:ath«-r* k>...

lArd 01, C-


IHAVE this dhy associated with me in tbe WBOLB-sale drug bdsmensmy ion, J. H. MoRTON MOR-

liliL Ihe same will be conducted as heretofore, at tbeobi siami, under the name and style of J* B. MORRIS kSON. J* 8. MORRIS.LouUviae, Jan. 1, 1663—J17 dkw

P4ialar a . <.<

clJ' •«*:;<' p.-actiaiKp*



D MAIL5IIALL has JoM irein the Ea-i, af-

• ter having complete*! his purcliaje.-. cf Calf-Ssin*«,

Moroccu, and Finding* of every variety. Hla stock Is of

the very best, having been seK'ct»*d l y b!m>eif truci the

;ar»tt stocks of Ka-tem lropi*rt*'rs. supplies are

mure expu^lve than any In the cUy, and lu point of qual-

ity equaled by none. Ue has Just rtt^elvcd and is nowopening—

too doten Lamolo French Calf-Skli:*, No. I;

60 do *lo do -Jo, No. 3;

60 de SllvrrMedalFrenchdo* N<>- 1;

60 do do do do Uo, No* 3;

100 do various hr’iids do do, N>. 1*

100 do Pbltadelpbla do, No. 1;

60 do do Elps, lar^e sUe*AlsO”—

60 doten Tampico Morocco, No. 1;

116 do do do. No. 3;

36 do Madras do. No. l;

26 do do (b>. No. 3*

30 do Rugileh Kid, all colors, Noe. 1 and 3,

20 do Curasu do, ck», Nos. 1 and 3;

60 do superior Tupping Skins, all colors;

100 do do Lltdugs, ilu.

Also* a large lot of Lasts, Soot-Trees, Kit, an-d Find*

lags uf every description and of the Lest quality.Also, a very large assortaicot of La-uugs, Galoons,

aiMl Trimmlng4«All ef which will be eoH on tbe moxt rcae*mable terms.Country merchants wouM do well to ca^l aud examloe

bis stock before purcha-lng elsewhere.KjTNo. 466 Mam ttreet, between Fourth and Fifth,

south side* s6

rOHDA A MORRIS.JF^'HOLBSALR GR4JCEM AMD w<C kLirv sign and Domestic Wtnea, Li.,

v.r*, a>Fear ! street, hviweeu Mainaa-i Wat <r.

K^^he higkMt prlco i fur fCanalfnmi’ots emtcitod.


T^HB undersignej eDte<red Into copartnership* on thelOth insu, under the style of STROTHER k KRN-

NBDT, for the purpese of canrlng on a WBoLBSALBFOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC LIUUOR business, and haveti^en the coiiioodtous warehouse irontlng 00 Fifth andBullitt streeta, a few doors below Mala*


I>R. A. J. TA.IDERftLlCF,Late Prof* op the Bcole Clikiciuk dc Melicihe

XT Fharmacie la Paris,^ iU> Having been yractlctag Madl-cine twenty-nine years past, begssave to auDuunce lo Ule friendsand the public generally that he

till contlDuee to devote his time aud attention to the al-levlatloo of human suffering by curing the following dls-aaees: Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Fits, Dropsy, Dyspepsia,Liver Complaints, Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism,Bcrofula, WbUa-SwelUugs, Diseases of the Skin, Ner-vous Affections, Fever and Ague, BUlousCompIaluts,kc.The success which Dr. V* has met with by Lis peculiar

mode of treating all kinds of disease has been astonish-ing, curlog the most desperate cases after repeated fail-ures of the most eminent prectlttouers lu the country.As a proof of the Doctor’s merits untried, be will under-take the cure of all patleots without charge, exceptingthe cost of the medicine, requiring au fee until after therestoration of their health, and the full satUfaetion tothe patient’s mind of the benefit conferred. Ihts Is tbeprinciple upon which Dr. VandersUoe Is governed la all

cases with his practice.Fersons affiieted with Corns, Bnnlons, kc., can have

them entirely removed and permanenily cured withoutpain. ThooemMlBof persons have been cured by Dr. V*and can bear testimony to bU wonderful success.Diseases of a peculiar character are guarazitled tebe re-

moved In a few days radically, without ofiensive or dele-terious medicine. Dr. V. being eminently eucoeesful lothis branch ef bis praaloe, paileins wooM save muchtime and money, to say nothing of anxiety of mind, byflviog him an early call. He warrants to ail, no matterbow aevere and long siaodlug it may have tmen, a thor-ough cure or no pay. Invalids! your true Interest u toapply to Dr. V. at once, who has the proper medicine tomeet all cases.Dr. Vanderrllce begs leave to say farther, that he has

with him remedies prepared in a sclenUfic and skillfulmanner under his own eye, to cure each and all diseasesIn which hU aueotton has been so lung directed, withfull directions how to use them; therefore, Invalids fromany section of tbe country, by addressing a letter post-paid, to the Doctor, i.taUng symptoms, etc., audencloeiuga fee, can have advice and medicine sent them.Females suffering with Irregularities, uervoutnees, de-

bility, etc., can be permanently cured by the treaimeutof Or. Vaudersllce. Ladies, let no ecruploe uor falsedelicacy hinder you from applying in proper person,when you can be so readily restored to bcel’*h*

l^’lbe Doctor may be found at his office, 101 Prestontreet, between Green and Walnut, from 7 to 13 A.M.,and from 3 to i P. M. Jan 36 dtf

Private otBce on Market, between Floyd and Brook.


HUTCHIICOS S CO..orricR aevRa from a.vd aftxu jsovemrcm 1

^ A. 71. ru 4 P- 4g ag

MMICF T*> KX^k' .ki \ rrtAVXLERft.J raib-^-id Jrom r’lnriuaufi, tlewe^

/(!)•'/, Wu-w/cf, .J.D'tinrr, (},, andi hicOitOy iil.y to PmiudeLphiay vui Penneyivu^Hid Jiiuruady from Pi/f*6ur^ f » Philadelphia.

Ibro’igh from C'.: un»ii to FhLaleIpbia hours.*1 *. rirvc. sDd to “ — u“ “ Flttsi.urg to “ ** 19 **

Being the shortest nnd q*:lckest rente from tbeGreat West tellie Atlantic eitiss.

Fsrr from Ctnciuaati to PhtUiLi’a, by rsilr«al, 615 60Fsreiruiu Ci*‘velaud *• *• 10 1F>Fsrv (rom Ms'»lllou IP qpFore (rom Fuixhurg •* 9 5uFare from Clnclauail to PbUadvlpbla(Cioctooatl

to riitsburt; by r.vamboai—ru«>s>« fit sztre) 11 00

|| STOKEe,)

« ' .' >'Ai’.M10USli!

L;>uistU1o, Kj.r.> vi^eu before making their purebs

bidkwaowtf^HR copartnership beretorore existing between Wm.X G. Stewart end Wm. Surkbardt, coder the firm ofWm. G. SiewankC*^., was, by mutual ioMuent, dissolvedm tbe 1st inau Wra. Burkbardt, havlug purchased tbeentire oooceni, U only authorised to receive all moneysdoe tbe ooDcom, and use the name of the firm in liqnl-dalioo. WM. G. STMWART,


WIG MANUTACTORT,Me. 96 FbwrfA ffreW, .VV. > > • f Ma

(TVS OLDEaT iT.vnu IN Locievimt;.NR'IH>LA8!3v1u*

as aiteRtloa ef hi* cos-

'Wly Invented VRNT1- j)kUK5 Vlatkhg diamgnD'^ 1

^ warrantitai ne« r\MDIH \ 'bTtak (those wbe have Tvora W;ge know thnt iBn

lA&L K.\NCE, Tbe undersigned. Laving purchased the interoat of Wm.6. Stewart, wui ooottnoe tbs bosinees, and aollclisaoonttnuatioo of patronage.


Tbe undersigned, In retiring frmn tbe late firm, re-toms bla grateful thanks is tbe patrone, and at the sametime recommends hie successor as to every respectworthy of the liberal patronage heretofore received,mar 9 WM. O. STEWART.

N elson a DAVIR, .TlmnniRctarera, !Tan.6i>nd41 Sixth street* Dearth# Court-Uuoee, keep on hand

an assiirunent of Dormant and Forubie Platform Senleaof ail fixes, weiehlng from 300 to 3,ftUft lbs, snltable ferwarebouses* relltng-mllls*fooiMjerlee* Iroa etoraa, kc..also Hopper eud Packlng-Cbeet Scales, for grist-mills;all cnostrocted on the most eclenilfic principles* combloing %lmpltclty and accuracy, and warraated equal If

aot -nperlur to all ethsr*. Thev are bnlMlng le order asnperlor slyte i»f Si ale for weigbiug Hay, Coal, and Cat-tle* Depot and Track Scales for Railmads; also PatentBalances for Mlds, Plactailsus Pock Honees , kc.* ail

warrsDi't! ete«lb4*ariox*,aatt at prices to stand oompettlott with any markst, tbs quality being considered.Ur er* p<ist-va1d promptly attecMltU to. A liberal die.

count allowed t . tb*'se woo purrhsae te sell, f 4 div

l^UTSBUkG KOUlt.P - th tbe Mi^ rnliig Kxpre-* sed Kveainf Kxprvs.e Trains

cuntKCt at F:tt»burg with Fetms) Ivanu d-i.iri^Ml to Phll-delpbla and Maiilmur^^makiog two *laliy Mipre-s old-arcUou* from CioclnnaM to Fnliaite4ph.a and Ha.tlmure

ts In one uiot wi«l net skrlbk at a«i>; besi lea they are aoOoee a reeemblance te nainre as lo Jety ieiecfiun. Andte vnable genUeaen to •«# tbe effe*.!, a .arge a-^on'oentla always kept for in!ipec*:oR. an. >oe b* . ap-proved of* saves tbe purtbaecr i**xb Urn# aad rroo'. •*, asthese elegant rpeclm l* if W .

