2018 state of city address as prepared for delivery...1 2018 state of city address as prepared for...

1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather for this occasion a place that speaks to our city’s past, its present, and its future. For my fifth State of the City address, I wanted to return here to these Chambers. Where Angelenos participate in what Robert Kennedy once called the hard, messy work of democracy … Where visitors from around the world come to learn about this city’s extraordinary history … And where leaders chart a course to improve Angelenos’ lives today, and build the Los Angeles of tomorrow. I am honored to stand before you again: in front of the four million Angelenos who give this city life … Our Neighborhood Council, labor and business leaders … Commissioners and Councilmembers … Council President Wesson … City Attorney Feuer and Controller Galperin … And of course, my family: my parents, and especially my wife and partner our city’s First Lady, Amy Elaine Wakeland, who couldn’t be here this morning … And our daughter, Maya. Thank you. About two weeks ago, I looked at the calendar and realized that I arrived at the midpoint of my time as your mayor … A milestone that lends special symmetry to this moment bringing a new opportunity to reflect on where we are now …

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Page 1: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery

Good morning, everyone.

Every year, I think about the best place to gather for this occasion — a place that speaks to our

city’s past, its present, and its future.

For my fifth State of the City address, I wanted to return here to these Chambers.

Where Angelenos participate in what Robert Kennedy once called the hard, messy work of

democracy …

Where visitors from around the world come to learn about this city’s extraordinary history …

And where leaders chart a course to improve Angelenos’ lives today, and build the Los Angeles

of tomorrow.

I am honored to stand before you again: in front of the four million Angelenos who give this city

life …

Our Neighborhood Council, labor and business leaders …

Commissioners and Councilmembers …

Council President Wesson …

City Attorney Feuer and Controller Galperin …

And of course, my family: my parents, and especially my wife and partner — our city’s First

Lady, Amy Elaine Wakeland, who couldn’t be here this morning …

And our daughter, Maya.

Thank you.

About two weeks ago, I looked at the calendar and realized that I arrived at the midpoint of my

time as your mayor …

A milestone that lends special symmetry to this moment — bringing a new opportunity to reflect

on where we are now …

Page 2: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


And look toward the future we are building together.

And that’s why we have gathered here …

To dream about all that we can do …

And to plan for all that I know we will do …

To build an even better Los Angeles.

If this past year has done anything, it has reminded us to think big …

To go after what seems unreachable.

It has reminded us that power doesn’t exist some place else …

It’s right here in our hands — alive and well in the neighborhoods where we live and work …

Where we pray …

And where we dream.

It’s a good thing that power is here in Los Angeles, because we are an exceptional city that is

thriving …

Strong …

Stable …

And decent.

We can’t say the same right now about Washington D.C., where leaders clap their hands when

immigrants are forced into the shadows…

Where corporations’ needs are placed above those of a single mother…

Where our coastline is offered up to the highest bidder with an oil drill.

You see, something different is happening here in Los Angeles…

Page 3: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


Here in this city, we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with a homeless family…

In this city, community college is tuition-free for every young person who graduates from our

public schools…

In this city, we raise the minimum wage, because we still believe that an honest day’s work

deserves an honest day's pay.

In Washington, they define themselves by how they can divide us and what they can take


From our health care to our voting rights.

In Los Angeles, we define our success by what we give to one another and how we empower and

bring an entire city together.

As D.C. perfects the art of division and subtraction, we embody the power of the politics of

addition and multiplication.

Think for a moment about what we’re doing right here in Los Angeles:

Since I took office, employment has soared to new heights — with jobs building new and

expanded rail like the Expo Line …

Raising up buildings like the Wilshire Grand …

And breaking ground on landmarks like the Lucas Museum…

And since I came before you last year, I am proud to report that Los Angeles won the Gold: we

are bringing the Olympic and Paralympic Games back home to Los Angeles in 2028.

And just like the world’s greatest athletes will do in 2028, we’re going to keep breaking records

right here — on everything from the number of streets we pave …

To the number of visitors who come from around the world to explore those streets.

Since 2013, we have paved 11,000 miles of road — that’s about the same as four lanes between

here and our nation's capital.

Page 4: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


We raised a minimum wage that has already added more than $1.8 billion dollars to the pockets

of working people and to the businesses on our main streets …

And employers are flourishing here, too: with more than 220,000 new businesses in the last five

years saying, “I want to start right here in Los Angeles” …

I’m talking about everything from tech firms pioneering e-commerce innovations …

To brick and mortar businesses hanging “open for business” signs where they once said “for


We pushed for these things — a City Hall that wouldn’t kill jobs, but would help create them —

because they were the right thing to do …

Because they work …

And because they put people back to work.

My pledge to get back to basics is not an end goal — it's a never-ending pursuit.

