2017-18 budget proposal school board executive summary · 2017-18 budget proposal snapshot . trend...

2017-18 Budget Proposal School Board Executive Summary May 2, 2017 District Profile: Oconomowoc Area School District (OASD) serves approximately 5,300 students in pre-kindergarten through grade twelve. OASD covers 135 square miles in Waukesha, Dodge and Jefferson counties. The District operates five elementary schools, two intermediate schools and one high school, and continues to be one of the fastest growing school districts in southeast Wisconsin. Park Lawn Elementary 1 st graders performing during their winter concert for family and friends on February 23, 2017. Led by their music teacher, Ms. Amy Ciesielski, students performed the song Skinnamarink as a ‘musical valentine’ to their families. As captured above, students gesture as they sing the words “I Love You”.

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Page 1: 2017-18 Budget Proposal School Board Executive Summary · 2017-18 Budget Proposal Snapshot . Trend Factor Budget Impact Student Enrollment Increasing FTE count .9%. This is a conservative

2017-18 Budget Proposal School Board Executive Summary

May 2, 2017

District Profile: Oconomowoc Area School District (OASD) serves approximately 5,300 students in pre-kindergarten through grade twelve. OASD covers 135 square miles in Waukesha, Dodge and Jefferson counties. The District operates five elementary schools, two intermediate schools and one high school, and continues to be one of the fastest growing school districts in southeast Wisconsin.

Park Lawn Elementary 1st graders performing during their winter concert for family and friends on February 23, 2017. Led by their music teacher, Ms. Amy Ciesielski, students performed the song Skinnamarink as a ‘musical valentine’ to their families. As captured above, students gesture as they sing the words “I Love You”.

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Table of Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Budget Overview for 2017-18 ............................................................................................................. 4

Budget Snapshot ................................................................................................................................ 6

Financial Position ............................................................................................................................... 7

Enrollment Summary ....................................................................................................................... 10

Financial Summary ........................................................................................................................... 12

General Fund Revenues .......................................................................................................................... 12

General Fund Expenditures ..................................................................................................................... 16

2017-18 Staffing Summary............................................................................................................... 18

Wages, Salaries, and Employee Benefits ........................................................................................... 20

Non-personnel – Major Expenditure Areas ...................................................................................... 24

Student Transportation ........................................................................................................................... 24

Non-Benefit Insurances …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….24

Summer School………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….25

The Oconomowoc Arts Center ................................................................................................................ 26

Buildings and Grounds ............................................................................................................................ 28

Long-Term Facilities Planning .................................................................................................................. 29

2017-18 Strategic Initiatives ............................................................................................................. 30

2017-18 Summary Budgets for All Other Funds ................................................................................. 33

Special Education Programs – Fund 27 ................................................................................................... 33

Debt Service – Fund 38 Non-Referendum Debt ..................................................................................... 34

Debt Service – Fund 39 Referendum Approved Debt ............................................................................. 35

Community Service – Fund 80 ................................................................................................................ 36

Food Service – Fund 50 ........................................................................................................................... 36

Property Tax Forecast ...................................................................................................................... 37

Impact on Property Tax Bills ................................................................................................................... 38

Comparison of Oconomowoc’s Mill Rate ............................................................................................... 39

Future Trends Affecting Oconomowoc Area School District ............................................................... 39

Summary Comments ........................................................................................................................ 40

Addendum Section

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Introduction We are pleased to present the 2017-18 Oconomowoc Area School District (OASD) Budget Proposal. The Budget Proposal will be presented to the School Board on Tuesday, May 2, 2017. During the budget development process, every program and staffing position is carefully reviewed to ensure that scarce financial resources are used wisely and in accordance with the District’s mission, initiatives, and financial policies.

The 2017-18 budget proposal was built to support and advance the Board’s five Strategic Directions:

1. Continuous Improvement in Academic Performance 2. Innovative Instructional Programs 3. Creating a Great Workplace with Highly Engaged Employees 4. High Quality Facilities with 21st Century Learning Environments 5. Respecting the Diversity Among People and Cultures

This budget was developed using a collaborative process aided by input from numerous sources with employee engagement throughout. Contributions to budget development came from the following groups:

School Board Educator’s Strategic Compensation Committee Benefits Task Force Employee Handbook Committees (for each employee group) Technology Task Force Administrative Team Principals & Department Administrators Cabinet

In addition to being a collaborative effort, the budget development process was also transparent. The Board, administration, and staff were provided with both State and local level budget updates throughout the five month process. Transparency in the budget process creates greater awareness and accountability. For internal stakeholders, transparency enables central office departments and schools to take greater ownership of their goals, priorities, and continuous improvement plans. For external stakeholders, our community, it results in a more readable and informative budget document. The budget proposal is available on the District website at www.oasd.org.

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Budget Overview for 2017-18 The State Perspective: The District’s budgetary financial framework is determined primarily by the State of Wisconsin’s budget. However, the 2017-19 State budget is still pending in the State legislature. This means that many key revenue variables remain uncertain. In addition, there are a number of considerations that must be estimated, including enrollment, equalized property values, and State aid. OASD’s budget is based upon the best estimates of likely financial conditions, including the following:

The “Revenue Limit Formula” by which the State indirectly controls K-12 spending will remain flat (a ‘zero increase’) next year. Per student revenue limit authority has varied over the years from $100’s/student to -$250/student. Additional revenue authority helps a district to balance the inflationary and operational escalation of its expenditures. The ‘zero increase’ scenario contained in State’s 2017-19 budget holds down statewide property taxes, but obviously creates challenging financial conditions for school districts.

In 2014-15, school districts received additional categorical aid of $150 per

student. For OASD, this equated to revenue of approximately $796,000. The 2015-17 State budget continued this aid for 2015-16 and 2016-17. For 2016-17, the Per Pupil Categorical Aid is provided to districts at a rate of $250 per student or $1.3M for OASD. The State’s proposed 2017-19 biennial budget maintains the current law of $250 per pupil in both years. The budget proposal also provides additional aid as follows:

o Additional aid of $188 per pupil in 2017-18 and $380 per pupil in 2018-

19 with increased State budget funding o Supplemental aid of $12 per pupil in 2017-18 and $24 per pupil in 2018-

19 funded from insurance savings of the State moving to a self-insured model

Both of these aid increases are conditional requiring districts to certify that employees will pay at least 12% of all health care coverage costs and that these funds will be distributed to schools in a per-pupil enrollment allocation.

State Equalization Aid, which is OASD’s largest funding source other than local

property taxes, is expected to increase by 6%. An increase in State aid shifts the funding burden from the local property tax levy to the state-level. OASD can be viewed as state-local funding partnership. The actions of one funding partner greatly impact the other funding partner.

Open enrollment revenue is estimated to increase 3% over the 2016-17 level;

however this change is more than offset by an estimated 8% increase in open enrollment expenditures. Both revenue and expenditure reflect the combined changes in both open enrollment and the State’s voucher program.

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The Local Perspective: The District expects limited General Fund revenue growth next year. A zero-increase in the revenue per pupil (see State Perspective above) is a significant constraint on revenue. The two primary sources generating additional revenue for OASD are (1) increasing ‘three-year rolling average’ student enrollment, and (2) a projected increase in the Per Pupil Categorical Aid rate from $250 to $300. We expect General Fund revenue to increase by 2.21% next year based primarily on tight controls by the State.

OASD’s has been fortunate to experience a long-term trend of growing enrollment. This trend is a positive revenue factor. Under the State revenue limit formula, districts with growing enrollment have more financial flexibility than districts with declining enrollment. However, in recent years this trend has leveled. With new-home starts and residential development apparent throughout the District, we are hopeful that enrollment growth will resume once again.

General Fund expenditures must conform to available revenues to produce a balanced operating budget. The proposed budget is balanced, while incorporating key initiatives, through careful control of costs and strategic allocation of limited resources. This budget supports the instructional mission of OASD as demonstrated by sustaining these key initiatives:

• Pupil-to-teacher ratios which are appropriate for each grade level and which support a positive environment for learning.

• A Response to Intervention system that meets the needs of all learners and decreases the need for referral to special education.

• Consistent annual funding for curriculum materials, instructional technology, and staff development, all of which place OASD among the leading school districts in Wisconsin.

• Continued implementation of a three year plan to increase the number of technology devices by 3,700, which commenced in 2015-16 with a 1:1 student-to-device ratio at OHS. The plan was continued in 2016-17 with the roll-out of 1:1 student-to-device ratio at grades 7 and 8, and 2:1 student-to-classroom device ratio in grades 5 and 6. The final phase will occur in 2017-18 with 2:1 student-to-classroom device ratio in grades 1 through 4, and 5 iPads per classroom in grades 4K and 5K.

• Expansion of coaching/mentoring services to support OASD’s Universal Design for Learning curriculum delivery approach.

• A commitment to facility preventative maintenance, renovation, infrastructure improvements, and long-term capital project funding.

• An improved, sustainable salary model that provides a clear pathway, fair compensation, and attracts and retains OASD’s high-quality certified staff.

• Competitive salaries and wages for all employee groups.

• Increased student access and use of mobile technology supported by OASD’s high-speed fiber network and wireless infrastructure.

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2017-18 Budget Proposal Snapshot

Trend Factor Budget Impact

Student Enrollment

Increasing FTE count .9%. This is a conservative enrollment estimate that assumes an increase of 16 students (5,492 to 5,541). The 'three-year-rolling-average' increases by 67 students.

Mill Rate

Increasing 2.65%. An increase of 2.5% was used to estimate OASD's equalized tax base. OASD's tax base has grown each of the past three years at 5.7%, 3.0%, and 3.1% which is growth above the State average. Tax base growth helps to offset the increased tax levy.

Open Enrollment

Net expense increase. Open enrollment estimate assumes an increase for open enrollment out of an additional $253,000. The overall open enrollment out expense is $2.29M.

Student FeesNo Change. The Board approved student fees consistent with 2016-17. See detailed scheduled in Addendum. Note: Course and consumable fees may be adjusted based on actual product costs.

Bond Rating Holding at Aa2 as of April 2017. This is a favorable rating.

Fund Balance No Change. The budget proposal is balanced with expenditures equal to revenues.

General Fund Revenues

Increasing 2.21%. Revenues will increase primarily as a result of the 'three-year rolling average' and higher Per Pupil Categorical Aid rate.

State Equalization


Increasing 6%. A 'worst case' scenario would by a 15% loss, which has not materialized the past several years. A 6% increase is realistic and yet conservative. Increasing aid helps reduce the increase in the local property tax levy.

Property Tax Levy

Increasing 5.21%. Five factors contribute to this change: (1) 'three-year rolling average' enrollment growth, (2) modest expenditure increases, (3) no revenue limit authority change, (4) the State aid assumption, and (5) increased debt service resulting from the successful 2016 referendum.

General Fund Expenditures

Increasing 2.21%. A majority of the District's expenditures increase annually. Compensation, benefits, utilities, insurance, and transportation are driven by increased enrollment and inflation. Resources were reallocated and budget reserves were eliminated to fund OASD's current year operational needs.

Staffing Level (Overall)

Increase 13.28 FTE for all staffing categories. Staffing levels are driven by class size guidelines, enrollment growth, program selection at OHS, and contingency planning. Various staffing shifts and natural attrition are used to match OASD's staffing plan with enrollment needs.

Wages & Salaries

3% compensation pool. A 'pool' of funds equal to 3.0% of base wages was created to provide salary increases, including steps, stipends, and promotions where applicable, for staff.

Health, Dental, Vision


Varied by benefit. Health insurance is budgeted at a 6% increase due to the unfavorable loss-claim ratio and high cost claims. Dental is budgeted at a 5% increase due to high plan utilization. A 0% change is budgeted for vision and LTD insurances due to locked in renewals.

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7 While financial conditions for K-12 school districts are challenging, there are also opportunities to create new and innovative solutions.

This proposal presents a balanced operating budget for 2017-18 which supports and advances OASD’s mission. There is little margin for error in this budget. Careful administration of the budget plan is essential to achieving the established financial targets. We look forward to an exciting and successful school year in 2017-18.

Financial Position OASD’s financial position has improved substantially over the last decade. The General Fund balance has recovered from a $ -2.7 million deficit at year-end 2004. As of June 30, 2016, the General Fund Balance improved to a positive $16 million. As the 2016-17 school year nears its completion, the General Fund budget continues to perform well. Administration is hopeful that the current year budget will out-perform expectations and allow for fund balance growth and a transfer into Fund 46 to save for long-term maintenance projects. The Fund Balance chart below is reflective of actual results and budget amounts and does not consider this forecast.

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8 The General Fund Balance ratio (or ‘solvency’ ratio) is a commonly accepted measure of a school district’s financial condition. The General Fund Balance is equivalent to the balance sheet ‘equity’ account of a private enterprise. The fund balance is a financial strength snapshot at a given moment in time. Throughout the course of a given year, the fund balance has peaks and valleys in correlation with receipt of a district's major funding sources: property taxes and Equalization Aid. If a district does not have an adequate fund balance, it must borrow money on a short-term basis to pay its bills and its employees. There are issuance and interest costs associated with borrowing these funds. For OASD, these costs have ranged from $36,000 to $485,000. The fund balance is intended for a number of purposes, most importantly, reducing the need for short-term borrowing. The chart below illustrates the need for fund balance by showing the differences between when OASD receives funding compared to how it incurs expenditures.

State statutes do not require that a set amount or percent of a district’s overall budget be maintained as a fund balance; this is a local decision. OASD’s Board policy regarding fund balances states: “The District shall strive to maintain an unassigned year-end fund balance in the General Fund that is equivalent to at least 15% of the anticipate General Fund expenditure budget for the subsequent fiscal year with a goal of reaching a level where the short-term borrowing for operations is not necessary. This fund balance is intended to be used for purposes including: cash flow management, reducing or eliminating the need for short-term borrowing, safeguarding against unexpected expenses or unrealized revenues, and maintaining a high credit rating for the District.”









July August September October November December January February March April May June

2016-17 Projected Monthly Revenues/Expenditures and Fund Balance

Estimated Expenses Estimated Receipts Month-end Cash/Fund Balance

90% of Funding When OASD receives property taxes 72% of overall funding.When OASD receives State Equalization Aid 18% of overall funding.

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9 OASD’s Fund Balance meets the Board’s minimum requirement of 15%. The district’s short-term borrowing has decreased since 2009 from $12M to $1.5M in 2016-17.

The District’s bond rating was reaffirmed as ‘Aa2’ in April 2017, reflecting consistently positive budget results and improving financial strength.

Moody’s Credit Overview [April 12, 2017] – The Aa2 rating reflects the district’s sizeable tax base supported by above average income levels. The district’s tax base is currently valued at $5.2B, which remains slightly below its peak of $5.6B in fiscal 2008, but the district has reported positive growth in valuation the last three consecutive years. The rating also reflects the district’s solid financial position, as well as its manageable debt and pension liabilities. The district’s financial position is expected to remain solid due to its improved reserve position and prudent budget management. District reserve levels have improved substantially since fiscal 2010 when available reserves across the major operating funds were a satisfactory 13% of revenues to a healthy 25% of revenues at the close of fiscal 2016. The district historically has borrowed for cash flow purposes due to the timing of property tax receipts but the improved reserve position has allowed management to reduce the amount of the short term borrowings. In fiscal 2017, the district issues $1.5M in Notes down from $7.5M in fiscal 2015.

Year FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18Fund Balance Total 5,528,823 10,010,266 9,927,643 11,860,335 12,254,170 14,075,889 16,033,544 16,033,544 16,033,544

Fund Balance (Unreserved, Undesignated) 5,528,823 8,010,266 9,224,279 11,014,822 10,950,551 14,075,889 15,618,544 16,033,544 16,033,544 General Fund Expenditures 49,298,229 50,538,005 51,948,907 52,372,948 55,167,510 55,253,968 57,242,746 60,963,000 62,308,000

Solvency Ratio 11.2% 15.8% 17.8% 21.0% 19.8% 25.5% 27.3% 26.3% 25.7%Board Policy Required Mininum: 15%

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Enrollment Summary School district revenues are based on a ‘3-year rolling average of resident enrollment’. Most school districts (64%) in Wisconsin have either flat or declining enrollment. However, OASD has recorded fourteen consecutive years of positive enrollment growth as defined by the ‘3-year rolling average’ calculation. Note that OASD’s projected results for 2017-18 are conservative.

The table above illustrates the tremendous enrollment growth in OASD beginning in 2004-05. Enrollment has surged by over twelve hundred (1,200) students during this period. However, OASD’s rate of enrollment growth has slowed over recent years. This trend is highlighted as the enrollment change columns over the past 5 years fall below the 5 and 10 year average growth lines.

Open Enrollment: In 2005-06 the District had a net open enrollment loss of 164 students, or 3.7% of total resident enrollment (164 / 4,467).

In 2016-17, District had a net open enrollment loss of 269 students, or 4.8% of total resident enrollment (269 / 5,635).

Open enrollment out continues to out-pace open enrollment in as shown in the following chart. Net open enrollment out has increased by 113 students over the past four year following a period of flat change after the opening of new facilities in 2008-09.

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Data shows that most of OASD’s students who opt for ‘open enrollment out’ reside along the eastern border of the District and many are students who never attended OASD. The District recognizes the financial burden open enrollment imparts on the budget, not to mention the impact on the public perception of its schools. The District is taking steps to address this challenge, including improving marketing efforts, expanding high school programming, lowering/maintaining appropriate class sizes, and renovating and/or replacing existing aged facilities.

Total Enrollment and Open Enrollment: 2005-06 to Present:

Adjusted Resident Enrollment = Basic Head Count minus Open Enroll In plus Open Enroll Out.

OASD Enrollment Summary Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimate2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Resident Head Count:

PreK-4 thru Grade 12 4,303 4,469 4,603 4,729 4,842 5,027 5,073 5,114 5,211 5,258 5,257 5,366 5,382 Open Enroll In (All Grades) (48) (57) (87) (91) (121) (117) (129) (149) (168) (170) (185) (196) (216) Open Enroll Out (All Grades) 212 228 255 252 271 301 291 305 365 388 426 465 501 Adjusted Resident Enrollment 4,467 4,640 4,771 4,890 4,992 5,211 5,235 5,270 5,408 5,476 5,498 5,635 5,667 % Increase over Prior Yr. 1.89% 3.87% 2.82% 2.49% 2.09% 4.39% 0.46% 0.67% 2.62% 1.26% 0.40% 2.49% 0.57%

PreK-4 thru Grade 12 enrollment is strictly 3rd Friday head count and does not factor in percentages for part-time students (4k). Open Enrollment - includes tuition waivers.

NET 164 171 168 161 150 184 162 156 197 218 241 269 285

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Financial Summary General Fund Revenues, Expenditures, and Change in Fund Balance

A detailed Statement of Revenues and Expenditures is located in the Addendum.

General Fund Revenue – Summary Comments: Wisconsin school districts operate under financial parameters established at the State level. Since 2011, state lawmakers have imposed restrictive limits on school district revenue growth. The Revenue Limit Formula is the critical first step in the OASD budget development process. The Revenue Limit functions as a control on the combined amount of property taxes and general State aid available to operate the District.

Sometimes referred to as revenue caps, revenue limits are state-imposed controls on the amount of money a district can receive through a combination of state aid and local property taxes; the two largest sources of revenue for OASD. Approximately 90% of OASD’s revenues are derived from these two sources. Revenue limits were implemented in 1993-94 by state policymakers, as a means of controlling increases in school property tax levies.

General Fund Summary 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 $ Change PercentActual Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Budget

Beginning Fund Balance 11,860,335 12,254,170 14,075,889 16,033,544 16,033,544 - 0.00%

Revenues:Local 43,754,078 43,949,198 45,751,468 45,643,821 46,060,298 416,477 0.91%

State & Interdistrict 10,510,622 12,151,488 11,727,279 13,710,605 14,650,312 939,707 6.85%

Federal & Other 1,296,645 975,001 1,721,653 1,608,574 1,597,390 (11,184) -0.70%

Land Sales - - -

Total Revenues 55,561,345 57,075,687 59,200,400 60,963,000 62,308,000 1,345,000 2.21%

Expenditures:Instruction 24,922,341 25,961,719 26,012,428 27,340,194 28,668,558 1,328,364 4.86%

Support Services 22,279,672 20,425,883 21,882,727 23,445,368 22,668,813 (776,555) -3.31% Other Non-program Transactions 7,965,497 8,866,366 9,347,590 10,177,438 10,970,629 793,191 7.79%

Total Expenditures 55,167,510 55,253,968 57,242,745 60,963,000 62,308,000 1,345,000 2.21%

Ending Fund Balance 12,254,170 14,075,889 16,033,544 16,033,544 16,033,544 - 0.00%

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13 The difference between the District’s revenue limit and its general aid amount determines the maximum amount of tax levy revenue OASD is allowed to raise. For example, if additional general aid is provided, then the property tax must be reduced by the corresponding amount. If general state aid is reduced, then the Board has the authority to “backfill” the aid reduction by increasing the property tax levy.

Revenue Strategy: As noted in the Financial Summary table (page 12), 2017-18 General Fund revenues are expected to increase by $1,345,000 or 2.21% as compared to the 2016-17 budget adopted by the Board in November. This modest increase is the result of the following factors:

1) The State ‘revenue limit formula’ provides $0 per pupil for additional revenue authority.

