2017 annual report - treendale primary school

2017 Annual Report

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2017 Annual Report

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From the Principal 2017 was another successful and very busy year for Treendale Primary School with ongoing growth seeing enrolments exceeding 470. Across the school we continued to build on the existing rich culture of collaboration whilst striving for excellence in all that we do. Recognition of high quality teaching and learning was achieved through our continuing role of being a Teacher Development School in Digital Technologies. This saw an increase in the number of educators from across the state visiting Treendale to see how our teachers were applying the new strands of the Australian Curriculum. In addition, we continued to be praised for the highly effective and authentic integration of digital technologies in all year levels and learning areas as an Apple Distinguished School. As Treendale Primary School continues to grow in size, it also grows in strength and its reputation as being a provider of excellence, creativity and innovation in education. I am incredibly proud to lead this unique school, its community and students to success.

Leonie Clelland

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Our logo represents the Collie and Brunswick Rivers which join to form two natural borders of the Treendale Estate, the bushland surrounding the estate and the community coming together. Our motto was developed through community consultation in July 2013; bringing together the words parents used for what they wanted their new school to be. Our vision was developed by staff and endorsed by the School Board; it brings together the motto within the logo to capture the essence of our school.

Treendale staff believe students achieve excellence when… …their social, emotional and physical needs are met …individual learning needs are catered for through differentiation …they experience rich learning in safe, hands on, visually motivating and challenging environments …they are encouraged to work collaboratively …digital technologies are meaningfully embedded into learning to best equip them for the future …they are supported to engage and learn by skilled, professional, collaborative and enthusiastic staff …family and community are included, supported and supportive

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Academic Performance 2017 Numeracy Reading Writing Spelling Grammar

Year 3

93% Aus Mean: 409 WA Mean: 402 TPS Mean: 372

97% Aus Mean: 431 WA Mean: 420 TPS Mean: 393

98% Aus Mean: 414 WA Mean: 410 TPS Mean: 403

95% Aus Mean: 416 WA Mean: 409 TPS Mean: 397

88% Aus Mean: 439 WA Mean: 429 TPS Mean: 397

Year 5

94% Aus Mean: 494 WA Mean: 489 TPS Mean: 444

94% Aus Mean: 506 WA Mean: 499 TPS Mean: 459

90% Aus Mean: 473 WA Mean: 469 TPS Mean: 433

97% Aus Mean: 501 WA Mean: 498 TPS Mean: 464

89% Aus Mean: 499 WA Mean: 492 TPS Mean: 442

The summary of 2017 NAPLAN achievement indicates the percentage of students who achieved at or above the National Minimum Standard. In all assessment areas, the Treendale minimum scores remain lower than both the Australian and West Australian mean scores; this is despite growth in several areas. Scores in green indicate an improvement from 2016. Graphs below show longitudinal performance in NAPLAN across the past 4 years since opening. This is the second year we have been able to look at the progress of cohorts; Year 3 assessed previously and again as Year 5s.

Reading data demonstrates stability in Year 3 performance from 2016 to 2017, but a decline in that of Year 5. However the Year 5s performed significantly better than they had as Year 3s in 2015.

Writing data shows steady improvement in Year 3 performance with Treendale students achieving slightly higher than those in ‘Like Schools’. Year 5s showed a decline in performance from previous years, but expected improvement from Year 3 to 5 over two years.

Grammar & Punctuation data shows that the gap between Treendale performance and that of the state in Year 3 has remained almost the same in three years. However, like other assessments, the gap in Year 5 performance as increased.

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Improvement in both Year 3 and 5 is pleasing, however the gap between the school mean and that of ‘like schools’ in Year 3 continues to be minimal, but broadened in Year 5.

