24 incredible facts why h2o2

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  • 8/15/2019 24 Incredible Facts Why H2O2


    Hydrogen peroxide is an inorganic chemical compound composed

    of 2 hydrogen and 2 oxygen atoms. It i s a strong oxidati ve agent

    which enables its main use as disinfectant. Hydrogen peroxide

    soluti on is a very powerful chemi cal for ki lli ng all kinds of germs,

    including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Here are some of the most

    common pract ical appli cations of hydrogen peroxide.

    1. Wound Disinfection

    Hydrogen peroxide is often used in medicine to disinfect open

    wounds on the skin, such as cuts and lacerations before sti tchi ngand dressing. For this purpose, a 3% solut ion of hydrogen peroxide

    is prepared. An int eresting thing about this ant iseptic is the abili ty

    to create foam in contact wi th the enzyme called catalase. Catalase

    is released f rom damaged cells, especial ly blood cells. Reappearing

    of foam on almost healed wounds when treated with hydrogen

    peroxide can be a sign of bacterial infecti on of the wound.

    2. Making a Bath

    Using hydrogen peroxide, you can make a detoxifying bath in order

    to soak your body and remove harmful toxins from your sk in and

    body. Add about 1li ter of 3% hydrogen peroxide to your bath wit h

    warm water and spend at l east half an hour in the bath tub.

    3. Curing Fungi on Your Feet

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    Fungal infecti ons oft en affect m oist regions such as tight spaces

    between toes and feet in general. The signs can be skin peeling and

    unusually bad odor of t he feet. Dissolve hydrogen peroxide in water

    in 50:50 rat io and submerse your feet every evening before bed. It is

    im portant t o keep your feet dry, in order to prevent reoccurrence of

    the fungal infection.

    4. Ear Wax Removal

    Ear wax is also called cerumen and over t im e it can accumulate in

    external audit ory canal and clot the passage of sound to the

    tympani c membrane. In th is case, 3% hydrogen solut ion is

    someti mes enough to dissolve the clot, but i n severe cases, water

     jet propulsion device is used to get t he clot out of t he ear canal.

    Aft er applying a few drops of hydrogen peroxide solut ion into the ear

    canal, you wil l feel crackles in your ear which are caused by

    dissolving of cerumen.

    Unconventionally, people use hydrogen peroxide for other purposes,

    such as teeth whit ening, enema, contact lenses cleansing, and hair


    Personal Care

    5. Mouthwash

    A lot of people do not know that hydrogen peroxide can make a very

    effecti ve and inexpensive mouthwash. Take one capfu l (the lit t le

    white cap that comes with the bott le) and hold in your mouth for 10

    minutes every day, then spit it out. The result is t hat you will not

    have canker sores and your t eeth wil l be whiter. You should ut il ize

    3% H2O2 – add a dash of l iquid chlorophyll f or flavoring if desired.

    6. Toothpaste

    In order t o make paste you should use baking soda and 3% H2O2.

    7. Toothbrush

    Another way is t o dig your brush i n3% H2O2 and then brush. Soak

    your toothbrush in Hydrogen peroxide to keep them free of germs.

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    8. Tooth Ache

    Hydrogen peroxide is not a pain ki ller; notwithstanding, it is

    powerful at t reat ing the pathogen that is creating the infection

    because it is ant i-viral, antibacterial and anti -fungal agent . This

    example is from my own personal experience: My dent ist wanted to

    give me a root canal sometime prior as one tooth was inflamed and,according to her opinion it would di e. I felt some distress yet I told

    her that I would give it opportunit y to heal. I washed wit h hydrogen

    peroxide (a few t im es each day) as well as coconut oi l (once per

    day). The discomfort went away and I have had no furt her issues

    with t he tooth.

    If you have an unpleasant toothache and cannot get t o a dent ist

    im mediately, put a capful of 3% Hydrogen peroxide into your mouth

    and hold i t f or 10 minutes a few times each day. The pain wil l

    diminish greatly.

    9. Tooth whitening

    I have been using 3% hydrogen peroxide, and after some ti me my

    teeth have become whit ened. Do not pay for professional whi tening

     just use 3% hydrogen peroxide.

    10. Douche

    Add 2 cupfuls of 3% Hydrogen peroxide in warm dist il led water once

    to twice a week to remove even chronic yeast infecti ons.

    11. Colonic or enema

    For a coloni c, add 1cup (8 ozs.) 3% H202 to 5 gallons warm water. For

    enema, add 1tablespoon of 3% H202 to a quart of warm dist il led


    12. Hair lightening

    Peroxide is a bleaching agent and it is ut il ized for lightened hair . You

    should di lute 3% Hydrogen peroxide wit h water (50/50) and then

    spray the solut ion on your wet hair after a shower and comb it

    th rough. You wil l have natural h ighlights i f your hair is light brown

    or dirt y blonde. It i s not a drast ic change because it light ens


    13. Contact lenses

    Hydrogen peroxide is

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    uti lized as disinfectant

    in CIBA Vision’s Clear

    Care no rub contact

    lens cleaning solut ion,

    because of i ts capacit y

    to break down theproteins t hat build up

    on the lense from the

    eye’s im mune

    response, that is

    resulti ng in increased

    comfort for those

    sensit ive eyes.

