215111045 santhosh festival marketing

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  • 8/3/2019 215111045 Santhosh Festival Marketing


    Festival Marketing

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  • 8/3/2019 215111045 Santhosh Festival Marketing


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    Festival Marketing


    LK Gupta, Chief Marketing Officer, LG Electronics India

    Consumers still like to buy during the festive season for various reasons to celebrate, and

    because some consider this to be auspicious. The spirit of festivals is the same across the

    country. Through innovative festive campaigns, companies can move closer to the Indian

    consumers and can maximise brand pull.

    If there is a time during the year where the companies are in celebrative mood its

    during the festival season and they leave no stone unturned to make sure they captivate the

    festive mood of the consumers. Festivals likeDiwali, Pongal in Tamil Nadu, Onam in Kerala,

    Durga Puja in West Bengal etc are a time where sales hit the peak, right from products like

    dresses to jewelleries to automobiles and to even houses. This is a time where companies who

    can cleverly utilize the situation to gain market share and boost revenues.

    A Festival is a day or period of time set aside for feasting and celebration. The word

    'Fest' has been derived from the Middle English, from Middle French word 'Festivus', from

    the Latin word 'Festivus'. The usage of the term 'Festival' in old times was different from the

    prevalent definition. From the 14th century this term had been used as adjective which meant

    'To celebrate a Church Holiday'. It was in 1589, that this term was first recorded as a noun.

    While some festivals are celebrated worldwide others are restricted to certain regions of theworld. Historically speaking, festivals have been known as Feasts; in fact 'Feast' was the

    parlance for people of the ancient era. The reason festival being referred as 'feasts' is chiefly

    due to the practice of serving meals on such occasions. In modern times, the practice is still

    widespread but not necessarily, as is evident in the case of 'Modern Festivals' like a Film

    Festival. Some festivals are celebrated as joyful occasions while others are meant only to be

    observed, minus the fanfare. But for the larger populace 'Festival' is a time to celebrate, meet

    their beloved ones', take time off, worship god, take vows, and adhere to traditional practices

    and so on. All the traditional Festivals are observed on a certain period of time, however there

    are festivals that are 'Date Bound', i.e. they are observed on a particular date of a year. For

    example Christmas is always celebrated on 24th December.

    At the same time some festivals aren't bounded by dates, they are observed according to

    'Natural Clock', i.e. based on seasonal changes like summer, spring, winter etc. Because they

    depend on nature they do not rely on dates to observe a certain festival. For example,Holi, is

    celebrated during February end or early March, this period is known as Phalgun Purnima, in

    Hindi language. Another example of varied occurrence of a festival is the 'Chinese New

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    Year; this is actually beneficial for them as they get to celebrate their own 'Traditional New

    Year' and the 'Modern New Year' which is universally celebrated on the same day. The

    reason for celebrating festivals on a certain day or specific period of time is based on

    traditions and cultural practices whose origins are as varied as the festivals themselves.Mostly, festivals are observed as per the calendars of religions, these calendars are based on

    seasons and do not adhere to the modern calendar which we use today. Thus we have

    Christian Calendar, Hindu calendar, Sikh Calendar, Islamic Calendar etc. Due to these

    calendar variations festivals are not uniform in their observations and occurrence. Festivals

    also have varied terminology depending on the language and country, it is being observed.

    Like, in India a Festival is also known as 'Mela'. Similarly, a festival acquires a broad

    meaning in the form of terms like 'Fair', 'Carnival', 'Festivity', 'Fiesta', 'Fete' 'Gala' etc.

    Types of Festival

    Festivals are celebrated throughout the world in different manner and for different

    reasons. Some are ancient and some are modern, some are widespread others are not.