.* caruoi be foun*. . ise-wbrre. AD<>, a fp«e»l!d as<*urrr!i-at if Ln!'*-’Half Wigs, Mrakls, aud Cur*« always on baud anate order at tbe «L . rivet nutuCombs* Brwsbee, Fsitnarery, «;i r«. and a ae-

•ertment of Fancy G*'ode*uf tbe Uies tmpunet «u,*ebefound at tbe ebo'*r esta^'.lshBirDt.

G. Nk'HOiU^ .X'K S6 F. urt(. ,t..Jeft between Main and MarKrt* L*^u Y.y*M. B. Fersone res;«llng at a dutance., and wish - r e

’orward orders for Wl2«* *mn taae tbe insm*ar- or ibstrT«ad«ia ibefuiluwingmannrnvh.vbw!:. g'iaranf) tbsma perfect fit), vint

let. Mresure ronad tbe bes*l* say from k* : . At ;r»*be- •3d. Measure from the loreaeni w rbe aape,lj II, .4 :r.3d. Measure frtmi enr *—— —rr •^TtbmT li ~ii t-i i« »4ih. Meesure fr<>m *art*eara«:rese<.rMituci*lltel3iu«vyAddrise asabove.

v!a PlitshorK.Tickets from Cincinnati to Ptuiailelpbta or Baltimore,

jy railr«»ed« can be purchaaed oi F. W’. Strad-r* ticketagent, Cincinnati. And by the Steam Packet Une to'Pitteboig, andUJ**nce by ra!!ros*J to Phlladetphla, frombe captains on board. And (rum Cl**veian*t via Cieve-aLd aud PUtsunrx rallruel au*l Ohio an*l Penasylvanlaralirooil, uf D. Horten, ticket agso., at the WwkleiOoQsv, Cleveland, O.Ob or about the mid Ue of FeLruary the road will be

opened from Crestline to Woostsr, ai.d time between


IHAVB this day associated with me Mr. J. V. SSCOTTand Mr. JaMRS MOOKB, and will continue the boel-

neee in the new bntldlug, Main street, between Kearthaad Firth, under tbe style af UEGAN, RSCOTT, kMOORE.Feb. I, 1863^ F. BEGAN.


IMPORTERS and Dealers In Wall-Paper, Loeklng-Glaases, OU and Water Color Paintings, Rogravings,

Artists’ Materials, Daguerreotype Stock, kc. Manufac-turers of Mirror, Portrait, and all other Fiamee, aadGilt Work in all tu branches*Mew Building Main, between Fourth and Fifth itreeu*f 3


IMPORTER, MANUFACTTRKR, ANI) I BALER INGuns, Pistols, Gun Materials, and FIssiDg Tackle,

reepectfnliy calls the atieutluo of merchauts. gunsmiths,and others to hts Urge sto k of fine and plaliduuble sodsingle barrel Shot Gnns, CoD’i, and Alien’, Revolvers,Ptvtols of all kinds. Game Bscs, Shot PoucIm, kc.; Ri-fle Barrels, Gun Locks, and Gon Materials *f all kinds.He has Just received a large lot of fine Fleming Tackle,which, together with hts former stock, makis bis sleekof Kisniug Tackle very complete* Alt of wilch he willsell very low at n^osl.C^Reiialrlsig done with neatncMS at: ’ dlstatcb*mar 31 dfim

PATENT METALLIC BURIAL CASES\I continue to manufacture and keep constantly uW band every site aud variety of finish of thl

Invaluahle article, now rapidly soperAodlug tbe use of

Wooden CoQlns wherever litiruductsl* on account of their

•uperlorlty lor dfpusltlDK la vsalte, (or protecting the

remains from the casualties inUdeut to ordinary Inter-

ments (a« their great strength prevents the earth fromcnisbiag them), aud the gratlflcatlun tt affords the friends

of the deceased In the reficclton that the remalnj arekept tugetb«*r in an Imperishable case* As we have re-

cently reduced our whuiesale prices, wears now oQerlag

favorable inducement* to undertakers throughout the

West* and reapoctruily solicit oriers (rem them.W. C. DAVIS k CO.,

Northeast corner Nlutb and Msia su*, ClDcIcnatl*

mar 23 dtf

4 FOR ftALE*• TWO VALTA BLE LOTS ou Main vtreM, one slt-


Dated on the north aide, between Nlatb andBLAI'k ftttus —plain arx! brooadr tiacasilks.a largeef tbeee goods* watch we are set. leg as »ow as

tbe* «au ba bought lu (be kty* bUd tovtas tbe purtieularatt Ptlou uf tbmt lu want of tbeee goods.Uilt EObIMbON. WRIGHT* k OO.

ClDclnnatt and Philateipbla rodmed te 34 boar*i.iVoficr.— lu case of ius»,the o mpany will huid them*

seivis respuoelble fur pereunal Losgaife onn , and fur acamount nut exceeding 610>‘* THOj. MmmK,

Paesengcr Agent, Philwleipbta.J. MK:»K1ME.\*

n® dly Pa#tf* Dcer Agent, Puubufg.

Im.m Tenth streets* 40 feet froai by 310 feet deep, withtwo-story frame dwelling (next adiotnlng Roach k

uD-*s(ouodery>; the other oa the thesontb sale of Main,tween Eleventh and Twelfth, 3d feet front by 3t6dorp.

Apply to DR. 0. D. BRDCR*one 8 *ttf Seventh at., near Market.

Fire lasaraiice.y- - ASBJUCAfc- HM IKSUSAjrCB 00.'»CT_ ^ ^kiLADELPHlA—Capital 66(10*006—10-

VOS Dwelling# and Fundtnre, btores, and™ ™—Mercbaudlscagatnat lorn and damage by FtrcLomm ptumpU) adjnete aad paid by

JOHN MnR, Ageot,•w Main at., near the Bank of Louisville.

Mumgee.—Juat rwcotved by vxprwe a beau-tifc; lut a^ uo colorai Bareges, l.*ciiidlAC every

Bde «r that dealrasie coUr, alee blue* plak* uraaga,>ta,wauo, mmd biack, ali of euperler ftuaaty, wLicb! wl: uaii at very lew pneea.

RGBIMSOM, WRIGHT* k 00.,ulS ad Feuftb eu, betwemi Murket and JeSersou.

FOR SALE.rriHR undersigned* wishing to cloeu hie bosinees,

1 wouMofferforswlehleCONaECnONtRT R8TAB-LISHMKNT on theeonkor of Flm anJ Jeffersoo streota,

together with tbe FuruUure, kc«, ta said hooess coaalet-

log In port as follows:

1 Cracker Machine,! Bread Wagon* Toale,Moulda,kc.,fur Bake-shup and Candy making; 7 doaea caae-eeut


T he fine of RAWSON, MACON, k 00. was dissolvedoa ihe 7ih lasu by the death of Mr. Obarles Uab-

LOW.The nnderslgnod, surviving parterv, have aasocUted

Ibemseives* and will oootlaue the H'lfOL£SAL£ GMO-CEtiy and COSdMlSSlOS buslneas, at tbe old stand,under tha style of RaWSOM k BACfiN.


