2016 report - agrisud international · the report you are about to read is proof of the commitment...

1 2016 REPORT

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A democratic claim The 2017 presidential campaign in France brought once more into the limelight the question of solidarity. One can see this as a tentative noble answer to narrow-mindedness and self-isolation which have so often led to loathsome statements and murderous actions around the world! Solidarity: for us, the French, it’s a democratic claim. It goes hand in hand with the principles of equality and fraternity. We hope solidarity will be at the heart of the policies undertaken by our new President of the Republic, especially in terms of international solidarity. The United Nations have recently launched the Sustainable Development Goals. Does our country remain on the front line towards achieving them? Certainly, France was a responsible coordinator during the climate negotiations in 2015. The Paris agreement has the potential to trigger great steps towards solidarity: by inviting industrialised and emerging countries to limit environmental degradation, it should enable less exposure of the poorest regions in the world to climate change. An essential precondition though is full implementation of the 2015 agreements. We intend to pay special attention to the policies of the French government and its initiatives regarding the environment, energy, agriculture, nutrition and development, in particular at the EU level.

Serious efforts to be made In terms of development, our country still has to make serious efforts. For example, regarding Africa, under no circumstances can we express our satisfaction about the statistical increase in the GNP of certain countries if we don’t take into account poverty in rural areas, which is often worsening due to demographics, climate change, deforestation... Agrisud, as many other social actors, tackles this dramatic reality as honestly and responsibly as we can. We are active on the field, we try and promote the value of solidarity and use all funding coming from the North wisely, in cooperation with local communities and actors.

A call on our politicians We therefore wish to urge our new government: increase the aid France provides up to the consensual level of 0,7%; do not stick to some classic development models, for instance those which only favour large agricultural business projects ; provide firmer support to integrated rural development; promote local farming; boost local activities that create a strong economic fabric, increase sustainable jobs, contain rural depopulation and reduce migration.


robert LionChairman


teams in action In 2016, our teams and their partners led 40 programs or support missions in 17 countries. Their main goal was to help poor people integrate themselves into the economy. As a result, 4,300 new small farm businesses were created or became stronger.Since 1992, 53,400 VSB have been supported. It is estimated that 85% of them are still active. In the very year 2016, they produced 330,000 tons of food. This, in turn, ensured food safety for agricultural families and local populations. Small farms produced a net income of € 83.2 million and contributed to good nutrition, health and education. What is more, they had a positive impact on the environment by capturing 26,500 tons of carbon. Finally, they represent 188,500 sustainable jobs and have helped 504,000 people escape poverty. Another very important objective for our teams is to strengthen local capacities. Such process is facilitated by special training programs such as learning cycles in agroecology and management consulting for 34 organisations. So far, 471 organisations have benefited from the training programs. Our actions at a regional level confirm our vision and our goals. Acting at a regional level is indeed an effective way of creating dynamic economies, achieving food safety and fighting against poverty. Furthermore, it builds resilience against climate change and socio-economic difficulties and leads to population stability. In order to accomplish our mission, we mobilised 3,8 million euros in 2016 thanks to funding provided by our public and private partners. Once again, we have achieved budgetary balance.

two major events for Agrisud“Agrisud meetings” in October brought together our on-the-field representatives, the Board of Directors, all our managers and our main partners. Those meetings enabled us to share convivial moments, of course, but they also offered the opportunity to have constructive discussions and share information thanks to our partners from the Research sector.

During the COP22 in November in Marrakech, Agrisud reaffirmed its strong involvement in issues related to climate change, agro-ecological transition, food safety and the fight against poverty.

25 years of actionOn November 16th 2016, Agrisud entered its 25th year since its creation.It is therefore a good opportunity for us to take stock of our actions in many countries, evaluate our innovations and expertise, examine our areas of competence and assess the results obtained and their contribution to the Millennium Goals. The report you are about to read is proof of the commitment of our teams, which sometimes have to work under difficult circumstances. It also highlights our ability to adapt and innovate in order to effectively fight against poverty.I extend a warm thank you to all these teams and to those who support their endeavour.

25 years of innovation against poverty

Yvonnick HuetManaging director

Agrisud: 25 years of innovation against poverty



anGoladr ConGo


Co-creation: NGO/Local Authoritiesfor resilient regions

Post-crisis recoverythrough family size farming businesses

Economics of the sectors to ensure food safety

Transfer of know-howto local organisations

The family sizebusinessto fight against poverty



nuMBer oF SuPPorteD VSB (Very Small Business)

InnoVatIonS & exPertISeS DeVeloPeD

areaS oFSkIllSDePloyeD

6 000 12 000

expertiSe Capitalization for knowledge transfer

expertiSe Diagnostic study and project feasibility

expertiSe peri-urban agriculture

expertiSe economics of the sectors and food safety

expertiSe post-crisis intervention

pArtnerSHip Companies, research institutions, Schools and Universities

expertiSe economics of VSB

pArtnerSHip public backers

expertiSe Design of development programs

expertiSe pedagogy of training

expertiSe Knowledge transfer to local organisations

LeArning CYCLe Strengthening of organisations

The Sustainable Development Goals were launched by the United Nations in September 2015.

goal no. goal no. goal no. goal no. goal no.

