2016 the channon public school annual report · the year 2016 was another successful one at the...

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Page 1: 2016 The Channon Public School Annual Report · The year 2016 was another successful one at The Channon Public School. It was a year that saw increased enrolments, ... – Video conferences

The Channon Public SchoolAnnual Report



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Page 2: 2016 The Channon Public School Annual Report · The year 2016 was another successful one at The Channon Public School. It was a year that saw increased enrolments, ... – Video conferences


The Annual Report for 2016 is provided to the community of The Channon Public School as an account of the school'soperations and achievements throughout the year. 

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities forall students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of keyschool strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equityfunding.

Stephen Manser


School contact details

The Channon Public SchoolStanding StThe Channon, 2480www.thechannon-p.schools.nsw.edu.authechannon-p.School@det.nsw.edu.au6688 6236

Message from the Principal

The year 2016 was another successful one at The Channon Public School. It was a year that saw increased enrolments,results, activities, participation and community involvement.

There were changes to the P&C committee including Laila Page accepting the role of President. We thanked BrianTaylor for his many years in the role. Laila did an extremely good job and led her committee throughout the year. Thisresulted in increased numbers at meetings and participation at events. In 2016 the committee raised well over $8000,with proceeds going towards student, school and community based initiatives.

The P&C also successfully gained an FRRR grant to help create a richer learning environment for our students. Thethree focus projects were in Performing and Visual Arts, Environmental Science and Health. The proposal was forstudents to make a movie, open the canteen with food from the garden, improve the foyer of the school and create aschool circus performance.

The students were engaged throughout the year through their participation in many activities including;    

– Video conferences such as a link through Durroughby Environmental Centre in conjunction with the Department ofPrimary Industry. The video conference was about a Fire Ants Investigation project which is for NSW schools.

–  A workshop with the year 5/6 students to establish leadership roles and responsibilities. The students formed fivecommittee groups which they led and all students from K/4 were a part of. The committees included Sport andRecreation, Environment, Welfare & Health, Communication & Technology, Activity & Events, and Prime Ministers.

–  An excursion to Minjunbal Cultural Centre where the students were able to see a sacred Bora Ring, go on a boardwalk above water to observe aquatic life and look at Aboriginal artefacts. The students also went to the Margaret OlleyArt Exhibition.

–  A taste of the world as a celebration of Harmony Day where the year 3/4 students prepared and shared internationalfood and the year 5/6 students set up some world games on the oval.

–  K/6 attending the Life Education Van where they were provided with relevant information around personal health,development and welfare.

–  A number of year 5/6 students who attended an enrichment day at Whian Whian Public school where students wereable to improve their skills, knowledge and ability in the creative arts. This was further enhanced with some of thosestudents going on to attend the ArtSmart workshops at Clunes.

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–  The Easter Hat Parade saw a large number of students showing off their hats from pre–school to year 6. The eventwas well supported by the parents and wider community.

–  A workshop with Bunnings who kindly donated a buddy bench and some students were given the opportunity to helpconstruct and paint the bench. This bench is now located in the playground to promote student wellbeing andcommunication skills.

– The 47th Team’s Day was held again and with overwhelming success. This year we had nine schools who participatedincluding students from The Channon. We had 57 teams who played on the day.

– The celebration of National Science Week and the students participated in various science activities.

–  Student selection and involvement in the Opera House Choir, team participation in the 2016 NSW PSSA SmallSchools Football (soccer) knockout competition, active involvement in the Jump Rope for Heart program, participation inthe Big Scrub and First North Inaugural Chess Competition, a day out at the 52 StoreyTree–House with author AndyGriffiths, entertainment by some outstanding musicians from the Musica Viva concert, our annual Book Week Paradewhere students and Pre–schooler's were able to dress up as their favourite book character, a visit from the Taronga Zoowhere students were introduced to some of the animals that live at the zoo and were able in interact with them, anoutstanding performance at the Performing Arts Festival and Curtain Call, the Brisbane Major Excursion, SwimScheme and much much more.

The year was reviewed in style at our annual end of year concert where the students put on a showcase of items wherestudents demonstrated their musical talents, skills in speaking Italian, drama performances, choir and a creative dance.

I would like to thank the students, parents, staff and wider community for making 2016 another successful year for TheChannon Public School.

Message from the students

2016 was a great year at the Channon Public School.

