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Erwin Tschirner

A leggyakoribb szavak tematikus gyűjteménye

Q Ü M A X I M fornelsen A1-B2


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Angol szókincsA leggyakoribb szavak tematikus gyűjteménye

Erwin Tschirner

Q U M A X IM r ornelsen

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Lextra: Angol szókincs

A leggyakoribb szavak tematikus gyűjteménye

Szerző: Erwin Tschirner

Magyar átdolgozás: Búza Judit

Lektorok: Oliver Busch, Elizabeth Hine és Pappné Török Edit

Szerkesztő: Nemcsók Adrienn

Kiadói kód: MX-308

Tömeg: 405 g

Terjedelem: 240 oldal (21,45 ív)

Kiadja: Maxim Könyvkiadó Kft., 6726 Szeged, Fürj u. 92/B

Tel.: (62) 548-444, Fax: (62) 548-443E-mail: [email protected]

Felelős kiadó: Puskás Norbert

Műszaki szerkesztő: Siklós Róbert, Szuperák Attila

Készült a Generál Nyomda Kft.-ben, felelős vezető: Hunya Ágnes

Minden jog fenntartva, beleértve a sokszorosítást, a mű bővített, illetve rövidített változata kiadásának

 jogát is. A kiadó írásbeli engedélye nélkül sem a teljes mű, sem annak részei semmilyen formában nem


ISBN 978-963-261-116-7

© Copyright Cornelsen Publishing House, Berlin

© Copyright Maxim Kiadó, Szeged

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A Lextra alap- és kiegészítő szókincset tartalmazó

tematikus gyűjteménye a legújabb felmérések

alapján azt a lexikális minimumot tartalmazza,

amely az eredményes produktív és receptív kom

munikációhoz szükséges.

Angol nyelvből két olyan régebbi korpusz létezik,

amelynek alapján az eddigi gyakorisági szójegy

zékeket készítették: a Brown-korpusz (Francis and

Kucera) az amerikai angol nyelv és a Lancaster-

Oslo/Bergen-korpusz a brit angol nyelv részére

(Hofland and johanson, 1982). Mindkét korpusz

egymillió szót tartalmaz és kizárólag 1961-ben

megjelent szövegeken alapul.

A Lextra az első olyan szókincsgyűjtemény, amely

a 2001-ben megjelent Leech, Rayson és Wilson

gyakorisági jegyzékére épül, amelynek alapja is

mételten a brit nemzeti korpusz, amely 1984 és

1994 közötti szóbeli és írásbeli szövegekből merít.Ez a korpusz 100 millió szót tartalmaz, és lénye

gesen aktuálisabb, mint a két korábbi. Ezzel ez az

angol tematikus szókincsgyűjtemény megbíz

hatóbb és aktuálisabb minden más piacon lévő

alap- és kiegészítő szókincset tartalmazó gyűjte


A nyelvtanulók számára ez az összefüggés háromkérdés miatt fontos:

1. Miért fontos tényező az idegen nyelv tanulásá

ban a szó előfordulási gyakorisága?

2. Mi az alapja a Leech és munkatársai által

2001-ben összeállított gyakorisági szójegyzéknek,

amely e könyv alap- és kiegészítő szókincsét képezi?

3. Hogyan használjuk ezt a tematikus


s A szó előfordulási gyakorisága mint a tu

nyelvtanulás fontos tényezője

A korábbi olvasási módszertan feltevéseivel szem

ben a felmérések azt mutatják, hogy a szöveg

95—97%-át meg kell értenünk ahhoz, hogy magát

a szöveget is megértsük. 2000 szóból álló szó

kinccsel átlagosan kb. 90%-os megértést érhe-

tünk el a mindennapi beszédben, valamint az

egyszerűbb irodalmi szövegek esetében. 4000

szóból álló szókinccsel a szöveg kb. 95%-át érthetjük meg.

A szó ismerete sokkal több, mint pusztán a szó

 jelentése. Tudnunk kell, hogy milyen szövegkor-

nyezetben használhatjuk a szót, milyen nyelvtani

változások lehetségesek, és azok mit jelentenek.

Ezt a tudást mindenekelőtt a nyelvvel és az anya

nyelvi beszélők között szerzett személyes nyelvitapasztalatokon keresztül, azaz olvasással, anya

nyelvi szövegek hallgatásával, szóbeli és írásbeli

kommunikációval szerezhetjük meg.

Az önálló kommunikációhoz kb. 2000 szót kell

ismernünk. Ennyi szó elegendő ahhoz, hogy meg

értsük a mindennapi életben előforduló szövege

ket, tudjunk zökkenőmentesen társalogni hétköznapi helyzetekben. Az angol nyelv magas

szintű használatához viszont mintegy 4000 szóra

van szükségünk. Ha ennyi szót tudunk, megért

 jük a tudományos-szakmai, illetve szépirodalmi

szövegeket is.

Alapfeltétel azonban, hogy az alap- és kiegészítő

szókincset tartalmazó gyűjtemény valóban aleggyakrabban használt 4000 szót tartalmazza.

Ha ezen szavak mintegy 40%-a hiányzik, akkor a

„nyereség” csak 2400 szó, és ez nem elegendő

ahhoz, hogy szókincsünket olvasással vagy más

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kommunikációs tapasztalattal önállóan bővít-


Tapasztalati alapok

Ez a tematikus szókincsgyűjtemény a Leech és

munkatársai által 2001-ben összeállított British

National Corpus (BNC) gyakorisági szőjegyzéke

alapján készült. A BNC 100 millió szóból áll, és

nagyrészt 1984 és 1994 között publikált szövege

ken alapul. A célkitűzés a Nagy-Britanniában be

szélt és írott angol nyelv reprezentatív korpuszá

nak elkészítése volt. A korpusz 10%-a szóbeli,

90%-a írásbeli szövegeket vesz alapul. Az írott

korpusz szűk 60%-a könyvekből, 30%-a újságok

ból és folyóiratokból ered. A szövegeket a tudo

mányos és szórakozató területekró'l gyűjtötték

össze. A szóbeli korpusz egyik része különböző

szociális rétegek, korcsoportok, nemek és vallá

sok angol anyanyelvűi közötti beszélgetésekből

származik, a másik része a nevelés és tudomány,

gazdaság, politika, valamint a szabadidő téma

körének tudományos előadásaiból, vitáiból me


Leech és munkatársai elektronikusan tovább dol

goztak a korpuszon, és többek között a 10 000

leggyakoribb szó és szóalak jegyzékét állították

össze. Ahhoz, hogy az alapszavak jegyzékét meg

kapjuk, a Leech-féle gyakorisági jegyzéken to

vább kellett dolgozni. Töröltek minden ragozott

alakot, továbbá törölték még a neveket, számo

kat, betűket, szimbólumokat, rövidítéseket, indu

lat- és szitokszavakat is. Az eltérő írásmódú - pél

dául brit és amerikai - szóváltozatokat

ugyanahhoz a szóhoz tartozónak vették, akárcsak

a színt és nemzetiségeket jelölő mellékneveket és


A Leech-féle gyakorisági jegyzék egyetlen

problémája, hogy csak az egyes szavakat adja

meg, az igéből és elöljárószóból álló vonzatos

igéket (phrasal verbs) mint például get up, carry

on és take over, viszont nem. Emiatt a tematikus

alap- és kiegészítő szókincshez még hozzáadták

az Oxford 3000-jegyzékét. Ez a jegyzék szintén a

BNC-re nyúlik vissza, de magában foglalja a

phrasal verb-eket is, és tartalmaz egy olyan

szójegyzéket, amely ugyan nem tartozik az angol

nyelv leggyakoribb 3000 szavához, de több mint

70 nyelv- és neveléstudományi szakember

szakmai kutatócsoportja az angolt mint idegen

nyelvet tanulók számára nagyon fontosnak tart.

Ide tartoznak például a fontosabb testrészek, az

utazáskor használt szókincs és olyan szavak,

amelyekkel más szavak magyarázhatóak meg.

Az angol nyelv leggyakoribb 4000 lexémáját ösz-

szehasonlították az Oxford 3000-jegyzékkel. Ez

utóbbiban 5000 olyan szót találtak, amelyek a

4000 szót tartalmazó listában nem voltak jelen,

és ezekkel kiegészítették ezt a szókincsgyűjte

ményt. Ezeket a szavakat 3000 sorszámmal jelöl

ték meg.

Némely szót két külön osztályba is besoroltak,

mindenekelőtt a többjelentésű szavakat, ameny-

nyiben mindkét jelentését gyakran használják.

A kategóriákon belül először az alap-, majd a ki

egészítő szókincs szavait soroltuk fel. A szőjegy-

zék magával a szóval kezdődik, majd feltüntettük

a fonetikus átírást, és végül megadtuk a szó gya

koriságát alap-, illetve kiegészítő szókincsen be

lül. Ezután következik a magyar jelentés. Csak a

témához tartozó jelentést adtuk meg. Végül egy

példamondatot olvashatunk, amely a szónak a

témához tartozó jelentését mutatja be.

Az első oszlopban a szó mögött egy szám találha

tó, mely a 4000 szóból álló jegyzékben elfoglalt

helyét jelöli. Például a 334 azt jelenti, hogy a szó

az angol nyelv leggyakrabban használt szavai kö

zül a 334-edik.

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A fordítások a leggyakoribb - elsősorban - tema

tikus jelentést adják meg.

A példamondatok célja a szó legjellemzőbb szö

vegkörnyezetben való megjelenítése és megje-

gyezhetővé tétele.


Átfogó ismerettel rendelkezünk nyelvünk szavai

ról. Tudjuk, hogyan ejtjük ki őket, hogyan írjuk,

mit jelentenek, hogyan használjuk őket monda

tokban, milyen egyéb szavakkal és milyen szö

vegtípusokban és szövegkörnyezetben jelennek

meg legtöbbször. Ezt a tudást egymásra épülően

- az egyik jellemzőt a másik után - sajátítjuk el,

amikor ezekkel a szavakkal kommunikatív össze

függésekben találkozunk. Ahhoz, hogy egy szót

megjegyezzünk, egy meghatározott időszakon

belül átlagosan 16 alkalommal kell találkoznunk


Ha a szót megtanultuk és begyakoroltuk, jelentő

sen kevesebb ilyen típusú találkozásra van szük

ség és jelentősen nő az esélye annak, hogy az

adott szónak más jelentéseit is megtanuljuk.

A szavakat hallott szöveg értése, beszéd, olvasás

és írás formájában is gyakorolni kell. Egy nyomta

tott szótár elsősorban azt a célt szolgálja, hogy a

szó jelentését, valamint írott alakját is elsajátít


Először az alapszókincset tanulja meg vagy is

mételje, és csak azután térjen át a kiegészítő

szókincsre! A következő módszert javasoljuk: Fi

gyelmesen olvassa el az alapszókincs szóanya

gát, ejtse ki a szót és annak különböző alakjait,

valamint a hozzá tartozó mondatot, és próbálja

meg azt megérteni! Takarja le a magyar jelen

tést és a példamondatot, és próbáljon meg em

lékezni a szó magyar jelentésére! Jelölje meg

azokat a szavakat, amelyek nehézséget okoztak,

és írja le azokat a példamondatokkal együtt a


Ezt a módszert alkalmazza minden fejezetben, és

rendszeresen ismételje azokat a szavakat, ame

lyeket a szótárfüzetébe lejegyzett! Ezzel a mód

szerrel naponta lehetőség szerint 4 fejezetet dol

gozzon fel, amelynek időtartama legalább 15

perc legyen, de ne tartson tovább 30 percnél.

 Jobb naponta gyakorolni, mint csak egy vagy két

alkalommal hetente, akár több órán keresztül.

Ha gyorsan kell elsajátítania a szavakat, termé

szetesen tanulhat naponta akár egy-két órát is.

További segítséget jelent az is, ha a tanulás mel

lett lehetősége nyílik egyszerűbb szövegek olva

sására, ahol találkozhat ezekkel a szavakkal. Ad

dig, amígazalapszökinccsel foglalkozik, tanácsos

egyszerűbb, könnyedebb szövegeket olvasni,

olyanokat, amelyek a 2000 szót tartalmazzák.

Amikor már a kiegészítő szókincset tanulja, olyan

szövegeket olvasson, amelyek már ezeket a sza

vakat is tartalmazzák! A speciálisan erre a célra

fejlesztett olvasmányok mellett olvashat

egyszerűbb regényeket vagy más olvasmányokat,

mindenekelőtt gyermek- és ifjúsági irodalmat,

valamint szórakoztató irodalmat. Az azonban

fontos, hogy a szöveg szavainak 95%-át megértse.

Ha kétsoronként több, mint egy szót nem ért

meg, akkor az a szöveg túl nehéz és egy nehézsé

gi fokkal könnyebb szöveget kell választania.

A könyv létrejöttében többen is segítségünkre

voltak, és mjnkájukért köszönetét szeretnénk

mondani. Mindenekelőtt Yvonne Kretzschmar-

nak, aki a projektet a kezdetektől fogva koordi

nálta és kísérte, valamit Nadine Randallnek és

Caroline Foxnak, akika szavakat kategóriákba so

rolták és sok példamondatot írtak.

Köszönetünket szeretnénk kifejezni Helga Holt-

kampnak és Gunther Weimannak, a Cornelsen

   E   l   ő  s  z   ó

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   E   l   ő  s  z   ó


kiadó munkatársainak, akik szárnyaik alá vették

e munkát, és a kiadó mindazon munkatársainak,

akik hozzájárultak ahhoz, hogy ez a szép könyv

kiadható legyen.

Külön köszönet illeti Udo Diekmannt, akinek az

adatbankja nagyban megkönnyítette munkán

kat, és aki minden problémánk megoldásában

segítségünkre volt.

Sok örömet kívánok a tanulásban, és remélem,

hogy ez a tematikus szókincsgyűjtemény segít

céljai elérésében.

Erwin Tschirner

Felhasznált irodalom

Hofland, K. and Johansson, S. (1982): Word  

 frequencies in British and American English.

Bergen: The Norwegian Computing Centre for the 


Kucera, H. and Francis W. N. (1967): Computatio-

nal analysis of presentday American English. 

Providence, Rl: Brown University Press.

Leech, Geofrey, Rayson, Paul, and Wilson And

rew (2001): Word Frequencies in Written and  

Spoken English: Based on the British National Cor-

 pus.  London: Longman.

Nation, P. (2001): Learning vocabulary in another  

language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fontos tudnivalók

A rendhagyó főneveknél megadtuk a többes szá

mot (pi. mouse, mice).

A rendhagyó fokozású mellékneveknél a fokozott

alakokat is megadtuk (pl. good, better, best).

A rendhagyó igéknél megadtuk a második és har

madik alakot (pl. to take, took, taken).

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^ Tartalomjegyzék

N>-oe4)£ 1. Személyi adatok,

>2 személyes információk.................. 10

H   1.01. Személyi adatok............................. 10re

i- 1.02. Állampolgárság és

nemzetiség................................... 11

1.03. Család............................................ 12

1.04. Külsőmegjelenés........................... 14

1.05. Jellem és temperamentum...........   15

1.06. Vallás, hit, erkölcs.........................   18

2. Lakókörnyezet..............................   22

2.01. Ház, épület..................................... 22

2.02. Helyiségek és berendezésük..........24

2.03. Háztartás....................................... 26

3. Környezet......................................   29

3.01. Város, vidék, ország.......................   29

3.02. Táj, éghajlat, időjárás...................   31

3.03. Növények és állatok.......................   34

4. Utazás és közlekedés..................... 37

4.01. Útleírás és útbaigazítás.................   37

4.02. Járművek....................................... 39

4.03. Közlekedés.....................................41

5. Ellátás.......................................... 44

5.01. Vásárlás, eladás, birtoklás..............44

5.02. Árak és pénzforgalom................... 46

5.03. Üzleti élet.......................................48

5.04. Ruházat és kiegészítők.................   51

6. Test és egészség.............................. 54

6.01. Test.................................................. 54

6.02.  Egészség és betegség ......................   56

6.03.  Orvostudomány és

egészségügyi ellátás .........................  59

6.04.  Élelmiszerek ...................................   61

6.05.  Étkezés és italfogyasztás ................   63

7. Észlelés és mozgás.......................... 65

7.01.  Fizikai tevékenységek ....................   65

7.02.  Észlelés............................................. 67

7.03.  Mozgás............................................. 70

7.04.  Érzelm ek......................................... 73

7.05.  Értelem és gondolkodás..................   75

7.06. Szükségletek és kívánságok............  79

8. A munka világa .................................   82

8.01.  Foglalkozások...................................   82

8.02.  Szakmai feladatok

és tevékenységek.............................  85

8.03.  Munkahely és munkafeltételek---88

8.04.  Verseny............................................. 91

8.05.  Tudomány......................................   94

8.06.  Oktatás ..........................................   98

9. A nyelv.............................................. 102

9.01.  Nyelvtanulás és a

nyelvekről álta lában ....................   102

9.02.  Párbeszéd .................................... 103

9.03.  Beszédaktusok ...............................106

9.04.  Vélemény kifejezése.....................  109

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10.  Szabadidő és szórakozás............   113

10.01. Művészet és kultúra...................   113

10.02. Olvasmányok és sajtó.................   115

10.03. Sport..........................................   119

10.04. Szabadidő, érdeklődési kör,

hobbi ......................................   121

11.  Személyes kapcsolatok..............   124

11.01. Személyes viszonyulások...........   124

11.02. Szerelem és válás.......................   127

11.03. Társadalmi élet .........................   129

12. Politika.....................................   133

12.01. Aktuális események...................   133

12.02. Államberendezkedés

és belpolitika............................. 134

12.03. Külpolitika................................. 137

12.04. Háború és béke.........................   139

13. Társulások.................................   143

13.01. Gazdaság................................... 143

13.02. Jo g ............................................   146

13.03. Köz-és szociális szolgáltatások .. 148

13.04. Társulások................................. 151

13.05. Telekommunikáció és technika.. 154

13.06. Rendőrség és bűnözés...............   157

13.07. Veszély és biztonság...................   159

14. Általános fogalmak.................... 162

14.01. Térbeli elhelyezkedés.................   162

14.02. Színek és form ák.......................   164

14.03. Hasonlóságok és különbségek... 166

14.04.  Gyakoriság és sorrend ...............   169

14.05.  Pozitívumok................................ 172

14.06.  Negatívumok.............................. 174

14.07.  Fontossági sorrend...................... 177

14.08.  Tulajdonságok...........................   179

14.09.  Rend és m ó d .............................. 182

15. Az id ő ........................................... 186

15.01.  Az időről általában.....................   186

15.02.  Időbeosztás................................ 188

15.03.  Múlt és je le n .............................. 190

16.  Mennyiség................................. 192

16.01.  Sok és kevés...............................   192

16.02.  Mérték........................................ 194

16.03.  Mennyiségi egységek .................   195

16.04.  Mennyiségekről általáb an .........   197

17.  Szövegkohéziós eszközök............   200

17.01.  Névmások, névelők ...................   200

17.02.  Időkifejezés eszközei.................   202

17.03.  Térbeli elhelyezkedés

és helyváltoztatás....................... 203

17.04.  Egyéb gyakori elöljárók és

kötőszók ..................................... 204

18.  Az 50 leggyakoribb ige/segédige . 208

18.01.  I gék ...........................................   208

18.02.  Segédigék...................................   209

19.  Szójegyzék....................................   211

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1. Személyi adatok, személyes információk

1.01. Személyi adatok ► Alapszókincs

absence ['æbssnsj 1715 távoliét, hiányzás

adult ['ædAltJ 1371 felnőtt

age [eid3] 403 kor

born [bo:nj 1334 született

boy [boi] 511 fiú

female [ 'fumed] 1702 nőnemű, női

gentleman ['dsentlman]. úr(iember), fér fi

gentlemen 1583

girl [g3:l] 400 lány

to identify [ai'dentifaij 853 azonosít; felismer

individual [,indi’vid3U3lJ egyén; személyi-

837 ség

kid [kid] 1703 gyerek

lady f'leidi] 875 hölgy, asszony, nő

male [meil] 1253 hímnemű; férfi,


man [mæn], men 95 férfi; ember

name[neim] 300 név

person ['p3:sn] 346 személy; ember

sex [seks] 1241 nem

sir [s3:] 595 úr, uram

status ['steitss] 1280 helyzet, státusz

title ['taitl] 965 társadalmi cím

woman ['wuman], women nő, asszony


youth [ju:0] 1659 ifjúkor; fiatalság

A new teacher was appointed during his absence.

Children may come with an adult.

The age of the girl is unknown.

He was born in Germany.

The boys’ restroom is opposite the girls’.

The female babies receive pink blankets.

The gentleman took off his coat and handed it to

the lady.

My youngest child is a girl.

The girl identified the coat as hers.

A good teacher treats students as individuals.

Kids enjoy visiting the zoo.

The lady at the bank said hello to the girl.

There are more male students than female ones

in the class.

Man is the opposite of woman.

Do you have the same name as one of your


Only one person at a time may enter the room.

You can now find out the sex of your baby before

it is born.

It’s polite to call strangers ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam.’

Her status in society changed after she had

written a book.

He uses the title ’Sir’ before his name.

The old man married a young woman.

He learned wisdom in his youth so he could

make better decisions as an adult.

1.01. Személyi adatok ► Kiegészítő szókincs

absent [ ’æbsant] 4007

birthday ['b3:0dei] 2601

chap [tjæ p ] 3598 

deaf [d e fj 3006

hiányzó, távol



fickó, pasas


Two pupils were absent yesterday.

My birthday is on the 22nd of June.

 John is a very friendly chap.

If you cannot hear, you are deaf.

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duke [dju:k] 2568 herceg A duke is a man of very high rank, just below

that of king or queen.

earl [3:1] 3226 gróf  An earl is a man of high social rank who rules

territory for the king.

ethnic [’eBnik] 3319 nemzetiségi, nép The cultural festival celebrated a variety of ethnic


fellow ['felau] 3077 fickó, alak That fellow is a great football player.

female ['fi:meil] 2305 nőnemű; nő Most of the cooks are females in this hotel.

gender ['d3enda] 3632 nem, nemű Do you know what gender the baby is?

guy [gai] 2527 alak, pasas That guy is friends with my brother.

identification azonosítás, Can I see some identification, please?

[ai.dentifi'keijn] 3335 személyazonosító


identity [ai'dentati] 2203 identitás, önazo During his teenage years, he questioned his

nosság identity.

infant ['infant] 3086 kisgyermek,


This product is not suitable for infants.

 junior ['d3u:nia] 2962 fiatal, fiatalabb,

kezdő, junior

The firm is takirg on a new junior employee.

lad [læd] 2577 fiú, fiatalember A group of lads were playing football on the


male [meil] 2205 férfi According to the survey, males earn more than


self [self], selves 2448 önmaga, az énje I think a job gives a person a sense of self.

senior ['siinia] 1342 idősebb, feljebb Only senior pupils are permitted to go out at

való, végzős lunchtime.

signature ['signatfa] 4448 aláírás Everyone has a jnique signature.

surname ['s3:neim] 4330 vezetéknév Smith is a very common surname.

teenager ['ti:neid3a] 3978 tizenéves, Talking to teencgers can be very difficult

tinédzser sometimes.

youngster ['jAijsta] 3379 gyerkőc, kamasz His youngster is going to the local primary


1.02. Állampolgárság és nemzetiség ► Alapszókincs

American [a'merikan] 580 amerikai

British ['britij] 271

English [’igglij] 462

European [juara'púan]


foreign f'foran] 691




He has only lived in the US for five years, but his

American accent is very strong.

I find British humour very funny.

English humour can be very dry.

European food varies greatly.

külföldi, idegen She enjoys learning foreign languages.

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French [frentf] 662 francia I really like French fashion.

German ['d33:m3n] 820 német German classical composers are famous

throughout the world.

Irish ['airij] 1735 ír The Irish language is different from English.

 Japanese [,d3asp3'ni:z]  japán We ate sushi in a Japanese restaurant.


Russian ['rAj’nJ 1938 orosz Russian films are often sad comedies.

Scottish ['skotxj] 1139 skót English people sometimes have difficulties in

understanding Scottish accents.

Soviet ['sauvist] 1034 szovjet I lived in :he Soviet zone of Berlin as a kid.

1.02. Állampolgárság és nemzetiség ► Kiegészítő' szókincs

African ['sfrikan] 2223 afrikai I have never been to the African continent.

Arab ['aersbj 3386 arab Tea is often served with Arab food.

Asian ['eijnj 3723 ázsiai The Asian continent is the largest in the world.

Australian [o'streilian] ausztrál Australian beaches are popular holiday places.


Chinese [tfai'niiz] 2342 kínai Many people find it hard to learn Chinese.

Dutch [dAtJJ 3316 holland Dutch cheese has a good reputation.

Greek [gri:k] 2888 görög Moussaka is a Greek dish.

Indian ['indianj 2433 indiai There are a lot of Indian restaurants in London.

Italian fi'taeljan] 2357 olasz Italian wines have a very good reputation.

native ['neitiv] 3250 szülő-, anya-, He returned to live in his native country.

Roman ['raumsn] 2213 római The Roman Empire grew quickly.

Spanish ['spienij'] 2648 spanyol Madrid is the Spanish capital.

Welsh [welj] 2502 walesi, velszi Welsh cities sometimes have very complicated


1.03. Család ► Alapszókincs

to adopt [a'doptj 1283 örökbe fogad,


Both children are adopted.

baby [’beibi] 981 (kis)baba  John’s new baby is just eight weeks old.

birth [bar©] 1719 születés David was present at the birth of all his children.

brother ['brAQs] 927 fivér Do you have any brothers or sisters?

child [tjaild], children 119 gyermek Both of her children are now living abroad.

dad [deed] 1441 apa, apu, papa I call my father Dad.

daughter ['doita] 982 lánya (vkinek) My daughter is now living in Germany.

family ['faemali] 219 család A new family has moved into the neighbourhood.

father ['fcucte] 404 apa He is the father of two young children.

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generation [,d3ena'reijn] nemzedék The younger gereration have travelled abroad

1487 more than their parents.

grandfather ['granfaiQa] nagyapa My grandfather is almost 90 years old.


grandmother nagymama The children often see their grandmother.

['graenmAfla] 4172

husband f'hAzband] 929 férj Susan’s husband is an engineer.

mother ['mA8a] 343 anya My mother has just turned 50 years old.

mum [num] 1238 anya, anyu, mama Mum is the oldest in her family.

parent ['pearant] 551 szülő I met Paul’s parents for the first time last week.

sister ['sista] 1171 lánytestvér Natalie is Jane’s elder sister.

son [sAn] 669 fia (vkinek) I have two sons and one daughter.

wife [waif], wives 589 feleség My wife is a teacher.

1.03. Család ► Kiegészítő szókincs

aunt [a:nt] 2658 nagynéni I have an aunt in America.

childhood f'tjaildhud] 2873 gyermekkor I had a very happy childhood.

ro conceive[kan'si:v] 3875 megfogan The baby was conceived when they were on


cousin ['kAzn] 3139 unokatestvér My oldest cousin is 30 years old.

daddy ['dædi] 3402 apa, apu, papa Daddy is another word for father, used bychildren.

divorce [di'vors] 3887 elválás, válás My brother is gening a divorce from his wife.

grandchild ['graentfaild], unoka My youngest grandchild is coming to visit soon.

grandchildren 4169

granddaughter lányunoka Her granddaughter has just finished school.

['grændoita] 4170

grandparent nagyszülő Grandparents are important members of most

['grænpearantj 4173 families.grandson ['grænsAnJ 4174 fiúunoka Our grandson is about to start university.

heritage ['heritid3] 363 örökség Customs are verv important to our cultural


to inherit [in 'herit] 3913 örököl Anna has inherited her mother’s blue eyes.

mummy f'mAmiJ 3092 anya, anyu Susan calls her mother Mummy.

nephew ['nevju:] 4258 unokaöcs Two of my nephews live in Australia.

niece |ni:s] 4259 unokahúg I’m looking forward to seeing my new niece on

Sunday.pregnancy ['pregnansi] terhesség My sister gave up drinking and smoking during

3946 her pregnancy.

pregnant ['pregnant] 3448 terhes My sister gave up smoking when she became


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   i  n   f  o  r  m   á  c   i   ó   ka related [ri'le itid ] 677 rokon, rokonság-

ban lévő

Susan and I are related through marriage.

relation [ri'l eijn ] 808 rokon(ság);


My relations are coming to visit on Saturday.

relative ['relativ] 2540 rokon Almost all of jane’s relatives came to her birthday


twin [twin] 3042 iker, ikertestvér  John and Marie are twins.

uncle ['Agkl] 2457 nagybácsi Uncle John is my favourite uncle.

wedding [ 'wediq] 2551 esküvő The wedding will be on a Saturday.

WidoW f'widau] 3708 özvegy She has been a widow for five years now.

1.04. Külsőmegjelenés ► Alapszókincs

to appear [a'pia] 323 tűnik, lászik He appears to be very nice.

appearance [a'piarans] külső, megjelenés Appearance is very important in this job.


to attract [a'trakt] 1617 vonz I am not physically attracted to him.

attractive [a'traektiv] 1916 vonzó I find him very attractive.

beautiful [ 'b ju:t ifl] 1284 gyönyörű My boyfriend has given me a beautiful diamond


bright [brait] 1664 világos, csillogó His eyes are bright blue.

fat [fset] 2955 kövér She is on a diet because she thinks she is too fat.

fair [fea] 724 világos, szőke She has very fair hair and blue eyes.

firm [ f3:m] 1406 kemény, szilárd The seat was too firm for me.

huge [hju;d3]i376 hatalmas She looked at me with her huge green eyes.

image [ ‘imid3] 1024 kép The image in the mirror is reversed.

little f l itl ], smaller, kicsi When my son was little, he broke his leg.

smallest 274

mark [ma:k] 1672 folt, jel She was born with a small mark on her head.

nice [nais] 850 szép, kellemes,

kedves, csinos

That boy has a nice smile.

old [auld] 135 idős, öreg My grandfather is very old.

pretty [’priti] 2841 csinos, szép All the girls in the Smith family are very pretty.

short [fait] 447 alacsony, rövid He is shorter than the other players in his team.

small [smo:l] 182 kicsi The girl is quite small for her age.

style [stail] 899 stílus, divat She wears clothes that are now in style.

tall [toil] 1910 magas In general, men are taller than women.

thin [Gin] 1832 vékony, sovány Have you noticed how thin her arms are?

tiny f'taini] 1833 kicsi, pici Babies have tiny fingers.

ugly [V gli ] 4364 csúnya That hat is really ugly.

young (jAij] 253 fiatal Her mother was very young when she had her

first child.

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1.04. Külsőmegjelenés ► Kiegészítő szókincs

attraction [a'traekfn] 3207 vonzerő, von za-


He felt an instant attraction towards her.

beauty [ ’bjuiti] 2188 szépség Her beauty is striking.

blond [btond] 4054 szőke Most of my relatives have blond hair.

to curl [k3:l] 4080 göndörödik,


I wish my hair didn’t curl so much.

curly ['k3:li] 4081 göndör I’ve always wanted curly hair.

elegant ['eligant] 3891 elegáns Her choice of clothing is very elegant.

to frown [fraun] 3774 rosszalló képet I knew my father was annoyed because he

vág, szemöldökét frowned at me.


make-up [ 'm eik A p] 4241 smink My wife doesn’t wear much make-up.

naked ['neikid ] 3663 meztelen They ran into the sea half naked.

neat [ni:t] 3929 csinos, ápolt,


A neat appearance is very important.

plain [plein] 2901 egyszerű, jellegte -

len, nem szép

As a child, she was quite plain.

powder ['pauda] 4297 púder I need to buy more face powder.

1.05. Jellem és temperamentum ► Alapszókincs

ability [a'bilati] 1059 képesség,


His academic ability is rather impressive.

able [’eibl] 329 képes (vmire) I am afraid that I am not able to help you with

this problem.

attitude [’aetitju:d] 1035 hozzáállás,


A positive attitude in a test is important.

behaviour [bi'heivja] 888 magatartás,


Such behaviour is simply not acceptable!

capable [’keipabl] 2000  jó képességű,


You are a very capable worker.

character ['kaerakta] 909  jellem Being shy is very out of character for him.

clever ['kleva] 3131 okos, ügyes She is a clever student who always does her


confidence [’konfidans]1485

magabiztosság Luke lacks confidence when he speaks.

famous ['feimas] 1604 híres One of the most famous sights in London is

Buckingham Palace.

funny ['fAni] 2080 vicces, mulatságos The show was very funny.

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popular ['pDpjsla] 1055 népszerű Anita was very popular in school.

shy [Jai] 4446 félénk, szégyenlős I used to be quite shy when I was younger.

skil l [skil] 908 ügyesség, készség His football skills are great.

unable [An'eibl] 1636 képtelen She was in such shock she was unable to speak

for five minutes.

Wi l l fw il] 1692 akaraterő If you have enough will, you will succeed!

1.05. Jellem és temperamentum ► Kiegészítő szókincs

bad-tempered rosszkedvű He is very bad-tempered in the mornings.

[.basd'tempsd] 4048

to behave [bi'heiv] 2599 viselkedik If he does not behave better, he will be sent to

his room.

brave [breiv] 3868 bátor He was a very brave soldier.

calm [ka:m] 4014 nyugodt She was a very calm baby.

capability i.keipa'bitati] képesség Both teams have the capability to win today.


careless [ ’kealss ] 4060 gondatlan,


My son is never careless with his possessions.

cheerful [’tjiafl] 4027 vidám, élénk She’s not normally so cheerful.

conduct [ 'kDndAkt] 2875 magatartás, A code of conduct regulates the way our staff viselkedés behave.

confident ['konfidant] m agabiztos He appears to be very confident, but he is really

2710 very shy.

courage ['kArid3] 3746 bátorság When suffering from cancer, it takes a lot of

courage to stay positive.

crazy [’kreizi] 3881 őrült, bolond My mother is driving me crazy!

curious ['k juorias] 3401 kíváncsi, furcsa I am very curious to know how long they have

been together.

to dare fdea] 3308 mer, merészel I didn’t dare to jump off the tree.

determination elhatározás, I finished it through sheer determination.

[di,t3:mL,neiJ'n] 2878 eltökéltség

discretion [di 'sk rejn] 3757 diszkréció, I will not tell anybody - you can rely on my

tapintatosság discretion.

dishonest [dis'onist] 4103 becstelen I don’t like people who are dishonest.

enthusiasm lelkesedés You can see the enthusiasm in her eyes when she

[in'Gjuizicezam] 2825 speaks about the project.

enthusiastic lelkes The class are very enthusiastic about their science

[m,0ju:zi'£estik] 4124 project.

fame [feim ] 4132 hírnév Fame was never important to him, though he did

enjoy it.

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generous ['c^ensres] 3327 nagylelkű, bőkezű My grandmother is always very generous to me

on my birthday.

gentle ['c^endl 2886 finom, kedves Chris has a very gentle manner.

gently f‘d3entli] 2352 finoman, gyengé


The mother gently placed the baby in the bed.

habit ['hiebit] 2395 szokás She has a very bad habit of biting her nails.

hero ['hiarau], heroes


hős Hamlet is the hero in one of Shakespeare’s plays.

honest [’onist] 2831 őszinte To be very honest, I am not interested in politics.

humorous ['hjuimaras]


humoros I like reading humorous stories.

humour [’hjuims] 3333 humor She has no sense of humour!

impatient [im'peijnt]


türelmetlen There is no need to be so impatient.

nability [.ina'bilati] 4200 tehetetlenség,

képesség hiánya

Their inability to get on is causing problems.

•Jndness j'kaindnss] 4220 kedvesség,


I value kindness above everything else.

lucky riAki] 2275 szerencsés I am usually qu te lucky in competitions.

mad [masd] 2729 őrült, dühös Don’t get mad - it was an accident.

modest [YnDdist] 3348 szerény Nicole is very modest about her results.

oatient ['peijnt] 4278 türelmes Thank you for being so patient with me.personality f,p3:s3'nsbti] személyiség In my opinion, personality is much more

2488 important than looks.

pride [praid] 3027 büszkeség I felt a great serse of pride as my brother

accepted his award.

proud [praud] 2739 büszke I am very proud of the good work my father did

for the community.

reliable [n'laiabl] 3451 megbízható He is not reliable because he is rarely on time.

reluctant [n'UktantJ 3679 vonakodó,kelletlen

I’m very reluctant to leave my job.

reputation [.repju'teijn]


hírnév That newspaper has a bad reputation.

rude [ru:d] 4424 goromba,


When you complain, there is no need to be rude.

sensitive ['sensativ] 2547 érzékeny, kényes; He is sensitive to what other people say about

fogékony him.

sincere [sin'sia] 1449 őszinte Do you think his apology was sincere?Skilful [’skllfl] 4452 ügyes, gyakorlott She is a skilful driver.

skilled [skild] 3964 képzett, szakis

merettel rendel


The business requires highly skilled employees.

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sophisticated kifinomult, fejlett It is a very sophisticated machine, but easy to

[sa'fistikeitid] 3190 use.

strict [strikt] 2221 szigorú I do not like that teacher because she is so strict.

suspicious [sa'spijas] 4331 gyanús, gyanakvó Her husband is getting suspicious.

sympathetic megértő, együtt You could be more sympathetic about the

[.simps'SetikJ 4338 érző problem.

talent ['taelantj 2859 tehetség I am a man of many talents.

unfriendly [An'frendli] barátságtalan Our new neighbours are very unfriendly.


unwilling [au'wiIii]] 4376 vonakodó, nem He is unwilling to take the risk.


willingness ['wilnjnas] hajlandóság, My children’s willingness to help was sweet.

4391 szolgálatkészség

wise [waiz] 3282 bölcs, okos That was a very wise decision.

1.06. Vallás, hit, erkölcs ► Alapszókincs

belief [bi'li:f] 1422 hit

to believe [bi'li:v] 279 hisz

Christian [’kristjan] 1331 keresztény

Christmas ['krismas] 1266 karácsony

church [tj3:tf] 433 templom; egyház

duty [’dju:ti] 953 kötelesség

to exist [ig'zist] 993 létezik, van

existence [ig'zistans] 1581 létezés

existing [ig'zistii]] 1179 létező, fennálló,


faith [fei0] 1869 hit, bizalom

freedom ['friidam] 1624 szabadság

god [god] 2011 isten

good [gudj 3153  jó, erkölcsös,


hell [hel] 1872 pokol

help [helpj 1023 segítség

 Jesus ['d3i:z3S] 1852  Jézus

She has a strong belief in God.

I do not believe it!

A Christian organisation raised money for the


He looks forward to spending time with hisfamily at Christmas.

There is a meeting held in the church every

Saturday and Sunday.

It is our duty to protect our children.

My dad says ghosts do not exist.

Many people question the existence of God.

Any existing problems will be solved.

The family is of the Christian faith.

Everyone should be allowed the freedom of

choice and speech.

I pray to God every night and ask him to protect

my family.

My grandfather has always tried to lead a good


Working with her the last couple of weeks hasbeen hell.

I do not know what I would have done without

your help.

 Jesus is believed to be the son of God.

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m oral ['mnral] 1931 erkölcsi It is your moral obligation to give the police that


religion [ri'lid33n] 1963 vallás His religion has only one god.

religious [ri'lid33s] 1590 vallásos I am not very religious, but my parents attend

church every Sunday.

responsible [ri'sponsabl] megbízható She is very responsible for a girl her age.1182

sh all [Ja l] 526 fog tenni vmit ’And you shall know the truth and truth shall

(régies) make you free.’John:32

spirit ['spirit] 1321 szellem, lélek The owners claimed that there was an evil spirit

in the house.

true [tru:] 508 hű He remained true to the values of his religion.

truth [tru:9] 1293 igazság There is some truth in what he says.

1.06. Vallás, hit, erkölcs ► Kiegészítő szókincs

abbey ['asbi] 3588 apátság An abbey is a place where the faithful live and


being ['bi:iq] 2107 lét, létezés; lény The Bible says that Adam and Eve were the first

human beings on Earth.

bible ['baibl] 3486 Biblia, biblia This handbook is a real bible for beginners in

computer programming.

bishop ['bijap] 2338 püspök The bishop helped the sick children.

to bury ['beri] 2763 eltemet Her great-aunt died on Friday and was buried on


cathedral [k3'0i:drel] 3000 székesegyház,


The cathedral is the largest church in the area.

Catholic ['kaeBalik] 2707 katolikus Catholic families celebrate Christmas every year.

chapel [’tjiepl] 3299 kápolna The university has its own chapel.

charity ['tjaereti] 2144  jótékonyság, jótékonysági


Any profit made will be given to charity.

Christ [kraist] 2071 Krisztus Christ is said to be the son of God.

Christianity [.kristi'aenati] kereszténység Christianity had a difficult beginning.


commitment elkötelezettség His commitment to his family is touching.

[ka'mitmant] 1497

devil ['devl] 3607 ördög, sátán The Bible teaches about hell and the devil.

to devote [di'vaut] 3506 szentel, áldoz She decided to devote her life to God.

Easter ['i:sts] 3890 húsvét Many people eat chocolate eggs at Easter.

fate [feit] 3321 sors Fate is something that is beyond human control.

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fault [fo:lt] 2232 hiba

ghost [gaust] 3633 szellem, kísértet

have to ['haev ta] 4183 kell

heaven ['hevn] 2782 mennyország

holy ['haulij 2830 szent, szentelt

honour ['Dna] 2528 becsület

immoral [I'mnral] 4197 erkölcstelen

 Jew [d3u:] 3427 zsidó

 Jewish ['d3u:ij] 3428 zsidó

Lord [lo:d] 3652 az Úr, Uram

loyalty [ ’loialti] 3654 hűség, lojalitás

maker ['meika] 3249 teremtő

mass [mss] 2029 mise

myth [mi0] 3546 mítosz, monda

obligation [pbli'geijn] kötelezettség,

2317 kötelesség

parish ['paeriJJ 2126 plébánia, egyház


Pope [paopj 3670 pápa

to pray [p re i] 3177 imádkozik

prayer [prea] 2798 ima, imádság

to predict [pri'dikt] 2444 megjósol,


priest [pri:st] 2691 pap, lelkész

sin [sin] 3832 bűn

soul [saul] 2452 lélek

spell [spel] 3967 varázslat

spiritual ['spiritjual] 3366 szellemi, lelki;


temple ['tempi] 3572 templom

It is your own fault you have been punished -

you should do what I tell you to do!

It is said that a ghost walks around the school at


You have to be good if you want to go to heaven.

Heaven is said to be a place of perfect happiness.

The priest held out the holy water.

Defending his country was a matter of honour.

Stealing is immoral.

Ron is not a practicing Jew although his family is


He has a Jewish background.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Loyalty to his religious faith is important to him.

I believe in God, maker of heaven and earth.

Mass is held in the church at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.


Greek myth explains the origin of the world

through the deeds of gods and heroes.

They are under no obligation to pay you as you

never signed a contract.

Every year, there is a festival organised in mylocal parish.

The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church.

She prayed for the happiness of her family and


I said a prayer, asking God to help me through

my tests.

The end of the world has been predicted many


The priest holds a service every morning in the


The man went to church to learn about sin.

After being sick for a long time, his soul is now at


The local people blamed their bad luck on spells.

He went to church because he wanted to feel


Beijing has many beautifully restored temples.

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universal [ju:m'v3:slj


virtue [‘v3:tju:] 3117

wonder fwAnda] 3283 

worship [’waijip] 4395









Love is a universal feeling.

A person who has virtue is somebody that has

good moral qualities.

There are seven Wonders of the World.

A church is a place of worship.

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2♦ Lakókörnyezet

2.01. Ház, épület ► Alapszókincs

address O'dres] 1694 cím What is your new address?

block [btok] 1779 háztömb, Everyone had to leave the office block because of 

épülettömb the fire.

to build [bild], built, épít, létes ít They are planning to build a bigger house next

built 464 year.

building ['b ildiq] 468 épület The building is very run down and badly needs to

be restored.

castle ['ka:sl] 1898 vár, kastély The king and queen lived in a big castle.

construction építés, építkezés The university is under construction and due to

[ksn'strAkJn] 1576 be finished by 2010.

domestic [ds 'mestik] 1517 házi, háztartás i Susan usually carried out her domestic duties,

such as shopping and cleaning in the morning.

estate [i'steit] 1442 birtok; lakótelep The large country estate used to belong to their

family for decades.

facility [fa'silati] 1135 felszerelés,



There are cooking facilities in most apartments.

flat [flæt] 1582 lakás I recently moved out of my parents’ home and

into my own flat.

garden f'gaidn] 785 kert The garden was full of beautiful flowers and plants.

gate [geit] 1846 kapu, bejárat There are two security cameras at the front gate

of the building.

home [haum] 244 otthon, ház, lakás Thank you for welcoming me into your home.

house [haus] 156 ház Alan and Ann are building a new house in the


kitchen ['k it fin ] 1252 konyha Rita was preparing the dinner in the kitchen

while Nick was entertaining the guests.

to let [let], let, let 358 kiad I am letting my house to three students for the


station [’steijn] 834 állomás The train left the station on time.

step [step] 819 lépcsőfok Mind the step!

2.01. Hâz, épület ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to accommodate elszállásol, Foreign students will be accommodated in

[a'komadeit] 3476 elhelyez student rooms.

accommodation szállás Accommodation in the city centre is quite

[akDms'deifn] 2186 expensive.

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apartment [a'pcutmant] lakás; lakosztály I am looking to buy a bigger apartment because,

3721 as of January, I will be working at home. N<V

brick [brik] 2944 tégla A large red-brick house stood before them. Cv.

cardboard ['ka:dbo:d] karton I need about ten cardboard boxes to keep my :0

-4059 books in. 'O

f  ceiling [’sirliq] 3001 mennyezet The living-room ceiling is very high, which means

the room is quite difficult to heat.

f S —I


cell [sel] 860 cella, zárka In the abbey, tourists are allowed to visit the


0 column ['kolam] 2145 oszlop, pillér The roof of the temple was held up by white

stone columns.

complex ['kompleks] 2947 épületegyüttes The complex consists mainly of offices.

corridor ['kDndo:] 2950 folyosó My office is at the very end of the corridor on the

left-hand side.

:ottage ['kDtid3] 2345 házikó, villa,


We have a small cottage in the countryside,

which we visit in summer.

: sposal [di'spsuzl] 3314 eltávolítás,


The disposal of some chemicals should be carried

out in accordance with regulations.

domain [da'mein] 3407 terület, birtok He acts as though the office was his private


downstairs [.daun'steaz] a földszinten , If you go downstairs, you’ll find his office.

4107 lenn; lefelé, le

e leva tor f'e live ita] 4115 lift The elevator is not working at the moment, so we

ts. have to walk up all those stairs!

entrance [’entrans] 2617 bejárat There are two main entrances - the front

entrance and the side entrance.

exit ['eksit] 4129 kijárat There are four emergency exits in the building.

•'ence [fens] 3415 kerítés There was a large fence separating the

neighbour’s gardens.

garage [‘gaera^] 3238 garázs In winter, the car is parked in the garage.

indoors [.in'doiz] 4202 bent, a házban;

be, a házba

Let’s go back indoors to drink our coffee.

andlord ['laendbid] 2578 háziúr, főbérlő The landlord received complaints about noise

from the neighbours.

ease Lli:s] 3162 bérleti szerződés  John signed a three-year lease when he moved

into his flat.

mall [mo:l] 4242 bevásárlóközpont Liz does all her shopping at the mall.

— mortgage ['mo:gid3] 2634  je lzálog, jelz álo g-


The couple applied for a mortgage to buy their

first house.

neighbour ['neiba] 2021 szomszéd I often cannot sleep at night because my

neighbour makes so much noise

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neighbourhood környék, szom-

['neibahud] 4257 szédság

palace ['pælas] 2090 palota

pole [paul] 3099 pózna, karó

rent [rent] 2541 lakbér

residence ['rezidans] 3821 lakóhely, tartóz-

kodási hely

resident ['rezidant] 2211 (helybe li) lakos,


residential [.rezi'denfl]



roof [ru:f] 2056 tető

swimming pool ['swimi ij úszómedence,

pu:l] 4335 uszoda

tenant [’tenant] 2179 lakó

terrace ['teras] 3276 házsor

tip [tip] 2809 szemétlerakóhely

tower ['taua] 2288 torony

villa [Vila] 3584 villa

There are lots of cafés and bars in the


At the palace, the king and queen sat down to eat


There is a 10-foot high electricity pole in our


The rent is more expensive in bigger houses than

in smaller houses.

He took up permanent residence in the United


The local residents complained about the noise

from the school.

Emily and Bob live in a residential area where

mostly families or elderly couples live.

The hole in the roof caused terrible problems

when it rained.

Our neighbours have a lovely swimming pool in

their garden.

I am looking for tenants for my new house.

The houses on the terrace were all two-storey


They took the broken washing machine to thetip.

The bells in the church tower rang in the


David’s parents have a large villa in France.

2.02. Helyiségek és berendezésük ► Alapszókincs

Their house is huge; they have four bathrooms.bathroom ['ba:0ru:m]



bed [bed] 626 ágy

bedroom ['bedru:m] 1697 hálószoba

cabinet ['keebinat] 1515 fiókos szekrény,


chair [tjea] 1146 szék

desk [desk] 2005 íróasztal

door [do:] 335 ajtó

entry ['entri] 1519 bejárat, előté r

I heard someone at the door while I was still in


The bedroom was painted a bright yellow to

match the bed.

We keep all of our medicine in the bathroom


He sat on the chair next to me.

He sat at his desk to work on his computer.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

You can eave your umbrella at the entry.

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floor [fb:] 896 padló, emelet Most of the floors in the house were made of


hall [ho:l] 904 előcsarnok, hall,


He stood in the hall and waited for Andy.

key [ki:] 1490 kulcs Ray seemed to have lost his keys.

room [ru:m] 267 szoba, helyiség The room was decorated with many paintings.

seat [si:tj '033 szék, ülés, ülőhely He sat on the floor as there were no seats left in

the lecture hall.

sheet [Ji:t] 1592 lepedő Our new sheets are made of the finest cotton.

table f'teibl] 461 asztal The table came with four matching chairs.

toilet [ ’tOllst] 3698 illemhely, mosdó,


The toilet is upstairs, the first door on your left.

•■•all [wo:l] 644 fal The walls were quite bare, so they bought three

new pictures to hang up.

•indow ['windsu] 572 ablak She looked through the window, but there was

nobody home.

•3rd [ja:d] 1530 udvar, kert The cats walked freely around the yard.

2.02. Helyiségek és berendezésük ► Kiegészítő szókincs

: 3 t h [ba:0] 2659 fürdőkád, fürdő

:ell [bel] 2943 csengő

:2 rpet [ ' ka ip i t j 2602 szőnyeg

: oset [ 'klDzit ] 4068 beépített szekrény

tooker [ ' kuka] 4071 tűzhely

:.pboard [ ' kAbad] 3748 szekrény

: _rtain [ 'k3:tn] 2608 függöny

decorate [ 'deksre i t j díszít; fest,

-‘¡37 tapétáz

trcoration [ .deka ' re i jn ] dekoráció, dísz;

díszítés, festés

: » rwa y [ ’do:wei] 3758 bejárat

: -3wer [dro:] 4108 fiók

— :ge [ f r id j ] 4146 hűtőszekrény

. -niture [ ' f3 :n i t j9] 2573 bútor, berendezés

* eating ['hiitiq] 3636 fűtés

I ran the water into the bath, and just as I got in,

the telephone rang.

The bell rang as soon as I had started to cook.

The red wine fell onto the new carpet.

You can hang your clothes in the closet.

Turn the cooker off when you are finished.

He placed the pasta, rice and other

carbohydrates in the cupboard.

The curtains were too thin and did not keep out

the light.

The children love decorating the tree at


They sell beautiful table decorations.

He stood in the doorway until I invited him to

come in.

Which drawer do you keep the napkins in?

Is there any more milk in the fridge?

The furniture in the apartment was quite old, so

they decided to replace some of it.

It was a little cold, so I turned on the heating.

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to house [haoz] 2014 befogad , szállást


interior [in'tiaria] 3425 belső, belső rész,


lift [lift] 2963 lift

lock [b k l 3247 zár

mirror ['m ire] 2236 tükör

oven ['AvnJ 4273 sütő

refrigerator hűtőszekrény

[ri'frid33reit3] 4413

shelf [Jelf], shelves 3107 polc

shower ['JauaJ 3831 zuhany, zuhanyzó

stairs [steaz] 2372 lépcső

stove [stauvj 4323 kályha, tűzhely

Switch [sw itj] 3571 kapcsoló

upstairs [.Ap'stesz] 3197 fenn, az emeleten ;

fel, az emeletre

The apartment was designed to house two adults

and one child.

The outside of the house was old but the interior

was quite modern.

I usually :ake the lift as I am too lazy to take the


Although I had a lock on the door, he was still

able to get in.

It is said that if you break a mirror, you will have

bad luck for seven years.

The oven needs to be cleaned.

We bought a new refrigerator in the sales.

The shelves were bare; it was time to goshopping.

Is Jill still in the shower?

She walked down the stairs and into the living


My parents still have an old-fashioned stove in

their kitchen.

The light switch was childproof.

Upstairs, there was one bathroom and twobedrooms.

2.03. Háztartás ► Alapszókincs

board [bo:d] 688 deszka

box [boksj 990 doboz, láda

clock fklDk] 2664 óra

cover ['kAva] 1809 fedél, borító,

fedő, takaró

tO fix [flksj 1347 megjavít, rendbe


household ['haushauldj



object ['Dbd3iktJ 1151 tárgy

lamp [lsempj 3431 lámpa

package ['paekid3 j 1478 csomag

Stuff [stAÍJ 1526 cucc

The chopping board is kept in the kitchen.

The family packed all their possessions into

cardboard boxes.

Neil looked at the clock and realised he wasgoing to be late for the meeting.

The book had a hardback cover.

The lock on the door needed to be fixed.

In the Smith household, everyone helps clean

up after dinner.

She enjoyed collecting unusual objects, such asrare stones and old coins.

The lamp was on for two hours.

The package has been delivered today.

Can I leave my stuff at your house overnight?

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tape [teip] 1710  szalag, ragasztó-


2.03. Háztartás ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to absorb [ab'soib] 2992 felszív, magába szív

baggage ['baegid3] 4049 poggyász, csomag

to be rid of [bi 'rid av] megszabadul

3030 vmitől/vkitől

bin [bin] 4032 szemetes; tartó,


blade [bleid] 3994 penge

:o brush [brAj] 3489 tisztít, (le)söpör

bubble [ ’bAbl] 4057 buborék

cloth [k b0 ] 3395 rongy

container [kan'teina] 4006 tároló, tartó

directory [da'rektsri] 3756 telefonkönyv,


dust [dASt] 3073 por

envelope [’envalaup] 3762 boríték

~an [ f en] 2041 ventilátor; legyező

faucet [’fo:sit] 4135 csap

garbage [‘ga:bid3] 4150 szemét

vnot [nm] 1221 csomó

:d [lid] 4227 fedő

sack [psek] 2736 csomag

pan [paen] 4274 serpenyő, lábas

nhoto ['faotau] 3554 fénykép

tO polish ['pDllf l 4294 fényesít, csiszol

pot [pDt] 2904 fazék, edény;

bögre, kanna

-ope [rsup] 3454 kötél

to rub [rAb] 3362 dörzsöl, töröl

njbbish ['rAbiJ"] 3363 hulladék, szemét

I used tape to s:ick the two pieces of paper


Plants absorb water through their roots.

We have a baggage storeroom, if you would like in  

to leave your bag.

Linda was glad 1o be rid of the children for a

couple of hours.

The bins need to be emptied.

Be careful - this blade is very sharp!

She brushed off the dust from the furniture.

My son loves blowing bubbles in the bath.

He took a damp cloth and cleaned the table.

You’ll find an empty container for your lunch in

the cupboard.

He eventually found the doctor’s number in the

telephone directory.

The furniture was covered in dust.

The postman put the envelope into the letterbox.

The fan in the kitchen makes a lot of noise at


The faucet drips at night.

Could you take out the garbage?

There is a knot in the chain of my favourite


Have you seen the lid for the jam?

Amrit could not find her pack of cigarettes


I hate washing pans after dinner.

My mother keeps all the photos of us as babies in

an album.

The table has been polished to a beautiful sheen.

Kate cut the vegetables and put them into the

pot of water.

The sailor tied the boat to the side of the pier

with a rope and came ashore.

She rubbed the window dry with a cloth.

Mum asked me to take out the rubbish.

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sack [saek] -1428 zsák Father Christmas is said to carry a sack of


scissors ['sizaz] 4435 olló I seem to have lost my blue-handled scissors.

screw [skru:] 4437 csavar It comes with eight screws for putting it together.

soap fssup] 4303 szappan My husband gave me some lovely soaps for my


spray Lspreij 4313 spray Bathroom cleaner often comes in a spray.

strip [strip] 3273 csík We took home a strip of wallpaper to see if it

matched the carpet.

suitcase ['su:tkeis] 4328 bőrönd Your suitcase must not weigh more than 20 kilos.

to sweep [swi:p], swept, söpör He took the broom and swept up the broken

Swept 2805 glass.

thread [0red] 1349 cérna, fonál You have a piece of thread hanging from your


to throw sth away [,0rau

a'wei], threw, thrown


kidob My grandfather never threw anything away.

tidy ['taidi] 4352 rendszerető My sister is much tidier than me.

tin [tin] 3113 konzerv, All that was left on the shelf were two tins of 

konzervdoboz beans and a tin of fish.

tissue ['ti/u:] 2925 papír zsebkendő He handed her a tissue and tried to cheer her up.

towel f'taual] 4360 törülköző Is it possib e to hire towels at the swimming


tray [trei] 3983 tálca She came to the table with a tray of drinks.

untidy [An'taidi] 4353 rendetlen Our boss doesn’t like our desks to be untidy.

to wash [woj] 2027 mos, megmos,


Don’t forget to wash your hands before eating.

to wipe [warp] 3281 letöröl I wiped the table and counter with a damp cloth.

wire ['waia] 2933 kábel, vezeték, drót The wire stretched between the living room and

the kitcher.

to wrap [raep] 3284 becsomagol Sarah wrapped the Christmas presents in red and

gold paper.

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3* Környezet

3.01. Város, vidék, ország ► Alapszókincs

Africa ['aefrika] 1382 Afrika

America [s'meriks] 1084 Amerika

Australia [o'streilia] 1980 Ausztrália

border f'bDida] 1917 határ

bridge [brid3] 1575 híd

Britain ['britn] 405 Nagy-Britannia

capital ['kaepitl] 821 főváros

City ['Slti] 366 város

country ['kAntri] 189 ország; vidék

county ['kaunti] 879 megye

district ['distrikt] 1192 körzet, kerület

England ['njglandJ 458 Anglia

Europe ['juarepj 622 Európa

France [frains] 928 Franciaország

Germany L'd33im3ni] 1047 Németország

Ireland ['aialand] 1159 Írország

island ['aibnd] 1093 sziget

Italy ['itali] 1957 Olaszország

 Japan [d33'p®n] 1605  Japán

land [tend] 525 ország; vidék

park [pa:k] 962 park

region |'ri:d33n] 804 vidék, régió,


regional ['ri:d33nl] 1391 regionális, körzeti

Scotland f'skotlond] 868 Skócia

town [taun] 485 város

UK f ju : 'kei] 640 Egyesült Királyság

USA [jui es 'ei] 1942 USA

Africa is the second largest continent in the world

after Asia.

The United States of America consists of fifty


Australia is the world’s smallest continent.

France shares a oorder with Germany.

They built a new bridge to cross the river.

Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales.

The capital of France is Paris.

London is a very big city.

He lives in a very big house in the country.

A county used to be under the rule of a count.

A district of a country usually has its own local


England is a part of the United Kingdom.

Europe is one of the seven continents of theearth.

Paris is the capital city of France.

The capital city of Germany is Berlin.