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003



Sri lanka




Sao Tome and PrinCiPe





TuniSiaCôTe d’ivoire





A humanitarian approach to sustainable development

An alternativeto deforestation through family size farming businesses

Co-creation: NGO/Companiesfor environmentally responsible sectors

Management advicefor sustainable family size businesses

Regional development through support to stakeholders

Agroecologyfor independent agricultural VSB and self-governed regions

19 100 37 400

expertiSe Decentralised cooperation

expertiSe LAnn / nutrition

pArtnerSHip Humanitarian ngo

expertiSe Agroecology, sustainable agriculture

LAUnCHing“Low-carbon” funds

Agroecology gUiDe + LeArning CYCLe

expertiSe Alternatives to deforestation

expertiSe Management consulting for family size farming businesses

Management advice for VSB gUiDe + LeArning CYCLe

expertiSe integrated management of water resources

expertiSe regional development

pArtnerSHip Agroecological transition group (gtA)

expertiSe co-creation with businesses

expertiSe environmentally friendly sectors

goal no. goal no. goal no. goal no. goal no.

53 400

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 20172004


FinAnCiAL reSoUrCeS

joBS reSSoUrCeS


























Agrisudincome statement (in euros)

€ 7,648,872 Operating expenses

€ 7,733,919 Operating income

€ 85,047 Surplus

* Including independent entities (Institut Gabonais d’Appui au Développement, ENUFF project, Mo-zambique project…)





Field operations

Identification and preparation of new operations


Strategy/ Communication

€ 3,815,804 operating expenses

€ 3,816,678 operating income

€ 874 Surplus



people on the field in 17 countries

people at the head office

expatriate staff (5 volunteers)

of whom: 12PrivaTeoriGin


Activity in 2016

RéSEAU AGRISUDConsolidated income statement *


reSULtS SinCe 1992

reSULtS in 2016


53,400family-size farming

businesses supported

4,300new family-size farming

businesses supported

26,500tons of sequestred carbon

by 3 million trees*

188,500sustainable jobs



taken out of poverty

40,500new people

taken out of poverty

6,300people trained

in resilient practices

330,000tons of foodproduced*

45north & South organisations


83.2millions of euros

net income*

38local organisations


471local organisations



of intervention



for t

he 5


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variouS CounTrieS•“ManagementAdviceforVSB”learningcycle: Benin, guinea Bissau, niger, Switzerland, DrC, togo•“Agroecology”learningcycle: Laos





moroCCo•Enhancementofthefarming sector performances, ghassate•Entrepreneurshipinitiativesin the agricultural services sector, ghassate•Professionnalizationoffruit farms, Asni and Marrakech•Strengtheningoffarming activities, Marrakech pam grove•Skillstransferinagroécology, Caritas Maroc•Strengthening of livestock farming activities, tafilalet zone•Establishmentofenvironmentally friendly sypply chains, Skoura plame grove

SeneGal•Revitalizationofvegetablescrop production, Diourbel•Revitalizationofvegetablescrop production/hydraulic aspect, Diourbel•Revitalizationofagriculture, Diourbel, Fatick, Bambey, Mbacké•Strengthening of family farms, Mbour•Strengtheningoflocalsupply chains, Cap Skirring•Installationofsolarpumpsin vegetables crops, Cap Skirring

ivory CoaST•Promotionofsustainable peri-urban agriculture, Abidjan

Guinea biSSauSupport for the skills center in agroecology, Cacheu, Bafata

SÃo Tomé e PrÍnCiPeProfessionalization of the pepper supply chain

GabonGabon agriculture development and investment, 9 provinces

brazil•Strengtheningoflocalsupply chains, rio das pedras

HaiTi•Sustainablemanagement of watershed, Limbé, north-Haiti•Economicrecoveryandfood safety, port-Salut, South-Haiti



dr ConGo•Sustainableagricultureand professionalization of the farming supply chain, Lukula, tshela•Supporttofishingequipment commercialization, Muanda•Sustainabledevelopmentof the farms, Songololo

mayoTTe •Promotionofagroecology, M’tsahara

madaGaSCar •Agriculturalalternativesto deforestation, Sava and Anosy •Forestry,agro-forestryand land-use planning, itasy•Integratedmanagementofwater resources, Zambazamba, Haute-Matsiatra•Integratedmanagementofwater resources, Kolorano, Haute-Matsiatra•Professionalizationofperi-urban farming supply chain, Antananarivo•Supporttoincome-generating activities, Hauts-plateaux •ICTtoolsforagriculture information

mozambique•Agriculturalalternativesto deforestation, gilé national reserve, Zambezia

vieTnam•Strengtheningoffarming activities, Hoang Lien park, Lao Caï

indoneSia/baliStrengthening of local supply chains, Bedugul

Cambodia diversification of the family peri-urban agriculture, Siem reap

laoS•Forestryandagroecologyin mountainous areas, Luang prabang•Enhancingnutritionin the uplands, oudomxay, Huaphan

FranCe •Farmingtestspace “laRucheduMédoc“•Farmingtestspaceofthe Metz-Métropoleagrobiopole


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Sustainable enhancement of the farming sector performances (phase 2), ghassate - MoroCCoagroecology and energy complex

Soon after the installation of its Ouarzazate solar energy complex in Ghassate, MASEN sought for Agrisud’s support in order to help build momentum for sustainable economic growth in favour of the local community.