As a year five student moving into year six I was abit nervous but I knew that the amazing staff and students at theChannonSchool would support me and the rest of year six in any way that I need it. From the first day on I think all theyear six peers would agree with me that we startedto treasure the days as almost everything we did would be a last.

The school welcomed the new kindergartens warmly.  We also got two new members of staff. Mrs Kirsty Langdon whoworked with the year 5/6 students each Tuesday morning, targeting the areas of writing, grammar and science. We alsowelcomed Mr Doug Andrews who was a Student Learning and Support Officer. Mr Andrews worked at the school a fewhours each day to support student transitionand social development.

There were also a lot more fun activities and excursions that the students at the School participated in including a K/1/2excursion to the Macadamia Castle and the 3/6 class went to Aboriginal Cultural Centre and a Margaret Olley exhibition.We also participated celebrated Harmony Day, the Easter Hat parade and participated in a Stage 3 Grip Leadership Day.Overall, the major excursion to Brisbane for 4/5/6 was probably the highlight of the year with lots of fun activities.

We also had specialist teachers working at the school to support learning in specific areas.

At the Channon School the staff encourage all students to do their best at everything and have a go at everything thatcomes their way. We had lots of performance opportunities for the students like the 4/5/6 had the chance to do thesmall’s schools choir and perform at PAF (Performing Arts Festival). The school participates in PAF every year and weput all different types of performance styles together such as circus, singing, acting, dance, music and we always have avery important message to show. We also have our end of year concert, which is definitely a highlight.

The school participated in many sporting activities such as District PSSA cross country, PSSA swimming carnival, SwimScheme and many more fun activities

Sometimes the staff would go away to staff development meetings and then they would bring back very good ways ofteaching such as video conferences with different people.  We were very luck to have a new sandpit built in our schooland a ‘Buddy Bench’ that Bunnings brought in and the students helped build.

Overall the year 2016 as a year six student was absolutely fantastic with lots of great learning and also fun, laughter andgames.

Malaika Taylor (Year 6 School Leader – 2016)

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School background

School vision statement

The Channon PublicSchool provides learning that is engaging within a safe, supportive and caring environment. Thishelps students achieve the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes they require as lifelong learners and to becomeintegral members of society.

Our school is striving to become a model of quality student outcomes in a caring environment. Our staff will hold highexpectations, providing appropriate and challenging 21st Century learning experiences that promote lifelong andsustained learning,within a nurturing school environment now and into the future.

The students at TheChannon Public School will:

• grow into confident,responsible and respectful community members who know their own self–worth,have a strongsense of identity and value the process of learning

• be equipped with a broadrange of personal resources for future success, and know how to work bothindependently andcollaboratively.

School context

The Channon Public school has programs and initiatives that are designed to enhance the quality of student learning andengagement. The dedicated staff ensures that all studentsare attempting work that is relevant and meaningful throughquality teaching and learning so all students can achieve to their full potential. We deliverhigh quality learningopportunities in the creative and performing arts includingcircus, drama productions and instrumentation in music.

The school also engages in technology programs that stimulate the minds of our 21st Century Learners including onlineprograms and apps that tie in with ourliteracy and numeracy programs, and interactive online excursions usingourconnected classroom that takes our students on a journey to explore other partsof the world using the schoolstechnology. These quality teaching and learningexperiences are delivered to all students to enhance their knowledge,ensuringthey remain at the forefront of a learning environment that is forever changing.

The school is part of ‘TheBig Scrub’ community of schools. This small school cohesion promotes a sharedlearning andworking environment so all staff are continually upskilled and at the forefront of teaching our 21st Century learners. TheChannon Public School foster quality teaching and leadership by recognising theimportance of continually increasingteacher skills using professional learninggoals and meeting with the Principal in order to focus on and improve areas ofdevelopment.  

The Channon PublicSchool has strategic learning partnerships with the community. Together we providea safe, attractiveand accepting environment that supports child–centred learning as well as personalised learning programs that increaseconfidence for the purpose of promoting learning as a lifelong process.

In addition, we work with other service providers, communityorganisations, parents and local businesses and thisprovides students with arange of opportunities to learn and develop academically, socially and emotionally.

Here the students enjoy arange of well–supported extra–curricular offerings, a proud history of participation andachievement and highly welcomed community support.

Self-assessment and school achievement

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

For schools participating in external validation processes:

This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework,school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework and participated in an externalvalidation. The framework supports public schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a cleardescription of high quality practice across the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading. During the externalvalidation process, an independent panel of peer principals considered our evidence and assessment of the school’sprogress, aligned with the standards articulated in the School Excellence Framework.