    Festivals can be therefore divide into the below mentioned categories whose focus is widely

    on music, dance, drama and other art-oriented activities, usually set in pretty, interesting


    Religious Festivals - Festival which have a religious relevance are known as Religious

    Festivals. These have very important religious significance, wherever they are held. They are

    observed as per the recurring cycles in a calendar year. Of all the festivals in the world,

    Religious Festivals number the most and are observed with great worship and devotion. In

    fact, origin of Festivals itself is based on ancient practices of Religious Festivals. Religious

    Festivals are not necessarily meant to celebrate only, they are also meant to show respect like

    Buddha Poornima, mourn certain events like Muharram etc. Religious Festivals are marked

    by certain events like birth, death, conquest, defeat and other aspects of pious figures. Based

    on the religion with which the festivals are associated, Religious Festivals can be categorised


    Christian Religious Festivals - Epiphany, Christmas Eve, Halloween. Hindu Religious Festivals - Pongal,Diwali, Raksha Bandhan. Islamic Religious Festivals - Idu'l Fitr, Muharram, Hazrat Ali's Birthday. Sikh Religious Festivals - Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti, Guru Nanak Jayanti, Guru


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    Bahadur's Martyrdom.Film Festival - A Festival which is organised to screen movies in one or more movie theatres

    or screening venues is known as a Film Festival. Film Festivals are usually held in a single

    locality to avoid any chaos. The festivals can be specifically themed around a particular film-

    maker, a genre or a subject. They may include old and or latest films. Apart from screening

    movies, these festivals also present awards to outstanding pieces of work in various

    categories. Other activities may include exhibitions, workshops and other related activities.

    High profiled Film Festivals are attended by hundreds of celebrities, people and attended by

    the media including the infamous, paparazzi. Therefore the movie makers see this as an

    avenue for publicity of their films. There are a number of Film Festivals held around the

    world; some are grand while some are ordinary. There are certain Film Festivals which are

    very 'Low Key Affair', as they are only locally known and not necessarily, held on annual

    basis. Film-makers have to pay an entry fee to screen their movies in most of the Film

    festivals; this is a norm in Large Film Festivals. While in small film festivals, a film-maker

    isn't required to pay an entry fee, some of these festivals are Stony Brook Film Festival,

    Sicilian Film Festival, and Rotterdam Film Festival etc.

    Music Festivals - Festivals whose main focus of activity is music are known as Music

    Festivals. The festivals may be cantered around a theme like a particular musical genre, artist

    etc. These festivals can be annual or occasional. Mostly, held outdoors, they attract a large

    number of people and are amongst the most bash parties in the world. The main attractions of

    Music Festivals are the Stage performances which drive people crazy, if they are performed

    by their favourite musicians. These are also training ground for new comers to get some

    'Hands-On- Experience'. Other activities like games, comedy acts, fireworks, family activities

    and other attractions also form part of the Music Festivals. Some of the music festivals form a

    part of the larger festival or can be intermixed with some other type of festival. Based on the

    type of music involved they may be known as 'Rock Festivals', 'Metal Festivals' etc. Another

    type of Music Festival is those which are formal in nature, in the sense that they are educative

    in nature. These are organised on a small scale by local communities on a regional or national

    basis. The emphasis of these is to boost the confidence of amateur musicians, sometimes in

    an environment of competition. These young musicians may receive a certificate or a trophy.

    Colleges may hold Music Festivals to bring forth the untapped talent, occasionally or


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    Arts Festival - A Festival whose main focus is to present visual arts in all its forms is known

    as Arts Festival. Though the mainstay of these is visual arts, it may present other lesser

    associated arts as well. Arts Festivals are involved in works related to ceramics, drawing,

    painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, architecture and to some extent film-making,photography, video etc. as well. The main purpose of an Arts Festival is to showcase new

    talent, keep the tradition alive and lay emphasis on the disappearing visual arts. In a broader

    sense, various 'Arts Festivals' are also organised by Colleges and Universities but on a

    smaller scale. There are some Arts Festival which is art-world venues for promoting artists

    and sales of contemporary art. These are referred as 'Commercial Arts Festival'. These are

    essentially held by art dealers to sell their collection along with other linked commercial

    aspects. The 'Non-Commercial Arts Festivals' are organised by internationally recognized

    curators. They invite artists to participate in their festival.

