MOBILE MARKETING AS ADVERTISING STRATEGY FOR COMPANIES IN COLIMA CITY MARCO ANTONIO BARAJAS FIGUEROA Full time professor and researcher at Universidad de Colima, Marketing Department Avenida Universidad 333. Colima, Col. 28040. México [email protected] JUAN FLORES PRECIADO Full time professor and researcher at Universidad de Colima, Marketing Department Avenida Universidad 333. Colima, Col. 28040. México [email protected] ALMA RUTH REBOLLEDO MENDOZA Full time professor and researcher at Universidad de Colima, Marketing Department Avenida Universidad 333. Colima, Col. 28040. México [email protected] CLAUDIA GUTIERREZ MONTAÑO 8 th grade student of Marketing at Universidad de Colima Avenida Universidad 333. Colima, Col. 28040. México [email protected] JULIO ADRIAN VALLADARES GUTIERREZ 8 th grade student of Marketing at Universidad de Colima Avenida Universidad 333. Colima, Col. 28040. México [email protected] ABSTRACT Mobile marketing is a set of practices that allows companies to communicate and collaborate with their hearings in interactive and relevant way through any mobile device or network. In addition, it is also considered an advertising strategy of direct marketing, and there are several forms or applications that can be used for advertising campaigns. Marketing is a complete system of activities that includes a set of processes through which identifies needs or desires of the consumers to satisfy them in the best possible way. Kotler (2009) defines Marketing as a social and administrative process by which groups and individuals obtain what they need and want, through create, provide and exchange value products with their fellows 1 . On having promoted this exchange of goods and/or value services with them produces a utility or benefit to the company or organization. To make the consumers aware of the product or service that could satisfy their needs or wishes, it is necessary that the company possesses an optimum advertising strategy, through which advertise those products or services. Marketing terms, advertising is the instrument that communicates companies with the market 2 , as a part of the Marketing 4p´s: promotion. Advertising is defined as any paid form of presentation and non-personal promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor 3 . In this way companies can transmit advertising messages to consumers, in order to promote their goods and services.

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Full time professor and researcher at Universidad de Colima, Marketing Department

Avenida Universidad 333. Colima, Col. 28040. México

[email protected]


Full time professor and researcher at Universidad de Colima, Marketing Department

Avenida Universidad 333. Colima, Col. 28040. México

[email protected]


Full time professor and researcher at Universidad de Colima, Marketing Department

Avenida Universidad 333. Colima, Col. 28040. México

[email protected]



grade student of Marketing at Universidad de Colima

Avenida Universidad 333. Colima, Col. 28040. México

[email protected]



grade student of Marketing at Universidad de Colima

Avenida Universidad 333. Colima, Col. 28040. México

[email protected]


Mobile marketing is a set of practices that allows companies to communicate and

collaborate with their hearings in interactive and relevant way through any mobile

device or network. In addition, it is also considered an advertising strategy of direct

marketing, and there are several forms or applications that can be used for advertising


Marketing is a complete system of activities that includes a set of processes through

which identifies needs or desires of the consumers to satisfy them in the best possible

way. Kotler (2009) defines Marketing as a social and administrative process by which

groups and individuals obtain what they need and want, through create, provide and

exchange value products with their fellows1. On having promoted this exchange of

goods and/or value services with them produces a utility or benefit to the company or


To make the consumers aware of the product or service that could satisfy their needs

or wishes, it is necessary that the company possesses an optimum advertising strategy,

through which advertise those products or services. Marketing terms, advertising is

the instrument that communicates companies with the market2, as a part of the

Marketing 4p´s: promotion. Advertising is defined as any paid form of presentation

and non-personal promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor3. In

this way companies can transmit advertising messages to consumers, in order to

promote their goods and services.

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Nowadays direct marketing is one of the most commonly used forms of advertising.

This is because companies look increasingly to establish free intermediaries

communication channels with your target market. Since 45 years, direct marketing is

a reality which has been consolidated in Mexico with a strong growth rate4.

Direct marketing can be defined as the set of techniques that facilitate immediate and

direct contact with potential buyer for promoting a product, a service or an idea, using

media or systems of direct contact: mailing, telemarketing, couponing, door-to-door,

teleshopping, e-mail marketing, mobile multimedia systems, and any other interactive

media5. It success lies mainly in the possibility of segmenting the market in

compartments with well-defined targets and assess results of a direct and measurable


A clear example of direct marketing is mobile marketing. This is a set of practices that

allows companies to communicate and collaborate with their audiences of interactive

and relevant way through any mobile device or network6. When interactivity exists,

communication becomes dynamic and reciprocal so you get a feedback from


Today, mobile marketing is an excellent area of opportunity for businesses promote,

its growth and its use is growing rapidly worldwide. Nielsen discussed the use of

mobile media and estimates that by 2010 the mobile marketing industry will have an

accelerated development7.