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The Channon Public School completed an External Validation in 2016 and the results of this process indicated that theschool is Sustaining & Growing in Excellence in Learning, Sustaining & Growing in Excellence in Leading and we areDelivering in Excellence in Teaching.

Our self–assessment and the external validation process will assist the school to refine the strategic priorities in ourSchool Plan, leading to further improvements in the delivery of education to our students.

For more information about the School Excellence Framework:


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Strategic Direction 1

Enhancing the quality of student learning and engagement


To create active and engaging learning environments for all students that is meaningful and challenging so all studentsare provided with quality learning experiences. The students learn and work as individuals and collaboratively throughpersonalised and differentiated learning opportunities for the purpose of developing each student as a learner andleader; which instils the values of respectful and responsible citizenship.

Overall summary of progress

Ensuring we develop staffs’ capacity to implement differentiated and innovative learning experiences that meet thediverse personal and cultural needs of all students. Staff delivering quality teaching practice in all educational settings willsupport the development of students’ abilities to think critically, creatively and ethically as 21st Century learners.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Progress achieved this year Funds Expended(Resources)

Students in years 3&5 to achieveabove state average growth overa rolling three year average by2017. 

The teaching staff  conducted an evaluation on thesuccess of the additional support and discussedstudent progress on a regular basis the success ofinterventions and any additional accommodationsneeded.

All students to have personalisedlearning plans developed inconsultation with the parent/s,teacher and school principal bythe end of 2016. Every child tohave shown growth in academicperformance and achieve theirbenchmarks by 2017. 

100% of Aboriginal students had a PersonalisedLearning Plans. Students were provided withLearning & Support in Literacy, Numeracy andScience as well as extension opportunities in theseareas.

RAM – Aboriginal Funding$1120.10

Next Steps

Staff at The Channon Public School will enter PLAN data every 5 weeks K–2 and once a term for Years 3–6. The LaSTteacher and additional support teachers will be utilised to support teachers and students to meet learning needsreflecting strategic management goals. Through the collection and analysis of data including PLAN, NAPLAN andLearning Support referrals, students will be identified to receive additional support. Teachers will create PLPs for anystudents who have additional needs or who are not meeting stage expectations and identify Aboriginal students toparticipate in the Quicksmart program. Professional learning will be provided around individual writing targets Years 3–6for teachers and professional learning also provided to upskill additional support teachers and SLSOs to support inclassrooms and students transitioning in to Kindergarten and High School.

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Strategic Direction 2

Fostering quality teaching and leadership


To promote, build and sustain the professional learning of all staff members, by creating systems for teachers andleaders to learn from each other as an enabler for continual development; which allows for an alignment of policies,research and practices that describe, develop and evaluate teacher, leader and school capacity; and provide feedbackon current performance in order to enhance student outcomes.

Overall summary of progress

Our school directed a number of resources towards supporting this strategic direction in 2016. Every classroom receivedupdated Professional Development around quality assessment and reporting as well as engaging learning opportunities.Our school continued the implementation of its staff performance and development timeline with observations and PDPsall in place. In 2017 all staff will be expected to have a goal that is reviewed and revised or adapted twice a term toensure progress is made. Students were supported with additional initiatives including a robotics class, Italian lesson forstage 2 and 3 and an extension class in mathematics. Extra–curricular learning opportunities in school andon excursions was promoted by a diverse creative arts program. Students with high needs were supported withaccommodations in class and playgrounds.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Progress achieved this year Funds Expended(Resources)

Alignment of policies andpractices that are researchdriven, which describe, developand evaluate teacher; schoolleader; and school capacity by2017. 

There were Increased numbers of students utilising21st Century interventions. This was measured byteacher reporting and feedback at stage meetingsand student responses.

To increase teacher professionallearning, professionaljudgements, and  understandingsof key DEC reforms  andframeworks which are aligned toschool strategic directions;personal learning goals; systemrequirements; and careeraspirations of staff by 2017. 

Teachers drew on and implemented best practicereflected from their professional learning PDPs toimprove their performance and development. Thiswas monitored by executive as part of PDPrequirements and evidenced by improved studentoutcomes. Evidence included internal and externaldata such as PLAN, NAPLAN, and semesterreports.