    Wine Festivals - Festivals which are organised to celebrate 'Viticulture', i.e. the cultivation of

    grapes and grape vines. Wine Festivals are common in wine producing regions, Italy, France,

    Spain, the United States and Argentina. They are harvest festivals as they are celebrated after

    the harvest of the grapes. The origin of wine festivals can be traced back to the Greek

    celebrations for their wine god Dionysos. Apart from Wine Tasting, dance, performances,

    fireworks, arts and crafts display, food corners and music enrich the environment.

    Comedy Festival - A Festival which is organised to celebrate comedy through various

    activities is known as a Comedy Festival. These activities are based around various comedy

    themes and genres. These are presented by comedy performers through many shows which

    include stand up comics, sketch troupes, variety performers etc. A variety of such festivals

    are held in different parts of the world. The purpose of these is to provide comic relief to the

    world which is faced with so many responsibilities on day to day basis. Some of the Comedy

    Festivals may form a part of the larger celebration like Edinburgh Fringe Festival held inScotland, forms a part of the larger Edinburgh Festival.

    Food Festivals - Festivals which use and produce food for sale and marketing are known as

    Food Festivals. Food is the main theme of these festivals and at times certain category of

    food is the central theme. These have their origins to Autumnal Equinox and the Honouring

    of Earth Gods. While some of these festivals are held annually, some are held occasionally.

    Some food festivals are majorly focused on certain foods, like the National Peanut Festival of

    U.S. and Ribfest (U.S. & Canada). Occasional food festivals are associated with certain

    events or are a part of larger celebration like New Year and can be based on foreign countries

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    dishes like Thai food etc. Food Festivals are occasion for thanking god and celebration of the

    harvest. Food Festivals also host events like live music, family oriented pavilions, nightly

    film performances etc.

    Folk Festivals - Festivals which celebrate traditional folk crafts and folk music are known as

    Folk Festivals. Folk Festivals highlight ethnic way of living, not only through dance and

    crafts but even through literature, tableau, stories, dramatisation etc. But mostly it is the

    dance and music which are the main highlights of these festivals. So the atmosphere is filled

    with skilled display of artisans, dancers, instrumentalists, singers and storytellers. Folk

    Festivals can be of regional, national level and international level. It is an important occasion

    for all people to certain community to show their talent and win hearts. Folk Festivals are

    broadly referred as 'Cultural Festivals' as they also have same purpose and they also highlight

    various cultures through various art forms, mostly performing ones'.

    Literary Festivals - Festivals which are involved in literary activities like presentations and

    readings by authors are known as Literary Festivals. The primary objective of these festivals

    is to promote the authors' books, as well as love of literature and writing. They are also

    known as 'Book Festivals' or 'Writers' Festival'. Literary festivals are attended by writers and

    readers in a selected venue, mostly on annual basis. Other activities may include book

    exhibition, writers' conferences, autographing books, cultural and political talks, debates etc.

    Such festivals may spread over a period of several days.

    Science Festivals - Science Festivals are those which are based on Science related activities,

    like exhibitions, lectures, live demonstrations, workshops etc. Apart from these activities,

    Science Festivals may indulge in plays, readings and music with Science as their theme.

    These can be annual or occasional and can span over a week or a just a day. The main

    purpose of these festivals is to provide a scientific outlook to the masses as there many facets

    of science about which the society is ignorant. Sometimes they are also known as 'Science

    Fairs'. These tend to showcase the talent of science students and may result in sponsorship of

    their project.

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    Significance of a Festival

    Showcase of Talent and Customs - Since the origin of festivals lie in our ancient culture and

    tradition, they are highlighted with full fanfare. Festivals offer us a picture of how the society

    functioned and celebrated. Whether festivals are religious or musical they provide the young

    and old, an opportunity to absorb and experience another culture. New generation is able to

    show their talents and gain good amount of experience. Every culture has something which

    we can learn and utilise in our daily lives. Like, Baisakhi, gives us a lesson of handwork and

    its fruitful results, as it is a harvest festival. All in all festivals keeps all the citizens in touch

    with their culture and religion. When customs and traditions are exposed to the public it helps

    them in keeping touch with their culture and religion. Though people may forget their history

    but these festivals give them some idea.

