2021! nlsiu tops nirf rankings

The NLS Dispatch A Quarterly Newsletter Issue 03 | October 2021 No images? Click here NLSIU Tops NIRF Rankings 2021! NLSIU retained it’s No 1 Ranking for Law Institutions in National Institutional Ranking Framework results, for the fourth year in a row. Launched in 2015-16 by the HRD Ministry, the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranks higher educational institutions across India. Read more

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The NLS Dispatch

A Quarterly Newsletter Issue 03 | October 2021

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NLSIU Tops NIRF Rankings2021!

NLSIU retained it’s No 1 Ranking for LawInstitutions in National Institutional RankingFramework results, for the fourth year in arow. Launched in 2015-16 by the HRDMinistry, the National Institutional RankingFramework (NIRF) ranks higher educationalinstitutions across India. 

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Ajoy Halder MemorialScholarship 

National Law School of India Universityannounced the Ajoy Halder MemorialScholarship in memory of NLSIU alum AjoyHalder, who passed away due to COVIDearlier this year. The scholarship,commencing in the Academic Year 2021-22,will support deserving students for �ve years.This scholarship has been instituted with thesupport of his friends Kush Mehra andParoma Dutt Mehra, who knew Ajoy for over16 years.


New O�ce-Bearers

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Registrar | Dr N S Nigam

Dr N S Nigam, NLS 'LLB 97, took charge asthe University’s Registrar in August 2021.Until recently, he was the Dean at the Schoolof Law at BML Munjal University,Gurugram. He holds a DPhil from theUniversity of Oxford Faculty of Law, an LLMin Taxation from New York University and aBA., LLB (Hons.) from NLSIU.

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Alumni O�cer | Akanksha Sharma

Akanksha Sharma, NLS 'LLB 2013, is NLSIU's�rst Alumni O�cer. With the establishmentof the Alumni O�ce, she will work with theuniversity to systematise its continuousengagement with alumni, deepen therelationship and broaden access to

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all programmes, in line with theNLSIU Inclusion and Expansion Plan.

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Campus Updates

Meet the New Batch of B.A., LL.B(Hons.) 

We welcomed the new batch of the B.A., LL.B(Hons.) programme this quarter. Studentsfrom across 23 States/UTs secured admissionto the programme in 2021. We spoke to a fewof our new students from the incoming batch

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who shared their inspiration and aspirationswith respect to their academics and career. 

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Meet Our New LL.M. Students

The new batch of the LL.M. programmebegan their academic year this quarter.Students from across 15 States/UTs securedadmission to the programme in 2021. Thisyear, the LL.M. programme has beenrestructured with no division of streams, andgreater �exibility in choosing courses. Wespoke to a few of our new students, whoshared their experience, goals, interests andviews on beginning their new academic termonline. 

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Meet Our New PhD Scholars

This year, we received 108 registerations forthe Doctoral degree programme, of which100 candidates appeared for the entrancetest. Among the 38 shortlisted candidates for

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Dr Arun K Thiruvengadam, NLS ‘LLB 95, joins NLSIU as Professor of Law this term. Hewas a founding faculty member at the Schoolof Policy and Governance at Azim PremjiUniversity, where he taught the Master’s in

oral presentations, nine scholars wereadmitted to the programme. Among them areChitkara and Vasundhara, who we spoke to,about their research and  how they are copingwith the pandemic.

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New Faculty | Dr Arun KThiruvengadam

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Policy & Governance, and LL.M in Law& Development. 

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NLS Public Lecture Series

The NLS Public Lecturer Series held a talk on‘India Justice Report 2020′ by MajaDaruwala, Chief Editor of the report. TheIndia Justice Report ranks 18 large and mid-sized, and 7 small states according totheir capacity to deliver justice to all. 

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Faculty Publications

Legal Barriers to Accessing Safe AbortionServices in India: A Fact Finding Study -Dr Aparna Chandra, Dr Mrinal Satish,Shreya Shree and Mini SaxenaIs Platform Work Decent Work? A Case ofFood Delivery Workers in Karnataka -Institute of Public Policy

Faculty Seminars

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Registrar Dr N S Nigam was recentlyinterviewed by the All India Radio in a two-part feature covering the University asone of the prominent institutions of HigherEducation. Apart from sharing thebackground and history of the University, heshared his personal experiences from histime as a student at NLSIU.

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Liberalism and Its Encounters in India -Dr Atreyee MajumderRevered 'Routines' in the MedicalExamination of Rape Accused - ShreyaShreeDesigned for Abuse: Special Criminal Lawsand Rights of the Accused - KunalAmbasta

In the Media | AIR interviews DrN S Nigam 

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