Professional LearningFunding – $4283.45

Next Steps

The Channon Public School will continue to successfully implement 21st Century learning in every classroom throughuse of iPads, computers and programs including Mathletics, Sqwirk, Reading Eggs, Typing Tournament, robotics andcoding. Additional embedded problem–based learning implemented by staff to allow for reflective thinking, goal setting,collaboration and self–regulation. School support of student wellbeing through the provision of community consultationinitiatives, excursions, and the development of Individual Learning Plans for all students and opportunities for students togain further academic support. Further expansion of highly successful quality creative arts programs and opportunitiesK–6. Implementation of Social Skills programs such as 'You Can Do It' and 'Mindfulness' to cater for all students.Classroom based practice monitored by peer teacher observations, PDPs and teaching and learning programs will beexpanded.

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Strategic Direction 3

Building strategic community learning partnerships


To build a school learning environment that is supportive of the school’s goals, enhances student learning andcontributes to the school’s ongoing improvement processes. The purpose of being a part of the local community enablesall stakeholders to work together and build inclusive collaborative teams and school networks, and as a result the schoolcan reach its full potential.

Overall summary of progress

Considerable emphasis has been placed on improving wellbeing of all stakeholders. The school continues to offer arange of extra–curricular opportunities to meet the needs of all students. The Big Scrub and First North Community ofSchool increased their partnerships through Teaching Principal Meetings, Infantry and Talented other Teachers (ToTs)workshops, all of which involved staff professional learning and the organisation of combined community events.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Progress achieved this year Funds Expended(Resources)

An established learningcommunity which forms asupportive school community byparticipating in more communityevents and initiatives as well asinviting the community in to ourschool to experience our owninitiatives and programs. 

The school participated in many community anddistrict events that exposed our students toextra–curricular opportunities. The community wasactively involved in the P&C committee andfundraising events.

To increase the attendance ofparents and community membersat P&C meetings by promoting ashared vision and values. 

The newsletter was reformatted so that it waseasier to read. P&C information in brochures,personalised letters, posters and the newsletterwere distributed to all families and the widercommunity outlining P&C initiatives, meetingagendas and dates which resulted in increasedparticipation at P&C meetings and events. P&Cevents were also held to support new families to theschool at the beginning of the year and the end ofyear Christmas Concert which attracts a largeproportion of the wider community.

Community ConsultationFunding – $1880.03

Enhanced student voice,leadership and consultationthrough student input by 2017 byenhancing the role of the SRCwithin the school and community.This will provide the students witha voice so they too have a sharedvision for the school. 

The students, parents and teachers reviewedstudent leadership in the school. All stakeholderscreated student leadership teams. Each team wasresponsible for specific initiatives such as theenvironment, technology, sport, communicationsand social events.

Student, staff and parentwell–being facilitates moresuccessful learning in all areasincluding learning about theenvironment.

The school has active learning partnerships with theBig Scrub Community of School, SCU and theDorroughby Environmental Education Centre.Collaborative initiatives about the environmentenhanced student knowledge and understandingacross the curriculum.

Working together as a learningcommunity to build the capacityof the school to foster a positivelearning culture with a focus onwellbeing.

The parents and wider community are activelyinvolved in the school. The FRRR grant furtherestablished a stronger learning community. Astrong professional learning community is involvedin the school by engaging the students

FRRR Grant – $10000

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Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Progress achieved this year Funds Expended(Resources)

Working together as a learningcommunity to build the capacityof the school to foster a positivelearning culture with a focus onwellbeing.

in  information sessions and workshops.

Next Steps

The school will continue to evaluate current procedures and practices to ensure student, staff and community wellbeingis at the forefront of decision making. We will be undertaking a review into the current uniform given the change intemperatures we have experienced in current years. We will also be pressing forward with more community involvementin workshops and newsletter articles designed to encourage further parent and community involvement in the P&C.

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Key Initiatives Impact achieved this year Resources (annual)

Aboriginal background loading In school performance data confirmed thatboth students had displayed significantimprovement in all Key Learning Areas. Thesocial development of both students had alsoimproved with decreased behaviour supportand intervention. The support teacher hadalso developed a stronger rapport with bothstudents and all stakeholders have improvedcommunication between each other.

• Aboriginal backgroundloading ($2 160.10)

Low level adjustment for disability An additional teacher was employed toincrease the Learning & Support allocation inorder to support the needs of students whorequire additional support to ensure thatadequate time was being provided to them inorder to improve student outcomes.

• Low level adjustment fordisability ($2 791.00)

Socio–economic background The results in mathematics improved for allstudents based on internal assessment dataand data collated from NAPLAN.