2) The State’s 2017-18 budget proposal maintains the existing $250 per pupil categorical aid and suggests raises in the per-pupil categorical aid as follow:

a) Additional aid of $188 per pupil in 2017-18 and $380 per pupil in 2018-19 with increased State budget funding

b) Supplemental aid of $12 per pupil in 2017-18 and $24 per pupil in 2018-19 funded from insurance savings of the State moving to a self-insured model

Both of these aid increases are conditional requiring districts to certify that employees will pay at least 12% of all health care coverage costs and that these funds will be distributed to schools in a per-pupil enrollment allocation.

For budgeting purposes due to the uncertainty of the Governor’s proposal, OASD has assumed a modest increase of $50 per pupil in this categorical aid, from $250 to $300 per pupil. OASD will make modifications to its existing benefit offerings and cost sharing program to be in compliance with the State’s budget proposal requirements such that it would be eligible for any new categorical aid.

3) Student enrollment is expected to grow marginally. An increase of 16 students in membership FTE enrollment is factored into the revenue limit formula. This estimate appears reasonable based on OASD’s enrollment change experienced in recent years. There is still growth in the ‘three-year rolling average’ enrollment as a larger count replaces a lower count in the average calculation. This provides for a modest bump in revenue limit authority.

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14 4) According to Board policy, the Board has the authority to assess registration and

participation fees at reasonable levels to partially offset (but not fund the majority of) program costs. The Board approved administration’s proposal for no changes in these fees. Revenues from registration and participation fees are predicted to be consistent with prior years. In addition, course and consumables fees are reviewed and updated annually based upon actual cost. A detailed Student Fee Schedule for 2017-18 is included in the Addendum.

5) Federal and State grant funding is projected to be consistent with 2016-17 budget levels. Administration is closely monitoring discussions at both governmental levels pertaining to changes and eliminations of grant funding.

The following graph details the composition of General Fund revenue sources.

State Equalization Aid, the largest source of revenue other than local property taxes, is expected to increase by 6%. This is a reasonable estimate given the variables impacting Equalization Aid. This budget estimates an approximate $624,000 gain of State Equalization Aid, from $10.4 million to $11.0 million dollars. Equalization aid has historically been a ‘roller-coaster’ ride for OASD. In recent years, OASD benefited from the aid formula as growing enrollment out-paced expenditure and equalized property value growth. This trend has kept OASD’s valuation per member and shared cost per member near the formula’s ceilings and State averages. OASD has been penalized less at the tertiary aid level. In the near future, OASD will again face potential aid loss as a result of significantly increasing debt service for the 2016 referendum. The debt service will increase the District’s shared cost. However, the many factors/variables impacting the Equalization Aid funding formula, including enrollment growth, property values, financial performance, ceiling/guarantee adjustments, and State-wide spending changes, will be closely monitored to help predict OASD’s anticipated Aid.

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The state ‘shares’ in funding the OASD annual budget through state aid. As previously described, the amount of state aid received by a district is important because the less state aid that is received, the more funding that has to be raised through local property taxes.

Wisconsin provides the majority of state aid to school districts based on a formula that attempts to provide each district with a guaranteed tax base per pupil. This aid is referred to as Equalization Aid and is meant to assure that a basic educational opportunity is available to all pupils regardless of the local fiscal capacity (ability to pay) of the district in which they reside.

Property values vary widely across the state, and hence, districts differ in their ability to raise property tax revenue to support educational programs. Since OASD’s property value per member is well-above the state average, the majority of funding to support the District’s operations come from local property taxes.

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General Fund Expenditures – Summary Comments: In a budgetary environment characterized by restricted, and often minimal, revenue growth, OASD must remain focused and exercise careful restraint over expenditures, ensuring that every dollar is allocated to its optimal use. Budgeted 2017-18 General Fund expenditures total $62.3 million. This is an increase of 2.21% from current year budgeted expenditures. Staffing levels, compensation, and benefits were aligned to projected enrollment needs, strategic initiatives, and Board directives. Principals and administrators scrutinized non-personnel budgets to identify resource reallocation opportunities.

The chart below shows expenditure categories as a percentage of the overall budget. It highlights the importance of managing compensation and benefits given their overall budget composition: 65% before consideration of the Special Education Fund.

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17 With severely limited revenue growth, the change in expenditures must be carefully examined to avoid drawing inaccurate conclusions. OASD is committed to continuous improvement and fulfilling its strategic directions despite limited ‘new’ money available to fund operations. The Board, Cabinet, and Administrative Team collaborated throughout the budget development process to provide input on assumptions, identify strategic initiatives, and complete the staffing plan. The table below summarizes the initiatives prioritized in OASD’s budget supported by new resources, along with re-allocation of existing budget funds.

The sections that follow focus on OASD’s major recurring expenditures. This balanced budget proposal for 2017-18 is based on an efficient staffing plan, realistic wage and salary assumptions, favorable employee benefit rates, inclusion of identified strategic initiatives, and careful attention to other major cost areas.

2017-18 Budget - Prioritized Spending:Certified staff promotions and raises $550,000Transfer to Special Education Fund related to teacher salary and benefit increases and teacher/support staff FTE changes to support program needs


Administrative assistants, administrators, coordinators, custodians, managers, non-union support, and paraprofessionals - steps, stipends, and raises


Increases in health insurance, dental insurance, WRS, pension, 403(b), FICA, & medicare


Certified staff new/additional FTE (including contingency FTE) $424,000Phase III of Technology Plan-2:1 student-device ratio Grades 1-4, 5 iPads per classroom Grades 4K-5K


Elimination/reduction of prior year spending and reserves: land purchase, UDL furniture, equipment, lease expense, purchased services, fuel, interest, workers compensation insurance, and retiree benefits, etc.


TOTAL $1,345,000

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2017-18 Staffing Summary The budget proposal is based upon a detailed staffing plan for the 2017-18 school year. The plan is centered upon student enrollment, appropriate class sizes, course offerings, student course selections and efficient use of resources.

Personnel costs represent approximately 73% of General Fund expenditures. Personnel costs are driven by (1) the staffing plan; (2) wage and salary assumptions; and (3) employee benefit costs. Each of these personnel cost factors is discussed in detail in the sections that follow.

The 2017-18 staffing plan includes a 2.31% increase in total staffing. The staffing plan is the result of an in-depth review of every OASD program and staffing assignment. A detailed staffing plan is included in the Addendum to this report.

The staffing plan summarized above maintains the OHS transformation plan which began in 2012-13. It also includes FTE to support OASD’s initiative for Universal Design for Learning, reading and math interventions, new OHS programming, and student course selections at OHS and the intermediate schools. The net FTE increases shown above align with the approved certified and support staffing requests included in the Addendum. Two contingent FTE’s are included in the plan to be used if needed based upon actual enrollment next September.

The chart that follows shows that non-teacher FTE has remained relatively consistent over recent years, with the exception of paraprofessional staffing. Paraprofessionals support our students in a number of ways beyond simple supervison. They are used to assist with literacy instruction at the early grade levels, individual ‘breakout’ learning district-wide, and in various means to assist students with special needs.

Staff Category 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 #


ChangeTeachers 337.92 342.39 351.93 358.08 360.31 368.88 375.74 6.86 1.86%Administrators 20.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 - 0.00%

Sub-Total 357.92 361.39 371.93 379.08 385.31 393.88 400.74 6.86 1.74%Managers 6.50 6.00 6.00 7.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 - 0.00%Paraprofessionals 82.40 86.93 84.37 87.30 88.15 89.48 95.40 5.92 6.62%Admin. Assistants 26.52 25.52 27.95 27.95 29.33 26.68 26.68 - 0.00%Custodians 43.11 47.56 47.76 46.24 46.24 46.21 46.71 0.50 1.08%Technology Staff 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 - 0.00%Other 2.71 5.52 8.23 8.63 9.27 8.88 8.88 - 0.00%

Support Sub-Total 164.24 174.53 177.31 181.12 181.99 182.25 188.67 6.42 3.52%Grand Total 522.16 535.92 549.24 560.20 567.30 576.13 589.41 13.28 2.31%

16-17 to 17-18

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Another measurement tool reviewed by administration is the student-to-teacher ratio. To balance the budget and use resources wisely, it is critically important that OASD align the teacher FTE changes to enrollment changes. This also helps to achieve appropriate class sizes, which is a key consideration of parents when evaluating a school district. The District has successfully reduced this ratio over recent years.

Class Size Averages A key factor considered in making staffing decisions and developing the staffing plan is adherence to OASD’s class size guidelines. Student enrollment is monitored weekly for

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20 changes that impact staffing decisions. Watch spots are identified for areas that are nearing or exceeding class size guidelines. Staffing decisions and watch-spot changes are finalized in August when the school registration window closes. The chart that follows shows the most recent ‘snapshot’ of enrollment projections and the impact on class size averages. Only classroom teachers are considered in the class-size averages shown in the chart below.

Wages, Salaries, and Employee Benefits The budget proposal includes a 3.0% wage/salary reserve for the 2017-18 school year. The budget supports the Board approved compensation model for certified staff. The model (implemented in 2015-16) represents a collaborative effort of administrators and teachers to capture the Board’s vision, along with staff input and feedback. The model is intended to:

recognize and reward the staffs’ efforts;

attract and retain high-quality staff;

provide a clear career pathway;

identify objective evaluation measures and performance expectations; and,

promote the elevation of the teaching profession.








Class Size Average 2017-18

# of



2017-18 Class Size Averages - Projections

4K 5K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th-12th

For most grade levels, class size is projected to be lower in 2017-18 than 2016-17.

OHS averages are calculated by dividing student count for all 4 grades by the FTE in the core and elective areas (excluding special education, resource, student services, etc.).

Elementary grades 4K -2 are also supported by paraprofessional staff as follows: Each 4K classroom receives 3.5 hrs/day. The 5K classrooms receive 1 hr/day.Each 1st grade class is supported 1 hr/day. And, 2nd grade classrooms receive1 hr/day.

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21 In addition, the budget proposal supports compensation adjustments for administrators, technology staff, specialists, and managers to align OASD pay levels with comparable benchmark districts. These changes reflect the Board’s commitment to staff aligned with Strategic Direction 3 – Creating a Great Workplace with Highly Engaged Staff. Specific compensation actions were recommended to and approved by the Board as part of the budget development process.

OASD’s health, dental, and vision insurance renewals were initially slated to be at 9%, 5%, and 0%, respectively. The 9% represents the cap included in the 2016-17 insurance contract and is due to an extensive number of high cost claims, increased plan utilization, and an unfavorable loss ratio. OASD’s benefits consultant, Associated Benefits and Risk Consulting (ABRC), worked with the carrier to review the underwriter’s assumptions with the hopes of reducing the renewal. They successfully leveraged OASD’s long-term loss ratio and carrier partnership commitment to reduce the renewal to a 7.5% increase. This renewal was further reduced to 6.74% as a result of the District’s decision to change benefits consultants as of July 1, 2017. The commission cost savings generated by the change is incorporated into the renewal.

Over the past several years, the Board has authorized a 0% rate change for employee benefits. OASD has utilized various tools provided by Act 10 to manage the rising cost of health (dental, vision, ltd) insurance, including an increased employee premium share %, two carrier changes, implementation of an HRA (health reimbursement arrangement), wellness requirements, and co-insurance, utilized a narrow network, and modified the prescription drug and dental plans. This summer, ABRC will lead a team of Board members, administrators, and staff through a strategic planning process for the District’s employee benefits. This process will establish short and long term goals, create a formalized vision for employee benefits, and develop a long-term employee benefits plan for OASD. Given the FOA committee’s directive and the negotiations’ progress status, the budget has been built assuming a 6%, 5%, and 0% renewal for health, dental, and vision insurances.

One of the controversial items included in the Governor’s budget proposal is linking the new additional Per Pupil Aid to a requirement that districts impose a 12% employee premium share for health insurance. A cost shifting tool was one means provided to

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22 school districts in Act 10 to manage costs. OASD took a multi-faceted approach to cost containment for rising health, dental, and vision insurances. Using these means, OASD generated $5.7M dollars in cost savings since Act 10. These savings assume no increase in the pre-Act 10 premium amount. If OASD would have simply shifted costs through an increased employee premium share, the District would have realized only a $3.6M savings over this time period.

Overall, the medical plan premium cost and employee cost-sharing compare favorably with other benchmark districts. In a recent benefits survey completed by 35 area school districts, OASD’s family premium was the 3rd lowest, including districts with high-deductible plans. Only 6 survey respondents reported a lower employer cost per plan than OASD. Even with the 2017-18 projected renewal rates, OASD’s combined premium cost remains below the Pre-Act (2010-11) rate. Despite the rising cost of health care, numerous high-cost claims, an undesirable loss claim ratio, and the impact of ACA taxes and fees, OASD has been able to maintain favorable medical coverage, low premium rates, and minimal employee premium cost sharing. See the chart that follows.

The District continues to prepare for and conform to the requirements of the ACA. The 2014-15 school year was the implementation year for portions of ACA. The OASD staffing plan reflects adjustments necessary to comply with the ACA and avoid penalties under the new law. Under the law, employees regularly scheduled at thirty or more hours per week will be eligible for health insurance benefits.

WRS pension contributions, which are now shared evenly by the employer and employee, changed as of January 1, 2017. The employer share increased from 6.6% of wages to 6.8% of wages. Rates for 2018 are unknown; however, for budget purposes a 3% increase to 7.01% is assumed. This change is consistent with that from 2016 to 2017.

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23 The District also provides a pension plan for its non-certified staff. The funding cost of this plan varies from year to year depending on investment performance and employee demographics. The budget maintains current funding levels, despite the possibility of a higher contribution requirement. The actuarial valuation and contribution recommendation are not available at this time.

The table below shows that OASD employee benefit costs remain below 2009-10 levels. Sharing of the WRS cost between employer and employee (per State law) and significant health and dental savings have led to this result.

Unfunded post-employment benefits for qualifying retirees are a significant financial liability for OASD and many other local governmental units. A revised benefit program was introduced for retirements initiated after the 2011-12 school year. These OPEB design changes significantly reduced the District’s $36 million unfunded liability. However, it will take several years before these design changes reduce annual operating expenditures. OASD’s ‘pay-as-you-go’ retirement costs are depicted below:

The 2017-18 budget amount is an 11.9%

decrease compared to the 2016-17 budget.

The year-end projection based upon to-date results suggest 2016-17

payments will approximate 2015-16.

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Non-Personnel – Major Expenditure Areas Student Transportation The District expects to spend $2,525,000 for all student transportation next year plus $322,000 for fuel. While the 2016-17 budget is benefiting from lower than anticipated gas prices, rising fuel prices are always a budget risk.

OASD negotiated a two-year rate agreement for 2017-18 and 2018-19 with its contractor, Oconomowoc Transport, Inc. (OTC). A 1.97% rate increase on routes, which is lower than many other comparable renewals, is provided for in the 2017-18 budget as agreed upon per the negotiated contract, along with one contingent elementary school route.

OTC has maintained a positive service and safety record. Every few years, the District’s audit firm performs an operational audit to confirm the accuracy of billings and payments under the contract. The most recent audit was completed in December 2016. The audit found no material errors, inconsistencies, or concerns.

OASD removed both of the underground fuel storage tanks from their location at the high school. A new tank and pump system was installed at Oconomowoc Transport. The system is OASD’s asset placed at the vendor’s location. The system functions well. It has reduced bus traffic at OHS, thereby improving safety for students and staff, while eliminating a potential environmental liability.

Total Transportation and Fuel Costs 2008-09 to Present

Non-Benefit Insurances The District maintains various lines of insurance coverage including liability, property, worker’s compensation and unemployment. These lines of insurance are bid out-to-market every few years to ensure the District is receiving competitive rates and comprehensive coverage. The bid process was completed for the 2016-17 renewals.

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25 In 2015-16, property insurance was converted to a new carrier due to a dramatic rate increase from the Local Government Property Insurance Fund. Rates are expected to be slightly higher next year resulting from changes in coverage, additional square footage of the OHS East Campus (formerly the Wilkinson Clinic) purchased in 2015-16, and renewal rates. Worker’s compensation insurance is dependent upon industry coverage rates, number of covered employees, and the experience mod (driven by the number and severity of workplace injuries). OASD’s experience mod increased over the past several years from .74 to .88 as a result of both the number and severity of injuries. The number of covered lives also increases next year. As a result, the District’s 2017-18 worker’s compensation insurance expenditure is expected to continue to increase. Unemployment insurance expenditures are impacted by claims from former OASD employees. Work-force reductions, position eliminations, lay-offs, etc. impact this budget line.

Summer School The OASD Summer Program serves over 1,500 students at three locations. The District budgets $346,000 for the summer program. Summer school enrollment generates approximately $680,000 of revenue opportunity under the ‘revenue limit formula’ and therefore does not compete with the regular school program for budget resources.

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The Oconomowoc Arts Center The Oconomowoc Arts Center (OAC) is a 775 seat theater which opened in December 2008. The OAC has become an important and valued asset for the District and the community. The OAC has a total annual operating budget in the General Fund of $269,000 plus $124,000 in the Community Service Fund.

OAC Total Expenditure History:

For financial purposes, OAC events are classified as (1) school district use (2) community rental events, or (3) OAC produced commercial events. The OAC budget is designed with the following budget parameters:

• Most school related events do not earn revenue and all costs are charged to the General Fund.

• OAC produced commercial events are expected to earn revenue sufficient to cover the direct and indirect costs of the event. A successful 2017-18 season will achieve this goal.

• Community rentals are expected to generate revenue per the established rental rates.

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Budget

2017-18 Budget

Salaries & Benefits T 118,818 122,925 127,235 138,774 201,006 215,463 209,271 188,629 198,775 Purchased Services 75,528 134,306 84,036 63,372 58,993 128,991 173,925 123,432 168,982 Supplies Total 9,457 11,974 11,954 6,522 9,969 13,438 10,149 9,365 13,265 Equipment Total 15,109 20,828 9,201 8,339 16,002 7,845 8,323 37,097 4,575 Dues & Fees Total 8,092 18,258 13,751 17,350 19,697 23,377 25,939 14,850 8,000 Grand Total 227,004 308,291 246,177 234,357 305,667 389,114 427,608 373,373 393,597

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Almost two-thirds of OAC usage is by OASD for school purposes. Non-OASD activity includes community rentals, which are supported by a combination of rental charges and the Community Service Fund. The OAC also hosts a limited number of professional/commercial events. These events are expected to be paid for entirely by ticket income and sponsorships.

The OAC program and budget have been created for 2017-18 based on experience gained during its years of operation. The Finance, Operations, & Advancement Committee of the Board reviews OAC financial results each quarter. A preliminary 2017-18 budget for the OAC is included in the Addendum.


6%School DistrictEvents



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Buildings and Grounds The Buildings and Grounds Department includes custodial operations, utilities, and building maintenance. The first responsibility of the department is the health, safety, and welfare of the approximately 5,600 persons attending OASD schools each day. The department has a total budget of $4.4 million (on target at 7% of General Fund expenditures) which includes building cleaning, utilities, supplies, maintenance, grounds care, capital projects and operational support of the schools. The department manages approximately one million square feet of facilities, including eight school sites, a maintenance facility, and OHS East Campus (formerly the Wilkinson Clinic). A successful energy management program has improved energy efficiency. Savings generated by the energy management program fund building preventative maintenance and capital projects.

Note: 2012-13 spending includes the Athletic Fields Forever project, Retzlaff property acquisition, and other 1-time projects. The 2013-14 expenditures include spending of $3.3M for the Athletic Fields Forever project and the re-locatable classrooms at Ixonia and Meadow View.

The benchmark for capital improvements is fifty cents per square foot or approximately $525,000 per year. Cost savings measures within the department over the past several years have helped fund this line item. Typical examples are roof replacements, asphalt parking lot projects, and HVAC upgrades. A multi-year Capital Improvement Plan is included in the Addendum. The benchmark for utility costs is <= $1.00 per sq. ft. The District cost for gas and electric is budgeted at $1.05 per square foot. The increase over 2015-16 actual results is to accommodate changes in utility rates, increased building utilization, and the uncertain costs of maintaining the newly purchased OHS East Campus.

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Budget

2017-18 Budget

Salaries & Benefits 1,086,813 967,781 1,100,983 1,186,727 1,157,887 1,126,794 1,312,710 1,370,405 Purchased Services 2,287,774 1,983,474 2,744,590 5,691,687 2,990,507 2,056,767 2,374,814 2,311,250 Supplies 456,436 425,468 476,067 382,938 317,684 386,008 399,867 410,267 Equipment 51,578 149,642 550,364 89,200 103,513 168,992 367,033 287,275 Dues & Fees 2,481 1,674 355 2,892 485 805 3,300 1,200 Grand Total 3,885,082 3,528,039 4,872,359 7,353,444 4,570,075 3,739,366 4,457,724 4,380,397

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Long-Term Facilities Planning As a result of increasing enrollment and capacity limitations, OASD expended approximately $500,000 in 2013-14 to install re-locatable classroom units at both Ixonia and Meadow View schools. These units increased OASD’s elementary capacity by approximately 100 students. This project was paid for through the District’s annual operating budget and use of assigned fund balance.

Various OASD facility needs were resolved in 2008 with the construction of two intermediate schools and improvements to Oconomowoc High School. However, with eight schools to maintain, and aging facilities, capital maintenance is an on-going challenge.

In the fall of 2014, the Board revived its long-range facilities planning efforts creating a vision statement:

We will provide flexible, safe, healthy spaces where students, teachers, and technology work together in modern, energy-efficient facilities benefiting the entire community.

To gauge the efficiency and functionality of its facilities, OASD partnered with an organization to conduct an engineering study of its buildings. The study assessed the scope and budgetary cost and estimated savings of facility improvements, including its mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems.