    Preservation of Traditional Practices and Customs - Festivals attract all types of cultures.

    Each culture has its own customs and practices, which may have lost their significance in

    modern times. While there are other practices which are based on superstitions and are used

    to exploit, these should be ignored in all ways possible. But not all have lost their purpose,

    Baskets are still Weaved and Honey is still collected in forests. These and numerous others

    which are unique, need to be kept alive, not just for the sake of it but to remind us to live in

    harmony with nature and not abuse it. Some traditional skills are still more effective and

    cheaper than existing modern technologies, they need to used and more importantly

    improvised for better efficiency. Some herbal medicines made by the tribes hold cure to

    various incurable diseases. If these arts are short lived then we would be losing valuable


    Strengthens Belief in God - Festivals have a lot of spiritual and religious significance. As

    majority of festivals are based around divine beings like Jesus, Guru Nanak, Buddha, these

    affect our thinking and actions in a positive manner. All the religions preach belief in god and

    this is absolutely reflected in religious festivals. For people whose belief in god is

    diminishing, these festivals act as boosters of faith. And those who believe in god, are

    confident to know that what they believe in, is not an imagination.

    Occasion for Socialization - Modern times are very busy times for majority of us. We all

    have busy and hectic schedules which we religiously follow. In this milieu, we forget that we

    have a life beyond our offices and businesses. Festivals are the essential breaks which help us

    to come together. When we congregate in one place we socialise with whom we don't know

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    and with whom we are acquainted. Festivals provides us the opportunity to listen to our

    grandparents, fulfil wishes of our loved ones, meet those who miss us, catch some local

    colour and meet locals.

    Sense of Unity - Festivals are social events which are built on human cooperation.

    Organising a festival requires a lot of man power and when this manpower gathers for a

    common purpose, it develops teamwork which inadvertently unites people of different races,

    castes, colour and creed. Such experiences provide us the lesson that there is great strength in

    unity and even seemingly impossible tasks can be simplified with unity. When joy and

    happiness is shared, it is doubled as it is universally shared and not restricted to a few.

    Similarly International festivals favour brotherhood and in the process remove ethnic racism

    in the world.

    Spread of Knowledge - Festivals are unique occasions as each type of festival has its own

    constituent norms and practices. When these are observed closely or remotely they give us an

    insight into cultures, about which we were unaware or lacked proper knowledge. This insight

    clears confused and clouded minds which have formed false assumptions about certain

    practices of a culture. When festivals portray a skill or art, we not only get knowledge, we

    also get inspired to further these techniques for the benefit of mankind.

    Source of Entertainment - Most festivals are colourful and filled with lots of excitement.

    There is an excitement all over in wearing new dresses and preparing a variety of dishes. This

    atmosphere is not observed everyday and is conducive for diverting the mind from

    monotonous tasks. As such they break the monotony of life. Dances, acts, performances,

    displays, exhibitions, music and food become a source of entertainment and refresh our

    minds. Whether old or young, everyone enjoys celebration even if one is a passive

    participant. Happy faces and excitement brings forth the same in us. Festivals bring joy and

    happiness in our lives. More importantly when we celebrate all festivals alike the message of

    joy, happiness, brotherhood and humanity, is spread among one another.

    Income Generation - With a plethora of activities, festivals are the busiest times. Festival

    jobs are the most abundant and one can earn more than one can earn in one season alone.

    Businessmen are busy keeping the demand at bay. Incomes soar high and the government

    also benefits with tourists thronging to the venues of festivals. This revenue supports not only

    just administration but families as well, their standard of life improves. When people are well

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    endowed, they dont indulge in acts of crime like theft, murder, deceit etc. Thus the economic

    aspect of festivals has a far reaching effect.