In cooperation with ORMVAO and the Norsys Foundation, pilot actions were launched in mid 2014. Their main goal was the professionalisation of family farms in various zones of Ghassate. The method used encouraged the dissemination of knowledge towards other farms.

Within 2 years, 119 families adopted better practices in vegetable and fruit cultivation as well as in small animal farming. New commercial sectors were explored, revenues increased and business dynamics was created.

The expansion phase started for 350 VSB on November 1st in 2016.

MoroCCo Sustainable enhancement of the farming sector performances, Ghassate (phase 2) 350 vSb; parternship: ORMVAO, Norsys Foundation 460 k€ over 2016-2019; funding by: MASEN, Acwa Power

•Entrepreneurshipinitiativesintheagriculturalservicessector,Ghassate 10 vSb for agricultural services; parternship: ORMVAO, Norsys Found. 65 k€ over 2015-2017; funding by: CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine, MASEN

•Professionnalizationoffruitfarms,Asni(phase6) 22 vSb; parternship: Norsys Foundation, Tifawine cooperative, Club Med 15 k€ in 2016; funding by: Club Med, CM Found., Roi Baudoin Found., Norsys Found., Tifawine coop.

•Strengtheningandsustainabledevelopmentoffarmingactivities, marrakech palm grove 50 pilot vSb; parternship: Norsys Found., Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, AMEEE 863 k€ (of which 440 k€ for hydro-agricultural planning) over 2015-2017; funding by: OCP Found., OCP, Green Morocco Plan, Norsys Found., Club Med

•Strengtheningoflivestockfarmingactivities,Tafilaletzone Support mission; parternship: CARI, Norsys Found., AOFEP 2 k€ of support by Agrisud - Norsys Found.; funding by: CARI

•Transferofmethodologicalandtechnicalskillsinagroecologyto Caritas morocco Support mission; parternship: Caritas Maroc, Norsys Found. 50 k€ of support by Agrisud - Norsys Found.; funding by: Caritas Maroc

•Establishmentofenvironmentallyfriendlysypplychains,Skourapalmgrove Preparation to a support mission for 1 oil-producing cooperative; parternship: Olvéa/L’Oréal.

gUineA BiSSAU•Skillsdevelopmentcenterinagroecology,CacheuandBafataregions Support for the establishment of the center; parternship: Swissaid (project management) 19 k€ over 2015-2016; funding by: Swissaid

iVorY CoASt•Promotionofsustainableperi-urbanagriculture,5municipalitiesof abidjan 500 vSb / 15 organisations; parternship: Université des Collectivités, local associations 68 k€ over 2014-2016; funding by: autonomous district of Abidjan, UC, Agrisud

Activities in Africa & the indian ocean


SenegAL•Revitalizationofvegetablescropproduction,Diourbelregion 120 vSb; partnership: FEGPAB, CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine, IFAID, local authorities 273 k€ over 2014-2016; funding by: CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine, ESFI, IFAID, BNPP

•Revitalizationofvegetablescropproduction/hydraulicaspect, diourbel region 2 devices to supply water for the vegetable crops and drinking water 224 k€ over 2016-2017; funding by: CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine

•Revitalizationofagriculturalproduction,Diourbel,Bambey,Mbacké and Fatick departments 350 vSb; partnership: CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine, IFAID, local authorities 366 k€ over 2016-2019; funding by: CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine, IFAID

•Strengtheningoflocalfreshproductssupplychains,CapSkirring 166 vSb / 1 eiG in 4 groups; partnership: CPAS, Club Med 7 k€ in 2016; funding by: Club Med, CPAS

•Installationofsolarpumpsinvegetablecrops,CapSkirring equipment in 4 gardens; partnership: CPAS, Club Med 44 k€ over 2014-2017; funding by: Club Med Found., Roi Baudouin Found.

•Strengtheningoffamilyfarmsandfoodsecurity,Mbourdepartment 114 vSb / 5 groups; partnership: JAPPOO Développement, Club Med 54 k€ over 2013-2016; funding by: CFSI, Fondation de France, Lemarchand Foundation, Samaane Senegal association and other private donors

Dr Congo Sustainable agriculture and professionalization of the farming supply chain in mayombe, lukula and Tshela 2 300 vSb over 2012-2017; partnership: Etc Terra, Agridev, CRAFOD, Café Africa, IFAID, ERAIFT budget de 2,460 k€; funding by: EU, ERAIFT, CRAFOD, IFAID, Caritas Foundation, BNPP, Agrisud

•Supporttofishingequipmentcommercialization,coastalzoneof muanda 160 vSb/1 group; partnership: CAPM 175 k€ over 2015-2016; CGO Company, Agrisud

•SustainableagricultureinSongololo,Bas-Congo 180 vSb over 2015-2017; partnership: Agridev 90 k€; funding by: CIMKO

Sustainable agriculture and professionalization of the farming supply chain in Mayombe, Lukula et tshela rD Congoagroecology and professionalisation of supply chains

Right at the heart of the Mayombe forest, the rural areas of Lukula and Tshela are adversely affected by deforestation and climate change. As a result, food insecurity and poverty take a toll on local populations.