In January 2015, the Building Our Future - Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC) was formed. The advisory committee, a community-based group, focused on long-range facilities planning related to district-wide enrollment growth, capital maintenance and energy efficiency needs, and modernizing learning spaces. The FAC met on a regular basis reviewing various topics including: energy efficiency and deferred maintenance, modern learning environments, school finance and debt planning, building capacity, open enrollment, the Applied Population Lab’s report on enrollment projections, MDRoffers enrollment projections, and community development growth. The FAC prioritized the District’s facility needs which were tested through a community-wide survey that informed the Board’s decisions and actions regarding the District’s future facility plans.

The efforts of the FAC and School Board culminated in a successful $54.9M referendum passed in November 2016. The referendum projects include building a new Meadow View Elementary, an addition to and renovation of Ixonia Elementary, security improvements and renovations at OHS, renovations for instructional spaces and District offices at OHS East Campus, and capital replacements and improvements at Greenland Elementary and Park Lawn Elementary. Design and development work began on these projects in 2016-17 and construction will occur over the next several years.

Planning for future growth, addressing deferred maintenance, and creating modern learning environments remain top district priorities.

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2017-18 Strategic Initiatives Annual budget planning is guided by a continuous improvement process, which identifies the strategic direction for the District. The process supports OASD’s commitment to (1) provide quality and innovative programming; (2) grow and manage resources; and (3) strengthen, maintain, and promote a healthy organization. The 2017-18 budget supports initiatives consistent with these commitments. These initiatives include the following:

Curriculum and Instruction Continue to support the professional learning of all staff through a focus on

‘knowing all learners’ during the Summer Academy, which is aimed at developing strategies to support the many unique learning needs of students (ie. autism, giftedness, poverty, English language learners, attention deficit disorder, executive functioning, etc.).

Continue development of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) practices through the professional capacity building of teacher teams within each building with a focus on co-teaching and co-planning. The Teaching and Learning team will continue to branch/analyze this work throughout all buildings in alignment with Strategic Directions 2 and 3.

Support the successful implementation of the third phase of the technology plan through the analysis of staffing and infrastructure needs, professional development, and student achievement outcomes.

Support the implementation of the K-5 math teaching practices and instructional materials adoption (Bridges in Mathematics).

Support the implementation of supplementary literacy curriculum (“Fundamentals”), which develops a K-8 learning progression to support grammar and English usage in the context of the writing process.

Foster partnerships and continue curriculum development within the Professional Studies model (CAPS) aligned with Academic and Career Planning (ACP) mandates and guidelines.

Review the K-8 science instructional model and recommend Tier I instructional resources to support teaching and learning.

Research, Technology, and Assessment Implement the OASD Mobile Technology Plan as defined by the Technology Task


Continue implementation of the staff laptop lease program to support mobile instructing and learning.

Upgrade the wireless and network infrastructure at all elementary schools to support the 2:1 student-to-device ratio at grades 1-4 and 5 devices per kindergarten classroom.

Implement a dual-path internet gateway with two internet providers to provide consistent, reliable internet access.

Install a new district-wide server and storage platform.

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Upgrade all District computers from Microsoft Windows 7 to Windows 10.

Implement the Wisconsin Student Assessment System and District Assessment Schedule.

Execute the OASD Research and Evaluation Agenda aligned to strategic planning and continuous improvement.

Student Services Implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) that support

school-wide behavior goals in the Intermediate schools. Utilize EduClimber to monitor data regarding student behavior. Implement PBIS Tier III support levels at all elementary schools that wrap around families for support. Continue to work toward school-wide implementation fidelity at OHS.

Expand commitment to provide access to mental health services for the growing needs of students as part of a comprehensive prevention and intervention plan. Partner with Aurora Health Care to provide free and confidential assistance to all District families through a Student and Family Assistance Program. Implement a school-based mental health services program by providing clinic space for Gals Institute, LLC and Family Services of Waukesha.

Conduct the first annual UDL Academy for District staff, lead by experts in UDL from across the country, to provide instructional strategies for teachers to ‘know their learners’ and address ‘learner variability’ with classrooms.

Implement the requirements of ACP, a student-driven, adult-supported, process of career exploration and management, where students create and cultivate a unique vision for post-secondary success.

Continue to utilize inclusive practices and specially designed instruction to close the achievement gap for students with disabilities and English Language Learners (ELL). Expand ELL programming in all schools and adopt the new DPI Individual Education Plan (IEP) process that focuses on College and Career Readiness, with an emphasis on reading for students with disabilities.

Communications, Marketing, and Advancement Facilitate a professional, responsive and strategic Communications Department to

facilitate high levels of two-way communication with both internal and external stakeholders.

Implement a comprehensive marketing communications program that promotes the features and benefits of the District, celebrating accomplishments and success stories.

Facilitate community engagement by nurturing positive community relationships between the District and businesses, organizations, and community members.

Lead communications strategy for the Building Our Future facilities work during the construction phase.

Effectively and proactively seek positive media relations opportunities. Expand the District’s social media presence to include the use of video

communications with staff, parents, and the community.

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Manage the District’s website transformation to a responsive design. Investigate mobile communication strategies and tactics, including a parent app,

to better reach key stakeholders.

Buildings and Grounds Continue to provide and expand ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter,

Evacuate) training to OASD staff and students on how to respond to the threat of an active shooter situation.

Implement new facility management software to consolidate various data sources into one central database for use in future planning and analysis.

Assist with transforming classrooms into modern learning environments with flexible furniture aligned to Strategic Direction 4.

Expand the professional development program and seek growth opportunities for all B&G staff members.

Continue reducing energy usage and operating costs by improving upon: • Expanding and updating building automation systems; • Analyzing operations and maintenance practices for efficiency; • Incorporating energy efficient products and materials into renovated and new

building designs; • Continuing to update lighting and plumbing fixtures; and, • Utilizing an effective utility monitoring system.

Prioritize and manage the District’s capital projects for the upcoming year, including window replacement, flooring replacement, bathroom remodeling and roof, masonry, and asphalt preventative maintenance.

Capital Planning for Facilities & Infrastructure Needs Continue to study enrollment trends, monitor school capacities, and update

projected community growth to evaluate the District’s facility needs.

Continue budget commitment for the long-range capital project plan, prioritizing the District’s annual maintenance and capital project needs.

Fund as the annual operational results permit, the district’s Fund 46, Long-term Capital Improvement Trust Fund, to assist with larger-scale future maintenance needs and capital projects.

Seek new sponsorship opportunities around the high school athletic fields and programs.

Human Resources Implement the Board approved strategic compensation model for certified staff. Continue employee wellness programs and requirements to help lower health

insurance costs and promote healthy, balanced living. Continue to promote employee engagement around salaries, benefits, work

environment, and organizational culture through the Handbook Committees (a

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team for each employee group), Benefits Task Force, Educator Compensation Model Steering Team, and Diversity Committee.

Streamline the educator promotion process. Expand professional development opportunities for support staff. Enhance the new hire onboarding experience, including creation of a mentoring

program for paraprofessional staff.

Business Services

Look for new ways to utilize the online payment systems to reduce cash-handling transactions throughout the District improving internal controls and staff efficiency while providing a convenient process for parents and community members.

Investigate Skyward software’s integration capabilities to combine the student and financial databases to improve process efficiencies, eliminating data-entry duplication.

Expand the utilization of electronic ticketing options for athletic events. Support composting and recycling efforts to further OASD’s green initiatives aimed

at reducing waste and lessening its environmental footprint. Maintain focus on identifying and implementing efficiencies and cost savings for

business operations including technology utilization and integration, bulk purchasing, contract negotiations, and formalized RFP efforts.

Refine utilization of Skyward software capabilities to integrate salary/benefits budgeting with Human Resources functions and payroll processing tasks.

Expand district purchasing card program for referendum expenditures to maximize the potential program rebate.

2017-18 Summary Budgets for All Other Funds Special Education Programs – Fund 27 Total expenditures for special education programs are expected to be $9.34 million, a 5.9% increase over the 2016-17 budget. The increase is primarily the result of implementing the new certified staff compensation model, inflationary salary increases, and an evolving service delivery approach (including implementation of the Integrated Comprehensive Services model) with a strong emphasis on Response to Intervention and Positive Behavior Intervention Response and Support programs.

Most financial support for the Special Education program comes from local sources through a transfer from the General Fund.

For the 2017-18 budget, state and federal assistance contributes approximately 33% of Special Education funding.

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34 With a budget of $9.34 million, the ratio of Special Education expenditures to Regular Education expenditures is 15%, which is typical for OASD and for Wisconsin school districts.

Special Education expenditures are predominantly for salaries and benefits. The following chart illustrates the various categories of Special Education expenditures:

The Special Education department manages a number of different programs to assist students with diverse developmental, physical, and academic needs. Reducing out-of-district tuition arrangements remains a high priority.

Debt Service – Fund 38 Non-Referendum Debt The District refinanced its $5.8 million ‘Wisconsin Retirement System Unfunded Prior Service Liability’ in 2006. This action prevented the liability from growing larger over the next twenty years. The refinancing ‘froze’ the liability at $5.8 million dollars and will save the District $11 million in future debt payments. To take advantage of the low interest rate environment, OASD refinanced this obligation in September 2014. The present value savings as a result of the refinancing was $465,000. The annual payment for 2017-18 is $497,528. This amount is transferred in from the General Fund.

In August 2010, OASD refinanced a $2.0 million note to acquire the Silver Lake school site (April 2007) and a $1.0 million State Trust Fund loan to purchase farmland for the high school agricultural program (January 2008). An additional component of the borrowing was $700,000 of new funds to update the high school heating, cooling and ventilation systems. The annual payment for this borrowing is $302,668. The amount is also transferred in from the General Fund.

The total outstanding principal balance in Fund 38 for June 30, 2017 and 2018 is $6,070,000 and $5,543,000, respectively. A debt amortization schedule is presented in the Addendum.

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Debt Service – Fund 39 Referendum Approved Debt This Fund accounts for the annual cost of servicing the District’s referendum approved long-term debt obligations. Both principal and interest are paid from this fund. Taking advantage of the interest rate market, OASD refinanced portions of Fund 39 debt in September 2014, April 2015, and May 2017. Callable maturities of $10 million were refinanced using bank-qualified debt. The present value of savings realized for OASD taxpayers was $818,000 over the next twelve years. Additional callable maturities ($25.57M) were refinanced in April 2015. The present value of savings for taxpayers achieved on this refinancing was $1.8 million, again over the next twelve years. A smaller amount ($2.35M) of callable maturities was refinanced in May 2017 generating present value savings of $159,000 over the next four years.

The community supported the district by approving a $54.9M referendum in November 2016. This will increase the debt service obligations of Fund 39. The debt borrowing to fund construction is planned in 3 or 4 phases depending on the interest rate market. In December 2016, the district issued $8.885M of bank qualified debt as phase one of the referendum construction funding plan. Phase two will add $26.025M of general obligation debt in May 2017. The remainder of project funding will likely occur over the next two years aligned with construction needs and the interest rate market.

The annual debt service for principal and interest will increase from $4.9 million to an estimated $8.9 million as a result the new referendum debt. Fund 39 reserves will be utilized to partially offset the increasing payment requirements in future years. The annual outstanding liability for debt is as follows:

A debt amortization schedule is presented in the Addendum.

Debt Balance42,880,000 O/S 06/30/201674,390,000 O/S 06/30/201768,145,000 O/S 06/30/201863,430,000 O/S 06/30/201958,845,000 O/S 06/30/202053,815,000 O/S 06/30/202148,900,000 O/S 06/30/202243,850,000 O/S 06/30/202338,655,000 O/S 06/30/202433,295,000 O/S 06/30/202527,755,000 O/S 06/30/202622,020,000 O/S 06/30/202719,975,000 O/S 06/30/202817,865,000 O/S 06/30/202915,695,000 O/S 06/30/203013,455,000 O/S 06/30/203111,145,000 O/S 06/30/2032

8,505,000 O/S 06/30/20335,765,000 O/S 06/30/20342,940,000 O/S 06/30/2035

- O/S 06/30/2036

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Community Service – Fund 80 This Fund accounts for community use of school facilities. The Community Service fund budget proposal for 2017-18 is $562,000. School facilities are made available for a wide variety of community functions after school, during evening hours, on weekends, and throughout the summer months. A building operations analysis indicates that over 30% of overall building utilization is from community use of school facilities in the evenings and on weekends. Under State law, school boards are permitted to levy for these costs so that they do not compete with instructional programs for limited budget resources.

Food Service - Fund 50 OASD contracts with Sodexo, Inc., a food service management company with headquarters in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

The food service program is self-supporting. It does not draw upon General Fund resources to balance its annual budget. The program is supported by sales revenue, along with state and federal subsides.

The Food Service program has demonstrated a commitment to higher participation, healthy food options, awareness and accommodation of food allergies, solid financial performance, and improved long range planning.

OASD serves an average of 2,400 meals per day (or 427,200 per school year) and has an annual operating budget of $1.9 million dollars.

The Board approved a food service budget and guaranteed return for the program at its March 2017 meeting. In 2015-16, OHS migrated off of the National School Lunch Program in response to feedback from students and parents regarding food quality, meal

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37 variety, and portion sizes. This change also allowed greater flexibility in offering food before and after the school day. Student and parent feedback and financial performance indicate that the food service operations at OHS have improved over previous years.

The chart below shows the steady improvement of the Food Service fund balance since 2004-05. The growth in the fund balance is part of a designed strategy for funding capital equipment needs and infrastructure upgrades. A portion of the fund balance was used in 2014-15 to remodel the OHS cafeteria, upgrade the servery, and purchase new, flexible lunchroom furniture. Over the next several years, the fund balance will help cover a portion of the costs to renovate the OHS north cafeteria, replace a cooler and freezer at OHS, update a cooler and freezer unit at Greenland elementary, and supplement referendum funding for the cafeteria and kitchen components of the Ixonia Elementary, Meadow View Elementary, and OHS East Campus projects.

Property Tax Forecast The OASD property tax forecast is based upon the following factors:

modestly increasing ‘three-year rolling average’ student enrollment; increasing State aid; growing tax base (2.5%) reflective of community economic development; and increasing debt service payments as a result of the community approved


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38 The total property tax levy is expected to increase by 5.21% due to the factors described above. The tax base is expected to increase slightly, and the tax rate is expected to increase by 2.65%, from $9.758 per $1,000 to $10.016 per $1,000.

The property tax forecast is an estimate based upon information available as of April 2017. This budget proposal and the resulting tax levy reflect the District’s efforts to successfully advance the District’s mission and support its strategic directions, while being fiscally responsible to our taxpayers. The tax levy estimate will be updated at the Annual Meeting in August 2017. A final levy will be certified in November 2017.

As part of the referendum information shared with the community, OASD communicated that the impact of new debt would not exceed a $.40 increase to the debt service mill rate (the 2015-16 mill rate of $.98). This budget proposal includes a debt service mill rate of $1.37, which is a $.39 increase, thereby meeting OASD’s commitment.

Impact on Property Tax Bills The impact of the proposed tax levy on various home values is shown below.

Property Tax Levy Summary: Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Change PercentGeneral Fund 44,848,937 42,800,389 42,979,614 44,660,173 44,650,364 44,939,353 288,989 0.65%Debt Service Fund 39 4,896,000 4,898,263 4,898,138 4,898,547 4,898,547 7,221,733 2,323,186 47.43%Community Service Fund 80 562,000 562,000 562,000 562,000 562,000 562,000 - 0.00%Total Levy 50,306,937 48,260,652 48,439,752 50,120,720 50,110,911 52,723,086 2,612,175 5.21%Equalized Tax Base 4,586,116,852 4,575,875,100 4,836,984,968 4,983,333,039 5,135,349,688 5,263,733,430 128,383,742 2.50%Equalized Tax Rate Per $1000 10.969 10.547 10.014 10.058 9.758 10.016 0.258 2.65%

The tax rate is anticipated to increase each year with the expected loss of State Equalization Aid and increased debt service obligations.

2017-18 Tax Rate is stilllower than 2012-13 level.

Actual 2016-17 Budget 2017-18Home Value 9.758 10.016 Increase$250,000 - average home value 2,439.51$ 2,504.07$ 64.56$ $350,000 3,415.31$ 3,505.70$ 90.39$ $600,000 5,854.82$ 6,009.77$ 154.95$ $1,000,000 9,758.03$ 10,016.29$ 258.26$

Equalized Tax Rate per $1000

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Comparison of Oconomowoc’s Mill Rate to Other Local Municipalities The demographics of different municipalities coupled with differences in the state/local funding partnership of districts, does not always provide an ‘apples-to-apples’ comparison of tax rates. However, taxpayers often wish to know how their tax rate compares to others. For 2016-17, OASD’s tax rate was below the State average and just above Area average. It is difficult to predict how OASD’s 2.65% tax rate increase will compare with other regional districts.

Oconomowoc Area School District – Future Trends Student Enrollment Student enrollment growth has regained momentum showing signs of a modestly increasing pace over the next several years as commercial and residential development resumes in the Oconomowoc community. Recent activity appears to be an indication that new housing starts are again picking up in the community.

Long-term Capital Planning OASD recently engaged in long-term enrollment and facility planning to address three key challenges:

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1. Aging buildings with infrastructure needs. 2. School buildings that are over capacity at the Elementary and High School levels. 3. The need for modern learning environments in all school buildings that

accommodate all learners. The Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC) met throughout 2015 and 2016. It reviewed, assessed, and analyzed district facility needs along with the School Board and Administration. In addition, the School Board conducted several workshops to set vision and provide guidance and a community-wide survey was utilized to gather feedback. The community showed its support for the district’s work by approving a $54.9M referendum in November 2016. The construction projects associated with the referendum have begun and will continue over the next several years. OASD will continue to analyze enrollment projections, demographic studies, and facility planning to address future needs associated the challenges noted above. In addition, the Board remains committed to transferring funds to grow Fund 46, the recently established Long-term Capital Improvement Trust Fund. The balance in this fund as of June 30, 2016, is $1.1 million. At the close of each fiscal year, if the General Fund revenues exceed expenditures, the Board as an opportunity to authorize an allocation into Fund 46. This flexibility allows the Board to consider the General Fund’s operating cash-flow requirements while also planning for future long-term maintenance and capital project needs.

Summary Comments We sincerely appreciate the effort extended by the School Board and our community to support the Oconomowoc Area School District. We demonstrate our appreciation each day by working diligently to develop great schools and great students while using resources wisely.

We thank you for your interest in this report. Questions regarding this document may be directed to Dr. Roger Rindo, Superintendent (560-2111) or Ms. Beth Sheridan, Director of Business Services (560-2119).

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2017-18 Budget Addendum

Profile of School District Leaders

Summary Budget Financial Statements

Skyward Financial System Detailed Budget Report – All Funds

Revenue Limit Worksheet

Student Fee Schedule

Debt Service Obligations Worksheet

Staffing Plan Detail Worksheet

Capital Projects Schedule

Oconomowoc Arts Center Budget

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Profile of School District Leaders

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Profile of School District Leaders

Board of Education

Donald Wiemer President

Sandy Schick Vice President

John Suttner Treasurer

Kim Herro Member

Jessica Karnowski Member

Dan Raasch Member

Steve Zimmer Member

**Appointment of Clerk will occur in May 2017.

Central Office Administrators

Roger Rindo, Ed.D Superintendent

Beth Sheridan Director of Business Services

John Flannery Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Lisa Dawes Director of Student Services & Special Education

Pamela Casey Director of Human Resources

Derick Kiger Director of Research, Technology, & Assessment

Greg Maroo Director of Building & Grounds

Building Principals

Jason Schreiber Meadow View Elementary

Shannon McCaffery Greenland Elementary

Stacy Yearling Ixonia Elementary

Jennifer Jones Park Lawn Elementary

Brian Stuckey Summit Elementary

Jason Curtis Nature Hill Intermediate

Ellyn Helberg ** Silver Lake Intermediate

Joseph Moylan Oconomowoc High School ** Resignation effective June 30, 2017.