    Inputs for Development When a community has sufficient funds, it can improve their

    facilities and help in development of the community itself. Increase in revenue adds to sales

    tax base with which the host city is able to provide more and better services. It also brings

    new or increasing recreational opportunities to make the festival more interesting.

    Development of the local population also favours the development of nearby communities

    with increase in trade. Public facilities like electricity, water supply, public toilets, airport

    infrastructure etc., undergo a face change which are signs of development not only for an

    individual but for families, individuals and communities as well.

    Worldwide Recognition Each country is unique and its uniqueness remains hidden if it is

    not shown the 'Light of Recognition'. It is here that festivals play an essential role in

    presenting their specific identity in front of the world. For, people it is an opportunity to

    explore and discover a culture which is unique. Apart from the festival coming in the

    limelight, the host country also gets its share of fame. Any small community can lie large on

    a world map, if its worthy of appreciation. With the passage of time the repute of a festival

    triples and is recognised as an excellent spot for tourism.1


    Proper marketing strategies around the factors mentioned as the significance of the

    festivals will result in achieving high sales and profit margin. Mostly during festivals, the

    strategy is very aggressive with lot of offers and mainly sales based, since this is the period

    where companies make or break can be decided with respect to the companys sales. Below is

    the sales figure of digital cameras during the festival season, October to December i.e. the 3rd

    quarter 2010.

    Digital Cameras:

    The mood of celebration creates a good rush for the sales of digital cameras in the country.

    India Digital Camera market records 69% YoY growth in sales (shipments) to touch an

    all-time first of 8.45 lakh units in the October-December 2010 quarter

    Continuous decline in ASVs leads to sharp rise in share of cameras sold with > 12 MP


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    Overall India Digital Camera market sales expected to touch 41 lakh units in calendar 2011

    The India digital camera market recorded a healthy growth in unit sales (shipments) of

    69% year-on-year (October-December 2010 over October-December 2009). The overall

    market touched 8,45,000 units for the first time in a single quarter in Q4 CY2010. The digital

    single lens reflex (DSLR) camera category witnessed a significantly higher uptake,

    registering a growth of 120% year-on-year. This has been revealed in CMR's India Quarterly

    Digital Camera Market Review, 4Q 2010, April 2011 release.

    Figure 1: India Digital Camera Sales, 1Q 2008 to 4Q 2010

    Source: CMR, 2011

    Table 1: India Digital Camera Sales (in thousands) by Form Factor, Oct-Dec 2010 *

    * Source: CMRs India Quarterly Digital Camera Market Review, 4Q 2010, April 2011

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    In the point-and-shoot (P&S) category, Sony was the market leader with market share

    of 31% in terms of unit sales (shipments) during 4Q CY2010, followed by Nikon with 24%,

    Kodak 13% and Canon 12%. In the digital single lens reflex (DSLR) category, Nikon was the

    leader with a 51% share in terms of unit shipments during 4Q CY2010, followed by Canon

    with a 46% share.

    According to Mr. Anirban Banerjee, Associate Vice President, Research and

    Advisory Services, CMR, "Multiple market forces have converged to drive the rise in

    shipments of digital cameras in the India market in recent quarters. The most important ones

    are increase in availability and sharing of digital content, increase in 'real' spending power

    and reduction in average selling price."

    Growing competition in recent quarters has led vendors to launch feature-rich

    cameras at affordable price points. This market activity typically starts around the April-June

    quarter and culminates in large sales during the 'festive' months lasting August-January,

    backed by heavy advertising in popular media channels and promotional schemes.

    As per CMR's study the digital camera price segment "below Rs. 10,000" contributed around

    75% of total sales in the country during the October-December 2010 quarter.