The island of Ireland is divided into two parts,

the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

An island is a piece of land completely

surrounded by water.

Italy borders France, Slovenia, Austria, and


 Japan consists of many islands.

The government wants to introduce the new law

throughout the land.

The kids enjoy playing football in the park.

A region can be a collection of smaller units of

land, or one part of a larger area.

There can be strong regional differences within a


Scotland is the northern third of Great Britain.The house was just five minutes outside of town.

The term UK refers to the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

USA stands for the United States of America.

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village ['vilid3] 835 falu

Wales [weilz] 1202  Wales

A village is a community which is smaller than a

town or city.

Wales is in the western part of Britain.

3.01. Város, vidék, ország ► Kiegészítő szókincsabroad [a'bro:d] 2376 külföldön, James travels abroad regularly.


Asia ['eija] 2812 Ázsia

avenue f'ævsnju:] 3725 sugárút, fasor

borough ['bAraJ 3212 választókerület,


California [.kæla'foinia] Kalifornia


Canada ['kænadaj 2871 Kanada

China ['tjainaj 2108 Kína

continent ['kontinantj földrész, konti

3742 nens

Egypt ['i:d3iptj 3408 Egyiptom

global L'gtaublJ 2526 globális, világ-

India ['indis] 2086 India

Iran [i'rain] 3646 Irán

Iraq [i'ra:k] 2724 Irak

Israel [’izreil] 2725 Izrael

Korea [ka'ria] 3789 Korea

local f'bukl] 3020 helyi

overseas [.auva'siiz] 3096 a tengerentúlon, a


Pakistan [,pæki'sta:nj Pakisztán


Poland ['paubnd] 3556 Lengyelország

province ['provinsj 2692 tartomány

Russia ['rAja] 2247 Oroszország

Spain [spein] 2177 Spanyolország

Asia conta ns more than 60 per cent of the

world’s population.

The avenue was lined with brightly painted


They lived in a quiet borough in the north of the


California is a state in the USA that has many


Canada has two official languages, English and


Beijing is the capital of China.

Europe is one of the seven continents of the


Egypt is a country in North Africa.There are many signs of global climate change.

Hindi and English are the official languages of


The capital city of Iran is Tehran.

Iraq has the second highest oil reserve in the

world, after Saudi Arabia.

 Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

Korea is currently divided into two countries,North Korea and South Korea.

Her sons attend the local primary school.

More and more people travel overseas to find


Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan.

Poland entered the European Union in 2004.

The Province of Northern Ireland is the onlyprovince under British rule today.

Russia is the largest country in the world.

Spain shares borders with Portugal, France,

Andorra, Gibraltar and Morocco.

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territory ['teratri] 218O terület, körzet The country was split into three territories.

Vietnam [,vi:et'næm] 3991 Vietnam Vietnam is said to have a population of more

than 84 million.

3.02. Táj, éghajlat, időjárás ► Alapszókincs

air[ea] 583 levegő I needed to get some fresh air, so I went outside.

atmosphere [’aetmasfia] légkör Air pollution changes the characteristics of the

1998 earth’s atmosphere.

bank [baeqk] 452 folyópart, tópart,

árokpart; töltés

We walked for rriles across the sand banks.

channel ['tjaenl] 1778 csatorna The English Channel separates Great Britain from

the North of France.

cloud [klaud] 2469 felhő The sky was blue and there was not a cloud insight.

earth [3:0] 1148 a Föld, föld More than 70 per cent of the earth’s surface is

covered by water.

environment környezet Use your bags more than once to help protect the

[in'vaironmsnt] 783 environment.

environmental környezet, The government decided to take action against

[in.vairon'mentl] 1316 könyezeti pollution and environmental damage.

field [fi:ld] 549 mező, szántóföld The cows were grazing in the field.

forest [ ’forist] 1236 erdő There are wild animals to be found in the forest.

ground [graund] 504 föld, talaj The ground was very hard after the winter.

hill [hll] 1270 hegy The children took turns rolling down the hill.

hole [haul] 1474 lyuk, gödör The holes in the park were caused by animals.

ice [ais] 2311  jé g It became much colder, turning water to ice.

lake [leik] 1959 tó A lake is smaller than an ocean.

mountain ['mauntan] 1541 hegy Mount Everest is the world’s highest mountain.

natural ['nastfral] 606 természetes,


Coal is a natural resource.

pool [pud] 1826 tavacska, tó Walking in the forest, we found a small pool full

of crabs.

rain [rein] 1633 eső They went out in the rain and got wet.

river ['riva] 995 folyó The River Nile is the longest river in the world

and about 6670 km in length.

rock [rok] 1198 szikla, kőzet, kő Stones and rocks usually differ in size.

sea [si:] 818 tenger Ships travel on the sea.

sky [skai] 1830 ég, égbo lt The sky was blue with white clouds.

snow [snau] 2802 hó The children could not go to school until the

snow was cleared.


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star [sta:] 1121 csillag They were lying on their backs and looking up at

the stars.

stone [staun] 1011 kő The man threw a large stone through the


sun [sAn] 986 nap The sun is the earth’s primary source of energy.

temperature ['tempratja] hőmérséklet Temperature is normally measured in degrees.


urban ['3:ban] 1890 városi An urban area describes that of a city or town.

valley [’vaeli] 1943 völgy Wales is famous for its various valleys and hills.

water [‘waits] 262 víz Water is essential to human life.

wave [weiv] 1747 hullám The boat moved along on the waves of the sea.

weather ['we5a] 1773 időjárás While we were on holiday in Spain, the weather

was very warm.

wind [wind] 1311 szél Strong winds have blown down some trees.

world [w3:ld] 155 világ There are seven continents in the world.

3.02. Táj, éghajlat, időjárás ► Kiegészítő szókincs

bay [bei] 2464 öböl We saw the bright lights of the next town across

the bay.

beach [bi:tf] 2033 part We had lunch at the beach so we could play in

the ocean.

canal [ka'neel] 3055 csatorna He sat on a bench by the canal, watching the

water flow by.

Cliff [kllf] 3600 szikla, szirt,  Jenny’s mother warned her to be careful near the

kőszikla edge of the cliffs.

climate ['klaimat] 2765 klíma, éghajlat I could not live in Egypt - the climate is too hot.

coast [kaust] 2003 part We flew to Ireland and travelled along the west

coast by car.

conservation megőrzés Wildlife conservation is an important[.kDnsa'veiJn] 3138 environmental task.

countryside [‘kAntrisaid] vidék I have always wanted to build a large house in

2385 the countryside.

desert [‘dezat] 3504 sivatag A desert is an area which receives very little


fa rm ing ['faimiq] 3414 gazdálkodás,


Farming is an important economical factor.

flood [flAd] 4140 árvíz Floods are predicted for the south of England.

forecast ['fo:ka:st] 4144 előrejelzés It is going to rain tomorrow, according to the


to freeze [fri:z], froze, fagy The ground freezes when the weather becomes

frozen 3629 very cold in winter.

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geography [d3i'Dgrefi] földrajz


horizon [ha'raizn] 3906 horizont

island [‘ailand] 4210 sziget

isle [ail] 3426 sziget

landscape ['kendskeip] táj


marine Ima'riin] 3656 tenger, tengeri

moon [mu:n] 2787 hold

mud [niAd] 3661 sár

ocean [’aujn] 3171 óceán

oxygen ['oksicfesn] 3805 oxigén

pit Lpit] 3023 gödör, akna

planet ['ptem t] 3259 bolygó

pole [paul] 3119 sark(pont)

pollution [po'luijn] 2279 szennyezés,


pond [pDnd] 3447 tó, tavacska

resource [ri'sois] 891 készlet, erőforrás

rural ['roaral] 1650 vidéki

sand [saend] 2645 homok

shadow ['Jsedau] 2174 árnyék

to shine [Jain], shone, ragyog, fénylik

shone 3460

shore [Jo:] 3686 (tenger)part,


S l o p e [slsup] 3271 emelkedő, lejtő

soil [soil] 2059 talaj, föld

storm [sto:m] 3034 vihar

stream [striim] 2649 patak, folyam

I studied Geography at school.

We were sitting and watching the sun go down

below the horizon.

Malta is an island in the Mediterranean, which

used to be a British colony.

The Isle of Man is an island off the coast of


Scotland is characterised by its beautiful


Marine biology researches animals and plants in

the ocean.

There is a full moon tonight.

After playing football in the rain, the childrenwere covered in mud.

I want to discover what is at the bottom of the


Oxygen is a gas which is vital for human life.

The coal mine needs to open a new pit.

Venus and Mars are planets.

The North Pole is the most northerly point on


Air pollution has risen due to the large amount

of cars on the roads.

Susan has a lovely fish pond in her back garden.

Coal and oil are natural resources.

Rural areas are far away from large cities.

Walking across the beach, I could feel the sand

between my toes.

The sun shone through the trees, casting shadowsonto the grass.

The sun is shining in the wide blue sky.

We walked along the shore and the water covered

our feet.

The road was on a steep slope, which caused cars

to go faster.

The soil was very wet after so much rain.

People had to stay at home because the storm

was so bad.

At the end of the garden, there is a small stream.

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tide [taid] 3468 árapály (apály/


tropical ['tropikl] 3984 trópusi

universe ['ju:mv3:s] 3043 világegyetem,


Water reaches its highest level when the tide is


A lot of different fruits grow in tropical areas.

The universe refers to everything that exists,

including the stars and planets.

3.03. Növények és állatok ► Alapszókincs

animal ['aem m l] 725 állat

apple [ ’aepl] 2555 alma

bear [bea] 3864 medve

bird [b3:d] 1190 madár

branch [braintj] 1305 ág

cat [kaet] 1838 macska

chicken ['tjikin] 3130 tyúk, csirke

cow [kau] 3069 tehén

dog [dog] 915 kutya

duck [ d A k ] 3759 kacsa

egg [eg] 1669 tojás

fish [ f l f l 1062 hal

flower ['flaua] 1410 virág

fruit [fruit]1956 gyümölcs

to grow [grau], grew, növekszik, terem;

grown 586 termeszt

growing [‘grauiq] 1731 növekvő

growth [grauG] 863 növekedés,


horse [hois] 905 ló

human ['hjuiman] 615 emberi

leaf [liif], leaves i960 levél

lion ['laian] 3539 oroszlán

Many people do not like to think about hunting


She picked the apple off the tree and ate it.

There are not many bears here anymore.

Birds fly south in autumn because of cold

weather and a shortage of food.

Tree branches are often bare in autumn.

The cat caught all the mice on the farm.

People often wonder what came first - the

chicken or the egg.

The cow v/as white with black patches.

The dog chased the cat around the garden.

We were watching the ducks swim around in the


Every morning, the farmer collected eggs from

the hen house.

He put food in the water for the fish every


Paula received cards, chocolates and flowers for

her birthday.

To stay healthy, you should eat a lot of fruit and


Plants need water, light and air to grow.

Children in our school learn how to treat growing


Water is necessary to a plant’s growth.

A horse’s height is measured in hands.

The human body consists mainly of water.

Many trees lose their leaves in winter and start to

grow them again in spring.

A lion is a large wild cat that can run very fast.

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mouse [maos], mice 2966 egér We could not tell if it was a rat or a mouse living

in our garage.

nature ['neitja] 620 természet She has always wanted to live in the countryside,

surrounded by nature.

plant [plaint] 778 növény I bought Susie a plant with pink flowers for her


rabbit [’raebit] 3183 nyúl Her child has a pet rabbit named Fluffy.

species ['spiijKz], species faj There are many species of cat.


tree [tri:] 766 fa The children climbed the trees in the garden.

vegetable ['ved3tabl] 2989 zöldség Potatoes and green beans are vegetables.

wild [waild] i860 vad A wild dog was killing the sheep.

wing [wig] 1914 szárny The bird’s wing was injured and it could not fly.

wood [wud] 1573 erdő; fa(anyag) Yesterday, I took a long walk in the woods with

my dogs.

3.03. Növények és állatok ► Kiegészítő szókincs

beak [bi:k] 4052 csőr Eagles have very sharp beaks for killing prey.

bean [bi:n] 3863 bab Beans are a good source of protein.

breed [brird] 3727 fajta, tenyészet What breed is your dog? He is a Labrador.

breeding ['briidiq] 3728 tenyésztés He knows about horses because his dad has a

breeding company.

bUSh [buj] 3996 bokor We have a very large bush at the bottom of our


cattle ['kaetl] 3057 (szarvas)marha The cattle got into the neighbour’s farm.

core [ko:] 2516 csutka He finished eating and threw the apple core into

the bin.

cotton ['kDtn] 3305 gyapot, pamut The T-shirt was made of pure cotton.

creature ['kriitja] 2386 (élő)lény, teremt


The small creature hid under the rock.

cricket ['krikit] 2654 tücsök It was dark and the only thing to be heard was

the crickets.

crop [krop] 2771 termés Because of the heavy rain, the crops are not

turning out well this year.

eagle ['i:gl] 3889 sas Eagles are large birds that build their nests in

high trees.

feather ['feSa] 4136 toll Feathers are very good for keeping birds warm

and dry.

fur [f3l] 4148 bunda, prém Rabbit fur is incredibly soft to the touch.

grain [grern] 3328 (gabonajszem The grains of rice fell onto the floor.

grass [gra:s] 2152 fű The cows eat grass.

L .

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horn [ha:n] 4192 szarv, agancs

human ['hjuiman] 2679 ember, emberi


insect ['insekt] 3534 rovar

nest [nest] 3930 fészek

nut [n,\t] 4263 dió

oak [auk] 3803 tölgy

organic [oi'gaenik] 3552 organikus, bio-

palm [pa:m] 3807 pálma

pet [pet ] 3809 kedvenc, háziállat

pig [pig] 3174 malac, disznó

to plant [plaint] 3024 ültet, vet

potato [pa'teitau], burgonya

potatoes 3176

rat [raet] 3263 patkány

root [ruit] 2172 gyökér

rose [rauz] 2325 rózsa

seal [siil] 4438 fóka

seed [siid] 2742 (vető)mag

sheep [Ji:p], sheep 2851 birka, juh

shell [Jel] 2852 héj; kagyló

snake [sneik] 4302 kígyó

spider ['spaida] 4310 pók

stick [stik] 3111 gally, vessző, bot

tail [teil] 2748 farok

timber ['timbal 3112 fa, szálfa

wildlife ['waildlaif] 3709 vadvilág

wooden ['wudn] 2596 fa, fábó l készült

Deer are animals that have horns.

According to some scientists, this disease can be

fatal in humans.

I hate it when insects fly around my head.

Birds build nests to hold their eggs.

Lots of n jts are very healthy to eat.

We planted oak trees along all the streets.

She tries to eat organic foods because they do not

contain chemicals.

The sea was blue and the palm trees were

shaking gently in the wind.

I have always wanted to have a pet rat.

The large pig was lying there all day, covered in


The children planted some flower seeds in the


Potatoes grow in the ground.

Rats are small animals that are said to carry


The roots of the large oak tree were beginning to

break through the concrete.

The rose is the flower of love.

Seals are mammals that live by the sea and eat


I planted some flower seeds in a pot and hoped

that they would grow.

The sheep stayed in the field with the cows.

You shojld take the shell off before you eat the


Some srakes are poisonous.

Spiders aren’t insects but arachnids.

They used sticks of wood for the fire.

The dog wagged its tail with excitement.

He needed some timber and bricks to build a


There is a lot of wildlife in the local park, such as

birds ard ducks.

The wooden door was very heavy.

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4• Utazás és közlekedés

4.01. Útleírás és útbaigazítás ► Alapszókincs

about [a'baut] 207 körülbelül,


along [s 'Id ij] 1495 (végig vmi)


to arrive [a'raiv] 798 megérkezik,


away [a'wei] 263 távol(ra), messzi


close [klaos] 565 közel

direct [da'rektj 582 egyenes, közvet


direction [da'rekfn] 1032 irány

distance ['distans] 1427 távolság

down [daun] 105 le, lefelé; végig

to drive [draivj, drove,

driven 715

vezet, hajt

east [i:stj 890 kelet

eastern ['i:stan] 1726 keleti

everywhere ['evriweaj mindenhol,

2716 mindenhová

far [fa:] 158 messze, távol,

messzi, távoli

forward [ 'fo:wad] 832 előre, tovább

further ['f3:Sa] 784 távolabb, mesz-

szebb, azon túl

here [his] 124 itt

in [in] 163 -bán, -ben

left [left] 1170 bal, balra

map [maep] 1821 térkép

near [ma] 702 közel

north [no:0] 681 észak

The hotel is about five minutes away from the

town centre.

They were walking along the street, listening to

the music and taking in the sights.

The guests arrived at their hotel late in the


The beach was just ten minutes away from the


 John and Robin lived quite close to one another.

I would like to ta<e a direct flight to New York.

In which direction is the train station?

His house is with n walking distance from mine.

If you walk down the next street, you will find a

shop on the right-hand side.

We had been driving for three hours when we

realised we had left the suitcase behind.

Berlin was the former capital of East Germany.

Eastern and Western Germany were united in


She brings her children everywhere with her.

It was too far to walk, so we took the bus.

The policeman signalled the traffic to move


On the right, you will see the Parliament, and

further on is the Town Hall.

What’s happened? I’ve come here as quick as I


There is a festival going on in town at the


 Jean should have turned left at the last traffic

lights.We looked at a map of the world to decide what

route we would take in America.

She lives rather near to where she works.

It is rather cold in the north of Norway.

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■northern ['no:8an] 1588 északi

out [aut] 65 ki, kifelé, kinn

over ['auva] 160 át, keresztül, túl

post [paust] 1019 oszlop

to return [ri't3:n] 479 visszatér, vissza -

 jön, viszamegy

right [rait] 122  jobb, jobbra

sign [sain] 1058  je lzés je lz őtáb la

somewhere ['sAinwea]


valahol, valahová

south [sau0] 674 dél

southern [’sASan] 1858 déli

speed [spi:d] 1394 sebesség

straight [streit] 1232 egyenesen

there [Sea] 112 ott, oda

through [0ru;] 1173 keresztül, át

turn [t3:n] 1294 kanyar, kanyaro-


u p [ A p ] 54 fel, felfelé, fenn

way [wei] 89 út, irány, mód

west [west] 900 nyugat

western ['westan] 1132 nyugati

where [wea] 140 hol, hová

Lille is a city in northern France.

After the fire alarm sounded, everybody had to

get out of the building as quickly as possible.

Excuse me, is Hotel Hilton near here? - No, the

hotel is over on the other side of the city.

The drunk driver drove straight into a metal post

on the path.

He eventually returned home at midnight.

Turn right at the next street.

According to the sign, the nearest town is 20

miles away.

Somewhere in the distance, they heard a bird


The south of Spain has a very hot climate, it is

often over 40 degrees in summer.

There is a different accent in the southern part of

the country.

We were travelling at a speed of 65 miles per


Walk straight along this street and then go left at

the next traffic lights.

Brian needed to be there at two o’clock.

On Sunday, we walked through the old part of

the city.

Nate did not see the sign which said there was a

sharp turn ahead.

He looked up at the plane in the sky.

There are two ways of getting there but this way

is shorter.

In the west of the city, there are no trains.

The western side of the city was more expensive

to live in.

Do you know where the restaurant is?

4.01. Útleírás és útbaigazítás ► Kiegészítő szókincs

access ['aekses] 1114  megközelíthető- Access to the centre was extremely difficult

ség, (vhová because of the bad traffic,

vezető) út

across [a'kros] 2552 a túloldalon, át,


Across the street, there is an ice cream shop.

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anywhere ['eniwea] 2293 sehol, sehová,

bárhol, bárhová,

valahol, valahová

backwards ['baskwadz] v is szafe lé ),

3861 hátra(felé)

closer ['klausa] 3062 közelebb

distant [’distant] 2879 távoli, messzi

horizontal [.hDri'zontl] vízszintes


indicator [’indikeita] 3644 irányjelző, index

indirect [,mdo'rekt] 4201 nem egyenes,

nem közvetlen,


left [left] 2630 bal, balra, bal


nearby [.nia'bai] 3446 a közelben, közel

nowhere ['nauwea] 3252 sehol, sehova

over there [,auva 'Sea] ott, oda


sideways [ 'saidweiz] 4447 oldalra, oldalt,


track [traek] 1418 ösvény, földút

underneath [,Anda'ni:0] alatt, alá


upside down [.Apsaid fejjel lefelé,

'daun] 4377 fordítva

upwards [’Apwadz] 4378 felfelé

vertical ['v3:tikl] 3990 függőleges

wherever [wear'eva] 3377 bárhová, bárhol,

akárhová, akárhol

I cannot see you anywhere!

I took a step backwards to allow the old couple

to pass.

As we were driving, the lights of the city came

closer and closer.

Walking through the fields, he heard the distant

sound of music.

A horizontal line lies at 90 degrees to a vertical


The driver ahead turned off to the left, but forgot

to turn on his indicator.

We arrived late because we took an indirect


On your left, you can see one of the old gates

into the city.

We stopped at a restaurant nearby for something

to eat.

There was nowhere on this earth she preferred

more than home.

Look at the really big dog over there!

We had to move sideways so that we could get

past on the narrow path.

The house is at the very end of a dirt track.

I thought I had lost my gloves, but they were just

underneath my coat.

No wonder we are lost - the map is upside down!

If you look upwards, you will see planes flying


A 90-degree angle occurs at the point at which a

horizontal and a vertical line meet.

We can go wherever you want; anywhere is fine

with me.

4.02. Járművek ► Alapszókincs

aircraft ['eakraift], repülőgép Machines that fly in the air are types of aircraft,

aircraft 1662

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boat [baut] 1440 csónak, hajó The weather was good, so we decided to row a

boat on the river.

bus [bAS] 1534 busz The journey took four hours by bus, but just two

hours by train.

car [ka:] 272 autó  Josh parked his car in front of the university


driver ['draivaj 1363 sofőr The bus driver was talking to the tourists as he

was driving.

engine ['end3 in] 15 18 motor A car engine can either be in the front or rear of

the car, but it is usually in the front.

ra i lway ['reilwei] 1228 vasút Michael’s favourite activity was building model


Ship [Jipl 1505 hajó The passengers boarded the ship an hour before

it was due to leave the harbour.

t ra in [trein] 1324 vonat They travelled by train to Poland as it was much

cheaper than flying.

t ransport ['trænspo:t] 1344 közlekedés;


The government is encouraging people to use

public transport as it causes less pollution.

vehicle ['viiakl] 1465  jármű Cars are the only vehicles allowed on this road.

4.02. Járművek ► Kiegészítő szókincs

bike [baikj 3295 bicikli She has bought a second-hand bike from her


carriage ['k£erid3 j 3213 vagon, kocsi They went into the next carriage on the train as it

was a ncn-smoking carriage.

carrier ['kaeria] 3732 fuvarozó, szállító,


A carrier sank in the Atlantic Ocean on Monday.

coach [kautj] 2505 távolsági busz A coach is another word for a tourist bus.

crew [kru:J 2346 legénység,


Fortunately, none of the passengers and the crew

were seriously injured in the accident.

fleet [fli:t] 3520 flotta The soldiers heard that a fleet of warships was

headed straight for the bay.

fuel ['fju:al] 2079 üzemanyag,


Examples of natural fuel are wood, coal, and oil.

gear [gia] 3526 sebesség(fokozat) I find changing gears difficult.

 jet [d3et] 3921 sugárhajtású,(repülő)gép

They flew from Berlin to New York in a jet.

lorry ['tori] 3653 teherautó Her father was a lorry driver, who delivered oil to

homes all over the country.

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motor ['mauta] 2049 hajtóm ű, motor,


motorcycle [ 'maotasaikl ] motorkerékpár


passenger ['paesind3a] utas


plane [plein] 2170 repülőgép

to sail [seil] 3031 siklik, megy

(hajó), vitorlázik,


to steer [stiaj 4318 kormányoz

taxi [ ‘taeksi] 3466 taxi

traveller ['trava la ] 3195 utazó

truck [trAk] 3843 kamion, teherau-

tyre ['taia] 4356 autógumi,


to unload [.An'laud] 4230 kipakol, kirakodik

van [vaen] 3198 furgon

vessel [ ’vesl] 2929 hajó

wheel [w i: l] 2333 kerék

4.03. Közlekedés ► Alapszókincs

to cross [kro s ] 1499 á t k e l, á tm e g y

drive [ d r a i v ] 1866 a u t ó z á s , k o c s i k á -

z á s

flight [ f la i t ] 1623 ( r e p ü l ő j j a r a t ,  

r e p ü l é s

 journey [ 'd33:ni] 1820 u t a z á s , ú t

passage [ 'paesid3 j 1932 f o l y o s ó ; á t j á r ó

path [pa:0] 1414 ö s v én y , g y a l o g ú t

road [ r a u d ] 316 ú t

They had to pull the boat’s motor out of the

water as it was having trouble.

My mum will not let me buy a motorcycle.

The last two passengers boarded the plane.

The plane was delayed by six hours due to the

bad weather.

The ship was sailing to India.

Modern cars are easier to steer than old ones.

They took a taxi because it was too far to walk.

The traveller was very tired from the long


The truck driver had already been driving for six

hours and decided to stop for a break.

You should always carry a spare tyre with you.

Can you help me to unload the shopping?

The delivery van brought the food to our house.

If an oil vessel was to sink at sea, it would havebad environmental effects.

He went to a special shop to get a new wheel

after the accident.

They waited for the green light and then crossed

the street.

On Sundays, they usually go for a drive.

The flight was cancelled due to bad weather.

 John was listenirg to music to help pass the time

during the long journey.

The secret passage behind the book case leads to

a hidden room.

We followed the path up to the front door of the


It was a Friday evening and that meant there

would be a lot of traffic on the roads.

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route [ru:t] 1392 útvonal

to Stop [stDp] 398 megáll

street [strut] 422 utca

ticket ['tikit] 2062  je gy

tourftua] 1570 körséta, túra,



traffic ['traefik] 1572 forgalom

to travel ['traevl] 1282 utazik

4.03. Közlekedés ► Kiegészítő szókincs

airline ['ealain] 3590 légitársaság

airport ['eapo:t] 2657 repülőtér

arrival [a'raivl] 2420 érkezés

barrier ['baeris] 2761 korlát, sorompó,


to block [b bk ] 2999 eltorlaszol, elzár,


charter ['tfcuta] 3129 különjárat

crash [k ra j] 3306 ütközés, baleset,

gép lezuhanása

customs ['kAStamz] 4082 vám

departure [di'paitja] 300i) indulás, induló


dock [dDk] 3612 kikötő, dokk,


to flash [flief] 4138 felvillant, villogtat

to get off [.get 'of], got, leszáll

got 4160

to get on [,get 'Dn], got, felszáll

got 4159

She asked a man about the quickest route to the


He stopped at the traffic lights and waited for

them tc change to green.

The streets were lined with people after the


The corductor asked the passengers to show

their tickets.

After dropping their bags at the hotel, they did a

walking tour of the city.

There was a festival going on in the town and the

traffic was very heavy.

After she finishes university, she wants to travel

abroad for a year.

The airline decided to serve meals only during

evening flights.

Please, be at the airport two hours before flying.

He was picked up immediately upon his arrival at

the airport.

The passengers needed to show their tickets

before they could pass through the barrier.

Two large security guards were blocking further

entrance into the concert hall.

They paid more to book a charter flight to Spain.

A major crash between a car and a truck occurred

at six o'clock this evening.

You have to declare goods when you go through


There are several daily departures from Dublin to


The passengers waited on the dock beforeboarding the ship.

He flashed his lights to let the other driver pull


I am looking forward to getting off this ship and

standing on firm land.

Be careful of the step when you get on the bus.

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harbour ['ha:ba] 3635 kikötő

highway ['haiwei] 4186 autópálya, autóút

 junction ['d3Aijkfn] 3246 kereszteződés

to land [laend] 2436 föld et ér, landol,

par tot ér, kiköt

landing ['lasndu]] 3648 leszállás, lando-

lás, partraszállás

lane [lein] 1903 keskeny út, átjáró,


luggage ['lAgid3] 4237 csomag, poggyász

mobile ['maubail] 4250 mobilis, m ozgé -


to park [pa:k] 3808 parkol

passport [ 'paispoit] 4277 útlevél

pavement ['peivmant]



platform ['plastfoim] 2639 peron

port [po:t] 2319 kikötő

rail [re il] 2129 sín

ride [raid] 3683 kocsikázás; út,


signal ['signal] 2131  jelzés, jel

travel ['traevl] 2374 utazás

tunnel ['tAnl] 2926 alagút

There were many small fishing harbours along

the coast.

Driving on the highway can be scary.

You should always slow down when you are

approaching a junction.

As the plane landed, people gathered their bags.

The pilot was forced to make an emergency

landing due to lack of fuel.

The lane leading to the farm was rough and


The left-luggage lockers are over there.

My grandparents are not very mobile; they very

rarely visit us.

Every day, she parked the car in front of her

office block.

Don’t forget the passports!

Pavements are for people who are walking, not

for cars.

She arrived at the station to see her family

waiting for her on the platform.

When I was young, I would sit and watch theships coming into the port.

The train came off the rails, but luckily, nobody

was badly injured.

Martin took us for a ride in his new car.

The policeman raised his hand, giving the drivers

a signal to stop.

Air travel to overseas destinations has increasedconsiderably.

It was very dark in the tunnel.

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5. Ellátás

5.01. Vásárlás, eladás, birtoklás ► Alapszókincs

to buy [bai], bought, megvesz

bought 387

consumer [kan'sjuima] fogyasztó


due [dju:] 1429 esedékes

expenditure kiadás

[ik'spenditfa] 1785

her [h3:] 44 az ő (nőnemű)


his [hiz] 26 az ő (hímnem ű)


its [its] 61 az ő (semleges

nemű) vmije

loan [bun] 1606 kölcsön

my [mai] 64 az én vmim

to obtain [ab'tein] 897 szerez, elér, kap

our['aua] 98 a mi vmink

to own [aun] 1608 birtokol, a

tulajdonában van

owner ['auna] 1289 tulajdonos

to pay [pei], paid, paid 252 fizet

payment [’pennant] 1129 (ki)fizetés

personal ['p3:sanl] 540 személyes, saját

private [’praivat] 649 magán, privát

property ['propati] 666 tulajdon, vagyon,


sale Tseil] 579 vásár, kiárusítás

to sell [sel], sold, sold 513 elad, árul

shopping ['jDpiq] 2913 bevásárlás

He wanted to buy the suit but knew he couldn’tafford it.

The market managers considered new ways to

help consumers.

The payment was due a week ago.

The new government budget meant that they

were cutting expenditure and raising taxes.

Look at her silver necklace. Isn’t it beautiful?

Have you seen his new car?

The dog ouried its bone in the back garden.

Carl took out a loan from the bank to buy his

new car.

I asked him over to my house for coffee.

The workers continued their struggle to obtain

better salaries.

We spend most of our time on holiday at the


The couple paid off their mortgage and now

officially own their house.

The owner insured the building against fire.

I paid for the shopping with my credit card.

The company issued a letter requesting payment

for the goods.

All of his personal belongings have been stolen

from his car.

The private office was meant only for the


You are not allowed on this property.

Usually, the winter sales take place after


She decided to sell her old car and buy a new


Nuria usually did her shopping early in themorning.

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to spend [spend], spent, (el)költ Adrian gave up smoking because he wanted to

spent 475 spend his money on other things, such as clothes.

their [Sea] 38 az ő vmijük Their house is the largest house in the


whose [hu:z] 558 aki(k)nek a 1talked to the man whose dog had run away.

your [jo:] 69 a te vmid, a ti I’m afraid your bicycle has been stolen.


5.01. Vásárlás, eladás, birtoklás ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to acquire [a'kwaia] 1533 megszerez The gallery has acquired some valuable


acquisition [.aekwi'zijn] megszerzés, The acquisition of assets is important for the

2655 beszerzés, vétel success of a company.

to advertise ['asdvataiz] reklámoz, hirdet, We should advertise if we want people to apply

3997 hirdetést tesz


for the job.

advertisement [ad'v3: reklám, hirdetés Recently, more and more famous people have

tismant] 3385 started appearing in advertisements.

advertising [ 'asdvataizii]] reklámozás, The soft drink company spent huge amounts of 

2291 hirdetés money on advertising to raise sales.

bargain ['ba:gin] 4024 alkalmi vétel Do you like my new jumper? It was a bargain.

to borrow ['bnrau] 2762 kölcsönöz, I needed a diet onary for my test, so I borrowed

kölcsönkér one from my friend.

buyer [ ’baia] 2191 vevő, vásárló The buyer of the car did not realise it had a

broken door.

to consume [kan'sju:m] fogyaszt Experts are worried that children do not consume

3741 enough fruit and vegetables.

consumption fogyasztás The consumption of alcohol at that age is not

[kan'sAmpJn] 2665 allowed.

to give away [,giv a'wei], ajándékba ad These CDs are so cheap, they are almost giving

gave, given 4161 them away.

guarantee [.gasran'ti:]  jótá llás , garancia The camera broke just after the guarantee had

3418 run out.

hers [h3:z] 3155 az övé, az övéi

(nőnemű szemé-


 Jane took the book home thinking it was hers.

his [híz] 2013 az övé, az övéi



Can you see that red car? It’s his.

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holder ['haulda] 2310 birtokos, tulajdo-


import ['impo:t] 2889 import

mine [main] 2123 az enyém, azenyéim

ownership ['aunajip] 2793 birtoklás,


to possess [pa'zes] 2280 rendelkezik

vmivel, birtokol


possession [pa'zejn] 2490 tulajdon

premium [’priimiam] 3813 biztos ítási díj;

felár, prémium

privilege ['pr ivai^] 3179 kiváltság

purchase ['p3:tf3s] 2403 vásárlás, véte l

purchaser [’p3:tjasa] 3262 vásárló, vevő

receipt [ri'siit] 3817 nyugta, elismer-


retail ['ri:teil] 3682 kiskereskedelem

seller ['seb ] 3269 árusító, eladó

theirs [9eaz] 4344 az ő vmijük

vendor ['vends] 3279 (utca i) árus

yours [joiz] 2290 a tied, a tieid

Only ticket holders were allowed into the concert.

America and China are currently the European

Union’s largest import sources.

Who owns this skirt? - It’s mine!

Home ownership has decreased in recent years

due to increasing interest rates.

It’s awful; he doesn’t possess one single history


When she died, she left all her jewellery in her

granddaughter’s possession.

His insurance premium changed because he had

had an accident the previous year.

Our company gives special privileges to its good


This product should be consumed within 72

hours, or frozen on the day of purchase.

Because of its location, they found a purchaser

for the house almost immediately.

After paying for her food, she was handed a


I worked in the clothing retail industry.

They offered the seller a large sum for the house.

Do you remember the Smiths? This house is


On the main street, there are many fruit and

vegetable vendors selling their products.

I took your book home with me by mistake; I

didn’t realise it was yours.

5.02. Árak és pénzforgalom ► Alapszókincs

to afford [s'foidj 1863

bank [bæqk] 449

bill [bil] 945

capital ['kæ pitl] 829

megengedheti They bought a small car because they couldn’t

magának afford a larger one.

bank He decided to put his money in a different bank,

számla When they finished their meal, they called for the


alaptőke When starting a business, the owners usually

invest a large sum of money, called capital.

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cash [kasf] 1335 készpénz The secretary put the cash into an envelope and

took it to the bank.

cheap [tjnp] 1535 olcsó We decided to fly to Barcelona for a holiday

because the flights were so cheap.

cost [kDStJ 378 költség, ár Petrol costs have increased due to rising oil


credit [ 'kredit] 1400 hitel Luckily, the store gave him credit so he could pay

for the goods at a later date.

dollar ['dob] 2477 dollár The dollar is the unit of currency in America.

euro ['juarau] 4125 euró The euro is the currency in the majority of EU


expensive [ ik'spensiv] drága She chose the most expensive diamond ring in

1730 the shop.

fee [fi:] 1758 fizetend ő díj The students protested against the increase incollege fees.

to gain [gein] 1251 nyer, szerez, keres The aim of the association was to help people

rather than gain profit.

income ['inkAm ] 842  jövedelem The average household income has rapidly

increased over the last couple of years.

money fm A ni] 260 pénz He ordered the employee to hand over the


pound [paund] 609 font In Great Britain, the currency is the Britishpound.

price [prais] 375 ár The company lowered their prices to increase


rich [ritf] 1381 gazdag His family lives in a nice house in the rich part of


value ['vaelju:] 409 érték The drugs seized were said to have an estimated

street value of one million dollars.

5.02. Árak és pénzforgalom ► Kiegészítő szókincs

asset [’æset] 1616 vagyon(tárgy) Liquid assets are things in a company which can

easily be turned into money.

banking ['baeijkiq] 3484 bankügylet Nowadays, more and more people are doing

their banking on their computers.

cent [sent] 4063 cent How many cents are there in a euro?

cheque [tfek] 2872 csekk The manager signed a cheque to the value of onethousand pounds.

coin [koin] 3064 pénzérme He handed the employee all the coins in his


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credit card ['kredit ka:d] hitelkártya


currency [‘kArsnsi] 2229 pénznem

deposit [di'pDzit] 2517 letét, betét,


discount ['diskaunt] 3225 árengedmény

dividend ['dividend] 3144 osztalék

equity ['ekwati] 3410 saját tőke

expense [ik'spens] 2078 költség, kiadás

fortune [’fo:tJu:n] 2780 vagyon

gain [gein] 2525 nyereség, haszon

holding ['hsuldti]] 3905 vagyonrész, része-


monetary ['mAnitri] 2965 pénzügyi, pénz

penny [peni], pence 4280 penny

to price [prais] 3948 becsül, értékel

saving r'seivii]] 2327 megtakarítás

shareholder ['Jeshaolda] részvényes


spending ['spendii]] 2497 költekezés

tip [tip] 2810 borravaló

valuable [Vieljuabl] 2417 értékes

to value [VcElju:] 3849 megbecsül,


wealth [wel0] 2459 gazdagság,

 jómód, vagyon

withdrawal [wiQ'droial] kivét, pénzfelvéte l


worth [w3:0] 3586 vmilyen értékű

Credit cards are useful when buying expensive


The currency in the USA is the US dollar.

She mace a deposit of 5000 dollars into her


Students received a discount on their purchases.

Dividends were paid out to the company

shareholders annually.

She sold her equity in the company this year.

The company was trying to keep expenses to a


The woman with the large diamond married a

man of great fortune.

The company made a monthly net gain of 2000

dollars, despite cutting product prices.

The owner had a 55 per cent holding in the


The monetary unit in the USA is the dollar.

There are 100 pence in a pound.

The house is priced at 400,000.

The couple put the money into a savings account.

Most directors are shareholders in their company.

The budget was lowered because of over-


After paying the bill, they left the waiter a small


Gold is a valuable substance.

The insurance company valued the damage at

five thousand pounds.

His father was a man of great wealth and owned

a lot of property.

I need to make a withdrawal from my bank

account before I can pay you back.

The house was estimated to be worth ten

thousand dollars.

5.03. Üzleti élet ► Alapszókincs

business ['biznas] 238 üzlet, üzleti ügy The company carried out a lót of business


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client ['klaisnt] 1021 ügyfél, kliens

to close [kbuz] 1 2 1 bezár

commercial [k3'm3:Jl] kereskedelmi


company ['kAmpani] 162 vállalat

customer ['kAStsms] 991 vásárló, ügyfél

to deal [di:l], dealt, dealt foglalkozik vm ivel


debt fdet] 1458 adósság

to deliver [di'liva] 1603 kézbesít

enterprise ['entapraiz] vállalkozás


exchange [iks'tjeind3] csere, váltás,

1206 valuta

to lend [lend], lent, lent kölcsönad


to manage [ 'mæmd3j 854 igazgat, vezet,


management igazgatás,

['mænidsmantj 494 vezetés, veze tőség

to open ['supsnj 448 nyit

to produce [pre'djuis] 33 előállít, gyárt,

készít, termel

product ['prodAktJ 500 termék, készít-


profit ['profit] 1001 nyereség, profit,


shop [[Dp] 723 bolt, üzlet

to shut [J"At] 1939 becsuk, bezá r

store [sto:] 1743 áruház, bolt;

üzlet, raktár

supermarket bevásárlóközpont

f'suipamaikit] 4329

trade [treid] 538 kereskedelem

Mr. Jones took the client to lunch to discuss


By the time we got to the supermarket, it had

already closed.

Christmas has turned into a commercial event

that helps the economy.

He works for a major computer company.

Mrs. Jones is one of the regular customers at that


The customer service section deals with customer


He had not paid for long so his debt was quite


The postman delivered the package on Monday


A commercial enterprise is a business that will

earn money.

Where can I find the best rate of exchange?

I lent her my book because she did not have one.

Sara agreed to manage the retail section of the


Good management is essential to a successful


I opened a new savings account at the bank last


My brother works for a company that produces

computer parts.

Milk and cheese are products sold by thatcompany.

The company made 5 per cent profit in its first

year of business.

The shop was open seven days a week.

Please, shut the door; it is cold out there.

The couple planned to go to the furniture store

on Sunday.

Nowadays, there is very little that you cannot getat a supermarket.

China carries out a lot of trade with America.

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   E   l   l   á   t   á  s 5.03. Üzleti élet ► Kiegészítő szókincs

assurance [a'Jusrons] 3206 határo zott ígéret,

garancia, biztosí-


brand [braend] 3488 márka

corporation [,ko:pa'rei|n] társaság, vállalat,

1144 részvénytársaság

counter ['kaunts] 3605 pult

creditor ['kredita] 3606 hitelező

delivery [di'hvori] 2301 házhoz szállítás,


developing [di'velapiq] fejlődő


to distribute [di 'stribju:t] szétoszt, eloszt


distribution eloszlás, elosztás

[.distri'bjuijn] 1580

drugstore ['drAgsto:] 4109 drogéria, gyógy-


to expand [ik'spænd] 2268 terjeszkedik,


expansion [ik'spæ njn] terjedés, növeke-

2478 dés

grocery ['grausari] 4175 élelmiszerbolt

managing ['mæmd3 ii]] ügyvezető


merchant [ 'rrmjont] 2896 kereskedő

partnership ['pa:tnoJip] társulás, partner -

2278 ség

stock [stok] 1213 árukészlet

to store [sto:] 2699 tárol, raktároz

supplier [so 'plaia ] 2746 szállító, szállítmá-


supply [sa'p lai] 1172 készlet

to trade [treid ] 3039 kereskedik

Assurance was given to Lisa that everything

would end well.

Stores often have their own brand of product,

which are cheaper.

She is head of a corporation that does business


The cigarettes were kept behind the counter so

that children could not reach them.

The firm could not pay its creditors and had toborrow money.

Delivery to customers in the area is free.

India’s economy is a developing one, though it is

not as sophisticated as that of the USA.

The oil company distributes home heating oil to

homes across the country.

Many countries are said to have an unfair

distribution of wealth.

The drugstore on the corner is open on Sundays.

The company is expected to expand over the next

few years.

There has been a rapid expansion in Internet use

across the world.

You car buy vegetables, fruit and milk in a


He was recently promoted to managing director

of the company.

He was a merchant who traded large amounts of

wine with other countries.

A partnership exists when a company is owned

by two or more people.

All stock on the shelves was damaged in the fire.

They stored the extra food on the shelf.

The secretary called the supplier to order more


The manager checked the supply in the store and

ordered more.

The company trades in tea and coffee.

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trading ['treidiq] 2414 kereskedés,


Information trading is big business.

transaction [træn'zækjn] üzletkötés, The employee finished the transaction and

2218  tranzakció handed the customer a receipt.

5.04. Ruházat és kiegészítők ► Alapszókincs

bag [bæg] 1421 táska, retikül,


case [keis] 147 táska

coat [ksut] 2262 kabát

clothes [kbuQz] 1457 ruha

crown [kraun] 1900 korona

dress [dres] 2037 ruha

io dress [dres] 1814 felöltözik,


fashion ['faejn] 2010 divat

hat [haet] 2355 kalap, sapka

 jeans [d3i:nz] 4213 farmer

look [lok] 920 külső, megjele

nés, divat

shirt [J3:t] 2548 ing

skirt [sk3:t] 3689 szoknya

shoe [Ju:] 2058 cipő

pocket ['pDklt] 1934 zseb

ring [rig] 1945 gyűrű

trousers ['trauzszj 3114 nadrág

umbrella [Am'breb] 4365 esernyő

watch [wotj] 2750 karóra

to wear [wesj, wore,

worn 754

visel, hord

She was carrying a green bag which matched her


She packed her case and took the next flight


Her mother told her to wear a warm coat as it

was very cold outside.

He had lost so much weight that his clothes no

longer fitted him.

The king wore a crown of gold.

She looks great in her new dress.

She showered, dressed and went straight to work.

She is always dressed in the latest fashion.

He put on his hat to keep his head warm.

Both old and young people wear jeans.

New looks come into fashion every season.

He ironed his shirt before going to work.

Miniskirts were very popular in the sixties.

He ran so much that he often had to buy new


Martin searched his pockets for change.

Her wedding ring was gold with a large diamond.

Luke was wearing a blue shirt and black trousers

to the interview.

I always forget to bring my umbrella.

Mandy looked at her watch to check the time.

What should I wear to my job interview?

5.04. Ruházat és kiegészítők ► Kiegészítő szókincs

belt [belt] 2998 öv Dave’s trousers were too big so he was wearing a


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boot [bu:t] 2296 csizma

button ['bAtn J 3054 gomb

cap [kaep] 3056 sapka

clothing ['klsuQiq] 3495 öltözet, ruházat

designer [d i'za ina ] 2877 tervező

to equip [ 1 'kw ip ] 3763 felszerel

fabric [ 'fe br ik j 2883 szövet, anyag

fashionable ['fasjnabl] divatos


fibre ['faibaj 3323 szál, rost

to fold [fa uld] 4143 hajt, hajtogat,


glove [g U v ] 4154 kesztyű

 jacket ['dsaekit] 2531 kabát, zakó,


 jewellery [ ’d3u:alri] 4215 ékszer

label ['le ib l] 2891 cím ke

leather f'le Sa ] 3087 bőr

needle ['niidl] 3353 tű

old-fashioned régimódi

[.auld'fasjsnd] 4267

pants [pan ts ] 4275 nadrág

pin [p in ] 4288 kitűző, bross

to put sth on [,put 'on], felvesz, felölt

put, put 4407

to sew [sau], sewed, va rr

sewn/sewed 4441

Silk [Silk] 3270 selyem

sleeve [sli:v] 4453 ( ruha)uj j

SOCk [sDk] 4304 zokni

suit [suit] 2412 ö ltöny

sweater ['sweta] 4333 pulóver

to take sth off [,te ik 'Df], le vesz

took, taken 4340

She bought new leather boots for winter.

Be careful, the button is falling off your pants.

On bright days, Adam wore a cap on his head.

Work clothing must be worn on site at all times.

Designers display their newest trends at fashion


Police were equipped with weapons.

Silk ard wool are types of fabric.

He has never wanted to be fashionable.

Cotton is made from natural fibres.

 Jane carefully folded her clothes before putting

them away.

Oh, I think I have left my gloves in the bus.

She looked around but could not find her jacket


My wife loves getting jewellery for her birthday.

It said on the label to wash dark colours


The leather jacket in the window was priced at

300 dollars.

She needed a needle and thread to mend the


Some might say I am old-fashioned.

Pants is what Americans call trousers.

That’s a very pretty pin you have there.

Put something on and go outside.

Knowing how to sew is a useful skill.

The queen was wearing a blue silk dress to the


My son has grown so much that the sleeves of his

shirts are too short.

Socks often disappear in the wash.

The men were wearing matching suits to the

wedd ng.

Bring a sweater as it will be cold later on.

It is so hot in here; I think I will take off my


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tie [tai] 2749

underwear ['Andawes]


uniform ['ju:nifo:mJ 3703 

wallet ['wolit] 4385

wool [wul] 3992





tárca, pénztárca


Since he had to wear a tie to work, he got a tie

every Christmas.

I often give my husband underwear on his


Most British pup Is have to wear a uniform.

Mark checked his wallet to see how much cashhe had with him.

She knitted a blue wool sweater for her daughter.

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M 6* Test és egészségi/i



6.01. Test ► Alapszókincs

arm [aim] 544 kar She pulled on his arm to signal that she wanted

to leave.

back [baek] 515 hát After he lifted the heavy box, his back would not

stop hurting.

blood [bUd] 1090 vér The government encourages people to give blood


bloody ['bUdi] 1894 véres He had a bloody nose after the fight.

body f'bodi] 302 test Keep your body fit by eating well and exercising.

brain [brein] 1780 agy Einstein’s brain has been kept for study.

breath [bre0] 1895 lélegzet, lehelet Her breath smelled bad because she had not

brushed her teeth.

ear [is] 1725 fül He whispered something into his wife’s ear.

eye [ai] 240 szem She cannot see well in class, so we are taking her

to get her eyes checked.

fat [fast] 3516 kövér She was quite fat, but she lost a lot of weight by


face [feis] 312 arc Her face showed that she was not happy abouthis decision.

finger ['fiijga] 1234 ujj She wears a ring on each of her fingers.

foot [fut], feet 509 láb, lábfej Since he had surgery on his foot, he has had to

wear special shoes.

hair [hea] 742 haj She cu: her hair really short.

hand [haend] 177 kéz The couple walked through the park, holding


head [hed] 232 fej He was so tall that, coming into the house, he hithis head.

heart [ha:t] 732 szív The baby was born with a hole in its heart.

leg [leg] 959 láb, lábszár The runner pulled a muscle in her leg during


lip [lip] 1587 ajak She kissed him on the lips.

mouth [mau9] 1128 száj He was punched in the mouth during the fight.

neck [nek] 1706 nyak She was wearing silver jewellery around her neck.

nose [nauz] 2052 orr He handed her a tissue to blow her nose.

physical ['fizikl] 989 test-, testi, fizikai It is important for students to get physical

exercise to lower stress.

shoulder ['faulds] 1279 váll She was unable to carry a bag after hurting her


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skin [skin] 1438 bőr As she was lying on the beach, she could feel the

sun on her skin.

tired ['taiad] 2373 fáradt She went to bed early because she was tired.

to sleep [slirp], slept, alszik The child slept quietly in her bed.

Slept 1548

tooth [tu:0], teeth 1887 fog She needs to eat less candy to take care of herteeth.

voice [vois] 539 hang The teacher’s voice could be heard from the hall.

6.01. Test ► Kiegészítő szókincs

alive [a'laiv] 2224 életben van, élő, The parents were glad to hear that their daughter

eleven was alive and well.

ankle [’aeqkl] 4008 boka It is very easy to twist an ankle when walking inthe mountains.

asleep [a'sliip] 3125 álomban lévő, The parents checked on their baby while it was

alvó asleep.

awake [a'weik] 4016 ébren lévő, éber I was awake for hours yesterday reading this


bare [bea] 3292 csupasz, meztelen Her mother gave her a sweater to cover her bare


beard [biad] 4053 szakáll My brother warts to grow a beard.

biology [bai'Dbd3i] 4033 biológia Biology was my least favourite subject at school.

bone [bsun] 2067 csont She has lost so much weight that you can now

see her bones.

breast [brest] 2869 mell The shirt was blue with two breast pockets.

to breathe [bri:5] 2558 lélegzik When you exercise, you breathe faster.

cheek [tfi:k] 2561 arc, orca The baby had fat cheeks.

chest [tjest] 2341 mellkas If you have pain in your chest, you may be having

heart problems.

chin [tfin] 4004 áll He took hold oi my chin and kissed me.

elbow ['elbau] 4114 könyök My elbow hurts from playing so much tennis.

flesh [flej] 3149 hús His flesh was badly burned in the fire.

gene [d3 i:n] 2270 gén Illnesses can be passed down in your genes.

gesture ['dsestfa] 3016 gesztus, kézm oz-


The policeman gave the gesture to drive on.

heel [hid] 3637 sarok Your heel is at the back of your foot.

hip [hip] 3778 csípő Often when older people fall, they break theirhips.

 joint [d33int] 1626 ízület Arthritis is a condition which affects the joints.

knee [ni:] 2118 térd The child fell and cut her knee.

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lung [Iaj j ] 3925 tüdő

muscle fmAsl] 2439 izom

nail [neil] 3662 köröm

nerve [n3:v] 3169 ideg

organ [’o:gan] 3254 szerv

organism ['oiganizam] szervezet


palm [pa:m] 3853 tenyér

to shave [Jeiv] 4443 borotválkozik

sleep [sli:p] 2410 alvás

stomach ['stAmak] 2804 gyomor, has

to sweat [swetj 4332 izzad

throat [Graut] 2594 torok

thumb [Sa id ] 4351 hüvelykujj

toe [tau] 4357 lábujj

tongue [tAIj] 2987 nyelv

waist [weist] 4383 derék

to wake [weik], woke, ébred

woken 2332

wrist [rist] 4396 csukló

to yawn [join] 4397 ásít

Smoking can cause lung cancer.

Malcom’s muscles hurt after exercising.

She broke her nail while she was trying to open

the door.

The tooth was black because its nerves were

dead.The lungs and heart are vital organs of the body.

Not all organisms have the same kind of cells.

Some people say that your future can be seen in

the palm of your hand.

I wish my boyfriend would shave more often.

You are supposed to get eight hours of sleep per

night.After eating so much food, her stomach started to


Cycling in the summer really makes me sweat.

She drank tea to help her sore throat.

A frienc hit her thumb with a hammer the other


I love going barefoot and being able to wiggle my

toes.The rude child stuck his tongue out at his


My sister has a very slim waist.

She woke up in the middle of the night because

she was hungry.

The wrist is the joint between your arm and


The meeting today was so boring I could not stopyawning.

6.02. Egészség és betegség ► Alapszókincs

dean [kli:n] 1918 tiszta It is vital that hospitals are kept clean.

dead [ded] 992 halott Police covered the dead body.

death [de0] 465 holt The funeral took place two days after the death.

to die [dai] 488 meghal My grandfather died when 1was 10 years old.disease [di'zi:z] 1044 betegség That disease affects memory, speech, movement

and the ability to think clearly.

health [hel0] 415 egészség On her birthday, I wished Susan another year of

health, wealth, and happiness.

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healthy ['helGi] 2356 egészséges Exercise and a good diet is essential for a healthy


ill [il] 2115 beteg She took a day off work because she was feeling


life [laif], lives 138 élet He was Dutch but had spent most of his life in


tO live [liv] 294 él Women live longer than men.

pain [pein] 1320 fájdalom The child complained of pain in her stomach.

rest [rest] 797 pihenés, nyuga- The patient was told to drink lots of water and

lom get plenty of rest.

to suffer ['sAfa(r)] 932 szenved The famous man suffered from depression.

to survive [sa'va iv ] 1481 túlél Doctors said he was lucky to have survived the


vital ['vaitl] 1975 létfontosságú,


The heart is a vital organ of the body.

6.02. Egészség és betegség ► Kiegészítő szókincs

alcoholic [.aelka'hDlik] alkoholista My grandfather was an alcoholic but managed to

4039 overcome it.

blind tblaind] 3053 vak He was not always blind; he could see when he

was younger.

cancer ['kaensa] 2068 rák Scientists are researching cancer in the hope of

finding a cure.

cigarette [.siga'ret] 2515 cigaretta They say that every single cigarette does damage.

to collapse [ka'keps] 3216 elájul, összeesik The pregnant woman collapsed due to the heat.

to cough [kof] 4073 köhög The baby next door has been coughing all night.

depression [di'prejn] 3223 depresszió People with depression should seek professionalhelp.

disability [.disa'bilati] nehézség, zavar My daughter has a learning disability.


disabled [dis'eibld] 2775 mozgássérült,


Disabled drivers may park near the door.

drunk [drAqk] 4111 részeg, ittas Driving when you are drunk is very irresponsible.

to ease [i:z] 3227 csillapít, enyhít The medicine helped to ease her headache.

faint [feint] 3766 gyenge, erőtlen He said he felt faint from lack of sleep.fever ['fi:va] 4137 láz My daughter has a terrible fever so I cannot go to

work today.

fit fflt] 2675 egészséges, fitt He runs twice a week to keep fit.

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  e  g   é  s  z  s   é  g flu [flu:] 4142 influenza

funeral [’fjuinaral] 3152 temetés

gastric ['gasstrik] 3524 gyomor, emész-


genetic [d3a'netik] 3900 genetikai

grave [greiv] 3776 sír

harm [ha:m] 3331 sérelem, kár,


headache [’hedeik] 4184 fejfájás

to heal [h iil] 4185 (meg)gyógyít

illness [’ilnas] 2432 betegség

to infect [in'fekt] 4203 (meg)fertőz

infection [in'fekjn] 2626 fertőzés

infectious [in'fekfas] 4204 fertőző , ragályos,


to injure [ 'md3a] 3158 sérülést okoz,


lifespan ['laifspeen] 2481 élettartam

lifetime ['laiftaim] 3793 élet(tartam)

live [la iv ] 2894 élő

living [ ’liviq] 2122 élő, életben lévő

mortality [moi'tselati] 3351 halálozás,


painful f'peinfl] 3806 fájdalmas

poison ['poizn] 4292 méreg

poisonous ['pDizanas]



recovery [ri'kAvari] 2405 felépülés, gyógyu-


to relax [ri'lgeksj 2693 ellazít, pihentet,

lazít, pihen

to rest [rest] 2055 pihen, nyugalom-

ban van

Sick [Sík] 2214 beteg

Three people at work have the flu so everyone is

very busy.

They decided to have the funeral of the famous

actor at the biggest church in the city.

Alice had a stomach operation to help her gastric


Hair colour is a genetic characteristic.

I visit my grandmother’s grave on Sundays.

It was an accident - 1did not mean to do any


Our mum has a headache so she is trying to sleep


Doctors try to heal their patients.

He died of a long-term illness.

Be careful not to let the cut become infected.

Wounds should be covered to prevent infection.

Laughter can be infectious.

Three people were injured in the car crash.

Women have a longer lifespan than men.

They claim that the trip is a once-in-a-lifetime


In the fish restaurant there was a tank of live fish.

He wants to find out if he has any living relatives.

Governments are taking measures to decrease

infant mortality rates.

You could tell the injury was painful because she

could not stop crying.

A poison is a substance that can be dangerous to

living organisms.

Some snake bites are poisonous.

The patient made a quick recovery.

You should relax your tired muscles.

The patient rested in bed for a week.

The teacher took a day off work because she was

sick with a cold.

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to smoke [smauk] 2917 dohányzik Smoking is bad lor your health.

sore [so:] 4305 fájdalmas, fájó If your throat is sore, a hot drink can soothe it.

stress [stres] 2285 stressz, feszültség Exercise is a good way to lower stress.

survival [sa'vaivl] 2747 túlélés His chances of survival are low, according to


to swell [swel], swelled, megduzzad, When I was stung by a bee, my arm swelled

swollen/swelled 4334 megdagad up.

symptom [’simptam] 2499 tünet He described the symptoms of his sickness to the


virus ['vairasj 3705 vírus Viruses can stay in your body for years before you

feel sick.

weak [w i:k ] 2184 gyenge If you do not ea: properly, you will feel weak!

weakness ['wkk na s] 3046 gyengeség There was so much weakness in his leg that he

could not walk.

w ell [wel], better, best  jól, jó egészség My grandmother has had a cold for a week; she

2289 ben should get well soon.

wound [wurnd] 3587 seb The victim received a wound to the chest from

the gun.

6.03. Orvostudomány és egészségügyi ellátás ► Alapszókincs

accident ['æksidant] 1313 baleset He described the accident while pointing at the

two cars.

appo in tm en t megbeszélt Can I make an appointment to see Dr. Jones on

[a'pointmant] 1696 időpont Monday, please?

care [kea] 556 gondoskodás,



The nurse had fifteen patients in her care.