Keyword: Mobile marketing, Direct marketing, Mobile device, Internet.


The materialization of mobile marketing gave thanks to founding of Enpocket

Company’s first tests in 2001. Enpocket was offering advertising for global mobiles

services and began developing and practicing with tools for advertising campaigns


At the beginning of 2004, The History Channel took the services offered by Enpocket

Company with an interactive campaign as the premiere of his new program promotion

"The Barbarians". Using the ability of profile and target of machinery of Enpocket,

The History Channel promoted this program directly to viewers through text messages

(SMS). This campaign was officially the first evidence that integrates mobile

marketing tools.

In 2004 already it was possible to observe how there was increasing the frequency of

companies were resorting to use of SMS as advertising strategy. Trademarks were

looking promotion using text-to-win, coupons and information-text.

This did companies knew that mobile marketing use was effective as an advertising

strategy, because it provided to brands a new way of reaching their market selectively,

distinguishing each consumer by age and gender, between other demographic factors.

This way, the so-called mobile couponing promises to give many surprises to mobile

marketing in coming years. A study carried out in Germany in 2010 by ACHARD and

IB-LAB showed that approximately 70% of consumers claim to have interest in

receiving coupons via mobile phone. According to this report, more than 50% of users

who up to today have proved to be opposed to discount coupons, admits to feel

attracted by the new formula of mobile couponing.

And while consumers are warning the introduction of mobile coupons in all sectors

(from do-it-yourself stores to cafes and from fast food restaurants to domestic

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appliances chains), is in the food sector where mobile couponing has more option of


79% of consumers consulted by ACHARD and IB-LAB said willing to use mobile

coupons in food industry. In addition, companies that distribute discount coupons on

mobile phones were perceived by consumers as "innovative" (63%) and "customer-

oriented" (43%) reported Horizon magazine9.

Particularly in Mexico, studies show that there is an 87% of penetration in mobile

devices which reaffirms that mobile marketing is an area can be used and exploited

for use in advertising campaigns8.

For this reason it is important to investigate the development of mobile marketing in

Colima City, can also analyze the feasibility of its use as advertising strategy for



To carry out this research work will draw to development of a qualitative research to

obtain information to help determine if mobile marketing is a real opportunity for

companies in Colima City.

The stratified sampling technique will be used for data collection. It is intended to

cover all sectors of the Colima City population with homogeneous and proportional

strata. Surveys and focus groups will be the instruments.


To complete this research may provide useful information to support the decision-

making of companies in Colima City to use mobile marketing in developing of

advertising campaigns.


Analyze the impact of the mobile marketing as an advertising strategy for companies

in Colima City, so that finally to define if its implementation is profitable on the

Colima’s market.


1. Thompson, Ivan (Octubre 2006). Definición de Marketing. Recuperado el 13 de

Septiembre del 2010, http://www.marketing-free.com/articulos/definicion-


2. Herramientas de Marketing. Capítulo VI: La comunicación de mercado y la

publicidad, Febrero del 2005. Recuperado el 13 de Septiembre de 2010, de


3. Buenfil, Carlos. Publicidad en Dispositivos Móviles: Aspectos que determinan su

viabilidad. Recuperado el 14 de Septiembre de 2010, de


4. Muñiz González, Rafael. Capítulo 10: Marketing directo. Recuperado el 20 de

Septiembre de 2010, de http://www.marketing-xxi.com/marketing-directo-123.htm.

5. Muñiz González, Rafael. Capítulo 10: Marketing directo. Recuperado el 20 de

Septiembre de 2010, de http://www.marketing-xxi.com/marketing-directo-123.htm.

6. MMA Updates Definition of Mobile Marketing. Recuperado el 20 de Septiembre

de 2010, de http://mmaglobal.com/news/mma-updates-definition-mobile-marketing.

7. MMA Updates Definition of Mobile Marketing. Nielsen estima un buen 2010 para

el marketing móvil. Recuperado el 21 de Septiembre del 2010, de

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8. IAB Conecta 2010: ¿Qué es lo que sabes del mundo digital?. Recuperado el 21 de

Septiembre del 2010, de http://es.mediamind.com/tag/estadisticas/.

9. MMA Updates Definition of Mobile Marketing.



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