A slight improvement was made in Year 3 Numeracy performance with 31% of students achieving above the Australian mean. Whilst no improvement was made by Year 5s, and widening of the gap is noted, 22% of this cohort of students achieved above the Australian mean. In addition to NAPLAN assessments, school based student performance data from Kindergarten to Year 6 was collected, tracked, monitored and used to inform planning in line with the Assessment Schedule. Data collected in 2016 formed the basis of the 2017 Improvement Targets. Targets were set using NAPLAN data, PAT assessments, running records and other tools. End of year summary analysis of these targets indicates the following as a snapshot of success:

• Increased percentage of Year 6 students achieved higher than the PAT-R mean scaled score

• Increased percentage of Pre Primary students achieved PM reading level 5 or higher when tested in Term 4

• Increased percentage of Kindy students could independently read their first name by Week 4 of Term 4

• Reduced gap between Treendale Year 3 writing and ‘WA Public Schools’ and exceeded performance when compared to ‘Like Schools’

• In all years, Pre Primary to Year 6, an increased percentage of students achieved a C grade or higher for writing in their end of year report

Teachers continue to set, monitor and analyze SMART targets for their classes which are based on whole school performance targets. Review of targets takes place with the Principal after the newly formed ‘Data Team’ has ensured the required information is inputted to the electronic recording and tracking tool. 2018 Improvement Targets will be set based on 2017 data acknowledging gaps and areas where targets were not specific or measureable, or in some cases, not identified.

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Specialist Learning Areas Music Teacher – Veronica Akse During 2017, students across all year levels participated in singing, creating and performing music together. Whole school learning themes continued to engage and broaden students’ musical interests and cultural understandings from Australia’s early colonial history, bush ballads about convicts and Australian Indigenous music to world music from China, the Titanic and Django’s Gypsy Jazz. Taiko Drumming and Choir featured in many school and community events including the first ever flash mob with the Treendale Taiko exploding into a team of ninety drummers performing ‘Musical Chairs!’ Treendale Taiko made a grand entrance, opening the Athletics Carnival and also staged a winning performance of ‘Korekara’ at the South West’s WA Performing Arts Eisteddfod. This was an amazing achievement and credit to their dedication and teamwork. One of the many highlights was the terrific opportunity for year 5/6 students to play music with the Year 9 Jazz students from Australind Senior High School on xylophones, marimbas, ukuleles, guitars and flutes. Significantly, three Year 6 students were successful in gaining entry into the Specialist Jazz program at ASHS for Year 7, 2018.

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Science Teacher – Clare Turner In 2017 students participated in a technology based hands-on Science Program covering all content areas of the Australian Curriculum. During Term One, linking with the whole school ‘Ocean’ theme, classes investigated ways in which living things survive and adapt to life in the ocean. Students also enjoyed the STEM ‘Egg Drop Challenge’ at Easter time. In Term Two, classes were busy mixing potions, growing crystals and observing different substances using the new microscopes kindly donated by the Rotary Club of Bunbury. Students also learned about recyclable materials and a few classes assisted in our first waste audit, which led to our school becoming a Waste Wise Accredited School. Semester Two rocked! Classes were simulating earthquakes and making rocks, volcanoes and fossils! Science Club students met a qualified engineer who demonstrated how to make sturdy spaghetti structures; consequently, many of our students entered the South West Engineers’ ‘Spaghetti Tower and Bridge Competition’ with prizes being won by some! Many of our students successfully completed the first stage of the CSIRO Science and Technology CREST Award and a number of Year 6 students were invited to ASHS to participate in a new Science Extension Program (SEEL). In Term Four, whilst some of the pre-primary classes observed the weather and collected data for the Scitech GWN7 Schools’ Weather Wall, other blocks investigated forces and energy with the older students safely experimenting with the Bunsen burners! Health & Physical Education Teacher – Adrian Knight 2017 was an exciting year in Health and Physical Education at Treendale Primary School. Students learnt new skills in a variety of sports including; Golf, Gymnastics, AFL, Dodgeball, Athletics and various invasion games. Junior Primary classes had a strong emphasis on Fundamental Motor Skill acquisition through multi- station activities and modified games. Middle and Upper Classes participated in activities designed to improve sport specific skills and to promote good sportsmanship, game play and leadership. Many new and exciting Health concepts were covered in 2017. Topics such as Growth Mindset, Zones of Regulation, Healthy food choices, and Sexuality and Relationship education assisted in the Physical, Social and Emotional development of Treendale students.