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Summary Budget Financial Statements

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Oconomowoc Area School District

2016-17 Complete Budget Budget Actual Actual Nov Budget Actual May Budget Nov Budget May Budget

April 26, 2017 2009-10 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Change %Change

ASSETS 19,556,777 18,941,112 18,941,112 19,739,766 18,941,112 19,739,766 19,739,766 - 0.00%LIABILITIES 7,302,607 4,865,223 4,865,223 3,706,222 4,865,223 3,706,222 3,706,222 - 0.00%FUND BALANCE AT YEAR END 12,254,170 14,075,889 14,075,889 16,033,544 14,075,889 16,033,544 16,033,544 - 0.00%

Revenues & Other Sources: Actual Actual Final Budget Actual May Budget Final Budget May Budget Source # 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Change %Change

From Local Sources:Property Taxes 211 42,628,993 42,978,425 44,657,880 44,657,880 45,925,224 44,649,857 44,939,244 289,387 0.65%Property Taxes Chargebacks 212 171,396 1,189 2,293 2,293 8,550 507 109 (398) -78.51%Transportation Contracts 248 9,025 9,778 8,100 13,002 9,000 9,000 10,000 1,000 11.11%1:1 Chrombook Insurance Fee 264 33,000 38,370 58,000 57,000 59,000 2,000 3.51%Gate Receipts 271 106,045 103,105 95,000 139,277 95,000 96,000 101,000 5,000 5.21%Community Service Fee (OAC admission) 272 76,937 86,992 74,306 74,654 82,725 82,725 152,100 69,375 83.86%Regular Day School Tuition 241 - - #DIV/0!Interest on Investments 280 13,024 21,364 15,000 33,451 16,000 20,000 41,000 21,000 105.00%Music Instrument Rental 289 14,643 18,225 15,000 16,084 15,000 15,000 15,000 - 0.00%Gift/Donation/Private Grant (GRN Title award) 291 - - - - Gift/Donation/Private Grant (OAC) 291 1,169 11,173 11,000 10,052 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 0.00%Student Fees Registration, Textbk, Technology 292 375,255 359,387 355,000 377,700 355,000 355,000 355,000 - 0.00%Facility Rentals (NON OAC) 293 63,527 73,726 32,000 64,844 33,000 33,000 40,000 7,000 21.21%Facility Rentals (OAC) 293 4,219 1,130 30,655 6,659 30,392 30,392 31,325 933 3.07%Parking Fees 294 56,049 60,112 56,000 60,369 58,000 58,000 59,000 1,000 1.72%Summer School Fees 295 47,202 35,005 35,000 36,835 42,000 35,000 38,000 3,000 8.57%Club Fees 296 62,093 60,192 55,000 65,907 58,000 58,000 66,000 8,000 13.79%Student Fines 297 847 477 110 - - Student Fees - Athletics 298 100,034 103,434 100,000 126,459 105,000 110,000 117,000 7,000 6.36%Miscellaneous (OAC) 299 16,829 21,426 18,500 22,288 22,200 22,200 24,700 2,500 11.26%Miscelleneous - AASAMiscellaneous 299 6,791 4,058 2,566 5,234 2,821 2,140 1,820 (320) -14.95%

From Other School Districts:Open Enrollment Tuition 345 1,003,810 1,022,750 1,228,215 1,154,595 1,228,215 1,417,144 1,464,000 46,856 3.31%

From State Sources:Transportation Aid 612 157,000 149,590 125,000 155,890 130,000 130,000 135,000 5,000 3.85%Library Aid 613 182,632 213,463 200,000 239,337 235,000 235,000 200,000 (35,000) -14.89%Equalization Aid/Special Adjustment Aid 621 8,631,159 9,801,983 9,215,071 9,215,071 8,477,865 10,411,455 11,035,892 624,437 6.00%Computer Exemption Aid 691 98,852 96,444 82,271 82,271 82,304 96,056 100,570 4,514 4.70%From State Sources - GrantsSpecial Project Grant / A.P. Grant (356) 630Special Project Grant / Mentoring Grant (560) 630 28,640 Special Project Grant / AODA Grant (395) 630 22,628 24,950 25,039 24,950 24,950 24,950 - 0.00%Special Project Grant / Educator Effect. (583) 630 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 - 0.00%Special Project Grant / Career&Tech Ed (577) 630 2,000 - - 2,000 - - Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT DNR) 660 16,128 15,230 - 16,276 - -

From Federal Sources:Title 1.A (141) Basic Grant [751] 751 360,032 361,192 394,712 377,048 405,292 411,184 400,000 (11,184) -2.72%Title 1.D (149): OASD Fiscal Agent for ODTC) [751] 751 71,959 77,608 84,875 82,893 84,875 86,359 86,359 0 0.00%Title 2.A (365) Teacher/Principal Training [730] 730 93,496 75,998 97,680 86,577 97,680 103,173 103,173 - 0.00%Title 2.D (328) Educational Technology [730] 730Title 3.A (371) - CESA Fiscal Agent) 517 5,874 4,624 10,422 8,664 10,422 9,270 9,270 - 0.00%Title 4.A (329) Safe & Drug Free Schools [730] 730 27,698

School Garden Sub-grant (552) 730 3,406 Movin and Munchin (334) 730Title 5.A (157) Innovative Programs [752] 752ARRA Title 1A (Prj # 816) 751Medicaid reimbursements - prior years 780 368,781 122,119 93,386 Misc State Revenue 619 392,400 797,400 803,550 808,800 1,340,500 1,366,000 1,659,900 293,900 21.52%

Perkins Grant / Vocational [713] (Pro 401 Perkins) 713 32,118 26,693 22,500 17,708 22,500 22,500 22,500 - 0.00%Tech Prep via WCTC (# 407) 775 - - 3,000 - - Facet Grant (504) [792] 792

Federal Stimulus 718Federal Jobs Act (595) 730

From Misc. Sources:Medicaid Reimbursements 989Refund of Prior Disbursements 972/969 9,302 Other Sources Land Sale Proceeds 860 Other Sources Sale of Assets 860 - 150 - - - Premium on CashFlow Borrowing 968 32,121 25,575 19,454 19,454 19,500 - - E-Rate, Pcard, Vendor Rebates 971 174,853 166,454 200,000 294,398 200,000 200,000 200,000 - 0.00%Proceeds on Capital Leases (Truck/Van Fleet) 878 117,006 114,737 531,177 580,776 673,103 673,103 - 0.00%Miscellaneous 990 160,599 Carryover Account / Temp Rev Acct 290 140,000 102,985 102,985 102,985 - 0.00%Total Revenues & Other Sources 55,561,345 57,075,687 58,806,177 59,200,400 59,423,000 60,963,000 62,308,000 1,345,000 2.21%

Total General Fund Expenditure Limit 55,561,345 57,075,687 58,806,177 59,200,400 59,423,000 60,963,000 62,308,000 1,345,000 2.21%0.89% 0.21% 2.71% 0.67% 2.98% 2.21%

Back-Out Tax Chargeback for City of Ocon (171,396) Net Maximum Expenditures: 55,389,949


May 2017-18 to Nov 2016-17 Budget

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General Fund Expenditures 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Actual Actual Nov Budget Actual May Budget Nov Budget May Budget Change % Change

110 Undifferentiated Curriculum (K-6 Instruction) 100 Employee Salaries 7,506,936 7,886,657 7,889,705 7,943,887 8,289,553 7,981,234 8,314,387 333,153 4.17%

200 Employee Benefits 2,924,497 3,013,057 3,034,040 2,941,018 2,988,447 3,020,069 3,089,116 69,047 2.29%300 Purchased Services 71,959 100,367 84,875 82,893 84,875 86,359 86,359 - 0.00%400 Supplies 243,103 244,280 256,286 193,421 170,904 192,297 270,948 78,651 40.90%500 Equipment 96,090 4,383 21,000 12,752 51,980 59,380 58,700 (680) -1.15%

Sub-Total 10,842,583 11,248,745 11,285,906 11,173,971 11,585,759 11,339,339 11,819,510 480,171 4.23%

120 Regular Curriculum (Art, English, Foreign Languages, Math, Science, Social Studies) 100 Employee Salaries 7,539,888 7,887,213 8,212,079 8,009,112 8,552,348 8,633,658 8,941,749 308,091 3.57%

200 Employee Benefits 2,715,533 2,767,340 2,793,145 2,690,124 2,824,973 2,693,314 2,940,676 247,362 9.18%300 Purchased Services 4,445 5,232 5,481 7,271 5,531 5,031 4,916 (115) -2.29%400 Supplies 453,527 426,859 405,364 416,789 469,672 600,888 653,003 52,115 8.67%500 Equipment 6,326 - 4,700 4,958 4,600 4,600 4,600 - 0.00%900 Dues And Fees 1,877 2,483 6,100 2,053 6,100 4,350 4,350 - 0.00%

Sub-Total 10,721,596 11,089,127 11,426,869 11,130,307 11,863,224 11,941,841 12,549,294 607,453 5.09%

130 Vocational Curriculum (Business Education, Family & Consumer Education) 100 Employee Salaries 602,161 700,555 733,785 722,260 717,817 764,551 834,237 69,686 9.11%

200 Employee Benefits 255,696 258,215 292,884 271,159 266,524 257,431 301,303 43,872 17.04%300 Purchased Services - - 1,500 - 1,500 - - - 400 Supplies 65,270 54,108 54,867 47,909 55,567 55,567 53,867 (1,700) -3.06%500 Equipment 2,513 1,687 2,000 967 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 0.00%

2,000 - 2,000 2,000 - (2,000) -100.00%Sub-Total 925,640 1,014,565 1,087,036 1,042,295 1,045,408 1,081,549 1,191,407 109,858 10.16%

140 Physical Curriculum (Health, Physical Education) 100 Employee Salaries 972,315 1,013,061 1,030,727 1,029,787 1,057,423 1,115,039 1,128,730 13,691 1.23%

200 Employee Benefits 278,710 287,537 298,179 294,971 316,463 297,510 349,980 52,470 17.64%300 Purchased Services - - - - - - - - 400 Supplies 13,547 14,016 30,830 29,604 30,894 30,894 43,654 12,760 41.30%500 Equipment - 3,000 229 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 0.00%

Sub-Total 1,264,572 1,314,614 1,362,736 1,354,592 1,407,780 1,446,443 1,525,364 78,921 5.46%

160 Co-Curricular Activities(Athletics, Debate, Forensics, Etc.) 100 Employee Salaries 536,573 558,688 642,485 588,216 665,738 680,122 707,188 27,066 3.98%

200 Employee Benefits 86,979 104,112 125,085 105,003 130,886 133,608 136,697 3,089 2.31%300 Purchased Services 42,241 43,770 138,150 43,166 137,508 137,508 138,437 929 0.68%400 Supplies 124,207 131,445 108,789 146,584 145,150 143,100 137,276 (5,824) -4.07%500 Equipment 5,191 5,269 6,600 12,047 6,000 16,100 16,100 - 0.00%900 Dues And Fees 29,603 31,437 44,702 36,010 47,582 48,531 54,377 5,846 12.05%

Sub-Total 824,793 874,720 1,065,811 931,026 1,132,864 1,158,969 1,190,075 31,106 2.68%

170 Gifted & Talented & Alternative Ed. Programs 100 Employee Salaries 242,665 253,599 268,872 267,540 269,922 271,122 276,148 5,026 1.85%

200 Employee Benefits 68,005 69,489 79,724 80,832 78,520 66,981 80,510 13,529 20.20%300 Purchased Services 7,604 6,090 7,657 5,811 7,650 7,650 6,250 (1,400) -18.30%400 Supplies 11,243 9,531 12,377 11,860 11,100 11,200 14,900 3,700 33.04%500 Equipment - - 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 0.00%900 Dues And Fees 13,639 11,848 14,550 14,193 13,100 14,100 14,100 - 0.00%

Sub-Total 343,156 350,556 384,180 380,237 381,292 372,053 392,908 20,855 5.61%

Budget ComparisonMay 17-18 to Nov 16-17

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General Fund Expenditures 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Actual Actual Nov Budget Actual May Budget Nov Budget May Budget Change % Change

Budget ComparisonMay 17-18 to Nov 16-17

Instruction Total 24,922,341 25,892,327 26,612,538 26,012,428 27,416,327 27,340,194 28,668,558 1,328,364 4.86%

210 Student Services (Guidance, Etc.) 100 Employee Salaries 1,005,059 1,025,223 1,057,081 1,050,656 1,063,030 1,059,049 1,060,271 1,222 0.12%

200 Employee Benefits 291,275 302,255 319,492 309,028 312,948 258,155 308,001 49,846 19.31%300 Purchased Services 35,849 44,262 35,678 34,277 40,050 100,050 101,050 1,000 1.00%400 Supplies 124,961 126,045 150,730 150,176 175,630 175,830 168,340 (7,490) -4.26%500 Equipment 4,720 3,739 7,290 4,869 7,290 7,290 6,290 (1,000) -13.72%900 Dues And Fees 490 1,225 1,050 740 1,050 1,050 1,050 - 0.00%

Sub-Total 1,462,354 1,502,750 1,571,321 1,549,746 1,599,998 1,601,424 1,645,002 43,578 2.72%

220 Instructional Services (Curriculum, Staff Development, Libraries) 100 Employee Salaries 792,829 789,546 1,199,257 1,018,693 931,785 1,000,200 1,002,778 2,578 0.26%

200 Employee Benefits 201,659 211,083 260,258 226,920 214,263 343,707 245,590 (98,117) -28.55%300 Purchased Services 230,302 168,458 251,502 144,788 119,495 157,677 160,244 2,567 1.63%400 Supplies 326,503 311,189 311,675 350,771 345,198 349,850 240,450 (109,400) -31.27%500 Equipment 28,365 77,146 30,700 24,447 20,700 20,700 21,700 1,000 4.83%900 Dues And Fees 47,413 55,452 68,275 57,024 58,550 77,300 56,050 (21,250) -27.49%

Sub-Total 1,627,070 1,612,874 2,121,667 1,822,644 1,689,991 1,949,434 1,726,812 (222,622) -11.42%

230 District Administration 100 Employee Salaries 309,736 353,300 387,997 351,417 372,021 372,021 373,693 1,672 0.45%

200 Employee Benefits 94,112 120,884 125,880 119,144 117,020 119,336 112,871 (6,465) -5.42%300 Purchased Services 208,714 281,905 322,400 329,326 299,800 368,800 292,800 (76,000) -20.61%400 Supplies 20,261 34,622 45,600 29,508 41,700 43,200 38,700 (4,500) -10.42%500 Equipment 3,081 550 7,500 - 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 0.00%900 Dues And Fees 36,550 34,219 61,000 30,019 64,000 64,000 49,000 (15,000) -23.44%

Sub-Total 672,454 825,482 950,377 859,414 896,541 969,357 869,064 (100,293) -10.35%

240 School Administration (Principals' Office) 100 Employee Salaries 1,667,108 1,806,683 1,937,872 1,884,168 1,962,204 2,067,413 2,124,546 57,133 2.76%

200 Employee Benefits 714,390 731,133 804,512 741,417 732,872 751,713 828,709 76,996 10.24%300 Purchased Services 17,376 20,898 24,350 18,974 23,810 23,900 20,100 (3,800) -15.90%400 Supplies 115,288 118,366 143,420 150,727 96,531 145,189 104,295 (40,894) -28.17%500 Equipment 117,995 74,771 152,853 152,442 63,463 87,398 74,907 (12,491) -14.29%900 Dues And Fees 4,626 5,983 5,300 6,120 5,600 5,600 5,600 - 0.00%

Sub-Total 2,636,784 2,757,834 3,068,307 2,953,849 2,884,480 3,081,213 3,158,157 76,944 2.50%

250 Business Services (Accounting, Transportation, Buildings & Grounds) 100 Employee Salaries 2,209,942 2,204,894 2,347,863 2,224,826 2,416,771 2,410,204 2,442,518 32,314 1.34%

200 Employee Benefits 808,272 819,819 841,115 796,271 842,165 856,348 869,214 12,866 1.50%300 Purchased Services 6,871,317 4,968,826 4,392,167 3,933,201 4,357,709 4,389,100 4,428,300 39,200 0.89%400 Supplies 466,196 379,943 514,700 481,682 496,617 506,117 517,017 10,900 2.15%500 Equipment 264,136 263,317 483,921 1,384,595 523,499 765,142 469,742 (295,400) -38.61%900 Dues And Fees (included site carryover) 62,980 65,538 101,300 91,503 225,435 122,450 120,350 (2,100) -1.71%

Sub-Total 10,682,845 8,702,337 8,681,066 8,912,079 8,862,196 9,049,361 8,847,141 (202,220) -2.23%

260 Central Services (Telephone, Technology) 100 Employee Salaries 558,340 602,443 657,052 685,673 721,083 710,253 729,649 19,396 2.73%

200 Employee Benefits 333,065 363,356 415,598 379,181 645,008 683,190 690,852 7,662 1.12%300 Purchased Services 400,975 410,781 405,600 365,370 424,800 424,800 324,050 (100,750) -23.72%400 Supplies 293,779 356,001 354,500 278,019 336,900 319,450 363,500 44,050 13.79%

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General Fund Expenditures 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Actual Actual Nov Budget Actual May Budget Nov Budget May Budget Change % Change

Budget ComparisonMay 17-18 to Nov 16-17

500 Equipment 634,468 561,078 1,028,705 1,123,327 897,800 1,276,114 1,455,514 179,400 14.06%900 Dues And Fees 45,789 29,622 46,000 26,472 46,000 46,000 49,250 3,250 7.07%

Sub-Total 2,266,415 2,323,282 2,907,455 2,858,042 3,071,591 3,459,807 3,612,815 153,008 4.42%

270 District Insurance (Property, Liability, Workers Compensation) 700 Insurance 324,028 269,978 453,150 342,257 456,000 467,000 471,000 4,000 0.86%

280 Debt Service (Interest on Short Term Borrowing, Leases) 600 Interest Expense, Leases 268,495 259,925 486,958 502,847 250,340 557,772 303,822 (253,950) -45.53%

290 Early Retirement 100 Retiree Cash in Lieu of Benefits 1,045,449 968,400 1,118,003 853,324 966,498 1,030,000 830,000 (200,000) -19.42%

200 Retiree Health, Dental, Life Benefits 1,293,777 1,272,416 1,307,900 1,228,525 1,280,000 1,280,000 1,205,000 (75,000) -5.86%Sub-Total 2,339,226 2,240,816 2,425,903 2,081,849 2,246,498 2,310,000 2,035,000 (275,000) -11.90%

Support Total 22,279,672 20,495,276 22,666,204 21,882,727 21,957,635 23,445,368 22,668,813 (776,555) -3.31%

390 Oconomowoc Arts Center 100 Employee Salaries 111,696 113,162 94,471 109,753 96,309 96,309 98,861 2,552 2.65%

200 Employee Benefits 35,773 38,785 36,822 37,684 34,943 34,618 39,167 4,549 13.14%300 Purchased Services 53,206 85,974 103,677 97,588 97,552 97,552 112,877 15,325 15.71%400 Supplies 7,278 8,007 7,700 2,152 5,740 5,740 8,120 2,380 41.46%500 Equipment 13,528 6,516 4,575 3,371 20,075 27,525 4,575 (22,950) -83.38%900 Dues And Fees 18,397 16,364 8,396 18,157 10,500 10,500 5,600 (4,900) -46.67%

Sub-Total 239,878 268,808 255,641 268,705 265,119 272,244 269,200 (3,044) -1.12%

410 Non-Program Transactions ( Transfers to Other Funds) 800 Special Education Transfer 4,636,690 4,667,655 5,420,167 4,889,184 5,853,124 5,709,212 6,214,385 505,173 8.85%800 To Fund 46 Capital Improvement Trust 500,000 600,000 - 800 To Fund 39 Referendum Debt - 800 To Fund 38 WRS Loan Payment 766,812 786,060 798,627 798,626 801,795 801,795 793,245 (8,550) -1.07%

430 Non-Program Transactions (Open Enrollment Payments) 300 Inter-District Payments 2,320,827 2,478,432 3,043,000 2,782,524 3,119,000 3,384,187 3,683,799 299,612 8.85%900 Dues And Fees 999 State Adjustment to Aids/Chargebacks 1,289 165,411 10,000 8,551 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 0.00%

Sub-Total 2,322,116 2,643,843 3,053,000 2,791,075 3,129,000 3,394,187 3,693,799 299,612 8.83%

Non-Program Total 7,725,618 8,597,558 9,271,794 9,078,885 9,783,919 9,905,194 10,701,429 796,235 8.04%

General Fund Total 55,167,510 55,253,968 58,806,177 57,242,746 59,423,000 60,963,000 62,308,000 1,345,000 2.21%

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All Other Funds: Actual Actual Nov Budget Actual May Budget Nov Budget May BudgetFUND 27 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Change Percent

Transit of Aids - EEN Tuition Programs 17,735 15,789 42,000 24,251 42,000 42,000 42,000 - 0.00%EEN Aid 1,707,717 1,721,468 1,630,000 1,716,897 1,685,000 1,695,000 1,700,000 5,000 0.29%Open Enrollment SPEDHigh Cost Aid 37,482 28,377 30,000 28,028 40,000 30,000 30,000 - 0.00%ARRA IDEA (Source # 730 Project 813) - NEWARRA IDEA PreSchool (Source # 730 Project 819) Grant Revenue (348)Grant Revenue (347) 22,977 21,308 20,000 19,900 20,000 21,752 20,200 (1,552) -7.13%Grant Revenue (342) Grant Revenue (341) 903,870 892,021 1,150,000 1,099,320 1,150,000 1,175,000 1,175,000 - 0.00%Medicaid SBS 279,877 280,445 150,000 289,006 150,000 150,000 160,000 10,000 6.67%10 Fund Transfer In 4,636,690 4,667,655 5,420,167 4,889,184 5,853,124 5,709,212 6,214,385 505,173 8.85%Total Revenues 7,606,349 7,627,063 8,442,167 8,066,586 8,940,124 8,822,964 9,341,585 518,621 5.88%Total Expenditures 7,606,349 7,627,063 8,442,167 8,066,586 8,940,124 8,822,964 9,341,585 518,621 5.88%

Actual Actual Nov Budget Actual May Budget Nov Budget May Budget FUND 39 - DEBT SERVICE - Referendum Approved Debt 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Change PercentASSETS 1,209,882 883,478 883,478 1,078,410 1,263,825 1,078,410 1,565,703 487,293 45.19%LIABILITIESFUND BALANCE - End of Year 1,209,882 883,478 1,076,532 1,078,410 1,263,825 1,265,703 286,505 (979,198) -77.36%Revenues: Property Taxes 4,898,263 4,898,138 4,898,547 4,898,547 4,898,547 4,898,547 7,221,733 2,323,186 47.43%Interest Income 112 134 100 1,979 - - - - Proceeds from Issuing Refinancing Bonds 35,570,000 Premium on Refinancing Bonds 1,726,623 Other Revenue/Transfer -Debt Service and General FundTotal Revenues 4,898,375 42,194,895 4,898,647 4,900,526 4,898,547 4,898,547 7,221,733 2,323,186 47.43%Expenditures:Long Term Bond Principal (Normal Payments + Refinancing) 2,555,000 35,945,000 3,170,000 3,170,000 3,305,000 3,305,000 6,245,000 2,940,000 88.96%Long Term Bond Interest 2,399,550 2,217,305 1,535,593 1,535,593 1,406,254 1,406,254 2,255,931 849,677 60.42%Other Debt Payments 4,358,994

Total Expenditures 4,954,550 42,521,299 4,705,593 4,705,593 4,711,254 4,711,254 8,500,931 3,789,677 80.44%

Total Referendum Approved Debt Obligation, End of Year 46,425,000 46,050,000 42,880,000 42,880,000 39,575,000 39,575,000 68,145,000

May 2017-18 to Nov 2016-17

Budget Comparison

OASD completed two debt refinancing transactions in 2014-15 to take advantage of lower interest rates. This work impacted the debt amortization schedules. The 2014-15 budget does not reflect these changes. The 2017-18 debt service and End of Year Obligations include two phases of debt borrowing for the 2016 referendum.