• Socio–economicbackground ($6 947.00)

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Student information

Student enrolment profile


Students 2013 2014 2015 2016

Boys 26 24 23 23

Girls 27 26 22 22

Student attendance profile


Year 2013 2014 2015 2016

K 90.7 91.8 92.8 90.9

1 91.8 86.7 92.6 93.4

2 88.8 91.9 89.4 96.8

3 91.2 90.8 92.8 95.3

4 89.6 81.6 94.2 92.7

5 91.5 93.7 94.8 95.9

6 91.1 96.7 94.6 93.4

All Years 90.7 90.2 92.8 94.1

State DoE

Year 2013 2014 2015 2016

K 95 95.2 94.4 94.4

1 94.5 94.7 93.8 93.9

2 94.7 94.9 94 94.1

3 94.8 95 94.1 94.2

4 94.7 94.9 94 93.9

5 94.5 94.8 94 93.9

6 94.1 94.2 93.5 93.4

All Years 94.7 94.8 94 94

Workforce information

Workforce composition

Position FTE*

Principal 1

Classroom Teacher(s) 1.25

Learning and Support Teacher(s) 0.1

Teacher Librarian 0.17

School Administration & SupportStaff


Other Positions 0.02

*Full Time Equivalent

Teacher qualifications

All teaching staff meet the professional requirementsfor teaching in NSW public schools. 

Teacher qualifications

Qualifications % of staff

Undergraduate degree or diploma 100

Postgraduate degree 50

Financial information (for schoolsusing OASIS for the whole year)

Financial information

This summary financial information covers funds foroperating costs to 30/11/2016 and does not involveexpenditure areas such as permanent salaries, buildingand major maintenance.

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Income $

Balance brought forward 12 927.15

Global funds 72 422.42

Tied funds 36 213.54

School & community sources 19 560.56

Interest 605.46

Trust receipts 1 691.40

Canteen 0.00

Total income 143 420.53


Teaching & learning

Key learning areas 10 231.46

Excursions 8 759.77

Extracurricular dissections 11 822.56

Library 203.69

Training & development 1 612.77

Tied funds 28 074.48

Short term relief 2 757.01

Administration & office 27 128.14

School-operated canteen 0.00

Utilities 7 242.67

Maintenance 15 234.20

Trust accounts 1 761.20

Capital programs 0.00

Total expenditure 114 827.95

Balance carried forward 28 592.58

A full copy of the school’s financial statement is tabledat the annual general meetings of the parent and/orcommunity groups. Further details concerning thestatement can be obtained by contacting the school.

School performance


In the National Assessment Program, the results acrossthe Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy andnumeracy assessments are reported on a scale fromBand 1 to Band 10. The achievement scalerepresents increasing levels of skillsand understandings demonstrated in theseassessments.

The My School website provides detailedinformation and data for national literacy and numeracytesting. Click on the link http://www.myschool.edu.auand insert the school name in the Find a school andselect GO to access the school data.

Policy requirements

Aboriginal education

The Channon Public received funding to supportstudents who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres StraitIslander. This funding formed an integral part ofproviding programs and initiative such as those outlinedbelow;

•All students who identified as Aboriginal or TorresStrait Islander had a strengths based, aspirationalPersonalised Learning Plans (PLPs),

•The school celebrated NAIDOC Day at a combinedschools event with involvement from members of thelocal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community..Activities included flora and fauna identification, storytelling, art and cooking.

•One staff member attended a Connecting to Countryworkshop at the Dorroughby Environmental EducationCentre.

•Aboriginal equity funding, as part of the schoolsResource Allocation Model (RAM), was utilised tosupport students in Literacy, Numeracy and culturalawareness. This was specifically designed to boost theachievements of Indigenous students.

 •All Stage Two & Three students took part in anAboriginal art and cultural day at the MinjunbalAboriginal Culture Centre. 

Multicultural and anti-racism education

Multicultural education is explored through all KeyLearning Areas at The Channon Public School. Theembedding of improved technology in the school in2016 allowed staff and students to access multiculturalresources, particularly those that supported theimplementation of the new History syllabus.

In 2016 at The Channon Public School we;

•celebrated Harmony Day with class based activitiescelebrating the diversity of cultures that make upAustralian society.

•continued to promote the role of the Anti RacismContact Officer (ARCO), working with staff andstudents to maintain inclusive classroom, playgroundand wider school practices. •participated in professionallearning for staff to support the implementation of thenew Geography Syllabus in 2017.

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