    Figure 2. India Digital Camera Market: Typical Configurations, Sales (% of units)

    and ASVs, 4Q 2009 versus 4Q 2010

    Quarter: 4Q 2009 4Q 2010

    Most Shipped Configuration/s: < 10 MP (55%) 10-12 MP (45%), > 12 MP (39%)

    Overall ASV: Rs. 11,000 Rs. 9,700

    Automobile Segment:

    Sales of cars and utility vehicles show an upward trend again in October as the festive

    frenzy continued to drive consumers to showrooms, pushing retail sales and clearing the

    inventory stock pile of vehicles swiftly.

    A data of auto sales of the month of October of the year 2009 compared to the same month a

    year ago. Softened lending rates and attractive benefits offered by companies pushed the

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    aggregate sales of the industry to 154,476 units during the month, an increase of nearly 30 per

    cent over 120,050 units reported in the same month a year ago, according to company sales

    figures for last month. Domestic sales of Maruti Suzuki grew 21 per cent to 71,551 units in

    October, compared with 59,127 units posted in the same month a year ago. Ritz, Swift,DZire, A-Star and Zen Estilo models accounted for a bulk of the sales.

    Korean car brand Hyundai Motors India Ltd (HMIL), meanwhile, posted a robust

    domestic growth of 41 per cent during the month, selling 28,301 units against 20,009 units in

    October 2008. Demand for models like Santro, i10 and i20 pushed overall sales of the


    Proof of firmly growing buoyancy in demand, says industry.3

    T Nagar Chennai:

    During theDiwali month alone, more than 10 million people visit this part of the city

    not just from Chennai or Tamil Nadu but from all over the country it is the busiest market

    place in Chennai. An evening walk along Usman Road, a prime stretch of one of Chennais

    prime shopping districts, Thiyagaraya Nagar, or T.Nagar in short, would be next to

    impossible as hundreds of shoppers throng the street jostling one another looking for the best

    Diwali deals.

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    This Golden Furlong, dubbed so because of the scores of jewellery stores on the street,

    could well be generating revenues of Rs 10,000 crores a year which again is a very

    conservative estimate. For most retailers, almost 25-30 per cent of their annual turnover

    comes fromDiwali sales which could stretch over a month.

    T.Nagar works overtime during the Diwali month. Shops here cater to consumers

    from all socio-economic segments. Because of stiff competition here, shoppers tend to benefit

    the most. They can buy dress material cheaper here than anywhere else in the country.

    Though T.Nagarsells literally everything from jumbo flat-panel TVs to handkerchiefs, the

    area is better known for apparel and jewellery. According to sources in a retailers

    association, the 800-metre-radius shopping district, houses more than 185 textile and apparel

    stores spread over 5.5 lakh square feet and 65 jewellery shops spread over 2.5 lakh square

    feet virtually an open mall.

    Every year, at least 50,000 square feet of retail space is being added. In 2009, apart

    from other players, the Tatas opened two large-format stores for their jewellery retail chain

    Tanishq and consumer electronics chain Croma in T.Nagar.4


    In a country like India, where purchase decisions are mostly driven by emotions, the

    holiday season comes with a big bonus of reminding your customers about the Indian culture

    by associating it with your products. Festivities provide you a very good opportunity to

    reconnect with your current and prospective clients or customers. You can plan out effective

    marketing strategies during the festivals that will help you in making a better connect with

    your customers or clients.

    During festivals, people in India are ready to spend and entrepreneurs like us prepare

    months in advance to meet the surge in sales during the festival season. We have to assurethat we have enough stock. Festivals are times when various melas are held all over the

    country. For small businesses like us who do not sell through the direct distributor and

    retailer route the melas are a boon to introduce our product to a wide variety of customers

    and make instant sales. It is also the time when we make contacts with retailers. says Mr

    Anurag Jain, COO, NEEV herbal soaps.

    Here are a few tips that will help to tighten the bond with clients/customers during the festive


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    1) Ad campaigns for festivals: During festivals likeDiwali,Holi and others, develop aninnovative ad campaign that highlights the product as a means to celebrate the

    festivals. Cadbury, for instance came with a new ad campaign for their product Dairy

    Milk duringDiwali through which they tried to put chocolate as a substitute for the

    Diwali sweets. And to its contrary, Frito-Lays (Pepsico) Kurkure came up with an ad

    campaign, Muh Kurkure karo, during the same time, which said that rather than

    having excess sweets this Diwali, try the Kurkure. Innovative strategy create a

    connect to the audience like making custom made soaps in the shape of heart during

    Valentines Day.