    Sanitizing /Disinfectant /Cleaning

    14. In the dishwasher

    If you want to disi nfect

    your dishwasher, add 2

    oz of 3% Hydrogen

    peroxide to your regular

    washing formula.

    15. Kitchen/ Household surfaces

    Clean your count ers and table topics with hydrogen peroxide to

    destroy germs and leave a fresh smell. You just have to put a li t t le

    on your d ishrag when you wipe, or spray i t on the count ers. Fil l a

    shower bot t le with a 50/ 50 blend of 3% Hydrogen peroxide and water

    and keep it in each bathroom to clean without destroying your

    septi c system l ike blench or most dif ferent di sinfectant s will. Aft er

    you have rinsed off your wooden cut t ing board, pour or spray

    hydrogen peroxide (and afterward vinegar) on it to k il l salm onella

    and other m icrobes.

    Keep a spray bott le of 3% (st raight) to clean the insi de of the fridge

    and kids’ school lunch boxes. You can likewise uti li ze hydrogen

    peroxide to clean glass and m irrors with no smearing. Use it in the

    bathroom t o disin fect t he counters, toilets, floors, and so on.

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    It i s best to ut il ize two spray bott les instead of blending the

    soluti ons together. Put straight vinegar in one and st raight

    Hydrogen peroxide in t he other spray bott le. When you need to clean

    a surface (cutting board, counters, sink, confines, toys, toilets,

    floors, and so forth.) you should spray one mixture on the surface,then t he other. When the ingredients are mixed, for a short t im e the

    chemical action of t he two will make an effective sanit izer. You can

    rinse off the surface subsequent ly. This applies for k it chen sur faces

    and also vegetable and food decontaminat ion.

    16. Humidifiers/Steamers

    To clear the air, use 1pint 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1gallon of water

    in a hum idif ier or steamer.

    17. Washing/laundry

    You can li kewise add a cup of hydrogen peroxide rather than bleach

    to a load of whit es in your clothi ng to whiten them. In the event that

    there is blood on cloth ing, pour st raight forwardly on the dirty spot.

    Leave it to st ay for a minute, then rub it and wash with cool water.

    Rehash if i t is necessary.

    Peroxide is an excellent alt ernate solut ion to keep those garments

    whit e. Likewise, when chlorinati ng clothes, they tend to wear out

    faster –peroxide wil l not do that.

    18. Laundry / Stain Removing

    3% Hydrogen peroxide is a compelling stain uproot in t he event that

    it is ut ili zed decently not long after a spill – despite the fact t hat

    blood stains as old as 2 days have been effecti vely li ft ed wit h

    Hydrogen Peroxide. In the event t hat a li t t le peroxide is poured onto

    the stain i t will bubble up in the area of t he blood, because of a

    reacti on with catalase. Aft er a couple of m inut es t he excess li quid

    will be wiped up with a fabric or paper t owel and t he stain wil l be


    3% H2O2 must be appli ed to clothing before blood stains can be

    unintentionally “set” with warm water. Cold water and cleanser are

    then used to remove the peroxide treated blood.

    Note: Hydrogen peroxide will bleach or discolor many fabrics.

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    Food Preparatio

    19. Food preparation/decontamination

    A mixt ure of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide make cheap, viable and

    non-poisonous disinfectant agent and is said to be more viable at

    destroying pathogens than bleach. Because it is non-toxic, you canut ili ze it to cleanse cooking and food preparation areas. In tests that

    were made at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,

    mat ching Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide mists, executes basical ly

    all Salmonella, Shigella, or E. coli microbes on intensely

    contaminated food and surfaces.

    20. Vegetable soak 

    Use as a vegetable wash or soak to destroy microorganism s and

    neutralize chemicals. You should add 1/ 4 container 3% H2O2 to a fu ll

    sink of cold water. Soak li ght sk inned (light lettuce) 20 minutes,

    th icker ski nned (like cucumbers) 30 minut es. Dry, dry and

    refrigerate. It prolongs freshness.

    In the event that t im e is an issue, you can spray vegetables (and

    frui ts) wit h a solut ion of 3%. Leave it to st ay for a couple of m inut es,

    rinse and dry.

    21. Meat sanitizing

    You can likewise uti lize it to r inse off your meat before cooking.

    22. Leftover tossed salad

    In order to keep the left over salads, spray with a solut ion of 1/ 2 cup

    water and 1Tbsp. 5%. Drain, cover and refri gerate.

    23. Marinade

    Put meat, fish or poultry in a casserole (you should not ut il ize

    aluminum pans). Cover with a di lut e solut ion of an equal part of

    water and 3% H202. Put it covered in fridge for 1/ 2 hour. Rinse and


    24. Sprouting seeds

    Add 1ounce 3% Hydrogen peroxide to 1pint of water and douse the

    seeds overnight . Then you should add the same measure of

    hydrogen peroxide every t im e you rinse the seeds.

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