CUt [kAt] 1754 vágás, vágási seb Her hands were covered in cuts and bruises.

doctor [’dDkta] 367 orvos The doctor prescribed medicine to help me sleep.

drug [drAg] 1076 gyógyszer,


She takes a prescribed drug for her condition.

injury [' ind 3ari] 1475 sérülés Luckily, his injuries were not serious.

m edical ['medikl] 1195 orvosi, orvosi

kezelésre szoruló

She suffers from a serious medical condition.

to nurse [n3:s] 1791 ápol She promised that she would help nurse him

back to health.

operat ion [.Dpa'reijn] 692 operáció, műtét She is in hospital for a routine operation.

patient ['peijnt] 425 páciens, beteg The doctor advised her patient to get plenty of


pill [pll] 4287 tabletta The invention of pills was a huge step forward for


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to recover [ri'kAva] 1962 felépül, gyógyul The doctor told her that she was recovering well.

relief [ri'liif] 1545 megkönnyebbülés To my relief, my arm was not broken.

to treat [tri:t] 968 kezel He is being treated for stomach problems.

treatment ['trutmant] 870 kezelés The insurance includes teeth treatment.

6.03. Orvostudomány és egészségügyi ellátás ► Kiegészítő szókincs

accidental [,<eksi'dentl] véletlen Most accidental injuries could be avoided.


acid ['aesid] ¡716 sav Too much stomach acid can cause stomach


AIDS [eidz] 3716 AIDS There is no known cure for AIDS, but it can be


ambulance ['asmbjabns] mentőautó Call an ambulance, she is not breathing!


bacterium [bask'trariom], baktérium Bacteria can be both helpful and harmful.

bacteria 4012

bandage [ 'bcendid 3 ] 4051 kötés, kötszer, Tying a bandage properly is not as easy as it

pólya looks.

biological [ ,bai3' lDd3ikl ] biológiai They say that long flights can disturb your

3595 biological clock.

carbon ['ka:ban] 3128 szén Carbon can be found in all plants and animals.

chemical ['kemikl] 2660 kémiai Some people refuse to take that medicine

because of its chemical substances.

chemistry ['kemistri] 3599 kémia He knows how to mix chemicals from his study of


clinic ['klinik] 3394 rendelőintézet The patients were required to wait outside the

clinic until the doctor arrived.

clinical fklmikl] 2818 klinikai It is not unusal for clinical offices to have white


to cure [k jua] 4079 (meg)gyógyít Doctors would very much like to be able to cure

all diseases.

diagnosis [.daiag'nsusis], diagnózis Early diagnosis of cancer is vital.

diagnoses 3754

DNA [,di: en ’ei] 2614 DNS Police searched the apartment for any traces of

DNA that could have been left behind.

dose [daus] 3315 adag, dózis The patient took three doses of flu medicine.

emergency [i'm3:d33nsi] vészhelyzet The doctor was called to an emergency.


formula f'foimjab] 2719 képlet, recept He wanted to find out about the secret formula

for an old Chinese medicine.

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laboratory [la'bDratri] laboratórium


medicine [’medsn] 2633 orvostudomány

molecule ['mt>likju:l] 3350 molekula

NHS f.en eitj 'es] 3170 Nemzeti Egész

ségügyi Szolgálat

(az Egyesült


protein ['prautiin] 2320 fehérje

remedy ['remsdi] 3266 gyógyszer,


specimen ['spesimsn] minta


substance ['sAbstans] 2593 anyag; kábítószer

surgery ['s3:d3ari] 2983 műtét, sebészet;


tablet f'taeblit] 4339 tabletta

testing f'testiq] 3696 tesztelés, vizsgá

lat, kísérlet

therapy I'Gerapi] 3573 terápia, gyógyke


unconscious [An'knnfas] eszméletlen


ward [wo:d] 3118 kórterem, kórházi


6.04. Élelmiszerek ► Alapszókincs

beer [bis] 2421 sör

biscuit ['biskit] 4003 keksz

bread [bred] 2422 kenyér

butter [’bAta] 3491 vaj

cake [keik] 2423 torta

coffee [’kofi] 1536 kávé

cheese [tfi:z] 2817 sajt

chocolate ['tjoklat] 3215 csokoládé


Scientists carried out tests in the laboratory.

His son is following a career in medicine.

A molecule is the smallest unit of a chemical


The National Health Service is funded by taxes.is

Cheese, meat and eggs are all sources of protein.

Pharmacists can suggest different kinds of


The nurse took a specimen of his blood.

He was arrested for the possession of illegal


The surgery was done by specialists.

Tablet is another name for pill.

Animal rights groups strongly oppose animal


As a child, she received speech therapy to help

her speak more clearly.

I found him unconscious on the floor.

There were no available beds left in the ward;

patients were even sitting on the floor.

Germany is said to be the home of beer.

Biscuits are often eaten with a cup of tea in


She went to the shop to buy some bread.

Eating too much butter is not healthy.

She wanted a big chocolate birthday cake.

He drinks a cup of coffee every morning.

The cheese is stored near the milk and butter.

I cannot eat any chocolate because I am on a


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ice cream [,ais 'kri:m] fagylalt Ice cream is a popular dessert.


 jam [d3aem] 4211 dzsem, lekvár Many people eat jam on toast for breakfast.

 juice [d3U:s] 3785 lé, gyümölcslé Breakfast came with freshly-squeezed juice.

lemon [’leman] 4225 citrom Lemons are a type of citrus fruit.

meat [mi:t] 2438 hús The meat was cut thinly for sandwiches.

milk [milk] 2048 tej Even when she was a baby, she could not drink


onion ['Anjan] 4268 vöröshagyma Onions are very good for you and make sauces

taste better.

orange ['Dnnd3] 4269 narancs My son will only drink orange juice.

pepper ['peps] 4281 bors, paprika Pepper is a spice.

rice [rais] 4419 rizs In Japan, China and other Asian countries, rice is

a staple food.

salad [’saelad] 4431 saláta We often eat salad for lunch in the summertime.

salt [soilt] 2697 só Consuming too much salt is bad for your heart.

sandwich [’sasnwid3] 3825 szendvics He cut tne bread so he could make a sandwich.

sugar ['JugaJ 2455 cukor How much sugar do you take in your coffee? One

or two spoons?

tomato [ta'mcutau], paradicsom Tomatoes are a really versatile fruit.

tomatoes 4358

tea [ti:] 1281 tea Would you like tea or coffee?

wine [wain] 1453 bor She ordered the restaurant’s most expensive red


6.04. Élelmiszerek ► Kiegészítő szókincs

alcohol ['eelkahol] 2756 alkohol Beer is a kind of alcohol.

beef [bi:f] 4009 marhahús Beef is popular in lots of European countries.

candy [ ‘ksendi] 4058 cukorka, édesség Children love candy but they should not eat too


carrot ['karat] 4061 répa Carrots are an orange-coloured root vegetable.

champagne [Jsm'pein] pezsgő The wedding guests congratulated the couple

3597 with glasses of champagne.

chips [tjips] 2514 sült krumpli, The child ate a whole bag of potato chips by

bugonyaszirom herself.

cookie ['kuki] 4072 süti, keksz In America, biscuits are called cookies.

cream [kri:m] 2666 krém; tejszín The cake was covered with chocolate cream.

flour ['flaua] 4141 liszt Flour is the main ingredient in bread and cakes.

fluid ['fiund] 3769 folyadék If you are sick, it is important to drink plenty of


 jelly ['d3eli] 4214 gyümölcskocso I always used to have jelly as a treat when I was a

nya, dzsem, zselé child.

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roll [raul] 3361 zsemle I ordered a roll with cheese and salami.

sauce [so:s] 4433 szósz My husband makes a delicious Bolognese sauce.

soup [su:p]4306 leves Shall we have soup and a roll for lunch?

spice [spais] 4308 fűszer Spices are used to make bland food tastier.

spread [spred] 3970 szendvicskrém He does not like to put much spread on his


whisky ['wiski] 3850 whisky She served some expensive Scotch whisky.

6.05. Étkezés és italfogyasztás ► Alapszókincs

breakfast [’brekfost] 2142 reggeli They had fresh bread, orange juice and coffee for


bottle ['boti] 1720 üveg, palack Glass bottles were not allowed into the concert.

to cook ['kuk] 2472 főz He cooked a nice meal for his wife.

cup [kAp] 847 csésze Would you like a cup of tea?

to cut [kAt], cut, cut 607 vág, szel After cutting the vegetables, I placed them in a


dinner ['dins] 1558 ebéd, vacsora We went out for dinner to celebrate my birthday.

to drink [driqk], drank, iszik She drank two glasses of water because she was

drunk 1428 so thirsty.

to eat [i:t], ate, eaten 784 eszik It is important to eat good food to stay healthy.

to feed [fisd], fed, fed etet The dog was fed twice a day.


food [fu:d] 517 étel, táplálék, My dog’s main interest is food, especially human

élelem food!

glass [gla:s] 949 pohár The glass fell from the table and broke into small


hungry ['hAijgri] 3780 éhes I cannot wait to have something to eat, I am so


lunch [UntJ] 1764 ebéd I had a sandwich for lunch today.

meal [mi:l] 1568 étkezés, étel He always has a hot meal after work.

plate [pleit] 1631 tányér We brought plastic plates and cups for the picnic.

restaurant ['restront] 1966 étterem They ate at the most expensive restaurant in


thirsty ['03:sti] 4347 szomjas Are you very thirsty?

6.05. Étkezés és italfogyasztás ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to bake  Tbeik] 4050 süt

to bite [bait], bit, bitten harap

Could you help me bake a cake for my friend’s


He bit into the apple.

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   i .

   T  e  s   t

   é  s

  e  g   é  s  z  s   é  g


to boil [boil] 4025 forra l

bowl [baul] 2813 tá l

to cater ['keita] 3871 g o n d o s k o d i k ,

e l lá t , e l lá tást

n y ú j t

tO Chew [ t ju i] 4034 (m e g )r á g

to chop [tjop] 4035 fe lv ág , d a ra b o l

diet fdaiat ] 2113 é t r e n d , d i é ta

dish [ d í j ] 2822 e d é n y

f l avour [ 'fle iv a ] 4139 íz , a r o m a

fork [fork] 4145 vil la

to fry [fra i] 4147 sü t

ingredient [ in 'grkdiant ]


h o z z á v a l ó

inn [in] 3914 fogadó

knife [na i f ] , knives 2629 k és

menu [ 'menju:] 365 ét lap

tO pour [po:] 2491 ö n t , t ö l t

raw [ro:] 3184 nyers

recipe ['resapi] 3818 recept

spoon [spu:n] 4312 k a n á l

tO SWalloW ['sWDtau] 3464 nyel

I will just boil some water and make a cup of tea

At the party, there was a large bowl of punch on

the table.

The restaurant catered for all tastes.

Chew yojr food thoroughly before swallowing.

I find chopping vegetables very calming.

He went on a diet because he needed to lose


Today, it was his turn to wash the dishes after


I love the flavour of good coffee.

Are there any clean forks left?

Shall I fry a couple of eggs to go with it?

I needed to buy the ingredients for the cake.

Luckily, there were some free rooms at the inn.

Taking a sharp knife, she cut the vegetables into

small pieces.

Everything on the menu looked so good, he

could not decide what to order.

I poured the water carefully into a glass.

They ate the raw fish on cold bread.

My mother has a secret recipe for her apple cake.

Do you orefer to eat spaghetti with a knife or

spoon and fork?

His throat was so sore that it hurt to even


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7* Észlelés és mozgás

7.01. Fizikai tevékenységek ► Alapszókincs

to blow [blsu], blew, fúj

blown 1949

to carry [’kaeri] 315 visz, hord

to clear [klia] 1721 tisztít, leszed

to climb [kla im ] 1781 mászik, felmászik,


to cover ['kAva] 584 lefed, (be)takar

tO fill [fll] 1022 tölt, megtölt,


to hand [hand] 1871 (át)nyújt, (át)ad,


to hang [haeq], hung, (fel)akaszt,

hung 1194 (fel)függeszt

to lay [lei], laid, laid 1077 lefektet, lehelyez,


to lie [ la i] , lay, lain 604 fekszik

tO look at [ ' lük 3t] 4232 néz, ránéz

to mark [m a:k ] 1143  jelez, megjelöl

to nod [nod] 1707 bólint

to pick [pik] 747 (le)szed, letép

to pull [pül] 807 (meg)húz,


to push [puj] 1050 tol, megnyom

to remove [ri 'mu:v] 983 eltávolít, elmozdít

to shake [ J e i k ] , s h o o k , (meg)ráz

shaken 1199

to sit [sit], sat, sat 338 ül

to sit down [,sit 'daun] leül


to slip [slip] 1968 elcsúszik,


to spread [spred], spread, ken; szétterít,

spread 1742 kiterít, terít, tálal

Tracy blew on the hot soup until it was cool.

She always carried a green bag with her.

The pub closed and all the tables were cleared

and wiped down.

The young boy loved to climb trees with his


We covered his birthday present until the party


I filled the glass with water and handed it to her.

She handed the employee the money.

He hung up his coat when he came into the


The birds laid eggs every morning.

She lay on her bed, fast asleep.

He looked at her for signs of approval.

X marks the spot where the money is buried.

He nodded his head in agreement.

In the summer, she had a job picking fruit.

He pulled the chair away from the table and sat


I pushed the button to open the door.

After quitting, he asked if his name could be

removed from the list.

I shook my head in disagreement.

The teacher told the students to sit around the

blue table.

Please, sit down and help yourself to a biscuit.

She slipped on the wet floor.

We spread out the food on the table.

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  m  o  z  g   á  s to stand [stand], stood, áll We must have been standing in line for more

stood 301 than two hours!

to stand up [.stand ’Ap] feláll I remember we used to stand up when the

4315 teacher came in.

to stare [stea] 1322 bámul It is rude to stare at people.

to stay [stei] 619 marad She did not stay long because she had things to

do at home.

to stick [stik], stuck, stuck ragad, tapad The glue is useless. The pieces just won’t stick.


to walk [wo:k] 507 sétál She walked right past him without saying hello.

7.01. Fizikai tevékenységek ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to bind [baind], bound, köt, beköt

bound 2035

to bound [baund] 3296 ugrik

to cast [ka:st], cast, cast vet, dob


to clap [klap] 4066 tapsol

to clean [klim] 2343 takarít, tisztít

tO click [kllk] 4067 csettint

to crush [krAj] 4077 összenyom,



to dig [dig], dug, dug 2952 ás

to dry [drai] 2954 (meg)szárít,


to dump [dAmp] 4112 kirak, lerak

to fall over [,fo:l 'auva], felbukik, elesik

fell, fallen 4165

to fasten ['fa:sn] 4134 begombol,

megköt, bekap


to fetch [fetj] 3768 érte megy és


to gaze [geiz] 3326 bámul

to glance [gla:ns] 2309 pillant

to kick [klk] 2532 rúg

He bound the package tightly so it would not

break in the mail.

The dog bounded across the garden to meet


The horse cast a huge shadow as it ran by.

They clapped for ten minutes because the play

had been so good.

It is your turn to clean up after dinner today!

Please, do not click your fingers - it is very


Take care not to crush the flowers.

I dug a hole in the garden for the tree.

He hung out the clothes to dry.

We dumped the old sofa at the dump.

She fell over on the ice while skating.

Could you fasten my necklace for me?

She ta jght the dog to fetch the ball on


He gazed at her in wonder at her beauty.

She glanced up from her magazine as he walked


He kicked the football right into the goal.

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to knock [nük] 2119 kopog, kopogtat Suddenly somebody knocked on the door.

to lean [li:n], leant, hajt, támaszt, She leaned her head against his shoulder.

leant/leaned 2017 hajlik, támaszko


to lock [lok] 2482 bezár He closed the door and locked it after him.

to look for ['luk fa] 4234 keres They were looking for their cat all day but could

not find her.

to pack [pak] 2685 becsomagol,


She went home to pack for her holidays.

to peer [pia] 3942 kémlel, merően She peered through the window to check if 

néz anyone was home.

to pick sth up [,pik 'Ap] felkap, felemel, He tried to pick up the suitcase but it was too

4286 felvesz heavy.

to scratch [skraetj] 4436 vakar She was scratching her head while she was

thinking about the question.

to seize [si:z] 3106 megragad,

megfog, elkap

The policeman seized the boy by the arm.

to snap [snap] 2981 eltör, kettétör He snapped the stick in half.

to squeeze [skwiiz] 3568 présel, kicsavar Every morning, they squeezed fresh orange juice.

tO SUCk [SAk] 4327 szopogat Sucking sweets helps stop your ears from

popping when you fly.

to tap [tap] 3465 kopogtat, He tapped lightly on the window when he

megérint, arrived.


to tear [tea], tore, torn szakít, szaggat, The dog tore a hole in my new trousers.

2924 tép

to tie [ta i] 2287 megköt, beköt The little boy learned how to tie his shoes.

to tie sth up [.tai'Ap] 4354 átköt, beköt,


He tied the parcel up with string.

to twist [tw ist ] 3844 csavar, teker He twisted the rope around the post.

to undo [An'du:], undid, kibont, kigombol, Let me undo your tie, make yourself comfortable.

undid 4371 meglazít

to wave [weiv] 3045 int, integet She waved across the room at her friend.

to wind sth up felhúz My son has a toy bird which he can wind up.

[.wind'Ap], wound, 

WOUnd 4392

7.02. Észlelés ► Alapszókincs

balance [’balans] 1304 egyensúly When learning how to walk, babies must learn

how to keep their balance.


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cold [kauld] 1086 hideg, hűvös

da r k [da:k] 1075 sötét

dry [drai] 1815 száraz

fresh [frej] 1520 friss

hard [ha:d] 414 kemény

to hear [his], heard,

heard 264


heat [hi:t] 1849 forróság

hot [hDt] 1180 forró, meleg

light [lait] 587 világos

to listen ['lisn] 960 hallgat, figyel

noise [noiz] 1824 zaj, lárma

quiet ['kwaiat] 1052 csendes, halk

ring [rig] 1937 csengés

sense [sens] 469 érzék

sharp [Ja:p] 1531 éles

sight [sait] 1451 látás

silence f'saibns] 1797 csend

soft [soft] 1231 puha, lágy

s ound [saund] 883 hang, zaj

tone [taun] 1974 hangszín, tónus

tO tOUCh [tAtf] 1528 (meg)érint,


wa r m [wo:m] 1511 meleg

It was very cold, so she decided to wear her

winter jacket.

The night was dark and cold.

She took the dry clothes in from the washing


She bought fresh bread every morning.

Cold weather causes the ground to become

frozen and hard.

People who cannot hear are deaf.

Make sire you drink lots of water in this heat!

Before eating, make sure that the food is not too


Our kitchen is light and spacious.

He listened to every word she said.

She could not sleep because of the noise from

the neighbour’s party.

The teacher told the students to be quiet.

The ring of the doorbell woke him up.

The body has five senses: touch, sight, hearing,

smell and taste.

She cut her finger with a sharp knife.

He has bad sight so he has to wear glasses all the


There was absolute silence as she walked into the


I relaxed in the soft chair.

They thought they could hear sounds coming

from next door.

He could tell by her tone of voice that she was


In the museum, visitors were not allowed to

touch any of the paintings.

The bread was so fresh, it was still warm.

7.02. Észlelés ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to balance ['baetens] 3291 egyensúlyozTry balancing a book on your head while you are


bitter [’bits] 3210  keserű The coffee was much too bitter.

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blow [bbu] 3211 ütés  Jonathan fell over and took a hard blow to the


cold [kauld] 3133 hideg Do not go out imo that cold without a coat on.

cool [ku:l] 2606 hűvös Cool air came in through the window.

damp [damp] 3882 nedves, nyirkos Her trousers were still damp so she was wearing

something else.

dark [da:k] 2772 sötét, sötétség, In the dark, they heard someone calling in the

homály distance.

darkness ['daiknas] 2610 sötétség, homály The electricity went out, leaving them in

complete darkness.

hearing [’hiarnj] 2623 hallás As she was getting older, her hearing became


lOUd [laud] 3345 hangos The music was very loud, so the neighbours


mild [maild] 3927 enyhe The weather was very mild - not too warm and

not too cold.

noisy ['noizi] 4260 zajos, hangos The children next door can be noisy, but

generally they are well behaved.

pop [ p D p ] 3355 durranás There was a pop when the champagne bottle was


salty [’soilti] 4432 sós My mum loves salty food, but I do not.

to sense [sens] 3685 megérez, érzékel She sensed somebody looking at her.

silent ['sailant] 2449 csendes, hangta


During questioning, the accused remained silent.

smell [smel] 2801 szag, illat There was a bad smell in the fridge; something

had gone off.

smoke [smauk] 2916 f ü s t Smoke filled the kitchen when the meat started


smooth [smu:Q] 2854 sima She brushed her hair completely smooth.

solid [’solid] 2592 szilárd, erős The walls were solid so no sound could be heardfrom the other side.

sour [’saus] 4307 savanyú Sour sweets are not everyone's favourite.

spicy ['spaisi] 4309 f ű s z e r e s In some parts of the world, lots of spicy food is


steam [sti:m] 2920 gőz When water reaches a certain temperature, it

changes into steam.

still [stll] 2921 mozdulatlan;


He was sitting completely still listening to music.

to sting [stiq], stung,

stung 4322

csíp, szúr Bees and wasps sting when provoked.

stroke [straukj 3837 simogatás; ütés,


He gave the horse a gentle stroke.


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sweet [swi:t] 2549 édes

taste [teist] 2252 ízlés

tOUCh [tAtJ] 2181 érintés

visible ['vizsbl] 2930 látható

Visual [’VI3U31] 2652 vizuális

warmth [wo:m0] 3706 meleg, melegség

wet [wet] 2503 vizes, nedves

The young girl never wanted to eat her

vegetables; she only wanted sweet food.

Although we get on well, we have very different

tastes in clothes.

Now you can send messages at the touch of a


The house is not visible from the road, you will

have to 'ind the mailbox.

The visual effects at the concert were amazing.

She moved closer to feel the warmth of the fire.

The grass was still wet from yesterday’s rain.

7.03. Mozgás ► Alapszókincs

action ['aekjn] 377 cselekvés, akció,


to disappear [.disa'pia] eltűnik


to drop [drop] 1045 leejt, elejt; ledob

to enter ['enta] 792 belép, bemegy

to fall [foil], fell, fallen elesik, leesik


fast [fOISt] 1188 gyors

flow [fbu] 1902 áramlás

to fly [flai], flew, flown repül


to hit [hit], hit, hit 1049 (meg)üt

to jump [d3Amp] 1927 ugrál, ugrik

to lift [lift] 1491 (fel)emel

motion ['maujn] 1907 mozgás, mozdu


to move [muiv] 243 elmozdít, meg

mozdít, mozgat

movement [ ’muivmant] mozdulat,

632 mozgás

quick [kwik] 591 gyors

to raise [reiz] 564 felemel, feltart

His actions during the game helped us to win.

He watched the woman until she disappeared

around the next corner.

She dropped her money on the ground and he

helped pick it up.

Please, do not enter without permission.

He fell and cut his knee.

Our Internet connection is very fast.

The flow of traffic was continuous.

I saw a bird flying through the park.

Teachers are no longer allowed to hit their


After hearing the news, she jumped with joy.

He lifted the child up onto the chair.

The mo:ion of the ship made me feel sick.

He asked her to move her car so he could get out.

They were told to make no sudden movements.

It was quite a quick trip; we arrived in two hours.

Could a I those in favour of the decision, please,

raise their hands?

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rapid [’ræpid] 1348 gyors, hirte len There was a rapid growth in the economy in the


to ride [raid] 1936 rode, autóval megy I often ride to school with my neighbour.

ridden 1936

to rise [raíz] 719 rose, emelkedik; felkel Smoke began to rise over the fire.

risen 719

to send [send] 408 sent, küld I will send you a letter when I am on holiday.

sent 408

shot [Jot] 1991 lövés Henry had some great shots that just missed the


Slow [sbu] 846 lassú There was a slow driver up ahead, holding up all

the traffic.

to step [step] 1799 lép She stepped over the pile, avoiding it completely.

to throw [Grao], threw, dob The boys threw the ball to each other.

thrown 987

walk [wo:k] 1976 séta She always takes the dog on her morning walk.

7.03. Mozgás ► Kiegészítő szókincs

advance [ad'vams] 2032 előretörés,


The army’s advance was unexpected.

to advance [ad'vains] 1660  előretör, halad, The army began to advance across the

előremegy countryside.

to drag [draeg] 2671 húz, vonszol,


She dragged the chair over to the table.

to drift [drift] 3614 sodródik We were drifting farther and farther away from

the shore.

to exceed [ik'sird] 2827 túllép He didn’t realize that he had exceeded the speed


to float [flaut] 3627 lebeg, sodródik The piece of wood floated on the water.

to flow [fbu] 3078 folyik The river flows through the centre of the city.

flying ['flaiiij] 3770 repülés He had a fear of flying.

to go down [,gau 'daun]


elsüllyed If a ship hits an iceberg, it might go down.

to go up [,gau Vp] 4157 felmegy The share price went up today.

to hurry ['hAri] 3156 siet She told him to hurry up or they would be late.

to leap [li:p], leapt, leapt (fel)ugrik, I leapt out of bed to answer the door.

3538 felpattan

to lower f'bira] 3089 leenged, leereszt The body was lowered into the grave.

to mount [maont] 2731 felül, felmászik,


She needed help mounting the horse.


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pace [peis] 2636 iram, sebesség,


pass [pa:s] 3257 leadás, passz

to pause [po;z] 2686 megáll, megpi

hen, szünetet tart

to pop [pop] 3669 (fel)ugrik,



to proceed [pre'siid] 2244 továbbmegy,


to progress [pra'gres] 3815 (előre)halad

removal [ri'muivlj 3452 elmozdítás,


to reverse [ri'v3:s] 3360 irányt vált, tolat,



to roll [rsulj 2024 gurul

to rush [rAj] 2695 rohan, siet

to shift [JYft] 2496 elmozdul,


to sink [siqk], sank, sunk (el)süllyed,

2743 lemerül

to slide [slaid], slid, slid csúszik, siklik


to slow [stau] 3365 (le)lassul

to speed [spiid] 3966 gyorsan hajt

to spin [spin], spun, spun forog, pörög


to spring [sprii]], sprang, ugrik, szökken,

sprung 3971 pattan

tO Stir [st3l] 3192 kever

Stop [stnp] 3272 megállás, megálló

to swing [swig], swung, leng, hintázik,

swung 2650 lendül, fordul,


to switch [switn 2133 vált

transfer ['traensf3i] 1745 átszállítás

to wander ['wDnda] 3202 bejár, bebarangol,

vándorol, kóborol

She increased her pace after hearing someone

behind her.

Ronaldo got a great pass from Rooney.

She paused for a moment and then carried on


Would you pop upstairs and see if the kids are all


The workers proceeded to march up the street.

The students were progressing very well in


The removal of any object from the museum is


He reversed the car to park.

The cat rolled over onto its back.

She had to rush to get to class on time.

The rain should shift to the west this weekend.

The ‘Titanic’ sank in 1912.

The snake slid out of the cage.

The traffic slowed to a stop.

If you speed, you may have to pay a fine.

She was able to spin around on the ice.

I sprang out of bed when I realised how late itwas.

She stirred the powder into the water.

The next stop is the main station.

The door suddenly swung open.

It wasn’t easy for her to learn how to switch lanes

while driving.

Transfer of goods from one country to another is

vital to world economy.

He wandered through the empty house.

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to wind [waind], wound,

WOUnd 3381




My grandmother wound the wool into balls.

7.04. Érzelmek ► Alapszókincs

afraid [a'freid] 1695 félő, ijedt As a child, he was afraid of the dark.

to bear [bea], 1189 bore, elvisel I could not bear the thought of losing him.

borne 1189

fear [fia] 1193 félelem He was shaking with fear.

feeling ['fhlnj] 903 érzés I have a feeling that everything will be alright.

happy ['haepi] 767 boldog, vidám He had a very happy childhood.

tO hope [haup] 493 remél I hope that my grandfather will get better soon.

to laugh [la:f] 1137 nevet Everyone laughed at the funny joke.

pleasure ['ple3a] 1766 öröm He gets a lot of pleasure from gardening.

sad [saed] 1861 szomorú The child was sad and began to cry.

to smile [smail] 1010 mosolyog The teacher smiled at the student encouragingly.

surprise [sa'praiz] 1972 meglepetés To my surprise, there was a knock at the door.

surprising [sa'praizir)] meglepő It is not surprising you are putting on weight

1693 considering all the bad food you have been


to wor r y ['wAri] 1125 aggódik Do not worry, everything will be alright!

7.04. Érzelmek ► Kiegészítő szókincs

admiration [.ædma'reijn] csodálat I was full of admiration at her bravery.


to admire [ad'maia] 3384 csodál You have to admire the way they handled the


aggressive [a'gresiv] 3715 agresszív Alcohol causes some people to become


to amaze [a'meiz] 4043 ámulatba ejt,


It amazes me what people can survive.

anxiety [æg'zaiati] 2705 aggodalom, A look of anxiety registered on her face when she

aggódás saw that the money was missing.

anxious ['ægkfas] 2757 aggódó, nyugta She became anxious when she heard that

lan employees were being sacked by the company.

to be ashamed [a'feimd] szégyell, szégyen I have always been ashamed of the way I4031 kezik behaved to you.

confused [kan’fjurzd] zavarodott, The pupil was sitting with a confused look on her

3740 összezavart face.


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  m  o  z  g   á  s confusion [kan'fju^n] zavar, zavarodott

2819 ság

delight [di'lait] 3503 öröm

delighted [di'laitid] 3070 elragadtatott

to depress [di'pres] 4093 lehangol, elked


desperate ['desparat] 2137 elkeseredett,


to disappoint csalódást okoz

[,disa'pornt] 4098

disappointed csalódott

[,disa'pointid] 3507

disappointment csalódottság

[.disa'pointmant] 4099

embarrassment zavar, feszengés,

[im'baerasmant] 4118 szégyenkezés

emotion [I'm aujn] 2569 érzelem

emotional [I'maufanl] érzelmes, érzelgős


exciting [ ik 'saitii]] 2673 izgalmas

frightened ['fraitnd] 3522 rémült, ijedt

glad [glaed] 2308 boldog

grateful ['greitfl] 3017 hálás

to grin [grin] 3239 vigyorog

happiness ['haepinas] 4178 boldogság

hopefully ['haupfalij 3779 remélhetőleg

 joy [dsoi] 3018 öröm, vidámság

laugh [la:f] 3790 nevetés, kacagás

laughter ['la:fta] 3433 nevetés, kacagás

mood [mu:d] 2483 hangulat, kedv

nervous ['n3:vas] 2788 ideges

pity ['piti] 3944 sajnálatos dolog,


He shook his head in confusion.

To his delight, they bought him a car for his


They were delighted to hear that they would be


Cold, wet, grey weather depresses me.

At this stage they were desperate to find a buyer

for the house.

I hate to disappoint you, but I cannot go to your

birthday party.

She was disappointed that the party did not go as


My disappointment was nothing in comparison

to theirs.

I could not bear the embarassment if my parents


Happiness and sadness are both types of


She became very emotional when she spoke of

her mother.

The adventure was fun and exciting.

The frightened girl was shaking with fear.

I was glad to hear she had arrived safely.

She was grateful to have somebody help her

around the house.

He grinned from ear to ear upon hearing the


My children’s happiness is the most important

thing in my life.

Hopefully, lots of people will turn up at the party.

He jumped with joy upon hearing the news.

He has a very loud laugh; it is hard not to smile

when I hear it.

In the distance, the faint sound of laughter could

be heard.

She is always in a good mood and is very

pleasant to work with.

She was very nervous before the test.

It is a real pity that you cannot come to the party.

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pleased [pli:zd] 2091 boldog, elégedett I am pleased to announce that we will be having

a baby.

to scare [skea] 4434 megijeszt, He likes to scare me by jumping out from dark

megrémít corners.

sensation [sen'seijn] 3828 érzés, érzet,


She liked the sensation of floating.

shame [Jeim] 3830 szégyenkezés, After his mother had yelled at him, he hung his

szégyen head in shame.

shock [Jok] 2175 ijedtség, sokk, After hearing the bad news, she was white with

megrázkódtatás shock.

to shrug [JrAg] 2980 (vállat) von He did not know the answer, so he shrugged his


to Sigh [sai] 3187 sóhajt Mike sighed with relief.

surprised [sa'praizd] 2096 meglepődött She seemed surprised that I had called.

suspicion [sa'spijn] 3370 gyanú, sejtés She informed the police of her suspicions about

the new neighbours.

tear [tia] 2025 könny She cried tears of joy upon seeing her friend


unhappiness boldogtalanság, There is too much unhappiness in the world.

[An'haepinas] 4179 szomorúság

unha p p y [An'hsepi] 3846 elégedetlen, She was unhappy with her choice of course and

boldogtalan decided to change it.

unlucky [ An'lAki] 4236 szerencsétlen, We are always unlucky with the weather on

peches holiday.

worry ['wah] 3852 gond, aggodalom Money can be a major worry in many families.

7.05. Értelem és gondolkodás ► Alapszókincs

aware [a'wea] 1036 tájékozott vmi

felől, vminek

tudatában lévő

to concentrate koncentrál,

['kDnsntreit] 1484 összpontosít

to cope [kaup] 1920 megbirkózik

to discover [di'skAva] felfedez, rájön;

1043 észrevesz

to estimate ['estimeit] (fel)becsül


experience [ik'spiarians] tapasztalat;

481 élmény

to forget [fa'get] 917 elfelejt

I was not aware of her father’s death.

I find it difficult to concentrate during the class.

Depression can be very difficult to cope with.

She discovered that her money was gone.

An estimated 50,000 people watched the match.

My mum has a lot of experience in child care.

I will never forget you.

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focus ['faukas] 2391 középpont Her daughter loves to be the focus of attention.

to ignore [rg'no:] 1444 semmibe vesz,


She has ignored me ever since the argument.

to imagine [i'mEed3 m]


elképzel Imagine you are on a tropical island.

influence ['influans] 1181 hatás, befolyás His friends are a very bad Influence on him.

knowledge [’nt>lid3] 773 tudomás, tudás Amy isn’t coming today, to my knowledge.

memory ['memari) 1094 emlékezet,

memória; emlék

After the accident, she suffered a loss of memory.

mental ['mend] 1396 elme-, értelmi,


My grandfather has mental health problems.

mind [maind] 428 emlékezet, elme,

ész, gondolat

The memory is clear in my mind.

to notice ['nautis] 1161 észrevesz,


He noticed that the door was now open.

notion ['naujn] 2124 fogalom, kép, Diplomatic representatives have to gain a notion

elképzelés of people’s views.

reaction [ri'askjn] 1416 reakció I could not believe his reaction; he just smiled

and nodded.

to realize ['rialaiz] 712 rájön, ráébred I did net realize it was him until he had walked


He used music to escape from reality.reality [ri'selati] 1448 valóság

reason ['ri:zn] 348 ok, magyarázat, She told me that they had broken up but did not

indok tell me the reason why.

reasonable ['riiznabl] elfogadható, indo They made a reasonable offer for the house.

1215 kolt, ésszerű

to recall [ri'ka:l] 1794 (vissza)emlékszik Mr. Smith, do you recall where you were on the

9th of September?

to recognise [’rekagnaiz] megismer, I barely recognised her because she had lost so

730 felismer much weight.

recognition[,rekag'niJn] megismerés, He looked at me without a sign of recognition.

1767 felismerés

to remember [ri'memba] emlékszik, I can’t remember his name.

383 emlékezik

to reveal [rr'vi:l] 1080 felfed, elárul Tonight, the winner of the national contest will

be revealed.

to select [si'lekt] 1769 választ She selected a new colour for the kitchen.

serious ['siarias] 625 komoly Although my professor looks like a very serious

man, he always makes jokes.

thinking ['Girjkiq] 2254 vélemény, The company’s thinking is to employ fewer

gondolkodásmód people.

thought [0a:t] 801 gondolat I asked her for her thoughts on the matter.

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view [vju:] 349 vélemény, nézet In my view, small children should never watch TV.

to watch [wDtJ] 547 néz, figyel, The shop employee watched the youths out of 

szemmel ta rt the corner of h is eye.

to wonder [’wAnda] 922 azon tűnődik, I wonder how old she is; maybe I’ll go and ask.

szeretné tudni

7.05. Értelem és gondolkodás ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to assess [a'ses] 1615 felbecsül, They got a professional to assess the value of 

megállapít their property.

awareness [a'weanas] tudatosság The government is trying to increase

2511 environmental awareness.

conception [kan'sepjn] fogalom, elképze My conception of happiness is different from

3301 lés other people’s.

to confuse [kan'fju:z] 4021 összezavar He always confuses me with long words.

conscious ['konjasl 2767 tudatos, megfon He made a conscious decision to stop going to so

tolt many parties instead of studying.

consciousness eszmélet, tudat The builder lost consciousness after falling off 

['konfasnas] 3066 the roof.

to devise [di'vaiz] 3312 kigondol, kiagyal They devised a plan to get into the castle.

to feature ['fiitja] 2428 fő helyen közöl This week’s magazine features an extra section on

healthy eating.

to find out [.faind 'aut], kiderít, megtud, Can you find out what time the train leaves?

found, found 4164 megtudakol

imaginary [rmædsinari] képzeletbeli, My daughter has an imaginary friend called Alice.

4196 kitalált

imagination képzelőerő, Use your imagination to write a story.

[i,maed3 i'neij'n] 2960 fantázia

to initiate [j'nijieit] 3532 kezdeményez, She initiated a movement against environmental

elindít pollution.

insight ['insait] 3423 betekintés, That television show gives an insight into the

bepillantás lives of famous people.

to inspire [in'spaia] 3339 inspirál, megihlet My favourite author inspired me to write some

short stories.

instinct ['instiqkt] 3916 ösztön Animals have a strong survival instinct.

intellectual intellektuális, He always had a oook with him so that he would

[.inta'lektjual] 3159 értelmes seem more intellectual.

intelligence [m'tehd3ans] intelligencia Upon entering the school, the students took an

2575 intelligence test.

intelligent [m‘telid3ant] intelligens, She was a very intelligent young woman.

3782 értelmes

light [lait] 2534 megvilágítás After his serious il ness, he saw things in a new light.


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  m  o  z  g   á  s to make sth up [,meik kitalál My children always make up funny stories.

’Ap], made, made 4240

mysterious [mi'stiarias] rejtélyes, titokza Have you ever met anyone so mysterious?

4255 tos

mystery ['mistri] 2968 rejtély; krimi I love reading mystery books.

nonsense ['nonsns] 4261 képtelenség,


He talks such nonsense sometimes.

to overlook [.auva'luk] elkerüli a figyelmét, I’m afraid you have overlooked an Important

nem vesz észre detail.

to perceive [pa'siiv] 2899 tekint, felfog Fashion magazines are often perceived as stupid.

perception [ps'sepjn] felfogás, érzékelés His perception of the country changed

2688 completely after visiting It.

phenomenon  jelenség Weather is an example of a natural

[fa'nDminsn], phenomenon.

phenomena 2536

philosophy [fi'losafi] 2489 filozófia She was studying philosophy at the local


to pretend [pri'tend] 3026 színlel, tettet, úgy

tesz, mintha

She pretended to be sleeping.

psychological pszichológiai, I have heard that he has some psychological

[,saik3'lod3ikl] 2974 pszichés problems.

psychology [sai'koladsi] pszichológia He has a degree in psychology.


to react [ri'aekt] 3103 reagál He reacted badly to the news and ran out of the


to reflect [ri'flekt] 1002 gondolkodik,


She needed some time to reflect on what to do.

reflection [ri'flekjn] 3185 elmélkedés, Upon reflection, she remembered where she had

gondolkodás left her keys.

secret ['si:krit] 2546 titok She told me a secret yesterday but I cannot tell

you what it is.

sensible ['sensabl] 2978 okos, ésszerű It would be sensible to stay at home if you don’t

feel well.

smart [sma:t] 4300 okos, értelmes, We need a smart young person to fill this

ügyes position.

to specify ['spesifai] 2371 részletez, ponto Please, specify your preferred type of 

sít, konkretizál accommodation.

tO Spot [spDt] 3367 meglát, észrevesz She spotted the dog in the distance.

to undergo [^nda'gau], keresztülmegy She underwent a serious operation last week.

underwent, undergone vmin, aláveti

3196 magát vminek

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unreasonable ésszerűtlen, I think your demands are unreasonable.

|An'ri;znabl] 4411 túlzott

to view [vju:] 2219 megtekint, They are going to view the house on Saturday.


vision [V i3n] 2101 előrelátás, Our country needs a leader with vision.


7.06. Szükségletek és kívánságok ► Alapszókincs

desire [di'zaia] 1756 vágy, kívánság, She first had the desire to marry him after she

óhaj had known him for a year.

dream [dri:m] 1645 álom Last night, I had a dream that I was living in


to expect [ik'spekt] 320 vár, remél; elvár He is expected to arrive some time after lunch.

to force [fo:s] 1000 kényszerít He did not want to go to school at all - 1almost

had to force hirr.

to intend [in'tend] 1039 szándékozik How long do you intend to stay for?

to maintain [mein'tein] fenntart, eltart My grandfather wasn’t very rich, but he was able

930 to maintain his family.

necessary ['nesasari] 437 szükséges It is not necessary to take off your shoes in our


need [ni:d] 370 szükséglet The basic human needs are food, water and


to press [pres] 1462 kényszerít, sürget The police pressed him to tell them about

everything he knew about the crime.

to reach [ri:tj] 450 elér I have been trying to reach you all day but I

never got an answer.

to receive [ri’siiv] 413 (meg)kap; elfogad She received a diamond ring from her husband.

to require [ri'kwaia] 331 igényel, kíván, If you require any further information, please,

(meg)követel contact the office.

requirement követelmény, He failed to meet all the course requirements.

[ri'kwaiamant] 1197 kívánalom

to satisfy ['saetisfai] 1714 eleget tesz

vminek, kielégít


They have always tried to satisfy customer wishes.

to seek [si:k], sought, keres, kutat Seek and you shall find.

sought 661

to wish [wij] 657 kíván, akar,


If you wish to go to the park, put on your shoes.


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7.06. Szükségletek és kívánságok ► Kiegészítő szókincs

ambition [æm'bijn] 3289 ambíció, érvénye

sülési törekvés

to be bursting to do ég a vágytól, hogy

[b3:stii]] 3126to concern [k3n's3:n] 599 érdekel, érint,


demand [di'mamd] 814 igény, követelés

desirable [di'zaiarsbl] kívánatos


to dream [dri:m], dreamt, álmodik

dreamt 3072


[ik'sait] 4128 izgat, izgalomba


expectation elvárás

[.ekspek'teijn] 2114

fantasy ['fæntasi] 3767 képzeletbeli;

álom, fantázia

to give up [,giv Vp], gave, felad

given 4163

to impose [rm'pauz] 1648 ráerőltet, ráakasz

kodik vkire

incentive [in'sentiv] 3337 ösztönző

to induce [in'djuis] 3422 rábír, rávesz

motivation [.mauti'veijn] motiváció


necessity [na'sesati] 3548szükséglet,


to need [ni:d] 2682 szüksége van


to prompt [prompt] 3357 buzdít, késztet,


to retain [n'tein] 1611 megtart, megőriz

satisfaction [,saetis'fsekjn] elégedettség


to stimulate ['stimjuleit] ösztönöz, élénkít,

3692 stimulál

He has more ambition than anyone else; he Is a

doctor of chemistry and medicine.

Susan was bursting to tell them about the

engagement ring.

I am truly concerned for your happiness.

We tried our best to meet our clients’ demands.

It is a very desirable job because of the travel


She dreamt of owning a house in Spain.

The prospect of studying at an American

university really excites me.

She had great expectations of her daughter.

She lives In a fantasy world.

I’ve given up my dream of becoming an


We were invited to dinner, but we didn’t want to

impose on them.

Commission is an incentive for workers to sell

more products.

They Induced him to take the promotion by

promising him a large pay rise.

The employees have no motivation due to low


Water is a necessity.

I’ll need a new dress for the wedding.

She prompted him to answer the question.

He hoped to retain the possession of the house

after his divorce.

I think it is important to get satisfaction out of

your job.

The teacher tried to stimulate the pupils’

imagination by playing music.

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unexpected váratlan The unexpected success of his book led him to

[.Amk'spektid] 3583 continue writing.

willing [ 'wiliq] 2419 hajlandó Are you willing to tell the truth, the whole truth

and nothing but the truth?

wish [w i j ] 2863 kívánság If you see a falling star, you should make a wish


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8, A m un ka vi lága

8.01. Foglalkozások ► Alapszókincs

agent [‘eid 3ant] 1350 ügynök, közvetítő

captain ['kaeptin] 1805 kapitány, pa


chief [t/i:f] 1423 vezér, fő, legfőbb

colleague ['kr>li:g] 1470 munkatárs,


dentist [ 'dentist ] 4091 fogorvos

director [da'rekta] 671 igazgató, rendező

employee [ im 'p lo ii:] 1249 alkalmazott,


e m p loy e r [ im 'p b ia ] 1459 munkáltató, mun


expert ['eksp3:t] 1472 szakértő

farmer [ 'fa im a ] 1473 gazda, gazdálko

dó, farmer

hairdresser [ 'headresa] fodrász


guide [gaid] 1789 idegenvezető

manager [ 'mEemd3a] 559 igazgató, ügyve

zető, menedzser

Officer ['DflS9] 623 tiszt; köztisztvi


pilot [ ’p a ib t] 2242 pilóta

secretary [ 'sekratri] 687 titkár, titkárnő

specialist [ ’spejahst] 1969 szakorvos

waiter [ 'we i ta ] , waitress pincér, pincérnő

[ 'w eit ra s] 4384

worker [ 'w3:ka] 612 munkás

The actor was looking for a new agent to get him

better roles.

The captain led his ship along the coast.

The most senior employee of a company is

usually the chief executive officer.

The colleagues at my work are really nice; they

gave me a birthday gift.

Not many people like going to the dentist’s.

This art director is known for his funny


The company is looking for three new employees.

My new employer pays me more money.

The journalist was invited to the TV show

because he is an expert in Iraq policy.

The farmer had a good crop this year.

My hairdresser is always very cheerful, but she is

not very good at cutting my hair.

The guide led the tourist group through the old


The manager of the store created the weekly

schedule for the employees.

The officer and two soldiers left the army base.

Despite the bad weather, the pilot landed the

plane safely.

The secretary handled his mail and


After having heart pain, I went to see a specialist.

The waiter recommended the fish and chips to

the family.

There are about 50 workers employed at the

engineering company.

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8.01. Foglalkozások ► Kiegészítő szókincs

accountant [a'kauntant] könyvelő


adviser [ad'vaiza] 2656 tanácsadó

analyst ['ænalist] 3719 elemző

applicant ['æplikant] 3205 pályázó, jelent


architect ['aikitekt] 2996 építész

assistant [a'sistant] 2997 asszisztens,

segéd, segítő;

(bolti) alkalma


attorney [a't3:ni] 4047 ügyvéd

auditor ['oidita] 3859 számvevő, revizor,


bOSS [bDS] 2339 főnök

builder f'bildaj 3729 építési vállalkozó,



businessman üzletember


businessmen 3596

chairman ['tjeaman], elnök

chairmen 973

chemist ['kemist] 4028 kémikus, vegyész

chief [tjuf] 2070 vezér, főnök

clerk [klaik] 3061 ügyintéző,


collector [ka'lekts] 3734 gyűjtő; díjbeszedő

consultant [kan'sAltant] tanácsadó,

2711 konzultáns

correspondent tudósító

[.kDra'spondant] 3304

councillor f'kaunsata] t a n á c s o s ; t a n á c s -

2147 tag

developer [di'velapaj fejlesztő


The accountant had two days to issue the

company’s annual financial report.

The school has career advisers to help students.

A team of analysts tested new chemical


The personnel rranager invited ten applicants for

a job interview.

This house was built by a famous architect.

There was no assistant in the entire store who

could help me find the right size dress.

An attorney can be provided for you.

The auditor detected the company’s tax fraud.

My new boss is really nice; she gave me a day off


We hired builders to build our house.

The politician met with several businessmen to

discuss the state's export regulations.

The party voted him in as the new chairman.

There is a position available for a chemist.

The navy chief is a general who served in the

army for fifteen years.

The clerk at the nelp desk could answer your


At the toy exhibition, there were many collec

tors who displayed and exchanged their goods.

The chief executive hired a consultant to

examine and improve all working processes.

Our correspondent in the south warned of a long


The councillor set the agenda for the monthly

community meeting.

The software developer was able to fix the

problems with the computer programme.

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editor ['edita] 2075

engineer [,end3i'm a ] 2038 

executive [ ig'zekjativ]


historian [h i'sto irian ] 2829 

inspector [in'spekta] 2397 

investor [in 've s ta ] 2576

 journalist ['d33:nalist]2726

manufacturer[.m æ nju 'fæ ktjara ] 2161

miner [ 'm aina] 3441

operator ['Dpareita ] 2838 

peasant ['peznt] 2687 

performer [pa'foim a] 4282

personnel [,p3:sa'nel]


practitioner [præk'tijana]2797

producer [pra'd ju:sa ] 2492 

profession [p ra 'fejn ] 2363 

professional [pra'fe/anl]


publisher ['pA b liJa] 2846 

reporter [ri'poita] 3819 

sailor ['seila] 4430

servant ['S3:vant] 2057


mérnök, gépész

ügyvezető; vezető



felügyelő, ellenőr



gyártó, termelő


kezelő, operátor





(gyakorló) orvos



hivatás, foglalko


szakmai; hivatá

sos; szakértő


riporter, tudósító

tengerész, matróz

szolga, inas,

szolgáló, cseléd

Mary is the chief editor of a women’s magazine.

The engineers constructed a new chemical plant.

He was promoted from manager to executive

director of the human rights organisation.

Historians have published many books about the


The inspector at the border asked to see my


They were able to build the house with the

investor’s money.

It was the first time that the young journalist had

written the newspaper’s leading article.

The products from the French manufacturer are

of better quality than those from the Chineseones.

As a miner, he worked for twenty years digging

for coal.

She called the hotel’s operator to make a

long-distance phone call home.

My grandfather was a peasant in Poland.

During the festival, you can see lots of


The company will fire several employees to save

on next year’s personnel costs.

When you move house, you often have to register

with a new general practitioner.

The best movie producers live in Hollywood.

With a degree in law, graduates can enter many

professions besides the law.

His professional path included going to law


The publisher did not accept my new book

because of its controversial topic.

A reporter from the local news asked for an

interview with the chairman.

If you get seasick, you should not become asailor.

The earl had guests for dinner and three servants

served the food.

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trader ['treida] 3981 kereskedő The traders were waiting for the ship at the


trustee [trA'sti:] 3580 vagyonkezelő, The trustee of my property title works at the

kurátor bank.

8.02. Szakmai feladatok és tevékenységek ► Alapszókincs

to apply [a'plai] 574 pályázik, folyamo


to appoint [a'point] 1408 kinevez

to arrange [a'reind3] 1468 elrendez; meg-

szervez, előkészít

arrangement megállapodás,

[a'reindsmsnt] 1219 elintézés; elrende


to base [beis] 569 alapoz

busy ['bizi] 1897 elfoglalt, dolgos,


to check [tjek] 1115 átvizsgál, ellenő


to conduct [ksn'dAkt] lefolytat; vezet


to create [kri'eit] 499 alkot, létrehoz

design [di'zain] 758 dizájn, kivitel,


file [fail] 1296 akta, adatállo

mány, fájl

hammer [’haema] 4177 kalapács

tO issue ['iju:] 1377 kiad, kibocsát

meeting ['miitiq] 506 ülés, értekezlet,


to operate ['npareit] 1087 működtet; kezel

to order ['o:da] 1413 elrendel, utasít

to organize ['oigsnaiz] szervez, rendez


plan [plaen] 491 terv, elgondolás

planning [’plaeniq] 1162 tervezési, építési

He applied for an extension to the contract.

At the age of fory, he was appointed county


The sales assistant neatly arranged all the clothes

in the store.

I made an arrangement with my sales partner to

get me a special price.

Our company philosophy is based on customer


My colleague always pretends to be very busy.

The policeman checked my Identification card.

The production workers had to conduct all the

glass work carefully.

Researchers were able to create a new medicine.

With the new design, they sold ten times more

cars than with the older model.

She saves all her computer files twice.

Ow! I’ve dropped the hammer on my foot.

A working perm t was issued immediately for the

French artist.

Shareholders attended the company’s annual


We need more v/orkers to operate the machines.

The boss ordered his assistant to come into his


The secretary organised the folders alphabeticallyso that they could be found easily.

The new plan will help us with finances.

The city’s planning department has approved the

new hotel.

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to prepare [pri'pea] 678 előkészít

professional [prs'fefsnl] hivatásos, profi


project ['prod3ekt] 560 tervezet, project

to promote [pra'msut] előléptet


reference [Vefrsns] 11B8 referencia,

ajánlás, ajánló

to release [ri'liis] 1379 forgalomba hoz,

bemutat, közzé


sample ['sa:mpl] 1494 minta, mintada


task [ta:sk] 884 feladat, munka

tOOl [tu:l] 1886 szerszám, eszköz

to undertake [.Anda'teik], elvállal, belekezd,

undertook, undertaken nekilát


working [’w3:kir)] 1713 dolgozó

The manager carefully prepared a presentation

of the new business plan.

She is a professional musician at the opera.

Our city has started a new project to help

children of low-income families.

The sales clerk was promoted to department


His references included the biggest companies in

the industry.

A new software will be released in September.

The fashion designer arranged the fabric samples

on his tab e.

Her task was to contact each of the new


Someone has stolen tools out of the factory.

My boss asked me to undertake the revision of

the company report.

Working mothers sometimes have difficulties in

organising childcare.

8.02. Szakmai feladatok és tevékenységek ► Kiegészítő szókincs

accounting [a'kauntir)] könyvelés,

3120 könyvelési

to adjust [s'd3Ast] 2937 megigazít, beállít,

rendbe hoz

adjustment [a'dsAStmantJ igazítás, beállítás,

3477 elrendezés

to assign [s'sain] 3856 kijelöl, megjelöl

assignment [s'sainmant] kijelölt feladat


audit ['o:dit] 3208 ellenőrzés,


chart [tja :t] 3058 táblázat, diagram,


check [tjek] 3002 ellenőrzés

Many mathematics graduates find work at

accounting firms.

Can you, please, adjust that picture frame so that

it hangs correctly?

After a quick adjustment, the ring fitted Sally’s

hand perfectly.

The teacher assigned too much work for the

students to finish in one night.

The students’ assignment is to research the life of

a famous person.

An audit is a nightmare for people who pay tax.

Tim made a chart showing the number of

customers who came each day.

The manager decided to make a check on the


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completion [ k s m ' p l i i j n ] elvégzés, befeje Completion of the test is a requirement; if any

3136 zés questions are not answered, the student will

receive zero points.

to construct [kan'stTAkt] felépít, összeállít The building was constructed in nine months.


count [kaunt] 2712 számlálás, The final count revealed that over 1,000 people

számítás had attended the conference.

craft [kraift] 3140 kézművesség, Crafts such as painting and drawing often require

kézműveskedés attention to detail.

to detect [di ' tekt] 2612 észlel, k i m u t a t , New software can detect a dangerous storm days

érzékel in advance.

functional ['fAqkJsnl] praktikusból Chris believes that shoes should be functional

3630 használható rather than attractive.

inspection [ i n ' s p e k j n ] vizsgálat, ellenőr An annual car inspection is required in your area.

3338 zés

to install [in'stoil] 2723 telepít, üzembe Tom will install the new computer software

helyez, beállít tomorrow.

launch [lom tj] 3649 elindítás, beindí The launch of the new business in January was a

tás, bevezetés big success, with many clients coming ever since.

to launch [b :nt f ] 1567 elindít, bevezet, The advertising company has launched a new

kezdeményez product campaign.

to load [bu d ] 3438 berak, felrak,


The builder loaded his tools into the van.

manufacturing gyártás, gyártási Buying fabrics from China reduced

[.mænju'fæktjariij] 2276 manufacturing costs.

marketing ['maikitir)] marketing, The marketing department planned a new

2018 értékesítési promotion campaign.

modification módosítás A small modification in the computer system

[.mDdifi'keijn] 3798 eliminated the error.

to modify ['rrrodifai] 3349 módosít, megvál They modified the rule in order to accommodate

toztat the new employee.

to monitor ['monita] 2582 megfigyel, In order to keep everyone safe, the security

ellenőriz, lehall guards monitor the building.


occupation [.nkju'peijn] hivatás, foglalko Choosing an occupation is often difficult for

2734 zás young people.

operating [’Dpareitiq] operációs, The computer’s new operating system works

2791 működtető,vezérlő

better than the old one.

panel ['pænl] 2022 elem, panel, tábla Huge solar panels are installed at the power


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photocopy ['fautaukDpi] fénymásolás


portfolio [poit'fauliao] irattartó, portfolió


preparation [,prepa'reijn] előkészület,

2243  előkészítés

to print [print] 2584 nyomtat

to process ['prausesj 3100 feldolgoz

to register [’red3 ista] 2587 nyilvántartásba

vesz, feliratkozik,


to repair [ri'pea] 3955

to resolve [ri'zDlv] 2324  elhatároz, eldönt

megjavít, rendbe


to restore [ri'sto:] 2367 helyreállít,



to resume [ri'zjuim] 3957 folytat; újrakezd

to submit [sab'mit] 2411 benyújt

to take over [,teik 'auva] átvesz


If you look at the photocopies in front of you,

you will seethe plan.

Sally takes her portfolio to job interviews because

she wants to look professional.

The preparation of the meeting took three hours.

Make sure you print out the report and give it to

the boss before the end of the day.

After the company had processed Mick’s claim

about his broken TV, he got his money back.

Registering for classes can be a long process.

The broken door must be repaired quickly before

it starts snowing.

The management resolved to combine the

company’s technical and engineering


The builders restored the house to its original


After a short break, the students resumedstudying fo'the test.

Tim submitted his application to the university in


An American company has taken over our small


8.03. Munkahely és munkafeltételek ► Alapszókincs

application [ .aepli'keijn] jelentkezés, pályá-

679 za t

career [ka'ria] 1178 karrier, pályafutás

conference ['knnfarans] értekezlet,

1007 konferencia

department [di'paitmant] osztály, részleg


display [di'splei] 1841 kijelző

to earn [3:n] 1867 keres

The university received thousands of applications

for its courses.

Sally knew she wanted a career as a doctor, so

she applied to medical school.

Lin gave a presentation at the company’s annual


The shoe department in the department store is

Sally’s favourite place to shop.

It has been hard to read the machine’s display

since he broke it.

A doctor usually earns a large salary.

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to employ [ im 'p lo i j 1374 alkalmaz,


employment állás, munka,

[ im 'pb im an t ] 1046 foglalkoztatás

engineering mérnöki tudomá

[ ,end 3i'n i3riq ] 1953 nyok; gépészet

equipment [ i' kw ipm an t ] felszerelés


factory ['fasktari] 1646 gyár

farm [ fa :m j 1295 gazdaság, farm,


firm [ f3:m ] 680 cég

function ['fAqkfn] 880 funkció, rendelte


 job [d 3 0 bj 299 munka, állás,


labour [ ' l e iba j 816 munka, erőkifej


office L'Dfis] 337 iroda

salary [ 'ssebri j 2910 fizetés

screen [ skr imj 1795 képernyő

strike [straik] 1994 sztrájk

training ['treinu]] 571 oktatás, képzés,


unemployment munkanélküliség

[ .Am m 'pbim an t ] 1637

wage [ w e i d 3 j 1554 bér

work [w3:k ] 13 4 munka

The farmer employs workers to help him plant

his crops.

Everyone hopes for steady employment, but,

unfortunately, jobs are sometimes lost.

To earn a degree in engineering, one must have a

good understanding of mathematics.

To create a new piece of art, an artist often uses

special equipment.

The factory produces 2,000 cars every day.

