206 final treatment


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Post on 15-Mar-2016




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It was the end of their senior year and Derek got accepted in Berkley to study medicine and become a doctor, while Beth decided to stay home and figure her life out from there. At that time and point they did not know if their friendship would last since they would be over 3,000 miles apart. Plus their last night together did not end well at all.


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It was the summer of 1950 in the East side of San Francisco, California and school had just been let out which symbolized summer. Good friends BETH Robertson and DEREK Barnet decided to walk along the boardwalk. It was Beth’s 30th birthday, and Derek had been planning a surprise party for Beth.

Derek and Beth had lived in the same area since they were just babies and had been best friends as long as they could remember. Beth was always the pretty popular girl who dated the jackass guys, while Derek was extremely intelligent and hung out with the same friends as Beth. Derek never really dated in high school because he was always so concentrated on school. Derek always wanted to attend Berkley to either become a doctor or a lawyer. Beth was a smart girl too but she never really applied herself in school.

Growing up Derek had always had a thing for Beth but her family was considered lower class than his family, and they never saw them being a fitting match. Beth’s family by no means was poor, but Derek’s mother NOREEN and Derek’s grandfather LEWIS inherited a very large amount when Noreen’s husband and Grandpa Lewis’s son passed away. Actually it was nowhere near a little money and it gave Noreen a very big head. Nevertheless, that extra amount gave Noreen the notion that money grew on trees by the way she spent it. It also gave her the notion that she was better than anyone who didn’t make the same amount of money or more. That was primarily the main reason why she was not a big fan of Beth and her family. She might have been pretty and popular in school but in Noreen eyes she was nothing more than a money grubbing tramp.

Derek did not see money as a priority and deep down he knew how he truly felt about Beth, but was always scared to tell her how he truly felt in case she did not feel the same way and their friendship would be ruined forever. Plus, she always seemed to have a boyfriend at all times. They’d come and go and break her heart, but she still would always end up with another jock that was a jerk. Their junior year in high school and the guy she was currently seeing was the star baseball player. Actually he was a senior and his name was EVAN Ronald’s. Of all the guys she dated he by far was the worst. Evan and Derek never saw eye to eye and Evan hated the fact that Derek and Beth were so close. He would always pick fights with her and try to get Beth to stop being friends with Derek. It got so bad that one night at a party on the beach Evan drank a little too much and swung at Derek for no apparent reason. They got into a huge fight and it made Beth question her friendship with Derek.

It was the end of their senior year and Derek got accepted in Berkley to study medicine and become a doctor, while Beth decided to stay home and figure her life out from there. At that time and point they did not know if their friendship would last since they would be over 3,000 miles apart. Plus their last night together did not end well at all.

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The distance ended up taking a huge toll on Beth and Derek’s friendship, and soon after his freshman year at Berkley they completely fell out of contact. Beth started working at the hotel with her mother and didn’t make anything of her life. Derek on the other hand helped discover the flu vaccine with biochemist Wendell M. Stanley in 1941 during the time World War II was taking place. Unfortunately, Derek also felt it necessary to serve his county, and ended up joining the army in 1942. Derek left all his hopes and dreams behind and fought in the war for three long years. Beth decided to get her act together and ended up becoming a nurse during the war.

During the war Derek met a beautiful young woman by the name of GENEVE Jackson and they ended up falling in love. Derek proposed to Genève as soon as the war end in 1945 and they moved back to New Hampshire because she too was from there and he wanted to be closer to his family. Genève came from a very wealthy background and Derek’s parents absolutely loved her, especially his mother. Beth decided to move to New York and get her degree in nursing after the war was over and she too found a man and fell in love. Well she sort of fell in love. He was vicious man who beat her all of the time, but she figured she would be alone the rest of her life if she left him.

As Derek and Genève planned their wedding, Derek saw Beth at a party that Genève’s parents threw. She was a waitress to make a little extra money. After that night they began to hangout for drinks everything now and then. The emotion started to heat up between them too and one night while getting drinks they ended up having an intimate kiss. Beth ends up pulling away and Derek takes her home. Only to realize that she was in a abusive relationship with her husband PATRICK.

Derek tries to help once he starts to get violent but Patrick pulls a gun on him. Later that night Beth ends up killing her husband. Both Derek and Beth realize they are meant for each other and run away to California. Derek is shallow and breaks up with Genève in a letter but deep down both Beth and Derek knew they were meant for each other.

Derek goes back to school to finish his degree and ends up becoming a teacher at Berkley. The night of Beth’s 30th birthday, Derek finally proposes to Beth. The End.

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The inspiration came from the two movies Forrest Gump and The

Notebook. They are two love stories that show the good times but

also hard times too. Of course this is bases of a fictional

tale, but you never know if something like this could really

happen. We chose to date the love story back in the late

thirties to the early fifties because it also gave us more of a

time line to work with and when writing our script it will give

us more availability to add and even possibly take things out.

This is just a rough sketch but hopefully this love story falls

into place. We might even change up the ending to give it more

of a difference compared to all of the other love stories.