romanticism · 2017-06-21 · romanticism in poland for the first few years was like in other...


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It is derived from the French words romantique, romanesque which means novel or short story about knights adventures. At first, this word meant a group of languages spoken in medieval France: provençal and langues d'oïl, Later it became a term of medieval literature written in the vernacular - folk literature and chivalry. At the turn of XVIII i XIX age it began to be called romantic poetry which was created as the opposition to classicism.

The Beginning of Romantism

In Poland

Theoretical - 1818. Kazimierz Brodziński announces the Treaty of classicism and romanticism

Practical - 1822

Adam Mickiewicz published Ballads and Romances - the first work of


Polish Romanticism, unlike Romanticism in some other parts of Europe, was not limited to literary and artistic concerns. (due to specific Polish historical circumstances, notably the partitions of Poland) It was also an ideological, philosophical and political movement that expressed the ideals and way of life of a large group of Polish society subjected to foreign rule as well as to ethnic and religious discrimination.

Many of the Polish Romantics worked abroad, often banished from Poland by the occupying powers due to their politically subversive ideas. Their work became increasingly dominated by the ideals of political struggle for freedom and their country's sovereignty. Elements of mysticism became more prominent. There developed the idea of the poeta wieszcz (the bart - the prophet). The wieszcz (bard) functioned as spiritual leader to the nation fighting for its independence. The most notable poet so recognized was Adam Mickiewicz.

A little history Romanticism in Poland for the first few years was like in other European Countries but it changed after the November uprising in 1830, then the emergence of Cracow in 1846 and uprising in January in 1863. It was a background of cultural traditions.

Polish writers were looking at romance. Because Poland was occupied, and it wasn’t on maps of the world for over 100 years. Compatriots rioted and organized the uprising, most of which engraved in November, Cracow and January uprising. At that time the writers do not write about a typical love just about unique patriotic love.

Map of Polish




Adam Mickiewicz - was born in December 24, 1798 in Zaosie, died November 26, 1855 in Constantinople. Polish poet, activist and political journalist. Known primarily as the author of ballads, poetry and the national epic "Pan Tadeusz". In 1815, Mickiewicz went to Vilnius to study humanities at the Imperial University of Vilnius. In 1822 he created a collection of Ballads and Romances. It was a proper Mickiewicz’s debut and the beginning of Romanticism in Poland. In 1823 he was arrested and imprisoned in the Basilian monastery in Vilnius. He was exiled to Russia.

He went to Dresden and then to Paris, where he settled and spent more than 20 years. In 1834, he married Celina Szymanowska. The same year he published last great work of his life „Pan Tadeusz”. This epic poem consists of 12 books. It became the most popular work of successive generations of Polish literature. In 1849 he was a co-founder and editor of La Tribune des Peuples (People’s Tribune), The international political journal, proclaming the ideas od The Spring of Nations He went to Constantinople to create Polish troops. He died suddenly during the cholera epidemic. Mickiewicz was an outstending artist and he is still a great authority.

Adam Mickiewicz

Franciszek the brother of the poet

Maria the daughter of the poet

Władysław the son of the poet

Helena the daughter of the poet

Aleksander the brother of the poer

The mother Barbara and father Mikołaj of the poet

During the November Insurrection of 1830, he was proposed to became an envoy of the insurrectionary government but he resigned and traveled to Dresden (Germany), Paris, and London. In 1833–35 Słowacki was in Switzerland, and a year later he was in Italy, where he wrote his love idyll ‘W Szwajcarii’ (1839; In Switzerland). His travels to the Middle East in 1837–38 are described in Podróż do Ziemi Świętej z Neapolu (published posthumously, 1866; “Voyage to the Holy Land from Naples”), a narrative poem. He spent most of his exile in Paris, which was the centre for the large number of emigrants who had escaped from Poland after the 1830 uprising. His letters to his mother from Paris are classics of Polish prose.

Słowacki’s romantic poems and dramas touched upon major national themes, such as Poland’s yearning for independence, its belief in the integrity of the Polish people, and its faith in Polish folklore as a source of pride and strength.

Maria Kalergis Cyprian Kamil Norwid

At the age of 21 he settled in Paris. Thereafter, during the last 18 years of his life. He gave only some 30 public performances, preferring the more intimate atmosphere of thesalon. He supported himself by selling his compositions and teaching piano, for which he was in high demand. Chopin formed a friendship with Franz Liszt and was admired by many of his musical contemporaries, including Robert Schuman.

In 1835 he obtained French citizenship. After a failed engagement to a Polish girl, from 1837 to 1847 he maintained an often troubled relationship with the French writer George Sand. A brief and unhappy visit to Majorca with Sand in 1838–39 was one of his most productive periods of composition. In his last years, he was financially supported by his admirer Jane Stirling, who also arranged for him to visit Scotland in 1848. Through most of his life, Chopin suffered from poor health. He died in Paris in 1849, probably of tuberculosis.

Romantic painting



A leading representative

of Polish romanticism

Presentation prepared by:

Polish Team Romantic Age:

Angelika Warzecha

Wiktoria Kaleta