After five years of holding ourselves accountable …

Of opening up and sharing our data with the public …

Of using evidence to guide how we target and deliver services, L.A. was the only City in the

nation to win this year's first Gold award from Bloomberg Philanthropies for the best-run city in


City Hall is working again …

And so are Angelenos... Since I took office, we have added 156,000 new jobs.

We've done this because we have executed on a three-part economic strategy:

First — support key industries that will grow the jobs of the future …

Second — build our infrastructure, so that commerce can prosper here for generations to come…

And third — while we’re adding jobs and building out that infrastructure, make sure we leave no

one behind.

Page 5: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


We began with key industries, by supporting a film tax credit that has already delivered more

than $5 billion dollars to our state, and put more than 41,000 people to work over the last three


I brought four counties together so we could compete for, and win, a designation to energize

local aerospace manufacturing with $1.3 billion new dollars from government and industry that

are retooling our assembly lines and retraining our workforce.

From Silicon Beach to South L.A., we are investing in tomorrow’s technologies today.

Companies like Netflix, Apple, and Spotify are setting up shop here and growing their presence.

Last month, we attracted more than 14,000 diverse, well-educated Angelenos to our second

annual tech job fair — one of the largest events of its kind in the U.S. for two years running.

And we passed Measure M, the nation’s largest-ever local jobs and infrastructure package…

Which will generate $120 billion dollars to build and expand 15 rapid transit lines, fix our

freeways, and create 777,000 good, middle-class careers over the next four decades.

Our Cleantech Incubator, alongside new investments in renewable energy, have helped make Los

Angeles the number one solar city in America — and helped create nearly 29,000 new green jobs

in less than five years.

Let’s put that into perspective: that’s more than the number of coal jobs that America has lost

over the same period.

And we’re just one city — a place with just over 1% of the nation’s population.

At this rate, we’ll meet our goal of more than 72,000 green jobs by the end of 2025.

We have the confidence to look up to the stars …

And the guts to make those dreams come true.

And we’re just getting started.

Here, where the Space Race launched…

Page 6: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


Here, where we helped build Space Shuttles…

Here, where the Mars Rover was invented…

The next chapter of that story is underway:

Today, I’m pleased to officially announce that SpaceX will start production development of the

Big Falcon Rocket in the Port of Los Angeles…

This is a vehicle that holds the promise of taking humanity deeper into the cosmos than ever


And this isn’t just about reaching into the heavens...

It’s about creating jobs right here on Earth.

This is the kind of city where, in a few years, a girl growing up in Pacoima can visit the Lucas

Museum to see how a great filmmaker envisioned space travel…

And then walk next door to the California Science Center to see how we actually did it with the

Space Shuttle Endeavour…

Across the street from USC, where Neil Armstrong got his degree in aerospace engineering.

That girl could be the first human being to set foot on Mars…

Joining a long line of Angelenos who don’t just mark history, but make history.

Now look — if Angelenos can put people on Mars, you’d think we could get people home on


Traffic is a thief — stealing time that could be spent with our loved ones…

And money from our economy that could go into higher incomes and greater productivity.

Which brings me to the second part of our economic strategy: to reimagine our city's


This is L.A.’s infrastructure moment.

Page 7: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


I’ve always tried to govern by looking far beyond the time that I’ve been gifted to be your


Because setting progress in motion is more important than being there for every ribbon-cutting.

What we need in this country — and in this city — is leadership that isn’t always caught up in

the moment, but is anticipating the future.

That’s why we’re rebuilding our port and airport, and investing in the L.A. River…and why I led

the most ambitious local transportation measure in American history — times two.

And after Measure M passed, we didn’t rest. We hit the accelerator and got to work putting

together Twenty-Eight by ’28 — placing 28 Metro projects in the fast lane before the Olympic

and Paralympic Games arrive.

As Chair of Metro, I am proud to announce that we will open the Crenshaw-LAX Line by the

end of 2019.

After forty years of dreaming, and talking about bringing public transportation into LAX —

we’re finally getting the job done.

And just last week, we awarded the largest contract in the city’s history for the People Mover —

a tram that will take you from the train to the terminals.

And we’re keeping our promise to voters.

We’ve already broken ground on the first major Measure M project that will transform our


And our commutes.

From Claremont to Century City, the Gold and Purple Line extensions are stretching our system

further east and west…

We’re expanding Metro’s reach in the San Fernando Valley…

And the Regional Connector recently finished tunneling here in Downtown, bringing us one step

closer to a one-seat ride from Boyle Heights to the beach.

Importantly, along these new lines…

Page 8: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


We’ve required that 35% of any new Metro housing be affordable, so that everyday Angelenos

can spend more time at their destination, less time getting to it…

And less time stressed out about their rent.

While we’re investing in key industries to secure future jobs…

And while we’re building infrastructure for the next generation…

We’re also working to confront inequality head on.