    2) Special Offers and discounts: During the festive season, people are interested to buynew things and companies should target on this propensity of their customers to

    introduce some very attractive offers. This could be in the form of discounts, free

    samples, buy-one get one free offer, and discount on second purchase and so on.

    Company could launch an offer on Holi as Holi Special where you can introduce

    some combos and packages, etc. It depends on the product and the unique idea that

    creates the difference.


    Greeting cards and gifts: Giving or sending greeting cards and gifts, calling overphone to greet or sending SMSs across the companys customers is the oldest and the

    best method to network with clients and customers. Use greeting card, gifts, e-cards,

    phone calls and SMSs as a means to inform clients and customers of the new

    schemes, offers and the companys latest product launches or some other update.

    4) Sponsoring celebrations/events: As you know, Indians celebrate and enjoy thefestivals by having a get-together with friends and relatives. Companies can cash in

    on this opportunity and provide them a platform to do so and at the same time you can

    ensure that the company and products are promoted through it and during it.

    Companies like Kingfisher can sponsor Wine/Beer Festivals, Sony music for music

    festivals, Taj hotels or any company involved in tourism can host folk festivals etc.

    5) Keep communicating: Most of the people think that corporate clients and thecustomers would be busy during festivals. But this is not true for all. It is this time

    that they get the least calls for business development and a good time for company to

    pitch. So, keep regular touch with the clients and customers during and after the


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    The above mentioned strategies are the conventional ones and at the end of the day quality of

    the advertisement and offers is what makes the difference. There can also be another

    approach where the build up to a festival or an event can be strategically used to market

    products. For e.g. the launch of Pepsi Blue before and during the ICC Cricket World cup wasa significant success in the year 2003. Even some changes can be brought about where the

    dull periods or the non festival periods can be used to start and build on the anxiety of the

    festival season thereby the whole sales and profit of the festival season can be started much

    before and huge revenues can be generated. Case in point is Pothys a silk saree retailer in

    Tamil Nadu.

    Aadi sales & Pothys

    Now the obvious question is what companies can do in the non festival periods to

    market, one such strategic success story is of Pothys a silk saree retailer from Tirunelveli

    and Srivilliputthur district of Tamil Nadu. Pothys had come up with its stock clearance sale in

    the month ofAadi (July 15- Aug 15) many years back, these days this month is marketed as a

    marketing festival in Tamil Nadu although the month is an inauspicious month as per the

    Tamil calendar. There are two theories as to why Aadi is considered to be inauspicious one is

    newly-wed couples are advised to stay away from each other during Aadi month. This is

    because if conceived the child will be born around Apr-May which is summer and not the

    ideal time to have a baby because of the heat. Second is this concept was created to give the

    priests a break from work as they otherwise, cannot really take even a day off ceremonies or

    rituals or death rites are performed throughout the year and they are constantly in demand for

    their services.

    Due to these reasons in this month no marriages were held, no new businesses were started

    and no other festivals are there, which created a psychological blockage in the minds of

    people to not to go for purchases and hence a lull prevailed in this period. Pothys came with

    Aadi Kazhive (Stock clearance) sales, their modus operandi was simple: Purchase unsold

    stock from production centres such as Surat, Kanchipuram, Arani and other places at a low

    cost and sell it to customers by offering a high discount. Since this was a volume based sale

    Pothys was reaping profits where as other silk saree retailers were facing a dull period. After

    Pothys opened its shop in Chennai this strategy was adopted by other shops and it has been

    adopted across products and fierce marketing is done to attract customers. According to

    Pothys the average footfall in this month is double nearly 40000 compared to its 20000

    footfall during other months. Even Vivek & Co (now Viveks) a retailer based out of Chennai

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    came up with a similar strategy during the month ofMargali (Dec 15 Jan 13) which like

    Aadi is also considered inauspicious around the start or mid 1980s.6

    Given all this although the actually fight for customers the victory or loss can be

    decided much before the festival week.