EDWIN MOKiUS.1K;*’B0LBSALS OR('G«>ISt k BRALR-llN Ftlltr?,VV Olla, k4... Mo. 464 Mala street (otpuslve Kxch mg


Huta*;.bocweea Firth and 91xth ^uoe('** Lu,.. st ale. Ke.,lauew la reeelpl ef large adlUiocs ta hi« >! *rx*be odbre to dealers si tbe lowest mork-t :*e re-queets a ca|] tnm hla old frlemL. s»d .de *• i i- 4.*D-*si y.aux A) dkw

11115 UOAD being now cotupieto. It opens a v uaiuin-J. ulca«l*.n ketween Pliuturg so*l Phllailelphia* orPittsburg and Baluroure, by wblch freight fr^m the Westcan reach an Mstura market quicker and vueapvr thanby a*:i> i-f (be pn-sent rival ruul-s. They coonect withthe Daily P.tCKKTS AT PITTSBI RG, frum St. L-Jttl*,Louisville, Clocitmail, Wheeling, and all the differentpoints uu the

WESTERN WATERS;Also with tbe Cleveland aihl'borg Railroad and tbeOhio SD'l PennsyIvsoU Railru'vl at Putsburg.Cars run through between P.itsburg a^d Fhtlwlelpbia

without trambipujeat uf Freight, an advantage that canbe appreciated by oil shipper*.Id case 01 obstrcctioa •>( navlz.tluu byUeor low wa-

ter, freights wertwarl can be forwarded (r«>m PUL*borg 10Cincinnat:, or towns in the luterlur, by Rsdruad.RATffS OF FREIGHT BETWEEN PITTSBURG AND

PHILADELPHIA UR BALTIMORE.First f Ibss. U'mirr. Summer*

Bates. Bates,Dry 6oo(^ Books and Siotlonerv.'l per 100 lbs*Boots, Shoes, Hats ai*d Carpeting, f

Furs and Peltne^, Feathers, Saddle-|

ry, kc. J

fteceud f.lbta.Brown Sheetings and dniitiogs inX

bale-, Drus«, GIa-*»war^, Groceries, I

except Coffee, llsniwarf. Hollow > S^cta. M cts.W'are, Machinery, UH-clolb, Wwl, ]

kc. JTl ird Class.

Batter ta firkins sad keg-, Can<iie«,'i

Cotton [to winter], ijueensware, I ^TsUuw* Tub itc* lu ieat or manuloc-(^ ***•

tured [ea.-tward], kc., kc. )Fourth ( lass. !

Ba* on* Cult >a [In rummer], C*irT**e, i

Laid and Lora UUI ;.nro!uuJ, Pork, f _

fn-h, lu (ml carlua.l», at uwaer’s(

8® cts. 40 cts.


r. FISCHER & CO..flf OT WOULD respecirully Inform the citi es**;<HP'<Oixens and country dealers that they have mlukat ihctr stand, No* 4.'I Market street, beiweiu ^Fourth and Fifth, a splendid assoruaent of U4T3 audCAPS.We spare no pxlpt nor trouble to bring out a splendid,

Coe, aud ta^ty Hat of our own style and manufacture.We are flattering our.elve* that they will fed fast without tlrosi'Uie and Incessant praise or poems. We wishall to try oae of onr Hat>, Oa we warrant every fine flatfrom • >ttr firm. Our fureiraa la well-known as an excel-lent betKT. We have oU Land:For Infants—New* style of fsehlonable UaD, fur, wool,

and straw.For boys—Wool, fur, beaver, illk, different la quality*

style, aud price.Kuasutb, United States, soft, and business Hals of ev-

ery variety, vemllated gossamers, and broad-brim, fur,and brush Hats, for tbe country trade.Our stork of Mrsw Goods U c..mpletc, and will be

opea In a few days.Call and examine. marS dly

IMBt aXMCK 091 MEtiao&ft.tfte tlvas of Slavas, ta good hesdth and frft

from dlaslpasod taMta* tneurod oa favorahl*fu^. JAMBP B. TTLBR, Agoot• kodiaoa Ins. flo*

RF Moot faihtossaSie artkrtoa la Ike way of3CRXIMIING GuOtfSyCUiruiNG.UNOEBWRAR,are u» he Coaad la tke greaiest variety at

TAYLUB k ARMaTRoNG’S,Ift Fumuhtag Rfapurlam.4Hl Mata sL.


A W. B. UAHKIB, having removed from Painters’

s Depot, has located on Jefiennin street, east of andadjoining the Post-Odlce balldinx, tn the shop now occu-

pied by Brown k Bacon, House painter*, where he Is pre-

pared to execute Signs uf every style. Also Banner andOrtuuueuul Paluilng, Projecting Letters mode to order,

Alphabets and Marking Plates cut (plain and ornamental)

Board Line* fur lumbermen mode. The patruLSge of the

public Is respectfully sullclu-d.•4 dtf A. W. R. HAHBI8.


E AVI taken an Office on Market street, south tide, be-tween Brook and Floyd, where 1 may be consnlteid In

the Bomlng from 6 o’clock till 12, aud in the evenlogfron 3 o’clock till 8—between hours, and at any other|lm< at my residence, No. 101 Preston street.


poplar Table-* Saloon and 9uur Carpets, Ri*^i-, at>*l Mats;3 large gilt frame Lour.i*f G'uwm*#* Wlnrtvw SLaJee*O'ass Jor>» fvr Caa>tlr»; 3 So«ia Fount 3tan-1s,Co.-at<r De-canter** Il Jars Preserves, Cake aad CIgarCases. a latuf

Candy, 1 Bde. 13 wolaut Chairs, Dre-sinc Bureau, Car-pet Rug, Mantle Clock, A«tral Lamp, Wanirete, CwkiagStove, Bedatea'ls, kc.

A\‘iOy tbe unexpired Lease, with the prtvtlege of JekuT. Gray to him, of tbe Lot, situated iu the city of Loola-vlilc, at tke uonhwest comer ef Jrfiereou and First sts.

aim, Mr. Cox’* iatereat lu the house built hy him au•aid lot.

The above property will be sold che^ for caah.

janlS dtf A. VOLTZ.


The subecrlbers have this day associated Mr* 5. Z.

MARTIN With them tn the WBOLKBALR and RR-TAIL DRY GOODS buslnuM, and Ihe baalness will becontinued a* bervtofore, at the old stand, uoder the nameaad style of ROBI.VSOK, WRIGHT. kOO.Jan. 1, 1866—dtf ROBINSON k WRIGHT.

A CARD.Havlug reoenil) received tha •«-

MT'.SL eueurv of the Hauryoun rvw^ExlNSi RANt BCOMPaMY, 1 canuow mke addlUonai rleks tor

vhner merchaot* for whom I have horecofore been c«m-peiUd to deqllBe ou acoouut of already hanng as mo^a* I ccQld sAfel) take lu Uelr rcepectlve Detxhborkood*.The Harttord fire Insurance C<»aipany was chartered tu

181ft, has been ftolna a suoceosfsl bostueaa for over fortyveaia* has au auirapaired caah caplui ef $160^000, aud Isia all reepects ouc of the best lustttutlous ta N ew Eug-laod. JAMES R. TYLER, Agent,dtf 818 Halo at** near Bank of l40ulsvUla.


611 Mala eireel, Loulevlllo, Ky.

Bring bow la reev pt ef eur mg supplies, we ashsu exaizHaatiou (d aur -t**.k ^r im deo-vr* vuu'.og

uor nmrket, os we ere preparr<i so>l 4* ter ataed w .dfergreat iuducemenu lor cash ut upeu the usuot cre^t toreepofwlbit aud pvucius* meu.Orders by letter '•ho** Uove *be souse u a» tf

fiveu tu person* en.l particular auea-ff... la theproper pocklag aud prumpk shippii c of juedsAd klodeof Countrr Pr'sluc- uft-a > . ««rhAOee lor

Bauds *.r lu payvHeat of debt* a*. i* 'X *ikw

huwls uwd ftcurfs— Piaialarge MocU* at grraOy remcedRv>BiNSO%, WRIGHT, k Qo. MISCELLANEOUS


IN ooDsequenoe of the death of William Booot, hisinterest in the business or CAMPBELL, RUSSELL, k

iX>*, at ClnctnnaU* uituinaied on the 8<Hb ultimo*Tbe affairs of the late firm will be settled by the nn-

derslfued, surviving parmers, who will continue thetrausact'.on of a GENERAL, COMMISSION, PRODUCE,and Forwarding busloves on their own account, atNo. 8 Rost Front street, CMncl&natl, under the same styleof CAMPBELL, RUSSELL, k CO.


NCmCB.IN consequence of tbe death of Wra* Boggs, his Inter-est In the hustneas of Hogg* k Euseell terminated on

the 80ih oluThe affairs of the late fins will be settled by the under-

signed, surviving partner, who will continae the trail-

saettoD af a G'‘neral Cammlseloo and Forwarding busi-

nees and Steamboat Agency for his own account at the

old stand, Nua. i and 3 Strader’s Row, Fulton street* un-der the same style of Boggs k Russell.Nov. l, 188ft.—dtf J. CHA8. RUSSELL.


Hutchings & Co.,

A. D. Hunt & Co..

J. P. Curtis A Co.,Prom this date will be open^.d at 8 o’clock* K. M., andeluded at 4 o’clock P* M. mar 13 dtf CkD

EYERTBODT In the Wesiera states who with to pro-cure work* of a scientific aud Instrective nainre can

be supplied by srodtng their order* to F. BLT, the BlindFfarenologlti, Vine street, above Fourth, Clbcluoatt, O.Hie stock is a curiosity In tbe bosk line, every order ofbook* being found on his shelves. An hour or two »^)»ent

In his store le of peculiar bcuefit to kiraugws vlsUlngthe city, aad bis ability to dive Into one’s beervts by thetouch cf the fingers alone U enoegb lo oonvlnce themoet sceptical of the truth of Fhrenvlogy.may 11 dly


lat'c i.„('RA!«c e.^ TM HAli:80M IKSrEAMCBOOMPAJiT u*. too. iu. o*

ttoa. •( tb. .*•..LtacM aCend by ikii oompasj

•ta-in. AC Ample CAlh CpItA:.ftd. E.dDc.d rata, of ptamlcm.W- Liberal traratln. prtrllraray vlthont extra cbArg.**ta. CAlUurals nu. taken, elihw t>j tL* cap., 1MI>>

mu., or ov«rtao4 routa.^tOi. KotTom iDnirad, undor certAts rrairlcUow.Applltattau V1U b. prompt,, ectad cm.omoc Ko. da Kata nran, orar tk. Bank »t LonUrtlla.«• i.MBP B. TTIJiB. Axaoi.