Given the context, the project launched in 2012 aims to improve food safety and enable better supply of local markets through a sustainable increase in agro-ecological goods and the reinforcement of marketing systems.

2,300 small crop and livestock farms as well as a coffee sector got back on track, thanks to the efforts made.

Promoting agro-ecological practices enables agriculture to flourish and at the same time ensures the protection of productive areas and natural resources.


Activities in Africa & the indian ocean

MADAgASCAr•HolisticprogrammeforforestsconservationinComatsaand beampingaratsy 1,350 vSb; partnership: Etc Terra (operator), WWF 1,230 k€ over 2014-2018; funding by: AFD-FFEM, Air France

Forestry, agroforestry and land-use planning in itasy - mahavotra ii 2,000 vSb; partnership: CEAS, Etc Terra, AMADESE, Ilofosana, CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine, IFAID 1,190 k€ over 2016-2019; funding by: AFD, CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine, CEAS, IFAID, BNPP

•Integratedmanagementofwaterresources-Phase1:Zambazamba, Haute matsiarta 50 vSb; partnership: Etc Terra (project management), Lyon Métropole, Haute Matsiarta region 34 k€ over 2014-2016; funding by: Agence de l’eau Rhone- Méditerranée-Corse

•Integratedmanagementofwaterresources-Phase2:Kolorano, Haute matsiarta 550 vSb; partnership: Etc Terra (project management), Lyon Métropole, Haute Matsiarta region 345 k€ over 2016-2020; funding by: Lyon Métropole, Agence de l’eau Rhone-Méditerranée-Corse

•Supporttoincome-generatingactivites,Hauts-Plateaux 60 organisations ; partnership: CITE 604 k€ over 2012-2016; funding by: EU, CITE, Caritas, CEAS

•Professionalisationofperi-urbanfarmingsupplychains,Northern antananarivo 5,000 vSb; partnership: AIM, CIRAD, MPE, FERT 1,740 k€ over 2015-2019; funding by: EU, CEAS

•ICTtoolsforagricultureinformation Information systems to monitor projects and markets; partnership: Orange 10 k€ in 2016; funding by: Orange

Forestry, agroforestry and land planning in the itasy region - Mahavotra ii MADAgASCAragroecology and regional development

Located in the uplands near the capital Antananarivo, the agricultural areas of the Itasy region are severely degraded, hit by land erosion and loss of forest areas.

Since 2017, through a decentralised cooperation between the regions of Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Itasy, the actions of Agrisud in the area support local producers as they adapt their practices in an effort to restore the local environment through agroecology.

The new phase, which started in 2016 with the aid of AFD, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, the A. Schweitzer environmental centre and BNPP, improves practices, develops local services and rehabilitates new agricultural areas.

Furthermore, it helps empower local authorities in their effort to manage land development better. The actions undertaken in the area have positively affected no less than 4,000 producers.12


SÃo toMé e prÍnCipe•Professionalisationofthepepperandspicessectorsandpromotion of the fair trade 300 vSb and 1 cooperative; partnership: PAPAFRA, CEPIBA, Hom&Ter 110 k€ over 2012-2016; funding by: FIDA, Hom&Ter

MoZAMBiqUe Fight against the degradation of the miombo forest, national reserve ofGilé 535 vSb; partnership: IGF (operator), Etc Terra, IFAID 542 k€ over 2014-2017; funding by: AFD-FFEM, IFAID

MAYotte•StrenghteningofenvironmentalandeconomicactivitiesinTanafou yahazi and m’Tsahara 60 vSb; partnership: Chamber of Agriculture (project management), CAPAM, AMMEFLHORC, AFICAM 153 k€ over 2014-2017; funding by: Ministry of Agriculture and Nutrition, CASDAR

gABon •GabonAgricultureDevelopmentandInvestissmentProjectPRODIAG, 9 provinces 1,094 vSb + supporting research; partnership: IGAD (operator), CIRAD 20,000 k€ over 2011-2017; funding by: the state of Gabon, AFD

Fight against the degradation of the Miombo forest, nationale reserve of gilé - MoZAMBiqUeagroecology and fight against deforestation

The Miombo forest close to the National Reserve of Gilé (province of Zambezia) is imminently threatened by slash-and-cut farming. Since 2014, in order to fight against the degradation of the forest, the project intends to bring about sustainable economic and social development in favour of the neighbouring populations. Thanks to an agricultural model based on the practices of agroecology, natural resources are protected and revenue is produced for the local families.

The project enables 8 communities to create their own group for the common management of the area’s natural resources. It also contributes to disseminate practices against deforestation and land degradation, as well as to establish local value-added production sectors.

All development actions take place in close cooperation with the local communities.

