2016 building a grad nation partner and community toolkit


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Page 1: 2016 Building a Grad Nation Partner and Community Toolkit
Page 2: 2016 Building a Grad Nation Partner and Community Toolkit

For the release of the 2016 Building a Grad Nation report, we are encouraging conversation about the progress we are making and the urgent work that remains. You can find the report at www.GradNation.org/2016report. Please join the conversation by using the hashtag #GradNation. NEWSLETTER BLURB New Report: Roadblocks on the Path to #GradNation Even as the nation reaches an all-­time record graduation rate of 82.3 percent, low-­graduation-­rate high schools – a key focus of the recently passed Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) – pose a significant roadblock to the national goal of a 90 percent graduation rate for all students. Get the details in the new 2016 Building a Grad Nation report, the seventh annual update on the progress and challenges in raising high school graduation rates. The report provides a new national and state-­by-­state analysis of low-­graduation-­rate high schools;; the number of additional students it will take for the country and each state to reach 90 percent;; a look at the validity of graduation rates;; and policy recommendations for change. For more, go to www.GradNation.org/2016report. REPORT PROMOTION Facebook/LinkedIn: Download the 2016 Building a #GradNation report by Civic Enterprises and Everyone Graduates Center and learn about the progress and challenges that remain around increasing graduation rates for all students. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 How can we reach a 90% graduation rate nationwide by 2020? Learn what it will take to get there in the 2016 Building a #GradNation report by Civic Enterprises and Everyone Graduates Center. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 For the first time since 2011, the nation is off pace to reach the 90 percent goal. Find out how we can tackle the considerable challenges that remain in the 2016 Building a #GradNation report. http://bit.ly/BGN2016

Page 3: 2016 Building a Grad Nation Partner and Community Toolkit

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Sample graphic posts: How many more students need to graduate for us to reach a 90% HS #gradrate? #GradNation [Attach How Many More Students Graphic] Thanks to #ESSA we'll know how many homeless youth will graduate high school in 2016. #GradNation [Attach Homeless Youth Graphic] Twitter: General Tweets JUST RELEASED: Download the 2016 Building a #GradNation report by @CivicEnterprise & @JHU_EGC http://bit.ly/BGN2016 Download the 2016 Building a #GradNation report by @CivicEnterprise & @JHU_EGC w/ @All4Ed @AmericasPromise http://bit.ly/BGN2016 Want to eliminate roadblocks to HS graduation for all students? Learn how in the 2016 Building a #GradNation report. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 We must continue to close #grad gaps for ALL students. Download the 2016 Building a #GradNation report. http://bit.ly/BGN2016

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Twitter: The National Picture Tweets Getting to a 90% HS grad rate requires raising #gradrates & closing grad gaps for all students. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation How many additional students need to graduate to reach a 90% HS grad rate by 2020? 285K students. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation Iowa became the 1st state to pass the 90% goal w/ a 90.5% grad rate. Learn more: http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation 29 states equaled or exceeded the nat'l average HS grad rate of 82.3%. Did your state make the list? http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation How many more students need to graduate for us to reach a 90% HS grad rate? http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation [Attach How Many More Students Graphic or GIF] Twitter: Subgroup Gaps Tweets 16 states have HS grad rates below 70% for low-­income or Black students. View the Building a #GradNation report. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 11 states have HS grad rates below 70% for Hispanic/Latino students. View the Building a #GradNation report. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 35 states have HS grad rates below 70% for English Language Learners. View the Building a #GradNation report. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 30 states have HS grad rates below 70% for students w/ disabilities. View the Building a #GradNation report. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 Twitter: The Economic Impact of 90% via @All4Ed Thanks to @All4Ed, we know a 90% HS grad rate means more jobs & income. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradEffect #GradNation Know the facts & why increasing the HS grad rate should be a priority: http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradEffect #GradNation @All4Ed 5 Reasons graduating from high school matters: http://bit.ly/BGN2016 via @All4Ed #GradEffect #GradNation [Attach 5 Reasons graphic]

Page 5: 2016 Building a Grad Nation Partner and Community Toolkit

Twitter: Roadblocks on the Path to 90 Tweets What are the 5 major roadblocks that threaten a 90% HS grad rate? Learn more in the Building a #GradNation report. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 Where are the high-­ & low-­graduation-­rate high schools located? Find out in the 2016 Building a #GradNation report. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 Low #GradRate high schools (graduate 67% or less of students) are on the decline, but many still exist. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation Learn more about the #ESSA definition for low-­performing high schools & what that means for your state. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation #ESSA requires evidence-­based approaches for HS enrolling 100+ students w/ 67% grad rate or less. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation Twitter: Policy Recommendations to Reach 90 for All How can we help more students graduate from HS & reach the #GradNation 90% #GradRate goal? http://bit.ly/BGN2016 [Attach policy recommendations graphic] Twitter: The Nation Continues the Push to 90 Did you know that the number of students taking & passing AP courses has increased? @CollegeBoard http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation Thanks to #ESSA we'll know how many homeless #youth will graduate HS in 2016. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation [Attach homeless youth graphic] American Graduate/CPB Learn about @CPBmedia & @TheNineNetwork's commitment to increase grad rates through @AmeriGrad. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation .@AmeriGrad pub media stations are working to improve youth outcomes in their communities. Learn more. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation

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AT&T Aspire .@ConnectToGood has helped increase HS grad rates by driving innovation in edu through #ATTImpact. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation .@ATT Aspire connects employees w/ students to help them discover their career passions. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #ATTImpact #GradNation In 2016, @ATT reached 1M hrs of #mentoring & launched the Connect to Success Competition. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #ATTImpact #GradNation Thank you to @ATT @ConnectToGood for helping to build a stronger #GradNation for generations to come. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #ATTImpact #GradNation Community Summits bring together key stakeholders at the local level! http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #ATTImpact GradNation State Activation w/ Pearson #GradNation State Activation w/ @AmericasPromise & @Pearson helps to invest in state-­wide innovation. http://bit.ly/BGN2016 With #GradNation State Activation, we can develop successful models all states can replicate. @Pearson http://bit.ly/BGN2016 #GradNation State Activation grantees @MNYouth @MASchoolsK12 @WestEd are leading efforts to increase grad rates. http://bit.ly/BGN2016