^mu^ L'wACH M.*kU>'AC.?«><!• Thirl betw

Jvilefvuo*^ --9V!i.e, Ky.* whtfre A.*^af*

crlptloaorv hum to of«lvr awl :'>r -xee,

durability, and oieffaace of duish con*><H

any lu the city. Hurkaea ol .vUrity <

ihe beat materia.# ased and o*l work '*«n

da; far aale byCORNWALL R BRO. SOMERViCiLE & HARE.

Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron iCsTkers, andDealers in Stoves, Hollow and Tin W'are,

331 Mala atr^et, between Seventh and Eighth,LOUISVILLE, KY.

- WK are prepared to furnish Couctry Merchants57 with any article In onrllne, either wholeeale or re-

(WtaU. Wekeep coostaoiiy on hand a large assort-^uieni >.t stove*. Catlings, and Tin Wore, which

wv will sellos low Obany bouse In the city.We areprepartd to do SteauiboMt, Distillery, or House

Work lo the best *tyle, aud ou the most rea*u:iableterm*, and would most respectfully solicit a share of thepublic patronage. f -jg <]gni

ft. ft. MARK W.. DULAKir G. F. DOWNS.

P AMAftfbl.iU.—Re»wiva< tUto aay a sma.i lot af uewcyic Puraaak for sale low by

MARK, DULANEY, k DOWNS,mtf 471 Main strwet.

^painting and DECORATING STEAM-BOATS In tbe Q .1 style of Zinc TFa.Ie, warranted out

U change; also manufacture STAINED GLASS foi

Bteamboata, public huUdlcgs, churches, private dwell-

ing*, kc.COMPOSITION and GILDING of the latest style of or*

namecuAlso, the New Turk ntyle of BLOCK CUT LKTTRl

SIGNS c«u be furnished equal to the cvlebratfvl »*Ackc:

man.”A few specimen* of Stained Gla.>9 can be *een on Bn

lltt-trcct. In V. McKulghi'* butldlng, opposite Mes*Smith k Sbotwell’*.The long experience of the uixlerMgued In introduc.

these various *tyles of work ou the We-tern lake* amil

the cities of Buffhio, Kocbe^t'*r, and Cincinnati 1* a hui3-

clenl guarauty uf their capability tu tlh all i^oQ^ract- eo-

irusted U them. Call and examine aud l<*oru term*.l. C. MIU.KK k CO.*

JylSdif Bullitt it., LoutKvllle, Ki.

Chestnut Street Female Seminary,636 CHKSTNL'T ST., PHILADELPHIA.

Mart U BoxKXv, ) , ,

UABBiETTt A. UILLATE, }Principal..

T he Spring quarter of thl* lastltutlon will commencethe 16th April; ihe next acodeoilc year, Seutetnber

1, 1853.

This Seminary Is pleasantly situated In the upper partof Chestnut fetreet, a location oombtolog all the advan-tages uf the city, with comparative retirement from it*excUeueuu The hcu»e 1* commudlou* and pleasant,and Du expense ha* beou spared to moke Uaitracilveand homelike.While It i* the prli&ary design of this Institution to

secure to Its pupils a tburough HlucaUon lu all tbe varieddepartmenp* of Literature and Science, much aitemionis paid to Music, palntlMg, Penclltsg, and Cra>ou, to-gether with tbe Languages, etpecially the French. In aword, a c nstaot eflort Is made to unite solidity withpolish throughout tbe Intellectual structures.Pupil* from the Soath and West con remain to the

family duiing Tacatlon*, or spend a portion of it lutraveling with the principal*. Further particular* mavbe learned (rum circulara.


Mr*. Emma Willard, Troy, N. Tj Mrs. John H. Wil-lard, do.; Stephen W. Tay or, LL. D., Uamtlton, N. T.;Rev. A. D. Gillette, New York; Rev. R. Babcock, NewTork; Rev. R. Fuller, D. D., Balilmorc, ML; T. Fullvr,M. O., Beaufort, S. C.; Mon R. %t . Bamwe I, do.: II.iW.ard Malcolm, D. D., Lewl-bury, Pa.; H'*v H. A. Buanl-mtaU, D. D., Philadelphia; Rev CuXi. Wa^Uworth, d.i.:

Rev. G- Kemptoii, New Bruu-wlck, N. J., Hev.P. Ra..:-bau, Sav innalt, G.; Rev. K. l.athrop* .N. Y. CMy; Ben).Dayton, Kkq., St. LoQlo, Mo.; Hon. D. A. Turner, War-rentoD, N. C.; R. A. Exell, £eq , do.; Geo. L. D<>us!a-s,R*q.* LonlsvlUe, Ky. aprl4 oOu

McDermotts, mcgrain, a co..N»* 78 ForUTM bTUXKT*

•a Are eSerina lov *.«, at the .uwe-i eaaU price* %^•plvuind ata-^rmrui uf Co. klN>; aud MilanNGfl'^fOTRS, heavy aud duroBto pauer^ia, wartoua

and •uee. -• 17MXOlftOM IMSURAM E COMFARV,Madisok, tjID.

N. FOWILL, FrestdanLly'OTlCE.—Thesnbecrlbers have this day become part-

Xv ners 10 conduct a Wboleoale HARDWARE and CUT-LERT Store tn LeuiivUle, Ky., under the name of H. B.


V. O. OAETATb'O * CO..aVe. Mft y/atm tt„ Ysath Muf xv<niA. L^temUe- K



iu BraUki'-**», C •;-:.a*-.* oa - .

r. A*. H.



Baltimore, give their « x< ;u<*|ve eututUcof Tobacco, Flour, Grolu, Uaco.t, k.-.

Refer to the/olLiffiny gentlemen:0. C. #amtsou, E»q., Co*U. Bank BaltD. hpngg, E»q*, Oof-h. Merchenu* Bank

W.Alnatt* E»q., Co.'h. Muchaulc«’BaokMessrs. W’m. Woodward k

Hare, Plersuu, Iloil lay, k CoA. B. Davidson k HafrU

** Murdoch, Ducr, k i:%an<i“ Harvey Carrou. k MvEulght** Cole* H iward. k Co« K. Welb, HjwUdI, k C-o“ Rowland i Gr. a<< Gallagher k Ronaldf 18 d«i:.*

Dikgcroks.M. «. Bright,C> L. SLrewabmry,laom Boos,

•) David White*J. ft. Weyer.

ta T%e underslguad, navicg beefP^^arpottttad agent for the above<Z^^o.amed Institution, oulleiu the peMr tronoge of tbe cvmeiunUy In ttnmriiii. of the bu*1neos. Belaauthckp;.;ira*!ons for tnearanoe ect—.IV uua:> lor a terui or year* er (er life•;ta-<jar> and their Oargoea.


« lutand OeeveyaDc*.of k j d*-cr.;*»ivn* aud th*ii cuntai

u-oiar. l^ra.11 « r. Btr. «.|,near the Bauk ot Leutrvt

JA^f. E. TTLEB, Agent. k . r u. > Company for a.dil

ra.. .* t reference to made tc* -q., I r— I Mrraen’n lna*Co., W.kCB. F. Vk^rk ( v.,aad W. B. Bacon

GEO. C. FRANCISCUS,Freight Agrnt, Pltut/urg*

E. J. SNEEHER,Frvigbt Aueut, Fia.lwlelpbla.MAt>K.tW k K*N».\S,F.'i- d'it AlCeu*--, tkuumure.J. L. Ki.Liorr*A ;.',.So.7 W.*t N. .:oUT«iN*

Cljer*. N

^ A govo sappiy ai naraware wall

JP ler) ounetacUyoD band, and reoelvlng b) r 'I

direct importaOoUa from Europe and from Ameri-^3can manufacturea. For sate to merdtants aud tra-ders at a* low price* as at aay eetatllshment in theWest. )J18dtf) H. B. SHIELDS k CO.

"COPAKT«ERbHIP N0TICE7Wta ^ 1 have a^sociaiud with me In the >c-wt\'^bSADDLERT, UAKKBS8,and W? 1 i t.}

^HtRCNK tusinees R. B. tilThe pammaxe ot my former cue-

bNuers i» revpi cucUy solicited at tbe house of DEW ITTk Ml ES, o6l soath side Main street, between Secondo4 ^•lrl. JanftPdtr S. DEWITT.