 Jim’s father owns a farm where he grows apple


Lou’s law firm always wins its cases in court.

A belt’s function is to hold up a pair of trousers.

 Jack really enjoys his new job as a builder.

Too much heavy labour can result in back pain.

The professor prefers to work in his office rather

than in the library.

Sarah’s salary is so small that she cannot afford

to have a car.

The TV screen is too big to fit into the small


Because of the railroad strike, we could not get

to the concert.

New employees must complete three weeks of


Unemployment is a frequent problem in failing


The workers receive a wage for their labour.

The teacher asked the students to focus on their


8.03. Munkahely és munkafeltételek ► Kiegészítő szókincs

bonus ['boonasj 3866  jutalom, prémium Ali received a bonus for all his extra work.

break [breikj 2227  szünet Some companies require workers to take afifteen-minute break at least twice a day.

bureau ['bjoarau] 3730 hivatal, iroda You will need to go to the financial bureau to

pick up your contract.

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corporate ['koipsrat] 2110 nagyvállalati

earnings ['3:mqz] 2715 bevétel, jövede


evaluation [ i.vælju'eijn] értékelés


to execute ['eksikju:t] megvalósít,

3764 keresztül visz

flexibility [.fleksa'bibti] rugalmasság


full-time [,ful 'taimj 3523 teljes munkaidejű

to hire ['haia] 3641 bérel

installation [.insta'leijn] üzembe helyezés,

3781 beszerelés,


leave [li:v] 3434 szabadság

machinery [ma'Jimari] munkagép,

3248 alkatrész

mechanism szerkezet

fmekanizam] 2020

mill [mil] 2277 üzem, gyár

mine [main] 2786 bánya, akna

mission ['mijn] 2730 küldetés, misszió

part-time [,pa:t'taim] 3667 részmunkaidős,


to pay [pei] 2167 fizet

promotion [prs'maujn] előléptetés


to quit [kwit], quit, felmond, otthagy

quit/quitted 4409  ja a munkahelyét

redundancy [n'dAndansi] elbocsátás,

3951 felmondás

register ['redsista] 3028 nyilvántartás

repair [ri'pea] 3105  javítás

to resign [n'zain] 2694 visszavonul,

felmond, lemond

In the corporate world, the main objective is to

make a profit.

The company doubled its earnings last year.

The company’s boss is required to complete an

annual evaluation for each of the workers.

To execute the project successfully, we will need

everyone’s best effort.

Because schedules are always changing, flexibility

is a good asset to have.

Having a full-time job while studying at

university can be very difficult.

We are going to hire a car for our trip across


The fee for installation is twenty dollars, but

afterwards you will have cable TV.

My annual leave is 25 days.

The machinery is broken so production has been


The spring mechanism on the door needs to be


The iron mill produces parts for cars.

Twelve men remained trapped inside after the

collapse of the coal mine.

The organisation’s mission is to protect American

forests from air pollution.

A part-time job is a great way for a student to

earn some extra money.

The owner of the store pays his workers well.

Because of his hard work, the boss gave Jim a


Ann did not like her job, so she quit.

Voluntary redundancy is always an option if youdo not like working for us.

Please, fill out this form so that we can add your

address and phone number to the town’s register.

The car owner was unhappy with the repairs.

Because of the difficult work environment, Kevin

resigned from his job.

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resignation [.rezig'neifn] leköszönés,

3267 lemondás

to retire [ri'taia] 2544 nyugdíjba megy,


retirement [ri'taiamant] nyugdíjba

2590 vonulás, nyugdí


revenue ['revanju:] 1909 jövedelem,


schedule ['Jedjuil] 2850 időbeosztás,


storage ['sto:rid3] 2855 raktárhelyiség

to suspend [sa'spend] felfüggeszt


theoretical [.Qis'retikl] elméleti


unemployed munkanélküli

[,Anim'pbidJ 2988

working ['w3:kiqj 2136 működés

workshop ['w3:kjDp] 2754 műhely

8.04. Verseny ► Alapszókincs

to achieve [a'tji:v] 658 elér, megvalósít,

valóra vált

attempt [a'tempt] 840 kísérlet

award [a'woid] 654 díj, kitüntetés,


to beat [bi:t], beat, legyőz

beaten 1333

benefit ['bemfit] 731 előny, haszon,


best [best] 1353 legjobb

better ['beta] 791  jobb

challenge ['tfceland3] 1643 kihívás

Kevin handed in his resignation yesterday; he

hopes to find a new job by next week.

Maria hopes to retire by the age of fifty, so she

has been saving money since she started


The official age for retirement in America is

sixty-five, but many people work well into their


In order to generate more revenue, Mr. Williams

has increased his sales team.

The secretary created a detailed schedule for his

boss’s trip to New York.

Please, put all the extra boxes into storage; we

simply have no room for them here.

 Jack was suspended from school for using bad


The theoretical plan was to have the job done by

October; in reality, we will not be finished until

late January.

Because he is sti I unemployed, Ben cannot

afford to travel to England as he had planned.

The workings of clocks can be extremelycomplicated.

The teachers have attended a workshop this

week on how to prevent school violence.

You can achieve your goals if you stay positive

and work hard.

We made an attempt to win the tender, but we

finally lost it.

Tina won the award for employee of the month.

We need a good strategy to beat the crisis.

A benefit of arriving early is finding a parking


He was the best among the applicants.

He is a better chef than I’ll ever be.

It was a challenge to finish the project on schedule;

we had to work extra hours to finish it by March.

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chance [tfa:ns] 689 esély, alkalom, This is our last chance to show our strength and

lehetőség team spirit.

competition verseny, versengés They have a company-wide competition to see

[.kDmpa'tiJn] 1100 who can sell the most stocks and bonds.

to face [feis] 675 szembenéz,


It is time to face our enemy and fight.

failure [’feilja] 1268 kudarc, sikertelen

ség, meghiúsulás

Our plan turned out to be a total failure.

to fight [fait] 1038 harcol, küzd They are fighting to protect their jobs.

level ['levl] 268 szint, színvonal Because Mr. Smith had a high level of education,

he was able to earn a better salary.

tO lose [lu:z], lOSt, lost 364 (el)veszít Why don’t you apply for the job? You have

nothing to lose.

to miss [mis] 1041 elszalaszt, kihagy He didn’t want to miss the opportunity to work at

a place like that.

objective [ab'd3ektiv] cél The objective of the training is to improve our

1460 computer skills.

opposition [.Dpa'zijn] ellenállás The opposit on was tough, but Bill and his team

1210 still hoped to win the competition.

power ['paua] 249 hatalom, erő; Thirsty for power, the politician quickly rose

befolyás through the government’s ranks.

powerful ['pauafl] 1479 erős, erőteljes, Mr. Smith is a powerful man and everyone has

befolyásos respect for him.

ready f'redi] 877 kész vmire Our employees are ready to work hard.

strength [streqS] 1329 erő We were all amazed by Lee’s strength when we

watched him lift the heavy bricks.

strong [stroq] 423 erős, izmos Kevin is so strong that he can lift a car!

to succeed [sak'siid] 1885 sikerrel jár, sikert

ér el, boldogul

If you want to succeed, you have to work hard.

success [sak'ses] 795 siker Success is difficult to measure, but if you are

happy, you have succeeded.

successful [sak'sesfl] 802 sikeres People think Mr. Miller is successful because he

has a big house and a big car.

target ['taigit] 1229 cél, célkitűzés The produdon of the factory was 10 per cent

above target last year.

to threaten ['Gretn] 1552 fenyeget  John threatened to quit if they didn’t give him a

pay rise.

victory [Viktori] 1656 győzelem We have worked so hard to achieve this victory.

to win [win], won, won (meg)nyer They have won the contract to build the new

429 school.

winner [ 'wins] 1944 nyertes It seems that they will be among the winners of

the crisis.

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8.04. Verseny ► Kiegészítő szókincs

achievement eredmény, Our greatest achievement in the past year was

[a'tjuvmant] 2104 teljesítmény the construction of a huge sports centre.

to award [a'wo:d] 2759 adományoz, Maggie was awarded 500 pounds for her brilliant

odaítél sales performance.

to challenge [’tj$land3] kihívást jelent This work doesn’t really challenge him.


cheat [tji:t] 4064 csaló He was the biggest tax cheat in American history.

clash [klsej] 3873 összeütközés, There was a clash between Bill and Jane over

nézeteltérés who should do what.

to compete [kam'piit] versenyez  Jan was nervous about competing against the

2709 rival team.

competitive versenyszellemű Tina is very competitive - she always wants to

[kam'petativ] 2471 win.

competitor [kam’petita] versenytárs, The other team was a tough competitor, but we

3396 versenyző still managed to win the competition.

to confront [kan'frAnt] szemben találja We were confronted by a lot of difficulties, but

3221 magát, szembenéz we still managed to complete our project.

contest ['kDntest] 4070 verseny We are having a contest to see who can get the

most responses from customers.

defeat [di'fiit] 2667 vereség Defeat was not an option for Naima’s team.

disadvantage hátrány Coming from a poor environment often results in

[,disad'va:ntid3] 3610 facing disadvantages in life.

dominant ['dominant] domináns Our company plays a dominant role in the

2823 country’s economy.

to dominate ['domineit] erőfölényben van, They are likely to dominate the market in the

2199 dominál following year.

fight [fait] 2618 harc, küzdelem, The fight between Mark and Tim was very

verekedés violent.

fighting ['faitiq] 3518 harc, küzdelem, Fighting amongst team members is against the

küzdés rules.

final ffainl] 2523 végső The final results have far exceeded our


finish ['finij-] 3898 célbaérés, hajrá We won the competition, but it was a close finish.

go [gao], goes 3527 kísérlet, próbál


Give it a go, maybe you will succeed.

to lack [laek] 2157 híján van The other team lacks the skills needed to win.

opponent [a'paunant] ellenfél The best way to argue with your opponents is to

2792 understand their point of view.

to oppose [a'pauz] 2684 szembehelyezke Most workers of the company strongly opposed

dik, ellenez the proposed changes.

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opposite ['Dpazit] 2735 ellentétes

to overcome [.auva'kAm],

overcame, overcome


legyőz, úrrá lesz

pressure I'preJVj 776 nyomás

prize [praiz] 2282 díj, jutalom

to pursue [pa'sju:] 2128 törekszik, hajszol

to qualify [’k w o h fa i] 2847 képesít, alkalmas

sá tesz

rival ['raivl] 3186 rivális

run [rAn] 1709 sorozat, széria

to score [sko:] 1967 elér

strain [strein] 2934 feszültség,


tactic ['tEektik] 3977 taktika

tension ['t en jn ] 2253 feszültség

tough [tAf] 2330   kemény, erős

triumph ['traiAmfj 3701   győzelem

8.05. Tudomány ► Alapszókincs

analysis [s'næbsis], elemzés, analízis

analyses 789

base [beis] 1142 bázis, lúg

basis ['beisis], bases 757 alap

concept ['konsept] 1221 fogalom

consequence következmény

['konsikwans] 1373

creation [kri'eijn] 1984 megalkotás,


The two scientists represented the opposite sides

of the issue.

We overcame our difficulties and managed to

achieve our goals.

You shouldn’t come to work here if you can’t

stand the pressure.

The winner of the contest will receive a prize.

We are all doing our best to pursue our common


Her past experience qualifies her for this job.

Two best fr ends became rivals when they started

to work for the same company.

Our company had an amazing run of success

throughout last year.

Our new product is sure to score a success on the

international market.

The strain was too much for her and she had to

take a break.

We need new tactics to acquire new customers

and sell more products.

There has always been a tension between him

and his boss.

I’m not sure he’s tough enough for this job.

Winning the contract was a triumph over the

chief rival of the company.

The analysis of the chemical substance showed

that it caused cancer.

One needs to be careful when mixing acids and


On the basis of their data, scientists are able to

draw conclusions about the planet’s surface.

Every concept in the book is clearly explained.

The consequences of smoking are well


The creation of a new technical institute was

possible due to the professor’s expertise.

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data [’deita] 614 adat, adatok

to develop [di'vebp] 441 (ki)fejleszt,


effect [i’fekt] 289 hatás, következ


to examine [ig'zaemin] megvizsgál


experiment kísérlet

[ik'sperimsnt] 1786

factor ['fækta] 740 tényező

to generate ['d3enareit] létrehoz, alkot


medium ['miidism], közeg; oldószer

media 1066

method ['meGad] 628 módszer, eljárás

model ['modi] 617 modell, makett,


observation [.Dbza'veijh] megfigyelés


to observe [ab'z3:v] 1435 megfigyel

principle [’prinsspl] 817 (alap)elv

research [ri's3:tj] 393 kutatás, vizsgálat

result [n'zAlt] 292 eredmény

scheme [skiim] 656 tervezet, elképze

lés, vázlat

science ['saisns] 898 tudomány

scientific [.sawn'tifik] tudományos,

1738 természettudo


scientist ['saisntist] 1827 tudós

solution [sa'luijn] 1184 megoldás

The scholars collected new data about the plant’s


The scientist developed a new theory of planet


Adding heat had no effect on the experiment.

The doctors examined the patient’s wound.

The chemistry teacher conducted a dangerous

experiment in class.

The scientists could not predict exact results

because of the many factors.

Students of chemistry have generated a new

substance to use in plastic items.

Alcohol is a medium used in sterilising products.

The doctors used a new method to stop the


They showed us the model of the newly

constructed engine.

They kept the child in overnight for observation.

There are biological studies that observe and

describe animal behaviour.

Repeating an experiment is a basic principle in


A lot of research is being done on how to cure


The scholars presented the results of their studies

to the government.

This scheme shows how the scientists organised

their research.

Physics and chemistry are sciences which use a

lot of mathemat cs.

Scientific experiments proved the theory to be


Marie Curie, her husband and her daughter wereall scientists whc worked in the fields of physics

and chemistry.

The student found the solution to the

mathematics problem very quickly.

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source [so:s] 711 forrás

structure ['strAktJa] 624 szerkezet,


table ['teibl] 463 táblázat

theory ['Gisri] 665 elmélet, teória

Students should cite all sources in their essays.

The professor drew the structure of the molecule

on the boa'd.

This book is full of tables with numbers and data

about all known chemical substances.Scientists have developed many theories about


8.05. Tudomány ► Kiegészítő szókincs

atom j'íEtam] 4001 atom

to calculate f 'kielkjuleit] kiszámít2297

calculation számítás, számo

[.kaelkju'leijn] 3297 lás

comprehensive átfogó

[.kompn'henstv] 2563

diagram ['daragrasm] 3885 diagram, ábra,


discovery [di'skAvarij felfedezés2567

to dissolve [di'zclv] 4105 oldódik

equation [i'kwei3nl 2570 egyenlet

evolution [.iivs'luijn] 3147 evolúció, (k ife jlő

dés, (ki)alakulás

experimental kísérleti[ik.speri'mentl] 3233

expertise [,eksp3:'ti:z] szaktudás,

3075 szakértelem

to explore [ik'splo:] 2040 felfedez, felkutat,


finding [’faindiq] 2149 eredmény,


framework ['freimw3:k] felépítés, szerke2307 zet, keret

graphics ['grsefiks] 3634 grafika

hypothesis [hai'poGasis], hipotézis, feltevés

hypotheses 3334

An atom is the smallest component of an


The professor calculated the costs for his newscientific project.

The answer to the equation was given after much


A comprehensive study was carried out on

human genes.

The data was illustrated in a diagram.

Columbus is famous for his discovery of theAmerican continent.

If you are unable to swallow tablets, you can

sometimes buy ones that dissolve in water.

Solving equations is part of the science of


Darwin is known for his theory of evolution.

Scholars proved the hypothesis by carrying outexperimental studies.

Although she studied physics for seven years, she

does not possess much expertise in the field.

Scientists explored new territory in the South

American rainforest.

After hours of research, the scholar was not

satisfied with his findings.

In their first session, the historian described theframework of her lessons to her students.

This is an easy book to understand because it

includes many graphics.

The scientist’s hypothesis proved to be wrong

after several experiments.

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innovation [.ins'veijn]


input ['input] 2396

to invent [in'vent] 3783

invention [in'venfn] 4209

liquid fl ikwid] 4228

logic [’Ind^rk] 3343

logical flDd3ikl] 3344


[ .masBs'mcet iks] 3657

to melt [me l t ] 4245

physics [ ' f i z iks ] 3810

ratio I ' r e i j i su ] 2495

rational [ ' ra i jna l ] 3358

to reproduce

[ .r i iprs'djuis] 4414

to research [ r i 's3:t j ] 3680

researcher [ n ' s 3 : t f 3 ] 2543

to solve [sd Iv ] 2450

specification[.spesifi'keijn] 3566

spectrum [ 'spektrem],

spectra 3691

statistical [ s ts ' t is t ik l ] 3569

statistics [ s ta ' t is t iks] 2745

stimulus [ 'st imjstas] ,

St imul i 3368

structural ['strAktJoral]3035

variable [ ’vear iabl ] 2501

újítás The institute of technology is famous for its

unusual innovations.

hozzájárulás, One cannot expect too much input from a lazy

munkaráfordítás student.

feltalál After many attempts, the light bulb was invented.

feltalálás The invention of the wheel is considered one ofthe most important inventions.

folyadék Water is a liquid.

logika Scientists must be well-trained in logic in order to

answer difficult questions.

logikus Many scientists explain results in a way logical

only to them.

matematika Mathematics deals with numbers and equations.

olvad When ice melts, it turns into water.

fizika Einstein made major contributions to physics.

arány What is the ratio of salt to water in the ocean?

racionális, Rational thinking is required when working

ésszerű scientifically.

szaporodik, Single-cell organisms reproduce in various ways,

reprodukálódik including dividing into more cells.

kutat, vizsgál Scholars have researched the relationshipbetween income and health.

kutató The company employs researchers to develop

better business strategies.

megold It was not hard to solve the problem using


részletezés, Student findings required further data

részletes leírás specification.

spektrum, skála The full spectrum of colours can be seen usingthe machine.

statisztikai The statistical likelihood of a comet hitting the

earth is very low.

statisztika, The statistics showed that most mathematics



students had joos.

inger Each stimulus caused a reaction in the mice.

szerkezeti This chemistry book includes graphics of the

structural forms of many chemicals.

változó The variables in an experiment can change the


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8.06. Oktatás ► Alapszókincs

class [kla:s] 427 osztály

classroom ['kla:sru:m] osztályterein

2945college [’kolid3] 902 főiskola, egyetem;


concentration összpontosítás

[.konsn'treijn] 1699

course [ko:s] 384 kurzus, előadás,


curriculum [ka'rikjalam], tanterv, tanme

curricula 1811 net, tananyag

degree [di'gri:] 873 egyetemi képesí

tés, diploma,


difficulty ['difikalti] 857 nehézség

discipline ['disaplin] 1579 fegyelem

education [,ed3u'keijn] oktatás, nevelés389

educational nevelési, oktatási

[,ed3u'keij3nl] 1727

error [’era] 1728 hiba

examination vizsga

[ig.zaemi'neifn] 1670

exercise ['eksssaiz] 1375 feladat, gyakorlat

to fail [feil] 690 megbukik,

elégtelen ered

ménnyel ír

glue [glu:] 4155 ragasztó

grade [greid] 2957 érdemjegy,


grant [gra:nt] 1760 ösztöndíj

homework ['h3umw3:k] házi feladat

Her graduating class had 30 people.

All the pupils went quiet as the teacher entered

the classroom.

As her high school education drew to a close, she

applied to many colleges.

The students’ concentration during the lecture

was disturbed by the door opening.

She attends an accounting course at the local


This year’s curriculum includes reading many

contemporary novels.

You will not get a good job without a higher

educational degree.

Although she is a good student in languages and

the arts, she has difficulties in mathematics.

One needs discipline when learning to play the


A good education is required to get a decent job.

The teacher used a new educational method

when teaching his first-grade children to read.

The teacher found many spelling errors in Tim’s


The final examination of all English students took

place in room 405.

The pupils will be required to do five exercisesbefore our next class.

She failed the test because she did not study hard


You can use glue to stick that picture into your


An A is the best grade one can get in school.

The government offers grants to students with

financial difficulties.

Your homework is to learn all irregular verbs.

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to improve [im'pruiv] 871  ja v ít

improvement  ja vu lá s, ja v ít ás

[im'pruivmant] 1585

institute [ 'inst it ju i tj 1762 intézet

instruction [in'strAkJn] utasítás, útm uta

1734 tá s

to learn [l3:n], learnt, (meg)tanu l

learnt 578

learning ['l3:niq] 1875 tanulás

lesson ['lesnj 2121 óra, oktatás, lecke

master’s degree [.maistaz mester-fokozat

di'gri:] 1365

mistake [m i 's te ik ] 1906 h ib a, té ve dé s

to pass [pa:s] 533 átmegy, letesz

practice ['praektisj 501 gyakorlás, edzés

to practise ['prasktis] 2905 gyakorol

to punish fpAmJ] 4405 (meg)büntet

presence ['prezns] 1358  je lenlé t, m egje le


professor [pra'fess] 1855 professzor

pupil ['pjuiplj 1068 tanuló, iskolás

rubber ['rAba] 4423 rad ír

ruler ['ru:te] 4426 vonalzó

school [skuil] 180 iskola

staff [sta:f] 476 személyzet; tanári


student ['stjuidnt] 482 diák

study ['stAdi] 298 tanu lmány

subject ['sAbd3ikt] 396 tantárgy, tém a

to teach [tiitj], taught, tanít, oktat

taught 1081

teacher [’tiltja] 537 tanár

Ron needs to improve his grades in mathematics

to pass this year.

 Jenny’s improvement in school meant she was

able to get into a prestigious university.

The new institute of medicine quickly earned a

good reputation.

If you follow the instructions, you will be able to

do the assignment correctly.

In Latin class, pupils have to learn ten words for

each session.

The learning of English is important for your


She has a piano lesson every Thursday.

After studying for so long, he received his

master’s degree.

The boy was recuired to take the test again

because he had made so many mistakes.

You must write three essays in order to pass the


We have football practice every Monday and

Thursday at 5 p.m.

You need to practise several times a week to

become a good piano player.

 Joe was punished for hitting Adam in the


Your presence is required at all lectures, the

professor said.

She is a professor of literature at the university.

The art class has only eleven pupils.

Here is a pencil and rubber.

Can I borrow your ruler?

German children start school at the age of six or


The school does not employ enough staff to

teach Latin to all pupils.

The college of law accepts about 400 students.

Her studies include languages and sociology.

The subject of this class is sociology.

The professors teach five classes per week.

The school is looking for a new art teacher.

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 .   A  m  u  n   k  a

  v   i   l   á  g  a


teaching ['tiitjii]] 1744  tanítás, oktatás

test [test] 701

to train [trein] 1711

írásbeli vizsga,


képez, oktat

university [ju:ni'v3:s9ti] egyetem


Teaching can be a strain if teachers do not know

how to he p their pupils.

I am studying for our biology test.

The business college trains students in leadership

skills and :eamwork.

You need good grades to be accepted to a


8.06. Oktatás ► Kiegészítő szókincs

academic [.æka'demik] tudományos,

2066 egyetemi,


admission [ad'mijn] 2865 felvétel, bejutás

assessment [a'sesmant] felmérés, értéke

1383 lés, minősítés

certificate [sa'tifikat] 2467 bizonyítvány,


to correct [ka'rekt] 3745 kijavít

to educate ['ed3ukeit] oktat, tanít,

3761 iskoláztat

essay ['esei] 3230 esszé, értekezés

establishment megalapítás,

[i'stæblifmant] 2039 létesítés

to give out [,giv ’aut] 4162 kioszt

graduate ['græd3uat] 3775 ( friss) diplomás,

( frissen) végzett


to instruct [in'strAkt] 3917 utasít, oktat

Latin [‘lætin] 3432 latin

lecture [’lektja] 1121 előadás

polytechnic [.pDli'tekmk] műszaki egyetem,

3811 főiskola

She plans to pursue an academic career after

earning her degree.

Admission to the university is granted after the

full application procedure is completed.

An assessment test is required before students

are accepied at this university.

She earned a certificate for the audit course she

took during the summer.

The teacher had to correct his pupils’ essays

during the weekend.

Gillian was educated at an international school in


She wrote an essay about Shakespeare’s life.

The establishment of a new institute for medical

science was achieved with a contribution of five

million dollars.

The teacher gave out the worksheets.

Three days after his last test, the graduate found

a job at a big company.

The chemistry teacher instructed his pupils to

handle the chemical substance carefully.

She did not study Latin in school, which was a

disadvantage for studying medicine.

Every Monday, the student attends a lecture in


The polytechnic school trained its students in

technical and industrial matters.

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presentation[.prezn'teijn] 2445

qualification[.kwDlifi'keiJn] 2538

to revise [ r i ' v a i z ] 4 4 i 7

revision [ri‘vi3 n] 4418

scholar [ 'skD b] 3960






tudós, ösztöndíjas

The student gave a good presentation in his

literature class.

He did not possess the necessary qualification to

study law.

If you revise every day, you will pass the test.

Anna spent four days on her revision, so shepassed her exan easily.

The scholar earned a prize for his medical


eo   i .

   A  m

  u  n   k  a

  v   i   l   á  g  a

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9* A nyelv

9.01. Nyelvtanulás és a nyelvekről általában ► Alapszókincs

to define [di'fain] 1166 meghatároz,

értelmez, definiál

definition [.defi'nijn] meghatározás,

1667 definíció

detail fdiiteil] 634 részlet

detailed ['diiteildj 1700 részletes, aprólé


to express [ik'spres] 942 kifejez, kinyilvánít

expression [ik'sprejn]



grammar [’graems] 3082 nyelvtan

 joke [d33uk] 2680 vicc

language ['la;i]gwid3] 484 nyelv

meaning ['mi:mi]] 1366 jelentés

to present [pri'zent] 793 bemutat, előad

sentence ['sentans] 1300 mondat

speaker ['spi:ka] 1108 beszélő, szónok

speech [spi:tf] 1259 beszéd, szónoklat

word [W3:d] 213 szó

When writing an essay, one has to define all the

key concepts.

The pupil was asked to read the definition of the

term ’philosophy’.

One does not have to understand every detail of

a text to get an understanding of its content.

The journalist gave a detailed report on the

political scandal.

The author expresses a lot of anger and fear

within this poem.

For students of a foreign language, it is some

times hard to understand colloquial expressions.

Grammar 'ules can look complicated at first.

Nobody laughed at his joke.

Children usually learn their first foreign language

at school.

I do not understand the meaning of this


Susie presented her first Spanish essay to the


The teacher told his pupils to translate ten

sentences into French.

The party’s speaker refused to answer the

 journalist’s question.

He carefully prepared his speech for his

daughter’s wedding.

Babies usually learn to speak their first words at

18 months.

9.01. Nyelvtanulás és a nyelvekről általában ► Kiegészítő szókincs

accent |>ksent] 3713 akcentus, kiejtés Although she has been living in England for

twenty years now, she has not lost her French


alphabet ['aelfabet] 4041 ábécé There are 26 letters in the English alphabet,

alphabetical ábécé szerinti Libraries arrange their books in alphabetical

[.alfa'betikl] 4042 order.

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discourse [’disko:s] 3012 beszéd Unemployment is a major topic in Germany’s

public discourse.

to echo ['ekau] 3616 megismétel, This medical study was echoed in a number of 

visszhangoz other scientific journals.

keyword ['ki:w3:d] 4217 kulcsszó You can search for information on the Internet

using keywords.

linguistic [lin'gwistik] nyelvészeti, nyelvi Linguistic scholars have described and examined

3165 the grammars of many languages.

phrase [freiz] 2241 kifejezés, beszéd Shakespeare contributed many phrases to the

fordulat, állandó English language.

sult szókapcsolat

to pronounce [pra'nauns] kiejt Some words are difficult to pronounce.


pronunciation kiejtés The pronunciation of ’there’ and ’their’ is[pra.nAnsi'eiJn] 4403 identical.

to spell [spel] 3567 betűz, helyesen She did not know how to spell the word ’nephew’

(le)ír correctly.

to translate [træns'leit] (le)fordít I have to translate a text for my French class next

3470 week.

translation [træns'leijn] fordítás Your translation of the poem caught the feeling

4361 very well.

vocabulary [va'kæbjalari] szótár, szószedet, Learning vocabulary is not always very exciting.4382 szókincs

9.02. Párbeszéd ► Alapszókincs

to address [a'dres] 1661 megszólít,


to admit [ad'mit] 1005 beismer, bevall,


to agree [a'gri:] 445 beleegyezik,

egyetért, megálla


agreement [a'grumant] megállapodás,

696 megegyezés

answer ['a:nsa] 913 válasz

to approve [a'pru:v] 1893  jóváhagy, helyesel

conversation beszélgetés,

[.knnva'seijn] 1600 társalgás

of course [af'ko:s] 319 természetesen,


A good sales assistant always addresses his or her

clients politely.

The chief officer admitted that he had made the

wrong decision.

The manager agreed to meet with the sales

assistants at five o’clock.

The companies came to an agreement about

their future co-operation.

I am still waitingfor an answer to my email I sent

last week.

My boss approved my new working plan.

I had a nice conversation with my new colleague.

Of course, I can help you with your homework.

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 .   A  n  y  e   l  v for example

[ far ig 'zaimpl] 432

to explain [ik'splein] 577

explanation[ . e k s p l a ' n e i j n ] 1622

goodbye [.gud'bai] 4166

hello [ha ' lau] 2431

information [ . m f a ' m e i j n j


no [nsu] 133

please [pli:z] 855

question [ 'k west Jon ] 246

to reply [r i 'pla i] 1437

to respond [ri 'spond] 1463

response [ri'spDns] 907

to be sorry ['sori] 985

to speak [spi :k] , spoke,

spoken 388

to suggest [safest] 351

suggestion [sa'd 3e s t j a n l


to talk [to:k] 321

to thank [GæqkJ 869

thanks [Gæqks] 1678

to understand[.Anda'stænd],


understood 435





isten veled/

veletek! viszontlá

tásra! viszlát!

halló! hello! szia!



legyen szíves, légy

szíves, kérem,



válaszol, felel

válaszol, reagál

válasz, felelet,




 javasol, ajánl,


 javaslat, tanács

beszél, beszélget


köszönetét mond

kösz, koszi,



ért, megért

We went to see a lot of things in London, for

example the Tower and Westminster Abbey.

Would you, please, explain the assignment again?

Our teacher is always able to give a good

explanation in response to our questions.

Goodbye, have a good trip!

Hello, who is it?

The tourists were looking for some information

about the city.

No, you are not allowed to do that!

Please, call me when you get home.

The teacher was able to answer every question

his students asked.

Sarah replies promptly to all messages.

The chairman responded to all of the journalist’s


The student’s response to the test question

pleased his professor very much.

I am sorry that you have waited for so long.

TV commentators are trained to speak clearly.

 Jenny suggested going to the movies on Friday.

Tom was very pleased by Leah’s suggestion to

invite all their friends to their house.

Leah and John talked for hours at the party.

She thanked her friends for the nice birthday gift.

Many thanks for your funny birthday gift!

A mother is better able to understand her own

children’s feelings.

understanding[.Anda'stændn]! 1405

értelem, tudás;


The teacher showed much understanding when

assigning group projects.

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why[wai]i83 miért Why did you decide to study psychology?

yes [jes] 153  igen Yes, of course, you may have another glass of 



9.02. Párbeszéd ► Kiegészítő szókincs

approval [a'pruivl] 2337 hozzájárulás, His business plan met everybody’s approval at



the conference.

to attribute [a'tribjuit] tulajdonít, betud, A good manager attributes success to his

3290  javára ír employees.

to communicate kapcsolatban áll, I mostly communicate with my friend in Australia

[ka'mjumikeit] 3134 érintkezésbe lép,


via email.

compromise kompromisszum, It took a few hours for the opposing parties to

['kompremaiz] 3738 megegyezés come up with a satisfactory compromise.

to concede [kan'scd] 3874 elismer, The chairman conceded his defeat in the local

beismer,elfogad elections.

concession [ksn'sejn] engedmény The party finally made a concession regarding

3876 the tax reform debate.

dialogue ['daislog] 3755 párbeszéd The countries entered into a dialogue after three

years of war.

excuse [ik'skju:s] 3320 mentegetődzés, His excuse for being late was kindly accepted by

mentség, ürügy his colleagues.

hey [hei] 3904 hé! Hey, how are you?

i.e. [,ai 'i:] (=that is) 1640 azaz You will have two choices, i. e. to write about

history or culture.

instance ['instans] 2574 példa, eset I cannot recall one instance of him being late.

to negotiate [m'gaojieit] (meg)tárgyal, It did not take the sales partners very long to

2732 egyeztet negotiate the price.

negotiation tárgyalás, Both partners qjickly closed their business

[m.gaufi'eijn] 2050 egyezkedés negotiations and went to lunch.

no doubt [,nsu 'daut] 2484 kétségkívül, nem No doubt, he will want to buy a new car this

kétséges week.

proposition [.props'zijnj kijelentés, The judge’s proposition that the court adjourn

3672 indítvány until the afternoon was met with relief.

to question ['kwestfan] kikérdez, kihall The police officers questioned everyone who had

2321 gat witnessed the accident.

to reinforce [,ri:in'fo:s] megerősít, The lawyer found arguments that reinforced his

2976 alátámaszt client’s position.

reply [ri'plai] 2542 válasz, felelet She still hasn’t received a reply to her letter.

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sincerely [sin'siali] 4450  őszintén , sz ívből I am sincerely sorry that I upset you.

that is [öaet 'íz] 2134  azaz I have to be there early, that is at about six p.m.

9.03. Beszédaktusok ► Alapszókincs

advice [sd'vais] 1074 tanács

to advise [ad'vaiz] 1862 tanácsol, ajánl,


to announce [a'naims] bejelent, közöl,

895 nyilvánosságra


to declare [di'klea] 1666 kinyilatkoztat,



to chat [tjæt] 4020 beszélget, cseveg

comment ['koment] 1424 megjegyzés

conclusion [kan'klu^n] következtetés,

1425 döntés

to demand [di'maind] követel, kér


to deny [di’nai] 1401 tagad, letagad,


to describe [di'skraib] 440 leír, ecsetel

description [d i'skrip jn ] leírás, személy le -

1578 írás

to determine [di't3:min] meghatároz,

952 megállapít, eldönt

to emphasise [ 'emfasaiz] hangsúlyoz,

1993 nyomatékosít

to guess [ges] 2354 találgat, kitalál

to indicate [ 'md ikeit] 918 jelez, megemlít,

sejtetni enged

to inform [in'fo im] 1873 tájékoztat ,

tudósít, informál

for instance [ fg 'r instans] például


to lie [lai] 601 hazudik

to mention ['menjn] 1025 megemlít

Take my advice and study law instead of art.

The bank clerk advised me to open a second


 John and Sarah announced their good news at

the party.

The United States declared their independence in


I can spend hours chatting to my friends.

The professor wrote comments on the students’


After three hours, the meeting was adjourned

without a conclusion.

A customer demanded to talk to the manager.

The auditor denied any involvement in the taxfraud.

The correspondent described the current

situation in Egypt.

The policeman asked the witness to give a

description of the suspected individual.

The boss determined how much to pay his


The doctor emphasised that I was in need ofmore rest.

He guessed the woman’s age correctly.

The teacher indicated that there might be a test

coming uo the next day.

The agent informed the ministry about upcoming

events in Russia.

Let’s discuss something else; for instance, we

could talk about the latest news.

Peter lied to her mother about his grades.

She mentioned that the computer can sometimes

be difficult to start.

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to note [naut] 906 megjegyez,

figyelembe vesz,

tudomásul vesz

to point [point] 800 mutat, rámutat

to recommend[.reks'mend] 1737


to refer [ri'f3:] 827 utal, hivatkozik

to remind [n'maind] 1857 emlékeztet, figyel-


to repeat [n 'piit] 1546 (m eg)ism étel

request [ ri'kwest] 1965 kérés, kérelem,


to shout [Jaut] 1740 kiált, kiabál

so [sao] 50 olyan, annyira

to state [steit] 1088 ismertet, kifejt

statement ['steitmant] 811 közlemény,


that [Sast, Sat] 1941 olyan

there is/are [Sear 'iz, Sear van/vannak,

'a:] 39 létezik/léteznek

to whisper ['wispa] 2752 suttog

Please note that I have to leave at four p.m.

Let me point to another aspect of the problem.

The sales assistant at the book store

recommended this book to me.

In his essay, the scholar referred to many other

scientific studies.

My mum reminded me to be home as soon as


The teacher asked the students to repeat the

newly-learned English vocabulary.

The manager responded to the client’s request.

Our neighbour stDod at his fence and shouted

over to us.

Your mum is always so nice to me.

The lawyer stated his defendant’s case in the

federal court.

The journalist asked the speaker for a short


It is not that far.

There are many languages around the world.

The lovers were whispering into each others’


9.03. Beszédaktusok ► Kiegészítő szókincs

account [a'kaunt] 552 beszámo ló , leírás

to acknowledge elismer, elfogad,

[3k'nolid3] 2222 méltányol

aloud [a'laud] 4040  jó l hallhatóan

to analyse [ 'senalaiz] 2259 elemez

announcement bejelentés,

[a'naunsmant] 2939 közlemény

to assure [a'Jua] 2758 biztosít, m eg-


to cite [sait] 3059 idéz, hivatkozik

The judge listens to all witness accounts.

The professor acknowledged Peter’s point.

Could you read your story aloud, please?

The accountant analysed the company's credit


Larry and Diane’s wedding announcement was

published in today’s local newspaper.

The consultant assured the businessman of thefuture success of his plan.

The professor often cites government statistics in

his lessons.

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 .   A  n  y  e   l  v


to comment ['koment] megjegyzést tesz


to complain [kam'p le in ] panaszkodik,

2192 panaszt tesz,


to conclude [ksn'kluid] arra a következte-

1806 tésre jut

to confirm [k3n'f3:m] 1286 megerősít, igazol,


to disclose [dis'ktauz] felfed, közread,

3886 közzé tesz

emphasis f'emfssis], hangsúly, nyoma-

emphases 1842 ték

to evaluate [iVasljueit] értékel


to exaggerate (el)túloz

[ig'z£ed33reit] 4127

to hesitate L'heziteit] 3419 tétovázik

hint [hint] 3640 célzás, tipp;

tanács, útmutatás

to imply [im'plai] 1818  je lent, utal vm ire,


indication [,indi'keijn]  jel, utalás


to interview ['intavju:] kikérdez, kérdése-

3245 ket tesz fel

to murmur [ t e m g ] 3443 morajlik, mormol

to mutter ['m/ita] 3545 morog, dünnyög

namely ['neimli] 3445 mégpedig, név

szerint, neveze te-


to outline [’autlain] 2971 körvonalaz, vázol

permission [pa'mijn] 2638 engedély

to permit [pa'm it] 2169 megenged

to pose [pauz] 2903 felvet

proposal [pra'paozl] 1016 házassági ajánlat;

 javaslat, indítvány

Linda commented on her sister’s dress.

The customer complained about the bad service

in the clothing store.

The judge concluded that the man was not guilty

and closed the case.

The manager confirmed the product had been


The journalists disclosed their findings on the

political scandal.

At my grandfather’s funeral, much emphasis was

placed on his work at the museum.

Anne’s parents asked her teacher to evaluate her

achievements in school.

My brother tends to exaggerate what he has

achieved in life.

She hesrated so long that the teacher repeated

the question.

Let me give you a quick hint.

My mum's comment implied that she does not

like my girlfriend.

He gave no indication of intending to marry her.

The policeman interviewed everyone at the scene

of the accident.

The audience started to murmur as the professor

finished his speech.

Lisa muttered as her mother sent her to bed.

There is only one person in the world that I fully

trust, namely-my mother.

During his lecture, the author also outlined his

next project.

Pupils do not have permission to leave the


Parents must not permit their children to smoke.

The scientist’s research posed further questions

regarding older people’s health care.

Annie rejected George’s marriage proposal.

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to propose [pra'pauz]  javaso l, ajánl, The teacher proposed that the students hold a

1004 indítványoz discussion outside of class.

to quote [kwaut] 2209 idéz My grandfather used to quote Churchill.

recommendation ajánlás He asked his professor for a letter of 

[.rekamen'deijn] 2366 recommendation.

remark [ri'maik] 2740 megjegyzés Betty made a rude remark on her friend’s


to request [n'kwest] 3029 kér The police office' requested that the people

remain in the room until further notice.

to scream [skri:m] 2911 sikolt, sikít, visít I do not like children because they scream so


to stress [stres] 2251 hangsúlyoz, The manager stressed the importance of safe

kiemel working conditions.

to swear [swea], swore, (meg)esküszik, At their wedding day, he swore to love her till the

sworn 3371 esküvel fogad end of their lives.

for the sake of  vmi kedvéért For the sake of the worker’s safety, the manager

[fa 8a 'seik av] 2696 purchased hard hats.

9.04. Vélemény kifejezése ► Alapszókincs

anyway ['eniwei] 934 egyébként (sem), Do not worry about forgetting the drinks, I am

mindenesetre not thirsty anyway.

approach [a'prautf] 652 megközelítés,

szemlélet, felfogás

The approach of this class will be very scholarly.

to argue [’a:gju:] 750 vitatkozik, She always argues with her husband about

veszekszik money.

argument ['aigjumant] vita, érvelés The two politicians started an argument about

935 tax reform.

aspect ['aespekt] 972 szempont This article does not highlight all aspects of

losing weight.

debate [di'beit] 1337 vita Our family parties usually end with a debate

about politics.

to decide [di'sard] 417 eldönt She could not decide if he was right or wrong.

decision [di's^n] 420 döntés Emergency doctors often have to make fast


to discuss [di'skAs] 739 megvitat, megbe In the car, Susan and Tim discussed the right

szél route to the airport.

discussion [di'skAjn] 975 megbeszélés, vita, The class quickly entered into a discussion on a

eszmecsere controversial novel.

doubt [daut] 1315 kétség I have no doubts about his loyalty.

fact [faekt] 220 tény He prefers to rely on facts instead of on


 .   A  n  y  e   l  v

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however [hau'eva] 154 azonban,ennek


idea [ai'dia] 295 ötlet, gondolat

indeed [in'diid] 596 valóban, tényleg,

csakugyan, igazán

to insist [in'sist] 1564 ragaszkodik


instead [in'sted] 1432 helyette, inkább

intention [ in 'tenfn] 1671 szándék

to matter ['maeta] 1930 fontos, lényeges,


nevertheless [,neva0a'les] ennek ellenére,

1477 mégis, m indazon-


no [nau], noes 1119 nem

opinion [a 'p in jan] 1196 vélemény, nézet

otherwise [VQawaizj 1274 különben,


to persuade [pa'sweid] meggyőz,

1933 rábeszél, rávesz

rather [’rarQa] 512 meglehetősen,


to refuse [ri'fjurz] 1057 megtagad,


to regard [ri'ga:d] 1069 tekint, tart

to reject [ri'd3ekt] 1634 elutasít

to suppose [sa'pauz] 645 hisz, sejt, vél,


therefore ['Seafo:] 456 ezért, így aztán

though [0au] 1130 bár, habár

thus [5 a s ] 532 így, enné lfogva

tO VOice [VOIS] 1368 kifejez, hango t ad

They said they would come to my party; however,

they went to Danny’s house instead.

It is not a good idea to walk barefoot in winter.

Most of his photos are very good indeed.

Lisa insisted on taking the car for the weekend.

The couple did not celebrate their wedding

anniversary; they went on vacation instead.

Although he loves her, he has no intention of

marrying her.

Your feedback matters to the company.

I know you are sick; nevertheless, you should go

outside and get some fresh air.

He would not accept a ‘no’ to his marriage


My opinion is that parents should be more

involvec in their children’s education.

I need to finish this paper now; otherwise, I will

not have enough time to go out with you.

Tim persuaded his wife to move to New York.

I am rather tired; I do not want to go out tonight.

She refuses to talk about her sister’s death, it’s

too upsetting for her.

After lying to me several times, I do not regard

him as a friend anymore.

The chancellor totally rejected the idea of

lowering taxes.

I suppose my parents will want to stay for dinner,


His friends had already had dinner; therefore, he

ordered takeaway food.

Though the weather was bad the entire time, we

still enjoyed being in a new city.

The team hasn’t won any matches this season;

thus the coach had to resign.

My dad voiced great concern about my future


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9.04. Vélemény kifejezése ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to assert [a's3:t] 3482 állít, bizonygat

to assume [a'sjuim] 1006 feltételez

assumption [a'sAmp/n] fe ltevés, fe ltétele-

1804 zés

besides [b i'said z] 3865 vmin kívül,


to claim [kleim] 592 követel, igényt


to consider [ksn'sidsj 347 átgondol,


consideration megfontolás,

[kan.sida'reijn ] 1385 átgondolás

complaint [kam'pleint] panasz, kifogás


controversial vitatott

[.kontre'vs;/!] 3498

controversy ['kontr3V3:sil vita


to convince [ksn’vins] meggyőz


critic ['kntik ] 2387 kritikus

to criticise ['kritisaiz] bírál, kritizál


to debate fd i'bei t] 4085 megvitat

to disagree [.disa'gri:] nem ért egyet,

4096 más véleményen


disagreement nézeteltérés

[.disa'grnmant] 4097

disapproval [ .disa'pruivl] rosszallás


to disapprove rosszall, helyte le-

[.diss'pru iv] 4101 nít

dispute [di'spjurt] 2198 vita, vitatkozás

to doubt [daut] 2777 kételkedik,

kétségbe von

furthermore [.fsiöa'mo:] azonkívül,

2885 továbbá

Some religious groups assert that the end of the

world is near.

My dad assumes that we want to spend the night

at his house.

His assumption that we would be able to afford

the house was wrong.

Besides my doctor’s appointment, I also have to

go shopping.

The people claimed their right to vote.

She considers every word before speaking.

After a lot of consideration, she decided to move

to New York.

The hotel manager did not listen to our

complaints about the bad food.

The death penalty is a controversial topic in the

United States.

The controversy about higher education fees in

Germany started a couple of years ago.

The car salesman tried to convince me to buy a

fast and expensive car.

Critics did not like the play at all.

Darwin’s publication was highly criticised by

other scholars and society.

We like to debate which film star is best.

My sister and I rarely disagree about politics.

There was a disagreement between the two men,

but they have sorted out their differences.

I cannot bear my dad’s disapproval.

My parents often disapprove of what I do.

Their dispute did not end with a satisfying result.

I doubt that he will make it on time to our


Our son plays the piano and football and he is,

furthermore, involved in the chess club.

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impression [im'prejnj2015

 justification[,d3AStifi'keiJn] 3786

to justify ['d3AStifai] 2 1 1 7

moreover [mo:r 'auva]


to object [ab'd 3ekt] 3664

Oh dear! |au 'dia] 2475

partial ['pa:fl] 3939

to persist [pa'sist] 3943

perspective [pa 'spekt iv]


to reckon frekan] 2365

refusal [ri 'f juizl] 3677

stance [ s tan s] 3836

stand [staend] 3109

thereby [.flea’bai] 3037

uncertain [An's3:tn] 3702

uncertainty [An's3:tnti]


to urge [3:d3j 2416

whereby fwea'bai] 3707



indokol, igazol

sőt mi több,




 Te jó ég! Istenem !






gondol, hisz, vél






ezáltal, ily módon





unszol, buzdít,



I have the impression that he does not like me

very much.

There is no justification for killing innocent


Although you earn a lot of money, that does not

 justify spending so much of it on cars.

I cannot agree to this contract’s conditions;

moreover, it does not comply with German law.

The employees objected to the longer shifts.

Oh dear! What happened to your car?

He was partial to the ideas of the liberal


My grandfather persists in his opinion that a

socialist ideology can be realised.

Watching the earth from the moon provides you

with a totally different perspective on our planet.

I reckon they will come tomorrow.

Unfortunately, she received a letter of refusal

from the University of Oxford.

The pary chairman takes a tough stance on tax


Take a stand against violence!

The famous actor is involved in a human rights

organisation and is thereby able to attract more

attention to Third World poverty.

It is uncertain when the president’s conference

will be.

The scientist was bothered by the uncertainty of

his success.

My friend urged me to quit smoking.

He did not obey his mother’s rule whereby

smoking in the house was not allowed.

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10« Szabadidő és szórakozás

10.01. Művészet és kultúra ► Alapszókincs

actor ['ækta] 2507 színész To play a dead body you have to be a very goodactor.

art [a:t] 529 művészet The modern art museum has many famous


artist [’œtist] 1352 művész, I very much like this artist; his paintings display

képzőművész so much feeling.

audience ['oidians] 1597 közönség, The play met with the audience’s approval;

publikum everybody in the theatre clapped.

author ['o:03] 1513 szerző Who is the author of this book?

band [bænd] 1264 együttes, zenekar, When my favourite band comes into town, I will

banda go to their concert.

collection [ka'Iekfn] 1155 gyűjtemény The museum has an impressive collection of  old


concert fkonsst] 3065 koncert The singer gave a concert at the opera house.

cultural [’kAltJaral] 1602 kulturális Music and food are important cultural elements

of every country.

culture I'kAltJa] 1091 kultúra The international students aimed to understand

other cultures better.

dance [da:ns] 2564 tánc Many people do not like folk dance.

dancer [ ’damsd] 4084 táncos My husband is not much of a dancer but he tries.

to display [di'sple i] 1813 megmutat, She was able to display much of her talent in this

bizonyságot tesz movie.

drum [drAm] 4110 dob I am regretting giving my young son a drum for

his birthday!

exhibition [,eksi'bijn] kiállítás This museum’s exhibition was shown in many1560 towns in England.

film [film ] 836 film Before taking a picture, you have to load a film

into the camera.

gallery fg æ b ri ] 1845 galéria, képtár This gallery sells very famous paintings.

guitar [gi'ta:] 2622 gitár She was singing while she was playing the guitar.

instrument ['instremant] hangszer The guitar is my favourite instrument, but I do

1850 not have the time to practise.

museum [mju'ziiam] 1340 múzeum The tourists decided to visit the three mostfamous museums.

music ['mjuiz ik] 746 zene Although she likes all kinds of music, she mostly

listens to classical music.

opera ['Dpre] 3095 opera An opera can be a comedy or a drama.

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  s  z   ó  r  a   k  o  z   á  s painting [ 'peint ig ] 1492 festmény, kép Vincent van Gogh made many sunflower


to perform [pa'foim] 1276 előad, játszik The band performed my favourite song.

performance  játék, alakítás; The actor’s performance in the play received

[pa'foimans] 774 előadás excellent reviews.

photograph ['fautagra:f] fénykép The old photograph was black and white.


play [plei] 1378 (szín)darab, Shakespeare wrote some of the most famous

színmű plays in the world.

role [raul] 520 szerep The actor auditioned for the role of King Arthur.

scene [si:n] 1258 jelenet Some scenes in the play made me laugh.

ShOW [Jau] 1070 műsor, előadás That show was great - 1have never heard such

good singers in my whole life.

to sing [sirj] 1652 énekel Her voice is beautiful when she sings.

singer ['sup] 3687 énekes The famous opera singer is known for her

incredible voice.

song [SDI]] 1549 dal I love to sing along to this song.

stage [steid3] 542 színpad The stage is the part in the theatre where the

actors perform the play in front of the audience.

theatre ['0iata] 1612 színház This town is famous for its many theatres.

writer ['raita] 1467 író This shop sells all of my favourite writers’ books.

10.01. Művészet és kultúra ► Kiegészítő szókincs

abstract ['eebstrakt] 3712 absztrakt

architecture ['a ik itektja ] építészet


artistic [ai'tistik] 4000 művészi

classical ['klaesikl] 2663 klasszikus

comedy [’kDmadi] 4005 vígjáték, kom é-

dia; szórakoztató


to compose [kam 'pauz] komponál, szerez


composition fogalmazás;

[.knmpa'zijn] 3003 szerzemény

creative [kri'eitiv] 3141 kreatív, ötletes

dr a m a [ 'drama] 2424 színdarab, dráma

Many people have a hard time understanding

abstract art.

Palaces and castles often have impressive


My brother is the artistic one in the family; he

has always loved drawing.

I prefer classical music to pop music.

Do you like stand-up comedy?

He was able to compose music even after he

went deaf.

The teacher asked the students to write a

composition of at least two pages.

This child is so creative; one day she will become

an artist.

After reading the drama, she was ready to have

an adventure.

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to exhibit [ig'zibit] 3894 bemutat, kiállít The museum for industrial design exhibits a great

collection of old cars and vehicles.

movie ['mu:vi] 2967 (m ozi)film Since she worked at a movie theatre, she knew

almost all of the newest movies.

movie theatre ['mu:vi filmszínház, mozi The movie starts at 9 p.m., so let’s meet at 8:30 in

6iata]4253 the movie theatre.

musical ['mju:z ik l] 2897 muzikális Everyone in his family plays an instrument; they

are very musical.

musician [mjui'zijn] 3800 zenész Most musicians have irregular working hours.

organ ['oigan] 3285 orgona He learned to play the organ at the cathedral.

to paint [peint] 2207 fest In school, he painted a very nice picture for his


painter ['peinta] 3666 festő(művész) The painter brought his brushes and paints to

show the children.

photographer [fa'tDgrafa] fényképész I would love to be a better photographer.


photography [fa'tDgrafi] fényképészet Photography is a relatively young art form.


piano [pi'aenau] 3555 zongora To be able to play the piano you have to practise

every week.

poet ['pauit] 2738 költő A poet has to have some understanding of

rhythm and words.

portrait ['po:tre it] 3175 portré, arckép This portrait of the Queen of England was

painted by her own personal artist.

rhythm ['riSam] 3560 ritmus He cannot sing because he has no feeling for


sculpture ['skAlptfa] 3826 szobor This sculpture is a very expensive piece of art and

therefore needs to be displayed in a museum.

statue ['stastju:] 4316 szobor The statue of David in Florence is very famous.

tragedy ['traed3adi] 3699 tragédia A tragedy is a specific form of drama.

tune [tju:n] 3985 dallam The tune was difficult for the singer to sing.

10.02. Olvasmányok és sajtó ► Alapszôkincs

article [’aitikl] 1145 cikk The articles on the first page of a newspaper are

the most important ones.

book [buk] 261 könyv This book has hundreds of pages; it will take a

long time to read.

chapter ['t/æpta] 659 fejezet In this book, we have to read the seventh

chapter, which goes from page 75 to page 89.

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diary ['daiari] 3071 napló

dictionary ['d ikjanri] 3403 szótár

document ['dDkjumant] dokumentum


to illustrate [ ’ibstreit] illusztrál


index ['indeks] 1926 tárgymutató,



interpretation értelmezés,

[in,t3:pri'teifn] 1874 interpretáció

interview [ 'intavju:] 1566 interjú

introduction bevezetés, előszó

[.intre'dAkfn] 1522

letter ['lets] 505 levél; betű

list [list] 806 lista

literature ['litratfa] 1904 irodalom

magazine [.maega'zhn] magazin, folyóirat


message ['mesrd3] 1254 üzenet

news [nju:z] 781 hír, hírek, híradó

newspaper ['njuizpeipa] újság, hírlap


note [naut] 967 néhány sor, rövid

levél, cetli

page [peid3] 736 oldal

paper ['peipa] 443 papír

pen [pen] 3173 toll

poem ['pauim] 2318 vers

press [pres] 1079 sajtó

publication [.pAbli'keiJn] kiadás, megjele -

1793 nés

to publish [‘pAbliJ] 931 kiad, megjelente t

People write diaries if they want to gather

day-to-day records of their lives.

To translate a medical science text from English

into German, he used a medical English-German


This school certificate is a document proving that

I attended classes in mathematics.

The children’s book was illustrated with many

funny picures.

I wanted :o look up the customer’s number in

the telephone book but could not find his name

in the index.

His interpretation was that Shakespeare’s

character was crazy.

The star refused to give any interviews.

A well-written report usually starts with a brief


There is one letter missing in ‘sucess’.

We should write a list of what we need before we

go shopping.

If you love reading books, you should start

studying literature after school.

Magazines have brighter colours and better

quality paper than newspapers.

The message of the book is that we should try to

live in the present.

Every evening at eight o’clock, my dad watches

the news on TV.

You can buy your daily newspaper at a shop or

get it delivered to your home.

Since no one answered the door, I left a note to

tell them I had called round.

This is a huge book - it contains over 800 pages.

I need a piece of paper to write her a note.

He ran ojt of pens, so he had to use a marker.

Her favorite poem had no rhyming words.

A press conference will be held following the

premiere of the film.

The publication of a book should be stopped if it

containstoo many mistakes.

The young author has published his first book.

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to read [ri:d], read, read olvas The letters are too small; I cannot read this text.


reader ['ri:da] 1277 olvasó National newspapers have more readers than

regional ones.

reading ['riidiq] 1856 felolvasás Last night, I went to a reading given by my

favourite writer.

record ['rekoid] 561 beszámoló, On this page, you can read a weekly record of 

 jelentés, jegyzet events in Eastern Europe.

report [ri'poit] 304 riport, tudósítás, The journalist wrote a report about today’s car

beszámoló accident.

review [ri'vju:] 1256 kritika, bírálat,



The film won very good reviews in Britain.

to sign [sain] 1200 aláír Both new employees are required to sign a


story ['sto:ri] 610 történet, mese When I was a child, my mother used to tell me a

, story every night before I went to sleep.

text [tekst] 1122 szöveg The text was too long and did not fit on one

page, so the journalists had to shorten it.

theme [0i:m] 1859 téma All of the authors books deal with two themes:

love and hate.

to write [rait], wrote, ír When children first learn to write, their letters are

written 234 big.

writing ['raitii]] 1638 írás The unsuccessful author gave up writing because

he could not earn a living from it.

10.02. Olvasmányok és sajtó ► Kiegészítő szókincs

appendix [a'pendiks], függelék

appendices 3722

catalogue ['kaetatog] 2815 katalógus

clause [kb:z] 2002 tagmondat

to convey [kan'vei] 3743 átad, kifejez,


coverage ['kAvarid3] 3399 sajtóvisszhang

declaration [.dekla'reijn] nyilatkozat


The appendix of the book included some useful

information and graphs.

You can either buy the skirt in the shopping

centre or you can order it from the catalogue.

He separated the clauses while teaching

grammar to the students.

In order to win an election, candidates must

convey the right message to the people.

I could not find an article about the accident in

the newspapers; it has not received coverage inthe media.

During his first day in office, the president made

a declaration about his political programme.

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edition [i'dijn] 2672

episode ['episaud] 3511

et al. [,et 'si] 2267fiction ['fikfn] 3517

heading ['hediq] 3777

illustration [.ila'streijn]3530

ink [irjk] 4205

to interpret [in't3:pnt]


 journal [‘d33:nl] 2628

leaflet [liiflat] 3650

literary ['litarari] 2631

mail [meil] 2632

novel ['nDvl] 2257

outline [’aotlain] 3665

paragraph [’paeragraif]2637

poetry ['pauatri] 2902

print [print] 2641

publishing ['pAbliJiq]3450

to review [ri'vju:] 2283

summary [’sAmari] 2858


rész, epizód

és mások

fikció, kitaláció

fejszöveg, címsor

illusztráció, ábra,

kép, rajz

tinta, nyomdafes


értelmez, interp


folyóirat, újság

szórólap, röplap




vázlat, áttekintés







átnéz, áttekint,


ismertetést ír



This book has been printed five times, so it has

five editions.

I missed last week’s episode of my favourite TV


The book was written by Johnson et al.

You can tell the book is fiction; that country does

not really exist.

An interesting heading is necessary to lead

people to read a newspaper article.

We should include an illustration in the textbook

to help tie students understand the concept.

The ink in the printer has run out so we cannot


I cannot explain the meaning of this text; I need

somebody to help me interpret it.

The scholarly journal has started to look more

like a magazine.

During tie election campaign, the political

party’s members handed out leaflets on the


The Nobel Prize in Literature can be seen as the

highest honour for a literary work.