And that brings me to my third pillar:

Ensuring that economic opportunity is available for everyone…

We are building housing at a faster rate than we’ve seen in three decades, more than doubling the

pace of affordable housing construction.

Even in the face of state and federal cuts, we’ve led the way to expand affordable housing:

Joined by champions here on the City Council, I asked voters to pass Prop. HHH to deliver

10,000 units of housing for chronically homeless Angelenos and affordable housing for

Angelenos threatened with homelessness…

And they did.

Then I asked the City Council, last year from this very podium, to pass the Linkage Fee.

And you did.

Together, these two efforts will more than double the production and preservation of affordable

housing, and create nearly a thousand good-paying jobs in L.A. every year…

Thank you, Los Angeles City Council!

We cannot end an affordability crisis if we don’t invest in new housing…

We cannot add jobs if companies expand elsewhere because workers aren’t able to find a decent

place to live…

Page 9: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


And we cannot move forward as a city if people are locked out of opportunity.

Which is why I launched new programs to connect veterans, foster youth, homeless and formerly

incarcerated Angelenos with careers…

To make sure everybody comes along for this journey.

That’s why, four years ago, I set the goal of connecting 10,000 veterans with jobs in our city.

I’m proud to announce today that we have helped nearly 10,800 veterans find employment.

We hit our goal, and kept on going.

And that’s why I stood up the first Office of Reentry in the city since the great Tom Bradley was


An office that helps cut crime, create jobs, and deliver hope.

In California, the average person released from incarceration has a more than 66% chance of

going back to prison. That’s expensive. And that’s dangerous.

So we started the New Roads to Second Chances program with Caltrans.

It has connected 350 women and men with jobs improving our freeways…

And our recidivism rate? 1.4%.

Wouldn’t you rather have somebody cleaning a street than sleeping on it?

We are always investing in the people of Los Angeles.

We do these things because they’re the right thing to do…

And we also do them because they work.

The cost of inaction is too great. Because when people get left behind, everyone pays for it.

Still, there are Angelenos, like so many Americans, who are working harder and longer for less.

Page 10: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


They can’t save enough to retire, or see their kids off to college…

They are frustrated by rising rents, and worried about making ends meet.

It speaks to L.A.’s incredible creativity that the Tesla Model X was designed here…

But we also have families sleeping in their cars.

We have the best culinary scene in America…

But there are people who will go hungry in our city tonight.

I’ve often said that we won’t be judged by what we say today, but by what we do tomorrow.

No matter how high we climb…

How many records we break…

Our progress will be measured by how many are left behind.

What’s happening here is not unique to this city.

But our response is.

Because Los Angeles is coming together to confront the greatest moral and humanitarian crisis

of our time.

In this city, we are pushing past skepticism.

I will accept nothing less than a home for every person who needs a roof over their head.

Let me be clear: we are here to end homelessness.

Accepting things the way they are…is unacceptable.

We have already come a long way.

Four years ago, the city and county were pointing fingers and assigning blame…

Today, we’re working hand in hand.

Page 11: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


Four years ago, communities might have resisted building supportive housing in their


Today, every single member of the City Council has pledged to put a minimum of 222 new units

in neighborhoods across Los Angeles over the next two years.

Four years ago, there was less than $20 million dollars in the budget for homelessness…

Today, my budget will include $430 million dollars to take this crisis on.

Four years ago, we had no long-term funding to build new homes for unsheltered Angelenos…

But today, the voters of Los Angeles have radically reshaped our future, by giving the city a

mandate to end homelessness over the next decade.

Four years ago, City Hall wasn’t effectively on the ground in this fight…

We weren’t delivering comprehensive services to lift people out of homelessness for good.

Today: my No Wrong Door Executive Directive, requiring all City Departments to enlist in this

fight, is in full effect.

Our libraries are helping homeless patrons get IDs to access essential services…

Our Fire Department launched a Sober Unit that delivers Angelenos struggling with substance

abuse to treatment programs, instead of cycling in and out of the E.R.…

Our police department helped develop a shelter bed database, so that outreach workers can

connect people on the street with beds available tonight…

And we opened up the ReFresh Spot on Skid Row — to offer toilets, showers, and laundry

services for folks who are living at the epicenter of this crisis.

Now, anyone who has spoken to our homeless neighbors knows: everyone has their own story…

No two people living on Skid Row, or in the Sepulveda Basin, ended up there for the same


Page 12: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


But the common thread among all unsheltered Angelenos, is the need for a safe place to sleep

while we help them find a stable home and a better future.

Ending homelessness happens one interaction at a time.

We need supportive housing, but what makes the most immediate difference is a human being

extending their hand to an Angeleno in desperate need.

In 2015, we had just 9 LAHSA outreach workers serving the entire City.