Baltimore. REMOVAL.


remove*! Utelr W'arehoiise to Nc. Rain -treet,

corner of Fifth* and opposite the Northern Bank, tal:'-re

they hsv* a large and well-a^-vorted stuck of btilLBK,SHRET,ond BAR IRoN, of ihviruwn loanufsciure, almltiod to be tUu test ever made in tbe W'ent, and whichhey ate selling at reduced rau*.Order* ret>pectfuHv solicited.nW .Iff v. fl. fHI ?>*.

T his i* t*ruhunnccd by c*HU(*rteut Judgesone of the gr«*ate-t ;ator-<avliig uiacbines of tbe

a»i*. By It* use i>ne ordinary workman can murtloe a*miny he— m a '.sv a* etghi ur ten e>4ually skillful sue*without It. It murtle«><* an.1 hoc- « wood and Is also aaexcHient drill f r It/ht iron work. !t ts very Dmple anddura’>le* on-1 uut ti»ole w ^et eut of erder* Maoofoc-i .reil and for osle by

TBTI5 k BARBAHOn,mar 21 wftk'JSm* Ky.


COPARTNERfiECP.f l^’TK suUcriLer* bare thi» oay entered Into paneer-X »biptor ta* parpuoeof transacting a CENbRALAgency* and CXJUMISBION business, under the nam*•f WALLACE POPE kCG., and will occupy th» samestole, OB St.cottd street, near Main.



S' B bav- a .orge onsoftmeut or very haudeome Bat.-

lug paiteru* »oiiable for yards, cemeterlea* ais

loocles.tu which we call the atteatluuotf those lu wantRat. lug fur any of the above-named purpoeee. We

* pr«-t u-vl lo put U up at »h<.rt uatlce and ou the meeti uuaWv term.'. Onlrf^ from adt^taace with ^isfac*V TefereBces will re«-e1ve prompt aiieetlou.TETHk BARBAROrx* Hydraulic Fuxudery,

n 31 w3kd Ourucr WashtOtatoa and Floyd eta.

Wtsirm ItfsmerivEu I \D m\’E

Vinegar.- * ' TLfc irr.-t exit iij.i*e „ tbesp-

. J e*i Vinegar E^ul'lGLuivu* ^

il:''’lA l.‘. *UlK WEdT. J


Pittsbiirg.Cy*ordef> fT »ra Louisville will be promptly filled at>w»*i «uarket ( ru:t

sftOdlv Hf.l

THE GIRARD... li., *.iuin. ISD TftCST


' 'J CitaTtared Ic ISM.


1DAVR laft . rert'flcir igr 1| .hx'*.. of Ihe .lock tothe Leolevlile xhil Freoktari iioliruad Coiuptuy, .ul

Le\e M>utt.<t et Uie uOice ol raid Lolupeoy for e dopll*rate cerilBrate.

dim 8. B. GRATSON.


U 'R manufa>.:ure ami have alwsy* oa band Iron Forceonii Lift Pumpa uf the toa»t approved kinds, both

(or and wells of any depth. We warraat ourPump-' to periurm wei'.* and win retuud the money If

th^ (ail t«> give •atsractlon.m>l 7.1^1 TRVI5 U BARBABOri.

/> 1 !hnn any 9iherNEW ENGLAND HOTEL,J. P. rtUSS. Proprietor,

CLEVELAND, OHIO.n.7 0€*b Comer of Superior and Merwln streets.

Tbf above Coupany Lae a per-ta' A Lan^r. aul their capi-Uawug bv<eu !oug slDce paid

• c.ted Is unduubted ac-• - • : toil... inxiirod.

• - -••c:.-anuuaU), orqnar-od-Aed periodically to lusuraaccs

Rockwell, k co.J

*pcvitti With ir-.u !»* n.f ,» ciru> •»( ciu-t oey. H f r;.Ti t.i, ri'k ? late i.a^ ..i lo'i* (lur or river


tra’^i or r ta . 1 iui-«w/’feof nu'-' t Ha ir .od


Goto Cli.i* Di'si* »o N.-U V* r<.

I r.\NT FHt IGHI LINK.I «:' ;•«> . n:ra 1 r »r F. i igM ty . ur Fest Fr uh.

Liu-* »• .1 Bd.cai. rr* Pht a U-i.-uia. or N«-a- turk, at a^.ow roti*!, ffoai New i s.r«t en l low-r raictfr .m Ful.a-oelp' la tl.aii auy •>ih«‘r imc.

I'm Freight Llm, goods mu»i be disiiocllymaiS'd ••Fa*t Freight I.i..e.*»

IL^.N’o Paper Pa* kogs- •-’arrl*'il by Fo»! Frrl*.bt Line,ut 1 no Package charged It-ss tbau for oue hui*dredpounil.-.

Vj^Our Exure*,* Hue extend* to Bo«t <ri aoit .VewOriran-* (S»uth), Sa:m L*)ui. v At’*)- Kug.aiia, t.a.lXumio*ani A'i.-tra!ia.

Express for C uclunatl and tbi* Kot>t, MaiUon* IndU:^ap dis, T**r>e Haute, aud Salat Louis dally at I04 A. M.

Frat.kfurt aud Lexingtuu at i P. MADAMS k CO.8. A. JwNRS, Agent,

(7 664 Mala

Plano-Foites.Norsk k co. have removed

Third street to their large and beau-n M H Htlfol Piano Wareroumg* in love’s Block,N * * • * up talr^, formersUe ot the Fgurih StreetMethodist Church, where their friends and the public arecordially Invited to call and examliie their stock of in-strum«‘m«, ciLbraclog every variety of aiyle* and flnlah,and will always 1 e sold at tbe lowest Kottern prices.X^No. IU74 Fourth street, up stair*, <u X*ovty* block.33

(1853) SPHiNQ “ (1853A . G C» W D Y (' O .


^e. 439 Maiu street, Louisville,

£NVITE iht tatt'Utig '.if buyer.* t^ . i* .lir.^uallyUrge and compreteT*!»tvp a.-»ortmciit l>>dKlGN

*ui Domestic staple and fanct dkt gi.ods.0:ie of the member* uf tbe firm i** pern'aueuiiy luoa-

iod in the Ka-t, aud gives hl:i uudlvtded aurntlon tu thepurcLa^eor G*iou*.We are dally lu receipt of Gfjode, and our fscilitteft

are such that we keep uur »tock tuppiled w*lih the Jat**»taud choicest styles tu be hod In the Kosiern Hiark**l, audktprues that dtfy competdio.. weal uf the mouuialns.mar 8 w4k!tt

THOMAS SMIia*rXlTED^rAlfc- HtMPI WurehwuM Tkiru otrrei

[. I. A. J. riCLD.

CRAYCROFT dc FIELD,> EAL BhTATE BROKERS ANOGENKRAL AGENTS.\ tMIce comer Coon Place and Fifth *treet.mis dim *

tA^T IRU^ 64 HKU FlFEft*14* and 8 Inch diameter* a;way*“

' w rate*. These Pipe* art

. . ... water, or gAt, and* whereknown. **i.p«rac«le lead ani copper pipe, from their vope-r'.rdurablitty a* well as from the cheeper rate et whichthey are soM* ami bavo a great advantage over tbe urftl-

uary ca-«t iron pipe from the sapeiiiwtty ot the Jotuu audIhe ease and celerity with which they are laid down. Theattent! >0 of engineer- uf ralifoada is called to thesePlpCta from their peculiar fitnee* fur supplying their sta-

. 1-1,14*14, »l« - .on hami and for *ale al 1'

ibl“ fur rond-.i-!Miv stetaiUi•.t. i. * r taoieii of raic-H expU&al1ona,asd

' *•-.* CUD be La ! at the office of Uet, - iit »1d* of Main street, between*~na acrectot L»uts%*i:!e, Ky.

t'HAS. E. RKYNROTB, Agent.



Are ftele ftftCBta im tka I'nited ftiatat far—MuRprart’f superior Bleaching Powder;Victoria Mills Celebrated Wrltlog papers;BoeseU « Superior **

Geoeoee ** ** Pr’nttnf «Bawllos k Sons* Rogllsh Ttoeue **'

Cowan k Co.’s Sugiish and Scotch Writing de.They are also agent* (or the principal paper manufac-

UuPFBJt* TIN* AND SUhRT iHti.v MANNo. 432,Nurth Ma.r.

^as^entk- The ODilevdgnoil ud>r i*>

ratlae oae Of the .a.*g«;tat aad Ul. *1 .*.ta

^RFaeau that can he found at any .

rasteva ea«ntry« eampftoail, tn peri* f c

One caivcralad K.uheu Reotge* f'^r v u*t

EXCELLENT FAhM uo the Ohio river, toHunter’s Bottom, containing upwards of 300acres, upon which Is a lar^s orchard of tbe bestselected young apple tree*. TlUe indisputable.

Term* liberal. If not disposed of at private sale* It willbe disposed of at public sale, at the auction-room of S.Q. Henry k Co*, In the city of l-oolsvUle, on tbe 3d dayof May, 1863. Any Information in relation to the farmcan be bad of the underslgnod.