Lisa’s house is too far away to deliver the packet

persona ly; I should send it in the mail.

She always had a novel with her to read on the


The author provided an outline of his concept at

the beginning of his book.

Each paragraph should have no more than five to

seven sentences.

Since my mum loves poetry, I will give her a book

of my favourite poems.

The bookshop employee told me that your book

was out of print, so I could not buy it for you.

After working in the printing trade for many

years, he decided to leave the publishing


He was asked to review her latest book.

I had not read the assigned book, so I asked my

friend to give me a short summary of it.

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symbol ['simbl] 2806  jelkép, szimbólum He gave her a ring as a symbol of his love.

tale [teil] 2651 mese, történet We were never sure if he was making up tales or

telling the truth.

topic ['tDpik] 2217 téma, tárgy They did not find any interesting topics to talk


verse [ v 3 : s ] 3704 vers, versszak, A poem is usually made up of several verses andstrófa each verse usually contains several lines.

written f'ritn] 2703 írott Your signature is the written proof that you have

agreed to do something.

10.03. Sport ► Alapszókincs

to aim [eim] 1399 ráirányít, céloz Brenda aimed the gun at the target, but she

missed it by a few metres.

ball [bail] 1247 labda During the tennis match, Mike threw the ball out

. ' of the court.

card [ka:d] 1154 kártya Poker is a very popular card game.

club [klAb] 546 golfütő People who are good at golf know exactly which

club to use in every situation.

effort ['efat] 848 erőfeszítés, erő Running a marathon requires a lot of effort.

football ['futbo:l] 1562 ladarúgás, futball European football is known as soccer in the

United States.

goal [gaul] 1048 gól After scoring three goals, the football player was

injured and had to be taken to hospital.

league [li:g] 1308 liga If the football team loses this match, they will

not make it into the national league this year.

match [maetfl 1224 meccs, mérkőzés The football match was boring and ended

without any goals.

player ['pleia] 826  játékos A tennis match is played between two players or

between two teams of players.

race [reis] 1240 verseny The winners of last year’s race had times of

under an hour.

sport [spo:t] 1260 sport, sportág I dislike most sports, especially swimming and


to strike [straik], struck, üt, megüt, elüt The player struck the ball very hard, but it was

struck 1452 caught by a member of the opposing team.

to swim [swim], swam, úszik Children who want to learn to swim should start

SWUm 3193 in water that is not deep.

swimming ['swimii]] 3976 úszás Swimming is great for your health.

team [ti:m] 478 csapat Football and rugby are team sports.

tennis ['tenis] 2984 tenisz I do not like tennis; I think it is stupid to hit a

ball over a net.

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10.03. Sport ► Kiegészítő szókincs

basket ['ba:skit] 3862 kosár The term basketball derives its name from

throwing the ball into the basket.

bench [bent;] 3052 pad, kispad It was obvious the player wanted to play; he did

not want to be on the bench anymore.

to bet [bet], bet, bet 3294 fogad I bet this team will not win.

champion ['tfajmpian] bajnok In order tD be called a tennis champion, you

2069 have to be one of the best tennis players in the


championship bajnokság Tom and John are dedicated football fans; they

['tjaempianj'ip] 2001 watch every year’s football championship.

circuit ['S3:klt] 2662 körpálya In horse races, the horses run around a circuit.

coach [kautj] 2470 edző They hired a new coach for the team to lead

them up nto the next league.

cricket ['krikit] 2607 krikett Cricket is a very popular game in England and


to cycle [’saikl] 4083 kerékpározik, I cycle to work most days as I’m trying to do more

biciklizik exercise.

defender [di'fends] 3750 védő The team was unable to score because their

opponent’s defenders played so well.

to eliminate [I'limineit] kiejt, selejtez The losing team was eliminated from the

3228 competition.

to exercise ['eksasaiz] edz Professional sports players exercise several times

2008 a week.

golf [golf] 2621 golf  He loves playing golf because it is a quiet sport

that allows him to relax.

kit [kit] 3429 felszerelés He kept a repair kit with him in case he got a flat


net [net] 2789 háló One can either use a net or a fishing rod to go


pitch [pit;] 2795 dobás; sportpálya In baseball, the pitch of the ball is a decisive


to race [reis] 2539 versenyez, The neighbour’s dog raced after our cat again,

versenyt fut but it never caught up with it.

ref [ref] 2210  játékvezető, bíró I thought our team had won, but, surprisingly,

the ref decided otherwise.

rider [’raida] 4420 lovas You have to be a very good rider if you want to

race horses.

rod [rod] 3824 bot, horgászbot Last year, I went fishing and caught a huge fish

that almost broke my fishing rod.

rugby ['rAgbi] 2909 rögbi Rugby is one of England’s most loved sports.

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runner ['rAna] 4427 futó Thousands of runners took part in the marathon.

runningl'rAnii)] 3456 futás I do not think he can take part in the running; he

has badly injured his left foot.

score [sko:] 2173 pont, pontarány,



The final score in the game was five to one.

server ['s3:va] 3474 adogató, szerváló The server hit the ball over the net.

substitute ['sAbstitjuitJ cserejátékos One of the football players was injured, so the

4325 substitute played instead.

supporter [sa'poita] 2216 szurkoló Mike is a strong supporter of England’s rugby


to tackle ['tækl] 2807 szerel, feltartóz The players in American football must be able to

tat, leterít tackle other players while they are running.

tournament ['tuanamant] torna, verseny The Duke of York wanted to buy a horse to be

3575 able to take part in the tournaments.

trainer ['treina] 3982 edző His personal trainer was able to help him lose


underwater víz alatt Swimming underwater requires you to hold your

[,Anda'wo:ta] 4369 breath.

win [win] 2932 győzelem Our team has had three wins so far this season.

whistle ['wisl] 4388 síp Every football referee is required to carry a


10.04. Szabadidő, érdeklődési kör, hobbi ► Alapszókincs

activity [aek'tivati] 457 elfoglaltság,

időtöltés, tevé


to dance [da:ns] 2474 táncol

to draw [dro:], drew,

drawn 480


to enjoy [in'd3oi] 771 élvez, kedvel,


game [geim] 516 játék

holiday ['hDladei] 1063 szabadság,


hotel [hau'tel] 824 szálloda, hotel

interest ['intrast] 256 érdeklődés

There are lots of activities for tourists in London

-visiting museums, theatres, parks and pubs.

My daughter loves dancing; she wants to perform


The most important part of drawing a face is to

draw the eyes.

He does not enjoy big family parties; he prefers

to stay at home by himself.

Children should not play computer games too


I prefer to go on holiday In the winter months.

Next week, our friends are coming for a visit, but

they are going to stay at a hotel, not with us.

My son has never shown much interest in sports.

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interested ['intrastid ] érdeklődő,

1271 érdeklődést


picture ['p ik tja ] 699 kép

to play [p le i] 248  já tsz ikto prefer [pri'f3:] 1543  jo bban szere t

pub [pAb] 1961 kocsma, bár

trip [trip] 1834 utazás, út,


I am interested in reading books, especially old


The child drew a picture of his house and family.

In school, young children can play all day long.I prefer tea to coffee.

In Ireland, many pubs show the local football


The couple is going on a trip to the mountains.

10.04. Szabadidő, érdeklődési kör, hobbi ► Kiegészítő szókincs

adventure [ad'ventja] kaland


album ['ælbam] 3049 album

to amuse [a'mju:z] 4044 szórakoztat

to book [buk] 3487 lefoglal, befizet,


camp [kæmp] 2228 tábor

drawing ['dro:iq] 2036 rajz

DVD [,di: vi: 'di:] 4113 DVD

enjoyable [in'd3oiabl] élvezetes,

4120 szórakoztató

enjoyment [in f o rm a n t ] élvezet, öröm4121

to entertain [.enta'tein] szórakoztat


entertainer [.enta'teina] mókamester


entertainment szórakozás

[.enta'teinmant] 3318


favour[ 'feiva] 2884 előnyben részesít

favourite ['feivarit] 2674 kedvenc

fishing [ 'fljiq] 2718 halászat, halászás

When making a journey around the world, one

can be sure to have many adventures.

Many people do not buy music albums anymore

because they can get music from the Internet.

My children can amuse themselves for hours

playing with their toys.

I want to book my holiday in the travel agency on

London Street.

They had been hiking for miles before they were

able to find their camp in the forest.

She made a beautiful drawing to give to her

parents on their anniversary.

I got three DVDs for Christmas, including Titanic.

The film was enjoyable because it was funny.

I get a lot of enjoyment from reading andlisteningto music.

The comedian entertained them for a few hours.

Bob is the office entertainer - he is always

making  j s   laugh.

My husband only likes entertainment that

involves music.

I usually favour white wine over red wine.

Do you have a favourite song or a favourite


Most fishermen enjoy fishing in the morning

when the lake is still.

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fun [fAn] 2620 szórakozás

to gamble ['gaembl] 4149 feltesz (pénzt),


hobby fhobi] 4188 hobbi

to hunt [hAnt]4i94 vadászik

hunting ['hAntiq] 3907 vadászat

to knit [nit] 3430 köt

leisure ['le^s] 2892 szabad(idő)

magic ['msed3ik] 4239 bűvös, bűvész-

passion ['pae/n] 3098 szenvedély

preference ['prefrans] 2799 előnyben részesí-


reservation [.reza'veijn]



to reserve [ri 'z3:v] 3820 (le)foglal

resort [ri'zoit] 3359 (üdülő)hely

tent [tent] 4342 sátor

tourist ['tuarist] 2595 turista

toy [tOl] 3576  já ték

trick [trik] 3373 trükk

vacation [va'kei jn ] 4381 szabadság,


I had so much fun at the party last night because

I met so many interesting people there.

You should only gamble what you can afford to


My hobby is collecting stamps.

Our cat loves hunting mice in the garden.

Treasure hunting with a metal detector can be an

exciting hobby

My mum likes knitting and has made me this

nice wool cap.

My dad is a marager in a big company; he works

so much he barely has any leisure time.

My daughter loves doing magic tricks, so we

bought her a book on how to do them.

I always had a passion for animals and nature:

that is why I studied biology.

Either fish or chicken is fine with me, I have no


We have a reservation for four for dinner.

That restaurant is very expensive and well-

known; we had better reserve a seat.

For our holidays, I will take my wife and my

children to a holiday resort by the sea.

We are going camping this summer, so we need

to buy a tent.

Although very small, the village gets a lot of

tourists during the year.

The little dog is Timmy’s favourite toy.

My friend knows some great card tricks.

Americans often go on vacation to other parts of

the USA.

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11. Személyes kapcsolatok

11.01. Személyes viszonyulások ► Alapszókincs

to accept [ak'sept] 543 elfogad

to allow [a’lau] 284

to annoy [a'noi] 4045



bosszant, idegesít

to approach [a'prautjl megközelít



avoid[s'void] 939 elkerül, kitér

communication kommunikáció,

[ka.m juim 'keijn ] 1156 érintkezés,


connection [kg'nekjn] kapcsolat


contact ['kDntsekt] 1325 érintkezés,


to depend [di'pend] 1101  támaszkodik,

számít vkire

to encourage [in'kArid3] bátor ít, biztat,


to forgive [fa'giv],

forgave, forgiven 3521

friend [frend] 313




friendly ['frendli] 2392  barátságos,


to influence ['influansj befolyásol


to introduce [.intra'djuis] bemutat


to let [let], let, let 356 (meg)enged

polite [pa 'lait] 4295 udvarias

present ['preznt] 1996 ajándék

to promise ['prom is] 1632 (m eg )íg ér

The teacher did not accept my excuse for comingto class late today.

You are not usually allowed to touch sculptures

and paint,ngs in museums.

My sister annoys me by playing her music loudly

all the time.

One is not allowed to approach the Queen

without her permission.

 Jenny does not like Pat very much, so she

avoided him at the party.

Communication is essential when working in a


I think Linda and Joe are really in love with each

other; everybody can see their strong connection.

Unfortunately, I do not know how Mary is doing

because I have not been in contact with her


She is such a reliable person; you can always

depend on her.

My husband encouraged me to go back to school

and finish my degree.

I cannot forgive you because you lied so much.

Susie anc I used to play together every day when

we were young; we were best friends.

The sales assistant at the grocery store was not

very friendly to us.

Her friends influence her so much; I do not think

she has any opinions of her own.

I cannot tell you his name because nobody

introduced him to me.

My dad let us go to the movie.

Our nephew is very polite - he always says

‘please’ and ‘thank you’.

I planned to buy her a jacket as a Christmas


The young man promised to love her forever.

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to rely [ri'lai] 1882

respect [ri'spekt] 1635

row [rau ] 1547

to share [Jes] 978


szám ít vkire, 

m egbízik vkiben





I hope I can rely on Mrs. Smith in this matter.

This girl is so rude; she shows no respect to her


She is not talking to me now because we had a

row last week about me being late all the time.

Mary did not want to share the expensive

chocolate that she had got from her dad.

11.01. Személyes viszonyulások ► Kiegészítő szókincs

acceptance [ak'septans] elfogadás,

299 beleegyezés

to accompany (el)kísér

[a'kAmpani] 2030

to adapt [s'daspt] 2935 alkalmazkodik

to affect [a'fekt] 851 érint, hat,

hatással van

to apologize [a'poladsaiz] elnézést kér


apology [3'pobd3i] 4023 bocsánatkérés

to appreciate [a'priijieit] értékel, mé ltá-

2139 nyol, nagyra


to attach b'tatj"] 1999 hozzáköt,

összefűz, össze-


to beg [beg] 3594 könyörög

on behalf of sb [ön vki nevében

bi'haif 9v] 4017

to blame [bleim] 2189 hibáztat, okol

to bore [bo:] 4055 untat

to bother ['bnöa] 2261 zavar, háborgat,


bound [baund] 4056 köteles, kötelezett

The boss’s decision at the company did not

receive much acceptance from the workers.

 Jenny is still looking for someone to accompany

her to her friend’s wedding.

When I was in Spain, it took me a long time to

adapt to the hot climate.

Smoking is not only bad for yourself, it also

affects all the other people around you.

He apologized for being rude to me.

Please, accept my apology; I did not mean to

upset you.

The manager really appreciated the worker’s

effort and gave him a bonus.

Although they were not really attached to each

other, Tim went to the funeral of his great-unde.

The children begged for more ice cream at the

summer party.

I’m writing on behalf of Sarah, as she is away at

the moment.

Even though he had not been talking, the teacher

blamed him for interrupting the class.

The meetings really bore me; I nearly always fall


My boss was so busy today I did not want to

bother him with the problem I had.

We are bound to honour our agreement.

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to care for [‘kes fa] 4158 gondoskodik,

törődik, foglalko -


comfort ['kAmfat] 2946 vigasz, vigasztalás

concern [kan's3:n] 941 gond, aggodalom,


co-operation együttműködés

[ksu.Dps'reiJn] 2562

dependent [di'pendant] függő


to disturb [di'st3:b] 3406 zavar, háborgat

to embarrass [im'bserss] zavarba hoz,

4117 kínos helyzetbe


to encounter [in'kaunta] (össze)találkozik


encouragement támogatás,

[in'kArid3m9nt] 4119 bátorítás

to exchange [iks'tfemd3] vált


fan [f en ] 2065 rajongó

favour ['fervs] 2956 szívesség

fellow ['felau] 3076 társ

friendship ['frendjip] barátság


gift [gift] 2082 ajándék

to greet [gri:t] 3417 üdvözöl, fogad,


grip [grip] 3528 fogás, szorítás,


hold [hauld] 2783 fogás

to impress [im'pres] 4199 nagy hatással van


to insult ['in'sAlt] 4206 megsért, bánt

interaction [ . intsr 'aekfn] kölcsönhatás


to look after [,luk 'aifts] vigyáz, gondosko-

4231 dik

The nurses care for their patients.

When I am discouraged, I get the best comfort

from my mum.

Your mum just called a minute ago; I think she

has some serious concerns.

Due to the lack of co-operation, the workers were

not able to complete the project.

Our plans for today are dependent on the


Sorry to disturb you, but do you know the time?

My parents always embarrass me in front of my

friends by telling stories about me.

Columbus encountered many friendly people on

the island.

Mark just needs some encouragement to achieve

what he can.

I shook hands and exchanged a few words with


Pop stars cannot get to know all their fans.

Can you, please, do me a favour?

I like my new job at the bank and my fellow

employees are very nice, too.

I am not sure that she cares about our friendship

anymore because she never calls me.

Lynn’s birthday is tomorrow and I still have not

got a gift for her.

It is your job to greet the visitors when they


He kept a strong grip on her hands as he was


She took hold of his hand before entering the


My boss was impressed by the fact I had sold so

many cars.

She was really insulted by his rude remark.

Tides result from the interaction between the

forces of moon, sun and earth.

Can you look after the baby while I am out?

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mutual ['mjuit jual] 3444 kölcsönös

to obey [a'b ei] 4264 engedelm eskedik

to owe [go] 2486 tartozik

to praise [pre izl 4298 dicsér

promise ['prom is] 2585 ígéret

to provoke [pro'vauk] bosszant, provo

3673 kál

to respect [ri'spekt] 3822 tisz teletben tart

rumour ['ruima] 3684 híresztelés

sympathy ['simpsG i] 3275 együttérzés ,


to trust [trAst] 2415 (meg)bízik, hisz

unkind [.An'kaind] 4219 kíméletlen,


Lisa and George went their separate ways by

mutual agreement.

Soldiers are trained to obey orders.

She still owes me thirty dollars.

When children do something well, you should

praise them.

I am so disappointed in my friend because he did

not keep his promise to visit me.

In physics class, Billy’s schoolmate provoked him

into throwing his book out of the window.

I cannot respect my boss’s decision to move me

to another department; I am thinking of quitting

my job here.

There is a rumour going around that Nancy’s

parents are getting divorced.

He failed all his tests, but I do not have any

sympathy because he never cared about


I trust my wife; she always does what she says.

He said horrible things about her, which was

really unkind.

11.02. Szerelem és válás ► Alapszókincs

alone [s'laun] 893

angry [ ’asqgri] 2225

to break up [,breik Vp], 

broke, broken 575

to care [kea] 1354

couple [kApl] 823

to cry [krai] 1644 

love [Iav] 743

marriage ['maerid3] 1288

to marry ['maeri] 845


mérges, dühös


törődik, foglalko-




szeretet, szerelem


elvesz, feleségül

vesz, férjhez megy

I am looking for someone to come with me to

Mel’s because I hate going to parties alone.

Annie was really angry with her husband because

he forgot their wedding anniversary.

When she broke up with him, he was unable to

keep from crying.

She is not a good mother because she does not

really care about her children’s health.

Susan and Stuart make an odd couple because

she is so tall and he is so short.

The baby has been crying for her mum all night.

My dad says my mum is the love of his life.

My mum can teach me a lot about marriage

because she has been married to my dad for

thirty years.

I would not like to marry someone older than


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to match [maetf] 1929 összeillik It is not a surprise that Penny and Chris divorced;

they never really matched.

pair [pea] 1357 pár  Jenny and Kim are a fine-looking pair.

partner f'pcutna] 1275 partner Of course, everybody can bring a partner to

Benny’s Christmas party.

relationship [n'leijnjip] kapcsolat, viszony The director and his assistant, Susan, are said to

593 be having a relationship with each other.

sexual ['sekjual] 1524 szexuális The couple went to a therapist to get help with

their sexual relationship.

strain [strein] 2922 feszültség Shortage of money was causing a strain on their


trUSt [trASt] 1292 bizalom My boss gives me his trust because I have been

working for him for almost 15 years now.

11.02. Szerelem és válás ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to abandon [s'baendan] elhagy She abandoned him to start a new life by herself.


affection O'fekjn] 3998 szeretet, ragasz- Showing affection is very important in a

kodás relationship.

anger ['asqgs] 2598 harag, düh One could see the anger in Larry’s face after his

favourite plate had been broken.

apart [a'pcnt] 2554 külön, távo l My husband works in Spain, so we are often apart

egymástól for several months.

boyfriend f'boifrend] 4018 barát, udvarló, a She has just broken up with her boyfriend, so she

fiúja vkinek needs cheering up.

broken ['brsukan] 2870 sebzett, darabok- He did not want to date anymore; his heart was

ra tört broken.

companion [kam'painian] társ This little dog is the best companion I have ever

3135 had.

cry [krai] 3307 sírás She had a good cry, and it made her feel much


darling [’da:liq] 3309 drágám, kedve-


He calls his wife ‘darling’.

to date [deit] 2565 randevúzik, jár Ron and Danny have been dating ever since the

vkivel dance.

dear [dia] 2299 kedves, drága Your niece is such a dear little girl.

excitement [ik'saitmant] izgalom, izgatott In his excitement, he forgot about the flowers.

3014 ság

faithful ['feiGfl] 4131 hűséges Bill has always been faithful to his wife.

to fancy [’faensi] 3897 von zód ik vkihez,

tetszik neki

She is a kind girl, but I don’t really fancy her.

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girlfriend ['g3:lfrend] 4153 barátnő His new girlfriend is much nicer than his last one.

hatred [’heitrid] 4182 gyűlölet She felt nothing but hatred for her ex-husband.

to hurt [h3:t], hurt, hurt megbánt, megsért Ron going out with his old girlfriend really hurt

2084 my feelings.

intense [in'tens] 3340 heves Their fight was so intense that the neighbours

could hear it.

 jealous [’d3ebs] 4212 féltékeny  Jake gets jealous when I spend time with Andrew.

to be keen on [ki:n] 2434 tetszik neki,

vonzódik vkihez

Mike has always been very keen on Susan.

to kiss [kis] 2533 (meg)csókol He kissed her on the cheek and she kissed him

back on the mouth.

lonely ['bunlij 3924 magányos I felt lonely staying at the small house in the


lover [’Ia v s] 2895 szerelmes It is hard to see tnat they are lovers because they

never kiss or hold their hands in public.

loyal ['bia l] 4235 hűséges She always remained loyal to her husband giving

him all the love and care he needed.

mate [meit] 3167 cimbora Unfortunately, he prefers to spend his evenings

with his mates instead of at home with his wife.

to regret [ri'gret] 3952 sajnál, bán I really regret being so rude to her, but I was too


romantic [rau'maentikj romantikus He is so romantic; he has sent me flowers today.3562

sadness ['sasdnasj 4429 szomorúság Losing a friend can cause immense sadness.

separation [.sepa'reijn] elválás After my separation from John, I had to move out

3829 and find a job to earn my living.

upset [.Ap'set] 3989 feldúlt, zaklatott He is still very upset about the way the girl

treated him.

11.03. Társadalmi élet ► Alapszókincsassociation [a.sausi'eijnj egyesület, társa

839 ság, szövetség

available [a'veibbl] 371 rendelkezésre álló

ball [bo:l] 1262 bál, estély

bar |ba:J 1099 bár

civil ['sivl] 1285 polgári, civil

club [kUb] 548 klub, egyesület

committee [ks'mitij 498 bizottság

I joined the association of German managers to

get in contact with people in my profession.

I am not available to work on Thursdays because

I take care of my children then.

Men and women in wonderful evening dresses

danced at the ball.

There are many nice bars and restaurants in the


Americans have the civil right to own weapons.

We will meet in the club next Friday.

The parliament created a new committee for the

health service.

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community [ka'mjuinati] közösség,

372 település

crowd [kraud] 1810 tömeg, sokaság

event [iVent] 524 esemény

everyone ['evriwAn] 852 mindenki

to gather ['gaeQa] 1924 összegyűlik,


gen era l ['dsenral] 225 általános(ság)

group [gru:p]i5i csoport

guest [gest] 1788 vendég

individual [, indi'vid3U3l] egyén


to invite [in'v ait ] 1649 meghív

to be involved in belekeveredik,

[in'volvd in] 305 részt vesz

to join [d30in] 648 csatlakozik, belép

to meet [mi:t], met, met találkozik


m em ber ['memba] 196 tag

membership tagság

['mem ba fip] 1905

organisation szervezet

[pigana i'zeijn] 477

party ['pa:ti] 179 pá r t

people ['pi:pl] 78 emberek

poor [poa] 668 szegény

responsibility felelősség,

[ri.spnnsa'bilati] 936 kötelezettség

to support [sa'poit] 598 támogat

to visit ['v iz it] 988 meglátogat

visitor ['vizita] 1509 látogató, vendég

to we lc ome ['w elkam] örömmel fogad,

1803 szívesen lát

To clean the parks in the community, the city

administration hired new workers.

There was a huge crowd in front of the

government building.

Our party is going to be a huge event both for

graduates and their families.

Please, tell everyone that I am going to be late

for the meeting.

A huge crowd gathered in front of the concert


In general, there is nothing wrong with your


I need a group of people to help me move out of

my apartment.

She welcomed her guests into her new home.

At the airport, the police officers checked the

passport of each individual.

I would like to invite her to my party.

Sean is a troublemaker; he is often involved in

arguments and fights.

He is going to join the rugby team next season.

I was supposed to meet her next Monday.

He is a member of the basketball club and theliterature association.

I want to cancel my membership of the golf club;

I do not have time to go.

The school projects are run by a parent

volunteer organisation.

Last year, I voted for the left-wing party.

Lisa is very outgoing; she knows loads of people.

Poor people often sit near the entrances of


It was my responsibility to show guests to their


My family supported me a great deal during my


I’m going to visit my aunt next Sunday.

Please, use the visitor entrance to the museum.

Brian’s parents welcomed his new girlfriend.

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11.03. Társadalmi élet ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to associate [a'saufieit] barátkozik,

1124 érintkezik

availability [a,veila'bilati] elérhetőség,

3724 hozzáférhetőség

to cancel ['kænsl] 3298 lemond, töröl,


to celebrate ['selibreit] (meg)ünnepel


celebration [,seli'breijn] ünneplés


ceremony ['seramani] szertartás


citizen ['sitizn] 2072 állampolgár

congratulation gratuláció

[kan.grætju'leijn] 4069

to contribute hozzászól,

[kan'tribju:t] 1621 hozzájárul

contribution hozzájárulás

[,kDntri'bju:Jn] 1336

consensus [kan'sensas] konszenzus,

3878 közmegegyezés

consultation tanácskozás,

[.konsl'teijn ] 2876 konzultáció

convention [kan'venjn] gyűlés, kongresz

2074 szus

to engage [in'geid 3] 2200 leköt, elkötelezi

magát, lefoglal

festival ['festivl] 2522 fesztivál

folk [fauk] 3079 nép, emberek

formation [foi'meijn] megalakítás,

2202 alapítás

forum ['fo:ram] 3772 fórum

to found [faund] 2720 alapít, lerakja az


host [haust] 2678 vendéglátó,


He prefers staying by himself; he does not like to

associate with other people.

The lack of availability to medicine in some parts

of the world means lots of people dyingunnecessarily.

I need to cancel my doctor’s appointment.

I do not want to celebrate my fortieth birthday.

We are planning to have a big celebration after

we finish school.

They had a very emotional wedding ceremony.

All citizens have the right to vote.

He offered his congratulations on hearing about

my promotion.

She could not contribute anything useful to the


She made a huge contribution to building a new

park for the community.

Laws are passed when enough people reach a


I went for a consultation with my lawyer


The libraries convention is being held downtown.

Thomas’s dad is very much engaged in his son’s

school; he leads the parent evenings and coachesthe school’s rugby team.

There is a folk music festival every summer here.

Country folk are used to getting up early in the


He was talking about the formation and the

history of our club.

The pupils started a forum to talk about violence

in schools.

This university was founded around 600 years


Our hosts looked after us and showed us around.

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   k  a  p  c  s  o   l  a   t  o   k ideology [ ,a idi 'Dbd3Í] idelógia, gondol

3157 kodásmód

influential [,influ'enjl] befolyásos


to integrate ['intigreit] beilleszkedik


integration [.rnti'greijn] integráció,


invitation [.invi'teijn]


involvement[in'vDlvmsnt] 2274

lead [li:d] 1763






leadership ['liidajip] 2016  vezetés, veze tői


minority [m ai'nD rati] 2235  kisebbség

norm [no:m ] 3802 norma

The ideology at that time kept women from

having jobs.

The bank director is a very influential person in

our town.

In new situations, children integrate faster than


The politxian emphasised the importance of

integration among people of different


Will you send me an invitation to your wedding?

Her involvement in solving the problem was


The group got lost in town, but Ann took the lead

and they found their way back to the hotel.

She does not have leadership skills.

Men taking leave after the birth of their child are

still in the minority today.

Working 32 to 40 hours is the norm in Germany.

participant [pai'tisipant] résztvevő


to participate résztvesz

[pai'tisipeit] 2898

participation részvétel

[pa:,tisi'peijn] 3022

reception [ri'sepjn] 3104  fogadás

stranger ['streind39] 3369 idegen

No one really knows how many participants took

part in the demonstration.

Linda and I will participate in the demonstration

for peace.

Participation in this mathematics course is


There will be a reception for the members of the


Children are often told not to talk to strangers.

summit ['sAmit] 3036 csúcstalálkozó

to take part [teik ’pa:t] részt vesz


volunteer [.vnbn’tia] 3200  önkéntes

working-class [,w3:kii] munkásosztály,

'kla:s] 3851 munkásosztály-


The American, French and Russian presidents

met for an economic summit to discuss further

co-operation between their national economies.

We are planning to take part in this week’s

charity run.

After I finished school, I worked as a volunteer to

build a new school in a Kenyan village.

We are rich but our grandparents were working-


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12« Politika

12.01. Aktuális események ► Alapszókincs

affair [a'fea] 1053 esemény; ügy,


Everyone was supposed to dress up for the affair.

to attend [a'tend] 1220  je len van, részt

vesz, eljár

Not many people attended the meeting.

attention [a'ten/n] 805 figyelem Activists want to draw the politicians’ attention to

the importance of environmental protection.

background háttér The Prime Minister’s adviser wanted to remain in[’bækgraund] 1514 the background.

campaign [kæm'pein] kampány To win an election, each party organises an

1061 election campaign.

cause [ko:z] 1127 ok indok The excellent weather was the cause of this year’s

large crop.

change [tjeind3 ] 250 változás, fordulat With the new boss’s arrival, there have been

many changes in the department.

context ['kontekst] 1133 szövegösszefüg- The TV reporter quoted the defendant’s words

gés, kontextus out of context.

crisis ['kraisis], crises 1601 válság, krízis The crisis of the US real estate market has led to

a crash in the stock market.

current ['kArant] 541 aktuális, napi, The current figures show that the unemployment

legfrissebb rate is decreasing.

to demonstrate tüntet, demonst- Hundreds of people gathered to demonstrate

['demsnstreitj 1538 rál against the planned restrictions.

to emerge [i'm3:d3] 1387 felbukkan,



A new candidate for the election has emerged.

to handle ['hændl] 1732 bánik, kezel, intéz The government has developed a new strategy to

handle the crisis.

to happen [’hæpan] 303 történik, előfordul I cannot tell you what happened because I was

not there.

important [im'poitnt] 241 fontos Unemployment is one of the most important

issues we have to face today.

incident [’insidant] 1925 zavarkeltő The shooting has been declared an isolated

esemény, incidens incident by the spokesman.

issue [’iju:] 379 probléma, vitatott


The issue cannot be solved without outside help.

matter ['mæta] 412 ügy, dolog, eset I want to talk to you about a personal matter.

occasion [3'kei3n] 1226 alkalom, eset I have already had the chance to meet the

president on several occasions.

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   P  o   l   i   t   i   k  a problem ['probtam] 167 prob léma

situation [.sit fu'e ijn ] 557 helyzet, szituáció

survey ['s3:vei] 1141 vizsgálat, felmé-


I need to find a solution for this problem.

The new government will have to face a very

difficult economic situation.

The health science institute conducted a survey

about annual milk consumption.

12.01. Aktuális események ► Kiegészítő szókincs

agenda [agenda] 3121 napirend The Minister of the Interior sets today’s agenda

for the Cabinet.

attendance [a'tendsns] részvétel, megje Attendance at the meeting was larger than

3593 lenés expected.

changing ['t/eindsiq] 3214 változó, átalakuló Companies will have to be prepared for changing

economic conditions.

observer [ab’z3:v3] 2790 megfigyelő Military observers report that most of the country

is under the control of the opponents.

outcome ['aiitkAm] 2125 (vég)eredmény The party chairman was very disappointed with

the outcome of the election.

protest ['prautest] 2364 tiltakozás There was a huge protest from the conservatives

about the law.

riot ['raiat] 3958 zavargás, forron There was a riot in town in protest of price

gás increase.

scandal ['skaendl] 3959 botrány The president lost his reputation because he was

involved in a financial scandal.

stake [steik] 2919 érdekeltség; I made a huge profit at the stock market by

részvény selling my Microsoft stakes.

struggle ['strAgl] 2215 küzdelem, harc In my country, there is no struggle for land

because there is plenty of it.

transition [traen'zijn] 3040 átmenet The transition from one government to another

is not expected to cause many problems.

trend [trend] 2098 tendencia, Lately, there has been a growing trend towards

irányvonal part time employment.

urgent ['3:d3ant] 3472 sürgős Many people are in urgent need of clean drinking


12.02. Államberendezkedés és belpolitika ► Alapszókincs

cabinet ['kæbinat] 1532 kormány The Minister of the Interior and the Minister of

Defence are part of the Cabinet.

commission [ka'mijn] bizottság Governments create commissions in order to

1013 solve a certain political problem.

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congress f 'korjgres] 1807 küldöttgyűlés, A congress is part of the legislative branch of a

kogresszus state.

conservative konzervatív Many of the older generation are Conservative

[k3n's3:v3tiv] 1619 voters.

deputy ['depjsti] 1951 helyettes, The deputy officer was in charge while his boss

megbízott was away.

to elect [1'lekt] 1923 (m eg)választ Conservative people usually elect Conservative

candidates to parliament.

election [i'lek jn ] 708 választás In the American Congress elections take place

every two years.

equal ['iikwal] 901 egyenlő The German constitution states that men and

women are equal.

government kormány The government approved laws against the

['gAvsnmant] 130 mistreatment of women.

institution [,insti'tju:Jn] intézmény The Supreme Court is a very important institution

994 in the United States.

king [kirj] 685 király The old king died and his son became the new

leader of the country.

leader ['liids] 673 vezető, vezér The party leader announced his resignation.

lord [b:d] 697 lord The House of Lords is the upper house of the

Parliament of the United Kingdom.

minister ['minista] 327 miniszter She was appointed Minister of Health.

ministry ['ministri] 1854 minisztérium Administration reforms meant the ministry had

to dismiss several employees.

nation ['neijn] 1310 nemzet The council members came from 100 nations.

national ['n sjn sl] 257 nemzeti, állami, The government conducted a national campaign

országos for healthier food in schools.

parliament ['pcubmant] parlament A parliament usually consists of members that

1106 are elected by the country’s citizens.

policy [’pobsi] 277 politika, irányelv Congress approved a new health policy.

political fp a'litik l] 325 politikai My father has been politically active for twenty

years now.

politics ['pDbtlks] 1436 politika Politics is one of the major subjects covered by


president ['prezidant] 655 elnök The American president is also the head of the

armed forces.

prince [prins] 1609 herceg The queen’s son is a prince.

queen [kwi:n] 1367 királynő Great Britain’s head of state is the queen.

reform [ri 'fo :m ] 1341 reform If a country’s national health system does not

work, the goverrment should introduce reform.

republic [r i'pAblik ] 1768 köztársaság A republic has an elected head of state.

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royal ['roial] 765 királyi The royal family is seen on many pictures in


system [‘sistam] 144 rendszer A system without free elections cannot be

considered democratic.

union ['ju:nian] 519egyesület, Our company’s trade union successfully

szakszervezet negotiated higher wages.

vote [vaut] 1369 szavazat The president won the election with a small

majority of votes.

12.02. Államberendezkedés és belpolitika ► Kiegészítő szókincs

assembly fa'sembli] 1717 gyűlés The assembly of the commission’s members was

set for next Monday.

chancellor ['tjainsala] kacellár A chancellor is the head of government in some

2468 countries.

coalition [.kaua'lijn] 3063 koalíció Liberals and Conservatives rarely form a


commissioner [ka'mijna] bizottsági tag, The commissioner introduced the new plan that

3219 biztos had been created by the commission the

previous month.

conservative konzervatív The Conservatives constitute a majority in

[kan's3:vativ] 2768 Parliament.

constituency választókerület A Member of Parliament usually represents one

[kan'stitjuansi] 3005 constituency.

constitution alkotmány Each state has a constitution that sets out all its

[,konsti’tju:Jn] 2264 legal rights and principles.

constitutional alkotmányos Human rights are part of the constitutional law

[,kDnsti'tju:Janl] 2770 of a country.

to consult [kan'sAlt] 2948 tanácsot kér, The chancellor consulted his ministers before he



went to the meeting with the French president.

coup [ku:] 3880 puccs, államcsíny Many African countries experienced military

coups after gaining independence.

draft [dra:ft] 2953 tervezet The commission proposed a draft for a new law.

electoral [I'lektaral] 3409 választó-, In the United States, citizens have to sign up for

választói the electoral register in order to vote.

to govern f'gAvn] 3154 kormányoz, The new Cabinet was formed to govern the

irányít country.

governor ['gAvana] 2353 kormányzó In the United States, a governor is the leader of

the government in a federal state.

initiative fi'nijativ] 1819 kezdeményezés Citizens may influence their country’s politics by

founding initiatives.

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institutional intézményes Institutional reforms were made to prevent the

[.insti'tjuijanl] 3645 discrimination of women.

legislation [,led3is'leijn] törvényhozás In democracies, parliament is usually responsible

1502 for the legislation.

mayor [mea] 3346 polgármester The mayor is responsible for a city’s future.

parliamentary parlamentáris, In a parliamentary democracy, parliament

[,pa:la'mentri] 2240 országgyűlési decides how to tackle the most important

political issues.

politician [.pola'tijn] 2208 politikus One does not have to have a degree in politics to

become a politician.

presidential [.prezi'denjl] elnök, elnöki The American presidential election takes place

3557 every four years.

prime minister [,praim miniszterelnök The prime minister is the head of the

'minista ] 4399 government.

princess f.prin'ses] 2842 hercegnő The king or queen’s daughter is a princess.

regime [rei'3i:m] 2322 rezsim, kormány- The bad regime forced many people to flee from

zati forma the country and become refugees.

reign [rein] 3954 uralkodás Under the queen’s reign, the country saw happy


senate ['senat] 4439 szenátus The senate is the upper house in certain coutries.

senator ['senata] 4440 szenátor Senators are members of the Senate.

session ['sejnj 1591 ülés The parliament ended the session without any

solution being found for the agenda’s last topic.

socialist [ 'saufalist] 2698 szocialista The socialist movement has existed since the

19th century.

taxation [tæk'seijn] 3194 megadóztatás,


The parliament increased the taxation of alcohol.

voter ['vauta] 3375 szavazó The voters were very upset because the president

did not fulfil what he had promised before the


12.03. Külpolitika ► Alapszókincs

candidate ['kandidat] jelölt


democratic demokratikus

[.dema'krEetik] 1724

flag [flasg] 3625 zászló

independent független

[,indi'pendant] 1136

My uncle was one of the most liked candidates

for the presidential election.

Elections in Europe are conducted in a

democratic way.

The German flag is to be found on many German

government buildings.

In a democracy, the courts of justice are

independent from parliament and the


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international nemzetközi Representatives from twenty states met for an

[.ints'naejnal] 483 international conference to talk about pollution.

to lead [li:d], led, led 291 vezet I hope our hard work will lead us to victory.

leading ['li:diq] 1685 vezető The United States is one of the leading nations in

terms of military size.

liberal [ 'libaral] 1876 . l iberális, The Libe'al Party opposed the Conservative law

szabadelvű in parliament.

majority [ma'd3Drati] 1105 többség The majority of people have voted for change.

regulation [.regju 'le ijn ] szabályozás There are many tax regulations in Germany.


representative képviselő The Member of Parliament is the representative

[,repri'zent3tiv] 1610 of a certain group of citizens.

state [steit] 211 állam Most people in my country depend on the state

for their well-being.

united [ju'naitid] 1553 egyesült Workers in companies and factories are often

united in a council to secure their rights.

12.03. Külpolitika ► Kiegészítő szókincs

autonomy [oi'mnami] autonómia, Ireland gained its autonomy in 1922.

3860 függetlenség

to ban [bien] 2941 (meg)tilt, betilt There has been an international campaign to ban


chamber ['tfeimba] 2513 kamara A parliament usually consists of several


colony ['kolani] 3496 gyarmat The United States used to be a British colony.

communist ['komjamst] kommunista China is a communist country.


delegate ['deligat] 3751 követ, küldött The president invited several delegates from


delegation [.deli'geijn] küldöttség, The chancellor invited a delegation from Spain to

3883 delegáció his house.

democracy [di'mDkrasi] demokrácia The German state is based on the principle of 

2112 democracy.

democrat [’demakrast] demokrata The Democrats have a majority in parliament.


demonstration demonstráció, French students organised a demonstration

[.deman'streifn] 2669 tüntetés against the new youth labour law.

diplomatic [,dipla'mastik] diplomáciai To prevent war, the presidents tried to solve the

3609 problem in a diplomatic way.

emperor ['empars] 3229 császár The Roman emperor is said to have been killed

by parliament members.

empire ['empaia] 2390 birodalom Great Britain used to have a big empire.

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federal ['fedsral] 2429 szövetségi

federation [.feda'reijn] szövetség


guideline f'gaidlain] 3084 irányelv

imperial [im'piarial] 3241 császári, birodal-


independence függetlenség

[.indi'pendans] 2154

legislative ['led3isbtiv] törvényhozó


poll [p3Ul] 2402 közvéleményku-

tatás, szavazás

to regulate ['regjuleit] szabályoz, irányít


resolution [.rezo'luijn] határozat, döntés


revolution [.revs'luijn] forradalom


revolutionary forradalmi

[.reva'luijanari] 3268

to rule [ru:l] 2326 vezet, irányít,


ruling ['ru:liq] 3455 uralkodó,

uralmon lévő

spokesman [ 'spauksmsn], szóvivő

spokesmen 2284

treaty ['tri:ti] 1801 szerződés

to unite [ju'nait] 3847 egyesül, csatlako-


Germany has sixteen federal states.

The European Union is a federation of more than

20 states.

The minister gave an account of the main

guidelines of the country’s foreign policy.

The imperial crown is displayed at that museum.

The United States gained its independence from

Great Britain in 1776.

Legislative power is often held by the parliament

of a country.

The political magazine published a poll about

voter participation.

Taxes are regulated by the Minister of Finance.

The committee made many resolutions to help

the city.

The French Revclution started in 1789.

America fought a revolutionary war for


The king rules h s country well.

In medieval times, a king used to be the ruling

power of a country.

The spokesman for the Foreign Ministry

answered the journalist’s questions.

The war between the two countries ended with a

peace treaty.

The states united to form the European Union.

12.04. Háború és béke ► Alapszókincs

army ['airni] 914 h ad se reg. The army consists of thousands of soldiers,

battle ['baetl] 1469 csata, ütközet There were many soldiers killed on the


conflict ['kon flik t] 1498 konfliktus The conflict between the two countries was

resolved peacefully.

defence [di'fens] 889 védelem, oltalom The army is responsible for a country’s defence.

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to destroy [di'stroi] 1668 elpusztít, meg-


One nuclear weapon can destroy a whole city.

force [fo:s] 406 erő, hatalom The press can be a powerful force within a


gun [gAn] 1848 fegyver, puska Soldiers have to use their guns during war.

to kill [k ll] 709 (m eg)öl,


Many people were killed in the war.

military ['mitetri] 1040 katonai The military power of a country is judged by the

size of its army.

peace [pi:s] 1255 béke Both countries signed a peace treaty.

to shoot [Ju:t], shot, shot lelő, meglő The soldier was shot by a gun.


soldier ['sauldsaj 1883 katona There are not many female soldiers in the

German army.

strategy ['str£etad3ij 1261 stratégia The army was able to win the war by following

the excellent strategy of its generals.

strike [straik] I992 küzdelem, harc The soldiers prepared for the next strike against

the enemy.

threat [0ret] 1508 fenyegetés,

fenyegető veszély

Nuclear weapons pose a threat to countries.

troop [tru:p] 1888 csapat, sereg The general sent troops to the country’s border.

war [wo:] 341 háború During the war, many houses were destroyed.

weapon f'wepan] 1712 fegyver A knife can be a dangerous weapon.

12.04. Háború és béke ► Kiegészítő szókincs

alliance [a'laians] 2461 szövetség France, the United Kingdom and Russia formed

an alliance to fight against Germany in the

Second World War.

allied [ae'laid] 4011 szövetséges The Allied Forces succeeded in winning the war.

ally [ ’cElai] 3203 szövetséges The United States was an ally of the United

Kingdom in World Wars I and II.

armed [a:md] 2463 felfegyverzett Soldiers are not supposed to shoot people who

are not armed.

arrow I'asrau] 3999 nyíl, nyílvessző In the past, they fought with bows and arrows.

bomb [bom] 2380 bomba In 1945, the United States dropped a nuclear

bomb on Hiroshima.

bullet ['bulit ] 4019 golyó, lövedék Guns fire bullets.

to capture ['kasptja] 2764 elfog, foglyul ejt; The rebe s captured many people from the

elfoglal southern region of the country.

colonel ['k3:nl] 3602 ezredes The colonel followed the general’s command.

command [ka'maind] 2298 parancs, utasítás Soldiers have to follow the general’s command.

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commander [ka'mainda]


to defend [di'fend] 2265

destruction [di'strAkJn]


enemy ['enomi] 2007

general ['d3enr3lj 2081

headquarters[.hed'kwoitaz] 2958

intervention [ . i n t a ' v e n f n j


invasion f i n ' v e i3 n] 3536

liberation [ ' l i b a ' r e i j n ]


liberty ['libatij 3792

major ['meid33] 2314

to march [ma:tj] 3794

missile ['misail] 3797

navy f 'neivi] 3547

to occupy ['Dkjupai] 2163

peaceful [’piisfl] 4279

raid [reid] 3558

rebel ['rebl] 3559

to recruit [ri'kruit] 3676

refugee [,refju'd 3 ii] 2975

tO resist [ri 'ziSt] 2589

resistance [ri'zistans] 2447

squad [skwod] 2918











invázió, elözönlés




menetel, vonul

rakéta, lövedék


elfoglal, megszáll



váratlan támadás

felkelő, lázadó

toboroz, soroz




osztag, szakasz

The queen is the commander of the military


Soldiers swear to defend their country.

Destruction during the war was everywhere.

Germany and France were enemies in the past.

The general retired after 30 years of military


The generals usually hold their meetings at their


The generals planned the intervention of their

troops in Iraq.

The German invasion of Poland took place in


The rebels fought for the liberation of their

occupied country.

During the war of independence, the soldiers

fought for their country’s liberty.

A major is an officer in the army.

The troops marcned to the northern border.

The German military invented a new missile

during war.

The British navy has always played an important

role in the military history of the United


This German city was occupied by Russian troops.

Relations between France and Germany have

been peaceful for some time now.

The rebels led another raid into enemy territory.

He could not accept the new government, so he

 joined the rebels.

The army had problems in recruiting new


Millions of people become refugees in wars.

The rebels were able to resist the national army

for five years.

Some countries put up a strong resistance against

Germany during the war.

The police squad rushed to the area where

rioting was taking place.

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strategic [stra'ti:d3ik] 2856 stratégiai fontos-


sword [so:d] 3841 kard

tank [tasqk] 2061

to withdraw [wiö'dro:],

withdrew, withdrawn2103

harckocsi, tank



The strategic decisions of the generals proved to

be wrong, so they lost the war.

In medieval times, soldiers used swords instead

of guns.

The soldier drove the tank into the war zone.

The troops will withdraw from the city when the

war ends.

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13. Társulások

13.01. Gazdaság ► Alapszókincs

budget ['bAd3it] 1177 kö l t s égve t é s

coal [k su l] 1899 szén

development f e j l ődés

[di ' ve lopm on t ] 259

economic [.iika 'irom ik ] g azd asá gi


economy [I 'kDnami] 916 g a z d a s á g

energy ['en9d3i] 862 ene r g i a

finance [ ' fain am s] 1647 p é n z ü g y

financial [ fai 'naenfl] 672 p é n z ü g y i

gas [gaes] 1339 gá z

gold [gauldj 1431 arany

industrial [in'dAStrial] 976 ipa r i

industry [ ' ind as tri] 424 ipar , ipa rág

investment [m ' ve st m a n t] b e fe k te té s ,

919 be ruház ás

lead [led] 1777 ó l o m

market [ 'm a :k i t ] 280 p ia c

material [m s 't ia ria l] 554 a nya g

metal [ 'm et l ] 1822 fé m

nuclear ['n ju ik lia ] 1356 n uk leá ris , a to m -

Oil [o il] 1026 olaj

output ['au tpu t] 1676 t e rm e l é s , k i bo -


petrol ['petrel] 3258 benz in

production [pre 'dAkJn] gyártás, e lőá l l ítás


The board is planning the budget for next year’s

image campaign.

There are still some coal mines to be found in

that region.

The national bank tried to support economic

development in Eastern Europe.

The country’s economic growth seems to be

slowing down.

The strong economy is bringing a lot of people

into the country.

Energy is getting more and more expensive.

Maria is an expert in finance; she gives advice on

where to invest money.

There will be no financial difficulties in the next

three months if we are careful with money.

The men confirmed that the gas had exploded.

The government's store of gold is held at the

national bank.

This form of oil is an industrial product.

There used to be a big steel industry in this town

until the end of the twentieth century.

We are planning to buy some property as a

long-term investment.

In the past, lead was used for water pipes.

The Polish market has changed significantly.

This toy car is made from wood-based material.

Chinese industry produces thousands of tonnes

of metal per year.

Other nations feel threatened by the country’s

nuclear weapons programme.

Our oil reserves are getting smaller from day to


The board tried to raise the firm’s output.

Unfortunately, petrol prices are rising almost

every month.

The production of the new toy line has already


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   T   á  r  s  u   l   á  s  o   k


rate [reitj 334 szint, mérték

reduction [ri'dAkJn] 1689 csökkentés,


share [Jes] 694 részvény, részese


silver ['silvsj 2409 ezüst

works [w3:ks] 1345 üzem, művek

Unions are demanding higher rates of pay.

The company promised that there would be no

staff reductions for the next three years.

The director sold all her shares in the enterprise.

Lucy was wearing jewellery made of silver.

The river goes straight into the waterworks.

13.01. Gazdaság ► Kiegészítő szókincs

agricultural mezőgazdasági

[.ægri'kAltJgrsl] 2292

agriculture ['ægrikAltJo] mezőgazdaság


bid [bid] 2465 árajánlat

capitalism ['kæpitahzsm] kapitalizmus


capitalist ['kæpitalist] kapitalista


copper ['kDps] 3744

decline [di'klain] 2300

deficit ['defisit] 3007

diamond ['daismand]


disaster [di'zaista] 2613

drop [drop] 2880

réz, vörösréz



deficit, hiány



csökkenés, esés

economics [.iika'nomiks] közgazdaságtan


export ['ekspoit] 2350 export, kivitel

to finance ['fainæns] 2619 finanszíroz

goods [gudz] 4167 árucikkek, áru

inflation [in'fleijn] 2155 infláció

to invest [in'vest] 2480 befektet

Iron [’aisn] 2044 vas

The economy of many countries depends on the

selling of agricultural products.

Peter has always wanted to study agriculture.

They put in a 30 million dollar bid for the


Capitalism is practised in many societies.

A capitalist society has both advantages and


Copper is one of the most important metals


There was a sharp decline in stock prices last


They could no longer hide the deficit in funds.

Diamonds are one of the most expensive

precious stones you can buy.

By working together, the board and unions were

able to avoid a disaster.

Many companies suffered a dramatic drop in

profits last year.

I am going to study economics in Berlin.

Germany’s export rate is still rising.

They had no idea how to finance the project.

The supermarket decided to display its goods

more attractively.

There has been no inflation this quarter.

The firm invested a lot of money in this project.

The iron and steel industry has a long tradition in

our city.

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load [laud] 2359 teher, rakomány We examined it to see if it would be cheaper to

transport the load by train.

merger ['m3:d3o] 3540 összeolvadás, Some workers have been fired following the

egyesülés, fúzió companies’ merger.

mineral ['minaral] 3347 ásvány Mining industry laces the problem of declining

mineral prices.

monopoly [ma'nopali] monopólium The company has a monopoly on wine sales.


net [net] 2316 nettó, tiszta The company announced last year’s net profit as

being 40 million dollars.

pipe [paip] 2583 cső, csővezeték, The commission is discussing where to build the

csatorna new waste pipe.

plant [plaint] 75 üzem, gyár The board decided to build a new plant in Tokyo.

plastic ['plaestik] 2171 műanyag Scientists are inventing new forms of plastic

every year.

processing ['prausesiq] feldolgozás The processing of waste is extremely economical.


productivity termelékenység Managers are always trying to increase workers’

[.prodAk'tivati] 3671 productivity.

recession [ri'sejn] 2404 gazdasági In times of severe recession, companies are

visszaesés forced to make massive job cuts in order to


shortage ['XD:tid3] 3565 hiány, elégtelen Shortage of skilled labour is the main reason for

ség the current economic problems.

steel [sti:l] 2453 acél Most parts of the bridge are made of steel.

subsidiary [sab'sidiari] leányvállalat The firm sold its subsidiary to an associated

3973 company in Japan.

tendency ['tendansi] 2550 tendencia There is a growirg tendency to outsource work to

cheaper countries.

treasury ['tre3ari] 3041 államkincstár;



The treasury offered the banks more credit.

turnover ['t3:nauva] 2927 forgalom The company cut back on turnover by raising


venture ['ventja] 3044 kockázatos

vállalkozás, üzlet

Unfortunately, the venture has been sold.

to yield [ji:ld] 3473 (eredményt) hoz, Andy’s research has only recently yielded new

szolgáltat, nyújt discoveries.

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13.02. Jog ► Alapszókincs

case [keis] 148 eset, ügy We did not have enough evidence to bring the

case to court.

claim [kleim] 956 állítás, követelés, There is still no evidence to support Peter’s

igény c la ims.

code [kaod] 1599 törvénykönyv, Some private clubs have a code that members

 jogszabály- must abide by.



contract ['kontraektj 698 szerződés The managers signed the contract.

court [ko:t] 281 bíróság, törvény The police had enough evidence to bring the case

szék to court.

to entitle [in'taitl] 1915 feljogosít Full-time employees are entitled to receive full

health insurance.

 judge [d3Ad3] 1501 bíró The judge decides how long Jack has to go to


 judgement ['d3Ad3m3nt] ítélet, döntés, Fol low ing a recent cou r t jud gem ent , John had to

1483 határozat, végzés pay 30 dollars.

 jUSt [d 3ASt] 74 igazságos The king was respected as a just ruler.

 justice [’d3AStIs] 1433 igazság igazsá


Daniel has a strong sense of justice.

law [lo:] 308 törvény; jog Recently, there has been an intense debate about

that law.

legal ['liigl] 866 legális, törvényes, Daniel had twice the legal limit of alcohol in his

megengedett blood.

order [’oida] 407 rend; rendelet Trees in our city are protected by a preservation


right [rait] 339  jog vmihez Women all over the world fought hard for the

right to vote.

settlement ['setlmant] megegyezés, The attorneys for the defendant and the

1739 megállapodás prosecution tried to reach a settlement.

solicitor [sa'lisita] 1770 (polgári ügyekben You will need a solicitor’s help if you decide to

eljáró) ügyvéd sell your house.

trial f'traial] 1302 tárgyalás, per The trial lasted longer than expected.

13.02. Jog ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to accuse [a'kju:z] 2031 (meg)vádol, vád

alá helyez

Kenny has been accused of drinking and driving.

allegation [.aeta'geijn] állítás, vád The defendant denied all allegations.


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to allege [a'led3] 3717 állít

alleged [s'led3d] 3854 állítólagos

amendment módosítás,

[a'mendmant] 2938 kiegészítés

appeal [a'piil] 1054 fellebbezés

to appeal 0 ‘pi:l ] 2336 folyamodik,

fordul vkihez

bill [bll] 940 törvényjavaslat,


breach [bri:tj] 2557 megszegés,


compensation kártérítés,

[.kDmpsn'seiJn] 2708 kártalanítás,


to comply [ksm 'pla i] 3497 eleget tesz,

teljesít, enged

to condemn [ksn'dem] kifogásol, elítél,

3302 helytelenít

to constitute ['kDnstitjuit] alapít, alakít


conviction [ksn'vikfnj büntető ítélet,

2949 elítélés

defendant [di'fendsnt] alperes, vád lo tt


to enforce [in 'fo is] 3618 kikényszerít,


to implement foganatosít,

['implim ent] 2272 végrehajt

implementation foganatosítás,

[ .implimen'teijn] 2832 végrehajtás

to  judge [d3Ad3] 2045 megítél, ítéletet


 judicial [d3u'dijl] 3160 bírói, bírósági,


 jurisdiction fennhatóság,

[.dsuaris'dikfn] 3537 hatáskör, ill eté -


 jury t'd3U3ri] 3161 esküdtszék,


lawyer [ 'bija] 2120  jogász , ügyvéd

The prosecution alleged that Jo was the thief.

The alleged victim did not appear in court.

The liberal wing applied for a few amendments

to the resolution.

All prisoners have a right of appeal.

Mike appealed to his lawyer for help.

The court introduced a new bill on weapons.

The officer says there have been security


The victims got full compensation for the damage

caused to their property.

Susie always complies with her boss’s commands.

The judge condemns the way the victim has been


The German state was constituted in 1990.

This was Peter’s second conviction for theft.

The defendant pleaded not guilty.

The army general is expected to enforce

discipline in the military.

The new act was implemented on Thursday.

Susan was happy about the implementation of

the peace plan.

Lisa is in no pos tion to judge whether Laura is

right or wrong.

The judicial system is complex and difficult to


Education is not under the federation’s


After two hours of discussion, the jury was still

not convinced.

After taking a law class, Mike decided to become

a lawyer.

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liability [ .lais'bilati] 2046 felelősség

liable ['laiabl] 3435 felelős

magistrate ['mæd3istreit] bírói/közigazga-

2964 tási tisztviselő

objection [ab'dsekfn] ellenvetés, kifogás


penalty [ ’penlti] 2442 büntetés

plaintiff [ 'p le int if j 240i fe lperes, panaszos

to plead [pli:d] 3945 beismer, vm inek

vallja magát

proceeding [pra'shdn]] eljárás


prosecution a vád képviselője,

[.prDsi'kjuiJn] 3101 ügyészség

punishment [ 'pAnifrnant] büntetés


seal [sill] 4454 pecsét

statute ['stætfuit] 3463 törvény, rendelet

statutory ['stætfstri] 2498 törvényadta,

törvényen alapuló

tribunal [trai'bju:nl] 3579 törvényszék,


If you are younger than eighteen, you have only

a limited liability for the damage you cause.

Parents are liable for their children.

In addition to his duties as a medical officer, he

works as a magistrate in a local court of law.

Lawyers have raised strong objections to the


The death penalty is banned in almost all

democratic countries.

The plaintiff raised his voice and accused the

defendant of murder.

Karen pleaded guilty to car theft.

The judge explained the court proceedings.

The prosecution wants Peter to stay in prison.

Every criminal should face severe punishment.

Important documents are given an official seal.

These statutes are very old and should be


Everyone has certain statutory rights.

The Hague is an independent war crime tribunal

13.03. Köz-és szociális szolgáltatások ► Alapszókincs

administration ügyvitel; igazga-

[ad.mim’streijn] 1512 tás, vezetés

agency ['eid3ansi] 1152 ügynökség

aid [eid] 1218 segély, támogatás

authority [o:'0Dr3ti] 314 hatóság

council ['kaunsl] 276 tanács

elderly ['eldsli] 1985 idős, öreg, koros

to enable [i'neibl] 1102 lehetővé tesz

The company is looking for someone with

experience in administration.