Activities in Asia

LAoS•Forestryandagroecologyinmountainousareas,LuangPrabangprovince 550 vSb; partnership: SAEDA, Union des Femmes Lao, PAFO, DAFO, Viengkham district, Etc Terra 877 k€ over 2015-2018; funding by: AFD-DPO, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, Ensemble Foundation, MAEDI, WFP, France Volontaires, IFAID

enhancement of nutrition for agricultural families in the uplands, oudomxay and Huaphan 4,000 families; partnership: Netherlands Development Organisation (project management) 6,000 k€ (1,100 k€ agricultural components) over 2016-2018; funding by: SNV/SADC, Agrisud/France Volontaires.

CAMBoDiA agro-ecological intensification and diversification of the family peri-urban agriculture, Siem reap 750 vSb; partnership: Srer Khmer, CD Hauts-de-Seine 1,140 k€ over 2016-2020; funding by: AFD-DPO, CD Hauts-de-Seine, MAEDI, BNPP

indonesia (bali)•Strengtheningoflocalfreshproductsupplychains 30 vSb; partnership: Club Med 17 k€ over 2016; funding by: Club Med

VietnAM•StrengtheningoffarmingactivitiesforethnicminoritieslivinginHoang lien park, lao Chai 150 vSb; partnership: National Park of Hoang Lien, CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine 134 k€ over 2016-2017; funding by: CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France Volontaires

enhancement of nutrition for agricultural families in the uplands of oudomxay and Huaphan - LAoSagroecology and nutrition

Laos launched its National Nutrition Plan for populations living in isolated mountainous areas where undernutrition still persists.

It is a complex task that requires action on multiple levels and long-term interventions for effective and sustainable results. Agrisud in collaboration with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) engages in an innovative and dynamic project by means of an integrated approach that links agriculture with nutrition.

Project ENUFF (Enhancing Nutrition for Upland Farming Families) is implemented in 40 mountainous villages. The agricultural aspect of the project has been taken over by Agrisud. Its goal is to improve agricultural techniques thanks to agroecology, to diversify crops and establish marketing sectors. Access to healthy and adequate food is one of the main factors that improve nutrition in Laos.14

Agro-ecological intensification and Diversification of the family peri-urban agriculture, Siem reap - CAMBoDgeagroecology and touristic development

As tourism flourishes in the city of Siem Reap, thanks to its proximity to the temples of Angkor, so does the demand for fresh products. A large part of this demand is met by importing goods from neighbouring countries, thus excluding small local farmers who find themselves in a precarious situation.

The actions undertaken assist small family farms, they promote the practices of agroecology and improve marketing sectors. As a result, small farmers achieve food self-sufficiency, they have a regular income and contribute to the supply of local markets. Special focus is put on marketing driven by an increasing demand in healthy local products.

Being organised in groups enables small producers to seize financial opportunities they didn’t have in the past.


Activities in South America & Caribbean

BrAZiL•Strengtheningoflocalfreshproductsupplychains,RiodasPedras 1 cooperative of 69 vSb; partnership: COMISFLU group, Club Med 16 k€ over 2016; funding by: Club Med

HAiti•SustainablemanagementoftheLimbé’swatershed,NorthHaiti, Pad north 500 vSb; partnership: GRADIMIRH, Etc Terra, local authorities, Port-au-Prince University 1 129 k€ over 2013-2017; funding by: AFD-DPO, CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine, MAEDI, ESFI, Misereor, IFAID, BNPP

economic recovery and food safety, Port-Salut zone, South Haiti (phase 1) 100 vSb; partnership: GRADIMIRH, local authorities 50 k€ over 2016-2017; funding by: CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Léa Nature Foundation

economic recovery and food safety, port-Salut (phase 1), South Haiti HAïtiagroecology and resilience against climate risks

At the end of September 2016, hurricane Matthew hit Haiti causing extensive damage on its southern part. Serious medium- and long-term food crises ensued as a result.

With the support of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and Léa Nature, Agrisud and its partner, Gradimirh, provided aid to Port-Salut, Saint-Jean du Sud and Roche-à-Bateau, the three most severely hit communities in Haiti.

The first phase entailed urgency actions in order to meet basic food needs for the afflicted families. Priority was given to the recovery of agricultural activities via the restoration of infrastructures and means of production.

The second phase will permit the recovery of the local economy. Producers will be encouraged to adopt agroecology and agroforestry practices for the better protection and management of the land. Agroecology offers a wide range of solutions which lead to reduced risks. Families become more resilient; they can actively manage their land and their environment and rebuild their lives in their own community.16

Operations in France

Reinforcing local capacities

•understand agroecology and its economic, social and environmental dimensions;

•understand the principles of the sustainable development of an agro-system;

•analyse a field of intervention and identify adapted agro-ecological practices;

•be able to disseminate knowledge.

aim: Transfer of Agrisud’s know-how so that development organisations (NGO, associations, professional organisations, technical services…) can improve their ability to reach their final beneficiaries.

in 2016

FrAnCe Farmingtestspace“laRucheduMédoc” Creation and development of the test space; partnership: Pays médoc, Agricultural Secondary School of Blanquefort. 140 k€ over 2014-2016; funding by: Fondation de France, Phitrust Foundation, Entreprise et Solidarité Foundation, FEADER, CR Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Bordeaux Métropole, Agricultural Secondary School of Blanquefort

•FarmingtestspaceoftheMetz-Métropole agrobiopole Ensure the smooth operation of the test space; partnership: Metz-métropole development 3,4 k€ in 2016; Metz-métropole development

Learning cycles

1 CYCLe: AgroeCoLogYfor organisations in laos

1 CYCLe: MAnAgeMent ADViCe For VSBfor organisations in dr Congo

CYCLe: MAnAgeMent ADViCe For VSBfor organisations in Togo, benin, Guinea bissau, niger and Switzerland

aGro-eColoGiCal gooD prACtiCeS

manaGemenT adviCe For FAMiLY-SiZe BUSineSSeS

•know the general ideas of consulting as well as basic notions of agro-economy;•identify result indexes (VSB) and basic information about a given sector;•understand the basic tools for the collection and processing of data relevant to the results of a VSB and the developments in a given sector;•be able to analyse the results of a VSB and offer relevant advice.