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Actual Actual Nov Budget Actual May Budget Nov Budget May Budget FUND 38 - DEBT SERVICE - Non-Referendum Debt 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Change PercentASSETS 167,346 99,429 99,429 89,198 82,597 89,198 82,597 (6,601) -7.40%LIABILITIESFUND BALANCE - End of Year 167,346 99,429 89,198 89,198 82,597 82,597 75,647 (6,950) -8.41%Revenues:Property Taxes Bond/NotePremium 38,279 Note Proceeds Long Term Bond Proceeds 4,570,000 Transfer In From Other Fund (Gen'l Fund - Clark & OMS Land Proc 288,368 304,780 305,418 305,418 305,367 305,367 299,668 (5,700) -1.87%Transfer In From Other Fund (From Gen'l Fund - For WRS) 478,444 481,280 493,209 493,209 496,428 496,428 493,578 (2,851) -0.57%Transfer In From Other Fund Total Revenues 766,812 5,394,339 798,626 798,626 801,795 801,795 793,245 (8,550) -1.07%Expenditures:Long Term Bond Principal (refi St Trust and Land Note) 210,000 230,000 235,000 235,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 - 0.00%Long Term Bond Interest 79,943 76,793 72,768 72,768 68,068 68,068 62,668 (5,401) -7.93%Long Term Bond Debt Retirement - Other costsLong Term Bond Principal (WRS) (Normal & Refinancing) 215,000 4,570,000 375,000 375,000 390,000 390,000 395,000 5,000 1.28%Long Term Bond Interest (WRS) 268,990 194,174 126,090 126,090 110,328 110,328 102,528 (7,801) -7.07%Other Debt Payments 391,289

Total Expenditures 773,933 5,462,256 808,857 808,857 808,396 808,396 800,195 (8,201) -1.01%

Total Non-Referendum Approved Debt Obligation, End of Year 7,540,000 7,310,000 6,700,000 6,700,000 6,070,000 6,070,000 5,435,000 OASD completed a debt refinancing transaction in 2014-15 to take advantage of lower interest rates. This work impacted the debt amortization schedule. The 2014-15 budget listed above does not reflect the refinancing changes.

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FUND 50 - FOOD SERVICE Actual Actual Nov Budget Actual May Budget Nov Budget May Budget 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Change PercentTotal Revenues 2,135,403 1,825,330 1,704,184 1,967,187 1,704,184 1,897,039 2,006,963 109,924 5.79%Total Expenditures 2,061,318 1,860,248 1,582,647 1,774,831 1,582,647 1,775,502 1,885,426 109,924 6.19% Fund Balance, End of Year 322,326 287,409 408,946 479,765 530,483 601,302 722,839

FUND 80 - COMMUNITY SERVICE Actual Actual Nov Budget Actual May Budget Nov Budget May Budget 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 Change PercentTotal Revenues -Property Tax Levy 589,229 594,988 562,000 562,000 562,000 562,000 562,000 - 0.00%Total Expenditures 589,229 594,988 562,000 562,000 562,000 562,000 562,000 - 0.00%

Property Tax Levy Summary:

Summary of Tax Revenue for All Funds: Actual Actual Nov Budget Actual May Budget Nov Budget May Budget 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 2017-18 $ Change PercentGeneral Fund 42,800,389 42,979,614 44,660,173 44,660,173 45,933,774 44,650,364 44,939,353 288,989 0.65%Debt Service Fund 39 4,898,263 4,898,138 4,898,547 4,898,547 4,898,547 4,898,547 7,221,733 2,323,186 47.43%Community Service Fund 80 562,000 562,000 562,000 562,000 562,000 562,000 562,000 - 0.00%Total Levy 48,260,652 48,439,752 50,120,720 50,120,720 51,394,321 50,110,911 52,723,086 2,612,175 5.21%Equalized Tax Base 4,575,875,100 4,836,984,968 4,983,333,039 4,983,333,039 5,107,916,365 5,135,349,688 5,263,733,430 128,383,742 2.50%Equalized Tax Rate Per $1000 10.54676 10.01445 10.05767 10.05767 10.06170 9.75803 10.01629 0.25826 2.65%

ChangeDebt Service Mill Rate 0.98 1.37 0.39

Levy Change: May 2017-18 Budget to

November 2016-17

Increase resulting from NEW referendum debt should be <= $.40

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Skyward Financial System Detailed Budget Report – All Funds

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

10 211 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 42,834,837.00 44,677,541.00 42,628,993.00 42,978,425.00 44,657,880.30 44,649,857.00 44,939,244.00

10 212 PROPERTY TAX CHARGEBACKS 61,022.00 171,396.00 171,396.00 1,189.00 2,293.00 507.00 109.00

10 241 GENERAL TUITION -INDIV PAY 3,474.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

10 248 TRANSPORTATION FEES-INDIV PAID 9,875.92 7,608.74 9,024.75 9,778.49 13,002.47 9,000.00 10,000.00

10 262 SALE OF NON-CAPITAL ITEMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,183.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

10 264 1:1 INSURANCE FEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38,369.74 57,000.00 59,000.00

10 271 GATE RECEIPTS ADMISSIONS 89,783.20 87,971.06 106,044.50 103,104.88 139,277.00 96,000.00 101,000.00

10 272 COMMUNITY SERVICE FEE 56,741.73 53,006.55 76,937.46 86,992.35 74,653.60 82,725.00 152,100.00

10 280 INTEREST INCOME ON INVESTMENTS 15,483.06 14,576.65 13,023.86 21,363.83 33,450.99 20,000.00 41,000.00

10 289 MUSIC INSTR RENTAL 20,653.25 16,194.00 14,643.00 18,225.00 16,083.50 15,000.00 15,000.00

10 290 OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 102,985.00 102,985.00

10 291 GIFTS 18,643.50 3,308.00 1,169.25 11,173.00 10,052.04 10,000.00 10,000.00

10 292 STUDENT FEES-REG,TXTBK,TECHN 357,434.22 374,678.65 375,255.49 359,386.83 377,699.72 355,000.00 355,000.00

10 293 FACILITY RENTALS 41,000.43 64,558.84 67,745.85 74,856.10 71,503.42 63,392.00 71,325.00

10 294 PARKING FEES 51,254.30 54,138.50 56,048.75 60,112.25 60,368.73 58,000.00 66,000.00

10 295 SUMMER SCHOOL FEES 45,787.00 44,632.00 47,202.00 35,004.50 36,835.00 35,000.00 38,000.00

10 296 CLUB DUES 61,330.09 58,452.60 62,093.22 60,192.25 65,907.05 58,000.00 59,000.00

10 297 STUDENT FINES 188.04 612.83 847.25 477.00 110.05 0.00 0.00

10 298 ATHLETIC FEES 89,113.93 92,402.98 100,034.00 103,434.00 126,458.75 110,000.00 117,000.00

10 299 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 79,870.97 21,434.27 23,619.87 24,301.01 27,522.57 24,340.00 26,520.00

10 341 GENERAL TUITION -WI DISTRICTS 32,490.00 1,713.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

10 345 OPEN ENROLLMENT REVENUE 718,858.00 871,247.90 1,003,810.41 1,022,750.00 1,154,595.00 1,417,144.00 1,464,000.00

10 390 OTHER PYTS FROM WI DISTRICTS I 0.00 3,053.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

10 517 FED AID TRANSMITTED THRU CESA 6,615.79 4,462.89 5,874.19 4,623.94 8,664.15 9,270.00 9,270.00

10 612 TRANSPORTATION STATE AID 119,545.25 158,885.00 157,000.00 149,590.37 155,889.96 130,000.00 135,000.00

10 613 LIBRARY AID 190,565.00 175,134.00 182,632.00 213,463.00 239,337.00 235,000.00 200,000.00

10 619 OTHER CATEGORICAL STATE AID 0.00 257,750.00 392,400.00 797,400.00 808,800.00 1,366,000.00 0.00

10 621 EQUALIZATION AID 2,546,004.00 5,137,636.00 8,631,159.00 9,801,983.00 9,215,071.00 10,411,455.00 11,035,892.00

10 623 SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT AID 3,011,066.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

10 630 SPECIAL PROJECTS GRANTS 9,255.00 25,000.00 28,640.00 54,627.78 55,039.00 54,950.00 54,950.00

10 660 STATE REV THRU LOCAL GOVT-PILT 5,867.85 27,804.48 16,128.49 15,229.97 16,275.70 0.00 0.00

10 691 STATE TAX EXEMPT COMPUTER AID 91,023.00 95,003.00 98,852.00 96,444.00 82,271.00 96,056.00 100,570.00

10 695 PER PUPIL AID 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,659,900.00

10 713 FEDERAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION A 25,921.15 27,765.54 32,118.11 26,693.02 17,707.64 22,500.00 22,500.00

10 730 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS 90,754.26 95,460.15 124,599.50 75,998.10 86,577.05 103,173.00 103,173.00

10 751 ESEA TITLE I 409,623.57 437,247.10 431,990.56 438,800.48 459,941.17 497,543.00 486,359.00

10 780 FEDERAL AID THRU STATE AGENCY 40,708.00 0.00 368,781.00 122,119.00 93,385.58 0.00 0.00

10 860 SALE OF PROPERTY 0.00 1,051,328.50 0.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 0.00

10 878 CAPITAL LEASES 499,969.08 46,961.80 117,005.90 114,736.67 580,776.02 673,103.00 673,103.00

10 968 PREMIUM/INT NON REFI DEBT 51,404.20 21,757.00 32,121.00 25,575.33 19,454.49 0.00 0.00

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

10 969 OTHER ADJUSTMENTS 0.00 -770.11 1,111.77 -0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00

10 971 REFUND RECEIPT0-AIDABLE 180,014.62 125,687.06 174,852.55 166,454.34 293,779.70 200,000.00 200,000.00

10 972 NON-AIDABLE REFUNDS 106.49 0.00 8,190.50 0.00 618.50 0.00 0.00

10 990 MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 160,599.16 0.00 0.00

10 --- Revenue 51,866,283.90 54,305,639.68 55,561,345.23 57,075,687.21 59,200,400.05 60,963,000.00 62,308,000.00

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

10 111 TEACHERS REG CONTRACT PAY 16,108,097.20 16,254,951.15 16,586,115.96 17,393,626.40 17,532,052.77 18,259,813.73 18,945,691.00

10 113 OVERTIME 5,626.26 3,104.10 29,577.52 21,272.02 21,522.15 17,000.00 16,999.00

10 121 PARAPROF / TA PAY 994,413.20 1,026,772.80 970,495.99 992,684.74 994,242.36 1,021,410.30 1,014,730.00

10 131 SUBS-TCHR PAY - ON STAFF & OTR 258,206.37 297,912.05 307,365.90 353,567.68 379,347.37 403,149.97 447,418.00

10 132 SUBS-SUPPORT STAFF 32,930.82 31,883.40 32,094.79 54,470.25 51,039.20 57,888.03 58,198.00

10 141 PT CUSTODIAN PAY 487,274.91 548,511.98 610,235.43 599,034.32 607,724.77 628,216.15 630,634.00

10 142 FT CUSTODIAN PAY 914,736.97 885,860.32 893,225.07 817,311.77 689,939.46 745,426.30 739,662.00

10 143 SEASONAL CUSTODIAN PAY 30,333.30 45,767.79 34,035.21 83,473.80 87,343.64 109,000.00 115,000.00

10 144 CUSTODIAL OVERTIME 6,686.76 1,593.39 6,272.89 23,341.63 24,535.79 36,000.00 36,000.00

10 145 SUBS-CUSTODIANS 24,053.46 5,230.53 8,187.56 10,873.24 6,170.80 10,000.00 10,000.00

10 151 10 MO ADMIN ASSISTANT 403,090.43 406,123.90 486,605.11 502,607.43 501,134.74 467,523.47 476,162.00

10 152 12 MO ADMIN ASSISTANT 351,423.45 379,660.03 356,794.76 397,627.74 465,435.45 490,751.92 495,926.00

10 155 SICK LEAVE BANK 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,423.62 6,612.02 0.00 0.00

10 161 10 MO ADMINISTRATORS 1,013,663.17 924,239.59 828,087.66 495,130.96 691,784.38 756,933.00 876,133.00

10 162 12 MO ADMINISTRATORS 833,567.59 869,066.60 984,715.77 1,547,466.00 1,710,418.56 1,831,757.00 1,728,351.00

10 171 SUMMER SCHOOL PRYL 231,496.06 240,713.11 243,495.95 245,957.49 253,133.84 261,000.00 261,000.00

10 181 MANAGER LVL - NON UNION SPPRT 845,411.07 853,878.23 944,419.56 957,244.43 1,006,587.63 1,136,154.76 1,237,216.00

10 191 COACH PYRL 268,514.00 280,147.34 292,822.00 284,070.75 302,315.00 345,564.00 363,005.00

10 192 CLUB/DUTY ADVISOR & MISC SUPVS 396,828.63 480,186.73 424,340.20 408,341.52 552,272.83 564,585.29 563,630.00

10 193 SEASONAL/INTERN DEPT ASSISTANC 14,584.08 15,875.50 16,360.63 4,498.06 2,375.30 18,999.77 19,000.00

10 211 WRS EMPLOYEE SHARE 110,707.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

10 212 WRS EMPLOYERS SHARE 1,056,674.31 1,177,203.29 1,269,616.58 1,334,956.36 1,318,862.47 1,448,161.27 1,534,270.00

10 215 403b CONTRIBUTION 0.00 0.00 80,409.00 95,157.00 105,226.87 189,358.00 169,697.00

10 219 RETIREMENT - NON WRS 369,785.70 381,660.15 397,001.14 505,526.20 479,263.00 490,026.57 584,066.00

10 222 EMPLOYERS FICA 1,805,515.64 1,810,068.33 1,848,144.90 1,935,875.63 1,981,224.46 2,074,232.88 2,106,500.00

10 230 LIFE INSURANCE 160,773.03 158,124.07 157,872.97 160,094.99 158,044.10 173,972.76 169,258.00

10 241 HEALTH/VISION INSURANCE 5,579,098.29 5,419,156.41 5,359,711.36 5,417,980.92 5,300,100.01 5,446,766.48 5,637,082.00

10 242 VISION INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,860.10 17,358.00

10 243 DENTAL INSURANCE 463,658.84 475,213.88 443,797.95 364,985.50 379,332.88 413,580.25 464,840.00

10 249 HRA - OTHER HEALTH COVERAGE 307,955.44 270,762.00 264,544.00 264,393.00 186,606.57 211,554.85 181,141.00

10 251 LTD-INC PROTECTION INSUR 60,119.64 44,594.02 44,767.81 46,262.72 48,056.64 50,226.70 56,674.00

10 292 ANNUITY - ALT. BENEFIT PLAN 1,202,894.43 1,258,080.88 1,254,228.50 1,174,863.14 1,089,584.08 1,278,240.00 1,073,800.00

10 299 MISCELLANEOUS BENEFITS 12,015.00 24,050.00 27,097.50 27,785.94 28,300.00 33,000.00 33,000.00

10 310 PERSONAL SERVICES 1,531,091.80 1,068,139.39 631,505.57 720,178.42 755,121.65 926,373.00 813,439.00

10 320 PROPERTY SERVICES 1,017,857.14 1,699,926.97 3,747,335.75 2,041,179.48 1,092,414.83 1,221,651.00 1,194,906.00

10 331 GAS FOR HEAT 177,165.18 186,242.17 275,966.76 153,071.23 117,331.56 212,418.00 212,418.00

10 336 ELECTRICITY OTR THAN HEAT 444,735.88 437,439.49 485,162.97 517,861.84 501,952.01 519,773.00 531,097.00

10 337 WATER 37,078.13 37,754.76 33,306.93 32,707.85 41,851.46 40,000.00 50,250.00

10 338 SEWERAGE 47,072.77 41,936.76 35,989.55 42,135.35 45,999.64 49,000.00 49,150.00

10 339 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 56,040.50 55,242.06 58,655.82 61,792.64 61,080.37 63,300.00 60,800.00

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Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

10 341 PUPIL TRAVEL 1,826,941.31 1,862,541.46 1,915,178.92 1,930,457.52 1,922,536.91 2,016,230.00 2,086,099.00

10 342 EMPLOYEE TRAVEL 150,325.14 130,053.48 184,490.74 146,279.81 101,806.62 139,430.00 163,824.00

10 343 CONSULTANT TRAVEL EXP 1,875.26 5,168.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

10 348 FUEL - GASOLINE 235,044.52 283,991.57 293,609.53 207,581.09 148,278.76 279,000.00 269,000.00

10 349 OTHER TRAVEL 319.43 937.91 410.00 2,650.00 705.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

10 351 ADVERTISING 27,821.05 22,114.14 28,857.37 19,647.58 11,026.36 53,605.00 54,790.00

10 353 POSTAGE 21,210.88 19,971.80 15,285.85 24,925.61 26,745.84 35,350.00 38,050.00

10 354 PRINTING & BINDING 29,997.86 29,181.42 22,167.65 44,274.78 38,666.55 36,900.00 41,250.00

10 355 TELEPHONE SERVICE 73,405.64 71,011.38 181,871.58 152,364.35 176,953.27 175,710.00 72,310.00

10 370 EDUC SERVICES NON-GVRNMNTL 32,300.00 37,535.00 36,090.00 14,645.00 14,500.00 9,000.00 0.00

10 382 WI SD PYT 1,769,994.00 1,827,873.60 2,274,137.63 2,456,821.85 2,744,855.66 3,261,388.00 3,570,000.00

10 386 CESA PYT 2,027.47 5,568.17 4,688.39 4,899.43 5,196.10 12,000.00 12,000.00

10 387 STATE AGENCY PYT 1,513.74 5,448.33 33,831.14 30,000.00 25,098.48 121,486.00 128,799.00

10 389 WI TECH COLLEGE PYT 1,504.60 6,529.37 5,408.57 6,964.66 13,070.26 13,000.00 13,000.00

10 411 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 1,433,359.75 1,376,796.74 1,338,609.04 1,171,680.97 1,190,036.03 1,147,941.00 1,147,305.00

10 413 NETWORK MAINT SOFTWARE 3,655.07 1,100.01 115.00 0.00 429.68 1,690.00 1,639.00

10 415 FOOD 26,137.36 27,873.32 29,713.20 33,137.15 39,102.70 44,802.00 44,002.00

10 416 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 10,482.03 13,444.43 11,485.26 10,168.97 14,134.18 10,710.00 10,640.00

10 417 PAPER SUPPLIES 81,709.61 27,752.96 78,440.51 58,689.82 80,964.28 72,100.00 72,280.00

10 419 EMPLOYEE RECOG/AWARDS 2,185.79 2,382.63 3,202.60 4,171.19 948.88 11,280.00 13,280.00

10 420 APPAREL - UNIFORMS 19,683.65 9,471.35 17,159.45 34,701.24 19,193.94 65,119.00 60,420.00

10 431 AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA 4,798.72 3,550.03 3,401.92 2,574.87 4,398.40 8,627.00 8,627.00

10 432 LIBRARY BOOKS 132,434.49 125,786.44 83,832.45 97,408.66 139,486.74 136,000.00 98,300.00

10 434 NEWSPAPERS & PERIODICALS 10,168.60 6,150.25 5,531.33 5,124.14 7,478.52 11,170.00 10,670.00

10 435 INSTRUCTIONAL SOFTWARE 91,124.75 137,605.20 113,316.04 86,865.57 102,000.94 150,920.00 150,770.00

10 439 OTHER MEDIA 0.00 319.69 0.00 3,600.00 9,041.69 3,750.00 3,750.00

10 440 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 55,679.54 61,825.87 55,703.36 104,509.94 80,132.77 79,482.00 158,539.00

10 451 RESALE -32,361.38 -19,152.36 -11,548.02 -13,723.97 -28,342.78 100.00 100.00

10 460 EQUIPMENT COMPONENTS 11,264.64 8,242.72 15,733.50 10,795.16 10,679.05 17,022.00 15,522.00

10 470 TEXTBOOKS 145,803.69 202,942.99 183,555.06 210,937.74 198,029.24 366,700.00 376,110.00

10 472 WORKBOOKS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73,141.55 74,000.00 25,000.00

10 480 NON-INSTR PROGR SFTWR 223,408.65 303,215.57 336,914.37 392,269.82 348,396.57 377,909.00 417,116.00

10 511 SITE PURCHASE 0.00 353,123.45 1,000.00 5,000.00 1,028,258.53 194,143.11 0.00

10 550 EQUIPMENT ADDITIONAL 1,192,035.29 295,818.50 415,620.30 281,172.19 803,442.76 1,180,401.00 933,185.00

10 560 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 143,092.63 220,018.63 150,025.17 128,729.50 212,123.34 184,495.00 480,670.00