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All students in 2017 were invited to attend Treendale Turbos Fitness club. Held on Wednesday mornings, the club encouraged students of all ages and abilities to increase their fitness and get active in a variety of physical exercises and challenges. Students at Treendale Primary School are encouraged to participate in a number of school and interschool sports competitions throughout the school year including:

- Lapathon - Winter Sports Carnival (Football, Soccer & Netball) - Cross-Country - Faction Athletics Carnival - Interschool Athletics Carnival - Golf Australia Coaching Clinic

Learning Technologies Simone Boccia & Michelle Fouweather

Preparing children for an unknown future requires a skillset far different to that provided traditionally. Children need to discover, explore, inquire, create, collaborate and pose relevant meaningful questions in order to gather the answers needed. Using Apple technologies as the platform to provide an environment in which children can acquire these skills has proved to be highly successful for the students of Treendale. Students continued to be provided with access, opportunity and effective use of technology with 90 iPads and 16 MacBooks available for all in Kindy to Year 6 on a daily basis with the new era of a 'Bring Your Own iPad’ continuing strongly in Years 1 to 6. In 2017 this opportunity was continued as an option to students in Pre Primary and improved from 40% at the end of the year in 2016 to 50% at the end of 2017. New teachers were supplied with an iPad and MacBook and along with all staff, were provided with regular professional learning to support the effective use of the technology through after school iCafes. These forums allowed teachers the opportunity to enhance their own skills and understandings of the SAMR model and new WA Technologies curriculum. This included staff moving from using iPads as a substitution ‘tool’ task to ‘redefining’

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learning as well as a focus on coding. The school continued it’s second and final year as a Teacher Development School in Digital Technologies as well as an Apple Distinguished Program, supporting a number of school’s across the state with it’s online workshops ‘Coding 101’ and ‘Coding 201’ and hugely successful iDiscover Days each term with teachers and school leaders visiting from all over the state. Enrolment Trends Enrolment data from when the school opened until the end of 2017 shows an overall steady increase in student numbers, despite a slight dip between February and August 2017 census figures. Whilst in a growing estate, local employment as well as the significant downturn in the resources sector frequently has families relocating to other areas. Enrolments are expected to exceed 500 in 2018. Attendance Treendale’s attendance continues to be higher than the state average, however it is an ongoing challenge to have families refrain from holidays during the term.

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2017 Highlights… Some of the events that made us smile

Back to School BBQ Harmony Day Family Picnic ANZAC Service Mother’s Day Afternoon Teas Father’s Day Activities Crazy Hair Day Footy Colours Day iDiscover Days Open Afternoons Faction Athletics Carnival Lapathon Bookweek Dress Up Day 100 Days of School Celebration Disco Year 5/6 Mornington Camp Taiko & Choir Performances Science Club Spaghetti Challenge Running Club Leadership Camp Graduation Celebrations Celebration Picnic

Pastoral Care The “You Can Do It” Program continues to be implemented across the school from Kindy to Year 6 with explicit teaching of the ‘5 Keys to Success’; Confidence, Getting Along, Organisation, Persistence and Resilience. A common language is used by everybody and reinforced with clear signage and displays throughout the school. Our School Chaplain, Mr Geoff Harrison, continued to provide an invaluable service to the school attending two days a week. During this time Mr Harrison was a friendly and reassuring ‘ear’ to many students. The Peer Buddy program where upper primary students learned how they could support students in the playground who may be feeling sad or be in need of a friend continues to be very successful. Mr Harrison provided regular training and support to these students. 2017 again saw a significant increase in the number of referrals for assistance from the Chaplain largely as a result of changes to family structures. In 2017 the School Psychology service was extended to two days a week providing support, advice, assessment and counseling. School funds were used to increase the allocation from that provided by the region. Positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior continue to be provided through the whole school faction token system with daily prizes leading to the fortnightly “Super Draw” and end of term “Super Duper Draws”. Academic excellence and endeavor is supported through the presentation of merit certificates at each assembly as well as through the ‘iBook of Wonder’; teachers refer students to the office for a member of the leadership team to view student work, question it and provide praise before being ‘entered’ into the ‘electronic’ book. At the end of each semester students who have visited three times are invited to “Pizza with the Principals”.

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Financial Review In 2017 we managed a total budget of $4 035 725 with $3 868386 expended on salaries. 70.4% of Voluntary Contributions were collected and $167 339 was rolled over at the conclusion of 2017. The Student Centred Funding Model generated over $51 000 in cash to the school for allocation to an array of expenditure accounts.

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Opal Drive Australind WA 6233 PO Box 1785 Bunbury WA 6231 T: 08 9796 0200 F: 08 9796 0255

E: [email protected] treendaleps.wa.edu.au