Farming test space “la ruche du Médoc” FrAnCe agroecology and agricultural test space

Establishment of the “Porte-Greffe-Espace-Test- agricole en Gironde” association.This initiative expands the pilot actions Agrisud has taken on the field since 2012, especially through the “Ruche du Médoc” project. The aim of the association is to support and develop an activity test in agriculture.For this purpose, it supports and enables the professional integration of people (some of whom exercised a different profession before they decided to engage in agricultural activities) into environmentally responsible agriculture. The project enables them to test different practices in real-life situations without taking the risk of investing thus allowing them to concentrate on the technical and economic aspects of their activity while they maintain their decision-making ability. The name chosen, “Porte-Greffe” (Graft-Door) conveys the core message of the association: every individual has the opportunity to anchor themselves into a given local context and prosper.Contact: Cécile Bruère - [email protected]




archeology & development (Cambodge)amee - Agence Marocaine pour l’efficacité énergétique aFiCam - Association pour la Formation initiale et Continue Agricole à MayotteaGridel - Agriculture et Développement Local (niger) aGridev - Association congolaise d’appui au développement (Congo) aim - Association inter-coopération Malgache (Madagascar)amadeSe - Association Malagasy Devpt. économique, Social et environnemental (Madagascar) ammeFlHorC - régénérer-planter-préserver (Mayotte)aoFeP - Association oasis Ferkla pour l’environnement et le patrimoine (Maroc)CaPam - Chambre d’Agriculture, de pêche et d’Aquaculture de Mayotte CaPm - Coopérative des Associations de pêcheurs de Moanda (rD Congo) Caritas marocCePiba - Coopérative de production de poivre biologique (São tomé e príncipe)CiTe - Centre d’information technique et économique (Madagascar) ComiSFlu - Cooperativo Mista do Sul Fluminente (Brésil)CoopérativeagricoleAlMohammedia (Maroc) CoopérativeagricoleTifawine (Maroc) CPaS - Centre de promotion Agricole et Sociale Diembering (Sénégal) CraFod - Centre régional d’Appui et de Formation pour le Devpt. (rD Congo) CTHT - Centre technique Horticole de tamatave (Madagascar)FeGPab - Fédération des groupements de producteurs Agricoles du Baol (Sénégal)GradimirH - groupe recherche-Action pour le Dvpt du Milieu rural Haïtien (Haïti)GSdm - groupement Semis Direct Madagascar (Madagascar)

iGad - institut gabonais d’Appui au Développement (gabon) ilofosana (Madagascar) lWu - Lao Women’s Union (Laos) marta Sari - Coopérative agricole (Bali)mPe - Malagasy professionnels de l‘élevage (Madagascar)ormvao - office régional de Mise en Valeur Agricole de ouarzazate (Maroc) PaFo - provincial Agriculture and Forestry office - Luang prabang, oudomxay et Huaphan (Laos) PaPaFPa - programme d’Appui participatif Agriculture Familiale et pêche Artisanale (São tomé) Parc national de Hoang lien (Vietnam)radeza - rede de organizaçoes para Ambiente e Desinvolvimento sustenavel de Zambezia (Mozambique)rnG - réserve nationale de gilé (Mozambique)Saeda - Sustainable Agriculture and environment Devpt. Asso. (Laos)SeCaar - Service Chrétien d’Appui à l’Animation rurale - AfriqueSd mad - Semis Direct MadagascarSrer khmer (Cambodge)Tanafou yahazi - Coopérative agricole (Mayotte)uC - Université des Collectivités de Côte d’ivoireuviCoCi - Union des Villes et des Communes de Côte d’ivoireWWF madagascar

aliSea - Agroecology Learning alliance in South east Asia - Cambodge, Laos et Vietnam CFSi - Comité Français pour la Solidarité internationaleCitésUniesFranceCoordination SudGTae - groupe de travail sur les transitions Agro-écologiques

GTd - groupe de travail sur la DésertificationInter-réseauxDéveloppementruraliuFn - international Urban Food network raddo - réseau de Devpt. Durable des oasisradSi aquitaineTask Force multi acteurs pour la promotion de l’agroécologie au Sénégal