10 570 RENTAL/LEASE OF EQUIP/VEHICLE 643,334.46 573,932.50 609,766.91 583,553.90 680,130.29 713,210.00 706,273.00

10 678 CAPITAL LEASE PRINCIPAL 137,420.95 177,484.32 177,216.73 185,740.78 454,671.35 509,107.00 268,967.00

10 682 INTEREST EXP - SHORT TERM NOTE 95,054.16 55,827.78 54,984.72 42,319.43 28,119.45 30,000.00 10,000.00

10 688 CAPITAL LEASE INTEREST EXP 40,350.57 45,972.36 34,153.72 29,662.89 16,734.76 15,665.00 21,355.00

10 691 PAYING AGENT FEES 2,140.00 2,140.00 2,140.00 2,202.00 3,321.25 3,000.00 3,500.00

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Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

10 711 LIABILITY INSURANCE 36,820.00 43,588.00 40,534.00 40,272.00 40,011.00 46,000.00 50,000.00

10 712 PROPERTY INSURANCE 30,678.00 44,452.00 48,888.00 48,739.00 90,474.00 94,000.00 100,000.00

10 713 WORKER'S COMP 147,505.00 187,165.00 162,757.11 152,049.44 170,408.40 231,000.00 253,000.00

10 720 JUDGMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00

10 730 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP INS 22,356.84 85,815.44 71,849.00 28,917.37 31,363.68 90,000.00 63,000.00

10 827 TRANSFER TO SPECIAL EDUC 4,047,159.41 4,584,999.73 4,636,690.28 4,667,655.18 4,889,184.29 5,709,212.34 6,214,385.00

10 838 TRANSFER TO NON REFEREND DEBT 754,768.24 760,257.00 766,812.00 786,059.82 798,626.00 801,795.00 793,245.00

10 840 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL PROJECTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 600,000.00 0.00 0.00

10 941 DISTRICT DUES/FEES 182,927.12 203,505.68 225,161.98 215,620.63 245,865.99 312,692.00 287,742.00

10 943 EVENT ENTRY FEES 34,919.07 39,559.42 35,317.18 34,009.27 36,429.45 52,340.00 56,135.00

10 969 OTHER ADJUSTMENTS 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

10 971 REFUND PAYMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 155,514.68 0.00 0.00 0.00

10 972 PROPERTY TAX CHARGE BACKS 381,620.83 3,582.42 1,188.55 9,896.37 8,550.79 10,000.00 10,000.00

10 999 MISC EXPENSE 1,163.72 232.34 0.00 117.13 -2.29 30,850.00 15,850.00

10 --- Expense 51,948,338.88 52,371,781.84 55,165,761.11 55,243,486.59 57,242,745.89 60,963,000.00 62,308,000.00

10 --- GENERAL FUND -82,054.98 1,933,857.84 395,584.12 1,832,200.62 1,957,654.16 0.00 0.00

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

27 110 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 4,047,159.41 4,584,999.73 4,636,690.28 4,667,655.18 4,889,184.29 5,709,212.34 6,214,385.00

27 316 TRANSIT OF STATE AIDS-SPED 30,860.12 20,245.23 17,735.47 15,788.50 24,250.89 42,000.00 42,000.00

27 347 OPEN ENRLL SPED 105,217.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

27 611 SPECIAL EDUC STATE AID - EEN 1,664,281.00 1,678,282.00 1,707,717.00 1,721,468.00 1,716,897.00 1,695,000.00 1,700,000.00

27 625 HIGH COST SPED AID-DPI MANDATE 15,008.00 8,800.00 9,750.00 9,964.00 16,682.00 0.00 0.00

27 711 HIGH COST SPED - DPI MANDATE 6,192.00 1,505.00 27,732.00 18,413.00 11,346.00 30,000.00 30,000.00

27 730 SPECIAL PROJECT GRANTS 1,035,230.28 782,479.61 926,847.02 913,328.85 1,119,219.95 1,196,752.00 1,195,200.00

27 780 FEDERAL AID THRU STATE AGENCY 554,593.45 242,930.29 279,877.28 280,445.15 289,005.50 150,000.00 160,000.00

27 --- Revenue 7,458,541.76 7,319,241.86 7,606,349.05 7,627,062.68 8,066,585.63 8,822,964.34 9,341,585.00

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

27 111 TEACHERS REG CONTRACT PAY 3,470,084.79 3,601,996.14 3,808,148.98 3,813,918.44 3,845,848.39 4,121,641.29 4,202,906.00

27 113 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 7,622.17 9,210.78 13,237.43 0.00 0.00

27 121 PARAPROF / TA PAY 1,006,605.89 1,123,718.95 1,042,864.18 1,093,493.46 1,080,801.08 1,138,233.37 1,351,577.00

27 131 SUBS-TCHR PAY - ON STAFF & OTR 73,891.50 70,731.50 67,165.34 49,540.62 38,364.75 56,399.38 63,958.00

27 132 SUBS-SUPPORT STAFF 26,545.66 39,354.86 20,419.39 16,815.50 26,946.94 39,648.62 42,373.00

27 152 12 MO ADMIN ASSISTANT 83,886.04 84,947.24 86,547.60 87,256.40 88,975.20 89,804.88 94,536.00

27 161 10 MO ADMINISTRATORS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 71,200.00 71,050.00 80,392.00

27 162 12 MO ADMINISTRATORS 118,500.00 121,778.00 128,581.92 128,913.00 130,920.16 132,809.00 136,644.00

27 181 MANAGER LVL - NON UNION SPPRT 13,162.01 2,624.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

27 192 CLUB/DUTY ADVISOR & MISC SUPVS 25,514.78 29,238.57 69,197.49 55,740.60 73,027.56 122,523.30 132,420.00

27 211 WRS EMPLOYEE SHARE 8,166.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

27 212 WRS EMPLOYERS SHARE 204,453.35 227,412.72 261,001.97 263,427.63 263,564.43 295,314.93 306,000.00

27 215 403b CONTRIBUTION 0.00 0.00 6,743.00 12,593.00 15,430.00 30,882.00 59,743.00

27 219 RETIREMENT - NON WRS 11,489.00 15,770.22 16,263.77 16,578.62 29,018.00 23,708.49 30,818.00

27 222 EMPLOYERS FICA 367,989.34 387,604.09 398,632.10 400,638.57 409,920.14 442,020.14 449,459.00

27 230 LIFE INSURANCE 8,640.53 8,899.62 7,574.70 6,573.41 6,515.05 6,645.21 6,786.00

27 241 HEALTH/VISION INSURANCE 492,423.07 504,354.16 592,439.00 596,270.10 635,275.00 689,227.05 732,559.00

27 242 VISION INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,818.78 2,810.00

27 243 DENTAL INSURANCE 74,826.04 82,638.89 83,768.88 67,071.16 76,596.07 87,527.88 114,555.00

27 249 HRA - OTHER HEALTH COVERAGE 29,184.53 23,100.00 25,865.00 25,315.00 21,246.35 32,875.15 36,469.00

27 251 LTD-INC PROTECTION INSUR 9,130.04 7,125.69 7,423.50 7,322.61 8,086.43 8,863.87 10,256.00

27 292 ANNUITY - ALT. BENEFIT PLAN 69,810.32 72,420.89 64,833.30 82,208.29 84,499.96 97,760.00 96,200.00

27 310 PERSONAL SERVICES 45,117.10 102,645.62 116,301.38 87,020.44 89,894.76 82,000.00 78,500.00

27 341 PUPIL TRAVEL 526,318.19 366,687.09 330,292.15 386,966.23 438,006.93 448,686.00 439,000.00

27 342 EMPLOYEE TRAVEL 24,369.02 13,699.91 15,182.60 20,025.93 20,165.14 21,300.00 21,300.00

27 348 FUEL - GASOLINE 63,337.37 63,320.60 53,209.68 35,794.62 25,709.52 56,000.00 53,000.00

27 353 POSTAGE 736.67 914.67 295.57 276.70 203.18 1,000.00 1,000.00

27 370 EDUC SERVICES NON-GVRNMNTL 417,066.60 134,107.45 147,062.47 167,537.54 386,092.60 378,248.00 552,413.00

27 382 WI SD PYT 253,354.06 112,343.37 105,715.46 100,918.77 116,811.35 265,476.00 175,000.00

27 386 CESA PYT 709.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

27 411 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 22,957.34 95,530.42 111,024.42 65,726.45 37,413.23 55,500.00 45,910.00

27 480 NON-INSTR PROGR SFTWR 5,532.00 5,627.16 5,960.00 5,653.00 5,653.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

27 550 EQUIPMENT ADDITIONAL 1,927.53 0.00 1,134.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

27 941 DISTRICT DUES/FEES 2,813.95 20,649.39 25,078.19 24,255.81 27,162.98 19,001.00 19,001.00

27 --- Expense 7,458,541.76 7,319,241.86 7,606,349.05 7,627,062.68 8,066,585.63 8,822,964.34 9,341,585.00

27 --- SPECIAL ED 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

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Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

38 110 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 754,768.24 760,257.00 766,812.00 786,059.82 798,626.00 801,795.00 793,245.00

38 875 LONG-TERM BONDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,570,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

38 879 PREMIUM AND ACRD INT LTD REFIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 38,279.45 0.00 0.00 0.00

38 --- Revenue 754,768.24 760,257.00 766,812.00 5,394,339.27 798,626.00 801,795.00 793,245.00

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

38 675 LONG-TERM BOND PRINCIPAL 390,000.00 405,000.00 425,000.00 4,800,000.00 610,000.00 630,000.00 635,000.00

38 685 LONG-TERM BOND INTEREST EXP 372,708.50 361,581.00 348,933.00 270,966.97 198,857.00 178,395.00 165,195.00

38 690 OTHER DEBT RETIREMENT - NET 0.00 0.00 0.00 391,288.55 0.00 0.00 0.00

38 --- Expense 762,708.50 766,581.00 773,933.00 5,462,255.52 808,857.00 808,395.00 800,195.00

38 --- NON-REFERENDUM DEBT -7,940.26 -6,324.00 -7,121.00 -67,916.25 -10,231.00 -6,600.00 -6,950.00

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

39 140 CAPITAL PROJECTS 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

39 211 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 4,892,000.00 4,896,000.00 4,898,263.00 4,898,138.00 4,898,547.00 4,898,547.00 7,221,733.00

39 280 INTEREST INCOME ON INVESTMENTS 1,868.65 57.36 112.18 134.28 1,978.65 0.00 0.00

39 875 LONG-TERM BONDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,570,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

39 879 PREMIUM AND ACRD INT LTD REFIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,726,622.75 0.00 0.00 0.00

39 --- Revenue 4,893,868.65 4,896,057.68 4,898,375.18 42,194,895.03 4,900,525.65 4,898,547.00 7,221,733.00

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

39 675 LONG-TERM BOND PRINCIPAL 2,340,000.00 2,445,000.00 2,555,000.00 35,945,000.00 3,170,000.00 3,305,000.00 6,245,000.00

39 685 LONG-TERM BOND INTEREST EXP 2,600,625.00 2,502,287.50 2,399,550.00 2,217,304.71 1,535,593.34 1,406,254.00 2,255,931.00

39 690 OTHER DEBT RETIREMENT - NET 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,358,994.24 0.00 0.00 0.00

39 --- Expense 4,940,625.00 4,947,287.50 4,954,550.00 42,521,298.95 4,705,593.34 4,711,254.00 8,500,931.00

39 --- DEBT SERVICE -46,756.35 -51,229.82 -56,174.82 -326,403.92 194,932.31 187,293.00 -1,279,198.00

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Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

46 110 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 600,000.00 0.00 0.00

46 280 INTEREST INCOME ON INVESTMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,503.36 0.00 0.00

46 --- Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 601,503.36 0.00 0.00

46 --- LT CAPITAL IMPRV TRUST FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 601,503.36 0.00 0.00

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Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

50 251 PUPIL FOOD SERVICE SALES 1,283,089.44 1,186,738.53 1,163,719.10 1,253,469.71 1,457,355.56 1,496,832.00 1,572,990.00

50 252 ADULT FOOD SERVICE SALES 47,256.10 37,869.60 3,817.75 5,299.45 18,532.69 17,287.00 11,941.00

50 258 FD SERV-TAHER GNTD RET 20,002.70 0.00 157,610.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

50 259 MISC FOOD SERVICE REVENUE 327,919.54 352,475.68 246,550.49 35,511.46 28,664.35 39,645.00 53,592.00

50 299 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 135.58 140.00 100.00 90.00 50.00 0.00 0.00

50 617 FOOD SERVICE AID 20,030.82 20,609.36 19,841.61 20,711.37 19,831.59 16,397.00 57,623.00

50 714 DONATED COMMONDITIES 104,951.79 109,489.94 113,492.02 118,212.76 99,188.64 0.00 0.00

50 717 FOOD SERVICE AID - FEDERAL 416,523.58 416,607.12 430,271.76 392,035.08 316,076.12 326,878.00 310,817.00

50 971 REFUND RECEIPT0-AIDABLE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,488.45 0.00 0.00

50 --- Revenue 2,219,909.55 2,123,930.23 2,135,402.73 1,825,329.83 1,967,187.40 1,897,039.00 2,006,963.00

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

50 151 10 MO ADMIN ASSISTANT 2,751.25 2,429.63 0.00 0.00 384.00 400.00 400.00

50 222 EMPLOYERS FICA 210.48 185.86 0.00 0.00 29.38 100.00 100.00

50 320 PROPERTY SERVICES 2,068,506.80 1,957,277.47 1,772,257.05 1,585,492.92 1,669,748.15 1,647,352.00 1,755,426.00

50 336 ELECTRICITY OTR THAN HEAT 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00

50 387 STATE AGENCY PYT 31,577.66 47,355.68 44,056.03 47,579.56 12,596.57 15,000.00 15,000.00

50 411 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 11,501.59 8,975.61 6,911.09 4,515.02 1,954.40 7,000.00 7,000.00

50 480 NON-INSTR PROGR SFTWR 5,133.00 5,351.75 5,530.00 5,246.00 5,246.00 5,500.00 5,500.00

50 550 EQUIPMENT ADDITIONAL 26,147.42 11,988.29 180,955.54 161,020.47 19,704.95 44,650.00 46,500.00

50 560 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 3,480.00 437.70 0.00 465.77 2,779.92 0.00 0.00

50 941 DISTRICT DUES/FEES 4,781.01 5,013.20 30,890.70 35,616.22 42,066.40 35,000.00 35,000.00

50 999 MISC EXPENSE 0.00 173.81 717.58 311.60 321.39 500.00 500.00

50 --- Expense 2,174,089.21 2,059,189.00 2,061,317.99 1,860,247.56 1,774,831.16 1,775,502.00 1,885,426.00

50 --- FOOD SERVICE FUND 45,820.34 64,741.23 74,084.74 -34,917.73 192,356.24 121,537.00 121,537.00

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

80 211 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 612,000.00 562,000.00 562,000.00 562,000.00 562,000.00 562,000.00 562,000.00

80 293 FACILITY RENTALS 22,908.30 34,072.30 27,228.60 32,987.50 21,918.00 0.00 0.00

80 --- Revenue 634,908.30 596,072.30 589,228.60 594,987.50 583,918.00 562,000.00 562,000.00

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

80 113 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 155.55 0.00 53.13 0.00 0.00

80 132 SUBS-SUPPORT STAFF 0.00 17.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

80 141 PT CUSTODIAN PAY 0.00 1,105.00 480.00 27,418.49 22,325.47 28,934.31 28,047.00

80 142 FT CUSTODIAN PAY 21,099.61 21,475.30 21,713.52 43,903.93 47,310.62 17,651.30 20,553.00

80 143 SEASONAL CUSTODIAN PAY 80,436.00 69,798.00 50,634.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

80 144 CUSTODIAL OVERTIME 54,665.11 32,908.08 18,584.35 143.36 4,894.91 0.00 0.00

80 145 SUBS-CUSTODIANS 22,080.00 11,248.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

80 151 10 MO ADMIN ASSISTANT 8,255.78 3,649.66 4,481.06 5,682.77 6,878.26 5,175.83 5,215.00

80 152 12 MO ADMIN ASSISTANT 22,554.21 19,183.80 19,593.84 838.42 0.00 0.00 0.00

80 161 10 MO ADMINISTRATORS 19,473.12 20,005.20 35,527.43 10,181.04 10,584.82 0.00 0.00

80 162 12 MO ADMINISTRATORS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,149.90 19,726.00 20,627.00

80 181 MANAGER LVL - NON UNION SPPRT 50,182.92 36,103.77 49,570.16 44,646.18 34,615.58 35,135.10 36,189.00

80 192 CLUB/DUTY ADVISOR & MISC SUPVS 0.00 5,584.68 3,056.05 4,726.00 4,461.89 2,250.00 2,250.00

80 211 WRS EMPLOYEE SHARE 1,278.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

80 212 WRS EMPLOYERS SHARE 1,006.24 1,280.92 2,416.56 699.00 697.83 754.88 802.00

80 215 403b CONTRIBUTION 0.00 0.00 624.00 432.00 60.00 360.00 960.00

80 219 RETIREMENT - NON WRS 14,413.51 13,857.40 14,520.89 12,800.79 14,114.00 8,048.14 13,741.00

80 222 EMPLOYERS FICA 13,435.89 9,640.61 11,542.84 9,872.76 11,173.68 8,358.65 7,629.00

80 230 LIFE INSURANCE 556.61 378.18 371.38 375.78 353.00 338.71 346.00

80 241 HEALTH/VISION INSURANCE 25,612.48 21,013.22 25,857.46 17,801.18 17,368.00 12,582.91 15,251.00

80 242 VISION INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.76 60.00

80 243 DENTAL INSURANCE 2,723.32 2,291.96 2,710.53 1,559.82 1,542.00 1,161.31 1,428.00

80 249 HRA - OTHER HEALTH COVERAGE 3,927.85 896.00 1,085.00 1,085.00 587.08 385.00 308.00

80 251 LTD-INC PROTECTION INSUR 338.83 227.01 269.76 197.98 240.54 174.02 194.00

80 292 ANNUITY - ALT. BENEFIT PLAN 1,708.24 6,314.23 1,350.00 1,349.96 1,499.95 0.00 0.00

80 299 MISCELLANEOUS BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.06 0.00 0.00 0.00

80 310 PERSONAL SERVICES 53,593.08 55,076.87 57,303.31 57,319.13 60,871.30 56,815.45 56,815.00

80 320 PROPERTY SERVICES 0.00 35.91 123.20 89.89 0.00 1,531.00 1,531.00

80 331 GAS FOR HEAT 59,152.01 72,715.00 92,047.00 133,067.91 97,994.63 91,114.63 103,996.00

80 336 ELECTRICITY OTR THAN HEAT 178,414.85 183,452.00 165,479.87 202,974.37 218,716.61 255,091.00 229,663.00

80 342 EMPLOYEE TRAVEL 0.00 84.82 120.42 405.29 268.79 360.00 390.00

80 351 ADVERTISING 0.00 1,890.09 1,433.50 1,305.16 7,225.38 4,125.00 3,960.00

80 353 POSTAGE 0.00 602.58 699.20 2,366.79 1,539.90 2,250.00 2,400.00

80 354 PRINTING & BINDING 0.00 1,361.06 1,012.05 1,955.99 935.27 1,650.00 2,100.00

80 411 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 0.00 1,642.40 1,711.06 2,789.12 387.14 3,625.00 5,145.00

80 417 PAPER SUPPLIES 0.00 240.60 195.47 279.69 190.52 0.00 0.00

80 419 EMPLOYEE RECOG/AWARDS 0.00 0.00 51.58 11.95 51.00 0.00 0.00

80 440 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 648.67 350.70 293.84 0.00 0.00

80 460 EQUIPMENT COMPONENTS 0.00 0.00 85.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

80 550 EQUIPMENT ADDITIONAL 0.00 350.94 550.29 1,125.12 478.79 0.00 0.00

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget

80 560 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 0.00 0.00 1,503.90 0.00 175.50 0.00 0.00

80 570 RENTAL/LEASE OF EQUIP/VEHICLE 0.00 340.95 419.70 204.75 97.07 0.00 0.00

80 941 DISTRICT DUES/FEES 0.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 6,962.92 7,781.60 4,350.00 2,250.00

80 999 MISC EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.20 0.00 0.00 150.00

80 --- Expense 634,908.30 596,072.30 589,228.60 594,987.50 583,918.00 562,000.00 562,000.00

80 --- COMMUNITY SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

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2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Fd Obj Obj                               FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity    FY Activity Revised Budget Revised Budget


Grand Revenue Totals 67,828,285.39 70,001,198.77 71,557,512.79 115,212,301.52 76,118,746.09 77,945,345.34 82,233,526.00

Grand Expense Totals 67,967,179.46 68,060,153.82 71,151,139.75 113,309,338.80 73,182,531.02 77,643,115.34 83,398,137.00

Grand Totals 138,894.07 1,941,044.95 406,373.04 1,902,962.72 2,936,215.07 302,230.00 1,164,611.00

Loss Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Loss

Number of Accounts: 4684

************************ End of report ************************

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Revenue Limit Worksheet

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1. 2016-17 Base Revenue (Funds 10, 38, 41) (from left) 55,031,3092. Base Sept Membership Avg (14+.4ss, 15+.4ss, 16+.4ss/3) (from left) 5,466