Now, the voters have given us the green light…

And we are staffing up…

Working with our County partners, non-profits, and community groups to hire an army of 1,000

social workers, mental health professionals, housing navigators, and anti-addiction specialists…

Men and women who will be the heart, the brains, and the muscle of our effort to move people

out of a tent, and under a roof.

Too often, outreach workers promise a shelter bed to someone … but it’s in a different


And people don’t want to go to the other side of the city to sleep in it.

Now that Measure H dollars are flowing, we can finally bring relief to people where they are.

It’s time for tents to come down in our neighborhoods.

We need to stand up emergency shelters fast and we need to do it now…

Shelters that serve as a rest stop on the path to supportive housing.

That’s why today, I’m proud to announce the next step in our plan to get our homeless neighbors

off of L.A.’s streets, an effort that I’m calling A Bridge Home.

As services begin to ramp up … as we continue the work of building supportive housing over the

next ten years…a gap remains in neighborhoods across our city.

Homeless Angelenos can’t wait years to get off our streets.

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We need more options for bringing them inside now.

This week, thanks to this City Council, we will put in place an emergency shelter crisis

declaration — so that we can build shelters across L.A. as quickly as possible…

And bypass red tape and regulations that slow down construction.

And my budget will include $20 million dollars from the General Fund — divided among all 15

Council Districts — giving communities across Los Angeles a chance to stand up shelters, and

open beds for our homeless neighbors this year.

Thousands of people have become homeless simply because they lost a job…

Or missed out on a couple of rent payments…

And suddenly found themselves living out of their cars. They don’t need long-term services.

So, some folks will only stay for a few weeks in our new shelters, where we can connect them to

a job or a rapid-rehousing voucher — once they’ve gotten back on their feet, we’ll be able to turn

that bed over to someone else … two, three, four times in a year.

Other folks could be there for six months before they’re ready to move somewhere permanent …

But everybody will get the help that they need.

And the County — thanks to our Board of Supervisors — is standing by to supply those shelters

with the services that voters approved: health care…

Addiction treatment…

And referrals to permanent places to live.

When the new budget dollars come online, I will sign an Executive Directive to move all

emergency shelter applications to the top of the stack.

No exceptions.

Bureaucracy will not slow us down.

Page 14: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


So, how will this work?

First, every Councilmember will look at existing encampments, find locations for nearby

shelters, and start in on construction.

We’re going to make sure these shelters aren’t just in communities but are part of communities

Like Councilmember Rodriguez has done with her “Good Neighbor” policy in the North Valley.

Second, the County will deploy intensive outreach teams to work in those neighborhoods.

Homeless Angelenos will be greeted each morning by social workers who know their name, who

they can trust, and who will help them make the transition indoors.

Finally, once we move people out of tents, we’re going to make sure that neighborhoods with

new shelters stay safe and clean.

In this year's budget, I am funding new teams that are dedicated exclusively to cleaning up the

streets where encampments once stood.

But here's the catch: That money can only be used when our homeless neighbors have

somewhere to go.

Homelessness can’t be swept away — we must give people a place to stay.

We’re not going to wash down sidewalks only to see an encampment return a few days later.

That doesn’t help a single person get off the street…and it doesn’t help clean up a neighborhood

for good.

The logic here is simple: first come, first served.

Districts that stand up emergency shelters — and only those districts — will get the benefit of

these new sanitation teams.

This is my commitment to you and the communities you represent.

If you have the courage to stand up an emergency shelter in your district, you should get the

resources to keep your neighborhoods clean.

And the first Councilmember has already stepped up.

Page 15: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


Your Council President, Herb Wesson, has identified a site in his district where the City will

build new temporary crisis housing.

And I think you’ll be hearing more about that project later this week.

Council President: Thank you for leading the way.

And I know the rest of the Council is already at work…

Councilmembers Bonin, O’Farrell, Harris-Dawson, Krekorian, Price, Buscaino, and Cedillo have

wasted no time joining this movement to bring people home now.

This is the right thing to do for our neighborhoods.

And it’s the right thing to do for our homeless brothers and sisters.

It may not always be easy.

But I will stand with you, every step of the way, as you make the case to your constituents that

this is the path out of the crisis.

One of the most heartwarming changes I’ve seen in our city is the steady decline of


I’ve seen this Council act …

And I’ve seen Angelenos stand up and say: Please, bring supportive housing to my


And, we’re engaging community leaders as we forge ahead.

Last week, I met with business leaders, service providers, and the 44 Neighborhood Council

homelessness liaisons from across L.A. to brief them on our efforts.

They all plan to work closely with their Councilmembers to identify sites and build support for

safe parking, shelter, and storage for homeless Angelenos.

And it starts here at City Hall, where everyone shares in the responsibility of ending this crisis.

Page 16: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


When there’s an earthquake…

Or a fire in this city…

Every City department sits at the same table…

We share information and expertise…

And make decisions together.

We’re doing the same thing with homelessness now.