1% pour la Planète - Mouvement philanthropique d’entreprises responsables aCvFiT - prévention en santé connectée Helloasso - Financement participatif de projets associatifs Helpfreely - plateforme mondiale de vente en ligne au profit d’associations et ong lilo - Moteur de recherche responsable one Heart - S’informer pour mieux agirSocietality - rencontre ong et financeurs de projets

aFdi - Agriculteurs Français et Développement internationalaPdra - pisciculture paysanne ashoka - entrepreneuriat socialavSF - Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans FrontièresbGe - Couveuse altitudebe-linked - Business & community intelligence Cari - Centre d’Action et de réalisations internationalesCeaS - Centre écologique Albert Schweitzer (Suisse)DMéchangesetmissions (Suisse) EcoActeursduMédoceSFi - eau Sans Frontières international / Clubs rotaryetc Terra - environnement territoire ClimatFerT - Association internationale pour le développement ruralFrance volontaires

Giz - Coopération allemande GreT - groupe de recherche et de d’échanges technologiquesGroupement CeSbio - AïdaiFaid - institut de Formation et d’Appui aux initiatives de Développementorientation durablePlanète urgence reneTa - réseau national des espaces-tests AgricolesSnv - organisation néerlandaise de développement (pays-Bas)Swissaid - Œuvre d’entraide (Suisse)Terre de liens - réseau associatif pour l’accès au foncier agricoleWHH agro-action-allemande WiSe (Suisse)WWF France

technical solidarity networks

Solidarity websites

northern ngos and organizations

Southern ngos and organizations


BordeauxMétropoleConseildépartementaldesHauts-de-SeineCommunautéurbained’Antananarivo (Madagascar)Communes urbaines et rurales du Cambodge, Gabon, Haïti, Laos,Madagascar,Maroc,RDCongo,Sénégal,etc.DépartementsdeFatick,Mbacké,BambeyetDiourbel (Sénégal)DistrictsdePebaneetdeGilé (Mozambique)

DépartementduNord (Haïti)district autonome d’abidjan (Côte d’ivoire)MetzMétropoleMétropoledeLyonPaysMédoc Province de lao Cai (Vietnam) Province de luang Prabang (Laos)Province d’oudomxay et de Huaphan (Laos) Province de Siem reap (Cambodge)RégionItasy (Madagascar)RégionNouvelle-Aquitaine

air Franceacwa Power maroc amundiatout rHbeTC bnP-Paribas (fonds carbone)CabGoC Company (rD Congo)Cimko - Cimenterie Kongo ClubMéditerranéeCréditAgricoleAquitaineCréditCoopératifAquitaineequanity Galerie eric dupont

Hom&TerDéveloppementHouot agencementLéanatureL’OréallSdH - Laiterie de Saint-Denis-de-l’HôtelmaSen (Maroc)oCP - office Chérifien des phosphates (Maroc) OlvéaorangeTotal GabonWiSe (Suisse)

Caritas ClubMéditerranéeensembleEntrepriseetSolidaritéFondation de France GoodPlanet iGF - Fondation internationale pour la natureLéaNaturelemarchand mohammed vi pour la Protection de l’environnement (Maroc)

nicolas Hulot pour la nature et l’Hommenorsys (Maroc) oCP - office Chérifien des phosphates (Maroc) roger Godinoroi baudouin (Belgique) rotary internationalSwiss Philanthropy Foundation (Suisse)

adC - Coopération suisse aFd - Agence Française de DéveloppementCTb - Coopération technique BelgeFao - organisation des nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agricultureFFem - Fonds Français pour l’environnement Mondial Fida - Fonds international pour le Développement AgricoleGroupe CdC - Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations

HCr - Haut Commissariat pour les réfugiésJiCa - Coopération japonaisemaedi - Ministère français des Affaires étrangères et du Développement internationalmaaF - Ministère français de l’Agriculture, de l’Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt Pam - programme Alimentaire MondialPnud - programme des nations Unies pour le développementue - Union européenne


Local Authorities


agroParisTechCHedd - Collège des Hautes études de l’environnement et du Devpt. DurableCirad - Centre international de recherche Agronomique pour le DéveloppementCSFd - Comité Scientifique Français sur le DésertificationenSaT - école nationale Supérieure Agronomique de toulouseePleFPa-CFPPa - Lycée agricole de BlanqueforteraiFT - école régionale post-universitaire d’Aménagement et de gestion intégrés des Forêts et territoires tropicaux (rD Congo)eSSeC - école Supérieure des Sciences économiques et Commerciales

Famv - Faculté d’Agronomie et Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de port-au-prince (Haïti)HeC - école des Hautes études Commerciales de parisinra - institut national pour la recherche AgronomiqueioGa - institut et observatoire de géophysique d’Antananarivo (Madagascar)lri - Laboratoire des radio-isotopes, Université Antananarivo (Madagascar)ird - institut de recherche pour le DéveloppementiSTom - institut Supérieur des Sciences et techniques d’outre-Mer montpellier Supagro / irC - institut des régions Chaudes UniversitédeLuangPrabang(Laos)

training and research

A warm welcome at l’Hôtel de Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, with the organisation, among others, of a round table that brought together ird, inra, aFd, Cari, the nouvelle-aquitaine region and agrisud about “climatesolutions” and other initiatives concerning family agriculture against the challenges of climate change, food insecurity and poverty.