2016-17 General Aid Certification (16-17 Line 12A, src 621) + 10,411,455 3. 2016-17 Base Revenue Per Member (Ln 1 / Ln2) (with cents) 10,067.932016-17 Computer Aid Received (16-17 Line 17, Src 691) + 96,056 4. 2017-18 Per Member Change (A+B+C) 0.002016-17 Hi Pov Aid (16-17 Line 12B, Src 628) + 0 A. Allowed Per-Member Change 0.002016-17 Fnd 10 Levy Cert (16-17 Line 18, Levy 10 Src 211) + 44,649,857 B. Low Rev Incr ((9,100 - (3 + 4A))-4C) Not < 0 02016-17 Fnd 38 Levy Cert (16-17 Line 14B, Levy 38 Src 211) + 0 C. Low Rev Dist in CCDEB (Enter DPI Adjustment) 0.002016-17 Fnd 41 Levy Cert (16-17 Line 14C, Levy 41 Src 211) + 0 5. 2017-18 Maximum Revenue / Member (Ln 3 + Ln 4) 10,067.932016-17 Aid Penalty for Over Levy (16-17 FINAL Rev Limit Wksht) - 0 6. Current Membership Avg (15+.4ss, 16+.4ss, 17+.4ss/3) (from left) 5,5332016-17 Total Levy for All Levied Non-Recurring Exemptions* - 126,059 7. 2017-18 Rev Limit, No Exemptions (Ln7A + Ln 7B) (rounded) 55,705,857*NET 2017-18 Base Revenue Built from 16-17 Data (Line 1) = 55,031,309 A. Max Rev/Memb x Cur Memb Avg (Ln 5 x Ln 6) 55,705,857

B. Hold Harmless Non-Recurring Exemption 08. Total 2017-18 Recurring Exemptions (A+B+C+D+E) (rounded) 250,000A. Prior Year Carryover 0B. Transfer of Service 250,000C. Transfer of Territory/Other Reorg (if negative, include sign) 0D. Federal Impact Aid Loss (2015-16 to 2016-17) 0 E. Recurring Referenda to Exceed (If 2017-18 is first year) 0

Count Ch. 220 Inter-District Resident Transfer Pupils @ 75%. 9. 2017-18 Limit with Recurring Exemptions (Ln 7 + Ln 8) 55,955,857Line 2: Base Avg:(14+.4ss)+(15+.4ss)+(16+.4ss) / 3 = 5,466 10. Total 2017-18 Non-Recurring Exemptions (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H) 119,849

2014 2015 2016 A. Non-Recurring Referenda to Exceed 2017-18 Limit 0Summer fte: 154 165 174 B. Declining Enrollment Exemption for 2017-18 (from left)% (40,40,40) 62 66 70 C. Energy Efficiency Net Exemption for 2017-18 (see pg 4 for details) 0Sept fte: 5,346 5,362 5,492 D. Adjustment for Refunded or Rescinded Taxes, 2017-18 19,050Special Needs E. Prior Year Open Enrollment (uncounted pupil[s]) 0Vouchers F. Reduction for Ineligible Fund 80 Expenditures (enter as negative) 0

Total fte 5,408 5,428 5,562 G. Environmental Remediation Exemption 0H. Private School Voucher Aid Deduction per 2015 Act 289 100,799

Line 6: Curr Avg:(15+.4ss)+(16+.4ss)+(17+.4ss) / 3 = 5,533 11. 2017-18 Revenue Limit With All Exemptions (Ln 9 + Ln 10) 56,075,7062015 2016 2017 12. Total Aid to be Used in Computation (12A + 12B) 11,035,892

Summer fte: 165 174 170 "Current Average" for use in 17-18 A. 2017-18 October 15 General Aid Certification 11,035,892% (40,40,40) 66 70 68 Per-Pupil Aid calc (does not include B. State Aid to High Poverty Districts (not all districts) 0Sept fte: 5,362 5,492 5,541 Special Needs Voucher children).Special Needs Average without SNSP: 13. Allowable Limited Revenue: (Line 11 - Line 12) 45,039,814Vouchers 5,533 (10, 38, 41 Levies + Src 691. Src 691 is DOR Computer Aid.)

Total fte 5,428 5,562 5,609 14. Total Limited Revenue To Be Used (A+B+C) Not >line 13 45,039,814Entries Required Below: Enter amnts needed by purpose and fund:

Line 10B: Declining Enrollment Exemption = A. Gen Operations: Fund 10 including Src 211 & Src 691 45,039,814 (Proposed Fund 10)Average FTE Loss (Line 2 - Line 6, if > 0) B. Non-Referendum Debt (inside limit) Fund 38 Src 211 0 (to Budget Rpt)

X 1.00 = C. Capital Exp, Annual Meeting Approved: Fund 41 Src 211 0 (to Budget Rpt) X (Line 5, Maximum 2017-2018 Revenue per Memb) = 15. Total Revenue from Other Levies (A+B+C+D) 7,783,842

Non-Recurring Exemption Amount: A. Referendum Apprvd Debt (Fund 39 Debt-Src 211) 7,221,733B. Community Services (Fund 80 Src 211) 562,000 (to Budget Rpt)

Line 17: State Aid for Exempt Computers = 100,570 C. Prior Year Levy Chargeback for Uncollectible Taxes (Src 212) 109 (to Budget Rpt)Line 17 = A X (Line 16 / C) (to 8 decimals) Round to Dollar D. Other Levy Revenue - Milwaukee & Kenosha Only 0 (to Budget Rpt)

Fall 2017 Property Values (estimate until Oct '17 values are available) 16. Total Levy + Src 691, "Proposed Levy" (Ln 14 + Ln 15) 52,823,656A. 2017 Exempt Computer Property Valuation Required + 10,040,676 17. Est Src 691 (Comp Aid) Based on Ln 16 & Values Entered 100,570B. 2017 TIF-Out Tax Apportionment Equalized Valuation + 5,263,733,430 18. Fnd 10 Src 211 (Ln 14A-Ln 17), 2017-18 Budget 44,939,244C. 2017 TIF-Out Value plus Exempt Computers (A + B) = 5,273,774,106 Line 18 (not 14A) is the Fund 10 Levy certified by the Board. Computer aid replaces a portion of proposed Fund 10 Levy 19. Total Fall, 2017 All Fund Tax Levy (14B + 14C + 15 + 18 ) 52,723,086Src 691 = Computer Value X (Proposed Levy / (TIF-Out Val + Computer Value)) Line 19 is the total levy to be apportioned in the PI-401. Levy Rate = 0.01001629

CELL COLOR KEY: Auto-Calc DPI Data District-Entered

Calculation Revised: 11/14/2016

Districts are responsible for the integrity of their revenue limit data & computation. Data appearing here reflects information submitted to DPI and is unaudited.Worksheet is available at: http://dpi.wi.gov/sfs/limits/worksheets/revenue


0 0 0.00

*For 2016-17 Non-Recurring Exemptions Levy Amount, enter actual amount for which district levied; (7B Hold Harmless, Non-Recurring Referenda, Declining Enrollment, Energy Efficiency Exemption, Refunded/Rescinded Taxes, Prior Year Open Enrollment Pupils, Reduction for Ineligible Fund 80 Expends, Environmental Remediation, Private School Voucher Aid Deduction.)

September & Summer FTE Membership Averages

0 0 0

2017-2018 Revenue Limit Worksheet (CURRENT LAW. See cell comment.)DATA AS OF 3/28/2017, 8:15 AM

Line 1 Amount may Not Exceed Line 11 - (Line 7B+Line 10) of Final 16-17 Revenue Limit

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Student Fee Schedule

Page 75: 2017-18 Budget Proposal School Board Executive Summary · 2017-18 Budget Proposal Snapshot . Trend Factor Budget Impact Student Enrollment Increasing FTE count .9%. This is a conservative

Oconomowoc Area School District

2017-18 Schedule of Student Fees K4

(& EC) K5 Grades

1 – 4 Grades

5 – 6 Grades 7 – 8

Grades 9 – 12

Annual Fee ^ $30.00 $55.00 $80.00 $85.00 $85.00 $95.00

Other Fees:

Club Participation Fee $10.00 $10.00 $30.00 $30.00 $45.00

Annual Music Instrument Rental $150.00 $150.00 $150.00

Padlocks (see notes) $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 Goggles $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 Assignment Notebook/Agenda Planner (optional for 7th & 8th Grade) $4.00* $8.00* $8.00*

TI-30 Calculator $13.00 $13.00 Earbuds or Headphones ** $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00

Book Bag (K5 only) $5.00

Phy. Ed. Uniforms Shirt $3.00

Shorts $7.00 Course fees - see detail list Various Various Yearbook – standard (add $5.00 for personalization at OHS) $23.00~ $23.00~ $70.00 Student Parking $125.00

Chromebook Insurance $35.00 $35.00

ID replacement $5.00 $5.00 $15.00

Athletic Fee – (Annual Fee) $75.00 $150.00

Breakfast Prices $1.45 $1.45 $1.45 $1.45 $2.25

Lunch Prices $2.50 $2.50 $2.60 $2.60 $3.00

Milk Prices (a la carte) $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50

^ Annual School Fee is assessed for utilization of school textbooks, workbooks or worksheets, consumable school supplies, technology, and technology related supplies (such as ink and toner).

*Grades 3 and 4 at every elementary school use an agenda planner. Some elementary schools also use agenda planners in Grade 2. Prices may vary, please see school supply list and school communication for more information and grade specific fees that may apply. **Grades K5-8 will have the option to purchase earbuds or headphones. See school supply list and school communication for more information. Price subject to change based on final model selection. ~Amount subject to change based upon finalization of yearbook design and composition. Note: The 2017-18 Fee Schedule detailed above has not yet been approved by the Board of Education (BOE). All amounts are subject to change based upon the BOE’s review and adoption of the 2017-18 school year budget.

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Important Notes:

Athletic Fees ($75 Grades 7/8 & $150 High School) are not “per sport.” The fee is paid once per year per student-athlete without regard to how many sports the student-athlete may join. The fee may be paid in advance at registration or at the beginning of the sport season per athletic department procedures.

The OHS Hockey program is exempt from the athletic fee since it has made other financial arrangements.

The Club Participation Fee enables a student to join any club for which he/she is otherwise qualified. The fee may be paid in advance at registration or at the start of the club. The fee is non-refundable and is paid once per year per student without regard to how many clubs they participate in.

Phy Ed uniforms are only required for 7th and 8th grades. Students may use the uniform(s) purchased in

the previous year.

Music Instrument Rentals are $150 per year, which may be paid in total or $75 per semester.

Padlocks and goggles can be re-used from year to year. 5th and 6th grade students require (1) padlock for their standard locker. 7th through 12th grade students require (2) padlocks, one for their standard locker and one for their gym locker.

The OASD has issued guidelines concerning waiver of fees in cases of financial hardship. The guidelines

state that:

• “Required fees” (i.e. annual fee) can be waived if the family qualifies for free/reduced price meals per the USDA income criteria. Families that report financial hardship but do not meet the free/reduced income criteria may contact the school office to arrange a payment plan. For more information, please see the Financial Difficulty letter on the District website under Family Resources/Forms and Documents.

• “Non-Required fees” refers to optional activities/courses that a student may elect to participate.

Examples include Music Instrument Rental, Parking Fees, and Athletic Fees. Fees in this category will not be waived.

• Primary responsibility for timely collection of student fees rests with the school office. The District

Office will follow up on uncollected accounts once efforts at the building level have been completed.

A breakfast meal program is provided at Ixonia Elementary, Park Lawn Elementary, Silver Lake Intermediate, and Nature Hill Intermediate Schools with per meal costs of $1.45. A program menu is available on the District’s website.

Lunch prices for the 2017-18 school year are detailed in the Fee Schedule. The monthly lunch program

menu is available on the District’s website.

Payment for the Lunch/Breakfast Program may be made through Skyward Family Access. The convenience and flexibility of using Family Access for online payments will help to eliminate last minute check writing hassles, improve efficiencies, and reduce worries that a child may lose or forget the money intended for school lunch or that he/she might spend it on other non-lunch items. For more information about the District’s food service program, including online payment instructions, visit the District’s website under “Family Resources – Food Services” or contact the Food Service Director at (262)560-2146.

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Debt Service Obligations Worksheet

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38 Fund Debt

Principal InterestPrincipal Balance Year Ending

Annual Prin / Int Pyt Year

5,835,000 Interest 4,570,000 Interest 3,600,000 Interest 8,835,0008/1/2006 0.00 0.00 6,289,474.61 O/S 06/30/20063/1/2007 315,850.50 0.00 315,850.50 7,835,000.00 O/S 06/30/20079/1/2007 157,925.25 0.00 157,925.253/1/2008 115,000.00 157,925.25 115,000.00 222,947.47 8,720,000.00 O/S 06/30/2008 531457.47 20089/1/2008 155,010.00 0.00 193,510.003/1/2009 130,000.00 155,010.00 211,441.83 255,646.99 8,508,558.17 O/S 06/30/2009 657264.32 20099/1/2009 151,675.50 0.00 190,175.503/1/2010 140,000.00 151,675.50 235,354.52 238,399.80 8,273,203.65 O/S 06/30/2010 621845.82 20109/1/2010 148,091.50 2,823,203.65 206,483.713/1/2011 160,000.00 148,091.50 160,000.00 148,091.504/1/2011 130,000.00 51,371.56 130,000.00 51,371.56 8,760,000.00 O/S 06/30/2011 675817.31 20119/1/2011 143,995.50 0.00 143,995.50

10/1/2011 42,358.75 0.00 42,358.753/1/2012 175,000.00 143,995.50 175,000.00 143,995.504/1/2012 215,000.00 42,358.75 215,000.00 42,358.75 8,370,000.00 O/S 06/30/2012 757,144.75 20129/1/2012 139,506.75 0.00 139,506.75

10/1/2012 41,283.75 0.00 41,283.753/1/2013 195,000.00 139,506.75 195,000.00 139,506.754/1/2013 210,000.00 41,283.75 210,000.00 41,283.75 7,965,000.00 O/S 06/30/2013 760,257.00 20139/1/2013 134,495.25 0.00 134,495.25

10/1/2013 39,971.25 0.00 39,971.253/1/2014 215,000.00 134,495.25 215,000.00 134,495.254/1/2014 210,000.00 39,971.25 210,000.00 39,971.25 7,540,000.00 O/S 06/30/2014 766,811.00 20149/1/2014 4,215,000.00 128,948.25 4,215,000.00 128,948.25

10/1/2014 38,396.25 0.00 38,396.253/1/2015 235,000.00 12,779.00 120,000.00 52,446.97 355,000.00 65,225.974/1/2015 230,000.00 38,396.25 230,000.00 38,396.25 7,310,000.00 O/S 06/30/2015 788,050.72 20159/1/2015 6,681.00 56,363.75 0.00 63,044.75

10/1/2015 36,383.75 0.00 36,383.753/1/2016 255,000.00 6,681.00 120,000.00 56,363.75 375,000.00 63,044.754/1/2016 235,000.00 36,383.75 235,000.00 36,383.75 6,700,000.00 O/S 06/30/2016 798,626.00 20169/1/2016 0.00 55,163.75 0.00 55,163.75

10/1/2016 34,033.75 0.00 34,033.753/1/2017 0.00 0.00 390,000.00 55,163.75 390,000.00 55,163.754/1/2017 240,000.00 34,033.75 240,000.00 34,033.75 6,070,000.00 O/S 06/30/2017 801,795.00 20179/1/2017 0.00 51,263.75 0.00 51,263.75

10/1/2017 31,333.75 0.00 31,333.753/1/2018 0.00 0.00 395,000.00 51,263.75 395,000.00 51,263.754/1/2018 240,000.00 31,333.75 240,000.00 31,333.75 5,435,000.00 O/S 06/30/2018 793,245.00 20189/1/2018 0.00 47,313.75 0.00 47,313.75

10/1/2018 28,333.75 0.00 28,333.753/1/2019 0.00 0.00 405,000.00 47,313.75 405,000.00 47,313.754/1/2019 255,000.00 28,333.75 255,000.00 28,333.75 4,775,000.00 O/S 06/30/2019 804,057.50 20199/1/2019 0.00 43,263.75 0.00 43,263.75

10/1/2019 25,146.25 0.00 25,146.253/1/2020 0.00 0.00 415,000.00 43,263.75 415,000.00 43,263.754/1/2020 265,000.00 25,146.25 265,000.00 25,146.25 4,095,000.00 O/S 06/30/2020 807,988.75 20209/1/2020 0.00 38,076.25 0.00 38,076.25

10/1/2020 21,502.50 0.00 21,502.503/1/2021 0.00 0.00 425,000.00 38,076.25 425,000.00 38,076.254/1/2021 170,000.00 21,502.50 170,000.00 21,502.50 3,500,000.00 O/S 06/30/2021 706,507.50 2021


(Refinancing WRS liability)(Refinancing WRS liability)(Refinancing SLI Land Note &

Farm St Trust Loan)TOTAL

3/1/2006 8/26/2010

Taxable GO Refunding Bonds


Taxable GO Refunding Bonds Taxable GO Refunding Bonds

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38 Fund Debt

Principal InterestPrincipal Balance Year Ending

Annual Prin / Int Pyt Year

5,835,000 Interest 4,570,000 Interest 3,600,000 Interest 8,835,000


(Refinancing WRS liability)(Refinancing WRS liability)(Refinancing SLI Land Note &

Farm St Trust Loan)TOTAL

3/1/2006 8/26/2010

Taxable GO Refunding Bonds


Taxable GO Refunding Bonds Taxable GO Refunding Bonds

9/1/2021 0.00 32,763.75 0.00 32,763.7510/1/2021 19,165.00 0.00 19,165.00

3/1/2022 0.00 0.00 435,000.00 32,763.75 435,000.00 32,763.754/1/2022 185,000.00 19,165.00 185,000.00 19,165.00 2,880,000.00 O/S 06/30/2022 715,737.50 20229/1/2022 0.00 27,326.25 0.00 27,326.25

10/1/2022 16,482.50 0.00 16,482.503/1/2023 0.00 0.00 445,000.00 27,326.25 445,000.00 27,326.254/1/2023 185,000.00 16,482.50 185,000.00 16,482.50 2,250,000.00 O/S 06/30/2023 708,835.00 20239/1/2023 0.00 21,318.75 0.00 21,318.75

10/1/2023 13,707.50 0.00 13,707.503/1/2024 0.00 0.00 460,000.00 21,318.75 460,000.00 21,318.754/1/2024 200,000.00 13,707.50 200,000.00 13,707.50 1,590,000.00 O/S 06/30/2024 720,347.50 20249/1/2024 0.00 14,763.75 0.00 14,763.75

10/1/2024 10,557.50 0.00 10,557.503/1/2025 0.00 0.00 475,000.00 14,763.75 475,000.00 14,763.754/1/2025 205,000.00 10,557.50 205,000.00 10,557.50 910,000.00 O/S 06/30/2025 720,186.25 20259/1/2025 0.00 7,638.75 0.00 7,638.75

10/1/2025 7,226.25 0.00 7,226.253/1/2026 0.00 0.00 485,000.00 7,638.75 485,000.00 7,638.754/1/2026 210,000.00 7,226.25 210,000.00 7,226.25 215,000.00 O/S 06/30/2026 713,573.75 2026

10/1/2026 3,708.75 0.00 3,708.754/1/2027 215,000.00 3,708.75 215,000.00 3,708.75 0.00 O/S 06/30/2027 218,708.75 2027

5,835,000.00 2,532,339.25 4,570,000.00 842,959.47 3,600,000.00 870,554.06 17,005,000.00 4,633,628.508,367,339.25 4,470,554.06 21,638,628.50

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Fund 39 De 4,370,000 44,610,000

Principal InterestPrincipal Balance Year Ending

Annual Principal / Interest Pyt Year

5,285,000 Interest 49,600,000 Interest 10,000,000 Interest 25,570,000 Interest 8,885,000 Interest 28,280,000 Interest7/1/2005 1,890,000 2,568,481.21 18,405,000.00 O/S 06/30/2004

10/1/2005 - 363,609.38 16,880,000.00 O/S 06/30/20054/1/2006 745,000 363,609.38

10/1/2006 132,358.33 - 348,689.59 13,465,000.00 O/S 06/30/20064/1/2007 113,450.00 1,505,000 281,453.13

10/1/2007 113,450.00 - 251,090.63 61,560,000.00 O/S 06/30/20074/1/2008 113,450.00 1,412,439.58 1,570,000 1,663,530.21

10/1/2008 113,450.00 1,210,662.50 - 1,429,803.13 59,990,000.00 O/S 06/30/20084/1/2009 113,450.00 205,000 1,210,662.50 1,835,000 1,429,803.13 4,656,209.38 2009

10/1/2009 113,450.00 1,206,306.25 - 1,391,406.25 58,155,000.00 O/S 06/30/20094/1/2010 113,450.00 450,000 1,206,306.25 2,150,000 1,391,406.25 4,887,737.50 2010

10/1/2010 113,450.00 1,196,743.75 - 1,346,331.25 56,005,000.00 O/S 06/30/20104/1/2011 113,450.00 465,000 1,196,743.75 2,240,000 1,346,331.25 4,886,643.75 2011

10/1/2011 113,450.00 1,186,862.50 - 1,300,312.50 53,765,000.00 O/S 06/30/20114/1/2012 445,000 113,450.00 1,895,000 1,186,862.50 2,340,000 1,300,312.50 4,891,456.25 2012

10/1/2012 104,550.00 1,146,593.75 - 1,251,143.75 51,425,000.00 O/S 06/30/20124/1/2013 470,000 104,550.00 1,975,000 1,146,593.75 2,445,000 1,251,143.75 4,895,918.75 2013