We’ve been convening multiple City departments around the same table every week since last


Today, I am expanding our work by creating a unified command center — where all critical City

departments will be represented.

So an Angeleno who is worried about the elderly woman sleeping under a freeway overpass can

alert us with one phone call — and we can send into action together — an outreach worker, a

Fire Department paramedic, and an expert from the Department of Aging…

We have learned a lot in the last four years.

We’ve learned from our efforts to mobilize community leaders…

And we’ve learned from our work to stand up the city’s newest shelter, which will open up in El

Pueblo — the birthplace of our city — this summer.

Councilmember Huizar: Thank you for your commitment to that project.

Those lessons have already helped us take powerful strides.

We have doubled the pace of housing homeless Angelenos since I took office.

In fact, we have housed more than 30,000 people over the last four years…

More than 30,000 mothers, seniors, veterans, emancipated foster youth…

Who today might still be sleeping on the streets if not for our collective efforts.

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And we're moving even faster thanks to the voters who passed those two life-changing measures.

I know some of you are wondering where those dollars are…

Well, that Measure H funding just started to flow in October…

We’ve already broken ground on new Triple-H funded homes…

And I want to thank Councilmember O’Farrell for his support of the first HHH project in the

City, in his district.

2018 is the first full year that we will see HHH dollars across L.A., and finally begin to feel their


This year we will invest more than $238 million of those dollars to build 1,500 new housing

units across 24 different projects.

What we’re doing works. But we have to keep steady in this fight…

And never give up hope. Because we have permanently changed lives in this city.

We’ve housed more than 8,400 women and men who have worn this nation’s uniform.

And in the last half of 2017, Angelenos helped 8,000 people across L.A. County move into


But, let me be clear: if we want to keep accelerating our efforts to meet this crisis with the

urgency it demands…

We need help.

These aren’t just Angelenos caught in the grip of homelessness on our streets…

They’re Californians and Americans, too. Washington can’t keep cutting back programs that

help people hold onto affordable homes…

And here in California, from San Diego to Fresno — homelessness isn’t an issue…

It is the issue.

Page 18: 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery...1 2018 State of City Address as Prepared for Delivery Good morning, everyone. Every year, I think about the best place to gather


When I met with Governor Brown and legislative leaders last week, I told them: Los Angeles has

put our local dollars on the line, we’ve stepped forward to lead.

And now we need Sacramento to do the same.

That $6 billion dollar budget surplus in the State’s back pocket?

Those are our tax dollars.

It’s the bounty of our hard work, and it needs to come back to the communities where it was


That’s why I’m leading the call of California’s mayors for Sacramento to deliver $1.5 billion

dollars of that surplus to be used for immediate aid to shelter our homeless neighbors today.

AB3171 would help the cities of L.A. County get nearly $646 million dollars this year.

Sacramento? Local governments are leading on this.

We’re in the trenches. And we know what works.

So help us handle this for our state.

If Sacramento comes through, we could have a clear path to housing for every unsheltered


And thanks to the Council’s outstanding work last week to pass the Permanent Supportive

Housing and Motel Conversion ordinances, that money can go to work right now. It doesn’t have

to wait.

There are more than 10,000 motel rooms in this City.

Even if just 10 percent came on board, we could house thousands of people.

In Los Angeles, we are seizing this moment.

We are fighting to make sure that our children don’t have to ask:

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“Why is that woman sleeping on a bench?

Doesn’t she have someone to take care of her?”

The answer is yes.

We are going to take care of her.

The City of L.A. is going to put everything we’ve got into bringing her home.

Because Los Angeles is a city where everybody belongs.

Immigrants — and dreamers — are our teachers, nurses, and engineers…

They’re the men and women who work in our hospitals…

Immigrants are first responders…

And entrepreneurs, opening up 64% of our main street businesses.

Immigrants make our city stronger.

And when they know that police officers are there to protect them, not to ask them where they’re


We are all safer.

That’s why the City launched the L.A. Justice Fund with the County and our philanthropic

partners — so immigrants facing the threat of deportation and family separation have access to

free legal services.

And it’s why I strengthened Special Order 40 this year with Chief Charlie Beck…

And let me take a moment to thank Chief Beck who, as we all know, is retiring this summer after

more than 40 years of extraordinary service. Charlie, can you stand up?

Thank you for all that you’ve given to this city.

I was fortunate to first get to know Charlie back when he was a captain in the Rampart Division,

and I was a new Councilmember.

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As our Police Chief, he has helped build a department that is a north star for law enforcement —

all over the world.

I am so proud of his work, and the work of the men and women of this department who have

built deeper trust between officers and the communities they serve, and have turned the tide on

rising crime.

Three years ago, when I stood before you in Northridge for the State of the City address, our

city’s violent crime numbers were going up.

I said that I’d own that bad news — and together, we would work to change that story.