J. B. KINKKAD,alfidtf Sixth su, between Market and Jec^erp^)o.


C4ipt^SB£<LMft—nil piUd In.L2WU PciLi.ipe.ftecr*.iAry* R. HAVxixa, Presided 1

^ R.*ki* laktB on Merchandlsa la *C*#* 5*.,TOe. Warehouse#, Hotels, Ma. *

V^^Ckofsaence, ML*s, kc., against laaa or damag

Agettcy eOce, LoulsvlUe, Mato atreet. near the RankUmiMtlia. ei JAMES E. TTLRR, Agent.

PlpoH. Order* accompanied with oatislactory referenct

will te promptly atieoded to.

TEVl.i k SARBAROrX, Ryrtraallc Fouaftery,m 31 w3kd Comer Washington and Floyd *ta*



.bl* Bt. Jame*> fer isleOtmNWALI k NRO. T0B.1C4 0 %lHKWh. kc.

IT R ar« atanufactaring Tobaceo Screw* and Pr*eam>Vv also Laid* Timber, and Mill Screw#, all ef whichwe are prepared to furnish et short netiee aad oa rea-

sonable term**m 3l w3kd TBVtS k BARBAEOUX.

LOUISVILLE A!hD FRANKFURT RAILROAD.lia-Ptate, 41, for sale by

tj. seix. J. O. MATHERS,6t5 Main street, between Becund aud Third,

IS now In receipt uf s large pi^rtlou t-f hU SPRINGSTOCK, received directly from (be impurier* and

mauQtacturer!*. Ut* stock 1* uow the largest and mustrplendid ever befure brusglit tu the West, and be is de-lertuloed tu off r great ln>tucem*‘nts lu purebaser-^, andwould respcctiully oullclt a:l lu waul uf auy goods lu bis.Ine tu call and examine his stock befu'o making tbwlrpurchos**, os be 1* coDfidentof plea:.lug them tn both^oallty ao^^prlce. [mil] J* G. MATHKRS.

' ib^is ught roded Iraf Gauponderr.ved per steamer Return and for sale

G.tLLAOaKR k CO.,<^111! A Ruwtood*s block, Main sU,

above the Galt Uoaea.

A LARQ R and superior lot of Pomeruy aud Fitt>iburgCoal at wholesale or retail* Office, at the foot c'

Thlnl etret-i. [d3d] A. SOTKS.

luren in this oountry, aad offer for sale by far the mostextmsive and desiraUe vtock of Psp«r and Paper Mann-

Heutmg Saewesef ait ktUiU,6, 7, 6, tauu !u ^ ai'

8ft dttfereut store.

Parlor Sloves^alr-tiftht^ *>******** eaurfo

tern.liuntag, Huuk«y,aad Fraak*iii osuv^ kv.^tether with a large aaft hAodaakie aseurtme UA wt s ,

Ike toieal ead meet leskUaabU Rmmte WAtee* mamsli 1

taTw< plain.A1eo,a eemplete stare ef Tin, Uopper* and fikeeitve*

Ware, Japeaavd ami Fmalsaeu Wars, me.jftft D. k J. wrigAV a ; K

^|iWu r«;.' Tra:u> each dolly (huuday* exX cepted^ aj fsliuws. until funner uotio: Trains

will be governed by Frankfoit time, wklch to eightminute* taster than L>u!»vii!e time. Leave tbe Louis-ville depot at 6 o’clock, A. M.* end 3 o’clock, P. M., ib-p-piug for passenger* al UubJn’a, O’Bantuiti’s, Ciore’s,Lagrauxe, Jericho, Bmloence* Plex^urevllle, aad Beg-iad; arrive »t Fisukfort at 9:10 A.M. au4fi:4dp. M.Faa.emcers will change cars and go dirertlj on to Lex-Inkioo. FaNM-ugcr* Ly the uiorulng iratu br«akra»i aiLagran.te. Returning, leave Frankfort, on arrival wftrains from Lexiugtun, at ^o’cl ock, A M., and 3:16 p. M^and arrive In LouUviile at 11:60 A.M. and7;8uP. M.Passengers will be taken on aud s*-tuffat al. point* whenthe iraiu ueces^orlly stops for tbe mall. Poosenger* onmumlng tr»lti breakfast at Frankf.>rt*PoaMagrrs are particularly requested to procure Tick-

et* lu oil cases before taxing scab. In the cars. They

facturerv* Bsatertox* that can be fuand In this er any otherooontry.

They occupy the large and commodious warebousee*Nc. 11 Cliff street. No. 66 Cliff street, Ko. 64 Beekuan*4reei, and the Laidts ever the large Iron Stores, 7 and 8Cliff atreet.Their boslneas !i strictly wheleeale, and Writing Papers

are sold by the cane on*y.Their extraordiuary facllltiee enable them to offbr all

Goods, both Foreign and Doaicatic,at the lowest poealble

BLA.MC £T£( UTIUM BOOMS.r|7W0 large and well-bonnd EXECUTION BOOKSX Circuit Courts can be Lad on reasonable terms by s,*-

ItcatloD at this ufflee. mli dif

LOUISVILLELIBRARY AND READINO-ROOMBr|7HK Library and Readtof-Booms* en tbe west sMe of

X Fourth street* between Morkvl and Jetfersao, areopen every day (buuday excepted) from 4 o’ctock A. M.,until Ift e’clock, P. M.Term* uf subsciiptioo ft4 per annum* tke payment of

which entitle* tk«* subscriber to tke use ef beck Llbmryand Readlng-Buuia.

f Udtf

XBDRICk.—1 ftt boxen ground Cnffnn;

Ift 4u kxtmnt dag•ft caaea Table BaiuMf kenes lodigeg

DtlMCkTlC LIqnara.—160 u>:i Rect.fie! WLl«ky, white aad colored;Iftft bbls IX»me«tlc Brand);Iftft bhls do Sweet Wine;Iftft bHs do Gin;tft bLj New England Bum;6ft but* Peach Brand), pure;

la stor- aud for cal# low by dt#) U«d.toll monks fc zanone.

SITUATION WANTED.B t a yonng marrlod man frum the Hast, who has a

thoroogb knowledge of business—a altnatlun lo amercantile houss* Addreivsaprli^ MORTIMER, Poj«t-offlce.

8 F R I N G GOODS, 1853.WM. 11 . KaN’OLPFEL,

99 Wllllans .Street, New V# r ,

IMPORTER and Jobber In French, (Jer iian, KnglUh,and Dumestlc Gou*ls, fur Tailors and Clothiers, have

received, by late arrivals, a large and well aelvctcd•tuck ID—


OKKMAN, ENGLISH, AND FRENCU CUXTHS, ofall grades aud *iyi<*«.




THI.71>IINGftand oth'^r goods suitable fur the Clothing Trade, ou themuet tavt,rablctena*.Particular cash or oLurt-Ume buyers and all who study

their iateresu will coll aud exaiuiue Lis stuck beforepurchaslug elsewhero. jau 36 dly


nOLRBALB AN-f>RrrA!LD« iLRR5 niftlti.NB. LLoTD, Ubrarlan.Paper made to order any aue or weight. Liberal ad-

vances madeon cooeiffumecu of Paper, Paper Maker’sstuck, and other merchandue.Tbe highest market price paid lo cash fer all kinds of

^3’* June 16dlum

fta do riami Win#;S4 keefteto Champagne Wlan;Bft kanat Okecetow , C»eun, and Broma;ift 4e Otiron;16 Be Pine-Apple Ckeese;Bft 4e Bed# CracAera;6 oa>n* ft mn. Butter, and mlxm! Boaton maie CrasR-«ng

ftsee -nd fee sale ky [erttj W. Bl'RKBARDT.

Tbe Bttbscribera have in atore,

AKD cdTer fur sale at low prices—TIN PI.ATKS, COPPER, kc.

4,360 boxes Tin Plates, 4 X, best Chart oal brands:6Uft boxes Ruufitu Tin, 14X30;800 do extra slxe Tin;

100,OUO pounds Brawlers’ Copper, 10 to 100 pound sheeU;10*0UU do Cupper Bulla;6,000 do PlgTln;10,000 do Composition Sheathing NalU;

100 case* Sheathlug Cupi»er, 14 tu 80 ox.

CORDAGE.3,(XN) oolU MauUla Rope, ft thread to 6 Inch;1,600 do Tarred do, ft thread to 6 loch;500 do Bolt Rope, Speuyam, Marline, k600 do India Rupe.

SAIL DUCK.1,K<0 bolls Cotton Duck, Nue. 3 to 10;8b0 do do do, double width;100 bales Light Cotton;660 bulu superiur KuglUh Dock, 00 to ft;

6u bales Heavy and Light Ravens.

SAIL TWINE.100 bales and bbls Cotton and Hemp.

OAKUM.3,000 bales N'orthe.*i), onndseach.

