2021-2022 puyallup school district

2021-2022 Puyallup School District Programs for Highly Capable Learners PAGE Puyallup Accelerated and Gifted Education Serving students in grades 7 and 8

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Puyallup School DistrictPrograms for

Highly Capable Learners

PAGEPuyallup Accelerated and Gifted Education

Serving students in grades 7 and 8

The PAGE Program is offered for highly capable seventh and eighth grade students who have been identified by the multidisciplinary selection committee. The PAGE Program includes courses with a high level of rigor, depth, breadth, and acceleration within a cohort setting.

PAGE Program

Learners should plan toparticipate in a rigorouscurriculum and their workshould exceed grade levelcontent standards. Successfulstudents exhibit a strongwork ethic and a high level oftask completion.

PAGE Students

PAGE is located at three junior highs:• Ferrucci• Stahl• Kalles

PAGE Host Schools

PAGE Host School for students from Edgerton, Pope, Hunt, Ridgecrest, Sunrise, and Wildwood Elementary Schools.

PAGE Host School for students from Carson, Brouillet, Dessie Evans, Firgrove, Zeiger, and Woodland Elementary Schools.

PAGE Host School for students from Waller Road, Fruitland, Karshner, Maplewood, Meeker, Spinning, Stewart, Shaw Road, Mt. View, and Northwood Elementary Schools.

PAGE students may beidentified to participate inone or more of the followingcore subjects:• English• Social Studies• Mathematics• Science

PAGE Courses:

PAGE CoursesPSD PAGE English Course Sequence

7th GradeEnglish 7: PAGE

8th GradeEnglish 8: PAGE

9th Grade(This is not a PAGE course; it is offered at all JH school sites.)

Pre-AP English I

Skills for Success in PAGE English• Write with precision and clarity• Read and understand complex text• Focus on literary analysis• Analyze author’s use of language• Apply skills for effective written and oral

communication• Apply habits of mind and a high degree of task


PAGE CoursesPSD PAGE Social Studies Course Sequence

7th GradePacific Northwest Studies: Social Studies PAGE

8th GradeAmerican Studies I: Social Studies PAGE

9th Grade(These are not PAGE courses; they are offered at all JH school sites.)

Pre-AP Modern World Studies: Social Studies 9AP Human Geography

Skills for Success in PAGE Social Studies

Similar to, but not as intense as, those necessary for Advanced Placement courses:

• Organization, time management and effective note-taking

• Ability to understand content written at and above grade-level

• Willingness to engage in and investigate discussions related to historical and geographic inquiry

PAGE Math and Science

The entry point for PAGE math and science is 7th grade. PAGE 7th

grade math and science courses are pre-requisites for PAGE 8th grade math and science.

PAGE CoursesPSD PAGE Math Course Sequence

7th GradePAGE Math 7: Pre-AP Algebra I

8th GradePAGE Math 8: Pre-AP Geometry

9th Grade(This is not a PAGE course; , but it is offered at PAGE school sites.)

Accelerated Algebra II

Skills for Success in PAGE Math

• Regularly complete homework• Show work when asked -

• Don’t skip steps• Memorize vocabulary (or at least be very

familiar with math terms)

PAGE CoursesPSD PAGE Science Course Sequence

7th GradePAGE Science 7: Accelerated Science 7-8

8th GradePAGE Physical Science 8: Earth Space Science &


9th Grade(This is not a PAGE course, but it is offered at PAGE school sites.)

Pre-AP Biology**indicates laboratory science

Skills for Success in PAGE Science

• Actively participate• Follow safety protocols• Read and understand material above grade level • Recognize patterns and apply prior learning to

new situations• Have a growth mindset

PAGE ProgramAll PAGE courses feature curriculumcompacting, curriculum acceleration,interdisciplinary curriculum and anemphasis on higher level thinkingskills. In addition to the PAGEcourses, PAGE students have theopportunity to enroll in fitness, thearts, and Spanish.