10/1/2013 95,150.00 1,104,625.00 - 1,199,775.00 48,980,000.00 O/S 06/30/20134/1/2014 480,000 95,150.00 2,075,000 1,104,625.00 2,555,000 1,199,775.00 4,898,262.50 2014

9/17/2014 0.00 8,960,000 0.00 8,960,000 0.00 46,425,000.00 O/S 06/30/201410/1/2014 85,550.00 1,057,937.50 - 1,143,487.50

4/1/2015 495,000 85,550.00 2,175,000 833,938.00 100,000 154,329.71 2,770,000 1,073,817.71 4,603,209.17 20154/9/2015 0.00 24,215,000 24,215,000 0.00

10/1/2015 75,650.00 179,625.00 142,692.50 361,423.96 - 759,391.46 46,050,000.00 O/S 06/30/20154/1/2016 515,000 75,650.00 2,280,000 179,625.00 110,000 142,692.50 265,000 378,234.38 3,170,000 776,201.88 4,649,328.76 2016

10/1/2016 62,775.00 122,625.00 142,142.50 375,584.38 - 703,126.88 42,880,000.00 O/S 06/30/20164/1/2017 530,000 62,775.00 2,395,000 122,625.00 110,000 142,142.50 270,000 375,584.38 79,471.39 3,305,000 782,598.27 4,819,762.65 2017

4/25/2017 2,350,000 2,350,000 0.0010/1/2017 62,750.00 141,042.50 372,884.38 155,487.50 - 732,164.38 74,390,000.00 O/S 06/30/20174/1/2018 2,510,000 62,750.00 110,000 141,042.50 275,000 372,884.38 155,487.50 3,350,000 791,602.00 6,245,000 1,523,766.38 8,851,743.76 2018

10/1/2018 139,942.50 370,134.38 155,487.50 417,413.00 - 1,082,977.38 68,145,000.00 O/S 06/30/20184/1/2019 110,000 139,942.50 2,890,000 370,134.38 155,487.50 1,715,000 417,413.00 4,715,000 1,082,977.38 6,804,904.76 2019

10/1/2019 138,842.50 312,334.38 155,487.50 400,263.00 - 1,006,927.38 63,430,000.00 O/S 06/30/20194/1/2020 115,000 138,842.50 2,975,000 312,334.38 155,487.50 1,495,000 400,263.00 4,585,000 1,006,927.38 6,545,529.76 2020

10/1/2020 137,692.50 282,584.38 155,487.50 377,838.00 - 953,602.38 58,845,000.00 O/S 06/30/20204/1/2021 115,000 137,692.50 3,070,000 282,584.38 155,487.50 1,845,000 377,838.00 5,030,000 953,602.38 6,831,629.76 2021

10/1/2021 136,542.50 205,834.38 155,487.50 350,163.00 - 848,027.38 53,815,000.00 O/S 06/30/20214/1/2022 115,000 136,542.50 3,825,000 205,834.38 155,487.50 975,000 350,163.00 4,915,000 848,027.38 6,547,373.51 2022

10/1/2022 135,392.50 162,803.13 155,487.50 330,663.00 - 784,346.13 48,900,000.00 O/S 06/30/20224/1/2023 120,000 135,392.50 3,905,000 162,803.13 155,487.50 1,025,000 330,663.00 5,050,000 784,346.13 6,550,590.38 2023

10/1/2023 134,162.50 116,431.25 155,487.50 310,163.00 - 716,244.25 43,850,000.00 O/S 06/30/20234/1/2024 120,000 134,162.50 3,995,000 116,431.25 155,487.50 1,080,000 310,163.00 5,195,000 716,244.25 6,549,607.25 2024

10/1/2024 132,812.50 61,500.00 155,487.50 288,563.00 - 638,363.00 38,655,000.00 O/S 06/30/20244/1/2025 125,000 132,812.50 4,100,000 61,500.00 155,487.50 1,135,000 288,563.00 5,360,000 638,363.00 6,550,963.50 2025

10/1/2025 131,250.00 155,487.50 265,863.00 - 552,600.50 33,295,000.00 O/S 06/30/20254/1/2026 4,225,000 131,250.00 155,487.50 1,315,000 265,863.00 5,540,000 552,600.50 6,548,951.00 2026

10/1/2026 67,875.00 155,487.50 232,988.00 - 456,350.50 27,755,000.00 O/S 06/30/20264/1/2027 4,525,000 67,875.00 155,487.50 1,210,000 232,988.00 5,735,000 456,350.50 6,549,576.00 2027

10/1/2027 155,487.50 202,738.00 - 358,225.50 22,020,000.00 O/S 06/30/20274/1/2028 155,487.50 2,045,000 202,738.00 2,045,000 358,225.50 2,730,776.00 2028

10/1/2028 155,487.50 172,063.00 - 327,550.50 19,975,000.00 O/S 06/30/20284/1/2029 155,487.50 2,110,000 172,063.00 2,110,000 327,550.50 2,733,451.00 2029

10/1/2029 155,487.50 140,413.00 - 295,900.50 17,865,000.00 O/S 06/30/20294/1/2030 155,487.50 2,170,000 140,413.00 2,170,000 295,900.50 2,729,251.00 2030

10/1/2030 155,487.50 107,863.00 - 263,350.50 15,695,000.00 O/S 06/30/20304/1/2031 155,487.50 2,240,000 107,863.00 2,240,000 263,350.50 2,733,101.00 2031

10/1/2031 155,487.50 74,263.00 - 229,750.50 13,455,000.00 O/S 06/30/20314/1/2032 155,487.50 2,310,000 74,263.00 2,310,000 229,750.50 2,731,963.00 2032

10/1/2032 155,487.50 36,725.00 - 192,212.50 11,145,000.00 O/S 06/30/20324/1/2033 380,000 155,487.50 2,260,000 36,725.00 2,640,000 192,212.50 2,981,050.00 2033

10/1/2033 148,837.50 - 148,837.50 8,505,000.00 O/S 06/30/20334/1/2034 2,740,000 148,837.50 2,740,000 148,837.50 2,989,725.00 2034

10/1/2034 100,887.50 - 100,887.50 5,765,000.00 O/S 06/30/20344/1/2035 2,825,000 100,887.50 2,825,000 100,887.50 2,977,337.50 2035

10/1/2035 51,450.00 - 51,450.00 2,940,000.00 O/S 06/30/20354/1/2036 2,940,000 51,450.00 2,940,000 51,450.00 2,991,450.00 2036

10/1/2036 -

5,285,000 2,227,658.33 49,600,000 18,137,902.58 10,000,000.00 3,315,109.71 25,570,000 5,259,839.66 8,885,000 5,657,421.39 28,280,000 8,207,566.00 138,435,000 47,187,769.557,512,658.33 9,360,000 67,737,902.58 13,315,109.71 30,829,839.66 14,542,421.39 185,622,769.55


3/1/2006(3) 9/1/2007(4)Refinancing 9/1/2007 GO

Refunding Bonds(5)Refinancing 9/1/2007 GO

Refunding Bonds(6) 12/29/2016




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Staffing Plan Detail Worksheet

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Capital Projects Schedule

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Oconomowoc Area School District 10 Year Capital Improvement Plan 5/2/17 12:56 PM

Capital Project Location Date Identified 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2121 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027Plan Year Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2016-20171 Window Replacements Park Lawn 2003 115,000$ 2 Window Replacements Greenland 2003 110,000$ 3 Asbestos Abatement & Carpet Replacement Greenland 2008 20,000$ 4 Passenger Elevator Cylinder High School 2003 75,000$ 5 Summer Renovation District Wide ANNUALLY 30,000$ 6 Masonry Repair / Preventive Maintenance District Wide ANNUALLY 15,000$ 7 Roof Repair / Preventive Maintenance High School ANNUALLY 15,000$ 8 Exterior Doors Park Lawn ANNUALLY 12,000$ 9 Asphalt Preventive Maintenance District Wide ANNUALLY 54,500$ 10 Access Controls and Security Cameras District Wide ANNUALLY 20,000$ 11 Print Room Floor Abatement High School 2016 5,500$ 12 Choir Room Floor Abatement/Replacement High School 2016 19,000$ 13 UDL Room Opening Summit 2016 9,000$ 14 Gym Floor Sand, Paint, Refinish High School 2015 25,000$ 15 Boulevard LED Parking Lot Light Replacements High School 2015 10,000$ 16 Field House Entryway Carpet Replacement High School 2015 15,000$ 13 Girls Varsity Locker Room Renovation High School 2017 *

* Currently working to identify project budget

2017-20181 Window Replacements Greenland 2003 125,000$ 2 North Cafeteria Abatement/Flooring Replacement High School 2017 66,000$ 3 Window Replacement (Remove Window A/C Units) Park Lawn 2016 13,000$ 4 Borrow Pit Restoration Silver Lake 2008 50,000$ 5 Bathroom Remodel (One Set) Greenland 2012 100,000$ 6 HVAC Controls Upgrade SUM/NHI/SLI 2016 37,000$ 7 Summer Renovation District Wide ANNUALLY 25,000$ 8 Masonry Repair / Preventive Maintenance GRN/PKL ANNUALLY 10,000$ 9 Roof Repair / Preventive Maintenance District Wide ANNUALLY 15,000$ 10 Exterior Door Replacement Greenland ANNUALLY 17,000$ 11 Asphalt Preventive Maintenance District Wide ANNUALLY 50,000$ 12 Access Controls and Security Cameras District Wide ANNUALLY 17,000$

2018-20191 Bathroom Remodel and Upgrades OHS/PKL 2012 200,000$ 2 Asbestos Abatement & Carpet Replacement Greenland 2012 25,000$ 4 Asbestos Abatement & Concrete Polishing High School 2012 60,000$ 5 HVAC Controls Update High School 2016 25,000$ 6 Gym Floor Refinishing NHI/SLI/SUM 2018 55,000$ 7 Summer Renovation District Wide ANNUALLY 30,000$ 8 Masonry Repair / Preventive Maintenance District Wide ANNUALLY 20,000$ 9 Roof Repair / Preventive Maintenance District Wide ANNUALLY 20,000$ 10 Exterior Doors Ixonia ANNUALLY 20,000$ 11 Asphalt Preventive Maintenance District Wide ANNUALLY 50,000$ 12 Access Controls and Security Cameras District Wide ANNUALLY 20,000$

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Capital Project Location Date Identified 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2121 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-20272019-2020 thru 2026-2027

1 Bathroom Remodel and Upgrades District Wide 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 2 Asbestos Abatement & Carpet, Flooring, Tile Replacement District Wide 45,000$ 45,000$ 45,000$ 45,000$ 45,000$ 45,000$ 45,000$ 45,000$ 3 HVAC Equipment Replacement & Repair District Wide 70,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 4 Plumbing Repair & Replacement District Wide 35,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 35,000$ 5 Lighting Upgrades/Updates - Energy Efficiency District Wide 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 40,000$ 6 Elevator Repair & Replacement OHS, NHI, SLI 65,000$ 65,000$ 65,000$ 7 Summer Renovation - site specific requests District Wide 30,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 8 Grounds, Landscaping, & Athletic Field Preventive Maint. District Wide 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 9 Masonry Repair / Preventive Maintenance District Wide 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 10 Roof Repair / Preventive Maintenance / Replacement District Wide 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 11 Window Replacements District Wide 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 12 Exterior Doors Replacement, Repair, Preventative Maint. District Wide 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 13 Asphalt Preventive Maintenance & Replacement District Wide 30,000$ 95,000$ 75,000$ 55,000$ 75,000$ 30,000$ 50,000$ 95,000$ 14 Access Controls and Security Cameras District Wide 20,000$ 40,000$ 20,000$ 40,000$ 20,000$ 40,000$ 20,000$ 40,000$ 15 Gym Floor Refinishing District Wide

Capital Project Total Budget 550,000$ 525,000$ 525,000$ 525,000$ 525,000$ 525,000$ 525,000$ 525,000$ 525,000$ 525,000$ 525,000$

Deferred Items at OHS: HVAC Mechanicals, Asphalt, Roofing, Windows, Asbestos, Interiors, Bathrooms, Upper Gym Floor

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Oconomowoc Arts Center Budget

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Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj Func Obj 16-17 Budget 17-18 Budget Budget

Commercial Budget School

District Budget

Community Comments/Notes6% 64% 30%

10 R 910 272 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC COMMUNITY SERVICE FEE 82,725 152,100 152,100.00 10 R 910 291 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC GIFTS 10,000 10,000 10,000.00 10 R 910 293 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC FACILITY RENTALS 30,392 31,325 10,150.00 21,175.00 10 R 910 299 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 22,200 24,700 24,700.00 10 R 910 860 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC SALE OF PROPERTY - -

Total Revenues 145,317.00 218,125.00 196,950.00 - 21,175.00 218,125.00

Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj Func Obj 16-17 Budget 17-18 Budget Commercial School District Community Comments/Notes10 E 910 132 129003 000 PROFESSIONAL TIME OFF SUBS-SUPPORT STAFF 191.92 191.00 68.76 122.24 - DO NOT CHANGE10 E 910 222 129003 000 PROFESSIONAL TIME OFF EMPLOYERS FICA 14.68 15.00 5.40 9.60 - DO NOT CHANGE10 E 910 151 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC 10 MO ADMIN ASSISTANT 17,252.78 17,384.00 1,043.04 11,125.76 5,215.20 DO NOT CHANGE - 10 mnth position10 E 910 181 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC MANAGER LVL - NON UNION SPPRT 73,198.00 75,394.00 4,523.64 48,252.16 22,618.20 DO NOT CHANGE - Michael Duncan10 E 910 181 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC MANAGER LVL - NON UNION SPPRT 43,919.00 45,237.00 2,714.22 28,951.68 13,571.10 DO NOT CHANGE - Sean Floeter10 E 910 192 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC CLUB/DUTY ADVISOR & MISC SUPVS 4,500.00 4,500.00 2,250.00 - 2,250.00 50/5010 E 910 200s 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC BENEFITS 50,110.17 56,054.00 3,363.24 35,803.76 16,887.00 DO NOT CHANGE

10 E 910 310 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC PERSONAL SERVICES 63,760.00 78,450.00 74,820.00 1,815.00 1,815.00 33% or Robin/Rebecca comm/district10 E 910 320 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC PROPERTY SERVICES - - - -

10 E 910 331 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC GAS 18,232.04 18,232.00 1,418.00 16,814.04 Use hours allocation from Fund 80 utilities allocation

10 E 910 336 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC ELECTRICITY 31,790.00 31,790.00 3,164.00 - 28,626.00

10 E 910 342 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC EMPLOYEE TRAVEL 1,200.00 1,300.00 78.00 832.00 390.00 10 E 910 351 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC ADVERTISING 25,000.00 24,000.00 16,080.00 3,960.00 3,960.00 67% Commercial, balance comm10 E 910 353 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC POSTAGE 7,500.00 8,000.00 480.00 5,120.00 2,400.00 10 E 910 354 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC PRINTING & BINDING 5,500.00 7,000.00 420.00 4,480.00 2,100.00 10 E 910 355 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC TELEPHONE SERVICE 300.00 300.00 18.00 192.00 90.00 5,295.00 10 E 910 411 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 4,000.00 5,000.00 300.00 3,200.00 1,500.00 10 E 910 416 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC MEDICAL SUPPLIES 300.00 200.00 12.00 128.00 60.00 10 E 910 417 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC PAPER SUPPLIES 1,000.00 1,400.00 84.00 896.00 420.00 10 E 910 419 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC EMPLOYEE RECOG/AWARDS 400.00 400.00 24.00 256.00 120.00 10 E 910 434 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC NEWSPAPERS & PERIODICALS 100.00 100.00 6.00 64.00 30.00 10 E 910 440 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 1,400.00 2,150.00 120.00 1,280.00 750.00 10 E 910 460 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC EQUIPMENT COMPONENTS 1,000.00 1,000.00 60.00 640.00 300.00 10 E 910 480 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC NON-INSTR PROGR SFTWR - 1,500.00 90.00 960.00 450.00 10 E 910 550 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC EQUIPMENT ADDITIONAL 23,500.00 3,500.00 210.00 2,240.00 1,050.00 10 E 910 560 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 1,000.00 1,000.00 60.00 640.00 300.00 10 E 910 570 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC RENTAL/LEASE OF EQUIP/VEHICLE 3,500.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 225.00 75.00 Alloc 80% Comrcl, 15%, 5%

10 E 910 941 393000 000 COMM SERV-RECRTNL-OAC DISTRICT DUES/FEES 14,500.00 7,500.00 450.00 4,800.00 2,250.00 Includes Sales tax, Choice Fees, Credit Card Fees, and Otr Dues/Subscriptions


393,668.59 393,597.00 113,092.30 156,313.20 124,191.54 393,597.04 99,124.00 32,048.00 63,650.04 Non-personnel total

Oconomowoc Arts Center Budget Summary - 2017-18

Page 90: 2017-18 Budget Proposal School Board Executive Summary · 2017-18 Budget Proposal Snapshot . Trend Factor Budget Impact Student Enrollment Increasing FTE count .9%. This is a conservative

Fd T Loc Obj Func Prj Func Obj 16-17 Budget 17-18 Budget Budget

Commercial Budget School

District Budget

Community Comments/Notes

Oconomowoc Arts Center Budget Summary - 2017-18

80 FUND - Community Service80 E 910 151 393000 000 COMMUNITY SERV-RECRTNL-OAC 10 MO ADMIN ASSISTANT 4,483.26 4,550.50 DO NOT CHANGE80 E 910 181 393000 000 COMMUNITY SERV-RECRTNL-OAC MANAGER LVL - NON UNION SPPRT 33,512.26 34,014.94 DO NOT CHANGE80 E 910 200s 393000 000 COMMUNITY SERV-RECRTNL-OAC BENEFITS 14,007.00 14,217.11 DO NOT CHANGE

52,002.51 52,782.55 - - -

Allocated with alternate % Total Expenditures 445,671.10 446,379.55 113,092.30 156,313.20 124,191.54 Allocated with estim charge

Operating Profit/(Loss) (248,351.59) (175,472.00) 83,857.70 (156,313.20) (103,016.54)

Page 91: 2017-18 Budget Proposal School Board Executive Summary · 2017-18 Budget Proposal Snapshot . Trend Factor Budget Impact Student Enrollment Increasing FTE count .9%. This is a conservative

Oconomowoc Area School DistrictOAC Operating Budget SummaryPrepared: April 2017

Revenue Details - 2017-18

OAC Presents: Performance DateBudgeted Avg.

Tix PriceBudgeted


Original Budgeted Revenue

Budgeted Contract Cost

Budgeted Net Income

Main Stage:BritBeat Beatles Tribute 9/23/2017 34.00 400 13,600.00 7,500.00 6,100.00 Dracula Ballet 10/13-15 2017 15.00 1500 22,500.00 15,000.00 7,500.00 A Kodachrome Christmas 12/1-3 2017 38.00 1500 54,550.00 15,400.00 39,150.00 Population 485 w/M. Perry 1/27/2018 34.00 300 10,200.00 4,200.00 6,000.00 Tallymoore 3/17/2018 34.00 300 10,200.00 2,500.00 7,700.00 One Night in Memphis 5/20/2018 34.00 500 17,000.00 10,200.00 6,800.00

Coffee House Cabaret (Little Theater)Four Guyz in Dinner Jackets 1/12-14 2018 30.00 255 7,650.00 3,600.00 4,050.00 Tail Spin 2/2 & 3/18 30.00 120 3,600.00 800.00 2,800.00 3 M Trio 3/23-24 2018 30.00 160 4,800.00 2,100.00 2,700.00

Family/Kids/Education Series

Comdey Sportz 10/21/17, 4/14/18 15.00 220 3,300.00 2,000.00 1,300.00

Florentine Opera TBD 3.00 400 1,200.00 950.00 250.00

Open House tickets 7/15/2017 10.00 350 3,500.00 - 3,500.00 Total for All OAC Series 6,005 152,100.00 64,250.00 87,850.00

- 152,100.00 87,850.00

Page 92: 2017-18 Budget Proposal School Board Executive Summary · 2017-18 Budget Proposal Snapshot . Trend Factor Budget Impact Student Enrollment Increasing FTE count .9%. This is a conservative

Oconomowoc Area School DistrictOAC Operating Budget SummaryPrepared: April 2017

Description 17-18 Budgeted Rental Amount

Kiwanis – Kid’s From Wisconsin – 7/29/17 850.00 Wisconsin Dance Council Conference 750.00 CommercialIndian Dance Recital – 9/9/17 2,100.00 CommercialOCO Fall Concert – 10/22/17 500.00 Lorie Line Christmas Concert – 11/29/17 1,900.00 CommercialBehind the Scenes w/Nutcracker – 12/2/17 300.00 Nutcracker Ballet – 12/10-17/17 4,375.00 Elation Dance Winter Concert – TBD 1,800.00 Hope Church Christmas Services 12/24 & 25/17 2,700.00 CommercialOCO Winter Concert – 3/18/18 500.00 Hope Church Easter Services – 3/31 & 4/1/18 2,700.00 CommercialTo The Pointe Dance – 5/9-12/18 2,500.00 Girls Scouts of SE WI – TBD 400.00 OCO Spring Concert – 5/6/18 500.00 Hansings Dance – 5/31 & 6/1/18 1,400.00 Main Stage Academy of Dance – 6/2-3/18 1,800.00 5678 Dance – 6/13-16/18 4,250.00 Elation Dance - 2,000.00

Total 31,325 To Budget Summary