The employment agency helped Harry to find a

 job in a commercial enterprise.

The Red Cross is delivering aid to the refugees.

The local authority decided to build a new

shopping centre.

He sent a letter to the council to complain about

the noise.

Services for elderly people are managed by our

local authorities.

The new job in the hospital enabled Susan to buy

a new car.

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fund [fAnd] 958 forrás, pénzalap

to grant [gra:nt] 1539 megad, részesít

hospital [’hospitl] 627 kórház

housing ['hauziq] 1584 szállás, lakás

insurance [in'Juarans] biztosítás


library ['laibrari] 1078 könyvtár

local ['laukl] 199 helyi, helybeli

to offer ['Dfa] 345 (fel)ajánl,


official [a'fiJT] 1327 hivatalnok,


pension ['penjn] 1630 nyugdíj

policy ['polasij 278 biztosítás

post [paust] 1014 állás, poszt

post office ['paust Dfis] posta


public ['pAbhk] 355 tömeg-, köz-,

to serve [s3:v] 700 szolgál, szolgála

tot teljesít

service ['s3:vis] 173 szolgálat, igazga


social ['saufl] 223 társadalmi,


stamp [stamp] 4314 bélyeg

support [sa'poit] 534 támogatás, segély

tax [tasks] 611 adó

The museum is so short of funds that it may have

to sell all its paintings.

The council granted Tom permission to build a

house on this site.

The doctors told Maria to stay in hospital for two

more days.

The government will provide inexpensive housing

for people.

My parents have insurance for their house and its


The school library has a huge fiction section.

Peter walks to the local library every morning.

The local council offered him a good job, but he

turned it down.

Roger works as a government official at the town


Many old people are not happy with their


The policy covers theft and fire.

Robert applied for the post and was invited to an


Where is the nearest post office?

The government advises citizens to use public

transport to cut down on pollution.

He returned to England to serve in the military.

After finishing her studies, she got a job in public


Today’s newspaoer deals with the country’s social


Oliver was just going to the post office to buy


Students from disadvantaged background will

receive financial support.

Consumers are angry that the tax on petrol has

gone up yet again.

13.03. Köz-és szociális szolgáltatások ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to administer kezel, intéz The money will be administered by local[ad'minista] 3714 charities.

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administrative adminisztratív

[administrativ] 2553

to allocate ['ælakeit] 3123 kijelöl, meghatá


allocation [,æla'kei/n] szétosztás,3288 rendelkezésre


allowance [a'lauans] 2597  juttatás, járadék,


to assist [a'sist] 2294 segédkezik,


assistance [a'sistans] 2226 támogatás, segély,


to benefit [’benifit] 2141 hasznot húz,

hasznát látja

collective [ka'lektiv] 3217 közös, együttes,


directive [da'rektiv] 3313 utasítás, irányelv

funding ['fAndirj] 2351 finanszírozási

licence ['laisns] 2204 engedély

to license ['laisns] 4226 engedélyt ad,


maintenance karbantartás

['meintanans] 2360

nursery ['n3:sari] 3550 bölcsőde

pensioner ['penfana] 3668 nyugdíjasregistration beiratkozás,

[,red3 i'streijn] 3264 nyilvántartás,


to render ['renda] 3453 (meg)ad, nyújt

stability [sta'bilati] 3462 stabilitás,


subsidy ['sAbsadi] 3974 anyagi támogatás,


voluntary ['vDlantri] 2418 önkéntes

welfare ['welfea] 2063  jólét, népjólét

Rachel’s job is mainly administrative.

My boss allocates the same amount of work to

each employee.

She is not satisfied with the board’s allocation offunds to universities.

She receives a monthly housing allowance.

Our social workers assist families that have

serious problems.

The University of London offers financial

assistance to students.

I am sure you will benefit from the meeting.

The world has a collective responsibility to look

after our environment.

All companies received the directive to reduce

their staff.

Funding cuts for education have lead to the

closure of many schools.

Helen has a licence to use a gun.

This restaurant is not licensed to sell alcohol.

The theatre was closed on Sunday for routine


Every morning, my husband takes our children to


My grandmother enjoys being a pensioner.

The registration fee is 25 dollars.

The government will render assistance to the

flood victims.

Our aim is to help families who have difficultiesin maintaining economic stability.

Without state subsidies, the company could not


My children do a lot of voluntary work for the

Red Cross.

The welfare system provides support to those in


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13.04. Társulások ►

to act [sekt] 831

board [bo:d] 684

to change [tjemds] 368 

choice [tjois] 822

to choose [tfu:z] 663

to complete [kam'plht]


control [ksn'trsul] 376

criticism ['kritisizam]


to establish [I'staeblif] 642

to form [fo:m] 608

foundation [faun'deijn]


free [fri:] 553

to head [hed] 1684 

impact ['impaekt] 1402 

opportunity[,Dp3'tju:n3ti] 693

option ['Dpjn] 1211

population [.popju'leijn]


procedure [pra'si:d33]






tanácskozótestület, választ









befejez, elvégez





alapít, létesít,





vezet, az élen


hatás, kihatás

lehetőség, esély,




lakosság, népes


művelet, eljárás

The government had to act fast because of the

death threats.

There was disagreement among the board


The business environment has radically changed

in the last ten years.

They gave us no choice in the matter.

The members chose him as the leader of thesociety.

All work is expected to be completed by


Many countries are fighting to keep inflation

under control.

In a free society politicians have to accept


The company established a subsidiary in Poland.

The organization was formed thirty years ago.

The foundation supports young artists.

Free movement of goods is one of the

cornerstones of the European Union’s internal


Union leaders headed the demonstration.

We need to assess the impact of environmental


She received an opportunity to work for a charity


The other option was to give the funding to

another department.

Germany has a population of 80 million people.

Paul was convinced that this procedure would

take a lot of time.

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process ['preuses] 380 folyamat, eljárás

progress ['preu'gres] 1415 fejlődés, haladás

provision [preVi3n] 881 gondoskodás,


purpose [ 'p3 :p3s] 733 cél, szándék

to represent [.repri'zent] képvisel; bemutat


representation ábrázolás

[.reprizen'teijn] 1964

rule [ru:l] 602 szabály, előírás

to settle ['setl] 1450 rendez, megold,


society [ss'saiati] 361 társaság, társulás,


standard ['stændad] 734 norma, szabvány,


tradition [tre'dijn] 1571 hagyomány

traditional [tra'dijanl] 950 hagyományos

use [ju:s] 296 használat,


The production process took many years.

China has made progress towards a free market


The ministry agreed on a new act for the

provision of health facilities.

The purpose of the new law is to avoid creating

one million tonnes of waste each year.

All local clubs were represented at the meeting.

The painting was a representation of the famous

leader of the liberal party.

As a politician, you have to follow the rules.

After several discussions, they finally managed to

settle the disagreement.

Our society was founded fifteen years ago.

The airlire has certain safety standards.

In our community, we place a lot of emphasis on

maintaining local tradition.

They were wearing traditional clothing when

they were dancing.

The use of modern technology has obviously

improved productivity in our company.

13.04. Társulások ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to abolish [a'bolij] 3711 eltöröl, hatályon

kívül helyez

to back [bæk] 2106 támogat

to cease [si:s] 2816 megszűnik

to comprise [kam'praiz] magában foglal


consent [ksn'sent] 2604  jóváhagyás

conventional hagyományos,

[kan'venjanl] 2383 megszokott

conversion [k3n'v3:Jn] áttérés, átállás


to convert [k3n'v3:t] 2384 áttér, átáll, átvált

So many people protested against the new law

that it was abolished.

The chairman was backed by the board.

The demonstrations ceased after a few weeks.

Management comprises planning, directing and

controlling an organization.

The local government tried to close public pools

without the people’s consent.

Our colleagues have developed a new method,

which is easier to use than the conventional


Many Europeans took a while to understand the

conversion to the new currency.

This programme helps farmers to convert to

organic production methods.

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to curb [k3:b] 4078

custom f'kAstam] 2473

to deserve [di'z3:v] 2773

doctrine ['dDktrin] 3613

emission [j 'm ijn] 3509

established [i'stæblijt]


exception [ik'sepjn] 2201

to expose [ik'spsuz] 2717

exposure [ik'spsu-ja] 3234

to free [fri:] 3325

to fund [fAnd] 3151

to guarantee [.gaeran'ti:]


guidance ['gaidans] 2721

to guide [gaid] 3330

hierarchy [’haiarœki] 3639

informal [in'fo:ml] 3242

to isolate ['aisaleit] 3920

isolation [.aisa’leijn] 3784

to opt [Dpt] 3932

plot [plot] 3260

potential [ps'tenjl] 2054

poverty ['povati] 2796

megfékez, gátat




elmélet, elv







kitesz vmnek

kitettség, nyilvá



pénzzel, anyagi

lag támogat


irányítás, vezetés

vezet, kalauzol


nem hivatalos,

kötetlen, informá





dönt, választ


titkos terv




The government should introduce controls to

curb bad behaviour.

The guide offers information on local customs.

This is a very imoortant issue that deserves

further consideration.

My party’s doctrine is that everyone is entitled to

an equal start in life.

China introduced new emission standards.

Sometimes the established order is not

permanently fixed.

The secretary sa d that she would not make an


Miners were exposed to high levels of radiation.

The prime minister and his wife got a lot of

exposure in the months since their marriage.

They entered the building and freed the


The battle against drug abuse is funded by

several famous actors.

The state guarantees the security of its citizens.

Working under the professor’s guidance is not


The man guided the tourists through the city.

A lot of countries have a social hierarchy.

Informal meetings sometimes receive more

attention than formal ones.

The policy of the new government will isolate the

country both politically and economically.

Because of the community’s isolation, it has

developed its own unique culture.

The people opted for new elections.

The plot against the king was quickly discovered

and three men were arrested.

The company certainly has the potential forgrowth.

Professionals give advice to the government on

how to fight poverty.

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to preserve [pri'z3:v] 2446 megőriz, megvéd Locals tried to preserve the old church, but there

was not enough money to save it.

publicity [pAb'Iisati] 3181 publicitás, Agricultural production has gained more and

nyilvánosság more publicity over the last few years.

restoration [.resta'rei/n] visszaállítás A minority of democrats is fighting for the

3681 restoration of the old law.

sociology [,s3usi'ol3d3i] szociológia The sociclogy professor told the foreign students

3690 how Germans study their society.

standing [ ’stasndiq] 2982 helyzet, pozíció Polls show that the scandal damaged the prime

minister’s standing on many issues.

succession [sak'sejn] 3838 sorozat, egymás

után következés

The president won three elections in succession.

successor [sak'sesa] 3694 (jog)utód; The lack of a successor is causing concern within

(trón)örökös the party.

to suit [suit] 2286 kedvére van, This restaurant’s menu has something to suit

megfelel, kielégít everyone’s taste.

to sustain [sa'stein] 2923 helyt ad, támogat, The chancellor did not want to sustain his

alátámaszt minister’s recommendation.

to transform [trans'foim] átalakít In the last century, Poland has transformed itself 

2861 from a socialist state to a democratic one.

transformation átalakítás, Not all transformations into a free market

[.traensfa'meijn] 3577 átalakulás,


economy have been successful.

widespread ['waidspred] széleskörű The fire caused widespread damage.


13.05. Telekommunikáció és technika ► Alapszókincs

automatic [.oita'msetik] automata,

1977 önműködő

call [ko:l] 1204 hívás, telefonbe


channel [’tjaenl] 1751 csatorna

computer [kam'pjuita] számítógép


device [di'vars] 1952 eszköz, készülék

diSC [disk] 1776 CD, CD-ROM,


Internet ['intanet] 420/ internet

My father has a camera with automatic focus.

Mr. Smith missed a very important call.

My father always changes the channel to watch


Fred bought a computer so he could get his work

done at home.

The company uses a device for controlling thetemperature.

Susie inserts the disc into the computer to install

the software.

Internet use is increasing around the world.

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machine [ma'Jiin] 858 gép There are more machines on the production line

now than there were in the last century.

mobile phone [,maubail

'faun] 4251

mobiltelefon Nowadays, nearly everyone has a mobile phone.

network ['netw3:k] 1225 hálózat  John installs computer networks in offices.

to phone [faun] 2794 telefonál, felhív Peter phoned his mother to say that he was going

to be late.

phone [faun] 1493 telefon Albert did not hear his phone ringing.

programme ['praugram] program, műsor He was watching a morning news programme

397 while he was getting ready for work.

radio ['reidiau] 1227 rádió Susan works for a local radio station.

to record [n'ko:d] 1107 rögzít, felvesz,

felvételt készít

The machine recorded every call.

to ring [nq], rang, rung felhív, telefoná l She rang me this morning and asked me to help

1449 her with her essay.

software ['sDftwea] 1183 szoftver The company buys its software from Japan.

studio [’stjuidiau] 1323 stúdió The company is building a new studio around


technical ['teknikl] 1551 technikai,


The company’s staff needs technical training.

technique [tek'ni:k] 1071 technika, mód-

szer, eljárás

The Chinese use unusual farming techniques.

technology [tek'nDlad3i] technológia, The Russians invented new technology to use

856 műszaki eljárás underwater oil.

telephone ['telifaun] 1482 telefon Mike’s telephone is ringing all the time.

television [ 'telivi3n] 1096 televízió Lisa and Nancy cannot imagine life without a

television anymore.

TV [,ti: 'vi:] 1593 tévé, TV Alfred is watching a very popular programme on


user ['ju:za] 911 felhasználó It is difficult to find user-friendly software.

video [’vidiau] 1419 videofilm We stayed at home and watched a video last


13.05. Telekommunikáció és technika ► Kiegészítő szókincs

battery [‘bætarij 3485 elem When the red light is on, you need to change the


to broadcast ['bro:dka:st], közvetít, sugároz

broadcast, broadcast

The news is broadcast every night at 10 p.m.


cable ['keibl] 3127 kábel Our company provides an underground cable

network to offer customers a telephone service.

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camera ['ka:mara] 2381 fényképezőgép,


cellphone [ 'selfaon] 4062 mobiltelefon

computing fkam'pjuitir)] számítástechni-

.3739 kai

to connect [ka'nekt] 2193 csatlakoztat,


database [’deitabeis] 2197 adatbank, adatbá-


digital ['did3 itl] 3608 digitális

electric [1'lektrikJ 2615 elektromos

electrical [1'lektrikl] 3317 elektromos

electricity [i.lek'trisati] v illanyáram,

2426 villany, áram

electronic [,ilek'trDmk]



email ['i:meil] 4116 email

filter ['filts] 3624 szűrő

hardware ['hardwea] 3529 hardver

interface ['intafeis] 3341 illesztőegység

mechanical [mi'kasmkl] mechanikai,

3658 műszaki

media ['mi:dia] 4244 média

mode [maud] 2361 mód

PC [,pi: 'si:] 2487 személyi számító-


plug [plAg] 4291 hálózati csatlako-

printer ['printa] 3178 nyom tató

processor ['prausesa] 3449 processzor

radiation [.reid i'eijn] 3949 sugárzás

receiver [ri'si:va] 3675 te le fonkagyló

recording [ri 'koidiq] 2586 felvétel

Betty has three or four expensive cameras for her


You can reach me on my cellphone day and


The company decided to invest in computing


You have to install the printer software before

connecting the printer to the computer.

The director presented the new information

database to the staff.

This camera can take digital pictures.

Electric tools are very expensive.

The explosion was caused by an electrical fault.

The cottage was very isolated, but it had


This book is available in electronic form.

I get about 50 emails a day at work.

Some schools use Internet filters to prevent

students from accessing inappropriate material.

The company has spent millions of dollars on

replacing old computer hardware.

The interface is the part of a computer system

that cornects two different machines.

The flight has been cancelled due to mechanical


The media plays a vital role in modern society.

The board has decided that the mode of

transport will be changed.

My parents use their PC to do all their banking.

Different countries have different types of plugs.

We are satisfied with our new colour printer.

The processor deals with the information it is


Scientists tried to analyse the strange radiation

comingfrom around the mining area.

I picked up the receiver and dialled his number.

Have you heard the new recording of the


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satellite f'saetalait] 3457 műhold You can see satellite pictures of your house on

the Internet.

server ['s3:va] 3459 szerver All data is kept or a central server.

to switch off [,switf 'oif] elolt, leolt, Can you switch off the light when you leave?

4336 kikapcsol

to switch on [sw itj 'Dn] bekapcsol, It is my job to switch on the coffee machine in4337 felkapcsol the morning.

to telephone ['telifaun] felhív, telefoná l Peter telephoned a computer company in the

3372 United States.

to videotape [ 'vidiauteipj videóra felvesz, I videotaped my favourite films on TV.

2458 rögzít

Web [web] 4386 web, világháló The Web is another name for the Internet.

website ['websait] 4387 webhely, website Lots of people have their own websites now.

13.06. Rendőrség és bűnözés ► Alapszókincs

to catch [kaet/], caught, elfog, elkap It took the police more than five years to catchCaught 763  Jenny.

to commit [ka'mit] 1537 elkövet The detective could not tell who had committed

the crime.

crime [kraim] 1248 bűntett, bűntény  Jamie insisted that he had not committed any


detective [di'tektiv] 3010 nyomozó, Detective Smith was known as a really tough

detektív policeman.

to escape [I'skeip] 1343 elmenekül,


It is still uncertain how Paula managed to escape.

evidence ['evidsns] 503 bizonyíték, bűnjel There is no evidence for these claims.

to hide [haid], hid, elrejtőzik, elbújik The criminal was hiding behind a curtain.

hidden 1625

to investigate (ki)vizsgál, The best detectives are investigating the[in'vestigeit] 1851 nyomoz mysterious accidents at the hotel.

investigation nyomozás, The detective’s investigations were successful.

[in.vesti'geijn] 1540 vizsgálat, kutatás

murder ['m3:da] 1705 gyilkosság He was found guilty of attempted murder.

offence [s'fens] 1687 szabálysértés, vét


Now it is an offence to smoke in restaurants.

police [ps'liis] 363 rendőrség The police chased the suspect for hours.

policeman [pa'Iiisman], rendőr About 30 policemen stormed the building.

policemen 2640

prison ['prizn] 1447 börtön Maria was found guilty and sent to prison.

to prove [pru:v] 753 (be)bizonyít,


The prosecution tried to prove Daniel’s guilt.

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search [s3:tj] 1828 kutatás, keresés Police officers have carried out a search for the

missing tourists.

to steal [sti:l], stole, (el)lop My pocket money has been stolen from my bag

stolen 2060 at school.

victim ['viktim] 1529 áldozat The victim was unable to testify as he was in the


violence [Vaislsns] 1836 erőszak, bántal The government is proposing a law against

mazás domestic violence.

13.06. Rendőrség és bűnözés ► Kiegészítő szókincs

abuse [a'bju:s] 2460 visszaélés The abuse of these medicines is illegal.

to arrest [a'rest] 2260 letartóztat, The police arrested a few young men after a

őrizetbe vesz series of car thefts.

assault [a'soilt] 3050 tettlegesség, testi

sértés, erőszak

The defendants were charged with assault.

charge [tja:d3] 751 vád, vádpont Frank was arrested on drug charges.

to chase [tjeis] 3494 üldöz Many people chased the man, but he still got


clue [klu:] 3601 nyom The police have an important clue as to the time

- of the murder.

constable ['kAnstabl] 3398 rendőr The constable was walking along the street while

he was on watch.

criminal ['kriminl] 2196 bűnös, bűn- Allegedly, the executive has been involved in

criminal activities.

dealer [ 'di:b] 2566 kereskedő, díler Marie’s boyfriend is a big drug dealer.

enquiry [in’kwaisri] 1398 kérdezősködés, The police are making a lot of enquiries about



yesterday’s crime.

escape [I'skeip] 3512 szökés, menekü- They had planned the escape from prison for

lés over three years.

to flee [Hi:], fled, fled 3519 elmenekül The criminal attacked his victim and fled.

fraud [fro:d] 3773 csalás Paul has been charged with tax fraud.

gang [gaeq] 3631 banda, gengszter-


Everyone in town feared the gang.

guard [ga:d] 2394 őr There are three armed guards on duty at the

entrance of the building.

guilt [gilt] 3903 bűnösség, It seemed as though the criminal had no sense of 

vétkesség guilt at all.

guilty [’gilti] 2271 bűnös The woman was found guilty of killing her baby.

illegal [i'li:gl] 3240 törvénytelen, It is illegal to sell and buy weapons without a

illegális licence.

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innocent ['inasnt] 3533 ártatlan Marcus said that he was innocent, but the judge

did not believe him.

killer ['k ila] 3787 gyilkos She read in the newspaper that the killer lived

next to his victims.

motive ['mautiv] 3544 indíték The detective was convinced that she had a

motive for this crime.

to murder ['m3:da] 3352 m eggyilkol After four years of marriage, John murdered his


offender [a'fenda] 3804 bűnöző Residents do not want to live next to offenders.

prisoner ['prizna] 2092 rab, fogoly The new president released more than a hundred


profile ['praufail] 2973 személyiségprofil The police don’t have a profile of the suspect yet.

proof [pru:f] 2906 bizonyíték If you want to charge him, you need proof.

rape [reip] 3674 nemi erőszak Only one in ten rape victims reports the crime to

the authorities.

to rob [rob] 4421 kirabol, kifoszt After robbing the bank, the three men tried to

escape in a fast car.

to search [s3:tf] 2248 keres, kutat The officers are still searching for evidence on the


sergeant ['sa:d3ant] 2979 őrmester Sergeant Parks told the journalists that he could

not give them any information yet.

to suspect [sa'spekt] 2329 gyanúsít The servant is suspected of murder.

theft [Geft] 3697 lopás Police are investigating the theft of expensive

 jewellery from a downtown shop.

thief [6i:f], thieves 4346 tolvaj The thief escaped over the rooftops.

to trace [treis] 3038 felkutat, nyom oz The detective agency specializes in tracing

vki után missing persons.

watch [wotj] 2755 őrség Officer Jones is on watch tonight.

witness ['witnas] 2653 tanú The accident happened during the rush hour, so

there were a lot of witnesses present.

13.07. Veszély és biztonság ► Alapszókincs

attack [a'teek] 1031 támadás The dog’s attack didn’t do much harm.

to burn [b3:n], burnt, ég, lángol At the end of the room, a coal fire was burning

burnt 1896 brightly.

careful ['keafl] 923 óvatos, elővigyá My parents told me to be careful when making a

zatos fire during the dry summer weather.

damage ['da;mid3] 1191 kár, károsodás The accident at the nuclear power plant caused

no damage to the environment.

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danger ['deind3a] 1409 veszély Although the attacks have been prevented, theoi/>'re

president is still in danger.

dangerous ['deind33ras] veszélyes Sometimes it is dangerous to travel without help

're 1755 from local guides.I—

to ensure [in'Jua] 799 kezeskedik, The government ensured that the workers will beró garantál, biztosít provided with efficient transportation.

fire f'faia] 779 tűz The fire department prevents and stops fire.

to prevent [pri'vent] 1056 meggátol Strict interpretation of football rules ought to

prevent foul play.

to protect [pra'tekt] 1290 (meg)véd,


How can I protect myself from pickpockets?

protection [pra'tekfn] megóvás, védelem The protection of people should be the main

1359 interest of the security forces.

risk [risk] 882 kockázat The risk of getting injured is quite high for mine


safety ['seifti] 1299 biztonság,


In the factory, numerous safety measures had to

be taken to protect the workers.

to save [seiv] 963 megment, megóv New technology made it possible to save the lives

of many people.

to secure [si'k jua] 1796 biztosít Police has secured the scene of the crime.

security [si'kjuarati] 704 biztonság Public security is a major issue these days.

trouble ['trAbl] 1131 nehézség,

vesződség, gond

The policeman had a lot of trouble finding the

right house.

to warn [wo:n] 1657 figyelmeztet,


The officer warned the crowd not to step closer

to the burning house.

13.07. Veszély és biztonság ► Kiegészítő szókincs

alarm [a'la:m] 3122 riasztóberende

zés, vészjelző


to damage ['dæmid3] 2348 megrongál,


to explode [ik'splaud] felrobban


explosion [ik'splau3n] robbanás


to fire ['fais] 2572 lead, elsüt

flame [fleim] 3324 láng

to grab [græb] 2887 megragad

harmful [ 'haimfl] 4180 ártalmas, káros

Everyone was surprised when the alarm started

to ring.

Several police cars were damaged in yesterday’s


The chenicals exploded in the heat.

You could hear the explosion all over the city.

The police officer fired two shots.

The flames were everywhere in the building.

Two officers grabbed the girl and pushed her to

the ground.

Be careful, those substances are harmful.

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harmless ['hcrnnbs] 4181 

to punch [pAntJ] 4404

to rescue f'reskju:] 4415 

to risk [risk] 3561

shelter [’Jelta] 4444

to smash [smaej] 4301

to trap [trasp] 3578

violent ['vaialant] 2990 

warning ['wo:nii]] 2102


megüt, behúz

megment, kiment



betör, bezúz,


csapdába ejt,

tőrbe csal



Don’t worry - the dog is totally harmless!

She tried to defend herself and punched the

attacker in the face.

The sailor went overboard but was rescued later.

The defence minister risked his job by launching

the attack without official permission.

When the audience started throwing rotten

tomatoes, the singer sought shelter behind the

grand piano.

The burglars smashed the shop window to get


After international news coverage, the criminals

were trapped.

This movie is much too violent for my taste!

The warning was issued the night before the

heavy rains started.

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14. Általános fogalmak

14.01. Térbeli elhelyezkedés ► Alapszókincs

above [a'bAv] 1176 felett, fölé, fenn

area ['earia] 159 terület, térség,


around [a'raund] 502 körülötte, körül,


minden oldalon

below [bi'lau] 1265 alatt, alá, alul

bottom ['botam] 1698 alj, alsó rész, mély

broad [bro:d] 1598 széles

central ['sentral] 576 központi, közép

centre ['senta] 360 központ, közép


deep [di:p] 924 mély, mélyen

edge [ed3] 1205 szél, perem

to extend [ik'stend] 1149 megnagyobbít,


front [fr/uit] 1317 elülső rész, eleje

inside [,in'said] 1988 be-, befelé, benn,


internal [in't3:nl] 1565 belső, bel-

location [lau'keijn] 1853 elhelyezkedés,


outside [.aut'said] 1245 kinn, kívül, a


place [pleis] 176 hely, terület

position [pa'zijn ] 381 helyzet, fekvés

sector ['sekta] 1027 körzet, szektor

to set [set], set, set 236 (le)tesz,

(el)helyez, lerak

side [said] 237 oldal

The queen’s rooms are situated above the grand


This area belongs to the national park.

There are many nice buildings around the


The garage is situated below the kitchen.

The bottom of the pot is dirty.

A broad path divided the garden in two.

The hotel is quite central, near the market.

A big market is to be found in the centre of the


The lake is only ten feet deep.

They built a fence at the northern edge of their


They extended the house by building a second


The front of the castle was restored ten years ago.

We went inside the castle to take a look at the

beautiful halls.

The company’s spokesman said nothing about its

internal operations.

The landlord raised the rent because of the

house’s nice location.

The children were not allowed to play outside

because it was raining.

I found a nice place at the lake to go fishing.

When visiting the city, the tourist group got lost

and could not find their position on the map.

Berlin used to be divided into four sectors-

American, French, British and Russian.

She set the plates on the table.

This side of the road belongs to another city


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site [sait] 720 hely, helyszín;


The bank’s main site is not very convenient; it is

too far away frorr the city centre.

space [speis] 810 hely, tér; terület There is not enough space for anything more in

the room.

spot [spDt] 1884 hely, pont;


We found a nice spot at the lake to enjoy thewarm day.

surface ['s3:fis] 1089 felszín, felület The lake’s surface is unusually smooth today.

top [tDp] 885 tető, felső rész,



Their flat is situated at the top of the building.

under ['Anda] 1835 alatt, alá They were sitting under a big tree, enjoying the


upper ['Apa] 1889 felső, felülső,

felsőbb, fenti

The upper part of the house is not yet built.

14.01. Térbeli elhelyezkedés ► Kiegészítő szókincs

above [a'bAv] 2991 fenti

angle ['aeqgl] 2462 szög, szöglet;


aside [a'said] 2509 félre, oldalra,

oldalt, mellé

behind [bi'haind] 2600 mögött, mögé

bottom ['bDtam] 3867 alsó, legalsó

boundary [’baundri] 2190 határ

compound fknmpaund]


keverék, elegy

to confine [kan'fain] 3004 bezár, elzár,


depth [dep0] 2302 mélység

dimension [di'menfn] méret, kiterjedés,

2821 dimenzió

extension [ik'stenfn] 2269 meghosszabbítás,


external [ik'st3:nl] 2009 külső, kinti

frame [freim] 2306 keret

gap [gaep] 2151 rés, hézag

inner ['ina] 2156 belső, belül lévő

layer ['leía] 2399 réteg

to locate [lau'keit] 2437 elhelyez

Please, read the above paragraph for details.

If you look out of the window from this angle,

you can see the city hall behind the buildings.

She laid her book aside and went to open the


There is a huge garden behind the house.

The bottom part cf the dress is dirty.

The old city wall is at the southern boundary.

Air is a compound of oxygen and other gases.

Her cat was confined to a travelling cage during

the flight.

The depth of this lake measures about 50 feet.

The dimensions of the building were hard to


The owners planned an extension of their yard

and bought part of their neighbour’s garden.

The castle’s external walls had to be restored.

She bought an expensive frame for the painting.

The wind comes ir through this gap in the door.

The museum has an inner and an outer yard.

After the flood, the floor was covered with a thick

layer of mud.

He could not locate the city centre on the map.

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margin ['ma:d3in] 3090 szél, szegély,


outdoors [,aut'do:z] 4272 ki, a szabadba;

kinn, a szabadban

outer ['auta] 3255 külső

patch [pa;tfl 3172 folt, darabka

to range [reind3] 2642 terjed

rear [ria] 4410 hátsó rész

remote [ri'maut] 2848 távoli, messzi

scope [skaup] 2646 terület, kör

setting f'setiq] 2370 színhely, környe


to situate ['sitjueit] 3688 elhelyez

to stretch [stretj] 2095 nyúlik, terjed

to surround [sa'raund] körülvesz,

2178 körülfog

underground föld alatti;

[’Andagraund] 4367 földalatti

vast [va;st] 2100 hatalmas, óriási

width [widG] 4390 szélesség

zone [zaun] 2504 zóna, övezet

When writing an essay, pupils must leave enough

margin space for remarks.

We wanted to go outdoors to eat but it was


The outer layer of the wall is made of stone.

Drive carefully; there are icy patches on the road.

The size of the rats ranged from small to


At the rear of the house, you can find the


They had to cross two valleys in order to reach

the remote village.

As it fell jnder the scope of her research, the

scientist also examined other types of plants.

The setting of the party should be in a nice, open


The market is situated not far away from the

train station.

The castle’s yard stretches from the city to the

nearby forest.

The museum is surrounded by a beautiful park.

In London, the underground railway is called the


There is a vast forest behind the castle.

The width of the house is 12 metres.

You need a new ticket for the bus because you

are now entering another zone.

14.02. Színek és formák ► Alapszókincs

black [blask] 402

blue [blu:] 969

brown [braun] 2143

circle ['s3:kl] 1982

colour ['kAla] 714

corner f'koina] 1233

figure ['figs] 269

form [fo:m] 266








forma, alak, külső

At funerals, people usually wear black.

The sky is blue.

She has brown hair even though both her

parents have black hair.

The teacher asked the class to sit in a circle.

I do not think the colour of that dress suits her.

A square has four corners.

This Greek vase is decorated with black figures.

That modern house has a strange form.

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green [gri:n] 813 zöld People are allowed to cross the street when there

is a green man.

grey Igrei], 2042 szürke Old people often have grey hair.

line [lain] 306 vonal, egyenes She drew a long line on the paper.

orange ['Drind3l 4270 narancssárga In some cultures, orange is a holy colour.

pattern ['ptetn] 752 minta, mintázat I do not like this jacket because it has a strange


pink [piqk] 2840 rózsaszín Little girls often I ke the colour pink very much.

purple l'p3:pl] 4406 lila, bíbor Purple is often considered a regal colour.

point [point] 192 pont; hely Her skirt was cut on an angle that came to a

sharp point.

red [red] 728 piros People are not allowed to cross the street when

there is a red man.

round [raond] 670 kerek, kör alakú It was hard to find curtains for the round


shape [Jeip] 1343 alak, forma He does not paint landscapes, only shapes with

primary colours.

square [skwes] 1970 négyzet A square has four equal sides and four right


white [wait] 473 fehér For my wedding, I will wear a white dress.

yellow ['jebu] 2334 sárga When I think of the colour yellow, I think of the


14.02. Színek és formák ► Kiegészítő szókincs

to bend [bend], bent, (meg)hajlít,

bent 2556 meggörbít

blank [blaeqkj 4010 üres, tiszta

coloured [‘kAtod] 3735 színes, színezett

cross [kros] 2111 kereszt

curve [k3:v] 2609 ív, hajlat, kanya


dot [dot] 4106 pont

to fade [feid] 3623 elhalványul,


format ['foimait] 3150 formátum, forma

golden ['gauldan] 2393 arany

hollow ['hDlau] 4189 üres, üreges

She bent the wire to fit it into the lamp.

She took a blank page and started writing.

The coloured picture looks much friendlier than

the black and white one.

He drew a cross to show where the church was

on the map.

The street formed a curve around the church.

Email addresses always end dot something, oftendot com.

The light faded as the clouds covered the sun.

A good format is important for a successful


She wears a golden ring on her finger.

Birds sometimes live in hollow trees.

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pale [peil] 2440 sápadt, halvány

parallel ['pajralel] 3938 párhuzamos

shade [Jexd] 3364 árnyalat, színezet

to shape [Jeip] 3563 megformál,


shiny ['Jaini] 4445 csillogó, fényes

sphere [sfia] 3968 gömb

square [skwea] 3108 négyzet alakú,



stripe [straip] 4324 csík

thickness ['Giknas] 4345 vastagság

transparent[trsens'paerant] 4362


triangle ['traiseqgl] 4363 háromszög

tube [tju:b] 2862 cső

Because she was sick, she looked rather pale.

In mathematics class, the children learned how

to draw parallel lines.

The colour of the chairs is a shade darker than

the table.

We do not know the name of the artist who

shaped this beautiful sculpture.

The bronze statue was shiny from being touched

all the time.

He learned to draw spheres by looking at a ball.

The square table is surrounded by four chairs.

I like jumpers with stripes.

The thickness of the book meant it did not fit on

the shelf.

Glass is often transparent.

We leant about triangles in maths class.

The water goes through this tube into the bath.

14.03. Hasonlóságok és különbségek ► Alapszókincs

advantage [ad'va:ntid3] előny


as [az] 165 olyan, mint

as well [az 'wel] 998 is

to belong [bi'loq] 1618 tartozik

both [bau0] 254 mindkettő

combination kombináció, keve

[,kDmbi'neiJn] 1865 rék

to combine [kam'bain] vegyít, egyesít,

1722 összekapcsol

common ['koman] 527 közös

to compare fkam'pea] 874 összehasonlít,


Knowing Latin can be an advantage when

starting to study medicine.

My father isn’t as tall as my brother.

I like tea and I like coffee as well.

My mum and dad are a perfect couple; they

belong together.

I could not decide between the two dresses, so I

bought both of them.

My friend studies a combination of different


She combined two theories when writing her


The twins look the same but they have nothing in

commcn in terms of personality.

One should compare prices before buying a

prod uC l.

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contrast ['kontra:st] 1577 ellentét, kontraszt In contrast to her husband, Mrs. Thomas likes to

go out a lot.

copy [’kDpi] 1306 másolat This painting looks just like the original, but it’s

only a copy.

difference ['difirans] 585 különbség It does not make any difference if you wear a

black or a blue shirt.

different [’difrant] 191 különböző, más The couple got divorced because they were too


to divide [di'vaid] 1681 megoszt, elválaszt The health care reform in the US has sharply

divided people.

division [di'vi3n] 1008 megoszlás,


There was division among the students.

either ['aiQs] 490 sem I do not like dogs and I do not like cats either.

else [els] 522 más The lady does not know the way; we have to asksomebody else.

elsewhere [.els'wes] 1784 máshol It has been raining elsewhere in the country but

not here.

to include [in'kluid] 273 magában foglal,


The price does not include tax.

kind [kaind] 374 fajta, jelleg I do not like this kind of food; I prefer


like [laik] 1272 olyan, mint I was surprised to see that his shirt was just likemine.

neither ['naiSs] 1878 sem, se Almost a third of my country’s population can

neither read nor write.

not [not] 14 nem This is wrong; it is not right.

other [VQa] 72 másik I liked the author’s other book more than his

new one.

relative ['relativ] 966 viszonylagos,


They say I’m very rich, but it’s all relative.

separate [’seprst] 1175 külön(álló) My brother and I have separate rooms.

similar ['simab] 471 hasonló The two boys look so similar; one might think

they are brothers.

sort [so:t] 470 fajta She bought the wrong sort of wine.

sort of ['so:t 3v] 1741 valahogy This man looks sort of strange.

together [ta'geSa] 322 együtt The man and the woman went into a restauranttogether.

too [tu:] 120 is, szintén I like cats the most, but I like dogs, too.

type [taipl 391 típus, fajta I have never seen this type of car before.

variation [.vesri’eifn] 1912 eltérés, különb There is a variation of about two metres between

ség, változás the two.

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variety [va'raiati] 1097  választék, You can find a huge variety of plants and animals

változatosság in the ocean.

to vary ['veari] 1655 eltér, különbözik The new edition of the book varies a great deal

from the former edition.

version ['v3:Jn] 1072 változat, verzió The new version of this software is much better

than the old one.

14.03. Hasonlóságok és különbségek ► Kiegészítő szókincs

accordingly [a'koidigli] eszerint, ennek She listened to the instructions and acted

3286 megfelelően accordingly.

accurate ['ækjarat] 2864 pontos Can you send us an accurate figure?

to alter ['o:lta] 2258 megváltoztat, There is a plan to alter the design of most houses

átalakít in town.

to amount [a'maont] 2995 vmivel egyenlővé My plan to study in another country amounted

válik to nothing.

bond [bond] 2512 kötelék Our friendship is built on a very strong bond.

classification besorolás, osztály He was asked to split the projects into three

[,klæsifi'keijn] 3733 classifications.

comparable ['knmparabl] összehasonlítható The weather in Germany and Namibia is not

3737 comparable.

comparison [kam'pænsn] összehasonlítás It is difficult to make a comparison between two2109 countries

consistent [kan'sistant] megegyező, The results of his research are consistent with our

2769 összeegyeztethető observations.

to copy ['kDpi] 3500 (le)másol, utánoz My sister asked me to copy the picture so she

could show her friend.

correlation [.kora'leifn] összefüggés A correlation exists between cigarette smoking

3879 and the incidence of lung cancer.

to correspond összhangban van, The statements of the witnesses don’t[.küri'spDndj 3303 megegyezik, correspond, so we need some further

megfelel investigation.

to differ ['difa] 2670 különbözik The twins differ only in how they dress.

distinct [di'stiqkt] 2714 külön, különböző, I have seen plants of several distinct types

eltérő growing in the same area.

distinction [di'stiqkfn] megkülönbözte It is difficult to draw a distinction between

2006 tés, különbségté


identical twins.

distinctive [di'stiqktiv] megkülönböztető, It is easy :o recognise him; he has a distinctive

3405  jellegzetes mark on his face.

to distinguish megkülönböztet The two cars look so similar that one cannot be

[d i's tiq gw if] 2388 distinguished from the other.

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equivalent [ I 'kwivalant] egyenértékű, Do you think that ‘fear’ and ‘fright’ are exactly

3146 azonos equivalent in meaning?

to exclude [ik'skluid] 2077 kizár Those who come late might be excluded from

taking part in the game.

identical [ai 'dentikl] 3420 egyforma My twins don’t want to wear identical clothes.

neither ['naicte] 2969 egyik sem Neither of the two children wanted to helpclean the house.

to resemble [ri 'zembl] hasonlít My sister resembles my mother more than I do.


respectively [ri 'spektivli] egyenként She was asked if she was well and if she wanted

2741 something to drink, and answered yes and no,


to separate ['separeit] szétválaszt, We decided to separate the old books from the

2250 különválaszt,


new books.

to sort [so:t] 2451 elrendez, szét I have to sort out the mess in my room before I

válogat go anywhere.

to split [split], split, split hasít The tree was split in two during the storm.


unity ['juinati] 2928 egység, összhang Most political parties lack unity.

14.04. Gyakoriság és sorrend ► Alapszókincs

again [a'gen] 169 ismét, újra, I hope that it will not rain again tomorrow; we

megint have had enough today.

ahead [a'hed] 1641 előtt Everyone was glad that the bridge was finished

ahead of time.

also ['d:1s3ü] 80 szintén, is My sister has also started learning English.

and so on [and 'sau Dn]


és így tovább We talked about animals, birds, fish and so on.

to cause [ko:z] 530 okoz, előidéz No one knows what caused his death.

chain [tjein] 1981 láncolat, sorozat The chain of events leading to the tragedy began

with a small incident.

to continue [kan'tinju:]


folytat Please, continue reading this book to the end.

end [end] 202 vég, befejezés When we get to the end of the school year, we

will have a party.

etc. [,et 'setara] 1430 stb. I went to the market to buy apples, vegetables,


first [f3:st] 82 első My brother got an award for being the first to

finish the race.

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following [fblau iq] 849 

fourth [fo:0] 1683 

frequent [’friikwant] 1349

implication [.impli'keijn]


last [laist] 127

latter ['lseta] 1388

link [liqkj 1434

next [nekst] 216 

occasional [a'kei3anl]


to occur [a'k3:] 710

often L'Dfn]258

opening ['aupmi]] 1879

previous ['prirvias] 581 

range [reind 3] 535 

rare ires] 1216

regular ['regjab] 996

row [rau] 1555 

second ['sekand] 270 

sequence ['si:kwans] 1829

series ['siariuz], series 787

subsequent ['sAbsikwant]1370

third [03:d] 518

twice [twais] 1654 

usual ['ju:3ual] 399

vmit követően, Following the concert, he went to the pub with

vmi után his friends.

negyedik After breaking my arm for the fourth time, I was

careful when playing rugby.

gyakori I have been a frequent guest at my friends’

house; he is very generous.

lehetséges hatás The implications of the tax reform were not clear

to most people.

utolsó The last person to leave the room should lock the


kettő közül az John had two options: to stay at home or to go to

utóbbi a party. The latter seemed more enjoyable.


kapcsolódó elem

This bridge is the link between the two towns.

következő I am planning to visit my family next year.



My sister experiences occasional back pain.

előfordul, The doctor says that complications rarely occur

bekövetkezik after the operation.

gyakran, sűrűn I am used to the rain; it rains quite often in my


megnyitó, The opening of the museum took place inmegnyitás September.

előző, korábbi He has two children from his previous marriage.

tartomány, skála The age range in the class is from 18 to 27.

ritka It is very rare to see animals in the city.

rendszeres, Since he is a regular customer of our shop, we

állandó should remember his name.

sor They’ve had six wins in a row.

második The second time I saw her, she looked different.sor, sorrend He did not like his books to be out of sequence,

so he reordered them regularly.

sorozat He followed a TV series and always looked

forward to finding out what happened next.

következő, az ezt I am expecting to finish my studies in the

követő subsequent year.

harmadik The third time she interrupted class, she was

asked to leave.kétszer I go home to see my parents twice a month.

általában He had not received any special instructions, so

he continued as usual.

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14.04. Gyakoriság és sorrend ► Kiegészítő szókincs

consequently következésképp

['kDnsikwantli] 3137

continuing [kan'tinjuiq] folyamatos,

2605 folytonos

continuous [kan'tinjuas] folyamatos,

3068 szakadatlan

eighteenth [,ei'ti:n0] 3617 tizennyolcadik

everyday ['evridei] 3513 mindennapi,


fifth [ f l f9 ] 2571 ötödik

at first [at ‘f3:st] 2295 először, eleinte,


frequency ['fri:kwansi] gyakoriság


in general [in 'd3enral] általában


gradually ['graed3uali] fokozatosan


hence [hens] 2043 innen; ezért,


incidence ['insidans] 3910 előfordulás


interval ['intavl] 2834 időköz

at last [at 'la:st] 2187 végre

latter ['lasta] 4223 későbbi

to line up [,1am Vvp] 3437 sorba áll, sorako


to list [list] 2159 felsorol

nineteenth [.nain'tunG] tizenkilencedik


once again [wAns a'gen] újból, újra, még

2485 egyszer

once more [wAns 'mo:] még egyszer,

3253 újból, újra,

premise [ 'premis] 2281 alapfeltevés

prior ['praia] 4400 vmit megelőzően,

vmi előtt

There has been a great deal of rain, and,

consequently, the rivers are full.

The continuing support from my parents helped

me through school.

They provided us with continuous support for the

whole time we were there.

His birthday is or the eighteenth of February.

Mobile phones have become part of our everyday


That’s the fifth time you have said that!

At first, Rory did not know what to say to the girl.

The frequency of my mother’s visits is becoming

too much.

The season was alright; in general, our team

performed well.

The bridge started collapsing gradually.

This product is made by hand, hence the high


There is a high incidence of illness in the


You need to see your doctor at regular intervals.

At last he felt well enough to return to work.

The latter half of the day will be taken up by


The people lined up to wait for the store to open.

Can you, please, list the names of all the pupils

in the class?

She is still eighteen, but she is going to celebrate

her nineteenth birthday next week.

I will try to call you once again tomorrow.

I will say it once more, but that is the last time!

I question the premise on which your whole bookis based.

Prior to our meeting, I was talking to your boss.

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following ['folauiq] 849

fourth [fo:0J 1683

frequent ['friikwsnt] 1349

implication [ .i m p l i 'k e i f n ]


last [la:st] 127

latter ['laets] 1388

link [lirjk] 1434

next [nekst] 216

occasional [a'keisani]1595

to occur [9'k3:] 710

often ['Dfn] 258

opening ['aupniq] 1879

previous ['pr iiv ias] 581

range [remd3] 535

rare [res] 1216

regular ['regjabl 996

row [reo] 1555

second ['seksndj 270

sequence ['siikwansj 1829

series ['siari:z], series 787

subsequent f'sAbsikwsnt]1370

third [03:d] 518

twice [twais]i654

usual ['ju:3ual] 399

vmit követően, Following the concert, he went to the pub with

vmi után hisfriencs.

negyedik After breaking my arm for the fourth time, I was

careful when playing rugby.

gyakori I have been a frequent guest at my friends’

house; he is very generous.

lehetséges hatás The implications of the tax reform were not clear

to most people.

utolsó The last person to leave the room should lock the


kettő közül az John had two options: to stay at home or to go to

utóbbi a party. The latter seemed more enjoyable.


kapcsolódó elem

This bridge is the link between the two towns.

következő I am planning to visit my family next year.



My sister experiences occasional back pain.

előfordul, The doctor says that complications rarely occur

bekövetkezik after the operation.

gyakran, sűrűn I am used to the rain; it rains quite often in my


megnyitó, The opening of the museum took place inmegnyitás September.

előző, korábbi He has tv/o children from his previous marriage.

tartomány, skála The age range in the class is from 18 to 27.

ritka It is very rare to see animals in the city.

rendszeres, Since he s a regular customer of our shop, we

állandó should remember his name.

sor They’ve had six wins in a row.

második The second time I saw her, she looked different.sor, sorrend He did not like his books to be out of sequence,

so he reordered them regularly.

sorozat He followed a TV series and always looked

forward to finding out what happened next.

következő, az ezt I am expecting to finish my studies in the

követő subsequent year.

harmadik The third time she interrupted class, she was

asked to eave.kétszer I go home to see my parents twice a month.

általában He had not received any special instructions, so

he continued as usual.

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14.04. Gyakoriság és sorrend ► Kiegészítő szókincs

consequently következésképp

['konsikwantli] 3137

continuing [kan'tinjuiq] folyamatos,

2605 folytonos

continuous [kan'tinjuas] folyamatos,

3068 szakadatlan

eighteenth [,ei’ti:n0] 3617 tizennyolcadik

everyday ['evridei] 3513 mindennapi,


fifth [flf9] 2571 ötödik

at first [at 'f3:st] 2295 először, eleinte,


frequency ['fri:kwansi] gyakoriság


in general [in 'djenral] általában


gradually ['gradsuali] fokozatosan


hence [hens] 2043 innen; ezért,


incidence ['insidans] 3910 előfordulás


interval fintavl] 2834 időköz

at last [at 'la:st] 2187 végre

latter ['laeta] 4223 későbbi

to line up [,1am Vp] 3437 sorba áll, sorako


to list [list] 2159 felsorol

nineteenth [,nain'ti:n0] tizenkilencedik


once again [wAns a'gen] újból, újra, még

2485 egyszer

once more [wAns 'mo:j még egyszer,

3253 újból, újra,

premise ['premis] 2281 alapfeltevés

prior ['praia] 4400 vmit megelőzően,

vmi előtt

There has been a great deal of rain, and,

consequently, the rivers are full.

The continuing support from my parents helped

me through school.

They provided us with continuous support for the

whole time we were there.

His birthday is on the eighteenth of February.

Mobile phones have become part of our everyday


That’s the fifth time you have said that!

At first, Rory did not know what to say to the girl.

The frequency of my mother’s visits is becoming

too much.

The season was alright; in general, our team

performed well.

The bridge started collapsing gradually.

This product is made by hand, hence the high


There is a high incidence of illness in thewintertime.

You need to see your doctor at regular intervals.

At last he felt well enough to return to work.

The latter half of the day will be taken up by


The people lined up to wait for the store to open.

Can you, please, list the names of all the pupilsin the class?

She is still eighteen, but she is going to celebrate

her nineteenth birthday next week.

I will try to call you once again tomorrow.

I will say it once more, but that is the last time!

I question the premise on which your whole bookis based.

Prior to our meeting, I was talking to your boss.

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172   j 

rank [raeqk] 2643 sorrend, rangsor

roll [raol] 3380 névsor

round [raond] 2093 kör

routine [ru:'ti:n] 2591 szokásos,


secondary ['sekandri] másodlagos;

2249 középfokú, közép-

secondly [’sekandli] 2912 másodszor,


Sixth [siks0l 3188 hatodik

string [striq] 2328 sor, sorozat

successive [sak'sesiv] 3839 egymást követő,

egymás utáni

twentieth [’twentia0] ¡987 huszadik

unusual [An'ju:3ual] 2331 szokatlan,


weekly [’wiikli] 3376 hetente

He was in a rank above his friends because his

grades were so good.

The teacher called the roll and asked the

students to open their books.

The third round of talks between the two

countries will be held in September.

I make my routine trip to the shop every Monday.

After finishing their first eight years of education,

students go to secondary school.

I have two reasons for not buying the house:

firstly, its size and secondly, its location.

The school will be opened again after the sixth

week.The team has had a string of 9 wins this season.

The strike lasted three successive days.

I will never forget my twentieth birthday; that is

when I moved out of my parents’ house.

It is unusual to see teenagers smoking.

In my town, most people pay rent weekly.

14.05. Pozitívumok ► Alapszókincs

to be correct [ka'rekt] igaza van


easy ['iizi] 342 könnyű, egyszerű

effective [i'fektív] 749 hatásos, hatékony

exact [ig'zækt] 887 pontos

excellent ['eksalant] 1559 kiváló, kitűnő

fine [fain] 741  jó, remek,


good [gud], better, best 76 jó, kitűnő

great [greit] 131 nagyszerű

interesting fintrsstiq] érdekes1158

lovely ['Uvli] 1628 szép, kedves,


perfect ['p3:fikt] 1126 tökéletes

You were correct when you said that it was going

to rain tonight.

Learning a new language is not so easy.

They have been taking effective steps towardspeace.

I do not remember the exact time you called.

Excellent students will receive awards.

Even though I was sick yesterday, I am feeling

fine today.

He speaks very good English.

He is a great musician.

The professor made an interesting point.

I’ve bought my mother a lovely flower.

This is the perfect place to raise children.

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positive ['pDZativ] 1328 biztos

practical ['praktikl] 1403 gyakorlatias

quality ['kwolati] 597 minőség

right [rait] 123 helyes, jó,


safe [seif] 1393 biztonságos,


suitable ['suitabl] 1691 megfelelő

ultimate [Vltimst] 1891 végső, alapvető

useful ['ju:sfl] 1111 hasznos

well [wel] 87 jól

We are quite positive that we will win the match.

He is very clever, but not very practical.

My mother does not care about the cost; she

always buys the best quality.

One has to think first in order to make right


It is not safe to walk around in town at night.

Some films are not suitable for children to watch

My ultimate goal s to finish my studies.

Learning a second language can be very useful

for travelling.

I was sick yesterday, but I am feeling well today.

14.05. Pozitívumok ► Kiegészítő szókincs

amazing [a'meizig] 3718 csodálatos,


brilliant ['briliant] 2559 kiváló, nagyszerű,


comfortable ['kAmftsbl] kényelmes


convenient [kan'vhnisnt] kényelmes,

3604 megfelelő

effectiveness [i'fektivnas] hatásosság


efficiency [i'fijnsi] 2425 teljesítmény,

hatásfok, hatóerő

efficient [i'fifnt] 2349 hatékony; ügyes,


encouraging [in'kArid3iq] bátorító, biztató


to enhance [in'hams] 2778 növel, fokoz, emel

exclusive [ik'skluisiv] kizárólagos,

3515 egyedüli

extraordinary rendkívüli

[ik'stroidnri] 2882

to fulfil [fül'fll] 3080 teljesít, eleget tesz

I have had an amazing time with my family over

the weekend.

My sister was a brilliant student; she always

received the best grades.

I do not want to get off my comfortable chair.

Travelling by car is the most convenient way to

get to that town.

I started to feel the effectiveness of the medicine

I had taken.

Now it is easy to buy high-efficiency machines.

The teacher was able to get the students to work

in an efficient manner.

I was glad when the doctor gave us very

encouraging words about my friend’s health.

The green of the trees enhances the beauty of

the town.

Students have exclusive use of the library.

He was driving at an extraordinary speed

throughout the race.

I do not believe him; he never fulfils his


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genuine ['d3enjuin] 2676 hiteles, őszinte,


glory ['gb:ri] 3902 dicsőség, fénykor,


grand [grand] 2012 lenyűgöző,



helpful ['helpfl] 2722 hasznos, nagy


ideal [ai'diial] 2085 ideális

impressive [im'presiv] hatásos,

2833 lenyűgöző

luck [lAk] 2728 szerencse

marvellous ['maivatas] csodálatos


merit ['merit] 3795 érdem, kiválóság

outstanding [aut’staendii]] kiemelkedő,

2839 kimagasló

pleasant ['pleznt] 3025 kellemes

reward [ri'wo:d] 2977  jutalom

secure [si'kjus] 3961 biztonságban


stable ['steibl] 2803 stabil, szilárd

to strengthen ['streqGn] megerősít


superb [su:'p3:b] 3570 nagyszerű,

fenséges, remek

tremendous [tri'mendas] hatalmas, óriási


unique [ju'niik] 2255 egyedülálló,


welcome ['welkam] 3047 örömmel látott,

szívesen fogadott

wonderful ['wAndsfl] 2028 csodálatos

It is difficult to find a genuine politician

nowadays, one who is really interested in people.

I am reading the book about the glory of the

ancient Rome.

I have a grand mountain view from my window.

The newly built road has been very helpful in

getting to work.

This is an ideal place to build a school.

The president made a very impressive speech.

He is having no luck finding a good job.

My friend has a marvellous collection of rare


The award given to the best student should be

based on merit alone.

In my school, there were many outstanding


It is a very pleasant day; we should go for a walk.

He was given a reward in return for his hard


We felt secure in our house.

Every government likes to have a stable economy.

Working together will strengthen our friendship.

The food that we ate at the restaurant yesterday

was superb.

It's a pity that you couldn't come to the concert;

it was a tremendous experience.

His way of teaching was unique; I had never seen

anything like that.

You are most welcome at my house!

He has been a wonderful teacher; I will miss him.

14.06. Negatívumok ► Alapszókincs

awful ['o;fl] 2760 szörnyű, rettene- I feel awful in the winter,


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bad [bad], worse, worst


rossz The weather was not so bad yesterday.

difficult [ 'difikalt] 489 nehéz, fáradságos I find learning a new language difficult.

dirty [’d3:ti] 3011 koszos, piszkos, When I came back from holiday, I found my

mocskos room was very dirty.

false [foils] 2521 hamis, téves, Do not believe wiat he has said; it is false.


to hate [heit] 1987 utál, gyűlöl 1hate being late Jor appointments.

lack [laek] 1237 hiány 1was not able to call you due to lack of time.

lazy ['leizi] 4224 lusta People who are lazy never achieve much in life.

Silly ['sili] 2914 buta, ostoba He made silly statements about our leader.

Stupid ["Stjuipid] 2700 buta, hülye, Children who cannot read or write are notostoba necessarily stupid.

terrible ['terabl] 2097 szörnyű The weather yesterday was terrible; not even my

coat could help.

waste [weist] 1772 pazarlás, pocsé Everything that 1had worked hard for turned out

kolás to be a waste of time.

wrong [ini]] 755 helytelen, hibás, Please, make sure that you do not make the

rossz wrong decision.

14.06. Negatívumok ► Kiegészítő szókincs

awkward [’oikwsd] 4002 kínos, kellemet My ex-boyfriend was there, so 1felt a bitlen, esetlen awkward.

burden ['b3 :dn] 2814 teher The burden of organising the meeting fell to me.

collapse [ka'lasps] 3300 összeomlás, Heavy rain has caused the collapse of the bridge.


constraint [ksn'streint] korlátozás, In many countries, freedom is subject to certain

3067 korlátozó tényező constraints.

cruel ['kruisl] 4076 kegyetlen It is very cruel to hit animals.

dirt [d3 :t] 4095 szenny, piszok The house was a mess; there was dirt


discrimination megkülönbözte Women face discrimination in many parts of the

[di.skrimi'neijn] 3611 tés, diszkriminá-



to disgust [dis'gASt] 1102 felháborít, 1was disgusted by the way he treated his friends.

undorít, ellen

szenvet kelt

to dislike [dis'laik] 4104 nem szeret He dislikes going on holiday, so 1often travel


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to dismiss [dis'mis] 2230 elbocsát, elenged,

távozást engedé


disorder [dis'oida] 3143 rendellenesség,


evil l'i:vl] 4126 gonosz, rossz

to exploit [ik'spbit] 3148 kihasznál

fool [fu:l] 3771 bolond, ostoba


horror ['hore] 3085 rettegés; iszonyo-

dás, irtózás

to interfere [.inta'fis] 3919 akadályoz, zavar

to interrupt [,int9'rApt] félbeszakít,

3535 megzavar

lie [lai] 3436 hazugság

lost [lost] 3166 elveszett, eltűnt

mean [mi:n] 3091 aljas, gonosz

mess [mes] 3541 rendetlenség,

kosz, szemét

nasty ['no:sti] 3801 rossz, undorító

negative ['negativ] 2162 nemleges,


nightmare ['naitmes] 3931 rémálom

to offend [a'fend] 4265 megbánt, megsért

offensive [s'fensiv] 4266 sértő, bántó

panic ['pEemk] 3937 pánik

to ruin ['ru:in] 4425 tönkretesz, elront

to spoil [spoil] 4311 elront, tökretesz

suicide [’sunsaid] 3840 öngyilkosság

to undermine

[.Ando'main] 3582

aláás, aláaknáz

unfair [.An'fes] 3845 igazságtalan,


unfortunate szerencsétlen,

[An'foitfsnat] 4372 peches

The teacher dismissed us when the class ended.

He is suffering from an eating disorder.

Satan is said to be evil.

Migrant workers are often exploited by their


Would you, please, stop acting like a fool?

My sister has a horror of insects.

I hope the noise will not interfere with our


The noise from outside my room is constantly

interrupting our discussions.