I said we’d double the Metropolitan Division, to bring additional officers to neighborhoods

experiencing crime spikes…

Expand our Domestic Abuse Response Teams citywide, so civilians could roll out with officers

to help survivors break away from the cycle of violence… I’m grateful to Councilmember

Martinez for her leadership on this important issue.

I said we would focus on getting guns, and shooters, off our city’s streets…

And invest millions of new dollars in expanding our Gang Reduction and Youth Development

program, to allow more neighborhoods to benefit from prevention and intervention services that

save lives — and turn lives around.

Together, we did that work.

Our approach, at every step, has been bold, proactive, and responsive.

Just this past year, we took it further...bringing our Community Safety Partnership to a

South L.A. neighborhood where residents had been living with violence for too long.

CSP puts officers on a 5-year assignment in one place, so they can get to know the names of the

people they serve and vice-versa...

So they can build trust in the community, and work closely with residents to make L.A. safer.

Working with Councilmember Harris-Dawson, we brought the CSP to Harvard Park — a

neighborhood described by the L.A. Times not too long ago as one of the deadliest

neighborhoods in our city…

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And since we started that program…there has not been a single homicide in the neighborhood.

We’ve also worked hard to continue improving the LAPD, focusing on relationship-based

policing and putting transparency and accountability at the center of everything that we do.

Los Angeles is the largest city in the nation to outfit every officer with a body camera…

And we’re making those videos available to the public.

And this past year, we instituted mandatory training for officers in implicit bias and de-


These efforts to empower our officers, and our communities, are yielding results:

Last year, after two years of increases, crime was flat.

This year, it’s going down.

Auto theft, down by 12%…

Burglary from cars, down by more than 4%…

The overall rate of property crime is down almost 7%.

Because you shouldn’t have to worry that the things you work hard, and save for, will be taken

from your home or car …

We launched a public education campaign on the importance of always locking your doors, and

adopted a predictive crime-fighting strategy to identify patterns earlier …

Anticipate where burglars and thieves will strike next....

And to put officers there ahead of time.

This year, we’ve also seen a promising drop in more serious crimes: Homicides are down 15%…

And the number of people struck by bullets is down almost 29%.

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We heard last year from Angelenos who wanted a stronger police presence in their

neighborhoods, so we added nearly a half-million additional patrol hours to our streets...the most


And two years ago, we stood up the Community Safety Operations Center, or C-SOC, in South

L.A., a command post where specially-trained and equipped officers can pool their information

to pinpoint their actions.

For instance, if a gang-related shooting occurs on a particular block, C-SOC allows us to

anticipate where a retaliation might occur, deploy resources proactively — from police officers

to gang intervention workers — and to get them on-the-ground immediately.

The model works: Last year, LAPD’s South Bureau saw the lowest number of homicides and

victims shot since 1973 — the year that Bureau was created.

And this year, we’re going to keep the momentum going citywide:

We’re authorizing another half-million hours of expanded patrol...

We’re taking the C-SOC model and adding it to the Valley, the Westside, and Central Los

Angeles, so every community can benefit from the success of the South Bureau.

And we’re continuing to go after guns.

The conversation on gun violence seems to have stalled out in Washington, where our national

leaders are acting like teenagers or toddlers — no, scratch that, that’s not fair to teenagers or


Especially when teenagers are providing the leadership that our elected leaders aren't showing

right now.

While our national representatives won’t lead, young people across America, and all of us here,

are taking action.

In L.A., we don’t stand by and wait for another mass shooting…

Another devastated family…

Another terrorized neighborhood.

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Last month, in the wake of the tragedy in Parkland, I met with L.A. high school students who

shared their experiences and fears and their hope for change…

I felt the power of our young people in the speech that L.A.’s own Edna Chavez gave in D.C. at

the March for Our Lives: she described the trauma of losing her brother Ricardo to a bullet.

He was just 14…

Shot right in front of their family’s home…

And I know what Edna said is true:

La lucha sigue.

The fight continues.

No child should wake up in the middle of the night to gunfire.

No parent should have to think twice about dropping their kid off at school.

So we will keep fighting.

In fact, last year, we took more than 7,300 guns off our streets — the most in five years…

We stood up one of the nation’s first Crime Gun Intelligence Centers — to match guns to crimes,

and crimes to criminals…

And it’s here in L.A., since I’ve been your Mayor, that we passed common-sense legislation to

ban the possession of high-capacity magazines…

And to require gun owners to lock their weapons up. City Attorney Feuer is already taking action

on that legislation.

In Los Angeles, we do what Washington can’t seem to get done: We take guns away from

dangerous people who have no business having them.

This year, I directed the LAPD to start 2018 by clearing the list of prohibited gun owners.

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In just the last few weeks, our officers seized 78 firearms from people who are no longer allowed

to have them — felons, people with a history of domestic violence or severe mental health


And I’m pleased to announce that, last Wednesday, our officers brought the list of prohibited gun

owners in Los Angeles down to zero.