Sample 7th Grade PAGE Class Schedule

1. PAGE Social Studies2. PAGE English3. PAGE Science 4. Pre-AP Algebra I5. Spanish I6. Fine Arts OR Fitness Health +

Semester Elective

Identification Process for Students not in QUEST• Interested parents complete a Highly Capable Application

online and submit the signed Permission to Test byNovember 18th.

• The student’s achievement scores are screened todetermine eligibility for further testing; achievementscores must provide evidence of high performance forthe student to be eligible for highly capable testing.

• Students identified for further testing through thescreening process are tested at the Kessler Center on aregular school day. Parents provide transportation.

IdentificationTests Administered:Cognitive Abilities Test (online, multiple choice)

Three batteries• Verbal – how well they reason with words• Quantitative – how well they reason with

numbers• Nonverbal – how well they reason with

shapes/figuresOrleans-Hanna Algebra Prognosis Test

• 6th graders only (35 minutes, multiple choice)• Predictor of student success in Algebra I

Identification Process for Students in QUEST• Intent to Participate form completed by

November 15th• Link to form was emailed to QUEST parents

• Testing for Pre-AP Algebra I will occur in early December at QUEST schools• Orleans-Hanna Algebra Prognosis Test

• 35 minutes, multiple choice• Predictor of student success in Algebra I

Identification ProcessFor new applicants and QUEST 6th graders,scores from multiple assessments are reviewedby the Multidisciplinary Selection Committee.While the committee generally looks for scoresin the top 10 percentile, one or two scores mayfall outside that level if a preponderance ofevidence shows that the student is highlycapable and needs services. The committeelooks for student strengths and matchesstudent need with appropriate PAGE courses.

Identification Process

CogAT Quantitative Battery

Standard Age Score

CogAT Nonverbal Battery Standard

Age Score

5h Grade SBA Math


5h Grade SBA Math

%ileOrleans-Hanna %

STAR Math%ile


STAR Math%ileFall

Teacher Evaluation

CogAT Verbal Battery

Standard Age Score

CogAT Nonverbal Battery Standard

Age Score

5h or 6th

Grade SBA ELA Level

5h or 6th

Grade SBA ELA %ile

STAR Reading


STAR Reading


Teacher Evaluation

Scores reviewed by committee for PAGE English/Social Studies::

CogAT Verbal Battery

Standard Age Score

CogAT Nonverbal Battery Standard

Age Score

5h Grade SBA ELA


5h Grade SBA ELA


5th Grade State

Science %ile

STAR Reading


STAR Reading


Teacher Evaluation

Scores reviewed by committee for PAGE Science:

Scores reviewed by committee for PAGE Pre-AP Algebra I:

Notification• The assessment results and placement decision

are mailed to parents by mid-January.• Parents of identified students must return a

consent form to participate in PAGE.• Parents may submit an appeal by January 24th if

student is not placed and there is additional dataor information.

• Junior High registration begins in February.• Identified students begin PAGE in September


PAGE Transportation• Students who live within the normal attendance

area for a PAGE host school and outside the designated walking area, use regular bus routes.

• For students who live outside the normal attendance area of the PAGE host school, the District Transportation Department uses transportation hubs. Several of the elementary schools have been designated as hubs for PAGE. Families must arrange to get students to the hub in the morning, at which point a district bus picks up students and takes them to the PAGE host school.

PAGE Transportation• In the afternoon, the process is reversed.• For example, if your home is near Zeiger

Elementary, your child would need to get to Zeiger by the scheduled hub pick-up time. A school bus would stop at Zeiger and pick up PAGE students and transport them to Stahl Junior High. In the afternoon, the bus would take students back to Zeiger Elementary.

• To see the list of hubs and pick-up/drop-off times for this year, visit Transportation Services.

For more information:• Website –Highly Capable Programs• Nancy Velazquez

K-8 Highly Capable Program Coordinator• 253-841-8751

• Theresa SayamaAdministrative Assistant

• 253-841-8646• Almai Malit, M.Ed.

Executive Director of Equity, Student Success, Strategic Engagement

• 253-840-8849