Key moments in 2016

•Thirty stakeholders from different countries of the Agrisud network meet in Libourne for a week;

•discussions among the teams, the board of directors and the main partners;

•alternation between work and convivial moments;

•Specialfocus on the subject: “Regions:fromplanning toactionsonthefield”;

•Presentationofthedecentralised cooperation projects with the participation of the nouvelle-aquitaine region;

•round table about “Climatesolutions”.

orGaniSaTion oF a debaTe WorkSHoP

Agrisud’s meeting : les rencontres

orGaniSaTion and ParTiCiPaTion in Side evenTS

“Food safety and climate change”

“environmentally responsible sectors in the face of climate change”

“taking action in regions affected by climate change”

“Agro-ecological transition in rural and peri-urban areas”

“Agroecology as an option for family farms in arid zones”

•a strong presence of agrisud (board of directors, managers, the Moroccan team), facilitated by Club Med, our partner in Morocco;

•Installationofastandshared“OasisandDryLands” with our partners (CARI, Norsys) ensuring strong visibility and contact with institutions, the Media, etc...;

•Participationinthelaunchingofinitiatives: Sustainable oasis – Triple A – 4 for 1000;

•Organizationofprojectsvisits:Palm grove (agroecology tour), Asni and Ghassate;

•OrganizationofatravellingexhibitionabouttheGhassate project (National Library of Rabat, Masen stand).

Agrisud at the Cop 22

Operation fields teams

brazil - julie terzian RiodeJaneiro•(55)(21)981465688 [email protected]

Cambodia - picheth Seng SiemReap•(855)12426807 [email protected]

ivory CoaST - Sylvain Berton (+33) 9 71 53 91 06 [email protected]

FranCe - Cécile Bruère Blanquefort•+33(0)682592180 [email protected]

Gabon - pascal pommarel IGAD-Libreville•(241)05540450 [email protected]

Guinea biSSau - elphège ghestem-Zahir Rabat•(212)676424113 [email protected]

HaiTi - Hérauld Museau Cap-Haïtien•(509)370899561 [email protected]

INDONESIA(BALI)-Claire Kieffer LuangPrabang•(856)2054914892 [email protected]

laoS - Claire Kieffer LuangPrabang•(856)2054914892 [email protected]

madaGaSCar - Sylvain Deffontaines Antananarivo•(261)320276512 [email protected]

moroCCo - elphège ghestem-Zahir Rabat•(212)676424113 [email protected]

mayoTTe - Sylvain Deffontaines Antananarivo•(261)320276512 [email protected]

mozambique - Sylvain Berton +33 (0)9 71 53 91 06 [email protected]

dr ConGo - Sylvain Berton +33 (0)9 71 53 91 06 [email protected]

SÃo Tomé e PrÍnCiPe - Sylvain Berton +33 (0)9 71 53 91 06 [email protected]

SeneGal - Louis-etienne Diouf Mbour•(221)775517363 [email protected]

vieTnam - emeline gourdol ParcdeHoangLien•(84)(0)1299620616 [email protected]

CHairman aSSiSTanTeCaroline Coupé +33 (0)1 58 50 41 [email protected]

CommuniCaTion oFFiCerKarine Vial +33 (0)1 58 50 49 [email protected]

PariS oFFiCe



CHairmanrobert Lion

Inspector general of Finances, former CEO of Caisse des Dépôts

viCe-CHairWomangeneviève Férone Creuzet

Founder and director of Casabee Agency

SeCreTaryMarc gastambide

Agronomist, former director of the Regional and Natural Parks Federation

TreaSurer Frédéric pascal

Former chairman of Comité de la Charte

obServaTorSeric Dupont

Gallery owner, chairman of Agrisud’s Friends Organization

pierre Ducret Controller-general and climat advisor,

Caisse des Dépôts Group

adminiSTraTorSnouzha Alaoui

Secretary-general of Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection (Morocco)

Sylvain Breuzard Chairman of Norsys Group, former chairman of

Young Business Leaders Organization (CJD)jacques godfrain

Former French Minister of International CooperationCharles josselin

Former French Minister of International Cooperationjoël Lebreton

Chairman of Keolis Supervision BoardVirginie Seghers

Chairwoman of Prophil, Economy & Philantropyemmanuel Vasseneix

Chairman of Laiterie Saint-Denis-de-l’Hôtel GroupHubert Védrine

Former French Minister of Foreign AffairsStéphane Voisin

in charge of Sustainable Investment Research, CA Cheuvreux

General manaGemenTboard oF direCTorS


manaGinG direCTorYvonnick Huet, agronomist, INP-ENSAT Toulouse

FinanCial direCTorraphaël Vinchent, agronomist, FUSAGx Gembloux (Belgium)

aCCounT deParTmenT manaGerDidier gensous, DECF Eiffel Bordeaux

oPeraTionS direCTorSylvain Berton, agronomist, IRC Montpellier SupAgro

aSSiSTanT direCTor oF oPeraTionSelphège ghestem-Zahir, Sciences-Po Bordeaux - IEDES Paris



[email protected]

Head office: 48, rue de la Sablière 33500 Libourne - Tél./Fax. : +33 (0)5 57 25 17 06Paris office: 26, rue de Lille 75007 Paris - Tél. : +33 (0)1 58 50 41 63


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