When our streets are free of crime, we are reminded that those streets belong to all of us.

When Angelenos feel safe, they chat with their neighbors on the front lawn…

They go for a walk, jog, or bike ride.

Our streets become not just safer and friendlier — but healthier, as well.

Today in L.A. County, more than 23% of adults are struggling with obesity — and just under

40% are considered overweight.

We shouldn’t be an unhealthy city when we host the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games…

L.A. must be a model of health and fitness.

That’s why we’re showing another way forward, as a city that invests in children’s health,

confidence, and social skills through sports and recreational opportunities — a city where no

child is left on the bench.

We discovered a few years ago that just one in four kids that participated in our city’s fitness and

recreation programs were girls…

Girls Play L.A., led by your First Lady, Amy Elaine Wakeland, helped us turn a corner — and

today, girls make up an all-time high of 45% of participants…

Without taking a single spot away from a boy.

This is about putting an end to the days when gender — or a tight family budget — placed an

Angeleno on the sidelines…

We believe that a ZIP code shouldn’t determine a child’s health. And we’re changing that in

L.A. with the help of some incredible partners:

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Like the L.A. Chargers, who just last week pledged to fund sports in our Summer Night Lights

program — from uniforms to referees…

And just a few weeks ago, we partnered with the L.A. Clippers Foundation and the Annenberg

Foundation who are refurbishing 350 basketball courts across the city.

But our work doesn’t end after we upgrade facilities.

Because we know that too many families simply can’t afford the program fees…

And that’s where our historic deal with the International Olympic Committee comes in.

It’s the first time in Olympic history that a host city is receiving money for youth sports before

the Games even begin — $160 million dollars over the next decade to expand access to low-cost

sports programming across Los Angeles…

And this summer, we’re diving right in — so that more children throughout the city can learn

to swim.

In this country, 64 percent of African-American, and 45 percent of Latino children don’t know

how to swim — a skill that not only increases their fitness, but keeps them safe, because

drowning is the second-leading cause of accidental death for children under 14.

This summer, we are doubling enrollment in our swimming programs…

That’s tens of thousands of children across L.A. who will head back to school in the fall knowing

how to swim.

This is just the first of many initiatives we’ll roll out ahead of the Olympic Games — to make

L.A. the healthiest city in America…

And to show the world a city that is strong, fit, and inclusive in 2028.

We have seen some incredible leadership from young people this year…

That’s why I have selected two remarkable young athletes to be the face of this movement.

As our Youth Sports Ambassadors, they represent our very best and embody our goals…

Inspiring everyone to reach for their dreams — on and off the field.

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Our first ambassador is Emma Limor.

Emma is 15-years-old — and she will be the first to tell you that growing up wasn’t always easy.

Cerebral Palsy meant that while other kids had playdates or spent time with family, Emma was

in and out of the doctor’s office and physical therapy sessions.

But that hasn’t stopped her from doing amazing things. Everyone who knows Emma will tell

you: she’s a star athlete and student.

She graduated top of her class in middle school…

Now in high school, you’re likely to find her in the swimming pool making waves…

Out on the track staying a step ahead of the competition …

Or out in her community working as a P.A.T.H. volunteer helping homeless Angelenos.

We live in a City of Angels, and Emma, you remind us what that means.

She’s joined by Maxwell Young, an 11-year-old who was the Sports Illustrated “Sports Kid” of

the year in 2017.

He scored 12 more touchdowns in a season than Todd Gurley did last year…

And was the fastest nine-year-old in America in 2016, setting the record by running the 100-

meter dash in 12.45 seconds.

A couple months ago, Maxwell visited me at City Hall, and told me he dreams of winning an

Olympic Gold in his hometown in 2028.

But you want to hear what’s even better?

His second goal is to stand here and serve as mayor of this city.

Sports Ambassador Young today — Mayor Young tomorrow.

Sounds about right…

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If Emma doesn’t beat you to it.

But we don’t just believe in making young people more physically fit…

We’re also focused on their minds, and helping them stay in school, graduate, and go on to


Last year, 220,000 young Angelenos got their first library card through our Student Success


I know what a big impact that little card can have in a child’s life.

Because I spent countless afternoons at the Sherman Oaks Branch Library, where books opened

up new worlds that fed my imagination and fueled my curiosity.

We’re giving that same opportunity to every LAUSD student — along with after-school, online

help with homework, and access to our library’s vast digital resources.

And our City libraries?

We’re turning them into learning centers with STEAM education…

Classes where Angelenos can get on a path to citizenship…

And a Career Online High School, where we’ve graduated 100 students who never thought

they’d hold a high school diploma.

We’re also continuing last year’s expansion of L.A.’s Best — 7,000 young Angelenos who will

keep right on learning over the summer break.