BUNTING, INDIA BAt^GlNG.300 pieces* scarlet, blue, white, kc;100 bales ludla Bagging.

buNNT BAGS, WROUGHT SPIKES, BURLAPS.800 bales, 34 bntfa Gunny Bogs;6U> keft* Wrought Spikes* a!l sixes;10 bales Burlspi,, 40 tu 46 inch, for Coffae Bags, kc.

CHAINS AND ANCHORS.IMAdN) penurto Kugilfch proved Chain Cables, to 1 Inch60,00'i do Topsail Chains, foift to

300 Anchors, f^om 60 to 3,000 pounds.WHITE I RAD, PAINTS, kc.

8,000 kegs White Lead, Union” maoufactare. Ho. 1,extra and pore, In parkagex rum 36 to 600

C'tlGAkN! Cigar-!--1 would moat respectfully informy mf me cnscumer* and the putdlc genefally that I am

•vw in recstpc or a large aad w«-il-«siectod stock of Ci-gar*. Perwoa* la want of a good article wtll find ao dlt-flcuitg la seloctiag it frum thte asauruueot, a* they arewairantad equai If aot superior u any e * er offered Inthi* market, r ur sale by the l,0ftft or single box.

ALFRED BORIff,Whaleaale CualecUooer, Fruiterer, 8mc.«

ell 80 Third ou. near Main.

ff aad Dwmoeilc U'ia rs V'ue>* a*-.*

baceo, Blue Sture* ea rwunn* beiwe*>aetreeta, Lealsviito.


Comer of Fhiril and Jefirsm strasts,


,JCFF£RNON\ILLe RAILRO.ID'stock, to cumpl**te an ordi-r.

IIUTOIINGS k CO.,lD 457 Main »t.* near fifth.

E FBN'OLRTON pops, Attorney at Law, Lontsvllle,• Ky., will promptly and faithfully aUend to all busi-

ness entrufUd to his care*HetoaleoC:

DRCe AND FREM RIFTl**^ ftFOKK*Cararr ef Jejftrsam and Ptri: .Wrerf*. f Ky.

E. S. BINGG0LP will cuutlaue ;o give kto •nut 1

aucatioa to tk* bu»in«a»* onJ huffe*^ *ttle% ouea-aM ilea sail great ear« to Stori* aud eatoiu a -nar • almA pa6.ic favor.

Physician’* .aay relj so kavlaft the r ;*re:*.r‘vti o. - m-peuoded with accuracy* asat iies-. i»i uj-ipacin* at sil

bouro,#* iwwUlgivo kts aiuuitea mere ^ art; curnily lo

that hraack uf tk# kooluetaP*

Faml'.iae caa be »appi:ea wuk medlctnea «.>! ik* t-^i

quality, in qaaatiUee to Miit.

Baviag bveu encagoJ ia the re-^:' .trng Vosia—ta for •% <

last tea rears* 6o4k kare a»l la the eato* no f-eis % ' l-

d«a( that tkoa« who favur him w-th thrir pa<ruaaa-r - .a

kesaltofted w::k ••vvry arni.v i:. *ei , or hr nr*»» .*ar-p

T IIR BUiiscrlber wishes to sell the right to useJETER’S IMPROVED PLANING M 4CI11NE In the

city ot I.uuUviliu* and lu the Scalv ut IndUna. Fur pxr-ticularn apply to tbe subscriber, near Baiina Pust-uffice,

Jefferson cu., Ky**13.Uf QUINN MORT^N_^

. .uilssluner of Texao, with power to takeproof by depostUua and acknowledgment of deeds.

Office for the present In tbe CUenU Oenrt Clerk’s Of-fice. feb 10 dtfj^RkkH (eve Oyster#.—4 ttols fresh Cove Oysieo

. jiMM reoetvad from BalUmura end fur *ale low byMONK« k I6^' >Nk,

:u11 ** kaia* te wei a ii xih ta*»*l «ta.

ft 4u «• A. B»-iaiaai« do;ft ft# 4a re:>«uiaia de;ft 4a Be tftord, Oap«y, k Oft. Braa-’y;

Bft ffr Ae Bumooe Javita do,Ift da 4a ItoffreM k DapaiH 4o;I* de do Alex. 4e Mebtaxum da;Ift dv da PaDcvolvIft de;


4ftl Mala el., 3 daare east «f Fearth, aealk side,

, tta ^ iH>w tu receipt of and receiving direct frumNew Tork a large and general asoortment ot

aA Spring and rnnuuer Goods of superior quality,mIL cuffststlug of Clcfths and Caoslmeres of various

oolers; Plain ai^ Fancy Veatlogo; Blik*, 6tc. Also gen*ttomeiFs furouhlng goodo, such at Bhlrto, Drawers,Sock*, Cravats, kc., with a general aseorunent of ready-made clothing.C*?>Bleat of xlvlDg aatisfactlon, he will spare no pains

to merit a ouotinuanue of the patronage with which beLas been bltbeno favored. *14


3lS Market* between Thlnl aii l Fuunb stA.luOjOftft One Havana R^alia Cl-•a la Store aud fur aale bv

MONKS k ZAKONB. BEI.L* ROBINSON, A CO*rr^ UR >ufcscfftber<* )*avtng tke exela*!ve axene/ for ta*X above Caeev, wbKh *s tke xreaieet invem ea of tkesge fur tbe a.'ad, wuuUl coll tke atteattoa of the publicto thetr great superiority over tke cummuo W«wl Cvffianow lo use* fur eil o*a»«ios of th^* year* vauit purpuees*transpurtotlo-, beau'y, st)! of finish* and durability.They are nnrlvalei), and wherever lh«y have been latro-cocwl U haa bt en tu tbe total exeln»lua af a.l uiher cof-Hue; their coat being ou OK>re than guod flatohed woodeofOu** plao** them lu the reach af a.i.

In aiblltHMt to thooe elexaut Metalilc Uairti we keep eff.

hand oil kinds at Cloth-coeercd and

Ready-mad* Woodmt Cofflnta I

of every description and slxe. We are prepor«4 to at-|

tend fooer*l» aah eleeaut Glass aad Cummoa Hearses* ’

and famt»h aoy number of rarrtegvs. A<sa« Ready-made Srrootl'i* aoi] vvery athar vqu«pase lor toueraU.Particular auenifon paid t> preparing aad eacastng '

bodies for trau-puriatlnn. Ali telegraphic daspatchasfrom steam’' at»* rai!n>*<!*« aad froni tha surroun tag

country win be prwupt.y 04uulad to- I

N. B.—L. D. PearsuQ caa ta 6<a»l at oil Wars ef tha,

olfht at bU re-Meace over the warer.'om. mkift1

AkiLLA Rftpe —4Kft calls all slxae tor sale bymlftO R. T. CCRD k CO. BCACHINE AND JOBBING SHOP.

JO.CiMPRILL* H.U'Hl.MffT* Nu. 4I'i Main <;seet,

• between Flr»i Bmeo, is now oiaking macLtnlMa’TUais uf all 41 ada with at* 'supruvemeat*.Maaafactarer af S.i le oiai kUu>t Laih.ta* Ptonloa Ma-

ekldaa. Universal Chunks* On., Premss, ftanag M...«*Gearing aad dharuag ul otl dascripctoas-Alsu jab work* such aa Saw Moadriils* C mrr R* o>is,

Tapa aad Dies* Rat* hei aad Lavoe On.i drocaa* fo'«'waad Gear Catuag, ail 4ema la tka km* amaaer, at • ‘uwt


COMMISSION MKRUllANT* M ANUFACTUKKE ANDWbulefisie U«-aler In ev«*ry de-criptiuu of

A.MLKICAN iLYKUWAHii:..\a. ft Flati st.

.. ..

R% FUat kUdea.—3,ft00 lbs rocalval from llMoolxaad for sale by

lift D E. T. CURD k CO.New BooKa.

T.7SSAT3 and MhccUoulc*—Choice Cuttings frum tbeXL MauuvcrlptH uf Grace Aguilar, author ur toe Moth-er’s Hecompeuae* the Wuiueu of Israel, etc.* Bclected byher niutber* .''rah Aguilar.Summer Crul-o tn the Mediterranean, 00 hoard an

Ameiican Frigate* by N. P. Wlllin.Carlutina and tbe Baufedestl, or A Night with the

Je'Ulu at Hume, by KlmuuU F.rreu.'.The Mother and her Udsprlu,;* by BtophunTrary, M. D.Tbe Atturuey, or the C«>rrc»poodeucr of Juhit QuvmI—

new and revlaed edition, with lllu^tratluu-i.

The Life of Lady Jane Grey* by DavM w. Bartlett.The Oil Man’s orM-, by T. B. Arthur.Received and for sale by

M AXWELL kOO.*mtS 461 Main su, Al duur above Knth.

B LH.kirTk, Tabs, amd Braaaas.—•6ft <*oacti Shaker Bruuma;Iftft do faaev do:tW da paibtod Backeu, f aad 8 boop;60 aaoU do Taba;S8 dyfea do do. Max. 1, S, aad 8;

do da do Kaelan, Moft. I, 3, aad 8;19 A* raaad Map*;fti da Zlac Wasb-Boarda;80 da 8wa:tow Brout;

With Ulckary Braoms, Cedar Fancata, Eolliag-Flaa,Tar Coas, aud Woodoa Mowto; la s ora aad for sal* low.