As children, we were taught not to tell lies.

My keys are lost; I cannot go into my house.

We should not be so mean to our neighbour.

My table is in a total mess.

The fooc was so nasty that he could not eat any


We were disappointed because he gave a

negative answer to our request.

I have never had a nightmare as terrible as the

one I had last night.

Using bad language offends some people.

It is offensive to call someone stupid.

The sound of the explosion caused a panic in the


He ruined the food by putting too much salt in

the sauce.

Please, don’t spoil the evening by being silly.

My friend was so depressed that he wanted tocommit suicide.

His confidence was undermined by his

colleagues’ malicious remarks.

Older boys are sometimes unfair to younger


He was unfortunate in not winning the prize.

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unfortunately sajnos, sajnálato-

[An 'foitfans tli] 2099 san

unpleasant [An'pleznt] kellemetlen


unsuccessful sikertelen,

[.Ansak'sesfl] 4326 eredménytelen

useless ['ju islas] 4380 hasztalan,


vulnerable ['vAlnsrebl] sebezhető, gyenge


to waste [weist] 2702 pazarol, elfecsérel

worse [w3is] 4393 rosszabb

worst [w3:st] 4394 legrosszabb

I wanted to come and visit you but,

unfortunately, I missed the bus.

It was very hot on the train, so the journey was


Most of her business plans have been


It is useless to try and repair the TV; it is

completely broken.

Children are often more vulnerable to disease.

Students should not waste time doing useless


I’m afraid it is getting worse: we have lost all our


The worst day of my life was when my mum


14.07. Fontossági sorrend ► Alapszókincs

basic ['beisik] 812 alap-; alapvető

degree [di'gri:] 861 fok, mérték

essential [i'senjl] 933 alapvető, nélkü


extreme [ik'striim] 1112 szélsőséges,

legnagyobb fokú

importance [im'poitns] fontosság,

1150  jelentőség

key [ki:] 1412 kulcs-, alapvető


main [mem] 311 fő-, legfontosabb,


major ['meid33] 434 fontos, jelentős,

middle ['midi] 1503 középső, közép-,


primary ['praimari] 970 elsődleges, fő,


prime [praim] 943 elsőrendű, kitűnő

priority [prai'orsti] 1880 fő teendő,


We are attending the basic course in German.

I think you are rignt to some degree.

Drinking water is essential.

My coat could not keep out the extreme cold.

Water is of great importance to life.

He was holding a key position in the firm.

This is the main door to the building.

All the major roads will be repaired.

Most people in my country have middle names.

The primary goal of our meeting was to inform

people about the new manager.

The teacher gave us two prime examples of howto solve the problem.

Students should make learning a priority.

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relevant ['relavant] 1380 lényeges, idevágó,

tárgyhoz tartozó

significant [sig'nifikant] jelentős, lényeges


slight [slait] 894 csekély, kicsi

stage [steid3] 536 szakasz, stádium

standard ['stasndad] 1480 színvonal,


top [tDp] 1012 tető, legmagasabb

pont, csúcs

very ['veri] 1613 nagyon

His comments were not relevant to our


The significant change in the education system

led to protests.

There has been only a slight change in our

school’s timetable.

Results could not be predicted at that early stage

of the experiment.

The standa'd of his works is always very high.

Our team was at the top of the list before the

games started.

It has been raining very heavily lately and the

rivers have overflown.

14.07. Fontossági sorrend ► Kiegészítő szókincs

essence [‘esns] 3619 lényeg; alapvető,


The essence of religion is faith.

fundamental lényeges I have already finished the fundamental part of  

[,fAnda'mentl] 2150 my studies.to highlight ['hailait] 2959 kiemel, kihangsú


Could you, please, highlight this issue?

level ['levl] 3163 szint, színvonal The water in the river was almost level with the


marginal ['maidjinl] 3440  jelentéktelen, The issue played a marginal role at the

elhanyagolható international conference.

minor [’mains] 2087 kisebb, csekély,


He fell down but suffered only minor injuries.

noticeable ['naotisabl] észrevehető The difference in temperature is noticeable.


peak [pi:k] 2441 csúcs, tetőpont We dimbec to the peak of the highest mountain.

principal ['prinsapl] 2362 fő, legfontosabb Mr Searl was the principal teacher.

prominent ['prominant] kimagasló, He is a prominent politician in our town.

3356 kiemelkedő

significance  jelentőség The river that goes through the village is of great

[sig'mfikans] 2094 significance to the people.to stick out [,stik 'aut], feltűnik, kitűnik Her height made her stick out in class.

Stuck, Stuck 4319

superior [su:'piaria] 3695 kiválóbb, jobb I find the new version of the book superior to the

old one.


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supreme [su:'p ri:m ] 2701

tip [tip] 2808

underlying [.Anda'lani]]3471

unimportant[.Amm'poitsnt] 4374

14.08. Tulajdonságok

active [ ’ iekt iv] 1455

characteristic[.kaersktg'ristik] 1950

clear [k l ia ] 242

complex [ ' k o m pl e k s ] 1471

condition [ k s n ' d i jn ] 439

familiar [fa 'm ilia] 1787

feature [ ’ f i i t j s ] 841

high [hai] 132

light [lait] 1230

low [b u ] 353

modern [ 'modn] 867

narrow ['nasrsu ] 1877

new [n ju : ] 83

normal ['no:ml] 528

obvious ['Dbviss] 568

okay [ . s a ' k e i ] 925

páratlan, lehető

legnagyobb, végső

hegy, csúcs

alapvető, valós,



The class made a supreme effort with their


The tip of the pencil was not sharp anymore.

Although we are arguing about the details, the

underlying issue is clear.

Whether we win or lose is unimportant - it is the

taking part that counts.

► Alapszókincs

aktív, tevékeny


 jellemző tulajdon


tiszta, világos



állapot, erőnlét,



 jellemző, tula j

donság, vonás




modern, korszerű

szűk, keskeny






helyes, rendben


Children are generally more active than old


Cats have different characteristics from birds.

It does not look like it will rain tonight because

the sky is clear.

The homework includes a very complex question.

My sister is in a much better condition than she

was yesterday.

Your friend looks quite familiar to me.

The new version of the game came with many

special features.

The outside temperature is as high as during the


It is not light enough in here; turn on some


In wintertime, the temperature gets really low.

Other schools in tie area have more modern

buildings than us; we are an old school.

There are many narrow streets in this town.

There are many new students in my school this


The doctor’s work'ng hours are longer than


It was obvious to me that she had not cleaned

her room.

I don’t think it is okay for children to play outside

at night.

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open ['aopan] 496 nyitva Most of the shops in our town are open all

afternoon on Saturdays.

or di na r y ['oidnri] 154 2 szokványos, Barry is very ordinary: he is married, has two

mindennapi, children and works for an insurance company.


original [a'ridsanl] 729 eredeti The original copy of the book was lost long ago.

particular [pa'tikjala] 208 különös, különle

ges, sajátos

I have a particular interest in art.

precise [pri'sais] 1639 pontos, precíz It is difficult to know the precise area where the

accident occurred.

proper f'propa] 938 megfelelő, helyes He ate his food in a proper manner.

pure [pjua] 1680 tiszta I only drink pure water.

real [rial] 474 igazi, valódi Most of my friends do not know my real name.

rough [rAf] 1775 durva, egyenetlen The road which leads to the church is a bit rougf 

simple [’simpl] 290 egyszerű The ques:ions asked in the tests were not so

simple for most of the students.

special ['spejl] 431 különleges, Yesterday was a very special day - I got my first

rendkívüli car.

specific [spa'sifik] 737 pontos, közelebb Could you be more specific? I do not know what

ről meghatározott you are asking me.

strange [streind3] 1550 furcsa, különös I saw a lot of strange-looking people at the


thick [0lk] 1973 vastag The walls of our church are very thick.

wide [waid] 486 széles The road was not wide enough for two cars.

14.08. Tulajdonságok ► Kiegészítő szókincs

acute [a'kju:t] 3287 éles, heves I experienced acute back pain after exercising.

adequate ['sedikwat] 2508 elegendő, The school library does not have an adequate

megfelelő, number of English books.kielégítő

artificial [,a:ti'fijl] 3592 mű-, utánzott,


Her coat was made from artificial fur.

classic ['klaesik] 3060 klasszikus, kitűnő The builcing is a classic example of that style.

complicated bonyolult, The first two chapters of the book are the most

['kompirkeitid] 2874 komplikált complicated ones.

concrete ['kDqkri:t] 3877 konkrét, valós The teacher needed a concrete reason as to why

we were late.

crisp [krisp] 4075 friss, csípős Clear, crisp autumn days are my favourite for

going walking.

crystal [’kristl] 3502 kristály Be careful with those cystal glasses.

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decent [’diisnt] 3749 megfelelő, rendes,


Many people lack a decent place to live.

decorative ['dekoratív] díszítő hatású, That clock doesn’t work; it is just decorative.

4089 dekoratív

delicate ['delikat] 3884 finom, törékeny Glass is a very del cate material.

dramatic [dra'maetik] 2389 drámai There was a dramatic rescue of people from the


dull [dAl] 3888 unalmas The film was very dull; nothing happened for two


evident ['evidant] 3074 nyilvánvaló, It is evident that it will rain; the clouds are really

szemmel látható dark now.

explicit [ik'splisit] 3765 világos, She was explicit in her explanation of the

egyértelmű problem.

flat [flaet] 2430 lapos, sík The fiat landscape allows us to see long distances.

flexible f'fleksabl] 3236 rugalmas My timetable is very flexible.

gross [graus] 3329 teljes, bruttó The company’s gross profit kept on increasing.

intensive [in'tensiv] 3918 intenzív My sister attended an intensive English course

every day for a month.

loose [lu:s] 3088 meglazult, The heavy rain left most parts of the bridge

megerősítetlen loose.

magnificent pompás, pazar, The new house looks magnificent.

[masg'mfisnt] 3655 nagyszerű

odd rod] 2164 furcsa, különös,


He thought her opinion was odd.

realistic [,ri:9'listik] 3816 realisztikus, Can you, please, try to be more realistic about

realista your situation?

remarkable [ri'maiksbl] rendkívüli, Meeting the president was a remarkable

2588 nevezetes,



ridiculous [ri'dikjalas] nevetséges He made some completely ridiculous comments

3823 at the meeting.

shallow ['Jaelaa] 4442 sekély Most swimming pools have a shallow end as well

as a deep end.

spectacular látványos, There was a spectacular show in the park

[spek'taskjata] 3834 lenyűgöző yesterday.

steady [’stedi] 3110 folyamatos, There has been a steady increase in the price of 

állandó food.

steep [sti:p] 3972 meredek, lejtős Please, drive carefully because the road is very


sticky ['stiki] 4320 ragadós Don’t touch that! It’s still sticky from the glue.

stiff [stif] 4321 merev, feszes, I once dried a jumper outside in the winter, and

dermedt it froze stiff.

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tight [tait] 2985 szoros

uncomfortable kényelmetlen

[An'kAmftabl] 4015

unknown [.An'naun] 2256 ismeretlen

unnecessary [An'nesasari] szükségtelen


unsteady [.An'stedi] 4317 bizonytalan,

ingatag, tánto

used [ju:zd] 2182 használt

valid [’vaelid] 3374 érvényes

I have got a very tight timetable.

These shoes are rather uncomfortable, I should

not have worn them.

Most of the people who came to the party were

unknown to us.

It is unnecessary to switch on the lights during

the day.

People who have had too much alcohol to drink

6 are sometimes unsteady on their feet.

Most people can only afford to buy used cars.

My bus ticket is valid only for one hour.

14.09. Rend és mód ► Alapszókincs

absolute ['cebsaluit] 1203 tökéletes,


at all [at 'o:l] 756 egyáltalán

alright [od'rait] 769 rendben lévő

alternative [o:l't3:nativ] lehetőség,

1892 választás

apparent [a'pzerant] 872 nyilvánvaló,

szemm el látható

appropriate [a 'praupriat] megfelelő,

997 helyénvaló

category [’ksetagari] 1556 kategória, osztály

constant ['konstant] 1397 állandó, folyama-


criterion [k rai'tiarian], kritérium, ismérv

criteria 1921

critical ['kritikl] 1753 kritikus

especially [I'spejali] 638 különösen

even ['i:vn] 118 még

formal ['fo:ml] 1303 hivatalos,


how [hau] 93 hogy, hogyan

impossible [im'pDsabl] lehetetlen


inevitable [in'evitabl] elkerülhetetlen


He has never lied; I have absolute confidence in


Did you try to do the homework at all?

It is not alright to come to school late.

We do no: have any alternative other than to

travel by bus.

It was apparent to me that no one had been

doing their jobs.

Children should watch only appropriate TV


Birds and fish belong to a different category.

The bridge is in constant danger of collapsing.

Do you know the criteria used to select new


His illness has now reached a critical stage.

In winter, it gets very cold, especially at night.

I would not have come even if you had called


Most people in my country have had some

formal education.

How did you get the car out of there?

It is impossible to tell whether it will rain

tomorrow or not.

Snow is inevitable in winter.

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manner f'msena] 1523 mód, modor,


You should answer questions in a polite manner.

means [mi:nz], 1160 eszköz, mód Train is one of the major means of


to be off [of] 190 elindul, elmegy I am off to catch the train.

on [Dn ] 111 fel The train stopped and he got on.

overall [.auvar'oil] 1708 teljes, átfogó The overall examination performance was good.

in particular különösen I like all kinds of sports, in particular swimming.

[in pa'tikjab] 1563

pretty ['priti] 1935 elég(gé), m egle-


It is pretty difficult to graduate from a university.

quite [kwait] 229 eléggé, megle-


It is quite cold outside today.

really ['ri:ali] 194 tényleg, valóban,


Do you really want to join the army?

selection [si'lekjn] 1651 válogatás, The university uses a selection process to admit

(ki)választás students.

severe [s i'via] 1614 komoly, súlyos There have been severe water problems in India.

sure [Jua] 333 biztos I am not sure if I will come to school tomorrow.

to tend [tend] 964 hajlamos, The month of January tends to be one of the

általában vmilyen coldest.

14.09. Rend és mód ► Kiegészítő szókincs

acceptable [sk'septabl] elfogadható


casual ['kffijual] 3870 fesztelen, kötetlen

complexity [kam'pleksati] összetettség,

3397 bonyolultság

crucial ['kru:JT] 2148 döntő, kritikus

definitely [’definatli] 2713 kétségkívül

deliberately [dr'libaratli] szándékosan,

2951 előre m egfon tol-


extensive [ik'stens iv] 2304 átfogó, alapos,


given ['givn] 2781 adott, meghatáro -


It is not acceptable for children to smoke.

We are having a casual dinner with my friends.

It was difficult to understand him because of the

complexity of what he was explaining.

You do not want to miss the crucial part of our

meeting, do you?

The news is definitely not true: we can keep our


He deliberately broke the law; it was not an


We have had an extensive discussion on thesubject.

We will meet at a given time and place.

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inadequate [in'asdikwat] nem megfelelő, There is inadequate space in our house to

3336 elégtelen accommodate so many people.

known [naon] 3647 ismert He is the most well-known person in the whole


li tera lly ['litarali] 3651 szó szerint It is difficult to translate that sentence literally.

lively ['laivli] 4229  jóked vő, vidám, Everyone was very lively at the party - we were

élénk all dancing.

to mix [miks] 2315 vegyül, keveredik Oil and water don’t mix.

mixed [mikst] 3660 vegyes, összetett Most people have mixed views about politics.

mixture ['mikstfa ] 2581 keverék, e legy He added a mixture of pepper and salt to his


notably ['nautabli] 3251 különösen,



He is a notably adept employee.

oral ['o:ral] 3551 szóbeli All of my final tests were completed in an oral


radical ['raedikl] 2494 radikális, mélyre- For such a big problem, we need a radical

ható solution.

random ['rasndam] 3950 véletlenszerű, The company has introduced random drug


történő, vaktában


testing of employees.

satisfactory elégséges, My brother’s final test results were satisfactory.

[.saetis'fsektari] 3458 kielégítő, megfe-


secret ['si:krit] 2545 titkos Please do not reveal the secret plan to anyone.

sheer [Jia] 3564 puszta, merő She wor the race through sheer hard work.

so-called [,sau'ko:ld] 3033 úgynevezett This is the so-called old city but it is all fake.

somehow ['sAmhau] 2176 valahogyan We were somehow able to fit the car in there.

straightforward egyenes, I could not give a teacher a straightforwardf.streit'foiwad] 3693 egyértelmű answer as to why I had come to school late.

Subtle [’SAtl] 3975 titokzatos, She has such a subtle smile; it is hard to tell if 

nehezen meg fog-


she is happy or not.

thorough ['9Ara] 4348 alapos, le lk iisme- You have to be thorough in your work if you are

retes a doctor.

thoroughly ['0Arali] 3574 alaposan The doctor did not just look at the injury; he

examined me thoroughly.

typical ['tipikl] 2026 tipikus, jellemző It is typical for older people to have health


typically ['tipikli] 3581 tipikusan,

 je llem zően

It was a typically cold winter.

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unacceptable elfogadhatatlan

[.Anak 'septobl] 4022

uncontrolled kontrolálatlan

[.Ankon'trauld] 4366

undoubtedly kétségtelenül,

[A n 'da u tid li] 3278 vitathatatlanul

virtually ['v3:tfu3li] 2220  gyakorlatilag,

 jó form án

Stealing is unacceptable.

His spending was uncontrolled, which is why he

is now in debt.

He is undoubtedly the best student at our school.

There was virtually no one at the university


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15* Az idő

15.01. Az időről általában ► Alapszókincs

actual [’aektjusl] 297 tényleges, valódi

always [ 'oilweiz] 200 mindig

brief [bri:f] 1346 rövid, tömör

circumstance körülmény,

['s3:kamst3ns] 1020 viszony

early [*3:li] 218 korán, hamar

eventually [I'ventfuali] végül, végü l is


ever ['eva] 390 valaha, valamikor

final ['fainl] 392 végső, utolsó,


to finish ['f in ij] 948 befejez, végez

immediate [i'mi:di3t] 683 azonnali, késede-

lem nélküli

initial [ I 'm jl ] 1030 kezdő, első

to last [la:st] 1928 (el)tart

late [leit] 283 kései, késői

later ['leita] 309 később

moment ['msumant] 401 pillanat

never ['neva] 170 soha

no longer [nau 'lcqga] már nem, többé

1273 már nem

now [nau] 70 most, jelenleg

phase [feiz] 1825 fázis, szakasz

present [’preznt] 761  jelen, je lenlegi

prospect ['prospekt] 1881 kilátás, távlat,


sometimes ['sAmtaimz] néha


start [sta:t] 1301 kezdés, indulás

still [Stíl] 116 még m indig

sudden [W in ] 713 hirtelen, váratlan

then [Sen] 62 azután, akkor

She looks about forty, but her actual age is not


The train always leaves on time.

He asked if she could write a brief letter.

Do not call me under any circumstances.

Give me a call as early as possible.

He eventually came back home.

Have you ever been to Europe?

Study hard for the final test.

She will finish her studies soon.

There was an immediate response to the new


The initial lesson was about the alphabet.

The meet ng lasted too long.

I got a late train home.

The meeting starts later today.

We started running the moment it started to rain.

I have never seen such a big tree before.

I am no longer worried about my test.

Now it is time for lunch.

The first phase of building is complete.

There’s not much we can do in the present


What are the prospects for getting a job after

your studies?

Sometimes the winter is not very cold.

I hope we will not miss the start.

He’s still in love with her.

The sudden death of our president came as a

shock to everyone.

I was planning to go out, but then I changed my


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time [taim ] 52

today [ta'dei] 386

to wait [w eit] 514

when [wen] 217

while [w ail] 1658

yet [jet] 288




mikor, amikor

amíg, miközben

Do you have time to help me?

Today we are going to the park.

We waited for three hours for him to come.

I started going to school when I was five years


The phone rang while I was having a bath.

We have not yet seen the new teacher.

15.01. Az időről általában ► Kiegészítő szókincs

afterwards [ ’arftawadz] azután, később


to age [eid3] 3478 öregszik

to anticipate [asn'tisipeit] előre lát, megérez;

3204 számít vmire

to await [s'weit] 3483 vár

closure [ 'klai^s] 3132 lezárás, zárlat

contemporary kortárs, jelenkori

[ksn'temprsri] 2195

cycle [’saikl] 2347 ciklus, szakasz

decay [di'kei] 4086 hanyatlás,


delay [di'lei] 2668 hátráltatás,



duration [dju'reijn] 3760 (idő)tartam

to evolve [i'vdIv] 3514 kibontakozik


forever [far'eva] 3899 örökké, örökre

long-term [,k>i]'t3:m] 2313 hosszú távú

meanwhile ['mi:nwail] (idő)közben,

2047 ezalatt

by now [bai 'nau] 3390 mostanára,


o’clock [a'klok] 2089 óra

at once [at 'wAns] 2510 rögtön, azonnal

I have some work to do but I will call you


We start to age as soon as we are born.

My mother anticipates having about six guests

this weekend.

A lot of presents await us when we get home for


The closure of the bridge meant having difficulty

getting to work.

I am reading a book about contemporary African


The cycle had to be repeated three times before

the scientists were happy.

The house is so old; it is now in a terrible state of


We arrived late because of the delay.

We were sitting quietly for the duration of our

teacher’s speech.

His ideas for the assignment have evolved since

he first started studying.

I will remember my schooldays forever.

There is currently no long-term solution to the

road problems in my town.

He is cleaning the vegetables; meanwhile, you

should be cutting the meat.

Parents should know by now if their children can

read and write properly.

Yesterday, I came back home at six o’clock in the


He told us about both his concerns at once.

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pause [po:z] 3940 szünet, megállás

permanent f'p3:manant] állandó, végleges


preliminary Ipri'liminari] előzetes


at present [at 'preznt] jelenleg, m ost


simultaneously egyszerre, azonos

[.siml'tein iasl i] 3963 időben

sooner ['su:na] 3965 korábban,


spell [spelj 3993 rövid idő(re)

temporary [ ’temprari] átmeneti,

2456 ideiglenes

timetable ['taimteibl] órarend, napi

4355 időbeosztás

timing ['taim iri] 3980 időzítés, ü teme-


to update [,Ap'deit] 3988 felfrissít, aktuali-

zál, naprakésszé


whenever [wen'evaj 2751 valahányszor,

amikor csak

15.02. Időbeosztás ► Alapszókincs

afternoon [,a:fta'nu:n] délután


April ['eipral] 762 április

August ['o:gast] 1042 augusztus

autumn ['o:tam] 2378 ősz

beginning [bi 'giniq] 1384 eleje, kezdet

century ['sentjari] 454 évszázad

daily ['deili] 1839 napi

date [deit] 637 dátum

day [dei] 100 nap, nappal

December [di'semba] 828 december

evening ['i:vniq] 726 este

We took a pause from our walk to rest.

My sister got a permanent job with the national


The preliminary results show that our candidate

is winning.

At present, my school has only two English


They were born on the same day - in fact, almost


He can come sooner if you would like to see him

before Friday.

Sit down and stay a spell.

I used to work on a temporary basis at the

university as an English teacher.

My timetaole is quite full.

I got my timing just right - dinner was ready

when I came in the door.

I will be updating our new school timetable.

I am always tired whenever I come home latefrom school.

In the morning, I am busy, but you can come in

the afternoon.

It rains a lot in April.

I am going on vacation in August while school isout.

Autumn is my favourite season; I love seeing the

leaves on the trees change their colour.

My sister’s holiday starts at the beginning of the


This is the century of science and technology.

I always read the daily newspaper.

We have the same date of birth.

The hospital is open day and night.

December is one of the coldest months of the


Maybe, I will call you this evening after work.

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fall [foil] 1995 ősz

February ['februári] 1003 február

Friday ['fraidei] 1759 péntek

hour ['aua] 336 óra

January [ 'djsenjusriJ 768 január

July [d3u'lai] 955 július

June [d3u:n] 1 1 2  június

March [ma:tj] 780 március

May [mei] 745 május

minute ['minit] 385 perc

Monday [’mAndei] 1823 hétfő

month [mAn0] 235 hónap

morning ['moiniq] 495 reggel, délelőtt

night [nait] 239 éjjel, éjszaka

November [nsu'vembs] november


October [Dk'tsuba] 796 október

period ['pisrisd] 359 időszak, időtar -


Saturday ['ssetadei] 1291 szombat

season ['si:zn] 937 évszak, időszak

September [sep'temba] szeptem ber


spring [sprig] 1653 tavasz

summer ['saitio] 979 nyár

Sunday [W ide i] 1109 vasárnap

Thursday ['03 :zdei] 2413 csütörtök

Tuesday ['tju:zdei] 2500 kedd

tomorrow [ta'morau] 1201 holnap

tonight [ta'nait] 1527 ma este, ma éjjel

Wednesday ['wenzdei] szerda


week [wi:k] 195 hét

weekend [,wi:k'end] 1466 hétvége

winter ['winta] 1454 tél

year [jis] 59 év

Autumn is called ‘fall’ in the US.

There was a lot of snow in February.

On Fridays, many people leave work early.

The train leaves in one hour.

 January is always too cold for me.

Summertime starts in July.

We have to take all of our tests in June.

Winter classes end in March.

I love the flowers in May.

It took me a few minutes to find the book.

Most school weeks start on Monday.

My favourite month is June.

Can we have breakfast together tomorrow


Did you work the whole night instead of


There is normally a lot of wind in November.

The winter semester begins in October.

You have to make your final decision within a

period of two weeks.

Most offices are closed on Saturdays.

The rainy season is about to begin.

September is when the leaves start to change.

This weather seems more like winter than


It usually does not rain so much in summer.

Will you come to church next Sunday?

I have a lesson every Thursday.

It was not yet the middle of the week; it might

have been Tuesday.

I am planning to visit you tomorrow afternoon.

We are going to watch a movie tonight.

The middle of the week would be best for me,

maybe Wednesday?

It is already September; next week the school

year starts.

The long weekend is about to begin.

This year’s winter was one of the coldest.

Next year, I expect to graduate.

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15.02. Időbeosztás ► Kiegészítő szókincs

a.m. [,ei 'em] 3480 délelőtt, de. He did not eat breakfast until 10 a.m.

annual [’cenjusl] 1351 éves, évi Our annual meeting is in two weeks.

decade ['dekeid] 1665 évtized During the last decade, fewer people had cars in

this city.

era ['iara] 3412 korszak, éra We want to start a new era in education.

midday [.m id 'dei] 4248 dél The sun is at its brightest at midday.

midnight [ ’m idna it ] 3796 é jfé l We came back home late, around midnight.

monthly ['mAnGli] 3799 havi, havo nké nti Most people get their salary on a monthly basis.

p.m. [,pi: 'em] 3261 délután Let us meet at 2 p.m. for lunch.

term [t3:m] 352 szorgalmi

időszak, félév,


The spring term is about to begin.

15.03. Múlt és jelen ► Alapszókincs

ago [s'gsu] 555 (bizonyos idővel)


The university was built about 500 years ago.

already [oil'redi] 282 m ár It is too late; the winter term has already begun.

ancient ['e inf an t] 1978 régi, ódon, antik,


The ancient buildings need to be restored.

back [bask] 107 vissza My best friend came back from holiday yesterday.

before [bi'fo :] 790 előtt, m ielőtt,


Please, try to call me before you come.

certainly ['s3:tnli] 605 biztosan, bizo


This film will certainly make you cry.

to derive [di'raiv] 1922 származtat,


Lots of English words are derived from Latin.

earlier ['3:li3] 1147 korábban I have to start working earlier than I thought.

former ['fo:ma] 590 korábbi, előző Our former teacher has retired.

future ['fjuit/a] 7 16 jövő In the future, cars will run on electricity or solar


historical [hi'stDrikl] 1816 történelmi The museum has some paintings depicting

historical events.

history ['histri] 550 történelem Our history teacher will only read history books.

likely ['laikli] 472 valószínű He is more likely to win the election because of

his popularity.

maybe [ ’m eib i] 1065 talán , lehet, hogy Maybe, we will win the game tomorrow.

once [wAns] 618 azelőtt, valaha,


You and I were once very good friends.

past [pa:st] 1029 régebbi, m últbé li I have read my past tests as preparation.

perhaps [pa'hasps] 275 talán Perhaps, we can rent a car for the trip.

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possibility [.poss'bilati]


eshetőség There is a possibility that it will snow tomorrow.

possible ['pDsabl] 227 lehetséges If you work hard, it is possible to pass the tests.

potential [ps'tenfl] 1243 lehetőség He has the potential to be a famous football


recent [’riisnt] 362 közelmúltbeli Some recent events have made me change myattitude towards life.

soon [sum] 695 nemsokára,


He will soon finish his studies and look for a job.

unlikely [An'laikli] 1802 nem valószínű,


My sister is unlikely to get married this year.

yesterday [’jestsdei] 567 tegnap I went to bed late yesterday, so today I am tired.

15.03. Múlt és jövő ► Kiegészítő szókincs

anniversary [.asni’vsissri] évforduló My parents celebrated their thirtieth wedding3481 anniversary in September.

back [baek] 3726 ezelőtt, régen He had a serious car accident three years back.

to envisage [m'vizid3 ] elképzel, előre lát I envisage that there will be peace at last.3893

historic [hi'stDrik] 3332 történelmi jelentőségű

The president made a historic visit to the city.

to look forward to örömmel vár, alig I look forward to seeing you again soon.[,luk 'foiwad ts] 4233 vár

medieval [,medi'i:vl] 3168 középkori Most of these cities were built in medieval times.

origin ['Drid3in] 2053 eredet, származás All humans are said to be of African origin.

presumably feltehetően Presumably Ben will stop by your office later.

[pri'zjurmobli] 2690

probability [.proba'bilati] valószínűség, There is a probability that the train will come late3814 eshetőség today.

probable ['probabl] 4401 valószínű It is very probable that I will stay late at work


recently [’riisntli] 4412 nemrég, mostaná


We were in Spain recently.

since [sins] 2915 azóta, (vmilyen I left school long ago and I have never returned

időpont) óta ever since.

speculation feltevés There is speculation that our team will lose the[.spekju'leijn] 3835 game.

Victorian [vik'toirian] viktoriánus, The industrial revolution began in the Victorian

3199 Viktória korabeli era.

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16* Mennyiség

16.01. Sok és kevés ► Alapszókincs

all [o:l] 4i az összes,

m inden, vala

menny i

almost f'oilmsust] 310 majdnem

bit [bit] 653 darabka, kis


complete [kam'plkt] 631 teljes, hiány talan

considerable tekintélyes,

[kan'sidsrsbl] 912 jelentékeny

entire [in 'ta ia] 971 egész, teljes

everything ['evriGnj] 600 minden

extra ['ekstra] 1207 plusz, ráad ás

few [fju:] 205 kevés

hardly ['h a :d li] 1269 alig

increase [m'krns] 954 növekszik,


increasing [ in 'kr ii siq ] 944 növekvő, emel


less [les] 421 kevesebb

little [ i i t l ] 616 kevés, kicsi

lot [lot] 416 nag y mennyiség,

sok, rengeteg

many ['m eni] 103 sok

m ere [mia], m erest 1018 csekélyke,

 je le nté kte le n ,


more [mo:] 77 több

more than [ ’mo: San ] 759 több min t

most [maust] 166 legtöbb

much [mAtf] 178 sok

one [wAn] 961 egy

only ['aunli] 73 csak, csupán

to reduce [ri'dju is] 635 csökkent

single ['sn jg l] 639 egyetlen

All countries respect our university.

Even though we hurried, we almost missed the


There is a little bit of food left for you.

We have made a complete list of the new


There are a considerable number of English

books in the library.

It has rained the entire day.

I have given away everything I had.

I put an extra spoonful of sugar in the tea.

Few students finished their work.

Hardly anybody stops for a chat nowadays.

The water level in the river has increased.

There is an increasing number of people learning


We have to drink less on Fridays.

We have a little time left before we start the tests.

We ate lots of food at the party yesterday.

There were many people at the market.

This dress cost a mere twenty pounds.

More people travel by train than by bus.

This present is more than what I have expected.

We scorec the most points, so we won the game.

I always eat too much at her house.

I only have one pair of shoes.

There are only two universities in my country.

The number of students in my class was reduced

to thirty.

I have to complete all these tasks in a single day.

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total ['tautl] 630

very [’ve ri] 84

whole [haul] 436

16.01. Sokes keves ►

altogether [.oilta'geQa]


barely ['b e a li] 3293

to decrease [d i'k ri:s ] 4090

density ['densati] 3752

enormous [I'noimas] 2266

fewer ['fju:a] 2779

giant ['d3aiant] 3901

least [ li:st] 2158

lesser [ ' less] 3922

less than ['les 3an] 2358

a lot [a 'lot] 2335

lump [Lu n p ] 4238

mass [mass] 2579

massive [ ’m aesiv] 2206

mostly [ 'm su st l i] 2400

multiple ['mAltipl] 3442

to multiply ['mAltiplai]4254

numerous ['njuimarss]2733

sole [s a u l] 3461

teljes összeg, In total, there are about ten thousand students at

összesség the university.

nagyon I’m afraid, he has very little money,

az egész The children washed the whole car all by


Kiegészítő szókincs

összesen Altogether, there are four people in my family.

alig She was barely sixteen when she won an Olympic

gold medal.

csökken The number of people in our class decreased

each week.

sűrűség The population density of this part of town ishigh; a lot of people live here.

hatalmas, óriási The snow has caused enormous difficulties.

kevesebb Fewer people drive cars into the city now.

óriási There is a giant tree in front of our house.

legkevesebb, The least he could have done was to call before

legkisebb he came.

kevesebb, kisebb The conference is of lesser interest to Emma than

to me.

kevesebb, mint We have less than a week before the holidays


sok, rengeteg There were a lot of people in the city yesterday.

darab, rög There were lumps of mud everywhere after the

dog had walked through the house.

rakás, tömeg, nagy


It won’t be easy to organize this mass of data.

nagyon nagy, There have been nassive problems since the badsúlyos weather started.

főként, főleg,


There were mostly children at the concert.

sokrétű, összetett; There are multiple problems that we have to

többszörös solve.



The number of cafés in my area has multiplied.

számos There are numerous ways to communicate withpeople.

egyetlen My sole watch is missing; I do not know what

time it is.


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16.02. Mérték ► Alapszókincs

to add [aed] 365 összead, hozzáad

amount [o'm aunt] 651 mennyiség,


average ['aevar ids] 1663 átlag, á tlagos

big [big] 287 nagy

capacity [ks 'passati] 1642 térfogat,

űrtarta lom;


to con sist of [ksn'sist]


ál l vm iből

to con tain [ksn'tein] 621 tarta lmaz

content [ksn'tent] 1426 tartalom

empty ['emptij 1868 üres

to fit [f it ] 1169 illik , jó rá, passzol

full [ful] 255 tele, teli

heavy ['hevi] 777 nehéz

large [la:d3] 174 nagy

length [leqG] 1309 hosszúság

long [loq] 164 hosszú

to measure ['m ejs ] 1607 (le)mér, megm ér

number [Wmbg] 152 szám

piece [pi:s] 760 darab, szelet

pound [paund] 613 fon t (453,4 g)

section [ 'sekjn] 455 szakasz, rész

several ['sevral] 430 több, számos

size [saiz] 788 méret, nagyság

unit ['ju:nit] 629 egység, mérték-


volume ['voljuim] 1510 mennyiség,


weight [w e it] 1187 súly

My sister taught me how to add numbers.

We paid a huge amount of money for the house.

The average person drinks two litres of water perday.

The house is so big that we can all live in it.

This fuel tank has the capacity of 50 litres.

The cake consists of flour, sugar, eggs and butter.

The bottle contains alcohol.You shouldn’t eat food with a high sugar content.

We could not go swimming because the pool was


These shoes fit my feet just fine.

The bottle is full of water.

I carried home a lot of heavy luggage.

A large number of birds are flying in the sky.

The length of the pool was 16 metres.This day has seemed so long; I am tired.

We have to measure the distance we have


There are a number of mistakes in this book.

The cake was divided into three pieces.

My sister weighs 20 pounds less than me.

I have to finish reading this section before I go.

There are several people in my class who canspeak English.

He cannot find shoes that are his size.

A metre is a unit of length.

He checked the volume of the ingredients before

adding them.

My teacher put on some weight during the


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16.02. Mérték ► Kiegészítő szókincs

acre [ 'e ika ] 3383 angol hold

(4046,9 m2)

My grandfather owned about ten acres of land.

average ['aevarid3 ] 2379 átlag, átlagérté k The average in my class was 80 points.

centimetre ['se ntim iita] centim éter One metre equals 100 centimetres.3475

gram [gram ] 4 168 gramm We need 200 grams of flour for the cake.

inch [intj] 2312 hüvelyk (2,54 cm) My computer screen is about 18 inches wide.

kilogram [ ' k i l agram] 4218 kilogramm A kilogram of potatoes is a lot.

kilometre ['k ilam iita] kilométer We did a 16-kilometre walk on Sunday.4216

litre ['lirtsj 4222 liter Could you buy a litre of milk?

longer ['lnqga] 2681 hosszabb The pencil is longer than normal.

mass [mass] 2019 tömeg A kilogram is a unit of mass.

measure ['me3a] 1009 mérték, mérték- There was a table of weights and measures at the

egység end of the book.

measurement mérés We have to take some measurements before we['me3amant] 2785 start to build a house.

metre ['m i:ta] 4246 méter Her boyfriend is very tall - about two metres, I


mile [m a il] 876 mérföld The university is located six miles from the city.

milligram ['m ilig ram ] milligramm Local drinking water contains 4 milligrams of 4247 fluoride per litre.

millimetre [ 'mil imiita] milliméter Could you cut a couple of millimetres of this?4249

per cent [pa'sent] 2900 százalék, százalé There might be a 20 per cent rise in food prices

kos next year.

pint [paint] 4289 pint (0,568 liter) In Britain, people drink pints of beer in the pub.

quantity ['kwontati] 2246 mennyiség The government has contributed a huge quantity

of food to the charity program.

tonne [tAn] 4359 tonna The bridge can only take 10 tonnes.

to weigh [w e i] 3280 megmér, lemér I weighed my luggage before I left.

16.03. Mennyiségi egységek ► Alapszokincs

eight [eit] 647 nyolc My grandfather owned eight cows until one died.

eighteen [,ei'ti:n] 2824 tizennyolc In many countries you can get a driving license

when you are eighteen years old.

eighty ['eiti] 2076 nyolcvan My grandfather died when he was eighty years


eleven [i'levn] 2427 tizenegy Eleven players are allowed on the field at a time.

fifteen [,fifti:n] 1870 tizenöt I learned to swim when I was fifteen.

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fifty ['flfti] 1157 ötven

five [faiv] 230 öt

forty [’fo:ti] i486 negyven

fourffo:] 197 négy

fourteen [,fo:'ti:n] 3015 t izennégy

half [ha:f] 523 fél, vm ine k a fele

hundred ['hundred] 459 száz

million [ 'mil jsn] 373 millió

nine [nain] 833 kilenc

nineteen [,nain'ti:n] 2051 t izenkilenc

ninety ['nainti] 2088 ki lencven

one [w a t i] 48 egy

seven ['sevnj 643 hét

seventeen [,sevn'ti:n] 3962 t izenhét

seventy ['sevnti] 2407 hetven

six [siks] 328 hat

sixteen [,sik'sti:n] 3032 t izenhat

sixty ['siksti] 1798 hatvan

ten [ten] 521 tíz

thirteen [,03:'ti:n] 3467 t izenhárom

thirty ['03:ti] 1123 harminc

thousand ['0auznd] 705 ezer

three [0ri:] 106 három

twelve [twelv] 1594 tizenkettő

twenty ['twenti] 676 húsz

two [tu:] 63 kettő

Up to [ 'Ap t3] 1186 -ig; ne m több,

m i n t

I have already read fifty pages of this book.

Five percent of the population carry the gene.

My neighbour is about to turn forty.

We keep four cows at home.

My sister learned to play the piano when she was


Half of ter is five.

The book which I bought yesterday cost about a

hundred dollars.

There are millions of members around the world.

He was in prison for nine years.

My cousin just turned nineteen yesterday.

Nowadays, many people live beyond ninety.

I learned to walk when I was one year old.

There are about seven old churches in the city.

Seventeen plus ten is twenty-seven.

There are about seventy books on that subject in

the library.

There are around six million people living in my


The teacher has chosen sixteen pupils to go.

My mother is sixty years old.Children should first learn how to count from

one to ten.

Twelve plus one is thirteen.

The total number of students in my class was


So far I have written about a thousand words.

My cousin’s family is made up of only three

people.Twelve houses are being built here.

The entrance fee for the concert was twenty


There were only two questions I could not answer

on the test.

They only allow up to twenty people in this room

at a time.

16.03. Mennyiségi egységek ► Kiegészítő szókincs

dozen ['dAzn] 2518 tucat There are about two dozen apples on the ground,

billion f 'bi l isn] 1948 mil l iárd In China, there are more than one billion people.

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per cent [pa 'sent] 251

percentage [pa'sentid 3]


quarter ['kwo:ta] 1212

scale [skeil j 1263

zero ['ziarau] 4398




negyed, negyed


skála, fokbeosztás

nul la

Only five per cent of the pupils cannot swim.

There is a small percentage of people who

cannot read and write.

A quarter of all students took part in the

swimming class.

There is a scale or the bowl for measuring water

or sugar.

One minus one equals zero.

16.04. Mennyiségekről általában ► Alapszókincs

additional [a 'difanl] 1439 továb bi, plusz

any [’eni] 81 valamennyi ,

semenny i

certain ['s3:tn] 487 bizonyos, egy


to collect [ka'lektj 1362 gyűjt, összeszed

component alkotóelem,

[kam'paunant] 1752 összetevő

to count [kaunt] 1983 (meg)számol,


double ['dAbl] 1783 kétszer annyi,

duplája vm inek

element ['elimant] 947 elem, alkotóelem

enough [I'nAf] 419 elég, elegendő

extent [ik'stent] 1103 nagyság, mé rték

to increase [in'krirs] 410 növel, emel,


item ['aitam] 1064 darab, (áru)cikk

at least [at 'li:st] 395 legalább

to limit [ ' l imit] 878 korlátoz, ha tárt


loss l b s ] 722 veszteség

part [pa:t] 149 rész

partly ['pa:tli] 1792 részben

proportion [pra'pa:Jn]



Additional bags may not be brought.

Do you have any money on you?

I sensed a certain amount of sadness in his voice.

My sister likes collecting flowers in the


Each component of the project must be

considered individually.

Helen counts how many books have been sold.

My husband earns double what I do.

The scientist mixed the elements together.

I guess I still haven't done enough for him.

No one knows the extent of the damage.

Part-time work will increase your income.

I’ve bought three items for the kitchen.

Children have to spend at least two hours doing

work at home.

The rain will not limit our chances of winning the


Last year, our comoany suffered an expensive


He is part of our football team.

The company’s problems are partly due to bad


A higher proportion of young people are going

on to university nowadays.

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   M  e  n  n  y   i  s   é  g


to remain [ri'mein] 382 (meg)marad,


to replace [ri'pleis] 1017 kicserél, felvált

rest [rest] 794 maradék, hátrale

vő rész, a többi

scales [skeilz] 1257 mérleg

set [set] 809 sor, sorozat,


something ['sAmGii]] 181 valami

substantial [sab'stsnjl] jelentős, tekinté

1677 lyes

sufficient [sa'fijnt] 1312 elég, elegendő

sum [sAm] 1831 összeg

thing [0ii]] 108 dolog, holmi

various ['vearias] 721 több, többféle

There were less than two minutes remaining

when he scored a goal.

The library has replaced the old books with new


I will bring the rest of the things with me.

Please pui the luggage on the weighing scales.

We have to learn a set of rules before sarting the


Can you, please, bring something to eat with you?

The government has given a substantial amount

of money towards improving education.

Will the food be sufficient for the whole family?

Peter has saved a large sum of money.

She bought a lot of things at the supermarket.

There are various ways to earn a living.

16.04. Mennyiségekről általában ► Kiegészítő szókincs

 Jimmy is learning addition at school this year.addition [a'dijn] 2153 összeadás,


any ['eni] 3591 kicsivel sem,

sem m ivel sem,


approximate[a'proksimat] 4046


approximately körülbelül,

[a'proksimatli] 2940 hozzávetőlegesen

bulk [bAlk] 3490 nagy obb része,


bunch [bAntf] 4013 csomó, csoport,


to double ['dAbl] 3145 megkétszerez,


estimate ['estimat] 2520 becslés

to extract [ik'striEkt] 3896 kihúz, eltávolít

fraction [ ’fhekjn] 3628 töredék, rész

fragment [’fraegmant] rész, töredék ,

3416 szilánk

Helen is too tired; she cannot run any faster.

His approximate age is 30.

They will arrive in London in approximately

fifteen minutes.

The bulk of the visitors enjoyed the evening


There were a bunch of kids hanging about


Within the past two years, the company has

doubled its profit.

According to a government estimate, there are

over a million victims.

Two teeth must be extracted.

The new health regulations affect only a fractionof the population.

After the window had broken, glass fragments

covered the floor.

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height [haitj 2083 magasság

to insert [in's3:t] 3915 behelyez, beilleszt

limitation [.lim i'te ijn ] korlátozás,

3019 megkötés

maximum ['mæksimamj maximális,

2580 legmagasabb

minimum ['m inim am ] m inim ális,

2835 legkisebb

nearly [‘n ia lij 4256 majdnem

in part [in 'pa:tj 3531 részben

particle [’pa:tikl] 3256 részecske,

szemcse, szem

pile [pail] 3354 halom, rakás

remaining [ri'memii]] megmaradt,

2323 fennmaradt

replacement csere, kicserélés,

[ri'pleism ant] 2907 lecserélés

reserve [ri'z3:v] 2644 tartalék

to restrict [n'strikt] 2368 korlátoz, megsza

bott keretek közé


restriction [ri'strik jn ] korlátozás,

2369 megkötés

roughly ['r/vfli] 4422 nagyjából,

durván, körülbe


slice [slais] 4299 szelet, darab

somewhat ['sAmwDt] 2132 egy kissé, ném ileg

spare [spea] 3833 felesleges,


Only those with a height of 1.5 m or more can go

on the ride.

His hands were shaking slightly as he inserted the

key into the lock.

There is a limitation on how long underage

people can work.

The car can go at a maximum speed of 120 miles

per hour.

The minimum age for retirement is 55.

It took us nearly two hours to get home because

of the terrible weather.

The failure of the company was in part due to his

bad leadership.

The factory’s buildings haven’t been used lately,

so there are many dust particles on the


Leroy’s room is a terrible mess - he leaves piles

of paper all over the floor.

The remaining tickets will be distributed to local


After the accident, our car was badly in need of


 Jane always keeps some money in reserve.

The new law restricts the sale of hand guns.

There are restrictions on what you can bring into

the country.

I asked how much the work would roughly cost.

Would you like a slice of toast?

The prices are somewhat higher than I expected.

He gave away all his spare boxes.

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17* Szövegkohéziós eszközök

17.01. Névmások, névelők ► Alapszókincs

a [a, ei] s egy

another [a'nASsJ 161 még egy, egy


anybody ['enibDdi] 1979 valaki, senki

anyone ['eniwAn] 738 valaki, senki

anything ['eniSiqJ 350 valam i, semmi

both [baoG] 318 mindkettő,


each [i:tj] 184 mindegyik,

minden (egyes)

each other [i:tj 'a 8s ] 1037 egymás, egymást

either ['aiSs] 1757 akármelyik



every I'evriJ 233 minden

everybody ['evribodij



he [hi:] 12 ő (férfi v. fiú)

herself [h3:‘self] 650 (ön)maga,

(ön)magát (nő v.


him [him ] 4187 őt, (ő)neki (férfi v.


himself [him'self] 317 (ön)maga,

(ön)magát (férfi v.


1 [a i] 10 én

it [it] 9 ő, az, őt, azt

(semleges nem ű)

itself [it'self] 442 maga, magát

lots [lDts] 2160 sok

me [mi:] 4243 engem, nekem

There is a pen on the table.

Can you, please, give me another piece of paper?

My friend did not tell anybody that he was

feeling sick.

Does anyone know when the next bus comes?

I have not had anything to eat since this


Please, bring both books to me.

Each child was given some food.

We have not talked to each other for a very long


You can speak French or English. She will

understand either.

I think every child should learn to play a musicalinstrument.

Everybody was present at the meeting.

He told me that he would call in the evening.

My sister taught herself how to read Japanese.

When he said he loved me, I believed him.

My friend taught himself how to ride a bike.

I will go to school tomorrow morning.

Please, bring it to me.

The cat scratched itself.

Lots of my friends showed up for the party.

Could you help me with my homework?

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myself [mai'se lf] 910 (ön)magam,


Yesterday, I cut myself while cooking.

no [nau] 71 semmi, semmiféle There is no food in the fridge.

nobody ['naubadi] 16/3 senki Nobody knows when the rain will start to fall.

none [nAn] 1319 egyik sem I am sorry that IVe brought none of the things

you needed.

no one ['nau w a i i] 1355 senki It looks like there is no one inside the house.

nothing [WOn)] 285 semmi There is nothing for us to worry about; the

assignment will be easy.

one [w a i i] 97 egyik He is one of my best friends.

one another [w a i i egymást People should help one another.

a'nASa] 2970

ours ['auaz] 4271 a miénk Is that your car? - No, this one is ours.

ourselves [a i'selvz ] 2165 (ön)magunk,


We have to protect ourselves from diseases.

own [aun] 126 saját This is our own house.

plenty ['p lenti] 2127 sok, elegendő There was plenty of food at the party.

same [se im] 145 ugyanaz, ugyan-

úgy, ugyanolyan

Those two houses look the same.

she [Ji:] 22 ő (nő v. lány) She is a very good friend of mine.

some fsAm] 56 néhány, néhá

nyan, némelyek

Some of my frierds are very shy.

somebody ['sAmbadi] valaki I saw somebody standing outside the house last

1464 night.

someone ['sAmwAn] 603 valaki Someone is going to call you tonight.

SUCh [SAtJ] 110 olyan, ilyen I never thought that I would have such success.

that [5fet, 3at] 29 ami, amit, aki,


This is the book that I’ve bought for you.

the [8a, (5i] 1 a, az This is the house which I live in.

them [Sam, Sem] 4343 őket, nekik Give them my love when you see them.

themselves [Qam'selvz] (ők) maguk, He taught his kids to defend themselves at

444 magukat school.

these [3i:z] 79 ezek These apples are very sweet.

they [Oei] 19 ők My friends are coming to visit me and they will

bring some presents for me.

this [5is] 24 ez This is the street where I met you yesterday.

those [Sauz] 104 azok, azokat How nice of you to bring me these flowers!

us [a s ] 4379 bennünket, Our neighbours gave us some flowers when we

nekünk moved in.

we [wi:] 27 mi We hope that our team will win tomorrow.

what [wDt] 40 mi? What is your name?

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whatever [wot'eva ] 859 bármi, akármi,

bármit, akármit

which [wit/] 30 amely, amelyet

who [hu:] 47 aki, akik

whoever [hui'eva] 4389 akárki, bárki

whom [hu:m] 886 akit, akiket

you [ju:] 16 te, ti, téged,


yourself [joi'self] 1051 (ön)magad, (ön)


Whatever you do, do not forget to call me.

This is the house which I once lived in.

The girl who said hello is my friend.

Whoever calls, say I am not at home.

This is the person to whom I talked yesterday.

I like the present which you’ve bought for me.

You have to keep yourself informed about

changes to the timetable.

17.02. Időkifejezés eszközei ► Alapszókincs

after.['a:fta].ioi után

as [az] 35 amint (éppen),

(épp) amikor

before [bx’foi] 215 előtt

by [ba i ] 21 (legkésőbb) ...ra,

during ['djuarnj] 210 alatt, idején,


since [ s ins] 344 amióta

so [sau] 394 így (hát), úgyhogy

until [an'til] 426 amíg

up to ['Ap ta] 735 ig

when [wen] 57 amikor

while [wai l ] 187 mialatt, m iköz-

ben, amíg, míg

Whilst [wailSt ] 1774 mialatt, m íg

After the war, many people returned to theircountry of origin.

I saw her as I was getting on the train.

I was standing in line before 10 o’clock.

I have to finish it by three o’clock.

So many people died during the World Wars.

I have not been back to this town since i left.

It looked like rain, so I took my umbrella.

My friend and I will stay here until the job is


I haven’t received your letter up to now.

It started to rain when I was walking home.

Your phone rang while you were having a


Whilst walking home we were discussing theproblem.

17.02. Időkifejezés eszközei ► Kiegészítő szókincs

aged [eid3d] 2994 ... éves korú

as long as [az 'bq az] 2867 ameddig

as soon as [az 'su:n az] amint, mihelyt


even when [i:vn 'wen] még akkor is, ha


now that [,nau '8set] 2837 most, hogy

My sister is aged 30.

You can stay as long as you wish.

I will go home as soon as I finish writing this


You have :o work even when you do not feel like


Now that I have the money, we can go for lunch.

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prior to ['praia ta] 2800  előtt, megelőzően I finished reading the book prior to going to bed.

till [til] 2986 -ig I will stay here till midnight.

17.03. Térbeli elhelyezkedés és helyváltoztatás ► Alapszókincs

above [a'bAv] 830

across [a'kros] 497

against [a'genst] 168

along [a'loq] 926

among [a'mAi]] 467

felett, fölé

át, keresztül

neki vminek

mentén, mellett

között, közt

around [a'raund] 438

at [st, at] 23


-ban, -ben; -nál,


away from [a'wei fram] távol vmitől


behind [bi'haind] 545 mögött

below [b i'lau] 1837 alatt

beside [bi'said] 1750

between [bi'twi:n] 102

beyond [bi'jcnd] 1060

down [daun] 1134

from [fram, from] 28

in front of [in ' fu nt  av]


in [in] 6

inside [.in'said] 1445

into ['inta] 60

near [nia] 825

on [on] 18

onto ['onta] 1675

out of f'autav] 188

outside [.aut'said] 977

over ['auva] 114

past [pa:st] 1569

round [raund] 984




le, lefelé

-ból, -bői; -tói,

-tői; -ról, ről


-bán, -ben

belül, benn

-ba, -be; bele


-ra, -re


-ból, -bői



el vm i mellett, túl

körül, körbe

She hung the picture above the door.

My sister can swim across the river.

Do not lean against that wall; it is not secure.

We walked along the river bank.

I was among the people who came to see the

new president.

The new supermarket is around the corner.

She’s at school now.

Please, stay away from the window.

The cat is hiding behind the tree.

There is a huge amount of water below the

earth’s surface.

I am sitting beside my very best friend.

I am standing in between two trees.

Do not walk beyond this point.

When the wind blows, the leaves fall down.

Where do you come from?

Could you, please, wait for  me in front of the  library?

There are three aoples in the box.

I remained inside the house for the whole day.

My little sister is always coming into my room.

Our house is very near the river.

Please, do not sit on the table.

He threw his keys onto the table from where hewas sitting.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom.

We waited outside his house until he came out.

Can you, please, pass this book over to him?

He walked past and did not say hello.

His dream was to travel round the world.

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through [0ru:] 113 keresztül, át • He could see the man through the window.

to [ta, tu, tu:] 11 -ig, felé The new tram line goes right to the end of 

Victoria street.

towards [ta'wo:dz] 354 felé, irányába We were walking towards the river.

under [Vnda] 171 alatt The cat is hiding under the table.

up [Ap] 1330 fel, felfelé The temperature has gone up quickly.

upon [a'pon] 451 rögtön vmi után Upon his arrival, he asked for some water.

where [wea] 203 ahol This is where I first met your mother.

within [w i'6in ] 206 belül I live within the boundaries of this town.

17.03. Térbeli elhelyezkedés és helyváltoztatás ► Kiegészítő szókincs

ahead of [a'hed av] 3048 előtt The car ahead of us suddenly stopped and we

crashed into it.

beneath [bi'ni:0] 2034 alatt I often walk barefoot because I like feeling the

ground beneath my feet.

by [bai] 2706 mellett: -nál, -nél; We had a picnic by the river.


next to ['nekst ta] 2836 mellett, mellé I sit next to you in every class.

on top of [Dn 'tDp av] 3094 tetejére, fölé, rá I put the new book on top of the old one.

via ['vaia] 2183 vmi érintésével Can you walk home via the post office?

17.04. Egyéb gyakori elöljárók és kötőszók ► Alapszókincs

about [a'baut] 66 -ról, -ről; vmvel Please, tell me about the book which you are

kapcsolatban reading right now.

according to [a'ko:dii] ta] szerint, alapján According to the study, most of them speak

706 English.

although [ail'flau] 214 bár, habár Although we were tired, we won the game.

and [and] 4 és Let’s walk to the park and play football.

apart from [a'pa:t fram] vmin kívül, vmtől I will be going to work every day apart from

1596 eltekintve Sunday.

as if [az 'if] 707 mintha She looked at me as if I were crazy.

as though [az 'Sau] 1864 mintha He looks as though he has not slept the whole


as to [az ta] 1456 ami ,..-t illeti As to this question, we don’t have any answer yet.

as well as laz 'wel az] 641 csakúgy, mint;


It is necessary to eat fruit as well as vegetables.

because [bi'kDz] 94 mert I will not go swimming today because I feel sick.

because of [bi'kDz av] 633 miatt The road has been flooded because of all the


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but [ b A t ] 25 de, azonban I have been working hard today but I am not so


despite [di'spait] 770 ellenére He succeeded despite all the difficulties.

due to ['dju: ta] 1386 miatt, következté


The match was cancelled due to the bad weather.

even if ['i:vn if] 1287 még akkor is,

ha;annak ellené

re, hogy

I will go to school tomorrow even if I’m tired.

even though ['i:vn Sau] még akkor is, ha; We went jogging even though it was very hot.

1729 annak ellenére,


for [fa, fo:] 13 -nak, -nek; száma-


I’ve bought this bunch of flowers for Carol.

if [if ] 42 ha; feltéve, hogy I will come to your place later if it does not snow.

including [in'kluidiq] 466 beleértve This is the total price, including tax.

instead of [in'sted av] helyett We planted flowers instead of vegetables.


like [laik] 91 mint My sister looks very much like my mother.

nor [no:] 921 sem I have had neither breakfast nor lunch today.

of [av] 3 -nak (a), -nek (a) That is the opinion of my brother.

off [nf] 510 -ról, -ról My granny fell cff a ladder while washing the


or [o:] 31 vág)' Would you like beans or potatoes?

in order to [in 'o:da ta] azért, hogy One has to work hard in order to pass the test.


per [pa] 844 -énként The school had two exercise books per child.

plus [pias] 1504 és, meg, plusz We went to the store and the library, plus we had

to visit the doctor.

so that ['sau Sat] 562 azért, hogy I came here so that we could discuss the


in terms of [in 't3:mz av] vminek a szem She is very experienced in terms of childcare.

1092 pontjából

than [San] 92 mint My sister is older than me.

that [Saet, Sat] 15 hogy I think that the book is excellent.

though [Sau] 418 bár, habár He looks very healthy though he is very sick.

throughout [0ru:'aut] 980 mindvégig My friend worked so hard throughout his school

vminek az ideje



unless [an'les] 1028 ha csak nem;

kivéve hogyha

I will not call you unless you ask me to.

whereas [.wear'sez] 1679 míg ellenben, In Germany, it is very cold now whereas in Africa

 jóllehet it is warm.

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whether ['we3a] 293 hogy vajon I will tell you later whether I will be able to come

with you.

with [wi9, wi0] 17 -val, -vei Please, bring the book with you when you come.

without [wi'öaut] 204 nélkül I cannot spend a day without watching television.

worth [w3:0] 1098 érdemes This book is worth reading.