And we’re turning our attention to middle school students, to give an extra boost to more than

2,000 kids from Westlake to Hollywood.

Starting in sixth grade, all the way through their first year of college, these kids will have access

to summer classes…

Mentoring…Help applying for college…

And good, paid internship opportunities.

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And we’ll keep pushing in our Promise Neighborhoods, where through our work, almost 90% of

LAUSD students now put on that cap and gown and graduate — and we’ve more than doubled

the rate of students in these high-poverty neighborhoods who are ready for college.

When those students graduate, they can move from a Promise Neighborhood to our College

Promise — joining more than 4,000 LAUSD graduates who attended community college for free

this past year.

In the first year that we rolled out College Promise, full-time community college enrollment of

LAUSD graduates increased by more than 40%…

In fact, the program is so good, the state followed suit, with the California College Promise —

guaranteeing students one free year of tuition.

Los Angeles leads this state, just like this state leads the nation…

And L.A. sees you, California — and we raise you:

Today, I am proud to announce that we will send our current College Promise class back to

campus in the fall with a second year of free tuition.

I don’t want our young people to just attend classes for a year or two…

I want them to graduate with a degree or an acceptance letter to a four-year school, and enter the

workforce with the experience and skills they need to build lasting careers.

This past year, My Hire L.A.’s Youth program connected almost 17,000 young people with paid


When I started, that number was just 5,000.

We’re also pushing hard to make sure that every young person can get their foot in the door…

Especially in our city’s signature industries.

This year, I joined leaders in the entertainment industry to launch the Evolve Entertainment

Fund, to create opportunities for young women and people of color.

To start, we are placing 250 students in paid internships in Hollywood.

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These aren’t your typical summer gigs making copies and getting coffee.

Evolve interns get industry mentors...

They’ll spend time at the new Netflix office…

Learn how to light sets on a soundstage…

And practice their elevator pitch.

You see, if we want Hollywood to tell the stories of tomorrow, it must reflect the face of our city

today, with directors, talent agents, camera operators, animators, and screenwriters who are as

diverse as they are talented.

A well-run city…

A prosperous city…

A safe city…

A city of opportunity.

That is who we are.

The challenges before us never dampen our optimism.

Because we’re a city that works.

And I want to say to anyone who wants to understand who Americans are: Don’t look to D.C. —

come here to L.A.

They’re big on shutdowns…

We're big on opportunity.

They hand out tax breaks to billionaires…

We give raises to low-wage workers.

They’re talking about raising tariffs on our allies around the world…

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Trade out of LAX and our port reached an all-time high of $400 billion dollars last year.

They pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement…

We adopt those goals and cut greenhouse gas emissions by 11 percent in a single year — the

equivalent of taking 737,000 cars off the road.

And while they put people down, we lift people up…

That’s what Michael Adams did…

Along with his fellow Sanitation worker Kurt Boyer…

When they pulled 13-year-old Jesse Hernandez out of a sewer pipe, ending a desperate 12-hour

search over Easter in Griffith Park…

We put everything on the line when our fellow Angelenos need us …

As Officer Joy Park did just after Christmas when she was ambushed and shot during an


We work to protect the people of this city…

As firefighter Daniel Smithers showed, when he suffered second-degree burns in the

Skirball Fire, but spent another 30 hours pushing through the pain to save people’s lives and

homes …

That’s the Angeleno spirit.

And ten years from now, when an Angeleno hoists the Olympic torch and runs it into the

Coliseum to light a flame that burns more than 100 feet overhead — the world will see and feel

that spirit.

They will know our American city:

A city that will have made a decade of historic investments…

That will have created extraordinary new opportunities…

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That will have fought and won battles to protect our people and reclaim our values…

And will have joined hands to accelerate the kind of transformation that only happens once in a


Here in L.A., we see that day ahead because of the power we hold in our hands now:

The power to imagine and create a place that our children — all of our children — deserve to

inherit tomorrow.

This is an era of growth and change in L.A…

And I’m confident that when our story is told, it will be remembered that we were the ones who

looked to the heavens, but also looked straight in front of us, to our streets, to empower the

people who needed us most today…

We were the ones who invested our energy and resources in a future that some of us may never

see, but our grandchildren will cherish:

A city that doesn’t let a single person suffer on our streets.

A city where every one of our basic services is delivered to all Angelenos in a way that is fair

and just…

A city that stands behind you…

And beside you…

That opens doors of opportunity when you graduate…

When you start looking for a career…

When you’re thinking of settling into a home to raise your family.

Los Angeles: We are on our way to an even brighter future — and together, we are going to get


And when we do, we’ll know that we were the ones who raced out of the starting block…

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Who went faster and farther, who broke the finish line tape — even when it seemed beyond our


That’s who we are in Los Angeles — it’s who we always will be.

Angelenos are strong, and so is the state of our city.

Thank you — and God bless all of you.