    Although there has been a sharp increase in the growth of multi brand outlets and

    malls its the local shops that still hold an advantage over the malls. A survey done by Market

    Xcel, a market research company in 2010 in this regard over 12 cities during the festive

    season of Dussehra andDiwali pointed that 65 percent of those surveyed said they preferred

    local markets to modern retail when making their festival purchases. In the North, 84.1 per

    cent of shoppers said they preferred local markets. The South, however, was the only

    exception to this trend, with malls getting 41.9 per cent of the festive shopping traffic

    compared to the 40.9 that went to the local markets and 36.6 per cent to modern retail outlets.

    This trend is attributed to the profile, with a higher number of white collar executives

    residing in the south zone cities, said Mr R. Vishal Oberoi, CEO, Market Xcel.

    The Market Xcel survey also tries to understand why and what people buy during

    festivals. And which festivals see the biggest shopping splurge. Despite regional variations,

    such as Sankranti being big in the South and Holi in the North, Diwali, as expected,

    dominates the charts everywhere, except for the Eastern region, where Dussehra tops.

    It finds that traditional beliefs are the biggest triggers for festival purchases with

    discounts being the second biggest trigger. Clothes dominate the purchase basket, followed

    by durables, household goods including utensils and jewellery.

    The North has the big-ticket shoppers with over 6 per cent of those surveyed

    spending Rs 10,000 and above. 7

    Another customer survey indicated that the customer group who belong to 15-24 age group

    prefer simple discounts like flat percentage offers which is a price discount whereas the other

    group namely the 24-40 age group preferred complex deals like quantity discount wherein the

    percentage savings is not obvious. They believe that more cost savings occur in this type of

    deals. This customer groups predominantly consist of married couples with children who

    shop having their family in mind. They have a notion that with quantity discount more

    savings can be done as their shopping quantity increases than normal in one purchase itself.

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    On the other hand a young customer group of college students and working professionals

    value money more than value. They see more savings on a direct discount on the apparel and

    hence believe that there is more savings in money in price discount. They don't analyze

    complex deals and the actual savings they derive from it, thus preferring simple deals. One ofthe main reasons for this attitude is that they are being supported by their family financially

    and they do not see a reason to save money.

    This has huge implications to the store as the consumer surplus can be tapped by

    targeting both the groups with different discounts and hence increases the top line. Quantity

    discount should be directed towards 24-40 age group customers whereas simple percentage

    sales should be offered to 15-24 age group customers. Advertisements of these deals should

    be such that it appeals to the customer segment on which it is being targeted. So, profit of the

    store will increase due to proper direction of the offer.8


    It is very clear that there is very high potential available for the companies to

    capitalize during the festival season in India; since the festivities are an emotional factor to

    the people here the company just needs to position its product in the right manner and market

    it properly. Companies need to make sure that they launch new products and create a want for

    these products apart from giving offers and freebies to attract more customers.

    Also, it is important to create a proper build up to the festival to attract more

    consumers, at the end its up to the marketers to convert a single day festival to a festival

    season and project their product as a necessity for the celebrations.

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    1) URL: http://targetstudy.com/festivals/2) URL: http://www.cmrindia.com/press_releases/9may2011.asp3) URL: http://business-standard.com/india/news/auto-sales-vroom-30festive-


    4) URL: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/todays-paper/article1067032.ece5) URL: http://sme.franchiseindia.com/articles/Managing-a-Business/Sales-Marketing-


    6) URL: http://chennai.metblogs.com/2006/07/30/the-legend-of-aadi-masam-the-sale-connection/

    7) URL: http://www.market-xcel.com/release/Xcel%20Omnibus%20in%20Hindu%20Business%20Line.pdf

    8) URL: http://tejas-iimb.org/articles/28.php