17.04. Egyéb gyakori elöljárók és kötőszók ► Kiegészítő szókincs

in accordance with [in vminek megfe He has to wear the school uniform in accordance

a'koidans wi3] 3642 lelően, vmi


with the school’s requirement.

in addition to [in s'difn vmin kívül Please, remember to buy bread in addition to

ta] 2625 milk and sugar.

alongside [a.toq'said] 2866 mellett He was working alongside professionalfirefighters on the scene of the catastrophe.

amongst [a'mAqst] 2138 között, közt Which student is the tallest amongst them?

and/or [snd/o:] 3720 és/vagy Pupils should bring some milk and/or water with


as for ['sez fa] 3124 am i ...-t illeti As for Dave, he’s doing well.

on behalf of [on bi'ha :f  vki nevében He spoke to the students on behalf of the

av] 3021 teacher.

but [bAt ] 3389 kivéve Everyone but Ann came to the party.

in case [in 'keis] 3421 arra az esetre, ha Please, write your number in case I need to call

netalán, amennyi you.


concerning [k3n's3:mi]j vmivel kapcsolat I will call you tonight concerning our appoint

2766 ban, vm it illetően ment.

depending on [di'pendnj vm itől függően Depending on the weather, we may have the

on] 3311 party outside.

except [ik'sept] 2303 eltekintve attól, He could go to her place, except he doesn’t knowcsakhogy where she lives.

except for [ik'sept fa] kivéve, kivételével He has never missed school, except for one time

3621 when he was ill.

in favour of [in 'feivar mellett (előnyben I am always in favour of making food instead of 

3V] 2529 részesítve) buying it.

like [laik] 3164 úgy, mint;


Like his sister, he enjoyed dressing up.

other than ['aSs San] 2239 kivéve, vm in kívül I will not ask you anything other than thattomorrow.

provided [pra'vaidid] feltéve, ha You can borrow the book provided that you bring

2845 it back.

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rather than ['ra:Sa Son] ahelyett, hogy;

2130 inkább mintsem

regarding [ri'gaidii]] 3678 kapcsolatosan,

illetően, vonatko-


in relation to [in r i'l ei jn v iszony ítva

ta] 2116

in respect of [in ri'spekt vonatkozólag,

av] 2890 illetően

in spite of [in 'spait av] ellenére


in that [in '5aet] 3908 amiért

in the light of [in 3a 'lait vm inek a fényé-

av] 3909 ben

unlike [.An'laik] 2375 vkitől/vm itől


whether or not [,we3ar o : akár..., akár nem;

'nDt] 2931 h a h a nem

Rather than eating here, we should go to the


! haven’t said anything regarding our secret.

How much do you earn in relation to your wife?

In respect of your request for holiday, that should

be no problem.

I passed my test n spite of my illness.

He was lucky in that his friends helped him.

We have to answer all the questions in the light

of what we know.

Unlike my friends, I’m not a Liverpool fan.

We will play football today whether it rains or


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18- Az 50 leggyakoribb ige/segédige

18.01. Igék

to ask [a:sk] 150 (meg)kérdez Please, ask if you do not understand me.

to be [bi:], was, been 2 van, létezik I will be a famous writer in ten years.

to become [bi'kAm], vmivé válik I’m becoming happier as the years go by.

became, become 129

to begin fbi'gin], began, (el)kezd, (el) School begins soon.

begun 209 kezdődik

to bring [brig], brought, hoz Please, bring your books with you to class.

brought 212

to call [ko:l] 175 hív Please, call me as soon as you get to the hotel.

to com e [kAm], came, jön Do you want to come with me into town?

come 68

to do [du:], did, done 20 tesz, csinál,


He hasn’t done his homework.

to feel [fi:l], felt, felt 142 érez, érzi magát My teacher feels a little ill today.

to find [faind], found, megtalál, talál I find this town very interesting.

found 96

to follow f'fobu] 201 követ You have :o follow the rules when you drive.

to get [get], got, got 43 válik vmilyenné Some people get angry quickly.

to give [giv], gave, given75

ad, ajándékoz Would you, please, give the book to me?

to go [gau], went, gone 46 megy I will go to the market in the evening.

to have [hcev], had, had 8 van vmije They have a house with a beautiful garden.

to help [help] 226 segít The woman helped her son write down his name.

to hold [hauld], held, (meg)fog, tart Please, hold the baby with care.

held 193

to keep [kiipj, kept, kept tart, marad I will keep in touch.


to know [nau], knew, tud, ismer He’s my best friend; I know him very well.

known 51

to leave [li:v], left, left 136 hág}', elhagy I will leave a message on your answerphone.

to like [laik] 221 szeret, kedvel Children like playing a lot.

to look [Ink] 85 néz He looked out of the window.

to make [meik], made, tesz, csinál, készít My mum made a chocolate cake for my birthday.

made 45

to mean [mi:n], meant, ért, jelent What does this word mean?

meant 128

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to need [ni:d] 141 szüksége



Our house needs major repairs.

to provide [pra'vaid] 186 ellát, nyújt, ad The school provides the students with books.

to put [put], put, put 121 tesz, rak, helyez Put the books down there.

to run [rAn], ran, run 231 fut, szalad I can run faster than my brother.

to say [sei], said, said 34 mond If you say that to me again, I will be angry.

to see [si:], saw, seen 49 lát I will see what I can do about it.

to seem [si:m] 143 tűnik, látszik He does not seem to care about his health.

to show [Jau ], showed, mutat We will show our picture to you tomorrow.

shown 157

to start [sta:t] 228 (el)kezd, (el)


My sister is excited about starting school.

to take [teik], took, taken


to tell [tel], told, told 109

visz Please, take this book with you.

mond, elmond,


Please, tell him exactly what I told you.

to think [Giqk], thought, gondol, vél, hisz I think I will go to bed now.

thought 67

to try [trai] 172 (meg)próbál Try to come to church early.

to turn [t3:n] 198 (meg)fordít,


She turned the bottle round to look at the label

to use [ju:s] 90 használ My mother taught me how to use a computer.

to want [wont] 99 akar I want to walk instead of running.

to work [w 3 :k ] 137 dolgozik,


We do not work as hard as we used to.

18.02. Segedigek

can [kasn] 37 képes vmire, tud(vmit tenni)

Please, call me later if you can.

could [kud] 58 tudna, tudott

(vmit tenni)

Could you, please, lend me some money?

may [mei] 86 -hat, -hét; lehet/

szabad (vmit


May I take this book with me?

might [mait] 146 -hat, -hét; lehet/

lehetséges, hogy(tesz vmit)

I might invite you for dinner at the weekend

must[mAst] 115 kell (tennie vmit) It’s getting late. I must go now.

ought to ['o:t ta] 1688 kellene He ought to study more.

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should [Jud] 88

will [w il] 33

would [wud] 36

kellene (tennie You should look both ways before crossing the

vmit) road.

fog (tenni vmit) I will always love you.

-na, -ne, -ná, -né Would you like to have adrink?

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19, Szôjegyzék

A act 151 afterwards 187

a 200 action 70 again 169

abandon 128 active 179 against 203

abbey 19 activity 121 age 10,187

ability 15 actor 113 aged 202

able 15 actual 186 agency 148

abolish 152 acute 180 agenda 134

about 37,204 adapt 125 agent 82

above 162,163,203 add 194 aggressive 73

abroad 30 addition 198 ago 190

absence 10 additional 197 agree 103

absent 10 address 22,103 agreement 103absolute 182 adequate 180 agricultural 144

absorb 27 adjust 86 agriculture 144

abstract 114 adjustment 86 ahead 169

abuse 158 administer 149 ahead of 204

academic 100 administration 148 aid 148

accent 102 administrative 150 AIDS 60

accept 124 admiration 73 aim 119

acceptable 183 admire 73 air 31

acceptance 125 admission 100 aircraft 39

access 38 admit 103 airline 42

accident 59 adopt 12 airport 42

accidental 60 adult 10 alarm 160

accommodate 22 advance 71 album 122

accommodation 22 advantage 166 alcohol 62

accompany 125 adventure 122 alcoholic 57

accordingly 168 advertise 45 alive 55

according to 204 advertisement 45 all 192account 107 advertising 45 allegation 146

accountant 83 advice 106 allege 147

accounting 86 advise 106 alleged 147

accurate 168 adviser 83 alliance 140

accuse 146 affair 133 allied 140

achieve 91 affect 125 allocate 150

achievement 93 affection 128 allocation 150

acid 60 afford 46 allow 124

acknowledge 107 afraid 73 allowance 150

acquire 45 Africa 29 ally 140

acquisition 45 African 12 almost 192

acre 195 after 202 alone 127

across 38, 203 afternoon 188 along 37, 203

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212alongside 206 anxiety 73 arrival 42

a lot 193 anxious 73 arrive 37

aloud 107 any 197,198 arrow 140

alphabet 102 anybody 200 art 113

alphabetical 102 anyone 200 article 115

already 190anything 200 artificial 180

alright 182 anyway 109 artist 113

also 169 anywhere 39 artistic 114

alter 168 apart 128 as 166, 202

alternative 182 apart from 204 as for 206

although 204 apartment 23 Asia 30

altogether 193 apologize 125 Asian 12

always 186 apology 125 aside 163

a.m. 190 apparent 182 as if 204

amaze 73 appeal 147 ask 208

amazing 173 appear 14 asleep 55

ambition 80 appearance 14 as long as 202

ambulance 60 appendix 117 aspect 109

amendment 147 apple 34 assault 158

America 29 applicant 83 assembly 136

American 11 application 88 assert 111

among 203 apply 85 assess 77

amongst 206 appoint 85 assessment 100

amount 168,194 appointment 59 asset 47

amuse 122 appreciate 125 assign 86

analyse 107 approach 109,124 assignment 86

analysis 94 appropriate 182 assist 150

analyst 83 approval 105 assistance 150

ancient 190 approve 103 assistant 83

and 204 approximate 198 associate 131

and/or 206 approximately 198 association 129

and so on 169 April 188 as soon as 202anger 128 Arab 12 assume 111

angle 163 architect 83 assumption 111

angry 127 architecture 114 assurance 50

animal 34 area 162 assure 107

ankle 55 argue 109 as though 204

anniversary 191 argument 109 as to 204

announce 106 arm 54 as well 166

announcement 107 armed 140 as well as 204

annoy 124 army 139 at 203

annual 190 around 162, 203 at all 182

another 200 arrange 85 at first 171

answer 103 arrangement 85 at last 171

anticipate 187 arrest 158 at least 197

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atom 96

at once 187

at present 188

attach 125

attack 159

attempt 91attend 133

attendance 134

attention 133

attitude 15

attorney 83

attract 14

attraction 15

attractive 14

attribute 105

audience 113

audit 86

auditor 83

August 188

aunt 13

Australia 29

Australian 12

author 113authority 148

automatic 154

autonomy 138

autumn 188

availability 131

available 129

avenue 30

average 194,195

avoid 124

await 187

award 91, 93

aware 75

awareness 77

away 37

away from 203

awful 174

awkward 175


baby 12

back 54, 152,190,191

background 133

backwards 39

bacterium 60

bad 175

bad-tempered 16

bag 51

baggage 27bake 63

balance 67, 68

ball 119,129

ban 138

band 113

bandage 60

bank 31,46

banking 47

bar 129

bare 55

barely 193

bargain 45

barrier 42

base 85, 94

basic 177

basis 94

basket 120bath 25

bathroom 24

battery 155

battle 139

bay 32

be 208

beach 32

beak 35

bean 35

bear 34, 73

beard 55

be ashamed 73

beat 91

beautiful 14

beauty 15

be bursting to do 80

because 204because of 204

become 208

be correct 172

bed 24

bedroom 24

beef 62

beer 61

before 190,202

beg 125

begin 208

beginning 188

behave 16

behaviour 15

behind 163,203

being 19

be involved in 130

be keen on 129

belief 18

believe 18

bell 25

belong 166

below 162, 203

belt 51

bench 120

bend 165

beneath 204

benefit 91,150

be off 183be rid of 27

beside 203

besides 111

be sorry 104

best 91

bet 120

better 91

between 203

beyond 203

bible 19

bid 144

big 194

bike 40

bill 46, 147

billion 196

bin 27

bind 66biological 60

biology 55

birth 12

birthday 10

biscuit 61

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bishop 19 breach 147 buyer 45

bit 192 bread 61 by 202, 204

bite 63 break 89 by now 187

bitter 68 breakfast 63

black 164 break up 127 C

blade 27 breast 55 cabinet 24,134blame 125 breath 54 cable 155

blank 165 breathe 55 cake 61

blind 57 breed 35 calculate 96

block 22, 42 breeding 35 calculation 96

blond 15 brick 23 California 30

blood 54 bridge 29 call 154, 208

bloody 54 brief 186 calm 16

blow 65, 69 bright 14 camera 156

blue 164 brilliant 173 camp 122

board 26,151 bring 208 campaign 133

boat 40 Britain 29 can 209

body 54 British 11 Canada 30

boil 64 broad 162 canal 32

bomb 140 broadcast 155 cancel 131

bond 168 broken 128 cancer 57

bone 55 brother 12 candidate 137

bonus 89 brown 164 candy 62book 115,122 brush 27 cap 52

boot 52 bubble 27 capability 16

border 29 budget 143 capable 15

bore 125 build 22 capacity 194

born 10 builder 83 capital 29, 46

borough 30 building 22 capitalism 144

borrow 45 bulk 198 capitalist 144

boss 83 bullet 140 captain 82

both 166,200 bunch 198 capture 140

bother 125 burden 175 car 40

bottle 63 bureau 89 carbon 60

bottom 162,163 bum 159 card 119

bound 66,125 bury 19 cardboard 23

boundary 163 bus 40 care 59,127

bowl 64 bush 35 career 88

box 26 business 48 care for 126

boy 10businessman 83

careful 159

boyfriend 128 busy 85 careless 16

brain 54 but 205, 206 carpet 25

branch 34 butter 61 carriage 40

brand 50 button 52 carrier 40

brave 16 buy 44 carrot 62

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carry 65

case 51,146

cash 47

cast 66

castle 22

casual 183cat 34

catalogue 117

catch 157

category 182

cater 64

cathedral 19

Catholic 19

cattle 35

cause 133,169

cease 152

ceiling 23

celebrate 131

celebration 131

cell 23

cellphone 156

cent 47

centimetre 195central 162

centre 162

century 188

ceremony 131

certain 197

certainly 190

certificate 100

chain 169

chair 24chairman 83

challenge 91,93

chamber 138

champagne 62

champion 120

championship 120

chance 92

chancellor 136

change 133,151

changing 134

channel 31,154

chap 10

chapel 19

chapter 115

character 15

characteristic 179

charge 158

charity 19

chart 86charter 42

chase 158

chat 106

cheap 47

cheat 93

check 85, 86

cheek 55

cheerful 16

cheese 61

chemical 60

chemist 83

chemistry 60

cheque 47

chest 55

chew 64

chicken 34

chief 82, 83child 12

childhood 13

chin 55

China 30

Chinese 12

chips 62

chocolate 61

choice 151

choose 151chop 64

Christ 19

Christian 18

Christianity 19

Christmas 18

church 18

cigarette 57

circle 164

circuit 120

circumstance 186

cite 107

citizen 131

city 29

civil 129

claim 111,146

clap 66

clash 93

class 98

classic 180classical 114

classification 168

classroom 98

clause 117

clean 56, 66

clear 65,179

clerk 83

clever 15

click 66

client 49

cliff 32

climate 32

climb 65

clinic 60

clinical 60

clock 26

close 37, 49closer 39

closet 25

closure 187

cloth 27

clothes 51

clothing 52

cloud 31

club 119,129

clue 158coach 40,120

coal 143

coalition 136

coast 32

coat 51

code 146

coffee 61

coin 47

cold 68,69

collapse 57,175

colleague 82

collect 197

collection 113

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216collective 150

collector 83

college 98

colonel 140

colony 138

colour 164coloured 165

column 23

combination 166

combine 166

come 208

comedy 114

comfort 126

comfortable 173

command 140

commander 141

comment 106,108

commercial 49

commission 134

commissioner 136

commit 157

commitment 19

committee 129common 166

communicate 105

communication 124

communist 138

community 130

companion 128

company 49

comparable 168

compare 166

comparison 168

compensation 147

compete 93

competition 92

competitive 93

competitor 93

complain 108

complaint 111

complete 151,192

completion 87

complex 23,179

complexity 183

complicated 180

comply 147

component 197

compose 114

composition 114

compound 163

comprehensive 96comprise 152

compromise 105

computer 154

computing 156

concede 105

conceive 13

concentrate 75

concentration 98

concept 94

conception 77

concern 80,126

concerning 206

concert 113

concession 105

conclude 108

conclusion 106

concrete 180condemn 147

condition 179

conduct 85

conference 88

confidence 15

confident 16

confine 163

confirm 108

conflict 139

confront 93

confuse 77

confused 73

confusion 74

congratulation 131

congress 135

connect 156

connection 124

conscious 77

consciousness 77

consensus 131

consent 152

consequence 94

consequently 171

conservation 32

conservative 135,136

consider 111

considerable 192

consideration 111consistent 168

consist of 194

constable 158

constant 182

constituency 136

constitute 147

constitution 136

constitutional 136

constraint 175

construct 87

construction 22

consult 136

consultant 83

consultation 131

consume 45

consumer 44

consumption 45contact 124

contain 194

container 27

contemporary 187

content 194

contest 93

context 133

continent 30

continue 169continuing 171

continuous 171

contract 146

contrast 167

contribute 131

contribution 131

control 151

controversial i l l

controversy i l l

convenient 173

convention 131

conventional 152

conversation 103

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conversion 152

convert 152

convey 117

conviction 147

convince 111

cook 63cooker 25

cookie 62

cool 69

co-operation 126

cope 75

copper 144

copy 167,168

core 35

corner 164

corporate 90

corporation 50

correct 100

correlation 168

correspond 168

correspondent 83

corridor 23

cost 47cottage 23

cotton 35

cough 57

could 209

council 148

councillor 83

count 87,197

counter 50

country 29

countryside 32

county 29

coup 136

couple 127

courage 16

course 98,103

court 146

cousin 13cover 26, 65

coverage 117

cow 34

craft 87

crash 42

crazy 16

cream 62

create 85

creation 94

creative 114

creature 35credit 47

credit card 48

creditor 50

crew 40

cricket 35,120

crime 157

criminal 158

crisis 133

crisp 180

criterion 182

critic 111

critical 182

criticise 111

criticism 151

crop 35

cross 41,165

crowd 130crown 51

crucial 183

cruel 175

crush 66

cry 127,128

crystal 180

cultural 113

culture 113

cup 63

cupboard 25

curb 153

cure 60

curious 16

curl 15

curly 15

currency 48

current 133curriculum 98

curtain 25

curve 165

custom 153

customer 49

customs 42

cut 59, 63

cycle 120,187


dad 12daddy 13

daily 188

damage 159,160

damp 69

dance 113,121

dancer 113

danger 160

dangerous 160

dare 16

dark 68, 69

darkness 69

darling 128

data 95

database 156

date 128,188

daughter 12

day 188dead 56

deaf 10

deal 49

dealer 158

dear 112,128

death 56

debate 109,111

debt 49

decade 190

decay 187

December 188

decent 181

decide 109

decision 109

declaration 117

declare 106

decline 144decorate 25

decoration 25

decorative 181

decrease 193

deep 162

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defeat 93

defence 139

defend 141

defendant 147

defender 120

deficit 144define 102

definitely 183

definition 102

degree 98,177

delay 187

delegate 138

delegation 138

deliberately 183

delicate 181delight 74

delighted 74

deliver 49

delivery 50

demand 80, 106

democracy 138

democrat 138

democratic 137

demonstrate 133

demonstration 138

density 193

dentist 82

deny 106

department 88

departure 42

depend 124

dependent 126depending on 206

deposit 48

depress 74

depression 57

depth 163

deputy 135

derive 190

describe 106

description 106

desert 32

deserve 153

design 85

designer 52

desirable 80

desire 79

desk 24

desperate 74

despite 205

destroy 140destruction 141

detail 102

detailed 102

detect 87

detective 157

determination 16

determine 106

develop 95

developer 83developing 50

development 143

device 154

devil 19

devise 77

devote 19

diagnosis 60

diagram 96

dialogue 105

diamond 144

diary 116

dictionary 116

die 56

diet 64

differ 168

difference 167

different 167difficult 175

difficulty 98

dig 66

digital 156

dimension 163

dinner 63

diplomatic 138

direct 37

direction 37

directive 150

director 82

directory 27

dirt 175

dirty 175

disability 57

disabled 57

disadvantage 93

disagree 111

disagreement 111disappear 70

disappoint 74

disappointed 74

disappointment 74

disapproval 111

disapprove 111

disaster 144

disc 154

discipline 98

disclose 108

discount 48

discourse 103

discover 75

discovery 96

discretion 16

discrimination 175

discuss 109

discussion 109

disease 56

disgust 175

dish 64

dishonest 16

dislike 175

dismiss 176

disorder 176

display 88,113disposal 23

dispute 111

dissolve 96

distance 37

distant 39

distinct 168

distinction 168

distinctive 168

distinguish 168

distribute 50

distribution 50

district 29

disturb 126

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divide 167

dividend 48

division 167

divorce 13

DNA 60

do 208dock 42

doctor 59

doctrine 153

document 116

dog 34

dollar 47

domain 23

domestic 22

dominant 93

dominate 93

door 24

doorway 25

dose 60

dot 165

double 197,198

doubt 105,109,111

down 37, 203downstairs 23

dozen 196

draft 136

drag 71

drama 114

dramatic 181

draw 121

drawer 25

drawing 122

dream 79, 80

dress 51

drift 71

drink 63

drive 37, 41

driver 40

drop 70,144

drug 59

drugstore 50

drum 113

drunk 57

dry 66, 68

duck 34

due 44

due to 205

duke 11

dull 181

dump 66

duration 187during 202

dust 27

Dutch 12

duty 18

DVD 122


each 200

each other 200

eagle 35

ear 54

earl 11

earlier 190

early 186

earn 88

earnings 90

earth 31ease 57

east 37

Easter 19

eastern 37

easy 172

eat 63

echo 103

economic 143

economics 144

economy 143

edge 162

edition 118

editor 84

educate 100

education 98

educational 98

effect 95

effective 172

effectiveness 173

efficiency 173

efficient 173

effort 119

egg 34

Egypt 30

eight 195

eighteen 195

eighteenth 171

eighty 195either 167, 200

elbow 55

elderly 148

elect 135

election 135

electoral 136

electric 156

electrical 156

electricity 156

electronic 156

elegant 15

element 197

elevator 23

eleven 195

eliminate 120

else 167

elsewhere 167email 156

embarrass 126

embarrassment 74

emerge 133

emergency 60

emission 153

emotion 74

emotional 74

emperor 138

emphasis 108

emphasise 106

empire 138

employ 89

employee 82

employer 82

employment 89

empty 194enable 148

encounter 126

encourage 124

encouragement 126

encouraging 173

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end 169

enemy 141

energy 143

enforce 147

engage 131

engine 40engineer 84

engineering 89

England 29

English 11

enhance 173

enjoy 121

enjoyable 122

enjoyment 122

enormous 193enough 197

enquiry 158

ensure 160

enter 70

enterprise 49

entertain 122

entertainer 122

entertainment 122

enthusiasm 16

enthusiastic 16

entire 192

entitle 146

entrance 23

entry 24

envelope 27

environment 31

environmental 31envisage 191

episode 118

equal 135

equation 96

equip 52

equipment 89

equity 48

equivalent 169

era 190

error 98

escape 157,158

especially 182

essay 100

essence 178

essential 177

establish 151

established 153

establishment 100

estate 22estimate 75,198

etal 118

etc 169

ethnic 11

euro 47

Europe 29

European 11

evaluate 108

evaluation 90even 182

even if 205

evening 188

event 130

even though 205

eventually 186

even when 202

ever 186

every 200

everybody 200

everyday 171

everyone 130

everything 192

everywhere 37

evidence 157

evident 181

evil 176evolution 96

evolve 187

exact 172

exaggerate 108

examination 98

examine 95

example 104

exceed 71

excellent 172

except 206

except for 206

exception 153

exchange 49,126

excite 80

excitement 128

exciting 74

exclude 169

exclusive 173

excuse 105execute 90

executive 84

exercise 98,120

exhibit 115

exhibition 113

exist 18

existence 18

existing 18

exit 23

expand 50

expansion 50

expect 79

expectation 80

expenditure 44

expense 48

expensive 47

experience 75

experiment 95

experimental 96

expert 82

expertise 96

explain 104

explanation 104

explicit 181

explode 160

exploit 176explore 96

explosion 160

export 144

expose 153

exposure 153

express 102

expression 102

extend 162

extension 163

extensive 183

extent 197

external 163

extra 192

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221extract 198 feature 77,179 fix 26

extraordinary 173 February 189 flag 137

extreme 177 federal 139 flame 160

eye 54 federation 139 flash 42

fee 47 flat 22,181

F feed 63 flavour 64fabric 52 feel 208 flee 158

face 54,92 feeling 73 fleet 40

facility 22 fellow 11,126 flesh 55

fact 109 female 10,11 flexibility 90

factor 95 fence 23 flexible 181

factory 89 festival 131 flight 41

fade 165 fetch 66 float 71

fail 98 fever 57 flood 32

failure 92 few 192 floor 25faint 57 fewer 193 flour 62

fair 14 fibre 52 flow 70, 71

faith 18 fiction 118 flower 34

faithful 128 field 31 flu 58

fall 70,189 fifteen 195 fluid 62

false 175 fifth 171 fly 70

fame 16 fifty 196 flying 71

familiar 179 fight 92, 93 focus 76

family 12 fighting 93 fold 52

famous 15 figure 164 folk 131

fan 27,126 file 85 follow 208

fancy 128 fill 65 following 170

fantasy 80 film 113 food 63

far 37 filter 156 fool 176

farm 89 final 93,186 foot 54

farmer 82 finance 143,144 football 119

farming 32 financial 143 for 205fashion 51 find 208 force 79, 140

fashionable 52 finding 96 forecast 32

fast 70 find out 77 foreign 11

fasten 66 fine 172 forest 31

fat 14, 54 finger 54 forever 187

fate 19 finish 93,186 forget 75

father 12 fire 160 forgive 124

faucet 27 firm 14, 89 fork 64

fault 20 first 169 form 151,164

favour 122,126 fish 34 formal 182

favourite 122 fishing 122 format 165

fear 73 fit 57, 194 formation 131

feather 35 five 196 former 190

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formula 60 funeral 58 girl 10

for the sake of 109 funny 15 girlfriend 129

fortune 48 fur 35 give 208

forty 196 furniture 25 give away 45

forum 131 further 37 given 183

forward 37 furthermore 111 give out 100found 131 future 190 give up 80

foundation 151 glad 74

four 196 G glance 66

fourteen 196 gain 47,48 glass 63

fourth 170 gallery 113 global 30

fraction 198 gamble 123 glory 174

fragment 198 game 121 glove 52

frame 163 gang 158 glue 98

framework 96 gap 163 go 93, 208France 29 garage 23 goal 119

fraud 158 garbage 27 god 18

free 151,153 garden 22 go down 71

freedom 18 gas 143 gold 143

freeze 32 gastric 58 golden 165

French 12 gate 22 golf 120

frequency 171 gather 130 good 18, 172

frequent 170 gaze 66 goodbye 104

fresh 68 gear 40 goods 144

Friday 189 gender 11 go up 71

fridge 25 gene 55 govern 136

friend 124 general 130,141 government 135

friendly 124 generate 95 governor 136

friendship 126 generation 13 grab 160

frightened 74 generous 17 grade 98

from 203 genetic 58 gradually 171

front 162 gentle 17 graduate 100frown 15 gentleman 10 grain 35

fruit 34 gently 17 gram 195

fry 64 genuine 174 grammar 102

fuel 40 geography 33 grand 174

fulfil 173 German 12 grandchild 13

full 194 Germany 29 granddaughter 13

full-time 90 gesture 55 grandfather 13

fun 123 get 208 grandmother 13

function 89 get off 42 grandparent 13

functional 87 get on 42 grandson 13

fund 149,153 ghost 20 grant 98,149

fundamental 178 giant 193 graphics 96

funding 150 gift 126 grass 35

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223grateful 74 hardware 156 him 200

grave 58 harm 58 himself 200

great 172 harmful 160 hint 108

Greek 12 harmless 161 hip 55

green 165 hat 51 hire 90

greet 126 hate 175his 44, 45grey 165 hatred 129 historian 84

grin 74 have 208 historic 191

grip 126 have to 20 historical 190

grocery 50 he 200 history 190

gross 181 head 54,151 hit 70

ground 31 headache 58 hobby 123

group 130 heading 118 hold 126,208

grow 34 headquarters 141 holder 46

growing 34 heal 58 holding 48growth 34 health 56 hole 31

guarantee 45,153 healthy 57 holiday 121

guard 158 hear 68 hollow 165

guess 106 hearing 69 holy 20

guest 130 heart 54 home 22

guidance 153 heat 68 homework 98

guide 82,153 heating 25 honest 17

guideline 139 heaven 20 honour 20

guilt 158 heavy 194 hope 73

guilty 158 heel 55 hopefully 74

guitar 113 height 199 horizon 33

gun 140 hell 18 horizontal 39

guy 11 hello 104 horn 36

help 18,208 horror 176

H helpful 174 horse 34

habit 17 hence 171 hospital 149

hair 54 her 44 host 131hairdresser 82 here 37 hot 68

half 196 heritage 13 hotel 121

hall 25 hero 17 hour 189

hammer 85 hers 45 house 22, 26

hand 54,65 herself 200 household 26

handle 133 hesitate 108 housing 149

hang 65 hey 105 how 182

happen 133 hide 157 however 110

happiness 74 hierarchy 153 huge 14

happy 73 high 179 human 34, 36

harbour 43 highlight 178 humorous 17

hard 68 highway 43 humour 17

hardly 192 hill 31 hundred 196

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224hungry 63 impress 126 informal 153

hunt 123 impression 112 information 104

hunting 123 impressive 174 in front of 203

hurry 71 improve 99 in general 171

hurt 129 improvement 99 ingredient 64

husband 13 in 37,203 inherit 13hypothesis 96 inability 17 initial 186

in accordance with 206 initiate 77

I in addition to 206 initiative 136

I 200 inadequate 184 injure 58

ice 31 in case 206 injury 59

ice cream 62 incentive 80 ink 118

idea 110 inch 195 inn 64

ideal 174 incidence 171 inner 163

identical 169 incident 133 innocent 159identification 11 include 167 innovation 97

identify 10 including 205 in order to 205

identity 11 income 47 in particular 183

ideology 132 increase 192,197 input 97

i.e. 105 increasing 192 in relation to 207

if 205 indeed 110 in respect of 207

ignore 76 independence 139 insect 36

ill 57 independent 137 insert 199

illegal 158 index 116 inside 162, 203

illness 58 India 30 insight 77

illustrate 116 Indian 12 insist 110

illustration 118 indicate 106 inspection 87

image 14 indication 108 inspector 84

imaginary 77 indicator 39 inspire 77

imagination 77 indirect 39 in spite of 207

imagine 76 individual 10,130 install 87

immediate 186 indoors 23 installation 90immoral 20 induce 80 instance 105,106

impact 151 industrial 143 instead 110

impatient 17 industry 143 instead of 205

imperial 139 inevitable 182 instinct 77

implement 147 infant 11 institute 99

implementation 147 in favour of 206 institution 135

implication 170 infect 58 institutional 137

imply 108 infection 58 instruct 100

import 46 infectious 58 instruction 99

importance 177 inflation 144 instrument 113

important 133 influence 76,124 insult 126

impose 80 influential 132 insurance 149

impossible 182 inform 106 integrate 132

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integration 132

intellectual 77

intelligence 77

intelligent 77

intend 79

intense 129

intensive 181

intention 110

interaction 126

interest 121

interested 122

interesting 172

interface 156

interfere 176

interior 26in terms of 205

internal 162

international 138

Internet 154

interpret 118

interpretation 116

interrupt 176

interval 171

intervention 141

interview 108,116

in that 207

in the light of 207

into 203

introduce 124

introduction 116

invasion 141

invent 97invention 97

invest 144

investigate 157

investigation 157

investment 143

investor 84

invitation 132

invite 130

involvement 132

Iran 30

Iraq 30

Ireland 29

Irish 12

iron 144

island 29, 33

isle 33

isolate 153

isolation 153

Israel 30issue 85, 133

it 200

Italian 12

Italy 29

item 197

its 44

itself 200


 jacket 52

 jam 62

 January 189

 Japan 29

 Japanese 12

 jealous 129

 jeans 51

 jelly 62

 Jesus 18

 jet 40

 Jew 20

 jewellery 52

 Jewish 20

 job 89

 join 130

 joint 55

 joke 102 journal 118

 journalist 84

 journey 41

 joy 74

 judge 146,147

 judgement 146

 judicial 147

 juice 62

 July 189

 jump 70

 junction 43

 June 189

 junior 11

 jurisdiction 147

 jury 147

 just 146

 justice 146

 justification 112

 justify 112


keep 208

key 25,177

keyword 103

kick 66

kid 10

kill 140

killer 159kilogram 195

kilometre 195

kind 167

kindness 17

king 135

kiss 129

kit 120

kitchen 22

knee 55

knife 64

knit 123

knock 67

knot 27

know 208

knowledge 76

known 184

Korea 30


label 52

laboratory 61

labour 89

lack 93,175

lad 11

lady 10

lake 31

lamp 26

land 29,43

landing 43

landlord 23

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landscape 33 less than 193 logic 97

lane 43 let 22,124 logical 97

language 102 letter 116 lonely 129

large 194 level 92,178 long 194

last 170,186 liability 148 longer 195

late 186 liable 148 long-term 187later 186 liberation 141 look 51, 208

Latin 100 liberty 141 look after 126

latter 170, 171 library 149 look at 65

laugh 73, 74 licence 150 look for 67

laughter 74 license 150 look forward to 191

launch 87 lid 27 loose 181

law 146 lie 65, 106, 176 lord 135

lawyer 147 life 57 Lord 20

lay 65 lifespan 58 lorry 40layer 163 lifetime 58 lose 92

lazy 175 lift 26, 70 loss 197

lead 132, 138, 143 light 68, 77, 179 lost 176

leader 135 like 167,205,206,208 lot 192

leadership 132 likely 190 lots 200

leading 138 limit 197 ' loud 69

leaf 34 limitation 199 love 127

leaflet 118 line 165 lovely 172

league 119 line up 171 lover 129

lean 67 linguistic 103 low 179

leap 71 link 170 lower 71

learn 99 lion 34 loyal 129

learning 99 lip 54 loyalty 20

lease 23 liquid 97 luck 174

least 193 list 116, 171 lucky 17

leather 52 listen 68 luggage 43

leave 90, 208 literally 184 lump 193lecture 100 literary 118 lunch 63

left 37, 39 literature 116 lung 56

leg 54 litre 195

legal 146 little 14,192 M

legislation 137 live 57, 58 machine 155

legislative 139 lively 184 machinery 90

leisure 123 living 58 mad 17

lemon 62 load 87,145 magazine 116

lend 49 loan 44 magic 123

length 194 local 30,149 magistrate 148

less 192 locate 163 magnificent 181

lesser 193 location 162 mail 118

lesson 99 lock 26, 67 main 177

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maintain 79

maintenance 150

major 141,177

majority 138

make 208

maker 20make sth up 78

make-up 15

male 10,11

mall 23

man 10

manage 49

management 49

manager 82

managing 50manner 183

manufacturer 84

manufacturing 87

many 192

map 37

march 141

March 189

margin 164

marginal 178

marine 33

mark 14, 65

market 143

marketing 87

marriage 127

marry 127

marvellous 174

mass 20,193, 195massive 193

master’s degree 99

match 119,128

mate 129

material 143

mathematics 97

matter 110, 133

maximum 199

may 209

May 189

maybe 190

mayor 137

me 200

meal 63

mean 176, 208

meaning 102

means 183

meanwhile 187

measure 194, 195measurement 195

meat 62

mechanical 156

mechanism 90

media 156

medical 59

medicine 61

medieval 191

medium 95meet 130

meeting 85

melt 97

member 130

membership 130

memory 76

mental 76

mention 106

menu 64

merchant 50

mere 192

merger 145

merit 174

mess 176

message 116

metal 143

method 95metre 195

midday 190

middle 177

midnight 190

might 209

mild 69

mile 195

military 140

milk 62

mill 90

milligram 195

millimetre 195

million 196

mind 76

mine 46, 90

miner 84

mineral 145

minimum 199

minister 135ministry 135

minor 178

minority 132

minute 189

mirror 26

miss 92

missile 141

mission 90

mistake 99mix 184

mixed 184

mixture 184

mobile 43

mobile phone 155

mode 156

model 95

modern 179

modest 17

modification 87

modify 87

molecule 61

moment 186

Monday 189

monetary 48

money 47

monitor 87monopoly 145

month 189

monthly 190

mood 74

moon 33

moral 19

more 192

moreover 112

more than 192

morning 189

mortality 58

mortgage 23

most 192

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mostly 193

mother 13

motion 70

motivation 80

motive 159

motor 41motorcycle 41

mount 71

mountain 31

mouse 35

mouth 54

move 70

movement 70

movie 115

movie theatre 115much 192

mud 33

multiple 193

multiply 193

mum 13

mummy 13

murder 157,159

murmur 108

muscle 56

museum 113

music 113

musical 115

musician 115

must 209

mutter 108

mutual 127

my 44myself 201

mysterious 78

mystery 78

myth 20


nail 56

naked 15

name 10

namely 108

narrow 179

nasty 176

nation 135

national 135

native 12

natural 31

nature 35

navy 141

near 37,203nearby 39

nearly 199

neat 15

necessary 79

necessity 80

neck 54

need 79, 80,209

needle 52

negative 176negotiate 105

negotiation 105

neighbour 23

neighbourhood 24

neither 167,169

nephew 13

nerve 56

nervous 74

nest 36

net 120,145

network 155

never 186

nevertheless 110

new 179

news 116

newspaper 116

next 170next to 204

NHS 61

nice 14

niece 13

night 189

nightmare 176

nine 196

nineteen 196

nineteenth 171

ninety 196

no 104,110,201

nobody 201

nod 65

noise 68

noisy 69

no longer 186

none 201

nonsense 78

no one 201nor 205

norm 132

normal 179

north 37

northern 38

nose 54

not 167

notably 184

note 107,116nothing 201

notice 76

noticeable 178

notion 76

novel 118

November 189

now 186

nowhere 39

now that 202

nuclear 143

number 194

numerous 193

nurse 59

nursery 150

nut 36

Ooak 36

obey 127

object 26,112

objection 148

objective 92

obligation 20

observation 95

observe 95

observer 134

obtain 44

obvious 179

occasion 133

occasional 170

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occupation 87

occupy 141

occur 170

ocean 33

o’clock 187

October 189odd 181

of 205

off 205

offence 157

offend 176

offender 159

offensive 176

offer 149

office 89

officer 82

official 149

often 170

oil 143

okay 179

old 14

old-fashioned 52

on 183,203on behalf of 206

on behalf of sb 125

once 190

once again 171

once more 171

one 192,196,201

one another 201

onion 62

only 192onto 203

on top of 204

open 49,180

opening 170

opera 113

operate 85

operating 87

operation 59

operator 84

opinion 110

opponent 93

opportunity 151

oppose 93

opposite 94

opposition 92

opt 153

option 151

or 205

oral 184orange 62,165

order 85,146

ordinary 180

organ 56,115

organic 36

organisation 130

organism 56

organize 85

origin 191

original 180

other 167

other than 206

otherwise 110

ought 209

our 44

ours 201

ourselves 201out 38

outcome 134

outdoors 164

outer 164

outline 108,118

out of 203

output 143

outside 162, 203

outstanding 174oven 26

over 38,203

overall 183

overcome 94

overlook 78

overseas 30

over there 39

owe 127

own 44,201

owner 44

ownership 46

oxygen 33


pace 72

pack 27, 67

package 26

page 116

pain 57painful 58

paint 115

painter 115

painting 114

pair 128

Pakistan 30

palace 24

pale 166

palm 36, 56

pan 27

panel 87

panic 176

pants 52

paper 116

paragraph 118

parallel 166

parent 13parish 20

park 29,43

parliament 135

parliamentary 137

part 197,199

partial 112

participant 132

participate 132

participation 132

particle 199

particular 180

partly 197

partner 128

partnership 50

part-time 90

party 130

pass 72, 99

passage 41

passenger 41

passion 123

passport 43

past 190, 203

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230patch 164 phenomenon 78 plenty 201

path 41 philosophy 78 plot 153

patient 17, 59 phone 155 plug 156

pattern 165 photo 27 plus 205

pause 72,188 photocopy 88 p.m. 190

pavement 43 photograph 114 pocket 51pay 44,90 photographer 115 poem 116

payment 44 photography 115 poet 115

PC 156 phrase 103 poetry 118

peace 140 physical 54 point 107,165

peaceful 141 physics 97 poison 58

peak 178 piano 115 poisonous 58

peasant 84 pick 65 Poland 30

peer 67 pick sth up 67 pole 24, 33

pen 116 picture 122 police 157

penalty 148 piece 194 policeman 157

penny 48 pig 36 policy 135,149

pension 149 pile 199 polish 27

pensioner 150 pill 59 polite 124

people 130 pilot 82 political 135

pepper 62 pin 52 politician 137

per 205 pink 165 politics 135

perceive 78 pint 195 poll 139per cent 195,197 pipe 145 pollution 33

percentage 197 pit 33 polytechnic 100

perception 78 pitch 120 pond 33

perfect 172 pity 74 pool 31

perform 114 place 162 poor 130

performance 114 plain 15 pop 69,72

performer 84 plaintiff 148 Pope 20

perhaps 190 plan 85 popular 16

period 189 plane 41 population 151permanent 188 planet 33 port 43

permission 108 planning 85 portfolio 88

permit 108 plant 35,36,145 portrait 115

persist 112 plastic 145 pose 108

person 10 plate 63 position 162

personal 44 platform 43 positive 173

personality 17 play 114,122 possess 46

personnel 84 player 119 possession 46

perspective 112 plead 148 possibility 191

persuade 110 pleasant 174 possible 191

pet 36 please 104 post 38,149

petrol 143 pleased 75 post office 149

phase 186 pleasure 73 pot 27

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potato 36

potential 153,191

pound 47,194

pour 64

poverty 153

powder 15power 92

powerful 92

practical 173

practice 99

practise 99

practitioner 84

praise 127

pray 20

prayer 20

precise 180

predict 20

prefer 122

preference 123

pregnancy 13

pregnant 13

preliminary 188

premise 171

premium 46

preparation 88

prepare 86

presence 99

present 102,124,186

presentation 101

preserve 154

president 135

presidential 137press 79,116

pressure 94

presumably 191

pretend 78

pretty 14,183

previous 170

price 47,48

pride 17

priest 20

primary 177

prime 177

prime minister 137

prince 135

princess 137

principal 178

principle 95

print 88,118

printer 156

prior 171priority 177

prior to 203

prison 157

prisoner 159

private 44

privilege 46

prize 94

probability 191

probable 191

problem 134

procedure 151

proceed 72

proceeding 148

process 88,152

processing 145

processor 156

produce 49

producer 84

product 49

production 143

productivity 145

profession 84

professional 84,86

professor 99

profile 159

profit 49programme 155

progress 72,152

project 86

prominent 178

promise 124,127

promote 86

promotion 90

prompt 80

pronounce 103

pronunciation 103

proof 159

proper 180

property 44

proportion 197

proposal 108

propose 109

proposition 105

prosecution 148

prospect 186protect 160

protection 160

protein 61

protest 134

proud 17

prove 157

provide 209

provided 206

province 30

provision 152

provoke 127

psychological 78

psychology 78

pub 122

public 149

publication 116

publicity 154publish 116

publisher 84

publishing 118

pull 65

punch 161

punish 99

punishment 148

pupil 99

purchase 46purchaser 46

pure 180

purple 165

purpose 152

pursue 94

push 65

put 209

put sth on 52

0qualification 101

qualify 94

quality 173

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quantity 195

quarter 197

queen 135

question 104,105

quick 70

quiet 68quit 90

quite 183

quote 109


rabbit 35

race 119,120

radiation 156

radical 184

radio 155

raid 141

rail 43

railway 40

rain 31

raise 70

random 184

range 164,170rank 172

rape 159

rapid 71

rare 170

rat 36

rate 144

rather 110

rather than 207

ratio 97

rational 97

raw 64

reach 79

react 78

reaction 76

read 117

reader 117

reading 117

ready 92

real 180

realistic 181

reality 76

realize 76

really 183

rear 164

reason 76

reasonable 76

rebel 141

recall 76receipt 46

receive 79

receiver 156

recent 191

recently 191

reception 132

recession 145

recipe 64

reckon 112

recognise 76

recognition 76

recommend 107

recommendation 109

record 117,155

recording 156

recover 60

recovery 58recruit 141

red 165

reduce 192

reduction 144

redundancy 90

ref 120

refer 107

reference 86

reflect 78reflection 78

reform 135

refrigerator 26

refugee 141

refusal 112

refuse 110

regard 110

regarding 207

regime 137

region 29

regional 29

register 88, 90

registration 150

regret 129

regular 170

regulate 139

regulation 138

reign 137

reinforce 105reject 110

related 14

relation 14

relationship 128

relative 14,167

relax 58

release 86

relevant 178

reliable 17

relief 60

religion 19

religious 19

reluctant 17

rely 125

remain 198

remaining 199

remark 109remarkable 181

remedy 61

remember 76

remind 107

remote 164

removal 72

remove 65

render 150

rent 24repair 88, 90

repeat 107

replace 198

replacement 199

reply 104,105

report 117

reporter 84

represent 152

representation 152

representative 138

reproduce 97

republic 135

reputation 17

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request 107,109 revolution 139 rumour 127

require 79 revolutionary 139 run 94, 209

requirement 79 reward 174 runner 121

rescue 161 rhythm 115 running 121

research 95, 97 rice 62 rural 33

researcher 97 rich 47 rush 72resemble 169 ride 43, 71 Russia 30

reservation 123 rider 120 Russian 12

reserve 123,199 ridiculous 181

residence 24 right 38,146,173 S

resident 24 ring 51, 68,155 sack 28

residential 24 riot 134 sad 73

resign 90 rise 71 sadness 129

resignation 91 risk 160,161 safe 173

resist 141 rival 94 safety 160

resistance 141 river 31 sail 41

resolution 139 road 41 sailor 84

resolve 88 rob 159 salad 62

resort 123 rock 31 salary 89

resource 33 rod 120 sale 44

respect 125,127 role 114 salt 62

respectively 169 roll 63, 72,172 salty 69

respond 104 Roman 12 same 201response 104 romantic 129 sample 86

responsibility 130 roof 24 sand 33

responsible 19 room 25 sandwich 62

rest 57, 58,198 root 36 satellite 157

restaurant 63 rope 27 satisfaction 80

restoration 154 rose 36 satisfactory 184

restore 88 rough 180 satisfy 79

restrict 199 roughly 199 Saturday 189

restriction 199 round 165,172, 203 sauce 63

result 95 route 42 save 160

resume 88 routine 172 saving 48

retail 46 row 125,170 say 209

retain 80 royal 136 scale 197

retire 91 rub 27 scales 198

retirement 91 rubber 99 scandal 134

return 38 rubbish 27 scare 75

reveal 76 rude 17 scene 114

revenue 91 rugby 120 schedule 91

reverse 72 ruin 176 scheme 95

review 117,118 rule 139,152 scholar 101

revise 101 ruler 99 school 99

revision 101 ruling 139 science 95

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234scientific 95

scientist 95

scissors 28

scope 164

score 94,121

Scotland 29Scottish 12

scratch 67

scream 109

screen 89

screw 28

sculpture 115

sea 31

seal 36,148

search 158,159

season 189

seat 25

second 170

secondary 172

secondly 172

secret 78,184

secretary 82

section 194sector 162

secure 160,174

security 160

see 209

seed 36

seek 79

seem 209

seize 67

select 76selection 183

self 11

sell 44

seller 46

senate 137

senator 137

send 71

senior 11

sensation 75

sense 68, 69

sensible 78

sensitive 17

sentence 102

separate 167,169

separation 129

September 189

sequence 170

sergeant 159

series 170serious 76

servant 84

serve 149

server 121,157

service 149

session 137

set 162,198

setting 164

settle 152

settlement 146

seven 196

seventeen 196

seventy 196

several 194

severe 183

sew 52

sex 10sexual 128

shade 166

shadow 33

shake 65

shall 19,210

shallow 181

shame 75

shape 165,166

share 125,144shareholder 48

sharp 68

shave 56

she 201

sheep 36

sheer 184

sheet 25

shelf 26

shell 36

shelter 161

shift 72

shine 33

shiny 166

ship 40

shirt 51

shock 75

shoe 51

shoot 140

shop 49shopping 44

shore 33

short 14

shortage 145

shot 71

should 210

shoulder 54

shout 107

show 114, 209

shower 26

shrug 75

shut 49

shy 16

sick 58

side 162

sideways 39

sigh 75sight 68

sign 38,117

signal 43

signature 11

significance 178

significant 178

silence 68

silent 69

silk 52

silly 175

silver 144

similar 167

simple 180

simultaneously 188

sin 20

since 191,202

sincere 17

sincerely 106

sing 114

singer 114

single 192

sink 72

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■ 235

sir 10 software 155 specimen 61V

sister 13 soil 33 spectacular 181N

sit 65 soldier 140 spectrum 97 >*DO

sit down 65 sole 193 speculation 191V 

'O '

site 163 solicitor 146 speech 102 NV/l

situate 164 solid 69 speed 38,72 ci

situation 134 solution 95 spell 20,103,188   T— 

six 196 solve 97 spend 45

sixteen 196 some 201 spending 48

sixth 172 somebody 201 sphere 166

sixty 196 somehow 184 spice 63

size 194 someone 201 spicy 69

skilful 17 something 198 spider 36

skill 16 sometimes 186 spin 72

skilled 17 somewhat 199 spirit 19

skin 55 somewhere 38 spiritual 20

skirt 51 son 13 split 169

sky 31 song 114 spoil 176

sleep 55, 56 soon 191 spokesman 139

sleeve 52 sooner 188 spoon 64

slice 199 sophisticated 18 sport 119

slide 72 sore 59 spot 78,163

slight 178 sort 167,169spray 28

slip 65 sort of 167 spread 63, 65

slope 33 so that 205 spring 72,189

slow 71,72 soul 20 squad 141

small 14 sound 68 square 165,166

smart 78 soup 63 squeeze 67

smash 161 sour 69 stability 150

smell 69 source 96 stable 174

smile 73 south 38 staff 99

smoke 59, 69 southern 38 stage 114,178smooth 69 Soviet 12 stairs 26

snake 36 space 163 stake 134

snap 67 Spain 30 stamp 149

snow 31 Spanish 12 stance 112

so 107,202 spare 199 stand 66,112

soap 28 speak 104 standard 152,178

so-called 184 speaker 102 standing 154

social 149 special 180 stand up 66

socialist 137 specialist 82 star 32

society 152 species 35 stare 66

sociology 154 specific 180 start 186, 209

sock 52 specification 97 state 107,138

soft 68 specify 78 statement 107

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station 22

statistical 97

statistics 97

statue 115

status 10

statute 148statutory 148

stay 66

steady 181

steal 158

steam 69

steel 145

steep 181

steer 41

step 22, 71

stick 36, 66

stick out 178

sticky 181

stiff 181

Still 69,186

stimulate 80

stimulus 97

sting 69stir 72

stock 50

stomach 56

stone 32

stop 42, 72

storage 91

store 49, 50

storm 33

story 117stove 26

straight 38

straightforward 184

strain 94,128

strange 180

stranger 132

strategic 142

strategy 140

stream 33

street 42

strength 92

strengthen 174

stress 59,109

stretch 164

strict 18

strike 89,119,140

string 172

strip 28

stripe 166stroke 69

strong 92

structural 97

structure 96

struggle 134

student 99

studio 155

study 99

stuff 26

stupid 175

style 14

subject 99

submit 88

subsequent 170

subsidiary 145

subsidy 150

substance 61substantial 198

substitute 121

subtle 184

succeed 92

success 92

successful 92

succession 154

successive 172

successor 154such 201

suck 67

sudden 186

suffer 57

sufficient 198

sugar 62

suggest 104

suggestion 104

suicide 176

suit 52, 154

suitable 173

suitcase 28

sum 198

summary 118

summer 189

summit 132

sun 32

Sunday 189

superb 174superior 178

supermarket 49

supplier 50

supply 50

support 130,149

supporter 121

suppose 110

supreme 179

sure 183

surface 163

surgery 61

surname 11

surprise 73

surprised 75

surprising 73

surround 164

survey 134survival 59

survive 57

suspect 159

suspend 91

suspicion 75

suspicious 18

sustain 154

swallow 64

swear 109sweat 56

sweater 52

sweep 28

sweet 70

swell 59

swim 119

swimming 119

swimming pool 24

swing 72

switch 26,72

switch off 157

switch on 157

sword 142

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237symbol 119 ten 196 thirsty 63

sympathetic 18 tenant 24 thirteen 196

sympathy 127 tend 183 thirty 196

symptom 59 tendency 145 this 201

system 136 tennis 119 thorough 184

tension 94 thoroughly 184T tent 123 those 201

table 25, 96 term 190 though 110,205

tablet 61 terrace 24 thought 76

tackle 121 terrible 175 thousand 196

tactic 94 territory 31 thread 28

tail 36 test 100 threat 140

take 209 testing 61 threaten 92

take over 88 text 117 three 196

take part 132 than 205 throat 56take sth off 52 thank 104 through 38, 204

tale 119 thanks 104 throughout 205

talent 18 that 107,201,205 throw 71

talk 104 that is 106 throw sth away 28

tall 14 the 201 thumb 56

tank 142 theatre 114 Thursday 189

tap 67 theft 159 thus 110

tape 27 their 45 ticket 42

target 92 theirs 46 tide 34

task 86 them 201 tidy 28

taste 70 theme 117 tie 53, 67

tax 149 themselves 201 tie sth up 67

taxation 137 then 186 tight 182

taxi 41 theoretical 91 till 203

tea 62 theory 96 timber 36

teach 99 therapy 61 time 187

teacher 99 there 38 timetable 188teaching 100 thereby 112 timing 188

team 119 therefore 110 tin 28

tear 67, 75 there is/are 107 tiny 14

technical 155 these 201 tip 24, 48,179

technique 155 they 201 tired 55

technology 155 thick 180 tissue 28

teenager 11 thickness 166 title 10

telephone 155,157 thief 159 to 204

television 155 thin 14 today 187

tell 209 thing 198 toe 56

temperature 32 think 209 together 167

temple 20 thinking 76 toilet 25

temporary 188 third 170 tomato 62

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238tomorrow 189

tone 68

tongue 56

tonight 189

tonne 195

too 167tool 86

tooth 55

top 163, 178

topic 119

total 193

touch 68, 70

tough 94

tour 42

tourist 123tournament 121

towards 204

towel 28

tower 24

town 29

toy 123

trace 159

track 39

trade 49, 50

trader 85

trading 51

tradition 152

traditional 152

traffic 42

tragedy 115

train 40,100

trainer 121training 89

transaction 51

transfer 72

transform 154

transformation 154

transition 134

translate 103

translation 103

transparent 166

transport 40

trap 161

travel 42, 43

traveller 41

tray 28

treasury 145

treat 60

treatment 60

treaty 139

tree 35tremendous 174

trend 134

trial 146

triangle 166

tribunal 148

trick 123

trip 122

triumph 94

troop 140tropical 34

trouble 160

trousers 51

truck 41

true 19

trust 127,128

trustee 85

truth 19

try 209

tube 166

Tuesday 189

tune 115

tunnel 43

turn 38,209

turnover 145

TV 155

twelve 196twentieth 172

twenty 196

twice 170

twin 14

twist 67

two 196

type 167

typical 184

typically 184

tyre 41


ugly 14

UK 29

ultimate 173

umbrella 51

unable 16

unacceptable 185

uncertain 112uncertainty 112

uncle 14

uncomfortable 182

unconscious 61

uncontrolled 185

under 163, 204

undergo 78

underground 164

underlying 179undermine 176

underneath 39

understand 104

understanding 104

undertake 86

underwater 121

underwear 53

undo 67

undoubtedly 185

unemployed 91

unemployment 89

unexpected 81

unfair 176

unfortunate 176

unfortunately 177

unfriendly 18

unhappiness 75unhappy 75

uniform 53

unimportant 179

union 136

unique 174

unit 194

unite 139

united 138

unity 169

universal 21

universe 34

university 100

unkind 127

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unknown 182

unless 205

unlike 207

unlikely 191

unload 41

unlucky 75

unnecessary 182

unpleasant 177

unreasonable 79

unsteady 182

unsuccessful 177

untidy 28

until 202

unusual 172

unwilling 18up 38, 204

upon 204

upper 163

upset 129

upside down 39

upstairs 26

up to 196,202

upwards 39

urban 32

urge 112

urgent 134

us 201

USA 29

use 152,209

used 182

useful 173

useless 177user 155

usual 170


vacation 123

valid 182

valley 32

valuable 48

value 47, 48

van 41

variable 97

variation 167

variety 168

various 198

vary 168

vast 164

vegetable 35

vehicle 40

vendor 46

venture 145

verse 119

version 168

vertical 39

very 178,193

vessel 41

via 204

victim 158

Victorian 191victory 92

video 155

videotape 157

Vietnam 31

view 77, 79

villa 24

village 30

violence 158

violent 161

virtually 185

virtue 21

virus 59

visible 70

vision 79

visit 130

visitor 130

visual 70vital 57

vocabulary 103

voice 55,110

volume 194

voluntary 150

volunteer 132

vote 136

voter 137

vulnerable 177


wage 89

waist 56

wait 187

waiter 82

wake 56

Wales 30

walk 66, 71

wall 25wallet 53

wander 72

want 209

war 140

ward 61

warm 68

warmth 70

warn 160

warning 161wash 28

waste 175,177

watch 51,77,159

water 32

wave 32, 67

way 38

we 201

weak 59

weakness 59

wealth 48

weapon 140

wear 51

weather 32

Web 157

website 157

wedding 14

Wednesday 189week 189

weekend 189

weekly 172

weigh 195

weight 194

welcome 130,174

welfare 150

well 59,173

Welsh 12

west 38

western 38

wet 70

what 201

Page 243: 235273317 147129067 Erwin Tschirner Angol Szokincs a Leggyakoribb Szavak Tematikus Gyűjtemenye OCR by Oofalu

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2  240


whatever 202

wheel 41

wind 32, 73

window 25

worst 177

worth 48, 206>.00 when 187,202 wind sth up 67 would 210

'Owhenever 188 wine 62 wound 59

N where 38, 204 wing 35 wrap 28

o i whereas 205 winner 92 wrist 56r - whereby 112 winter 189 write 117

wherever 39 wipe 28 writer 114

whether 206 wire 28 writing 117

whether or not 207 wise 18 written 119

which 202 wish 79, 81 wrong 175

while 187, 202 with 206

whilst 202 withdraw 142 Y

whisky 63 withdrawal 48 yard 25

whisper 107 within 204 yawn 56whistle 121 without 206 year 189

white 165 witness 159 yellow 165

who 202 woman 10 yes 105'

whoever 202 wonder 21, 77 yesterday 191

whole 193 wonderful 174 yet 187

whom 202 wood 35 yield 145

p whose 45 wooden 36 you 202

why 105 wool 53 young 14

wide 180 word 102 youngster 11

widespread 154 work 89,209 your 45

widow 14 worker 82 yours 46

width 164 working 86, 91 yourself 202

wife 13 working-class 132 youth 10

wild 35 works 144

wildlife 36 workshop 91 Z

will 16,210 world 32 zero 197

willing 81 worry 73,75 zone 164willingness 18 worse 177

win 92,121 worship 21

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Lextra: A leggyakoribb szavak tematikus gyűjteménye

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