POETRY of tbe Vegetable World, a popular expositionof the Science of Butanr and Its relations tu Man,

by M. J. Schleidea, M.D.« F^ofaseor of Aitany Ia theanlverstty of Jena.

Btetory of the Valley of the Mlseisoippt, by AdoIpLof

New York*Agent fur

also Kendall k Taylor’sUnluu ButtCu.’s Bans,

- bruwu k Brothers’ SheetBrass* Brass and Cepper Wire, Rivets, kc.; N. New-comb’s Smiths’ Bellows, kc.

THOMAS INirOLASa,ASA FARR, Jr., late of the

dI3 dly firm uf Child, Karr, k Co., .Su Ia>uls.

FAST FREIGHT LINE!to and from all Sut:tL< rn ouJ d'e»tsm cities aad townsvia Krle Railroad tu Dunkirk; thence by dr»t class steom-

iond and via C. k C. R. R. toM. Bart.’’ ' '

Received tkU day direct from tbe publishers byWEBB k LRVRRING,

mlO 631 Main street* 8 doors belsw ihird.

ers uu the ImUes tu CCmelnnail and Louisville or places on the Ohio river.

Ail Kuuds muat bo aiarke>l ^Am. Ex* Co., Fast FreightLlo«.”

T'ui» Company have facilities to erahle them to for-

war 1 goods to an>l fruoi LuulsvUle from ur (u any pointof the tutt-*-! Stole-. wlUi greater despatch and secarUy,aud at a.- low ro4i s oa any other responsible line, and at

LORUOk Ato nm4 Pwrtar aad acaXck Ato.—Ab-buto a Neff’s Pkftor, aase’s do, Bya*a»s «u, Barela),

P«rft4*a* k (W* do ahJ A a, aad M ulr k Ra*« yfflj


oa/* PoA* A.U, to piffle asid quoru* M «tov« ai>d i«r 00.4k* (mu catj sHoMPBoN k BThWARt.

Also oa hand* for <«ale* 3 ftauke* Braces* 1 Screw BonDrill Press I aad 1 Hand Lathe.M. B* Particular otieuaton pale .u ocr*-* oaw «*• *r . hV

tlaff. Worms oau Geafo Ikrafaaed tor»< a/:*. «imacktnery. mJB-urI 6ft0 lbs ChroBto Green;

4dft Ua CkroaM Teilow;fi,ft00 IU Red Uad;

8ft0 lU Parts Green;SftO lbs Turkey Umber, kc; for sale bv

Biav 10 dkw RUWIl


COSfUISSION MKRCHANT, Nu. 60 PoydrM »lre<^,Nta Orlemn!!.

Rf/fr (o—K.rtU J, Johiaon, k Oo., B«a«llct & Carter,and K. J. Martin & Co,

ADVAKCK3 made on cunaigniuenu tu Jamett 8. Ly-tle, New Urleaii., by

Jan looly guw. J. MARTIN & CO.

‘HAMt-AOKt:.> pitolaaaOquomall OkT

WAhhXJi THt>q.


Vf VlftlONft* aurth mdm HorXeL UtaewBrook. •

VEK% DkMR \!ILB RK^IDL.M R FOR BALR.t orrea for toie Ul* HiMJBR AND LOT Tam

^ r V ua tbe aorth skto ofva. . i -tf *.‘* betw*'«*o Third aad Fuurtk. Tke


u ;ua ;•> ult the purc haser,

i ..y«ah, u - ..«e trcto.sesyor to IanAM HK2I’•i^K *.>N, at thUoffi*.#.


^ RLAKCBard has Jaat received a fall and oom-Ma pteto aosunmeat of Masonic Regalia of all de-r**a. Tbooe lataadlag to participate ta ihe vanoas’‘irftratlone betw*-en this ahd 8i. John’s day woald dot; to ejtomlue this stock before paruhaslng.iiwlftDkr eigt; er ih*- Gnlden Rsod* 4ft7 Main st.

rUAH-IIOUNE .vlslustes.- - - — -4 y) l-bfo St Jsmv-, S:.Hernsrd, aud Battle Gruund refinerlt s in store a-.asaleby lmU| EDW. J. MARTIN k UO.SFAklMf C^eawr. — Ift gift foot kjiaatoh Cadar la

u, » aiH. itaT oa *• tvall OKI *> HOIfPftny A 8TKWART.

Tblid fettff^ CoAtffcUoO'sry, Fruit, andVftLtie.jr Latkb LfeblMOlkL,

ft* iHiao/ SI., aftovE MaiB.

1 1 N liarrris, kiIjT 300 Rtfiv Barrels, a'Surted and prime;

170 duscu Guu L«K'ks, be»i quAliiy;Aud a full assurimeut uf (iuu M >uuttDa;

Fur sale luw by [iul3J A. B. BKEPLK ^ BBO.

>OA(ft)0.—fifiO busax Kentucky and MUsoorl Tobacco;160 do W. A. Bdwards’s Virginia Tobacco;ftn do Piedmont do do*

so do T. C. 8. k A. Fergnsoo’s Ta. Tobacc<>;

80 do Boom k Fergnsou’e da do;

26 do Fluey Grove do do;86 do Yoacg k Borwell do <fo;

90 do Ruse Bod do du;

87 do B'. H. Bdwarde’s do do;

ttore atm tot sale by10 RAWSON k BACON.


queennwarp:, glass, < hi na* platedare, Table Cutlery, M Biters, kc.,

No. 534 Main stref-r, b**lweeti Third uad Fourth,u)lisville, ky.,

HaVB now on hand a lars** and well-Xbtoited xtock ofguud», cuusisting uf all the ortlcU-s In our line. Our

.luck wxb tmpurtt^d rr<-u> the test iuanufac;urers In Kog-and xnd France. The iLapei* and paUem> are of theaiesi styles and the guuds of the text quality. Countryuerebauth and uthers visiting our city would And tt totheir Interest to txaiLlne onr stock before purchasing.#30 dUku*3 CABdkDAT k BOPK1N8.

t. ta MAKM.:...W. H. W:itaNI£T...,U>. F. DOWNS.L''*^ Bry Ora*. w. k.ra raw mir Nra* Aui .r. tally rtc-irta. fro— Jow kayrr <«*«T T taiS hs Lt Nvft Yurg throughuftt the seaooa) a large

*t- -as-.yrifo« ,t«ca to Fancy aad fttapie Dry Good#,ve«* »na -.wi tp (.ffer our irtobda and tke patllctiy Si rhe aio-i reaFtmaLi* ai«d loweot price#.

• •or ts'ici— a«<a«’.si.ed and sel-knuwi* system of bast-rr s 'n. M-es to cast.r« -rs a fail oqaivaleat m aii

^*... s««». MARK, DCLANAr, k DUWN8,tola Main st.


GRAHAMS COMPOemON,iO nmtuf ^ prci'cmi rmtnsttalwn ta Nfoum Bouer*.rI«UlSsalaabi-Cuo»p«Mimo!i, havta,: n#ea rmiy tested :t

1. all lescriptluns ul '•wil- r.- ut lamrreas *xparleac«e«udioeer<« with the moat stattoiacuirv resalis* I* avwuflered to tbe public as a cenalD rmauuy aad preeeailwfur cncnsstotlou or scale in the bnttors of liver aad uceMit«amer>* Lucotuotlves, axel Stailoaary Roglaeo. Greatecoemay uf fuel aad labor* lucr«a»«d speed, aad the pre-servation of tbe ttollers are suwu*g aamervas advaa-tages raaoUtag frum lu euploymaai. Fer sale byJlft FRANCIS McKAT.

AGGl.Ml.Kepe, kc.—hOil pieces Ltra.y bo*(Klt*di

l,.U(l Culls ll*ujp Repe;LdOU lbs Telue; lu st >re on-1 for sale byill BKN. O. DWIB. Matnst.

,LU Copper Distlllrd Uhi*ky.— liH) -i la -,ie

cupper oistll.ed W Ll»fcy iu sfor** and "(r -ale ty111 MONKS k ZANuNE.

Liu- 'imai.. ll.,".*an-i a -.I u>v r Ba«;r>'a> ,

Cltntuu* Ohio, a>i s. t'anal l ine.

He are r-?ce’tt!ng U uu-h for Tubacc«>* Mercrandl!

and Prudnee by the atpovo Linen.


jyfift dtf 0 Rowland k smithes ILuck, Mala st*

iHuMAft SMITH, GeaesmAILB.— iofi kegs Buetun 4d landlug trum steameriF.rbHED Bagar.—86 bbU Bl James Crashed Bu-

y gar tandlag from steamer Georg* tow# and fur aale bymift AND’W BUCUANAN M CO.

i>OAE ft Linen Handkerchiefs at 6| cc ntsat


k^G.>k.—IdOhusfts Fxlecme Lemons In StoreM I

I fur sale ey RAYBUN k BaCUN*GeorgetowB and for sale by